The Sims Bustin’ Out – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)
April 20, 2024By: José Ricardo Fortes da Silva (Ash_Riot)
A – Confirm an action/ Talk to people/ Pick up objects
B – Cancel an action
L – Show or hide the basic needs display
START – Open the status screen
SELECT – Open the options menu
It can be accessed by pressing START, it is divided into three parts described below:
STATUS – This is where you can see your status, how your relationship is with the other inhabitants of the city and consequently your popularity.
INVENTORY – This is where you can manipulate the items you buy or collect, the items on the left are the scraps that are scattered around and can be sold in the Laboratory.
MISSIONS – This is where you see your missions, the objectives you must achieve, etc.
Note: To move from one screen to another, press the R or L buttons.
It can be accessed by pressing SELECT, where you will have the following options:
SHOW MAP – Shows the map of Sim Valley
CATALOG – Here you see a list of the items you have purchased.
JOBS – Here you can see a list of the game’s mini games and what is needed to be promoted.
OPTIONS – Changes some game settings.
SAVE GAME – Saves the game.
QUIT GAME – Quits the game and returns to the home screen.
At the bottom of the screen you see a panel with several bars, each of them represents a basic need and they must be periodically recharged, if this is not done the character may faint or worse, below is a list of needs and what needs to be done. What you need to do to fill the bars:
CUTLERY – It’s the food bar, when it empties the character becomes hungry, there are several ways to eat, in the refrigerator or stove at home, in bars and cafes or at the barbecue grills you find in the park or on the docks.
SHOWER – This is the bath bar, when it empties the character becomes dirty and must take a shower, to do this use the shower at your home or the one at the gym.
BED – It’s the sleep bar, when it empties it means you should sleep on a bed or a sofa.
COUPLE LOOKING AT EACH OTHER – It’s the relationship bar, when it empties it’s because you haven’t spoken to someone for a long time, to fill it up, talk to people.
ARMCHAIR – It’s the tiredness bar, when it empties, it means you should sit down to rest, sleeping also helps to fill it up.
TOILET BOWL – It is the bar of physiological needs, when it is empty you must use the bathroom or you could go through a very embarrassing situation.
TELEVISION – It is the fun bar, when it is empty, you must do things, such as watching TV, dancing, playing arcade games, etc.
HOME – When this bar is empty it means you have been away from home for a long time, spend time there to recover the bar.
HAYSEED FARM – This is where your Uncle Hayseed lives, here is the barn that will be your first home and here you can also play the mini game Mower Madness.
GENERAL STORE – Here you can buy furniture for your home, or sell items, between 5 pm and 7 pm there is an auction.
BURNING SPOKE BIKER BAR – Here you can play the Smootie Slider mini game and if you need to, you can use the toilet or have a snack.
VIRTUCHEM LABS – Here you sell the scraps you find around the city and you can also play the Petri-Dish mini game.
SIM VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL – This is where you end up when you get a shock while trying to fix an appliance, or when you are attacked by the Veloci Rooster.
CLOCK TOWER – It’s your second home, there’s not much to say.
FLEX DOME FITNESS CENTER – This is where you can do exercises to improve your fitness, here you can also play the Powerlifter mini game.
DR. TURING MEMORIAL PARK – It is a park where people go to relax.
THE TURING LABIRYNTH – A small labyrinth where people go for a walk.
PUBLIC LIBRARY – It is the city’s library, here you can read books and increase your skills.
CLUB RUBB – A nightclub where you can dance, here you can play the Jam Session mini game.
COUNTRY CAFE – Here you can have a snack, use the bathroom or ride the mechanical bull.
NICKY KNACK’S BRIC-A-BRAC – A trinket store, here you can buy some objects needed to complete certain missions.
WATERFRONT VILLA – It’s your third home.
PET PALS ANIMAL SHELTER – Here you can buy a pet.
SIM VALLEY JAIL – It’s the city jail, be careful, always check the mailbox in your homes to make sure there are no bills to pay, because if you forget, you could end up here.
