Call of Duty: Vanguard – Platinum Guide

Call of Duty: Vanguard – Platinum Guide

February 5, 2024 Off By Gabriel Capuani

Sometimes you are the hunter and other times you are the hunted…

Difficulty: 7/10
Time: ± 50 hours
Trophies: 45 (Bronze: 32 – Silver: 10 – Gold: 2 – Platinum: 1)
Online: 4
Zombie: 9
Missable: 1 – Practice Makes Perfect.
Minimum plays: just one in the campaign, many in online and many in zombie.

Unlike other games in the Call of Duty series, this one is relatively easy to win all the trophies. The greatest difficulty and time to reach 100% is due to the online multiplayer and zombie mode. Check out the game analysis on our website: Call Of Duty: Vanguard Analysis.

I will separate this guide into four different steps, in order from easiest to hardest, to make it more practical for the reader. They are: trophies to keep in mind, campaign mode, zombie mode and online multiplayer mode, respectively. If you want to save time, start the game on Veteran difficulty and the game has no collectibles.

It’s possible to earn some of the same trophies on PS5 if you already did on PS4 and vice versa.


This category is used to make some trophies throughout the campaign. Start on Veteran difficulty.

F – In the Campaign, die from the explosion of your own grenade.

Not the Fairy Godmother – In the Campaign, throw back 15 grenades that would have killed or damaged your allies.

Did I Get It Right? – In the Campaign, get 15 kills using blind fire.

When protected by a structure, there is the option of using blind fire. To do this, a white line must appear on the edge of the same structure.

Weapons Why I Want You – In the Campaign, kill enemies with 15 different weapons during the game.

In the first mission, there is an arsenal of weapons on a wall, take these different weapons and kill one with each, then go back and change weapons. Can be done by restarting the checkpoint.

No Waste – In Campaign, loot ammo from 15 enemy corpses within 3 seconds of killing them.

Some dead enemies have the “square” button on their corpse. You need to do this 15 times in less than 3 seconds.

Phoenix Unlit – Complete the Call of Duty: Vanguard Campaign on any difficulty.

The Tip of the Spear – Complete the Call of Duty: Vanguard campaign on Veteran difficulty.

I Won’t Have Done It Without You – Watch the credits until the end.


There are several specific trophies for each mission and they are self-descriptive, but I’ll explain. To save time, it is recommended to start the game on “Veteran” difficulty due to the difficulty-related trophy.

I will divide this stage into the phases that you will play in order of progression.

First mission – Phoenix.

Passage, Please – In ‘Phoenix’, kill 15 enemies while on top of a train car.

You have to farm on this one. Stay on top of a train car and kill the enemies there. Once done, restart the checkpoint.

Beware of Trains – In ‘Phoenix’, shoot a truck driver with a vehicle full of soldiers.

When you’re on the train, notice that several cars with enemy soldiers will appear. Shoot the driver while the soldiers are inside the vehicle.

Second mission – Operation Tonga.

The Boss – As Arthur, give 15 different orders to your allies.

Giving orders is Arthur’s skill. During this phase he will have several options to give orders, do it 15 times. You can farm this trophy too.

It’s All Up to You – In ‘Operation Tonga’, drop smoke from the anti-tank pit to cover the advance.

Pick up and store smoke grenades when attacking the Nazi fort after giving orders. Further forward, when you are in the trenches, throw a smoke grenade when your army is advancing.

Throw the smoke grenade in this direction.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words – In ‘Operation Tonga’, protect Evans with agile reflexes.

When you are leaving the enemy base with Evans, an enemy throws a grenade towards the stairs. You need to throw this grenade back quickly.

Third mission – Stalingrad.

THAT’S IT! – In the Campaign, pass through 5 destructible walls using tactical running.

When you kill the first enemy as Polina, you will have a knife, after that press L3 twice quickly and run towards the destructible wall. Repeat this process 5 times using the checkpoint.

Destructible wall.

The Surprise Lady – As Polina, kill 15 enemies immediately after exiting a duct.

This can be farmed at the location in the image below. Reset the checkpoint and do it again until you get the trophy.

Rain of Fire – In ‘Stalingrad’, hit a molotov on a halftrack.

When Misha says: “More are coming from the right, Polina!”, throw a molotov at the first car.

The Birth of a Legend – In ‘Stalingrad’, protect the partisans without missing a shot.

