Mega Man X2 – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)
April 27, 2024By: José Ricardo Fortes da Silva (Ash_Riot)
“Six months have passed since Sigma’s destruction and little has changed, the Maverick uprising started by Sigma has ended, but Mega Man X and a new generation of Maverick Hunters have yet to destroy all of Sigma’s followers. Guided by information from Dr. Cain, Mega Man X and the other Hunters located the last of the Mavericks in an abandoned Reploid factory. There, they hope to eliminate the last pocket of resistance, but little by little they begin to suspect that the real war has yet to begin.”
Continue forward, destroying everything, be careful when the mechanism grabs you and throws you into the spikes, grab the wall, when you reach the brown wall, climb up quickly before it crushes you, fall into the hole to face the boss:
Ridiculous easy. Hit him in the head with charged shots, about four will be enough to finish him off in an instant.
Now let’s face the eight bosses, follow the script below and you shouldn’t have many problems.
Go forward until you reach the battle vehicle, use it to open the path ahead, follow it as far as you can and leave it, be careful with the elevator with spikes on both sides, get out at the right time, in the next elevator, go up a little and exit to the left as soon as you can, continue moving forward until the boss of the level:
ARMOR CAPSULE (ARM PART) – Shortly after the start of the level, after going down two stairs, go to a hole, but don’t go down now, go up the right wall and use an Air Dash to reach the left wall and be able to climb up to the capsule. The Arm Part allows you to fire two charged shots at once, as well as allowing you to carry weapons gained from bosses.
HEART TANK – You will see it right after leaving the battle vehicle and climbing the stairs, to get it, go to the high part just ahead, load the Speed Burner weapon and holding Y, use an air dash and then release the Y, as soon as you touch the tip of the wall, climb it or you will die on the spikes, take the heart tank.
ALTERNATIVE PATH – When going up the second elevator, go straight through the exit on the left and continue going up, exit to the right to reach the gate.
ATTACKS: Spin Wheel; Double Spin Wheel; Rising Snap; Gator Drill.
Stay at the top of the wall, when he launches the circular saw, dodge and climb again, when he jumps out of the water, fall and hit him with charged shots or with Wire Sponge’s Strike Chain weapon, when he launches two saws in a row, dodge and hit him again, when he loses a good part of his life, he will use the Gator Drill attack, easy to dodge, but which leaves a thorn in the wall that causes damage if you touch it, the most advisable thing is for you to be on the ground when If he uses this, keep attacking him whenever you can, when you defeat him you get the Spin Wheel weapon.
Continue forward until you find the giant fish, follow it and try to destroy its parts, don’t let the flashlight illuminate you, when you reach the part where the water recedes, continue forward until the boss of the level:
HEART TANK – Right after the place where the big fish robot comes out, there is a higher part, carry the Bubble Splash gun, so you can jump higher, jump to reach the wall on the left, press START and switch to Speed Burner, still on the wall, load the gun, jump to the right, use an air dash and then release Y to reach the rocket, now just jump to where the heart tank is.
SUB TANK – You are halfway through the level, when the ground part ends and the black ground part begins, charge the Bubble Splash and then jump to the left, you will see the sub-tank, the moment you get out of the water, Jump again to reach it, it’s difficult, as it has to be at the right time.
ALTERNATIVE PATH – Just follow the big fish until it stops, when it does, use Giga Crush to detonate it and open the way to the gate.
ATTACKS: Bubble Splash; Bubble Shell; Rising Claw; Mini Crabs.
He has four attacks, the circle of bubbles, climb the wall and jump on it to dodge, another in which he stays under you (if you are on the wall) and attacks with his claws and the third, the most annoying of all in which he launches some robots in bubbles into the air, in addition to the bubble that surrounds him and makes him immune to X-Buster, use the Spin Wheel weapon and you shouldn’t have much difficulty, even so it would be good to already have a full Sub-Tank here, When you defeat him you get the Bubble Splash weapon.
WARNING: From now on you will be able to face the X-Hunters, in the phase in which they appear, through alternative paths, the strategy to defeat them will be placed in a separate topic, for now let’s continue with the eight bosses.
Climb the wall and move forward, be quick in the part where the lava rises or you will be cooked, also be careful when the pillars sink into the lava, be quick, you will soon reach the boss.
SUB-TANK – Right at the beginning of the level, there is a large robot that attacks you, climb up to the top and then climb on top of it, then use a dash + jump to reach the part on the left, go to the end to get it .
HEART TANK – In the part where the lava rises, be quick and go up until you see it, detonate the pillar using the Spin Wheel and get it.
ATTACKS: Speed Burner; Fire Shot; Ricochet Attack.
