Bayonetta – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Bayonetta – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

February 8, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

Introduction and Tutorial

Initially, the game introduces the backstory and basic controls through an introduction sequence that also serves as a tutorial. Here, the focus should be on familiarizing yourself with Bayonetta’s controls, especially basic attacks, dodges and combination strikes. Destroy the enemies that appear, following the on-screen instructions to practice dodging and using effective combos. The key to success in combat is precision timing of dodges, which activates “Witch Time”, temporarily slowing down time and allowing you to attack without reprisal.

When the flying creatures appear, focus on executing the commands displayed on the screen to defeat them. After your victory, look for a hole to exit the area and continue.

Combat and First Boss

In the next area, you will find more enemies to fight. Use this opportunity to hone your combat skills by experimenting with different strike combinations. When facing the first boss, watch his attack patterns and use dodge to avoid damage, especially when he “puts his hands together” as this often precedes a powerful attack.

After defeating the boss, watch the animation and prepare for a crucial segment: filling your power bar, located below the energy bar. Perform combos without taking damage to maximize this bar, allowing you to execute fatal blows. This is essential to progress efficiently and prepare for future challenges.

Chapter 1 – The Angel’s Metropolis

General Tips for Chapter 1

  • Strategy is key: Learn the attack patterns of enemies and bosses to know the exact moment to attack or dodge.
  • Use Witch Time: Activating Witch Time, slowing down time when dodging attacks at the last second, is essential to give you the necessary advantage against stronger enemies.
  • Explore the environment: Don’t forget to explore each area for useful items that can restore your health or increase your power.

Starting Chapter 1

1. Crossing the Metro: The first step is simple. Once you start the chapter, head to the other side of the subway. You will find a set of stairs. Climb these stairs, and you’ll see metal detectors ahead. Go through them to advance in the level.

2. Facing the Mosaic Door: Just past the metal detectors, there will be a door made of mosaic blocking your path. Attack this door until it collapses and allows you to pass through. Keep moving forward.

3. The Statue and the Key: Eventually, you will come to a hole. Go down it and you will find a statue. Break this statue to get a key. With the key in hand, go back upstairs and look for a blocked door. Use the key on that door to unlock it and proceed.

Acquiring the Power to Cross Water

4. The Broken Statue: After advancing through the door unlocked with the key, you will come across a broken statue. When investigating the statue, enemies will appear. Eliminate them all. With the area cleared, the statue will be rebuilt, and you will receive a sequence of on-screen commands. Execute this combination to gain the power to cross over water, a crucial ability to advance in the game.

Intense Combat and Bosses

5. Breaking another Mosaic and the Central Platform: Continue your journey by breaking another mosaic you find along the way and climb onto the central platform. Here, you will have to face more enemies. Use the weapons they drop to make combat easier and more effective.

6. The First Boss of the Chapter: After clearing the area of ​​common enemies, prepare for the first significant challenge: a boss. Focus on shooting and hitting the rock located on the boss’s back. A valuable tip is to use the horn, if available, to cause greater damage. Keep attacking until you defeat him.

7. The Second Boss: After defeating the first boss, move forward until you find the next passage, and prepare to face another boss. This time, the secret is to constantly shoot at the enemy’s heads and dodge at the right time to avoid their attacks. When he tries to bite, this is your chance to counterattack.

8. The Large Creature: Continuing, you will come across a giant creature. Your objective is to attack the giant’s arm without stopping. Be careful not to fall off the platform during the confrontation. If you are thrown, a sequence of commands will appear on the screen; execute it quickly to save yourself. When the giant starts destroying the stairs, run without hesitation until you reach the top. There, dodge the blows and keep attacking his arms until he finally falls.

Chapter 2 – Vigrid, City of Déja Vu

General Tips for Chapter 2

  • Perfect Dodge: Mastering dodge not only helps you avoid damage but also activates Witch Time, essential for defeating enemies and bosses effectively.
  • Exploration: Take your time. Exploring every corner can reveal items that will be crucial to your journey.
  • Adapt: ​​Each confrontation in this chapter teaches you something new. Use this to your advantage and adapt your strategies as needed.

Facing Jeane

The chapter begins with a direct confrontation against Jeane. The key here is agility. You’ll want to avoid taking too much damage, so focus on short, quick attacks. The most important thing is to dodge her blows in time. This initial combat is more about picking up the pace and understanding that dodging is as essential as attacking.

Climbing the Castle

After the revealing and perhaps even exciting animations, head towards the wall in front. Here, you will need to climb. Once at the top, get ready for more action: enemies await you and you must eliminate them to continue. Stay agile, using the environment to your advantage when possible.

Crossing the Castle Entrance

After dealing with the enemies at the top, go to the entrance and on the other side you will find a pillar that needs to be activated. Do so and run towards the opposite door. Here, a crucial detail: dodge the beam to activate “Witch Time”, allowing time to pass slowly. This will give you the perfect opening to destroy the door and advance.

