Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – Frequently Asked Questions Guide (FAQ Guide)

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – Frequently Asked Questions Guide (FAQ Guide)

September 20, 2024 Off By Robert Allen Rusk

FAQ Guide of GTA: Vice City:

+|                                                                         |+
+|                       "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City"                     |+
+|                             Hidden Text FAQ                             |+
+|                                                                         |+
+|                 Version 3.1 [Revision 5] (August 2013)                  |+
+|                                                                         |+
+|                          By Robert Allen Rusk.                          |+
+|                 Copyright 2006-2013 Robert Allen Rusk.                  |+
+|                                                                         |+
+|                    E-MAIL: rarusk[at]netzero[dot]com                    |+
+|                                                                         |+

For this minor revision I did a little format tweaking and changed the date.


"Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" is copyright 2002-2003 by Rockstar Games, a
subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

All other trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

A complete listing of contact and other information can be found at the end
of this guide.


| >TBCT. Table of Contents |

This guide uses a Quick Search Feature which takes advantage of the Find
feature used by many web browsers. This feature will allow you to go to any
chapter or section in this guide quickly. To access any of those chapters,
sections, or to the Table of Contents do CTRL-F (PC) or Clover-F (Mac) to
activate the Find feature in the web browser. Then enter the code like this:

>KR6 or >ZD12

| VCT1. Introduction And General Information |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

GEN1. About The FAQ

| VCT2. Hidden Text |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

HTX1. The Introduction
HTX2. Another Mission From Avery
HTX3. An Additional Mission For Diaz (?)
HTX4. Ken Rosenberg's Advice
HTX5. Conversations With Kent Paul
HTX6. An Introduction From Umberto Robina
HTX7. Mr. Moffat
HTX8. Sunshine Autos
HTX9. An Additional Mission For Interglobal Films
HTX10. Tommy And Mercedes
HTX11. A Call From Phil
HTX12. A Deal With Colonel Cortez

| VCT3. Conclusion |

/==++====++==\ /==++====++==\
| >VCT1. Introduction And General Information |
\==++====++==/ \==++====++==/

My name is Robert Allen Rusk and I am a hardcore gamer with about 30+ years
of gaming experience. I am an ex-gametester (Broderbund Software, LucasArts
Games, Point Of View Computing) and an ex-arcade attendant (Namco
Cyberstation - Pier 39, San Francisco, CA). I also own multiple systems such
as the Sega Dreamcast, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Atari Jaguar, PlayStation
1 and 2, Xbox, and Xbox 360.

I started writing guides in 2003 because I felt it was something I could do
utilizing my writing skills gained in college and gametesting along with my
passion for vidgames. Over time I have honed my overall writing and
organization skills plus my creative thinking skills. Additionally, I have
extended the play value of the games I have written guides and FAQs for many
times over plus I have received many letters from all over the world.

I am also what one may call an RGB Analog Video enthusiast. I hack most of my
game consoles to try to get the best possible video from them and that
usually involves tapping into the RGB Analog video signals and using them on
the right monitors to achieve my desires. To this end I became a member of
the mod forum and I post on their "RGB + Video Discussions" forum
area from time to time.

In addition, I am a member of the X-Otic Computer Systems of San Antonio
(, a group who specializes in Linux, Mac, and other systems. We
are also a group of hackers and electronics enthusiasts.

I am also a regular forum poster at site, an occasional poster at
AtariAge, Digital Press, GTA Forums, and Video Game Saga. I am also a member
of The MoFaT (a members only message board set up by "Grand Theft Auto: Vice
City" players who met on the Vice City message boards at site).

Outside of gaming, my interests include "Godzilla" (I have been a G-Fan since
the age of ten) and "Red Dwarf". I am also a long time soundtrack collector
with many titles in my possession. As far as favorite sports teams go, my
teams are the San Antonio Spurs (NBA) [the local team], the Denver Broncos
(NFL) [although I live in Texas, I am originally from Colorado Springs,
Colorado] and the Air Force Falcons (NCAA Football).

This guide was constructed using BBEdit Lite 6.1 and a Power Mac Workgroup
Server. It is now being maintained using TextWrangler on an Apple Mac Mini. I
view my work in Safari to help in seeing how it would look on the web and
correct format errors.

For this particular document I placed the PlayStation 2 (Original) version of
Vice City into my Mac's DVD-ROM drive. From there, I copied the file called
"american.gxt" to the hard drive.

Then I opened it up in BBEdit Lite and removed most of the weird garbage with
the Find and Replace feature. After that then I went through the document and
found the stuff I did not recognize from all the hours spent playing Vice
City. That stuff was copied to another text document for further sorting and

| >GEN1. About The FAQ |

Welcome to my Vice City Hidden Text FAQ! This FAQ goes over the large
amount of text that was written up but was not used in the game but was
buried instead of removed. This was also done on GTA3 and San Andreas. Vice
City has more hidden text than GTA3 but has far less than San Andreas.

