Battlefield 1943 – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Battlefield 1943 – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

July 20, 2024 Off By Frank Grochowski

Please Note: This entire FAQ/Strategy Guide is designed for easy accessibility. That means you can use your browser’s search function (Ctrl+F) and type in the code on the right of the Table of Contents. For example, if you want to go to the section on Vehicles, search “BF4.” You may have to hit Enter more than once.

Table of Contents:

  1. Controls (BF1)
  2. Maps (BF2)
  3. Classes (BF3)
  4. Vehicles (BF4)
  5. Strategies (BF5)
  6. Trophies/Stamps (BF6)
  7. Contact (BF7)
  8. Disclaimer (BF8)

1. Controls (BF1)

Soldier Controls

  • Left Analog Stick: Move
  • Right Analog Stick: Aim
  • X Button: Jump
  • Square Button: Reload
  • Circle Button: Enter/Use/Pickup
  • Triangle Button: Draw Knife
  • L1 Button: Zoom
  • L2 Button: Throw Grenade/Explosives
  • L3 Button: Sprint
  • R1 Button: Fire
  • R2 Button: Toggle Weapon
  • R3 Button: Crouch
  • Start: In-game Menu
  • Select: Command (press) / Score (hold)

Land/Boat Controls

  • Left Analog Stick: Turn
  • Right Analog Stick: Look/Move Turret
  • X Button: Change Seat
  • Square Button: No Use
  • Circle Button: Exit
  • Triangle Button: No Use
  • L1 Button: Throttle
  • L2 Button: Brake
  • L3 Button: No Use
  • R1 Button: Fire
  • R2 Button: Secondary Fire
  • R3 Button: No Use
  • Start: In-game Menu
  • Select: Command (press) / Score (hold)

Plane Controls

  • Left Analog Stick: Yaw
  • Right Analog Stick: Pitch/Roll
  • X Button: No Use/Parachute (when you bail out)
  • Square Button: No Use
  • Circle Button: Exit
  • Triangle Button: No Use
  • L1 Button: Throttle
  • L2 Button: Hold for Free Look
  • L3 Button: No Use
  • R1 Button: Fire
  • R2 Button: Drop Bombs
  • R3 Button: No Use
  • Start: In-game Menu
  • Select: Command (press) / Score (hold)

Please Note: For some reason, EA decided not to make the plane controls inverted, meaning when you press down, your plane will go towards the ground instead of the natural skyward climb. You can change it to inverted controls in the options menu.

2. Maps (BF2)

*Please Note – For some reason the compass doesn’t match up with the world map that you see when you select spawns. For the sake of making this guide as clear as possible, I will use the compass locations. To have a better angle so north is actually north on the world map, check out Planet Battlefield’s map page:

Coral Sea

This map is completely different from the rest. The reason for this is because this is an air superiority map instead of the traditional conquest map. The way this one works is whoever has control of the center of the map will “capture” the point and will reduce the enemy tickets. You have to have several planes in here and destroy the other planes in order to control this area.

In order to be good at this map, you need to know how to dog fight and use the terrain around you to your advantage. To lose enemy planes on your tail, you can fly through the mountains on the islands. The center island has a hole in the mountains that you can fly through and make a quick sharp turn followed by a quick climb to lose enemies.

There’s really not too much to this map other than practice! A few rounds of flying the planes around in Coral Sea will likely make you a decent dog fighter. Just try to stick to one plane when you get behind them and dodge any planes behind you. Just keep practicing until you get really good at dog fighting and stay around the center of the map.


Capture Points

Fuel Dump


Closest capture point to US uncap.


There are a couple ways to approach this one. Obviously the US has the best chance to get it first since it’s closest to their main base. There are also two roads that lead up to the Fuel Depot from the Ridge along the top of the hill and from the bottom of the hill. All three will go along the northern side along the sand bags.

There is also a small dirt path leading up the hill along the south side. You will come up the east side of the capture point which is great for flanking the US troops when they are shooting at enemies at the Ridge.


Wait just outside of the bunker door to capture this point. You can’t capture it from inside the bunker. Just make sure to stay away from the large fuel tanks because they can cause a large explosion.


It really depends which side you are. If you’re US, watch the Ridge and kill any enemies that get in your way. Just make sure nobody flanks you from the small dirt path. If you’re Japanese, look towards the US base and kill the enemies as they approach. If they’re capturing the point, just make sure you have a good angle so you can see them just outside the bunker.

Other Intel:

This base is usually unguarded by the US when they have the Ridge and it is almost always unguarded by the Japanese when they have it. A jeep will spawn here when captured.



Center of island


There are four good ways to approach this capture point and the best way is the side that the enemy isn’t guarding. One is up the hill from the Village. It is a fairly steep hill so they have a good vantage point over you but if they aren’t looking here, even a tank can sneak up this hill.

There’s a dirt path from the fuel depot that is usually being covered by the Japanese but is good to flank the US soldiers from. The hill is kind of steep and windy though, for some reason jeeps like to get stuck on the hills. You may want to approach this path by foot.

You will see a large rock overlooking the northeastern side of the capture point. This is great to kill enemies from and they never look up here until they start to get shot at. If you don’t see teammates up here already, definitely go up there and kill enemies quickly.

There’s a dirt road that goes from the Village to the Outpost just north of this capture point. There’s a couple large rocks along the road and in the hill. You can jump up the eastern rocks and climb the rest of the hill up to the capture point.


One of the best places to capture from is in the small guard tower. However, most people look in there first so you may want to hide in between the building and the large rock next to the Ridge. Most people go in the guard tower before looking around it so you can hide outside and listen for enemies. When you hear one coming close, run around the opposite side of the tower and flank them.


This one is hard to defend since they can come from both sides. Make sure to keep an eye on the large rock overlooking the ridge since people like to go up there. Other than that rock, just watch the side that the closest enemies are.

Other Intel:

This point is great for snipers to fight off enemies at the fuel dump or the village but other than that, it’s not too important.



Northeast of the Ridge


This capture point has a couple of ways to approach it as usual. One is a path that goes straight from the US uncappable base along the beach to this base. This path is a great way to start the round.

Another path is down the middle from the Ridge through the main road. This is the most popular path to take and for that reason, it’s the most dangerous. If it’s already captured by the enemy, be very careful as you approach the hill so you don’t run into the tank that spawns there.

There’s a road opposite of the one from the US base that goes from the Japanese base and is connected to the road to the Radio Bunker. This is a great path to go to from the Radio Bunker and for that reason, the Japanese has a slight advantage to this capture point.