Central City Square

Now, head to the central part of the city, the city square. After a series of animations, more enemies will appear. Eliminate them all to proceed. Then, go right. You will go down the tram line, and after a dramatic event with the tram overturning, get ready to face the flaming wheels. This part will test both your agility and your attacking ability.

Confrontations and Exploration

Continuing your way through the city, go down the street until you reach the next square. Here, you have the chance to acquire more items, which I highly recommend if your inventory allows it. Otherwise, continue to the right. Get ready to destroy more creatures and activate statues essential for progress.

Crossing the Bridge

After releasing the statues and activating the beam, you’ll have to be quick. Break the wall and cross the bridge before time returns to normal. This part requires precision and speed, so stay tuned.

The Cave Boss

When you enter the cave and watch another sequence of animations, prepare yourself for the boss. This combat is divided into phases. First, focus on the center head, avoiding its fireballs. When the other head appears, keep attacking, but don’t neglect dodging. The attacks here can be brutal, so timing when dodging is crucial. When the room is thrown, a sequence of commands will appear. Execute it perfectly to eliminate the creature and emerge victorious.

Chapter 3 – The Burning Ground

Tips for Chapter 3

  • Prioritize dodging: Against lava enemies and new opponents, dodging efficiently is more important than attacking incessantly.
  • Take advantage of slow time: Use statues to manipulate time, especially when crossing lava.
  • Run when necessary: ​​There are times when fighting is futile. Recognize these moments and use speed to your advantage.
  • Quick observation and reaction: Whether in platform challenges or avoiding obstacles, attention to detail and quick reactions will be your greatest allies.

Home: Fighting Lava Creatures

As soon as you start, you will come across creatures made of lava. The key here is to use your weapons efficiently to avoid taking damage while maintaining a safe distance. Don’t underestimate these enemies; distance is your friend.

Race Against Lava

Then lava will start flowing down the streets. Here, the priority changes; leave enemies behind and run! Speed ​​is essential to avoid being swallowed by lava.

New Enemy and Temporal Statues

Just ahead, you will encounter a new type of enemy. The old trick of dodging at the last second and counterattacking will be your best ally. After defeating him, you will use statues to slow down time. This is crucial for crossing areas covered in lava. Timing is everything; Activate slow time and cross at the exact moment.

Crossing the Lava and More Combat

As you advance, the lava will take over the street again. Now, you’ll have to be agile, moving along the walls and using central platforms to progress. After a tense race, prepare for more combat in the next square. Eliminate the enemies and enjoy the animation, but pay attention to the sequence of commands that will appear.

Challenges in the Caves

Inside the caves, the strategy changes to speed. Avoid fighting enemies when small lava eruptions begin; run to avoid damage.

Journey Between Worlds and The Reconstruction of the Bridge

As you exit the caves, you will try to cross a bridge that, unfortunately, collapses. Do not freak out. Go back and enter the portal in the center, transporting yourself to another world. Here, you’ll need to stop time to create platforms from the rising water, allowing you to advance to a large golden wall. Take the hourglass found there, return to the original world and use it to rebuild the collapsed bridge.

Final Race and Climb

After rebuilding the bridge, ignore the enemies and run! When the bridge starts to break, keep running and jumping to the fragments ahead without hesitation. When you reach the bottom, follow the path carefully, avoiding the eruptions. Your goal is to reach the highest point, going right.

Final Challenge – The Grand Colosseum

When you find the hole in the ceiling, show off your climbing skills. Walk along the wall, avoiding the falling rocks and lava trail. Once at the top, follow the stairs until you enter the large coliseum, preparing yourself for what comes next.

Chapter 4 – The Cardinal Virtue of Fortitude

Tips for Beating the Dragon

  • Master Dodge: The ability to dodge at the right time is crucial, especially against the dragon’s fire attacks and charges.
  • Take advantage of “Witch Time”: By successfully dodging at the last second, you will activate “Witch Time”, slowing down time and opening a perfect window to attack.
  • Use the Environment to Your Advantage: The hourglass is not there by chance. Use it strategically to maintain the advantage in the fight.
  • Air Attacks Are Your Friends: Maximizing your use of air attacks will allow you to avoid getting hit while attacking the dragon.

Clash against the Two-Headed Dragon

1. Stand Firm on the Platform: The fight begins on a platform, where balance is as crucial as combat. Be careful not to fall during the confrontation, as the environment will be as dangerous as the dragon itself.

2. Dodge Fireballs and Bites: The dragon will use fireballs and try to bite you. Dodge is key here. Learn the dragon’s attack patterns to know exactly when to dodge and avoid damage.

