Digimon World – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Digimon World – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

April 6, 2024 Off By David Pontes

First of all, you should know:

1 – Start of an Adventure in Digimon World

As soon as you dive into the fantastic universe of Digimon World, your first big decision is choosing your starting Digimon companion. Upon arriving on the island, you will be greeted by Jijimon, the island elder who is the leadership figure. Jijimon will ask you two questions, and your answers will determine which Digimon will become your initial partner in the adventure. By answering “no” to both questions, you will begin the journey with Gabumon. Otherwise, the default answer will lead you to begin your journey with Agumon.

2 – Essential Care for Your Digimon

Once you’ve chosen your Digimon partner, the responsibility of taking good care of them falls to you. Like a Tamagotchi, Digimon need care to grow and evolve. Whenever your Digimon’s state changes, a bubble will appear over its head. These are some of the essential aspects of caring for your Digimon:

  • Food : Just like any living being, your Digimon needs to eat to survive and grow. You can find food in different places: on Jijimon’s farm, in the countryside, or even in stores throughout the digital world.
  • Hygiene : Keep your Digimon clean by taking him to the bathroom whenever the poop bubble appears. If you are far from the bathroom, you can use a Portable Potty.
  • Rest : After intense workouts or when the sweat blister appears, allow your Digimon to rest. This can be done at Jijimon’s house or Centarumon’s clinic.
  • Health : Immediately treat any injuries or illnesses your Digimon may suffer. This can be done with healing items or at Centarumon’s clinic.
  • Sleep : Respect your Digimon’s sleep pattern. When the ZZZ bubble appears, it’s time for your Digimon to sleep.
  • Evolution : This is the culmination of your Digimon’s growth. When the bubble with a growing shadow appears, it means your Digimon is ready to digivolve and transform into a more powerful form.

3 – City Expansion and Improvements

The game doesn’t just revolve around caring for your Digimon. Part of the adventure also involves expanding and improving the city in which you and the other Digimon live. As you progress through the game, you will encounter other Digimon that can be convinced to join the city. When they join, they usually bring with them useful establishments, such as a meat farm, a gym, a clinic, a bank, among others.

4 – The Life Cycle of a Digimon and Digi-eggs

Just like in our reality, in Digimon World, all beings have a life cycle that ends with death. But for Digimon, death is not the end, as they are reborn from Digi-eggs. The type of Digimon that hatches from the egg depends on which egg you chose at the beginning of the journey.

5 – The Importance of Happiness and Discipline

Happiness and discipline are two important measures for your Digimon. Keeping these two bars high is crucial for your Digimon’s rapid evolution. Make sure you’re giving your Digimon enough attention to keep their happiness high, and impose fair discipline to keep that bar high as well.

6 – The Dangers of Numemon, Sukamon and Nanimon

While all Digimon forms are unique in their own way, some are preferable to others. Numemon, Sukamon and Nanimon are considered low-quality Digimon, which arise from inadequate care. Pay attention to the creation of your Digimon to avoid these unwanted evolutions.

7 – Medals: Recognition of Achievement

Throughout your journey in Digimon World, you will encounter challenges that will test your skills and your Digimon’s strength. By overcoming these difficult challenges you will be rewarded with medals. Although not mandatory for game progression, medals are a good way to track your progress and serve as a trophy for your achievements.

Digimon World is an immersive game that requires constant attention and care for your Digimon as you explore an expansive digital world. With this detailed overview, you are well equipped to begin your adventure into the world of Digimon. Good luck!

Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) of Digimon World:

Native Forest


Before embarking on your journey through the Native Forest, it is crucial to be prepared. The first step in this preparation is to get the starting items from Tokomon. These items will help power your adventure by providing useful resources that you will need during your trip.

Then go by Tanemon’s house and get some meat. In the world of Digimon, meat is a staple food and will be vital to keeping your Digimon well fed while traveling through the forest.

Before entering the forest, train your Digimon until it is reasonably strong. This is essential, as the forest is full of wild and potentially hostile Digimon.

