Bully – Complete Walkthrough (Step-by-Step Strategy Guide)

Bully – Complete Walkthrough (Step-by-Step Strategy Guide)

September 16, 2024 Off By Robert Allen Rusk
+|                                                                         |+
+|                "Bully / Canis Canem Edit" Strategy Guide                |+
+|                                                                         |+
+|               [PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 4 Versions]                |+
+|                 Version 5.0 [Revision 15] (August 2016)                 |+
+|                                                                         |+
+|                          By Robert Allen Rusk.                          |+
+|                 Copyright 2006-2016 Robert Allen Rusk.                  |+
+|                                                                         |+
+|                    E-MAIL: rarusk[at]netzero[dot]com                    |+
+|                                                                         |+

The biggest change to this revision is the new PlayStation 4 information
which includes Trophy acquisition. I also did some corrections and format


"Bully" is copyright 2006 by Rockstar Games, a subsidiary of Take-Two
Interactive Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

"Bully" Official Strategy Guide - Written by Tim Bogenn. Copyright 2006 by DK
Publishing, a division of Penguin Group (USA), Inc.

The Official Strategy Guide was used as reference during initial construction
of this text based guide for the following:

  >>Rubber Bands Map
  >>"G&G" Cards Map
  >>Gnomes Map
  >>Weapons Map
  >>100% Completion List
  >>Errands Map and List

All other trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

A complete listing of contact and other information can be found at the end
of this guide.


/=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=\ /=========================================================================\ | >TBCT. Table of Contents | \=========================================================================/ \=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=/ This guide uses a Quick Search Feature which takes advantage of the Find feature used by many web browsers. This feature will allow you to go to any chapter or section in this guide quickly. To access any of those chapters, sections, or to the Table of Contents do CTRL-F (PC) or Clover-F (Mac) to activate the Find feature in the web browser. Then enter the code like this: >KR6 or >ZD12


| BLY1. Introduction And General Information |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

    GEN1. About The Guide
    GEN2. Bully
    GEN3. Technical Data
            A. PlayStation 2
            B. PlayStation 4
    GEN4. Controls
            A. On Foot (or in Water)
            B. On Bicycles
            C. In Vehicles
    GEN5. The Main Screen
    GEN6. The Main Map and Pause Menu
    GEN7. Social Interaction
    GEN8. Authority Figures
    GEN9. Bullying and Troublemaking
    GEN10. Trouble Meter
    GEN11. Fighting, Breaking Free, Running, and Hiding
    GEN12. Getting Busted and Serving Detention
    GEN13. Health and Kissing
    GEN14. Time
    GEN15. Passed Out and Knocked Out
    GEN16. Save Books and Save Houses
    GEN17. Lockers and Lockpicking
    GEN18. Weapons, Boxes, and Crates
             A. Weapons
             B. Boxes and Crates
    GEN19. Collectibles
    GEN20. Skateboards, Bikes, Scooter, Go-Kart, and Bus Stops
    GEN21. Clothing and Clothes Stores
    GEN22. Yum Yum Markets, Barber Shops, and the Tattoo Parlor
    GEN23. 100% Completion List
    GEN24. PlayStation 4 Trophy List

| BLY2. Welcome to Bullworth |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| BLY3. Chapter I - Making New Friends and Enemies |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

    FDM1. Your Room and Room Trophies
    FDM2. Boy's Dorm
    FDM3. Bullworth Academy
    FDM4. The Bullworth Academy Faculty and Prefects
            A. Faculty
            B. Prefects
    FDM5. The Students of Bullworth Academy
            A. Clique Information
            B. The Nerds
            C. The Greasers
            D. The Preps
            E. The Jocks
            F. The Bullies
            G. The Regulars
            H. The Little Kids
    FDM6. The Order of Things (Part 1)
    FDM7. Collectibles (Bullworth Academy)
    FDM8. The Main Story Missions

++MSY1. Gary Smith

       GMH1. This Is Your School
    FDM9. Get to Class (Part One)
            A. Chemistry (Day 1 - Morning)
            B. English (Day 1 - Afternoon)
            C. Art (Day 2 - Morning)
            D. Gym (Day 2 - Afternoon)
    FDM10. Weapons, Boxes, and Crates (Bullworth Academy)

++MSY2. Jimmy Hopkins

       JHP1. The Setup
    FDM11. Get to Class (Part Two)
             A. Gym (Day 2 - Afternoon)
    FDM12. Penalty Shots and Keep-Ups
    FDM13. Dodgeball For Money
       GMH2. Slingshot
       GMH3. A Little Help

++MSY3. The Nerds

       NRD1. Save Algie
    FDM14. Errands (Part One)
       NRD2. That Bitch
       NRD3. The Diary
       NRD4. Defend Bucky
    FDM15. Errands (Part Two)
       NRD5. The Candidate
    FDM16. The Order of Things (Part 2)
       GMH4. Halloween
       GMH5. The Big Prank
       NRD6. Character Sheets
       GMH6. Help Gary
               A. Russell in the Hole

| BLY4. Chapter II - Rich Kid Blues |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

    RKB1. The Gates Open Up
    RKB2. Old Bullworth Vale
    RKB3. Bullworth Town
    RKB4. The Order of Things (Part 3)
    RKB5. Collectibles (New Coventry and Blue Skies Industrial Area)
    RKB6. Errands (Part Three)
    RKB7. Weapons, Boxes, and Crates (Bullworth Vale and Bullworth Town)
       JHP2. Hattrick vs. Galloway
    RKB8. Get to Class (Part Two)
            A. Shop (Day 4 - Morning)
            B. Photography (Part One) (Day 4 - Afternoon)
    RKB9. The Yearbook
    RKB10. A Little Help (II, III, and IV)
    RKB11. The Carnival
             A. Carnival Rides
             B. Carnival Games
             C. Arcade Games

++MSY4. Edna

       EDN1. Last Minute Shopping
    RKB12. Prep Challenge

++MSY5. The Preps

       PRP1. Movie Ticket
       PRP2. Carnival Date
       PRP3. The Eggs
    RKB13. Collectibles (Spencer Estates)
    RKB14. Errands (Part Four)
       JHP3. Race the Vale
       JHP4. Beach Rumble
       JHP5. Tad's House
       JHP6. Weed Killer
       JHP7. Panty Raid
       JHP8. Boxing Challenge
               A. Dishonorable Fight

| BLY5. Chapter III - Love Makes the World Go Around |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

    WGR1. New Coventry
    WGR2. Get to Class (Part Three)
            A. Photography (Part Two) (Day 4 - Afternoon)
    WGR3. Christmas Is Here
    WGR4. The Order of Things (Part 4)
    WGR5. Collectibles (New Coventry)
    WGR6. Errands (Part Five)
    WGR7. Weapons, Boxes and Crates (New Coventry)
    WGR8. The Order of Things (Part 5)
    WGR9. Paper Route
    WGR10. Boxing (Glass Jaw Boxing Club)
    WGR11. Bike Races (Part One)
             A. Old Bullworth Vale Shiny Bikes Store
             B. Bullworth Town Shiny Bikes Store
    WGR12. Carnival Go-Kart Races
    WGR13. City Go-Kart Races (Part One)
    WGR14. The Order of Things (Part 6)
    WGR15. The Midget Wrestlers
    WGR16. The Clothes Stores
             A. The Souvenir Tent
             B. Bullworth Academy Clothes Store
             C. Aquaberry Fashions Clothes Store
             D. Worn In Used Clothing Store
             E. The Final Cut Clothes Store
    WGR17. Nerd Challenge
    WGR18. Collectibles (Dragon's Wing Comics Store)
    WGR19. A Little Help (V and VI)

++MSY6. Dragon's Wing Comics

       DWC1. Comic Klepto
       EDN2. Cook's Crush
       EDN3. Cook's Date

++MSY7. The Greasers

       GRS1. Jealous Johnny
       GRS2. Bait
    WGR20. Bike Races (Part Two)
       PRP4. Tagging
    WGR21. Spray Paint
    WGR22. Errands (Part Six)
    WGR23. Greaser Challenge
       JHP9. Glass House
       NRD7. Wrong Part of Town
       GRS3. Lola's Race
       GRS4. The Tenements
    WGR24. Errands (Part Seven)
       GRS5. The Rumble
               A. Fighting Johnny Vincent

| BLY6. Chapter IV - A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body, & Other Lies |~~~~~~\

    HBD1. Lawn Mowing
    HBD2. Errands (Part Eight)
       JHP10. Stronghold Assault
                A. Nerd Boss Fight
    HBD3. New Weapons
    HBD4. Collectibles (Bullworth Academy and Happy Volts Asylum)
    HBD5. Jocks Challenge
       JHP11. Here's to you Ms. Philips
       JHP12. Galloway Away
       NRD8. Funhouse Fun
       NRD9. Paparazzi
       NRD10. Defender of the Castle

++MSY8. The Jocks

       JCK1. Discretion Assured
       NRD11. Nice Outfit
       NRD12. The Big Game
                A. Jock Boss Fight

| BLY7. Chapter V - The Fall and Rise of Jimmy Hopkins, Aged 15 |~~~~~~~~~~\

    RSJ1. Blue Skies Industrial Area
            A. The Townies
    RSJ2. Collectibles (Blue Skies Industrial Area)
    RSJ3. Errands (Part Nine)
    RSJ4. Weapons, Boxes, and Crates (Blue Skies Industrial Area)
    RSJ5. Bike Races (Part Three)
    RSJ6. City Go-Kart Races (Part Two)
       JHP13. Cheating Time
       JHP14. Making a Mark
       NRD13. Rats in the Library
       JCK2. The Gym is Burning
       GRS6. Finding Johnny Vincent
    RSJ7. Townies Challenge

++MSY9. The Townies

       TWN1. Revenge on Mr. Burton
       PRP5. Preppies Vandalized
       JHP15. Go See the Principal
       TWN2. Smash It Up
       JHP16. Busting In - Part I
       JHP17. Busting In - Part II
                A. Showdown at the Plant
    RSJ8. Collectibles (Townie Stronghold)
    RSJ9. Weapons and Crates (Townie Stronghold)
    RSJ10. Errands (Part Ten)
       JHP18. Complete Mayhem
                A. Final Showdown
    RSJ11. 100% Completion

| BLY8. Chapter VI - Endless Summer |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

    MJC1. The Majic Moostapholees

| BLY9. Conclusion |


  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >BLY1. Introduction And General Information                               |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

My name is Robert Allen Rusk and I am a hardcore gamer with about 40+ years
of gaming experience. I am an ex-gametester (Broderbund Software, LucasArts
Games, Point Of View Computing) and an ex-arcade attendant (Namco
Cyberstation - Pier 39, San Francisco, CA). I also own multiple systems such
as the Sega Dreamcast, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Atari Jaguar, PlayStation
(1, 2, 3, and 4), Xbox, and Xbox 360.

I started writing guides in 2003 because I felt it was something I could do
utilizing my writing skills gained in college and gametesting along with my
passion for vidgames. Over time I have honed my overall writing and
organization skills plus my creative thinking skills. Additionally, I have
extended the play value of the games I have written guides and FAQs for many
times over plus I have received many letters from all over the world.

I am also a member of the following forums:

  >>Digital Press
  >>GTA Forums
  >>The MoFaT (a members only message board set up by "Grand Theft Auto: Vice
               City" players who met on the Vice City message boards at 

Outside of gaming, my interests include "Godzilla" (I have been a G-Fan since
the age of ten) and "Red Dwarf". I am also a long time soundtrack collector
with many titles in my possession. As far as favorite sports teams go, my
teams are the San Antonio Spurs (NBA) [the local team], the Denver Broncos
(NFL) [although I live in Texas, I am originally from Colorado Springs,
Colorado] and the Air Force Falcons (NCAA Football).

This guide was constructed using TextWrangler on an Apple Mac Mini. I view my
work in Safari to help in seeing how it would look on the web and correct
format errors.

| >GEN1. About The Guide                                                    |

Welcome to my "Bully" guide! Here you will find a lot of useful information
in a highly organized format that you can use to beat all of the missions of
the game. Quotes taken from readers' e-mail are presented "as is" and may
include spelling and grammatical errors.

The main emphasis of this guide is to provide creative and simple solutions
to many of the missions for "Bully". I have worked hard to make sure that
this guide is as complete as possible but at the same time leave room for
exploration. I hope that you enjoy this guide as much as learn from it.

Another emphasis of this guide is *ORDER*. If you do the missions and tasks
in a certain order then the game will be easier and more fun for you. As with
any of Rockstar's previous free-roam games (like "Grand Theft Auto III")
there are things to collect or destroy. Those objects are: Rubber Bands (75),
"G&G" Cards (40), Gnomes (25), and Transistors (6).

Each Rubber Band, "G&G" Card, Gnome, Transistor, and Errand has a letter
designation to make them easier to identify in this guide. In addition, there
is a three letter Neighborhood Prefix (listings below) indicating a
particular neighborhood or area where the item or task can be found (in these
examples I use "XXX"):

  >>Rubber Bands will be identified with an "RB".
      --Examples: Rubber Band [XXX-RB21].

  >>"G&G" Cards will be identified with an "GG".
      --Examples: Card [XXX-GG34].

  >>Gnomes will be identified with an "N".
      --Examples: Gnome [XXX-N24].

  >>Transistors will be identified with a "T".
      --Examples: Transistor [XXX-T3].

  >>Errands will be identified with an "E".
      --Examples: Errand [XXX-E5].

Although I have included the co-ordinates to where each item (including
Weapons) can be found using the fold-out map that comes with the game, I am
writing the directions as though there is no map at all (like if you bought
the game used and the map wasn't included).

| Neighborhood Prefixes \

BAC - Bullworth Academy
OBV - Old Bullworth Vale
BLT - Bullworth Town
NCV - New Coventry
HVA - Happy Volts Asylum
BSI - Blue Skies Industrial Area

| >GEN2. Bully                                                              |

Being a big fan of the Grand Theft Auto series I was more than interested in
"Bully". While it feels a lot like GTA it is very different in tone and feel.
"Bully" is clearly not the "Columbine simulator" that infamous lawyer Jack
Thompson said it was. What it is is a very fun free roam game with plenty to

One of the best aspects of "Bully" is how the people react in this game. They
seem to have minds of their own and often engage in strange and humorous
situations. You also have better ways to interact with the random people in
"Bully" than in any of the GTA games. You can greet them, taunt them, pull
pranks on them, kiss them, and just plain beat them up.

The missions and tasks are fairly simple but this lessens the frustration
factor and makes the game more fun.

| >GEN3. Technical Data                                                     |

In this chapter I go over technical data on the two platforms that "Bully"
has been released for:

| A. PlayStation 2 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

In addition to cheat discs, such as Codebreaker, there are also various
programs that you can try to use with the game:

| Xploder HDTV Player \

  Xploder HDTV Player is a disc that will allow PlayStation 2 owners to play 
  most of their games in Progressive Scan mode. When tested at 640 x 480 
  (VGA) and 480p (HD), "Bully" looks great. No issues to speak of.

  Because the graphics are designed for 480 vertical resolution it is not 
  recommended that you put "Bully" in any mode higher than 480p. The higher 
  resolution modes, like 720p, simply shoehorn the 480 graphics into the 
  higher end modes and tend to really squash the screen.

| GS Mode Selector \

  This is a small program that is used with the memory card exploit known as 
  Free McBoot. Like with HDTV Viewer you can also view games in progressive 
  scan using this program. Unfortunately, this program does not work with 

| HDLoader \

  This program, which has been floating around the internet for years, will 
  let you install your favorite games onto a hard drive (assuming you have an 
  older style PS2 "Fatty" (with a Network Adapter) or an early version of a 
  PS2 "Slim" that has been modified to use a hard drive).

  There are two variants of this program. The first variant is HDLoader which 
  is freeware and HDAdvance which is not. It is best to use HDLoader since it 
  is free and gets updated from time to time to improve compatibility and 

  HDLoader is best installed with a popular memory card exploit known as Free 
  McBoot. "Bully", from what I know, has always been compatible with the 
  earliest versions of HDAdvance and HDLoader.

  Why install the game on a hard drive? For starters, less wear and tear on 
  the DVD-ROM mechanism (that is assuming if it still works - thankfully you 
  can install games onto the hard drive from a PC as an option using a 
  program called WiinHip).

  But mainly it is for faster loading speeds. Pretty much everything loads up 
  faster. Well worth the effort to install onto a hard drive. Even though I 
  haven't had any problems using "Bully" with HDLoader I will make some 
  recommended settings changes to make sure the game runs smoothly and there 
  are no problems with game saves.

  After installing the game onto the HDD then highlight "Bully" on the Game 
  List menu and press SELECT. This will bring up the Game Compatibility 
  Settings. It will look like this:

    Slow HDD access:                 No
    Disable DVD9 support:            No
    Kill HDL After launch:           No
    Date/timefix 2:                  No
    Date/timefix 3:                  No
    Disable network support:         No
    Disable CzC patch:               No
    Soul Calibur 2 / Suikoden V:     No

  As you can see all of the default settings are set to "No". You should make 
  the following changes to make sure that "Bully" works perfectly with 

    Slow HDD access:                YES <----------
    Disable DVD9 support:            No
    Kill HDL After launch:          YES <----------
    Date/timefix 2:                 YES <----------
    Date/timefix 3:                  No
    Disable network support:         No
    Disable CzC patch:               No
    Soul Calibur 2 / Suikoden V:     No

  Slow HDD access will prevent any sound problems, Kill HDL is done as a 
  precaution, and the Date/timefix will ensure that you have a proper 
  timestamp on your game saves and prevent any possible corruption.

| Open PS2 Loader \

  This program is meant to replace HDLoader and is more solid than HDL. You 
  use this in place of HDL and it will recognize the HDD and all the games 
  you have already installed.

  OPL, or "Opal" as I like to call it, has its own compatibility modes for 
  games and won't recognize the settings used in HDL. Based on the time I 
  have played "Bully" on Opal I found it to run just as smooth as it was on 
  HDL. Unlike with HDL there are no timestamping issues to worry about so you 
  won't have any problems there.

| B. PlayStation 4 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

In late 2015 Sony offered a new service on the PlayStation 4 called PS2
Classics in which PlayStation 2 games would be released and played on the PS4
through an emulator. Although "Bully" wasn't offered initially it would
quickly join the list of available titles (as of Spring 2016). In addition to
being able to play these older titles in 720p there was something else to
entice people to revisit these games:


You can now play PlayStation 2 games on the PS4 and earn Trophies for your
Trophy List just like you can for the regular PS3 and PS4 games. This guide
will cover how you can get all of the Trophies for this version of the game.
It should be noted that many of the Trophies match that of the Scholarship
Edition version of the game that is only available on the Xbox 360, PC, and
the Nintendo Wii so the same strategies should apply.

One thing to note is that you cannot make virtual Memory Cards like you can
on the PS3. This is mainly to prevent Trophy cheating but you can still make
backups of your "card" for safe keeping.

Finally, the emulator doesn't just emulate the main chips - it also emulates
the DVD-ROM drive. This means that, even though the game is on the hard
drive, if the game loaded slow on the original hardware then this version
will load just as slow in the emulator.

Although the Scholarship Edition version has more classes, missions, and
other stuff the PS4 version has one big advantage over it: no major bugs.
This means no random crashes, no Achievement bugs, and all Errands are

With that said, let's move on to the most basic of functions......

| >GEN4. Controls                                                           |

Although the manual covers the setup pretty good, I felt that I should
include a section on controls.
**NOTE: Although your character can swim, you cannot dive underwater.

| A. On Foot (or in Water) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

|                Command              |           Joypad Control            |
| Move Around.........................|                   Left Analog Stick |
| Look Around.........................|                  Right Analog Stick |
| Look Behind.........................|                           L3 Button |
| [1] Run.............................|                            X Button |
| Jump................................|                       Circle Button |
| [2] Crouch..........................|                           R3 Button |
| [3] Grapple/Interact................|                     Triangle Button |
| Lock On.............................|                           L1 Button |
| [4] Attack..........................|                       Square Button |
| Fire Weapon.........................|                           R1 Button |
| Previous Weapon.....................|                           L2 Button |
| Next Weapon.........................|                           R2 Button |
| [5] Zoom In.........................|                            D-Pad Up |
| [6] Zoom Out........................|                          D-Pad Down |
| Show Secondary Tasks................|                          D-Pad Left |
| Show Primary Tasks/Objectives.......|                         D-Pad Right |
| Pause/Show Map Screen...............|                       Select Button |
| Pause/Show Option Screen............|                        Start Button |

[1] - You will not tire out if you hold down the Run button but you can 
      sprint faster if you tap the Run button repeatedly. This is also used 
      to swim forward when in the water.

[2] - You can go faster when crouching by tapping the X Button.

[3] - When dealing with a person then this is used to grab hold of them (when 
      fighting). When dealing with objects then this is used to interact with 
      them (such as open doors or pulling Fire Alarms).

[4] - When behind someone and locked-on then this is also used to apply "Kick 
      Me" Signs.

[5] - This is used with the Super Slingshot. This will also put the standard 
      Slingshot into free-aim mode.

[6] - This is used for the Super Slingshot.

| B. On Bicycles |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

|                Command              |           Joypad Control            |
| Move Around.........................|                   Left Analog Stick |
| Look Around.........................|                  Right Analog Stick |
| Look Behind.........................|                           L3 Button |
| Accelerate..........................|                            X Button |
| Jump................................|                       Circle Button |
| Brake/Reverse.......................|                       Square Button |
| Dismount............................|                     Triangle Button |
| Lock On/Punch Left..................|                           L1 Button |
| Fire Weapon/Punch Right.............|                           R1 Button |
| Previous Weapon.....................|                           L2 Button |
| Next Weapon.........................|                           R2 Button |
| [5] Zoom In.........................|                            D-Pad Up |
| [6] Zoom Out........................|                          D-Pad Down |
| Show Secondary Tasks................|                          D-Pad Left |
| Show Primary Tasks/Objectives.......|                         D-Pad Right |
| Pause/Show Map Screen...............|                       Select Button |
| Pause/Show Option Screen............|                        Start Button |

| C. In Vehicles |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

|                Command              |           Joypad Control            |
| Turn Vehicle/Move Around............|                   Left Analog Stick |
| Look Around.........................|                  Right Analog Stick |
| Look Behind.........................|                           L3 Button |
| Accelerate..........................|                            X Button |
| Brake/Reverse.......................|                       Square Button |
| Dismount............................|                     Triangle Button |
| Show Secondary Tasks................|                          D-Pad Left |
| Show Primary Tasks/Objectives.......|                         D-Pad Right |
| Pause/Show Map Screen...............|                       Select Button |
| Pause/Show Option Screen............|                        Start Button |

| >GEN5. The Main Screen                                                    |

When you start the game you will notice a round object in the upper right
corner of your screen. This is your Map/Health Meter/Trouble Meter.

The Map lets you know where you are and where your objectives can be found.
The curved meter on the left is your Health Meter and the curved meter on the
right is your Trouble Meter.

When it is finally activated in the mission "This Is Your School" then the
Clock will be displayed in the upper left corner of your screen. More about
Time later in this Section.

Whatever weapons you are holding will be displayed in the lower left corner
of your screen.

| >GEN6. The Main Map and Pause Menu                                        |

When you press Select then you bring up the Main Map of the Bullworth area.
It is here where you can find out where you are at.

This Map will also display places of interest and where your missions and
jobs are located. You can also check on the status of your classes and the
respect from the other groups by using the D-Pad to go right and left along
the sub-menu.

When you press Start then you will go into the Pause Menu. Here you can check
up on your Stats, change Options, or load a saved game. A couple of
additional features, earned during Photography classes, will be unlocked

**NOTE: On the PS4 version the Touch Bar handles both of the Select and Start 
        functions. The left side is Select and the right side is Start.

| >GEN7. Social Interaction                                                 |

When you lock onto someone, by holding down the L1 Button, then this opens
up the Social Interaction menu in the lower right corner of the screen and
you are given two choices: positive and negative responses.

  >>The X Button is used for the following positive situations:
      --Give simple, polite greetings.
      --Accept tasks.
      --Pay Bullies.
      --Give Gifts.
      --Kiss girls (and certain guys).

  >>The Circle Button is used for the following negative situations:
      --Giving Wedgies (when locked onto guys from behind).
      --Pinching Behinds (when locked onto girls from behind).

However, giving negative responses may catch the eye of certain people.....

| >GEN8. Authority Figures                                                  |

As with any other school and town, there are people assigned to keep you in

| Prefects  | These large burly guys with dark blue jackets walking the     |
|           | school grounds are seniors assigned to patrol the school      |
|           | looking for troublemakers. If they Bust you then they will    |
|           | either take you to the Principal's Office, any class that is  |
|           | in session, or to your dorm room depending on the time of     |
|           | day.                                                          |
| Faculty   | Sometimes you will see Teachers and other staff walking the   |
|           | school grounds talking to other students. They will chase     |
|           | you, just like Prefects, when angered and with the same       |
|           | results when you are Busted by them.                          |
| Police    | When you are allowed to leave the campus then you will see    |
|           | the local Police force walking around the town. These guys    |
|           | can appear out of nowhere when you commit a crime and can     |
|           | chase you on foot, motorcycle, and even a kids bike!          |
|           |                                                               |
|           | When you are Busted by them then you will either be sent to   |
|           | the local Police Station or back to the Bullworth Academy     |
|           | campus depending on the time of day.                          |
| Orderlies | These guys can only be found at the Happy Endings Retirement  |
|           | Home and Happy Volts Asylum. When you are Busted by them then |
|           | they will sedate you and you will be either sent outside the  |
|           | Asylum or to a Police Station.                                |

| >GEN9. Bullying and Troublemaking                                         |

Of course, you can attract the attention of authority figures by causing all
sorts of chaos:

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Bullying |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Wedgies          | Get behind a guy, lock-on using the L1 Button, and     |
|                  | press the Circle Button when close enough behind him   |
|                  | and the Fist Icon turns into the Underwear Icon.       |
| Pinching Behinds | Get behind a girl, lock-on using the L1 Button, and    |
|                  | press the Circle Button when close enough behind her   |
|                  | and the Fist Icon turns into the Panties Icon.         |
| Lockering        | Get up close to a guy, use the Triangle Button to      |
|                  | Grapple, and then push him to a Locker with a Blue     |
|                  | Lock Icon to perform a Lockering move.                 |
| Binning          | Get up close to a guy, use the Triangle Button to      |
|                  | Grapple, and then push him to a Trash Can perform a    |
|                  | Binning move.                                          |
| Swirlies         | When in a bathroom then get up close to a guy, use the |
|                  | Triangle Button to Grapple, and push him to a Toilet.  |
|                  | You will then be prompted to tap the X Button to       |
|                  | finish up the Swirly move.                             |
| Taunting         | Lock on to someone and use the Circle Button to taunt  |
|                  | and insult a person. When close enough then you can    |
|                  | shove a person.                                        |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Troublemaking |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Vandalism        | Smash any breakable object by any means including      |
|                  | kicking, punching, shooting, or running over it.       |
|                  | Throwing Fire Crackers in toilets also counts as       |
|                  | Vandalism.                                             |
| Weapon Violence  | Using any kind of ranged weapon against someone.       |
| Curfew Violation | Being outside of the Boy's Dorm past 11 o'clock.       |
| No Helmet        | Riding a Scooter without a helmet. Win the first Bike  |
|                  | Race to earn the Bike Helmet to keep the Cops from     |
|                  | going after you when riding a Scooter.                 |
| Fire Alarm       | You can get in trouble by pulling the Fire Alarm as a  |
|                  | prank. It should be noted that you have to pull the    |
|                  | alarm twenty times during the course of the game to    |
|                  | earn the Firefighter Helmet and for 100% Completion.   |
| Theft            | Stealing a Bike or Scooter from someone by knocking    |
|                  | them off of it and taking it for yourself.             |
| Lockpicking      | Picking the locks of Lockers within the Main Building  |
|                  | or in the Gym's Changerooms.                           |
| Trespassing      | Being in a place where you do not belong, like the     |
|                  | Girl's Dorm for instance.                              |

Doing any of the above will start to fill your.....

| >GEN10. Trouble Meter                                                     |

On the right side of your Map in the upper right part of your Main Screen is
your Trouble Meter. It is broken into thirds. The more trouble you cause, the
more it fills up and the more attention you will warrant from authority

If it is less than two thirds full then you will be able to break free from
them if they catch you. If it is past two thirds full and red then you will
be Busted if caught.

Hitting faculty, Prefects, Police, civilians, girls, and Little Kids will
give an automatic full Trouble Meter. So will Lockering and Swirlying

When you are in trouble, there are some ways for you to get out of a tight

| >GEN11. Fighting, Breaking Free, Running, and Hiding                      |

Listed below are some various actions that Jimmy can, and sometimes need, to

| Fighting \

  There are times when Jimmy needs to defend himself or to just beat the snot 
  out of someone for the hell of it.

  To hit someone with a Fist (or a Melee Weapon if it is held) then press the 
  Square Button. Most Melee Weapons, like a Ruler or Baseball Bat, will break 
  after a few hits.

  You can also Grapple someone for additional fighting moves by pressing the 
  Triangle Button. When in a grapple then use the Square Button to punch or 
  the Circle Button to put your opponent down on the ground for additional 
  fighting techniques.

  When in a grapple then you can also throw a person back by pressing the 
  Triangle Button again. If you throw a person into another person then you 
  can hurt the both of them. This will make fighting easier.

  In addition, you can push someone up against the wall and knee them in the 
  groin by pressing the Triangle Button.

  During the course of the game you can learn new moves by attending Gym 
  classes and by going to the Hobo who lives near the Old School Bus on the 
  Bullworth Academy campus (however, you will need to collect Transistors for 
  him so he can teach you new moves).

  Finally, you can pick up Soda Cans and Weapons from your fallen opponents.

| Breaking Free \

  If you have caused some trouble and the Prefects, or Police, are on your 
  case then they may end up catching you. If your Trouble Meter is low enough 
  (one third to two thirds full) then you may be able to break free. Tap the 
  Triangle Button quickly to get out of their grasp so you can run away.

  If your Trouble Meter is past two thirds and red then you cannot break free 
  from an Authority Figure if you are caught.

| Running \

  When you get into a situation that is disadvantageous then you can run 
  away. If you have any weapons in your hands, like a Fire Cracker, then you 
  can toss one behind you by pressing the L1 Button in hopes that you can 
  trip up your pursuers.

  Another major advantage you have is that you can run without ever tiring. 
  Your chasers will eventually tire after awhile and they will be hunched 
  over trying to catch their breath. This will allow you to either attack 
  them again, perform a Bullying move, or go into.....

| Hiding \

  To reduce your Trouble Meter and get away from your pursuers then you can 
  hide. There are three places you can hide to get out of trouble.

  One is to jump into a Trash Can. Second is to hide in a Locker that has a 
  Blue Lock Icon on the floor. Third is to enter a Porta-Potty (when in 
  town). Once your Trouble Meter is empty then you can leave safely. However, 
  make sure that none of your pursuers see you entering a Trash Can, Locker, 
  or Porta-Potty otherwise they will yank you out.

| >GEN12. Getting Busted and Serving Detention                              |

If you get Busted then you will lose all of your items except your Slingshot,
Skateboard, Camera, Water Balloons (after doing Errand [BLT-E23]), and the
Rubberband Ball (after collecting all 75 Rubber Bands). All other Weapons
will be confiscated. You will also lose any extra health you gained by
kissing (explained later).

Every third time you are Busted during school hours you will end up in
Detention. Depending on the time of year you will either be mowing lawns or
shoveling snow.

The more times you end up in Detention, the more you have to mow lawns or
shovel snow away. These mini-games are meant to simulate the tediousness of
actual Detention and are not required for 100% Completion (although you can
gain the Prison Outfit for completing all of the Detention mini-games).

| >GEN13. Health and Kissing                                                |

After getting in a tough fight then Jimmy may need to have his Health
replenished. To do that you need to drink Soda from either a Soda Machine
(they are scattered around town and the campus), from a Yum Yum Market store,
or from any Soda Cans your opponents may have dropped during fighting.

You can also increase your Health past 100% by Kissing. You won't be able to
kiss until you complete Art 1.

You need to give a Gift first before being allowed to kiss. After passing Art
4 then you can double your Health by Kissing. After passing Art 5 then you no
longer need to give a Gift (when dealing with Girls) before Kissing.

When you get a Girlfriend from one of the cliques then she will always be
kissable even if the rest of her clique is hostile toward you. You can always
kiss Girls outside of the cliques regardless as well. In one of the more
controversial elements of this game you can also kiss certain guys. There are
six of them, one to each of the major cliques. They are listed later in the

This is mainly played for laughs but you can still increase your Health by
kissing guys. You need to have at least 60% Respect in their respective
cliques before you can kiss any of them.

| >GEN14. Time                                                              |

After you complete the mission "This Is Your School" then you will activate
the Clock which will be in the upper left corner of your screen. This will
allow for the passage of time within the game. In the world of "Bully" there
are no indications of the days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) and there
are no weekends. There are classes every day (kinda sucks doesn't it?).

You start your day at 8 AM. Morning classes begin at 9 AM and ends at 11:30
AM. Lunch break is from 11:30 AM until 1 PM. Afternoon classes go from 1 PM
until 3:30 PM. 7 PM is when the Main Building shuts down. If you are inside
the Main Building after 7 PM then you will be considered Trespassing. If you
are caught then you will be put into your dorm room.

7 PM is when you will see Z's emanating from your dorm room. This is when you
are allowed to go to bed so you can go to the next day. Just press the
Triangle Button when near your bed to go to sleep. 11 PM is when curfew
begins. If you are outside your dorm room after this time then you will be in
violation and will be thrown into your room if you are Busted.
If you are Busted by Police outside of school then they will drop you off
just outside the main gates (unless you are wearing the Red Ninja Outfit). At
1 AM your vision will begin to blur as you become drowsy. If you aren't in
bed by 2 AM then you will be.....

| >GEN15. Passed Out and Knocked Out                                        |

If you pass out from being up most of the night then you will wake up where
you passed out at 8 AM the following morning. Depending on where you passed
out you may be robbed while you sleep (your shoes will be gone). If you are
in the water when you pass out then you will end up at the nearest Infirmary.

If you get beaten in a fight, fall from a great height, or hit hard by a car
then you will be Knocked Out. You will then be taken to the nearest
Infirmary. Any task or mission you were on will be failed.

| >GEN16. Save Books and Save Houses                                        |

In your dorm room and in the Principal's Office lobby you will find a Save
Book. It is with a Save Book that you can save your game. You have six slots
on your Memory Card. During the course of the game you will earn Save Houses
which will give you additional places to save your game. Below is the
complete list of Save Houses in the Bullworth Area:

  >>The Beach Clubhouse
      Old Bullworth Vale - earned by completing the Prep Challenge.

  >>The Dragon's Wings Comics store basement
      Bullworth Town - earned by completing the Nerd Challenge.

  >>The Blue Balls Pool Hall
      New Coventry - earned by completing the Greasers Challenge.

  >>The Jock Clubhouse
      Bullworth Academy - earned by completing the Jock Challenge.

  >>The Townies Hangout
      Blue Skies Industrial Area - earned by completing the Townie Challenge.

Each Save House will have a Bed, Wardrobe Closet, Soda Machine (with the
exception of the Townie Hangout), Save Book, an Arcade Game (with the
exception of the Jock Clubhouse) and Weapon Spawn points (for certain
weapons you earn during the game).

| >GEN17. Lockers and Lockpicking                                           |

Within the Main Building or in the Gym's Changerooms you will find student
Lockers. Some of them will have Blue Lock Icons on the floor by them. This
means that you can use it for hiding or Lockering someone.

Those that have a Red Lock Icon are locked and need to be picked to be
opened. To open these Lockers then get close to it and you will see the
prompt for you to use the Triangle Button. When you press the Triangle Button
then you have to rotate the Left Analog Stick in the directions of the arrows

When you successfully pick a Locker then you will acquire random items
ranging from Gifts to Clothes to Weapons. However, do not let the Prefects
see you pick it or they will chase you. You can abandon a lockpick attempt by
running away from the Locker if you see a Prefect approach.

| >GEN18. Weapons, Boxes, and Crates                                        |

Here I will go into detail about the Weapons, Boxes, and Crates that Jimmy
can use to help him at Bullworth Academy. The description of the Weapons,
Boxes, and Crates are listed here and their locations revealed in each major
area of Bullworth:

| A. Weapons |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| Textbook          | You can get this by either picking open Lockers or    |
|                   | causing students to drop them. When you fistfight a   |
|                   | student with a Textbook in your hand then you can do  |
|                   | more damage than what you can do barehanded. Thanks   |
|                   | to John Nowakowski for pointing that out.             |
| Slingshot         | You get this weapon by completing the mission "The    |
|                   | Setup". Lock onto someone with the L1 Button and fire |
|                   | with the R1 Button. Press D-Pad Up to go into free    |
|                   | aim mode. You can increase its performance by passing |
|                   | Gym classes. This weapon cannot be taken from you by  |
|                   | authorities if you are Busted.                        |
| Super Slingshot   | You get this Slingshot upgrade by completing the      |
|                   | mission "The Candidate". You use this just like the   |
|                   | regular Slingshot except you now have a scope for     |
|                   | more accuracy from a distance.                        |
|                   |                                                       |
|                   | Tap the D-Pad Up once to enter free aim mode then     |
|                   | press it again to enter Scope Mode. Use D-Pad Up and  |
|                   | D-Pad Down to zoom in and out. Press the Triangle     |
|                   | Button to exit Scope Mode and re-enter free aim mode. |
| Fire Crackers     | These explosive weapons can be thrown at your enemies |
|                   | for some serious damage or thrown in toilets as a     |
|                   | prank. Be careful when throwing them. If you hold one |
|                   | for too long then it will explode in your hands which |
|                   | will hurt you in the process. You can make them with  |
|                   | your Chem Set after passing Chemistry 1.              |
| Stink Bomb        | This weapon will make a large noxious green cloud     |
|                   | when thrown. It will cause you to stop and gag until  |
|                   | the cloud disperses. This is the favorite weapon of   |
|                   | the Nerds. You can make it with your Chem Set after   |
|                   | passing Chemistry 2. This can also be purchased at    |
|                   | the Dragon's Wing Comics Store.                       |
| Itching Powder    | This stuff will make your victims scratch all over    |
|                   | themselves long enough for you to make a clean        |
|                   | getaway. You can make this with your Chem Set after   |
|                   | passing Chemistry 3. These can also be purchased at   |
|                   | the Dragon's Wing Comics Store.                       |
| Bag of Marbles    | When used then this will cause anybody nearby to trip |
|                   | and fall. This can be thrown on the run to slow       |
|                   | pursuers. These can also be purchased at the Dragon's |
|                   | Wing Comics Store.                                    |
| Carton of Eggs    | This is often used for vandalizing buildings but can  |
|                   | be used against people. This is the favorite weapon   |
|                   | of the Preppies. These can also be purchased at any   |
|                   | Yum Yum Market.                                       |
| Apple             | This fruit can often be found by certain trees. You   |
|                   | can eat them but it is best used for throwing at      |
|                   | people.                                               |
| Bananas           | This can be found at the school Cafeteria. You can    |
|                   | either throw them at people or eat one and use the    |
|                   | peel to trip someone up.                              |
| Fire Extinguisher | With this you can slow someone down by firing its     |
|                   | contents at them or using it as a blunt force weapon  |
|                   | during a fight.                                       |
| Brick             | Just a standard Brick but makes a good throwing       |
|                   | weapon.                                               |
| Baseball Bat      | This can be used to make quick work of your           |
|                   | opponents. But it breaks apart after a few hits.      |
| Board/Ruler       | Just a plain board but is used just like the Baseball |
|                   | Bat.                                                  |
| Trash Can Lid     | This round metal object can be thrown like a Frisbee  |
|                   | to nail someone from a distance.                      |
| Water Balloons    | You unlock this weapon by completing Errand [BLT-E23] |
|                   | in Chapter II. It does little damage but can be used  |
|                   | to cause trouble if the need, or want, arises. It     |
|                   | cannot be taken from you when you are Busted and you  |
|                   | automatically use it when you use a Water Faucet or   |
|                   | Sink.                                                 |
| Snowballs         | This weapon is only available during Chapter III.     |
|                   | Like the Water Balloon, it does little damage but can |
|                   | be used to cause trouble. To make a snowball go over  |
|                   | to snowed over dirt or grass and press the Triangle   |
|                   | Button.                                               |
| Bottle Rocket     | You earn this weapon by completing the Nerd           |
| Launcher          | Challenge. It is a gun-like weapon that fires Bottle  |
|                   | Rockets. You can fire three before you need to        |
|                   | reload. However, it is very poor distance weapon.     |
|                   | This is best used at short to medium distance. Also   |
|                   | makes an excellent clubbing weapon.                   |
| Spray Paint       | This becomes available to you after completion of the |
|                   | mission "Tagging". This is mainly used for spraying   |
|                   | Tags you find throughout the Bullworth area. But this |
|                   | can also be used as a stun weapon so you can either   |
|                   | run away or lay the smackdown on someone. These can   |
|                   | also be purchased at any Yum Yum Market.              |
| Spud Gun          | This becomes available after completion of "Nerd Boss |
|                   | Fight". This powerful weapon fires potatoes at a high |
|                   | rate of speed and can knock out anyone quickly.       |
|                   |                                                       |
|                   | But this weapon fires slowly so you may want to use   |
|                   | it at a medium distance so you can run away if you    |
|                   | are unable to knock out your victim. This also makes  |
|                   | an excellent clubbing weapon. You can also buy the    |
|                   | Can of Spuds, for reloading, at any Yum Yum Market.   |
| Rubberband Ball   | You earn this weapon but acquiring all 75 Rubber      |
|                   | Bands hidden throughout the Bullworth area. It is a   |
|                   | giant Rubberband Ball that, when thrown, will bounce  |
|                   | around hitting anything and anybody that gets in its  |
|                   | way.                                                  |
|                   |                                                       |
|                   | After you throw one then you will notice a little     |
|                   | timer around the Ball icon. This indicates how long   |
|                   | you have to wait before you can throw another.        |
|                   | Therefore you can have more than one bouncing around  |
|                   | at one time. After awhile then the Ball will          |
|                   | disintegrate.                                         |
|                   |                                                       |
|                   | This Ball can do some serious damage to anybody       |
|                   | unlucky enough to be hit by one. You can usually      |
|                   | knock somebody out with two to three hits. This is    |
|                   | also a weapon that cannot be taken from you when you  |
|                   | are Busted.                                           |
| Umbrella          | On occasion, you may get caught in a rainstorm. Some  |
|                   | of the students will pull out their umbrellas to      |
|                   | limit their exposure.                                 |
|                   |                                                       |
|                   | If you are fortunate enough to acquire one from a     |
|                   | student then you will find it to be a very powerful   |
|                   | weapon. One that is capable of taking down multiple   |
|                   | students with a few swings and, most importantly,     |
|                   | without breaking apart.                               |
|                   |                                                       |
|                   | This weapon is pretty effective even against Russell, |
|                   | the largest student at Bullworth. The downside is the |
|                   | wide swing radius which may allow you to accidentally |
|                   | hit a Little Kid, Girl, or Adult (if they are nearby  |
|                   | watching you smack down someone) which will really    |
|                   | piss off the Prefects and Police.                     |
| Toxic Sprayer     | This is a weapon you use when doing the mission "Weed |
|                   | Killer" but you can use it outside of that mission    |
|                   | after completing "Complete Mayhem" when you can gain  |
|                   | unlimited access to Harrington House.                 |
|                   |                                                       |
|                   | Go all the way to the garden on the top floor to get  |
|                   | this weapon. The main thing this weapon can do is     |
|                   | stun people and won't do any damage unless you beat   |
|                   | up somebody a little then shoot that person with it.  |
|                   | You can also use this weapon to club people.          |
|                   |                                                       |
|                   | When you are Busted then you will drop the weapon and |
|                   | it will be waiting for you to pick it up again after  |
|                   | leaving the Principal's Office.                       |
| Mr. Luntz's Broom | Sometimes you may find Mr. Luntz, the groundskeeper,  |
|                   | sweeping near the front stairs of the Main Building.  |
|                   | Most times he is carrying a large Broom. Give him a   |
|                   | Wedgie to make him drop it. Then you can grab it for  |
|                   | yourself.                                             |
|                   |                                                       |
|                   | The Broom makes for a powerful blunt force weapon and |
|                   | can knock a person quickly to the ground. It can also |
|                   | knock most anybody out very quickly. Unfortunately,   |
|                   | this weapon breaks apart after a few hits.            |

| B. Boxes and Crates |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

All around the Bullworth area you may find large cardboard Boxes on the
ground. Smashing them will reveal its contents. You will either get a Weapon
or a Soda Can. Crates are large wooden boxes that are usually found in alleys
and near industrial areas. Smashing them will either get you a Weapon or a
Soda Can.

| >GEN19. Collectibles                                                      |

As with most free-form "sandbox" games, there are things to collect in order
to acquire certain items and goals:

| Rubber Bands | One of the things you can collect in the game is Rubber    |
|              | Bands. There are a total of 75 Rubber Bands found around   |
|              | the Bullworth area. Your reward for finding all of the     |
|              | Rubber Bands is the Rubberband Ball and one step closer to |
|              | 100% Completion.                                           |
| "G&G" Cards  | Another item you can collect in the game is "G&G" Cards.   |
|              | They are part of a game called "Grottos & Gremlins", a     |
|              | "Dungeons & Dragons"/"Yu-Gi-Oh" style game played by the   |
|              | Nerds. There are a total of 40 "G&G" Cards found around    |
|              | the Bullworth area.                                        |
|              |                                                            |
|              | Your reward for finding all of the "G&G" Cards is the      |
|              | Grotto Master Outfit and another step closer to 100%       |
|              | Completion.                                                |
| Gnomes       | Another one of the things you will find around the         |
|              | Bullworth area are Gnomes. This is technically not a       |
|              | collectible since you have to destroy them. In order to    |
|              | get 100% Completion you must destroy all 25 Gnomes. They   |
|              | can be destroyed by kicking it, running into it (with a    |
|              | bike) or shooting it with a Slingshot.                     |
|              |                                                            |
|              | Your reward for destroying all 25 Gnomes is the Gnome      |
|              | Outfit and another step closer to 100% Completion.         |
| Transistors  | After the completion of the mission "A Little Help" then   |
|              | you will be able to collect Transistors for the Hobo (who  |
|              | lives next door to Bullworth Academy). He will reward you  |
|              | will additional fighting moves which will come in handy    |
|              | later in the game.                                         |
|              |                                                            |
|              | There are a total of six Transistors found around the      |
|              | Bullworth area and acquiring them will get you closer to   |
|              | 100% Completion.                                           |

| >GEN20. Skateboards, Bikes, Scooter, Go-Kart, and Bus Stops               |

You don't always have to walk around Bullworth to explore the area:

| Skateboards \

  After completing the mission "Defend Bucky" then you will be given a 
  Skateboard. Using the Skateboard will allow you to cover ground, and escape 
  pursuers, more quickly than by running alone. You can even skitch a ride 
  behind a car (hanging onto the back bumper) by getting up behind it and 
  pressing the Triangle Button.

