Blazing Chrome – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) + Platinum Guide / Achievements 100%

Blazing Chrome – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) + Platinum Guide / Achievements 100%

February 5, 2024 Off By Gabriel Capuani


Difficulty: 9/10
Time: 15-20 hours (depends on skill).
Trophies/Achievements: 39
Missable: 0
Minimum plays: 3, but I recommend 4.

Blazing Chrome is an indie arcade game developed by the Brazilian company “JoyMasher” in 2019, completely inspired by retro games, mainly Contra.

Check out the full analysis on our website: Blazing Chrome Analysis.

All trophies are self-descriptive, so it’s easy to understand. In this guide I explain the easiest and most practical ways to obtain all achievements. Platinum in this game is relatively easy. It boils down to some specific trophies, which can be done on “easy” difficulty, and you have to beat the game a few times. The difficulty of the trophies is related to the natural difficulty of the game as Blazing Chrome is a game that was made to be difficult. It is possible to obtain the trophies with a friend.

I will divide this guide into 4 plays explaining the trophies. But my recommendation is to play the game for the first time without worrying about the achievements. Then you can start a new playthrough to focus only on the specific trophies that are missing and start the other moves.

Before starting, read the 2nd GAME trophies, as they can be done during the 1st GAME.

1st PLAY – Play naturally.

It is important to choose NORMAL mode to unlock HARDCORE mode. During this playthrough you can make some specific trophies that are described in the 2nd GAMEPLAY.

Trophies must be won:

Mission I – Complete Mission I.

Mission II – Complete Mission II.

Mission III – Complete Mission III.

Mission IV – Complete Mission IV.

Mission V – Complete Mission V.

Mission VI – Complete Mission VI.

Doppelganger – Destroy your holographic clone in the final boss stage.

Lieutenant – Complete the game on EASY mode.

Captain – Complete the game on NORMAL mode.

2nd GAME – Specific trophies.

After playing your normal game, you should have already conquered most of them, but I’ll give you some tips and they can all be done on EASY difficulty.


Grenadier – Destroy 4 enemies at once using the grenadier.

Sniper – Destroy 4 enemies using a single particle beam.

Eradicator – Destroy 6 enemies in a row using the charged particle beam.

Right at the beginning you can win these three trophies above quickly, just ignore the first enemies and don’t kill any, when you see a box of weapons, take the one you want to win the trophy. Then, just repeat the process until everyone wins. Simply ignore all the enemies at the beginning, then take the weapon from the box, get the trophy for that specific weapon and restart the level.

Location of weapons.

Hook Shot – Use the energy whip to collect an item.

Select the “Energy Whip” weapon, destroy a box and hold the shoot button on the item. If successful, the item will be stuck to the tip of the weapon as shown in the image below. There will be several moments for this.


Detonation Expert – Destroy 3 enemies at once using an explosive barrel.

Throughout the first mission you will have many opportunities to shoot the explosive barrels.

Hitchhiking – Hang onto the bomber during mission 1-3.

When the first Mech appears, ignore it and simply jump onto the edge of the helicopter.

Knight Mech I – Complete Mission I with the blue mech.

You can leave the Mech whenever you want, do this to eliminate the enemies and your Mech doesn’t take damage, then return to the Mech. You can repeat this process with the other Mechas.

Perfect Soldier – Complete any mission without dying.

It is recommended to do Mech Knight I and Perfect Soldier at the same time in the first mission as it is easier.

Melee Expert – Finish any boss using the melee attack.

It is possible to win this trophy with any boss (it has to be the last one in the stage), but I recommend doing it with the first one. When the boss starts to turn red, get close and use the attack button, have several lives left and take advantage of the immunity after dying to attack. This trophy does not work with Raijin or Suhaila!


Nothing to point out in this mission.


Terminator – Kill the Spider Queen in less than 20 seconds.

When you get down in the elevator, take the boxes that appear when the timer starts. aim up and shoot as much as you can until you destroy it in less than 20 seconds. If you die or pass this time, I recommend dying until you run out of lives to restart the fight and not have to start the whole phase over again.

Knight Mech II – Complete mission III with the drill mech.

Remember that it is possible to exit the Mech. Mech II and Mech III have unique abilities when pressing R2, which are useful for finishing the level.


Finish Him – Use the melee attack to finish off Commander Zet.

Simply use the melee attack when this boss’s body remains still after defeating him. Do not advance before this, as if you do, you will go to another area.