Entrance to the Native Forest

Once prepared, it’s time to head to the forest. When you arrive at the entrance to the forest, you will be challenged by Agumon, one of the best-known Digimon in the series. This battle will be your first major challenge in the forest, and beating Agumon will be essential for progress in the city and in the adventure.

When he defeats Agumon, he will recognize his strength and move to the city, where he will set up a bank next to Jijimon’s house. This bank will be an invaluable resource for managing items and money during the game.

The Battle Against Palmon

After beating Agumon, keep moving through the forest until you find Palmon. Palmon will be a stronger opponent than Agumon, with poison attacks that can cause significant damage to your Digimon.

Because of this, it is essential to bring multiple healing items to this battle. These items can be used to heal your Digimon during battle and thus increase your chances of victory. If you manage to defeat Palmon, she will move to the city and replace Tanemon on the farm, providing a more abundant source of meat.

Path to Kunemon’s Bed

After defeating Palmon, next to the Native Forest latrine, there will be a path that leads to Kunemon’s Bed. As you follow this path, you will encounter Kunemon, who is hungry and wants to eat something.

At this point, give Kunemon a meal to start the battle. Kunemon may seem harmless at first glance, but don’t let that fool you. Defeating Kunemon will be a challenge, but if you succeed, he will move into the city and open the way to the Digimon Bridge.

The adventure through the Native Forest is a journey of growth and discovery. Each battle won not only strengthens your Digimon, but also expands the city and opens up new possibilities for your journey. With each Digimon that moves into the city, new resources and opportunities become available, allowing you to become an even more effective Digimon master.

Therefore, while the forest can be challenging and full of powerful adversaries, each challenge is an opportunity to grow and become stronger. With preparation, strategy and perseverance, you can transform the Native Forest from a scary place to a source of growth and opportunity.

Tropical Forest

The beginning of this phase is marked by crossing the Digimon Bridge in the afternoon. Continue your route following the path downwards until you find Coela Point. In this area, you will be challenged to cross the Coelamons’ head to reach the Tropical Forest, an environment full of biodiversity and challenges.

Access to the City via Digimon Bridge

Once in the Rainforest, proceed left and you will notice that the bridge at Digimon Bridge has been repaired. This is a great achievement, as there is now a direct connection between the city and the Tropical Forest. This connection allows easier and faster access between the two locations, facilitating exploration and commerce.

The Journey to Amida Forest

Return to the starting point in the Rainforest, and now head right. On this path, you will find a fork, with one path going up and another going right. Continue right to reach Amida Forest.

Amida Forest is a maze full of challenges. You will have to dodge the arrows and advance to the end, which is marked by a red circle. Once you get there, you will find Centarumon. When you defeat him, he will go to the city, providing a new resource for your base.

Meeting with Betamon

Return to the starting point in the Tropical Forest and take the path to the right again. This time, at the fork, choose the upper path. Here, you will find Betamon. When talking to Betamon, he will go to town and set up a small shop. This store will be a useful addition to the city, offering a variety of useful items for your journey.

Trip to Overdell

For the next stage, return to the Rainforest starting point, but this time, continue forward until you reach Overdell. Overdell is a mysterious area, full of surprises. There will be a path that leads to a cemetery, the Overdell Cemetery.

Upon entering the cemetery, you will encounter Bakemon, a ghostly Digimon. He will ask three questions in another language. The key here is to answer Yes, Yes and No to the questions. Upon doing so, Bakemon will go to the city and take on the job of night watchman.

The Tropical Forest phase is full of challenges, new Digimons and lots of exploration. Each new area unlocked and each new Digimon that moves into the city contributes to the city’s growth and development. With strategy, patience, and determination, you can turn the Rainforest into a springboard for success on your journey as a Digimon master.

Drill Tunnel


Located in the Native Forest near the city, the Drill Tunnel is an underground maze that offers three distinct routes: left, right and down. When entering the tunnel, the first step is to choose the path on the left. This path leads to the residential area of ​​the tunnel, where you will find Drimogemon. Defeating Drimogemon is the crucial first step in this stage.