  This mode of transportation is included in your Weapon Wheel and cannot be 
  taken from you by authorities if you are Busted.

| Bicycles \

  You can find a various selection of Bikes around the Bullworth area. Most 
  will be parked near buildings. Some you can buy at the Shiny Bikes Stores 
  like the following:

    ++Mountain Bike ($35.00)
    ++Racer ($15.00)
    ++Aquaberry Cruiser ($25.00)

  And a few you can earn by completing the Shop classes.

  After successful completion of Shop 1 then you will also unlock the Bicycle 
  Garages around Bullworth. There is one near the Autoshop on campus, two at 
  the Shiny Bikes Stores, and one in New Coventry. You can store a maximum of 
  two Bikes in these garages for personal use.

  Sometimes you can jack one from a nearby rider but that will get you in 
  trouble with the local Police. Running into somebody at a high rate of 
  speed will also get you into trouble with authority figures.

| Scooter \

  The Scooter is a Moped that will allow you to quickly drive around the 
  Bullworth area. You can earn a Scooter by winning 75 Tickets at the 
  Carnival (it will be automatically stored in the Bike Garages). You can 
  also jack one from a nearby rider but the local Police tend to frown on 

  In addition, you need to wear a Helmet while riding the Scooter or the 
  Police will chase you. There are three helmets you can wear when riding a 

    ++Crash Helmet
        You get this by successfully completing the first Go-Kart Race at the 

    ++Bike Helmet
        You get this by successfully winning the first Bike Race.

    ++BMX Helmet
        You get this by successfully winning all of the Bike Races.

  If you wear the BMX Helmet or the Crash Helmet then you will be made fun of 
  by others. However, you can avoid being ridiculed by wearing the Bike 
  Helmet instead.

| Go-Kart \

  After completing the last City Go-Kart Race at Blue Skies Industrial Area 
  in Chapter V then you will earn the vehicle which will spawn near the Bike 
  Garage at Bullworth Academy. This is clearly the best and fastest ride in 
  the game. And it also makes it harder for the Police to catch you when you 
  get bored and decide to start running people over.....

| Bus Stops \

  If you are in town and need to get back to Bullworth Academy in a hurry 
  then you can take the Bus. There are several Bus Stops situated throughout 
  the Bullworth area (they will marked as a "B" on your Main Map). Use one 
  and you will be dropped off at the main gates of Bullworth Academy.

| >GEN21. Clothing and Clothes Stores                                       |

In your dorm room you will have a Wardrobe Closet where you can change
clothes. One of the first things you do when you start the game is to change
into your school uniform. During the course of the game you will earn other
clothing apparel and outfits. This will allow you a lot of variety in how you
want Jimmy to look.

You can also buy clothes from the Clothes Stores found in the Bullworth area:

| Bullworth Academy     | Main Building - first floor.                      |
| Aquaberry Fashions    | Old Bullworth Vale.                               |
| Worn In Used Clothing | Bullworth Town.                                   |
| The Final Cut         | New Coventry.                                     |
| The Souvenir Tent     | At the Carnival (you need to win Tickets at the   |
|                       | Carnival Games to trade for the Clothes).         |

You need to buy all of the Clothes from all of the Clothes Stores within the
game to get to 100% Completion. It will take approximately $3,000 to buy all
of them (excluding the Carnival). When you succeed in buying all of the
Clothes in the game then you will earn the Gold Lame' Suit.

| >GEN22. Yum Yum Markets, Barber Shops, and the Tattoo Parlor              |

There are also various shops where you can purchase items and change your

| Yum Yum Market \

  The Bullworth area has three Yum Yum Markets where you can buy the 
  following items:

    --Box of Chocolates ($1.00)
    --Bouquet of Flowers ($1.00)
    --Beam Cola ($1.00)
    --Carton of Eggs ($1.50)
    --Spray Paint ($1.00)
        **Available after completion of the mission "Tagging".
    --Can of Spuds ($3.00)
        **Available after completion of the mission "Nerd Boss Fight".

| Barber Shops \

  In addition, there are three Barber Shops where you can change your 
  hairstyle to your liking:

    --The Old Bullworth Vale Hair, Nails & Beauty Shop does the styles that 
      the rich and trendy people prefer.

    --The Happy Mullet in Bullworth Town has regular style haircuts for most 

    --The Final Cut in New Coventry has punky style haircuts for the rough 
      and tumble crowd.

| Tattoo Parlor \

  When you finally open Chapter V and gain access to Blue Skies Industrial 
  Area then you can go and get tattoos for your arms at the Tattoo Parlor 
  located the northeast part of the area (and indicated as a trailer on your 

| >GEN23. 100% Completion List                                              |

It should be noted that this is a flexible list. As stated below, you need to
do a minimum of 31 Errands. You can skip a couple of objectives but you would
need to do more Errands to compensate.

Below is the minimum you need to do to get 100% Completion within "Bully":

  >>Completion of all Main Story Missions
      ++From "This Is Your School" to "Complete Mayhem".
        **NOTE: "The Big Prank" is *NOT* required for 100% Completion.

  >>Pass all of the following classes

  >>Collect or destroy the following
      ++Collect all 75 Rubber Bands.
      ++Collect all 40 "G&G" Cards.
      ++Collect all 6 Transistors.
      ++Destroy all 25 Gnomes.
      ++Destroy all 19 Gravestones and get the Edna Mask.
      ++Destroy all 27 Pumpkins and get the Pumpkin Head Mask.

  >>Complete the following side-missions
      ++A Little Help
          --II through VI to get additional fighting moves from the Hobo.

      ++Complete a minimum of 31 out of 50 Errands.

  >>Complete the following tasks
      ++Fail five classes and earn the Dunce Cap.
      ++Pull the Fire Alarm 20 times and earn the Firefighter Helmet.
      ++Run 41.84 kilometers to earn the Running Shorts.
      ++Ride a Bike 100 Kilometers to earn the Spandex Bike Shorts.
      ++Buy 100 Sodas to earn the Free Soda Reward (all Sodas will be free 
        for the rest of the game).
      ++Drink a total of 500 Sodas (bought or picked up) to earn the Two-Can 
      ++Successfully complete the "Penalty Shots" mini-game once.
      ++Successfully complete the "Keep-Ups" mini-game once.
      ++Defeat the Pirate on the southern part of the large island at 
        Bullworth Lake to get the Pirate Hat.
      ++Complete five levels of Boxing at the Glass Jaw Boxing Club (Old 
        Bullworth Vale).
      ++Take all pictures for the Yearbook and unlock the Black Ninja Outfit.

  >>Complete the following Jobs
      ++Lawn Mowing (Old Bullworth Vale Gardens - all three levels).
      ++Lawn Mowing (23 Estate Road - all three levels).
      ++Paper Route (at least past Level 2).

  >>Complete the following Bike Races
      ++Bullworth Vale (seven races).
      ++Bullworth Town (four races).
      ++New Coventry (two races).
      ++Bullworth Academy (one race).

  >>Complete the following Go-Kart Races
      ++Old Bullworth Vale (by the Happy Endings Retirement Home).
      ++Shopping District (south of the Movie Theater).
      ++Blue Skies Industrial Area (by Spazz Industries).

  >>Beat the high scores of the following Arcade Games
      ++Monkey Fling
      ++Nut Shots

  >>Complete the following tasks at the Carnival
      ++Complete the five Go-Kart Races to unlock the City Races.
      ++Purchase all of the Clothes within the Souvenir Tent (you need to win 
        Tickets to trade for the Clothes - minimum of 255).

      ++Ride the following rides:
          --Big Canyon Railway
          --Big Squid
          --Ferris Wheel

      ++Successfully complete the following Carnival Games (at least once):
          --Shooting Range
          --Splish Splash
          --High Striker
          --Strike Out

  >>Buy all the Clothes from the following Clothes Shops
      ++Bullworth Academy (Main Building - first floor).
      ++Aquaberry Fashions (Old Bullworth Vale).
      ++Worn In Used Clothing (Bullworth Town).
      ++The Final Cut (New Coventry).

  >>Earn the following Save Houses
      ++The Beach Clubhouse (Prep Challenge).
      ++Dragon's Wing Comics basement (Nerd Challenge).
      ++Blue Balls Pool Hall (Greaser Challenge).
      ++The Jock Clubhouse (Jocks Challenge).
      ++Townie Hangout (Townie Challenge).

| >GEN24. PlayStation 4 Trophy List                                         |

Listed in this chapter are all of the Trophies that can be acquired for the
PlayStation 4 Version of "Bully". Many of the Trophies within the game are
easy to obtain. Some require more work.

As already pointed out many of the Trophies match the Achievements within the
Xbox 360 version of "Bully:SE" - but not all. Listed below are Achievements
exclusive to "Bully:SE":

  ++Black & White & Read All Over
      --Complete all Paper Route Missions.

  ++It's All In the Wrists
      --Complete all four Carnival Games once.

  ++Mission Accomplished
      --Complete all Missions.

  ++Over the Rainbow
      --Receive 20 kisses from the gents.

      --100% Completion.

  ++The Champion
      --Complete all Bike Races.

And there are some Trophies exclusive to this version of the game:

  ++Popularity Contest
  ++Problem Child
  ++Rich Kid Blues
  ++The (Expert) Bicycle Thief

Some of those that are similar have been changed a bit. All are listed and
explained below:


  >>After Hours
      Description: Spend five hours out after curfew.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.
      Notes: This is not too hard to get. Just stay outside for a couple of 
             minutes on two nights to get this one.

  >>Boy Genius
      Description: Complete all 5 classes for every subject.
      Trophy Class: Gold.
      Notes: This one is changed from its "Bully:SE" counterpart in that you 
             need to complete all classes instead of just nine.

      Description: Receive 25 kisses.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Down For the Count
      Description: Knock out 200 opponents.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Dual Nebula
      Description: Achieve a High Score on Consumo, Nut Shots, and Monkey 
                   Fling Arcade Games.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

      Description: Egg 25 cars.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

      Description: Complete Chapter I.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Glass Dismissed
      Description: Break 300 bottles at the Shooting Gallery.
      Trophy Class: Silver.
      Notes: You will probably end up getting this anyway when trying to 
             obtain enough tickets to buy all of the Clothes at the Carnival 

      Description: Complete Chapter V.
      Trophy Class: Gold.

  >>Green Thumb
      Description: Mow the lawn 10 times.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.
      Notes: This can be done by either serving detention ten times (when 
             there is no snow), by doing the Lawn Mowing Jobs, or a 
             combination of both.

  >>Green Thumbs Up
      Description: Pick 50 Flowers.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.
      Notes: You can only have ten Flowers at a time in your Inventory. You 
             must complete Art 1 to start kissing Girls so you can get rid of 
             Flowers from your Inventory so you can pick more. It should be 
             noted that you do not need to kiss a Girl after giving her 
             Flowers. You can give her the gift then run away.

             If you complete Art 5 before you can get this Trophy then you 
             have to complete the mission "Save Algie" before you can start 
             kissing Boys, starting with the Nerd Cornelius, to help get rid 
             of Flowers so you can get more. Again, you don't have to kiss 
             him. Just give him the Flowers and run away if you wish.

  >>Helping Hand
      Description: Complete 10 Errand Missions.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

      Description: Complete Chapter III.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

      Description: Complete three Classes.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Kickin' the Balls
      Description: Kick 100 Soccer Balls.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.
      Notes: You must kick the ball not run into it. Kicking basketballs and 
             footballs also count towards the soccer ball kicked stat.

      Description: Acquire all room trophies.
      Trophy Class: Gold.
      Notes: This includes both of the wall Posters sold at the Carnival.

  >>Little Angel
      Description: Complete 20 Errand Missions.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

      Description: Travel 100,000 meters on foot.
      Trophy Class: Silver.
      Notes: When you get this Trophy then you will also get the Running 
             Shorts. You will probably end up getting this without doing 
             anything special.

  >>Momma's Boy
      Description: Complete 30 Errand Missions.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Pole Position
      Description: Complete all of the Go Kart street races.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Popularity Contest
      Description: Gain 100% respect from 2 cliques simultaneously.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Problem Child
      Description: Amass 160,000 trouble points.
      Trophy Class: Gold.

  >>Rich Kid Blues
      Description: Have $1,000 in pocket change.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

      Description: Complete Chapter IV.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Sharp Dressed Man
      Description: Collect 250 Clothing Items.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Skate Pro
      Description: Travel 50,000 meters on the Skateboard.
      Trophy Class: Silver.
      Notes: You can also Skitch a ride (grab the rear bumper of a car) to 
             increase your Skateboard distance stat.

      Description: Give 50 Wedgies.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Smart Mouth
      Description: Say 100 Taunts.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Smell Ya Later
      Description: Hit people with Stink Bombs 50 times.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Soda 'Licious
      Description: Buy 100 Sodas.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

      Description: Complete Chapter II.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Speed Freak
      Description: Complete the Carnival Go Kart Races.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Teacher's Pet
      Description: Complete six Classes.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>The (Expert) Bicycle Thief
      Description: Jack 20 bicycles.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>The Wheel Deal
      Description: Perform 200 wheelies on the bike.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Tour De Bullworth
      Description: Travel 100 km on the bike.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Watch Your Step
      Description: Trip 25 people with Marbles.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

With that done, it is now time to move onto the main portion of the guide
starting with.....

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >BLY2. Welcome to Bullworth                                               |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

As the game begins, we are introduced to Jimmy Hopkins. He is being
transported to Bullworth Academy, the latest in a series of schools, by his
parents, which includes his new stepfather - one he does not approve of.
Jimmy has been expelled from every school he has attended and this school,
Bullworth Academy, is the only one left that will take him. His parents are
dropping him off at Bullworth Academy so they can go on a long honeymoon.

After being dropped off at the school's doorsteps, with nothing more than the
clothes on his back and $50, then he is then introduced to Miss Danvers who
instructs Jimmy to go to Dr. Crabblesnitch's office. And with that you are
finally given control. As you make your way inside the gates then you will
find that everybody you meet will laugh at you and make taunting remarks. You
are the new kid and the resident students don't seem to approve of you.

Make your way to the Main Building and enter. After you enter the Main
Building then you may want to go after the two Rubber Bands here before you
leave. First, get the one in the Cafeteria:

[BAC-RB1] - Location: Near the freezers for the Cafeteria's kitchen.
            Map: (F-9).

From there, go to the yellow marker on the second floor to trigger a
cutscene. After the cutscene, and before you leave the office, then go and
pick up the second Rubber Band:

[BAC-RB2] - Location: In the waiting area for the Principal's Office near the 
                      Save Book.
            Map: (F-9).

From here, leave the Main Building and move onto the first chapter.....

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >BLY3. Chapter I - Making New Friends and Enemies                         |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

Now you must go to your dorm to change clothes. As you get near the dorm then
you will meet up with some Bullies who you must do battle with. The game will
talk you through simple block and attack moves. After dealing with the Bully
then you will be attacked by the leader of the Bullies, Russell. But one of
the teachers, Mr. Hattrick, breaks up the fight and you can finally enter the

Here you will meet Gary Smith, one of the resident students, who offers to be
your friend and shows you the place. The first thing to do is to get a Soda
from the Soda Machine to replenish your Health. Then go to your room and
change clothes. Afterwards you will meet Petey and Gary comes in to further
introduce himself to you and torment Petey. After that then you will be
allowed to save your game.

But, before we go exploring, let's go over.....

| >FDM1. Your Room and Room Trophies                                        |

In your room you will find your Save Book on your desk and your Wardrobe
Closet where you can change clothes. The clothes that you buy and earn will
be stored here. Next to the desk is a Chem Set where you can make Fire
Crackers, Stink Bombs, and Itching Powder. However, it won't be activated
until you complete Chemistry 1.

As you progress through the game you will earn Room Trophies. These are
tokens of your accomplishments and will be scattered throughout your room as
you proceed through the missions and tasks. By the way, activation of your
Chem Set after Chemistry 1 counts as a Room Trophy.

| >FDM2. Boy's Dorm                                                         |

Within the Boy's Dorm itself you will find an arcade machine ("Future Street
Race 2165") and a Soda Machine in the main room. There are also a couple of
bulletin boards and Fire Alarm switches as as well within the Boy's Dorm.

With that said you can now go and explore the school grounds with the
exception of the Main Building (you'll have to do the next mission before you
can explore the Main Building). With no clock at this time it is the best
time to go exploring.

The Weapon spawn points won't work yet but you can occasionally get Carton of
Eggs from beating up the Preppies and Stink Bombs from beating up Nerds.

| >FDM3. Bullworth Academy                                                  |

At this time you are confined to Bullworth Academy and are not allowed to go
outside the main gates. The Boy's and Girl's Dorms are located on the north
part of the campus. The Main Building is south of the dorm area. The Autoshop
is just southwest of the Main Building and the Library is due east of it.

Southeast of the Main Building is the Harrington House where the Preppies
live. Due south is the Bullworth Mascot Statue. South of the Bullworth Mascot
Statue is the Gym and Pool Buildings where the Jocks hang out. And at the
very south end of Bullworth Academy is the Football Field.

Now let's introduce some of the people you will be dealing with here at

| >FDM4. The Bullworth Academy Faculty and Prefects                         |

As with any school, there is a group of people dedicated to teaching the
students and to maintain order within the premises. In this chapter I list
the faculty and prefects for Bullworth Academy. The full names of the faculty
and prefects are listed from the Bully soundboard at www.rockstargames.com.

| A. Faculty |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

From time to time you may see various members of the faculty wandering the
school either heading to their classes or berating other students. If you
cause any trouble around them then they can bust you just like a Prefect can.
Some of the teachers you will do Classes with.

| Dr. Crabblesnitch | He is the main Principal of the academy and really    |
|                   | loves his job.                                        |
| Ms. Danvers       | She is Dr. Crabblesnitch's Secretary and appears to   |
|                   | be really attached to him.                            |
| Mr. Burton        | He is the Gym Teacher for Bullworth Academy and you   |
|                   | will be doing Gym classes with him. He is also        |
|                   | rumored to be a pervert.                              |
| Ms. Philips       | She is the Art and Photography Teacher and you will   |
|                   | be doing those classes with her during the course of  |
|                   | the game. She is friends with Mr. Galloway and really |
|                   | likes pearl necklaces (snicker!).                     |
| Mr. Galloway      | He is the English Teacher for Bullworth Academy and   |
|                   | you will be doing English classes with him. He is     |
|                   | friends with Ms. Philips and rumored to be in a feud  |
|                   | with Mr. Hattrick. He is also rumored to have a       |
|                   | drinking problem.                                     |
| Mr. Hattrick      | He is the Math Teacher for Bullworth Academy. He is   |
|                   | also rumored to be in a feud with Mr. Galloway.       |
| Dr. Slawter       | He is the Biology Teacher for Bullworth Academy.      |
| Dr. Watts         | He is the Chemistry Teacher for Bullworth Academy and |
|                   | you will be doing Chemistry classes with him.         |
| Mr. Wiggins       | I think he may be the Home Economics teacher. He      |
|                   | wears a brown coat, glasses, and has a mustache.      |
| Neil              | He is the Shop Teacher for Bullworth Academy and you  |
|                   | will be doing Shop classes with him. He also has a    |
|                   | bit of a temper.                                      |
| Ms. Carvin        | She is School Librarian and can often be found behind |
|                   | the main counter in the Library.                      |
| Edna              | She is the Main Cook for the school kitchen much to   |
|                   | the dismay of the local health department.            |
| Mr. Luntz         | He is the Groundskeeper for Bullworth Academy. When   |
|                   | he is outside he will carry a large broom. He is also |
|                   | the Bullworth Academy Clothes Store Shopkeeper when   |
|                   | he is indoors.                                        |
| Nurse McRae       | As the title suggests, she is the School Nurse for    |
|                   | Bullworth Academy.                                    |
| Ms. Peabody       | She is the Girls Dorm Supervisor. She keeps the girls |
|                   | in line and boys outside.                             |
| Miss Peters       | She is the Music teacher for Bullworth Academy.       |
| Mr. Matthews      | He is the Geography teacher for Bullworth Academy.    |

| B. Prefects |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

The Prefects are specially selected male seniors whose main job is to
maintain order within the student body. They are considered to be the Police
of the school and, if you cause trouble around them, then they will try to
bust you. These guys are hard to miss. They are taller and larger than Jimmy
and wear dark blue Bullworth suit jackets with gray patches on the elbow.
They are also very unfriendly regardless of how nice you are to them.

| Edward Seymour II | This Prefect wears glasses and thinks that            |
|                   | rule-breaking stunts your growth.                     |
| Karl Branting     | He is the only black Prefect and thinks that the      |
|                   | school needs more discipline.                         |
| Max MacTavish     | This Prefect has brown hair and wants to be either a  |
|                   | member of the Police or the Army.                     |
| Seth Kolbe        | He has crew cut blond hair and has severe anger       |
|                   | management issues. He is also the Punishment Prefect  |
|                   | you report to when you are in detention.              |

And now for the students.....

| >FDM5. The Students of Bullworth Academy                                  |

When Jimmy arrives at Bullworth Academy he is an unknown. Nobody likes him
and is often taunted and attacked with little or no provocation. During the
course of the game Jimmy will eventually gain the respect of those around him
but it will be no easy task.

In this chapter I list the student cliques and groups for Bullworth Academy
and all the students within.

| A. Clique Information |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

Each of the six major cliques (Nerds, Greasers, Preps, Jocks, Bullies, and
Townies) has a leader, one male kissable, and one girl (with the exception of
the Bullies clique).

You can only interact with the clique leaders during the Main Story Missions
and cannot be found wandering the school grounds outside of missions (with
the exception of the Bullies leader). You can deal with the Townies after
Chapter V is unlocked.

As you progress through the game you will do missions and tasks for some
these groups. These will allow you to gain respect with one group (and
sometimes lose respect with other groups). After gaining the full respect of
a clique then all members of that clique will become friendly toward you. If
you get into a fight then you may see members of a friendly clique coming to
your aid for backup.

If you lost a lot of respect with a clique then they will insult you and
often attack you on sight. You can only gain and lose respect by doing
missions. Beating up a member of a friendly clique will not cause a loss of

You can also pay certain members of a friendly clique to assist you in
fighting or causing general mischief. To pay someone to be an ally press the
Right Trigger, talk nicely to that person, and when the $ comes up, pay them.
Male kissables cannot be paid allies because, when you talk nicely to them,
Flowers comes up instead of the $. Girls also cannot be paid allies.

The two remaining groups, Regulars and Little Kids, do not have a leader,
male kissable, or paid allies.

This is how the information for each student is broken down:

| Student Name \
| Description | Lists gender, body type, skin color, hair color, skin       |
|             | complexion, glasses, watches, gloves, or anything unusual.  |
| Clothing    | Lists the clothing that the student wears from top to       |
|             | bottom.                                                     |
| Notes       | Any useful or interesting information on the student.       |
| Paid Ally   | Whether or not the student can be paid to join you.         |

The full names of the students were listed from the Bully soundboard at
www.rockstargames.com. Paid Ally information comes from Jeff Mote Jr.

Clothing information was derived by taking several pictures of each student
with the digital camera (in-game) after Main Story completion (for full
respect from each group) and going over them to obtain the best possible

This information should help you in better identifying students so you can
track them down for the Yearbook which you will be doing later in the game.

Now for the student groups:

| B. The Nerds |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

They often wear light green clothes and are either very skinny, overweight, 
or very geeky looking. They are the weakest and are the easiest to beat up 
and intimidate. However, what they lack in physical prowess they excel in
intelligence. In the beginning they use the Stink Bomb as a ranged weapon
when fighting them.

Later, they will acquire the use of the Bottle Rocket Launcher and Spud Gun
for fighting bullies. Their main hangout is the Library and they are led by
Earnest Jones.


| Algernon Papadopoulos \
| Description | Overweight, has orange brown hair and wears brown glasses   |
|             | with large hexagonal frames.                                |
| Clothing    | Wears a light green Bullworth vest with a white long sleeve |
|             | shirt, a dark red tie, short blue pants with the zipper     |
|             | undone allowing one to see his underwear, and black shoes   |
|             | with white socks.                                           |
| Notes       | Considered one of the most unpopular kids at the school and |
|             | has a problem with wetting himself. He is also nicknamed    |
|             | "Algie".                                                    |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Bucky Pasteur \
| Description | Skinny, has brown hair and wears brown glasses with         |
|             | hexagonal frames, has buck teeth, and wears three watches,  |
|             | one on his right wrist and two on his left.                 |
| Clothing    | Wears a light green Bullworth vest with a white short       |
|             | sleeve shirt, brown pants with iron-on knee patches         |
|             | including one that is lighter than the rest of the pants,   |
|             | and light brown shoes.                                      |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | No.                                                         |

| Donald Anderson \
| Description | Skinny, has brown hair with a part in the middle, and wears |
|             | glasses with brown frames and half lenses.                  |
| Clothing    | Wears a light green Bullworth vest with a white long sleeve |
|             | shirt, beige pants, and light brown shoes.                  |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Fatty Johnson \
| Description | Overweight, has reddish brown hair with a pointed center,   |
|             | and wears glasses with brown hexagonal frames. Also wears   |
|             | red fingerless gloves on his hands.                         |
| Clothing    | Wears a light green Bullworth vest with a white short       |
|             | sleeve shirt, a dark red tie, blue jeans, and reddish brown |
|             | shoes.                                                      |
| Notes       | He is the person you have to fight in the wrestling         |
|             | portions of the Gym class.                                  |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Melvin O'Connor \
| Description | Slightly overweight, has light brown hair, and wears        |
|             | glasses with brown hexagonal frames. He also has a pencil   |
|             | behind his right ear.                                       |
| Clothing    | Wears a light green Bullworth vest with a white long sleeve |
|             | shirt, tan pants, and white shoes.                          |
| Notes       | He is heavy into the "Grottos and Gremlins" gaming scene    |
|             | and often makes his own Character Sheets. This also         |
|             | explains the pencil behind his ear.                         |
| Paid Ally   | No.                                                         |

| Thad Carlson \
| Description | Skinny, has reddish brown hair that is slightly unkept, and |
|             | wears glasses with gray frames and pointed half lenses.     |
| Clothing    | Wears a light green long sleeve Bullworth sweater with a    |
|             | white shirt and red tie, tan pants with a brown belt, and   |
|             | brown shoes.                                                |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Cornelius Thomas \
| Description | Skinny and is the only black Nerd in the clique. Has black  |
|             | hair, wears glasses with gold rounded frames, and has a     |
|             | watch on his left wrist.                                    |
| Clothing    | Wears a light green Bullworth vest with a white long sleeve |
|             | shirt, a dark red tie, tan pants with a brown belt, and     |
|             | dark brown shoes.                                           |
| Notes       | He is the male kissable Nerd in the clique and also played  |
|             | Juliet in the school production of "Romeo & Juliet".        |

| Beatrice Trudeau \
| Description | She is skinny, has blond hair that is made up in a large    |
|             | 1950's style beehive hairdo with a light pink bow, and      |
|             | wears glasses with a green frame.                           |
| Clothing    | Wears a white long sleeve shirt with a green plaid dress,   |
|             | white knee high stockings plus pink shoes.                  |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |

| C. The Greasers |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

The members of this clique wear leather jackets and slicked back hair. They
look and often talk like they came out of the 1950's. They also like to think
that they are the toughest but aren't that hard to beat down. However, they
use the Slingshot from a distance when fighting them. They are not the
smartest but excel in mechanics. Their main hangout is the Autoshop and are
led by Johnny Vincent. They also live and hang out in New Coventry.


| Hal Esposito \
| Description | Overweight, has medium brown hair, wears black half gloves, |
|             | and wears a cigarette behind his left ear.                  |
| Clothing    | Wears a blue vest with a white shirt underneath and a dark  |
|             | brown jacket plus dark beige pants with medium brown shoes. |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Lefty Mancini \
| Description | Medium build with brown slicked back hair.                  |
| Clothing    | Wears a blue shirt with a light blue jean jacket and light  |
|             | beige pants with medium brown shoes.                        |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | No.                                                         |

| Lucky De Luca \
| Description | Medium build with brown slicked back hair.                  |
| Clothing    | Wears a blue vest with a white shirt underneath and a light |
|             | blue jean jacket and dark tan pants with medium brown       |
|             | shoes.                                                      |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Norton Williams \
| Description | He is the only black Greaser in the clique. He is taller    |
|             | than Jimmy with a slightly muscular build. Also wears black |
|             | fingerless gloves.                                          |
| Clothing    | Wears a blue vest with a white shirt underneath and a dark  |
|             | brown jacket plus medium tan pants with dark brown shoes.   |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Peanut Romano \
| Description | Medium build with brown slicked back hair.                  |
| Clothing    | Wears a blue vest with a white shirt underneath and a dark  |
|             | brown jacket plus blue jeans with navy blue shoes.          |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | No.                                                         |

| Ricky Pucino \
| Description | Medium build with brown slicked back hair and wears a       |
|             | cigarette behind his left ear.                              |
| Clothing    | Wears a dark blue shirt with a black jacket and dark beige  |
|             | pants with medium brown shoes.                              |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Vance Medici \
| Description | A little skinny with reddish brown slicked black hair.      |
| Clothing    | Wears a blue vest with a white shirt underneath and a black |
|             | jacket plus gray pants with a brown belt and medium brown   |
|             | shoes.                                                      |
| Notes       | He is the male kissable Greaser in the clique.              |

| Lola Lombardi \
| Description | She is a little skinny with brown hair that covers her ears |
|             | and wears a red cloth necklace that resembles a tie.        |
| Clothing    | Wears a light pink shirt that exposes her midriff and       |
|             | cleavage with a black jacket that has leopard pattern       |
|             | accents plus tight black pants with white shoes.            |
| Notes       | Has a way with getting boys to do various things for her.   |

| D. The Preps |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

They are the children of the very rich and have snotty and uppity attitudes.
They often wear light blue clothing and are in good physical shape. The
reason for that is that most of them box as a hobby thus making them
formidable when fighting them. This is despite the fact that some of them may
be inbred.

However, they are not above ranged combat often throwing Eggs from a distance
when fighting them. Their hangout is the Harrington House and are led by
Derby Harrington. They also live and hang out in Old Bullworth Vale.


| Bif Tremblay \
| Description | Tall and muscular with medium brown hair.                   |
| Clothing    | Wears a light blue Aquaberry Vest with a white long sleeve  |
|             | shirt underneath and dark gray pants with white shoes.      |
| Notes       | He is the boxing champion for Bullworth Academy. In the     |
|             | side-mission "Boxing Challenge" he is listed as "Bif        |
|             | Taylor".                                                    |
| Paid Ally   | No.                                                         |

| Bryce Montrose \
| Description | Medium build with brown hair that is parted on his right    |
|             | side plus a gold watch he wears on his left wrist.          |
| Clothing    | Wears a light blue Aquaberry Vest with a white long sleeve  |
|             | shirt, that is partially rolled up, with a black and yellow |
|             | striped tie plus black pants with brown shoes.              |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | No.                                                         |

| Chad Morris \
| Description | He is the only black Prep in the clique. He wears white     |
|             | tape that covers most of his right hand and wrist plus a    |
|             | gold watch on his left wrist.                               |
| Clothing    | Wears a light blue Aquaberry Vest with a white short sleeve |
|             | shirt and red and yellow striped tie plus tan pants with    |
|             | light brown shoes.                                          |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Justin Vandervelde \
| Description | Medium build with brown hair that is parted on his right    |
|             | side plus a gold watch he wears on his left wrist.          |
| Clothing    | Wears a light blue Aquaberry Vest with a white short sleeve |
|             | shirt and black and yellow striped tie plus black pants,    |
|             | with a black belt and a gold buckle, and with brown shoes.  |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Parker Ogilvie \
| Description | Regular build with black hair.                              |
| Clothing    | Wears a light blue Aquaberry Vest with a white short sleeve |
|             | shirt and black and yellow striped tie plus black pants,    |
|             | with a brown belt, with medium brown shoes.                 |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | No.                                                         |

| Tad Smith \
| Description | Slightly muscular build with brown hair that is parted on   |
|             | his left side.                                              |
| Clothing    | Wears a light blue Aquaberry Vest with a white short sleeve |
|             | shirt and black and yellow striped tie plus tan pants with  |
|             | brown shoes.                                                |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Gord Vendome \
| Description | Regular build with medium brown hair that covers most of    |
|             | his forehead and wears a gold watch on his left wrist.      |
| Clothing    | Wears a light blue Aquaberry Vest with a white short sleeve |
|             | shirt and black tie plus black pants with brown shoes.      |
| Notes       | He is the male kissable Prep in the clique.                 |

| Pinky Gauthier \
| Description | She has brown hair that goes past her ears.                 |
| Clothing    | Wears a light blue Aquaberry Vest with a white short sleeve |
|             | shirt and a short blue plaid skirt with brown shoes.        |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |

| E. The Jocks |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

These large muscular guys can be found at the south part of Bullworth
Academy. What they lack in smarts they more than make up for it in sheer
brute force. You do not want to take on a large group of them without some
kind of weapon. They hang out at the Gym and Football Field and are led by
Ted Sinclair.


| Bo Jackson \
| Description | Medium build and is one of two black Jocks in the clique.   |
|             | Wears a white Bullworth hat.                                |
| Clothing    | Wears a long sleeve blue Bullworth sweatshirt with gray     |
|             | pants and white shoes.                                      |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Casey Harris \
| Description | Muscular with dark blond hair. Also wears a white Bullworth |
|             | hat.                                                        |
| Clothing    | Wears a light gray Bullworth shirt, that extends down below |
|             | his belt line, and a blue Bullworth jacket with white       |
|             | sleeves plus gray pants with blue and white tennis shoes.   |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Damon West \
| Description | Tall, muscular, and one of two black Jocks in the clique.   |
|             | He also wears a large white wristband on his left wrist.    |
| Clothing    | Wears a light gray Bullworth shirt and a blue Bullworth     |
|             | jacket with white sleeves plus light brown pants with blue  |
|             | tennis shoes.                                               |
| Notes       | Plays on the offensive line for the Bullworth Academy       |
|             | football team.                                              |
| Paid Ally   | No.                                                         |

| Dan Wilson \
| Description | Smaller than most of the Jocks. Has red hair that is parted |
|             | in the middle.                                              |
| Clothing    | Wears a blue long sleeve Bullworth sweatshirt with a large  |
|             | "B" on the front and tan pants with blue tennis shoes.      |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Juri Karamazov \
| Description | Tall and muscular with short brown hair.                    |
| Clothing    | Wears a blue Bullworth sweatshirt with a large "B" on the   |
|             | front and has half blue and half white sleeves plus gray    |
|             | pants with blue tennis shoes.                               |
| Notes       | Has a Russian accent and prefers wrestling over football.   |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Luis Luna \
| Description | Muscular with short brown hair.                             |
| Clothing    | Wears a white sweatshirt with a blue Bullworth vest with a  |
|             | "B" on the front plus dark gray pants with blue tennis      |
|             | shoes.                                                      |
| Notes       | He is the one you play the "Keep-Ups" mini-game with.       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Kirby Olsen \
| Description | Perhaps the smallest of the Jocks. Has reddish brown hair.  |
| Clothing    | Wears a long sleeve blue Bullworth sweatshirt with a "B" on |
|             | the front with the sleeves are rolled halfway up his arms   |
|             | plus gray pants with white shoes.                           |
| Notes       | He is the male kissable Jock in the clique. Has been known  |
|             | to hang out a lot with Trent Northwick.                     |

| Mandy Wiles \
| Description | She has brown hair that goes past her ears and a blue bow   |
|             | on top.                                                     |
| Clothing    | Wears a blue Bullworth cheerleader uniform with blue tennis |
|             | shoes.                                                      |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |

| F. The Bullies |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

These guys can be found all around the school and wear white shirts with blue
jeans. Their only goal is to make those lesser than themselves as miserable
as possible. They often hang out at the school parking lot and are led by a
hulkish brute named Russell Northrop.


| Davis White \
| Description | Has brown hair and some acne on his forehead.               |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Ethan Robinson \
| Description | The only black Bully in the clique.                         |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Tom Gurney \
| Description | Has short orange hair.                                      |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Troy Miller \
| Description | Has short orange hair.                                      |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Wade Martin \
| Description | Has reddish brown hair that is parted on his left side and  |
|             | acne on his forehead.                                       |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | No.                                                         |

| Russell Northrop \
| Description | The largest person on campus. Has short brown hair.         |
| Notes       | He hangs out near the the Old School Bus or front gates and |
|             | is the only boss character you can interact with outside of |
|             | the Main Story missions.                                    |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Trent Northwick \
| Description | Has light blond hair.                                       |
| Notes       | He is the male kissable Bully in the clique. He also tends  |
|             | to be real friendly towards you (I wonder why?). Has been   |
|             | known to hang out a lot with Kirby Olsen.                   |

| G. The Regulars |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

This is the group of students that have no affiliation with any of the above
cliques. They usually wear dark green clothing and can be found all around
the school. The three girls listed in this group (Angie, Christy, and Eunice)
become friendly to you and can be kissed after completion of Art 1.


| Constantinos Brakus \
| Description | Skinny with black hair.                                     |
| Clothing    | Wears a dark green long sleeve Bullworth sweater with a     |
|             | white long sleeve shirt underneath (and with the sleeves    |
|             | rolled up) and a yellow and black striped tie plus tan      |
|             | pants with black shoes.                                     |
| Notes       | Tends to be very pessimistic. He also wears the Bullworth   |
|             | mascot uniform and does the "Penalty Shots" mini-game with  |
|             | you.                                                        |

| Gordon Wakefield \
| Description | Skinny with reddish brown hair that is parted on his right  |
|             | side.                                                       |
| Clothing    | Wears a dark green long sleeve Bullworth sweater with a     |
|             | white long sleeve shirt underneath (and with the sleeves    |
|             | rolled up) and a yellow and black striped tie plus tan      |
|             | pants with navy blue shoes.                                 |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |

| Ivan Alexander \
| Description | Skinny with brown hair that is parted on his right side.    |
| Clothing    | Wears a dark green long sleeve Bullworth sweater with a     |
|             | white long sleeve shirt underneath (and with the sleeves    |
|             | rolled up) and a yellow and black striped tie plus tan      |
|             | pants with black shoes.                                     |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |

| Lance Jackson \
| Description | A skinny black boy.                                         |
| Clothing    | Wears a dark green long sleeve Bullworth sweater with a     |
|             | white long sleeve shirt underneath plus tan pants (with a   |
|             | dark belt with a silver buckle) with black shoes.           |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |

| Ray Hughes \
| Description | A very overweight boy with short orange hair.               |
| Clothing    | Wears a dark green Bullworth vest with a white long sleeve  |
|             | shirt underneath plus brown pants with brown shoes.         |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |

| Trevor Moore \
| Description | A skinny black boy.                                         |
| Clothing    | Wears a dark green long sleeve Bullworth sweater with a     |
|             | white long sleeve shirt underneath (with the sleeves        |
|             | partially rolled up) and a yellow and black striped tie     |
|             | plus tan pants with black shoes.                            |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |

| Angie Ng \
| Description | A tall skinny girl of Asian descent with long braided black |
|             | hair and wears glasses with small black frames.             |
| Clothing    | Wears a white long sleeve shirt with the sleeves partially  |
|             | rolled up with a green plaid tie plus a green plaid dress   |
|             | (with suspenders) with white knee high stockings and black  |
|             | shoes.                                                      |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |

| Christy Martin \
| Description | A girl with red hair.                                       |
| Clothing    | Wears a white long sleeve shirt with a long plaid green tie |
|             | plus a green plaid skirt with white knee high socks and     |
|             | black shoes.                                                |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |

| Eunice Pound \
| Description | A very overweight girl with brown hair plus freckles on her |
|             | face.                                                       |
| Clothing    | Wears a long white sleeve shirt with a red scarf that       |
|             | protrudes from under her collar and a green plaid dress     |
|             | that is held with suspenders plus black shoes with white    |
|             | socks.                                                      |
| Notes       | She really really likes chocolate.                          |

| Gary Smith \
| Description | Has light brown hair that is parted on his left side, a     |
|             | scar that comes across his right eye, and wears a watch on  |
|             | his left wrist and a brown wristband on his right wrist.    |
| Clothing    | Wears a white long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled     |
|             | with a teal Bullworth vest and black pants with black       |
|             | shoes.                                                      |
| Notes       | You can only interact with him during the Main Story        |
|             | Missions and cannot be found on or outside school grounds.  |
|             | Becomes Jimmy's main rival.                                 |

| Pete Kowalski \
| Description | Has short brown hair.                                       |
| Clothing    | Wears a pink long sleeve shirt with a blue Bullworth vest   |
|             | and tan pants with white shoes.                             |
| Notes       | You can only interact with him during the Main Story        |
|             | Missions and cannot be found on or outside school grounds   |
|             | except right after certain cutscenes. The only thing you    |
|             | can really do to him is beat him up which is always fun     |
|             | ("Well done. You're still a jerk."). He becomes a good      |
|             | friend to Jimmy during the course of the story.             |

| H. The Little Kids |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

These are the smallest and youngest of those attending Bullworth Academy. You
can talk to them but you can't fight them. Hitting a Little Kid will bring a
lot of trouble upon your head. They will also snitch on you if they see you
causing mischief.


| Gloria Jackson \
| Description | A small black girl that wears glasses with black frames.    |
| Clothing    | Wears a long white sleeve shirt with a red scarf that       |
|             | protrudes from under her collar and a green plaid dress     |
|             | that is held with suspenders plus black shoes with short    |
|             | white socks.                                                |
| Notes       | She appears to be pretty smart and sophisticated for her    |
|             | age and may be related to Jock Bo Jackson.                  |

| Karen Johnson \
| Description | A small girl with orange hair that is tied in the back.     |
| Clothing    | Wears a white short sleeve shirt with a plaid green tie and |
|             | a dark green Bullworth vest plus a green plaid skirt with   |
|             | white socks and black shoes.                                |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |

| Melody Adams \
| Description | A small girl with black hair with a white hairpiece.        |
| Clothing    | Wears a white short sleeve shirt with a plaid green tie and |
|             | a dark green Bullworth vest plus a green plaid skirt with   |
|             | white socks (that has a dark band near the top) and dark    |
|             | brown shoes.                                                |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |

| Pedro De La Hoya \
| Description | A small boy with dark brown hair.                           |
| Clothing    | Wears a dark green Bullworth vest with a white short sleeve |
|             | shirt and a yellow and black striped tie plus black shorts  |
|             | with red shoes and white socks.                             |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |

| Sheldon Thompson \
| Description | A small black boy.                                          |
| Clothing    | Wears a white long sleeve shirt with a dark green Bullworth |
|             | vest and light tan pants with black shoes.                  |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |

| >FDM6. The Order of Things (Part 1)                                       |

With no clock at this time I will focus on obtaining the Collectibles that
can be found here at Bullworth Academy.