3. Counterattack with Aerial Combos: After successfully dodging the attacks, take the opportunity to counterattack with aerial combos. Bayonetta is extremely agile in the air, so use this to your advantage to inflict damage while avoiding being hit.

4. Use of the Hourglass: Eventually, the platform may give way under the weight of the battle. When this happens, look for an hourglass. Using it will rebuild the platform, allowing you to continue the fight. It’s a valuable resource that gives you the chance to resume the offensive with renewed vigor.

5. Special Strike: After taking down the dragon, a unique opportunity will arise. Jump on top of him and perform the indicated combination to deliver a special blow. This action is decisive to advance the fight.

Destruction of the Two Heads

After destroying the dragon’s two heads, a new scenario will appear: the outside of the coliseum. Here, the strategy changes slightly, but the intensity of the battle remains high.

1. Dodge the Lava Balls and Lightning: The coliseum will be the scene of fiery chaos. Balls of lava will rise from the ground, and lightning will be launched towards you. Keep moving constantly, dodging to avoid damage.

2. Attack the Main Head: With the two secondary heads defeated, focus your efforts on the dragon’s main head. This is the time to attack without stopping. Use all the skills and combos you’ve mastered so far to inflict as much damage as possible.

3. The End of the Monster: Keep pressing with incessant attacks until the monster’s main head is finally destroyed. This is a fight of endurance as much as skill, so stay calm and focus on your strategy.

Chapter 5 – The Lost Holy Grounds

Tips for Chapter 5

  • Agility is Key: Use double jumps and the aerial dodge ability to always stay one step ahead of danger.
  • Patience During Fights: Know the rhythm of each enemy and wait for the right moment to attack, especially against Jeane and the giant snake.
  • Use “Witch Time”: Activating Witch Time at critical moments can be the difference between victory and defeat, giving you the necessary advantage to deliver decisive blows.

Corridor Shattering

1. Advancing Down the Hallway: Right away, the ground begins to give way beneath your feet. Use double jumps to advance without falling into traps. Always keep moving and ready to jump at any time.

2. Facing Flying Enemies: After the last fall, use your shots to eliminate the flying enemies. Keep your distance and use your agility to dodge attacks while counterattacking.

Center and Stairs

3. Against Ground Enemies: In the center, prepare to face two fast enemies. The aerial dodge skill is crucial here to avoid his fast attacks and find openings to counterattack.

4. Climbing the Stairs: Continue your way up the stairs, avoiding obstacles. For now, ignore the enemies and focus on advancing.

Activating the Pillar and Flying

5. Activating the Pillar: You will find a pillar on your left. Activate it and follow the blue-lit path to a circle. Use it to fly to another part of the scene, dodging winged creatures along the way.

Combat and Ascension

6. New Fights: After landing, eliminate the ground monsters and then face new flying creatures. Continue climbing the stairs, paying attention to the creatures that use the wind to move.

7. Platforms and Activation Button: At the main door, use the side platforms to reach the platform above the gate. Jump to activate the switch and open the passage.

Inside the Tower

8. Climbing the Tower: Enter the tower, go up the stairs and prepare for another confrontation in the center. After eliminating the enemies, return to the stairs, climb the wall towards the window and head to the top of the tower, avoiding the falling debris.

Opening the Mosaic Gate

9. Activating the Statues: At the top, find the mosaic gate. Climb through the hole in front of the gate and, after defeating more creatures, activate the statues. Run down, activate the beam to slow down time and break the mosaic on the door to advance.

Facing the Giant Serpent

10. Staircase and Giant Serpent: Follow the staircase, being careful with the giant snake. At the top, wait for her to attack with her tail and counterattack.

11. Second Battle with the Serpent: Enter the other tower, climb the stairs and debris, and prepare to face the serpent again, now stronger.

Final Showdown with Jeane

12. Fight Against Jeane: Continue moving through the wreckage until you find Jeane. This fight will be intense; Use everything you’ve learned so far. After defeating it, use the panther’s power to jump to the next platform.

Chapter 6 – The Gates of Paradise

Tips for Chapter 6

  • Rapid Shapeshifting: Learn to quickly switch between your human and panther form to overcome obstacles and activate mechanisms efficiently.
  • Use the Environment to Your Advantage: Real-world objects are crucial in certain combats. Use them wisely to defeat enemies who are immune to normal attacks.
  • Pay Attention to Attack Patterns: Know the attack patterns of your enemies, especially the giant monster and its clone, to dodge and counterattack effectively.
  • Speed ​​is Essential: In several parts of this chapter, speed is your greatest ally. Use panther form to quickly traverse dangerous areas.

Starting the Chapter

1. Iron Gate and First Enemies: As soon as you start, head through the iron gate in front of you. Prepare for the initial combat by eliminating the first enemies you encounter.

2. Panther Transformation: After the fight, transform into a panther to quickly activate the buttons on the floor, opening the next gate.