DOCKSIDE DINNER – Here you can eat and play the Pizza Pandemonium mini game.
BOAT DOCKS – Here you can play the Bait Flinger mini game.
CHEATUM AND ROVE’S RETAIL – Another furniture store, but here they are a little more sophisticated and expensive.
FISH’N CHIPS – Just a snack bar.
IMPERIAL STATES – Your fourth home, a real mansion.
HAUNTED SHACK – A haunted house.
UNCLE HAYSEED – A pleasant and cordial man, he is your mother’s or father’s older brother, I don’t know!
DUSTY HOGG – A troublemaker biker with little patience, but if you prove to him that you’re tough, he might even like you.
NORA ZEAL-OTT – Every day is election day with Nora around, but this is nothing more than a depressing illusion.
DETECTIVE DAN D. MANN – A police officer with a nose for facts and figures, a kind man, but a little grumpy.
BUCKY BROCK – A friendly and dedicated athlete, determined to push bull riding to the absolute limit.
CLAIRE CLUTTERBELL – She is best known as the official poem reciter of Sim Valley, a title she generously gave herself.
OLDE SALTY – Hot sun, open sea and salty water turned old Salty into a confused and crazy ex-captain.
MAD WILLY HURTZIA – A boxer who has lived in ostracism for years, this made him a little bitter, but don’t take that into account.
DASCHELL SWANK – He is a visiting professor at Sim Valley History University.
MAXIMILIAN MOORE – He is the proud, courageous and sometimes irritating chief surgeon at Sim Valley hospital.
HESTER PRIM – She is the only librarian in Sim Valley and calls herself “Manners Guru”, be kind!
GIUSEPPE MEZZOALTO – If he didn’t sell such cool things, he would be a guy you would keep your distance from.
MEL ODIOUS – Half hippie, half angry, he’s an angry guy who tries to kick (or punch) his inner demons.
DUANE DOLDRUN – An arrogant yet charming guy with 100 ideas and 100 lame excuses.
MISTY WALTERS – When not attending schools, she makes a living as Sim Valley’s strongest lifeguard.
NICKI KNACK – She’s had a junk shop for over 30 years, so keep your bad jokes to yourself.
VERNON PEEVE – He has worked for the same company, at the same desk and for the same salary for 30 years, yes, he is angry!
VERA VEX – She is the lead singer of the local band “Os Germinadores”, (disabled until she finds new musicians).
LOTTIE CASH – Daughter of an oil company owner, she lives intensely, plays hard and never works.
O. PHILL MCCLEAN – The best fisherman in Sim Valley, Beware of his bad temper when you get near him.
EDDIE RENALIN – He’s here to help you get the body you never dreamed of.
DADDY BIGBUCKS – The financial patriarch of Sim Valley, he owns half the town and loves to talk about himself.
EPHRAM EARL – Driven to the brink of madness by 200 years of wandering alone, Ephram is a ghost seeking rest.
CHET R. CHASE – An eccentric chef from Sim City, he is in Sim Valley to host his television show.
When the main screen appears you will have the following options:
CREATE A SIM – Start a new game where you build your character with several characteristics available.
LOAD A SIM – Load a saved game.
OPTIONS – Changes some game settings.
GCN LINK – Establishes a connection to the Game Cube console
When choosing CREATE A SIM, you must first give your character a name, there is no standard name, so you can give it whatever name you want, then you must define some physical characteristics, such as skin color, style and hair color and also the color of the clothes he will wear, when finished, you will have to define the psychological characteristics of the character, whether he will be shy or extroverted, happy or serious, lazy or active, etc., and you will also have to choose his sign, at the same time. After finishing, just confirm to start playing, you have just arrived in the city to spend time with your uncle Hayseed, talk to him and after the welcome, you will have your first mission.
Objective 1 – Become friends with your uncle
You shouldn’t have any difficulties with this, talk to him and say nice things until the relationship bar on the right reaches 30.