After doing that, and doing "This Is Your School", then focus on opening up
Chapter III as quickly as possible. This is to open up all of the classes and
focusing on passing them to get them out of the way so you can deal with all
of the remaining missions and tasks.


If you own the PS4 Version this is also the perfect time to go after some

| For the {Kickin' the Balls} Trophy, simply kick the soccer ball outside   |
| the Boys Dorm from one end to the other. As already noted you can also    |
| kick footballs and basketballs to add to the soccer ball kicked stat.     |
| While doing the above, ambush boys leaving the Boys Dorm. Give a Wedgie   |
| and taunt the Little Kids (for the {Skidmark} and {Smart Mouth} Trophies) |
| and for the bigger kids pull a Wedgie and then beat them up (for the      |
| {Down for the Count} Trophy).                                             |
|                                                                           |
| I should note that you can hurl between eight to ten insults at someone   |
| before they run away. So, when you lock onto someone, then tap the B      |
| Button to throw as many insults as you can before they flee. This will    |
| help you to get the {Smart Mouth} Trophy quickly.                         |
|                                                                           |
| It is also best to get some distance from a boy before hurling insults,   |
| especially Little Kids, so you don't accidentally shove them and incur    |
| the wrath of Prefects.                                                    |
| Once you have the {Skidmark} and {Smart Mouth} Trophies then go inside    |
| the Boys Dorm and start pulling the Fire Alarm to get the Firefighter     |
| Helmet for 100% Completion. This should bring out additional students to  |
| beat up for {Down for the Count}. Plus being inside should shield you     |
| from Prefects.                                                            |
| Once you get {Down for the Count} then go outside to the open area just   |
| north of the Boys Room dorm. The idea is to get at least some of the      |
| distance needed for the {Marathon} Trophy.                                |
|                                                                           |
| Move the Left Analog Stick either to the right or left and tape it down.  |
| Then tape down the Run Button and let Jimmy run while you do something    |
| else. You don't need to get all of the distance but getting some now will |
| make it easier later.                                                     |
| By doing all of the above you should start to increase your Trouble       |
| Points towards the {Problem Child} Trophy.                                |


And, of course, collect all of the Rubber Bands, "G&G" Cards, and smash the
one Gnome here at Bullworth Academy. Of course, in order to get the
Collectibles you need to know where they are.....

| >FDM7. Collectibles (Bullworth Academy)                                   |

Below is the list of Collectibles for Bullworth Academy (BAC). The Map
co-ordinates refer to the printed map that comes included with the game disc:

| Rubber Bands \
| [BAC-RB1]  | Location: Near the freezers for the Cafeteria's kitchen.     |
|            | Map: (F-9).                                                  |
|            | Notes: Already noted earlier but if you didn't get it when   |
|            |        you entered the Main Building the first time then you |
|            |        will have to wait until after, or during, completion  |
|            |        of the mission "This Is Your School" to get it.       |
| [BAC-RB2]  | Location: In the waiting area for the Principal's Office     |
|            |           near the Save Book.                                |
|            | Map: (F-9).                                                  |
|            | Notes: Already noted earlier but if you didn't get it when   |
|            |        you entered the Main Building the first time then you |
|            |        will have to wait until after, or during, completion  |
|            |        of the mission "This Is Your School" to get it.       |
| [BAC-RB3]  | Location: By the showers on the second floor inside the      |
|            |           Girl's Dorm.                                       |
|            | Map: ([E,F]-8).                                              |
| [BAC-RB4]  | Location: On the second floor of the Girl's Dorm near the    |
|            |           top of the stairs where the railing meets the      |
|            |           wall.                                              |
|            | Map: ([E,F]-8).                                              |
| [BAC-RB5]  | Location: Near the steps at the south side of the Girl's     |
|            |           Dorm.                                              |
|            | Map: ([E,F]-8).                                              |
| [BAC-RB6]  | Location: Inside the Boy's Dorm at the north end of the      |
|            |           hallway.                                           |
|            | Map: ([E,F]-9).                                              |
| [BAC-RB7]  | Location: Near the corner at the south side of the Boy's     |
|            |           Dorm.                                              |
|            | Map: ([E,F]-9).                                              |
| [BAC-RB8]  | Location: At the front of the Main Building near the west    |
|            |           door.                                              |
|            | Map: (F-8).                                                  |
| [BAC-RB9]  | Location: Inside the Library at the north side of the second |
|            |           floor.                                             |
|            | Map: (F-10).                                                 |
| [BAC-RB10] | Location: Inside the Old School Bus which is at the west     |
|            |           side of the School Parking Lot.                    |
|            | Map: (G-8).                                                  |
| [BAC-RB11] | Location: By the garage door just southeast of the Old       |
|            |           School Bus.                                        |
|            | Map: (G-8).                                                  |
| [BAC-RB12] | Location: In the shortcut that runs between the yard for     |
|            |           Harrington House and the Library.                  |
|            | Map: (G-9).                                                  |
| [BAC-RB13] | Location: On a shelf inside a garage at the south side of    |
|            |           the Autoshop.                                      |
|            | Map: (G-8).                                                  |
| [BAC-RB14] | Location: In the water that surrounds the Bullworth Mascot   |
|            |           Statue.                                            |
|            | Map: (G-9).                                                  |
|            | Notes: You cannot get this Rubber Band during Chapter III    |
|            |        because the water will be frozen.                     |
| [BAC-RB15] | Location: In front of the Gym Building.                      |
|            | Map: (H-9).                                                  |
| [BAC-RB16] | Location: On a secret path that runs from the Pool Building  |
|            |           to Harrington House.                               |
|            | Map: (H-9).                                                  |
|            | Notes: Climb the Ladder (by the Pool Building entrance) to   |
|            |        the overhang and jump east and down to the ground to  |
|            |        gain access. It is next to the nearby corner of the   |
|            |        wall which should be to your right as you look north  |
|            |        after jumping down onto the path.                     |
| [BAC-RB17] | Location: In one of the shower stalls inside the Girl's      |
|            |           Locker Room at the Gym.                            |
|            | Map: (H-9).                                                  |
| [BAC-RB18] | Location: Near the small building at the west end of the     |
|            |           Football Field.                                    |
|            | Map: (I-8).                                                  |


| "G&G" Cards \
| [BAC-GG1] | Location: Inside the attic for the Girl's Dorm.               |
|           | Map: ([E,F]-8).                                               |
|           | Notes: Use the Lattice at the north side of the Dorm to enter |
|           |        unnoticed. It can be found at the south side of the    |
|           |        attic near the stairs.                                 |
| [BAC-GG2] | Location: On the top balcony at the south side of the Main    |
|           |           Building.                                           |
|           | Map: (G-9).                                                   |
|           | Notes: Use the Lattice to access.                             |
| [BAC-GG3] | Location: By the globe at the southeast side of the first     |
|           |           floor of the Library.                               |
|           | Map: (F-10).                                                  |
| [BAC-GG4] | Location: Behind the dumpster at the southwest corner of the  |
|           |           Autoshop.                                           |
|           | Map: (G-8).                                                   |
| [BAC-GG5] | Location: On a secret path that runs from the Pool Building   |
|           |           to Harrington House.                                |
|           | Map: (H-9).                                                   |
|           | Notes: Climb the Ladder (by the Pool Building entrance) to    |
|           |        the top and jump down to the ground to gain access. It |
|           |        should be ahead of you as you head north along the     |
|           |        path.                                                  |
| [BAC-GG6] | Location: In one of the toilet stalls inside the Boy's Locker |
|           |           Room at the Gym.                                    |
|           | Map: (H-9).                                                   |


| Gnomes \
| [BAC-N1] | Location: Inside the yard for Harrington House just north of   |
|          |           the house entrance.                                  |
|          | Map: (G-9).                                                    |

With that done, it is time to head over to the Main Building to start the
next mission.....

| >FDM8. The Main Story Missions                                            |

Each Main Story Mission is broken into five parts:

| Overview \

  What the mission is about.

| Notes \

  Additional information and other musings. This also includes any prep work 
  suggestions prior to doing the mission. If there are no notes then this 
  section won't be displayed.

| The Plan \

  How to do the mission.

| Reward \

  What you get for your efforts. However, some missions won't reward you with 
  anything so I will only list it if you are rewarded with something.

With that explained, I will now move on to the Main Story starting with.....

 / The Main Story \+++++++++++++++++++\
| >MSY1. Gary Smith                                                         +

Gary Smith is the "friend" you met when you entered the Boy's Dorm. Although
he appears to be snotty and aggressive, he is willing to befriend you and
show you things about Bullworth Academy. His first mission starts at the
entrance to the Main Building.....

 / Gary Smith \
| >GMH1. This Is Your School                                                0
| Overview /                                                 \ Gary Smith /
0=========0                                                   0+=+=+=+=+=0

  When you enter the Main Building you find that Gary is waiting for you and 
  shows you around the place.....

| The Plan \

  When you start then Gary will lead you to Russell's Locker. Here you will 
  be given simple instructions for social interaction. After paying Russell 
  then you will be prompted to break into his Locker. Again, the game will 
  instruct you on how to pick locks (rotate the Left Analog Stick in the 
  direction of the arrows). When you open it then you will get the "Bullworth 
  Cap - Classic".

  From there, the game will instruct you to hide from the Prefects by jumping 
  into a nearby Trash Can. Once your Trouble Meter is at zero then you are 
  prompted to follow Gary again. He will lead you to the Girl's Restroom 
  where you will see Eunice exit. She is crying and Gary prods you into 
  talking to her.

  The game will then instruct you on how to greet and talk to people. When 
  you talk to her then you will find that someone has stolen her Chocolates 
  and she wants Jimmy to get them back. The culprit is hiding in the Boy's 
  Restroom on the other side of the Main Building. When you get there then 
  you will be prompted to target Constantinos.

  You can pretty much do anything you want to him. I prefer to beat him up. 
  From there, return the Box of Chocolates to Eunice who will reward Jimmy 
  with a kiss. From there, go to the Cafeteria. When you get there you will 
  start a cutscene which explains the social hierarchy of the school. When it 
  finishes then the mission will be successfully completed.


  And this will lead into.....

| >FDM9. Get to Class (Part One)                                            |

Now you have to go to one of the classes to begin your education here. You
will see a Bell appear on your Map. This is one of the classes you need to
attend (Chemistry 1). In addition, the clock will finally appear in the upper
left portion of the screen so you can see the time. You are now affected by
time within the game.

Morning classes go from 9 AM to 11:30 AM and afternoon classes go from 1 PM
to 3:30 PM. There are a total of six classes you have to attend during the
course of the game:


However, at this point in the game, only four of the classes (Chemistry,
English, Art, and Gym) are available. The other two classes (Shop and
Photography) are unlocked later.

When either a morning or an afternoon class is in session then you will see a
bell on the Map. If it is orange then you need to attend that class. Prefects
will chase you on sight if you are seen being truant and force you to attend
that class if you are caught.

Although you can skip classes, it is highly recommended you attend them. By
attending classes you will improve various attributes like making weapons or
talking your way out of trouble. If the bell is silver then you don't need to
attend that class. The Prefects won't chase you but, if you cause trouble and
end up being Busted, then you will be forced to attend class.

Each class has five levels. Each time you pass a level then you progress to
the next until you pass the last one. When you successfully complete all five
levels of a class then you no longer need to attend that class and the
Prefects will not try to bust you on sight for truancy.

Passing classes is, of course, required for 100% Completion. But you also
need to *FAIL* five classes, any classes, to get the Dunce Cap and get closer
to 100% Completion. You can even return to a class that you fully passed, and
even have the Graduation Cap for passing all classes, to fail it in order to
obtain the Dunce Cap.

After your first afternoon class is completed then it is highly recommended
that you do the next mission "The Setup" to acquire the Slingshot and unlock
the remainder of your Gym classes.

There are a total of three days of classes and this is the order they are in:

  >>Day 1 - Chemistry and English.
  >>Day 2 - Art and Gym.
  >>Day 3 - Shop and Photography.

If you don't open up Chapter II by the time you finish Gym class then the
classes will restart with Day 1. If you don't do "The Setup" before Gym 2
then you will not be allowed to do the Gym class. If you do not open up
Chapter III before Photography 3 then you will not be allowed to do the
Photography class.

If you have the PS4 version then by successfully completing classes you will
also earn certain Trophies. You will get Trophies for completing three, six,
and thirty classes. Below is a list of the earliest you can get the class
based Trophies:

  >>{Keener} - After completion of Art 1.
  >>{Teacher's Pet} - After completion of English 2.
  >>{Boy Genius} - After completion of your very last class regardless of 
                   what it is.

In addition, the Weapon Spawn points will now function so you can start to
collect weapons to either defend yourself or cause mischief.

Below are the four available classes and how to pass them:

| A. Chemistry (Day 1 - Morning) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

To pass this class you must press the corresponding button as it passes
through the window near the bottom of the screen. In later levels more
buttons are added and they go a bit faster. Even so, this is not too
difficult. Your rewards for passing Chemistry classes:

| Chemistry 1 | You activate your Chem Set which is also a Room Trophy and  |
|             | you can make Fire Crackers with it. But you can only use    |
|             | the Chem Set once per day.                                  |
| Chemistry 2 | You can make Stink Bombs from your Chem Set. However, you   |
|             | are still limited to one use of your Chem Set per day.      |
| Chemistry 3 | You can make Itching Powder from your Chem Set. But you are |
|             | still limited to one use of your Chem Set per day.          |
| Chemistry 4 | You get double of everything when you use your Chem Set.    |
|             | But you are still limited to one use of your Chem Set per   |
|             | day.                                                        |
| Chemistry 5 | You gain unlimited use of your Chem Set.                    |

| B. English (Day 1 - Afternoon) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

To pass this class you must form words from a random list of letters.
Basically you are doing an anagram. When you pass each level then you have to
form more words. You need to get at least 55% pass a level. Listed below are
the words and the rewards for passing English:

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| English 1 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Words  | low, mew, elm, mow, woe, owe, owl, mewl, mole, meow, moll, well, |
|        | mellow                                                           |
| Reward | You gain the ability to apologize more effectively.              |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| English 2 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Words  | sit, its, fit, fig, ifs, his, hit, gift, sift, fish, figs, fist, |
|        | hits, sigh, fits, this, gist, shift, gifts, fight, sight, fights |
| Reward | You gain the ability to give shove taunts to deal with would-be  |
|        | bullies.                                                         |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| English 3 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Words  | lei, mil, lie, elm, slim, leis, miss, mess, semi, isle, less,    |
|        | lime, mile, elms, lies, mise, seism, slims, miles, limes, smile, |
|        | slime, isles, smiles, slimes                                     |
| Reward | You earn the ability to apologize to Prefects for small crimes.  |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| English 4 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Words  | nay, yon, cry, ran, con, rya, nor, ray, arc, oar, any, cay, car, |
|        | coy, can, yarn, cran, nary, orca, roan, racy, cyan, narc, cony,  |
|        | corn, rayon, corny, acorn, carny, crony, crayon                  |
| Reward | You earn the ability to give better taunts allowing you to deal  |
|        | with bullies from a distance.                                    |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| English 5 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Words  | egg, rag, rad, age, red, gag, erg, gar, dag, are, era, ear, gad, |
|        | egad, dear, gage, rage, drag, read, dare, grad, gear, dreg,      |
|        | aged, gager, agger, raged, grade, ragged, dagger                 |
| Reward | You earn the ability to apologize to Police for small crimes.    |

| C. Art (Day 2 - Morning) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

To pass this class you must expose at least 80% of the hidden picture. This
mini-game is essentially a variant of the classic vidgame "Qix". You must
draw lines to section off a part of the picture while avoiding various
enemies. Although it gets a bit frantic at level 4 and 5, it is still not too
hard to pass. Your rewards for passing Art classes:

| Art 1 | You gain the ability to kiss Girls (and certain Boys) if you give |
|       | them a Gift (Flowers or Chocolates) and your respect with the     |
|       | clique for the Girl/Guy you want to kiss is above 60%.            |
|       |                                                                   |
|       | Regular Kids (Angie, Christy, Eunice) become friendly to you      |
|       | after you pass Art 1 so you can kiss them anytime. You will get a |
|       | 25% health bonus for kissing.                                     |
| Art 2 | Your health bonus for kissing will increase to 50%.               |
| Art 3 | Your health bonus for kissing will increase to 75%.               |
| Art 4 | Your health bonus for kissing will increase to 100%.              |
| Art 5 | You no longer need to give Gifts to Girls in order to kiss them   |
|       | (but you will still need to give Gifts to kiss Boys). You will    |
|       | also earn the Art Set Room Trophy (which sits on your dresser).   |
|       |                                                                   |
|       | **IMPORTANT: If you have the PS4 version then you may want to     |
|       |              wait until after completion of the mission           |
|       |              "Halloween" before doing Art 5.                      |

| D. Gym (Day 2 - Afternoon) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

To pass this class you must go through both Wrestling instruction and
Dodgeball games. In Wrestling you unlock additional fighting moves and in
Dodgeball you increase the range and accuracy of your weapons.

In Wrestling (Gym 1 and Gym 3), after you get the new moves, then you can
just beat up your opponent any way you want to pass the remainder of the
session. In Dodgeball (Gym 2, Gym 4, and Gym 5) you have to win two out of
three matches to successfully complete the activity.

At this point in the game you can only do Gym 1. The remainder will be opened
up after completion of the mission "The Setup". Listed below are your rewards
for passing Gym classes:

| Gym 1 | You unlock the Headbutt (Hold Square) and the 3-Hit Charge Combo  |
|       | (Square, Square, Hold Square).                                    |
| Gym 2 | You get the "good projectile accuracy" upgrade.                   |
| Gym 3 | You unlock the Kneedrop (Triangle, Circle, Circle) and the 3-Hit  |
|       | Takedown Combo (Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, Square). You    |
|       | will also earn the Wrestling Headgear Room Trophy.                |
| Gym 4 | You get the "better projectile accuracy" upgrade.                 |
| Gym 5 | You get the "best projectile accuracy" upgrade plus you gain the  |
|       | ability to start a game of Dodgeball from the Boy's Changeroom    |
|       | outside of Gym class.                                             |

It is important to point out that although you can take the other subjects
again after you complete them you can't do Gym again after Gym 5.

As mentioned earlier, the Weapon Spawn points are now working after the Clock
appears which leads me to the next chapter.....

| >FDM10. Weapons, Boxes, and Crates List (Bullworth Academy)               |

Listed below are the Weapons, Boxes, and Crates for Bullworth Academy.
Sometimes the Weapons may not appear where listed but you may have to wait
and come back to the listed spot before the Weapon will appear. The Map
co-ordinates refer to the printed map that comes included with the game disc:

| Weapons \
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Apples |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: On the raised area by the tree south of the Girl's Dorm (x2).   |
| Map: (F-8).                                                               |
| Location: On the Football Field grounds (x8). There are two Apples in     |
|           each corner of the field.                                       |
| Map: (I-[8,9]).                                                           |
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Bag of Marbles |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: Hidden in a bush near the Lattice at the south side of the Main |
|           Building.                                                       |
| Map: (G-9).                                                               |
| Location: At the south end of the Old School Bus which is located at the  |
|           west side of the School Parking Lot.                            |
| Map: (G-8).                                                               |
| Location: On a secret path that runs from the Pool Building to Harrington |
|           House.                                                          |
| Map: (H-9).                                                               |
| Notes: Climb the Ladder (by the Pool Building entrance) to the overhang   |
|        and jump east and down to the ground to gain access.               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Baseball Bat |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: By the Soda Machine next to the Pool Building entrance.         |
| Map: (H-9).                                                               |
| Location: On the ground by the east end of the Football Field seats.      |
| Map: (H-8).                                                               |
| Location: On the ground next to the Football Field scoreboard.            |
| Map: (I-9).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Brick |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: Just past the main entrance for the Autoshop.                   |
| Map: (G-8).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Carton of Eggs |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: On the raised area by the tree south of the Girl's Dorm.        |
| Map: (F-8).                                                               |
| Location: By the tree north of the Library entrance.                      |
| Map: (F-9).                                                               |
| Location: On the roof of the Pool Building.                               |
| Map: (H-9).                                                               |
| Notes: After climbing the first Ladder there will be a second Ladder that |
|        will lead you to the roof.                                         |
| Location: On the ground by the west end of the Football Field seats.      |
| Map: (H-8).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Fire Crackers |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: Next to the electronic gate southeast of the Library entrance.  |
| Map: (G-10).                                                              |
| Location: By a tree just south of the entrance for Harrington House.      |
| Map: (H-9).                                                               |
| Location: On top of the viewing stands overlooking the Pool at the north  |
|           end inside the Pool Building.                                   |
| Map: (H-9).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Fire Extinguisher |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: At the south end of the hallway inside the Boy's Dorm.          |
| Map: (F-9).                                                               |
| Location: Inside the Main Building (x4). There are two on the first floor |
|           and two on the second floor.                                    |
| Map: ([F,G] - [8,9]).                                                     |
| Location: Inside the Gym Building by the stairs leading down to the       |
|           Changerooms.                                                    |
| Map: (H-8).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Itching Powder |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: At the north side of the Girl's Dorm by the Lattice.            |
| Map: (E-8).                                                               |
| Location: In one of the shower stalls inside the Boy's Locker Room at the |
|           Gym.                                                            |
| Map: (H-9).                                                               |
| Location: Behind the east seats for the Football Field.                   |
| Map: (H-9).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Ruler |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: Northwest of the Library entrance next to the bench.            |
| Map: (F-9).                                                               |
| Location: South of the Library entrance by the wall.                      |
| Map: (G-9).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Stink Bomb |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: Behind the wall south of the Library entrance.                  |
| Map: (G-9).                                                               |
| Location: Next to a dumpster at the north side of the Autoshop.           |
| Map: (G-8).                                                               |
| Location: On the platform next to the Football Field scoreboard.          |
| Map: (I-9).                                                               |


| Boxes \
| Location: In front of the Girl's Dorm.                                    |
| Map: (F-8).                                                               |
| Location: In front of Harrington House.                                   |
| Map: (H-9).                                                               |


| Crates \
| Location: In the garage at the south side of the Autoshop (x2).           |
| Map: (G-8).                                                               |

In addition, there are a lot more Boxes and Crates inside the basement of the
Main Building that can be accessed during and after "Russell in the Hole".

Now let's move on with the Main Story.....

 / The Main Story \+++++++++++++++++++\
| >MSY2. Jimmy Hopkins                                                      +

Jimmy Hopkins is the main character of the game. Although he has been thrown
out of a lot of schools, he is really not at all a bad person. He has had an
unstable family life and that tends to make him act out his frustrations
which often leads him into trouble.

He has been unceremoniously dumped at Bullworth Academy to fend for himself
while his mother and new stepdad go off on a long honeymoon. Jimmy's first
mission can be found just outside the Main Building.....

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP1. The Setup                                                          0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  After a talk with Dr. Crabblesnitch then Jimmy is attacked by Davis, a 
  Bully who thinks that Jimmy is being a teacher's pet. After being nailed by 
  Davis' Slingshot then Jimmy gives chase.....

| Notes \

  This should be completed either between your first and second class or 
  after your first full day of classes so you can open up the remainder of 
  your Gym classes.

| The Plan \

  Follow the simple instructions for jumping and running so you can chase 
  Davis. He will eventually lead you to the Autoshop. Davis closes the gate 
  and another Bully will confront you. The game will then instruct you on how 
  to stuff someone into a Trash Can. After dealing with this Bully then go 
  and open the gate by tapping the Triangle Button repeatedly.

  Once you are inside then continue to chase Davis. He will shut one of the 
  garage doors and you need to fight another Bully. After defeating this 
  Bully then go and open the garage door. When you open this garage door then 
  Davis will shut another one and you have to face another Bully. Defeat him 
  and open the nearby garage door.

  Now you be back outside but you now have to deal with two Bullies. Lure 
  them inside the garage and beat up both of them. When you get back outside 
  then you will find a health bar for Davis who will be standing on top of a 
  heap of junk. He will also be shooting at you with his Slingshot.

  You will be prompted to pick up Bricks and Trash Can Lids to throw at him 
  so you can defeat him. Use the L1 Button to lock on and the R1 Button to 
  throw the object at Davis. When you knock Davis down from the junk pile, 
  after you hit him three times, then the mission will be successfully 

| Reward \

  You will get the Slingshot plus Bully Respect -5.

| >FDM11. Get to Class (Part Two)                                           |

With the successful completion of "The Setup" you will now open up the rest
of your Gym classes:

| A. Gym (Day 2 - Afternoon) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

Now that you have the Slingshot you can go and do the Dodgeball portion of
the Gym classes to increase the range and accuracy of your weapons. In
Dodgeball (Gym 2, Gym 4, and Gym 5) you have to win two out of three matches
to successfully complete the level.

The controls for Dodgeball are as follows:

      ++X Button - Throw.
      ++Circle Button - Jump.
      ++Square Button - Pass.

      ++X Button - Catch.
      ++Circle Button - Dodge.
      ++Square Button - Switch.

When the match starts then you will be in a face-off against one of your
opponents. The best thing to do is to tap the Triangle Button quickly to win
the face-off. After you have won the face-off then run right or left along
the dividing line, jump, and then, at the top of your jump, throw the ball.

This creates a powerful throw that is extremely effective (with a 95%+ kill
rate) and will allow you to win easily because most of the time the ball ends
up back on your side of the line after nailing an opponent. This gives you
another chance to knock out another person without them being able to get a
chance to knock out any of your guys. This strategy makes the matches easy.

Playing Dodgeball after completion of Gym 5 is an excellent way to make lots
of money early. I will go into that later in the guide.

| >FDM12. Penalty Shots and Keep-Ups                                        |

When you start up the classes then there are a couple of mini-games that also
activate that you can play to get lots of money you can use to buy stuff. You
can do these games while you are trying to pass classes.

These mini-games are available when class is not in session and will not be
available after 7 PM. You must beat these two mini-games once to help toward
100% Completion.

| Penalty Shots \

  On the basketball court in front of the Pool Building you will see a blue 
  circle on the ground. This will activate the "Penalty Shots" mini-game. In 
  this mini-game you have to hit Constantinos with the soccer ball enough 
  times to knock him out. After you make your bet (maximum of $20) then the 
  game begins.

  You have five tries to knock him out. There is also a timer so you can't 
  dawdle when trying to make a shot. You will notice that the X Button symbol 
  is in the middle of the area.

  When you move the Left Analog Stick then this symbol will move on its own 
  in the penalty area and bounce randomly. The goal is to hit Constantinos 
  when the X Button symbol is on him. When you hit him enough times then you 
  win the mini-game and the money. Although, sometimes, if you hit him just 
  right, then you can take him down with one shot.

  Reader Jess Ewing had these observations to add about the mini-game:

    "I only have one suggestion: For the game "Penalty Shots", I found it 
     quite easy after I figured out a simple trick. Every time you start a 
     new shot, the 'x' symbol stays in place until you move the analog stick, 
     as you mentioned.

     If you wait until Constantinos stops, you can simple nudge the analog 
     stick towards him, then press the 'x' button when it reaches him. This 
     almost always works.

     Also, I have figured out where to hit him to get the most damage:

     -When he is facing you, aim above his pants but below his arms - as 
      close to the stomach as you can get (aim any lower, and it usually 
      results in a leg hit.)  It you manage to hit him here, it will take on 
      double the damage compared to a hit in the leg or arm.

     -When he is waving his butt at you (either straight towards you or to 
      either side)

     - aim at his butt. This will also result in a double damage hit.

    I believe one reason these might be 'double damage' hits is because he is 
    usually hit into the wall when hit in one of these two areas. Or, it 
    could just be my imagination.

    To get a one shot knock-out(in the head is the only one I have found), is 
    rather hard; the only way that I have succeeded so far is by pure luck.

    This is due mostly to the fact that the only time you can aim at his head 
    is while he is moving or taunting you while facing you; and, when you try 
    to kick a ball when his taunting you, he cowers, resulting in either a 
    miss or an arm hit."

| Keep-Ups \

  On the east side of the east set of stands for the Football Field is 
  another blue circle on the ground. This will activate the "Keep-Ups" 
  mini-game. Here, a Jock will bet you that can't do Keep-Ups. After you make 
  your bet (maximum of $20) then the game begins.

  What you do is to move the Left and Right Analog Sticks in the direction of 
  the arrows that appear on the Analog Stick symbols on the bottom of the 
  screen. The moves are random in each attempt.

  The best thing to do is to just look at the stick symbols and not at Jimmy 
  and move the corresponding stick when the arrow appears. When you 
  successfully go through the moves then you win the game and the money.

  Personally, I found that the "Keep-Ups" mini-game was a real easy (much 
  easier than "Penalty Shots") to make lots of money quickly at the early 
  stages of the game. From about 4 PM to 7 PM I could play four games of 
  "Keep-Ups" and make $80 per day while passing some my classes.

However, after completion of Gym 5, then there is a much better way to make
money which leads to the next chapter.....

| >FDM13. Dodgeball For Money                                               |

In the Boys Changeroom you will find the marker to play Dodgeball after you
complete the last of your Gym classes. When you start the Dodgeball games
then you will go up against a different clique and in this order: Preps,
Greasers, Jocks, Townies. After beating the Townies then the next game will
be against a random clique.

Each game of Dodgeball you win will get you $15. Although this isn't as much
as you can get from "Penalty Shots" and "Keep-Ups", playing Dodgeball will
net you more money more quickly.

How? When you play either "Penalty Shots" and "Keep-Ups" then the game clock
continues to move thus limiting the amount of attempts in each game day.
However, when playing Dodgeball, then the game clock *STOPS* while you play.
Thus you can play many games within an hour of the game clock. As a result,
you can earn more than $200 per game hour when the Gym is open.

I should note that you also earn the Dodgeball Room Trophy, which appears on
the filing cabinet, when you pass Gym 5. However, while it will show in the
Stats, it will not actually appear until you play several games of Dodgeball.
After beating the first random game then the Dodgeball Room Trophy should
finally appear (although you can also get it to appear by doing the Jocks

Now let's go back to the Main Story.....

 / Gary Smith \
| >GMH2. Slingshot                                                          0
| Overview /                                                 \ Gary Smith /
0=========0                                                   0+=+=+=+=+=0

  After Gary tells Jimmy about his plan to take over the school then he wants 
  to see the new Slingshot in action.....

| The Plan \

  Follow Gary to the Old School Bus and shoot out the windows with the 
  Slingshot. The game will instruct you on how to target objects to be shot. 
  After shooting out the windows then follow Gary to the Football Field.

  When you get to the Football Field then climb the tree and wait for 
  football practice. Use the Slingshot to knock out all six of the football 
  players on the field. If you finished all of your Gym classes then this 
  becomes easier because of the accuracy upgrades. Don't shoot at the Gym 
  teacher. If you knock him out then you will fail the mission.

  After you knock down the last football player then the mission is 
  successfully completed.

| Reward \

  Nerd Respect +5.

 / Gary Smith \
| >GMH3. A Little Help                                                      0
| Overview /                                                 \ Gary Smith /
0=========0                                                   0+=+=+=+=+=0

  Gary wants to torment the homeless guy near the Old School Bus for some 

| The Plan \

  Go to the Hobo behind the Old School Bus. When you get there then the Hobo 
  jumps out and scares off Gary and Petey. However, Jimmy stays behind and 
  stands up to the Hobo.

  The Hobo is impressed and offers to give Jimmy advanced fighting techniques 
  in exchange for Transistors for his radio. After the cutscene ends then you 
  will see an X on your map. This is the first Transistor and it can be found 
  at the Autoshop.

  Go through the Autoshop and to where the X is. You will notice a Ladder 
  where there was none before (if you explored the area earlier). Climb it 
  and you will find the Transistor:

    [BAC-T1] - On the roof at the southern part of the Autoshop.

  Get the Transistor and climb back down. Go back to the Hobo and he will 
  train you. The move he shows you is the Uppercut (hold Square). 
  Successfully perform the move three times for successful training and 
  mission completion.

| Reward \

  Uppercut unlocked.


  In addition, you also unlock the "A Little Help" training sessions. There 
  are five more and you unlock them when you gain a Transistor for the Hobo. 

  In order to gain these fighting moves, and get closer to 100% Completion, 
  you need to find the Transistors. There are six of them and you have 
  already found one. However, you won't be able to acquire more until near 
  the end of the chapter.

 / The Main Story \+++++++++++++++++++\
| >MSY3. The Nerds                                                          +

At this point in the game you will start doing missions for the Nerd Clique.
The Nerds are the ones that are either grossly overweight, very skinny,
and/or geeky looking. Successful completion of their missions during Chapter
I will allow you to gain Respect with them.

 / The Nerds \
| >NRD1. Save Algie                                                         0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Nerds /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  As he is strolling through the Library then Jimmy encounters Algernon who 
  needs help to his Locker because he is afraid of the Bullies. Once payment 
  is settled then the two of them head off to the Main Building.....

| Notes \

  This mission should be only done in the daytime. If you enter the building 
  with Algie after 7 PM then he will run the risk of being busted by a 
  Prefect for Trespassing and you will fail the mission.

| The Plan \

  After you exit the Library then head north toward the main entrance to the 
  Main Building. You will see a health line for Algernon appear to the right. 
  If it goes down to nothing then you will fail the mission.

  Take down the first Bully you encounter when you turn the corner. The 
  advanced fighting techniques you learned should help you deal with this one 
  quickly. After dealing with the Bully then Algie announces that he needs to 
  go to the bathroom and you have a limited amount of time to get him there.

  Continue north and you will see two more Bullies. Take the initiative and 
  tackle one of them while the other runs toward Algie. If all goes well then 
  Algie should be near a trash can with the second Bully nearby. Grab the 
  second Bully and push him into the trash can.

  Then quickly beat up the other Bully to clear the way. After that then go 
  into the Main Building. Go up to the second floor and into the Boys 
  Restroom. When Algie enters the stall then two more Bullies show up.

  You can either beat them up or you can try your hand at doing swirlies 
  against them. When the Bullies are defeated then Algie will finish up his 
  business. When Algie is done then head back to his Locker to successfully 
  complete the mission.

| Reward \

  $5, Nerd Respect +5, Bully Respect -10.


  At this point you have earned just enough Nerd Respect to be able to kiss 
  Cornelius which can be useful if you need the extra health.

| >FDM15. Errands (Part One)                                                |

When you re-enter the Boys Dorm then you will be introduced to the Errand
Side Missions. These are side-missions that will allow you to gain extra
money. There are a total of 50 Errands in the game and you need to do at
least 31 of them to get 100% Completion.

These Errands will appear when you go into certain areas and after certain
missions have been passed. When you see a blue X on the map then that means
that an Errand has popped up.

In this introduction to the Errand Missions, Petey needs you to give a
package to Beatrice. To accept the Errand then you hold the L1 Button and
press the X Button. Take the package and run over to the Girls Dorm, where
Beatrice is waiting outside, then give her the package. You will be rewarded
with $5.

For identification I have labeled the Errands with an "E".

This is the Errand that will appear at this stage of the game at Bullworth

| [BAC-E1] \
| Task     | Escort Algie to the Library.                                   |
| Location | On the second floor of the Main Building near Algie's Locker.  |
| Reward   | $15.                                                           |
| The Plan | Simply jog to the Library and Algie will follow. Very easy.    |

 / The Nerds \
| >NRD2. That Bitch                                                         0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Nerds /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  While sneaking around the Girls Dorm then Jimmy overhears a confrontation 
  between Mandy, a Jock Cheerleader, and Beatrice, one of the Nerds. Mandy 
  defiantly takes Beatrice's Chemistry notes and leaves. Beatrice notices 
  Jimmy and pleads with him to get the notes back. After being threatened 
  with tattling then Jimmy goes to retrieve the notes.....

| The Plan \

  If you don't already have some Stink Bombs in your inventory then you will 
  meet up with Gary outside of the Girls Dorm. He will then tell you to go 
  and get some from Fatty. I should note that you can beat up Gary after the 
  conversation if you want.

  After talking to Gary then go to the Library where you meet up with Fatty. 
  You can either humiliate, pay, or throw him back. After dealing with Fatty 
  then get the Stink Bomb. If you already have a Stink Bomb in your inventory 
  then you can just go straight to the Gym.

  When you get inside the Gym then go into the Girls Changeroom. Break into 
  Mandy's Locker and get the notes. After getting the notes then you will 
  hear Mandy outside and see a Prefect appear on the radar. Go behind the 
  Lockers and wait. You will see Mandy open her Locker and get nailed by the 
  Stink Bomb you left behind. This will cause her to run into the nearby 
  stall and start vomiting.

  When the nearby prefect gets far enough away from the changeroom entrance 
  then get out of the Gym. Then head over to Beatrice, who is waiting just 
  outside the Girls Dorm, to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  Beatrice now likes Jimmy. He doesn't have to present gifts or dress 
  snappily to get a kiss from her. After 7 PM then head toward the Girl's 
  Dorm to pick up the next mission.....

 / The Nerds \
| >NRD3. The Diary                                                          0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Nerds /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  Beatrice wrote in her diary during Mr. Hattrick's class and it was 
  confiscated. It is to be turned into Dr. Crabblesnitch's office in the 
  morning where the whole school will find out what's inside. Beatrice tells 
  Jimmy that she has written a lot about him inside her diary and considers 
  themselves "doomed lovers". Jimmy needs to get to the diary before this is 

| Notes \

  This mission is available between 7 PM and 11 PM.

| The Plan \

  Climb the Lattice behind the Main Building to gain access to Mr. Hattrick's 
  classroom. Go to the Math Room marked on the map while avoiding the 
  Prefects along the way. When you get there then you will find the room 
  locked. Go downstairs to the Staff Room. Go to the desk to get the diary 
  and you will read an excerpt from it. After that then head back to the 
  Girl's Dorm to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  $20 and you will earn the Beatrice Picture Room Trophy (on the wall near 
  your dresser).

 / The Nerds \
| >NRD4. Defend Bucky                                                       0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Nerds /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  While talking to Gary then Jimmy is approached by Algernon who needs his 
  help. It appears that Bucky, another Nerd that went to the Auto Shop to get 
  parts for a science project, may have been caught by the Bullies. Gary then 
  prods Jimmy into doing the rescue.....

| The Plan \

  Run to the Auto Shop. You will notice a health line for Bucky on the right 
  side of the screen. You will see it start to drain. Bucky is being attacked 
  by Bullies and you need to get there quickly. When you get to Bucky then 
  take down the Bully that has the Baseball Bat. Grab the Bat from him and 
  then start beating him up with it.

  After defeating the first Bully then go after the second. When both Bullies 
  have been taken down then help Bucky get inside. As you near the door then 
  two more Bullies show up. Deal with them the same way as you did the first 
  pair. After that then open the door and Bucky will get what he needs then 

  Two more Bullies show up to block the route. Beat them both up and head to 
  the door to make good your escape and successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  You now have the Skateboard and Bully Respect -10.


  You will also notice the Halloween decorations adorning the school. It is 
  almost that time of year.

  In addition, you open up more.....

| >FDM16. Errands (Part Two)                                                |

Now that you've done the mission "Defend Bucky", more Errands will appear:

| [BAC-E2] \
| Task     | Pull the Fire Alarm.                                           |
| Location | On the first floor, in the lobby, of the Main Building.        |
| Reward   | $15.                                                           |
| The Plan | Find a Fire Alarm, which is identified by a blue X on the map, |
|          | and pull it.                                                   |

| [BAC-E3] \
| Task     | Plant Chocolates in Trevor's Locker.                           |
| Location | On the first floor of the Main Building near the Cafeteria.    |
| Reward   | $10.                                                           |
| The Plan | Find Trevor's Locker on the second floor, pick it, and put the |
|          | Chocolates inside.                                             |

| [BAC-E4] \
| Task     | Pick three Lockers.                                            |
| Location | On the first floor, in the lobby, of the Main Building.        |
| Reward   | $10.                                                           |
| The Plan | Pick any three Lockers you encounter. Avoid Prefects while     |
|          | doing the Errand.                                              |
|          |                                                                |
|          | According to John Nowakowski you must find the three Lockers   |
|          | within the Main Building. If you leave the Main Building to    |
|          | try to pick locks at the Gym then you will fail the Errand.    |

| [BAC-E5] \
| Task     | Walk Christy back to the Girl's Dorm.                          |
| Location | In the school parking lot near the Autoshop during the evening |
|          | hours.                                                         |
| Reward   | $10.                                                           |
| The Plan | Hold her hand and walk her to the Girl's Dorm. Be wary of      |
|          | Bullies. If you are attacked by Bullies then Christy will      |
|          | cheer you on as you fight them.                                |

| [BAC-E6] \
| Task     | Plant Chocolates in Gloria's Locker.                           |
| Location | On the second floor of the Main Building near the lobby.       |
| Reward   | $10.                                                           |
| The Plan | Find Gloria's Locker on the first floor, pick it, and put the  |
|          | Chocolates inside.                                             |

Now back to the Main Story.....

 / The Nerds \
| >NRD5. The Candidate                                                      0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Nerds /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  Jimmy is asked by Earnest, who is running for Class President, to protect 
  him from the Jocks who plan to ruin his speech at the auditorium.....

| Notes \

  John Nowakowski has suggested that you should wait until after completion 
  of Gym 5 to gain the most accuracy for your Slingshot. But it is not 
  absolutely necessary to do so.

  If you have the PS4 version then you should *NOT* do Art 5 prior to this 

| The Plan \

  Run up to the marker in front of the AV Room door (which is just west of 
  Dr. Crabblesnitch's office) at the upper level of the Main Building to 
  start the mission.

  You are given the Super Slingshot to use during this mission. Your goal is 
  to shoot the Jocks, who are heckling Earnest's speech, before they can hit 
  Earnest. Earnest has a health line that appears on the right and, if it 
  goes down to zero, then the mission is failed.

  The Jocks can appear in the balconies (on your level to the right and 
  left), in the scaffolding above the stage, on the stage, and on the floor 
  near the stage.

  The blips on the radar will indicate where the Jocks will appear. An X 
  means that they are on the upper level and a triangle means that they are 
  on the lower levels. You will be in scope mode when you start. Hold down 
  the R1 Button and release it to fire at a Jock.

  You only need to hit a Jock once to make him go away. About halfway through 
  the speech then a person dressed up as the Bullworth mascot will appear on 
  the stage. He can drain Earnest's health without hitting him so nail him 

  Then take down the remaining Jocks to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  You now have the Super Slingshot plus Nerd Respect +5, Jock Respect -5, 
  $10, and the "Earnest for President" Poster Room Trophy.


  At this point you will notice that there is no clock. In addition, when you 
  exit the Main Building, then you will also see Gravestones laying about. 
  You need to destroy all nineteen of them to help toward 100% Completion:

  | [GR1]  | In front of the Girl's Dorm.                                   |
  | [GR2]  |                                                                |
  | [GR3]  |                                                                |
  | [GR4]  | East of the Girl's Dorm.                                       |
  | [GR5]  |                                                                |
  | [GR6]  | West of the Boy's Dorm.                                        |
  | [GR7]  |                                                                |
  | [GR8]  | In front of the Boy's Dorm.                                    |
  | [GR9]  |                                                                |
  | [GR10] | In front of the Boy's Dorm.                                    |
  | [GR11] | West of the Main Building.                                     |
  | [GR12] |                                                                |
  | [GR13] | On the east side of the Main Building.                         |
  | [GR14] |                                                                |
  | [GR15] | South of the Main Building.                                    |
  | [GR16] |                                                                |
  | [GR17] |                                                                |
  | [GR18] | Inside the yard for Harrington House just north of the house   |
  | [GR19] | entrance.                                                      |

  Destroying all nineteen Gravestones should earn you the Edna Mask and the 
  Gravestone Room Trophy.