The Challenge from the Right

After defeating Drimogemon, it’s time to take the path to the right. Here, you’ll find another Drimogemon needing help removing a mound of dirt. When speaking to him, you will be tasked with using a cart to transport dirt out of the Drill Tunnel.

This service is a repetitive task, but it is crucial for progression in the level. After each earth removal, go back and talk to Drimogemon again to return the cart. You will receive money and skills as rewards for your help. Continue this process until all of the soil has been removed.

Access to the Lava Cave

Once the entire mound of dirt has been removed, enter and exit the Underground Pound. When you return, you will find that Drimogemon has finished digging the tunnel to the Lava Cave. Helping him remove the stone from the path is the next step in unlocking the passage to this high-temperature area.

Confrontation with Meramon

Upon entering the Lava Cave, you will find Meramon trying to make the volcano erupt. Interrupting him is essential, but be prepared for a battle as he is a formidable opponent. Make sure you have an Ultimate level Digimon or a very strong Champion before facing him.

When you defeat Meramon, he will move to the city and open a restaurant. This new addition to the city will offer a variety of benefits to his team.

Making the Most of Drill Tunnel

Before leaving the Drill Tunnel, be sure to talk to all the Drimogemons in the area. One of them will open a shortcut to Mt. Panorama, while another will begin digging a tunnel to Leomon’s ancestral cave. Please note that completing these tunnels will take some time, so it is essential that you continue to check the progress of these works over time.

The Drill Tunnel level is an intense underground adventure that requires strategy, patience and a series of challenging battles. Every choice you make, every Digimon you defeat, and every task you complete helps shape the future of your city. With dedication and effort, the Drill Tunnel can become a vital part of your path to becoming a Digimon master.

Gear Savana

Access to Gear Savana

The first step in the journey to Gear Savana begins with the eruption caused by Meramon. This eruption clears a path to Mt. Panorama, which you must follow until you reach Gear Savana. As soon as you arrive, you will notice the rich diversity of the landscape and the endless possibilities that the area offers. During the first 15 days of the month, there is a small shop selling cards scattered around the area, a great resource to add to your arsenal.

Finding Elecmon and Patamon

The next step in your journey is to find Elecmon. This energetic Digimon can be a challenge, as you must shock him three times for him to move into the city. It’s a test of endurance, but the reward is immeasurable.

Near Elecmon, you will find Patamon. The task with Patamon is similar to that with Elecmon – you must defeat him three times for him to move to the city. While this can be a challenge, persistence will pay off as adding Patamon to your city will bring significant benefits.

Meeting with Biyomon

After defeating Patamon, head down the path to find Biyomon. This bird Digimon is elusive and requires skill to capture. Try to catch it three times, until the message “No again! Wait!” show up. When he reappears, capture him again, and Biyomon will move to File City, where he will work in the Item Shop – a great bonus for your city!

Interaction with Leomon

Finally, there is a special encounter with Leomon to be had in Gear Savana. This powerful Digimon can be found by observing Patamon, but for this to happen you must enter from the bottom of the screen. After that, take the right path to have a conversation with Leomon. This is a unique event that adds an extra layer of depth and interactivity to the Gear Savana experience.

The Gear Savana phase is an adventure full of exciting encounters, challenging battles and recruiting Digimons for your city. Every step you take, every Digimon you defeat and recruit, every item you collect helps shape your city and your journey as a Digimon trainer. By mastering Gear Savana, you take a big step towards becoming a Digimon master.

Trash Mountain

The entrance to Trash Mountain is accessible through Gear Savana, specifically next to the toilet. As soon as you set foot on this peculiar mountain, you will be greeted by a landscape of varied discards and the unmistakable sight of Sukamon. This strange-looking but friendly Digimon will be your initial guide in this unknown area.

Fishing for opportunities

Next to Sukamon you will find a fishing rod. This stick is not just an ordinary item, but an essential utensil that unlocks a series of opportunities. Picking up the fishing rod expands your possibilities for interacting with the environment and opens the way to extra resources that you can use to strengthen your team of Digimon.