Objective 2 – Deliver the photo album to your uncle
Press START and go to the inventory screen, select the album and press A, mission complete, after some conversation you will have your second mission.
Objective 1 – Find something to eat
Enter your uncle’s house and examine the refrigerator, choose the only option available.
Objective 2 – Take a nap
Examine the bed and choose the “Sleep” option.
Objective 3 – Take a shower
Examine the shower and choose the only option, mission accomplished, this was very easy, go talk to your uncle and he says it’s time for you to fix the barn which is where you’re going to stay, he says he has some old furniture in the yard and tells you to take it all to the barn, which leads us to our next mission.
Objective 1 – Decorate the barn with the wooden chicken
Objective 2 – Take the broken TV to the barn.
Objective 3 – Take the broken refrigerator to the barn.
Objective 4 – Take the old sofa to the barn.
Objective 5 – Take the bed to the barn.
All objectives can be achieved at once, take everything from the yard and take it to the barn, place them in the place you think is best and that’s it, mission accomplished, go talk to Uncle Hayseed and he says you should fix the television and the refrigerator, he also asks to fix his tractor, let’s go to the next mission.
Objective 1 – Boost the tractor
Examine the tractor in front of the house and choose the “Tune Up” option, wait for it to finish to complete the objective.
Objective 2 – Fix the broken refrigerator
Examine the refrigerator and choose the “Repair” option, be careful, when you do this you could get a shock and end up in the hospital and this is very annoying, I guarantee it.
Objective 3 – Fix the broken TV.
Examine the TV and choose the “Repair” option, mission accomplished, go talk to your uncle and he asks you to mow the grass using the small tractor.
Objective 1 – Operate the lawn mower.
Examine the blue sign to the right of the entrance door to discover the game’s first mini-game, Mower Madness, for more details see the mini-games topic.
Objective 2 – Get a promotion.
It’s not very difficult, just get 50 points, at first you might get a little confused but you’ll soon get the hang of it, mission accomplished, go talk to Uncle Hayseed and he thanks you, but says he has a problem, someone left his chickens run away and he asks you to look for them.
Objective 1 – Find 8 chickens and give them to your uncle.
Here are the locations of the chickens:
-There are two inside the barn, one is on the stairs and the other in the room to the right of the jalopy.
-There are two more on the road outside the farm.
-There’s one in the alley to the right of the Burning Spoke Bar.
-There’s one inside the bar
-There’s another one in the vacant lot in front of the General Store.
-The last one is in the General Store parking lot.
Now talk to your uncle and choose the option “I got something for you” and hand over the chickens.
Objective 2 – Find Detective Dan D. Man
You can usually find him near the General Store, he is a man in a beige coat and hat, talk to him and he says that the one who released the chickens was the Veloci Rooster, a genetically modified rooster who escaped from the laboratory and lives terrorizing Sim Valley, ok, mission accomplished, go talk to your uncle and he says you should sell that old sofa and buy a shower.
Objective 1 – Sell the old sofa at Burning Spoke.
Take the old sofa from the barn and go sell it at the bar.
Objective 2 – Buy a shower
You can buy it at the General Store, if you lack money, play Mower Madness to earn more or deliver orders from one resident to another, to do this, talk to people and when the option appears, “ Can I do something for you?” or something similar, click on it and the person will ask you to deliver a certain object to another, hand over the object and the person will give you some money as a reward, but don’t take too long or you won’t get anything.
Objective 3 – Install the shower in the barn
Place it in the room to the left of the jalopy, where the toilet is, mission accomplished, go talk to your uncle and he says that Detective Dan wants to ask you a favor, look for him and he says that Your daughter Nora is sad since she lost her mother and asks you to be friends with her. He also asks you to participate in the auction at the General Store, as he thinks there is something strange going on there.
Objective 1 – Become friends with Nora
She is a blonde girl in a blue shirt and white skirt, talk to her until the green bar reaches 10 or more.