Use the Bubble Splash weapon when the fight starts, climb the wall and wait for him to throw two fireballs, then fall and hit him again, repeat this scheme and he’s gone, when you defeat him you get the weapon Speed Burner.
Continue forward until you find the giant fish, follow it and try to destroy its parts, don’t let the flashlight illuminate you, when you reach the part where the water recedes, continue forward until the stage boss:
HEART TANK – Right after the place where the big fish robot comes out, there is a higher part, carry the Bubble Splash gun, so you can jump higher, jump to reach the wall on the left, press START and switch to Speed Burner, still on the wall, load the gun, jump to the right, use an air dash and then release Y to reach the rocket, now just jump to where the heart tank is.
SUB TANK – You are halfway through the level, when the ground part ends and the black ground part begins, charge the Bubble Splash and then jump to the left, you will see the sub-tank, the moment you get out of the water, Jump again to reach it, it’s difficult, as it has to be at the right time.
ALTERNATIVE PATH – Just follow the big fish until it stops, when it does, use Giga Crush to detonate it and open the way to the gate.
ATTACKS: Bubble Splash; Bubble Shell; Rising Claw; Mini Crabs.
He has four attacks, the circle of bubbles, climb the wall and jump on it to dodge, another in which he stays under you (if you are on the wall) and attacks with his claws and the third, the most annoying of all in which he launches some robots in bubbles into the air, in addition to the bubble that surrounds him and makes him immune to X-Buster, use the Spin Wheel weapon and you shouldn’t have much difficulty, even so it would be good to already have a full Sub-Tank here, When you defeat him you get the Bubble Splash weapon.
WARNING: From now on you will be able to face the X-Hunters, in the phase in which they appear, through alternative paths, the strategy to defeat them will be placed in a separate topic, for now let’s continue with the eight bosses.
Climb the wall and move forward, be quick in the part where the lava rises or you will be cooked, also be careful when the pillars sink into the lava, be quick, you will soon reach the boss.
SUB-TANK – Right at the beginning of the level, there is a large robot that attacks you, climb up to the top and then climb on top of it, then use a dash + jump to reach the part on the left, follow it to the end to get it it.
HEART TANK – In the part where the lava rises, be quick and go up until you see it, destroy the pillar using the Spin Wheel and get it.
ATTACKS: Speed Burner; Fire Shot; Ricochet Attack.
Use the Bubble Splash weapon when the fight starts, climb the wall and wait for him to throw two fireballs, then fall and hit him again, repeat this scheme and he’s gone, when you defeat him you get the weapon Speed Burner.
No mystery at this stage, just keep moving forward and you’ll soon reach the boss.
HEART TANK – Right at the beginning of the level, go to the first robot with a shield, use the Crystal Hunter weapon to freeze it, get on it and use a dash + jump (or vice versa) to reach the highest wall, climb it and follow it to the end to get the heart tank.
ARMOR CAPSULE (BODY PART) – shortly after the start of the level, after passing through a pile of scrap, before an elevation, use the Spin Wheel weapon to open a hole in the ground and fall into it to reach the Armor Capsule, the Body Part increases your defense and gives you the Giga Crush attack.
ATTACKS: Jump; SuperJump; Junk Shot.
Hit him in the chest with charged shots, until the robot that controls him leaves, try to destroy him quickly before he takes another robot, you will face two of these in this phase.
ALTERNATIVE PATH – Right after facing the first sub-boss, you will go down a long staircase, at the beginning there will be a robot with a shield, finish him off and follow the path behind him.
ATTACKS: Spinning Junk; Ground Rush; Pollen Spew; VerticalLaser.
At first he’s just a type of larva, but he’s quite annoying, use the Speed Burner weapon to cause a lot of damage, when he loses more than half his life, he turns into a butterfly and starts releasing pollen, hit him whenever and use a Sub-Tank if necessary, when you defeat it you get the Silk Shot weapon.
This is perhaps the most difficult phase of the eight, although there is no mystery to getting to the boss (just keep moving forward), the enemies here are very annoying and on top of that there are two sub-bosses, be careful.
HEART TANK – shortly after the start of the level there is a part where some yellow lights are moving from one side to the other, go through them without being hit, if you can you will see a silver block hanging from the ceiling, walk one more little and climb to the highest part, charge the Speed Burner, jump to the left and release Y to reach the wall, climb it to get to where the heart tank is.
SUB-TANK – Just before the sub-boss, in the second part where blocks fall from the ceiling, don’t wait for them to fall, pass quickly and a little ahead another block falls from the ceiling, climb on it and use a dash + jump to reach the upper wall Ahead, climb up to get to where the sub-tank is.
ATTACKS: Spin and Stab; Pursuit Slash.
If you have Giga Crush, use it to kill him instantly, otherwise it will take a bit of work, hit him on the handle with the X-Buster and try to dodge his attacks.