The material being presented here is actual text found on the game disc in
the file called "american.gxt". I did not make any of it up and if you put it
your computer and open it up in a text editor you can see it for yourself.

What I have done here is sort everything out as best I could so I can
properly present it. In the process of sorting the text I tried to find out
who says what and what was supposed to happen within the sequence of events.
Some of the text was easy to sort through and some of it was very difficult.

Originally I placed the Hidden Text section at the end of my Vice City guide.
But after the success of my San Andreas Hidden Text FAQ I decided to put the
hidden text from Vice City into its own FAQ so I can streamline my Vice City

/==++====++==\ /==++====++==\
| >VCT2. Hidden Text |
\==++====++==/ \==++====++==/

| >HTX1. The Introduction |

For starters here's an slightly different version of the opening movie text
(taken from where Ken picks up Tommy at the Airport):

Ken: "Hey, hey, guys! It's, uh, Ken Rosenberg here! Hey! Heh, heh, hey,
great, hey! Well, uh, I'm gonna drive you guys to the meet, okay?
Now, I've talked to the suppliers and they are very, huh-ha, keen to
start a business relationship, so, uh, if all goes well, we should,
uh, be doing very nicely for ourselves, which is, y'know... good..
Okay, so. They're brothers, okay. One operates the uh, the business,
and the other one does the flying. Now they operate out of Mexico,
They own a farm in Panama. Okay, all right, listen - you guys, when
we get there should I stay in the car, or do you guys want me to come
in with you guys?"

Tommy: "No. Stay in the car."

Ken: "You know what, I thought about it, I'm gonna watch the car."

.....later, at the meet:

Ken: "Ok, that's them in the chopper. All right, here's the deal. They want
a straight exchange on open ground. All right? Ok. Stay tight, let's
go. All right. Take it easy, now. I'm right here. The cars running,
baby! Got it?"

Dealer: "100% pure grade-A Colombian, my friend. The greens?"

Tommy: "Tens and twenties...used."

.....then, the ambush:

Tommy: "Go on, get out of here! Drive!"

......back at Ken's office:

Ken: "Screwed! We're screwed! This is soo typical, I poke my head out of
the gutter for one freakin' second, and fate shovels shit in my face!
Well, screw you!"

Tommy: "Shut your face and quit complaining! You're alive, aren't ya'? Drop
me right up here. Go dump the car, then go get some sleep. I'll
drop by your office tomorrow and we can start sorting this mess

Ken: "OK, that's a good idea, I'll get some sleep. What are you gonna do?"

Tommy: "Make my way back to my hotel, clear my head, and figure this crap
out. OK."

| >HTX2. Another Mission From Avery |

Avery Carrington had some additional work you could've done:

Avery: "Hey Tommy, it's Avery! Now listen, I got me all tied up at the
moment and I have a representative of mine needs chaperoning out to
the Gator Keys. I'm after some land out that way, so I'm sending
someone out to sweeten the deal. Could you do me a favor and make
sure he gets there ok?"

Tommy: "Yeah, sure thing Avery. Where'd you want me to pick him up?"

Avery: "He's just finishing some business at the building site. I said
you'd pick him up from there."

Tommy: "No problem. See you later, Avery."

| >HTX3. An Additional Mission For Diaz (?) |

This group of text was bunched with some stuff concerning Diaz. I had a
couple of readers, Finke and Pawe, note that some of this text appears in the
missions "The Fastest Boat" and "Rub Out". Another reader, X99, suggested
that some of these lines were also from the mission "Rub Out".

It unclear at this time if all of this text is used in just those missions:

"Hope you fall and break your neck!"
"I'm sick of these pricks."
"See those marker boys? Try taking out the lights!"
"You sure is better at shooting than talking."
"Thanks. You're a real charmer yourself."
"I Know, Tommy."
"You cool with Kenny Loggins?"
"Hell, I love this record"
"You killed Lance!"
"Don't shoot, dude!"
"What's in this stuff?"
"He's taking the boat. Bummer."
"Help! Some square's stealing the boat, man!"
"Uugghh! That's the last of them."
"I'm going to start her up."
"I think we've got some new friends."
"Do you know where we're going?"
"Are we lost?"
"We got some competition!"
"Take 'em out!"
"It's time for the Lance Vance Dance!"
"They're matchwood! And fish food."
"We made it! Those other boats ain't VIP class."
"They're getting desperate!"
"My damn feet are wet! WE'RE TAKING ON WATER!"
"Bridge coming up!"
"Bail out, she's about to blow!"
"Good shooting."
"You killed Lance!"
"Go on Tommy, I'll be ok!"
"Eat this, you murdering bastards!!"
"I'm pinned down!"
"I got you covered Tommy!"
"Hey, this is a real nice herbaceous border."
"Hey Tommy, can my room have a view of the bay?"
"Beautiful high ceilings in here...Lance! I need cover!"
"Diaz must be inside!"

| >HTX4. Ken Rosenberg's Advice |

Then there's this piece of advice from Ken Rosenberg after you start
acquiring properties:

Ken: "Hey Tommy, I thought you might need some business advice. Once you
got an operation up and running, you'll need to drop by and take the
week's cash. Let the guys think they got the run of the place and
they'll try shaving the profits - ok?"

