Breath of Fire III – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Breath of Fire III – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

March 20, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

By: José Ricardo Fortes da Silva (Ash_Riot)

“When magical creatures die, they transform into a mineral called Chrysm, even the dragons that terrorized the world transformed into this form of energy, no one knows how or why dragons became extinct, this tale is dedicated to dragons.”

  •  a) Controls
  •  b) Main Menu
  •  c) Battle Menu
  •  d) Camp
  •  e) Fishing
  •  a) Ryu
  •  b) King
  •  c) Teepo
  •  d) Nina
  •  e) Momo
  •  f) Peco
  •  g) Garr
  •  a) Genes
  •  b) Dragons
  • 5 – MASTERS
  •  a) Mygas
  •  b) Bunyan
  •  c) Durandal
  •  d) D’lonzo
  •  e) Giotto
  •  f) Fahl
  •  g) Meryleep
  •  h) Hondara
  •  i) Issue
  •  j) Yggdrasil
  •  k) Hachio
  •  l) Bais
  •  m) Lang
  •  n) Lee
  •  o) Wynn
  •  p) God
  •  q) Ladon
  •  a) Starting
  •  b) Attributes of fairies
  •  c) Jobs
  •  d) Tips



button –  Field/battle  Square – 
Open Menu  /nothing Triangle

Field  ability/cancel  actions hold and use the directional pad)/Escape (hold and press X) L1 –  Change the character in front/Charge (hold and press X) R2 and L2 –  same as X


It can be accessed by pressing the square, when you are not in battle, you will find the following options:

Items –  Here you can use, organize or throw away your items, some items can only be used in battle, in which case their name will appear in gray.

Ablities –  This is where you can see and organize your spells, you can see the Genes and their effects.

Equip –  Here you can equip your characters, you can do this manually or choose the Optimize option, to equip them with the best.

Tactics –  Here you can change your characters, but only on the map and you can choose the battle formation.

Status –  Here you can see the statuses of your characters

Configure –  Here you change some game settings.

Camp –  Used to set up camp, but only on the map.


Sword –  Uses normal attack

Staff –  Spells and Skills

Vase –  Items

Eye –  Observes the enemy to try to learn a skill, if an exclamation mark appears on a character’s head they will learn that skill, if a question mark appears, it means that that skill cannot be learned.

Crossed Swords –  Hold R1 and press X, characters will attack automatically, until all enemies die, or until you press triangle to cancel.

Boot –  Hold L1 and press X, escape from battle, but may fail.


When you are on the map, by pressing START you can camp, inside the tent when examining the blue book you will have the following options:

Rest –  Used to sleep and recover HP and AP, but be careful, if you finished a battle with a fallen character, their maximum HP will decrease and can only be recovered by sleeping in an INN, sleeping in a camp does not work.

Save –  Used to save your game to the memory card

Change Party Members –  Used to change the members of the main group

Look at Skill Notes –  It has two more options, Look is used to see the Skills that are not on any character and Change is used to remove or put a skill on a character, but to do this you need an item called Skill Ink.

Look at Master List –  Displays a list of the masters you have met, when selecting it you will see the Lv bonuses. Up he gives and if there’s a star next to his name, it means you’ve already learned all the skills he had to teach.


To fish you need a rod and bait, so you must go to one of the several “Fishing Spots” spread around the world, you can identify them by a fish jumping in the water, when you enter, press square to equip the rod and bait .

Press X once and a bar will appear in the bottom corner, the larger the green bar the farther you will cast, to launch press

When he bites the bait, a display appears in the bottom corner, you can move the green bar using the directional right or left, to pull the fish hold down X, you keep the goldfish figure inside the green bar, if it exit, release the X and move the bar until it catches it and pulls it back.

If you don’t do this, the fish may escape and take the bait with it, below the green bar, there is a red line, which indicates the fish’s energy, as it gets smaller, it means that the fish is tired and will come to you more easily, When you catch it, you earn points according to the weight of the fish and move up in rank.

You can exchange the fish you catch for great items with the Manillo, they must also be caught and will only take the Coin bait.



A boy who is unaware of his past and who discovers he has an incredible power, so great that it can change the world, after going through many adventures and making some friends, he decides to go to a distant place to seek his destiny.

Rating:  As expected, Ryu is the best, for the simple fact that he can transform into a dragon, he also serves as a healer, despite not being very good at this role.


Heal –  Recovers little HP from an ally
Purify –  Removes poison status
Protect –  Increases an ally’s physical defense
Rejuvenate –  Recovers some HP from an ally
Shield –  Increases the defense of all allies
Raise Dead –  Revives an ally, may fail
Remedy –  Removes negative statuses
Vitalize –  Recovers some HP from all allies
Barrier –  Increases an ally’s magical defense
Restore –  Recovers a lot of HP from an ally
Resurrect –  Revives an ally with full HP
Vigor –  Recovers a lot of HP from all allies
Bonebreak –  Damage physical attack on an enemy
Accession –  Transforms into a dragon by combining Genes


A young man who lives in Cedar Woods together with Teepo, he finds Ryu unconscious and decides to take care of him, Rei doesn’t have an easy life and sometimes needs to do wrong things to satisfy his hunger, such as robbing people, but he has a good heart and if He cares about his friends and will do anything to protect them.

Rating:  Rei is my favorite, he’s extremely fast and can steal items from enemies, although his other stats aren’t great, he’s a constant presence in my group.


Pilfer –  Steals items from enemies, may fail
Jolt –  Low thunder damage to all enemies
Slow –  Decreases an enemy’s speed
Silence –  Prevents an enemy from using magic
Speed ​​–  Increases an ally’s speed
Lightning –  Medium thunder damage to all enemies
Death –  Instant death to an enemy, hardly hits.
Myollnir –  High thunder damage to an enemy
Weretiger –  Transforms into a furious tiger and can attack enemies and allies.


A boy who lives with Rei in Cedar Woods and helps him in his robberies, has an arrogant temperament and this keeps getting him and his friends in trouble. His past is also mysterious and it seems that he is hiding a secret that is related to Ryu.

Assessment:  Teepo is good, has well-balanced stats and good spells, it’s a shame you won’t… wow, look at me talking too much!

Spells :

Flare –  Low fire damage to one enemy
Frost –  Low ice damage to one enemy
Simoon –  Medium fire damage to one enemy
Iceblast –  Medium fire damage to one enemy
Fireblast –  Medium fire damage to all enemies


Wyndia’s princess is a little tired of this life and her overprotective parents and upon meeting Ryu she decides to accompany him on his journey.

Rating:  Nina is the best with attack spells, unfortunately her low HP, defense and attack don’t make her a very good option in the final parts of the game.


Cyclone –  Low wind damage to one enemy
Frost –  Low ice damage to one enemy
Jolt –  Low thunder damage to all enemies
Simoon –  Medium fire damage to one enemy
Blunt –  Lowers an enemy’s attack
Weaken –  Lowers defense from an enemy
Iceblast –  Average fire damage to an enemy
Slow –  Slows an enemy
Typhoon –  Average wind damage to all enemies
Lightning –  Average thunder damage to all enemies
Drain –  Drains HP from an enemy
Leech Power –  Drains AP from an enemy
Blizzard –  High ice damage to all enemies
Sirocco –  High fire damage to all enemies
Myollnir –  High thunder damage to one enemy


A scientist who lives in her tower studying machines, she decides to accompany Ryu on his journey to find out about the origins of these machines.

Assessment:  Momo is as good at magic as Nina, but she is much better as a healer, in addition to having great assistance spells, which should make her a constant presence in the group, her only flaw is that she misses a lot with her normal attacks.


Heal –  Recovers little HP from an ally
Purify –  Removes status poison
Identify –  Displays the enemy’s status
Foretell –  Predicts what the enemy will do in the next turn.
Protect –  Increases an ally’s physical defense
Silence –  Prevents an enemy from using magic
Sleep –  Puts all enemies to sleep
Quake –  Average ground damage to all enemies
Confuse –  Confuses the enemy
Speed ​​–  Increases an ally’s speed
Rejuvenate –  Recovers some HP from an ally
Might –  Increases an ally’s attack
Remedy –  Removes negative statuses
Raise Dead –  Revives an ally, may fail
Ragnarok –  High ground damage to all enemies
Vitalize –  Recovers some HP from all allies
Restore –  Recovers a lot of HP from an ally


A walking onion, found in a rubbish dump near a factory, a mysterious figure that arouses Momo’s curiosity and decides to take him on the journey to study him.

Assessment:  Peco has the highest HP of the group, a high counterattack rate and recovers a little HP each turn without needing any accessories, but with a very low attack and intelligence and spells that aren’t much, you’ll hardly will use it in decisive battles.


Dream Breath –  Puts all enemies to sleep
Venom Breath –  Poisons all enemies
Rejuvenate –  Recovers some HP from an ally
Purify –  Removes status poison
Icebreath –  Ice damage to all enemies (varies depending on Peco’s HP)
Firebreath –  Fire damage to all enemies (varies depending on Peco’s HP)


A guardian who fought dragons a long time ago, he meets Ryu and decides to go with him to find out if what he did was right or wrong.

Assessment:  Garr has high attack and defense power, but he is very slow and has a low AP, but with good skills he is a good option if you don’t want to use Rei.


Pyrokinesis –  Fire attack on one enemy
Flare –  Low fire damage on one enemy
Fireblast –  Medium fire damage on all enemies
Gambit –  Deals critical damage on hit
Kyrie –  Instantly kills undead
Inferno –  High fire damage on all enemies enemies



In a mine two men use explosives on a large purple crystal, a small dragon comes out of it, the men get scared and attack it, you control the dragon, use the Whelp Breath attack to finish them off, head north and go forward until you reach another room, a man asks if you are a dragon, answer whatever you want and he will run away.

Follow behind him and you will have to face two more miners, finish them off and go up the stairs to the right, ignore the other stairs and go to the exit, a big guy will face you, but when you try to attack him, you end up being captured and placed in a cage, the men decide to take him on a train to somewhere, when the train is passing through a forest, move the directional until the cage falls from him.


Burn (Mage Goo)
Influence (Goblin Boss)
Blind (Ripper)

A young man is hunting in the forest, but a noise scares away his prey, he decides to see what it is and finds a boy surrounded by hungry wolves, the young man finishes them off and after some hesitation he decides to take the boy to his house, there another boy wait, his name is Teepo and he wonders when Rei will arrive, as he is hungry, Rei then arrives with the boy on his back and tells him what happened, Teepo remembers that the same thing happened to him.

The two leave the boy sleeping and go out, he then has a dream where a guy who looks like Teepo calls him Ryu and says that he must understand that “they” are weak and pathetic, then a strange woman appears and treats him like your son, when Ryu wakes up, save in the red book and go down the stairs, examine the cabinets to find items and exit through the door to the south, follow the road until you exit on the map, head to the village to the south.


Rei and Teepo are trying to steal food from the inhabitants, but things are not going very well, they decide to use Ryu to help them, but first they are going to get some equipment for him, go down a little and talk to them, after some confusion, Ryu has already is wearing new clothes, Rei and Teepo decide to lie in wait on the road to rob anyone passing by, but Ryu doesn’t agree, Rei explains that they would never hurt people and Ryu ends up agreeing to go with them, follow the road until it comes out on the map, enter Yraall Road.


This road connects the region of Yraall to Wyndia, Teepo says that one day they will get out of here and go there, Rei says to hide behind a tree and wait for someone to pass, go there and soon a man passes, Teepo pushes Ryu gets on top of him, the man, whose name is Bunyan, tells Ryu not to mess with Rei and Teepo and also says that if he catches them they will regret it, after he is gone, Rei says that Bunyam’s house must be empty and this is a good opportunity to get his food, return to Cedar Woods through the entrance to the east, near a large tree.


You should see Bunyan’s house to the south of the entrance, go inside and after the conversation, go down to the basement, examine the closet to find a  Beef Jerky , soon Bunyan arrives and the three end up captured, after giving the kids a hard time, Bunyan says that if they do an honest job they can leave, he sends Rei to Mt. Glaus to kill a monster that is terrorizing the population.

While Ryu and Teepo stay here and help him cut wood, a mini game then starts, it’s very simple, Teepo puts the wood and Ryu cuts it, use the triangle, a good tip is to cut when the wood starts to fall, if cutting too soon will hit Teepo and if you take too long the wood will fall, when you can cut at least 18 or 20, Bunyan will let you go.