You can’t miss any shots, if you do, just restart at the checkpoint and you can use the molotovs as you like.

Fourth mission – The Battle of Midway.

Slow But Deadly – ​​In ‘The Battle of Midway’, help 5 allies in distress during aerial combat.

When an ally is in need of help, a blue and white star appears and the enemy will be behind when a skull appears. Eliminate these enemies 5 times. Twice in the first area and three times in the second area. If you don’t win the trophy after that, you will have to restart the level or checkpoint.

Dodge and Dive – In ‘The Battle of Midway’, don’t get hit during the first dive.

Diving is when the plane descends towards a battleship, you need to get to it without being shot at by it. This trophy is one of the most complicated, you can put it on Recruit difficulty to do it and then start the phase over on Veteran.

Fifth mission – Numa Numa Trail.

Survivor – In ‘Numa Numa’s Trail’, find Mateo without firing a shot.

At the beginning of the mission, after leaving the plane you will be in a jungle, you have to go through the jungle without shooting, but you can kill enemies stealthily. If seen, restart the checkpoint.

Keen Sense – As Wade, kill 15 enemies using the Focus skill.

When you start a confrontation with Wade, use his special ability until you kill 15 enemies.

Untouchable – In ‘Trail of Numa Numa’, don’t get hit by the sniper.

After meeting the soldiers who saved you. At a certain point a sniper will appear, run and stay behind a rock. Use the Focus skill and shoot the sniper.

Sniper location.

Sixth mission – The Lady of Death.

Bird of Prey – In ‘Lady of Death’, kill 5 snipers in the open field without being hit by them.

At the beginning of the stage some snipers appear and you need to eliminate them without being hit, use Misha’s help as you wish. There are more than 5 snipers in this area, if you take damage restart the checkpoint.

Behind You – In ‘Lady of Death’, Kill Steiner’s troops in the department store using only takedowns.

This is the most difficult and tiring trophy of the campaign. When you reach this area you need to eliminate all enemies until the end of the level just by pressing R3 behind the enemies. Enemies can see you, but you need to lose them to use the takedown. If you prefer, restart the checkpoint to remain hidden. It’s easiest to do on Recruit difficulty.

Seventh mission – The Rats of Tobruk.

There’s More Where That Came From – As Lucas, use 4 types of lethal equipment, getting 3 kills with each one.

Use all of Lucas’ equipment, getting 3 kills with each equipment. Don’t forget to pick up the throwing knife, after looking at the map, after passing through the desert.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin – In ‘The Rats of Tobruk’, lead the Rats through the desert without being detected.

Simply passing through the desert at night without being seen can eliminate enemies stealthily. The trophy does not fail if enemies stay alert.

Eighth mission – The Battle of El Alamein.

Turning Pancake – In ‘The Battle of El Alamein’, get run over by a tank.

At the beginning of the phase, during the war, you need to go in front of the tank while it moves. But for this the tank needs to be moving and must run in front of the tank, if it is too slow the tank will stop to avoid running over you.

She’ll Be Fine, Dude – In ‘The Battle of El Alamein’, get double Des kills during the final defense.

In the final battle of this mission, Des and Lucas will have a competition to see who eliminates the most. You need to kill twice as much as Des, that is, you need to kill as many as possible.

Ninth mission – The Fourth Reich.

Allies Together and Strong – In ‘The Fourth Reich’, use Leadership to help eliminate a Jäger Mörder.

Jager Morder is an enemy type that wears armor and throws smoke grenades. It is necessary, like Arthur, to order your allies to eliminate him. This enemy appears at the end of the train station.

Order in Chaos -In ‘The Fourth Reich’, reach the end of the mission without hitting any civilians or allies.

Pay attention to only hit enemies. When targeting an ally, their name appears in blue.


It’s important to start with zombies mode first, as all Operator (character) levels and weapons are transferred online. But first, you need to unlock the Operator by completing the objectives shown in the Multiplayer or Zombie Operators menu, if you unlock it in one way, the other will also unlock. Always use the same Operator and your favorite weapon, as it gives double XP for the Operator and the weapon. Play as Operator Halima, it’s easy to unlock your favorite weapon, MP-40. After doing all the zombies with her, go to online multiplayer and choose Halima and the MP-40. Take advantage of a 2XP weekend to speed things up.

All of this will save time for online trophies.