  If you do not destroy all of the Gravestones by the end of Halloween night 
  then the remaining Gravestones can be found at the northeast corner inside 
  of Spencer Shipping in Blue Skies Industrial Area when you open up Chapter 

  When you get back to your room then you will see Gary sitting on your bed, 
  in a costume, and a mission marker by your closet. Activating the marker 
  will trigger the next Main Story Mission ("Halloween").

  As already noted, there is no game clock which leads to the next 

| >FDM17. The Order of Things (Part 3)                                      |

Because there is no game clock at this stage of the game then you can focus
on going after some of these other tasks:

| If you haven't already done so then pull the Fire Alarm until you have    |
| the Firefighter Helmet and the percentage needed for 100% Completion.     |
| If you want then you may also consider doing some Dodgeball games to earn |
| some extra money which will help you in obtaining all of the clothes in   |
| the game (along with other stuff). It will take a long time, and many     |
| games, to get the minimum of $3,000 needed to acquire the clothes so it   |
| may be best to get some of it (about $1,000) and use the Midget Wrestling |
| betting ring later to get the rest.                                       |

If you have the PS4 version then you should also do the following:

| For the {Watch Your Step} Trophy, get the Bag of Marbles from behind the  |
| Old School Bus. Then go inside the Boys Dorm, spread all of the marbles   |
| at the front door, go to the Fire Alarm near your room, pull it, and go   |
| inside your room (which is a safe zone - nobody goes in after you).       |
|                                                                           |
| When the students start tripping on the marbles trying to get out then    |
| you should get this Trophy in less than thirty seconds. Real easy.        |
| For the {Smell Ya Later} Trophy, get some Stink Bombs from either your    |
| Chem Set or around the school grounds. Get some Bag of Marbles too. Go    |
| inside the Boys Dorm and do what you did for the above Trophy. However,   |
| as they are tripping, go outside of the room and let them see you.        |
|                                                                           |
| They will now go after you. Go back to your room and they will remain     |
| outside the door. Throw the Stink Bombs through the door and hit the      |
| large group of students. Repeat this until you have the Trophy. If you do |
| things correctly then you may be able to get both of these Trophies at    |
| once.                                                                     |
| For the {Casanova} Trophy, run around giving gifts to the Regular Girls   |
| and Beatrice so you kiss them (this is also a good way to get rid of      |
| Flowers from your inventory so you can get the {Green Thumbs Up} Trophy). |
| This is why you should wait until later to do Art 5 - so you are able to  |
| get rid of Flowers more quickly.                                          |
| If you decide to do some Dodgeball games to get extra money then you      |
| should be able to get the {Rich Kid Blues} Trophy once you get over       |
| $1,000. You may also want to use some of that money to purchase the Sodas |
| necessary towards the {Soda' Licious} Trophy.                             |
| You may also want to spend a little time getting some additional distance |
| for both the {Marathon} and {Skate Pro} Trophies. You may also want to    |
| beat up some Bullies for additional Trouble Points towards {Problem       |
| Child}.                                                                   |
| Of course, you can also be Busted and do Detention. And this will give    |
| you a chance to go after the {Green Thumb} Trophy. If you wish to have a  |
| game without any Busts then save your game before doing any mischief.     |
| Then get Busted enough times to do enough Detention to get the Trophy and |
| reload your game.                                                         |

You can also do Errands (except for the nighttime one) but you can't do
Classes, Keep-Ups, and Penalty Shots.

Now let's move on.....

 / Gary Smith \
| >GMH4. Halloween                                                          0
| Overview /                                                 \ Gary Smith /
0=========0                                                   0+=+=+=+=+=0

  After getting into his costume then Jimmy and Gary head off to play some 
  pranks on the student body.....

| Notes \

  John Nowakowski had this to add about this mission:

    "Be careful about taking certain actions while doing certain pranks. For 
     example, if you have the Volcano or Kick Me Sign in your hand when you 
     pick a locker or buy a soda, you will drop the item and be unable to 
     pick it up. Instead, you will just buy more soda or hide in the locker. 
     Then you have to go back and get the item from the source again."

  I also had a reader, threat78, inform me about an addition to your closet.

| The Plan \

  Go over to the trash can and get Petey. You will also need to quickly leave 
  the Dorm if you want to avoid Russell. In addition, you will notice that 
  there are some Pumpkins laying about. There are four inside the Boys Dorm 
  and twenty seven total.

  Since there is no clock for this mission then you can seek out and destroy 
  them all of them if you wish. You need to destroy all twenty seven Pumpkins 
  to get 100% Completion:

  | [PK1]  | Inside the Boys Dorm.                                          |
  | [PK2]  |                                                                |
  | [PK3]  |                                                                |
  | [PK4]  |                                                                |
  | [PK5]  | At the door to the Boys Dorm.                                  |
  | [PK6]  | West of the Boys Dorm. Use the Super Slingshot to destroy.     |
  | [PK7]  | East of the Girls Dorm. Use the Super Slingshot to destroy.    |
  | [PK8]  | At the door to the Girls Dorm.                                 |
  | [PK9]  | At the front door to the Main Building.                        |
  | [PK10] | In the lobby of the Main Building.                             |
  | [PK11] |                                                                |
  | [PK12] |                                                                |
  | [PK13] | Near the Staff Room at the southwest part of the Main          |
  |        | Building.                                                      |
  | [PK14] | In the Cafeteria.                                              |
  | [PK15] |                                                                |
  | [PK16] |                                                                |
  | [PK17] |                                                                |
  | [PK18] | On the upper level of the Main Building south of the Boys      |
  |        | Restroom.                                                      |
  | [PK19] | At the front gate of the Auto Shop.                            |
  | [PK20] | At the front door of the Library.                              |
  | [PK21] | At the front door of the Harrington House.                     |
  | [PK22] | Inside the yard for Harrington House just north of the house   |
  | [PK23] | entrance.                                                      |
  | [PK24] |                                                                |
  | [PK25] | In front of the Bullworth Mascot Statue.                       |
  | [PK26] | Between the Gym and Pool Buildings.                            |
  | [PK27] |                                                                |

  For destroying all twenty seven Pumpkins you should get the Pumpkin Head 
  Mask and the Pumpkin Room Trophy. If you do not destroy all of the Pumpkins 
  by the end of Halloween night then the remaining Pumpkins can be found in 
  the basement, by the boiler, of the Main Building a little later in the 

  As for the mission itself:

  You also need to play five pranks on people to successfully complete the 
  mission. Students will approach you and ask for your help in doing pranks. 
  The pranks vary from throwing eggs at students to activating fireworks near 
  groups of people.

  If you wish to destroy Pumpkins on this mission then get a prank from 
  someone and go after the Pumpkins before playing the prank. You can let 
  Gary and Petey be knocked out if you want. It won't affect the mission. 
  Since the Prefects are at a party you can break into Lockers with impunity.
  When you successfully complete five pranks then you will successfully 
  complete the mission and earn the Fancy Angst Boots for your wardrobe. But 
  there is a bigger prank that can only be done on this night which will lead 

 / Gary Smith \
| >GMH5. The Big Prank                                                      0
| Overview /                                                 \ Gary Smith /
0=========0                                                   0+=+=+=+=+=0

  Gary wants to feed Chad's dog some rancid meat so he can get something for 
  this prank.....

| Notes \
  **IMPORTANT: It should be noted that this mission does *NOT* count toward 
               100% Completion. The clock reappears and starts up at 8 PM. If 
               you go to sleep then you will miss out on this mission so you 
               can skip this if you want.
| The Plan \

  Go to the marker near the Harrington House to activate. Gary will chase 
  after the dog but Chad runs in to protect his pet. Take down Chad so Gary 
  can feed the dog and obtain the necessary component for this gag. Now take 
  the Bag o' Poo to the Staff Room inside the Main Building. After you drop 
  the bag in the marker then go and pull the nearby Fire Alarm to 
  successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  Red Ninja Outfit for your Wardrobe Closet.

 / The Nerds \
| >NRD6. Character Sheets                                                   0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Nerds /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  While walking near the Library, Jimmy encounters Melvin who is upset over 
  the theft of his "Grotto & Gremlins" Character Sheets. Melvin offers 
  Jimmy 10 "grotes" and the pick of his wenches if he takes the quest. Jimmy 

| Notes \

  After perusing the American.img file (on the PS2 version) using 
  TextWrangler then I found the text for an earlier version of this mission 
  and that there was supposed to be five sheets instead of four. The missing 
  sheet is for Qiath "The Enigma".

| The Plan \

  There are four sheets to recover (Gwythien "The Elf Princess", Kedayth "The 
  Light Bearer", Jeroba "Watcher of the Earth", and Eowoama "Goddess of 
  Rebirth"). Let's start at the one near the Library.

  There are two Bullies who have a sheet. One of them kicks you in the balls 
  and you have five seconds to get up or you fail the mission. When you get 
  up then the Bullies flee, leaving the sheet behind.

  The second sheet is being held by a Bully near the Library path. He will 
  run and you must give chase. He will also drop Marbles behind him so be 
  careful. In addition, the Prefects will chase him alongside you.

  You can either let the Prefects catch him or, if you are far enough away 
  from them, then use your Slingshot to knock him out to get the sheet. If 
  you get too close then he'll use the Marbles and you'll end up tripping a 

  The third sheet is at the Auto Shop. There are a pair of Bullies fending 
  off some Nerds. Take on the Bullies using your fighting techniques. One of 
  the Nerds may help you in beating them up so you need to be careful in not 
  hitting him too. When the Bullies are defeated then you will get the third 

  The fourth sheet is near the Boys Dorm. A Bully is taunting a Nerd with the 
  sheet. Tackle the Bully and beat him up to get the last sheet. From here, 
  head back to Melvin to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  $10 plus the "G&G" Character Sheet Room Trophy.

 / Gary Smith \
| >GMH6. Help Gary                                                          0
| Overview /                                                 \ Gary Smith /
0=========0                                                   0+=+=+=+=+=0

  Gary finds something fantastic and promises that things are not going to be 
  the same again.....

| Notes \

  Complete some of the Art classes and kiss a Girl, or Cornelius, to get 
  additional health prior to doing this mission. You may also want to wait 
  until the beginning of Day 1 before starting this mission. This will allow 
  you some extra time to do new tasks before doing the new classes unlocked 
  after this mission.

| The Plan \

  Follow Gary and he will lead you to the Old School Bus where there are 
  three Bullies waiting. You need to beat them up to proceed further. One of 
  them will have a Baseball Bat so take him down first. When that is done 
  then head to the Basement entrance.

  Follow Gary around the Basement. There are some doors you need to open 
  during your exploration. There also plenty of Boxes and Crates to get 
  Weapons and Sodas. There is a switch not far from where you entered which 
  will open the first door. Follow Gary to the second door.

  The switch for the second door is behind a cage. Jump through the opening 
  along the side of the cage to enter and open the door. You can smash the 
  crates in the cage for power-ups and weapons. You can also smash crates on 
  the shelves for additional items. From here, follow Gary to the third door.

  The switch is also behind a cage but you can't get inside to access it. Use 
  the Super Slingshot to shoot the broom which will knock over the switch. 
  There are also additional crates in this room you can break for power-ups. 
  From here, follow Gary to the fourth door.

  The switch is behind a cage but is protected by live wires. Gary turns them 
  off and you need to crawl through a small opening in the cage to access the
  switch (and acquire Rubber Band [BAC-RB19] in the process). After you open 
  the next door then follow Gary to the next one.

  A steam leak prevents you from going further. You will now be in the Boiler 
  Room. You will also find Transistor [BAC-T2] here. In addition, this is 
  where the Pumpkins from Halloween night will be stored. If you didn't 
  destroy them earlier then this is a good time to do so.

  To reduce the steam, you need to get the nearby Fire Extinguisher and use 
  it on the boiler. After the steam is out then follow Gary into the next 
  area. Keep following him and he will lead you into a room with a large pit. 
  Before going down into the pit, go around to the north side and acquire 
  Rubber Band [BAC-RB20].

  When Jimmy goes down into the pit he then finds that he has been led into 
  an ambush. Gary is now pitting Jimmy against the leader of the Bullies, 
  Russell Northrop, which sets up.....

| A. Russell in the Hole |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

  You will see a health line for Russell on the top of the screen. You need 
  to knock it down to zero in order to win. Russell is big and strong but, if 
  you do the above Prep Work, then you should even things out a bit with the 
  extra health.

  You can't grab him and, if you hit him too much at one time, then he will 
  block and smack you. Your uppercut takes too much time thus leaving you 
  open to attack so don't use it here.

  But you don't need to use your fists for this fight. Thanks to someone 
  within the QUBQ Creative Group there is a much better way to handle 

  When the fight starts then switch to your Super Slingshot. You'll see that 
  you can lock onto Russell regardless of which direction you are facing.

  There are two kinds of attacks that Russell will perform.

  The first one, in the early stage of the fight, will have him on one side 
  of the pit and he will pound on the ground. Then he will charge you like a 
  bull and try to pin you onto the opposite wall. As he is pounding on the 
  ground then hit him with a couple of light shots. When he charges then move 
  out of his way. When he hits the opposite wall then he will stun himself.

  While he is stunned then hit him with a couple of solid charged shots. 
  When he comes to then he will try to charge you again and you can repeat 
  the pattern

  The second kind of attack will be performed after you have taken off about 
  two thirds of his health. He will pound on his chest like an ape and chase 
  you around the pit. If he catches you then he will put you into a wrestling 
  move and you have to quickly tap the Triangle Button to get out of it.

  As he is pounding his chest then hit him with a couple of light shots. When 
  he chases you then run away from him until he runs out of breath.

  As he is trying to regain his breath then hit him with a couple of solid 
  charged shots. When he gets his breath then he will pound his chest and run 
  after you again. Continue with this pattern until you drain the last of his 

  When you finally defeat him then the mission is successfully completed.

| Reward \

  The Russell Shirt Room Trophy and full respect from the Bullies. If you own 
  the PS4 version then you should also get the {Freshman} Trophy.

  And this will open up the next chapter of the game.....

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >BLY4. Chapter II - Rich Kid Blues                                        |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

After dealing with the Bully Clique and getting 100% Respect from them then
the main gates to Bullworth Academy open up and Jimmy can now explore the
nearby town. Dr. Crabblesnitch knows of Jimmy's penchant for fighting and
warns him to stay out of trouble. But one of the Preps approaches Jimmy and
invites him to come over to their Boxing Club to participate in the noble
sport of boxing. Jimmy waves him off.....for now at least.

| >RKB1. The Gates Open Up                                                  |

As noted before, the main gates to Bullworth Academy open up so Jimmy can go
into town. Two sections of the Bullworth area open up and I will start on the
western part of the Bullworth area.....

| >RKB2. Old Bullworth Vale                                                 |

This area is connected to Bullworth Town by the North Bridge and the Dam. It
is also connected to Bullworth Academy via the South Bridge. Since this is
the largest of the two areas, I will break it down into sections:

| The Estates \

  This is the rich neighborhood that occupies the north and northwestern part 
  of Old Bullworth Vale. All of the houses have street numbers on them but no 
  street name. But for this guide I will put a name on the street that goes 
  through The Estates area.

  Estate Road starts from the west end of the North Bridge, goes around the 
  Happy Endings Retirement Home, around the west and south sides of The 
  Estates area, and ends at a three-way intersection just north of the Burger 

  The small cul-de-sac on the south part of The Estates I will call the Vale 
  Cutoff. In the northeast part of The Estates is the Cemetery at Bullworth 
  Church where the deceased residents of Bullworth rest in peace.

| Shopping District \

  This section just southeast of The Estates is the main shopping area for 
  Old Bullworth Vale and has the following places of interest:

    >>Police Station
    >>Shiny Bikes Store
    >>Movie Theater
    >>Aquaberry Clothes Store
    >>Yum Yum Market
    >>Old Bullworth Vale Hair, Nails & Beauty
    >>Glass Jaw Boxing Club

| The Carnival \

  On the southwest portion of Old Bullworth Vale is the Carnival. This is 
  where you can go to have a good time playing games, winning tickets, 
  collecting prizes, and riding rides. It also has its own Infirmary in case 
  you get Knocked Out while there. You can use the Porta-Pottys to hide from 
  the Cops if you get into trouble.

| Bullworth Lake \

  At the very south part of Old Bullworth Vale is Bullworth Lake. This large 
  lake has places you can swim to and explore. The large beach goes along the 
  north side of the Lake and up the east side of Old Bullworth Vale. The 
  Beach Clubhouse, a Save House you can earn later, is on the west side of 
  the beach at the beginning of the small pier.

| >RKB3. Bullworth Town                                                     |

To the north of Bullworth Academy is Bullworth Town (via the Central Bridge).
Like Old Bullworth Vale, it has its own Shiny Bikes Shop, Barber Shop,
Clothes Shop, Infirmary, and Police Station. It also has the Town Hall, Gas
Station, In and Out Motel, and the Dragon's Wings Comics Store where the
Nerds hang out a lot.

| >RKB4. The Order of Things (Part 3)                                       |

Even though you have opened up most of the Bullworth area you should continue
to focus on geting to Chapter III as quickly as possible to open up the
remainder of my classes so you can quickly finish them off. In the process
you will be opening up a lot of side tasks but save save most of them until
after you open up the next chapter.

However, it is advisable to obtain Rubber Band [BLT-RB46], and all of the
available Transistors (and acquire the Hobo fighting moves) before resuming
with the Main Story.

In addition, you should also go to the Carnival and play each of the four
Carnival Games at least once to acquire at least ten Tickets which is
required for one of the missions here in Chapter II and save the rest of the
Carnival related stuff for Chapter III.

You should also go the the Aquaberry Fashions Clothes Store, located at the
east side of Old Bullworth Vale, and purchase the Aquaberry Vest and/or the
Aquaberry Sweater since you will need at least one of those items for some of
the missions here in Chapter II.

| >RKB5. Collectibles (Old Bullworth Vale and Bullworth Town)               |

Below is the list of Collectibles for Bullworth Academy, Old Bullworth Vale,
and Bullworth Town:

| Bullworth Academy (BAC) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| Rubber Bands \
| [BAC-RB19] | Location: In the basement of the Main Building in the room   |
|            |           with the shorted wires hanging from the ceiling.   |
|            | Map: (F-9).                                                  |
|            | Notes: You should have acquired it during the previous       |
|            |        mission. But, just in case you didn't, you can use    |
|            |        either the door you entered from outside or the door  |
|            |        near the Bullworth Academy Clothes Store within the   |
|            |        Main Building to access.                              |
| [BAC-RB20] | Location: Near the busted elevator on the north side of The  |
|            |           Pit in the basement of the Main Building.          |
|            | Map: (F-9).                                                  |
|            | Notes: You should have acquired it during the previous       |
|            |        mission. But, just in case you didn't, you can use    |
|            |        either the door you entered from outside or the door  |
|            |        near the Bullworth Academy Clothes Store within the   |
|            |        Main Building to access.                              |
| [BAC-RB21] | Location: On the small dirt path directly north of the main  |
|            |           entrance for Bullworth Academy.                    |
|            | Map: (E-8).                                                  |


| Transistors \
| [BAC-T2] | Location: In the basement of the Main Building near the        |
|          |           furnace.                                             |
|          | Map: (F-9).                                                    |
|          | Notes: You should have acquired this during the previous       |
|          |        mission. But, just in case you didn't, you can use      |
|          |        either the door you entered from outside or the door    |
|          |        near the Bullworth Academy Clothes Store within the     |
|          |        Main Building to access.                                |

| Old Bullworth Vale (OBV) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| Rubber Bands \
| [OBV-RB22] | Location: At the front of the Old Bullworth Church which is  |
|            |           inside the Cemetery.                               |
|            | Map: (B-5).                                                  |
|            | Notes: Go inside the Cemetery and jump over the broken wall  |
|            |        at the east side of the Church to gain access.        |
| [OBV-RB23] | Location: Just north of the garage inside the back yard of   |
|            |           the house at 23 Estate Road which is northeast of  |
|            |           The Vale Centennial Garden.                        |
|            | Map: (B-3).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB24] | Location: Under the bridge for the dried pond at the north   |
|            |           side of the Happy Endings Retirement Home.         |
|            | Map: (B-3).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB25] | Location: On the north side of the basketball court at The   |
|            |           Vale Centennial Garden.                            |
|            | Map: (C-2).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB26] | Location: Inside the backyard of the house at 26 Estate Road |
|            |           which directly across the street west of the       |
|            |           Spencer Estates.                                   |
|            | Map: (D-1).                                                  |
|            | Notes: Jump the broken part of the fence north of the gate   |
|            |        then jump the small Lattice. Head to the Lattice on   |
|            |        the south part of the house. There is a short section |
|            |        of Lattice you can climb over. It is near the tree.   |
| [OBV-RB27] | Location: Inside the gazebo at the central area of the Old   |
|            |           Bullworth Vale Gardens.                            |
|            | Map: (D-3).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB28] | Location: By the ramp near the picnic area at the east side  |
|            |           of the Old Bullworth Vale Gardens.                 |
|            | Map: (C-5).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB29] | Location: By the fence west of the house at 11 Estate Road   |
|            |           just west of the North Bridge that connects        |
|            |           Bullworth Town with Old Bullworth Vale.            |
|            | Map: (C-6).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB30] | Location: On the Beach by the dirt path at the east side of  |
|            |           Old Bullworth Vale.                                |
|            | Map: (C-7).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB31] | Location: Behind the fence near the outdoor tables for the   |
|            |           Burger Place.                                      |
|            | Map: (D-4).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB32] | Location: By the tree just north of the entrance for the     |
|            |           Aquaberry Fashions Clothes Store.                  |
|            | Map: (D-6).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB33] | Location: Inside the Aquaberry Fashions Clothes Store near   |
|            |           the Purchase Clothes icon.                         |
|            | Map: (D-6).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB34] | Location: Outside of the Glass Jaw Boxing Club at the        |
|            |           southwest corner of the building.                  |
|            | Map: (D-6).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB35] | Location: By the ramp behind the large house at 32 Vale      |
|            |           Cutoff.                                            |
|            | Map: (E-3).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB36] | Location: On the dirt road above and directly behind the     |
|            |           Home Made Ice Cream Store.                         |
|            | Map: (E-4).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB37] | Location: In the alley that runs behind the Old Bullworth    |
|            |           Vale Shiny Bikes Store.                            |
|            | Map: (E-5).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB38] | Location: By the guard rail in the park that overlooks the   |
|            |           Carnival.                                          |
|            | Map: (F-3).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB39] | Location: In front of the Crazy Painted Man cage within the  |
|            |           Freak Show tent at the Carnival.                   |
|            | Map: (F-| [2,3]).                                            |
| [OBV-RB40] | Location: On a tiny island just east of the Carnival.        |
|            | Map: (G-3).                                                  |
|            | Notes: Go to the Beach and into the west side of the Lake.   |
|            |        Enter the small inlet and go under the arch. Go onto  |
|            |        the nearby beach and into the tunnel. Follow it and   |
|            |        it will lead you back out.                            |
|            |                                                              |
|            |        Here you will see a log that connects the tiny island |
|            |        to the mainland. Use the log to gain access to the    |
|            |        island and the Rubber Band.                           |
| [OBV-RB41] | Location: At the end of the large pier directly south of the |
|            |           Shopping District.                                 |
|            | Map: (F-5).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB42] | Location: On the small beach at the east side of Bullworth   |
|            |           Lake.                                              |
|            | Map: (G-7).                                                  |
| [OBV-RB43] | Location: On a raised area at the southwestern part of       |
|            |           Bullworth Lake.                                    |
|            | Map: (H-4).                                                  |
|            | Notes: Get onto the small beach at the southwestern part of  |
|            |        the large island and walk along the logs that connect |
|            |        the pillars to the mainland. Once you are on the      |
|            |        mainland then head east to the raised area where it   |
|            |        can be found.                                         |


| "G&G" Cards \
| [OBV-GG7]  | Location: By a grave in the Cemetery directly east of the    |
|            |           Old Bullworth Church.                              |
|            | Map: (B-6).                                                  |
| [OBV-GG8]  | Location: On a raised patio area directly west of the Burger |
|            |           Place.                                             |
|            | Map: (D-4).                                                  |
| [OBV-GG9]  | Location: By the Trash Can near the Movie Theater.           |
|            | Map: (E-5).                                                  |
| [OBV-GG10] | Location: On some climbable rocks on the beach near the west |
|            |           end of the south bridge that connects Old          |
|            |           Bullworth Vale to the Bullworth Academy area.      |
|            | Map: (E-6).                                                  |
| [OBV-GG11] | Location: In a corner just west of the entrance for the      |
|            |           Carnival.                                          |
|            | Map: (F-3).                                                  |
| [OBV-GG12] | Location: Near the arcade games inside the Souvenir Tent at  |
|            |           the Carnival.                                      |
|            | Map: (G-3).                                                  |
| [OBV-GG13] | Location: On the Big Squid ride at the Carnival.             |
|            | Map: (G-2).                                                  |
|            | Notes: You have to ride it to get the Card.                  |
| [OBV-GG14] | Location: On the small pier near the Beach House at the west |
|            |           side of the beach.                                 |
|            | Map: (F-4).                                                  |
| [OBV-GG15] | Location: On the large barge floating in the east side of    |
|            |           Bullworth Lake.                                    |
|            | Map: (F-6).                                                  |
| [OBV-GG16] | Location: On the Shipwreck at the south side of Bullworth    |
|            |           Lake.                                              |
|            | Map: (H-6).                                                  |


| Gnomes \
| [OBV-N2]  | Location: At the front of the Old Bullworth Church which is   |
|           |           inside the Cemetery.                                |
|           | Map: (B-5).                                                   |
|           | Notes: Go inside the Cemetery and jump over the broken wall   |
|           |        on the east side of the Church to gain access.         |
| [OBV-N3]  | Location: By the bird baths in the front yard of the house at |
|           |           23 Estate Road.                                     |
|           | Map: (B-2).                                                   |
| [OBV-N4]  | Location: In front of the house at 21 Estate Road directly    |
|           |           north of the Happy Endings Retirement Home.         |
|           | Map: (B-3).                                                   |
| [OBV-N5]  | Location: On the front porch of the house at 22 Estate Road   |
|           |           directly east of The Vale Centennial Garden.        |
|           | Map: (C-3).                                                   |
|           | Notes: Use the broken section of fence at the parking lot for |
|           |        the Old Bullworth Vale Gardens on the west side of the |
|           |        house to gain access.                                  |
| [OBV-N6]  | Location: North of the front door for the Happy Endings       |
|           |           Retirement Home.                                    |
|           | Map: (B-3).                                                   |
| [OBV-N7]  | Location: In front of the house at 15 Estate Road near the    |
|           |           street intersection directly east of the Happy      |
|           |           Ending Retirement Home.                             |
|           | Map: (C-5).                                                   |
| [OBV-N8]  | Location: In front of the house at 11 Estate Road directly    |
|           |           west of the North Bridge that connects Old          |
|           |           Bullworth Vale with Bullworth Town.                 |
|           | Map: (C-6).                                                   |
| [OBV-N9]  | Location: Inside the front yard of the house at 26 Estate     |
|           |           Road directly across the street west of the Spencer |
|           |           Estates.                                            |
|           | Map: (D-1).                                                   |
|           | Notes: Jump the broken part of the fence north of the gate    |
|           |        then jump the small Lattice. Head to the south side of |
|           |        the yard. You will find it near the Lattice.           |
| [OBV-N10] | Location: At the west and east side of the west entrance to   |
| [OBV-N11] |           the Old Bullworth Vale Gardens.                     |
|           | Map: (C-3).                                                   |
| [OBV-N12] | Location: In the small shed directly north of the gazebo      |
| [OBV-N13] |           inside the Old Bullworth Vale Gardens.              |
|           | Map: (C-3).                                                   |
| [OBV-N14] | Location: At the east entrance to the Old Bullworth Vale      |
|           |           Gardens.                                            |
|           | Map: (D-4).                                                   |
| [OBV-N15] | Location: By the car garage for the Spencer Estates.          |
|           | Map: (D-3).                                                   |
| [OBV-N16] | Location: By the front door of the house at 29 Estate Road.   |
|           | Map: ([D,E]-2).                                               |
| [OBV-N17] | Location: In the backyard of the house at 31 Estate Road.     |
|           | Map: (E-3).                                                   |
| [OBV-N18] | Location: By the front door of the the large house at 32 Vale |
|           |           Cutoff.                                             |
|           | Map: (E-3).                                                   |
| [OBV-N19] | Location: On the beach at the southern side of the large      |
|           |           island at Bullworth Lake.                           |
|           | Map: (H-[5,6]).                                               |
|           | Notes: You will have to defeat the Pirate before you can      |
|           |        destroy it. Defeating the Pirate is also a requirement |
|           |        for 100% Completion (and you will get the Pirate Hat   |
|           |        to boot).                                              |


| Transistors \
| [OBV-T3] | Location: On the Dam at the very north part of the Bullworth   |
|          |           area.                                                |
|          | Map: (B-7).                                                    |

| Bullworth Town (BLT) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| Rubber Bands \
| [BLT-RB44] | Location: On one of the upper levels at Town Hall.           |
|            | Map: (B-9).                                                  |
|            | Notes: Use the Ladder at the northeast corner to climb to    |
|            |        the next level and use the second Ladder to climb to  |
|            |        the level where it is located.                        |
| [BLT-RB45] | Location: Just southwest of the entrance for Town Hall.      |
|            | Map: (B-9).                                                  |
| [BLT-RB46] | Location: Behind the large statue just south of Town Hall.   |
|            | Map: (B-9).                                                  |
|            | Notes: During Chapter III the statue will be replaced by a   |
|            |        large Christmas tree. The tree will mostly obscure    |
|            |        the Rubber Band but you can still get it. However, it |
|            |        is best to get it when you open up Chapter II just to |
|            |        be safe.                                              |
| [BLT-RB47] | Location: On top of the Oil Spill Gas Station.               |
|            | Map: (C-8).                                                  |
|            | Notes: Use the Ladder on the back side to access.            |
| [BLT-RB48] | Location: In the alley just north of the entrance of the     |
|            |           Bullworth Town Shiny Bikes Store.                  |
|            | Map: (C-9).                                                  |
| [BLT-RB49] | Location: On the sidewalk just north of the Worn-In Used     |
|            |           Clothing Store.                                    |
|            | Map: (C-9).                                                  |
| [BLT-RB50] | Location: On the roof of the Closed Theater.                 |
|            | Map: (C-[9,10]).                                             |
|            | Notes: Go onto the raised level behind the Worn-In Used      |
|            |        Clothing Store and find the Ladder. Climb the Ladder  |
|            |        to get to the roof of the Clothing Store. Then jump   |
|            |        over the alley south of your position to gain access  |
|            |        to it.                                                |


| "G&G" Cards \
| [BLT-GG17] | Location: In the fenced-off area just south of Leighson's    |
|            |           Bank.                                              |
|            | Map: (C-8).                                                  |
|            | Notes: Go behind the bank area until you find a parked car.  |
|            |        There should be a small opening to the left of the    |
|            |        car that you have to crawl through in order to gain   |
|            |        access to the Card.                                   |
| [BLT-GG18] | Location: By the employee entrance, at the bottom of the     |
|            |           stairs, behind the Dragon's Wing Comics Store.     |
|            | Map: (C-[8,9]).                                              |
| [BLT-GG19] | Location: At the south end of the alley that runs behind The |
|            |           Happy Mullet Barber Shop and the Bullworth Town    |
|            |           Infirmary.                                         |
|            | Map: (C-9).                                                  |
| [BLT-GG20] | Location: On top of the Police Station.                      |
|            | Map: (B-9).                                                  |
|            | Notes: Use the Ladder in the parking lot behind the Station  |
|            |        to gain access.                                       |
| [BLT-GG21] | Location: On top of the dumpster in the alley just southeast |
|            |           of the Police Station.                             |
|            | Map: ([B,C]-9).                                              |
| [BLT-GG22] | Location: Behind a parked car near the entrance of the In    |
|            |           and Out Motel which is south of the Closed         |
|            |           Theater.                                           |
|            | Map: (D-10).                                                 |


| Gnomes \
| [BLT-N20] | Location: In front of the Police Station.                     |
|           | Map: (B-9).                                                   |


| Transistors \
| [BLT-T4] | Location: In the alley behind the Mexican Restaurant.          |
|          | Map: ([C,D]-9).                                                |

| >RKB6. Errands (Part Three)                                               |

Now that Chapter II has been opened up, more Errands will appear. If you have
the PS4 version then you can acquire both the {Helping Hand} and {Little
Angel} Trophies for doing all of the Errands listed here (plus the ones in
the previous chapter).

| Bullworth Academy (BAC) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [BAC-E7] \
| Task     | Get Toilet Paper for a student.                                |
| Location | Inside the first floor Boy's Restroom.                         |
| Reward   | $10.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go into the Boiler Room to get the Toilet Paper, get back to   |
|          | the Boy's Restroom, and toss the Paper over the door to        |
|          | successfully complete the Errand. Use free aim (D-Pad Up) to   |
|          | aim over the stall door.                                       |

| [BAC-E8] \
| Task     | Stuff three kids into Trash Cans.                              |
| Location | Outside the south side of the Main Building.                   |
| Reward   | $15.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go near the Trash Cans around the school and find a student to |
|          | stuff into it. Repeat three times to successfully complete the |
|          | Errand.                                                        |

| [BAC-E9] \
| Task     | Stuff two students into Lockers.                               |
| Location | On the second floor of the Main Building near the stairs.      |
| Reward   | $10.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go near the Lockers with Blue Lock Icons and find a student to |
|          | stuff into it. Better yet, follow a student to their Locker,   |
|          | wait for them to use it, and then grab and stuff. Keep an eye  |
|          | open for Prefects.                                             |

| Old Bullworth Vale (OBV) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [OBV-E10] \
| Task     | Collect the Crabs.                                             |
| Location | By the Crab Shack near the Infirmary.                          |
| Reward   | $20.                                                           |
| The Plan | Swim out into the Lake, collect the six Crabs, and go back to  |
|          | the restaurant manager to successfully complete the Errand.    |

| [OBV-E11] \
| Task     | Explore the Shipwreck.                                         |
| Location | At the end of the large pier directly south of the Shopping    |
|          | District.                                                      |
| Reward   | $15.                                                           |
| The Plan | Swim out to the Shipwreck at the south side of the Lake. When  |
|          | you get on it then you will successfully complete the Errand.  |
|          | This is also where you should find Card [OBV-GG16].            |

| [OBV-E12] \
| Task     | Make food deliveries.                                          |
| Location | At the Burger Place.                                           |
| Reward   | $25 plus the Minimum Wage Shirt and the Fries Headgear.        |
| The Plan | You have a limited amount of time to make your three           |
|          | deliveries. You should bring a bike to this Errand although a  |
|          | Skateboard should work too.                                    |
|          |                                                                |
|          | The first delivery is in front of the Shiny Bikes Store. After |
|          | making the delivery then the timer resets. The second delivery |
|          | is near the Aquaberry Clothes Store. The third delivery is in  |
|          | The Estates area. Use the stairs west of the Burger Place to   |
|          | get to the third customer.                                     |

| [OBV-E13] \
| Task     | Swim around the Buoy and back.                                 |
| Location | At the west side of the beach near the small pier.             |
| Reward   | $20 and the Tiny Swimsuit.                                     |
| The Plan | Go in the water, swim around the Buoy, and back to the Docks   |
|          | to successfully complete the Errand.                           |

| [OBV-E14] \
| Task     | Get Karen's bear.                                              |
| Location | On the beach southwest of the South Bridge.                    |
| Reward   | $15.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go to the Bully under the Pier. Run up and grapple him and you |
|          | will tug at the bear. Keep tapping the Triangle Button until   |
|          | you win the tug-of-war then run back to Karen with the Bear to |
|          | successfully complete the Errand. Beating the crap out of the  |
|          | Bully will also work in obtaining the Bear.                    |

| [OBV-E15] \
| Task     | Go to the last island.                                         |
| Location | At the end of the large pier directly south of the Shopping    |
|          | District.                                                      |
| Reward   | $20.                                                           |
| The Plan | Swim out to the southern part of the large island. Get up on   |
|          | the beach and go along the wooden planks connecting the        |
|          | pillars to reach the assigned spot to successfully complete    |
|          | the Errand. This is also where you can find Rubber Band        |
|          | [OBV-RB43].                                                    |

| Bullworth Town (BLT) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [BLT-E16] \
| Task     | Knock out the Greasers.                                        |
| Location | At the Oil Spill Gas Station.                                  |
| Reward   | $15.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go to the top of the Gas Station and knock out the two         |
|          | Greasers. One of the has a Plank which you can take and use it |
|          | against them.                                                  |

| [BLT-E17] \
| Task     | Find the Hobo some pills.                                      |
| Location | At the Bullworth Town Shiny Bikes Store.                       |
| Reward   | $15.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go into the nearby alley and knock over the Trash Cans until   |
|          | you get some prescription pills then head back to the Hobo.    |

| [BLT-E18] \
| Task     | Find and return the Dog.                                       |
| Location | West of the Bullworth Town Shiny Bikes Store.                  |
| Reward   | $15.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go behind Leighson's Bank to find the Dog then lead it back to |
|          | its owner to successfully complete the Errand.                 |

| [BLT-E19] \
| Task     | Return the Bike.                                               |
| Location | In front of the Bullworth Town Shiny Bikes Store.              |
| Reward   | $15.                                                           |
| The Plan | The Bike will show up as an X on the Map and is being ridden   |
|          | by a Townie. Knock him off, get on the bike, and ride it back  |
|          | to the store owner to successfully complete the Errand.        |

| [BLT-E20] \
| Task     | Find and return the Dog.                                       |
| Location | Near the Closed Theater.                                       |
| Reward   | $15.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go to the In and Out Motel to find the Dog then lead it back   |
|          | to its owner to successfully complete the Errand.              |

| [BLT-E21] \
| Task     | Throw Water Balloons.                                          |
| Location | On top of The Happy Diner (across the street from The Happy    |
|          | Mullet). Use the Ladder behind the diner to access the roof.   |
| Reward   | $20 and the Water Balloons. Whenever you get near a Water      |
|          | Faucet or Sink and use it then you will automatically make     |
|          | Water Balloons.                                                |
| The Plan | Use the nearby water faucet to fill Water Balloons then throw  |
|          | them at the person who gave you the Errand. This makes the     |
|          | Errand much easier since you don't have to deal with the       |
|          | Police.                                                        |

| >RKB7. Weapons, Boxes, and Crates (Bullworth Vale and Bullworth Town)     |

Now for the Weapons, Boxes, and Crates for both Old Bullworth Vale and
Bullworth Town:

| Old Bullworth Vale |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| Weapons \
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Apples |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: On the street corner directly east of the Happy Endings         |
|           Retirement Home (x2).                                           |
| Map: (C-4).                                                               |
| Location: Just northeast of the gazebo in the central area of the Old     |
|           Bullworth Vale Gardens.                                         |
| Map: (C-4).                                                               |
| Location: Inside the front yard of the house at 26 Estate Road directly   |
|           across the street west of the Spencer Estates.                  |
| Map: (D-1).                                                               |
| Notes: Jump the broken part of the fence north of the gate then jump the  |
|        small Lattice. Head to the south side of the yard where you will   |
|        find it near the tree.                                             |
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Bag of Marbles |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: Near the gazebo south of the Glass Jaw Boxing Club.             |
| Map: (E-6).                                                               |
| Location: In front of the Fun House entrance at the Carnival.             |
| Map: (G-3).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Baseball Bat |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In the front yard of the house at 23 Estate Road.               |
| Map: (B-3).                                                               |
| Location: In the backyard for the house at 29 Estate Road.                |
| Map: ([D,E]-2).                                                           |
| Location: By one of the outdoor tables for the Burger Place.              |
| Map: (D-4).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Board |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: At the picnic area on the east side of the Old Bullworth Vale   |
|           Gardens.                                                        |
| Map: (C-5).                                                               |
| Location: On the sidewalk by the east entrance for the Burger Place.      |
| Map: (D-5).                                                               |
| Location: Under the the large pier directly south of the Shopping         |
|           District.                                                       |
| Map: (F-5).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Brick |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: On the southeast side of the Cemetery directly east of the Old  |
|           Bullworth Church.                                               |
| Map: (B-6).                                                               |
| Location: Behind the car parked behind the Glass Jaw Boxing Club.         |
| Map: (D-6).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Carton of Eggs |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: By the bench at the north side of the basketball courts for The |
|           Vale Centennial Garden.                                         |
| Map: (C-2).                                                               |
| Location: At the picnic area on the east side of the Old Bullworth Vale   |
|           Gardens.                                                        |
| Map: (C-5).                                                               |
| Location: In front of Shinjo's at the west side of the Shopping District. |
| Map: (E-4).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Fire Crackers |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: At the north side of the Old Bullworth Church which is inside   |
|           the Cemetery.                                                   |
| Map: (B-5).                                                               |
| Notes: Go inside the Cemetery and jump over the broken wall at the east   |
|        side of the Church to gain access.                                 |
| Location: In a corner at the southwest side of the parking lot for the    |
|           Old Bullworth Vale Gardens.                                     |
| Map: (C-2).                                                               |
| Location: Behind the car garage at the Spencer Estates.                   |
| Map: (D-3).                                                               |
| Location: On a raised patio area directly west of the Burger Place.       |
| Map: (D-4).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Fire Extinguisher |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: On the west wall inside the Glass Jaw Boxing Club.              |
| Map: (D-6).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Itching Powder |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In a corner at the southwest side of the parking lot for the    |
|           Old Bullworth Vale Gardens.                                     |
| Map: (C-2).                                                               |
| Location: Near the the Souvenir Tent at the Carnival.                     |
| Map: (G-3).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Stink Bomb |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: At the west side of the Happy Endings Retirement Home.          |
| Map: (C-3).                                                               |
| Location: Northwest of the picnic area (by the Porta-Pottys) at the east  |
|           side of the Old Bullworth Vale Gardens.                         |
| Map: (C-4).                                                               |
| Location: Directly across the walk path east of the Movie Theater.        |
| Map: (E-5).                                                               |
| Location: Underneath the Ferris Wheel at the Carnival.                    |
| Map: (F-2).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Trash Can Lid |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: By the dumpster in the alley directly behind the Shiny Bikes    |
|           Store.                                                          |
| Map: (E-5).                                                               |
| Location: By the dumpster in the alley directly behind the Yum Yum        |
|           Market.                                                         |
| Map: (E-6).                                                               |
| Location: By the dumpster behind the Glass Jaw Boxing Club.               |
| Map: (D-6).                                                               |


| Boxes \
| Location: In front of the house at 20 Estate Road (slightly northeast of  |
|           the Happy Endings Retirement Home).                             |
| Map: (B-4).                                                               |
| Location: In front of the house at 19 Estate Road (directly south of the  |
|           Happy Endings Retirement Home).                                 |
| Map: (C-3).                                                               |
| Location: In front of the house at 26 Estate Road (directly across the    |
|           street west of the Spencer Estates).                            |
| Map: (D-1).                                                               |
| Location: In front of the house at 22 Estate Road (directly east of The   |
|           Vale Centennial Garden).                                        |
| Map: (C-3).                                                               |
| Location: In front of the houses at 10 Estate Road and 12 Estate Road     |
|           (directly west of the north bridge that connects Old Bullworth  |
|           Vale with Bullworth Town).                                      |
| Map: (C-[5,6]).                                                           |
| Location: In front of the Home Made Ice Cream Place.                      |
| Map: (E-4).                                                               |
| Location: In front of the News, Cigarettes, & Lies Stand.                 |
| Map: (D-5).                                                               |
| Location: Directly across the walk path east of the Movie Theater.        |
| Map: (E-5).                                                               |
| Location: In front of the Old Bullworth Vale Coffee House.                |
| Map: (E-6).                                                               |
| Location: In front of the Glass Jaw Boxing Club.                          |
| Map: (D-6).                                                               |


| Crates \
| Location: In the alley directly behind the Old Bullworth Vale Shiny Bikes |
|           Store.                                                          |
| Map: (E-5).                                                               |
| Location: By the dumpster in the alley directly behind the Old Bullworth  |
|           Vale Yum Yum Market.                                            |
| Map: (E-6).                                                               |
| Location: By the Ferris Wheel at the Carnival (x2).                       |
| Map: (F-2).                                                               |

| Bullworth Town |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| Weapons \
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Bag of Marbles |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In the alley next to the Dragon's Wing Comics Store.            |
| Map: (C-[8,9]).                                                           |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Brick |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In the alley behind The Happy Mullet Barber Shop.               |
| Map: (C-9).                                                               |
| Location: In the alley just north of the entrance of the Bullworth Town   |
|           Shiny Bikes Store.                                              |
| Map: (C-9).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Carton of Eggs |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: On top of the Mexican Restaurant.                               |
| Map: (C-9).                                                               |
| Notes: Use the Ladder in the alley behind the Restaurant to access.       |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Fire Crackers |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In the alley just north of the entrance of the Bullworth Town   |
|           Shiny Bikes Store.                                              |
| Map: (C-9).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Stink Bomb |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: By the dumpster in the parking lot behind the Bullworth Town    |
|           Police Station.                                                 |
| Map: (B-9).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Trash Can Lid |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: By the dumpster in the alley just southeast of the Bullworth    |
|           Town Police Station.                                            |
| Map: ([B,C]-9).                                                           |
| Location: In the alley north of the Closed Theater.                       |
| Map: (C-9).                                                               |


| Boxes \
| Location: On the sidewalk southeast of the Bullworth Fire Department.     |
| Map: (B-8).                                                               |
| Location: In front of the The Happy Mullet.                               |
| Map: (C-9).                                                               |


| Crates \
| Location: At the south side of the Oil Spill Gas Station.                 |
| Map: (C-8).                                                               |

Now back to the Main Story.....

