Secret of Mana – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)
April 11, 2024Introduction: The Sword of Mana
The narrative of Secret of Mana is enriched by the legend of an ancient civilization that flourished through the use of the power of Mana, a mystical energy. This civilization created the Fortress of Mana, an unparalleled weapon that provoked the wrath of the gods. They then released terrifying beasts to destroy the fortress, triggering a violent war that nearly extinguished Mana itself. At the height of the chaos, a hero emerged wielding the Sword of Mana who managed to demolish the Fortress and pacify the world, even at the cost of the entire civilization. The game begins by reminding us of the inevitability of history repeating itself, since “time flows like a river”.
Secret of Mana begins the adventure with the main character, Randi, and her childhood friends, Elliot and Timothy, exploring the vicinity of their home village, Potos. Unexpectedly, Randi is swept away by a waterfall and finds herself in an isolated situation. Controlling Randi, the player heads south and comes across a sword impaled on a rock. He pulls out his sword and is confronted by a ghost.
Armed with the sword, Randi is now able to fight his way through the vegetation blocking his return to Potos. The path back is linear, which makes it an ideal environment to familiarize yourself with the controls and fight rabites, the game’s small creatures. Soon, Randi manages to return to the village.
In Potos, there is the opportunity to interact with residents, purchase items and armor at the local store. At the east end of the village, Randi finds Elliot and Timothy in a heated argument with the village Elder. After the argument, Elliot turns against Randi, blaming him for an earthquake that opened a hole in the ground and led them into a battle against the Mantis Ant, the game’s first boss.
BOSS – ANTIS MANTIS This battle is a learning stage and does not result in a definitive defeat for the player, thanks to the intervention of Jema who heals Randi when necessary. The key is to allow Randi’s weapon to charge to 100% before launching an attack. Exploring charged attacks can provide a better understanding of combat. Once defeated, the Mantis Ant grants an orb for the sword.
After the fight, Jema explains to Randi about the seriousness of the situation and advises him to look for him at the Water Palace. Timothy, on the other hand, reports that the Elder requests Randi’s presence. In a revealing conversation, the Elder tells about Randi’s origins and the importance of the Sword of Mana, which unfortunately led to Randi’s exile for being a threat to the village. After properly equipping herself at the local store, Randi must then head south, abandoning her home village and continuing her mission.
The Water Palace
After leaving his home village of Potos, Randi’s journey takes him to the Water Palace. On the way, he has the option of taking a canyon on the right or simply continuing on foot, going down the path and then going up and turning left at the fork in the road. The route can be a little confusing, but it is a test of navigation that is part of the challenge.
Upon arriving near the palace, Randi witnesses Dyluck and a group of Pandora’s soldiers discussing a plan to attack Elinee in the forest. At this point, the player should ignore the conversation and continue north, where they will find Jema waiting at the palace doors.
Inside the Water Palace, Jema leads Randi to Luka, the place’s protector. Luka uncovers the sinister purposes of the empire that is seeking to resurrect the ancient Fortress of Mana, a catastrophic event that Randi and the Sword of Mana must prevent. Luka offers valuable guidance on how to strengthen the Mana Sword: it is necessary to visit all the Palaces spread across the world and connect the Sword to the Mana Seeds, generating a flow of energy between them.
With the mission scenario established, Luka tasks Jema with investigating Pandora, which has been plagued by strange occurrences. As for Randi, she instructs him to head to Gaea’s Navel to seek help from the dwarves. Dwarves are known for their repair skills, and can restore the Mana Sword, bringing it back to its original power.
Additionally, Luka gives Randi a spear, an ancient battle instrument used by ancient guardians of Mana. She warns him to stay alert and look for other similar weapons on his journey. This tip is vital for game progression, as finding and improving weapons is essential to overcoming future challenges. The meeting with Luka marks a turning point in Randi’s journey, clearly outlining the mission and path he must take. From here, the search for the Mana Seeds and the fight to stop the resurrection of the Mana Fortress begins.
After meeting with Luka at the Water Palace, a crossroads presents itself to Randi. He has two options: A – Go straight to Gaia’s Navel and find Popoi, or B – Head to Pandora together with Jema and find Primm. It’s worth noting that Gaia’s Navel has similar challenges regardless of whether it has Primm or not. However, if you decide to seek out Popoi first, the subsequent fight against two Werewolves in the forest, before encountering Primm, becomes less challenging.
To reach Pandora, leave the Water Palace and head south. When you come to a fork in the road, stay on the southern route. The city of Pandora, much larger than Potos, soon appears. However, an unsettling silence permeates the place, with residents avoiding any interaction. Advance to the right part of the city and go up, taking you to the palace. At this point, you find a maze of corridors, at the end of which you find a young girl frustrated with her father’s controlling attitude. This is Primm, determined to defy the forest witch to rescue her beloved.
In the larger room on the left, Jema is arguing with the King and Queen about the situation in the kingdom. The witch, mentioned by the soldiers in the Water Palace, is revealed to be draining people’s life energy, reducing them to a zombie-like state. Jema sets out to investigate the ruins south of the city, and again encourages Randi to look for Gaia’s Navel.
Leaving the palace, the next step is to exit Pandora to the left, taking Randi to Gaia’s Navel. However, before exploring it, he must head to the Haunted Forest. The Porobins, which inhabit the forest, are uncomfortable opponents due to their long attack distance and the fact that they hide behind barriers. However, careful sword strategy can break down your defenses. During this exploration, Randi encounters Neko, a feline merchant who seems to be everywhere in this game. Take the opportunity to save the game and purchase sweets and chocolates.
While advancing through the forest, Primm is found under attack by two Werewolves, acting as mini bosses. These opponents are tough, capable of knocking you down and eliminating you with just a few hits. The strategy here is to keep your distance and wait for the right moment to launch attacks. After the battle, Primm reveals her rescue mission to Dyluck, her soldier boyfriend, and decides that she and Randi will be traveling companions. Primm also brings a new weapon: the Gloves.
The Haunted Forest can be explored for a while, but eventually you will need the ax to advance. Therefore, it is time to move on to Gaia’s Navel. However, it is essential to have a conversation with Primm about the need for the ax when reaching the trees that must be cut down. Otherwise, upon arriving at Gaia’s Navel, Primm will leave and you will need to find her again in the forest. Once you complete this interaction, you are ready to return to the basin and explore Gaia’s Navel.
Gaea’s Navel
Exploring Gaia’s Navel and meeting the Dwarves
Returning to the basin area, go down the staircase that reveals itself to you. Here you will move in a spiral pattern, heading counterclockwise towards the waterfalls. Down below, two caves open up at your disposal. To your right, you’ll find Neko, where you can stock up on your inventory and save your game. However, the path towards the dwarves’ home is on the left.
As you enter the cave, prepare for a confrontation with slime creatures. They are notoriously irritating, having the ability to multiply incessantly. If the battle becomes too difficult, move forward, focusing on the goblins and bats as you descend into the deepest part of the cave.
As you advance, you will find a space containing lava, preventing passage. To overcome this obstacle, follow the upper part, bordering the water and entering the cave on the left. Hit the skull at the bottom and a stream of water will release, solidifying the lava and making it possible to cross.
Entering the next room, head left before proceeding directly downwards. Here you will find a chest that holds a magic rope inside. This rope will allow you to return to the entrance of any dungeon or cave you visit.
As you continue along the path, you will soon come across stairs that seem impassable and an inaccessible entrance. Do not freak out. Go up the stairs to the right of the room and look for another skull to hit. Doing so will lower a platform, allowing you to enter the dwarven village.
Once you arrive at the dwarven village, look for Watts, the blacksmith. His store is located up the stairs on the left. He will comment on your rusty sword, offering to repair it for 100 gold pieces. Upon completing the task, his hammer starts to glow and he realizes that you have the Mana Sword.
Then, stock up on your healing items and look for new armor. More resistant armor starts to make a big difference at this stage of the game. Then go to the door to the left of the item shop to watch the show about a Sprite Child, a popular attraction among the locals. After the show, go to the back room on the right and claim your money back after discovering it was all a scam.
Tropicallo, the boss to defeat
As you leave the room, an earthquake will occur and you will be taken to the boss fight, Tropicallo. This enemy, a strange plant that spits bombs, is quite mobile and can only be attacked when its head is exposed. Keep moving constantly and attack him as soon as you get the chance. After defeating Tropicallo, you will earn an orb to upgrade your spear.
Return to the village and meet with Watts
The old man thanks him for his courage in saving the village and provides more information about the monster’s origins. He suggests that the Sprite Child recover her power from the Mana Seed to regain her memories and return home. With Randi’s agreement, the Sprite Child, now called Popoi, joins his team.
Before leaving the village, Watts sells you a newly crafted ax for 100 gold pieces, and you even have the chance to upgrade your spear for another 200. He then shows you a shortcut out of Gaia’s Navel, making it easier to access. to the village. You can now return to the Haunted Forest.
Witch Hunt
Now, with some recent additions to your arsenal, including an improved spear and a new companion, Popoi, it’s time to return to the forest to locate the missing Primm and face a witch. Starting from the dwarf village, equipping yourself with the new armor, your journey to the haunted forest begins.
When you reach the location where Primm was first found, go right and follow the stairs down. In this new forest region, your combat skills will be put to the test by an Eye Spy, an enemy that summons additional creatures to attack. To advance, step on the symbol located on the right and a path will be formed, closing a gap above you. Then return to the point where you and Primm realized you needed an ax to proceed, now, with your new axe, chop down the trees and continue your journey.
Traversing through the forest is fairly linear, although there is a hole with posts, which you can only cross with a whip, which you don’t have yet. At the end of the crossing and several teleports later, you will find the castle of the witch, Elinee. This area is dominated by Werewolves, who with their new weapons and a three-person team, will be more manageable. Cross the winding path and enter the castle.