Meeting with KingSukamon

After getting the fishing rod, the next step is to interact with KingSukamon. This is the leader of the Sukamons and your interaction with him is essential to continue in Trash Mountain. Talk to KingSukamon, respect his authority and understand his role in the Sukamon community to obtain his cooperation.

Sukamon Recruitment

After the conversation with KingSukamon, talk to all the other Sukamon in the area. This step is crucial, as a successful interaction with each of them could result in a Sukamon moving to the city to work as a watchman near the bathroom. Having a Sukamon in your city is not only a valuable addition to your team, but also a testament to your skills as a Digimon trainer.

The Trash Mountain phase is a unique challenge that requires communication, strategy and adaptation skills. Every step, from obtaining the fishing rod to interacting with KingSukamon and the other Sukamon, shapes your experience of Trash Mountain and the entire world of Digimon. By successfully completing this phase, you advance on your journey to become a Digimon master, with a constantly growing city and an increasingly stronger team of Digimon.

Ancient Regions

The Battle against Tyrannomon

When you return to Amida Forest, where you found Centarumon, go straight ahead to the Ancient Dino Region. Here, the first task is to face Tyrannomon, a digimon with a prehistoric and threatening appearance. This battle is inevitable and access to the next phase will only be released if you manage to defeat him. Make sure you are well prepared and have your Digimon in tip-top condition before facing this challenging opponent.

Traversing the Bone Tunnel in the Ancient Speedy Region

After achieving victory against Tyrannomon, continue advancing until you reach the bone tunnel of the Ancient Speedy Region. Inside this inhospitable tunnel, you will have to confront and defeat Saberdramon. Remember, each victory is a step forward and after beating Saberdramon, he will mention something intriguing: the existence of a secret passage in the region.

The Secret Passage and the Battle against Meteormon

The secret passage is a test of your observation and attention to detail. To find it, head left while going through the bone tunnel. Upon entering this hidden passage, you will be confronted by Meteormon, a robust opponent who must be defeated. After defeating him, head back to find Tyrannomon. An animation will trigger, where MasterTyrannomon appears and sends Tyrannomon to the city, representing an important victory for you and the city’s development.

Encounter with Nanimon and the Discovery of the Dimensional Key Chain

Finally, when you return to where Meteormon was, you will encounter an intriguing character: Nanimon. However, this encounter is brief, as Nanimon flees, but not without leaving a valuable item behind, the Dimensional Key Chain. This magical key has the power to double the number of items you can carry, making it a fundamental acquisition for continuing your adventure.

The Ancient Regions phase is a test of strategy, strength and intelligence. Each opponent faced, each passage discovered and each item acquired contribute to the construction of a rich and rewarding story in the Digimon universe. By conquering this stage, you will not only have proven your skills as a Digimon trainer, but you will also have demonstrated your determination and commitment to the journey.

Great Canyon

The Invisible Bridge and the Interlocution with Coelamon

In the city, an important step is to interact with Yuramon. This character will give you a valuable tip, mentioning the existence of an invisible bridge in Overdell, which leads to the Great Canyon. This detail is crucial, as the bridge is the only access to this new phase.

Before embarking on your trip to the Great Canyon, it is recommended that you pass by Coela Point in the afternoon. Here, a conversation with the Coelamons is necessary, resulting in one of them heading to town. This movement is essential, as it expands the city’s population, contributing to the game’s progress.

Monochromon’s Voyage and Item Shop

As you follow the invisible bridge, you will finally reach the Great Canyon. Right at the beginning of the region, you will find a store run by Monochromon. Your mission is to help you sell the available items. If you manage to accumulate more than 3000 bits from sales, Monochromon will go to town and become a valuable addition to the local item shop.

The Battle against Birdramon at Pico da Colina

Continuing your exploration, you will come across a steep hill on your way. Venture through it until the floor crumbles beneath your feet. At this point, you will find an elevator. Take it and go up to the top floor. This climb will take you to Birdramon’s nest.

Here, you will be challenged by Birdramon, a battle that will require strategy and strength. Upon defeating her, Birdramon will go to the city and set up a travel company, offering a new form of transportation for players.