Teepo says they should go after Rei in Mt. Glaus, but first it would be good to fight a little in the forest to level up and also save money to buy the best equipment from Mc Neil, try to learn the Burn skills with Mage Goo and Blind with the Reaper, camp whenever you need to and when you’re ready, head to the northeast entrance before the mountain, where a question mark appears.


Go forward until you see a large rock, notice that there is a small one underneath, with Teepo, kick the smaller rock so that the bigger one blocks the river, follow the dry riverbed to a path that leads to a chest containing a  Waterer Vane , go back and continue forward, kick the rocks you find on the way, there are items under some of them, there is also a chest behind a tree, the exit from this location is shortly after the chest, leave and camp, if you need to, return to Mc Neil To buy items, head to the mountain ahead.


Skills:  Gloom (Bat)

Go forward until a ramp, if you want, take the  Antidote  on the left, go up the ramp and slide down the lighter part in the correct place, to reach the items, after picking them up, continue forward until a hut, Teepo and Ryu decide to pass At night there, when you enter you will meet Rei, he says it would be better if they hadn’t come because he would have faced the monster better alone, Teepo and Ryu don’t understand anything and Rei doesn’t talk, the next day the monster appears, leave the hut and get ready. se for the first boss of the game.


He only uses physical attacks, but he is very weak, with Ryu and Rei he uses normal attacks and Teepo uses Flare, or if he already has it, Simoon, he will soon run away.

Before going after him, sleep in the bed in the hut and save at the dragon statue, get a  Vitamins  north of the hut and enter the cave ahead, to find the monster just follow the trail of blood, but examine the other paths to find some items, you soon reach the end of the trail.

Examine the corpse to find  200 zenny , go back to the previous screen and Teepo says that the monster must have jumped into the water, go to the fork go northeast and then west to an exit, Teepo suggests that you jump into the water, answer Yes and jump , you will end up in a cave behind the waterfall, go forward and you will find the monster get ready:


This time he uses two new attacks, Nue Stomp is not a concern, Jolt can be a problem if he has low HP, Ryu must heal when necessary and use attack items, such as Molotov or Wheater Vane, Teepo uses Simoon and Rei tries to steal one Power Food him and then use normal attacks.

Before he dies, Nue still tries to protect the entrance to the cave, go in and you will see that he wanted to protect his cubs, but they had been dead for some time and he didn’t notice, well, go back to the waterfall and jump into the water, you will come out of the cave.

Bunyan congratulates you on the feat and says that soon spring will come and things will get better, Rei asks if Bunyan knew that Nue had puppies and he asks if Rei would kill him if he told, Rei doesn’t say anything and Bunyan leaves .

Some time later, spring arrives and the three young people decide to go to the city to see what people are saying about them.

Head to Mc Neil and the group is received like heroes, after thanks from the villagers, talk to the guy in the green cape, his name is Loki and he says he has a favor to ask the group, he tells them to meet him at the hut. farm, to the south, but first, buy new equipment if you need it and also buy the Wooden Rod and some bait and fish a little in the two Fishing Spots in the McNeil area, when you are satisfied, head to the cabin on the farm and Loki says that Mr. . McNeil, the city’s mayor, has been charging heavy taxes from the people and if the group steals the money and gives it back to the population they will become even more popular, they end up accepting and Loki says that they must invade McNeil’s mansion at night, upon arriving the group splits up to look for an entrance, go to the wall and look for a different part, examine it and the group will be able to enter.


Snap (Pooch)
Jump (Rocky or Roach)
Charge (Volt)

Go in and talk to the guard ahead, you will have to pay a bribe to proceed, go up the stairs ahead and talk to the other guard, he says he lost his wallet, it is in the corner near the stairs, move the camera to be able to see , take it and give it to the guard and he will let you pass, don’t let the guards with flashlights see you, or you will go back to the beginning and will have to pay more bribes, go to a bell to the south and punch him, a The guard blocking the path will leave, go forward until you see a guard smoking, he asks you to get rid of the dog near the gate, go south and face him, you can learn the Snap skill from him, after defeating him, Go to where there is a couple talking, talk to them and then talk to the guard in front of the chicken coop, after he leaves go in and Teepo will get some eggs, but the rooster here doesn’t like this at all and goes on the attack, be careful with his Jump attack that can kill a character instantly, you can, or rather, you should learn it, try to steal a Life Shard from him and send your best attacks until he falls, the chickens run away causing the greatest confusion, follow to the stairs north of the bell, go up and go to the front door which is well guarded, Rei will distract the guards so that Ryu and Teepo can enter.

Enter the door on the right, go forward until you see a guy next to a bed, talk to him to sleep if you need to, go up the stairs and look for items in the cupboards and boxes, go back to the main hall and try to climb the stairs to the north, a ghost attacks you, he has little HP, but is very resistant to physical attacks and keeps using Sleep, which is quite annoying, use Simoon with Teepo a couple of times and he doesn’t last long, go up the stairs and go right to look for more items, go back and go left, search the rooms and go to an outside area, you will see Mc Neil, but Ryu discovers that it is another ghost, use the same scheme as Torast, the difference is that this one can suck your AP, after defeating him, go forward to a staircase, try to go down and another ghost appears, this one uses status reduction spells, nothing too worrying, finish him off and go down the stairs and continue forward until you reach another staircase, go up and examine the closet at the end to earn 600 Zenny, go back and head south to face another ghost, this one only uses physical attacks, after defeating him, go forward to an elevator, go up it and go up the stairs next , sleep in the bed and save, climb the ladder to get to the roof, Teepo sees smoke coming from a chimney and says that Mc Neil must be there, go left until you can’t go any further, then go down to find a rope, Rei will appear and After some conversation, they will go to the other side, go down the stairs to the south and go right to the end to get a Swallow Eye and go back and go down the stairs on top of the roof to finally find Mc Neil who is having fun with a woman, the group interrupts the party, but the ghosts of the Mc Neils return and unite to attack you, now the bug catches up:


His attacks are not a very serious problem, Astral Warp does around 20 damage and Frost doesn’t even do that, heal with Ryu whenever necessary, try to steal a Magic Shard from him, use attacks like Simoon, Snap and Jump and he will soon will fall.

The group takes the tax money but Mc Neil promises revenge, they put the bags of money on the villagers door, the next day go to McNeil and talk to the people, it seems they are not happy at all with your act of charity , go to the farm and talk to Loki, he says he will talk to the group in the cabin, go in there, but the person who appears is Bunyan, he says that Loki wanted to get Mc Neil’s money, but he didn’t know that the fat guy worked for a gang of bandits who don’t like being robbed, go back to Rei’s house and it will be on fire, two guys with horse faces are waiting for you to apply concealer:


There is no strategy here, you will be brutally beaten, good night!

Ryu wakes up in Bunyan’s house, go out and talk to him, he says that he only found Ryu injured in the forest and that Rei and Teepo are probably dead, Ryu then decides to look for them in Wyndia, leave Cedar Woods and go in again, talk with Bunyan and make Ryu his apprentice, now head to Yraall Road and go east to a mountain.


Skills:  Double Blow (Nut Troop)

Go left and get the Icicle from the chest, if you want, talk to the mud monster to find out about the weak point of some monsters, try to learn the Double Blow Skill with the Nut Troop, but it’s very difficult, keep going up the stairs and soon you find Sunder taking a piss… errrr, I mean, taking a water from his knee, soon Balio also appears and Ryu is stabbed in the back and falls, then he turns into a dragon and the knife is expelled, Balio and Sunder decide to take it. Take him to Wyndia’s castle to show it to the king and try to earn some money, in the castle, they try to show the dragon to the king, but Ryu is already back to normal, furious, the king sends the three to the xilindró, Princess Nina goes to there and says she’s sorry for Ryu and that she’s going to let him go, Balio and Sunder manage to get her into the conversation and she ends up letting them go, they then decide to kidnap her, examine the door and choose the second option twice to break in it, save in the cell next door and follow behind the bastards, when you find them you will have to face them again, note that now you can use the Acession ability that allows you to transform into a dragon using the Flame Gene, but not even waste your time, because you will be defeated again, Nina uses Medicine on Ryu who recovers, she says that while Ryu was fighting, she hid, Nina joins the group, go down the stairs ahead.


Skills:  Bone Dart (Ghoul)

Be careful with the monster called Thunder, he is very powerful, if he appears, run away, if you face Volt, use Nina’s Jolt magic on him to make him more powerful and increase experience, here you can learn the Double Blow Skills with the Nut Troop and Bone Dart with the Ghoul, look everywhere for tombs where you can press buttons in the shape of words, you have to press the green or red words, press the red one once and you will fall into a hole, climb the ladder northwest and get a Glass Domino from the chest, there is a Panacea in another chest further south, examine the rest of the tombs and always press the green words, the last tomb you must examine is in the highest part near a hole, examine it a and choose the following options: RED, CLIMBING, I, IS, LOOK, BENEATH and THIS, you will fall into a hole, walk a little to the left to fall into another, after the conversation, just continue forward to reach the city .


This place is huge, go into every house and look for items in the closets, buy new equipment for Ryu and Nina, talk to the blonde boy near the fountain he says he may have information about Ryu’s friends, but he will only give it if he plays hide and seek with him and his friends, you will have to look for them, here is the location of each one:

  • Corner northeast of the fountain;
  • Alley to the right of the weapons store;
  • Corner to the left of the accessory store.
  • Behind a tree in the food court.

Move the camera to make things easier, when you find everyone, the blonde boy says that a boy the size of Ryu entered a house and was kicked out by the owner, he believes he must have hit the road, Ryu thinks it could be Teepo and decides go after him, leave Wyndia and go down the next alley to find a hut, inside there is Durandal, another master, if you want, put Nina as his apprentice, anyway go to Egnock Road and enter the hut ahead, Nina will scream, leave and you will be captured by Balio and Sunder who take you to the city of Genmel, after a lot of conversation Nina and Ryu manage to escape, for now there is nothing to do in this city, so get out of here, head west until a large tree where a question mark appears, enter and go to the hut here, examine the closet to find a Wisdom Fruit, if you want, fish a little at the Fishing Spot, if you go to the bridge you will see that a cart has overturned and blocked the path, then head to the mountain east of the arena.


Skills:  Last Resort (Orc)

There isn’t much of a secret here, just keep going forward, on the way there is a chest with a Panacea, then you arrive at a hut with two men, fall down the ravine to reach a chest containing a Buckler, go back to the hut and talk to the man at the door, he says that the two of you can spend the night there and the next day he will use the elevator to transport you to the other side of the mountain, enter the room on the right to sleep, the next day, try to leave and you will find out who fell into a trap and the men want to hand you over to Sunder, go to the door on the right and examine the control panel to the northwest, Nina will use her magic to make the elevator work, while Ryu will try to fend off Sunder, at great cost to both of them. manage to escape, when you reach the other side, go down the stairs and move forward, soon you reach a dead end and are surrounded by Sunder, in a desperate act, Nina and Ryu jump over the cliff and Ryu transforms into a dragon and cushions the fall Of the two, from now on you have the Defender Gene, exit and head west until you see a question mark, enter to find the Reverse Gene, exit and head to the building to the east.


Skills:  Blitz (Hyper Bot)

Follow until you see a chest underwater, notice that there are four crystals around the pool, well, continue forward until you see a large crystal, shoot it with Nina, now you have 30 seconds to go back to the 4 crystals and shoot in them, the problem is that a laser blocks the path, go up the stairs and exit through a door to the south, go to the crystals and shoot them, if you succeed the water will go down and you can get to the chest that has a Multi Vitamin, now go forward to a staircase, halfway there is a room where you can sleep and save, go up the stairs and follow until a little robot comes out of a room, an explosion occurs, enter the room and you will meet Momo, Nina asks if she can tell where the road to Wyndia is, she says she will take them there, but she has to get some things ready and tells them both to rest, the next day, Momo says that Balio and Sunder’s men are looking for them, but there are an escape path at the top of the tower, Momo then joins the group.