Reconstruction of the Statue

3. Broken Statue: On the other side of the gate, interact with the broken statue. You will need to face and eliminate two serpents to make it possible to rebuild the statue.

4. Passage with Water Rises: With the statue rebuilt, stop time and use the water rises to cross to the other side of the obstacle.

Challenging the Skewers

5. Skewer Corridor: Carefully advance through the area with spikes on the floor. At the end of the corridor, before reaching the door, break the stone located on the right and close the mechanism to stop the spikes.

6. Combat and Passage as a Panther: After eliminating the enemies that appear, use your panther form to quickly press the buttons on the ground and advance.

The Bridge and Protection of Cereza

7. Showdown on the Bridge: Face the four monsters before reaching the bridge. Fight more enemies and be prepared to jump forward when the bridge breaks.

8. Protecting Cereza: In the next room, eliminate the creatures trying to target Cereza. Keep it safe while dealing with opponents.

Advancing and Facing Challenges

9. Combat with Real World Objects: After a long dialogue, exit through the left door and prepare to face enemies that can only be hit with real world objects, such as poles and boxes.

10. Escape from the Giant Monster: Enter the next gate and run from the giant monster. Use the objects around you to slow you down and ensure your safe passage through the gate.

11. Facing the Monster: After the animation, it’s time to eliminate the monster. Use your skill and strategy to defeat him.

Corridor with Light Beams and Clone

12. Running Down the Hall: Run through the hallway with beams of light as quickly as possible, preferably in your panther form, to avoid damage.

13. Confrontation with your Clone: ​​On the other side, you will face your clone. Show your superiority and beat him in combat.

14. Facing Creatures in Their Forms: After defeating the clone, fight the creatures in their true forms.

Ending the Chapter

15. Passing through the Portal: Finally, go through the portal and move forward, preparing yourself for the challenges that lie ahead.

Chapter 7 – The Cardinal Virtue Of Temperance

Tips for Battle

  • Patience and Observation: Patience is as important as aggressiveness in this fight. Observe and learn the boss’s attack patterns so you know when to dodge and when to attack.
  • Use “Witch Time”: Take advantage of opportunities to activate Witch Time through perfect dodges, slowing down time and opening large windows for attack.
  • Don’t Underestimate Defense: Remember that in Bayonetta, defending yourself properly is just as crucial as attacking. Use dodge not only to avoid damage, but also to create counterattack opportunities.

First Phase: Arms and Tentacles

1. Avoiding the Tentacles: The combat begins with the boss using his tentacles to try to hit you. The key here is to stay calm and dodge the blows efficiently. Do not rush; Observe attack patterns and react accordingly.

2. Tentacle Counterattack: After each attack attempt by the boss, he will throw you. This is his time to shine. Counterattack by targeting the tentacles whenever possible. Every damage counts, so take advantage of these opportunities.

3. Destroying the First Arm: Focus on one arm at a time. After dodging the attacks, concentrate your attack until you completely destroy the first arm. Persistence is crucial here.

Second Phase: The Other Arm and More Challenges

4. Dodging More Attacks: With one less arm, the boss will increase the intensity of his attacks. Get ready to dodge wind snakes and additional gunfire. Keep moving and always stay alert.

5. Attacking the Second Arm: After neutralizing the first, repeat the process with the second arm. The destruction of both arms is essential to advance to the next phase of combat.

Third Phase: Red Circles

6. Identifying the Red Circles: Now it’s time to get on the monster. Look for red circles scattered across your body. These are your targets.

7. Ranged Attack: Given that dangerous lightning emanates from these circles, a ranged attack is your best option. Avoid getting too close and focus on destroying all the circles to weaken the boss even more.

Final Phase: The Destruction of the Head

8. Preparing for the Final Phase: With the red circles destroyed, the real battle begins. The monster’s head is now your focus.

9. Dodging an Arsenal of Attacks: The boss will use everything he has against you, from lightning to fireballs to shots from his eyes. Precise dodging becomes even more vital at this stage. Anticipate every move and find the perfect moment to counterattack.

10. Using the Sword: To maximize your damage, wield the sword. This is the time to use all the skills you have mastered so far to eliminate the boss once and for all.

Chapter 8 – Route 666

Combat on top of cars

1. Start of the Chapter: You start on top of cars, facing enemies. Balance is key here; stand your ground and avoid falling on the street while dealing with opponents. Use your most effective attacks and leave no room for counterattacks.

Strategy to Face Enemies

2. Tip for Combat: After the initial animation, you will find more enemies on the track. The best strategy is to position them on the shoulder. This eliminates the worry of speeding cars, allowing you to focus fully on combat. Use the environment to your advantage by keeping enemies between you and the track.

