Super Mario Sunshine – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Super Mario Sunshine – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

January 30, 2024 Off By Markus Norat

By: Gabriel Mazzi

Delfino Airstrip

Arriving at the island you will see a huge bright stain of paint. Run to the back of the room to find FLUDD. After the explanation, use it to clean the stain center. A large piranha plant will appear. Squirt water three times into its mouth to defeat it and earn the first Shine in the game.

Delfino Plaza

Mario is accused of making the city dirty and is ordered to remain on the island until he cleans it completely.

At the end of the presentation, move forward until you find Princess Peach. Then, squirt water into the center of the stain to face another piranha plant. Repeat the same technique used in Delfino Airstrip to beat it. A statue will appear and at the top of it will be Shadow Mario, the person truly responsible for all the dirt on Delfino Island.

As soon as the impostor kidnaps Princess Peach, chase him, squirting water non-stop. He approaches and talks to the princess. Follow him again and he will paint an M on the entrance, entering through it soon after. Squirt water on the M and go inside.

Ok, now the phases will be divided into episodes. After collecting Shine in a certain episode you will automatically return to Delfino Plaza. Enter the level again to play the next episode.

Bianco Hills

Episode 1 – Road to the Big Windmill:

Your mission is to reach the base of the windmill and defeat another piranha plant that is under the ink stain. There is no right way to get to the location, so take the route you think is best, being careful with the paint balls that come out of the center of the stain.

Awaken the piranha plant and splash water in its mouth three times. Go up the new ramp and collect the Shine.

Episode 2 – Down with Petey Piranha!:

Now the objective is to reach the top of the windmill. Follow the same path you did in the previous episode and continue to the base of the mill, being careful with the balls that are thrown to hit you. Go up the ramp around the mill, dodging the balls that roll down the ramp.

Continue and use FLUDD’s buoyancy to cross the holes and obstacles during the climb. Use a platform on the windmill’s propeller to reach the top and prepare for battle against Petey Piranha.

The technique is to always stay in front and wait for her to open her mouth. At this point, squirt water into her mouth until she swells and faints, leaving her large navel completely vulnerable. Jump up and hit him in the belly button. Repeat the process three times and collect the Shine.

Episode 3 – The Hillside Cave Secret:

There are several ways to reach the cave entrance shown in the animation, but the quickest and easiest is to enter the lake and attract the attention of an aquatic spider near the cave. Stun the spider and jump on it to be launched to an absurd height. Use floating to guide Mario towards the cave and enter.

If you prefer, use the platforms under the windmill bridge to get to the site.

In the cave you are without FLUDD, so you must move very carefully. There’s no secret, just worry about changing the camera angle to be able to better view the locations and have a good idea of ​​where and when to jump to the next platform. Follow it to the end and get the Shine.

Episode 4 – Red Coins of Windmill Village:

Remember the red coins scattered throughout the levels in Super Mario 64? Well then, here you must also collect them, but in certain episodes like this.

The coins are located in the Bianco Hills residential area. Look over buildings, bungee cords, and walls. Collect eight to reveal another Shine. Climb up to the platform using the bungee cord that comes out of the building to get it.

Episode 5 – Petey Piranha Strikes Back:

Again, climb the tallest building and follow another bungee cord to reach the edge on the other side. Climb up, approach the fence and wait until one of the balloon-like creatures sticks to the FLUDD. Aim at Petey Piranha, inflate the balloon and release the button to launch it.

The enemy will fly around Bianco Hills. Wait for him to hover in the air and squirt him to knock him to the ground. Wait for him to open his mouth and spray water until he falls back. Detonate a butt on your belly button and repeat the entire procedure two more times to find Shine.

Episode 6 – The Secret of the Dirty Lake:

The lake is completely contaminated and trying to swim is, without a doubt, a bad idea.

To get to the other cave you need to use the leaves scattered around the lake. Climb on one of them and guide yourself by splashing water in the opposite direction of where you want to go. Be careful, as the leaves rot after being used for a few seconds. Jump to the next leaf and continue to the cave entrance. Enter to follow another path with platforms and obstacles. Follow it to the end to recover the Shine.

Episode 7 – Shadow Mario on the Loose:

This episode is very simple. Just follow Shadow Mario, always squirting water at him. Knock it down to collect another Shine.