Death Merchant – Eliminate 2,500 zombies with a level 3 upgraded weapon.

To upgrade a weapon to level 3 you need to go to the “Pack-a-Punch” located in Der Anfang and it costs 52,000 points to do so. When you complete the objectives you will have enough points to do so, then eliminate 2,500 zombies.

Angel of Death – Eliminate 10,000 zombies.

The best area to eliminate this amount is in the objectives in the “Harvest” portal where the enemies are infinite until the objective is achieved.

Broken Hearts – Sacrifice 13 Hearts.

On the main map (Der Anfang) there are several objects that provide improvements to the player. Completing a portal earns you a Heart, which can be used to make a Pact. In other words, you need to complete 13 portals to get the 13 Hearts. This trophy is cumulative, you can do it in different matches. Over the course of this trophy you must earn the trophy below.

Deal with the Devil – Team 3 Pacts.

To equip a Pact, you must have Sacrificial Hearts, which can only be earned after completing an objective. Therefore, you need to have 3 Hearts, go to a Pact Altar and exchange them for 3 Pacts.

Thirst Quencher – Drink from all 5 Demonic Fountains in a single sitting.

Demonic Fountains are the “Perk Machines” of previous games, this is when you have to drink some drinks that offer advantages. You must complete at least four portals to appear. They are all located in Der Anfang and are very easy to find, they can be found inside a portal (and they are free). Being the 1st Source, Demonic Fortitude, in front of an office. The 2nd Source, Diabolic Damage, in front of a building. The 3rd Source, Poisonous Vigor, in the East Panzer Column. The 4th Source, Demonic Frenzy, in the underground caldera. The 5th Source, Ethereal Rush, which is inside the theater. You have to take all 5 in a match.

**The four trophies below are self-descriptive and consist of using an artifact. The best place to do these is in the “Harvest” portal where the enemies are infinite until you complete the objective in the first round, because the enemies are weaker, if they don’t appear in your first round, start another game. Artifacts are secondary abilities that are chosen in the pause menu under “Select Armaments”. Choose the artifact you want to make the trophy. They are all activated by pressing L1 + R1 when loaded, but to do so you need to kill zombies. They are all cumulative.

Shocking Behavior – Eliminate 10 zombies that took damage from the Energy Mine artifact.

By choosing this skill it will be possible to place mines on the ground. Do this in the first few rounds where the zombies are weaker.

Hot Head – Eliminate 10 zombies while your damage is increased by the Circle of Fire artifact.

Kill 10 zombies when within the artifact’s ability.

Escape Artist – With the Aether Cloak artifact equipped, enter the cloak 5 times with less than 25% health.

Cloak of Aether allows him to become invisible. Let the zombies attack you until your health is at 25 or less and use the artifact.

Chilling – Eliminate 10 zombies that were delayed by the Frost Blast artifact with melee strikes.

This one is more complicated to do, it’s easier to do this one in the first round where the zombies are weaker and die in one hit. Take a distance so that the enemies freeze in the ice circle (zombies cannot be inside the ice circle!).


If you started with the zombie, notice that the Player Level is 35, Operator Level (Halima) is 15 and the Weapon Level (MP-40) is 50. Continue using the same Operator and weapon.

If you don’t like playing online, it is possible to reach level 55 just playing the zombie.

And there! – Join a clan in Multiplayer.

This may be the first. Just go to Multiplayer, Social Menu, Select Create a Clan. And create a Clan.

Practice Makes Perfect – Reach level 55 in multiplayer.

You have to reach level 55 in less than 2 months, as each season your level is reset! Although this trophy requires you to reach level 55, you need to go up one more level to “complete” 55 and obtain Prestige 1. To do it faster, it is recommended to choose the match that provides the most XP per minute, which is “Domination ”. Along this trophy the others will also come.

The Main Man – Reach the maximum operator level in Multiplayer (base operators only).

The maximum level of an Operator is 20. But first, you need to unlock the Operator by completing the objectives shown in the Multiplayer or Zombie Operators menu, but if you started with zombie mode you must have already unlocked it.

Professional Boast 2.0 – Reach the maximum level of a weapon (base weapons only).

Reach maximum level with a weapon, whether primary weapon (max level 70) or secondary weapon (max level 60). Use the MP-40 as described previously. Using the Operator and your favorite weapon earns double XP.

This guide was produced from a copy of the game kindly provided by Activision Blizzard.

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