Objective 2 – Participate in the auction at the General Store
The auction takes place between 5 pm and 7 pm, talk to the owner to participate, you don’t need to bid for anything, just stay until all the items are purchased, mission accomplished, go talk to your uncle and he says he needs to go to the market in Sim City, but a biker gang has blocked the road with their bikes and he asks you to convince them to leave, go to the Burning Spoke area and look for Dusty Hogg, a biker, he is furious because he lost his helmet and on top of that, his bike broke down.
Objective 1 – Calm Dusty Hogg
Talk to him and try to say something that pleases him until the green bar reaches 30.
Objective 2 – Find Dusty’s helmet
The helmet is in the empty lot to the left of the bar.
Objective 3 – Repair the motorcycle
Examine the motorcycle next to the bar and choose the Repair option, mission accomplished, talk to Dusty and he says he will unblock the road, but asks you to help the bar owner serve the staff.
Objective 1 – Wait at the bar
Now you must play the Smoothie Slider mini-game, see more details in the mini-games topic, when finished talk to Dusty and new objectives will appear.
Objective 2 – Paint Dusty’s bike
Examine his bike and choose the “Repaint” option
Objective 3 – Find 5 aluminum cans.
It’s not difficult to find the cans, they are scattered across several locations.
Objective 4 – Take the cans to the laboratory.
Go to VirtuChem Labs and talk to the scientist to sell the 5 cans and other items you have collected, the laboratory is open from 8 pm until 8 am, mission accomplished, talk to Dusty and he will give you his old scooter who is waiting for you in front of the barn, talk to your uncle and he says that you should make new friends and find a better place to live.
Objective 1 – Ask Giuseppe Mezzoalto for help
You can find him near the Burning Spoke, but he appears more frequently in the dock area from 9 pm onwards, he will help you with the change, but leave this objective for last.
Objective 2 – Make a friend
Choose someone and talk to them until the green bar reaches 50.
Objective 3 – Give $500 in rent to your uncle
If you don’t have the money, play the mini-games until you get it, then just talk to him and choose the second option.
Objective 4 – Get a second promotion:
Try to get 75 points on the Smoothie Slider, mission accomplished, you now live in the clock tower, take all your stuff out of the box, then examine it and choose the “Return the Crate” option to return it to Giuseppe, be careful, if you return the box with anything inside, you will lose it forever.
To start this mission you must talk to Oldy Salty, he says he needs good fishermen, but to do this you must have the sympathy of O. Pill McClean, the best fisherman in the area.
Objective 1 – Impress the fisherman
Look for O. Phil, he is usually at the docks, he is the guy in the yellow outfit, talk to him until the green bar reaches 40.
Objective 2 – Learn mechanics Lv. 2
If you moved Uncle Hayseed’s tractor twice, you must have already accomplished this objective, if not, go back and do it.
Objective 3 – Buy a fishing rod
You can buy one at the General Store, it costs $60.
Objective 4 – Buy a good fishing book
You can buy it at Nicki Knack’s store for $20, mission accomplished, talk to O. Phill and you can play the Bait Flinger mini-game.
To open this mission you must talk to Vernom Peeve, he is furious because they didn’t let him join the gym, as they said he was a weakling.
Objective 1 – Have Body Lv. 2
Go to the gym and punch the sandbags until you reach the required level.
Objective 2 – Impress Eddie Renalin
Look for the strong guy and talk to him until the green bar reaches 40.
Objective 3 – Pay $200 registration fee
Talk to Eddie and choose the second option, mission accomplished, talk to him again and you will be able to play the Powerlifter mini-game.
To open this mission you must speak to Hester Primm, she says that the library is full of worms and asks you to take care of them, she also asks for other favors.
Objective 1 – Destroy the 15 worms
Go to the library and step on the worms, to do this, get close to them and press B.
Objective 2 – Collect 3 books from the inhabitants.
You can find books by the following people: Claire Clutterbell, Misty Walters, Nicki Knack, and Mad Willy Hurtzia.