Episode 8 – The Red Coins of the Lake:

Just like episode 2 you need to collect eight red coins, but this time they are in the lake area. Search under water, on bungee cords and in trees. Take them all and climb into the hole in the windmill, where the Shine will appear.

Secret Shines:

1) Collect one hundred coins in the level to receive a Shine. Choose the episode you prefer and start the hunt.

2) Choose episode 3 and enter the cave. Hit the red button and, using FLUDD’s float, collect eight red coins in 1 minute and get the Shine.

3) Choose episode 6, enter the cave, press the red button with a butt and collect eight red coins. Get the Shine at the end.

Back at Delfino Plaza, go right to the pier and squirt water into the center of the black spot. This piranha plant is stronger than the previous ones and you will need to repeat the technique twice to eliminate it.

With it destroyed, clear the M on the wall of the new building and enter Ricco Harbor.

Ricco Harbor

Episode 1 – Gooper Blooper Breaks Out:

Don’t waste time and run across the boat in front of you. Jump to the left, climb the boxes and perform a star jump to gain altitude. Float to the wooden platform and run to the end, jump on the tentacle that comes out of the colored blocks, grab it with the B button and pull it until you rip it off. Gooper Blooper will appear.

To beat him, splash water in his face and jump when he attacks with his tentacles. Tear off some tentacles to make your mouth unprotected. Pull it when you can to knock out the enemy. Repeat the process once more to launch it into the open sea. Collect the Shine next.

Episode 2 – Blooper Surfing Safari

Go right and talk to the Plant next to the umbrella on a wooden platform in the sea. Get on a Blooper and follow the passage shown in the episode presentation.

On the circuit, choose a Blooper and complete it in less than 45 seconds to earn Shine.

Episode 3 – The Caged Shine Sprite

The objective here is to enter the central iron structure over the sea.

Follow the platforms, railings, walkways and beams to reach the location. At the grate doors, use B to go to the other side. On the hooks, never stand still, as Mario slips and could fall into the sea, forcing you to go all the way back.

Finally, knock down the Bloopers to move smoothly along the catwalks and use the trampolines to enter the cage and get the Shine.

Episode 4 – The Secret of Ricco Tower

The best way to reach the top of the tower is to get the rocket, which is on a platform used in the previous episode. Take it and go to the base of the tower, using it to climb up.

Jump in and show off your platforming skills without using FLUDD to get Shine.

Episode 5 – Glooper Blooper Returns

The mollusk from the first episode is back. To get to the platform, go to the place where you first faced him, climb onto the nearest walkway, jump and float to the helipad. Use the same technique used previously to defeat him and that’s it, the Shine is yours.

Episode 6 – Red Coins over the Water

The scheme here is also to collect the eight red coins before the timer runs out, but you must do so controlling a Blooper. Hit the red button, which is on the wooden platform in episode 2, choose the Blooper you prefer and let it go. Be careful not to hit any obstacles or leave the yellow marking. You have two minutes.

The worst part of this episode? Collect the Shine. You need to catch him while still commanding the creature.

Episode 7 – Shadow Mario Revisited

Shadow Mario is smarter and will escape through the iron structure. Carefully chase him along the walkways and don’t stop squirting water. Approach him and collect the Shine.

Episode 8 – Yoshis Fruit Adventure (To complete this episode you need to enable Yoshi by completing episode 4 of the Pinna Park level)

Near the place where he faced Gooper Blooper in episode 1, there is a Yoshi egg.

A little before there are two large tanks with the inscription “fruit” painted on one side. Climb on top of one of them and hit the button that isn’t activated, making a fruit come out of the tap. Continue until you find the necessary fruit (the first is always the nut-like fruit) to feed the egg.

Get close to the edge and when the fish jump, squirt juice, turning them into platforms. Climb up quickly and wait for her to move. Jump onto the iron structure as soon as the platform starts to disappear.

Jump off Yoshi and jump to the nearest ledge. Drop a green coconut, pick it up and return to the platform. Feed Yoshi, making him change color. Blast water at the fish and climb up once it turns into a platform. Jump on it and climb up. Keep doing the same until you reach the cage where Shine is. Melt the yellow jelly on the cage, climb up and go inside to collect it.

Secret Shines:

1) Collect one hundred coins in the level to receive a Shine. The best episodes are 3 and 8.

2) Repeat episode 2, but say the route in less than 40 to earn Shine.