Road Rash Style Motorcycle Sequence

3. Riding the Motorcycle: After facing enemies, you embark on an exciting motorcycle sequence, reminiscent of racing classics like Road Rash. Here, the ability to dodge becomes essential. You need to be agile to avoid cars and creatures while maintaining control of the bike at high speeds.

Tips for the Moto Sequence

  • Stay Calm: The speed can be overwhelming, but staying calm is crucial. React quickly, but without haste.
  • Dodge with Precision: Use Bayonetta’s dodging skills to avoid obstacles. Anticipating enemy and car movements will be your greatest ally.
  • Use the Shoulder: Whenever possible, use the shoulder to gain a brief respite from enemies and cars. However, be ready to jump back into the action at any time.

Reaching the Final Part

4. Final Motorcycle Phase: As you progress, the intensity of the challenges increases. Stay focused and be prepared for anything. The final part of the chapter will require everything you’ve learned so far, both in combat and piloting skill.

5. Conclusion: When you reach the end of the motorcycle sequence, prepare yourself for whatever comes next. Each chapter of Bayonetta prepares you for the challenges ahead, and “Route 666” is a unique journey that tests your skills in innovative ways.

Chapter 9 – Paradiso – A Remembrance of Time

General Tips for Chapter 9

  • Use Transformations Wisely: Switching between your human and panther form is crucial for navigating platforms and avoiding danger.
  • Attention to the Environment: The environment in “Paradiso” can be as challenging as the enemies. Stay alert to everything around you.
  • Patience and Precision: In combat, especially against the Golem, patience and precision are your best weapons. Wait for the right moment to attack.

Quick Start and Transparent Platforms

1. Running and Jumping: Start by transforming into a panther to gain speed and jump to another part of the tower. Transforming into a panther is essential to cover large distances quickly.

2. Navigating Platforms: Next, you will face transparent platforms. Move carefully, jumping from one to another, until you reach solid ground again. Accuracy is key here; calculate each jump.

Keys and Statue

3. Collecting the First Key: Destroy the enemies on dry land and get the key. They won’t make it easy, so be ready for intense combat.

4. Activating the Statue: Place the key in the statue in the center and go up the circular ramp. The path to the top is full of enemies, so keep your guard up.

Giant Ball Challenges

5. Facing the Giant Ball: At the top, after getting another key, get ready for the giant ball challenge. You can dodge the lightning to activate “Witch Time” and pass more slowly, or use the panther transformation for a quick escape.

The Little Town and the Monuments

6. Destroying Monuments: In the small town, you need to destroy 5 monuments to form the next key. Keep an eye out for the giant ball that will try to crush you and the enemies that appear.

Additional Challenges

7. Transparent Platforms and Enemy Boats: After forming the key, advance through the transparent platforms and face 2 enemy boats. Focus on destroying the red crystals to neutralize them while avoiding missiles and chains.

8. Flying and Destroying Tentacles: Use the circle to fly to the other side. Transform Bayonetta to gain lightning powers and destroy the tentacles by targeting the red dots.

Confrontation with the Golem

9. Facing the Golem: In the end, the confrontation with the Golem will test everything you have learned. Wait for it to take the form of a dragon or hands to reveal its vital point. The eagle form is more challenging; keep your distance and wait for the right moment to attack.

Chapter 10 – Paradiso – A Sea of ​​Stars

General Tips for Chapter 10

  • Agility is Key: Use the panther transformation to move quickly and avoid attacks.
  • Use the Environment to Your Advantage: Time-stopping statues are essential to overcoming the most difficult challenges in this chapter.
  • Attention to Attack Patterns: Observing and reacting to enemy attack patterns, especially during boss encounters, is crucial to advancing.

Home: Combat and Exploration

1. Destroying Enemies and Jumping the Hole: Start by eliminating all the enemies you encounter. Then, look for a hole in the city and take a leap of faith to continue the adventure.

2. Breaking Walls to Activate Mechanisms: Once you are in the new area, focus on breaking the walls that turn into mechanisms. These mechanisms allow the region to move, opening paths and revealing secrets.

Decisions and Transformation

3. Options After Moving the Region: After the first move, you will have a choice: collect items falling into the circle or readjust the area to continue on the correct path. Use your panther transformation to jump to the next path with agility.

Sequential Fights

4. Confrontation with Stingrays and Giant Hydra: Defeat the stingrays in your path and prepare for the return of the game’s first enemy, the giant Hydra. As before, the strategy is simple: fall into it to eliminate it.

5. Reunion with the Second Boss: The second boss returns in a simpler version. Keep moving, dodging tentacle attacks, and attack from a distance whenever possible.

Advancing and Facing Challenges

6. Navigating Platforms and Facing Enemies: Proceed, waiting for the platform to position itself correctly before jumping. Eliminate the enemies found and repeat the procedure to reach the central platform.