Inside the castle, most enemies are Eye Spies, with the occasional Possessed Chair. Eye Spies have the ability to turn you into a moogle with a beam, so be careful. The room containing the pair of Werewolves houses a switch that appears to have no function, but going down, you will find Pandora’s soldiers who were trapped, now transformed into zombies. Free them and then find Neko, who has also been captured. Make sure to stock up on healing items before heading back to the switch, which must be thrown by three people simultaneously to open the path ahead.
You will soon enter a room with 2 Possessed Chairs on a staircase, this is where Elinee finds herself. After talking to her, go out the back door to chase her. Elinee has Dyluck in her custody, but before you can act, she summons her dog to attack you.
BOSS – SPIKEY Spikey is a formidable opponent who employs various tactics to defeat you. It can knock you unconscious, ignite you, and even climb onto pedestals around the arena to avoid long-range attacks. Keep your defense strong and constantly change your combat strategy. When defeated, Spikey will reward you with a Boomerang orb.
After the battle, talk to Elinee, who now presents herself as a friendly elderly woman. She reveals that Thanatos was manipulating her and offers her a whip as reparation. She informs you that Dyluck has been sent to the southern ruins of Pandora and that to break the palace seal beneath the dwarven village you will need ice magic.
After leaving the castle, when returning through the forest, equip the Whip and go to the point where there is a small staircase that leads to a platform with a pole, from there, you can pull your team to the other side. Now, you will return to the Water Palace.
Water Palace/Earth Palace
With new weapons in hand, including an improved spear and recruited Popoi (don’t forget to equip Primm with the armor obtained from the dwarven village), it’s time to head into the forest again with the intention of locating the missing Dyluck, boyfriend of Primm, and face the witch who lives in these shadows.
Returning to the meeting point with Primm, in the Haunted Forest, go right and go down the stairs. This will transport you to a new area of the forest, where you will need to face an Eye Spy. This opponent summons smaller creatures to attack you, so be prepared. Stepping on the symbol on the right closes a gap, opening a path.
Then return to the place where you and Primm were blocked by trees that needed to be cut down and, now with the ax in hand, dismantle the obstacle and proceed. As you progress through the forest, you won’t find many alternative paths, with the exception of a gap with posts that requires a whip to cross, which you don’t yet have.
After a series of teleports, you will arrive at Elinee’s castle. Werewolves will appear again, but thanks to your new equipment and full party, they won’t be much of a challenge. Navigate the path and enter the castle.
Inside the castle, you will find more Eye Spies and some Possessed Chairs. Watch out for the Eye Spies as they have a beam that can turn you into a moogle. While it sounds fun, this transformation is anything but useful. When you find the room with werewolves and a useless switch, go down to free the captured Pandora soldiers. They are in a zombie state, just like the citizens of Pandora. However, one of the soldiers manages to inform him that the switch must be activated by three people simultaneously to reveal the path ahead. Neko is also trapped here, offering the opportunity to stock up on his healing items. Return to the switch and continue your journey.
In the next room, you will find three doors. The left and right doors house some enemies, while the middle door is blocked. Walk over the blockage and press the floor panel to open the way. Soon, you will enter a room with two Possessed Chairs on a staircase, where Elinee resides. Talk to her and she will disappear. Follow her through the back door.
Elinee has Dyluck in her power, but sends him to Thanatos, leader of an organization that plans to overthrow the kingdom of Pandora. Thanatos and Elinee are responsible for turning people into zombies. After the conversation, Elinee runs away and summons her dog, Spikey, to fight you.
BOSS – SPIKEY Spikey is a complicated opponent. He has attacks that can leave him unconscious and on fire, as well as being able to dodge ranged attacks by climbing the side pedestals in the area. His attack is quite powerful, so pay attention to your health. When he is on the ground, use the Sword or Spear to attack. If necessary, switch to ranged weapons during battle. If your main character is incapacitated, he quickly switches to one of the other characters to continue the fight. Keep yourself stocked up on Cup of Wishes and Candies, plus a little chocolate won’t hurt either. When you defeat Spikey, you will receive a Boomerang orb.
After the battle, return to the room where Elinee was first seen and talk to her again. She transforms into a harmless old woman, explaining that she has been corrupted by ‘magical herbs’ provided by Thanatos. She promises not to cause any more problems and even gives him a whip. Elinee reveals that Dyluck has been sent to the southern ruins of Pandora and that to break the seal on the palace beneath the dwarven village you will need ice magic.
When you leave the castle, Primm is relieved to know that Dyluck is still alive, even if he is in the clutches of Thanatos. Popoi makes an insightful observation about Elinee’s magic that was keeping him in the form of a child, but also declares that he intends to remain with the group. With whip in hand, it’s time to head back north through the haunted forest and up to the water palace.
At the water palace, Luka rejoices at Popoi’s return and shares that Undine, the water spirit, has disappeared. She asks you to search the cave east of the palace to see what might have happened. Go right at the bottom of the palace stairs to find the cave. Here, you come across some sea creatures called Iffish that aren’t very threatening, although they attack by spitting water. Be careful not to become the target of several of them simultaneously.
Reaching deeper into the cave, you find an egg, which hatches and reveals a surprisingly tough enemy.
BOSS – TADPOLE This creature may seem harmless, but as you attack it, it transforms into a Biting Lizard. This boss is quite resistant and has the ability to swallow your characters, causing a large amount of damage. To avoid being swallowed, try attacking the Biting Lizard from an angle rather than head-on. When you defeat him, you will receive a weapon orb for your gloves. Proceed through the cave to find Undine.
Undine is a friendly spirit and provides her party with a magical weapon, the Spear. Additionally, it grants him the ability to use magic. Primm learns healing magic and Popoi learns attack magic. Unfortunately, Randi doesn’t gain any magical abilities, but her physical abilities make up for that.
After visiting Undine, Luka informs her that Undine’s magic can be used to open the Earth Palace in the dwarf village. Return there and use the Freeze spell on an orb to open the way.
In the Earth Palace, you will find Goblins. Fighting them can be challenging as they multiply quickly and attack from a distance. When you reach the palace, you will find a path blocked by a large torch. There are rooms to the right and left, each with a switch. Stepping on both switches will unlock the path.
After crossing a gap with the whip and fighting more enemies, you will encounter Gnome, the Earth elemental. After a brief discussion with Popoi, an earthquake occurs and a boss, the Fire Gigas, appears.
BOSS – FIRE GIGAS This boss is quite tough, with powerful attacks that can quickly deplete your health. Use Popoi’s magic to weaken him and then attack with all of his weapons. Use Primm’s healing magic to keep your team healthy. Once defeated, you will gain Gnome magic.
With the defeat of the Fire Gigas, you will gain access to the Highland Forest and can prepare for the next phase of your journey. Before that, however, it is necessary to deal with Thanatos in the ruins of Pandora. Upon returning to Pandora, look for Watts to upgrade your weapons before moving on to face Thanatos.
The Pandoran Ruins
Upon arriving in Pandora, your first action should be to head towards the southern exit of the city. There, you will find a woman with blue hair. Upon seeing her, Primm will recognize her. However, the woman disappears before anything can be done. Following your path, you will find the ruins of Pandora.
As you approach the ruins, you will come across Phana, the woman with blue hair, once again. She will express her hostility by attacking Primm and asking to be left alone before entering the ruins. Primm, determined, will push the guards, opening the way to the entrance.
Once inside the ruins, the strategy should be to avoid unnecessary combat. The enemies that inhabit this area have high evasion and can heal themselves, making fighting them tiring and inefficient. So don’t hesitate to ignore these battles whenever possible. The exception would be zombies or cursed swords that block your path. The main focus here is to conserve your magic for the imminent boss showdown.
The structure of the ruins is quite straightforward. You don’t have to worry about getting lost. In a specific room, you will find three doors. Just select the middle one and move on. When you find an intersection, choose the lower path.
At the end of the ruins, you will find a room filled with cultists. Here, Thanatos, Dyluck and Phana will be present. Thanatos will reveal his intentions and Dyluck’s current condition. The moment you try to attack Thanatos, he will open a trapdoor beneath his feet, throwing you into a boss battle.
In this fight, you will come face to face with Wall Face, a literal wall with a face. There are some effective strategies for this fight. If possible, buy some Faerie Walnut and use Gnome magic to deal damage without getting hit. However, if this isn’t feasible, try saving your magic for the second half of the fight. Wall Face has three eyes and you need to close the side eyes before focusing on the middle one. Use charged attacks with the Sword or Spear to deal with the gaps where Wall Face keeps his eyes closed. Once you can close the side eyes, the middle eye will open permanently and the wall will start moving towards you. At this point, use all your remaining magic to avoid being crushed by the wall. With your victory, you will receive an Arc Orb.
After the battle, you will find Jema in the ruins. He and other members of the resistance managed to expel Thanatos and his followers. Jema will instruct you to visit the Water Palace to meet with Luka. Before proceeding, however, return to Pandora’s castle. At the back of the throne room, talk to the king, who will have a soldier move aside, allowing you to access a treasure trove containing some chests. These chests house a Sword orb and a Spear orb.
With this complete, you have the option of going directly to the Water Palace to speak to Luka, who will inform you that the Water Seed has been stolen and is located in Gaea’s Navel, or you can choose to go straight to Gaea’s Navel. Regardless of your choice, the next event will take place there.
Missing Water Seed
Head towards Palácio das Águas and look for Luka. Through it, you will discover that the precious Water Seed has been stolen. Luka will reveal the location of the seed, which is located in Gaia’s Navel. Then, proceed back to that location.