3) Choose episode 4, enter the tower, hit the red button and collect eight red coins. After that, proceed smoothly to Shine.

Head to the black spot that appears in the animation when you return to Delfino Plaza and defeat another piranha plant to find a lighthouse and the entrance to another level, Gelato Beach.

Gelato Beach

Episode 1 – Dune Bud Sand Castle Secret

Go to the beach and go left. Squirt water onto the Dune Bud root, causing a sandcastle to appear on the beach. Run and get in before it falls apart.

Follow the path and be quick when stepping on the sand blocks, as they crumble quickly and only reappear after a certain time.

Catch your breath on the normal platforms and climb up to the Shine.

Episode 2 – Mirror Madness! Tilt, Slam, Bam!

To save the sacred egg at the top of the tower you need to remove the Wiggler centipede from above it. To do this, you need to remove the enemies that are on the mirrors, in order to make the sunlight reflect on the giant centipede.

Climb onto one of the mirrors, push Flippie to one side until it loses its balance. At this point, run to the opposite side and throw a butt at the mirror, throwing the enemy away.

Do the same with the other two mirrors and collect the Shine on the beach.

Episode 3 – Wiggler Ahoy! Full steam ahead!

Now that you’ve angered the Wiggler centipede, the best way is to face it. Keep an eye on the path made by the enemy, as it passes a few centimeters from certain Dune Bud roots.

Okay, that’s the strategy. As soon as it gets close to a Dune Bud, squirt it with water until it bursts. This will cause the Wiggler to land on its back. Hit the point indicated by the red arrow with a butt and get ready to repeat the same tactic twice more.

Once you beat the animal, get another Shine.

Episode 4 – The Sand Bird is Born

To complete this episode you need to enter the tower where the egg was. To do this, climb up the mountain behind the tower and slide down. Jump onto the trampoline to get more height and enter through the hole in the tower’s roof and be transported to a new area.

Once on the sand bird, quickly collect the seven red coins and wait until it reaches the top of the central column. But there is a catch. During the ascent the bird turns completely and remains vertical. Float and look for one of the protruding points so you don’t fall. Another great place to get away with it is on your neck. At the top, jump to the top of the column, collect the last coin and another Shine.

Episode 5 – II Piantissimos Sand Sprint!

To win this episode you need to win a race against Piantissimo, that crazy guy with the weird helmet. The arrival point is a flagpole at the top of the mountain. Take whatever path you want, but get to the location before your opponent.

It won? Cool, Shine is yours!

Episode 6 – Red Coins in the Coral Reef

Nothing could be simpler and more objective. Just dive near the coral reef and look for the eight red coins. Find them all and receive Shine.

Episode 7 – Its Shadow Mario! After Him

The same story as the previous phases. Chase him and splash him until he falls to get the Shine.

Episode 8 – The Watermelon Festival

Your mission seems simple: take a big watermelon and win the contest. However, you need “the watermelon”. And the only one capable of beating other competitors is at the top of the mountain.

The plan is to push the giant fruit very slowly so that it doesn’t roll and burst when it hits an obstacle. Another problem is the countless Flippies that roam the beach. Squirt water to stun them and move on. Stop again, stun a few more, and continue. Do this until you reach the bridge that is on the right side of the beach (when you are looking at the sea). Carefully push the watermelon to the cabin and collect your prize, a Shine.

Secret Shines:

1) Collect one hundred coins in the level to receive a Shine. The best episode is the eighth.

2) Repeat episode 1, enter the sandcastle and collect the eight red coins to earn Shine.

3) Next to the reflector behind the tower is a Dune Bud root. Squirt it until it pops and you’ll find a ladder. Water the wall at the end of the stairs until you reveal the Shine.

Once you return to Delfino Plaza, head towards the new vessel that appears there. Shadow Mario will kidnap the princess and head to Pinna Park. To avoid losing sight of him, enter the nearest cannon to be fired like a human bullet towards the amusement park.

Pinna Park

Episode 1 – Mech Bowser Appears!

Run after the impostor until he takes command of Mecha Bowser.

You will fight him commanding a roller coaster car capable of launching missiles. The objective is to hit four missiles on the robot Bowser. Try to familiarize yourself with the layout of the roller coaster to find the best time to fire the missiles.

Be careful not to get hit by the Bullets Bills and Topedo Teds launched by the enemy. Hit them with missiles before they get too close to you.