This one doesn’t have any tricks to capturing it, you basically have to run around outside hoping you don’t get shot.


There’s a couple of guard towers and shacks to hide in to kill enemies you see. There’s also a small path leading to the air raid station which most enemies tend to ignore. You can hide behind the bunker and come out when you see the enemy trying to capture the flag.

Other Intel:

This is one of the two important points in the map. A jeep and tank will spawn here. On top of that, it is the capture point that controls the air raid station.



West of the Ridge


There are a couple paths to this capture point. There is obviously the path from the main road which is very dangerous. It’s a great path with a vehicle but otherwise, you should avoid it.

You can also attack it from both sides along the beach. The Japanese side is better since there’s a small opening back there and can pull up right behind where everybody spawns. The side from the US base is great on foot too but not quite as good. You can break through the fence with a melee attack and sit in the house here killing reshly spawned soldiers. The only problem with this side compared to the opposite is that you still have to run to the flag where on the Japanese side, you will be right at the flag as you enter the village.


Most people like to sit inside the house but I suggest waiting outside in the inner corner of the small L shape of the building so the enemies can’t flank you. You will also get a good eye on freshly spawned enemies.


If the tank is here, get in it and sit on the auto-repair station. If not, you can go to the small air strip where it’s a little hilly and use the terrain for protection.

Other Intel:

Along with the Outpost, this is one of the most important points in the map. It contains a jeep, a tank, an auto-repair station for vehicles, and a plane. You can also go to any capture point easily from this point.

Radio Bunker


Northern end of map


There’s only really two ways to get to the top of the hill with this bunker. One path is great for flanking if you’re US which is the side with the Japanese uncapturable base. Other than that, go to the road opposite of this one that leads up the hill. If this is Japanese’s only point, it will likely be clear.


There’s a small wooden shed right by the flag, you can sit inside of it crouched and you can hide out from sniper fire and be safe. Watch the flat top of the hill for any freshly spawned enemies.


Watch the side with the Japanese base for flankers or if you’re US with all the flags. Otherwise, you should just watch the center of the base. I suggest not using the machine guns in the bunker because you will quickly die from sniper fire.

Other Intel:

This is a great start for the Japanese to capture first. A tank and jeep will spawn at this capture point once it is captured.

US Strategies

If you can grab a plane, quickly do so. Just fly it straight to the village and parachute out. You can capture the village and grab the plane that spawns there to fly it to whatever capture point you want next. I suggest the Outpost but chances are the enemy will be here by now. Let some teammates capture the Fuel Dump and only go for the Ridge if you see somebody already heading for the Outpost.

Another good strategy if you can’t grab a plane is to take a jeep and go to the northern road out of the main US base. Take the jeep straight up to the Outpost and capture it. If you want, you can use the air raid from here and look for where the enemies are heading. If there’s a lot going to the radio bunker, send the air raid there. If you see several enemies heading to the village, send it there. Just try to lead the enemy and bomb them where they’re likely to group up, at a capture point.

Japanese Strategies

Again, if you can grab the plane, do it. Fly it over to the village and jump out to capture it. From here, grab the plane that will spawn and capture whatever point you want to next. The Outpost is a great next capture point. Let your teammates capture the Radio Bunker. If you see somebody heading for the Outpost already, just head for the Ridge.

If you can’t grab a plane, grab a Jeep. Drive along the northeastern most road out of your main base and drive it down to the Outpost. From here, you should drive to the Ridge since you have the hill to the north of it for cover. Hopefully by now, the radio bunker will be captured so you can go to the Village and easily take a commanding lead early.

Iwo Jima

Capture Points

Mount Suribachi


Southern tip of island


This capture point can be difficult to capture with the mounted machine guns in the bunkers but there are ways around them. The first and most obvious, but most deadly way to reach this capture point is to climb up the hill. This path is great if there aren’t enemies up there and specifically in the machine guns. This is also the only way you can approach this capture point in a vehicle.

You can also climb the hills alongside the road. The better hill to climb is to the left of the road but that hill is only really reachable from the Fishing Village. You can climb right in front of the left most bunker at the top of the hill all the way to just before the bunker. From there, go to the right and you will see a grass path leading right up between the bunkers.

You can also climb just to the right of the road and to the top of the hill to jump in between some bunkers. This path is great when approaching from the lighthouse but it’s still fairly dangerous since it’s so close to the main road.

If you have time and are in a boat, you can actually go to the rear of the mountain. There’s a dirt path that will lead you up the back of the capture point that nobody ever guards and is a great path to flank the enemy with. *Thanks to cell4165 for pointing this approach out!


This is one of the hardest points to capture because you basically have to stand in the wide open to capture it. Just keep looking all around to kill any freshly spawned enemies before they kill you. Make sure to throw grenades in the bunkers if they have any gunners inside.


There are plenty of buildings to hide in to kill any enemies that are trying to capture it. You can sit on the top of the hill over looking the fishing village to kill soldiers from that side or use the machine guns to kill any that go up the main road. There’s also an anti-air gun on one of the bunkers which you could use to take down air raids before they can drop the bombs or shoot down any enemy planes.

Other Intel:

A tank and jeep will spawn at the top of the hill. This is a very important capture point to hold but don’t worry if you give it up. Most people are likely to just defend from here leaving their other capture points unguarded!

Fishing Village


North of Mount Suribachi on the beach


This capture point can efficiently be attacked from all sides. The US has the best advantage since their air carrier is closest to this point and you can bring a boat straight to this capture point.

Another great way is along the beach to the north. Most people will go to the main road or up Mount Suribachi leaving this path clear. You can sneak right into the backdoor of the building or hide alongside it to capture this point pretty easily.

The most dangerous method is from the road. This path is great if you have a tank but otherwise, it should be avoided. It’s right in the path of machine gun fire from Mount Suribachi and most soldiers are looking in this general direction.

Another method which can also be dangerous is falling down the side of Mount Suribachi and running along the beach to the south side. It’s the fastest way from Mount Suribachi but a lot of soldiers who are heading to Mount Suribachi will be looking for you on their climb up the side of the mountain.


Most people will hide in the closest building to the flag but I think it’s better to hide on the walkway along the side of the building facing the beach just inside the fence. Most enemies go into the building first and from here, you have a good vantage point of freshly spawned enemies.


This point can be difficult to defend since it can easily be attacked from all angles so try to find some cover. Find out where they’re coming from and kill them quickly. Destroy the buildings they’re hiding in if they are using them for cover.