Once you reach Gaea’s Navel, pay special attention to upgrading your weapons with orbs previously obtained from the ruins and Pandora’s castle. Also try to rest at the inn to recover all your magic. At the entrance to the village, you will find the old man and Jema next to a huge hole. They will inform you that thieves hide inside. Move forward and enter the hole to discover a large underground ship. Make your way around the lower deck and open the treasure chest that holds a whip orb. Continue your exploration to the next room.
At this point, you will encounter those responsible for the robbery, the Scorpion Army, who are just three members. They reveal that the Seed was stolen to be used as fuel for a weapon. Then go up to the next room where you will face Killroy, said weapon.
We arrive at the fight against the Killroy boss. He’s not an especially challenging opponent if you understand his attack pattern. He attacks with a hammer, so wait until he swings the hammer, attack, and quickly retreat. He doesn’t have magical attacks, but he can make your characters lose consciousness and transform into Moogles. By keeping a safe distance, he won’t be too threatening. However, his blow can be strong if it hits, so be prepared to heal your characters with Primm’s magic. When you defeat Killroy, you gain a dart orb and recover the mana seed. The Scorpio Army flees the scene.
Afterwards, Jema is reported to have left with some soldiers from Pandora. Now is the time to return to the water palace with the seed. Make a stop at the inn to recover your magic, upgrade your weapons, and proceed to the water palace.
Upon arriving at the palace, you come across creatures from Undine’s cave that surround the place. Inside the palace, you will find even more of these creatures. Defeat them and return to the altar where you find Ghestar, one of the empire’s generals. He imprisons you, breaks the Water Seed’s seal, and leaves you to fight his pet creature, Jabberwocky.
The Jabberwocky boss battle is not complex. Jabberwocky can cast a poisonous cloud at your party and occasionally knock them down with its attacks. Despite this, he is not very strong nor very mobile. He keeps hitting you in the head with his most powerful weapon. If Popoi has enough magic, use the Freeze or Diamond Missile spells. Always heal if any of your party members’ health drops below 50 health. After defeating him, you receive an arc orb.
The next step is to return the Seed to the altar, where you regain your powers. Jema emerges with a found whip orb, and Luka advises that you visit all the palaces around the world to obtain the power of the Mana Seeds. You should also visit the wise Joch, who lives in the high mountains. Jema suggests that the next location to visit is the Upper Land, which can be reached via the cannon ride man in the village of Potos.
Finally, before heading to Upper Earth, return to Gaia’s Navel to speak to the elder. He will give you the Midge Mallet, an item capable of decreasing or increasing your size. While not essential, it can be useful if you are low on mana.
Land Forest/Wind Palace
Head towards the Wind Palace, through the Upper Earth Forest. Your starting point will be the city of Potoss. You will need to look for the peculiar cannon traveler, if you have difficulty locating him, redirect your route to Pandora and head north and then east when you come to the first fork in the road.
Upon arriving at the forest, an incident occurs and Popoi, his adventure companion, suffers a blow to the head, causing him to forget the exact location of his forest residence. You will find a community of moogles that have settled in the region, as well as Watts, the skilled blacksmith who will follow you, offering the convenience of upgrading your weapons in practically any location. When talking to one of the moogles, Popoi will explain that their village has been invaded by creatures known as pebbles. Then, your task will be to rescue the village.
The Upper Earth Forest is an intriguing region, where the scenery transforms with each new area you travel, as do the sets of enemies you will encounter. In this large 2×2 square, each corner represents a season. Start the journey at the top left, head to the bottom right area, which represents summer. Inside this area, head to the top left where you will find the moogle village. Drive out the pebbles and allow the moogles to return to their homes. As a reward, you will receive spheres for the ax and gloves. With this, Popoi’s memory will be recovered and he will remember the path to his village.
The route to the sprite village will require you to return to the spring area, located at the bottom left of the quadrant, and make a counter-clockwise turn until you return to the spring station. A new exit will appear, allowing entry into the village. When you arrive, you will discover that the place is desolate and in ruins. A monstrous scream echoes, indicating the presence of a powerful enemy, the boss Ax Beak.
BOSS – AX BEAK Facing Ax Beak can be both a challenging challenge and made easier by the use of magic. He has a high evasion rate, making most of his physical attacks useless, and his frequent jumps make him difficult to hit with weapons. However, he is extremely vulnerable to magic. For a more efficient fight, use Gnome magic against him. His fiery appearance may be deceiving, but he is an element of the wind. Use the Diamond Missile until he is defeated and you will be rewarded with a boomerang orb.
Advancing through the village, you will discover the Temple of the Wind. Go in and connect your sword to the seed. Inside, you will find Popoi’s grandfather who will tell you about the threat that the awakened monsters pose to mana, causing the sprites to disappear. He will express his desire to help in the fight, but his age no longer allows him to accompany you. As a form of contribution, he will grant you Sylphid, the mana spirit of the wind. Finally, he will show you your next destination: the northern region of Matango, where you will have to seek help from a white dragon.
To reach Matango, return to the spring forest region, located near the village of Popoi. Head to the southwest exit which will take you to a part of the forest reminiscent of the summer season. Use your newly obtained Analyzer on the crystal to reveal that you need to use Sylphid’s magic to break it. Subsequently, launch Air Blast to destroy the crystal and open the path forward.
This section of the forest contains a variety of monsters found in different areas of the forest, as well as new enemies, the Crawlers, capable of launching sleep flowers at you. Proceed through the forest until you find a cave. Go through the inside of the cave, destroy the stalagmites with your axe, and when you exit, you will find yourself in Matango.
Matango is a fascinating town, shrouded in the shadows of majestic trees and populated exclusively by peaceful Mushbooms. Your first stop should be the equipment store, the building on the left between the two available. After that, head to the palace, the other building, and find Truffle, the king, at the back of the place. He shares the legend of a white dragon in the forest behind Matango that may aid in his journey. Truffle will also give you access to a chest upstairs that contains a weapon orb. Return to the room with Watts, upgrade all necessary equipment and head to the right, where a mushroom previously blocked the southern exit. Now the path is clear to continue your adventure.
Advance through the first area and return to the caves. The path inside the cave will take you up and down several flights of stairs, directing you predominantly in a single direction. Eventually you will find another crystal. When using the Analyzer, it will be revealed that Gnome magic, specifically the Earth Slide, is required. Keep moving forward until you come across the forest again and a new boss, the Great Viper.
The Great Viper can be a challenge due to its rapid movement in and out of the scene. Wait until he is in a central position and attack, then retreat. It can launch a swarm of mosquitoes at you. If this happens, be careful, as the attack not only reduces the damage of your attacks to just 1, it also halves your defense. The Elder Dwarf’s Midge Mallet can be a valuable ally in recovering from these status effects. The Great Viper is vulnerable to Sylphid’s magic, so use Air Blast whenever you have enough mana. When you defeat him, you will earn a sword orb.
Continue through the clearing after the battle and enter the cave at the bottom. There, you will find a young orphaned dragon, whose parents were apparently defeated by the Great Viper. With Truffle’s help, the dragon will be taken back to the palace and cared for until it is big and strong enough to aid you on your journey. Truffle names the dragon Flammie. Your next destination is the Kakkara Desert, where the Fire Palace is located. Access the travel cannon in the Upper Land Forest to get there. Don’t forget to upgrade your sword before leaving.
Kakkara Desert
Return to the Upper Land forest and use the cannon ride to reach Kakkara. When you land in the desert, advance a little and soon your characters will express exhaustion and confusion. Then, they will see a ship in the distance and run towards it. Unfortunately, you will be accused of being an imperial spy, separated from your companions and put to work on the ship.
As Randi, talk to the guards at the door, the man with the bandana twice, and the guards again to escape. Exit and head to the other side of the ship, down the stairs, where you will find Popoi. He consumed all of the ship’s food, causing the crew to reject him as a slave. His next task is to prevent the captain from attacking Primm, taking her back to the group. In the middle of the discussion, the real Empire attacks the ship, causing chaos.
Outside the ship, you will encounter Ghestal again, but this time he will fight you directly without the assistance of monsters.
The Mech Rider is a fast opponent, but its attacks and defense are not that powerful and its health is limited, making combat not that complicated. If you wish to make him easier to hit, apply a spell to slow him down. He has no elemental weaknesses, so any high-level magical attack will do significant damage. Stay close to the walls while he moves and attack him whenever he goes up or down. Don’t worry about chasing him, as he returns quickly. When you beat him, you will receive a whip orb.
After the fight, the army commanders finally recognize his identity and apologize for arresting him. If you talk to the soldiers, they will inform you that a rescue team is on the way and indicate that Kakkara is to the north and the Fire Palace to the west. When you are ready, go on your way, as there is nothing more to be done there.
Back in the desert, head north until you find the city. There, you will be able to purchase new armor and upgrade your weapons with Watts. The Fire Palace will be to the west, but at one point along the way you will find an excessively hot room, making it impossible to continue the journey.
Head to the man in charge of the cannon trip at the right exit of town to head onto the ice.
Ice Country
This place is home to curious creatures, such as the Walrus. It is worth noting that the walrus characters are not found in other games in the Mana series. When you set foot in the village of Todo, you can purchase armor in the shop and, if necessary, locate Watts in the workshop. However, the armor available here and in Kakkara are identical.
Leaving the settlement, your journey begins through the Frozen Fields. Continuing through the first area, you find yourself in a cabin in the woods. Rudolph, who is there, reveals that his master was kidnapped by a monstrous creature in the Ice Palace. You will also find a Spear Orb in a chest, feel free to return to Todo village to upgrade it as the route through the forest and the future Ice Palace is quite extensive.
As you advance, you will encounter new types of adversaries. Wolves and turtles are easily defeated, but clouds should be avoided as they can only be hit by magic and are not worth the MP needed to defeat them. Ignore the traveling cannon in the forest for now and proceed. Soon, you will come across the boss Boreal Face.