After that, ah… collect the Shine.

Episode 2 – The Beach Cannons Secret

Just head right once you reach the level. Get close to the cannon so that the mole stops firing Torpedo Teds and Bullet Bills and starts firing Bomb Ombs.

Squirt three Bomb Ombs to stun them and launch them at the mole. Enter the cannon and follow it to the end, without FLUDD, to find the Shine from the episode.

Episode 3 – Red Coins of the Pirate Ships

Just look for the eight red coins in the pirate ship area. Some coins are in really high places, so use the ships, when they make a complete loop, to reach them. Once done, recover one more Shine.

Episode 4 – The Wilted Sunflowers

The sunflowers at the park entrance are dying due to the numerous eggs that have settled there.

Wake them up by squirting water constantly and keep a certain distance. As soon as the turtle jumps at you, dodge and jump, landing a butt on its belly as it sinks into the sand. Do the same with the remaining eggs to earn Shine from the larger sunflower. (Returning to Delfino Plaza, chase Shadow Mario to unlock Yoshi).

Episode 5 – The Runaway Ferris Wheel

The way to get to the top of the Ferris wheel is to climb through the railings behind it.

Use the squirt to change the position of the green grates and eliminate the Electro Koopas by punching them from the other side of the grate.

At the end, climb the bungee cord and jump until you stick to the railing. Press A to send the last enemy into the water and jump to the top of one of the ferris wheel gondolas to reach the Shine.

Episode 6 – The Yoshi-Go-Rounds Secret

Enter the park and go right until you find a Yoshi egg. Take the indicated fruit and, if Yoshi isn’t orange, eat other fruits until you get the right color.

Head to the Yoshis carousel and position yourself in the empty spot. You will be teleported to another path of platforms and obstacles. Continue showing all your skill without FLUDD and collect the Shine at the end.

Episode 7 – Shadow Mario in the Park

Any questions?? She runs after the bastard and knocks him down with her squirt to get another Shine.

Episode 8 – Roller Coaster Balloons

The most difficult and frustrating episode of the level. Your mission is, commanding a roller coaster cart, to pop all the balloons before the end of three complete laps. Talk to Noki at the ride’s entrance to begin the objective.

Again, try to get used to the curves and loops in the layout to get the best position to shoot.

It’s worth remembering that, at certain points, you’ll have to pop more than one balloon in a single shot.

Get the Shine after completing the mission.

Secret Shines:

1) Collect one hundred coins in the level to receive a Shine. Choose between episodes 5, 6 and 8.

2) Repeat episode 2, enter the cannon and collect the eight red coins to earn Shine.

3) Repeat episode 6 and collect the eight red coins on the path of platforms and obstacles to receive the Shine.

In Delfino Plaza, find Yoshi’s egg in the building next to the statue at the entrance to Bianco Hills and take the fruit to awaken him. Climb the central building and swallow the giant pineapple that blocks the entrance to a pipe. Enter through it to access the next phase.

Sirena Beach

Episode 1 – The Manta Storm

The main hotel on this beach simply disappeared. Talk to the hotel owner and prepare for the battle with the hardest boss in the game.

The ray splits as you hit it with water jets. Keep squirting until you destroy all the stingrays that appear.

Tip: always stay close to the sea, because if you run out of water you won’t run the risk of stepping on the paint that enemies release.

Getting rid of, or rather, enemies, collect the Shine.

Episode 2 – The Hotel Lobbys Secret

Talk to the manager to enter the hotel. The hotel is infested with Boos. Squirt water at the pink Boos to turn them into platforms. Climb them to the second floor and jump into the mouth of the Boo-shaped totem statue to follow another path of platforms and obstacles.

Use the Para-Beetles to avoid falling between the blocks, abuse wall jumps and be quick on the sand blocks. Collect the Shine at the end of the route.

Episode 3 – Mysterious Hotel Delfino

Do the same thing to enter the hotel. Go forward and enter the bathroom on the left (men’s). Go to the last toilet and jump. You will exit inside the bathroom of a room on the upper floor.

Squirt water on the painting in the room and go through it when the image of a Boo appears. In the next room there are bamboo doors that rotate when you throw water at them. Do this until a Boo figure is formed and the doors open. Go straight on.

