Katana ZERO – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Katana ZERO – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

February 4, 2024 Off By Gabriel Capuani

Yes, this should work.

Platforms: Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC – Computer (Microsoft Windows, Mac)

Difficulty:  9/10 
Time: ±  20 hours (depends on skill)
Achievements:  22 
Missable:  0

Katana ZERO is a naturally difficult game and achieving achievements is even more difficult. To achieve all the achievements you need to really enjoy the game and have a lot of patience. It requires a lot of dedication and willpower, because accomplishing such a feat is not for everyone. If you want to challenge yourself as a gamer and improve your skills, this game is for you.

Unfortunately, I can’t say that you won’t lose the game experience if you see this guide, since to get 100% you need to make certain choices that will prevent some dialogues from understanding the story. Therefore, I recommend that you play your way and make the choices that suit you. It’s very worth it.

The 100% basically consists of getting all the cards to get all the swords, specific achievements for each chapter, specific choices and secret boss.

Follow the order below starting from the first chapter:

1st – FACTORY  

-Right at the beginning, when you kill the first enemy, you need to go back and go to him to get the prismatic key, earning PRISM KEY .

-Next, in the first telephone dialogue, you must select the “Hang up” option until you earn the achievement, then select the “Hello?” winning DON’T HANG UP!

-When you arrive at a scenario where 3 enemies and a cat appear on the table, just kill them all and pet the cat until the FELINE PERSUASION achievement pops up .


-Ask the psychiatrist for medicine for the secret ending, just select the option that is in RED, interrupting the lines.

3rd – HOTEL

-Completely ignore the hotel receptionist, always selecting the red option (which is usually the first) until the dialogue ends.

-When you get close to the target, just hit a statue before interacting with it. Take the key from the body and earn MASTER KEY and then jump from the balcony earning WHAT A BAD IDEA . Play the level again and get the key.


-Ask for the medicine again, always choosing the RED option.


-Although the psychiatrist says to kill the DJ, you need to talk to him and not choose the option of killing him, choosing the options: “Yes. I’m here to kill you”, “Why do you think I’m not real?”, “What the hell?”, “Tell me where you are.”, “Tell me the name of the drug.”, “Your guys are dead.”, “Hand over the drugs and let you go.”


-This time you need to REFUSE the medicine and choose the other options until a moment comes when the option “Stop talking” appears. in red until the psychiatrist says “DON’T INTERRUPT ME!” Then choose any other option EXCEPT taking medicine! Earning the REFUSED MEDICATION achievement .

7th – PRISON

-Despite the order not to kill any police officers, you need to kill EVERYONE to get the prototype key that will appear when you return to your apartment, earning the PROTOTYPE KEY achievement .

8th – STUDIO

-At the beginning, when you get into the limousine and the conversation takes place, Gordão will ask for your Katana, so select the “You can take it” option.

-Proceed normally and get the Katana back, earning the PARTY ANIMAL achievement .

-When entering the elevator, choose any floor;

 -2 – An uncertainty in space: do not destroy the robot that appears, just take the card and when you return, the same robot will begin to vent about life, just wait for its philosophical reflection to finish and it will self-destruct, winning NO LOVE FOR ROBOTS .

 -3 – Silent Hills: you must get the appropriate card and when you return the Silent Hill Pyramid Head will appear, just attack it and you will win COFFIN HEAD .

-After getting the three keys, head normally to the Boss in this area. You need to attack him 4 times in a row without dying for the BEATDOWN achievement , if you die you have to restart.

9th – MANSION – Kill all enemies in the 5th scenario, notice that there is a thief stealing something in one of the rooms upstairs, kill all enemies EXCEPT the thief, after that do not enter his room and wait for him to leave, when he leaves enter the room and get the phoenix key, earning PHOENIX KEY .

Wait for the thief to come out and get “Phoenix Key”


-When starting the dialogue, choose any option until the red option appears and select “Fuck off”.


-At the end of this phase, the masked men will appear and you must choose the options of wanting to die to win THE END . After that, just redo the phase and choose the option to live.


-Simply finish the level that earns THE DRAGON’S TAPE .


-Play normally until you come across a giant TV. There is a red wire next to it, you need to cut the wire every time the TV and the wire appear. The first time you have to cut immediately after opening the door, ignoring the enemy. When the TV does not appear, look at the ceiling and see if there is a sensor, if there is one you need to roll it over so that it is not detected, if the doors close it means it has been seen and if that happens just restart. If you realize that it was detected anyway, it means that you didn’t cut the first thread quickly enough, in which case you have to restart the chapter from the beginning.

Red thread to cut (remember to ignore the enemy first)

-Be aware of a scenario where there are explosive barrels, after passing through the detector without being seen, go to the corner of these barrels and get the expert key, earning SAVANT KEY and SECRET HUNTER for having obtained all the hidden keys.