This boss is a colorful variation of Tropicallo. He is immune to magic, but that’s not so terrible, since the last time you fought an enemy like that, you didn’t even have magical abilities yet. Keep the same strategy: avoid the bombs, attack when he’s vulnerable and keep moving. Use healing spells when necessary, this should be facilitated by Undine’s magic. There’s more room to move around, making maneuvering easier. Be sure to attack Boreal Face as soon as he appears, as he can fire more than one pumpkin bomb at a time. He can also use Cure Water on himself, but it doesn’t affect the outcome of the battle much. Once he is defeated, you will obtain an Arc Orb and will automatically be taken to the next region.
The subsequent area is atypical, appearing green and warm in the middle of an Ice Forest. Talking to the locals, they will reveal that this place is a vacation destination for the wealthiest in the empire. In the center of the area, you will find one of the Scorpion Army’s minions. It will instruct you to tap the oven whenever it makes a sound and exits. Instead, open it and be amazed! You have discovered the fire elemental, Salamando. He offers to help him and expresses his resentment at having been imprisoned. As a result, the surrounding area freezes again, the tourists leave and the Scorpion Army is outraged that you have undone their get-rich-quick plan by abandoning the place.
Continuing through the forest, the enemies encountered will be the same. It’s interesting to start using Salamando, raising him to at least level one for Popoi, this will be very useful against the next boss. The last part of the forest has two ascending paths, the one on the right leads to a castle and the one on the left leads to a clearing where Niko sells items and allows you to save your game. Before proceeding to the Ice Palace, make sure you have a Faerie Walnut or two.
The interior of the palace resembles Elinee’s palace, where some switches on the floor need to be activated to open passages. In the first room, go right and step on the panel to advance. At the first fork, access the room on the right first to get the glove orb, then go left. After a while you will find a library-like room with some switches in the background, flip them and you will be taken into a battle against a mid boss.
The fight takes place against three lizards, similar to those faced previously, but with better statistics. Focus your attacks on one of them instead of trying to take on all three simultaneously. They can still heal and swallow you, but that’s about it. Save your magic as you will need it on the next boss. After victory, no orbs are awarded.
Proceed to the northern room, use the whip to cross the chasm and step on the central switch to be teleported to a large chamber. A voice orders you to retreat, but ignore it and continue on to face the final boss of this place, Frost Gigas.
This boss is reminiscent of previous challenges. Frost Gigas fights exactly like Fire Gigas. He casts Frost Saber on his weapons, preventing you from dealing damage to him. You can try casting medicine or Flame Saber to counter it, but it refreshes Frost Saber quickly, generally making the attempt in vain. Attack him before he enchants his weapons, and when he does, throw a fireball at him. When Frost Saber disappears, attack him again. With considerable health, having a Faerie Walnut or two can be useful here. You will earn a boomerang orb when you beat him.
After the clash, you discover that Frost Gigas was, in fact, Santa Claus. He possessed the Fire Palace’s mana seed and intended to plant a giant Christmas tree for the children, which transformed him. Now, with Salamando and the seed, you are ready to complete the Fire Palace in Kakkara. Find a traveling cannon man and return there.
Fire Palace
To start this phase, return to Kakkara via a cannon ride. Upon arrival, head south, then turn west and finally proceed north to find the entrance to the palace.
The left entrance is your path into the first room, the right one will lead to a dead end. Persevere along the path until you reach an intense red room. In its center, you will find an orb – use Salamando’s Exploder spell to clear the passage. As a warning, it seems strange that combining fire with fire results in a chilled environment, but it’s one of the mysteries of the game. As with your journey through the Land of Ice, ignore the clouds and avoid the red slimes as you go through the palace. Just keep an eye on the Robin Hoods to proceed.
Moving forward, you will notice a second orb that also requires the use of Salamando’s magic, but this time, employ Fireball to continue your journey. As you go up the path to the right surrounded by flames, you will find a chest containing 1000 gold. Continue your path and then, in the subsequent room, go down the stairs and go as far left as possible.
You’ll have to fight your way to the bottom of this room to discover another chest containing an Ax Orb. Return along the path and continue down the corridor between the two sets of stairs. Use the whip to cross a gap after stepping on a switch. Then you’ll come to a room with torches scattered everywhere and seemingly no way out.
However, the solution lies in the orb in the center of the room. Freeze it and the torches will go out except for two. Follow the remaining torches and climb the ladder, leading you to the boss room: the Minotaur.
The Minotaur can be a formidable opponent as it has the power to stun you with its attacks. If that happens, he may defeat you before you can recover. Additionally, he uses Defend magic to protect himself and casts Earth Slide occasionally. These are level 7, so they can be particularly effective. On the other hand, the Minotaur is vulnerable to Sylphid’s magic, so use Air Blast whenever you have enough magic. Avoid the Minotaur’s attacks by moving away while its attack meter is recharging, and it will soon fall. As a reward for victory, you will get a dart sphere.
Finally, proceed to the stage room and raise the mana sword to the seed. With this, your magic can be increased to level 4. Use the magic rope to leave and return to Kakkara, where you can travel by cannon to new territory.
Southtown is a seemingly simple little town, with little more than an inn to offer. First, go to the opposite end of the wall from where you started your exploration of the city. There, you will meet a man in a closed entrance, who is not very friendly and will ask you to leave.
Wander further into the city and you will soon encounter a woman with a peculiar appearance in the western part of the city. She quickly hides in her house. Her curiosity should lead you to follow her, and upon speaking to her you will discover that she is a spy for Tasnica. She will give you a code, which you must use to access the entrance that the aforementioned man was guarding. Return to it and provide the code.
Once he allows you passage, prepare for a journey through the sewers to delve deeper into the bowels of the Empire. Don’t expect to find secret routes or hidden treasures here, but be prepared to face some monsters along a direct path. As always, it’s best to avoid Drops as they can freeze you and multiply infinitely, which is never pleasant. Fight the fish whenever you can to continue accumulating experience. You will soon find yourself in a building situated in the heart of the Empire, Northtown.
Here, you will be introduced to Krissie, the leader of the rebels. She will share troubling information about Dyluck, who is draining people’s energy in the ruins outside the city. Without hesitation, you agree to investigate this matter. But before you embark for the ruins, be sure to visit Watts, who resides in the inn’s basement, to upgrade your weapons. Also, pay a visit to the local store to purchase new armor.
Northtown Ruins
To reach the Northtown Ruins, take the east exit of Northtown. At the entrance to the ruins, you will meet Phanna, who inexplicably expresses her happiness that Dyluck is there, draining people’s energy. In response to this disturbing behavior, Primm delivers a blow strong enough to knock Phanna unconscious. Krissie, in turn, takes Phanna to receive medical care, leaving him free to explore the ruins.
Within these ruins, you’ll encounter a variety of annoying enemies, but most can be dealt with without much difficulty. Ignore the Ghosts and go through the Drops as a general rule. However, feel free to eliminate the Bats, Imps and Zombies. On your initial exploration, head to the stairs on the right and enter through the upper right door. As you head down the hallway and exit, you’ll find an arc orb. Move left and you’ll also get a Spear Orb. If you want, upgrade these items and return to your starting point, as you are relatively close and the spear will be the first weapon to reach level 5, giving you a greater impact in combat.
Go back to the starting room and go through the middle door on the lower floor. Continue through the hallways until you reach a large open room. Here, you’ll find spikes blocking the way to a door on the left and a floor switch that’s also blocked by spikes. Go south of the room and out the door. Follow the path until you reach a small room with some drops and another floor switch. Activate this switch and return to the large room. In the upper left corner you will find a door that leads to a chest with a sword orb.
Going down the stairs, you will find another floor switch. Activate it and continue through the door that reveals itself behind you. Continue through a few more rooms, stepping on other switches to remove spikes blocking your path until you eventually encounter the boss, Doom’s Wall.
Doom’s Wall, although formidable, is a more manageable boss than the last “wall” you faced, as it won’t try to crush you to death mid-fight. It is vulnerable to Lumina’s magic, but unfortunately, it is very likely that you still don’t have that magic available at this point. Keep attacking him and wait until he runs out of magic to cast Cure Water. After defeating him, you will receive a whip orb.
In the next room, you will find a large altar where Dyluck is. He attacks Primm, draining his energy. Randi confronts Dyluck, which results in a physical confrontation that awakens Dyluck from his trance. Dyluck instructs you to go to the back room to find Primm. There, you find Thanatos about to completely drain Primm, but is stopped by Dyluck. Thanatos, angered, summons a vampire to deal with you.
Facing the Vampire without magic is an almost impossible task. Just like Doom’s Wall, the Vampire is weak to Lumina’s magic, which you probably don’t have yet. He spends most of his time in the air, making him difficult to attack, and has the ability to cast a number of spells while flying. When he falls, take the opportunity to attack him and save some MP. By casting Fireball spells in sequence, using as many Faerie Walnuts as necessary, you will finally defeat the Vampire, who will grant you a boomerang orb.
With Dyluck and Thanatos now missing, return to the city. Upon returning to the resistance base, you discover that the emperor is now seeking a truce.
Emperor’s Castle
The journey to Emperor’s Castle is from the north exit of Northtown. Once you enter the place, you need to cross the castle and climb its stairs. Surprisingly, resistance is absent from the site, and the only figure you will encounter is the emperor himself. He tells him, in a tongue-in-cheek manner, that this is his lucky day, as he will have the chance to annihilate the resistance and the mana knight simultaneously. Unfortunately, you end up falling for a ruse and are trapped.
In prison, the opportunity to talk to the guard outside presents itself. Instead of keeping him trapped, they free him and throw him into a pit, where a boss encounter looms.