Leave the room and enter the next one, read the sign on the wall and answer Yes, you have to step on the red squares to make them all gray, it’s very easy, when you do, the door on the right will open, go in and get the items in the chests, go back and continue forward until you reach a room with colored cubes, don’t proceed, or you will fall into a hole and have to walk a good part of the way again, notice the cube that is further north, all four have buttons, press the buttons on the two cubes equal to the one in the middle to proceed, continue to a room with two levers, pull the blue one once and go through the door to the north, enter the second room and get 800 Zenny from the chest, go back to the levers, pull the blue once and red twice, follow the path to the west until you reach a chest with a Moon Tears, go back to the room with levers and climb the stairs, go forward to a room with moving platforms, go to the crystal and with Nina, shoot him twice and climb the red platform to reach a chest containing a Breasplate, go back to the crystal and shoot him six times, climb the platform to reach another chest containing an Ivory Dice, when used, this item doubles the experience gained in battle.

Go back to the crystal and shoot it eight times, climb the platform to reach a ladder, go up and go to a door, go in and get the Bamboo Rod from the chest, go out and continue forward to a room with a laser, shoot the crystal to deactivate it, but another one will be activated further ahead, stay close to it and shoot again, go close to the next laser and shoot again, enter the next door to reach a large library, Momo says that her father was a great scientist and built a secret escape route somewhere around here, examine the table at the end and press the button, a rocket will appear and the group will escape on it, more or less, after the conversation, examine this area to find the Gene Thorn, leave and head to the Coffee Shop, the group decides to have a coffee and learn that Balio and Sunder have blocked the road to Wyndia, a man named Pellet asks Momo for help, he says that her father helped build the factory where he works, but since he died they have had a lot of problems, Momo agrees to help, in the highest part of this place you find D’lonzo, she is a master, but she only accepts you as a disciple if you have 15 different weapons in your inventory, if you don’t have it, come back later, head to the factory to the west.


Go up the conveyor belts and if necessary pull the levers to change their direction, if you talk to people, you will know that research is carried out here to develop genetically improved vegetables, follow until you find Dr. Pellet, he shows a giant onion and says that it is a failed experiment and normally they would throw it in the garbage dump, but there is a mutant there and everyone is scared, he then asks Momo to get rid of him, Momo accepts, get out of here and head to the cave to the west.


Air Raid (Bomber)
Rest (Eye Bulb)

Go south until you reach a blue lever, pull it three times and get 1200 Zenny from the chest, go back to the entrance, then go north until you reach another chest with a High Boots, fall to the edge and go to the door to the north, ignore the other lever, go to a pool of lava there is a chest here, take the item and go to two levers, pull the red one until the box forms a bridge at the highest part, go there to reach a chest with an Artemis Cap, team up on Momo, now head to the north entrance of the lava pool, have Momo equipped with Flame Chrysm and heal everyone to maximum, go in and you will find a mutant, he seems confused about himself and Momo says it would be a shame to have to destroy it, the mutant then says he doesn’t want to die and attacks:


At the beginning he recovers 250 HP each turn, so just defend yourself until he loses this ability, his attacks don’t cause much trouble, with Ryu transform into Fire Dragon and use Flame Breath or Flame Claw, Nina uses Simoon and Momo heals when necessary and uses normal attacks.

The mutant apologizes and says he couldn’t control himself, Momo says he is an incredible discovery and the world should know that, but the mutant disagrees and says they must destroy him, the group complies with his wishes, after the conversation , pull the red lever to throw the mutant into the lava pit, Momo still says that he doesn’t need to do that, that she won’t tell anyone about him and asks him to let her study him, he responds that the thirst for knowledge It’s not wrong, but a mistake could end up resulting in a monster worse than him, so an onion jumps out of the lava, as if it were some kind of mutant’s offspring, Nina gives him the name Peco and he joins the group, get out of here and go back to the factory, Pellet says he has a plan to help the group go to Wyndia, after the conversation, go to the Inn and sleep, the next day, Pellet tells you to hide in a supply wagon, so they can pass by Balio and Sunder, but when they leave, we learn that the doctor’s intentions are not that noble, and nothing else, the group ends up being captured and taken to Genmel.


After the conversation, Nina proposes to Balio and Sunder that they enter the fighting tournament here, if they win, they will be released, the two don’t agree at first, but they end up thinking it’s a good idea, as no one would bet on them and that could make good money, but they will keep one of them as a hostage, in case they think about running away, you will have to choose between Momo and Peco, choose Peco, since he is probably at a low level, buy new equipment and if you want , fight a little on the map to gain a level or two, when you’re ready, go to the arena and go through the middle door, now go to the leftmost door, enter the next one, put Ryu in front and Momo in second, talk to the girl to go to the first fight, here it’s “The King of Fighters” style, one against one and whoever loses gives way to another fighter, while the winner continues fighting, with Ryu in the first two fights, use normal attacks or Skills that don’t use AP, like Jump, heal with items whenever your HP drops below 20, in the third fight, transform into Fire Dragon and send out your best attacks and you shouldn’t have any problems winning.

Leave this room and a guy in the shape of a dragon is waiting for you, talk to him if you want, but he doesn’t say much, go through the door on the right and sleep in the Inn, continue going right two screens and enter the room on the right, talk to the girl to go to the next fight, but before that, Emitai, your opponent, enters and says that his daughter is very sick and that he needs the prize money to perform her operation and asks Ryu and his friends to facilitate things, but Nina explains that they also need to win to save their friend and Emitai says he understands and leaves, ok, let’s fight then, this will be a battle like the others, the difference is that you won’t be able to use magic, but you can use Skills and transform into a dragon with Ryu, Emitai does nothing, leaving all the work to his “boys”, with Ryu transform into a Fire Dragon and send Dragon Breath, it would be good if Momo had the Skill Blitz which is very useful here, but if you don’t have it, use normal attacks, Nina shouldn’t do anything other than heal with items, this will be a long but easy fight.

Nina and the others feel bad for Emitai, after the conversation, leave the room and head to the room to the north, only to discover that Emitai and his family are nothing more than a bunch of crooks, head to the Inn and sleep, follow the first door to the right of the shops and enter the room, talk to the girl to go to the grand finale, your next opponent is that dragon guy, his name is Garr and you will have to face him just with Ryu, attack as you want but you end up being defeated, as a prize for victory Garr can ask for whatever he wants, so he asks Ryu and his friends, despite Balio’s protests, he ends up taking it, head to Balio and Sunder’s office to get Peco, Garr lets the group go, Nina asks why he helped them, Garr replies that there was a very powerful race called the Brood and Ryu is from that race, he also says that if he wants to know more about the Brood, he should go to a place called Angel Tower, where Garr will be waiting for him. , after he leaves, leave the arena and head to that bridge that was blocked by the cart, remember? the passage is already open, but Balio and Sunder are waiting for you with all their men, you will have to face some of them, an easy battle, after winning, Garr appears, finishes off the rest of the bandits and joins the group, Balio and Sunder decide to unite and form a new monster, Garr will be mandatory in this battle, I recommend having Momo as the third character, use the Attack formation and put Garr in front, the time for revenge has finally come:


The most difficult battle so far, he can use Resist which leaves him immune to any attack for a turn, but his most dangerous attack is Ultimatum Attack which hits everyone and can cause up to 40 HP of damage, Garr uses Pyrokinesis and normal attacks when the AP runs out, Ryu turns into Fire Dragon and sends Fire Claw, if the AP runs out, use the Jump skill or normal attacks, Momo should only heal all the time, so you get rid of these pests once and for all.

Garr says he will go with Ryu to Angel Tower as soon as they leave Nina at Wyndia’s castle, Nina says that Ryu is looking for his friends, but Garr thinks it’s unlikely that they are alive, take the path on the left to a house, on her right is the Frost Gene, take it and leave this place, return to the Mc Neil area and go to a place northwest of the city where there is a question mark, there you will find Mygas, he is a master, but he only accepts you as disciple, if you give him all your money, if you have a lot and don’t want to give it all to him, buy items until you can no longer, even if you only have 1 Zenny, he accepts you, put Nina and Momo as his apprentices, go talk to Bunyan to get some skills from him, put Garr as your apprentice, now go to a tree east of the factory join Peco in the group, talk to the tree and give her a Wisdom Fruit, put Peco as your apprentice, now yes, head to Wyndia.


Head to the castle and talk to the guard, with Nina in front, during dinner Nina will explain everything and before she can say that Ryu is a dragon, Garr interrupts and asks for a passport to the eastern lands, the King says he will provide them immediately, already in her room Nina regrets not being able to go with her friends, then she hears a scream, go down the stairs and go to the dining room, talk to the maid and she says she was scared by something that looked like a mouse, then Honey, Momo’s little robot runs out, talk to people to find out where he went, go to the kitchen and talk to everyone there, go down the stairs to the cellar and move the camera until you find him behind a box, talk to him and run away, go to Nina’s room and then go to the balcony, Nina finds him, but again he runs away, Nina goes after him and they both end up falling, Honey uses all her energy to save Nina and she decides to take him to Momo, already at the camp, Momo tries to fix Honey, Garr tells Ryu that after he finds out about his race, he could die soon after, Nina decides to go along, because she doesn’t want to until Ryu dies away from her, head to a place called Checkpoint east of Wyndia, upon entering, Garr tells a tremendous lie so that Nina is not discovered, on the other side of the bridge, head to a small house in the western part of this region, between and search near the water to find the Thunder Gene, now head to the large city to the north.


Go to the Inn and go down the stairs, talk to the man with the beard and he says that his daughter is in charge of the ships, go to the dock area and look for a blonde girl, talk to her and you will see a fight for the heart of the girl between a strong sailor called Zig and the man in charge of the ships, the not at all strong Beyd, after Zig leaves, talk to Beyd and after the conversation, talk to him again and choose the options to get some information, look for Shadis and she will say that the ship should not return so soon, but that there is another option, a road, but you must ask her father’s permission, go with him and he says that the road is blocked and there is no other way, you will go having to wait for the ship (oh defeat), as they wouldn’t be able to pass through the volcano there, well, leave the city and the group will camp, Momo says that if they let her repair the lighthouse, the ship could return, but as the place is full of monsters it is unlikely that their entry will be allowed, Nina then suggests helping Beyd win over Shadis, since it is clear that the two like each other, the next day, go talk to Beyd, he says that Shadis needs someone strong and reliable to help her with the sailors’ association and Zig has these qualities, Nina says that the group can train Beyd to become stronger, but he doesn’t accept it and leaves, follow where he is and talk to him, he says that Zig will repair the lighthouse and if he succeeds he will definitely marry Shadis, Beyd then accepts to be trained and gives you 1000 Zenny so you can buy a weapon and armor for him, if you don’t have any left, go to Wyndia and buy a Bronze Sword and a Ranger Garb and return to Rhapala.

Talk to Beyd and he says that you should train at night in the square, well, when night comes talk to Beyd to equip it, when you’re done, talk to him again and choose the Let’s Go option to start training, the deal Here’s the thing, you must increase Beyd’s attack, defense and HP, the attack increases according to the damage he causes, to help, have a character with the Last Resort Skill and use it to lower his Defense to zero, like this when Beyd attacks him he will cause good damage and his attack will rise quickly, his defense goes up when Beyd manages to block an attack, but he will only be in a defense position when he has low HP, which brings us to the third status, HP of Beyd goes up according to the damage he receives, so do the following, at the beginning attack with Ryu and do nothing with the other two, Beyd’s HP should be very low and he will defend himself, now attack with Nina and heal Beyd with Ryu, when he leaves the defense position, repeat the scheme, you have 20 turns to increase Beyd’s stats as much as possible, the training ends when these 20 turns are spent or when Beyd or his group are knocked out, you You can repeat the training as many times as you want and when you think Beyd is ready, talk to him and choose the option “To the lighthouse”, Zig will then challenge you to a fight, you can interfere, except when Zig is saying goodbye for Shadis, at this time if necessary, heal Beyd, if you have trained him properly he should have no problem defeating Zig, in the end everything ends well and Beyd and Shadis stay together, the next day, go talk to Beyd and he is all broken and you can’t go to the lighthouse, so it’s up to us to fix it, he gives you the Guild Badge that gives you access to the place, get the items from the chests and talk to the sailor to the north to show permission and get him out of the way .