Just slap him.

Baseball – Use the melee attack to dodge enemy missiles and grenades.

Simply attack melee when a missile launcher fires at you after going underground.

Maximum Firepower – Collect all weapon upgrades in the 3D tunnel stage.

When you pick up the “Jetpack” some improvements for the weapon will appear in the top corner of the screen, just collect three.


Mech Knight III – Complete mission V with the orange mech.

It seems difficult, but it is not. Just like other Mechas, it is possible to get out of the Mech and eliminate enemies, this way, your Mech will not take damage, after eliminating the enemies in the area, return to the Mech and continue, this works against bosses too. You need to play this phase several times to memorize it. You cannot die or destroy the Mech during the second part of this phase, otherwise you will have to start the phase over from the beginning. Press R2 to use the Mech’s special ability.


Nothing Left – Destroy the Gorilla Boss’s legs after defeating him.

Gorilla is the second boss of this stage. After destroying the upper part of this boss, the legs will remain, at this point you must attack this part until it is destroyed.

Treasure Hunter – Find hidden life in Mission 6.

The hidden life is “hidden” in a lamp in the ceiling, a previous room before facing the last boss. Destroy this lamp.

Hidden life location.


These are earned over the course of plays, but you should already have the majority.

Combatant lvl. 1 – Destroy 10 enemies using melee attacks.

Combatant lvl. 2 – Destroy 100 enemies using melee attack.

Combatant lvl. 3 – Destroy 500 enemies using melee attacks.

Puppet Master – Collect 50 battle robots.

Lord of Arms – Collect 100 weapons.

Chromo in Flames lvl. 1 – Destroy 500 enemies.

Chromo in Flames lvl. 2 – Destroy 1,500 enemies.

Chromo in Flames lvl. 3 – Destroy 5,000 enemies.

3rd PLAY – Reset with a melee character in less than 40 minutes and in MIRROR MODE on normal difficulty.

It seems easy to beat in that time, but you’ll need to play a few times to memorize the enemy patterns. You can choose Raijin or Sas, both have the same attacks.


  • Melee characters have different abilities. Pressing square/X releases a powerful attack and R2/RT to dash into the air when jumping.
  • Always choose battle robots and never weapons (or ignore them), as weapons don’t work for these characters.
  • If you notice that it took too long to complete a mission, don’t finish it yet, because if you select “Abort Mission” in the pause menu, the time will be reset and will allow you to have one more chance.
  • If your health is at 0 when starting a level, die immediately to return your health to 5, because it is possible to die after a few minutes and start the level at the checkpoint (which will cost a few seconds).
  • If you realize you’re going to die, immediately switch to your base weapon so you don’t lose a strong weapon.
  • I advise you to do the phases in sequence: 1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6.

In this stage you will gain:

Go ninja go – Complete the game using any melee character.

Mirror Game – Complete the game in Mirror Mode (any difficulty level).

Speedster – Complete the game in less than 40 minutes on normal or hardcore mode.

My time in this mode.


Chromium Lord – Complete Boss Marathon mode.

This mode consists of facing all bosses, from the first to the last with a limit of lives. If lives run out, all progress will be lost, meaning you will have to start all over again. It shouldn’t be difficult once you’ve done the above trophies. Always start by shooting at the location where the boss appears.


  • Choose Mavra or Doyle to hit the bosses from afar.
  • If you realize that you are going to die, immediately switch to the base weapon so as not to lose the P weapon.
  • Always use the laser gun and press the fire button repeatedly, as the damage is very high, or hold the fire button if the boss takes a while to appear.
My time in BOSS RUSH mode.

5TH PLAY – Reset in Hardcore mode.

Colonel – Complete the game on HARDCORE mode.

In this mode you will only have 3 lives and 3 credits. This means you will have to die less than the BOSS RUSH, however, you will gain a life after killing a boss or getting the hidden lives.

After making all the remaining trophies, you should have memorized all the enemy patterns, however, more enemies will appear than normal where they are more resistant and their attacks are different. It seems difficult, but not that difficult. It is recommended to go with Mavra or Doyle, as they have the advantage of hitting enemies from a distance. The previous tips serve very well for this move.


  • Get all the hidden lives.
  • Do the missions in order: 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 and 6.
  • Always choose the P weapon and if you realize you are going to die, immediately switch to the machine gun.
  • Don’t be in a rush in this mode, it often pays to eliminate the enemies in the area first and then progress.

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