This confrontation is reminiscent of the fight against the praying mantis ant. The Metal Mantis occasionally stuns him, but most of his attacks are not effective. The enemy can also launch a beam of fire that can engulf you, but they don’t use this attack often and it’s slow, allowing you to avoid it. In general, the Metal Mantis moves and defends. He has no elemental weaknesses, so use any magic to advance in battle. After defeating the boss (which shouldn’t present too many difficulties), you will receive a glove orb.
When you step on the panel, you will be teleported to a floor above. Use the whip to cross the chasm and reach the chest with 1000 gold pieces. Then continue the journey. You will encounter Emberman on the way, a group of enemies similar to Drops, capable of multiplying. However, they are not that evasive, so you can eliminate these opponents with ease. After confronting them, you will reach the prison room, where you will free Krissie and the rest of the group. With the guards escaping, the area is clear.
Continue up the stairs, where you will now encounter the Armored Man and Ninjas. These opponents are easy to defeat, especially the Armored Men. When leaving, avoid entering through the front doors immediately. Instead, head right and go through that door. At the bottom of this area, you will find two chests containing a whip orb and an ax orb. It is worth mentioning that, when opening the chests, more Armored Men will appear.
Now go back to the front doors you entered through when you arrived. There’s no need to climb the stairs on the right, as this will just take you back to the room where you were captured by the Emperor, and you’ll have to fight one or two enemies. Instead, head left. In the next room, step on the switch in the back to make a door appear. Pass through it and continue your journey.
You’ll soon come to a room with some symbols on the floor, appearing to obstruct your path. Go to the right side and step on that symbol to be teleported to another part of the room. Now, before stepping on the next panel, press the gray button next to it. This will allow you to pass all the symbols, unlocking your way to the final room. There you will find the Emperor and his generals, and Geshtar, yearning for another opportunity to defeat him, asks the Emperor for another chance. You will face him once again at the top of the castle.
In this battle, Geshtar presents itself similarly to the previous confrontation in the desert. He casts speed and rides across the battlefield, making him a somewhat difficult target to hit. This time, the space to move is more restricted, causing him to cross the field more frequently. Additionally, the arena is wider, requiring you to run a little further to reach it. He can also attack you with missiles that come out of his machine and chase you. These missiles can be dangerous, as they can pin you to the ground and cause considerable damage. Confront him with your best weapons and attack him with any magic you wish, as he has no elemental resistance. After defeating him, you will obtain a Javelin orb.
After the fight, in a last act of desperation, Geshtar tries to burn down the entire castle. An unsportsmanlike attitude. Upon realizing that he is trapped and has no way out, Truffle appears to save him. He tells you that he flew there in Flammie and is ready to travel with you around the world! How wonderful! In addition, he gives you Flammie’s Drum, the animal’s favorite toy and which you will use to call him. Finally, he asks you to take him to Matango.
Flying can be a bit confusing as much of the world looks alike. Generally, directions to places are given by an NPC (for example, Truffle indicates the general direction to go from Northtown to Matango). Even so, this task can be a little annoying at times. You can press Start to open a world map, which can make it easier to find your way around. Anyway, fly to Matango and leave Truffle there. He will guide you to head into the High Mountains to find the next item needed for your journey. Don’t forget to stop in Watts and upgrade your weapons before heading there.
Darkness Palace
To reach the Palace of Darkness, fly towards a cluster of mountains, where you will notice a yellowish rectangle in their center. This is the standard indication of a mana palace when viewed from above. Go down and you will find yourself in front of a cave, the entrance to the Palace of Darkness. But before venturing there, take the path to the right and start climbing the mountain.
During your climb, you will face several opponents, while you need to use the whip to overcome obstacles and continue progressing. Reaching the top, you will meet Jecht, an assistant to Sage Joch. He reveals that the Sage left towards the Palace of Darkness. Return, therefore, to the base of the mountain, to the entrance of the palace.
While you’re outside, you’ll come across Nico selling armor. Be aware that armor starts to become quite expensive at this point in the game. You may not have enough resources to purchase everything, but this is not a serious problem. You can choose to acquire only what you think you need and then head down the rest of the mountain, or simply call Flammie and land again at the palace entrance.
The Palace of Darkness is a mix of cave and temple, alternating between the two environments. When you find the first fork, which leads to two rooms, choose the right one. Left will just lead to a dead end. In the cavernous area in the background, you’ll notice a crack in the wall. Your goal is to get inside it, activating some floor panels along the way. Enter the upper right exit first and step on the panel located there. Go back to the room with the cracked wall and exit through the lower right exit. Here, step on the first panel and go forward, down the stairs and through the arched entrance.
In this area, you will encounter some Dark Knights. They are similar opponents to the Men in Armor who throw barriers, although this does not make them particularly more dangerous. There is a chest containing 1000 gold pieces on the way. When exiting on the left side, go up the stairs and enter the door located there. Returning to the cave area, use the whip to cross to another floor panel, which will reveal the exit in the cracked wall.
Now return to the palace entrance and access the door that was previously closed with bars. Inside, you’ll find a chest containing a Glove Orb. Now follow the wall you opened in the cave.
In this new area, you will step on several floor panels that light blue flames around the room. Walk between these flames to reveal an invisible path. Cross this path, facing the enemies that appear, and you will soon encounter the palace boss, the Lime Slime.
BOSS BATTLE: LIME SLIME Lime Slime is a strange opponent for such a dark environment, but the challenge is real. He is, as the name suggests, a giant slime. The area in which the battle takes place is confined by the surrounding crystals, and the ground is practically invisible. Lime Slime is vulnerable to Salamando, so feel free to use the fireball spell. Unlike many enemies, he doesn’t hurt you on direct contact and as he takes damage, he shrinks in size, allowing you to estimate how much life he has left. His attacks can poison or set you on fire, depending on the color of the slime. When he throws chunks of slime into the air, just walk to avoid most of the hits. He also launches Evil Gate, an attack that can do a lot of damage, so try to keep your health above 100. Defeating him will earn you a Javelin orb.
After the battle, you will be in the stage room, where Shade, the dark mana spirit, bestows his powers on you. Shade has a peculiarity: Primm does not receive any of his spells. He infuses his sword with the seed and leaves the palace. It’s time to climb the mountain again to find Sage Joch.
The Gold Tower
First, you need to find Joch again. Unfortunately, when you return to his grotto, Jecht informs you that he is absent once again, this time having moved to the Golden Isle. Take Flammie and fly there. The quickest air route to Golden Isle is to fly directly west of Northtown and look for an island in the ocean.
When you arrive at Golden Island, you will be greeted by an impressive entire city built in gold. Talk about an extravagant place! Near the entrance to the city, you will find Watts in a building marked with a sword symbol on the door. It’s also worth noting that new armor is available here, this being the second best armor you can acquire in the entire game. However, be prepared, as the price is quite high. If you managed to resist the temptation and didn’t buy anything from Neko in the mountains, you may have enough funds to buy everything at once. Otherwise, you will have to save a little.
Your final destination in this golden city is the Golden Tower itself, located on the northern edge of the city. However, when you try to enter, you will find the entrance blocked. Go back to town and look for a man standing on a wall to your right. You can get to it by going up the stairs on the left and going around the town. He will inform you that the king locked the tower and the key was stolen by a spy from Tasnica. The spy was captured in Southtown, which will be your next destination.
When you arrive in Southtown, look for the woman who gave you the sewer access code earlier. It is revealed that her husband was the spy who stole the key to the Golden Tower. Gently, she hands it to you, allowing you to finally enter the tower.
Inside the tower, you will find a chest containing a Spear Orb. Take it and, if you want, upgrade it before proceeding. The path inside the tower will be full of familiar enemies, as well as some wolves of different colors. Keep fighting and advancing until you find a set of stairs, which lead to a boss.
The boss, called Blue Spike, is very similar to a previous enemy, however, with the help of your healing spells, he won’t be as much of a challenge. Also, don’t forget that Blue Spike can throw a fireball, drop acid bubbles, and cast a Moogle glow. Keep attacking him whenever he’s on the ground and switch to another character if you fall unconscious. When you defeat him, you will receive a Boomerang Orb.
Climbing the ladder that appears after the battle will take you to the next level, where you will find a chest containing an Ax Orb. After collecting, continue fighting the enemies and go up another flight of stairs to find the next boss, Gorgon Bull.
Gorgon Bull is an upgraded version of the Minotaur. Use Sylphid’s magic to deal damage, but beware of his charge attack, which can knock him unconscious. When you defeat Gorgon Bull, you will receive an Arc Orb.
After beating Gorgon Bull, go up the stairs that appear and you will reach the Tower stage room. This is also the Palace of Light, where Lumina, who had been used to create gold and was trapped in the tower, will grant you her powers. You can now connect your sword with the sixth Mana seed. Unlike Shade, Lumina grants her spells only to Primm, including an attack spell. Once done, call Flammie again and return to Sage Joch’s cave.
The Moon Palace
When you try to locate Joch, you will once again be informed by Jecht that he has gone missing… This time, your destination is the Moon Palace, located in Kakkara. Follow Flammie and fly there. As you fly over Kakkara, you will notice a huge purple lake – this is where your destination lies. Make a safe landing at the edge of the lake, as landing directly at the palace is impractical.
This desert has the peculiar appearance of having fallen stars everywhere, twinkling like little bright spots in the sand. Once you get down, look for Robin Foot who will be on a boat. He is the one who will transport you across the lake, directly to the Moon Palace.
Upon entering the palace, you will be swallowed by the darkness of a room that seems to represent the cosmos itself, with an apparent infinity that extends in all directions. This room can be a confusing maze if you don’t have a reference point – which in this case is the purple flames near the entrance. Start exploring by moving slightly to the right of the flames and heading up until you return to the flames. Repeat this process, moving a little further to the right each time, until you find a glowing orb. The Analyzer will indicate that Lumina’s magic is needed here. Casting the Lucent Beam spell on the orb dispels the darkness, illuminating the room.