ALTERNATIVE PATH – Right after defeating the sub-boss, you will go through a long descent, try not to get hit by the yellow lanterns and when you get to the bottom, be quick to get to the other side, on the path below, before the blocks fall and block the passage.
ATTACKS: Plasma Shot; Triple Laser.
Before you get to him, try not to get hit by the sights that chase you, because the more you get hit, the more annoying he will be. When you start, use a Giga-Crush to cause good damage, keep jumping over the pink balls he throws and hit them. Whenever possible, when he jumps, go under him and avoid the rays.
ATTACKS: Magnetic Virus; Centipede Sting; Upside-Down Leap; Teleport; Star Shot.
As soon as the fight starts, hit him with the Silk Shot, to destroy his tail and prevent him from using the attack that prevents you from carrying the X-Buster, in addition to making you heavier, if he hits you with that you’re practically already lost this fight, he will keep appearing and disappearing, if he appears on the ground, hit him immediately, if he appears on the ceiling, dodge the stars he throws and hit him when he comes at you, when you defeat him you get the Magnet Mine weapon.
The biggest thing you should be careful with is the green blocks that can crush you. When you find them, run away to a safe place and continue forward.
HEART TANK – Right after the first hole, you will find the battle vehicle, take it and go back, fall into the hole holding the directional left, to reach a secret area, now comes the difficult part, use a dash + jump to jump as high as you can (hold the jump button to go further), when the vehicle is almost falling into the abyss, get out of it (up + jump) and try to reach the wall on the other side and get the item, good luck!
ALTERNATIVE PATH – When you reach a staircase on a transparent platform, have the battle vehicle and climb it, break the ice blocks, to access the area above, abandon the vehicle and climb up the rockets, to reach the gate.
ATTACKS: Ricochet Shot
Shoot him without mercy, he dies with about 6 or 7 shots loaded, if you already have the Armor Part, the attacks won’t be a problem.
ARMOR CAPSULE (HEAD PART) – right after defeating the sub-boss, in the first hole, slide down the left wall, to reach another secret area, just go forward to the Capsule, the Head Part gives you the weapon I. Trace, which finds hidden items.
ATTACKS: Crystal Hunter; Rocket Shell; Time Distortion.
Hit him with Magnet Mine and climb the wall, when he returns to the hull, fall down and hit him again, repeat this scheme, when he loses a good part of his life, he will rise and spin and slow down time, hit him When he gets to the ground, defeating him gives you the Crystal Hunter weapon.
This phase is very easy, just move on, get on the motorbike to make your work easier.
ALTERNATIVE PATH – Right after the start of the level, after the stairs use the Spin Wheel weapon on the darkest part of the wall, beyond it is the gate.
HEART TANK – It’s clearly visible, in a place full of thorns, try to get here with the motorcycle, so you can get it.
ARMOR CAPSULE (LEG PART) – Right after where the Heart Tank is there are some black blocks, use the Spin Wheel to get them out of the way and get to the capsule, the Leg Part allows you to perform a dash in the air.
ATTACKS: Sonic Slicer; Sonic Storm; Leap Kick; Super Jump.
Hit him with the Crystal Hunter, which is his weak point, dodge the boomerangs that fall from above and hit him again, repeat this scheme until you detonate him, when you beat him you get the Sonic Slicer weapon.
In this phase there is something interesting, if you hit the crystals with certain weapons the weather changes, if you use the Speed Burner it makes it hot, the Bubble Splash makes it rain and the Crystal Hunter makes fog appear, be careful when going up the elevator, in time to leave, be careful with the spikes on the ceiling, other than that, nothing too worrying.
HEART TANK – As soon as the level starts, climb the wall on the left, you will find it at the top, in a hidden opening.
SUB-TANK – When you get to the part with the rockets, climb on the first one and then jump to the log on the left, climb to the top and jump to the right, keep going forward to get it.
ATTACKS: Strike Chain; Spike Seed; Thunder Rage
Send Sonic Slicer at him without mercy, don’t give him a chance to breathe, as he can throw some seeds that make thorns appear on the ground that are quite annoying, when you defeat him you get the Strike Chain weapon.
The biggest problem with this level are the walls that close in and can crush you, the first one is easy, in the second one you have to be quick, use dash and jump at the same time to jump higher, the third one is the same as the first one, after it the path splits into two, I think the top one is easier, but they both lead to the same place, which is the fourth wall that closes, be quick and jump on the left side until you can’t anymore and then move to the right side and go up, go to the gate to face the boss:
ATTACKS: Spike Ball Smash; Violen Bombard
He acts the same way as in the first fight, so use the same scheme, if you need to, don’t hesitate to use a Sub-Tank.