Objective 3 – Deliver 3 books to Hester Primm
When you get the books, look for Hester and deliver them
Objective 4 – Learn to cook
In the library, search the shelves upstairs until the “Study Cooking” option appears, gain at least 1 level, mission complete, talk to Hester and now you will be able to read all the books in the library.
To start this mission you must talk to Bucky Brock, the cowgirl girl, she says she would like the club opposite the bookstore to reopen, but the owner has a debt of $1000 and so the place cannot operate.
Objective 1 – Obtain permission from the original owner.
Look for Maximilian Moore, the guy with Black Power hair, talk to him and he will give you permission to reopen the club.
Objective 2 – Become friends with the police officer who closed the club
Look for Detective Dan and talk to him, get the green bar to at least 30, but to achieve this objective, you must first complete the next one.
Objective 3 – Pay $1000 in fees
Play the mini-games and deliver packages to get the money, then talk to Detective Dan and choose the option “Here is the 1000 Simoleons”.
Objective 4 – Distribute 10 leaflets to residents.
You can buy the flyers at Nicki Knack’s store, distribute them to 10 different people, mission accomplished, talk to the Detective and you can attend Club Rubb.
To open this mission you must talk to Giuseppe Mezzoalto, he says that there is an entrance to the city’s sewers, if he had the plans he could find where it is.
Objective 1 – Get a crowbar
Talk to your uncle and ask to borrow the crowbar.
Objective 2 – Find the city plan
Go to Clocktower and go down through the basement on the floor, there will be the plans.
Objective 3 – Lower the sewer stairs
Go to the manhole near the Country Cafe and go down it, press the black button on the right.
Objective 4 – Deliver the plants to Giuseppe.
Look for Giuseppe and give him the plans, mission accomplished, now you can walk through the city’s sewers.
To start this mission you must talk to Nicki Knack after completing all the previous missions, she says she wants to rent her house in Waterfront Villa, but hasn’t found anyone so far and asks if you are interested.
Objective 1 – Make 4 friends
Talk to people and be nice to them until a happy face appears behind them, do this with four people.
Objective 2 – Pay $3000 in rent
Do whatever you have to do to get the money and pay Nicki Knack.
Objective 3 – Get 2 promotions in Bait Flinger or Powerlifter.
I recommend going to Bait Flinger, which I consider easier, but you’re the one who knows, check the mini-games section to find out how to get promoted, mission accomplished, talk to Giuseppe Mezzoalto so he can make the change, remove all your stuff from the box and return it.
To start this mission you must talk to Claire Clutterbell, she says that she saw a ghost in an old house and that he needs help.
Objective 1 – Break the rusty lock
To get to the old house, go down the manhole in Imperial Estates and climb the stairs to the left, examine the gate and choose the “Pick the Lock” option, it would be good to have the mechanical skill at level 3 or 4.
Objective 2 – Find a ghostly gift
Search the sewers until you find an urn with Ephram Earl’s ashes, given to him, he usually appears in the house from midnight onwards.
Objective 3 – Learn crazy talk
Study logic in the library until you reach level 4, I advise you to complete this objective first.
Objective 4 – Answer the ghost’s riddles correctly.
Talk to the ghost of Ephram Earl and answer his questions, the answers are as follows:
Question 1 – Option 3
Question 2 – Option 3
Question 3 – Option 4
Question 4 – Option 1
Question 5 – Option 2
Mission Accomplished, Ephram says you can take some things that are in the basement, leave the house and enter the basement to the north, take everything you have, you can sell it or decorate your house, that’s up to you.
To start this mission talk to Daschel Swank, he says he would like to open an art gallery in the city, but the mayor prefers more profitable projects, Daschel thinks he must convince him that art can attract tourists.
Objective 1 – Walk through the maze to the viewpoint
Go to the maze to the north of the park and follow it until you find a painting canvas.
Objective 2 – Paint a beautiful landscape
You must have the creativity skill at level 4, examine the screen until the “Paint Masterpiece” option appears, when you finish painting, examine the screen and choose the “Frame you creation” option.
