Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters – Complete Guide with FAQ and List of Moves
March 1, 2024By: José Ricardo Fortes da Silva (Ash_Riot)
S – Punch
C – Kick
(A) – Can or should be done during the jump
(P) – Must be performed at close range
/ \ – Diagonal
º º
Ultimate Attack:
When the special bar (the green bar below the life bar) is full, the Ultimate Attack can be performed by pressing the Strong Punch + Strong Kick buttons at the same time, to fill it, you must simply attack the opponent, If you don’t hit him for a while the bar decreases, when the life bar is flashing the special bar fills up faster.
Tournament – In this mode you choose a character to fight in the tournament, each character has their own ending, but you will only be able to see it if you play on difficulty 3 at least.
Versus – Here you play against a friend.
Story Mode – Here you choose one of the four Ninja Turtles and must fight against the villains who kidnapped April O’Neal and Master Splinter, in this mode you cannot use Ultimate Attack and the ending is the same for all four, to see a scene extra at the end, you must clear it on difficulty 7.
Watch – Here you choose two characters and watch them fight.
Options – Changes some game settings.
Name: Leonardo (Leo)
Weapon: Katanas
Internship: Black Alley
Hobby: Meditation and Yoga
Objective in the Tournament: Prove that you are the best fighter.
Shinning Cutter
↓ \ → + S
Rotor Cutter
→ ↓ \ + S
Endless Screw
↓ / ← + S
Ultimate Attack: Millenium Wave
Leonardo launches a barrage of projectiles in the form of punches (the only thing missing was
shout PEGASUS METEOR :D), which take an absurd amount of life if you hit them correctly.
Name: Raphael (Rap)
Weapon: Salts
Internship: Cafeteria
Hobby: Solitude; Sarcastic jokes with friends.
Objective in the tournament: He wants the money to buy gifts for
your friends.
← / ↓ \ → + S
º º
Power Drill
← Press 2s → + S
Chest Buster
← Press 2s → + C
Final Attack: Energy Spray
Raphael jumps and throws several fireballs at the opponent, if he is
a medium distance, it is impossible to escape, but if you are well
close, just go under Raphael the moment he jumps.
Name: Donatello (Don)
Weapon: Bo
Internship: Scrapyard
Hobby: Inventing mechanical and electronic devices
Tournament objective: He wants the money to complete his last
Bo Thrusts
Punch repeatedly
Ground Claw
↓ \ → + S
Spinning Head
↓ / ← + C
Ultimate Attack: Fire Dragon
Donatello launches an energy dragon at the opponent, I consider this the
best Ultimate Attack, as it is impossible to escape from it and even if
If defended, it causes very high damage.
Name: Michelangelo (Mike)
Weapon: Nunchaku
Internship: Sky Palace
Hobbies: Surfing and skateboarding
Tournament objective: Use the prize money to take a long
Rising Thunder
↓ charges 2s ↑ + S
Dragon Breath
← / ↓ \ → + S
º º
Dinamyte Bomber
← Press 2s → + S
Ultimate Attack: Dance of Fury
Michelangelo runs against his opponent, hitting him several times, finishing him off
with a Rising Thunder, if hit, this attack can take
although more than half life and even if defended, the damage dealt is
Name: Cyber Shredder
Weapon: Battle Armor
Internship: Metal Works
Hobby: Planning to conquer the world
Tournament objective: Gain control of New York City
Aura Shocker
← load 2s → + S
Aura Knee
← load 2s → + C
Aura Reflect
Weak Punch + Weak Kick
Ultimate Attack: Lightning Crusher
Destroyer raises his fist and attracts a beam that leaves him whole
electrified, then it launches a bolt of lightning across the ground at a distance
On average, throughout this process the Destroyer is invincible.
Name: Aska
Weapon: Kunai
Stage: Noh Stage
Hobby: Disciplining your body and mind
Objective in the tournament: She wants the money to open a Dojo and train
other people in the ninja arts.
Butterfly Edge
→ ↓ \ + S
Spinning Slice
↓ / ← + C
Final Attack: Kamikaze
Aska launches a waterspout at the opponent, causing reasonable damage, but
It is possible to escape by jumping over it.
Name: Chrome Dome
Weapon: Electric Gauntlets
Internship: Art Museum
Hobby: Growing steel magnolias (?)
Objective in the tournament: Remove the warrior program from your memory.
Ground Spark
↓ \ → + S
Chrome Kick (A)
↓ + Strong Kick
Electric Slam (P)
↓ ↑ + Strong Punch + Strong Kick
Ultimate Attack: Self Destruct
Chrome Dome explodes causing high damage to the opponent if he
is close, but from afar this attack is useless.
Name: Wingnut
Weapon: Plasma-Powered Wings
Stage: Thunder Dome
Hobby: Playing Castlevania 2095 (?)
Objective in the tournament: For him, the tournament is just a pastime.
Moon Buster (A)
↓ \ → + S
Wing Attack (A)
↓ + C
Dash Punch
Weak Punch + Weak Kick
Plane (A)
Weak Punch + Weak Kick
Ultimate Attack: Mad Specter
Wingnut launches several sonic explosions throughout the scene, it is
practically impossible to emerge unscathed from this attack, but incredibly
it seems, he is more efficient if he is defended.
Name: War
Weapon: Huge claws
Stage: Mt. Olympus
Hobby: Anything evil
Tournament objective: Destruction
Dashing Claw
← load 2s → + S
Death From Above
↓ press 2s ↑ + C
Headbutt – A headbutt attack
Weak punch + Weak kick
Final Attack: War Dynamic
War wraps himself in a sphere of energy and ricochets through the
scenario, almost impossible to escape, but you can hardly
will hit the opponent more than once.
Name: Armaggon
Weapons: Fins and sharp teeth
Internship: Pirate Ship
Hobby: Collecting trash
Objective in the tournament: Take the first step towards conquering Earth.
Spiral Blast
← load 2s → + S
Body Blow
↓ press 2s ↑ + C
Plane Attack (A)
↓ + Strong Punch
Ultimate Attack: Tsunami
Armaggon launches a large wave at the opponent, it is almost impossible to escape (with the exception of Wingnut using Plane), but it doesn’t take as much life as it should.
On the main screen with control 2 press “Up, Left, Down, Right, X, Y, B, A, X, Y, B, A, X”, if you do it correctly you will hear a sound.
On the main screen press control 2, “X, Up, Y, left, B, Down, A, Right, X, Up”, if you do it correctly you should hear Aska shout “Yatame”, now enter Versus mode and press the directional left to select them, below is the list of their moves:
Name: Ratking
Weapons: None
Internship: Studio 6
Hobby: Playing with your friends (read subjects) rats.
Objective in the Tournament: Defend your title of champion.
Super Drop Kick (A)
↓ + Strong Kick
Rat Bomber (P)
← / ↓ \ → + S
º º
Ultimate Attack: Shock Sphere
Ratking wraps himself in a ball of energy and becomes invincible in this
moment, similar to that of the Destroyer.
Name: Karai
Weapons: None
Internship: Metro Train
Hobby: ?????
Objective in the tournament: Defeat the champion and begin your world domination.
Lightning Fists
Strong Punch + Strong Kick (When special bar is not full)
Hover Slam
Weak Punch + Weak Kick
Air Throw (A)
Weak Punch + Weak Kick
Ultimate Attack: Dark Thunder
Practically identical to the Destroyer and Ratking, with the exception of the look, so without further details.
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