Other Intel:

This capture point doesn’t spawn any vehicles but it is still a key point to hold if you want to head over to Mount Suribachi.



West of the Fishing Village on the beach on the opposite side of the island.


This is similar to the Fishing Village. It can easily be attacked from all angles. The best way is for the Japanese Navy to approach by boat from the air carrier. You can land on either side of the light house and climb the hill to lead up to the lighthouse.

You can approach it from the road which is very dangerous since mostly tanks drive on the roads in Iwo Jima. If you’re in a tank, take the road path and be very careful around the trench because your tank can easily get stuck in it.

You can also approach along the sides of the beach through the trenchs from both sides. Try to stay in the trenches as you approach and fight your way to the lighthouse. If anybody is by the door to the lighthouse, shoot the propane tanks right in front to try to catch them in the explosion.


The best way to capture this capture point is either just inside the lighthouse or in the rocks just outside the lighthouse. Most people will look at the lighthouse door first but considering there isn’t much cover around here, it’s still your best bet.


Again, this point is tough to defend since it could be successfully attacked from all angles. A great vantage point is from the top of the lighthouse. You would think a lot of people would look up here but they surprisingly don’t. Just be careful if any get close because you can’t see the ground near the lighthouse and they might sneak up behind you.

Other Intel:

Nothing really. This is a great capture point since it’s in the middle and you can easily go to any other capture point but that’s about it.



Along coast in northeast


There are three popular methods here and one not so popular approach. Obviously, it’s great for the US because it’s right off the coast on the US’s air carrier side. They can easily approach the capture point from the water but they rarely do if there’s a battle going on.

The next most is from the airfield to the west. It’s pretty hilly so they can’t see you coming and you have the terrain as cover. Be careful as you fight off enemy soldiers in the trenches and fight your way to the bunkers.

The last popular option is from the Lighthouse from the south. Again, it’s hilly around here so you get the terrain for cover. They will fire away from the trenches so fight them off quickly. Try to stick to the bunkers for added cover as you approach to reach the capture zone.

The last approach that is very rarely used is from the north. People very rarely look over here and it’s a great place to take your time and pick off enemy soldiers to clear a path for teammates. It’s also a great way to flank the enemies and get right into the bunkers.


There’s a line of sandbags in between the two bunkers facing the beach. Sit in the corner of the sandbags and the bunker. This is the best cover in the area and people very rarely flank you if they are defending the bunkers.


Also, a tough capture point to defend. Try to stay inside the bunkers and look through the doors to kill people as they approach. Just don’t stay in here too long because once they realize you’re in the bunker, you will face a lot of grenades.

Other Intel:

A jeep will spawn at the bottom of the hill towards the beach.



Northwest corner of map


Due to the surrounding mountains, you can only really approach from the bunkers or the runway. However, as you get closer, there are some other methods. You can obviously take the road down the middle leading to the flag which could obviously be dangerous if there’s a lot of enemies in the area. However, if you have a tank, this will be the best path.

There are a couple hangers on each side of the road leading to the capture point. You can go through both of them for cover and flank any enemies defending the capture point and kill them easily.


Stand inside the small building with the flag over it. If there’s a tank there, grab it, blow a hole in the wall, and wait inside the building.


This point can be difficult to defend just because it’s a key point in the map and a lot of enemies will attack it. Use the tank on the small repair station and sit on it so it will keep repairing the tank for you. If there’s no tanks, use the buildings for cover and kill them through the windows.

Other Intel:

Although it isn’t a vantage point like Mount Suribachi, this is still probably the most important capture point in the map. It holds an extra plane, the air raid station, two jeeps, and two tanks. There’s also a tank repair station that if you park on it, it will repair your tank for you. Factor in the fact that it’s very difficult to flank here and it’s one of the strongest capture points in the game.

US Strategies

There’s two good ways to start the round out. Both involve immediately getting in a boat. Use the boat to go straight to the Bunkers and quickly capture it. After you capture the Bunkers, quickly head for the Airfield and capture that next. This is the better option since most people seem to go to the Fishing Village first.

The next best option is to go straight to the Fishing Village and capturing it. Climb the hill along the left side of the road to the top and capture it. If the Japanese are quick, they’ll be climbing the main road so make sure to kill them if you see them.

Japanese Strategies

The best method is to go straight to the Lighthouse via a boat. As you capture the Lighthouse, head for the fishing village along the beach to the north of the Fishing Village. Shortly after you capture the Lighthouse, the US will likely capture the Fishing Village. Then they will usually climb Mount Suribachi leaving the Fishing Village unguarded. You can easily steal it from under their noses, just make sure to kill any freshly spawned enemies. From there you can slowly climb the hill and try to take over Mount Suribachi.

Wake Island

Capture Points

Signal Station


Northeast corner of the map


There are three great ways to approach the Signal Station. One way is to come from the water to the northeast which is generally from the direction of the US air carrier. There is a bridge just before it that you can sneak under but you can get out of the boat right before the bridge and climb a dirt hill leading up to the capture point.

The next option is to approach it from the beach to the northwest. This is one of the most dangerous ways to attack the capture point but with numbers, you should be able to easily take it. Try to stay in the hills for a little bit of added cover and pick off soldiers before you get too close.

One of the best options is to flank them from the capture point at the complete other end of the island to the south. One of the welcome changes to Wake Island is that the capture points on each end of the island spawns a boat. You can spawn in the Village and take a boat straight to the Signal Station and flank the enemy.


There a couple of good hiding spots to go in if everything isn’t destroyed. The house is good cover but most people will shoot grenades and rockets at it to quickly clear out your cover leaving you wide open. The best place to hide is outside of the house behind a small shed to the west of the building. You can either hide along the building or in between the shed and the fence. If the shed and fence are destroyed, hide in the building overlooking the eastern door.


The majority of people attack this capture point from the beach and if there’s a lot rushing you, you could use the turret in the tower. However, I suggest not waiting up here for too long because you will quickly become a big target for snipers. Try to stay in the buildings and use the windows to peek out and kill any incoming soldiers. Also make sure nobody is trying to flank you in boats.

Other Intel:

When you capture this point, a few vehicles will appear. A tank will appear in front of the small shed right next to the flag. A jeep will appear opposite of the tank. A boat will also spawn facing the middle of the island. There are some trenches facing towards the beach along the southern side of the capture point.