7. Boat Strategy: You can choose to face the boats to collect items or simply jump to the lower platform and move forward, avoiding unnecessary combat.

Final Showdowns and Strategy with Statues

8. Petrified Creatures Challenge: As you advance through the corridor, prepare to face petrified creatures. Unlike before, eliminate them without relying on slow timing while dodging.

9. Corridor with Spikes and Open Area: Carefully advance through the corridor full of spikes and prepare for intense combat in the open area. Use the statues to stop time and defeat the two challenging creatures.

10. Defeating the Giant Serpents and Walking on Water: After defeating the creatures, face the two giant snakes. With both defeated, use the statues again to stop time and cross over the water towards the platform ahead.

Chapter 11 – The Cardinal Virtue of Justice

General Tips for Chapter 11

  • Preserve Your Items: Avoid using items during the initial forest combat. You will need them for more challenging moments in the game.
  • Master Dodge: Dodge is not just a tool for avoiding damage; it can also be your gateway to powerful attacks, especially when you manage to activate “Witch Time”.
  • Effective Counterattack: After dodging the boss’s attacks, look for opportunities to counterattack. This is crucial to advancing the fight.
  • Patience is Key: This boss, like many in Bayonetta, tests your patience as much as your skill. He doesn’t rush to end the fight; Instead, focus on understanding and reacting appropriately to the boss’s attack patterns.

Facing Enemies in the Forest

1. Initial Combat: When you start the chapter, you will be in a dense forest, surrounded by enemies. The key here is to stay calm and eliminate each one of them without resorting to using items. This not only preserves your valuable resources for more critical moments, but also sharpens your combat skills.

Strategy for the Boss

2. Confrontation with the Boss: After clearing the area of ​​common enemies, prepare to face the chapter’s boss, a colossal entity that requires patience and precision to defeat.

3. Dodging Side Attacks: The boss has a varied repertoire of attacks, including powerful side attacks. Always keep moving and use dodge to avoid getting hit. Learning the timing of these attacks is essential to finding the right moment to counterattack.

4. Attacking the Head: When you have the opportunity, focus your attacks on the boss’s head. This requires agility and precision as it has a limited attack window. As soon as the head falls off, quickly transform into a panther to reach the center of the creature.

5. Cutting a Piece of the Creature: Once in the center, launch a series of uninterrupted attacks. The objective is to cut off a piece of the boss, which will require you to repeat this process at least three times. Each phase of combat can introduce new attack patterns, so be prepared to adapt your strategy.

6. Returning to the Platform: If for any reason you are thrown from the platform, do not panic. Bayonetta has unique abilities that allow her to return to combat. Execute the command displayed on the screen at the right time to return and continue the fight.

Chapter 12 – The Broken Sky

General Tips for Chapter 12

  • Agility is Key: Use your panther transformation to increase your speed and agility, especially useful when traversing areas with electricity in water.
  • Precision in Dodge: Learning the correct timing to dodge, especially during combat against Jeane and when avoiding attacks from stingrays, is crucial to keeping your health intact.
  • Enemy Management: Prioritize enemies that pose the greatest threat first, ensuring Cereza remains safe during combat.

Inside the plane

1. Running Down the Aisle: Once you start, your goal is to run down the aisle of the plane. Keep moving and be prepared to dodge as soon as the purple circles indicate imminent attacks.

2. Facing Enemies in the Corridor: When you reach the end of the corridor, you will have the option of fighting the enemies that appear or simply moving forward. Choosing to fight may offer rewards, but moving forward saves time and preserves your health.

Getting off the plane

3. Breaking the Plane Door: In the final part of this segment, locate and break the plane door on your right to proceed. This act marks the transition to the next phase of the chapter.

Confrontation with Jeane

4. Fight Against Jeane: Outside, on the platform, you will find Jeane. This combat requires a combination of strikes and careful dodges. Jeane will use similar skills to hers, so be ready for dynamic and challenging combat.

5. Jeane’s Motorcycle: When Jeane gets on her motorcycle, the challenge intensifies. Focus on dodging his attacks and counterattacks whenever possible. The key is to remain patient and find the right moment to attack.

Protecting Cereza

6. Crossing Safely: After defeating Jeane, you need to move quickly to avoid being hit by the electricity in the water. Take Cereza and take her to the highest part, staying within your enemies’ range.

7. Eliminating Enemies: Once safely, eliminate all enemies as quickly as possible. Use effective strikes and dodges to minimize incoming damage and ensure both your safety.

Ending the Chapter

8. Against the Stingrays: At the end of the plane, get ready to face the stingrays. This is the last hurdle before completing the chapter. Stay agile and attack with precision to overcome this latest challenge.