Tommy: "Hey, I know how to handle business, Ken, ok?"

Ken: "Ok, ok. I know, you know. I know. I was, I was just, you know,
telling you I know, that you know, that I know. Just keeping it sharp

Tommy: "Whatever, Ken, whatever..."

| >HTX5. Conversations With Kent Paul |

Rockstar had some additional conversations between Kent Paul and Tommy that
were dropped for some reason:

| Conversation 1 \

Kent: "Hey there Tommy, you're gonna love me mate. A little birdy told me
that Vice City SWAT Division has a deposit box at a certain rather
large banking establishment, where they keep all the bribes they've
taken over the years, like some kind of old boys' retirement fund.
Of course, if this information should ever help you acquire any of
that cash, I guess you'd feel obliged to push some of it my way?"

Tommy: "I'll bear that in mind, thanks Kent."

Kent: "It's Paul. I'm from Kent, near London, you prat."

Tommy: "My provincial English geography ain't what it was."

++NOTE: This might explain the "SWAT Retirement Fund" line within the mission
"The Job".

| Conversation 2 \

Kent: "Tommy, mate, it's Paul, from Kent, a couple of proper sorts have
your name written all over them, down at the Malibu."

Tommy: "What are you talking about?"

Kent: "Sorts. Birds. You know. Girls. Tastey ones, don't think they're
brasses or nothing. You gotta come check them out."

| Conversation 3 \

Kent: "Tommy V, It's KP here. Kent Paul. Word on the street is people want
to rip you off. Keep your eye's peeled, my son. And remember, I
didn't say nothing to you about this."

| >HTX6. An Introduction From Umberto Robina |

Rockstar had an alternate version of the initial phone call between Tommy and
Umberto Robina:

Umberto: "Hello, is this Mr. Tommy Vercetti?"

Tommy: "Yes."

Umberto: "Well, I hear through the vine of grapes you the man when someone
got a vermin infestation."

Tommy: "Maybe..."

Umberto: "Well, I got a real vermin infestation. Haitians everywhere. My
name is Umberto Robina and I want you to meet me at the Cafe
Robina as soon as you can, 'cause I tell you, these damn Haitians
gone too far this time."

| >HTX7. Mr. Moffat |

This would've been a cool mission if Rockstar had decided to implement it:

Moffat: "Vercetti? VERCETTI!! Damn you man, you've got to help me!"

Tommy: "Mr. Moffat? How's family life?"

Moffat: "Damn you to hell, HELL, do hear me?!"

Tommy: "Well it was nice chatting..."

Moffat: "WAIT! Wait, Vercetti - Tommy, can I call you Tommy? We're both
businessmen, yeah? You know a good deal when you hear one, ok?"

Tommy: "I don't have time to chat, get to the point."

Moffat: "MONEY. Money is the goddamned point. I've escaped the coop again,
but it's never long before they track me down - they think it's a
damned game! I'm at a pay phone somewhere in this god forsaken
shit hole. Get me out of here before they take me back
and...and..oh go-o-od..."

Tommy: "Well, I'm busy for the next -"

Moffat: "No! Don't shit with me here, have a heart! No man should have to
do such, such things. I'm on my knees here Tommy, in the dirt
begging you please..."

Tommy: "I guess I could swing by that way, see if I can spot you..."

Moffat: "Oh god, they're coming. For the love of Christ hurry, hurry!"

| >HTX8. Sunshine Autos |

Apparently Tommy took on a little more than just Sunshine Autos:

Stranger: "Mr. Vercetti? I have here a signed piece of crap stating that
you have taken on all of BJ's Auto's debts. With BJ's sudden
disappearance I have no choice but to hold you responsible for
his financial insecurities. Until this account is settled in
full you should consider Vice City's streets to be very

| >HTX9. An Additional Mission For Interglobal Films |

Then there's this exchange between Steve Scott and Tommy that was part of a
mission that was dropped:

Steve: "Look, I gotta ask you a favor."

Tommy: "Steve! How's filming going!"