Successfully navigating the Great Canyon level will not only unlock new features and characters for the city, but it will also prove your problem-solving and strategic skills in the Digimon universe. Every step taken, every character interacted, and every challenge overcome will strengthen your connection with your Digimon and the universe around them.


Navigating the icy region of Freezeland

After passing through the Great Canyon, you will find the entrance to Freezeland. This is a place where the temperature drops drastically, but it is essential for game progression. As you enter the third area of ​​Freezeland, you will find a fork in the path. Here, it is important to make the right decision and go to the right.

When you choose the correct path, you will come across a field of brittle ice. This area is made up of four possible paths to follow, each with its own rewards and challenges. Two of these paths lead to Mojyamons, who are interested in trading items with you. Another path leads to Penguinmon’s igloo, while the last path leads to an area full of enemies to face.

Defeating Penguinmon and Garurumon

In Penguinmon’s igloo, you will have to challenge him to a game of Curling. When you defeat Penguinmon in this game, he will move into the city, thus increasing the local population and improving the city in general.

After dealing with the Penguinmon, return to the fork area and head north. Here, you will encounter Garurumon, a ferocious Digimon that requires special attention. To defeat him, you will need to face him twice. In the first battle, you can help your Digimon as you normally would. However, during the second battle, which should take place in the afternoon of the following day, you will not be able to provide assistance to your Digimon. It is crucial, therefore, to strengthen your Digimon before this battle. Upon defeating Garurumon for the second time, he will move to the city and start working at the local restaurant.

In short, Freezeland is a level that challenges the player’s ability to navigate hostile environments, as well as their ability to strategize and prepare their Digimon for challenging battles. Every choice made and battle won in this phase has a significant impact on the game’s overall progress and the city’s improvement. With patience, strategy and planning, you can overcome all the challenges Freezeland has to offer.

Misty Trees and Geko Swamp

Geko Swamp and Misty Trees Navigation

The path to these areas starts in Gear Savana. When you return to this level, you must follow the path located next to the entrance to Trash Mountain, which will take you to Geko Swamp. Keep moving forward, and you’ll find the enigmatic region of Misty Trees.

In Misty Trees, you will face Gabumon, an opponent who, when defeated, will go to town. This is an important step as it increases the city’s population and contributes to its growth and overall progression in the game.

Exploring the swamp and the mystical night

After defeating Gabumon, return to the swamp and wait until dark. Night brings with it the appearance of Otamamon. Upon defeating this Digimon, several Gekomons will appear and take Otamamon to ShogunGekomon’s palace, located in Volume Villa.

Upon arriving at Volume Villa, ShogunGekomon casts a special spell that improves his ability to see through the fog. This is a crucial skill, as it allows you to more freely and efficiently explore the Misty Trees area. Additionally, this spell clears the path back to Volume Villa, making travel back and forth between these areas easier.

Finding Cherrymon and the passage to Toy Town

With the improved ability to see through the fog, you should return to Misty Trees. Now, you will be able to find Cherrymon, a special Digimon that is hidden in the area. By talking to Cherrymon, he will open the passage to Toy Town, another new and intriguing area to explore.

The Misty Trees and Geko Swamp levels are challenging areas that require careful navigation, combat skill, and strategy. By overcoming these challenges, you will unlock new areas to explore, recruit more Digimon to the city, and advance further on your journey.

Toy Town

Arriving in Toy Town and exploring the area

Toy Town is a very compact place and only has two houses and a grand mansion. Upon arriving in town, your first task is to visit the first house, where you will find a bear on the couch. This is no ordinary decoration, but rather a costume that will need to be worn on Numemon so he can enter the mansion. For the Rookie Digimon to evolve into Numemon, let its evolution time run out without it meeting any evolution conditions compatible with its abilities.

Interacting with Tinmon and the Toy Town Mansion

After visiting the first house, go to the second house and talk to Tinmon. With the Numemon costume, you will be allowed to enter the mansion that was previously inaccessible. The mansion, however, is a maze of doors and choices. If you choose the wrong door, a big pot will fall on your head. This is a trial and error challenge that will test your memory and sense of direction.