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP2. Hattrick vs. Galloway                                              0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Mr. Hattrick, the math teacher, confronts Mr. Galloway, the English 
  teacher, about his drinking problem. Mr. Hattrick decides that the best 
  thing to do is to get Mr. Galloway fired and then leaves.

  Jimmy comes in at the tail end of this confrontation and decides to help 
  Mr. Galloway get rid of the Scotch bottles. Ms. Philips is the only 
  person, other than Mr. Hattrick, to know about Mr. Galloway's problem. Mr. 
  Galloway wants Jimmy to take the bottles to her for disposal.....

| Notes \

  Rhian Gwilt came up with a suggestion that involved using the Fire Alarm.

| The Plan \

  There are three hidden Bottles you must find and get rid of. First, go to 
  the Cafeteria and locate the Bottle which is near the freezers. The second 
  Bottle is in the Trophy Case near the waiting room for Dr. Crabblesnitch's 
  office. Find a Fire Alarm and activate it. After the building clears then 
  smash the case to get it.

  The last bottle is in the Girl's Bathroom. Another teacher will confront 
  you as you get the Bottle which is in the last stall (if you used the Fire 
  Alarm she won't be there).

  If you didn't use the Fire Alarm then avoid her when she comes at you and 
  take the three Bottles to Ms. Philips in the School Parking Lot to 
  successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  You get the Camera and the ability to do the Photography class which leads 
  to the next chapter.....

| >RKB8. Get to Class (Part Two)                                            |

When you begin Chapter II then you will also open up the remaining classes
you need to attend:

| A. Shop (Day 4 - Morning) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

You take this class at the Autoshop. This class is similar to Chemistry
except that you also use the Left Analog Stick and that there are fewer
buttons involved. Usually you need to rotate the Left Analog Stick in a
certain direction and tap the buttons for a short period of time.

A handy tip from reader mtjaws: when you know that the next move is rotating
the stick then start rotating it just before the command comes up. This will
ensure that the move registers. You can do the same with the button commands.

After completing Shop 1 then you will also open up the Bike Garages at
Bullworth Academy, the Old Bullworth Vale Shiny Bikes Shop, and at the
Bullworth Town Shiny Bikes Store. Bikes you either purchase or earn will be
stored here.

The Bikes you earn, you earn here in Shop Class. As you progress through each
level, the Bikes get better.

Listed below are the moves and rewards for each Shop class:

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Shop 1 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Sequence of Moves | 1. Rotate Left Analog Stick (Clockwise)               |
|                   | 2. Tap X Button                                       |
|                   | 3. Rotate Left Analog Stick (Counterclockwise)        |
| Reward            | The Basic BMX Bike                                    |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Shop 2 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Sequence of Moves | 1. Rotate Left Analog Stick (Clockwise)               |
|                   | 2. Tap Square Button                                  |
|                   | 3. Tap X Button                                       |
|                   | 4. Rotate Left Analog Stick (Counterclockwise)        |
| Reward            | The Retro BMX Bike                                    |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Shop 3 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Sequence of Moves | 1. Rotate Left Analog Stick (Clockwise)               |
|                   | 2. Tap X Button                                       |
|                   | 3. Rotate Left Analog Stick (Clockwise)               |
|                   | 4. Tap Square Button                                  |
|                   | 5. Rotate Left Analog Stick (Counterclockwise)        |
| Reward            | The Green BMX Bike                                    |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Shop 4 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Sequence of Moves | 1. Rotate Left Analog Stick (Counterclockwise)        |
|                   | 2. Tap X Button                                       |
|                   | 3. Rotate Left Analog Stick (Clockwise)               |
|                   | 4. Tap Square Button                                  |
|                   | 5. Tap Circle Button                                  |
|                   | 6. Rotate Left Analog Stick (Clockwise)               |
| Reward            | The Blue BMX Bike                                     |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Shop 5 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Sequence of Moves | 1. Tap Circle Button                                  |
|                   | 2. Tap Triangle Button                                |
|                   | 3. Rotate Left Analog Stick (Clockwise)               |
|                   | 4. Tap X Button                                       |
|                   | 5. Rotate Left Analog Stick (Counterclockwise)        |
|                   | 6. Tap Square Button                                  |
|                   | 7. Tap Circle Button                                  |
|                   | 8. Rotate Left Analog Stick (Counterclockwise)        |
| Reward            | The Red BMX Bike                                      |

In addition to obtaining the Red BMX bike after completing Shop 5, you will
get the Bike Frame Room Trophy which will be on the wall next to the Wardrobe

| B. Photography (Part One) (Day 4 - Afternoon) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

The Photography Class is also held in the Art Room and taught by Ms. Philips.
She teaches the Art Class in the mornings and this class in the afternoons.
The first two levels of this class can be done in Chapter II but the
remaining three levels can only be done after Chapter III is opened up.

You use the Camera by using the D-Pad Up or Down to adjust the zoom and then
use the R1 Button to click the shutter. You can also get people to "pose" for
you by L1 Button to target them, press the X Button to talk to them, then the
R1 Button to click.

Listed below are the two Photography classes accessible at this stage of the

| Photography 1 \

  You need to take pictures of the school banners around the grounds. There 
  is a timer involved but you will have plenty of time to complete this 
  assignment. There are at the front of Main Building, on the arch in front 
  of Girls Dorm, at the Autoshop, on top of the Harrington House, and on top 
  of the Library.

  When you zoom in on a banner then you may notice a very thin red border 
  around the picture. If you take a picture when the border is red then the 
  picture will be bad. If the border is green then the picture will be a good 
  successful picture.

  The banner must be near the center of the picture to make a successful 
  photo. After acquiring the last banner then return to the classroom to 
  successfully complete the class. The reward for successful completion is 
  unlocking the Photo Album where you can save some of your photos.

| Photography 2 \

  You need to take pictures of students for the Yearbook. This is a timed 
  mission and you just need to take pictures of three students, any student 
  (with the exception of Prefects), and return to the classroom.

  Like in the last assignment, keep an eye on the thin border around the 
  picture. Make sure it is green before you take the picture. The reward for 
  successful completion is unlocking the Yearbook which I will go into detail 

The rest of your Photography classes will open up when you get to Chapter

With all of the new classes explained, it is time to go over other stuff.....

| >RKB9. The Yearbook                                                       |

After completion of Photography 2 then you will open up the Yearbook. For
this task you need to take pictures of 61 students for the Yearbook. Three
pictures are already in there: Jimmy, Petey, and Russell.

You can take pictures of the students at any time. It is best to do the ones
who are friendly to you at this stage of the game: Nerds, Bullies, Preps,
Regulars, and Little Kids. The Greasers and Jocks you should wait until later
when you gain their respect.

Although, if you want, you can beat up any student you need to take a picture
of and take their picture while they lay defeated on the ground. In addition,
any bosses you defeat, like Russell, will have their pictures automatically
entered into the Yearbook.

Also, there is no red border/green border when you zoom in on a student. The
best thing is to zoom in close and put their face in the center of the
picture before taking it to ensure the best shot.

Successfully finishing the Yearbook, which won't happen until you complete
the last Main Story Mission of the game (if you got every student before
then) will gain you the Black Ninja Outfit (which will make you immune to
truancy and curfew violations), $300, and another step toward 100%

| >RKB10. A Little Help (II, III, and IV)                                   |

At this stage of the game you should have three Transistors (including one
from the school's Main Building basement). These transistors are traded for
additional fighting moves from the Hobo who lives behind the Old School Bus
on Bullworth Academy.

At 4 PM you will see an "H" appear on the Map and it will stay until 12:50 AM
or you run out of Transistors. Go to the "H" with a Transistor and the Hobo
will train you in the following moves:

  >>A Little Help II
      Leg Sweep - (Square, (Hold) Square).

  >>A Little Help III
      Heavy Kick Combo - (Square, Square, (Hold) Square).

  >>A Little Help IV
      5-Hit Combo - (Square, Square, Square, Square, Square).

That 5-Hit Combo will come in handy when you are fighting with students.

| >RKB11. The Carnival                                                      |

The Carnival is located on the southwest part of Old Bullworth Vale. It costs
$1 to get in and there is a lot to see and do within its gates. The Midget
Wrestling, Souvenir Tent, and Go-Kart Racing I will go over in Chapter III.
The rest of the Carnival activities is listed below:

| A. Carnival Rides |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

There are three major rides within the Carnival. You must ride all three of
them at least once to climb toward 100% Completion:

  >>Big Canyon Railway
  >>Big Squid
  >>Ferris Wheel

| B. Carnival Games |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

At the Carnival there are four Carnival Games you must beat at least once to
get to 100% Completion:

| Shooting Range \

  In this game you use a BB Gun to shoot moving targets in a timed challenge. 
  To win you must get at least 100 points. You need to shoot bottles and 
  bandits to get points and avoid shooting the girl so you don't lose points. 
  A bonus target is the Sheriff Badge and it is worth 50 points.

  The BBs don't travel very fast so you need to fire ahead of the target in 
  order to hit it. Focus on the middle of the range until you see the Sheriff 
  Badge then, once you hit it (if you hit it), then you can go all over the 
  rest of the range.

  It takes a little practice but, once you get the hang of it, then you 
  should be able to get at least 240+ points on a consistent basis. One thing 
  the ticket board in the middle doesn't tell you is that, if you get 300 
  points, then you get 11 Tickets.

  In addition, this can also be used to get the Green Ninja Outfit (for 
  shooting 1,000 projectiles).

  It is probably best to wait until after completion of Photography 5 (in 
  Chapter III) since this game is the best way to get a lot of Tickets 
  quickly for acquiring all of the clothes from the Souvenir Tent.

| Splish Splash \

  This is a standard dunk tank game. You need to hit the bulls-eye to dunk 
  the guy inside. You have three chances to hit the target. Get things 
  started by moving the Left Analog Stick slightly to get the ball to move.

  Then the ball will bounce around on its own within the target area. Be 
  patient and wait for the ball to go on or near the bulls-eye before 
  throwing. You will win 3 Prize Tickets for successful completion.

| High Striker \

  This game involves a large hammer. You must hit the pad with the hammer as 
  hard as you can to get the ringer to the top of the pole and ring the bell. 
  Tap the X Button repeatedly and quickly to get enough power to ring the 
  bell. You will win 3 Prize Tickets for ringing the bell.

| Strike Out \

  Here you must hit moving targets along three rows. You must hit the catcher 
  to make the row disappear. Since there are three rows then you must hit 
  three catchers to win. You also need to avoid hitting the umpire otherwise 
  you automatically lose.

  This is a timed game and you have six pitches to use. When you see a 
  catcher then throw just ahead of it to hit it. You will win 3 Prize Tickets 
  for successful completion.

| C. Arcade Games |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

Within the Souvenir Tent you will find five Arcade Games:

  >>Future Street Race 3-D (you will also find this at The Beach Clubhouse)
  >>Future Street Race 2165 (this is also at the Boy's Dorm)
  >>Monkey Fling
  >>Nut Shots

However, three of these games (ConSumo, Monkey Fling, and Nut Shots) have
high scores you need to beat in order to get to 100% Completion and get the
Free Arcade Games Reward (and the {Dual Nebula} Trophy - if you have the PS4
version). You can get the high scores for these machines at any location
where they can be found.

| Monkey Fling \

  In this game you need to fling poo to defeat spiders coming down from the 
  top of the screen and to knock down groups of Bananas to refill your Poo 
  Meter. You will get two points for killing a Spider and three points for 
  eating Bananas regardless of your Poo Meter level.

  If a Spider gets down to the bottom of the screen then it will head for 
  your Monkey but will disappear in a few seconds if you are far enough away 
  from it.

  The best thing to do is to shoot lots of Bananas since that has more points 
  than Spiders. This will allow you to score points quickly and keep the Poo 
  Meter full so you can deal with the Spiders. You have three Monkeys and you 
  need to beat the high score of 333.

  This game can also be found at the Blue Balls Pool Hall which you earn by 
  beating the Greaser Challenge.

| Nut Shots \

  This is a side scrolling shooting game in which you control a flying 
  squirrel. You need to shoot down ten Hornets (250 points) to fight a Bat. 
  Then you need to fight three Bats (500 points) to fight an Eagle. The Eagle 
  (1,050 points) has a Salmon Attack which you need to avoid. After defeating 
  the Eagle then the process starts over again.

  Be aware that the Bats have a Sonic Attack which grows larger as it gets 
  further from the Bat. You also need to avoid flying into the trees below. 
  You have three Squirrels and you need to beat the high score of 69,900.

| ConSumo \

  In this game you are a Sumo Wrestler and you need to eat lots of food to 
  make him larger. The food you must eat (Fish, Apples, Rice Bowls) come onto 
  the screen in a straight line in any direction from a random point.

  Unfortunately, you also have to avoid bad food (Fish Bones, Apple Cores, 
  Bad Rice) to avoid losing weight. In addition, there are enemies you need 
  to avoid as well. Red Sumo Wrestlers will bounce you around the screen and 
  the Blowfish means instant death.

  At the top of the screen is a line indicator which increases as you eat 
  good food and decreases if you eat bad food. When the line gets full then 
  you will go to the next level of the game.

  As you progress through the levels then the food and enemies will get 
  larger and harder to avoid. In addition, the food will also change sizes 
  going from small to medium, and to large.

  The best thing to do is to stay within the circle and avoid going near the 
  edges of the screen because you don't know what is going to come out where. 
  You have three Sumo Wrestlers and you need to beat the high score of 1,010.

  You have to beat the high score for this game as a requisite for winning 
  the "Nerd Challenge" which is in the Dragon's Wing Comics basement (in 
  Chapter III). It may be best to wait until then to get the high score for 
  this game.

Now back to the Main Story.....

 / The Main Story \+++++++++++++++++++\
| >MSY4. Edna                                                               +
This monstrosity of a woman, and I use the word "woman" loosely here, is the
main cook for the school cafeteria. Her idea of cooking will make even the
most iron-stomached of people sick. It is of little wonder that the fruit in
the bowls on the cafeteria tables are the most popular food to eat at
Bullworth Academy.

 / Edna \
| >EDN1. Last Minute Shopping                                               0
| Overview /                                                       \ Edna /
0=========0                                                         0+=+=0

  After introducing yourself to Edna and seeing how she "cooks" then she asks 
  you to get some items for her.....

| The Plan \

  This is a timed mission and you need to go into Bullworth Town to get 
  Edna's stuff. You need to get on Edna's bike, or any other bike, and head 
  into Bullworth Town.

  First, go to the Yum Yum Market to get Edna's Meat. Second, go to The 
  Happy Mullet to get Edna's Razor. And finally, go to the Worn In Clothes 
  Store to get the Bag of Laundry.

  The game will prompt you to take the Bus back to school but you can quickly 
  ride back without having to take the Bus. Then head back to Edna to 
  successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  $15 and you will unlock the Prep Challenge and two Jobs (Paper Route and 
  Lawn Mowing).


  The Jobs I will save for later but I will now go over the.....

| >RKB12. Prep Challenge                                                    |

The Prep Challenge can be found inside the Glass Jaw Boxing Club near the
Soda Machine. You may see another blue marker near the ring. This is for a
side task I will save for Chapter III.

In this Challenge you must fight three boxers (Chad, Justin, and Parker) one
after the other.

You use the L1 Button to block, the Square Button to punch, and the X Button
to dodge. You use the Left Analog Stick to go left or right when you dodge.
Each round in the bout lasts for 40 seconds. You continue until you or your
opponent are knocked out. In-between rounds you and your opponent will regain
a little bit of health.

When you get your opponent's Health Line to disappear then he will stagger
and you will be prompted to knock him out. If you don't knock him out in time
then he will get a second wind and the fight will continue.

As you progress through these boxers then they will become more difficult to
defeat. To best prepare for a Boxing match you should complete Art 5 and then
kiss a Girl (or Guy - your preference) to get double health so it will be
easier to endure the punishment you can receive during a match.

The best strategy I found for defeating a boxer is to dodge left or right and
then unleash a 5-Hit Combo. Then repeat until you knock him out. Most times I
end the match before the end of the first round.

This will also work for the Boxing side task which I will cover later in
Chapter III.

Winning the Prep Challenge will give you the Boxing Outfit and The Beach
Clubhouse (on the west side of the beach with the large lighthouse) which is
the first Save House you will earn.

Now back to the Main Story.....

 / The Main Story \+++++++++++++++++++\
| >MSY5. The Preps                                                          +

The Preps are the spoiled rich kids who inhabit the Harrington House. They
also hang out at the Glass Jaw Boxing Club perfecting their boxing 
techniques. They also like to hang out and around Old Bullworth Vale and this
is where Jimmy encounters one of them.....

 / The Preps \
| >PRP1. Movie Ticket                                                       0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Preps /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  Pinky, one of the spoiled Prep girls, wants Jimmy to get rid of the people 
  in front of the theater so she can get good seats.....

| The Plan \

  Steal Gord's bike to lure him away then go back to the theater. Then talk 
  to Eunice and give her the Chocolates. Lure her to the secluded spot for a 
  quick kiss. Then go back to the theater to confront Trent and Kirby who are 
  seen holding hands. Continue to walk towards them and they will walk away 
  from the theater embarrassed. After you do that then the mission is 
  successfully completed.

| Reward \

  $15 plus Preppie Respect -5.

 / The Preps \
| >PRP2. Carnival Date                                                      0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Preps /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  Pinky is waiting for Derby, a cousin of hers, to pick her up for a date but 
  is being stood up (and explains some of the whole inbreeding thing the 
  Preps seem to have). Jimmy gives her flowers and asks to take his place for 
  the date. Pinky agrees....

| Notes \

  This mission opens up at 4:30 PM.

  You need to have Flowers in your Inventory before you are allowed to do 
  this mission because Jimmy gives Flowers to Pinky at the beginning 
  cutscene. Thanks to Colin Ferguson for pointing this out.

  You should also take some time to play enough of the Carnival Games to earn 
  at least ten Tickets for this mission.

  Mikael Eklund also corrected me on the number of Tickets needed for the 
  Prize Bear.

| The Plan \

  Go to the Carnival to meet with Pinky. You have a limited amount of time to 
  get there. You also have to be done by 1 AM. For this task you need to 
  purchase a Prize Bear from the Souvenir Tent and that requires ten Tickets.

  If you don't already have the ten Tickets, from playing the Carnival Games 
  trying to get 100% Completion, then you need to go and win them from the 
  Carnival Games. After you have the ten Tickets then go and purchase the 
  Prize Bear from the Souvenir Tent. After acquiring the Bear then go and 
  give it to Pinky to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  Pinky now likes you plus you earn the Pinky Picture Room Trophy on the wall 
  and the Prize Bear Room Trophy which sits on top of the bookshelf.


  Before doing the next mission, you need to be wearing an Aquaberry Sweater 
  or Aquaberry Vest. Buy one from Aquaberry Fashions if you haven't done so 
  already. You also need to get a haircut from Old Bullworth Vale Hair, Nails 
  & Beauty in Old Bullworth Vale. An Ivy League haircut is a good choice.

  You should keep this look all the way until at least the opening of Chapter 
  III. This will allow you to do the following mission.....

 / The Preps \
| >PRP3. The Eggs                                                           0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Preps /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  Tad, one of the Preps, wants to plan a revenge strike on Mr. Hattrick with 
  eggs and needs Jimmy to get some for the attack.....

| The Plan \

  Go to the Yum Yum Market to get some Eggs or straight to the Spencer Estate 
  if you already have some. When you get there then Gary shows up to stir up 
  some trouble with Jimmy and Tad and this turns the Preps against you.

  Now Jimmy has to find a way out of Tad's yard. Beat up the guy at the front 
  gate to get the key and use it to get out. You will probably have to take 
  down the other Preps first before you can get the key to open the front 

  There is also a Prep inside the house throwing Eggs at you. In addition, 
  there is an alternate exit near the car garage (but you still need the key 
  to get out). After you get the key, open the gate, and run out then you 
  will successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  The Carton of Eggs will now spawn in your Dorm Room and Save Houses plus 
  Preppie Respect -10.


  You will also have Tad's Gate Key which will allow you to re-enter Tad's 
  yard and acquire the following.....

| >RKB13. Collectibles (Spencer Estates)                                    |

Listed here are the Collectibles that are found on the Spencer Estates

  ++Rubber Band [OBV-RB51]
      Location: Inside the gazebo at the north side of the Estates grounds.

  ++"G&G" Card [OBV-GG23]
      Location: In the front yard of the Spencer Estates behind the parked 

  ++Gnome [OBV-N21]
      Location: Inside the yard for the Spencer Estates just northwest of the 
                front door.

  ++Gnome [OBV-N22]
      Location: Near the gazebo at the north side of the Estates grounds.

And you will also open up more.....

| >RKB14. Errands (Part Four)                                               |

Now that you've done the mission "The Eggs", more Errands will appear:

| [BAC-E22] \
| Task     | Egg the Girls Dorm.                                            |
| Location | In front of the Boys Dorm in the evening (after 7 PM).         |
| Reward   | $10.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go over to the Girls Dorm and throw three Eggs at it to        |
|          | successfully complete the Errand.                              |

| [BAC-E23] \
| Task     | Egg the Boys Dorm.                                             |
| Location | In front of the Girls Dorm in the evening (after 7 PM - after  |
|          | doing Errand [BAC-E10]).                                       |
| Reward   | $10.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go over to the Boys Dorm and throw three Eggs at it to         |
|          | successfully complete the Errand.                              |

Now back to the Main Story.....

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP3. Race the Vale                                                      0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Jimmy finds Petey moping in front of the TV. Petey complains about being 
  left with no friends and tells Jimmy of a bike race in Old Bullworth Vale. 
  Jimmy decides to go and join the others.....

| The Plan \

  Get on the assigned bike and go to the Shiny Bikes Store in Old Bullworth 
  Vale to enter the race. You race against three Preppies and they will throw 
  Eggs at you during the race. Follow the course and continuously tap the X 
  Button to sprint which allows for an easy win.

| Reward \

  $15 and Prep Respect -10.

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP4. Beach Rumble                                                       0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Jimmy goes to get his trophy from the Old Bullworth Vale Shiny Bikes Store 
  but a couple of Preps, Thad and Gord, come in to hassle him and steal the 
  trophy off of the counter. Jimmy then gives chase.....

| Notes \

  Mikael Eklund gave me a tip on another way to get the Trophy back.

| The Plan \

  Go to the red X at the Beach Clubhouse. Ricky will follow you to help. 
  When you get to the Beach Clubhouse then a bunch of Preps will come out to 
  confront the both of you. Start fighting the Preps and Ricky will do his 
  part to help. Eventually Gord, the one with the Trophy, will emerge. Either 
  beat him up or grab him (to get in a tug of war) and yank the Trophy from 
  him to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  You will get the Bike Trophy Room Trophy (on the windowsill) plus Prep 
  Respect -10 and you will unlock the Bike Races which I will cover in more 
  detail in Chapter III.

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP5. Tad's House                                                        0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Russell seems to be upset at the owner of the Yum Yum Market for something 
  and has the owner hanging in the air. But Jimmy comes to the owner's rescue 
  and the owner suggests a revenge egging for what Tad did to Jimmy 

| The Plan \

  Get a bike and head to Tad's House (Russell will follow). When you get 
  there and open the gate then you are instructed to throw an Egg through 
  every open window. Let Russell handle the Preps when they come outside to 
  confront you. Use free aim mode to help aim the eggs through the windows. 
  After throwing an Egg through the last window then run out of Tad's yard to 
  successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  $15 plus Prep Respect -15.

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP6. Weed Killer                                                        0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  The Biology teacher, Mr. Slawter, wants Jimmy to destroy Derby Harrington's 
  Venus Fly Trap because it belittles his own collection.....

| Notes \

  This mission can only be done between and after classes.

| The Plan \

  You need to enter Harrington House and have to be disguised as a Prep. This 
  is why you do the Prep Work listed above.

  Once you are inside then you need to talk to Bif to go any further. I 
  should also point out that this is an excellent opportunity to add pictures 
  to your Yearbook since the Preps are real friendly to you at this stage of 
  the mission. Take Bif's picture then talk to him.

  After you get past Bif then go and destroy the Prized Plant which is on the 
  third floor. You will also find Parker and Gord by the fireplace for 
  yearbook picture taking here on the first floor.

  Go up to the second floor and you will find Justin and Tad for yearbook 
  pictures. Go to the X and you will be prompted to go to the next floor. 
  When you get up to the third floor then you will find Chad and Bryce, near 
  the door to where the plant is kept, for additional yearbook pictures.

  Now, as Ab314fr pointed out, if you beat up the Preps before going to 
  destroy the Prized Plant, then you will make things easier later. So, after 
  taking the yearbook photos of the Preps, then beat them all up including 
  Bif near the front door. Then go back up to the Prized Plant.

  When you get near the Prized Plant then you are prompted to use the nearby 
  Toxic Sprayer to destroy it. Grab the Toxic Sprayer, aim at the plant, and 
  hold down the R1 Button to spray it with the poison. After destroying the 
  Prized Plant then you need to get out but the Preps are already onto you. 
  Keep the Toxic Sprayer as it will make a good clubbing weapon against the 

  If you run to the doors then Chad and Bryce will lock them (although you 
  can destroy the doors and windows) before attacking. However, if you stay 
  near the plant, then Chad and Bryce will come up to attack you without 
  locking the doors. Defeat the both of them and head back down to the second 

  Once you are on the second floor then you need to smash through the doors. 
  After you do that then Justin and Tad will run up to attack you. Defeat 
  them and then head to the next door. The next door should open and Parker 
  will come in to attack you. Defeat him and head downstairs. The last guy to 
  deal with is Bif. Don't bother fighting him. Just run past him and out the 

  But, if you beat up all of the Preps before destroying the Prized Plant, 
  then use the Toxic Sprayer, as a club, to destroy the glass doors and beat 
  up Parker when he opens the next set of doors. He will be the only 
  resistance you will encounter on the way out.

  Regardless of method, when you get out of Harrington House, then you will 
  successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  $30 plus the Fly Trap Room Trophy (on the wall near the desk).


  Now let's head into Bullworth Town.....

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP7. Panty Raid                                                         0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Jimmy confronts Mr. Burton, the gym teacher, outside of an adult book store 
  ("Come Hither") in Bullworth Town. After giving Jimmy a lecture on the 
  hazards of adult literature on young minds then Mr. Burton requests Jimmy 
  to get the laundry from the Girls Dorm.....

| Notes \

  This mission appears between 7 PM and 11 PM in Bullworth Town.

  John Nowakowski had this to add about this mission:

    "It makes sense to wait near COME HITHER until the clock is just about to 
     hit 7pm to give yourself maximum time. If you don't have transportation 
     there is a bike across the street in front of the theater. An 
     alternative option after the final panty is grabbed is to run back up to 
     the attic and climb out the way you came. Just jump up by the windowsill 
     and you can head back down. If you took the bike there, then you can 
     ride it over to the gates to complete the mission."

| The Plan \

  Enter the Girls Dorm by climbing the Lattice on the north side. There are 
  five panties you need to collect from the Girls Dorm. You need to crouch 
  and sneak through the dorm rooms. If you are spotted by Ms. Peabody then 
  you will be thrown out and you must re-enter the Dorm.

  Carefully go through the dorm and acquire the five panties. After 
  collecting the fifth panty then you will automatically be spotted. Just run 
  downstairs and out the door to avoid capture. Then go and give the 
  "laundry" to Mr. Burton to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  $30 plus you will get the Panty Room Trophy (near the lamp on the 

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP8. Boxing Challenge                                                   0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  While sitting on the main pier, Petey suggests to Jimmy that he needs to 
  beat Bif publicly in order to prove that he is better than the Preps. Jimmy 
  decides that is a good idea and goes to work.....

| Notes \

  You should complete some of your Art classes and kiss somebody to gain 
  extra health before doing this mission.

| The Plan \

  Go to the Glass Jaw Boxing Club. After confronting Bif then you meet him in 
  the ring. He is tougher than the other boxers you may have faced in the 
  Prep Challenge but use the same techniques.

  The extra health you gained from kissing helps a lot. The quicker you 
  dispose of Bif, the more health you will have for the next part of the 
  mission. After beating Bif then the pissed-off Preps decide to gang up on 
  you. Defeat the two Preps near the ring.

  Go to the Soda Machine if you need to before taking on the other Preps. 
  Then go upstairs and defeat Chad then enter the Lounge to take on the Preps 
  Leader, Derby Harrington, which sets up.....

| A. Dishonorable Fight |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

  He will send two of his friends to soften you up so he can beat on you. His 
  friends are weaker than normal and can be easily defeated. However, it is 
  still three on one. The first thing you should do is go to the two doors 
  and use the bar to seal them so no more friends can come and assist Derby. 
  Take care of any remaining friends then focus on Derby.

  Derby tends to block and duck a lot. One thing to do is grab Derby, hit him 
  a couple of times, then put him on the ground and knee him in the groin. 
  Another tactic is to run from him a bit then go into a 5-Hit Combo when he 

  It should be pointed out that the Super Slingshot strategy used on Russell 
  earlier won't work here - it won't automatically lock onto Derby.

  You can also grab Rubber Band [OBV-RB54] while you are fighting if you wish 
  to do so even though you can acquire it afterwards. When you defeat Derby 
  then you will successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  The Boxing Gloves Room Trophy and full respect from the Preppies (plus 
  Darby's picture for your yearbook). If you own the PS4 version then you 
  should also get the {Sophomore} and {Popularity Contest} Trophies.

  And this will open up the next chapter of the game.....

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >BLY5. Chapter III - Love Makes the World Go Around                       |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

With the Preps taken care of, Jimmy now turns his attention to the Greaser
clique. Jimmy and Petey are playing a game of darts talking about the state
of things when one of the Greasers comes to Jimmy for help in finding Johnny.
Jimmy waves him off and this angers the Greaser. But Jimmy figures that this
might be a way to start things up with them.

A bulldozer knocks away the blockage underneath the railroad overpass thus
finally opening up New Coventry for exploration. In addition, it is winter
time and Christmas is near. There is snow on the ground which makes handling
of bikes and skateboards a bit slippery. And start snowball fights.

Ah yes, a magical time of year.....

| >WGR1. New Coventry                                                       |

Unlike the Old Bullworth Vale and Bullworth Town areas, New Coventry is a
very run down part of the Bullworth area. Lots of buildings are in ruins and
plenty of hobos walk the streets.

This is also Greaser territory. Their main hangout is The Tenements which is
on the northeast part of the New Coventry area. It is north of the Bus Stop
on the east side of New Coventry. At this stage of the story they are not
friendly toward you so you need to be careful when going through the area.

New Coventry also has a Yum Yum Market, a Police Station, a Barber Shop /
Clothes Store (The Final Cut), and a BMX Park which you can open up later in
the chapter (south central part of New Coventry). You can also access the
railroad overpass which will lead you into part of the still unopened Blue
Skies Industrial area. You will also open up a path that goes around the
south and west sides of Bullworth Academy.

And, by opening up Chapter III and New Coventry, you also open up the
remainder of your classes.....

| >WGR2. Get to Class (Part Three)                                          |

Now to go over the last three Photography classes:

| A. Photography (Part Two) (Day 3 - Afternoon) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| Photography 3 \

  You need to take four photos of Dogs or Hobos in New Coventry. It is easier 
  to take photos of Hobos than Dogs. The Hobos can be identified by a 
  hunchback and wearing either a lavender and blue jacket or a Santa hat. 
  After taking the pictures then head back to the classroom to successfully 
  complete the lesson.

  The reward for successful completion is you can store up to fifteen 
  pictures in your Photo Album.

| Photography 4 \

  You are given a Color Digital Camera and instructed to go to the marked 
  locations and take panoramic photos of various sights.

  The sights are: the Main Building of Bullworth Academy, the Bullworth Dam, 
  the Old Bullworth Church at the Cemetery, the Lighthouse at the Beach 
  Clubhouse, and the Carnival entrance. After taking the pictures then return 
  to the classroom to successfully complete the lesson.

  The reward for successful completion is you get to keep the Color Digital 

| Photography 5 \

  You need to take photos of the Freaks inside the Freak Tent at the 

  The Freaks are: The Last Mermaid, The Crazy Painted Man, the Midget 
  Wrestlers, The Siamese Sisters, The Fat Ugly Bearded Woman, and The 
  Skeleton Man. After taking the pictures then return to the classroom to 
  successfully complete the lesson.

  The reward for successful completion is Double Tickets at the Carnival (you 
  get double of what you win) plus the Ms. Philips Picture Room Trophy on 
  your desk. If you have the PS4 version then you should also get the {Boy 
  Genius} Trophy.

With that explained, let's move on.....

| >WGR3. Christmas Is Here                                                  |

After you complete the first day in Chapter III then you open up "Christmas
Is Here". You hear an announcement from Miss Danvers telling Jimmy to go to
the office to get a present from his mother.

You may notice that there is no clock at this point so you can go and explore
the New Coventry area and do various things without worrying about the time. 
You can play the Carnival Games (but not the Arcade Games), ride the Carnival
rides, buy stuff at the shops, do Errands, and go after all available
Collectibles. But that is all you can do outside of exploration in this

When you finally get to the office to get the present you find that Jimmy's
mother has sent him a Cheerful Reindeer Sweater. Needless to say you look
like a total dork while wearing it.

You should head back to your dorm room and change into something else quickly
since people will laugh at you and it is also a violation of the Dress Code.
According to John Nowakowski, you cannot kiss most Girls while wearing the
Cheerful Reindeer Sweater - they're too busy laughing at you.

However, according to Cristian Luis Barreto, the only girl who will kiss you
while wearing the sweater is Eunice.

When you acquire the sweater then you will also reactivate the clock. It is
also Christmas Break and there are no classes for the day so you can go and
do other things until classes begin again the next day.

But, before getting the sweater and reactivating the clock, let's go

| >WGR4. The Order of Things (Part 4)                                       |

While there is no clock there are some things I will do at this stage before
going after the Collectibles:

| Do all of the daytime Errands to earn extra money and ride what Carnival  |
| Rides that haven't been ridden to inch toward 100% Completion.            |
| Acquire most, if not all, of the remaining students, except for the       |
| leaders and Zoe, for the Yearbook.                                        |
| Go to any Yum Yum Market and buy 100 Sodas to unlock the Free Soda Reward |
| and the game percentage that goes with it. Then continue to rapidly buy   |
| large quantities of Soda to get the Two Can Hat and additional game       |
| percentage toward 100% Completion. If the store runs out of Sodas then    |
| exit and re-enter to restock the place.                                   |

If you have the PS4 version then there are some other things to go after:

| If you hadn't already acquired the {Soda 'Licious} Trophy then you should |
| get it while going after the Two Can Hat.                                 |
| For {The Wheel Deal} Trophy, get any bike and start going around the      |
| Bullworth area doing wheelies every five seconds or so. Not too hard to   |
| get. You should also start jacking bikes from students to get {The        |
| (Expert) Bicycle Thief} Trophy.                                           |
| For the {Eggsellent!} Trophy, go to the Glass Jaw Boxing Club area. There |
| is a car usually parked in the back. Throw an Egg at it then enter the    |
| Boxing Club. Then exit the Boxing Club and throw another Egg at it. You   |
| see, you can't just stand there and throw multiple Eggs at a car. It will |
| only count the first hit.                                                 |
|                                                                           |
| But, by going back into the Boxing Club, then you reset things so you can |
| just quickly go back out and register another hit on the car. In          |
| addition, you can also throw Eggs at other cars in the street and duck    |
| back into the Boxing Club to let your Trouble Meter go down. Also there   |
| is a Yum Yum Market nearby so you can refill your Eggs.                   |
| Go after the {Skate Pro} Trophy. A cheap way to do this is to skitch a    |
| ride and let the computer do the work for you. Since this will take       |
| awhile, depending on how much your skateboard distance is, you may want   |
| to do other things away from your machine until you get the Trophy.       |

With that said, let's move on.....

| >WGR5. Collectibles (New Coventry and Blue Skies Industrial Area)         |

Below is the list of Collectibles for Bullworth Academy, New Coventry, and
Blue Skies Industrial Area:

| Bullworth Academy (BAC) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| Rubber Bands \
| [BAC-RB52] | Location: On the wooden log bridging part of the dirt path   |
|            |           west of the Football Field area.                   |
|            | Map: ([H,I]-8).                                              |
| [BAC-RB53] | Location: In the barricaded tunnel northwest of Rubber Band  |
|            |           [BAC-RB52].                                        |
|            | Map: (H-7).                                                  |
|            | Notes: Smash the barricade on either the north or south end  |
|            |        to gain access.                                       |


| "G&G" Cards \
| [BAC-GG24] | Location: In a little nook along the dirt path just west of  |
|            |           the School Parking Lot.                            |
|            | Map: (F-7).                                                  |
| [BAC-GG25] | Location: At the north end of the tunnel on the southeast    |
|            |           end of the dirt path.                              |
|            | Map: (I-10).                                                 |

| Old Bullworth Vale (OBV) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| Rubber Bands \
| [OBV-RB54] | Location: Near the Trophy Case, in the Lounge, on the        |
|            |           second floor of the Glass Jaw Boxing Club.         |
|            | Map: (D-6).                                                  |
|            | Notes: This should be acquired during "Dishonorable Fight"   |
|            |        but, in case you didn't, just enter through the doors |
|            |        at either end of the lounge to get it.                |

| New Coventry (NCV) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| Rubber Bands \
| [NCV-RB55] | Location: In the group of trees just east of the Railroad    |
|            |           Cars, and just south of the transmission lines, at |
|            |           the northwest side of New Coventry.                |
|            | Map: (B-10).                                                 |
| [NCV-RB56] | Location: In the small alley just southwest of the Hung Lo   |
|            |           Chinese restaurant.                                |
|            | Map: (C-11).                                                 |
| [NCV-RB57] | Location: Next to the entrance to the New Coventry Yum Yum   |
|            |           Market.                                            |
|            | Map: (C-11).                                                 |
| [NCV-RB58] | Location: In the small parking lot just northeast of the New |
|            |           Coventry Infirmary.                                |
|            | Map: (C-12).                                                 |
| [NCV-RB59] | Location: In a secluded area between two buildings at the    |
|            |           north side of The Tenements.                       |
|            | Map: (B-13).                                                 |
| [NCV-RB60] | Location: Next to the small trailer, in the secluded area,   |
|            |           just south of the Bike Garage.                     |
|            | Map: (D-13).                                                 |


| "G&G" Cards \
| [NCV-GG26] | Location: Inside The Final Cut near the Buy Clothes Icon.    |
|            | Map: (C-11).                                                 |
| [NCV-GG27] | Location: Along the dirt path the runs along the north side  |
|            |           of the New Coventry area (and just west of The     |
|            |           Tenements area).                                   |
|            | Map: (B-12).                                                 |
| [NCV-GG28] | Location: On a dumpster inside a small hidden area just west |
|            |           of the Bus Stop that is south of The Tenements     |
|            |           area.                                              |
|            | Map: (C-13).                                                 |
| [NCV-GG29] | Location: Right next to the Railroad Car just north of the   |
|            |           Railroad Tracks overpass.                          |
|            | Map: (C-10).                                                 |
| [NCV-GG30] | Location: Next to the dirt path just right of the north end  |
|            |           of the Railroad Tracks overpass.                   |
|            | Map: ([C,D]-10).                                             |
| [NCV-GG31] | Location: On the raised concrete ramp, next to the orange    |
|            |           street cone, directly southwest of the New         |
|            |           Coventry Bike Garage.                              |
|            | Map: (D-13).                                                 |


| Transistors \
| [NCV-T5] | Location: In a secluded area between two buildings at the      |
|          |           north side of The Tenements.                         |
|          | Map: (B-13).                                                   |

| Blue Skies Industrial Area (BSI) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| Rubber Bands \
| [BSI-RB61] | At the very south end of the Railroad Tracks.                |
|            | Map: (I-12).                                                 |

| >WGR6. Errands (Part Five)                                                |

Now that Chapter III has been opened up, more Errands will appear. If you own
the PS4 version then you should get the {Momma's Boy} Trophy if you complete
most of the ones below.

| Bullworth Academy (BAC) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [BAC-E24] \
| Task     | Throw a Fire Cracker in the Toilet.                            |
| Location | Near the first floor Boy's Restroom in the Main Building.      |
| Reward   | $10.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go to a nearby toilet and plant the Fire Cracker to            |
|          | successfully complete the Errand.                              |

| [BAC-E25] \
| Task     | Get Toilet Paper for a student.                                |
| Location | Inside the first floor Boy's Restroom.                         |
| Reward   | $15.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go into the Boiler Room to get the Toilet Paper, get back to   |
|          | the Boy's Restroom, and toss the Paper over the door to        |
|          | successfully complete the Errand. Use free aim (D-Pad Up) to   |
|          | aim over the door.                                             |

| Old Bullworth Vale (OBV) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [OBV-E26] \
| Task     | Take pictures of Carnival attractions.                         |
| Location | Inside the Carnival.                                           |
| Reward   | $20.                                                           |
| The Plan | Take pictures of the signs of the four attractions marked by   |
|          | the blue X's. Then go back to the gentleman to successfully    |
|          | complete the Errand.                                           |

| [OBV-E27] \
| Task     | Get the Package.                                               |
| Location | At the southeast part of Old Bullworth Vale Gardens (can also  |
|          | be outside the park on the street) during the daytime.         |
| Reward   | $20.                                                           |
| The Plan | Get the Package at 29 Estate Road then return it to the        |
|          | Mailman to successfully complete the Errand.                   |

| [OBV-E28] \
| Task     | Escort Mrs. Lisburn to the Park.                               |
| Location | At the Happy Endings Retirement Home in the evening (after 7   |
|          | PM).                                                           |
| Reward   | $25.                                                           |
| The Plan | Hang just outside the gate so you don't Trespass. When you get |
|          | her to appear then make sure the Orderly is on the other side  |
|          | of the building before going up to her.                        |
|          |                                                                |
|          | When the coast is clear then get up next to her and slowly     |
|          | walk her to the blue X. You should get this Errand just after  |
|          | 7 PM because she is a slow walker and this will take you       |
|          | awhile to get her to the Park.                                 |
|          |                                                                |
|          | When you get her to the Park then the Errand is successfully   |
|          | completed. According to Seifer Almasy, you may be able to kiss |
|          | her after the Errand.                                          |

| Bullworth Town (BLT) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [BLT-E29] \
| Task     | Find Algie's Jacket.                                           |
| Location | Near the Bullworth Town Police Station during the day.         |
| Reward   | $20.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go to the marker which is on top of the Worn In Clothing       |
|          | Store. Climb the Ladder behind the store to reach the Jacket.  |
|          | After you get it then take it back to Algie to successfully    |
|          | complete the Errand.                                           |

| [BLT-E30] \
| Task     | Give the Hobo some change.                                     |
| Location | Near the Dragon's Wing Comics store.                           |
| Reward   | Black Cowboy Hat unlocked.                                     |
| The Plan | Talk to the Hobo and give him some spare change to             |
|          | successfully complete the Errand.                              |

| New Coventry (NCV) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [NCV-E31] \
| Task     | Smash up the Car.                                              |
| Location | Near the New Coventry Yum Yum Market in the evening.           |
| Reward   | $25.                                                           |
| The Plan | Take the Baseball Bat and go to the car marked by the blue X.  |
|          | You have to make eleven successful hits to the Car. This is a  |
|          | timed mission so you have to make this quick. After the Bat    |
|          | breaks apart then you have to use your fists to get the job    |
|          | done.                                                          |
|          |                                                                |
|          | You have to smash the windows, the hood, and the trunk areas   |
|          | to successfully complete the Errand. Think of this as an       |
|          | updated variant of the old car smashing level in "Street       |
|          | Fighter II".                                                   |

| [NCV-E32] \
| Task     | Photograph the cheating Girlfriend.                            |
| Location | Near The Final Cut during the day.                             |
| Reward   | $25.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go to the In And Out Motel in Bullworth Town. Switch to your   |
|          | Camera and zoom in on the couple. Don't get too close though   |
|          | or you will fail the Errand. After taking the photo then       |
|          | return to the gentleman with the picture you took to           |
|          | successfully complete the Errand.                              |

| [NCV-E33] \
| Task     | Egg the Greasers building.                                     |
| Location | At the east side of Wonder Meats during the evening.           |
| Reward   | $20.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go into The Tenements area and throw three Eggs at the Greaser |
|          | building to successfully complete the Errand.                  |

| >WGR7. Weapons, Boxes, and Crates (New Coventry)                          |

Now for the Weapons, Boxes, and Crates for New Coventry:

| Weapons \
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Apples |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In front of the New Coventry Yum Yum Market.                    |
| Map: (C-11).                                                              |
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Bag of Marbles |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In a secluded area between two buildings at the north side of   |
|           The Tenements.                                                  |
| Map: (B-13).                                                              |
| Location: In front of the parked car south of the New Coventry Infirmary. |
| Map: (C-12).                                                              |
| Location: At the north end of the Railroad Tracks overpass.               |
| Map: (D-11).                                                              |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Board |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: Behind the building just south of Tasteful Tattoos.             |
| Map: (C-12).                                                              |
| Location: In the alley between the two central buildings in The Tenements |
|           area.                                                           |
| Map: (B-13).                                                              |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Brick |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In the destroyed building across the street north of The Golden |
|           Horseshoe.                                                      |
| Map: (B-12).                                                              |
| Location: By the south wall of the New Coventry Infirmary.                |
| Map: (C-12).                                                              |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Carton of Eggs |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: Next to the entrance for the Hung Lo Chinese restaurant.        |
| Map: (B-11).                                                              |
| Location: On the west side of the overhang for the Wonder Meats building. |
| Map: (C-12).                                                              |
| Notes: Climb the Ladder to get to the top of the Bullworth Central        |
|        Station roof then head north along the roof until you reach the    |
|        overhang.                                                          |
| Location: On top of the Wonder Meats building.                            |
| Map: (C-12).                                                              |
| Notes: Climb the Ladder to get to the top of the Bullworth Central        |
|        Station roof then head east along the roof until you reach the     |
|        east side of the building.                                         |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Fire Crackers |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: Next to the entrance for the Hung Lo Chinese restaurant.        |
| Map: (B-11).                                                              |
| Location: At the west side of the Bullworth Central Station (aka the BMX  |
|           Park) area (south of Spazz Industries) next to a small railroad |
|           car with an orange street cone.                                 |
| Map: (C-10).                                                              |
| Location: In the corner where Wonder Meats and the Bullworth Central      |
|           Station meet.                                                   |
| Map: (C-11).                                                              |
| Location: On top of the Wonder Meats building.                            |
| Map: (C-12).                                                              |
| Notes: Climb the Ladder to get to the top of the Bullworth Central        |
|        Station roof then head east along the roof until you reach the     |
|        east side of the building.                                         |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Itching Powder |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: On top of Bullworth Central Station (aka the BMX Park) south of |
|           Spazz Industries.                                               |
| Map: (C-11).                                                              |
| Notes: Use the Ladder to reach the roof.                                  |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Stink Bomb |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In the corner where Wonder Meats and the Bullworth Central      |
|           Station meet.                                                   |
| Map: (C-11).                                                              |
| Location: On top of the Wonder Meats building.                            |
| Map: (C-12).                                                              |
| Notes: Climb the Ladder to get to the top of the Bullworth Central        |
|        Station roof then head east along the roof until you reach the     |
|        east side of the building.                                         |


| Boxes \
| Location: At the southwest side of The Tenements near the orange street   |
|           cone.                                                           |
| Map: (B-13).                                                              |
| Location: At the northwest side of The Tenements near the taped-up        |
|           buildings.                                                      |
| Map: (B-13).                                                              |


| Crates \
| Location: Across the street north of the New Coventry Yum Yum Market.     |
| Map: (C-11).                                                              |
| Location: On the raised concrete ramps for Spazz Industries just west of  |
|           the New Coventry Infirmary (x2).                                |
| Map: (C-12).                                                              |
| Location: In the small parking lot just northeast of the New Coventry     |
|           Infirmary.                                                      |
| Map: (C-12).                                                              |
| Location: In front of the parked car south of the New Coventry Infirmary  |
|           (x2).                                                           |
| Map: (C-12).                                                              |

| >WGR8. The Order of Things (Part 5)                                       |

After reactivating the clock and resuming classes then focus on them to pass
them and get them out of the way. After the afternoon class ends then go and
do Errands, Races, and other side tasks until you have to go back to
Bullworth Academy for the next full day of classes.