Steve: "Fine, fine. I, heh, WE need a car chase scene, but our budget can't
stretch to it. I've left some wheels around town. You'll know what
to do."

Tommy: "Ok Steve, I'll keep an eye out. Catch you later."

| >HTX10. Tommy And Mercedes |

Then there are these gems between Tommy and Mercedes:

| Conversation 1 \

Mercedes: "Hiya Tommy!"

Tommy: "Hi Mercedes, howyadoin'?"

Mercedes: "I got a new apartment up in Vice Point - thought you might want
to drop by sometime."

Tommy: "I'd love to. I'll catch you later."

| Conversation 2 \

Mercedes: "Tommy, it's me."

Tommy: "Hi Mercedes."

Mercedes: "Tommy, I so bored, when we going to have some fun?"

Tommy: "What do you mean?"

Mercedes: "Well, I know you're busy fighting and killing and corrupting
people, but I just want to have some fun. So don't forget about
me, you hear?"

| Conversation 3 \

Mercedes: "Tommy, I hear you kill Ricardo Diaz. There was an unfortunate
fire at his mansion. I think he burnt to death in an acrylic
shirt. Tommy, I so proud of you. I knew you were a real man. He
awful trouser stain of a man, you make me so proud to be your
friend. No, I know you going to be busy trying to take over this
town, but don't forget about me, you hear?"

| Conversation 4 \

Mercedes: "It's Mercedes. I no longer love you Tommy. I no longer do.
Honest. 'cause you no longer nice to Mercedes. You no longer
treat her like a lady. You ignore me and I hate you. I insist
you come to see me right away!"

| Conversation 5 \

Mercedes: "Tommy."

Tommy: "Hey Mercedes."

Mercedes: "Hey indeed Mr. Tough Guy. I real angry with you Tommy. Never
make me hang out with Jezz Torrent again. He is pathetic. Half
way through he starts crying about his doggie that died when he
was 7 years old and that his mommy never loved him. And Tommy.
He wear a wig and a bra in private. I not very happy with you!"

| Conversation 6 (after the Interglobal Films Asset) \

Mercedes: "Ooh Tommy, its Mercedes. I just want to say, I have so much fun
on that film set. Anything else you have like that, you let me
know. I really mean that. I always wanted to be an actress. I
think I learn a lot about the dramatic process. It so
enlightening! Thank you. Thank you. I see you real soon. Adios."

| >HTX11. A Call From Phil |

I think this could've been the phone call you get from Phil after you
complete the Main Story Missions:

Phil: "Tommy, the wound is healing well. Funny thing is, I have fought in 6
battle zones and always walked away without a scratch, and now this!
One armed Phil. Still, I got me a healthy selection of one handed
fire power so I'll never be unarmed Phil, you hear. Any way son, cut
out the sentimental crap and go buy yourself a drink, you hear!"

| >HTX12. A Deal With Colonel Cortez |

There may've been more between the Colonel and Tommy but was not fully
explored. This an alternate version of the Colonel's phone call after
completion of the Main Story Missions:

Cortez: "Tommy, it is always a struggle here. Excuse the poor line, we have
just had another failed coup. The people are the most demanding
mistress of all. So far, we have had three revolutions and four
coups since I return from Vice City. Luckily, I have been promoted
each time. Maybe everyone is humiliating me. Tommy, you are
proving very useful, my friend."

Tommy: "Thanks, Cortez. What about my deal?"

Cortez: "Tommy, I am working tirelessly on your behalf to ensue we get to
the bottom of this trench of stinking lies and deceit, you have my
word on that, but in the meantime, please accept the esteemed
thanks of my people for your work on our behalf."

/==++====++==\ /==++====++==\
| >VCT3. Conclusion |
\==++====++==/ \==++====++==/

| General Notices \

This document is copyright (c) Robert Allen Rusk (RARusk) 2006-2013.

Most of my guides are dedicated to the popular "Grand Theft Auto" game
series but some of my other work include "The Chronicles of Riddick" games,
"Bully", and "The Darkness" titles.

| Additional Contributions \

--Finke --Pawe --X99

| Credits \

Credits and thanks go out to the following:

>>Rockstar Games
For creating one of the best games ever made (again) and for giving me
the single biggest reason to relive the 80's (hey I was nineteen in

>>Revolution Arena
For providing a place for writers like myself to publish our work and
help other gamers while indulging in one of our favorite pastimes.

>>Glen T. Winstein
For probably being the single biggest fan of my GTA related work
(especially this document).

And finally, my biggest thanks of all goes to you the reader (and especially
those who have made suggestions as well as those who took the time to write

| Contact Information \

E-MAIL: rarusk[at]netzero[dot]com

So now I've come to the end of yet another gaming adventure and looking
forward to new ones. I hope that my guide helps you in getting the most out
of "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City".


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