Defeating WaruMonzaemon and helping Hagurumon

At the end of the mansion, you will have to face WaruMonzaemon. Once you defeat him, you will be able to obtain an item called Gear. This is a key item that will be of great importance later.

After defeating WaruMonzaemon, return to the second house where you found Tinmon. There, he delivers the Gear item to the robot, which is actually a Hagurumon in disguise. When you return the item to Hagurumon, he will be very grateful and as a reward, Monzaemon’s costume will be available in Jijimon’s house.

Toy Town is a place full of surprises and challenges that test your problem-solving skills, your memory and your knowledge of Digimon. As you overcome these challenges, you will be rewarded with useful items and new allies for your city.

Ice Sanctuary

Ice Sanctuary Access and Requirements

The entrance to the sanctuary is located in Freezeland, a notoriously cold and dangerous region. However, it’s not enough to just locate the entrance, you need to have the correct key: a vaccine-type Digimon. This Digimon, with its special ability, will be able to find the hidden passage beneath the imposing ice statue that marks the entrance to the sanctuary.

Sanctuary Navigation and Use of Crystals

Once inside the sanctuary, you will find a series of dark corridors and enigmatic rooms. In the second room of the sanctuary, look for the dark passage on the right. This will take you to a place where some sparkling crystals are. These crystals, when used correctly, serve as teleportation portals. However, be careful! Not all crystals lead to desirable destinations. Some can actually teleport you back to the sanctuary entrance, forcing you to retrace your steps.

Confronting the Digimons and Recruiting Angemon

After crossing the dark passage, you will reach a large area populated by Digimons. Your task here is simple: defeat all Digimon present. Then, approach the light shining in the center of the room. After performing these actions, return to the entrance to the sanctuary.

Now you will find Angemon. Talk to him and invite him to File City. Angemon, one of the most revered Digimon, will move to the city and start working as an informant in Jijimon’s house. His presence will be a great resource and an invaluable source of information.

To summarize, the Ice Sanctuary level is a journey full of mysteries, combats and discoveries. You will need a vaccine-type Digimon to access the area, navigate dark corridors, use crystals to teleport, fight a multitude of Digimon and, finally, recruit Angemon to File City. Every step of the way requires strategy and insight, but the end result is rewarding.

Mt. Panorama

In Mt. Panorama, located near the entrance to Gear Savana, a new opportunity opens up. The newly opened cave on the right side of the entrance is Drimogemon’s home. This is the time to interact with him, and as you do, Drimogemon goes to File City to open an item mine. This mine will become an invaluable source of resources and materials throughout your journey.

Grey’s Lord Mansion

In Grey’s Lord Mansion, entry is strictly limited to virus-type Digimon. After entering, try to open all possible doors until you find a key located inside a fireplace. From here, head to the top of the mansion, where several Rockmons are located, and fall into a secret room. The right path leads to a coffin which is the entrance to the mansion’s basement.

In the underground, you will find Myotismon, a Digimon that is on the verge of death. He will give you the Fridge Key. Return to the kitchen and use the key on the refrigerator, only to find that the meat is not there. When you leave the mansion, you will find the meat on the floor. Take her to Myotismon and leave the mansion.

File City

In File City, you should look for Jijimon for a chat. Once the conversation ends, an unexpected encounter will occur – Greymon will appear and challenge you to combat. If you emerge victorious, Greymon will open the city’s arena, adding a new feature to File City.

Great Canyon

In Great Canyon, things start to heat up. Yuramon in town will inform you about the bandits that are terrorizing the Canyon. He heads to the location and will face Ogremon and his henchmen. He beat them in combat and use the elevator to go down and chase them.

Talk to Agumon at the entrance to the fortress, convincing him to let you pass. Then, you will need to face Ogremon and his henchmen once again. After defeating them, use the elevator to go up.

At this stage, you will also face the challenge of rescuing Shellmon. When Shellmon calls for help, return to the fortress elevator, go down and head to the entrance to Freezeland. Take the left path to rescue Shellmon on the bridge. After saving him, Shellmon will go to the city and take on the role of publishing news, providing important information for your journey.