Objective 3 – Sell your work of art to Daschel
Look for Daschel and give him the painting, he thinks it is wonderful and asks, how much do you want for it, choose any option and he will give you $5000, mission accomplished.
To open this mission, talk to Mel Odious, he says that Vera Vex is wanting to hire musicians for her band, he went to audition, but it was a fiasco, he asks if maybe you don’t want to try.
Objective 1 – Find a place to rehearse
Leave this objective for last, talk to Uncle Hayseed and he will let the band rehearse in the barn.
Objective 2 – Become known
Talk to people until the green bar reaches 100 (don’t do this with Misty Waters and O. Phill McClean, I’ll tell you later why), the objective will be fulfilled when your popularity reaches 25.
Objective 3 – Develop a style
Study in the library until your creativity reaches level 3 and your charisma reaches level 2.
Objective 4 – Acquire a guitar
Talk to Giuseppe Mezzoalto and then buy the guitar from his van.
Objective 5 – Impress the band leader
Talk to Vera Vex until the green bar reaches 60, mission accomplished, talk to Vera and you will be able to play the Jam Session mini-game.
To start this mission you must talk to Lottie Cash, she says she wants to sponsor a game show about a pizza competition, but she is not sure if it is a good idea.
Objective 1 – Become friends with the cook
Go to the Dock Dinner and talk to Chet R. Chase until the green bar reaches 60.
Objective 2 – Prove yourself worthy
Study cooking in the library until you reach level 5.
Objective 3 – Pay for the contest registration
It’s $2500, when you have the money, talk to Lottie Cash and choose the second option to pay, mission accomplished, talk to Lottie again and you can play the Pizza Pandemonium mini-game.
To open this mission you must talk to Daddy Bigbucks, he says he wants to promote a triathlon in the city, but the events he proposed did not convince the mayor to help him.
Objective 1 – Capture the Veloci-Rooster
To achieve this objective you must have your body at Lv. 6 at least, 7 would be ideal, the crazy rooster can appear anywhere at any time, so if you see him, don’t hesitate and grab him.
Objective 2 – Beat the record on the mechanical bull
Have a level 6 body and go to the Country Café, ride the bull and you should achieve this objective.
Objective 3 – Knock out Mad Willy Hurtzia
Go to the gym when Mad Willy is in the ring and go up to face him, keep pressing A to knock him down, it’s good to have a level 7 body and with all your basic needs fulfilled to have more chances , mission accomplished, go talk to Daddy Bigbucks and he will give you a $1000 reward.
To start this mission you must speak to Daddy Bigbucks after completing the 5 previous missions, he is willing to rent you the Imperial Estates mansion, but he has some demands.
Objective 1 – Make 8 friends
Follow the same plan as the last change, only this time it will take a little longer.
Objective 2 – Pay $10,000 in rent
If you haven’t wasted the money you earned on nonsense, you shouldn’t have any problems meeting this objective. When you have the money, talk to Daddy and choose the second option to pay.
Objective 3 – Get 3 promotions on Jam Session or Pizza Pandemonium
I personally think Jam Session is easier, but it’s up to you, mission accomplished, talk to Giuseppe Mezzoalto to make the change, take everything out of the box and return it.
To open this mission you must speak to Detective Dann D. Man, he says that the mayor wants to make a statue out of aluminum cans.
Objective 1 – Find a sculptor’s number
Talk to Daschel Swank and he will give you a sculptor’s number.
Objective 2 – Hire the sculptor
Leave this for last, after getting the sculptor’s number, call him from your home phone, using the “Call Services” option.
Objective 3 – Get 30 aluminum cans
They are scattered around the city, collect them until you have the required quantity.
Objective 4 – Gain popularity of 50
Talk to people and make the green bar reach 100 until you can complete the objective, mission complete, talk to the detective to find out that the sculptor made a statue of you, which left the detective less than satisfied .
To start this mission, talk to Duane Doldrun, he says that there used to be a group of cliff jumpers in the region, but they disappeared because Misty Waters won’t let anyone else jump.