Go forward a long way to a door, enter and follow the right path until you reach the top of the lighthouse, here you will find the Eldritch Gene, go back and go down the stairs to the south, get a Dream Ring from the chest behind the stairs and follow go to the next door and get three Flame Chrysm from the chests, go back and go left until you reach a room with a lever, examine the brown part of the machine to put a Flame Chrysm in it, examine the lever and press X at the exact time the moving point reaches the top line, if you can’t try again, but be careful, if you run out of Chrysms you’ll have to go back to Rhapala to buy more, when you do, get out of there and put the two levers in that area up, go to the top of the lighthouse, on the way, you will see a kind of lizard that doesn’t move, well, continue forward and something else appears, get ready:


None of his attacks are really worrying, the most dangerous is Eye Beam which does around 35 damage, it can also leave a character confused, use a Panacea if necessary, with Ryu transform into Fire Dragon and send Flame Claw, Momo should heal and use normal attacks equipped with Flame Chrysm, if you have Nina in the group use Simoon, if you have Garr use Pyrokinesis, it’s not a good idea to have Peco in this battle.

Continue forward to the top, pull the lever to turn on the lighthouse, a fairy appears and is angry with the group for that, she gives you the Faerie Tiara item and says that it is used to go to the fairy world and if the group doesn’t If you go there you will be in serious trouble, well, leave the lighthouse and head to the map, stay in a circle of flowers and use the Faerie Tiara, you will end up in the fairy village, enter the hut ahead and the fairies say that now that the lighthouse is working again, a monster will come back to devour them, Nina then says that they can kill the monster for them, they then say that he only appears at night on the beach, go there then, go to the right corner and choose Yes to wait for nightfall, the monster appears and the group attacks him, but they end up discovering that he is nothing more than a cute dolphin, Momo and Nina find it strange and decide to ask the fairies if that is really the monster, meanwhile the dolphin gets in trouble with Ryu and tells him to turn off the lighthouse, the fairies arrive and say that that’s really the monster, the dolphin, pretending to be innocent, asks the fairies to turn off the lighthouse, but they tell him to go turn it off himself, P @#$% of life, the dolphin shows its true form and says we are now screwed:


Its only worrying attack is Tsunami which reduces everyone’s HP by half and can be learned, it is risky, but it is worth trying, besides, with Nina use Lightning, Ryu transforms into Thunder Dragon and sends Thunder Claw, Momo just should heal throughout the battle.

Talk to the fairy near the hut and she asks you to sleep here today, go in and the fairies thank you for getting rid of the monster and say that now their village will be able to grow and develop, the next day, leave the village and return to Rhapala, talk to Beyd and he says the ship isn’t due anytime soon, go talk to Shadis’ father and he gives you permission to go through the volcano, north of here, head there then:


Wind Strike (Lizard Man)
Fireburst (Vulcan)

Here there is a monster called Vulcan that doesn’t do anything until you use fire magic on it, then it starts using Fireburst which can be learned and on top of that the creature gives 300 experience, which makes this a great place to climb. level, go right to a chest with a Protein, talk to the guard to the right of the temple entrance and he will let you pass, go forward to a cave, go in and continue forward being careful not to step on the lava, when you reach an intersection and go north to a chest with 800 Zenny, go back and enter the cave to find a chest with an Abestos Armor, this armor is resistant to fire and will be very useful in this location, go back to the intersection and go south to another cave, now go to a ramp and go down being careful with the yellow gas that leaves you confused, at the end there is a chest containing a Ring of Fire, try to equip it, go back up the stairs and enter the cave to the east, go forward until the path splits, follow the east path until you find the Miracle Gene that allows Ryu to transform into Behemoth, there is also a chest in the middle of the lava, if you want to risk it, know that it contains a weapon for Peco, anyway, continue Go forward and be sure to get a Wisdom Fruit from the chest on the left, soon you will find a crazy old man who calls two monsters to attack you:


Finish off the old man first, as he can heal others in addition to using Sleep, the monsters’ attacks are nothing that a Healing Herb can’t solve, Ryu must transform into Ice Dragon and send Frost Breath, Momo heals when necessary and uses attacks equipped with Ice Chrysm, Garr uses normal attacks, it would be good if he had the Focus skill, if you have Nina use Iceblast, only use Peco if he has the Blitz skill, otherwise he is totally useless.

Continue forward to exit the cave, head to the town to the north.


There is not much to do here, buy new equipment and go to a door blocked by a stone, put Garr in front and push it, go in and talk to the old man inside, he is the great patriarch and says that maybe he has arrived It’s time for Garr to go to his eternal sleep, he then gives him permission to enter Angel Tower, leave the city and the group will camp, Garr says that despite being different he is part of that people and that his role as guardian is protect them from harm, the next day, head to the tower just to the north.


Skills:  Flying Kick (Tricker)

Climb the stairs to a passage on the right, here you can fall down several sides, look for two chests containing an Ivory Dice and a Wisdom Seed, now follow until you reach two stairs, go down the one at the bottom and you will see a woman lying inside of a pyramid of light, remember this location, go back and climb the ladder ahead and enter the tower, go down the ladder and head north until you see a cracked wall, bazooka with Momo to open a passage, follow it until arrive at two chests containing a Diamond Ring and a Moon Tears, go back and head south to a staircase, a little further on there is a door, but don’t go through it now, go down the stairs and go to the next door, follow it until you see a large stone, push it to the space in the middle to form a bridge, now go to that door I mentioned before and go to a chest containing a Mithril Helm, go back to the stone room and go through the next door, go forward up to a staircase, go down to reach a large room, follow the right path to the end to find a Skill Ink, notice that there is a rock in the middle of the path, go back a little and you should see a rock to the north, push it in that direction until you can follow the path, push the other stone forward a couple of times, now push the previous stone so that the two form a bridge, go to the third stone that I mentioned before and push it to the left until the end and then south to the end, now you can reach the next staircase, go down and Garr will ask you to go alone with Ryu, continue forward and you will arrive at some signs with the names of some guardians and numbers, Garr says 400 years ago the Brood tried to conquer the world, they were very powerful, so the goddess of humans sent the guardians to fight them, the number under the name of the guardians is the number of dragons each one killed, Garr says that Ryu is last of the Brood and who must now eliminate him:


You only lose this one if you want, transform into Ice Behemoth and send Frost Claw, a couple of those and Garr gives up, don’t even worry about his attacks.

Garr then says that he is no match for the Brood’s true power, then something strange happens to Ryu and he transforms into a huge dragon that Garr calls Kaiser and disappears.


Skills:  Douse (Giant Roach)

After some visions the scene changes to the mine where the game began, Ryu is being hunted by Garr who manages to defeat him easily, Ryu then returns to human form, but is no longer a child, Garr then says that he searched for him for years until Hearing the rumor that there was a dragon in a mine and came to investigate, Garr asks Ryu for forgiveness for killing his people and says that now he no longer knows if the mission he was given was the correct one, after a change of clothes, head to the next room, Garr says that Ryu could have killed him if he wanted to but he didn’t, the same thing happened 400 years ago when the Brood didn’t react when the guardians went to kill them, so Garr wants to know why the goddess gave this order, go right to the south exit, ignoring the stairs, outside go north to find some chests with items, now go south to an elevator, go to B1, take Lgt. Cloth in the chest, if you want, follow the trail until you leave the mine, here is a house where you can buy items, if you need them, other than that, here is a dead end so go back to the elevator and go to B2, in the room ahead you can sleep and save.

Go out and follow until you see some rails, follow them and pull the first two levers, push the cart and it will form a bridge to the chest, in it there is a Feather Sword, push the cart back and pull the second lever and then the third , don’t pull the fourth one, push the cart two more times and it will explode the stone that blocks the path, at that time something appears and tells Ryu to kill Garr and avenge his ancestors, but Ryu refuses and the monster then attacks:


He is more annoying than powerful, in addition to his normal attack he uses Bone Dance which can leave you confused and Rotten Breath which poisons you, Ryu transforms into Fire Dragon and uses Flame Claw, Garr uses Pyrokinesis and heals with items if necessary.

You will gain the Dark Gene and then a woman appears and says that it wasn’t a real dragon and gives you a Fusion Gene and then disappears, Ryu and Garr don’t understand what she means, leave through the unlocked door and follow the path of On the right, on the next screen enter the middle door and look for two chests containing a Protein and a Lion Belt, go back and go through the door at the end, enter the next door and pull the lever three times, continue forward and you will finally exit the mine, talk to the miner and enter the house ahead, the head of the miners will pay Garr for the service and before they go he says to be careful with a monster that is attacking people on Ogre Road, leave this place, notice a small house to the north, Emitai and his family live there, if you give him 10000 Zenny, he becomes your master, you can also start developing the fairy village, this will be better explained in a separate topic, head to the city to the west .


The only thing to do here at the moment is to buy new equipment, if you want, pay 20 Zenny to the beggar to get some information, otherwise, head south to Ogre Road.


Timed Blow (Goo Titan)
Mind Flay (Slasher)

This place doesn’t have much of a secret, look for a chest containing an Hourglass and move forward, soon the monster will attack you, it’s very easy so I won’t give you any strategy, attack normally and it will run away, leave this place and head to the next.


Go forward until the path splits, go right and you will fall into a hole, get the Gold Hairpin from the chest and exit south, go back to the fork and go left until you see a cave, but don’t go into it, go down a little and you will see two ramps, go down the left one to get 800 Zenny, go back through the cave and go to the top to avoid the hole, now just go straight to the exit, we are back in the Yraall region, go to Yraall Road, just to discover that it is blocked, the Wyndia guards are looking for Mc Neil for doing illegal business, head to the village and talk to the owner of the Inn, she says that the tiger that attacked us passed by and went to Cedar Woods , Garr offers to kill the animal and she thanks him, head to Cedar Woods and go to the area where Rei’s house is, when he gets there Ryu asks to continue alone and Garr is waiting, continue forward and you will find the tiger who is none other than Rei, he says that he wants to take revenge for what they did to him and that even though he feels better knowing that Ryu is okay, he can’t stop now and leaves, go back to the village and you will see that Rei came by here and beat up Loki, talk to people and they will say that he went towards McNeil’s mansion, go there and you will find Nina, who has just arrested the fat guy, after the conversation, Nina says that you must go to Syn City and return to the group, then make your way back there, you will have to go through Mt. Levett again but not Ogre Road, when you arrive in Syn City, you will see that everyone is on the ground, Rei came here and beat everyone up after the gang boss, go forward until you reach a room with a chest containing an Old Painting, talk to the guy with the bandana so the boss went to the Checkpoint to the north, head there then.


Go forward until you see Rei chasing the gang boss Mikba, he manages to hurt him, but when Ryu and the others arrive he lets his guard down, so Mikba turns into a monster and attacks Rei who falls unconscious, now you will have to choose between Garr and Nina to fight him, I advise Garr, let’s go:


In addition to the normal attack, he constantly uses Venon Breath which can poison everyone and rarely Multi Strike which deals low damage and can be learned, first of all resurrect and heal Rei, he will probably transform into a Weretiger and will be out of your control, His attack is very powerful, but he can also attack allies, so be careful, Ryu transforms into Fire Dragon and uses Flame Claw, Garr sends Pyrokinesis and heals with items when necessary.

After the victory, Rei learns of Ryu’s entire story and proposes to him to end the McNeil villagers, Nina says that she will not allow that to happen and Rei responds that he was joking, he thought he was the most powerful, but when fighting against Ryu realized that he couldn’t even control his power and that real power doesn’t mean hurting people, upon learning that we are going to see the goddess, Rei says that he also has some questions for her and joins the group, enter the house and look for items in the cupboards, put Rei in front and open the locked door, inside there is a Deluxe Rod, leave this place and head towards Wyndia, enter Eygnoock Road and Nina will say that her father thinks it was Ryu’s fault that she had escaped last time, maybe he’ll forgive him if he knows that he helped put an end to the gang of bandits, but just to be sure, she says that they should investigate the factory, where they make the super vegetables, because it seems like there’s something strange there, let’s go there then.


Follow the conveyor belts until you find Momo, after some conversation, she says that Palet is missing and things are going wrong at the factory and if they don’t do something, a catastrophe could occur, so they must find him, Momo then returns to the group , leave the hotel and Momo says that Peco is in the Yggdrasil tree, head there and he returns to the group, go back to the factory to see that something is wrong, talk to the people and they say that a reactor has stopped and some greenhouses are full of poisonous gas, follow the mats until you see the greenhouses with green gas, there are some rocks here too, with Peco kick the rocks to the X on the ground, then take a good distance and run towards the rock so that it hits the ceiling from the stove, repeat the procedure with the other stove further ahead and you will see that the green gas starts to come out through the chimney of the house where the furnace is, go there and with Momo bazooka the furnace to discover a passage, go inside and go down the stairs to reach a secret laboratory.