Secret Beach Cave

It all starts in Freezeland. There, you will need to speak to Whamon in the brittle ice area. Whamon will take you to the Secret Beach Cave, where Ogremon, along with WaruSeadramon and Agumon, will be waiting. The battle is inevitable, so prepare to win. After the victory, Ogremon flees, and Whamon goes to the city to set up a port. When you return to the Secret Beach Cave, you will find the Misty Egg item in a machine that must be picked up.

Drill Tunnel

In Drill Tunnel, you will face Ogremon for the last time. Victory will not only ensure the end of a long rivalry, but will also convince Ogremon to go to the city, giving up his former life.

Tropical Forest

Tropical Forest has two main events. On the 15th of every month, you must take the Rain Plant next to Tanemon and go to the Tropical Forest. There, you will find a plant that is different from the others. Using the Rain Plant on this plant, Vegiemon will emerge and go to the city to replace Palmon on the farm. Additionally, you must enter and exit the first screen at different times until Piximon appears. Upon defeating him, Piximon goes to the city to sell training manuals.

Geko Swamp and Dragon Eye Lake

In the Geko Swamp phase, you need to accumulate merit points, which are earned by exchanging cards with ShogunGekomon. Once you reach 300 points, you will be able to buy the Amazing Rod. Also, when you leave, talk to Gekomon at the door so that he becomes available as an opponent in the arena. In the afternoon, at Dragon Eye Lake, fish for gigantic Seadramon with the Amazing Rod. Choose the first option to win the Blue Flute, which allows you to call it whenever you want.


Beetle Land is accessible via Seadramon. Here, you will talk to Tentomon about a tournament that takes place every 22nd, but you can only participate if you have an insect Digimon. After that, talk to Kabuterimon, who is going to File City to improve the Green Gym’s equipment, and Kuwagamon, who will help you. Play the Blue Flute to go back.

Mt. Panorama

In Mt. Panorama, examine the alien mark on the ground, return to town and read the news about a UFO sighting in the area. When you return to the location and find more marks, return to the city and read more news about the UFO. On the third visit, meet Vademon, who after a brief dialogue will go to the city to work at the restaurant.

Drill Tunnel and Native Forest

In the Drill Tunnel stage, go to the southern end of the cave, where the last Drimogemon opened a passage to the cave of Leomon’s ancestors. Obtain the Leomon Stone from SaberLeomon’s statue and give it to Leomon in Gear Savana, who will then go to town to help Birdramon with the travel company. In Native Forest, when checking the trunk with a door, prepare to face Etemon. If you beat him, Etemon will go to the Digimon Bridge on the edge of town to open a store that only sells Gold Bananas.

Factorial Town and Digimon Bridge

First, at the port, talk to Whamon, who will transport you to Factorial Town. When you arrive, enter the sewer and interact with Numemon, leaving shortly afterwards. You will need to visit Andromon’s house and talk to him. After the conversation, head right and talk to the Guardromons blocking the path. Return to Andromon and talk to him again. Return to the Guardromons and ask them about the relay schedule.

At noon, the Guardromons will no longer be there, allowing you to advance. Look for Giromon and prepare for a battle. Once you defeat him, return to Andromon and talk to him to turn off the computers. Then, return to the sewers for a battle with Numemon, one of the easiest bosses in the game. Upon winning, Numemon will move to the city and open a secret item shop.

In the Digimon Bridge stage, you will encounter Ninjamon. After defeating him, he will go to the city to help Numemon in the secret shop. Return to Factorial Town and talk to Andromon, come back a day later and he will move into town, although he won’t be very active. Giromon will also be found there, who after the conversation will join the staff of the city’s restaurant.

Grey’s Lord Mansion

To access Grey’s Lord Mansion, you must have a Virus-type Digimon. Despite your search for Myotismon, you won’t be able to find him initially. When leaving, Devimon will appear, urging you to go back and enter through the door on the right that was previously closed.