At the beginning, just move forward through the water, when you get to the part with the rockets, use them to get past the thorny ground, when you get the rocket that goes up, be careful with the flames, then freeze the bats to continue your path Soon you arrive at the boss of the level:
ATTACKS: Straight Shot; Round Shot; Bounce Shot
To start, use Giga Crush to remove his protection, then stay under him and face to the left and send shots loaded with Sonic Slicer, don’t worry about his attacks, if your life gets too low just use a Sub-Tank .
This stage is full of difficult obstacles, there is a part where you must use a platform that changes trajectory as you step on it, you can get a little complicated in this stage, but nothing impossible, in the part before the boss, freeze the little green robots to get there. at the gate.
ARMOR CAPSULE (SHORYUKEN) – When you reach a part with two stairs, one going up and the other going down, freeze a bat to reach the top one, now go up to a thorny part, but once you freeze a bat to get past the first part, use a air dash to get past the second part with spikes at the top and bottom, you have to be precise, now the hardest part, to get to where there is a life, charge the Speed Burner, use an Air dash to the right, fall down turning to the left and at the right moment release Y, now just slide down the left wall until you enter a secret room, the armor capsule will only be there if you have the 4 Sub-Tanks, the 8 heart tanks and the 4 Armor parts and On top of that, you have to arrive here with full life, to perform the Shoryuken, do “forward, down, down-forward + Y”, this attack can also only be done with full life and can finish off almost all enemies instantly .
ATTACKS: Floor Drop; Spark Balls; Mega Mine
If you want to end the fight in a second, use a Shoryuken as soon as the fight starts, if you want a slightly more difficult fight, hit him with the Magnet Mine weapon whenever you can, preferably loaded, be careful not to fall on the spikes and have all 4 sub-tanks full.
Keep climbing the wall until you reach a teleportation capsule, you will end up in a place where you will have to face the 8 bosses again, the schemes for defeating them are the same, but now it will be much easier, especially if you have the Shoryuken , when you defeat the eight, you discover that Sigma is back and he was the one behind the X-Hunters.
This is exactly the Magna Centipede phase, you should already know the path, just go forward and at the location of the first sub-boss Sigma appears, here the story varies, if you defeated the X-Hunters the first time, Sigma tries trick you with a fake Zero, but the real one appears and destroys the fake one, otherwise you will have to face him.
ATTACKS: Z-Buster Combo; Z-Saber Slash; Earth Explosion
Quarry, the guy is very fast and his attacks are very difficult to dodge, try hitting him with a shoryuken, it’s difficult but not impossible, or use the Speed Burner, the most effective weapon against him, in any case try not to waste no sub-tank, as after that there is still more quarrying.
Anyway, Zero recovers and says he will destroy the central computer while Mega Man goes after Sigma, follow the hole that Zero opened for the final battle.
ATTACKS: Claw Punch; Teleport Claw; Thunder Balls; Thunder Wall.
Stay high on the wall to escape most of his attacks and hit him with a charged Sonic Slicer to deal good damage, try to leave at least one sub-tank full, because when you defeat him, he returns to his true form:
ATTACKS: Vertical Beam; Summon Help; Virus Trap.
He’s not that difficult, try hitting him with the shoryuken, to shorten the battle, another very effective weapon is the Strike Chain, it changes color as he loses energy, when it’s red it’s because he’s almost dying, don’t worry. worry a lot about your attacks and whenever you send enemies to attack you, detonate them to fill your life every now and then, good luck and when you defeat them, enjoy the ending.
“United with his friend Zero, Mega Man in peace is it just a dream? The price of peace is often high and X thinks to himself: Who or what must be sacrificed to make this a reality? And when the time comes, will he be able to do it? The future holds the answers or…”
ATTACKS: Spike Ball Smash; Violen Bombard
He is the easiest of the three, as long as you have the Bubble Splash weapon and at least one full Sub-Tank, shoot him mercilessly and do your best to dodge his attacks, when he uses the iron ball, stay on the ground , so the chance of being hit is lower.
ATTACKS: Plasma Bomber; Land Mine
I consider him the most difficult of the three, have at least two full sub-tanks and the sonic slicer weapon to make things easier, hit him once and jump between him and the platform when they come at you, do your best to Don’t step on the mines he leaves and try to dodge the energy balls he throws, repeat this scheme until you detonate him.
ATTACKS: Crescent Wave; Rushing Slash; Rising Sword
As the name says, the guy is very fast, his attacks are a wave of energy and he also comes at you with his sword, the best weapon here is the Magnet Mine, if you don’t have it, use the X-Buster Even, keep climbing the wall and when he releases the energy wave, fall, hit him and immediately return to the wall, repeat this scheme and have at least two sub-tanks full, as this promises to be a quarry.
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