After lighting the room, go up the stairs to reach the center of the palace. Here, you will receive the powers of the Mana Luna entity and will be able to infuse your sword with the seventh seed of Mana. Unlike the previous stages, there are no bosses to defeat here.
Once you’ve completed your mission at the Moon Palace, take the ferry back to the desert. From there, summon Flammie and fly back to Joch’s cave, preparing for the next phase of your epic adventure in Secret of Mana.
Returning to Joch’s cave for a change, you will be informed by Jehkt that Joch has once again disappeared. The good news is that this is the last time you will look for him and he will be absent. This time he went to the Republic of Tasnica, which lies to the west. Take Flammie’s Drum and head to Tasnica.
When you arrive at the grand castle of Tasnica, you will come across Jema. He will bring you alarming news: there is a spy infiltrated in the castle, putting the king himself at risk. It is your duty to cross the palace and reach the throne room. By the way, it doesn’t matter whether you choose the left or right path – they both lead to the same area.
Upon reaching the throne room, you will be confronted by the king himself, who mistakenly accuses you of being the infiltrated spies. This is where Randi has the keen awareness that the real spy is still in the room. In a very mysterious way, the guards disappear – either they are victims of illusions created by the spy or they were eliminated by him, the narrative does not make this completely clear. The spy reveals his plans to collapse the kingdom under the guise of the king, but accusing you of being the assassins will also serve his purpose. It’s time to face this enemy.
Even though music indicative of a boss battle starts playing, this opponent is in fact a common enemy, albeit one you haven’t faced before. Dark Stalkers are the replacements for Ninjas in the final stages of the game. This opponent has around 500 health points (hp), but an effective combination of magic and quick physical attacks should be enough to defeat him.
After the spy’s defeat, the king recovers, as if awakening from a long sleep or an induced state of unconsciousness. He expresses his initial concern about a child wielding the mana sword, but after witnessing Randi’s fight, he feels confident and presents her with a Sword orb. Jema recognizes Randi’s growth and evolution, encouraging him to find Sage Joch to learn about true bravery and warning him that the Empire is close to achieving its goals.
Your journey now calls for you to return one last time to Joch’s cave. Before that, however, it is highly recommended that you visit a city where you can find Watts, so that you can upgrade your sword and recover your energy before the next challenge.
The Trial of Courage
You must return to Joch’s cave for the last time, and face the Trial of Courage. As soon as you climb the mountain, you will be greeted by Jehk. He will try to push you away, but will be interrupted by Joch’s arrival. Joch speaks an ancient language, so Jehk acts as an interpreter for you. It conveys Joch’s message that true courage will be needed to overcome the challenges ahead. To obtain it, you must go through Joch’s ordeal. Agreeing to accept the challenge, a path deeper into the cave reveals itself.
Enemies in Joch’s trial are known for their exceptionally high evasion. Pumpkin Bombs protect themselves with Wall, which makes magical attacks ineffective against them. The best strategy is to grab the ax and run, destroying the stalagmites in your path. Don’t worry about the enemies, they are not a serious threat. There may be some dead ends, but they are not long and there are no enemies along these paths. At one point, you’ll have to use the whip to cross a gap in the cave. At the end of the path, you will find the true test: facing dark versions of yourself.
Boss: You’ll be fighting copies of your characters, each wielding the weapons they started their journey with: Randi with her sword, Primm with her gloves, and Popoi with her boomerang. The copies use some of their attack animations, without the necessary cooldown. They do not have a significant amount of health, being 999 for Randi’s copy and 800 for the other two. Keep attacking, focusing on one target at a time if you prefer, to reduce the number of opponents. Unfortunately, there is no reward after beating them, so use the magic rope to return to Joch’s room.
Jehk will reveal that all this time, he was Joch and needed you to awaken your inner strength before he could send you to the challenge. Joch will inform you that the Emperor plans to raise the submerged land, and the last seal he needs to break is in the Tree Palace, located on a coral bed in the ocean. Use Flammie and head there.
After the next boss fight, the mana power you receive from the seeds will be temporarily reduced to zero. If you want to ensure that the magic of your latest mana spirit is up to the task for the next area, which is quite extensive, you can fly to the Palace of Wind. Allow Primm to cast spells and then heal for free with Popoi’s grandfather. Popoi can also practice casting spells in the forest area south of the Wind Palace, recovering as needed. Do this for as long as you like, but in general you won’t need any of the new spirits to be above level 2 to be useful.
Tree Palace
After a fight against a fearsome boss, the power of your mana from the seeds is temporarily depleted. To ensure that the magic of your most recent mana spirit is ready to assist you in the next phase — which is quite extensive —, it’s worth flying to the Wind Palace.
Instruct Primm to cast spells, then allow her to recover her energy for free from Popoi’s grandfather. Additionally, Popoi can perform a sequence of spells in the forested area located south of the Wind Palace and then recover as needed. While you are free to do this for as long as you wish, I believe there is no need to raise any of the new spirits above level 2 for them to be useful.
Before proceeding to the Tree Palace, it is essential that you are equipped with the best armor you can acquire on the Golden Isle. After landing, you will find the Emperor and two of his generals. One of them, Sheex, is eager to face you, motivated by a debt owed to you by Tasnica. It appears that Sheex was the spy who attempted to assassinate the king. He reveals that the empire has sealed a pact with the underworld, allowing them to obtain the power to rule this world. It then transforms into a giant plant monster with the intention of eliminating it.
The boss AEGAGROPILON is an opponent that deserves a lot of attention, as he can give you some trouble. In the first few seconds of the battle, he casts Wall on himself, which makes him immune to magic. Aegagropilon can use Sleep Flower, a very annoying ability, and is at level seven, which prolongs the fight. He is a fan of casting the Burst spell, often targeting the same character twice. Keep an eye out, as this spell does around 100 damage. If it is used twice on the same character, and you have already been hit before, you may end up being defeated. His physical attacks consist of jumping up and trying to land on you or rolling quickly, knocking you down. Still, thankfully, they’re not as unpredictable as the battles against Spiky and Blue Spike.
After defeating Aegagropilon, run upstairs to the stage room. Randi tries to use the sword to seal the seed, but it is withering too quickly and the ground starts to shake. Just then, Dryad appears and instructs you to leave. She expresses a desire to go down with the palace, but you convince her that this would be useless and ask for her help. As a result, she joins you. Primm and Popoi only receive two spells from Dryad, since Thanatos sealed their ‘Mana Spell’.
You will then be automatically transported in Flammie and float over the coral reef to watch the continent emerge. Now is a good time to upgrade your spear, as the next area will be a long haul. Return and land on the newly resurrected continent. There, you will meet Jema, who will be outside the palace. He will tell you to run to the Grand Palace (or Tree Palace) and stop the Fortress of Mana from rising from the Underground City.
Start going down the stairs, as, for now, you cannot cross the Palácio da Árvore itself. You’ll encounter some monsters along the way, but nothing that poses a significant danger. When you reach the end of the stairs, take the path to the left, as the path to the right leads to a dead end. Walk through the water for a while, and you’ll soon see a staircase leading underground.
Once inside, head left and then cross the waterfall when you reach high ground to unlock a chest containing a Boomerang Orb. Continue into the next room. There, you’ll find a clump of pink and blue material blocking your path. Use the ax to open the passage. There is a panel in the middle of the room that, when stepped on, resets all the places you knocked down with the axe, so don’t worry if you accidentally step on it.
Arriving at a waterfall that stops you from proceeding, allow it to push you down, but stay close to the left side. Halfway there you will find a red switch. Activate it to stop the water flow and go back up. Continue following the path, passing a second waterfall, and at the third, let it push you down again. This time, however, stay along the right side to find another switch. Once the water is off, go up and move into the next room where you will face the next boss.
The next boss is the two-headed dragon Hydra, which is a robust and enigmatic adversary that you will encounter during your journey in Secret of Mana. It has a similar appearance to the Jabberwocky, being a two-headed draconic creature capable of carrying out a series of powerful attacks and imbued with negative status. The Hydra can envelop your characters in flames, inflict the poisoned state and even knock them down, temporarily limiting their actions.
Although his attacks generate a variety of negative effects, the direct impact of his blows is relatively weak, meaning they do not cause a significant amount of direct damage. Furthermore, the Hydra has impressive physical resistance, which makes your common attacks less effective against it.
However, the Hydra possesses a notable vulnerability to fire-element magic, specifically the spells of the spirit Salamando. It is recommended to throw fireballs at the Hydra, which will cause significant damage to this opponent. However, it is important to mention that Hydra’s vitality can be a little deceptive. Although you can’t determine when the creature is in critical condition like in the case of other bosses, whenever one of its heads is knocked off, it regenerates another one after a brief delay.
Despite these peculiarities, the Hydra is not a particularly challenging opponent. With the proper use of Salamando’s magic and good management of his negative statuses, the Hydra can be defeated without major complications. Upon victory, you will receive a Whip Orb as a reward.
After overcoming the Hydra, you will encounter the Emperor and his two remaining generals. One of them shows a desire to confront him, however, the Emperor intervenes and denies the request. According to the leader of the Empire, the Mana Fortress will be enough to deal with you and your allies. With a blinding flash of magic, they disappear, leaving the way clear for you to proceed.
Head towards the next room and go down the stairs. You will be entering a new scenario full of mysteries and challenges: the Underground City.
Underground City
When you enter the mysterious Underground City in Secret of Mana, you will notice right away that the enemies, which include generals, have a high evasion rate. This means if you’re having trouble hitting them, don’t despair, it’s a common trait in this area. Additionally, it’s important to note that many of the creatures in this phase will start casting Wall magic, so be very careful when using area damage spells – they can bounce back and cause damage to your characters.