Middle of the northern strip of the island


There are four great ways to approach the Beach. One of the most popular ways is to run along the beach from the Signal Station. You won’t be in as much of an open area since most enemy soldiers at the Beach will likely be looking at the Signal station instead of along the beach coming from the Signal Station. You can run down here and pick off enemy soldiers as you slowly approach the Beach.

Another popular method is to approach from the main road right in front of the Beach. This method is dangerous because they start to spawn all around you and this is where a lot of people are looking. If you do decide to go this way, head straight for the bunker and make sure nobody is hiding in there. If the flag is going down, capture the capture point. If the flag isn’t going down, get out of the bunker because that’s the first place enemies look. Slowly get out and be very cautious of your surroundings as you try to find the enemy.

Another method that isn’t very popular is to go along the hills on the side of the beach from the Airfield. You have a high vantage point over all of your enemies and they usually don’t look up here. Pick them off as you see them and go down to the capture point to capture it.

One method that may be too much trouble than it’s worth is to grab a boat from the air carrier and drive it in front of the Beach. If nobody saw you approaching the Beach, they likely won’t see you get out of the vehicle giving you the best possible position behind all enemy troops. Even freshly spawned soldiers rarely look towards the Beach.


Your natural instinct is to hide in the bunker, but don’t. Everybody throws grenades in there and you won’t stand a chance if the enemy sees the flag going down. Instead, go in front of the bunker and crouch in between the rocks or behind the sand bags. People generally don’t look here and head straight for the bunker giving you the perfect opportunity to kill them when they aren’t looking.


Most people will generally hide in the bunker to capture this capture point so toss grenades in there. There’s a little niche to the left as you enter the bunker which your grenades may not hit so make sure to get one in there before running into the bunker. There’s also plenty of hills and bushes around here that you can hide behind and kill enemy soldiers as they try to run for the bunker.

Other Intel:

There really isn’t much to this capture point other than the fact that a Jeep will spawn at the top of the hill along the road.



Northwest corner of map


You may think that there is only two approaches to the Airfield but there’s actually three. One of the most popular approach is from the Beach. If you follow the road from the Beach, you will see the road split. The left path leads more to the flag while the right path is a flatter and more stable terrain. If you have a tank, I suggest taking the right path and everybody else should take the left path when clear.

The other popular approach is from the AA Village. Again, you will see the road split as you approach it with a jump to the right and a flatter road to the left. Tanks should go through the flatter path while jeeps and infantry can go up the hill and jump over.

The third approach which not many people know about and the people who do never look there, is to run along the beach. There’s actually a hill behind the plane hangar that you can go up in any vehicle or on foot. This is a great way to flank the enemy and help clear out a path for your team mates to the capture point. This path is kind of a pain to reach but if the airfield is their only capture point left, it may be the best option if their defense is strong.


The best way to capture this is in the building or just outside in the little corner where the flag is. This is a very popular area and a key point in Wake Island so be prepared to fight off some soldiers that try to stop you from capturing this point.


Most people capturing this point on foot will be in or just outside the building. Shoot your rockets or grenade launcher at the building to destroy the building and reveal any hidden enemies inside. More often than not, people seem to capture this point in a tank so if you aren’t good with fighting off tanks, you may want to quickly run to the nearest enemy capture point and steal one back or just wait for the tank to leave and recapture the airfield.

Other Intel:

There’s actually a lot that spawns in the Airfield which makes it a very important point to hold throughout the entire round. For travel, there will be two jeeps that spawn on opposite ends. There will also be a tank in the middle which could be very useful as you sweep through the rest of the island. However, the most important things about this capture point other than its location is the fact that it can spawn an extra plane and has an air raid station.

AA Village


Northeast corner of map [World Map View] Southwest corner of map [Compass View]


There’s three ways to approach the AA Village. If you are coming from the Airfield, you won’t have much choice but to barrel down the main road. It’s not very safe but you really don’t have an option. If you are coming from the Village, you can also come from the main road. Again, it’s not very safe, but there’s at least a decent amount of cover along the hills and trees on each side of the road.

The best way is to try to flank this capture point along the beach. Run along the southern beach and get behind the buildings of the capture point. Climb the hill right next to the building and capture it from under their noses.


The best way to capture this point is to run into the building next to the flag. You can also wait on the outside of the building which you might have to because the walls are usually destroyed here.


Most people will capture this point just like the Airfield. They will be inside the building if on foot or outside in a vehicle. Shoot your rocket/grenade launcher at the building to clear them out and kill them as you see them.

Other Intel:

A jeep will spawn here and that’s about it. There’s an AA gun along the sandbags facing the Airfield and another on the hill leading to the Airfield.



Southeast corner of map

Approach there’s a couple ways to approach this one. You can approach it along the main road from the AA village but in all likelihood, the bridge will be destroyed and you won’t be able to cross it. Don’t worry though because you can go down the hill to the left of the bridge, go through the water, and up the hill leading right to the flag.

Another great method is to take the boat from the Signal Station. Very few people ever look towards the Signal Station unless they are heading for the boat to try to take it. You can very easily flank the enemy going this way and capture it.

The last is from the boats along the southern edge of the island. This is a great method for the Japanese army to take from the carrier but you can also land on the tip to grab the jeep and head over from the other side. This is generally a safe path since most people are busy looking towards the AA Village but it is time consuming and may not be worth it just to capture this capture point.


A great place to capture this capture point from is in the corner of the building in the far northeast corner. Most people don’t realize that the capture point stretches out to reach this building and will often ignore it.


Most people will hide in the building closest to the flag. Destroy the walls and kill any enemies you spot. Some enemies will try to hide in the building directly to the north of the flag as well and shoot at you from the doorway so keep an eye out for those enemies.

Other Intel:

A tank will spawn here and a jeep will spawn opposite of it. There is also a boat facing the Signal Station that you can take to any other capture point pretty easily. The bridge leading from the AA Village to this capture point can be destroyed and cannot be repaired. There’s a path down a dirt hill to the side of the bridge that will safely get any vehicle through to the next capture point.

US Strategies

The US army will spawn on the southern air carrier. Odds are, you will be stuck in a boat since there are only two planes and they generally go fast. If you can grab a plane and aren’t good with dogfighting, I suggest flying straight to the Airfield and parachuting in to capture it first. However, if you’re in a boat, there are a few things you can do.

Most people will head straight for the Signal Station and capture this first simply because it’s the closest. For this exact reason, skip it. Go straight to the Beach and capture it leaving the Signal Station for the next teammate to head over there. Take a look at your map while you are capturing the Beach just to make sure you have a teammate going to the Signal Station. If not, you should fall back and capture the Signal Station. After you control the Beach, head for the Airfield unless you see somebody already heading over there on your team.