Skills:  Flame Strike (Fly Man)

Go north and you will see a door with the number 1 engraved on it, but it is locked, so go south to another door, enter and you will see a room full of computers, each of them opens a door, but you need a password to do so, Momo, somewhat by accident, manages to open door 1, in the room ahead you can rest if you need, go to door 1 and you will arrive in a room with three doors, enter through the other door 1, go down the stairs to reach a room full of radiation from Chrysm, you have little time before the group leaves the place, quickly go right and then south to the first flowerbed, move the camera to see an onion that looks like Peco, examine it to get the password for door 2, go back to the computer room and enter the password, follow the room with three doors and enter the door, examine the computer with number 2 to open the door, go in and get a Silver Mail from the chest, go back to the room with three doors and enter door 2, enter the other door 2 and pull the lever and go back, go down the stairs and go south to a door, examine the paper on the right to get the password for door 3, follow the ventilation duct until you find Force Gene, go back, go up the conveyor belt and sit in the next door, get the Sleep Shells from the chest and equip them on Momo, go back to the computer room and enter the password, go to door 3, walk a little and something strange happens at the door next, go in and prepare for a boss:


Too easy, in this fight I had Ryu, Momo and Peco and I used the following strategy, Momo increases Ryu’s attack and heals if necessary, Peco uses Blitz and Ryu transforms into Flame Warrior and uses Flame Claw to cause high damage if necessary. If you want to shorten the battle even more, use Aura, if you have Garr, use Focus and send Pyrokinesis, with Nina use Concentrate and send your best magic, he has nothing interesting to steal, so Rei is not very advisable here.

Leave this room and go left until you see a yellow folder, examine it to get a clue to the password for door 4, now examine all the devices with a green light and write down the numbers that appear, place them in order, from highest to the smallest one and go back to the computer room, examine computer 4 and choose the correct option to open the door (then you ask me: aren’t you going to say no? And I answer: I’m not going to keep giving honey in your little mouth all the time, right dude, turn around!), head to the bed room and enter the next door, go forward to door 4, continue to a chest containing a Wisdom Ring, equip Momo, go down the stairs to finally find Palet, you discovers that he was carrying out experiments with the aim of reviving his mother, Momo’s father even helped him to revive his wife, but gave up when he realized that it was against the laws of nature, Palet then says that he will protect his mother and drinks a liquid that he says is the essence of Yggdrasil, the liquid turns him into a monster and goes on the attack:


This one is thick-skinned, his attacks can wipe out the group in an instant, Ragnarok hits everyone and can cause up to 100 HP of damage, another attack in which he throws some miniatures of himself hits a target three times and causes about 30 damage per right, the most advisable team here is Ryu, Momo and Rei or Garr, Nina and Peco are useless, Rei tries to steal a Wisdom Fruit and then uses normal attacks or, if you want to risk it, Weretiger, Momo increases Ryu and Rei’s attack and heals whenever necessary, and believe me, it will be, Ryu transforms into Warrior and uses Focus and then Aura to cause around 1500 HP of damage, Garr also uses Focus and physical attacks, be careful, as this is the hardest boss so far.

Take 400 Zenny from the shelf ahead and, if you want, pull the lever to turn off the machine that keeps Palet’s mother alive, leave the laboratory and the factory, at the camp, Nina and Momo will have a conversation, the next day, head to Wyndia.


Upon entering, Nina says that Ryu must wait outside and Rei must accompany her, since no one in the castle knows him and therefore they should not create problems to get permission to go to the eastern continent, go to the castle and Nina will tell the king what happened at the factory and says he wouldn’t have done it without Rei’s help, the king thanks him and says he will provide the passport, meanwhile Nina will take Rei for a tour of the castle, go to the basement and after the talk, go to the dungeon, open the cell where there is a chest and get a Laurel, now go to Nina’s mother’s room and talk to her, come back and the King will receive the passport, the king invites you to dinner, but Nina says he is in a hurry, a guard arrives and says he saw Rei talking to Ryu and his friends, Nina tries to explain that Ryu is not a bad person but the Queen doesn’t want to talk and orders Rei to be arrested, the two run away but the exit is blocked, Honey then runs to the basement, go after him until he reaches a room that was locked, Rei manages to open it and inside, Honey activates a teleportation device, the three disappear in it and end up at Durandal’s house , leave there to meet up with the rest of the group, the next day, head to the Checkpoint, talk to the guards, you will have no problem getting through, head to Mt. Zublo, the path on the left is already unlocked, so go through him, go to Angel Tower and Garr says that the time has come to go to his eternal sleep, but then that woman in the pyramid of light appears, she is called Deis and says that the goddess will not come and that to find her, they they will have to free her and the only one who knows how to do this is another guardian called Gaist, go to Urkan Tapa and go talk to the patriarch, he says that Gaist lives in a village after a cave to the West, leave the city, go south and then West.


Sacrifice (Bomb Seed)
Snooze (Sleepy)

Talk to Manillo and he says that the tide changes from time to time, enter the cave and go to a fork, go right to find a chest containing a Fish Head, continue to another fork, take the southern path to reach in a chest containing a Coin, go back and follow the other path, when you leave, if the water level is high, go back and fight until a message appears, when the level is low, go down the stairs and go to the right until a chest containing a Thunder Ring, go back and go down the other ladder, enter the cave and look for a corpse, examine it to get a Hawk’s Ring, exit the other side and go to the next area, go up the ladder and follow it until you find the Gross Gene, continue forward to exit the cave, head to the village to the west.


Buy some healing items if you need and save with Manillo, head to the last house to find Geist, after some discussion, he agrees to help free Deis, but first he wants to have a private conversation with Ryu, after the others leave, Gaist says that he has the same doubts as Garr, but unlike him, he doesn’t care whether it was right or not to fight the Brood, for Gaist, running away was more convenient, he sends Ryu to talk to Garr and if he is really sure that If you want to know the truth, you must return alone, so go out and talk to Garr, he says that Geist wants to test you, choose the first option and go talk to Geist, again choose the first option and Geist tells Ryu to stay between the two torches, he then turns into a huge monster, get ready:


He only has size and if you are well prepared, this fight will be a breeze, he often Howling which leaves you confused and Risky Blow which if he hits you can cause critical damage, he can also rarely Corona which causes about 80 HP of damage, be sure the Fire Ring equipped to avoid this and finally, Sanctuary that removes assistance spells, well, first eliminate the torches as they recover Gaist’s HP, then transform into Ice Warrior, in this form you will be much faster and you will have Ex Turn , use Focus and then Frost Claw directly, about 4 or 5 of these and Gaist is gone, don’t use Aura, as it’s a waste of AP.

Gaist says that the only way to free Deis was with his death and that nothing is fairer than giving his life to help the last member of the Brood, Garr then arrives and Gaist says he regrets not being able to go with him and then dies , examine his ashes to get the Beast Spear, a very powerful weapon for Garr, but it leaves him extremely slow and also drains his HP, leave Cliff and return to Angel Tower, go to the place where the pyramid of light is and Deis will be released and you will see that she is very angry with Garr for imprisoning her there for 500 years, she says that this is not a good place for them to talk and tells you to go to the temple in Mt. Zublo, go there so, enter the temple and examine the sign at the end, Ryu will be transported to a strange location and then Deis appears, properly dressed this time, when two options appear, choose the second, Garr then appears and Deis says that the goddess is to the north , far away on the other side of the ocean and to get there you will have to turn around, leave the temple and stop by Rhapala, talk to Shadis and she says that Beyd went to Junk Town to get their ship, the city is next to north of Urkan Tapa, let’s go there.


If you want, buy new equipment here, but I warn you, they are quite expensive, anyway, look for Beyd in the city and when he leaves follow him to the docks, you will see that the ship is broken and the repairs will take time, After the conversation, put Momo in front and talk to Beyd, he will take them to the engine, Momo says he can fix it, but it will need some parts, Beyd says they have to ask the Junk Town Guildmaster for permission, go back there and enter the house with the red curtain, talk to the Guildmaster and he allows you to look for the pieces in Steel Beach, north of here, but before you go there, stop by the hut to the west and look for the ??? Gene, now, head to Steel Beach.


Skills:  Frost Strike (Bolt)

Enter Garr in the group, put him in front and go to the beach, talk to the big guy on the right and he will ask Garr to help him pull a machine out of the water, the deal is as follows: When the monkey raises the red flag you pull by pressing the about 7 meters, you will see that what they were pulling is not really a machine:


The only worrying attack is Thunder Clap which causes around 80 damage to a target, have someone with Thunder Ring to avoid this, he also uses Venom Breath, with Ryu use the combination Force + Frost + Gross and send Frost Claw, Garr uses Focus and send attacks, or if you have, Wind Strike, Nina must heal with items and when possible, use ice spells.

The big guy thanks you and says you can feel free to look for the parts, first of all, get the Mutant Gene in the right corner, now it’s up to you mate, search this area for the parts and also inside the old ship on the left, some parts they are well hidden, so move the camera to find them, inside the ship there is also a chest containing a Robe of Wind, be sure to get it, when you think you have got all the pieces, go back to the boat and talk to Momo, give her the parts you collected, if she says there are any missing, go back to the beach and look, when you manage to collect them all, Momo will repair the boat and the group will leave for Rhapala, go to the deck and talk to Nina, a huge ship crosses yours way, but soon leaves, in Rhapala, Zig offers to pilot the ship and Beyd accepts, enter the ship and talk to Zig to leave, after the conversation go talk to your friends, then talk to Zig to leave, follow Until the dark blue part, things get complicated and the group cannot continue, Zig talks about a legendary sailor who came from the other side of the ocean, but the person who knows best about this is the mayor of the city of Parch, which is north of Rhapala, head that way.


If you haven’t spent all your money in Junk Town, there is also good equipment here, the mayor’s house is to the east, in the upper part, talk to him and he says he can’t eat fish anymore and he won’t say anything other than that you bring some different food, head to Maekyss Gorge, the bridge that is north of the Arena, enter the house there and talk to the woman with blue hair, she says that Shisu is a good dish and that to make it You need four ingredients: Mackerel, Shally Seed, Vinegar and Horseradish, she will tell you how to make the dish if you bring the ingredients, below are the places where to find them:

Shally Seed –  There is a tree with blue fruits north of the house, put Peco in front of it and headbutt it to make it fall, get about 12 or 13.

Mackerel –  You can catch them at the Fishing Spot south of here, they are very easy and will bite any bait, just one is good, but if you can catch a big one (50 to 60 cm), even better.

Vinegar –  Go to the Coffee Shop with Garr in the group and go to the well, talk to the guy in black and ask Garr to draw water from the well for him, here the scheme is as follows, you must press the triangle to lower the bucket, when you hear the noise of it hitting the water, stop and remember how many times you pressed the triangle, move the directional pad to fill the bucket until it can no longer be filled, then press X to pull the bucket, BUT ATTENTION, you must press X , exactly the same number that pressed the triangle, no more, no less, at first it’s a little complicated, but you soon get the hang of it, when you do, the guy will give you the Vinegar, take a couple of these.

Horseradish –  You can find it on Ogre Road, cut them with Ryu, get about 10 at least.

When you have all the ingredients, go back to the woman and choose all the options to receive instructions on how to prepare the Shisu, when choosing the last option, then choose Yes to know the proportion of each ingredient, now go back to Parch and go to the mayor’s house, talk to his assistant to start preparing Shisu, first, select Mackerel, then select Shally Seeds until the cake is the same size as Mackerel, then select Knd to combine the two, select Vinegar in an amount equivalent to 1/4 of the Shally Seed, that is, if you used 12 Shally Seed, you must use 3 Vinegar, the next step is to use Horseradish, use an amount equivalent to half the Shally Seed you used, that is, if you used 12 Seeds, you should use 6 Horseradish, finally choose the End option to finish the dish, if you did everything correctly, the mayor will love Shisu and will give you the Sea Chart, which shows the way to get to the legendary sailor, talk to his assistant who will give you a reward according to the quality of Shisu, leave Parch and head to a small island to the east, at the beginning of the dark blue area, where a question mark appears, you have 20 seconds to reach the point red on the map, you can look in other directions for two chests containing a Heavy Knife and a Blizzard Mail, arriving at the hut you will be greeted by Kukuys, he says that he is not a sailor and that he actually came from the other side of the ocean, but how a castaway, he says that the only way to cross the ocean is using the Black Sheep, the group goes there, and Momo shoots him to try to stop him, but it doesn’t work very well, when he regains control of Ryu, he says with everyone on the boat and then talk to Zig, now you will have to hit the Black Ship from behind, stay at a reasonable distance and then holding the circle, hit the back of the ship, be careful not to overheat the engine, when you do, again talk to everyone on the boat and after the conversation, let’s explore the ship.