When you finish completely passing all five levels of a class then go back to
that class when it cycles back again to deliberately fail it so you can get
the Dunce Cap to inch towards 100% Completion. You need to fail any five
classes to get it.

Of course, when you succeed in passing all five levels of every class, then
you will earn the Mortar Board/Graduation Hat for completion of all classes.
When you get both the Graduation Hat and Dunce Cap then you won't need to
worry about classes again for the remainder of the game.

As for the side tasks themselves, I will start with the.....

| >WGR9. Paper Route                                                        |

Go to the News, Cigarettes, Lies Stand in Old Bullworth Vale to pick up the
Paper Route Jobs. There are five levels to complete. They become available
after 1 PM with the exception of the first level which can be done starting
at 8 AM. They cannot be done after 7 PM.

You will be given a bike and you need to go to the top of the hill to collect
papers. You have thirty papers and need to put them in the mailboxes before
time runs out. If you run out of papers then you will fail the Job.

You aim and throw the paper with the R1 Button. The paper will automatically
go into the box regardless of your angle thus making this an easy assignment
regardless of what chases you (dogs, mailmen) in later levels.

Listed below are the number of customers, the amount you earn for completion,
and the number of new customers you will get:

| Level 1 | Seven customers, $14, three new customers.                      |
| Level 2 | Ten customers, $20, four new customers.                         |
| Level 3 | Fourteen customers, $28, five new customers.                    |
| Level 4 | Nineteen customers, $38, five new customers.                    |
| Level 5 | Twenty four customers, $48, and unlock the Number One Ribbon    |
|         | Room Trophy.                                                    |

I should also note that the completion percentage change stopped after Level
2 so maybe you only need to do the first two levels for 100% Completion.

| >WGR10. Boxing (Glass Jaw Boxing Club)                                    |

This was activated when you opened up Chapter II but I decided to list this
here in Chapter III to focus on completely opening up all of the classes. The
Boxing Challenges start at 3:30 PM near the ring inside the Glass Jaw Boxing
Club in Old Bullworth Vale. In order to get the necessary percentage toward
100% Completion you need to defeat the following opponents:

  >>One of the above selected at random.

The same controls and strategy used in the Prep Challenge apply here as well.
When you defeat one of the four boxers then you will get Extra Punch Damage
which will come in handy when fighting them. When you defeat a random
opponent then you will get $20.

As you progress through the initial four boxers then they will become more
difficult to defeat. To best prepare for a Boxing match you should complete
Art 5 and then kiss a Girl (or Guy - your preference) to get double health so
it will be easier to endure the punishment you can receive during a match.

Now for the.....

| >WGR11. Bike Races (Part One)                                             |

This was activated when you successfully completed the mission "Beach Rumble"
but I decided to list this here in Chapter III to focus on completely opening
up all of the classes.

There are a total of fourteen Bike Races to do in "Bully". Seven can be found
at the Old Bullworth Vale Shiny Bikes Store and four can be found at the
Bullworth Town Shiny Bikes Store (three can be done in Chapter II and the
fourth one can be done after Chapter III is unlocked).

There are also two Bike Races found near the BMX Park in New Coventry (after
completion of the mission "Bait") and one at Bullworth Academy (after Chapter
V is unlocked).

The Bike Races go from 12 PM to 11 PM. When you win the first race at any
location then you will earn the Bike Helmet and Bike Jersey. When you
successfully finish the last Bike Race then you will earn the BMX Helmet and
the Large Bike Trophy Room Trophy.

You should take your own bike (preferably the Red BMX from completing the
Shop classes) or the Scooter. Either vehicle will allow to easily stay ahead 
of your competition. Although the Scooter isn't as maneuverable as the bike,
it will allow for a smoother ride and will make it easier to punch your
opponents if you have (or want) to.

Now for the races:

| A. Old Bullworth Vale Shiny Bikes Store |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| Race 1 \
| Reward: $20 /

  This one lap race goes through the shop alleys in the Shopping District 
  then up into The Estates. Then the race goes near the Bullworth Dam area 
  and takes the dirt path to the beach where the race ends.

| Race 2 \
| Reward: $25 /

  This one lap race goes along the beach and heads north. You need to make 
  sure that you turn right at the fork near the North Bridge. Then the race 
  goes under the North Bridge and near the Old Bullworth Church. After that 
  then the race goes into The Estates area before going onto the dirt path 
  leading to the Beach Clubhouse.

  In addition, when you get near the Beach Clubhouse then you need to turn 
  off to the left and onto the beach before you get to the Beach Clubhouse. 
  If you don't take this shortcut then your opponents will and you will lose 
  the race since the race ends not far from the Clubhouse.

| Race 3 \
| Reward: $30 /

  This short one lap race starts at the west side of the Shopping District 
  and heads into The Estates area. Then the race goes onto the dirt path 
  leading to the Beach Clubhouse. The same shortcut from the last race 
  applies here. Then the race goes along the beach and back up to street 
  level where you will finish where you started.

| Race 4 \
| Reward: $35 /

  This one lap race just loops around The Estates area.

| Race 5 \
| Reward: $40 /

  This one lap race goes along the beach and heads north. You need to make 
  sure that you turn right at the fork near the North Bridge. Then the race 
  goes under the North Bridge and near the Old Bullworth Church. After that 
  then the race goes into The Estates area and turns east. Eventually you 
  will head back south and into the Shopping District. Then the race will 
  head back to the beach where the race will end.

| Race 6 \
| Reward: $45 /

  The big difference in this race is that it is two laps instead of just one. 
  The race starts in the north part of the Shopping District then heads to 
  the beach. From there, the race heads toward and around the Beach Clubhouse 
  before heading into The Estates. Then the race heads back to the Shopping 
  District where you started.

| Race 7 \
| Reward: $50 /

  This one lap race starts in Old Bullworth Vale Gardens, heads into The 
  Estates, and towards the Happy Endings Retirement Home. There is a jump 
  into the Happy Endings Retirement Home that you can easily miss.

  Thankfully, the other riders have problems with it too. But, if you can 
  hit it clean, then that will allow you to get a nice lead. After going 
  through the Happy Endings Retirement Home area then you will head back 
  toward the Old Bullworth Vale Gardens and to where you started to end the 

| B. Bullworth Town Shiny Bikes Store |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| Race 1 \
| Reward: $20 /

  This two lap race is a simple figure eight pattern through Bullworth Town 
  that starts near the Bullworth Town Bike Store.

| Race 2 \
| Reward: $25 /

  This two lap race loops around the four blocks that comprise the shopping 
  area for Bullworth Town.

| Race 3 \
| Reward: $30 /

  This race starts at City Hall and is a straight shot to the Bullworth 
  Academy Football Field.

| Race 4 \
| Reward: $35 /

  This one lap race goes around the center of Bullworth Town then takes a 
  dirt path that leads into New Coventry. From there the race will lap 
  through The Tenements section then heads back through New Coventry and to 
  Bullworth Town to complete the race.

By completing all seven Old Bullworth Vale Shiny Bike Store races and all
four Bullworth Town Shiny Bikes Store races then you open up the Bullworth
Academy Bike Race which can only be done after you open up Chapter V. There
is a couple of more Bike Races to be opened up but that is done later in
Chapter III.

| >WGR12. Carnival Go-Kart Races                                            |

This is one of the Carnival activities that was opened up in Chapter II but I
decided to go over them here in Chapter III. At the Go-Kart Track you need to
successfully complete the five races to get to 100% Completion.

When riding the Go-Kart then you use the X Button for gas, the Square Button
for brake, and X + Square to powerslide. When you successfully complete a
race then you will get 2 Prize Tickets. However, if you have trouble doing
powerslides, quickly tapping the X Button as you go through the hairpin
curves will also work.

Now for the five races:

| Race 1 \

  In this race you face three opponents for three laps and you start in 
  fourth place. This one is a little tough for a first race because it is 
  kind of hard to get far enough ahead of your opponents. The problem here is 
  that the other riders will bump into you and slow you down.

  The main advantage you have is that you can out-corner your foes but there 
  isn't a lot of sharp corners you can successfully navigate to let you get a 
  comfortable lead. After successful completion of this race then you unlock 
  the Crash Helmet which you can use when riding the Scooter so the Police 
  don't come after you.

| Race 2 \

  In this race there are a couple of hairpin turns in the middle of the 
  course that you can powerslide through. If you can successfully powerslide 
  through these curves then you will be able to comfortably separate yourself 
  from the other riders for an easier race.

| Race 3 \

  In this race there are a couple of different hairpin turns in the middle of 
  the course. For the first one you will get a notice to do a powerslide. 
  Powerslide across the median then power slide again through the next curve. 
  This should allow you to get ahead of the pack if you can execute it 

| Race 4 \

  In this race you will face four opponents for four laps. The four hairpin 
  turns in the previous races are combined for this one. Successful 
  navigation of this area will really let you get ahead of your foes for a 
  comfortable lead.

| Race 5 \

  In this race you face five opponents for four laps. The hardest part here 
  is to get ahead of your opponents since there are many and they can easily 
  bump up against you and slow you down. When you get ahead of them then you 
  should be fine unless you mess up the hairpin turns along the course.

If you're having trouble beating these races then I have an alternate
strategy suggested to me by Tony Ferrero.

Stay in last place but keep close to the other drivers. Then, when you are on
the last lap, drive as fast and skillfully as possible to pass the other
drivers and get in first place just prior to the finish line.

When you successfully complete Race 5 then you will get one step closer to
100% Completion, the Steering Wheel Room Trophy (on wall near the Wardrobe
Closet), the {Speed Freak} Trophy (if you have the PS4 version), and unlock

| >WGR13. City Go-Kart Races (Part One)                                     |

The City Go-Kart races are done outside the Carnival. These are required for
100% Completion. There are three races but only the first two are available
after completion of the Carnival Go-Kart Races. The third race is available
after Chapter V is unlocked.

The first race is just outside the Happy Endings Retirement Home. You face
two other riders for three laps.

This race goes through The Estates area. This race is very easy mainly
because there is lots of room to avoid the other riders. But also because it
seems that the other riders are slower than the ones you encountered at the
Carnival Go-Kart Track. Successful completion will earn you $20.

The second race, made available after completion of the first, is just south
of the Movie Theater. You face two other riders for three laps through the
Shopping District. This is also a very easy race and you will win $25 for
successful completion.

| >WGR14. The Order of Things (Part 6)                                      |

After doing all of the above side tasks, Errands, and Races, then focus on
earning more money to get well above $3,000 which is what is needed to
purchase all of the remaining clothes from the the Clothes Stores and inch
closer to 100% Completion.

And this leads to.....

| >WGR15. The Midget Wrestlers                                              |

Within the Freak Show tent at the Carnival there is a window that overlooks a
Wrestling Ring.

Here you can bet up to $100 on either of the two midget wrestlers, Lightning
(white trunks) and Zeke (red trunks - champ). It is not necessary for 100%
Completion but it is a good way to earn lots of money quickly if you need it,
especially when it comes to Clothes buying.

Although the odds are about 50-50, I always bet on the champ. You can earn up
to $200 for winning the bet which, since you had to bet $100, will give you a
gain of $100. When the match starts then you will see a health bar on the top
of the screen but it is for the other wrestler not the one you picked.

You may want to earn the Beach Clubhouse first before doing any serious
betting at the Midget Wrestling ring. If you win then you can run back to the
nearby Beach Clubhouse and save your game then run back and try to win some
more money. If you lose then you can just reload from your save point.

This is an old trick I used when making money at the Inside Track Betting
parlor in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas".

Reader John MacDonald also had this to add concerning the save trick:

  "The Midget Wrestling trick can also be used earlier in the game with Keep 
   - ups and Penalties. In fact, later on in the game it takes less time 
   doing that and using the jock clubhouse."

However, according to Vaibhav Pattani, if it looks like you are about to
lose, then you can just walk away from the ring and you will get all of your
money back.

By doing a lot of the side tasks, Errands, and Races beforehand then you can
reduce the number of times you have to bet here. After you get anywhere
between $3,000 and $3,500 then it is time to go buy the clothes which leads

| >WGR16. The Clothes Stores                                                |

With the money that has been earned up to this point you can go after all of
the clothes and creep closer to 100% Completion. Acquiring all of the clothes
listed in this chapter will also earn you the Gold Lame' Suit.

If you have the PS4 version then you should also earn the {Sharp Dressed Man}

It should be pointed out that any clothes you get by lockpicking the Lockers
at Bullworth Academy will not be made available for purchase since you
already have the item.

Now for the clothing places:

| A. The Souvenir Tent |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

You can't buy the Clothes but you must earn Tickets which are redeemed at
the Souvenir Tent at the Carnival. You must get at least 255 Tickets to get
all of the Clothes here.

It is best to wait until after you have completed Photography 5 because your
reward for completing that class is Double Tickets which will make it easier
to get the necessary tickets to purchase the Clothes.

The best place to get Tickets quickly is the Shooting Range. If you manage to
get at least 240 to 260 points on a consistent basis then you can get reduce
the amount of time needed to obtain the necessary Tickets to get the Clothes
which are:

| Devil Horn Hair Band (15)           | Big Novelty Watch (10)              |
| Some Incredibly Strange Hat (40)    | Clown Wig (40)                      |
| Clown Trousers (40)                 | Beaded Bracelet (15)                |
| Clown Shoes (40)                    | Checkered Party Hat (20)            |
| "I'm with Stupid" T-Shirt (20)      | Angel Halo Hair Band (15)           |

If you want everything else in the tent then it will cost you an additional
95 Tickets (for a total of 350 Tickets). You can buy the Scooter for 75
tickets and it will be stored in the Bike Garages. The Girlie/Car Poster and
the Rock Band Poster are Room Trophies and will appear on the walls of your
dorm room.

**NOTE: If you own the PS4 version then you will need to purchase both of the 
        Posters for the {Kleptomania} Trophy.

| B. Bullworth Academy Clothes Store |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

This Clothes Store is located on the first floor of the Main Building
southwest of the main entrance. The total cost for purchasing everything from
this store is $150.

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Head |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Bullworth Cap - Team ($3.50)        | Bullworth Visor - Green ($3.50)     |
| Bullworth Cap - Green ($3.50)       | Bullworth Visor - Red ($3.50)       |
| Bullworth Visor - Classic ($3.50)   |                                     |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Upper Body |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Gray Bullworth T-Shirt ($3.50)      | Bullworth Hoodie - Gray ($6)        |
| Bullworth Polo Shirt ($3.50)        | Bullworth Hoodie - Blue ($6)        |
| Team Polo Shirt ($3.50)             | Team Zip-Up ($8.00)                 |
| Team T-Shirt ($3.50)                | Bullworth Zip-Up - Green ($8)       |
| Team Football Jersey ($3.50)        | Astronomy Club Vest ($7)            |
| Team B-Ball Jersey - White ($3.50)  | School Sweater ($7)                 |
| Team B-Ball Jersey - Red ($3.50)    | Bullworth Sports Jacket ($11)       |
| Team B-Ball Jersey - Blue ($3.50)   |                                     |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Left Arm |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Team Sweatband - Blue ($2)          | Team Sweatband - White ($2)         |
| Team Sweatband - Red ($2)           |                                     |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Right Arm |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Team Sweatband - Blue ($2)          | Team Sweatband - White ($2)         |
| Team Sweatband - Red ($2)           |                                     |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Legs |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Bullworth Gym Pants ($7)            | Bullworth Gym Shorts - White ($5)   |
| School Shorts ($5)                  | Bullworth Gym Shorts - Red ($5)     |
| Bullworth Gym Shorts - Blue ($5)    |                                     |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Feet |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Gym Shoes ($6)                      | Cheap Dress Shoes ($10)             |

| C. Aquaberry Fashions Clothes Store |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

It should be noted that you should have both the Aquaberry Vest and the
Aquaberry Sweater from Chapter II but I will put them here to complete the
list. The total cost for purchasing everything from this store is $1,236.

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Head |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Luxury Stud Hat - Gray ($14)        | Panama Hat ($25)                    |
| Luxury Stud Hat - Brown ($14)       | Porkpie Hat ($25)                   |
| Luxury Stud Hat - Black ($14)       | Top Hat ($55)                       |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Upper Body |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Aquaberry Vest ($17.50)             | Zip Sweater - Slate ($17.50)        |
| Aquaberry Sweater ($17.50)          | Zip Sweater - Forest ($17.50)       |
| Aquaberry Shirt ($17.50)            | Zip Sweater - Coal ($17.50)         |
| Rough 'N Rich - White ($12.50)      | Urban Parade Sweater ($28)          |
| Rough 'N Rich Shirt - Blue ($12.50) | Lambswool V-Neck Sweater ($28)      |
| AB Casual Polo - Black ($14)        | LS Training Jacket ($28)            |
| AB Casual Polo - Brown ($14)        | Bullworth Sports Jacket ($11)       |
| AB Casual Polo - Blue ($14)         | Duffel Coat ($50)                   |
| Zip Sweater - Crimson ($17.50)      | Tuxedo Jacket ($100)                |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Left Arm |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Aquaberry Watch - Gold ($35)        | Aquaberry Watch - Silver ($30)      |
| Aquaberry Watch - Steel ($25)       | Aquaberry Watch - White Gold ($35)  |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Right Arm |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Bracelet - Gold ($35)               | Bracelet - Steel ($25)              |
| Bracelet - Silver ($30)             | Bracelet - Onyx ($25)               |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Legs |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| LS Casual Pants - Gray ($20)        | RnR Shorts - Burgundy ($14)         |
| LS Casual Pants - Black ($20)       | RnR Shorts - Green ($14)            |
| Aquaberry Slacks - Slate ($28)      | RnR Shorts - Tan ($14)              |
| Aquaberry Slacks - Cream ($28)      | RnR Shorts - Blue ($14)             |
| RnR Shorts - Black ($14)            | Tuxedo Pants ($70)                  |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Feet |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| LS Casual Moccasins ($18)           | Aquaberry Boots ($25)               |
| LS Casual Sneakers ($18)            | Country Boots ($25)                 |
| RnR Suede Sneakers ($18)            | Italian Shoes ($35)                 |
| Aquaberry Loafers ($22.50)          |                                     |

| D. Worn In Used Clothing Store |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

This store is located at the east side of Bullworth Town. The total cost for
purchasing everything from this store is $752.

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Head |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Ball Cap - Blue and White ($6)      | Wool Hat - Urban Style ($7.50)      |
| Ball Cap - Black ($6)               | Beach Bucket Hat ($8.50)            |
| Ball Cap - White ($6)               | Urban Bucket Hat ($8.50)            |
| Ball Cap - Quartered ($6)           | Newsie Hat ($8.50)                  |
| Ball Cap - White and Green ($6)     | Old Time Racing Hat ($10)           |
| Ball Cap - White and Blue ($6)      | Shortbeaked Cap ($8.50)             |
| Tradesman Cap - Blue ($7.50)        | Unionist Hat ($10)                  |
| Tradesman Cap - Brown ($7.50)       | Lumberjack Hat ($10)                |
| Wool Hat - Boarder Style ($7.50)    | Cowboy Hat - Brown ($14)            |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Upper Body |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Soccer Polo - Snow ($7)             | Hawaiian Shirt ($9)                 |
| Soccer Polo - Emerald ($7)          | Lips Long T-Shirt ($9)              |
| Rugby Jersey - LB ($7)              | 68 Long T-Shirt ($9)                |
| Rugby Jersey - Celt ($7)            | Urban Sports Long T-Shirt ($9)      |
| Football Jersey - Green ($7)        | Zip Up Black Hoodie ($10)           |
| Football Jersey - Black ($7)        | Sevener Black Hoodie ($10)          |
| Hockey Jersey - Blue ($7)           | Conduct Hoodie ($10)                |
| Hockey Jersey - Black ($7)          | Green Bomber Jacket ($12)           |
| Dark Side Baseball Jersey ($7)      | Black Hooded Jacket ($12)           |
| Bright Side Baseball Jersey ($7)    | Jean Jacket ($12)                   |
| Tiki Shirt ($9)                     |                                     |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Left Arm |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Classic Watch ($13)                 | Blue Sports Watch ($13)             |
| Black Digital Watch ($13)           | Low Profile Watch ($13)             |
| Black Sports Watch ($13)            |                                     |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Right Arm |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Good Luck Wrist Band ($6.50)        | Wide Wrist Band - Black ($11)       |
| Wristband - Black ($10)             | Wide Wrist Band - Brown ($11)       |
| Wristband - Brown ($10)             |                                     |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Legs |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Track Pants - Green ($10)           | 3/4 Shorts - Tan ($11)              |
| Track Pants - Black ($10)           | 3/4 Shorts - Brown ($11)            |
| Army Cargo Pants ($12)              | 3/4 Shorts - Black ($11)            |
| Desert Cargo Pants ($12)            | Beach Shorts ($9)                   |
| Ratty Jeans ($14)                   | Cargo Shorts ($11)                  |
| Soccer Shorts - Snow ($9)           | Crisp Jeans ($14)                   |
| Soccer Shorts - Emerald ($9)        |                                     |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Feet |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Urban Loafers - Brown ($9)          | Riot Shoes - Caramel ($7)           |
| Urban Loafers - Black ($9)          | Riot Shoes - Chocolate ($7)         |
| Fashion Boots - Tan ($12.50)        | Riot Shoes - Black ($7)             |
| Fashion Boots - Brown ($12.50)      | Budget Basketball Shoes ($7)        |
| Skate Shoes - Black ($9)            | Workman Boots ($10)                 |
| Urban Walker Classic ($7)           | Brown Loafers ($17)                 |
| Urban Walker Canvas ($7)            | Country Shoes ($20)                 |
| Riot Shoes - Classic ($7)           | Cowboy Boots ($22.50)               |

| E. The Final Cut Clothes Store |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

This Clothes Store is located within The Final Cut Barber Shop at the north
side of New Coventry. The total cost for purchasing everything from this
store is $820.50.

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Head |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Cap - Blue ($5)                     | Army Wool Hat ($5)                  |
| Cap - Purple and Black ($5)         | Bandana - Blue ($3.50)              |
| Cap - Red and Tan ($5)              | Bandana - Red ($3.50)               |
| Cap - White and Black ($5)          | Bandana - Black ($3.50)             |
| Cap - Yellow and Black ($5)         | Skater Beanie - Black ($5)          |
| Cap - Black and Red ($5)            | Skater Beanie - Red ($5)            |
| Army Cap ($5)                       | Skater Beanie - Gray ($5)           |
| Army Bucket Hat ($5)                |                                     |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Upper Body |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| T-Shirt - White ($5)                | Creepy Clown T-Shirt ($9)           |
| T-Shirt - Blue ($5)                 | Fool Hammer T-Shirt ($9)            |
| T-Shirt - Red ($5)                  | New Flannel Shirt ($9)              |
| T-Shirt - Yellow ($5)               | Worn Flannel Shirt ($9)             |
| T-Shirt - Green ($5)                | Punk Hoodie ($11)                   |
| T-Shirt - Black ($5)                | Army Sweater - Green ($11)          |
| T-Shirt - Gray ($5)                 | Army Sweater - Black ($11)          |
| Undershirt - Black ($3)             | Hoodie - Black ($9)                 |
| Undershirt - Blue ($3)              | Hoodie - Blue ($9)                  |
| Undershirt - Gray ($3)              | Hoodie - Gray ($9)                  |
| Long T-Shirt - White ($9)           | Rock On Shirt ($7)                  |
| Long T-Shirt - Dark Blue ($9)       | Rocker Hoodie ($9)                  |
| Long T-Shirt - Yellow ($9)          | Army Jacket ($13)                   |
| Long T-Shirt - Light Blue ($9)      | Arctic Camo Jacket ($13)            |
| Long T-Shirt - Red ($9)             | Forest Camo Jacket ($13)            |
| Long T-Shirt - Green ($9)           | Black Bomber Jacket ($13)           |
| Long T-Shirt - Black ($9)           | Old School Punk Vest ($22.50)       |
| Long T-Shirt - Gray ($9)            | Leather Jacket ($30)                |
| Metal T-Shirt ($9)                  |                                     |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Left Arm |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Cheap Digital Watch ($9.00)                                               |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Right Arm |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Red Bandana ($3)                    | Spiky Studded Punk Brace ($9)       |
| Narrow Studded Punk Brace ($7)      | Leather Archer Brace ($11)          |
| Square Studded Brace ($7)           | Black Restraint Brace ($13)         |
| Wide Studded Punk Brace ($9)        | Black Bracelet ($12)                |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Legs |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Jogging Pants ($6)                  | Forest Camo Cargo Pants ($8)        |
| Ripped Jeans ($12.50)               | Forest Camo Cargo Pants ($8)        |
| High Cuffed Jeans ($10)             | Cut-Off Jean Shorts ($6)            |
| Black Cargo Pants ($10)             | Plaid Punk Pants ($15)              |
| Desert Cargo Shorts ($8)            | Pistol Pants ($20)                  |
| Camo Cargo Shorts ($8)              |                                     |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Feet |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Low Tops - Black ($6)               | Fat Sneaks - Gray ($12)             |
| Low Tops - Gray ($6)                | Fat Sneaks - Red and Gold ($12)     |
| Low Tops - Green ($6)               | Fat Sneaks - Black and Red ($12)    |
| Low Tops - Red ($6)                 | Blue Runners ($10)                  |
| Low Tops - Brown ($6)               | Brown Runners ($10)                 |
| Skate Shoes - Green ($9)            | White B-Ball Shoes ($13)            |
| Skate Shoes - Red ($9)              | Shiny White Sneakers ($16)          |
| Skate Shoes - Brown and Tan ($9)    | Old Worn Boots ($12)                |
| Skate Shoes - Black ($9)            | Army Boots ($12)                    |
| Fat Sneaks - Black and White ($12)  | Motorcycle Boots ($20)              |
| Fat Sneaks - Gray and White ($12)   |                                     |

With all of the above tasks done it is finally time to go back to the Main
Story starting with the.....

| >WGR17. Nerd Challenge                                                    |

The Nerd Challenge can be found in the basement of the Dragon's Wing Comics
Store in Bullworth Town. Beating this Challenge will earn you the basement as
a Save House.

In order to beat the Challenge you need to beat Fatty's high score of 1,010
in the "ConSumo" Arcade Game. If you waited this long to do this game then,
by beating this score, along with Monkey Fling and Nut Shots, you can earn
the Free Games Reward along with the {Dual Nebula} Trophy.

When you beat the Challenge then you earn the Bottle Rocket Launcher Weapon
and it will spawn at all Save Houses including this one.

And you can finally go after the following.....

| >WGR18. Collectibles (Dragon's Wing Comics Store)                         |

Listed here are the Collectibles that are found at the basement of the
Dragon's Wing Comics Store:

  ++Rubber Band [BLT-RB62]
      Location: On the floor inside the bedroom.

  ++"G&G" Card [BLT-GG32]
      Location: Inside the bedroom on the table.

  ++Transistor [BLT-T6]
      Location: On the desk next to your Save Book.

With this Transistor, along with the one you found in New Coventry, you can
finish up with the Hobo.....

| >WGR19. A Little Help (V and VI)                                          |

Now it is time to get the last fighting moves from the Hobo:

  >>A Little Help V
      Roundhouse Kick - (Square, Square, Square, (Hold) Square).

  >>A Little Help VI
      Overhead Punch - (Square, Square, Square, Square (Hold) Square).

After acquiring the last fighting move then the Hobo will finally complete
his little project and will get beamed up by some mysterious force!

In addition, these moves will make fighting anybody much easier because the
final move of the Overhead Punch is practically unblockable (although you
will be vulnerable while charging up the last punch).

Now back to the Main Story.....

 / The Main Story \+++++++++++++++++++\
| >MSY6. Dragon's Wing Comics                                               +

This comic book shop in Bullworth Town is where the Nerds like to hang out.
One of your Save Houses is here too. You can also buy various items used in
gags and pranks:

  >>Itching Powder ($4.00)
  >>Stink Bombs ($4.00)
  >>Bag of Marbles ($3.00)

There is also one mission for this store.....

 / Dragon's Wing Comics \
| >DWC1. Comic Klepto                                                       0
| Overview /                                       \ Dragon's Wing Comics /
0=========0                                         0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  The store gets robbed by a dorky kid and the store owner wants Jimmy to go 
  after him.....

| Notes \

  This mission is available after 3:30 PM.

| The Plan \

  You are on a bike and must chase the kid. You must stop him before he gets 
  to the school. He will toss Fire Crackers behind him so avoid them when he 

  Get up alongside him and punch him to knock him off his bike and collect 
  the Comic. Even better, according to reader Rohail Khan, is to throw Fire 
  Crackers from your bike to knock him off then knock him out to get the 

  Regardless of method, after obtaining the Comic, then return to the store 
  to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \



  Then go back to the school and to the Cafeteria.....

 / Edna \
| >EDN2. Cook's Crush                                                       0
| Overview /                                                       \ Edna /
0=========0                                                         0+=+=0

   Edna tells Jimmy about her crush on Dr. Watts, the Chemistry teacher, and 
   that they are going out on a date. However, he doesn't know about it and 
   Edna wants Jimmy to get some items for her.....

| Notes \

  This mission is available between 8 AM to 5 PM.

| The Plan \

  You will need to get Chocolates, Perfume, and Sedatives. You need to go to 
  a Yum Yum Market to get the Chocolates if you don't have any. If you 
  already have Chocolates in your inventory then you can skip this step and 
  go get the other two items.

  To get the Perfume you must enter the Staff Room. But there are two 
  teachers by the door. Pull the Fire Alarm to get the teachers away from the 
  Staff Room door and run around the Lockers so they don't see you as you 
  enter. Get the Perfume and get out.

  Next, go to the yellow X in Bullworth Town. Rummage through the Trash Cans 
  until you get some Prescription Pills. Then head back to Edna to 
  successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \



  Edna will then ask Jimmy to keep the kids away from them when they go out 
  that night which leads to.....

 / Edna \
| >EDN3. Cook's Date                                                        0
| Overview /                                                       \ Edna /
0=========0                                                         0+=+=0

  Jimmy now must protect Edna and her date from the students.....

| Notes \

  This mission opens up after 3:30 PM.

| The Plan \

  Go near the Aquaberry Fashions store to start the mission. Climb the tree. 
  Don't disturb the date and protect the duo from students. Use the Super 
  Slingshot and nail the students as they approach. Keep an eye on the radar 
  and don't let them stay near the two for too long or you will fail the 
  mission. Once the date finishes then the mission will be successfully 

| Reward \



  Now let's head into New Coventry.....

 / The Main Story \+++++++++++++++++++\
| >MSY7. The Greasers                                                       +

The Greasers are the guys who wear leather jackets and hang out at the
Autoshop. They like to think that they are tough but they are not that hard
to deal with. Their main neighborhood is New Coventry and their hangout
within the neighborhood is The Tenements. They are led by Johnny Vincent and
that leads to the next mission.....

 / The Greasers \
| >GRS1. Jealous Johnny                                                     0
| Overview /                                               \ The Greasers /
0=========0                                                 0+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Johnny is upset over his girlfriend Lola cheating on him and wants Jimmy's 
  help in obtaining evidence.....

| The Plan \

  To get evidence you need to take photos of Gord giving Lola a gift, holding 
  hands with Lola, and kissing Lola.

  As with any of the other picture taking missions, keep an eye on the thin 
  border around the picture as you zoom in on your subjects. Make sure it is 
  green before taking the picture. Go to the two X's but don't get too close. 
  Zoom in on the two of them.

  They will walk around while holding hands. This is probably the first 
  picture you will get. When Gord whips out the Flowers, but before he gets 
  to give them to Lola, then take another picture. And, when they stop to 
  kiss, then take the last picture.

  If you miss any of the opportunities the first time then they will continue 
  walking around and repeat themselves thus giving you another opportunity to 
  get the right pictures. When all three photos are obtained then go back to 
  Johnny to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  $20 plus Greaser Respect +5 and the Busted! Picture Room Trophy near the 

 / The Greasers \
| >GRS2. Bait                                                               0
| Overview /                                               \ The Greasers /
0=========0                                                 0+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  With the evidence obtained, Johnny now wants Jimmy to lure Gord into an 

| The Plan \

  Gord can be found riding in Bullworth Town with a friend. Take the nearby 
  bike and go to him. Smack Gord to provoke him and then lead him to the BMX 
  Park in New Coventry. Once you get there then you will get a cutscene and 
  the action will move inside the park.

  Now you need to help Johnny beat up the Preps. Get off your bike and switch 
  to your Super Slingshot. Shoot the Preps off the bikes then continue 
  shooting them until they go down. They will be using Fire Crackers but they 
  will be using them on the Greasers so you won't have too much trouble from 
  them. After the last Prep goes down then the mission is completed 

| Reward \

  $20 plus Preppie Respect -5 and Greaser Respect +5.


  In addition, you unlock the BMX Park, where you can ride around the ramps 
  and and do stunts, and the New Coventry Bike Races which leads to the next 

| >WGR20. Bike Races (Part Two)                                             |

On the wall facing the street near the BMX Park is where you can find the New
Coventry Bike Races. There are two races and they are both two laps each.
Bring either the Red BMX or Scooter with you to the races.

| Race 1 \
| Reward: $30 /

  This race starts near your New Coventry Bike Garage and heads north along 
  the dirt path. Then the race will cut through The Tenements area and go 
  along the north part of New Coventry.

  There is a shortcut near the railroad cars on the north part of the 
  railroad tracks. When you get near the area then cut through the trees on 
  the left and stay near the fence. This will allow you to maintain your 
  lead. After the railroad cars then you will head back down to the dirt path 
  which will lead back to where you started.

| Race 2 \
| Reward: $40 /

  This race starts near the New Coventry Yum Yum Market then heads east and 
  toward The Tenements. When you get to The Tenements then the race will 
  head west and along a dirt path.

  There is a jump on the north end of the course that leads back out into the 
  street. More often than not there is a car in the street when you land.
  Quickly get around it if it appears to maintain your lead. Then the race 
  will head west and back to where you started.

This will also complete the New Coventry Bike Races. There is now one race
left, the Bullworth Academy Bike Race, but Chapter V must be unlocked before
that can be done.

 / The Preps \
| >PRP4. Tagging                                                            0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Preps /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  The Preps want Jimmy to prove his leadership by sending a message to the 
  Greasers in New Coventry.....

| Notes \

  Jack606 came up with a much better way to reach the rooftop tag on the top 
  of Spazz Industries.

| The Plan \

  You will be given the Spray Paint and be prompted to go to New Coventry. 
  Once you are in New Coventry then you are prompted to lay down a tag. Move 
  toward a Tag Target and press the Triangle Button when prompted to spray a 
  tag. Follow the pattern to complete the tag. Press the X Button when you 
  need to continue the tag. If you don't press the X Button when needed then 
  the tag will be abandoned.

  When you finish that tag then head to the nearby Yum Yum Market to buy some 
  more Spray Paint. After that then you need to lay down five Greaser insult 
  tags in New Coventry. There are a lot of X's so you can choose any five to 

  You are also told to complete the tags on the roofs for a big payoff. You 
  see, each tag you paint is worth $5 but the ones on the rooftops are worth 
  $100. There are four rooftop tags:

  Use the Ladder by the BMX Park to get the tag on the top of Wonder Meats.

  There is a Ladder by the carport east of The Golden Horseshoe. Use this 
  Ladder to climb to the top of the carport and get the tag on one of the 

  There is also a Ladder on the south side of the building, with the parked 
  car, east of the Wonder Meats building. After you climb the Ladder then 
  head east until you find a Ladder straddling across the alley. Go across 
  the Ladder to the other side to find the tag.

  But the tag on top of Spazz Industries is the hardest one to get. The Spazz 
  Industries building doesn't have a Ladder.

  This is the method that reader Jack606 used to get to the top of Spazz 

  First, climb the Ladder next to the BMX Park.

  Second, climb the wall that is straight in front of you and, when you get 
  to the top, then turn left and walk up the slanted roof. Basically follow 
  the same path you do to get to the tag on the Wonder Meats sign, however, 
  this time, do *NOT* make the final climb onto the highest roof.

  Instead, when you reach the top of the first slanted roof you climb, then 
  stand on the apex (the flat bit at the point between the upwards slanting 
  roof you have just climbed and the downwards slanting bit now in front of 
  you) and face the roof of Spazz Industries. 

  This part does require a bit of precise timing so you might not do it the 
  first time, but is is easy to get. Should take no more than two to three 

  Make sure Jimmy only has his hands equipped. Now go through your Weapon 
  Wheel until the Skateboard appears. Next, tap the Left Analog Stick 
  forwards and Jimmy will put it down, hop on, and will go rolling down the 
  slanted roof in front of him, picking up speed.

  As soon as you have tapped the Left Analog Stick forward then be sure to 
  let it go and hold down the Circle Button. And, when Jimmy hits the flat 
  bit of roof just before the edge, then let go of the Circle Button to ollie 
  and he will jump across the street onto the roof of Spazz Industries.

  The moment you land on the roof of Spazz Industries immediately switch to 
  something else on the Weapon Wheel or Jimmy may quickly roll off of the 

  After you complete five Greaser insult tags, regardless of location, then 
  the mission will be successfully completed.

| Reward \

  $25 to $405 depending on the tags done plus Greaser Respect -25 and Preps 
  Respect +5. You also unlock Tagging which spawns Tag Targets all around the 
  Bullworth area. I'm not going to cover Tagging since it does not contribute 
  to 100% Completion.


  In addition, you will now start to spawn.....

| >WGR21. Spray Paint                                                       |

In addition to being able to buy Spray Paint at all of the Yum Yum Markets
you can now find the Cans at the following locations:

| Bullworth Academy \
| Location: At the south side of the Boy's Dorm.                            |
| Map: (F-9).                                                               |
| Location: In the open garage at the south side of the Autoshop.           |
| Map: (G-8).                                                               |


| Old Bullworth Vale \
| Location: Under the the large pier directly south of the Shopping         |
|           District.                                                       |
| Map: (F-5).                                                               |


| New Coventry \
| Location: In the small alley at the southwest corner of The Tenements.    |
| Map: (C-13).                                                              |
| Location: In the alley south of the Bus Stop at the east side of New      |
|           Coventry.                                                       |
| Map: (C-13).                                                              |

And, in addition, you open more.....

| >WGR22. Errands (Part Six)                                                |

Now that you have done the mission "Tagging", another Errand will appear:

| New Coventry (NCV) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [NCV-E34] \
| Task     | Take photo of a Tagger.                                        |
| Location | In the street southeast of the Blue Balls Pool Hall near the   |
|          | Beam Cola billboard.                                           |
| Reward   | $25.                                                           |
| The Plan | Get your Camera ready. Run and look for a blue X which         |
|          | indicates a Greaser getting ready to Tag. When you get to the  |
|          | Greaser then take the picture as he is Tagging. Then return to |
|          | the Cop to successfully complete the Errand.                   |
|          |                                                                |
|          | Because of Greaser hostilities at this portion of the game     |
|          | then it is advisable to wait until you have completed Chapter  |
|          | III before doing this Errand otherwise you will be constantly  |
|          | attacked by Greasers as you attempt to do the task.            |

| >WGR23. Greaser Challenge                                                 |

The Greaser Challenge can be found at the Blue Balls Pool Hall in New
Coventry. Defeating this Challenge will allow you to take over the hall as a
Save House.

You need to clear out the hall of all Greasers to complete the Challenge. You
start off against three Greasers. Use your powerful combos to clear them
quickly. After defeating them then three more Greasers show up. Defeat those
three and the hall is yours.

