Dino Crisis 2 – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Dino Crisis 2 – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

February 18, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

By: José Ricardo Fortes da Silva (Ash_Riot)

“A year passed after the third energy incident, Dr. Kirk’s research was resumed by a government agency and massive research was begun at a base in the Midwest, however, in search of immediate results, they did not take the necessary precautions and once again an accident occurred, this time not only the research base, but also a military base and a small town close to it disappeared, leaving in their place a dense forest.”


A group of soldiers are sent to the location to rescue the survivors, they are led by Lieutenant Dylan and among them is Regina, the protagonist of the first game, after the opening scene, you will control Dylan.

Attention: This walkthrough will be done from a game on Hard mode, but if you are a beginner, I recommend that you start on “Normal” to get used to the controls, Dylan starts with a 100-shot Shotgun as his main weapon and a machete as his secondary weapon, to use the main weapon hold R1 to aim and press X to shoot, to use the secondary weapon, just press circle, to open the options menu press SELECT, if you look at the items you will see that you have a HEMOSTAT, a MED PAK S, a MED PAK M and a RESSUCITATION PAK, if you look in “Files” you will find a file with a short tutorial:


This file contains some tips that can help you at the beginning of your mission, especially if you are lost or stuck:

EXTINCTION POINTS (EP) – When you kill your enemy you will earn points called “Extinction Points”, in this mission you must buy weapons, ammunition, health restorers and other items using these points, it is very important for a successful mission that EP is gained efficiently, however, EP is of no use if it is not used, so we recommend that you equip yourself with the best weapons as soon as they become available.

COMBO – When you kill an enemy, the points gained are shown on the screen, if you successively kill several enemies while these points are still on the screen, you will make a combo, this is an important technique that you must learn to use.

COMBAT TECHNIQUE – By pressing R1 you can run while aiming, you can change targets by pressing L1 while holding R1.

EQUIPMENT: The following equipment will be divided among team members with some exceptions: Healing items, EP, key items, main weapons and secondary weapons, during your mission it may happen that you run out of space to carry more healing items, at these times, you might consider using lower wattage items to make room so you can carry more.

Follow the door right behind you, the other one is locked and Dylan doesn’t have the necessary tool to open it, walk a little and you’ll find some raptors, the secret here is don’t let them surround you or you’re gone, take out any one that appears in your path and follow the stairs to a higher part, go down the stairs further to the next area, continue moving forward through two more areas until you reach a building, when you enter, Dylan will see a person in black running away, after the cutscene, pick up the first DINO FILE on the ground:


Meaning: Swift Conqueror
Length: 4.8 meters
Height: 1.8 meters

At first we thought that dinosaurs were slow and dumb reptiles, but Velociraptor showed us how wrong we were, their feet with razor-sharp claws make them true killing machines, their long tail in addition to maintaining their balance while running at high speeds, It can also be used as a weapon, being capable of shattering bones. If you encounter them, never turn your back on them, the moment you start running you will become their prey, no soldier escaped alive when trying to run away from them, the basic rule in this world is to fight. Raptors are the most successful carnivores in this world, they live in groups in different areas, their behavior can vary, but one thing they have in common, they are very fast, it is better not to use heavy weapons, in addition, there are reports of There are blue raptors that are much stronger and more resistant, go hunt them if you consider yourself a professional.

Examine the computer on the wall, here you can buy weapons, ammunition, healing items and tools that will help you in many ways, as well as saving your game, I recommend you increase the Shotgun capacity by 200, which costs 7000 EPs, if this is not possible, recharge it, go back to the previous area, kill some more raptors until you have enough, or until they stop appearing (if you manage to kill a certain amount of enemies without taking damage, when leaving the area, you will gain a bonus according to the number of enemies killed), the SOLID CANNON weapon is also available here which costs 36000 EPs, it would be of great help against an enemy further on, so if you can take some time to save up that money, it would be a good one, anyway, there are two other doors in this area, the blue one is locked from the other side, so go through the brown door.

Note: If you make a combo of 20 or more, in the next area dominated by raptors, 2 blue raptors will appear, if you already have the Solid Cannon you can kill them easily and earn at least 7000 EPs for each one, otherwise, It’s better to run away.