Here you can learn the Frost Strike skill with Bolt, enter the next door and go down the stairs, go to the northernmost door and use the device on the right and choose program 2, climb the platform until you reach the northern part , enter the next door and examine the device at the end to get the ID Card, go back to the programs device and choose program 3, climb the platform until you go down through a hole, exit through the door to the south and examine the control panel, choose the option ON, now go back to the first room of the ship and enter the door to the north, examine the device ahead to operate the crane, press and hold X once to make it move horizontally, press and hold again to For him to move vertically, you must make him stop right on top of the yellow boxes so that they can pick them up and form a bridge to the other side, also try to get a box that is further north, in the middle of the larger boxes to get a Protectors, go forward and enter the next door and then exit through the other, go to a chest containing Flash Shells for Momo, go back, head south to a staircase, before going up, pull the lever, up there enter all doors and look for items, in one of the rooms when examining a device you will see the name “Boost Counter”, remember that room.

Go up the stairs and examine the device next to the elevator to activate it, go up the next stairs to get to the control room, put Momo in front and examine the control panel, she says that that is the navigation device and to cross the ocean you need to restart it, Momo tells you to go to the Boost Counter room and see what number it is at, the system should be restarted when the number reaches 100, but you must warn Momo at that moment, so do the Next, go to that room and examine the device, wait until the number reaches 65 or 70 and quickly return to where Momo is, count the beeps and when it reaches 100 talk to her and she will restart the system, if she speaks with her at the wrong time, they will have to do it all over again, well, when they succeed, the group decides to relax during the trip, which promises to be long, but some time later, an alarm sounds, go to the control room and Momo says that There is something wrong with the ship, form a group with Ryu, Momo and Rei and go to the door that Momo indicated, exit through the next door and go right, enter through the door to the south and get an Ivory Dice, go back and move forward up to a ladder that you must go down, look for a chest with Soul Gem in that area, go down the ladder and move forward, climbing the boxes and entering the next door, climb the ladder and go forward until two monsters appear, try to move away of them as much as you can before they attack:


This battle can be very complicated if you are not careful, they have several worrying attacks, such as Tsunami, Confuse and Ice Blast, Multi Strike is not a problem, with Momo using Might on Ryu a couple of times and healing whenever necessary, Rei also uses Speed ​​on Ryu twice and tries to steal Moon Tears from the monsters, with Ryu use the combination, Force + Thunder + Gross and use Focus, followed by Thunder Claw or Aura, if you have AP for that, but if he runs out, use Weretiger with Rei to finish the job.

After the victory, the group continues its journey and finally crosses the ocean, after the conversation, move forward to reach…


There isn’t much to do here, buy new equipment and look for a robot hidden in the easternmost part, talk to it and choose the third option to get a Homing Bomb, leave the city and the group will camp, after a long conversation , where Rei, Nina and Momo question their reasons for being there, everyone goes to sleep, the next day, head to the tree to the west, enter and get the Trance Gene, head to the location north of Kombinat.


Disembowel (Assassin)
Target (Assassin)
Thunder Clap (Multi bot)

Follow the left path until you find a chest containing UV Glasses, go up the other ladder near there, follow it to a ramp, but don’t go down, move the camera to find a chest containing Speed ​​Boots, now look for another ladder, go down and with Momo take the door out of the way, in the next room there is a chest with the Spanner, leave here and follow the southernmost path to reach the exit of this place, if you want, go back to Kombinat to buy anything that is missing, anyway way, go to the next location.


Skills:  Bad Back (Codger)

Follow the path until you reach the antenna, examine it and enter the room below it, take the Key from the device and exit, go left until you find the Failure Gene, then go south to a room, exit the other side and go straight to a chest with a Wisdom Fruit, go back and fall to the left to reach a room with mirrors and a lever, examine the lever and after the conversation, you will have to align the mirrors, to do this, examine the red buttons underneath them, move the mirror that is further south once, now move the one on the right three times, don’t move the other one, pull the lever and you will activate the teleportation device, head there and you will end up on Steel Beach, leave this room and follow Honey to the place where you looked for parts for the boat, after the conversation, let’s fix the teleportation machine.


Tornado (Insector)
Transfer (Tank Bot)

Go back and go to the next staircase, go down and go south to the end, go up the stairs and you will arrive in a room with four levers, you can only use each lever once to go up the platforms, examine the green stone to reset them, if necessary, first, pull the east lever and go through the door in that direction, go down the stairs and get an Hourglass from the chest, go back and pull the lever to the south, go in that direction and go through the next door, go forward to a chest containing a Laquer Staff, go back and reset the levers, pull the east, south and north levers in that order, follow the platforms that went up and climb the stairs, go south to another staircase, go up and you will arrive in a room with a locked door, to open To do so, you must step on a platform that is in the center of the hole, to get there you must use the moving platforms, there are three here and they are arranged more or less like the diagram below:

| 1 2|
| |
| |
| |
| C |
| |
| |
| 3 |

Step on platform 2 from the north, then again on platform 2 but this time from the east, 3 from the south, 3 from the west, 1 from the north, 1 from the east and 1 from the south, enter through the door that opened, get the Laquer Shield in the chest and go through the door to the south to a chest with a Barbarossa, go back and go through the westernmost door, in the upper part, look for a chest with a Skill Ink, go through the next door and go forward until you reach the antenna, examine the device to align the antenna, you must move it with the directional pad until the static noise disappears and then press X, when successful, go all the way back to the teleportation machine, examine the device to choose the destination , choose Container Yard and enter the portal, take the Radiance Gene and return to the portal, now move the device, choose Dragnier and enter the portal.


Go out and you will be greeted with a party, during dinner, you learn that the inhabitants here are all from the Brood, but they gave up their powers to stay alive, Ryu then falls asleep and has a dream where the inhabitants say that it was prophesied that Ryu would come to face the goddess Myria and thus allow the Brood to walk the world again, without having to hide, but to do so he must awaken his true power, when he wakes up, go out and after the conversation with Rei go talk to Garr, he says that although he has lost his faith and doubts his mission, that is not enough for the people here to forgive him, Rei then says that it doesn’t matter what they think, but what Ryu thinks, at that moment Griol arrives and says the Elder wants to talk to you, he is at the well in the center of the village, go there.

Follow until you reach a place with three doors, enter the first one and get an Ivory Dice on the shelf, there is nothing in the second one so go to the third room to find the Elder, he tells Ryu some things about the war 400 years ago, then he asks to talk to Garr, put the big guy in front and talk to the old man, he says that despite everything, he doesn’t hate him, then he says he wants to talk to a pretty girl, you can try to bring Momo, but it won’t please him much, so bring Nina to talk to him, he will say that the goddess Myria feared the power of the Brood, that’s why she decided to destroy them, the dragons only lost because they didn’t use their power, because if they did, the world could be destroyed, the old man then shows himself to be a scoundrel and asks Nina for a kiss, she asks Ryu what she should do, choose any option and after getting his kiss, the Elder asks to speak to Ryu again, but before doing so , make sure Rei and Momo are in your group, have Ryu with Skill Focus, Super Combo and if possible, Shadowwalk, then talk to the Elder and he will ask if you are ready, answer Yes and he will say that to get your power maximum Ryu will have to take it from him and then he will create a barrier that will prevent Myria from realizing what is going to happen, but there is a problem, Ryu will not be able to use his dragon powers, get ready:


This guy is pretty tough for a man, I mean, old dragon, he can use Inferno and Mjolnir, have the characters equipped with the Fire and Thunder Ring, he also uses Double Blow, which is a problem, since he has a high attack power, there is also Bad Back, which I don’t know what it is, but apparently it’s not a problem, with Ryu using Shield about three times and then using Focus followed by Super Combo or Shadowwalk, Momo uses Might on Rei about three times and then on Ryu and heals whenever necessary, Rei uses Speed ​​on himself twice and then once on Momo and then transforms into a Weretiger, he has nothing interesting to steal, so don’t waste time.

Talk to the Elder and before you die, he gives you the Infinity Gene, the last one, which allows you to transform into the all-powerful Kaiser Dragon, return to the village and Griol will say that to get to where the goddess is you must cross the “Desert of Death”, he says that you should talk to the guy near the camel, go to him and he says he will accompany you as far as possible, leave Dragnier and head north to a building.


Intimidate (Hobgoblin)
Spirit Blast (Hobgoblin)

This place is a real maze, follow all the paths to find some items, go to a door in the northeast part and enter, go up the stairs ahead, take the Ammonia and come back, go to a door, enter and you will see a lever , but there is a laser preventing you from reaching it, move the camera to discover a hidden staircase, go down it and get the Rock Breaker from the chest, go back and leave this room, go left to a staircase, go up to reach a room with a lever and another staircase and go through it and, go forward to a chest that contains a Fish Head, go back to the lever room and enter the door near it, you will arrive in a room with three levers, one of which is inaccessible because of the electric floor, go to the lever that is further north, now you have to be very quick, pull this lever and immediately go to the other one and pull it, now go north before the platforms go up, when you do, enter the next door.

Go left to a door, go in and go to a chest with a Sage Frock, go back and continue to another door, go in and go left to reach the lever that was inaccessible, pull it and get the Homing Bomb in the chest, go back to another lever and pull it, now pull the rightmost lever and step on the ground behind it to go up a platform, go up to the blue part and move the panel to activate the robot, it will move according to how you move , but you leave the blue area it is deactivated, you must take it to the levers and press triangle, when you manage to pull all three, follow the highest part to the next door, before going through it, follow a little further to find a chest with an Hourglass, now go through it and climb the stairs to a door, hit the button on the left to open it, you will come out on the map, walk a little to enter a camp.


Skills:  Cure (Drak)

Talk to Horis and he will give you some tips on how to survive in the desert, choose all the options, in one of them he will give you the direction you should follow according to the stars, he will show you the location of the North Star, the False Star of Norte and Estrela da Manhã, in another option he will tell you to walk at night as it is cooler and rest during the day, after reading everything, examine the vase and choose the second option to fill your canteen with water, save if you want and follow north to enter the desert, as I said before, Horis gave you directions to follow, forget it, simply look at a point between the North Star and the False North Star and follow that direction, ALWAYS, it may happen that you enter a battle area, when this happens, exit and again adjust the direction you should follow, whenever the message that your throat is dry appears, access the menu and search the items for the Water Jug and use one, you have 16 in total , which is more than enough if you follow the direction I gave, be sure to drink water, if not, your maximum HP will permanently decrease, when the day dawns, set up camp by pressing START, sleep, save and continue the crossing, Follow this scheme and after about six or seven days, the group arrives at a place with a small mountain of sand, as they approach, a monster appears:


The only worrying attack is Howling which can leave everyone confused, he can also rarely use Quake or Mjollnir, with Ryu using Shield a couple of times, then transforming into Warrior and using Focus followed by Aura, Rei uses Speed ​​on everyone and tries to steal one Power Food, Momo uses Might on Ryu and heals whenever necessary, if you have Garr use Focus followed by Shadowwalk, if you want to use Peco he can be responsible for the healing, Nina is the least advisable here, but if you want to give her some levels, Use your best spells.

After the battle, Nina feels sick because of the heat, the group is thinking about going back, leave the tent and examine the Rakda, then (this may be shocking to some people), kill it with a sword to get the Rakda Meat , give it to Nina and she will improve a little, the group then continues on their journey and finally arrives in…


While Nina rests, Ryu and Garr ask the village chief about the goddess, but he says he doesn’t know anything, but says that there are some ruins to the north and Garr says it’s good to check it out, Momo arrives and says that Nina is already there. fully recovered, form a group and leave the village, head to the building to the east with a question mark, join Garr in the group, follow until you reach the place where you found the Radiance Gene, have Garr push the box further to the right until it breaks and you can access the portal, now you can access any location whenever you want, do what you think you should and when you’re ready go to the location north of the Oasis.