The Blue Balls Pool Hall Save House contains a bed, a Save Book, a Soda
Machine, and a "Monkey Fling" Arcade Game. You can use this Arcade Game to
get the Free Games Reward (and the {Dual Nebula} Trophy (PS4 version)) if you
haven't done so already. This Save House also spawns your Carton of Eggs,
Bottle Rocket Launcher, and Spud Gun (later in the game) Weapons.

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP9. Glass House                                                        0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Mr. Hattrick has been trying to get Mr. Galloway fired by spreading rumors 
  about him being drunk. Jimmy helps him by showing he is not to be 

| Notes \

  This mission opens up after 3:30 PM.

| The Plan \

  Head to the School Parking Lot. Follow Mr. Hattrick's car to his home. 
  Equip your Skateboard and skitch a ride on his bumper by pressing the 
  Triangle Button when close enough.

  When you get to his house then you have a very short time to get onto his 
  property. Then you are prompted to destroy as much as possible, mainly the 
  windows and potted plants. Destroying these objects will fill up a 
  Vandalism Meter which you must completely fill to meet the mission 

  Go into the backyard and into the Greenhouse. Switch to your Super 
  Slingshot and start smashing the the windows and potted plants with your 
  fists and use the slingshot on the windows above. However, Mr. Hattrick has 
  called the Police and they will quickly arrive on the scene.

  After you are done with the Greenhouse then destroy some of the potted 
  plants while running from the Police. When you destroy enough of them then 
  you are prompted to leave Mr. Hattrick's yard.

  When you leave the yard then the mission will be successfully completed. It 
  is important to note, however, that Mr. Hattrick may run out after you so 
  keep running after the mission is over otherwise you could get Busted.

| Reward \


 / The Nerds \
| >NRD7. Wrong Part of Town                                                 0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Nerds /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  While in the Library, Earnest tells Jimmy that Johnny thinks that Algie 
  is putting the moves on Lola and is going after him. Jimmy is requested by 
  Earnest to find and save Algie.....

| Notes \

  Kiss a Girl/Guy first before doing this mission. You might need the extra 

  Got a neat little tip from Peter McConnell.

| The Plan \

  Your first task is to find Cornelius. When you do find him then you see 
  that he is surrounded by Greasers including Johnny Vincent and Gary Smith. 
  When Cornelius tells Jimmy where Algie can be found then most of the 
  Greasers, including Gary and Johnny, leave but a few stay behind to beat up 

  Beat up the Greasers but focus on the one on attacking Cornelius first. 
  After defeating the Greasers then you need to go to New Coventry to find 
  Algie who'll be near The Tenements.

  When you find Algie then you will see that Lola is putting the squeeze on 
  Thad and Algie. When she leaves the duo then Jimmy requests them to leave 
  before the Greasers see them. But they are seen and the Greasers give chase 
  with Jimmy riding on the back of Thad's bike. This part is a rail shooter.

  Use the Super Slingshot to knock off the Greasers as they approach. Some of 
  them will throw Fire Crackers and can damage you although sometimes they 
  will knock themselves off their own bikes. You will go through the New 
  Coventry and Bullworth Town areas before heading back to school.

  After you are dropped off then take Algie to Earnest to successfully 
  complete the mission.

  However, reader Peter McConnell found something you can do before taking 
  Algie to Earnest. You will notice that Earnest is standing next to 
  Cornelius. While standing at the entrance to the school pull out your 
  Camera and zoom in on Earnest. You can take a picture of Earnest for the 
  Yearbook here.

  If you don't get the Yearbook picture then move a couple of steps closer 
  and take another picture. Continue doing this until you get the picture 
  then go to him to finish the task.

| Reward \

  $20 plus Greaser Respect -5 and Nerd Respect +5.

 / The Greasers \
| >GRS3. Lola's Race                                                        0
| Overview /                                               \ The Greasers /
0=========0                                                 0+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Lola gets Johnny and Jimmy to challenge each other in a bike race.....

| Notes \

  --Optional: Have a Scooter saved in your bike garage and switch to your 
              Bike Helmet prior to doing this mission.

| The Plan \

  Bring either the Red BMX or Scooter with you. This is a bike race similar 
  to the others you have done previously.

  However, the Greasers are a bit faster so you may need to fight your way 
  from time to time as they try to pass you. There will be certain obstacles 
  to avoid during the race. You will have to contend with the railroad cars 
  when you are on the tracks. Avoid those to prevent wrecking.

  The path around Bullworth Academy has several shortcuts that the Greasers 
  will take but your bike (and Scooter) is fast enough to negate their 

  Some of the Greasers will cut down trees to knock you off your bike. Slow 
  down just a little to avoid them when they fall and go over the fallen 
  trees on the right side. When you win the race then the mission is 
  successfully completed.

| Reward \

  Lola likes you plus you get the Lola's Picture Room Trophy and Greaser 
  Respect -20.

 / The Greasers \
| >GRS4. The Tenements                                                      0
| Overview /                                               \ The Greasers /
0=========0                                                 0+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Lola wants Jimmy to get her belongings from her place which is smack in the 
  middle of Greaser territory.....

| Notes \

  Have full Bottle Rocket Launchers before doing this mission.

  Reader Michael Gossett had this to add about the mission: 

    "I have been using your Bully(PS2) walkthrough and found it useful. I 
     would like to let you know i found another way to fight Norton during 
     The Tenements. You can use a Trashbin Lid, found on the landing between 
     the 2nd & 3rd floor, as a shield to block his hammer. the best way to do 
     this is to block his attacks till he bends over to catch his breath then 
     hit him 2-4 times w/ the lid then start blocking again. its slow but it 

| The Plan \

  Go into The Tenements area. Go into the yellow marker and open the window.
  There are five items to get here in this multi-level building. The items 
  are marked with X's so they are easy to find. But the building is also full 
  of Greasers. It is best to find them and snipe them from afar with the 
  Super Slingshot.

  This is especially useful when you go up the stairs to the next floor. Just 
  peek over the top of the stairs and nail the Greasers you see in the head 
  to knock them down without a fight. There are some Greasers you can't snipe 
  so use your combos to take care of them quickly.

  There are also some rooms that have destructible walls but you don't have 
  anything to destroy them with. Of course, some of the items you need are in 
  those rooms.

  When you get up to the last floor then defeat the Greasers and grab the Bag 
  of Laundry. After that then you will be confronted by Norton who has a 
  large Sledgehammer. He will hurt you really bad with the Sledgehammer so 
  you will need to use ranged weapons. The Bottle Rocket Launcher works well 
  here. Keep firing at him until his Health Meter is gone.

  Take the Sledgehammer he drops and go get the other two items. Use the 
  Sledgehammer to destroy the destructible walls to obtain the items. After 
  getting the last item then leave The Tenements. Then go and return the 
  items to Lola to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  $20 plus Greaser Respect -10.


  In addition, you open up more.....

| >WGR24. Errands (Part Seven)                                              |

Now that you've done the mission "The Tenements", more Errands will appear:

| Old Bullworth Vale (OBV) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [OBV-E35] \
| Task     | Spray some Prep Tags.                                          |
| Location | At the east end of Old Bullworth Vale Gardens.                 |
| Reward   | $20.                                                           |
| The Plan | Find any three Tag spots within Old Bullworth Vale to make     |
|          | your mark. After you make the last Tag then the Errand will be |
|          | successfully completed.                                        |

| New Coventry (NCV) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [NCV-E36] \
| Task     | Escort Miss Abby to The Tenements.                             |
| Location | Just west of the Blue Balls Pool Hall, and near The Golden     |
|          | Horseshoe Hotel, after 4 PM.                                   |
| Reward   | $40.                                                           |
| The Plan | Grab her hand and escort her to The Tenements area. Use the    |
|          | shortcut behind the Blue Balls Pool Hall to speed things up.   |
|          |                                                                |
|          | If you are attacked by Greasers then Miss Abby will back off   |
|          | and cheer you on as you fight them. Also be careful of traffic |
|          | so they don't hit you and knock off your health.               |

| [NCV-E37] \
| Task     | Spray some Greaser Tags.                                       |
| Location | Near the railroad overpass.                                    |
| Reward   | $25.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go around and find three Tag areas to make the Greaser Tags.   |
|          | Be careful of nearby Greasers. After you complete the last Tag |
|          | then you successfully complete the Errand.                     |

 / The Greasers \
| >GRS5. The Rumble                                                         0
| Overview /                                               \ The Greasers /
0=========0                                                 0+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Lola wants Jimmy to fight for her because all the boys are fighting for her
  in a big rumble.....

| Notes \

  You should have full Fire Crackers, Bottle Rocket Launcher, and Spray Paint 
  before doing this mission. Kiss somebody for extra health.

| The Plan \

  When the mission starts then find Peanut. Grab a bike and find him. When 
  you do that then he will lead you into an alleyway in the middle of The 
  Tenements. Now you need to defeat him and his two friends in order to get 
  information to find Johnny so you can finish up business.

  During this fight you must stay in the alleyway. If you brought a bike then 
  you can just stay on it and punch them as they approach to throw you off. 
  This will limit their damage. If they manage to throw you off then use the 
  powerful combos you learned from the Hobo to quickly dispatch them.

  When you defeat them then you will be confronted with Johnny who wants to 
  fight. But the Cops intervene and you need to get away. At this point you 
  will be on a bike and you need to outrun the Cops through the Junk Yard. 
  Just keep tapping the X Button to sprint ahead of the Cops.

  After outrunning the Cops then Johnny will knock you off your bike and you 
  will land in an enclosed area with a large magnet crane where you will 
  finally face the Greasers Leader.....

| A. Fighting Johnny Vincent |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

  Johnny will be on a bike, wielding a pipe, and you must fight him on foot. 
  In addition to that, there are several Greasers stationed on the junk that 
  surrounds the middle area where you and Johnny are. They will throw Eggs 
  and Stink Bombs to hurt you and slow you down.

  Petey is on one side of the area and he wants you to help him get to the 
  magnet crane. Switch to your Super Slingshot and start running in a circle 
  around the area.

  The Super Slingshot will lock onto the Greasers overhead and running around 
  will help you to avoid Johnny. As you run around, shoot at the Greasers 
  above that you lock on. This will help clear a path for Petey. You can 
  shoot Johnny as well but he is too fast and powerful while he is on his 
  bike thanks to that pipe of his. If Johnny smacks you with it then you can 
  smash some of the Crates around the area for Soda Cans.

  When Petey finally gets to the magnet crane switch then he will turn it on. 
  Lure Johnny to the magnet. When you do that then his bike and pipe will be 
  taken from him and he will be on foot. Approach Johnny and wale on him with 
  your powerful combos. He is not very tough when he is off of his bike. 
  After you beat him down then you will successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  The Johnny's Jacket Room Trophy and full respect from the Greasers (plus 
  Johnny's picture for your yearbook). If you own the PS4 version then you 
  should also get the {Junior} Trophy.

  And this will open up the next chapter of the game.....

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >BLY6. Chapter IV - A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body, & Other Lies        |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

It is now spring time at Bullworth and the snow has melted away exposing new
grass and flowers. With the Greasers taken care of, Jimmy now turns his
attention to the Jock clique. Especially after Petey has a little run-in with
some and is harassed. This chapter does not open up any new areas to explore
but it does bring up a new Job.....

| >HBD1. Lawn Mowing                                                        |

At this point in the game you will also open up the second of two Lawn Mowing
Jobs which is located at 23 Estate Road in Old Bullworth Vale. The first Lawn
Mowing Job was opened up in Chapter II and is located at the east side of Old
Bullworth Vale Gardens.

You need to complete all three levels in each location for 100% Completion.
You have to complete a minimum percentage of the assigned area within a time
limit for successful completion. You will get $15 for minimal completion and
$25 for 100% mowing of an area. For the first level of mowing you have to
complete 70% coverage. Second level requires 80% coverage. And the third
level requires 90% coverage.

For the Old Bullworth Vale Gardens Law Mowing Job you have to mow around some
trees and avoid flowers but it is still pretty easy. The Lawn Mowing Job at
23 Estate Road is just like the other one.

You have to avoid the Birdbaths, Potted Plants, and Flowers but the game
doesn't seem to punish you for destroying anything even though it says you
will lose money if do. You can also destroy the Birdbaths prior to doing this
Job so you don't have to worry about them.

For minimal completion of a level you earn $20 and for 100% completion you
earn $40.

| >HBD2. Errands (Part Eight)                                               |

Now that Chapter IV has been opened up, more Errands will appear:

| Old Bullworth Vale (OBV) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [OBV-E38] \
| Task     | Collect and place flowers on Mrs. Lisburn's husband's Grave.   |
| Location | At the Happy Endings Retirement Home during the daytime.       |
| Reward   | $15.                                                           |
| The Plan | Hang just outside the gate so you don't Trespass. When you get |
|          | her to appear then she will slowly walk up to you so you don't |
|          | have to go inside.                                             |
|          |                                                                |
|          | If you don't already have Flowers in your inventory then you   |
|          | need to pick them from inside the Retirement Home grounds. Go  |
|          | to the blue X's which is inside the north side of the grounds  |
|          | near the dried out pond.                                       |
|          |                                                                |
|          | Make sure that the patrolling Orderly is on the other side of  |
|          | the building before going to pick the six Flowers you need to  |
|          | complete the Errand. After you pick the Flowers then head to   |
|          | the Cemetery and place them on the Grave to successfully       |
|          | complete the Errand.                                           |
|          |                                                                |
|          | However, if you already have at least six Bouquet of Flowers   |
|          | in your inventory, then just go straight to the Gravesite.     |

| Bullworth Town (BLT) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [BLT-E39] \
| Task     | Take a Photo of a dirty Cop.                                   |
| Location | In front of City Hall.                                         |
| Reward   | $25 and the Incognito Hat unlocked.                            |
| The Plan | Go to the In and Out Motel and switch to your Camera. Stay on  |
|          | the far end of the parking lot and use the zoom on the dirty   |
|          | Cop. When you see the other guy give the Cop a payment then    |
|          | take the picture. Then take the Photo back to the other Cop to |
|          | successfully complete the Errand.                              |

| New Coventry (NCV) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [NCV-E40] \
| Task     | Kill the Rats inside The Tenements.                            |
| Location | At the north side of The Tenements.                            |
| Reward   | $25.                                                           |
| The Plan | Switch to your Super Slingshot and enter the building. Once    |
|          | you are inside then you will see blue X's and triangles. These |
|          | are the Rats and you need to use your Slingshot to get rid of  |
|          | them. Target and shoot to kill them. You need to kill eighteen |
|          | Rats to successfully complete the Errand.                      |

| [NCV-E41] \
| Task     | Put out the Fires inside The Tenements.                        |
| Location | At the north side of The Tenements.                            |
| Reward   | $25.                                                           |
| The Plan | You will be given a Fire Extinguisher by the Cop. Then go and  |
|          | enter the building. You need to put out six Fires to complete  |
|          | the Errand. Go up to the fire and Jimmy will automatically aim |
|          | the extinguisher downward when you press the R1 Button. When   |
|          | you put out the last fire then the Errand will be successfully |
|          | completed.                                                     |

With that done, let's go back to the Main Story missions starting with the
one at the Library.....

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP10. Stronghold Assault                                                0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Jimmy asks Algie for help but is turned down. Petey suggests that Jimmy go 
  after Earnest to get the Nerds on his side.....

| Notes \

  You should kiss a Girl/Guy to get extra health before doing this mission.

| The Plan \

  Ask the Nerds for Earnest's whereabouts. You will see that Fatty is nearby. 
  You can talk to him but I prefer to just throw him into the nearby Trash 
  Can. He will then tell you that Earnest is at the Observatory. Next, go to 
  the side alley. Thad is there at the security door but just stay on top of 
  the wall and snipe him with your Slingshot to get the passcode.

  Once you get past the door then you will find a makeshift wall along the 
  pathway that you need to climb. Earnest will taunt you and you will be 
  attacked by three Nerds wielding Bottle Rocket Launchers and Fire Crackers. 
  Stand on the wall and use your Super Slingshot and snipe them from a 

  After dealing with them then climb the next wall into the next area. Go 
  along and snipe any Nerds you see. Go behind the big rock and pummel the 
  Nerd hiding there. As you approach the narrow part of the path leading into 
  the next area then you will be attacked by a couple of Nerds. Pummel them 
  both and enter the next area sniping any Nerds you see.

  Next, you will be prompted to go to the Observatory. Here, Earnest will be 
  using a weapon known as the Spud Cannon to keep you out. The game will also 
  instruct you to disable the Transformer. If you angle yourself correctly 
  then you can actually shoot out the Transformer from far away using the 
  large rocks as cover.

  After shooting out the Transformer then approach the gate. There are two 
  more Nerds right next to the gate. Just come up to them and nail them up 
  close with the Super Slingshot. Then go through the gate.

  Now you need to use the Spud Cannon to knock down the doors. After a few 
  seconds of using the Spud Cannon then some Nerds will appear around the 
  Observatory to try to stop you with Bottle Rocket Launchers.

  Press the Triangle Button to get off of the Spud Cannon then use the Super 
  Slingshot to snipe the Nerds. When you get rid of the Nerds then get back 
  on the Spud Cannon and continue to knock down the doors. When more Nerds 
  appear then get off the cannon and get rid of them with the Super 

  Continue this pattern of shooting and defending until you destroy the 
  doors. After you knock down the doors and gain access to the Observatory 
  then you will successfully complete this half of the mission. You will gain 
  Nerd Respect -100 and Jock Respect +5.

  And, more importantly, a confrontation with the Nerd Leader, Earnest Jones, 
  which sets up.....

| A. Nerd Boss Fight |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

  You will have your health refilled when you start this battle (unless you 
  still have your extra health). He will be on a segmented catwalk that rings 
  the interior of the Observatory. They are held up in place by small cranes.

  When you start then he will be behind a slower firing version of the Spud 
  Cannon. Stay behind one of the columns. When there is a break in his firing 
  pattern then poke out and use the Slingshot to shoot at the highlighted 
  cranes. Each crane takes three good hits to destroy.

  After you destroy the two cranes here then this part of the catwalk will 
  collapse and he will move to another part of the catwalk. Now he will throw 
  bundled Fire Crackers at you. Just stay in the open and destroy the two 
  cranes in this section. When you destroy the cranes then he will move to 
  another section of the catwalk.

  Next he will begin firing his Spud Gun erratically at you. Stay behind the 
  column until there is a break in his firing pattern. Then poke out and 
  shoot at the cranes. After you destroy the two cranes here then the mission 
  is successfully completed.

| Reward \

  Nerd Respect +50 and you now have the Spud Gun which will spawn at all 
  Save Houses plus Earnest's Yearbook picture and the Solar System Mobile 
  Room Trophy over your bed.


  And this leads to.....

| >HBD3. New Weapons                                                        |

In addition to earning the Spud Gun, which will start spawning at all of your
Save Houses, you will also find it plus the Bottle Rocket Launchers at the
following locations:

| Bullworth Academy |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

|+++++++++++++++++++++++++| Bottle Rocket Launcher |++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: To the left of the entrance to the Observatory.                 |
| Map: (H-9).                                                               |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Spud Gun |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: Behind the wall south of the Library entrance.                  |
| Map: (G-9).                                                               |
| Location: To the right of the entrance to the Observatory.                |
| Map: (H-9).                                                               |

| Old Bullworth Vale |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

|+++++++++++++++++++++++++| Bottle Rocket Launcher |++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: Next to the north side of the car garage at 23 Estate Road.     |
| Map: (B-3).                                                               |
| Location: In the north-south alley behind the Movie Theater.              |
| Map: (E-5).                                                               |
| Location: On the barge east of the main pier in Bullworth Lake.           |
| Map: (F-6).                                                               |

| Bullworth Town |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

|+++++++++++++++++++++++++| Bottle Rocket Launcher |++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In the alley just north of the Bullworth Town Shiny Bikes       |
|           Store.                                                          |
| Map: (C-9).                                                               |
| Location: On top of J's (which is right next to the Mexican Restaurant).  |
| Map: (C-9).                                                               |
| Notes: Use the Ladder behind the restaurant to access the restaurant's    |
|        roof then use the second Ladder to access the roof for J's.        |
| Location: At the southwest part of the In and Out Motel.                  |
| Map: (D-10).                                                              |

| New Coventry |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

|+++++++++++++++++++++++++| Bottle Rocket Launcher |++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In the alley, next to the Crate, north of the New Coventry Yum  |
|           Yum Market.                                                     |
| Map: (C-11).                                                              |
| Location: In the destroyed building just south of Tasteful Tattoos.       |
| Map: (C-12).                                                              |
| Location: On top of Wonder Meats northeast of the Itching Powder.         |
| Map: (C-11).                                                              |

You will also open up the pathway to the Observatory and, when you go to bed
and awaken the next morning, then you will also open up some blocked tunnels
leading to Happy Volts Asylum which will allow you to gain access to some

| >HBD4. Collectibles (Bullworth Academy and Happy Volts Asylum)            |

Below is the list of new Collectibles for Bullworth Academy and Happy Volts

| Bullworth Academy (BAC) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| Rubber Bands \
| [BAC-RB63] | Location: In the clearing along the path to the Observatory  |
|            |           east of the facility.                              |
|            | Map: (H-10).                                                 |
| [BAC-RB64] | Location: Next to the tunnel entrance along the path to the  |
|            |           Observatory and south of Rubber Band [BAC-RB63].   |
|            | Map: (I-10).                                                 |


| "G&G" Cards \
| [BAC-GG33] | Location: Directly southeast of the entrance to the          |
|            |           Observatory.                                       |
|            | Map: (H-9).                                                  |

| Happy Volts Asylum (HVA) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

The tunnel near Rubber Band [BAC-RB64] leads to the path around Bullworth
Academy. When you get out of the tunnel then you will see another tunnel.
This one will lead you to the Happy Volts Asylum area.

Enter the Happy Volts Asylum area by climbing the tree on the southwest part
of the area to gain access to the collectables. You need to avoid the
Orderlies while going after them. Use the tree near the small maintenance
building at the west side of the facility to leave the asylum area.

| Rubber Bands \
| [HVA-RB65] | Location: Near the front gate inside the grounds.            |
|            | Map: (I-11).                                                 |


| Gnomes \
| [HVA-N23] | Location: At the south side of the large statue east of the   |
|           |           front entrance.                                     |
|           | Map: (J-12).                                                  |

Okay, now let's head back to the Gym area.....

| >HBD5. Jocks Challenge                                                    |

The Jocks Challenge can be found in the Gym. In this Challenge you need to
play a game of Dodgeball against the Jocks. This is very easy if you know how
to beat Dodgeball (especially if you have used it to get lots of money
earlier in the game).

When you win the Challenge then you earn $15 and the Jock Clubhouse by the
Football Field (and the Dodgeball Room Trophy if you haven't got it to show
up already).

It should be noted that there is no Arcade Game within the Jock Clubhouse.
But it does have a bed, a Soda Machine, and your Carton of Eggs/Bottle 
Rocket Launcher/Spud Gun Weapon Spawns.

Now back to the Main Story.....

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP11. Here's to you Ms. Philips                                         0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Jimmy interrupts Ms. Philips while she is painting. Jimmy remarks that art 
  is lost on him and that he is into music. While they are talking, a Greaser 
  is sneaking around watching the conversation. Ms. Philips says that she is 
  in love and wants Jimmy, who is clearly excited about the possibilities, to 
  pick up a few things for her.....

| Notes \

  This mission can be accessed between 3:30 and 7 PM.

  I had a reader, Sarah Homme, write to me with the following:

    "My only criticism is that you didn't make a joke about the art teacher 
     wanting a pearl necklace (I don't know if that means anything to you but 
     over here it's... an expression)."

  An expression of what you may ask? Let's just say that "pearl necklace" 
  also has a alternate, and vulgar, meaning. How vulgar? Well....put "pearl 
  necklace" and "expression" into Google and it will lead you to where you 
  need to go (I would tell you but because of the younger audience that this 
  game and guide caters to I want to keep it somewhat clean).

  A further suggestion of this alternate meaning comes from the "Bully" 
  soundboard at www.rockstargames.com. When you click on Ms. Philips' picture 
  on the soundboard then she will say this:

    "There's the pearl necklace! I still remember the first one I got."


| The Plan \

  You need to pick up a Dress, a Necklace, and Perfume in a timed mission. Go 
  and get either your Red BMX or Scooter to speed things up. As you leave the 
  campus area then you will notice the Greaser, from the cutscene, chasing 
  you. Ignore him for now.

  Go and get the Bottle of Perfume from the Old Bullworth Vale Hair, Nails & 
  Beauty. When you leave then you will be attacked by three Greasers. Two of 
  them will be throwing Eggs at you. The third one is the one chasing you. 
  Beat up that Greaser and ignore the other two.

  Next, head to Aquaberry Fashions to get the Ms. Philips Pearl Necklace. You 
  will also be attacked by a couple of Greasers, who will throw Eggs, when 
  you leave. Ignore them and head to the Worn In Used Clothing store to pick 
  up the Ms. Philips Red Dress. You will be attacked by two more Greasers, 
  also throwing Eggs, when you leave.

  Ignore them and head back to Ms. Philips to complete the mission. However, 
  Jimmy finds that Ms. Philips is in love with Mr. Galloway, and not Jimmy, 
  who has just become a victim of a misunderstanding.

| Reward \


 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP12. Galloway Away                                                     0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Ms. Philips explains to Jimmy that Mr. Galloway is a drunk but she loves 
  him. However, Mr. Hattrick has convinced Mr. Galloway to commit himself to 
  dry out and he has instructed the staff not to let Ms. Philips in. Jimmy 
  agrees to help her by getting Mr. Galloway out of the hospital.....

| Notes \

  This mission can be found when class is not in session and before 7PM.

| The Plan \

  Travel to the Observatory tunnels. Once you get there then follow the 
  yellow X's until you reach Happy Volts Asylum. After you meet Ms. Philips 
  then you need to enter the Asylum. However, visiting hours are over and you 
  need to find another way inside.

  Go to the yellow X and climb the tree. Once you get inside then you will 
  meet up with a fellow patient and tell you not to anger the watcher (the 
  large statue covered with lights). Now you need to destroy the statue's 
  power source without being seen or you will be thrown out by the Orderlies. 
  Crouch and sneak along the high ledge south of the statue. Don't forget: 
  you can go faster when crouching by tapping the X Button.

  When the orderly that is patrolling the west side starts heading north then 
  go northwest to the west hedge and continue along it until you see the 
  break in the hedge. When the Orderly heads south again then go to the north 
  part of the break and ready your Slingshot then shoot the light through the 
  hedge break to power down the statue.

  Now you have to sneak in without being seen. This part is easier since 
  there is not much light and you have distracted the Orderlies by powering 
  down the statue. While they will continue looking, they will generally stay 
  in place to keep an eye on the nearby patients.

  Once you get inside then you have to sneak your way to Mr. Galloway. After 
  going through the second door, and entering A Block, then go along the left 
  corridor, so you're not seen by the Orderlies who are dealing with a 
  patient, and make your way to Mr. Galloway's cell. When you meet Mr. 
  Galloway then the mission is successfully completed.

| Reward \



  Now let's head back Bullworth Academy.....

 / The Nerds \
| >NRD8. Funhouse Fun                                                       0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Nerds /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  Algie informs Jimmy that the Jocks are going to be at the Funhouse at the 
  Carnival. He also tells him that he needs to access the control panels so 
  he can cause problems for the Jocks while they are inside.....

| The Plan \

  Head to the Funhouse at the Carnival. Once you get there then go inside. 
  You will find two of the Nerds fighting with two Jocks. Help out the Nerds 
  then lead them out of the Funhouse. Climb the nearby table and twist the 
  book to bring the Ladder down. Climb the Ladder to go to the next area.

  Here you have to make your way to the graveyard control center. But you 
  must make your way through the obstacle course. You have to dodge the 
  scythes from the large Reapers and the steam from the kettles. Move Jimmy 
  as close to the small fence in the foreground then time your way through 
  the scythes.

  When you get inside the control center then activate the graveyard. When 
  you access the screen then you will see the Nerds running through the 
  graveyard. Then the Jocks will give chase one by one. Use the X Button to 
  bring a scythe down onto a Jock. When you defeat the three Jocks then you 
  need to find your way out of the graveyard. Exit the door and you will see 
  the marker that will take you into the next area.

  Next you will be in a maze. Go through and find the Nerds. After you find 
  the both of them then get out. Next you will be in another maze-like 
  section with rotating miners. You need to disable them to get the Nerds 

  On the upper level above the maze there are three control panels. Each of 
  them are controlled by a Jock. Beat up the Jocks to get at the control 
  panels then deactivate the miners to proceed. Then follow the Nerds out of 
  the mine. After that then you have to find them again. They will be in 
  front of the nearby mirrors to your left. From there, lead them out of the 
  Funhouse to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  $25 plus Jock Respect -10, Nerd Respect +5, and the Reaper Room Trophy on 
  top of the bookcase.

 / The Nerds \
| >NRD9. Paparazzi                                                          0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Nerds /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  Earnest has a plan to hurt the Jocks. He wants Jimmy to take inappropriate 
  pictures of Mandy, the Jocks head cheerleader.....

| Notes \

  This mission can't be done after 7 PM.

| The Plan \

  You need to get some pictures of Mandy. As with any of the other picture 
  taking missions, keep an eye on the thin border around the picture as you 
  zoom in on your subjects. Make sure it is green before taking the picture.

  For starters, head to the Gym. Take a picture of Mandy at cheerleader 
  practice. After that then she will head to the Girl's Dorm to change. Enter 
  the dorm by climbing the Lattice to take another picture. According to Iain 
  Naylor you can also have as much success by going through the front door 
  and going upstairs.

  You have to sneak around, hide behind pillars, and ducking into doorways, 
  otherwise you will be seen and thrown out by the headmistress and you will 
  have to re-enter. Sneak into the shower room and take a picture of her in 
  the shower. After that then you have to sneak your way to her room and take 
  the last picture.

  When you get the last picture then you need to get out. Just run out the 
  front door and to the Library to meet with Earnest and successfully 
  complete the mission.

| Reward \

  $25 plus Jock Respect -10 and Nerd Respect +5.

 / The Nerds \
| >NRD10. Defender of the Castle                                            0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Nerds /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  The Jocks are going to attack the Observatory over the pictures you took 
  and that the Nerds need to fix the defense system to fend them off. Jimmy 
  agrees to hold off the Jocks while they do that.....

| Notes \

  Kiss a Girl/Guy to get extra health prior to doing this mission. Have full 
  Spud Gun, Bottle Rocket Launcher, and Bag of Marbles ammo.

| The Plan \

  Get to the Barricade. The Jocks will employ the football players to knock 
  down the Barricade. These are the ones you should focus on first. Stand on 
  top of the Barricade and use your Spud Gun and Bottle Rocket Launcher to 
  keep the Jocks from destroying the blockade.

  Regardless of whether or not the barricade stays up you will be prompted to 
  head back to the Observatory and use the Spud Cannon. Before using the Spud 
  Cannon, spread a lot of Marbles on the path. Get onto the Spud Cannon and 
  use it against the incoming Jocks. Aim between the large rock and the rock 
  wall. This will allow you to knock out most of them easy.

  When they manage to get through then they will come in single file toward 
  you so it will still be easy to knock them out. The fact that they will 
  trip on the Marbles you laid out will help you greatly in keeping them from 
  the Observatory by keeping them still long enough for you to knock them 
  out. If any of them get through then the mission is failed.

  After you get rid of all of the Jocks then the mission is successfully 

| Reward \

  $25 plus Jock Respect -10 and Nerd Respect +20.

 / The Main Story \+++++++++++++++++++\
| >MSY8. The Jocks                                                          +

The Jocks are the large hulking brutes who run the school and hang out near
the Gym and Football Field. The Nerds are resentful of them and most of your
time will be spent trying to settle scores with the Jocks. However, there is
one mission for one of them and you can find it at the Gym.....

 / The Jocks \
| >JCK1. Discretion Assured                                                 0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Jocks /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  Jimmy finds a despondent Mandy in the Gym. She tells Jimmy that there are 
  posters of the pictures, which Jimmy took, all over town. Out of guilt, 
  Jimmy agrees to help her get rid of the posters.....

| Notes \

  Have full Spray Paint before doing this mission.

| The Plan \

  Tag over the posters of Mandy. You have a limited time to do this so use 
  your bike to get to the posters quickly. Find the two posters on Bullworth 
  Academy. Make sure that no Prefects or Cops see you as you tag the posters 
  otherwise they will cause trouble for you and waste precious time.

  After tagging the two posters at Bullworth Academy then the timer will 
  reset and you have to head over to Bullworth Town and tag the two posters 
  there. Use the bike to get there quickly. I recommend tagging the one at 
  City Hall first.

  After tagging the first poster in Bullworth Town then another poster 
  appears, courtesy of Thad. According to Gello Adlaon, if you knock out Thad 
  after he places the new poster, which is on the side of Dragon's Wing 
  Comics, then he cannot replace any more posters for the remainder of the 

  As you head from City Hall toward Dragon's Wing Comics then you will 
  encounter Thad. Get off your bike and knock him out to prevent any more 
  interference from him.

  The poster at Dragon's Wing Comics is being viewed by a couple of Jocks. 
  Beat them up, or better yet, use the Bottle Rocket Launcher on them, then 
  tag over this poster. Head over to the last poster at the Closed Theater 
  and tag it. After that then meet Mandy by the Boy's Dorm to successfully 
  complete the mission.

| Reward \

  Mandy now likes you plus the Mandy Picture Room Trophy by the night stand 
  and Nerd Respect -5.

 / The Nerds \
| >NRD11. Nice Outfit                                                       0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Nerds /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  Earnest wants Jimmy to get the school mascot outfit to help satisfy his 
  plan for revenge.....

| Notes \

  You should kiss a Girl/Guy to increase your health prior to doing this 
  mission. You should also have a full Spud Gun too.

| The Plan \

  Go to the Football Field to annoy the mascot. You will notice an Annoyance 
  Meter on the right side of the screen. Climb the tree and use the Super 
  Slingshot to shoot at the mascot. When you fill up the meter then Jimmy 
  will be chased into the Pool Building. Jimmy then has to fight the mascot 
  in the empty pool.

  Switch to the Spud Gun and use it to club him. Every so often, fire a shot 
  at him to knock him down so you can kick him a few times. Try to avoid his 
  charge move if he manages to use it. After the mascot is defeated then the 
  mission is successfully completed.

| Reward \

  You earn the Mascot Outfit plus Jock Respect -10 and Nerd Respect +5. It 
  should be pointed out that, when you are in the Mascot Outfit, you cannot 
  use projectile weapons or talk to people.

 / The Nerds \
| >NRD12. The Big Game                                                      0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Nerds /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  Earnest now wants Jimmy to use the newly acquired Mascot Outfit to cause 
  trouble for the Jocks at the big game that night.....

| Notes \

  Before doing the next mission you should get out of the outfit, obtained 
  from the previous mission, so you can kiss someone for extra health. You 
  don't need to be wearing the outfit prior to doing this mission. You will 
  automatically be wearing it when the mission starts.

  This mission can't be done after 9 PM.

| The Plan \

  First, you need to dance in front of Thad to unlock the gates. Use the L1 
  Button + X Button to do the Cow Dance. This dance will get the Jocks to 
  leave you alone if you are spotted. It's a short and easy rhythm game using 
  the four face buttons (Square, Triangle, X, Circle). After doing the dance 
  then any Jocks who watched it will go away.

  Once you get past Thad then go to the Nerd agents in the field. You can get 
  to them in any order but this is the way I did it.

  You'll have to get past a group of Jocks before going to the field so 
  you'll have to do the Cow Dance for them. If you try to go on the path 
  leading to the Library then you'll be forced to go back. You need to get 
  past these Jocks with the Cow Dance.

  After dealing with these Jocks then I went to the first Nerd agent (Bucky) 
  behind the east bleachers. He'll give you a rigged ball to put in the bag.
  Go and put the ball in the bag near the Jock Clubhouse. You will have to do 
  a Cow Dance before you can get to the bag. After you put the ball in the 
  bag then go and talk to the next Nerd agent.

  I then went to the Nerd agent (Fatty) behind the west bleachers. He'll give 
  you glue to use on the player's benches. Go and glue the four spots on the 
  benches. You'll need to do the Cow Dance a couple of times while doing this 
  part of the mission. When you successfully glue the benches then talk to 
  another Nerd agent.

  Next, I went to the Nerd agent (Melvin) near the Autoshop. He will then 
  give you a Bag of Marbles to scatter on the Football Field. There are three 
  spots to do. This part is easy since there are no Jocks on the field. After 
  you spread the Marbles then go and talk to the last agent (Algernon) near 
  the Harrington House.

  He'll tell you to go and urinate in the cooler. Go to the Gym. You'll have 
  to do the Cow Dance a couple of times before you can gain access to the 
  cooler. After you spike the cooler then leave the Gym.

  When you leave the Gym then you need to talk to the final Nerd agent 
  (Cornelius). He'll tell you to use the switchbox on the field to change the 
  message on the scoreboard. Go and hack the scoreboard. You'll need to do 
  the Cow Dance a couple of times before gaining access to the scoreboard.

  After you gain access to and hack the scoreboard then you will successfully 
  complete this half of the mission. You will get $25 and Jock Respect -10.

  And, more importantly, a confrontation with the Jock Leader, Ted Sinclair, 
  which sets up.....

| A. Jock Boss Fight |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

  Ted will stand behind his offensive line and throw explosive laden 
  footballs at you. Don't try to catch them. They will explode and hurt you 
  if you do. Let the ball hit the ground before picking it up.

  Pick up the football and throw it back at one of the three offensive 
  linemen. After you knock out the three linemen then Ted will back up about 
  10 to 15 yards and you must repeat the process.

  However, you have to face occasional attacks from a football player. Beat 
  up those who attack you and proceed with the previous pattern. Once you 
  take down the three offensive linemen again then Ted will back up to his 
  endzone and you need to go through this again.

  Just like the last time, you will face occasional attacks from the football 
  players but they will come two at a time this round. Again, beat up those 
  who attack you and continue with picking up the footballs and throwing them 
  back at the offensive line.

  After you take down the offensive line for the third time then Ted will 
  then run for it. But all you need to do is to knock down Ted, which is not 
  hard to do, to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

  The Captain's Jersey Room Trophy and full respect from the Jocks (plus 
  Ted's picture for your yearbook). If you own the PS4 version then you 
  should also get the {Senior} Trophy.

  And this will open up the next, and last, chapter of the game.....

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >BLY7. Chapter V - The Fall and Rise of Jimmy Hopkins, Aged 15            |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

Now Jimmy is king of the school. He never intended to do this but
circumstances gave him no choice. Everybody has stopped fighting and are
finally getting along. Jimmy is on top of the world. But Petey warns Jimmy
that Gary is still lurking in the shadows. Jimmy ignores Petey preferring to
bask in his glory.

And this also opens up.....

| >RSJ1. Blue Skies Industrial Area                                         |

When you open up Chapter V then you also open up the last major section of
the Bullworth region: Blue Skies Industrial Area.

| The Homes \

  The Homes is another run down area of Bullworth. It mainly consists of 
  small houses and trailers at the north side of Blue Skies Industrial Area.

  This is also where you can find the Tattoo Parlor (represented as a trailer 
  on your Map) and the Blue Skies Industrial Area Infirmary. This is also 
  where the Townies, a group of dropouts known to cause trouble, mainly live.

| Blue Skies Industrial Park \

  This is the main industrial part of the area south of The Homes. It is home 
  to the Docks (on the west side by the water), Spencer Shipping, Blue Skies 
  Shipping, Spazz Industries, and the Blue Skies Industrial Area Police 

  Incidentally, Spencer Shipping is where you will find any Gravestones that 
  you did not destroy during the mission "Halloween".

| Townie Stronghold \

  The southeast part of the Blue Skies section is where the Townie Stronghold 
  is located. At this stage of the game the entrance is barricaded but you 
  will gain entrance to it at the end of "Showdown at the Plant". The large 
  Chem-O-Lot building is located within the Stronghold.

And speaking of which.....

| A. The Townies |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

The last group of kids that Jimmy has to deal with are the Townies. They are
former students that have been either kicked out, dropped out, or couldn't
afford to go to Bullworth Academy. This group of former students wear
clothing that is primarily orange.

They are very hostile to any current student that goes into their
neighborhood. They can be found all around the Blue Skies Industrial Area, as
well as Bullworth Town, and are led by Edgar Munsen.


| Gurney \
| Description | Crew cut light brown hair and a goatee.                     |
| Clothing    | Wears a brown jacket with an orange shirt underneath plus   |
|             | blue jeans and black and orange shoes.                      |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Henry (aka Clint) \
| Description | Muscular with crew cut blond hair and dark brown wristbands |
|             | on both wrists plus a barbed wire tattoo on upper right     |
|             | arm.                                                        |
| Clothing    | Wears a black tank top with orange border and picture of an |
|             | orange scorpion plus blue jeans with scuffed up knees and   |
|             | light brown shoes.                                          |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Jerry \
| Description | Short brown hair.                                           |
| Clothing    | Wears a black shirt with orange star and orange half        |
|             | sleeves plus tan pants with gray shoes.                     |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | No.                                                         |

| Leon \
| Description | He is the only black Townie in the clique.                  |
| Clothing    | Wears an orange jacket with blue shirt plus beige pants     |
|             | with tan shoes.                                             |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Omar Romero \
| Description | Crew cut light brown hair and wears orange wristbands on    |
|             | both wrists.                                                |
| Clothing    | Wears a black tank top with orange biohazard symbol in the  |
|             | center and orange flames on the bottom plus faded black     |
|             | pants with orange shoes.                                    |
| Notes       | He is considered to be Edgar's second-in-command.           |
| Paid Ally   | No.                                                         |

| Otto Tyler \
| Description | Crew cut light brown hair and wears a black armband on his  |
|             | upper left arm and a tan wristband on his left wrist.       |
| Clothing    | Wears an orange sleeveless shirt with a skull on the front  |
|             | with black pants and black shoes.                           |
| Notes       | None.                                                       |
| Paid Ally   | Yes.                                                        |

| Duncan \
| Description | Short brown hair and wears an orange wristband on his left  |
|             | wrist.                                                      |
| Clothing    | Wears a white sleeveless shirt with a picture of an orange  |
|             | gear on the front plus blue jeans with orange shoes.        |
| Notes       | He is the male kissable Townie in the clique.               |

| Zoe Taylor \
| Description | She is tall and has red hair.                               |
| Clothing    | Wears a white shirt with sleeve stockings (black) plus an   |
|             | orange plaid skirt with purple stockings and black knee     |
|             | high boots.                                                 |
| Notes       | Rejoins Bullworth Academy at the end of the Main Story.     |


The Paid Ally information and some of the Townie descriptions come from Jeff
Mote Jr. What full names I could obtain I got from the credits near the end
of the user manual. I also dredged through some of the files from the PS2
game disc to fill in a couple of missing pieces.