In this area there is a MED PAK M in the middle of the path, take it and go to the next area, kill all the raptors here and go to the next area, you will find your good old friend T-Rex who is dying to make a snack with you, don’t try to confront him, run and climb the ladder to the highest platform and go down the other side, some guys in black will attack Dylan, but he manages to get into a building, examine the table in the corner to find a DINO FILE:


Meaning: Tyrant King Lizard
Width: 14.5 meters
Height: 4.8 meters

As their name clearly defines, they are the largest carnivores of the Cretaceous period, they act on their hunting instinct and are always looking for prey to support their giant body, something to be noted about them is that they are extremely ruthless, since they put eyes on prey, they don’t give up until they catch it, a soldier once reported that he saw one trying to swim to catch its prey, they like to play with their food before slaying it with a deadly bite, there are no records about how to fight the T-Rex, every soldier who tried ended up dead, as far as we know, he has no weak points, rumors say that one person managed to escape him alive, it wasn’t a soldier but someone from intelligence, a beautiful woman in around 20 years old.

Go through the next door and then go through the next one, get the file on the bed:


Once again the day arrived, on January 14th the third energy accident occurred and we were sent to that time, this is the tenth time this day has come and every time I feel the same despair, the medical supplies ran out in the first year, since then we have collected plants from the jungle to make medicines, even without knowing their effects, even so, we use them to treat soldiers’ injuries, all we can do is wait for rescue.

Why didn’t they come to rescue us? I thought about it for the last ten years and came to a conclusion: The time shift is caused by the overload of the third energy, but our current technology is not enough to solve this, years of additional studies would still not be enough, a timing error 10 or 20 years is insignificant in a flow of 65 million years, but this mistake means everything to us, we should never have gotten our hands on such a dangerous toy.

Get the KEY PLATE on the other bed, reload the Shotgun and if you haven’t already done so, buy the SOLID GUN and if possible increase its capacity to at least 100 shots, save and leave this room, some raptors are in the area, be careful, leave from this building and run to the door on your left, walk a little and get the file on the table:


All instruments and materials will be transferred to the research center tomorrow, starting next month, an extensive time portal experiment will be conducted, there are not enough computers to store all the data, we will need all the computers we can get.

The project to revive the time portal has hit a wall, we hope that the experiment will bring us positive results, hand over all the keys to the research center to Lieutenant Wolf from the transport team, the key cards are kept in a box on the wall of this room.

Approximately 250 people, family members of soldiers, were moved to Edward City last month, now it is up to us to restore the time portal.

Examine the panel with red light and use the KEY PLATE on it to acquire the RESEARCH FACILITY KEYCARD, the security system is activated and Dylan is trapped, after the scene you will control Regina, she is equipped with a 100-shot Handgun as her main weapon and an electric baton as a secondary weapon, go to the leftmost door and use the electric baton on the red light to unlock it, in the next area examine the body to find a DINO FILE:


Meaning: Strange lizard
Length: 8.5 meters
Height: 3 meters

Anyone who encounters this dinosaur will feel threatened, despite its size it can easily jump over obstacles of up to 2 meters, it will not let its prey escape, it feeds not only on herbivores, but also on small carnivores, you must avoid it. them in areas where raptors tend to appear, they have been seen hunting in groups, they normally position themselves facing their prey, perhaps because they have a really hard head and shooting at it will have no effect, a good strategy is to shoot at them from the sides, in the stomach region, but this can be a problem due to its agility, in which case it would be good to have a weapon with high firepower.

Go to the next area, be careful with the raptors, go to the next area, here there are two paths, the blue door is locked, so take the left path, in the next area, walk a little and an Allosaurus will appear, don’t try face him, escape to the next area, here there are two doors, one is blocked by plants, go past the raptors and enter the other, (there is a MED PAK S on the edge of the bridge) take the file on the table:


Recent reports inform that in some parts of the jungle there are poisonous plants called “pp-34”, about 80 cm in diameter they release poisonous spores, one of our members who inhaled these spores is unconscious and in critical condition, those who are working when collecting medicinal herbs, suspend this activity and form a team to exterminate the poisonous plants, use Flamethrowers to do the job, but remember to keep a safe distance.

Examine the computer on the wall, there are two new weapons available, the Flame Launcher (main weapon) which costs 16000 EP and the Firewall which costs 10000, I really recommend that you buy both, but give priority to the Flame Launcher, reload the Handgun and if possible increase her capacity to at least 200 shots, save and leave this room, Regina will be attacked by the guys in black, she manages to capture one of them and when she removes the helmet she realizes that she is nothing more than a teenager, he leaves her trapped in the room, ok, now make your way back to the area with two paths and go through the door to the north, equip the Flame Launcher and destroy all the plants in this and the next area, you will soon reach the water tank room, examine the computer , there is a new weapon available, the SUBMACHINE GUN, which costs 24000 EP and is a good option against the Allosaurus, reload your weapons and save, go to where Dylan is, on the way you will come across pteranodons, if you have the Submachine Gun you can kill some, otherwise it’s better to run, when you enter the building where Dylan is, pick up the KEY PLATE on the floor and go to the other building, go through the next door and go to the door at the end of the corridor and use the electric baton to unlock it It, go up the ladder next to it and get a file from the panel:


This notification informs that all keys will be stored in this control room, the colors of the terminal locks correspond to the colors of the keys, combining the colors of the keys and terminals will unlock them, for security reasons only one of the keys can be removed at a time, in addition, the electronic information of each key is updated periodically, so please return the keys after using them.