If the Airfield is either capture or about to be captured, go to the Signal Station and grab the boat to flank the village on the opposite end of the island. If your team is quick enough and you’re able to steal the Village, you will already be off to a four capture point lead which will slowly reduce their tickets. This is probably one of the best ways to start the map and the rest should just be going for enemy capture points.

Japanese Strategies

You should start this round as the Japanese similar to how you’d start the round as the US. If you can grab a plane, go straight for the airfield. If you can’t, go in a boat and skip the Village to go to the AA Village. Capture this point first and make sure a teammate is heading over to the village. The Airfield is kind of far so you may want to avoid going straight for it if the US already has the Beach. If they don’t have the Beach, quickly go to the Airfield.

If the US does have the Beach, go back to the Village and grab the boat. Take it down to the Signal Station and steal it from the US troops. They will likely leave it unguarded as they head for the Airfield and trying to cycle through the map. From here, just cycle behind them and capture points as they leave them.

3. Classes (BF3)


The infantry class is a great class to play as if you like close quarters combat and will likely drive around in tanks a lot. The infantry class has a sub-machine gun to take down any enemies that get too close for comfort. The only problem is it’s not very good at long range. They also have rocket launchers to easily take out enemy tanks. Another great benefit to the infantry class is they get a wrench to repair damaged vehicles with.

US Weapons | Japanese Imperial Navy Weapons
M1A1 Sub-Machine Gun | Type 100 Sub-Machine Gun
M18 Recoilless Anti-Tank | Type 18 Recoilless AT
M12 Wrench | Type 12 Wrench
MK2 Hand Grenades | Type 97 Hand Grenades


The rifleman class is probably the best all around class. Their semi-automatic rifles are very powerful that you only need a few shots to hit for a kill and the distance is incredible. You can easily kill enemies with this rifle from one capture point to the other while it still has the versatility to do damage up close. The grenade launcher is also a great addition to help you fight off enemy tanks. It will take several grenades to kill a tank but with some help, you could take down a tank.

US Weapons | Japanese Imperial Navy Weapons
M1 Semi-Automatic Rifle | Type 5 Semi-Automatic Rifle
M17 Rifle Grenade | Type 91 Rifle Grenade
M1 Bayonet | Type 5 Bayonet
Mk2 Hand Grenades | Type 97 Hand Grenade


The scout class is by far the best range class in the game. Their primary weapon is a sniper rifle. Be careful when you’re aiming long range with it though because over far distances, bullets will start to drop a bit. Practice firing the sniper rifle in the tutorial to get a good feel for it. They are also equipped with a handgun for close ecounters and enemies sneaking up from behind. They can also be very powerful against tanks. If you can get close enough as a scout, toss one explosive one it and set it off to blow the whole tank up!

US Weapons | Japanes Imperial Navy Weapons
M1903 Sniper Rifle | Type 98 Sniper Rifle
M1911 Pistol | Type 14 Pistol
M1 Bayonet | Type 94 Shin Gunto
Explosives | Explosives

4. Vehicles (BF4)

The main thing that the Battlefield series has been popular for has always been the vehicles they put in the game. It was one of the first to include vehicles and it’s not just tanks. The series has featured planes, tanks, jeeps, and boats since the glory days of Battlefield 1942. Those are the only vehicles from Battlefield 1942 that EA decided to include in their latest addition to the series, Battlefield 1943.


The Jeeps are ideal for transportation. They are very fast and agile. You can zip past tanks without them touching you a lot, it just depends how good the tank driver is. They can also turn very well and tapping the brakes can allow you to make very quick and sharp turns. Each jeep has one machine gun that you can use and also a third seat for another soldier to use where they just use their normal weapon.


The Boats are also ideal for transportation. They’re pretty quick but they’re still big targets for enemy fighter planes. They are mostly used to leave the air carrier but some capture points like the ones in Wake Island also spawn boats to give you a good path to flank the enemy. There are two machine guns on each boat along with three spots that soldiers can wait inside the boat in.


The tanks are the most powerful land vehicles in the game. They don’t take much skill to drive and can be a force to deal with no matter who the driver is. The tank cannon can easily do tons of damage to enemy vehicles while the machine guns can quickly take down infantry. Just make sure to hide your rear end as much as possible. That is your weak point.


Planes can be the best vehicles in the game if you master them. Two-three good pilots on the same team can almost single handedly win a round for their team. They can dogfight with each other and quickly take down enemy planes. They can also easily take down bombers before they are able to carpet bomb an entire area. The bombs they drop can also be very dangerous towards tanks. Their only real weaknesses are against other planes, anti-air guns, and to a much lesser degree, the machine guns on Jeeps.