Now let's go after more of the.....

| >RSJ2. Collectibles (Blue Skies Industrial Area)                          |

Below is the list of new Collectibles for Blue Skies Industrial Area:

| Rubber Bands \
| [BSI-RB66] | Location: On the half-submerged boat just west of the Docks. |
|            | Map: (E-10).                                                 |
| [BSI-RB67] | Location: Behind the fence at the south end of the Docks.    |
|            | Map: (F-11).                                                 |
| [BSI-RB68] | Location: In front of the Tattoo Parlor at the northwest     |
|            |           corner of The Homes.                               |
|            | Map: (E-12).                                                 |
| [BSI-RB69] | Location: In the open area, near three crates, next to the   |
|            |           Bus Stop at the southeast part of The Homes.       |
|            | Map: (F-12).                                                 |
| [BSI-RB70] | Location: On the porch of the house, with the satellite      |
|            |           dish, across the street from the Bus Stop at the   |
|            |           southeast part of The Homes.                       |
|            | Map: (F-13).                                                 |
| [BSI-RB71] | Location: In the fenced off area for Blue Skies Paint Supply |
|            |           which is south of the Blue Skies Industrial Area   |
|            |           Infirmary.                                         |
|            | Map: (F-12).                                                 |
|            | Notes: Climb through the gap at the east side of the fence   |
|            |        to access.                                            |
| [BSI-RB72] | Location: Near the railroad cars northwest of the Blue Skies |
|            |           Industrial Area Police Station.                    |
|            | Map: (G-12).                                                 |
| [BSI-RB73] | Location: In the highest sealed room across the street       |
|            |           southeast of the Blue Skies Industrial Area Police |
|            |           Station.                                           |
|            | Map: (G-13).                                                 |
|            | Notes: Push the button to open the door.                     |
| [BSI-RB74] | Location: At the north end of the fenced off area behind     |
|            |           Spazz Industries.                                  |
|            | Map: (G-12).                                                 |
|            | Notes: Use the gap in the fence on the south side of Spazz   |
|            |        Industries to gain access.                            |
| [BSI-RB75] | Location: Just south of the large truck crane at Blue Skies  |
|            |           Shipping.                                          |
|            | Map: (H-12).                                                 |

And with that you should now have the Rubberband Ball and another step toward
100% Completion.....

| "G&G" Cards \
| [BSI-GG34] | Location: In the backyard of the house directly west of the  |
|            |           Blue Skies Industrial Area Infirmary.              |
|            | Map: (F-12).                                                 |
| [BSI-GG35] | Location: Next to the small trailer directly north of the    |
|            |           Blue Skies Industrial Area Infirmary.              |
|            | Map: ([E,F]-12).                                             |
| [BSI-GG36] | Location: In the backyard of the house directly east of the  |
|            |           large power line tower at the east part of The     |
|            |           Homes.                                             |
|            | Map: (F-13).                                                 |
| [BSI-GG37] | Location: At the back entrance for Spencer Shipping (near    |
|            |           the Desiccant Juice billboard). Smash through the  |
|            |           gate to access.                                    |
|            | Map: (G-12).                                                 |
| [BSI-GG38] | Location: On top of Blue Skies Shipping. Use the stairs by   |
|            |           the Bus Stop to access.                            |
|            | Map: (G-12).                                                 |

At this point you should have 38 of 40 "G&G" Cards. One is inside the Townie
Hangout and the other is inside the Townie Stronghold. For now, though, let's
move onto finishing off the.....

| Gnomes \
| [BSI-N24] | Location: On the barge at the north end of the Docks.         |
|           | Map: (E-10).                                                  |
|           | Notes: You need to use your Slingshot to destroy it.          |
| [BSI-N25] | Location: In the backyard of the yard east of the Tattoo      |
|           |           Parlor.                                             |
|           | Map: (E-12).                                                  |

And with that you should earn the Gnome Outfit and the Gnome Room Trophy
which will sit on the bookcase.

| >RSJ3. Errands (Part Nine)                                                |

Now that Chapter V has been opened up, more Errands will appear:

| Happy Volts Asylum (HVA) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [HVA-E42] \
| Task     | Find and guide the Patients back.                              |
| Location | In front of the the main gates for Happy Volts Asylum.         |
| Reward   | $30.                                                           |
| The Plan | Bring a bike with you to this Errand. There are two patients   |
|          | to find, Otto and Henry. Henry is not far from the gates. Once |
|          | you find him then get off your bike and approach him.          |
|          |                                                                |
|          | Then get back on your bike and find Otto who is in Blue Skies  |
|          | Industrial Area. After you find Otto then lead the both of     |
|          | them back, while slowly riding the bike to keep them within    |
|          | sight, to the Orderly to successfully complete the Errand.     |

| New Coventry (NCV) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [NCV-E43] \
| Task     | Deliver a Package to Spazz Industries in Blue Skies Industrial |
|          | Area.                                                          |
| Location | In front of the Spazz Warehouse in New Coventry.               |
| Reward   | $20.                                                           |
| The Plan | Bring a bike to this Errand because this is a timed task.      |
|          | After getting the Package then quickly ride over to the blue X |
|          | in Blue Skies Industrial Area then give it to the man in the   |
|          | yellow hardhat to successfully complete the Errand.            |

| [NCV-E44] \
| Task     | Escort Christy to the Motel.                                   |
| Location | Near Slab O' Meat after 6 PM.                                  |
| Reward   | $30.                                                           |
| The Plan | Grab her hand and slowly walk her to the In and Out Motel to   |
|          | complete the Errand. The Greasers might harass you a little    |
|          | bit but is not too bad. Beat up any Greaser that tries to      |
|          | attack Christy. It is best to get this Errand just after 6 PM  |
|          | in order to maximize the time you need to complete this task.  |

| Blue Skies Industrial Area (BSI) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [BSI-E45] \
| Task     | Deliver the Package.                                           |
| Location | Near Blue Skies Shipping.                                      |
| Reward   | $30.                                                           |
| The Plan | Get the Package and take it to the blue X which is the guy not |
|          | far from the Police Station. Once you deliver the Package then |
|          | the Errand is successfully completed.                          |

| [BSI-E46] \
| Task     | Destroy four Satellite Dishes.                                 |
| Location | Just northeast of Spencer Shipping.                            |
| Reward   | $30.                                                           |
| The Plan | Go to the blue X's where the Dishes are found. Use your        |
|          | Slingshot to destroy them. Once you have destroyed the last    |
|          | Dish then the Errand will be successfully completed.           |

| [BSI-E47] \
| Task     | Salvage the Cargo.                                             |
| Location | On the south end of the Docks just northwest of the tunnel.    |
| Reward   | $30.                                                           |
| The Plan | Swim out to the partially submerged boat near the north end of |
|          | the Docks. After you get the Package then swim back to the     |
|          | worker to deliver it and successfully complete the Errand.     |
|          | This is also where you can find Rubber Band [BSI-RB66].        |

| [BSI-E48] \
| Task     | Kill five dock Rats.                                           |
| Location | At the north end of the Docks.                                 |
| Reward   | $30.                                                           |
| The Plan | Switch to your Slingshot and head to where the blue X's are.   |
|          | Use it to target and shoot the Rats to successfully complete   |
|          | the Errand. Sometimes, though, the Rats may fall into the      |
|          | water and make your task easier.                               |

| >RSJ4. Weapons, Boxes, and Crates (Blue Skies Industrial Area)            |

And now for the Weapons, Boxes, and Crates for Blue Skies Industrial Area:

| Weapons \
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Apples |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In the clearing directly north of the Blue Skies Industrial     |
|           Area Infirmary (x2).                                            |
| Map: (F-12).                                                              |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Board |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: At the north end of the Docks near some Crates.                 |
| Map: (E-11).                                                              |
|++++++++++++++++++++++++| Bottle Rocket Launcher |+++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: On the porch of the house, with the satellite dish, just east   |
|           of the north Bus Stop.                                          |
| Map: (F-13).                                                              |
| Location: On the back porch of the house northwest of the Blue Skies      |
|           Industrial Area Infirmary.                                      |
| Map: (F-11).                                                              |
| Location: In the fenced off area for Blue Skies Paint Supply which is     |
|           south of the Blue Skies Industrial Area Infirmary.              |
| Map: (F-12).                                                              |
| Notes: Climb through the gap at the east side of the fence to access.     |
| Location: Behind the fence at the south end of the Docks.                 |
| Map: (F-11).                                                              |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Brick |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: By the porch of the house directly west of the Blue Skies       |
|           Industrial Area Infirmary (x2).                                 |
| Map: (F-11).                                                              |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Fire Crackers |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: At the north end of the fenced area behind Spazz Industries.    |
| Map: ([F,G]-[12,13]).                                                     |
| Notes: Use the gap in the fence at the south side of the fenced area to   |
|        gain access.                                                       |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Itching Powder |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: On a lower level of the Docks southeast of the half-submerged   |
|           boat.                                                           |
| Map: (E-10).                                                              |
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Spray Paint |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In the street directly northeast of the Blue Skies Industrial   |
|           Area Police Station.                                            |
| Map: (F-13).                                                              |
| Location: On top of Blue Skies Shipping.                                  |
| Map: (G-12).                                                              |
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Spud Gun |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: On the porch of the house, near the couch, at the south end of  |
|           the straightaway after the bridge that goes into Blue Skies     |
|           Industrial Area.                                                |
| Map: (E-12).                                                              |
| Location: In the fenced off area for Blue Skies Paint Supply which is     |
|           south of the Blue Skies Industrial Area Infirmary.              |
| Map: (F-12).                                                              |
| Notes: Climb through the gap at the east side of the fence to access.     |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Stink Bomb |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In the fenced off area for Blue Skies Paint Supply which is     |
|           south of the Blue Skies Industrial Area Infirmary.              |
| Map: (F-12).                                                              |
| Notes: Climb through the gap at the east side of the fence to access.     |
| Location: Near the Porta-Potty at the north end of the Docks.             |
| Map: (E-11).                                                              |


| Boxes \
| Location: Inside Spencer Shipping (multiple).                             |
| Map: (F-12).                                                              |


| Crates \
| Location: In the clearing just west of the north Bus Stop (x3).           |
| Map: (F-12).                                                              |
| Location: At the north part of the Docks just south of the barge (x2).    |
| Map: (E-11).                                                              |
| Location: Near the fence at the south end of the Docks.                   |
| Map: (F-11).                                                              |
| Location: Inside Spencer Shipping (multiple).                             |
| Map: (F-12).                                                              |
| Location: At the back entrance to Spencer Shipping (x2).                  |
| Map: (F-12).                                                              |
| Notes: Smash the gate to access or go through Spencer Shipping.           |
| Location: In one of the sealed rooms across the street southeast from the |
|           Blue Skies Industrial Area Police Station.                      |
| Map: (F-13).                                                              |
| Notes: Push the button to open the door.                                  |
| Location: Near the Truck Crane for Blue Skies Shipping (x2).              |
| Map: (H-12).                                                              |
| Location: On the other side of the railroad cars at the west side of Blue |
|           Skies Shipping.                                                 |
| Map: (H-12).                                                              |

Now let's go and finish up a couple of side tasks before going back to the
Main Story.....

| >RSJ5. Bike Races (Part Three)                                            |

With Chapter V opened you can finally do the Bullworth Academy Bike Race
found near the School Parking Lot. This is a long race which will wind
through New Coventry, Blue Skies Industrial Area, and the dirt path that goes
around Bullworth Academy.

When you finally finish this race then you will also finish up with all of
the Bike Races in the game. You will get $50, the BMX Helmet, and the Large
Bike Race Trophy Room Trophy which will appear on your windowsill plus
another step toward 100% Completion.

If you have the PS4 version and don't already have the {Tour De Bullworth}
Trophy at this point then simply do laps around the entire town until you get

| >RSJ6. City Go-Kart Races (Part Two)                                      |

Next to Spazz Industries in Blue Skies Industrial Area is the marker that
will allow you to do the last City Go-Kart Race in the game. This is a three
lap race around the general neighborhood. When you complete this race then
you will get $30, the Go-Kart which will spawn near the Bike Garage at
Bullworth Academy, and another step toward 100% Completion.

If you have the PS4 version then you should also earn the {Pole Position}
Trophy. If you don't already have the {Problem Child} Trophy then you can use
the Go-Kart to run over people throughout town until you get it. The Cops and
Prefects can't catch you because you are going too fast for them.

Now back to the Main Story.....

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP13. Cheating Time                                                     0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Jimmy agrees to help end Mr. Galloway's drinking problem by providing 
  evidence of Mr. Hattrick selling tests to the students.....

| Notes \

  This mission can't be done after 7 PM.

| The Plan \

  You need to take three photos as evidence. As with any of the other picture 
  taking missions, keep an eye on the thin border around the picture as you 
  zoom in on your subjects. Make sure it is green before taking the picture.

  First, head to the Autoshop and climb onto the roof. Then quickly take a 
  picture of the Prep selling the test to the Greasers. From there, head to 
  the Gym. Hide in the Pool Stands and wait. When the Prep shows up to sell 
  the test to the Jocks then take a picture of the two of them together.

  Next, follow the Prep. He will go into the secret path next to the Pool 
  Building. Climb the Ladder and drop onto the path. Take a picture of the 
  Prep and Mr. Hattrick together. Now go back to Mr. Galloway. When you get 
  there then you will find Mr. Galloway, Mr. Hattrick, and Dr. Crabblesnitch 
  in conversation.

  Mr. Hattrick is trying hard to convince Dr. Crabblesnitch to get rid of Mr. 
  Galloway but Jimmy intervenes with the pictures of Mr. Hattrick selling 
  tests to the students. Dr. Crabblesnitch, upon seeing these pictures, 
  immediately fires Mr. Hattrick on the spot.

  Serves Mr. Hattrick right.....

| Reward \



  According to John Nowakowski, it is best to try to take all of the Yearbook 
  pictures (with the exception of Zoe and Gary) prior to doing the next 
  mission since everybody is friendly to you up to this point.

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP14. Making a Mark                                                     0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  The guys encourage Jimmy to leave a mark on Town Hall despite Petey warning 
  him about Gary.....

| Notes \

  You should have full Spray Paint before starting this mission.

| The Plan \

  Go to Town Hall in Bullworth Town and climb to the very top. Then you have 
  to paint a large tag here. This is done in three stages. If you run out of 
  Spray Paint then you will have to climb all the way back down and go to the 
  Yum Yum Market to refill.

  After you finish the tag then the people down below will see your work and 
  call the Cops. Quickly climb back down, avoid the Police, and make your way 
  to the yellow X near the statue to take a picture from street level.

  Look at City Hall, aim upward, and zoom in all the way on the Tag. Note the 
  thin border around the picture as you aim the Camera. Make sure that the 
  border is green when you aim at the Tag before taking the picture. After 
  taking the picture then head back to your dorm room to successfully 
  complete the mission.

  But, when you get there, then Petey will deliver some bad news. It seems 
  that in the two hours you were gone some bad stuff happened and that you 
  are to blame for it all even though Petey thinks it was Gary behind it.

  Looks like all your work is coming undone.....

| Reward \

  Nerd Respect -75, Prep Respect -75, Greaser Respect -75, Jock Respect -75, 
  and Townie Respect +25.

 / The Nerds \
| >NRD13. Rats in the Library                                               0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Nerds /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  The Nerds have been chased out of the Library because of a rat infestation 
  and blame Jimmy for the mess. They also want him to fix the problem and he 
  reluctantly agrees to do it.....

| The Plan \

  Go inside the Library and kill twenty Rats in this timed mission. I prefer 
  using the Super Slingshot. Just lock on and shoot. When you kill all twenty 
  Rats then the mission will be successfully completed. In the ending 
  cutscene you will find that the crates that the rats came in came from 
  Spencer Shipping. Interesting.

| Reward \

  $30 and Nerd Respect +15 plus the Rat In The Jar Room Trophy on top of the 

 / The Jocks \
| >JCK2. The Gym is Burning                                                 0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Jocks /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  The Gym is in flames and Mr. Burton blames Jimmy. Then Jimmy hears people 
  inside and he goes in to rescue them.....

| The Plan \

  Even though this is a timed mission this is not too hard. You need to get 
  the Fire Extinguisher and put out all of the fires before the Cops arrive.

  There are five fires to extinguish. One is near Kirby. Use the Fire 
  Extinguisher and, as you near the flames, then you will automatically point 
  downward. When you put out the fire near Kirby then you then have to lift 
  up the debris to free him.

  There is also a fire near Mandy. Put out the fire to revive her. After 
  putting out all of the fires then go over to Yuri who is trapped under some 
  debris. When you free him then another fire will sprout up and you have to 
  put it out.

  After that then Jimmy will talk to Mandy. She will tell him of some weirdo 
  she saw around the Gym at the time of the fire. Now you need to find the 
  pyromaniac. He will be found in the Girl's Changeroom. When you find him 
  then he will run out and the mission will be successfully completed.

| Reward \

  $30 plus Jock Respect +15 and the Burnt Bullhorns Banner Room Trophy next 
  to the Wardrobe Closet.

 / The Greasers \
| >GRS6. Finding Johnny Vincent                                             0
| Overview /                                               \ The Greasers /
0=========0                                                 0+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Johnny Vincent has been taken away and the Greasers blame Jimmy. They say 
  that it was asylum orderlies that took him and Jimmy agrees to go get 
  Johnny back.....

| The Plan \

  Head over to Happy Volts Asylum. Sneak in the same way you did for the 
  mission "Galloway Away". Once you get inside then you need to crouch down 
  and sneak your way to Johnny's cell.

  If you are seen at any time by the Orderlies then you will be sent all the 
  way back to the main gate and you will have to sneak back in again. Once 
  again, use the X Button to move faster while crouched. It will make it 
  easier to get past certain portions of the Asylum.

  Johnny's cell is in B Block which is much farther in that when you did the 
  mission "Galloway Away". When you get past A Block then you will enter the 
  Rec Room but the Orderly there will be asleep. Turn right and enter B 
  Block. Avoid the patrolling Orderly and get to Johnny's cell.

  When you get there then he will tell you to get a Orderly Uniform so you 
  can go and activate the control panel to open the doors and that the 
  dropout kids set him up.

  After the cutscene ends then sneak your way to the yellow X which is in the 
  Laundry Room. Once you get the uniform then you can walk and run around now 
  that you are in a uniform - the Orderlies think that you are one of them. 
  Head to the guard in the control room and speak to him. Once you get the 
  guard away from the room then enter and activate the control panel.

  I should point out that you cannot go to the Laundry Room before going to 
  Johnny's cell - the Orderly Uniform won't spawn until you talk to Johnny.
  After the doors are open then go back to Johnny. Follow him into the Rec 
  Room - the Orderlies will be too busy dealing with the other inmates to 
  bother you.

  But, when you get to the Rec Room, then all of the exit doors will be 
  barricaded with gates. However, the gate for the C Block door will come 
  down funny and will bend along the bottom. Go up to it and tap the Triangle 
  Button to lift it and enter C Block. This block has been long abandoned so 
  just go to the yellow X to exit the asylum and successfully complete the 

| Reward \

  $30 plus Greaser Respect +25, the Orderly Shirt Room Trophy which is next 
  to the cabinet and the Orderly Outfit is added to your Wardrobe Closet.


  It should be noted that the Orderly Outfit will allow you to enter and 
  explore the Happy Volts Asylum area without interference. However, there 
  isn't much reason to go back unless you missed the Collectibles that are on 
  the grounds of the Asylum.

  Now it is time to start dealing with the Townie kids starting with.....

| >RSJ7. Townies Challenge                                                  |

This Challenge is at the building just south of Spencer Shipping. You need to
beat up all six Townies (in two groups of three) to successfully complete the
Challenge and acquire the last Save House of the game. It should be noted
that there is no Soda Machine here but you do have the "Future Street Race
2165" Arcade Game. And you can finally obtain "G&G" Card [BSI-GG39] which is
by one of the bookshelves.

 / The Main Story \+++++++++++++++++++\
| >MSY9. The Townies                                                        +

Even though this group is primarily hostile to Jimmy there is at least one
person he can be friends with.....

 / The Townies \
| >TWN1. Revenge on Mr. Burton                                              0
| Overview /                                                \ The Townies /
0=========0                                                  0=+=+=+=+=+=0

  While strolling through Blue Skies Industrial Area, Jimmy encounters Zoe, a 
  Townie girl who was expelled from Bullworth Academy because she told on Mr. 
  Burton who was trying to hit on her. Jimmy decides to team up with her to 
  get revenge on Mr. Burton while he is on his daily jogging run.....

| Notes \

  Found a way to get Zoe's Yearbook photo.

  According to Seifer Almasy, if you have the Go-Kart unlocked, then you can 
  use it to destroy the Porta-Potties quickly.

| The Plan \

  First, go behind the Hardware Store in Bullworth Town and get the 
  Boltcutters. Second, head to Old Bullworth Vale Gardens to meet up with 
  Zoe. But, long before you get to Zoe, switch to your Camera. She will be 
  standing by a Porta-Potty.

  From a distance, take a picture of Zoe. If it is not good then creep a 
  little closer and take another picture. Continue doing this until you have 
  Zoe's Yearbook photo. If you don't get her photo now then there will be 
  another easy way to get it later.

  When you meet up with Zoe then she tells you that you need to disable the 
  three designated Porta-Pottys before Mr. Burton finishes his run. Just run 
  up to a Porta-Potty and smack it a few times to take the door off its 
  hinges and disable the unit. After you disable all three units then head 
  back to Zoe.

  Once Mr. Burton enters the Porta-Potty that the both of you want him to 
  enter then use the nearby tractor to push the Porta-Potty over the railing 
  to successfully complete the mission and get revenge on the perverted Gym 

| Reward \


 / The Preps \
| >PRP5. Preppies Vandalized                                                0
| Overview /                                                  \ The Preps /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  The Trophy Case at the Glass Jaw Boxing Club has been vandalized. Jimmy 
  agrees to help find the trophies before the Preps go to war against the 
  Greasers who the Preps think did the deed.....

| The Plan \

  Go to the Greaser Hangout in New Coventry. When you get there then you will 
  be told that the Greasers didn't do the damage but they also inform you 
  about the Townies who helped cause Johnny to be committed to Happy Volts 

  From here, go to Spencer Shipping in Blue Skies Industrial Area. When you 
  go inside then you need to take a picture of the Townies putting rats in 
  the book crates. Go upstairs and stay far away from them. Use the zoom on 
  your Camera to take a picture of them with the rats.

  When you do that then you need to head to the Docks where the Townies are 
  doing something with the trophies. When you get to the Docks then beat up 
  the Townie near the barge then get a close-up picture of the Townies 
  burning the trophies.

  After you get the second picture then head back to the Glass Jaw Boxing 
  Club to successfully complete the mission. Despite having the pictures as 
  proof, the Preps still don't believe in Jimmy. Man, how does Jimmy put up 
  with these inbred morons?.....

| Reward \

  $30 plus Townie Respect -25 and Prep Respect +15.


  After this mission then go back to your dorm room and go to sleep. When you 
  awaken you will then be summoned to the Principal's office.....

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP15. Go See the Principal                                              0
                                                          \ Jimmy Hopkins /

In this cutscene Dr. Crabblesnitch informs Jimmy that he is the most
unpopular kid in the school. He also tells Jimmy that someone has told him of
his exploits, especially the graffiti on Town Hall. That someone is Gary

Dr. Crabblesnitch feels that Jimmy is too much trouble for the school to
handle and that Gary is a right sensible young man despite Jimmy's warnings
about Gary torturing people.

But the warnings fall on deaf ears and Dr. Crabblesnitch decides to expel
Jimmy from Bullworth Academy. He has not been able to contact Jimmy's mother
because of her cruise. So he will let him stay until he can contact her
(which, obviously, will be awhile).

After the cutscene ends then Jimmy will be in his dorm room and in the
clothes he started the game with. You cannot attend classes or wear school
clothes. But you can still be Busted and serve detention.

My, how the mighty have fallen.....

Now let's head back to Blue Skies Industrial Area.....

 / The Townies \
| >TWN2. Smash It Up                                                        0
| Overview /                                                \ The Townies /
0=========0                                                  0=+=+=+=+=+=0

  When Jimmy meets up with Zoe then he finds that she wants to play a little 

| Notes \

  This mission is available after 7 PM.

  According to Seifer Almasy, if you have the Rubberband Ball, then you can 
  throw it around to smash stuff up from a distance and while you are 
  smashing things up by hand. However, I should point out that the Rubberband 
  Ball can knock out Zoe and you will fail the mission.

| The Plan \

  The game involves going into Spencer Shipping and destroying as much of the 
  items inside the place as you can within a time limit. You also need to 
  smash more that Zoe to successfully complete this mission.

  What you should do is smash up a lot of stuff on the ground floor, like the 
  large glass panes and furniture. Zoe tends to stay on the ground floor so, 
  if you can smash up a lot of stuff down there, then this limits her ability 
  to get more points. Then climb up to the top of the shelving to get at the 
  expensive art which will let you rack up the points.

  If you have more points than Zoe when time runs out then you will have 
  completed the mission successfully.

| Reward \

  $60 and Zoe will become your girlfriend. This will also earn you Zoe's 
  Picture Room Trophy on the wall with the other pictures of your 


  Now let's head back to Bullworth Academy.....

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP16. Busting In - Part I                                               0
| Overview /                                              \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Jimmy is seriously bummed about being expelled and hated. He has also 
  gotten to the point that he doesn't care anymore. Petey suggests that he 
  should at least get to the bottom of everything and prove that Gary is 
  behind all of the mess. But Jimmy needs backup and the both of them come to 
  the conclusion that Russell is the person they need.....

| Notes \

  Have all of your weapons full and kiss somebody to get extra health before 
  doing this mission. Unlocking the Go-Kart will also help.

| The Plan \

  Get to your Go-Kart or bike and make your way to Russell's house in Old 
  Bullworth Vale. When you get there then park your Go-Kart (if you have one) 
  on the sidewalk.

  After the cutscene ends then you need to climb onto the provided Scooter 
  (if you did not bring a Go-Kart) or just use the Go-Kart you brought and 
  follow Russell. He will lead you into Blue Skies Industrial Area and to the 
  barricade leading into the Townie stronghold. Russell floors it and smashes 
  through the barricade into.....

 / Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP17. Busting In - Part II                                              0
                                                          \ Jimmy Hopkins /

  Here you will run into Zoe again. She says that Edgar doesn't want to talk 
  to him but Jimmy has other ideas.

  First, you need to restore the power. There are two generator switches that 
  need to be activated. Stay in the street and switch to your Slingshot. Aim 
  through the gate and pick off the two Townies guarding the first switch.

  But, before you go and push the switch, go back to Zoe and take her picture 
  for the Yearbook (if you hadn't done so in the mission "Revenge on Mr. 
  Burton"). This is a very good time to do it since she is just standing 
  there. If you have everybody else in the Yearbook then the only student 
  left will be Gary Smith.

  From this point, push the first switch then go to the north end of the 
  platform. You should see some debris below you and a couple of Townies on 
  the other side. Use your Slingshot and take them down from a distance. Then 
  go under the debris, push the second switch, go back, and then return to 

  Next, you have to enter the Red Star building. Enter the office to activate 
  the switch to open the door. Then go to the yellow X on the map. You will 
  see that the door is locked and Zoe suggests that you cut through the 
  train-yard to get to the other side.

  Go and activate the first train-yard switch then go and activate the second 
  train-yard switch to get across. Head back to the yellow X. As you approach 
  some dumpsters then you will encounter two Townies. Hang back and nail them 
  both with your Slingshot before they can do anything then head to the gate.

  When you get to the gate then you need to find the switch to open it and 
  let Zoe through. Head up the nearby ramp and enter the scope mode on your 
  Slingshot as you near the corner.

  Go around the corner and nail the Townie with the Slingshot and, while 
  still in scope mode, then go up the path a little bit and nail the second 
  Townie. Then exit scope mode, find and activate the switch, and return to 

  From there, she will lead you to the Chem Plant. After the cutscene ends 
  then she will distract the other Townies while you go to the top of the 
  plant. When you get to the top of the plant then you will encounter Omar, 
  who has the key, and two other Townies. You need to defeat the three of 
  them to proceed further.

  You may notice near the end of the tunnel that you may see a crawl hole to 
  your left. This leads to a hidden room that has a Stink Bomb, a Can of 
  Spuds, and a Baseball Bat should you need it.

  I should point out, though, that this hidden room is empty outside of this 
  mission so there's no point in going back afterward.

  The best way to defeat Omar and the others is to run back into the tunnel 
  you came from. You may notice that they won't run after you into the 
  tunnel. If they run after you then they will stop at the exit and then 
  return to their original positions.

  Use this to your advantage. Use the zoom on the Super Slingshot and peek 
  around the corner then use charged shots to nail them in the head and take 
  them down quickly.

  After you defeat the three of them then get the key from Omar and enter the 
  plant. When you get inside the plant then you can finally go after the 
leader of the Townies, Edgar Munsen, which sets up.....

| A. Showdown at the Plant |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

Go through the plant to find Edgar. When you find him he will be in an
elevator going down.

However, you must find another way to reach him. You need to go down
Ladders, walk over cylinders, crawl under pipes, and tightrope walk on the
piping to get to where Edgar is. When you get to where Edgar is then switch
to your Spud Gun.

When the fight starts then he will grab a pipe and use it against you. Drop
the shield you picked up, rush him, and use the Spud Gun to club Edgar.
Even though he is using the pipe to shield himself you can still club him
with the Spud Gun.

After you take off about a third of his health then he will run and go
through a door leading down. In opening the door, some steam will be
released. Wait for the steam to pass and then follow him down. When you get
down to Edgar then the fight resumes but in a small enclosed area that you
can't escape from. Rush him again and use the Spud Gun to club Edgar
mercilessly. This should end the rest of this fight quickly.

In the following cutscene, Jimmy finds out that Gary misled Edgar the same
way he misled Jimmy. Jimmy now wants Edgar's help in taking down Gary once
and for all. After the cutscene is finished then the mission is
successfully completed.

| Reward \

Townie Respect +100 plus the Blue Skies Industrial Park Room Trophy which
appears on the wall near the cabinet.


And you can finally go after the last of the.....

| >RSJ8. Collectibles (Townie Stronghold) |

And now for the last Collectible:

| "G&G" Cards \
| [BSI-GG40] | Location: Inside the Wonder Meats factory. |
| | Map: (G-13). |
| | Notes: Enter the building through the south entrance and it |
| | should be in the corner at the west side of the main |
| | area. |

By obtaining the last "G&G" Card then you will also earn the Viking Helmet
for your Wardrobe Closet (plus the Grotto Master Outfit for obtaining the
last "G&G" Card) and inch closer to 100% Completion.

| >RSJ9. Weapons and Crates (Townie Stronghold) |

With the Townie Stronghold opened up you also gain access to the following

| Weapons \
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Board |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: In a narrow alley, by a dumpster, northwest of Chem-O-Lot. |
| Map: (H-13). |
|++++++++++++++++++++++++| Bottle Rocket Launcher |+++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: On the north side of the platform, near the button, for the |
| north transformer at the entrance of the Townie Stronghold. |
| Map: (G-14). |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Brick |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: On the ground near the north transformer at the entrance of the |
| Townie Stronghold. |
| Map: (G-13). |
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Spud Gun |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Location: Inside the control room for Red Star Industries. |
| Map: (H-14). |


| Crates \
| Location: Inside Wonder Meats (x5). |
| Map: (G-13). |
| Location: In a narrow alley northwest of Chem-O-Lot (x7). |
| Map: (H-13). |
| Location: By the button northwest of Chem-O-Lot (x2). |
| Map: (H-13). |
| Location: On top of Chem-O-Lot (x3). |
| Map: (H-14). |

| >RSJ10. Errands (Part Ten) |

Now that you've done the mission "Busting In - Part II", you will open up the
last of the Errands:

| Blue Skies Industrial Area (BSI) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

| [BSI-E49] \
| Task | Egg the Greasers. |
| Location | Between the Blue Skies Industrial Area Police Station and the |
| | Bus Stop north of it. |
| Reward | $30. |
| The Plan | Go the the blue X's where the Greasers can be found fighting |
| | with some Townies. Egg both of the Greasers to successfully |
| | complete the Errand. Make sure that the Townies don't beat |
| | them up first. |

| [BSI-E50] \
| Task | Smash up the Car. |
| Location | Near the back entrance for Wonder Meats after 7 PM. |
| Reward | $30. |
| The Plan | Take the Baseball Bat and go to the car marked by the blue X. |
| | You do this exactly the same as you did for Errand [NCV-E32] |
| | earlier in the game. |


And now onto the last Main Story Mission.....

/ Jimmy Hopkins \
| >JHP18. Complete Mayhem 0
| Overview / \ Jimmy Hopkins /
0=========0 0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

When Jimmy meets up with Zoe again she then informs him that the school has
broken out in a complete riot and Russell has holed himself up in the
Wonder Meats factory. Now Jimmy has to go to the rescue one more time.....

| Notes \

Have all of your weapons full and kiss somebody to get extra health before
doing this mission.

| The Plan \

Head over to the Wonder Meats factory. When you get near the place then you
will see Cops just sitting there. Just run on inside and meet Russell. When
you do that then he will make a run for it and you need to follow him. When
you get near Blue Skies Shipping then you will evade the Cops and start a
lengthy cutscene.

You and Russell meet Edgar by the school. Jimmy informs Edgar that Gary is
responsible for the riot and needs him to calm people down while he and
Russell take down the faction leaders to remove Gary's influence.

After the cutscene ends then you will notice four X's on the map. This is
where you can find the faction leaders. I will go to the toughest one

Head to Harrington House where you will find Derby and a couple of his
friends waiting near the fireplace. Switch to your Spud Gun, run back
toward the door a little bit (letting Russell take care of the other
Preps), and let Derby approach you.

Shoot him once with the Spud Gun and kick him while he is down. When he
gets up then repeat the process. Continue until he is knocked out. Help
Russell take down the other Preps. When that is done then head to the

Here you will deal with Ted and a couple of other Jocks. Let him go after
you just like you did for Derby. But he is not as tough as Derby so,
instead of shooting him, just club him with the Spud Gun and reserve your
ammo for Damon (the large black Jock).

If Russell has any trouble with him after you are done with Ted then get a
clear shot and shoot Damon until he goes down. After dealing with the Jocks
then head back to your dorm room to resupply your ammo (if you need to) and
head to the Girl's Dorm.

Next up is the Greasers. Take down these guys the same as you did with the
other two groups. After dealing with the Greasers then head to the Gym.

Here you will find the Nerds. Let Russell take on the other two and run to
the far end of the Gym luring Earnest away. This should let you get far
enough so you will be able to target him and take him down with one shot of
the Spud Gun. By this time then Russell should be finished with the other
two Nerds. After knocking out the Nerds then head to the Main Building.

When you get there then you will find Edgar. Jimmy tells Edgar to calm
everybody down while he takes care of Gary. But Jimmy is taken down by a
couple of Prefects who take away all of his weapons. Russell sees Jimmy
down and chases away the Prefects. When Jimmy gets up then he will be
confronted by Gary Smith which sets up the.....

| A. Final Showdown |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

Gary lures Jimmy to the top of the school which is undergoing renovation
and is surrounded by scaffolding. Gary is proud of the fact that he managed
to trick everybody, Jimmy, Mr. Crabblesnitch, the factions, the Townies,
everyone. But Jimmy wants to finish this and thus the final showdown

When you start then you will need to tightrope walk across a beam to get to
where Gary is. Gary is hiding behind a pile of Bricks and will throw one at
Jimmy from time to time.

Stay behind the scaffolding to your right until he throws a Brick then go
across the beam. It should be pointed out that you still have your
Rubberband Ball but you cannot use it here. If you are hit while crossing
the beam then you will be knocked off and you will need to climb back up
onto it to continue the chase.

When you get to the other side then Gary will climb up and you need to
follow him. But, when you start climbing the Ladder, then Gary will begin
dumping large bricks on you.

Go left or right while on the Ladder to avoid them. When he finishes his
attack then continue upward. Hang near the top of the platform and wait for
Gary to throw a Brick before climbing all the way up then duck behind the

From here, you have to walk across two beams, while avoiding Gary's
attacks, and climb another Ladder, while avoiding Gary's attacks to reach
the top of the building.

When you reach the top of the building then you will see large bells
overhead. One will fall as you get to the top. Slowly approach Gary and you
will see more bells fall in front of you. Just go around the fallen bells
to reach Gary.

When you get to Gary then he will go into more detail on how he has taken
control. He had students expelled, put into the asylum, and even tied up
Dr. Crabblesnitch. But, when Gary insults Jimmy's mother, then Jimmy pushes
them both over the edge of the building.

When you land then the both of you will be on a scaffold. Now you can fight
Gary one-on-one.

He will block most of your standard punches. But the charged punches, like
the Overhead Punch, you learned from the Hobo will make this fight much
easier since he cannot block those. When you knock him down then kick him
while he is down and hit him with another charged punch when he gets up.

After you take off some of his health then he will grab you. Tap the
Triangle Button to get out of his grasp and the both of you will drop onto
another scaffold. Continue your pattern of fighting and he will grab you
again. When you get out of his grasp then the both of you will fall onto
another scaffold.

Continue the pattern of fighting and, when you take off the last of Gary's
health, then the both of you fall through the windows above Dr.
Crabblesnitch's office and you will then complete the last Main Story
Mission of the game.

So, sit back, enjoy the cutscene and credits, and afterward you will have

| Reward \

100% Respect from all factions, the Bullworth Plaque Room Trophy above your
bed, and Gary's picture for the Yearbook. And, being that this should be
the last picture, you should acquire the Black Ninja Outfit and $300.

If you own the PS4 version then you should also get the {Graduate} Trophy.
If you have all of the other Room Trophies prior to this mission (this
includes the two posters from the Carnival (Girlie/Car, Rock Band)) then
you should also get the {Kleptomania} Trophy.

If you have acquired all of the other Trophies prior to {Graduate} and
{Kleptomania} then you should also get the {Valedictorian} Trophy to
complete the Trophy list.


And, if you have done everything else prior to this mission, then you
should now have.....

| >RSJ11. 100% Completion |

And what do you get for getting 100% Completion in "Bully"? The same thing
you got when you you did 100% Completion in "Grand Theft Auto III":


That's right. Nothing. No indication of when you reach that milestone either.
No unlimited ammo. No Rhino spawns. No "Hot Coffee". No "Hot Chocolate".
Nothing. Kind of a letdown isn't it? Yeah it is. But you know what? So what?
"Bully" is still a very fun game with lots of amusing moments especially when
you get in trouble or in fights.

However, there is still one more chapter remaining.....

/==++====++==\ /==++====++==\
| >BLY8. Chapter VI - Endless Summer |
\==++====++==/ \==++====++==/

Here you can do whatever you want whenever you want. You can attend classes
or go into town and do other things. This chapter is mainly to let you
complete tasks you may have missed so you can get 100% Completion.

But, since you may have already acquired 100% Completion, by following this
guide, then the main thing you can do in Endless Summer is, well, cause
trouble. And we all know how fun that is, right?

And now for a little something extra.....

| >MJC1. The Majic Moostapholees |

If you go to the Carnival then you will find this small machine next to the
Cotton Candy stand which is across the path from the Souvenir Tent. For 25
cents you will get a fortune from this machine.

And there are a lot of different fortunes you can be presented with. After
perusing the American.img file from the PS2 "Bully" disc then I found all of
the fortunes and copied them to this document.

And now, for your amusement, here is the list of all of the fortunes from The
Majic Moostapholees machine:

>>Good luck. You'll need it.
>>If you go camping, beware of evil intent.
>>Stay home, read a book.
>>Do not throw glasses if you live in a stone house.
>>You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
>>If you need to get the point, sit on a tack.
>>The best marmalade is made from forbidden fruit.
>>A house without a toilet is uncanny.
>>If you're on high cliff, don't jump to conclusion.
>>Isn't it about time you got a job?
>>You're wasting your life.
>>Consider a career in politics.
>>Running behind a car is exhausting.
>>If you live in a glass house, change in the basement.
>>Two wrongs do not make a right, but 3 lefts do.
>>Do not argue with the person packing your parachute.
>>When things go wrong, don't follow along.
>>Don't forget to change your socks.
>>Confession is good for the soul but bad for your reputation.
>>Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
>>If you put your face in fruit drink, you may get punch in nose.
>>To make life interesting, believe everything you hear.
>>Consider trying less hard.
>>You're a winner. No really. You are.
>>Have you considered running away from your problems?
>>The smarter you think you are, the less likely it is that you're right.
>>Get over yourself. Jerk.
>>The answer to your question is: maybe.
>>Don't be so self-centered.
>>You need a haircut.
>>Before you act, check with your mother.
>>Get a life.
>>Help! I'm trapped inside this machine!
>>All signs point to: no chance.
>>Just give up.
>>You're smart and handsome, just like your mom always says you are.
>>If people flatter you they're probably lying.
>>Beware of angry men carrying weapons.
>>Consider this: no turkey ever voted for an early Christmas.
>>Bully is as bully does.
>>You're doomed. Sorry.
>>Regular showers are a good thing.
>>No one likes a whiner.
>>Believe the best of everybody. It saves you so much trouble.
>>By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach.
>>However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the
>>It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you
can see.
>>What exactly is your problem?
>>You're not all that.
>>Consider the possibility that no one likes you.
>>You might as well keep trying. It might make you feel better.
>>If you don't try, you can't fail.
>>Travel broadens the mind, if you have one to begin with.
>>All signs point to: you suck.
>>Surprisingly, you may succeed in the end.
>>What you really need is some sort of medication.
>>Peeing your own pants only keeps you warm for a short while.
>>Bad advice causes mistakes, then laughter.
>>You can definitely fool some of the people some of the time.
>>If your house is burning you might as well try to stay warm.
>>Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes.
>>You won't get anywhere if you think you're already there.
>>It's a good time to stop waffling. Maybe.
>>The weather pays no attention to criticism.
>>If you expect nothing, you won't be disappointed.
>>Whatever it is you're looking for, it'll be in the last place you look.
>>When in charge, think. When in trouble, delegate. When in doubt,
>>Nothing is impossible for a man who doesn't have to do it himself.
>>Don't mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
>>Forgive your enemies - it really annoys them.
>>If you're on time, people will think you have nothing important to do.
>>Stand up to be seen. Speak up to be heard. Shut up to be appreciated.
>>80% of people consider themselves above average.
>>Keep trying.
>>The greatest danger could be your own stupidity.
>>Avoid taking unnecessary gambles. Lucky numbers: 12, 32, 28, 31, 44.
>>You may attend a party where strange customs prevail.
>>You are almost there.
>>Soon you will have some new clothes.
>>Don't trust fortune tellers.
>>Just imagine you'll succeed.
>>Everything is not yet lost.
>>Tomorrow will be a nice day.
>>You should go to bed early tonight.
>>Today is the first day of the rest of your life, such as it is.
>>Don't blow out another's candle to make yours shine brighter.
>>There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it
>>Facts don't stop existing just because they're ignored.
>>To err is human, to blame someone else even more so.
>>If life gives you lemons, give life a raspberry.
>>If life gives you lemons consider going into the citrus business.
>>Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
>>To know nothing is bad. To not wish to know anything, worse.
>>The pen is mightier than the sword, especially if properly sharpened and
in the hands of a well trained ninja.
>>A man's home is his castle, only less resistant to catapults.
>>Big words prove nothing except that you have a big mouth.
>>If you're a real jerk all the time, people might not notice you're
>>No plan survives contact with the enemy. Plan accordingly.
>>If at first you don't succeed, consider giving up.
>>Today, tell someone you love them. You might get lucky.
>>It's only going to get worse.
>>You will be involved in a fight soon.
>>Don't bring your wife to a bun fight.
>>Being rude is no substitute for being right.
>>The reality is: the customer is not always right.
>>If you don't succeed, you run the risk of failure.
>>A bird in the hand is better than a bird on the roof, unless it has
really sharp claws.
>>Right now, somewhere out there, someone is making out with a girl.
>>It's hard to prophecy, especially about the future.
>>Do you know who your friends are?
>>Boxing is a gentleman's sport, but only if gentlemen play it.
>>You're not paranoid - everyone really does hate you.
>>They say they're your friends, but they laugh at you behind your back.
>>You're not as dumb as you look. That would be impossible.
>>In later life, you will find somewhere you fit in and belong. Jail.
>>Have you considered getting plastic surgery? You should.
>>One day you will be very famous, like many serial killers.
>>Let's hope you will grow into your face.
>>Your face is your fortune. You will live in poverty all your life.
>>What you looking at bitch!

Well, that about closes up this guide.....

/==++====++==\ /==++====++==\
| >BLY9. Conclusion |
\==++====++==/ \==++====++==/

| General Notices \

This document is copyright (c) Robert Allen Rusk (RARusk) 2006-2016.

Most of my guides are dedicated to the popular "Grand Theft Auto" game
series but some of my other work include "The Chronicles of Riddick" games,
"The Darkness", and "Hitman" titles.

| Additional Sources \

--"Bully" (Game Manual)
--"Bully" (game disc)
--www.rockstargames.com/bully/soundboard (full student and faculty names)

| Additional Contributions \

--Rex_Gotto --Mikael Eklund --Jeff Mote Jr.
--ChickenBot --Alan Lim --Iain Naylor
--Morgan Height --Shyguy --Rhian Gwilt
--Sarah Homme --Tony Ferrero --Gello Adlaon
--Ab314fr --Rohail Khan --John Macdonald
--QUBQ Creative Group --Jack606 --Vaibhav Pattani
--Colin Ferguson --John Nowakowski --Seifer Almasy
--mtjaws --Peter McConnell --Jess Ewing
--Michael Gossett --threat78
--Andressa Carter Wainwright

| Credits \

Credits and thanks go out to the following:

>>Rockstar Games
For creating another wonderful and interesting free-roam game.

>>Revolution Arena
For providing a place for writers like myself to publish our work and
help other gamers while indulging in one of our favorite pastimes.

And finally, my biggest thanks of all goes to you the reader (and especially
those who have made suggestions as well as those who took the time to write

| Contact Information \

E-MAIL: rarusk[at]netzero[dot]com
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/robert.a.rusk
LINKEDIN: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/robert-allen-rusk/15/539/59b
BLOG: http://rarusk.livejournal.com

So now I've come to the end of yet another gaming adventure and looking
forward to new ones. I hope that my guide helps you in getting the most out
of "Bully".


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