Examine the panel with colored lights at the end and use the KEY PLATE that will be placed in the green light, now remove the key in the blue light (fourth option from left to right), go back to where Dylan is and use the KEY PLATE on the blue panel next to the door to free him, the two return to the boat with the girl, but when they get there, everything is destroyed, including the time portal activator and the boat’s battery, Regina says that Dylan must look for parts to fix it. him, he then goes to see the girl, when she sees him, she seems to know him, but Dylan doesn’t understand anything, anyway, in the store there is an item for sale, the HEAVY BLADE which increases the strength of the machete and costs 15000 EPs, I recommend that you DO NOT BUY it, it is not really necessary, reload your weapons if you need to and save, get off the boat and climb the ladder at the end, there is an Allosaurus in the area, use the Solid Cannon to finish it off and go through the middle door, another Allosaur, finish him off and go to the next area, go forward until you reach the water tank room, reload, save and go through the blue door, now go to the place where there is a door blocked by plants, cut them and enter.

You will find a new enemy, the Oviraptors, small dinosaurs that spit venom, finish them off using the Shotgun or Flame Launcher, go to the door at the end and use the RESEARCH FACILITY KEYCARD on the red light to unlock it, in the next area, go left and enter the door at the end, examine the opening on the side and close it, go forward and take the file on the table:


Recovering the time portal seems impossible due to the limited instruments of this world, today we were supposed to start a new experiment but we were prevented by the lack of equipment, a week ago the transportation team led by Lieutenant Wolf should have brought the instruments but They never arrived, something must have happened at the military base, we are unable to communicate with them.

If we still intend to carry out the experiment, we need to go to the missile silo on the other side of the suspension bridge, but the bridge was destroyed in a recent fight, the only other way there is through the poisonous gas zone, but it is too dangerous until you get close to there.

Cut the plants blocking the door and go inside, close the opening next to it, go to a place with cages and close the opening near them, open the cage with the green light and examine it again to find another DINO FILE:


Meaning: Beautiful Jaws
Length: 1.2 meters
Height: 0.5 meters

Commonly known as “Compy”, their diet is basically made up of insects, these small dinosaurs live in groups and are not a threat to humans, but when they started to nest in the research center they started to become a nuisance, their habits are similar to birds, we think that when they see a shiny object they take it to their nest, this has caused serious problems around here, there is no reason to hunt them, however, we are thinking of ways to stop them from stealing the soldiers’ belongings.

Pick up another file on top of one of the beds:


March 25: Lately, many soldiers have reported the disappearance of objects such as hand mirrors and watches, the other day, my silver rocket suffered the same fate, rumors suggest that this is the work of a small dinosaur called Compy or something like that.

April 3: Today I heard an interesting story: Crows and other birds have the peculiar behavior of collecting shiny things, it seems that these Compy have a similar behavior, come to think of it, all the objects stolen here were shiny, they have many similarities with the birds, perhaps they are their ancestors, we have not been able to capture them, as they run very fast, but if we can use their behavior to our advantage, perhaps…

April 6: Using the laboratory cage, we finally capture one of them, we use Alan’s bracelet as bait and surround him, the key to capturing them is to block all possible escape routes, if there is a hole no matter how small, he won’t enter the cage, our plan is to get rid of them as quickly as possible, as the raptors that usually use them as snacks are hanging around the place, Compys, what a nuisance!

There are still two weeks until the main research is moved to Edward City, until then, it is up to us to do the best we can to protect this laboratory.

In the store, there are two new “Tools” available, the EPS SILVER CARD which increases the time that the points remain on the screen, making it easier to make large combos, it costs 20000 EPS, there is also the INNER SUIT, which prevents the character from bleed and it also costs 20000, I recommend buying both, but give priority to the second, reload your weapons and save, leave the opening on the left open, remove the weeds from the door and exit, use the RESEARCH FACILITY KEYCARD on the red light next to the another door and then a Compy will steal it, chase him until he enters the only open passage, go in and close that passage, keep chasing him until he enters the cage and gets trapped, take back the card and use -o to unlock the door, inside, take the STARTER BATTERY and another file.