Chapter 13 – The Cardinal Virtue of Prudence

General Tips for Chapter 13

  • Patience and Observation: This combat is not a race; It’s a marathon. Carefully observe the boss’s attack patterns and attack at the right times.
  • Use Precision Dodge: Not only does Dodge avoid damage, it can also activate Witch Time, which is crucial to effectively counterattacking.
  • Don’t Ignore Ranged Attacks: While you’re focusing on your paws, don’t forget that you can use ranged attacks to stay safe while still dealing damage.

Attacking the Paws

1. Focus on Yellow Parts: The boss’s weak point is the yellow parts on his paws. Focus your attacks on these areas to inflict as much damage as possible. Use a combination of light and heavy attacks to be more effective.

Dodging Attacks

2. Dodge Missiles and Fireballs: The boss will launch missiles and fireballs in your direction. Keep moving constantly and use dodge to avoid getting hit. Learning the timing of these attacks is crucial to your survival.

3. Dodge While Submerging: Every time the boss submerges, prepare for a sudden emergency. Dodge at the exact moment he jumps out of the sea to avoid damage and possibly activate “Witch Time”, giving him a window to counterattack.

Taking down the Boss

4. Sending the Boss to the Spider: After sufficiently damaging the legs, you will have a chance to take down the boss. Pay attention to the on-screen commands to execute the sequence correctly and send the boss towards the spider, causing significant damage.

Final Phase: Whirlwind and Head Attack

5. Dodging Lasers: With the boss’s paws lost, he will resort to using lasers in the middle of a whirlpool. This attack is more challenging to dodge, but not impossible. Stay alert and move strategically.

6. Final Head Attack: After a sequence of hits from the boss, its head will become vulnerable. This is the time to focus all your attacks on her. Keep the pressure on until you manage to completely destroy it.

Chapter 14 – Isla Del Sol

General Tips for Chapter 14

  • Keep Moving: Mobility is your best defense. Use dodge to avoid attacks and position yourself for effective counterattacks.
  • Manage your Resources: Keep an eye on your special attack bar and power items. Using them strategically can define the outcome of the battle.
  • Precision in Commands: In battles against Jeane, especially, precision in executing commands is vital. Practice to ensure you can react quickly and accurately.

On the Board: Aerial Combat

1. Eliminating Creatures: You will start on a board, facing waves of enemies in the air. Use the hit buttons not only for hand-to-hand combat, but also to shoot with the machine gun attached to your board. This will be your main form of attack during this phase.

2. Using Special Moves: Each round of your special moves works like a cannon shot. These attacks are powerful and ideal for eliminating groups of enemies or dealing significant damage to bosses.

3. Recharging the Special Attack Bar: When you run out of cannon shots, approach the obstacles in front of you and slam your board into them. This will help recharge your special attack bar, allowing you to continue utilizing your powerful arsenal.

Showdown with the Last Boss

4. Dodge and Attack: Against the last boss of this chapter, the key is to constantly dodge his shots and the additional enemies that appear to attack you. Keep moving constantly to avoid getting hit.

5. Strategy against Lightning: Every time the boss launches lightning from his face, use dodge to avoid the attack and counterattack with everything you have. Take advantage of this moment of vulnerability to maximize your damage.

Facing Jeane

6. Battle Against Jeane: The confrontation with your great enemy, Jeane, is intense and will require a lot of patience and dexterity from you. The battle scheme is similar to the previous ones, but with the need to execute commands at the exact time to be successful.

7. Fight on top of the Missiles: During the phase in which you fight on top of the missiles, pay attention to the moments of transition to the top of the building.

8. Collecting Items to Increase Energy: Once at the top of the building, break benches and tables to acquire items that increase your energy. This is crucial to maintaining your advantage during battle.

9. Conclusion of the Fight: Continue exchanging blows with Jeane until she is finally defeated. This battle will test every aspect of your game, from dodging and attacking to effective item usage.

Chapter 15 – A Tower to Truth

General Tips

  • Use Transformations Strategically: The eagle transformation is particularly useful for navigating platforms. Use this ability to reach difficult-to-reach places.
  • Keep Moving: Against bosses, constant movement is vital to avoid attacks and find opportunities to counterattack.
  • Take advantage of “Witch Time”: Activate Witch Time whenever possible to gain an advantage in combat, especially against bosses.

Initial Combat and Navigation

1. Petrified Enemies: Start by destroying the two petrified enemies in front of you. This serves as a warm-up and introduces the type of challenges you will face in this chapter.

2. Path to the Left: After the initial combat, go left. You will find more enemies to defeat before you can move forward. Stay agile, using your dodge ability to avoid damage.

3. Stairs and Double Door: After clearing the area, head up the stairs and through the double door on the right. More enemies await on the other side, get ready to face them.

Boss Showdowns

4. Giant Creatures and Cannons: After going through another double door, you will encounter giant creatures. Use the available cannons to attack the giant monster’s face, also aiming at the circles to block enemy attacks.