Walk a little until you see three doors, in the middle there is nothing, in the others you can buy items and equipment, they are the best ones for sale, buy what you can and leave, go to the door east of here, enter and follow to another room, as you get closer, you will see that something is hurting the group, go left to a room with a lever, pull it and leave, you will see that what was hitting you were lasers, dodge them and try to get the Moon Tear in the chest, go right until you go to the outside area, go to another room and touch the control panel, choose the first option and exit, fall to the left and go to the room to the north, touch the panel and go to forward to the next area, take the elevator to finally reach the house of the goddess Myria.


Risky Blow (Armor)
Triple Blow (Death bot)
Mighty Chop (Newt)
Thunder Strike (Mist Man)
Multistrike (Revenant)

Go down the stairs to the right and go south to a door, go out and get the Gas Shells from the chest, go back and look for a staircase, go up and pull the lever, go down and move the device near it to activate the elevator, go to “Arrival Platform” and get the Wisdom Fruit, go back and go to the “Maintenance Deck”, go forward to another elevator, go up it and enter the next door, go through the other door and you will arrive in a corridor with some doors, only one is open, the others need a card to open, head towards it, here you can sleep and save, leave and go up the stairs on the right, examine the two devices to deactivate the lasers in a room and open a door to the elevator at the beginning , go back and go up the stairs on the left, go out the next door, here if you go south you can go back to the beginning, if you need to, here is also another door locked by a card, go up the yellow stairs and go through the mats, go back through the corridor to left to find a chest with 10000 Zenny, go back and continue forward until you reach a room where you will be healed, after that there is another room with the Holy Robe in the chest, go back and continue forward until you reach a large room.

In the next door there is a device, examine it and you will see three panels with plus and minus symbols, a little ahead the floor is electrified, you must manipulate the panels so that where there is a plus sign, the other one must have the minus sign, this way you deactivate the electricity in some points and you can pass, in this room you can only manipulate one panel, the other two can only be manipulated in the next room where there are other devices, when you manage to open a path, go down take the elevator in the first room, follow the path south to a chest with a Skill Ink, go back and follow the other path until you reach another corridor, go left to the end and move the camera to find a chest that contains an Ivory Dice , go back into the next door, go up the elevator and get the Slicer from the chest, the door can’t be opened now, so go all the way back to the big room, go into the third door and you’ll see a monster on the other side of the glass , he is sleeping because of the gas, the problem is that there is a card there and we need it, touch the device to deactivate the gas, now go to the room where you got the Slicer and enter the next door, let’s fight:


The only really worrying attack is Paralizer, which as the name suggests, paralyzes a character, if he uses this, use Remedy immediately, he can also use Inferno and Myollnir, but this is not a big problem, with Ryu using the combination of Force + Gross and use Focus followed by Aura, Momo increases Ryu’s attack and heals whenever necessary, Garr uses Focus followed by Shadowalk, Rei uses Speed ​​on a Ryu twice and transforms into a Weretiger, he has nothing important to steal, Nina and Peco will be useless here, so don’t bring them in this battle, if Ryu’s AP is running low, don’t hesitate to use a Wisdom Seed and be sure to also use an Ivory Dice to increase the experience.

Take Keycard B and go down the elevator where the monster was, go to the next room and get the HE Shells from the chest, continue forward and with Rei, unlock the door to reach the three chests with a Dragon Shield, Dragon Helmet and Giant Shield, get everything and go all the way back to the hallway with the locked doors, open the left door and get the Demonsbane from the chest, exit and head to the area with the green and yellow stairs, this time go through the green one, follow forward to a place where a plant blocks the door, equip the HE Shells on Momo and shoot her to get her out, go inside and go forward, get a Magic Shard on the way, use Rei to unlock the next door, continue forward until you see a chest that contains a Silver Tiara, walk a little further and you will see a staircase, further ahead there is a door, enter it and get the Dragon Spear from the chest, go back and climb the stairs, enter the next door and head to an elevator, climb into it to reach Eden.

Look for two chests containing a Force Armor and a Soul Gem, go forward and you will find an old friend, (tell the truth, after all this time you had forgotten about him, right?) Teepo is here and despite Rei’s joy When he sees him, he treats him coldly, he says that after Balio and Sunder’s attack, he discovered that he was also from the Brood and came here, he says that their power is a threat to the world and Ryu must give up of him, as Ryu refuses, Teepo decides to enter his mind, he says that here you can see what his friends really think, go to the right and you will see Nina, she will say that she accompanied Ryu not because she is a princess, or because she is the Queen’s daughter, but because it was simply Nina, examine the dragon ahead and come back, you King, he says that his power that he was so afraid to use, compared to the Brood’s, is insignificant and that if he had the power from Ryu, I certainly wouldn’t know how to control him, go left again and examine the two plates next to the stone dragon, go left towards the chest and you will fall into a hole, talk to the dragon and answer Yes, take it a Shamman Ring in the chest on the left and enter the pillar of light to return to the previous screen, go back to the dragon between the two plates and examine it, after it speaks, stay still until a new path appears, follow it and you will see Momo, she will say that the Brood and the fate of the world is something too big for her and all she wants is to learn about the machines in this region, enter the pillar of light ahead and you will go to a different area.

Go forward until a white figure on the ground, step on it to be transported to another area, go forward until you find a red figure, step on it and continue forward, ignore the yellow figure and follow until you find Garr, he comes with the same conversation from before that he believed he was doing the right thing by hunting the Brood, but now he regrets it, continue forward to a figure, step on it and you will find Peco, he says (yes, here he says it) that Ryu must do which he, and only he, thinks is right, he also says that the power of the Brood is something to be respected and feared, but that it is not enough to destroy the world, move forward to the pillar of light, you will then find the other Ryu, he says that if you have the power to change the world, you must take responsibility for that world and the only one who can do that is the goddess Myria, so Ryu must give her his power, but he again refuses , walk a little further and you will find Teepo, he decides to keep Ryu trapped in this dream and sends a monster to attack you.


Ridiculous, his attacks are Sleep and Chill which deals around 50 damage, have the Dream Ring equipped and use the combination, Force + Gross + Radiance, then use Focus followed by Shinning Claw, two of these and he’s gone.

Ryu will return to Eden, Teepo says that if he had lost to Arwan, he wouldn’t die, he would just lose his powers, but with Ryu’s refusal to submit to Myria, Teepo says he has no choice but to kill him. , well, it’s a shame, but if that’s what he wants, put Rei and Momo in the group and prepare for battle:


Welcome to hell, because Teepo is no joke, he has an absurd attack power and can use Triple Blow, which should cause around 60 damage per hit, not to mention spells like Inferno, Blizzard and Myollnir, but the worst of all is Howling, because getting everyone confused in this battle is a serious problem, if possible, have at least one character equipped with a Balance Ring, first of all, steal the Dragon Blade from him, you shouldn’t have any problems with that , with Rei use Speed ​​on everyone until they have Ex-Turn, Momo will barely do anything other than heal, but when she has a break she uses Might or War Shout and Shield, with Ryu, if she has a high maximum AP, transform in Gold Kaiser and use skills like Shadowalk, Triple Blow or Super Combo, or if you prefer, use the combination Force + Gross and use Focus followed by Aura, if the AP runs out, use items to recover it, if you have at least 3 Wisdom Fruit use one that should be enough, good luck.

Before dying Teepo still says that the goddess is right, he also says that he would like to return to live with Rei and Ryu with a family, this is in my opinion the saddest scene in the game, because despite his arrogant manner, I liked the little guy and it would be really interesting if you decided to join, well, get the Key Card and go all the way back to the hallway with the doors, open the door on the right and get the Light Bangle from the chest and go to the other locked door on the green floor room, open it and go forward until you find a blue door, be careful, the enemies in this area are tough, you will arrive in an area where you will have to face some of the game’s bosses again, I believe you shouldn’t have any problems with So, enter the door ahead to face 3 Nues, finish them off and enter the door ahead, continue to the next door to face 2 Mikbas, enter the next door and continue forward until you find a copy of Gaist, finish off him and enter the next door, go forward until you reach a room with a blue book, enter the door to his right and get a Cupid Lyre from the chest, sleep in the bed if you need and go back, if you go down the stairs you will reach the final part of the room. game, but if you want you can look for some more bosses in this area and some more items, nothing very important, if you have something to resolve somewhere, do it now, when you think you’re ready, go down.

Honey will run out, follow behind him and he will open a big door, go to an elevator, you will find some women who serve Myria, as you walk they appear, talk to them to find out that in the past the world was dying, then Myria came and divided it into two parts, one part is the Desert of Death, in the north, where we are now and the other is the south, the region where we came from which is full of life, the two parts are separated by a violent ocean like shape to protect the southern part from the northern part, they also say that Myria allowed humans to develop machines that were not destructive and even provided them with the mineral Chrysm coming from dead creatures, when arriving in an elevator you will finally find Myria, Garr then asks why the Brood must be destroyed and she responds that their power is too great for her little one, she says that a long time ago this world was much bigger and there were a lot of people living in Caer Xhan, but people started to fight and eventually a war almost destroyed the world, Myria cannot protect them and says that she will not make the same mistake again, so Ryu must give up his power, the others do not accept this and prepare to fight, but Myria makes them disappear a to one, until Yggdrasil, through Peco, brings everyone back and tells Myria that she cannot force Ryu to give up his power, Myria then decides to let Ryu choose, talk to all her friends and then talk to Myria to take your decision, if you want to see the bad ending, choose the first option to give your power to Myria and you will go straight to the ending (which is really bad), but if you want to see the true ending, choose the second option to decide your own destiny, Myria then says that she has no other choice and for the good of the world Ryu must die, choose your group, I advise you to have Momo and Rei, well, the time has come to show the goddess the power she feared so much.


Well, she is a goddess, so don’t expect anything easy, let’s get to her attacks, Blizzard, Inferno and Myollnir are already old acquaintances, Sanctuary will undo the effects of assistance spells, which, let’s face it, is quite annoying, Venom can cause different statuses negatives in the group, have Ryu equipped with the Light Bangle, Holocaust hits everyone and causes up to 120 damage, Rei must use Speed ​​on Ryu until he has ex-turn, then do the same with Momo and himself and transform in Weretiger, Momo uses War Shout a couple of times, heals and removes negative statuses, Ryu transforms into Gold Kaiser and uses Focus followed by Shadowalk, if his AP gets low, use a Wisdom Fruit or Wisdom Seed to prevent him from returning the human form prematurely, if things get really bad, don’t hesitate to use a Moon Tears, but I consider this battle easier than the Dragon Lord’s, so if you’re at a good level you shouldn’t have any problems breaking the goddess’s crest.

Well, now just enjoy the true ending of this fantastic game, after the credits, there is an extra scene, wait a little longer and save the game, load this save and you will be able to access some extras, all I know is that If you go to the hut west of Steel Beach and talk to the fisherman there, if you have 9500 fishing spots, he will give you the Master Rod, the best fishing rod, and the Ding Frog, the best bait, there is also Another thing, if you go to the forest where Meryleep lives, with Ryu at level 51 or more and enter a battle with a Gooey (those that are only paralyzed) he will move and use the Ebonfire skill, which cannot be learned with no other monsters, that’s all I know, if you have anything else, please write to me, thanks and see you next time.



They are a type of special stones that allow Ryu to transform into a dragon, each stone has an effect and the combination of them results in different characteristics, below is a list of genes, where to find them and their effects.

Wins automatically when captured by Balio and Sunder in Mt. Myrneg
Gains fire spells and attacks

Automatically wins after escaping from Sunder in Mt. Boumore
Increases defense.

In the place with a question mark south of Mt. Boumore
Reverses the effect of another gene.

In the place where the group lands with the rocket after leaving Momo’s tower
Increases some stats.

Near the house in Maekyss Gorge
Gain ice spells and attacks.

On the beach behind the hut east of Rhapala
Gains thunder spells and attacks.

On top of the Lighthouse
Increases magical power and gives extra spells.

Mt. Zublo
Allows you to transform into Behemoth.

Gained by defeating Dragon Zombie in Dauna Mine
Gains dark spells and attacks.