Use the pink Boos as platforms to climb through the opening in the ceiling and reach the second floor. Squirt the bookshelf on the left and go past it. In the other room, notice that one of the tiles is a little lighter than the others. Butt her to fall into another room on the lower floor. Break the boxes until you find a pineapple, leave the room (the doors only open from the inside out, so leave without any problems) and go down to the ground floor.

Awaken Yoshi near the reception and, commanding the dinosaur, go up to the second floor via the stairs.

Enter the only room with the open door and jump on the bed to reach the hotel’s attic. Go right, swallowing all the Boos and Big Boos that block the passage and punch the crack in the corners of the place to fall into the pool and find the Shine.

Episode 4 – The Secret of Casino Delfino

Enter the hotel and talk to the hotel employee at the casino door (The entrance is next to the men’s bathroom).

At the casino, squirt water into the giant slot machines (one on each side of the place) until you get the 777 combination in both. Go to the new attraction and squirt water on the plates until it forms the shape of a shine. Enter through the green pipe and follow the path to the end, without using FLUDD, to get the Shine.

Episode 5 – King Boo Down Below

Head to the casino inside the hotel and hit the giant roulette wheel’s only purple space to be transported to battle against the mighty King Boo.

As soon as the ghost appears over the slot machine, squirt water on it to make it spin the machine.

Your objective is to get the combination of fruits to find a red pepper, the only one capable of helping Mario against the enemy. Throw the pepper and then any fruit, knocking out King Boo. Do the same twice more to get another Shine.

Episode 6 – Scrubbing Sirena Beach

It seems simple, but time is short. You have three minutes to clean all the dirt from Sirena Beach. Speak to the hotel manager to get started. If you succeed, Shine is yours.

Episode 7 – Shadow Mario Checks In

Blah, blah, blah… you already know what to do, so do it! Just watch out for the Boos who disguise themselves as Shadow Mario. Okay, another Shine for your collection.

Episode 8 – Red Coins in the Hotel

The objective is the same as always, to collect eight red coins. But now you should be able to find them in less than five minutes, which may not be enough if you fumble around the hotel rooms.

Before pressing the red button, try to retrace the path taken in episode 3 to have a good idea of ​​where to find them.

1: Press the button and collect the first one.

2: In the women’s bathroom

3: Go up through the leak in the men’s bathroom, go past the painting (the one with the Boo picture) and take the third one.

4: Exit through the nearest door and collect the coin near the stairs.

5: Go up to the upper floor and collect another coin.

6: Enter the pool to find it.

7: Go back, enter the room with the open door and jump on the bed to go up to the attic. Go left, hit the first crack you find, wet the poster with a Boo drawing and go through the hole to find the seventh coin.

8: Return to the previous room and go down the lighter tile to see the last coin in the passage to another room.

Go down to the ground floor and collect the Shine.

Secret Shines:

1) Collect one hundred coins in the level to receive a Shine. Choose episode 3 to earn lots of coins by eating ghosts with Yoshi.

2) Repeat episode 2, enter the totem’s mouth and collect the eight red coins before one minute and thirty seconds to earn Shine.

3) Repeat episode 4 and collect the eight red coins to receive the Shine.

A strong burst of light appears at the port of Delfino Plaza. Head there, stop in the center of the light, change the camera to first-person view and look towards the sun. You will go to Nokia Bay.

Nokia Bay

Episode 1 – Uncork the Waterfall

Climb the platforms and mechanisms that resemble scales halfway up the mountain. Clear the pink paint to reveal new platforms and follow them. Continue to be careful with the paint balls that roll down the mountain and use the same scheme until you reach the right location, close to the clogged waterfall.

Wet the trampoline to shrink it, step down and place it on the ground. Use it to cross to the other ledge and continue.

Approach the mole, wet three Bomb Ombs and launch them at the enemy to gain a Shine.

Episode 2 – The Boss of Tricky Ruins

Cross the sea, jumping on the floating platforms and talk to the elder Noki. Squirt the block at the wall so that a path in the wall opens up. Climb up using the wall jumping technique and continue along the paths. When you find two Bloopers, wet another block and follow the new path.

At the top you will face another Gooper Blooper (the one from Ricco Harbo episodes 1 and 5, remember?). Use the same technique and, when you defeat him, go down the open passage. Collect the Shine in the center of the altar.