5. Elevators and Walls: Arriving at the area with the elevators, navigate the walls carefully, avoiding the falling elevators. This section will test your climbing ability and timing.

6. Returning Boss Showdown: Another boss returns for the showdown. Get close and attack his face relentlessly. When he falls, climb the tentacle to his head and concentrate your attacks on his mouth, then his neck, until you defeat him.

Ascension and Mechanisms

7. Going Up the Elevator Shaft: Continue going up the elevator shaft until you reach the room above. Here, you will need to destroy the pillar and use the central platform to access the upper part.

8. Rotating the Mechanism: Once at the top, rotate the mechanism to make platforms appear. Your objective is to reach the elevator room ahead, calculating the correct timing to jump between the platforms that appear and disappear.

Final Phases and Tips

9. Confrontation with the Golem: Defeat the Golem again, using your previous experience to overcome it effectively.

10. Another Returning Boss: Take on another returning boss, focusing on head attacks and dodging blows. When it falls, transform into a panther to avoid the debris.

11. Giant Circle: In the giant circle, destroy the 4 red circles. Then, follow the luminous platform to complete the chapter.

Chapter 16 – The Lumen Sage

General Tips for Chapter 16

  • Use “Witch Time”: Activate Witch Time whenever possible to slow down time and open attack windows against Lumen Sage.
  • Stay in Motion: Don’t stay still at any point during combat. Move constantly to hinder the Lumen Sage’s ability to land its attacks.
  • Pay Attention to Attack Patterns: Learning and recognizing Lumen Sage’s attack patterns is crucial to anticipating and dodging its most powerful moves.

Combat Strategy

1. Counterattacks: Facing Lumen Sage requires you to be on the offensive, but with a critical eye for counterattacks. He is fast and his strikes are devastating. Take advantage of every opening to launch counterattacks, an effective technique for dealing significant damage.

2. Energy Management: Always keep your energy at a safe level. Lumen Sage can deal a lot of damage with its attacks, so avoid getting too low on energy. Use healing items if necessary to maintain your vitality.

Dodging Special Attacks

3. Dodge a Building: At a certain point, Lumen Sage will throw a building towards you. Yes, you read that correctly, an entire building! Be prepared to execute the exact command to dodge. This moment requires quick reflexes and precision timing.

4. Satellite Attack: Another surprising attack comes from a satellite. When this happens, jump to the side platforms to avoid the attack. This maneuver will test your agility and ability to adapt to the combat environment.

Critical Moment: Guiding the Bullet

5. Guiding the Bullet: At a critical point in the battle, Bayonetta will have the opportunity to shoot the Lumen Sage. You will need to guide the bullet’s trajectory directly towards the enemy’s forehead. This is a decisive moment that requires precision and focus.

Chapter 17 – Requiem

General Tips for Chapter 17

  • Keep Moving: Mobility is your greatest ally. Use transformations to increase your agility and avoid attacks.
  • Take advantage of Attack Opportunities: Keep an eye out for openings to attack Jubilees and the Elementals. Every attack counts.
  • Strategic Transformation: Use the eagle transformation at critical moments to avoid devastating attacks and turn the game in your favor.

Controlling Jeane

1. Initial Combat: You start in control of Jeane, facing a horde of enemies. Stay active, shooting incessantly while dodging lasers and attacks. The key is to always be moving to avoid getting hit.

2. Navigating the Platform: Pay special attention to the end of the platform. You’ll need to jump at just the right moment to avoid falling. Continue your attack and dodge until you reach the end of the section.

Ascending the Statue

3. Quick Climb: Transform into a panther to quickly climb the statue to the top. This transformation will increase your speed, allowing you to reach the next challenge efficiently.

Confrontation with Jubilees

4. Attack Jubilee Parts: Focus on attacking the Jubilee parts that become accessible, dodging the lightning missiles. Stay agile to dodge and counterattack effectively.

5. Fire Elemental: When Jubilees summons the first Elemental, follow the rock path and destroy its support spikes. Use the platforms to position yourself and attack the monster’s face. Continue the attack when he falls.

6. Ice and Earth Elemental: Repeat the process for the ice and earth Elementals. Each Elemental requires you to destroy the supporting spikes and attack the face when you get the chance.

Final phase

7. Dodging Punches and Lightning: In the last part, dodge Jubileus’s aerial punches and attack his arms. When the monster shoots lightning, transform into an eagle to make it hit yourself.

8. Black Tentacle and Final Sequence: When the black tentacle appears, go down and go towards the upper part of the creature’s body, avoiding its attacks. Perform the final sequence to eliminate the creature and enjoy the end of the game.

The True Ending

After the Credits: Do not turn off the game after the credits! You will face one last challenge, destroying the petrified creature before it reaches Earth. Complete this task to watch the game’s true ending animation.

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