12th – BUNKER

-Play normally until you come across the first Molotov cocktail in the level, DO NOT throw it yet, kill all the enemies in this area and get the cocktail, enter the elevator throw it at the wall and kill yourself earning FUNNY PRANK


-If you chose all the correct dialogues with the psychologist, you will start a secret fight and after defeating him you will win PSYCHOTHERAPHY and DON’T forget to search his body to get the laboratory key to access the other swords. To go to the laboratory, simply select CONTINUE in the menu and choose the laboratory chapter.

-Finally, you will earn the CONTINUE achievement for clearing Katana ZERO.


-After finishing the game, the chapter selection will be unlocked, for this achievement you must flirt with the hotel receptionist choosing the following options: “

-After choosing the correct options with the receptionist at the HOTEL. When you arrive at the BUNKER she will appear again, but this time you have to play cards with her, so select the option “Can I go?”, “I can’t show my ID… But yes, my trap card”, “Heh, it’s a challenge , without a doubt.”, “Ha. Brutal sorcerer.”, “Good one, Zalhard Fractal Calamity Quantum Bionic Shell.” and finally “You just activated my trap card.” earning FORBIDDEN ULTIMATE DANGER TEMPEST-EYED MAJORDOMO IMPERIAL BARRAGE CRAB, EVIXION


Reset the Speedrun in hard mode and reset the Speedrun in normal mode and get a gold medal

These achievements will intrinsically depend on the player’s pure skill, so if you want to challenge yourself and raise your level as a gamer, this is for you.

Now that you’ve got all the sword keys you can use any one, I used the Claymore because it has a very large range and can counter shotgun shots, so use one of your choice. And to unlock Speedrun mode you need to beat the game for the first time.

GOLDEN TIP: change the game settings:

– Go to OPTIONS in the game menu


– SCREEN SHAKE is when when opening a door or killing an enemy the screen shakes. This is optional, but I recommend leaving it at 0%.

– PAUSE EFFECT is when opening a door or killing an enemy occurs like a “delay” set to 0%. This saves a lot of time.

– TEXT SPEED put x2






-Simply click on the “Speedrun” option and activate “Hardcore Mode” and complete the game in this category. But be prepared because it’s not like normal mode, there are many new enemies spread across each scenario placed in such a way that it becomes much more difficult to pass, and the pattern of the bosses changes too. Remembering that it is not necessary to worry about time or the number of deaths as this is not relevant to the achievement, just finish in this mode without rushing.


This is the hardest, just finish the game in Speedrun mode on normal difficulty within 29 minutes to guarantee the gold medal. It seems easy, but because there is very little time, you need a lot of agility and skill.

Another thing: there is a score above Gold which is Platinum, this is only acquired if you don’t die and finish the stage in a short time, if you only die once the most you will get is gold, so try not to die at least in the first four chapters, this will help a lot too.


1° Make sure you have configured the options as described previously.

2° Play normally until you are sure that you have memorized all possible scenarios, enemies and bosses (if you are having difficulties, watch the speedrun video).

3° Practice the separate phases if you have difficulties, creating strategies and establishing movement patterns. There’s no need to be in a hurry.

3° The Party scenario is very difficult to get Platinum, because at the beginning of the phase we cannot attack anyone and the guards cannot see you, so to get through it quickly you need to use a technique. First: restart the level right away due to the position of the guards. Second: You need to jump over people in the party to avoid appearing in the enemy’s field of vision, this is the only method to get gold or platinum.

4th Boss V (part 1): always attack from behind, when he runs, dodge and attack from behind again.

5th Boss Mr. Kissyface: you don’t need to wait for him to attack, always roll up behind him and attack regardless of what your strike is, when he jumps to make the ax spin around, you need to attack him at the same moment he jumps, This will prevent this hit and save a few seconds.

6th Boss V (part 2): when the boss hanging from the helicopter appears, restart the level. This will make him start with a barrage of shots, but before that, lean the bike towards the lower end and in the middle of the screen, as soon as you realize that the shots are close, “stop” the time and bounce the bullets as much as possible. as possible, with the mouse cursor towards the enemy, while directing the motorcycle towards the middle of the track. You will realize that it worked when the helicopter takes damage, if it didn’t, restart the phase. Then continue, the next time you fire, repeat the process and you will be finished.

7th Boss Headmaster: there are two phases to this fight, the first phase has no secret, just take the initiative. For the second phase of the fight, hit her first, after destroying the automatic weapons on the left wall, jump on the wall and attack towards the boss who will be floating in the center. After that, look for the right moment to attack her during her sequence of attacks and don’t forget to pick up the throwable item and throw it at her.

Good luck 😀

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