Gained by defeating Dragon Zombie in Dauna Mine
Acquires the characteristics of allies.

Underground Laboratory
Allows you to transform into a Warrior.

Tidal Caves
Increases status.

Inside the hut south of Steel Beach
It has mysterious effects.

Steel Beach
Gain random abilities.

Large tree south of Kombinat
Mysterious effects.

Unknown effect.

Container Yard
Gains light spells and attacks.

Gained automatically when defeating the Elder in Dragnier
Allows you to transform into Kaiser.



It is the most basic form of dragon, and you should hardly use it due to its fragility.
Combinations:  It can be obtained using several solitary genes or with some combination that does not result in any other form.


A very balanced form, you should use it a lot in the beginning, at least until you get the Force Gene.
Combinations:  Can be obtained using at least two genes, other than Miracle, Force, Fusion, Failure and Infinity.


A huge dragon that when it appears absorbs other allies in battle, it has a high HP, which makes its Meteor Strike attack very efficient, but it is very slow and the AP cost to maintain it is not worth it, so , I don’t advise using it too much.
Combinations:  Can be obtained using various combinations with the Miracle gene.


Turbocharged version of the Behemoth, with a big increase in HP, but even so, I don’t think it’s really worth using.
Combinations:  Miracle + ???


A dragon that has attacks from three elements, somewhat useless in my opinion, it’s just a dragon that spends more AP to maintain its shape.
Combinations:  Flame + Frost + Thunder


One of the best forms, despite its low defense, Warriors have incredible attack and speed and from the moment you get it you should use it on almost all bosses.
Combinations:  Various combinations using the Force gene.


Turbocharged version of the Warrior with greater attack power, a good option on the final bosses.
Combinations:  Force + Trance


The worst way in my opinion, honestly, I prefer to use a Whelp.
Combinations:  Mutant + ???


Another dragon that absorbs other characters when it appears, Tiamat is nothing extraordinary, but it’s not a bad dragon.
Combinations:  Trance + Shadow


Let’s say he is a turbocharged version of Whelp, despite his very low HP, he has a good attack and defense and his Charge attack can cause great damage to enemies, but I don’t advise using it on bosses.
Combinations:  Miracle + Thorn + Reverse


They are dragons that have the characteristics of Ryu’s allies (with the exception of Garr), their sub-forms are:


A good dragon, fast and strong, only appears if Rei and Nina/Momo are in the group.
Combinations:  Fusion or Fusion + Force (turbocharged version)


A strong dragon with spells, only use it if you have a lot of AP, it only appears if Nina and Peco/Garr are in the group.
Combinations:  Fusion or Fusion + Eldritch (turbocharged version)


He has several assistance spells, but I doubt you’ll use them, his Combustion attack is very powerful, it only appears if Momo and Nina/Peco are in the group.
Combinations:  Fusion or Fusion +??? (turbocharged version)


It has the same attacks as Peco and a few more, it can be useful in some situations, but it is still the worst of the Hybrids, it only appears if Peco and Rei/Garr are in the group.
Combinations:  Fusion or Fusion + Shadow (turbocharged version)


The most powerful dragon form, when Ryu’s stats appear, they increase significantly and with the use of assistance spells they can reach the stratosphere. Unfortunately, the very high AP cost can be a serious problem, so if your AP is not very high, the Warrior is a more affordable option.
Combinations:  Infinity + Failure or Infinity + Radiance + Trance (Gold Kaiser)

Note:  If you use any other combination with the Infinity gene, it will result in an uncontrollable Kaiser.


There are special people spread across the world who teach you some skills, in addition to providing you with Lv bonuses. Up, some have requirements to become masters, once becoming an apprentice the character must evolve a certain number of levels to learn a new skill, to do this just go back to the master and talk to him, below is a list of all the masters.


Where to find: Location with a question mark northwest of McNeil.
Requirements: Give him all his money, no matter the amount.
Lv Bonus. Up: Pwr – 1 Def – 1 Int + 2 AP + 1
Skills: Frost (1 level) Meditation (4 levels) Magic Ball (6 levels) Typhoon (8 levels)
Recommended for: Nina and Momo


Where to find: Cedar Woods
Requirements: No
Lv Bonus. Up: Pwr + 2 Def + 2 Int – 3 HP + 2 AP – 2
Skills: Risky Blow (2 levels) Focus (5 levels) Super Combo (8 levels) Disembowel (10 levels)
Recommended for: Ryu, Garr and Peco


Where to find: Cabin in the back of Wyndia.
Requirements: No
Lv Bonus. Up: Apparently none
Skills: Unmotivate (1 level) Feign Swing (2 levels) Backhand (3 levels)
Recommended for: Nobody


Where to find: Coffee Shop
Requirements: Have 15 different weapons in your inventory.
Lv Bonus. Up: Pwr + 1 Agl + 1 HP – 1 AP – 2 Increased hit rate.
Skills: Monopolize (2 levels) Intimidate (3 levels) Steal (4 levels)
Recommended for: Rei and Momo


Where to find: Interrogation point on the beach west of Rhapala.
Requirements: Have the “Roadmaster” fishing rank.
Lv Bonus. Up: Pwr – 1 Def – 1 Int – 1 Agl – 1 HP + 4 AP + 3
Skills: Trump (2 levels) Berserk (5 levels) Sudden Death (8 levels)
Recommended for: Ryu, Peco and Garr


Where to find: Arena town of Genmel
Requirement: Fight 30 battles without resting.
Lv Bonus. Up: Pwr + 1 Def + 1 Int – 3 Agl – 3 HP + 4
Skills: Charge (2 levels) Counter (4 levels) Resist (6 levels)
Recommended for: Ryu, Garr and Peco


Where to find: Forest with a question mark, near the bridge to the Rhapala region, kick a stone into the water with Peco to make it appear.
Requirements: Visit the fairy village at least once and give her the Flower Jewel, you can find it in the big tree to the west of the arena, make Peco kick the tree there.
Lv Bonus. Up: Pwr – 1 Def – 1 Agl + 2 HP – 1
Skills: Charm (2 levels) Shadowwalk (5 levels) War Shout (8 levels)
Recommended for: King


Where to find: Urkan Slap
Requirement: Learn Durandal’s Backhand skill
Lv Bonus. Up: Pwr – 2 Int + 1 AP + 1 Increases light properties.
Skills: Purify (2 levels) Kyrie (5 levels) Benediction (8 levels)
Recommended for: Nina and Momo


Where to find: Shack with a question mark east of Dauna Mine.
Requirement: Give him 10000 Zenny.
Lv Bonus. Up: Pwr – 2 Def – 2 Int + 4 AP + 4
Skills: Barrier (2 levels) Mind Sword (4 levels) Enlighten (6 levels)
Recommended for: Nina and Momo


Where to find: Large tree east of Plant.
Requirements: Talk to the tree with Peco in front and give her a Wisdom Fruit.
Lv Bonus. Up: Pwr – 2 Def + 1 Int + 2 HP – 1 AP + 1 Becomes weak to fire
Skills: Sanctuary (2 levels) Recall (5 levels) Shield (8 levels)
Recommended for: Nina and Momo


Where to find: Wyndia Castle Kitchen.
Requirements: Give him an Angler, a Swallow Eye, a Beef Jerky and a Martian Squid.
Lv bonus. Up: Pwr + 2 Def + 1 Int – 1 Agl – 1 HP + 2 AP – 2
Skills: Mighty Chop (2 levels) Demonbane (4 levels)
Recommended for: Ryu, Peco and Garr


Where to find: Wyndia (with Ryu as an adult)
Requirement: Find everyone in hide and seek.*
Lv bonus. Up: Pwr + 1
Skills: Chain Formation (3 levels)
Recommended for: no one


Where to find: Wyndia (with Ryu as an adult)
Requirement: Find everyone in hide and seek.
Lv Bonus. Up: Def + 1
Skills: Cupid’s Lyre (item)(3 levels)
Recommended for: no one


Where to find: Wyndia (with Ryu as an adult)
Requirement: Find everyone in hide and seek.
Lv Bonus. Up: Int + 1
Skills: Magic Formation (3 levels)
Recommended for: no one


Where to find: Wyndia (with Ryu as an adult)
Requirement: Find everyone in hide and seek.
Lv Bonus. Up: HP + 1
Skills: Refuge Formation (3 levels)
Recommended for: no one

  • When you arrive in Wyndia with Ryu as an adult, talk to the boys in black jackets and they challenge you to a game of hide and seek, but this time they will hide around the world, here is the location of each one.

Bais –  Dauna Mine, in the place where Ryu was captured at the beginning of the game, move the camera to find him;

Lang –  Behind a tomb in Wyndia Graveyard;

Lee –  Behind a house in Junk Town;

Wynn –  Behind the wall in Checkpoint.

After finding everyone, return to Wyndia and talk to them to have them as masters.


Where to find: Temple at the beginning of Mt. Zublo
Requirement: On your first encounter with her say “I like you this way” and then say “Yes, Ma’am”.
Lv Bonus. Up: Pwr + 1 Def – 3 Int + 3 Agl + 1 HP – 3 AP + 3
Skills: Inferno (2 levels) Blizzard (5 levels) Myollnir (8 levels) Sirocco (11 levels) Celerity (15 levels)
Recommended for: Rei, Nina and Momo


Where to find: Dragnier
Requirement: Have all 18
Lv Bonus Genes. Up: Pwr + 2 Def + 2 Int + 2 Agl + 1 HP – 6 (urgh!) AP – 6 (I repeat, urgh!)
Skills: Mind’s Eye (3 levels) Holy Strike (5 levels) Ward of Light (7 levels ) Aura (9 levels)
Recommended for: Rei, Nina and Momo


To access it you must stand on top of one of the flower circles scattered around the world and press X to use the Faerie Tiara item, once inside talk to the red-haired fairy to coordinate the development of the village, let’s go in parts:


At the beginning you will only have 3 fairies available and the only job options are: you will have 3 fairies available and the only job options are:

Hunting –  set the fairies to hunt and get food
Clean –  clear the land to build houses
Build –  build houses.

To start, put all the fairies to hunt and leave the village, come back after some time and new fairies should have been born, put some to clear the land, when all the spaces on the left are available, put the fairies to build houses, when a house is built you can determine what type of job it will be used for, to do this put the cursor on the little house in the upper right corner of the house and a list of “jobs” will appear, choose one and put at least one fairy in charge, but the more fairies there are, the better.


If you place the cursor on a fairy, you will see a frame with colored bars on it, each bar represents a characteristic, and the bigger the bar is, the better these characteristics will be, they are:

Red –  Represents the ability to hunt and explore
Green –  Represents the ability to build
Dark Blue –  Represents the ability to trade
Light Blue –  Represents the intellectual ability


From the moment you build a house you can assign a function to it, they are:

Scholar –  is divided into two others:
Jobs –  research to develop new work.
Culture –  research to discover how to grow faster

Merchant –  Used to buy and sell items, they are divided into:

Item Shop –  Sells healing items and accessories, the items vary depending on your choice between Speed ​​and Ability.
Handyman Shop –  Basically has the same function as the Item Shop, but here you can purchase a very important item called Angling Rod, the second best fishing rod.
Weapon Shop –  Sells equipment, prefer the Ability one, as there you can get the best weapon for Nina (Ouroboros).

Inn  – It’s a hotel like all the others, the difference is that it costs much cheaper.

Gift Shop –  Here the fairies will give you gifts, the longer you take to come here, the better the gift will be, you can even get the excellent Spirit Ring that cuts the AP cost in half.

Fortune Teller –  Predicts the future, useless, don’t use it.

Explorer –  Send a fairy to explore a place in search of items, it is a dangerous job as the fairy can die doing this, but you can still get good items with it.

Antique Shop –  Here you can sell for good money those items with the description “Appears Valuable” and which in other shops are worth almost nothing.

Music Shop –  Here you can listen to the game’s music.

Casino –  You play some mini-games and can win items, but the best items are very difficult to get.

Copy Shop –  Makes a copy of an item, but it may fail, when this happens, you normally get your item back, but it may turn into a Rice Ball, so think carefully before using it.


  • Always have fairies hunting, as lack of food can result in their death.
  • Keep a house with job Culture until it reaches level 7 and also keep a house searching for new jobs, until you have them all.
  • Don’t visit the village for too short a period of time, after a visit, only come back after passing through a dungeon.

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