5. Strategies (BF5)

  • WINNING!!The point of the Battlefield games was always and will always be, to win! It’s not about having the best personal score, you want to do what you have to to win! The best way to win is to hold as many capture points as possible. If an enemy is too scared of you and tries to run away, let him! Let him hide while you capture more capture points.
  • SELECTING THE RIGHT CLASSObviously, every great Battlefield player will know what class to play in what situation. Figure out how well you are in each class and then try to figure out which would be the best to choose from in each situation. If your team has a lot of capture points and they’re just defending their one point, you may want to go scout and prevent any from trying to flank your teammates or steal capture points. If you’re going to get in a tank, you may want to be infantry so you can repair your tank when it’s damaged. If you’re fighting off enemies at a capture point and you see a tank coming, you may want to be infantry for the rocket launcher or scout for explosives depending at which you’re comfortable with. If you’re going to only fight in close quarters combat, you may want to be infantry for their submachine gun or if you want a good all around infantry class, you might want to be the rifleman. Experiment with each class until you get comfortable in each one and then learn when to use each class.
  • DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME WAITING FOR PLANESI’ve seen this too often in my days of Battlefield 2. People would rather sit in their base, contributing absolutely nothing, waiting for a plane. Fortunately, it doesn’t seem to be a major problem in Battlefield 1943 but I still see it happen. By sitting on the carrier doing nothing, you are giving the enemy team an advantage in the fact that you’re not doing anything! Get out there and join the battle, capture some points, assist squad members, get kills. After all, if you’re playing just for points, you’ll still get more by fighting in the front lines than flying a plane all round.
  • FLANKINGWhat’s the best way to kill an enemy? When he doesn’t see you! The best way to deal with enemies is to get behind them and kill them before they have any idea where you are. If you’re approaching a capture point, chances are they’ll be looking at your closest capture point. Try to go in through the back path so you can get behind them. If you’re flanking, a great strategy to get used to is throwing quick grenades into the doors of bunkers to kill any machine gunners inside. Just make sure nobody’s shooting at you when you throw the grenade in the bunker. This strategy works great when there’s a big battle in a small area. If there’s a big battle being fought in a small area, the enemy will all be looking towards your teammates. This will leave you a great opportunity to sneak behind them and take them out while your teammates are distracting them.
  • DEALING WITH TANKSA sight that everybody is afraid of is turning a corner or leaving a building only to be staring down the barrel of an enemy tank. Don’t worry because every class has a good chance at destroying an enemy tank. The infantry is the best since they get the rocket launcher. Keep a distance so you will have time to hide and reload in between shots. Always try to hit the rear end of tanks since that is their weak spot. If you can get close as a scout, toss an explosive on it and detonate it. If you’re a rifleman, just throw all your grenades at it. If you’re a rifleman, you may want to just run but it is possible to do a good amount of damage to a tank.
  • TRAJECTORYYou will notice that rockets, sniper rounds, and most particularly, tank shells will drop over a distance. They all have their own trajectory to them so you definitely want to get used to the trajectory of each weapon in the tutorial. If you can master the trajectory of each weapon, you will be the most lethal player in the game at long range.
  • RELOADINGThere’s more to reloading in this game than you may believe. For one, you can actually reload while sprinting which is great when it comes to going to cover after firing off a whole clip. If you reload and start to sprint, you will finish reloading in the normal time it would have taken you to reload which gives you that added speed element for survival purposes. Also, if you shot one or two grenade launcher grenades or AT rockets, you can press reload again to reload that ammo type. It will still take time to reload that ammo but if you aren’t near any enemies, you can do this to make sure you are fully prepared for the next set of enemies you see.
  • USING COVERThe best way to survive is obviously to stay out of sight. Sometimes you have to fight but that doesn’t mean you should just stand in a wide open area as the enemy has a clear target for you. Something so common as a pile of sandbags could give you a good advantage. The most important time to use cover is while reloading, hide as best as you can behind anything you can find to stay safe while reloading.
  • GRENADESUse grenades to your advantage. They take some accurate throws to get kills with them but that’s not their only good use! Throw them into buildings when you approach capture points. If you don’t kill an enemy, you may still get that small red idicator around the crosshair that means you hit an enemy. If you see that, you know where the enemy is since you threw a grenade there. The grenades also reload pretty quickly too so there isn’t too long of a break between grenades.
  • RIFLE GRENADEThe grenade launcher can be very useful. However, you just have to use them wisely in battle because they take a while to reload after you shoot your three. You may not want to use them in the middle of a wide open area in close quarters combat because the blast radius is kind of small and you are likely better off to use your regular rifle. However, rifle grenades excel at killing enemies in buildings. A lot of times, the enemy will try to hide in the buildings along windows and doorways for added coverage or in a corner to capture a capture point. The rifle grenade can easily kill people inside buildings if you just shoot the walls.
  • DROPPED WEAPONSObviously you need to know your class and when to use it but sometimes you’re done with that situation and want to switch. That’s when you need to look for kits dropped from dead friendlies or enemies. On top of this, it would be wort your while to keep note of any in an open area. If you have to reload a weapon and have absolutely no cover, see if there’s a kit on the ground to pick up! Sometimes you unload a clip and that’s not enough. If you pick up another kit on the ground, hopefully it will have some ammo in the clip and you can shoot the enemy that much quicker.
  • MELEE ATTACKSThe best time to use melee attacks is when you are behind an enemy and they don’t know you’re there. However, that isn’t the only opportunity you’ll have. If you are close to an enemy and have to reload, don’t even bother reloading. Simply get a little closer and stab him with whatever melee weapon your class has to kill them quickly.
  • REMOTE CHARGESThe traditional use of remote charges are pretty obvious. However, there are a couple other things you can do with them. You can lay a trap with them along a capture point where vehicles are likely to drive and set them off. You can also plant them on bridge and detonate it when a tank drives over the bridge. Another great option is to throw them on your jeep. You can throw them on the front end of your jeep and drive towards enemy tanks or groups of infantry, bail out, and detonate the charges as the jeep rolls into the enemy.
    -Thanks to Hawkmania for the tip!
  • USING YOUR PLANE AS A WEAPON — IN UNCONVENTIONAL WAYSSometimes your plane will take heavy damage in a dogfight. If you can’t get away from the enemy planes, you can use your plane as a weapon on ground troops. Start to dive bomb towards an enemy capture point or area with several enemy troops running around. Try to shoot them a couple times and bail out before you hit the ground. You want to bail out a little early so you can still use your parachute. If your timing is right and your flying is accurate, sometimes you can take a soldier or two out with the explosion of your plane while leaving you safe. -Thanks to Hawkmania for the tip!
  • DOG FIGHTINGIf you want to be good with a plane, you have to be good at dog fighting. This requires lots and lots of practice. First off, you want to go through the tutorial mode and practice shooting down those baloons. After you get used to it, you can start trying it out in game. A good way to learn how to aim at moving targets is to try to kill those bombers that fly by during air raids. Also practice bombing targets in the tutorial mode. If you can bomb tanks on the ground, you’ll rack up huge points and weaken the enemy’s forces.
  • DEALING WITH AA GUNSWhen you start flying planes regularly, you will notice that AA Guns can get to be a handful. Meanwhile you still have to deal with fighting off enemy planes. Well the best way to avoid those pesky AA guns is to fly low. You will notice that you can’t look down from an AA gun which allows you to fly below their target range. This is obviously a better strategy for AA guns that are on top of hills but still possible with lower AA guns along the coast. This obviously takes practice because it’s
    dangerous to fly so close to the ground so practice flying very low in the tutorial. You can also come up from a low angle and shoot the AA guns with your machine guns before they can touch you.
  • AIR RAIDSAir raids can be a great way to clear up an enemy capture point that your team is fighting for while reducing the number of enemy tickets at the same time. The best place to drop these are obviously in a heavily populated area. The problem is finding it. Once you get in the air raid station, press pause to look at the map and see where most of the enemies are. This isn’t too much of a problem at Iwo Jima since the angle is just right for you to decide at the last second. The best time to get in this is when the enemy only has one capture point left because most of their’s and your team will be in that general area and you can free that area up while racking up the kills. Just make sure that no enemies are near you when you enter or they will wait and kill you once you get out.
  • REPAIRSA good tank driver can very easily control a round with a decent squad around them. However, the tank will obviously take damage over time. If you can keep your tank repaired, you can easily take over any round. Make note of where all the auto-repair stations are. If there aren’t any
    around you, you may want to stick to the infantry class and repair it with your wrench when safe. These strategies also work for jeeps. Planes will also take damage over time and you can repair those by flying over your runways.
  • STEALING THE ENEMY’S RESOURCESA great way to give your team a huge advantage is to steal their
    vehicles. If you happen to fly by the enemy carrier and see a plane
    there, ditch your’s and steal their’s. That’ll give your team one more
    plane and more importantly, takes one away from the enemy. 3-4 planes will be much more important to your team when you’re facing 1-2 planes. Also, if you see somebody ditch a tank after it’s almost destroyed, take it! If you can, go to a repair station or repair it if you’re infantry. If the enemy is driving it, it likely came from an enemy base or capture point which takes away a tank from the enemy and giving one to your team. This is a great strategy to do with pretty much any vehicle and even the air raids as it strengthens your team’s attacks and weakens their’s.
  • KEEP AN EYE ON THE MINI-MAPKeeping an eye on your mini-map can give you the upper hand in many
    battles and see flankers before they see you! When teammates spot
    enemies, they will appear on your mini-map including vehicles. Sometimes, you will see a white (empty) vehicle appear on your mini-map and
    flashing. If you see this, you better take a look because most of the time, it will be an enemy leaving the vehicle trying to flank you.
  • TEAMWORK/SQUADSThis is a TEAM game so play as a TEAM!! You have a huge advantage if you work with a squad than by yourself, there’s strength in numbers. If you
    see a teammate trying to run to your jeep/boat, stop and let him in! You will have a much better chance at survival with a gunner in your vehicle and will have a much better chance capturing bases with more people.
    Remember, more people at a capture point means capturing it quicker! Also take advantage of the command feature. By pressing the select button
    while looking at a capture point, it will put a marker on it that your
    whole squad will see. This will help your squad stay together and
    naturally be much more powerful.