When you begin exploring the Underground City, head to the right and go down the moving walkway. You will find a blocked door. Get around the situation by returning to the left, staying close to the left wall, until you find a small area with a panel on the floor. Stepping on this panel will unlock the previously closed door.
Continuing on, the next hallway contains a door that leads to a safe haven. Here, you can take advantage of Watts’ presence to upgrade your weapons, allow Krissie to heal your characters (unfortunately, without recovering the magic), and talk to a soldier who will give you a valuable tip for overcoming a later challenge in the area. He will say: “Red, blue, yellow, green.” After getting ready, return to the hallway and go right.
In this next environment, you will notice a small rise to the right that cannot be climbed. Don’t worry about her for now, this is just one path and you’ll find more of these ahead. Continue left and go through the door. You will be in front of another pair of moving walkways. When you go down them, head right, where you will find a floor panel above one of the elevations – this is your next destination.
Advancing to the right, you will find two blocked doors, similar to the first one you found. Next to the second door is a floor panel that unlocks the first door. Stepping on it will allow you to proceed. Advance to the next room, facing the monsters on the way. When you come across another closed door, you will notice four panels arranged in a cross shape in the middle of the room. Position yourself between them all to open the door and continue.
Moving forward, you will have to face more opponents and cross several puddles of water. Eventually, you’ll reach a room with four colored switches and another blocked door. While it is possible to go under the door and enter another room, this will take you back to the beginning of the area and you will have to retrace your steps all the way. Instead, press the switches in the order the soldier indicated: red, blue, yellow, green. This will unlock the door in the center of the room. Move forward to find the switch you saw earlier. Stepping on it will open the way to continue right through the newly opened door.
In the next room you will find more enemies and a subway station. Head left towards the train with the open door. As you cross the train, you will encounter a significant amount of Ghoules. They are now easier to hit than before, so feel free to take them on. At the end of the train, exit on the right side. Fighting the monsters that appear on the way, go down two impassable elevations and go through a door. You will come across the Scorpion Army and have to fight another of their robots, the Kettle Kin.
Facing Kettle Kin will not be a difficult task. With approximately 1200 health points (HP), he does not pose a considerable threat at this stage of the game. At the start of the fight, Kettle Kin will cast Lucid Barrier, making him invulnerable to physical attacks. Therefore, he starts the fight with some quick physical blows. After Lucid Barrier activates, you will need to resort to magic to defeat it. As he does not have a specific elemental weakness, use spells that are at his highest level. After a few magical attacks, Kettle Kin will be defeated and you will be rewarded with a bow orb.
Now the Scorpion Army recognizes you as the Mana Knight and decides to retreat before they get hurt any more. Finally, you will return to the surface, facing the palace. However, now some of the water has disappeared, revealing a new door at the bottom of the steps. If you feel the need, you can use Flammie to return and replenish items or save the game. When you return to the Risen Continent, the new door will still be there, waiting for you to go through it to continue your journey.
Grand Palace
The opponents you will face in the Grand Palace will not be particularly difficult, with the exception of the books, known as National Scars. If these cause you any irritation, feel free to ignore them, as they have no magical attacks or dangerous strategies that could harm you. For the other enemies, you shouldn’t have much trouble hitting them.
As soon as you enter the Grand Palace, go straight until you find a door at the end of the room. Cross it and go up the stairs, finding another door on the right. In this room, there will be an orb, as the Palace is divided into areas, each blocked by orbs corresponding to each mana spirit. The first orb is Undine’s. Use the Freeze spell to neutralize it and return to the previous room.
At this stage, head to the left side, where you will come across another room with an orb that recalls the aesthetics of the Underground Palace. Eliminate the enemies and use the Diamond Missile spell on the orb. Then return to the starting room of the Palace.
Climb the stairs to the left or right, ascending to the second level. With the help of the whip, cross the abyss in front of you and go to the left, where another room with an orb is located. This time, use Sylphid’s magic to destroy it. Once you do, go back and go down, but before going up the stairs again, head right to reach Salamando’s orb room. Neutralize it and proceed up the stairs to the third level.
In front of you, there will be a door with bars, but don’t worry about it yet. Head left and then down (the upper entrance leads to an empty room). Here, enter the room on the left, where the Lumina orb is located. After dealing with this one, exit the room and open the chest located in the center to obtain a Sword Orb. On the right, you will find Shade’s room, where you will need to get the orb. Then go through the archway just to the left of this room.
Climb the stairs, which will lead you to a small path that leads back to the lower floor and a switch above the barred door. Activate it, return along the path and go through the door to go up the stairs again. You will now be outside the room you just went through to open the barred door. Head towards the top left and follow the path around the edge of the room. You will come to another set of stairs. Ascend them to the fourth level.
In this level, start by going left. Step on the floor panel located at the top of the room to create a small flight of stairs, allowing you to step on the next panel. Use the whip to cross the chasm and enter the door on the left. In this room, use Luna’s magic on the orb and exit. Use the whip again to return to the stairs and repeat the process to the right side of the room. Instead of a door with another orb, you’ll find a set of stairs that will take you back to the main level of the Palace. Step on the floor panel and go to the center of the room to face a small boss, the Snap Dragon.
This enemy won’t offer much resistance. If desired, two or three Fireball throws are enough to defeat him. If you opt for a more challenging combat and decide to use physical attacks, keep in mind that he has enough magic to heal himself three times, recovering approximately 800 health points each time. Furthermore, if Snap Dragon manages to swallow one of your characters, it can cause high damage. After defeating him, you will be rewarded with a Dart Orb.
From this point, you can enter and exit the Palace through the main entrance. If you want, save the game and recover your energy, as two bosses are coming in a row. When you’re ready, go up the stairs on the left and go forward again to the stage room. There, you will find the Emperor, who appears to be motionless. There is an entrance at the back of the room, which you must go through. In this location, you will meet Fanha, who betrayed the Emperor and is now working with Thanatos. Thanatos retreats to raise the fortress and use Dyluck as a new body, while Fanha prepares to attack.
The battle against Hexas is, without a doubt, one of the most arduous confrontations you will face. Hexas is a resistant opponent, with a high level of health and a considerable degree of evasion against attacks. To add to the challenge, she has a powerful array of devastating spells and, to make matters worse, she has no obvious elemental vulnerabilities.
This confrontation is divided into two phases. At first, the serpentine part of Hexas’ body appears purple. At this stage of the fight, she continuously casts the Pygmus Glare and Dispel Magic spells against your team. If you have the Midge Mallet item in your inventory, your challenge will be much more manageable, as this item allows you to recover instantly and at no cost from the Pygmus Glare spell. Without it, be prepared to use the Remedy spell frequently. Additionally, it’s not worth investing in status-enhancing spells at this point, as they will constantly be countered by Hexas’ Dispel Magic. During this first part of the fight, in addition to these spells, Hexas will only resort to physical attacks. Therefore, she saves Popoi’s magic for the second round and focuses on physical attacks in this stage.
After a certain time, the serpentine portion of Hexas’ body starts to appear blue, and it is at this point that it begins to cause a significant amount of damage. She will start to cast the Acid Rain spell, which, in addition to causing considerable damage, will lower your team’s physical defense. At this point, you should start using magic to reduce Hexas’ health more quickly, preventing your team’s reduced defense from being a decisive factor in defeat. When you finally manage to defeat Hexas, you will be rewarded with a Whip’s Orb.
Continue down the corridor to another room located behind the stage and step on the panel on the floor. When you do, you will find yourself in the Fortress of Mana, even though it is still underground. Apparently, Thanatos created a living being using the Mana energy of what was once Ghestar, and you must face the Mech Rider again.
The Mech Rider returns with impressive physical resistance and health. Due to these characteristics, this fight can take a considerable amount of time. Furthermore, he casts the Wall spell on himself, which makes it impossible to use magic to defeat him quickly. However, there is a positive side: when he tries to cast the Accelerate spell, it ends up reflecting and randomly hitting one of your characters. The dynamics of the confrontation are similar to the two previous clashes against Mech Rider, with the aforementioned difference. He will run back and forth across the arena. When he is against the walls, position yourself above or below him to attack without him being able to fight back. After defeating the Mech Rider for the last time, you will obtain the eighth Spear’s Orb.
While you were busy fighting, Thanatos managed to activate the Mana Fortress. This leads to an emergency situation as the emerging continent begins to sink again, forcing you and your team to flee.
Pure Land
Upon returning with Flammie, you will be met with the sight of the Resurgent Continent, once again sinking into the ocean, with the Mana Fortress hovering in the air before you. Your advance will be repelled if you try to land. Your next step is to return to the Tree Palace and meet up with Jema. He will inform you about the vital need for the Mana Sword at its full capacity to stand a chance against the fortress. Access to the Pure Land, usually inaccessible due to cloud cover, becomes possible as the Fortress rapidly drains Mana, lowering the barrier.
Before embarking for the Pure Land, explore the confines of the palace to find Neko. It offers the most advanced armor available for purchase in the game, crucial for your survival in the next stages, as each piece of equipment practically doubles the defense provided by the previous pieces of armor. After making your purchases, go meet Watts anywhere he has previously been with you and upgrade your weapons. With everything ready, it’s time to fly to the Pure Land.
When you land, you will find yourself in an area full of trees. A voice echoes in the air: ‘I’m waiting for you. Hurry up!’ The opponents you encounter will be challenging at first, but fortunately, they reward a large amount of experience, allowing you to evolve quickly and increase your ability to deal with them. Head north and then left, dispatching all enemies along the way.
Arriving at an open space with a small stream, you can choose to go down the small waterfalls, but this will take you back to a previous point, requiring you to go back. Proceed upwards and enter the cave to face the boss, Dragon Worm.