Objective 1 – Find the cliff
It is right next to the Country Café, but to unlock it, you must first complete the next objective.
Objective 2 – Hit the lifeguard
Talk to Misty Waters and say very rude phrases to her until the green bar reaches -50, mission accomplished, talk to Misty again and you will be able to play the Cliff Diver X mini-game
Talk to Nora Zeal-Ott to open this mission, she says that you can run for mayor of Sim Valley, but first you have to eliminate the competition in the person of O. Phill McClean, or you won’t have the slightest chance.
Objective 1 – Give Nora $10000
When you have the money, pay the girl and she will use it to run your campaign.
Objective 2 – Gain Popularity of 60
If you have already completed mission 1, you should have no difficulty achieving this objective.
Objective 3 – Convince O. Phil McClean to give up
Do the same thing you did with Misty Waters in the previous mission and be rude to the fisherman until the green bar reaches -50, mission accomplished, talk to Nora and she says that soon you will be the new mayor of Sim Valley, after all, there is no other choice.
To open this mission, talk to Maximilian Moore, he says that you can join VirtuChem Labs, but to do so you will have to meet some requirements.
Objective 1 – Make a significant scientific discovery
Go to the barn at the Hayseed farm and enter through the door to the right of the jalopy, a trapdoor will appear, go down it and you will see a rocket, take it.
Objective 2 – Get sponsorship from Daddy Bigbucks
Become friends with the rich guy, talk to him until the green bar reaches 80.
Objective 3 – Get Logic Lv. 7
Study in the library until you reach this level, mission accomplished, talk to Maximilian Moore and you can play the Petri Dish mini-game.
Talk to Vera Vex to open this mission, she says that her guitar was stolen and she thinks it was Guiseppe Mezzoalto, but she has no proof of this, so Detective Dan D. Mann does not arrest him.
Objective 1 – Convince Detective Dan to investigate the case
Talk to the detective until the green bar reaches 60.
Objective 2 – Purchase a camera
You can purchase one from Nicki Knack’s store for $665.
Objective 3 – Take a photo of the crime
Go to Uncle Hayseed’s house and you will catch Giuseppe red-handed, talk to him and choose any option to take a photo, the Detective then arrives and arrests the thief, mission accomplished, talk with Vera Vex and she thanks you.
This is the last mission of the game and to open it, you must complete the 5 previous missions.
Objective 1 – Make 13 friends
This objective should probably already be accomplished, otherwise you should already know what to do.
Objective 2 – Get 3 promotions on Cliff
Objective 3 – Fix the rocket
Remember the rocket you got from the barn? Well, place it somewhere in your home, examine it and choose the Repair option.
Objective 4 – Place the rocket in the mansion
In the backyard of the mansion there is a kind of metal platform, place the rocket there, mission accomplished, talk to Uncle Hayseed and enjoy the end of the game.
MOWER MADNESS – 7am to 5pm at Hayseed Farm
Controls: Use the directional pad to control the mower, hold A to accelerate, you must only cut the grass, avoid hitting the rocks to avoid wasting time and try not to cut the flowers or you will lose points.
Level | Requirements | Title |
1 | None | Lawn Dude |
two | 50 Points, Mechanics Lv. 1 | Grass Gobbler |
3 | 150 Points, Mechanics Lv. two | Green Thumb |
4 | 300 Points, Mechanics Lv. 3, Body Lv. two | Lord of the Lawn |
5 | 600 Points, Mechanics Lv. 4, Body Lv. 3 | Master Mower |
SMOOTHIE SLIDER – 8 to 11 pm at Burning Spoke
Controls: Press A to define the direction in which you will throw the drink, press again to define the force, you must hit the drink in the corresponding circle to earn points, if you hit the wrong spot the customer can break the glass, if you break too many glasses the Game ends early.