In the laboratory you will meet SkullGreymon, whom you must defeat. In the previous room, Myotismon will be in the right corner of the screen. When talking to him, SkullGreymon and Myotismon will be available as opponents in the arena.

Mt Infinity

For the Mt. Infinity stage, Jijimon will guide you. It will open the way to Mt. Infinity which is near the waterfall. When you leave, Airdramon will fight you. Beat him and follow the path Jijimon indicated to enter Mt. Infinity.

In this phase, use the green rays of light to teleport to the upper floors. Avoid unnecessary combats as there are many bosses here. When you find Devimon, defeat him and continue forward.

On the way, you will meet Megadramon. The battle with him is not mandatory, but if you don’t defeat him, he won’t go to the city afterwards. Before entering the final room, you will have to face and defeat MetalGreymon. Although he is not an extremely difficult boss, it is recommended to save energy for the end.

Finally, the last battle against Analogman, the game’s final boss, awaits. Analogman will summon Mugendramon to fight you, a war machine with powerful attacks. Use quick strikes, avoid getting hit and have lots of health recovery items, as it will be an intense battle. After defeating Analogman, enjoy the animation at the end of the game (but there’s more, read below!).

Complete everything in the game and see the true ending:

You might even think the game was over after the final battle against Analogman. However, there are many other things to do before reaching the true ending. Furthermore, there are secret Digimon waiting to be taken to the city. Here are the detailed steps you need to follow:

Extra Digimons:

  1. Return to Mt. Infinity, in the same place where you fought Analogman. There, you will find an egg on the floor. Tap the egg to wake up Digitamamon, who will challenge you to a battle. Although he is not as powerful as Mugendramon, he has more health (9999 HP). After defeating him, he will move to the restaurant in town.
  2. Head to Mt. Panorama. There, you will find Unimon injured on the ground. Give him the Medicine item so he can recover and go to the city, where he will work in the store.
  3. In Freezeland, you will find 3 Mojyamons. Exchange all the items with them and the last one will move to the city where he will work in the secret shop.
  4. Return to Mt. Panorama, specifically in the area where the 3 MudFrigimons are. Enter and exit this screen at different times until Mamemon appears. Defeat him and he will go to town, where he will work in the store.
  5. After taking Mamemon to the city, use the Gear Savana passage that leads to Factorial Town. Enter and exit this area at different times until MetalMamemon appears. Defeat him, and he will help Penguinmon in the city’s Curling minigame.
  6. Talk to Angemon, who will inform you about a Digimon that appears every morning in Misty Trees. Head there at dawn to find Kokatorimon. Defeat him and he will build a statue between Jijimon’s house and the bank.
  7. Find Nanimon in Ogre Fortress. He will initially run away, but you can find him again in different locations: in the cave of Leomon’s ancestors, in WaruMonzaemon’s room in Toy Town, in the Ancient Dino Region and in Factorial Town. When you finally manage to talk to him, he will go to the city and help Agumon at the bank.
  8. Catch a fire Digimon and make it sick in Freezeland. An effective way to do this is to feed him the Moldy Meat item, which will automatically make him sick. You can get this item from the vending machine in the Ancient Dino Region. When your Digimon is sick, Frigimon will appear and take you to her secret igloo. Return to the igloo with your healthy Digimon and Frigimon will move to the city to work at the restaurant.

Analogman Strikes Again:

Not over yet. You will need to find the Back Dimension. The location is random, so you’ll have to look in likely locations like Ice Sanctuary, Gray Lord’s Mansion, and Ogre Fortress. If you enter the correct location, you will automatically be transported to another dimension, similar to Mt. Infinity.

When you reach the end, you will face Mugendramon again. However, after defeating him, you will discover that he was just a replica.

After defeating the replica, go back and talk to Jijimon. He will give you a secret item and congratulate you on completing everything! If you followed all the steps mentioned, the rating will be 100 points, indicating that you have reached the true ending of the game.

These detailed and thorough steps ensure that you experience the game in its entirety, discover all the secrets, and reach the true ending. Remember that every decision you make affects how the story unfolds, so make your decisions wisely!

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