Dragon Worm is an incarnation of the Great Viper and the battle plays out in a similar way. He appears and disappears among the bushes surrounding the arena, making him a challenge to hit with standard weapons. Her Balloon Ring technique can be successfully countered with Neko’s newer armor, and her petrification ability can be countered with Remedy. Dragon Worm has a weakness against Sylphid’s magic, so bombard it with Air Blast and continue your attacks until it falls. As a reward, you will receive an ax orb.
Move forward after the battle. A path to the right leads to a dead end, so continue towards a stone gate. A voice instructs you to defeat the next dragon to proceed. Advance left into a snowy forest and go up to fight the next boss, the Snow Dragon.
The Snow Dragon can be intimidating initially, but with the right strategy, you can overcome it. Use Salamando’s magic (Fireball is effective enough) to face him and attack with the other two characters. The key to this battle is to keep your health above half to avoid being eliminated by a fatal blow from the Snow Dragon’s Freeze. When you defeat him, you will receive an Arc Orb.
The gate now allows you to continue, so go ahead and save your game. From now on, you will encounter Eggplantman frequently. These enemies have an abundance of magic that Popoi can drain with Magic Absorb. Continue forward, entering the cave on the right and prepare to face the third boss of the Pure Land, Ax Beak.
The Ax Beak resembles the Spring Beak you faced in Popoi Village in Upper Land, but this time it uses Salamando’s magic. He is a difficult target due to his constant jumping, but unlike the fight against Spring Beak, his physical attacks will not be completely useless. When you take down this boss, you will receive a spear orb.
With the third boss defeated, continue moving forward, deeper and deeper into the Pure Land.
As you say goodbye to the cave after the battle with the Ax Beak, proceed through the forest towards the north. Your path will lead you to a second stone door, and as before, you will be challenged to defeat a dragon to proceed. Head west towards the cave entrance, where the fourth boss of the Pure Lands, the Red Dragon, awaits your arrival.
Red Dragon
This dragon bears striking similarities to the last one you faced. He uses the Breath Wing attack, inflicting damage to all party members, and follows up with Salamando’s magical attacks. Despite having more vitality than the Snow Dragon, this dragon’s magic is less intense, so you can relax about the damage spikes. Just keep hitting him with standard attacks and cast Freeze with Popoi and he will eventually be defeated. Victory against this boss earns you a Glove Orb.
When you return to the second door, take the opportunity to save your progress and move forward. As you fight through more enemy-filled areas, you’ll begin to notice shattered stone pillars scattered among the trees. When you reach the four-way intersection, head north. The path to the right will only take you back to the entrance on the left, and going down there is nothing to discover. Before moving on, use Magic Absorb with Popoi to keep your magic up as the next boss approaches.
Thunder Gigas
The Thunder Gigas resembles the Fire and Ice Gigas, but employs Sylphid magic. Against him, use Gnome’s magic to ease the battle. He has robust vitality and is capable of launching the Blitz Breath attack against any member of his party. This attack deals over 400 damage, sometimes around 500, depending on your level. If you don’t always keep your vitality at maximum, you may end up falling over several times. If your magic is low, use your Cup of Wishes to revive the fallen. If you still have a Walnut or two left and Primm’s magic is not exhausted, you can also use Revivifier. When he reforms after splitting into spheres, he’s likely to throw a Thunderbolt, so keep your distance. Attack him from the sides when he reappears or simply launch ranged and magic attacks. When you manage to defeat him, you will earn a Spear Orb.
After defeating the Thunder Gigas, head north through another forested area. Further ahead, you will find a third gate. At this point, you will be given the option to save again, before being instructed to eliminate another dragon to continue. Remember that once you pass this gate, you will not be able to return to the Pure Land. If the extra defense points are important to you, stay and go back through the areas you’ve already covered to kill Griffin Hands and try to get a better helmet for Randi. Once you’ve decided what to do, head left and then north to face the third and final dragon, the Blue Dragon.
Blue Dragon
This dragon is based on Sylphid, so use Gnome’s magic against it, just like you did with the Thunder Gigas. It has a considerable amount of vitality, but its defense is lower than that of Thunder Gigas, which is advantageous. He can also use Blitz Breath, but it deals around 200 damage instead of 400, making it less dangerous. Additionally, like the other dragons, he casts Breath Wing, dealing approximately 100 damage to each of your characters. Keep using Cure Water as needed, instruct Randi and Primm to attack, and use Earth Slide at will with Popoi. With this strategy, the dragon will fall without much resistance. When you defeat him, you get a Boomerang Orb. After defeating the Blue Dragon, return to the third gate and continue on your journey.
Mana Fortress
As you emerge from the mystical Pure Land, prepare for the final challenge: the Fortress of Mana. This is the final stage of the game, and before starting your journey, make sure all your preparations are in order. Review your arsenal and use the orbs recently acquired in the Pure Land to improve all your weapons. Stock up on healing items as much as possible, and if you haven’t already, purchase the armor sold by Neko in the Grand Palace. With everything in hand, you will be ready to face the ultimate challenge.
The Fortress of Mana is a place fraught with danger, and the opponents here are ready to test your patience and skills. Many enemies are endowed with magic, which allows Popoi to remain constantly supplied. In addition, opponents have a minimal chance of dropping the game’s most powerful armor and the last weapon orbs, so be on the lookout for these valuable prizes. Defeat every enemy you encounter, not only for the additional experience, but also for the chance to get the best gear in the game. Make strategic use of Primm’s magic during boss battles and ensure your magic levels are high enough.
With preparations complete, it’s time to enter the Fortress. Cross the first room, facing several opponents, and use the whip to cross the first gap. A purple panel on the ground will reveal the path ahead. Stay tuned, as these panels will be your compass throughout this phase.
The next challenge is green crystals on the ground, which need to be cut twice before they can be passed through. Interact with the purple panels to open new paths, but remember that crystals regenerate when you step on the panels.
When you reach a fork, you can choose the left path to accumulate more experience when facing additional opponents. However, the real route of progress is through the whiplash gaps on the right. When you cross any of them and follow the path, you will find a door that leads to a new challenge.
This enemy bears a frightening resemblance to the Vampire you’ve faced before, but fortunately, it drops more often, opening up gaps for attacks. Buffy is particularly vulnerable to Lumina magic, however, excessive use of this spell can compromise the amount of magic available for subsequent battles. It is possible to use Popoi’s magic to deal substantial damage without compromising much mana. Buffy has a series of powerful attacks and is particularly dangerous when she is low on health, so stay vigilant and use chain spells to take her down.
Moving on, the next section of Mana Fortress is even more labyrinthine. However, by going right in the first room, and then taking the path to the right and then up at the forks, you will be able to reach a wider corridor. Here, you will see several paths, but your final destination is the green panel at the end of the corridor.
This enemy resembles Lime Slime, however, instead of shrinking, it grows as it loses health. It is resistant to physical attacks unless they are critical, so the best strategy is to use Popoi’s Dark Force magic, which is Dread Slime’s weakness. This monster’s attacks are not that powerful, but they impede movement and require the use of magic to be neutralized. After defeating him, you will automatically be transported to the last section of the Fortress of Mana.
The third and final division of Mana Fortress is simpler and shorter compared to the first and second. Here you will find a new variety of adversaries, such as the Ninja Master, a re-color of the Dark Stalkers, and the Terminators, which are a variant of the Armored Man. Ninja Masters can be lethal with critical strikes, dealing up to 200 damage, so stay alert. As for the Terminators, their resistance is achieved through a spell called Lucid Barrier, making them immune to physical attacks, forcing you to use magic to take them down. Additionally, they have a large amount of mana, which makes the use of Lucid Barrier frequent.
In this part of the fortress, your path is more direct, consisting of five or six rooms with different groups of enemies. At the end, you’ll find a colored panel on the floor that will take you to the room where you faced Mech Rider 3. This room represents your last chance to prepare before the last two boss battles. There will be no breaks in between, so make sure you are ready before proceeding.
Dark Lich
The first of the two final bosses is the Dark Lich, a very complicated enemy to beat without magic. He has a vast arsenal of potent spells, such as Petrify Beam, Leaden Beam, Freeze Beam, level eight Dark Force, and Evil Gate. His physical attack is equally dangerous, causing more than 100 damage and leaving him unconscious if his fists are clenched when he is on the ground. An effective strategy is to keep your distance and utilize your highest level spells like Lava Wave, making sure not to exceed 999 damage to save mana. Remember to keep your health above 200, and if Primm becomes unconscious, he uses healing items to ensure her safety. By following these tips, victory against the Dark Lich should be easier.
Upon victory, Dryad’s ‘Mana Magic’ is released, and, if cast by Primm and Popoi on Randi, the Mana Sword will be completely restored for the duration of the spell. At that moment, the Fortress of Mana will begin to shake, and you will be forced to face the final boss, the Mana Beast, which is about to crash into the fortress and destroy everything.
FINAL BOSS: Mana Beast
The Mana Beast, despite being the final boss, is not a difficult opponent. Although his attacks do a large amount of damage, they are quite spaced out. The attack pattern consists of flying away, firing fire at you, moving closer to allow you to attack, and then retreating again. Its fire attacks are its most damaging, dealing approximately 100 damage to the entire party. The Mana Beast is invulnerable to magic due to its ability to cast Wall, rendering normal attacks useless. The key to victory is to cast Mana Magic as the Mana Beast slowly approaches the platform, allowing Randi to attack it with the Mana Sword. With Mana Magic from Primm and Popoi, you should be able to deal at least 450 damage. If it is above level 65, this value may be even higher. After about three to four rounds of this strategy, the Mana Beast will be defeated.
You have finished Secret of Mana!
Now you can relax and watch the game end. This is a worthy achievement as the journey to this point has been long and challenging but you have finally managed to overcome it. Congratulations!
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