6. Trophies/Stamps (BF6)

Bronze Trophies

Attacker Capture five flags

Best Squad Be in the best squad on all three maps

Defender Defend five flags

Milkrun Fly a plane for 10 minutes

Motorman Get one kill with car, tank and plane

Parachutist Use the parachute once (2 seconds)

Melee Man Melee kill one enemy player

Silver Trophies

Master of your domain Get one kill playing as each class

Tour of Duty I Play 30 matches

Tour of Duty II Play one hundred matches

Veteran Cap 25 enemy flags

Gold Trophies

The Pacific Campaign Win once on every map as any team


Cumulative Postcards

Attacker Description – Capture thirty flags Tips – You will easily get this one over time if you just keep attacking enemy capture points.

Best Squad Description – Be in the best squad three times on each map Tips – Join a squad and just try your best to get a high score. Your best chance is to join a squad with a lot of other members.

Defender Description – Defend twenty flags Tips – You will easily get this one over time if you just keep defending your capture points.

Master of Your Domain Description – Get seventeen kills playing as each class Tips – If you really hate one of the classes, you can just pick the class when you are going to use a vehicle. It’s easy to accumulate a lot of kills in a tank.

Melee Man Description – Get twenty melee kills Tips – You will easily get this one over time if you just keep using your melee attacks whenever you can.

Milk Run Description – Fly a plane for twenty minutes Tips – Just play the Coral Sea map if you really want this one quickly.

Motorman Description – Get twenty five kills each with a car, tank and plane Tips – The tank is easy and you can do a lot with the plane in Coral Sea. The car, you probably want to either run over people when you see them or sit in a high traffic area in the gunner seat.

Parachutist Description – Use the parachute twice Tips – Just jump out of a plane twice and use the parachute.

The Pacific Campaign Description – Win twice on every map as any team Tips – You will eventually get this one after a couple of rounds on each map.

Tour of Duty I Description – Play fifty matches Tips – Just keep playing, you’ll get it over time.

Tour of Duty II Description – Play one hundred and thirty matches Tips – Just keep playing, you’ll get it over time.

Veteran Description – Capture fifty enemy flags Tips – If you like to attack enemy capture points, you will easily get this one over time.

Master Blaster Description – Kill fifty enemies with grenades, rifle grenades, or explosives Tips – The best is to use rifle grenades on buildings. Otherwise, just make sure to take advantage of your grenades and you will eventually get this one over time.

Infantryman Description – Kill fifty enemies with a submachine gun Tips – Just play a lot as infantry and you’ll get this one.

Rifleman Description – Kill fifty enemies with a semi-automatic rifle Tips – Just play a lot as rifleman and you’ll get this one.

Sniper! Description – Kill fifty enemies with a scoped rifle Tips – Just play a lot as a scout and you’ll get this one.

The Best Description – Get the highest score in a match Tips – The best way to get a high score is to always fight and capture points. Stay around the front lines and try to be the first in the capture points.

Truly Elite Description – Get ten thousand kills Tips – This one will likely take you a long time but if you really want to get this one, you’ll just eventually get it over time.

Squad Assister Description – Get one hundred squad assists Tips – Stick with your squad members. When they are attacking somebody and you’re attacking the same enemy, you’ll get squad assists.

Squad Avenger Description – Avenge one hundred squad members Tips – Stick with your squad members. If an enemy kills a squad member and then you kill that enemy, you’ll get an avenger point.

Lifer Description – Reach top rank Tips – This one will likely take you a long time but if you really want to get this one, you’ll just eventually get it over time.

Goodbye Blue Sky Description – Launch an air raid killing at least one enemy Tips – This one is easy, just head over to any enemy capture point in an air raid and drop the bombs, you only need one kill.

Fighter Ace Description – Get fifty kills using fighter planes Tips – Your best chance is to play Coral Sea until you get this as that map is where you’ll get most of your fighter plane kills.

Wheelman Description – Get fifty kills each using any vehicle Tips – You only need a total of fifty vehicle kills, not fifty per vehicle. If you want the fighter ace postcard, you’ll get this one as well.

In One Round Stamps

Anti Tank Efficiency Description – Kill four vehicles with recoilless rifle Tips – This one will be fairly difficult. If you really want it, just camp vehicles in enemy capture points and blow them up when they enter the vehicles. Also, try to aim for AA guns with enemies in them.

Explosives Efficiency Description – Kill four enemies with grenades or explosives Tips – Just spam grenades around enemy capture points. This is best when they only have one capture point since they will all likely be grouped together.