Yet another body of a young man was brought in, as we expected, he was not a resident of Edward City, if this is true, the only conclusion is that he and others came from another time, could this be possible?

In recent months, young people looking 17 or 18 have shown themselves to us and attacked, communicating with them is apparently not possible.

Today we plan to remove one of the bodies from the preservation chamber and conduct an autopsy, the results will be reported to Colonel Maison, who has been sent to the third energy plant.

Now go all the way back to the boat, when you arrive, the girl will have run away, Regina will use the battery to repair the boat, reload your weapons, save and examine the boat’s control panel, you have two destination options, choose 3rd Energy Facility, during the journey the boat is attacked and Dylan will try to stop them with the boat’s machine gun, first Plessiosaurs will come, aim for the head to kill them quickly, after a while Pteranodons will come, these are a little easier to shoot , but don’t hesitate, because soon a group of each will come up and you have to be quick and precise, when you succeed, you will be back in control of Regina.


Open the store, there are new weapons available, the HEAVY MACHINEGUN costs 70000 and I recommend buying it immediately, the MISSILE POD is Regina’s (and the game’s) most powerful weapon and costs 100000 EPs, leave it for later, in the Tools there are the POWER BATTERY which costs 15000 and increases the power of the electric baton, I don’t think it’s necessary to buy it, but it’s up to you, increase the capacity of the Heavy Machinegun to at least 500 shots and recharge what needs to be recharged, save and exit the boat , move forward, killing everything that comes your way until you find a file near a body:


It seems like this is the end for us, we survived for so long to be killed by human beings, but who are they? These people with helmets and biker clothes, somehow I managed to escape, but I ended up losing the key to this plant, how foolish of me, I can only think of one place where it could be, it must have fallen near the source in the jungle area, this fountain has a fast current despite it being small, I need to go there quickly or it may float away, the disc I had to give to Colonel Maison

It was stolen by the helmet guys, looks like he had an autopsy report.

Examine the wreckage of the truck further back to find a DINO FILE


Meaning: Winged and toothless
Length: 3 meters
Wingspan: 6 meters

They feed on fish, these winged reptiles are seen near lakes, they glide over the water looking for fish and in an incredibly fast dive captures their prey, although its diet consists of fish, it also feeds on small mammals and even humans, Lately Pteranodons have been attacking humans near the plant, trying to defend their territory.

When they are circling you it will be very difficult to shoot them, although they seem to fly slowly, they are quite fast, before attacking the prey they will first surround it, at that time you must shoot them down, one thing you must remember is They have very tough skin and while you shoot one, the others take you by surprise, to prevent this from happening, choose an appropriate weapon.

Well, go back to the boat and head to the Jungle Area, get out of the boat and go through the middle door, go to the small waterfall and examine it, a leaf will float through the water, follow it until you see an object shiny, then get the 3RD ENERGY FACILITY KEYCARD, go back to the power plant and go to the place where you found the last file, use the card you just got to unlock the door at the end, go straight, you will pass by a boat with a light panel, continue forward until you reach a control room, go up the stairs and get the file on the panel:


June 2, 10:30 pm: Tomorrow two mechanics will come from Edward City, it is the time for the annual maintenance of the third energy reactor, it is already the ninth, if something happens underwater, all the exits will be blocked, everything What we can do is pray that this doesn’t happen, sometimes I feel like it would be better if the reactor exploded once and for all.

June 3, 4 am: The mechanics who entered the reactor have not yet returned, they probably became lunch, this is a problem, as one of them, Bob, has the key to the entrance to Edward City, to go from this plant to the city It’s vital that we recover this key, I think I have no choice but to dive in myself, I just hope I don’t become dinner.

Continue examining the panel in the center of the room until you find a DINO FILE:


Meaning: Lizard of the Moza River
Length: 6 meters
Height: 0.8 meters

Their main diet consists of ammonites that live at the bottom of the waters, during the mating season, many Mosasaurs gather near the plant in search of food, their jaws are strong enough to shatter even the hardest shells, which makes them a threat to humans, as not even the most resistant diving suit could resist their bite, despite being large, they swim very quickly, their speed underwater is extraordinary.

The first thing to do is stop them, throwing darts is one way, but the best method is to attack them with a shockwave to stun them and then finish them off, this is particularly effective when they attack in groups, they They like to hide in small spaces, so be careful when passing through walls with holes.

