Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Sega Genesis) – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Sega Genesis) – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

February 5, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

By: Cosmão

Castle of Illusion shook a lot of people when it came out. It had (and still has) beautiful graphics, simple and easy gameplay, wonderful music and a challenge suitable for any age. The game soon ended up becoming a classic on Sega’s 16-bit platform, being one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time.

In the game, we control Mickey, the Disney mouse. In the story, Minnie was kidnapped by a witch and Mickey must save his beloved in a distant world, where a malevolent witch has trapped her in her castle.

To do this, Mickey needs to collect the COLORED GEMS and form a RAINBOW so he can reach the witch’s castellan. The witch’s name was engraved on mine (and I believe on many who are reading this), MIZRABEL.

The game takes place in themed stages, all hidden behind the doors of a huge castle. Each door leads to a different world, having a different theme. Then the differences begin for the version of the game for the Master System. In the Mega Drive version, it is not possible to choose which of the first three worlds you will start your game in, it is mandatory to follow the sequence of doors, unlike the Master System version, which the player can choose.


First door: Forest World

Total cliché, but it was successful at the time. The forest of Mega’s Castle of Illusion is less explorative than Master’s version, which included more underground passages amid insects.

At Mega we have a continuous path with vines, killer mushrooms and some trees that love hiking there. After this first stage, a giant apple runs after Mickey and he reaches the second part of the stage, where he jumps on loose leaves in the air.

Then, at night, where bats and ghosts appear, the stage gets a little more complicated. After that comes the boss, similar to the 8-bit version, but with one difference: it’s much easier here.

Another difference between the two versions is that, here, Mickey can collect apples/balls/other collectible items to throw at enemies, in Master, it’s only worth kicking or throwing fixed objects, something that doesn’t exist in Mega. Another difference: in Master we have hidden stars to find, in Mega, none of that.

Second door: World of Toys

It practically has nothing to do with its younger brother’s version. In Mega, the stage is long, with ups and downs, in addition to the screen that inverts in the second stage of the stage. The boss is a clown who dismantles himself to hit Mickey.

Third door: world of…uh… Canyons? Mountains?

I’m going to be straight: for me, the game developers completely messed up at this stage. The Master System version presents one of the most unforgettable stages for any retrogamer who has ever played this game, the famous SWEETS LEVEL. Here we have a mountain to climb full of geysers and then a kind of abandoned temple with water rising and falling.

The boss is a crazy person who keeps jumping around the scene, he easily loses in CHARISMA to a chocolate bar in the Master System. Strangely, the music is the same as the Master System candy phase.

Fourth door / Second floor: Library

tell the truth: doesn’t it look like that dragon from the movie Neverending Story?

Cool stage, cool music and some pretty annoying enemies. Here is a striking scene in the entire game: Mickey dives into a cup of coffee and swims between lumps of sugar that float there.

Another nostalgic scene: Mickey enters a bottle of milk and ends up in a scene full of sweets floating in a sea of ​​milk. The boss even sits in another bottle of milk.

This boss, who resembles the dragon from the movie Neverending Story, is a monster that keeps diving into the milk lake trying to hit Mickey.

Fifth door / Second floor: Clock Tower

Long phase, perhaps one of those that can bring the player the greatest difficulties. It begins in a castle; statues come to life and some pools of acid wait to burn Mickey’s ass.

After that, water tunnels full of piranhas require skill. The tower itself comes next: the climb requires care when jumping between gears and with those damn bats.

The boss is the clock watcher, very easy to defeat.

Mizrabel Witch’s Castle

When you pass the tower, you will face the witch directly. Who, in fact, completely changed her look in this game and became almost a model, all skinny and tall…

The scheme is that Minnie stays in the center of the screen whining while Mickey fights the naughty girl. The fight is not that easy, you have to hit her several times while she teleports in different directions of the arena and throws her ghosts in different directions.

After you defeat the witch, Minnie will be freed and the game ends with that ending in the style of Disney games.

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