Episode 3 – Red Coins in a Bottle

You will receive a special diving helmet and must collect eight red coins inside a bottle. Don’t worry, Elder Noki will make it small enough to fit in the bottle.

Some are at the top, others are at the bottom. Just worry about not running out of air. Collect normal coins to recover oxygen.

Get the Shine after finding all the coins.

Episode 4 – Eely-Mouths Dentist

You will receive the special helmet again. Climb to the mouth of the waterfall to find Elder Noki. From this platform, dive exactly where the waterfall ends to find the person responsible for sea pollution.

Elly has all her teeth covered with a dark bacterial layer, which is causing pollution. His mission is to clean your teeth. To do this, he approaches the enemy until he opens his mouth, aims the floating jet at one of his teeth and continues until he cleans it completely. Do the same with all the other teeth and don’t forget to collect coins to catch your breath.

Shine appears at the bottom of the place.

Episode 5 – Il Piantissimos Surf Swim

Climb the bungee cord to find Piantissimo and face him in another race.

When he comes out, just float towards the arrival point and swim when you fall into the water. Don’t worry, because here Piantissimo is very slow.

The loser will give you a Shine at the end of the race.

Episode 6 – The Shells Secret

Did you see the shell shown in the presentation? Well then, get up there. Use the platforms and bungee cords to cut the path.

Inside the shell, be patient and very careful when moving, as the first part of the path is very difficult.

At the end you will find Shine.

Episode 7 – Hold it, Shadow Mario!

Shadow Mario??? Again??? Do I need to say something???

Another Shine that is a real blast.

Episode 8 – The Red Coin Fish

For the last time you will wear your diving helmet. Dive into the waterfall entrance (where you entered in episode 4) and collect the eight red coins that are part of the coin fish.

Be careful, as at times the fish will fall apart, causing the coins to scatter. Collecting them all, Shine is yours.

Secret Shines:

1) Collect one hundred coins in the level to receive a Shine. Choose the episode you prefer.

2) Repeat episode 6, enter the shell and collect eight red coins in less than a minute and a half to earn Shine.

3) Go to the final point of the race with Piantissimo (it doesn’t have to be in the same episode where you faced him), go up, jumping on the walls of the opening in the mountain, and enter the passage on the left. Follow the tunnel to exit in another part. Enter through the largest opening in the place and you will be launched into the air, reaching a point that is only possible to reach this way.

Squirt water at the yellow bird that flies over the area to get the secret Shine.

Well, by now you must have enabled FLUDD’s Turbo and Rocket functions – when you collect 25 and 30 Shines, Shadow Mario will appear in Delfino Plaza. Chase him like you did in all the seventh episodes of all stages to get the new equipment. Equip yourself with the rocket and head behind the Shine Gate (the giant portal with a large Shine in the middle) and use the rocket to climb to the top of the portal. Enter through the pipe to reach Pianta Village.

Pianta Village

Episode 1 – Chain Chomplets Unchained

There are three hallucinated Chaim Chomplets roaming the village. Talk to the mayor and follow behind the creatures. Your goal is to throw them into the lake, so don’t go too deep into the level.

Squirt water on them, grab their tails, aim at the lake, pull and release.

Recover another Shine on mushroom.

Episode 2 – II Piantissimos Crazy Climb

That ugly one who thinks he’s light will challenge him again. The finish line is on a platform in the tree at the back of the village, next to the natural water pool.

Use the jump combo to gain a good advantage over your opponent and run for the hug, with your Shine, when you win the race.

Episode 3 – The Goopy Inferno

Unlike all previous episodes, you cannot use FLUDD. And the worst part: the entire village was painted with incandescent paint. So don’t even dream of stepping on it.

From the start, cross the bridge and head right. Go around the village and, at the bottom, head left. Go to the opposite side and approach the grass. Go down the first hole you see and take a swing, going to the bottom of the village. Go to the vertical railing, press B to punch it, making it go to the other side, and quickly grab the railing above your head. If you delay, you will fall along with the vertical railing.

Climb up by jumping on the walls and cross the small bridge. Get to the edge and use the first-person camera to point Mario towards the platforms that are not painted.

Now the technical part. Perform a star jump towards the platforms and, when you reach the maximum height, press B, making Mario dive. As soon as you pass over the lowest platform, take a kick to get down without risk.