Level | Requirements | Title |
1 | None | Busboy |
two | 75 points | Back bar |
3 | 250 points, kitchen lv. 2, charisma lv. 1 | Shake Slinger |
4 | 450 points, kitchen lv. 2, charisma lv. 3 | Drink Master |
5 | 900 points, kitchen lv. 2, charisma lv. 5 | Sultan Smoothie |
BAIT FLINGER – 3am to 3pm at Boat Docks
Controls: Choose a bait and press A, calibrate the direction and strength and throw the hook, when the fish bites press the A button to pull it and the directional button down to make it jump and tire it.
Level | Requirements | Title |
1 | None | Bait King |
two | 70 Points, Mechanics lv. 1 | Fisher |
3 | 150 points, Mechanics lv. 2, Body Lv. 1 | Salty Jr. |
4 | 300 points, Mechanics lv. 4, Body Lv. two | Fisher King |
5 | 500 points, Mechanics lv. 6, Body Lv. 3 | Cappy |
POWERLIFTER – 3 to 5 pm at Flex Dome Fitness Center
Controls: Press A repeatedly until an arrow appears, then press the directional pad down and press A again until the arrow appears again, this time press the directional pad up to finish.
Level | Requirements | Title |
1 | None | Weightlifter |
two | 50 Points, Body lv. two | Body Builder |
3 | 150 Points, Body lv. 4 | Strongman |
4 | 300 Points, Body lv. 7 | Ironman |
5 | 800 Points, Body lv. 10 | MegaHulk |
JAM SESSION – 7pm to 2am at Club Rubb
Controls: Execute the commands that go up as they pass through the rectangle, simple or not so much, depending on the level.
Level | Requirements | Title |
1 | None | drummer |
two | 80 Points, Creativity Lv. 2, Charisma Lv. two | Strummer |
3 | 130 Points, Creativity Lv. 4, Charisma Lv. two | DJ |
4 | 400 Points, Creativity Lv. 6, Charisma Lv. 3 | rock star |
5 | 690 Points, Creativity Lv. 8, Charisma Lv. 4 | The King |
PIZZA PANDEMONIUM – 11 am to 10 pm at Dock Dinner
Controls: Move the board with the directional pad, use the L and R buttons to change slices and press A to throw the pizza and collect the ingredients that pass by, you must prepare the pizza according to what is shown above, be careful so the pizza doesn’t fall off the board or you’ll have to start all over again.
Level | Requirements | Title |
1 | None | Waiter |
two | 100 Points, Kitchen lv. 3, Charisma lv. two | Doughey |
3 | 200 Points, Kitchen Lv. 5, Charisma lv. 3 | cook |
4 | 350 Points, Kitchen lv. 7, Charisma lv. 4 | Head Chef |
5 | 1100 Points, Kitchen Lv. 9, Charisma lv. 5 | Celebrity Cook |
CLIFF DIVER x – 9 am to 4 pm near Country Cafe
Controls: Press A to jump, use the directional pad to perform acrobatics, as soon as you fall into the water, press and hold the directional pad up.
Level | Requirements | Title |
1 | None | Cliffdiver |
two | 90 Points, Body lv. 3, Creativity lv. two | Daredevil |
3 | 180 Points, Body lv. 4, Creativity lv. 3 | Plummeter |
4 | 425 Points, Body lv. 5, Creativity lv. 4 | Stuntman |
5 | 650 Points, Body lv. 6, Creativity lv. 5 | Cliff Master |
PETRI DISH – Midnight to 8am at VirtuChem Labs
Controls: Move the dropper with the directional pad, press A to eliminate the amoebas, you must eliminate those of the same color until there are none left, be careful with the mutagen that changes the color of the amoebas and can get in your way.
Level | Requirements | Title |
1 | None | Lab Technician |
two | 175 Points, Logic lv. 4, Kitchen lv. 3 | Chemist |
3 | 225 Points, Logic lv. 6, Kitchen lv. 4 | Super Scientist |
4 | 450 Points, Logic lv. 8, Kitchen lv. 5 | Doctor Amoeba |
5 | 900 Points, Logic lv. 10, Kitchen lv. 6 | Mutagen Master |
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