Knife Efficiency Description – Kill four players with melee weapons Tips – This one will be hard to get. The best way to do this is to try to flank the enemy as much as possible. If you really want to get this one, run around buildings in capture points with your melee weapon out and hope for the best.

Pistol Efficiency Description – Kill four enemies with a pistol Tips – Try to shoot the enemy once with the sniper rifle fairly close in the body. This will take them down to very low health, then you can just finish them off with the pistol. Do this a couple of times until you get the four required kills.

Rifle Efficiency Description – Kill four enemies with a semi-automatic rifle Tips – This is easy, just play as rifleman and fight in the front lines.

Rifle Grenade Efficiency Description – Kill four enemies with rifle grenades Tips – The rifle grenades are pretty powerful. Use them on jeeps or enemies in buildings. They are very powerful in each situation and can also be powerful if you just shoot the ground around an enemy.

SMG Efficiency Description – Kill four enemies with a submachine gun Tips – This is easy, just play as infantry and fight in the front lines.

Sniper Efficiency Description – Kill four enemies with a scoped rifle Tips – This is easy, just play as scout and fight in the front lines.

Best Squad Description – Be the best squad of the round Tips – Join a squad and just try your best to get a high score. Your best chance is to join a squad with a lot of other members.

Squad Excellence Description – Each squad member gets any one stamp and ten kills Tips – To get this one, everybody in your squad needs one stamp and you are the only one that will need ten kills. Just go in squads every round. Chances are by the time you hit ten kills, everybody else in your squad will have gotten one stamp.

Teamplayer Description – Get ten squad assists Tips – Just stick to your squad and fight with your squad members. It might take a few tries but if you find a good squad that will fight on the front lines, you’ll eventually get this one.

Air Superiority Description – Shoot down three bombers Tips – You’ll have to be in a fighter plane. Just get behind the bombers and fly slowly during an air raid and shoot all three down. You can actually shoot down one in one air raid and two in another and you will still get this stamp.

Attacker Efficiency Description – Capture five enemy flags Tips – You only need capture or capture assists for this. Just be in the capture zone for five flags and you’ll get this stamp.

Defender Efficiency Description – Defend five flags Tips – Killing an enemy in your capture point or if you are in your capture point, you will get a defend point. Just get five defend points (5 points each) to get this stamp.

Leatherneck Description – Kill at least twenty enemies Tips – This one won’t happen too often but you need to get 20 kills in one round. Your best chance is waiting in a tank in the front lines and shooting down any enemies you see.

Vehicle Assist Efficinecy Description – Get five vehicle assist kills Tips – An easy way to get this is to play air superiority and shoot the planes until they start smoking. Keep doing this and hopefully your teammates will finish the planes off to give you the assist points. If this doesn’t work, you can try damaging tanks and jeeps to half damage in enemy capture points and just hope that the enemies will get in the damaged vehicles and teammates will finish them off.

Air Defense Efficiency Description – Kill two planes with an anti aircraft gun Tips – Just sit in an anti aircraft gun and kill two enemy planes. There really isn’t any tricks to this, you just have to destroy two planes with the anti aircraft guns in one round.

Boat Efficiency Description – Get two kills while in a landing craft Tips – This one can be a pain to get. If you are really having problems and can’t get this one, a good method is to just get a boat and park it in front of the Beach in Wake Island when the enemy has it and kill the enemies that spawn.

Bombing Efficiency Description – Kill four enemies with bombing raids Tips – You don’t have to get all four kills in one bombing raid. If you want, you can just wait at the air raid station for each bombing you can do. The best way to do this is start a bombing raid when the enemy only has one capture point and then bombing that. Most of the time, most of their team will be at that capture point and it will be easy to get four in one bombing raid.

Car Efficiency Description – Get four kills with a car Tips – A good way is just to run back and forth through the front lines trying to run over the enemies you see. If that doesn’t work out for you, you can just sit in the gunner seat of a jeep in the enemy’s capture point and killing enemies as they spawn.

HMG Efficiency Description – Get four kills with a heavy machine gun Tips – The best way is to just always use the heavy machine guns. A good map for this is Iwo Jima. If you can’t get it from just fighting along the front lines from the heavy machine guns, a good way is to sit in the bunker looking at the Lighthouse in Iwo Jima when the enemy has that capture point and shooting any enemy that spawns with the heavy machine gun.

Fighter Efficiency Description – Get five kills with a fighter plane Tips – Just play the Coral Sea map and you’ll eventually get five kills in one round.

Tank Efficiency Description – Get four kills with a tank Tips – Tanks are very powerful so you really shouldn’t have much of a problem with this stamp, just grab a tank whenever you see one.

Vehicle Destroyer Description – Destroy six vehicles in any fashion Tips – Just play the Coral Sea map and you’ll eventually destroy six vehicles in one round.

7. Contact (BF7)

Do you have any suggestions, comments, critiques, or just a simple thanks to me? Well you could e-mail me at and tell me what you think! You could tell me whatever you’d like about the game whether it’s a tip not listed in this guide that you think would help a lot of people, a mistake I made, or just a simply thanks. I will try to get back to you as quickly as possible answering any questions you may have. Just make sure to include something about Battlefield 1943 in the subject of the e-mail or I will delete it. Please don’t send any attachments or I will immediately delete the e-mail without opening it. I have recently received a virus through an e-mail and was forced to reformat and I’m not going to go through that again.

Things/How to E-Mail me about: -What you think about this guide. -If you need any additional help or clarification. -Some tips for maps or strategies that aren’t in this guide. -Anything you think would be a good addition to this guide. -Make sure your subject indicates you’re trying to contact me about this game. -Just a simple thanks!

Things/How NOT to E-Mail me about: -Things that don’t have anything to do with the game. -Anything that is already clearly discussed in this guide. -Any file attachments. -With really bad grammar! I understand that for some people, English isn’t their first language but that doesn’t mean you should send me something completely unreadable because you’re too lazy to use punctuations or spaces. If I can’t understand what you’re trying to say, your e-mail will be ignored.

8. Disclaimer (BF8)

This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyrighted © 2009 to Frank Grochowski. International Copyright laws protect this FAQ/Walkthrough. You cannot sell this FAQ/Walkthrough for a profit of any kind. You cannot reproduce this FAQ/Walkthrough in any way without my written consent. You are however allowed to download this FAQ/Walkthrough for personal use. You can also post it on your website as long as you give me full credit, don’t change it in any way, and it is free.

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