Go up until you find the FLUDD. If you’re good enough at star jumping you can climb to the top of the yellow mushroom without having to turn around. If not, clean the paint on the small island in the lake, climb onto its leaves and continue, performing star jumps and floating, across the platforms of the giant palm tree. Climb up to the last one you can, jump and float towards the mushroom. Clear the mayor and chat afterwards to receive a Shine as a reward.

Episode 4 – Chain Chomps Bath

Leaving the bridge, go right. Release the Chain Chomp and run to the entrance to the natural pool.

You need to give the “animal” a bath and to do so you need to calm him down by splashing water on him and pulling him, by the current, towards the pool.

When entering the natural pool area, be careful not to enter the water or Mario will instantly release the chain.

Go around and when the creature falls into the pool, collect the Shine.

Episode 5 – Secret of the Village Underside

You will need Yoshi’s help in this episode.

Take the fruit needed to dunk it and head to the bridge. Jump to the mushrooms next to it and continue, from mushroom to mushroom, until the end. Melt the yellow jelly over the flattened mushroom and enter through the new opening.

This is the last mini stage of this type and, consequently, the most difficult. The tactic is to talk to the Chucksters, some Piantas who have the strange habit of throwing away anyone who talks to them.

Keep in mind that they throw you in the direction Mario is looking, so line up in the direction you want to go and start chatting.

In the end, as always, you find a Shine.

Episode 6 – Piantas in Need

Really simple. Run through the village, cleaning ten Piantas that are under stains of incandescent paint.

But remember, you have three minutes for this (more than enough) and you must clean it completely.

Tired? Forget it, talk to the mayor and your efforts will be rewarded with a Shine.

Episode 7 – Shadow Mario Runs Wild

Seventh episode? What to expect? The usual. Just be careful with the trail of incandescent paint left by the enemy.

With the enemy down, collect the Shine.

Episode 8 – Fluff Festival Coin Hunt

As the place is quite large, here are the directions:

1: Walk to the end of the bridge, fall to the left and float to the grate. Jump on the mushrooms to return to the top of the level.

2: Climb the palm tree next to the starting bridge. The coin is on one of its sheets.

3: Go to the grass, close to where you went down below the village in episode 3. The coin is in the grass.

4: Under the tree canopy with fruits

5: At the bottom of the natural pool

6: Under the beehive, behind the giant palm tree that is next to the natural pool.

7: On the right side of the level, destroy the boxes to find it.

8: Climb onto the central palm tree platforms and collect the rocket function on one of them. Use it to climb the platform at the top to find the last coin.

Shine will appear in a cloud far away from where you are. Use a Fluff, the seeds that float around the scene, to reach the cloud.

Secret Shines:

1) Collect one hundred coins in the level to receive a Shine. Choose the episode you prefer.

2) Repeat episode 5, enter through the mushroom, press the red button and collect the eight red coins before the timer runs out to win the Shine.

3) Climb up to the platform at the top of the central palm tree and use the first-person camera. Squirt water towards the sun to reveal a Shine.

Once defeated in all stages, Shadow Mario will flee to Corona Mountain, the mountain behind the Shine Gate, after completely flooding Delfina Plaza. Follow him.

Corona Mountain

Getting past the spikes and fire platforms isn’t as difficult as it seems. Only use floating, as this will extinguish the fire platforms when you are on them.

To avoid landing on the spikes, jump off the platform you are on as soon as the spikes appear and keep floating until FLUDD no longer pumps water.

Arriving close to the boat, load the FLUDD into the water jets and climb aboard. Guide it by spraying water in the opposite direction to where you want to go and be very careful when hitting it or the boat will sink and you won’t be able to escape the sea of ​​lava.

At the end, take the rocket and climb into the clouds. Be careful, as some clouds change location. Climbing through the last cloud you find the final enemy, who is none other than Bowser. Who did you think you were???

This is by far the easiest battle against the lizard in all of the mustachioed games. The plan is to run around the bathtub in the form of Shine (yes, the scoundrel is taking a bath!), being careful with Bowser’s breath and the Torpedo Teds and Bullet Bills fired by his puppy. Arrive at one of its ends, use the rocket to gain height and descend, giving a brutal butt. Once you destroy the spike, be quick and jump back to the edge or you will fall along with the pieces.

Repeat the procedure with the other four spikes to beat him and find the last Shine.

Congratulations, now you can enjoy the island without any worries.

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