Get the KEY FOR THE BOX on the leftmost panel and go back to the boat, use the key on the light panel, inside there is a file:


The elevator security code for the Submarine Reactor has changed, the new code is (The code changes from game to game)

Go back to the control room and exit through the door on the left, get rid of the pteranodons and examine the body to find the MECHANIC’S ID CARD, go back to the control room and use the card you just picked up on the red light next to the elevator, then enter the file code 17 to open it, downstairs go to the next area, get the file near the computer on the left


To Bob, I heard you were put in charge of this place, as a gift for your position, I’ll give you a tip on how to restart the force, when you try to restart the force, it usually stops, right? This is due to the malfunction of the three terminal controls, here are some tips for operating them:

When you start the program it will overload and the lights will turn red, when this happens shock them with some tool, that should fix it, anyway good luck, see you around Mike.

Go to the panel on the right and activate it, when the lights turn red hit them with the electric baton, do this until all the lights turn blue, go to the computer on the left and get the diving suit, examine the panel below to go underwater, the diving suit comes equipped with a NEEDLE GUN as the main weapon and the SHOCKWAVE as the secondary weapon, you cannot use the other weapons here, use the Shockwave to stun the Musasaurs and then shoot with the Needle Gun, go forward to the lowest part where there is a door to the next area, open the store, buy the AQUA GRENADE which costs 40000 EPs and will make your life here much easier, increase its capacity to at least 50 shots (100 would be ideal), save and get the file from the panel:


As always we conduct preventive maintenance by assigning tasks, Bob will be responsible for the reactor, Alec will check the water circulation system, as in previous years, for the safety of the mechanics, be sure to close the cooling aqueduct hatches, Alec will remove the plug that controls the hatch while Bob checks the reactor, the other day there was an explosion in the water circulation chamber, this explosion caused a crack in the concrete columns, one more explosion would certainly destroy it, remember to repair that too .

Go to the next area, go forward eliminating the Mosasaurs on the way, press triangle to jump the obstacle, in the next area, you will see an item higher up, but you can’t get it from here, go to the next area, go forward until you see a door, but don’t go in now, climb up to the highest part and follow it until you see a platform with a cracked column, shoot the column and use the platform to reach the door to the previous area, get the PLUG nearby of the body and go back to the panel where you got file 19, use the plug on it and turn it on, now go to the door that I told you not to enter before and go in, reload the weapon, save and go up the elevator, go forward and pick up the CITY KEYCARD on the floor, a little further there is a DINO FILE:


Meaning: Close lizard
Length: 17 meters
Height: 3 meters

The third energy reactor is located at the bottom of the lake, half of the mechanics that go down there never return, they probably became bait for this giant thing, they are carnivorous reptiles, with their long neck, they come up to the surface to breathe, it has been reported that they attack pterodactyls using their long, agile necks.

When attacked by them, shoot them in the head, they will try to pull their prey into the water using their long neck, if you are attacked the best thing to do is attack back, if you find them underwater, unfortunately the only thing that can hurt them is explosive artillery, you should still be careful with the strong current they produce when swimming, it would be wise to avoid confronting them in the water.

Go down the elevator in the corner and go to the next area, you will have to kill the Plessiosaur to proceed, about 8 or 10 shots from the Aqua Grenade should take care of it, when you defeat it, go up to the highest part, on the way there is a MED PAK L, go straight to the elevator, it will take you to Edward City.


After the scene, you will control Dylan, go through the double doors, enter through the next door, in this area there is an Alosaurus lying in wait, be careful, open the store, there are two new weapons available, the ANTITANK RIFLE costs 76000 EPs and the CHAINMINE costs 24000, both will be essential for the next part, so I recommend that you buy both, if you don’t have enough EP, buy at least the Antitank Rifle and go back to the 3rd Energy Facility and kill some Plesiosaurus, among the tools there is Light-weight Armor that costs 35000 and reduces the damage caused by half, I also recommend that you buy it immediately, increase the capacity of the Antitank Rifle to at least 200 shots and the Chainmine to 50, reload, save and return to the previous area, further ahead, near a body there is one more DINO FILE:


Length: 3.7 meters
Height: 1.2 meters

The cave leading to the city passes through a volcano, two years ago the volcano suddenly started to become active, around this same time, four-legged creatures started to appear, it seems they are well adapted to hot and dark places, we believed that they were herbivores due to the lack of living organisms in their habitat, but when one of ours was attacked, we discovered that they are omnivores, although they are slow we have to think of a way to contain them.

We have not yet discovered a way to fight against them, their ultra-hard skin will not be penetrated by conventional weapons and their powerful jaw can crush even a helmet, the only effective way we know is when it stands up on two legs, at that time you must shoot in the stomach which seems to be his weak point, currently the prototype of a new weapon is in the final stages of development, a weapon that shoots mines can turn him onto his back, but we don’t know for sure if it will work.

Go to the next area, after the scene, go forward until you reach a cave blocked by a rock, use the Chainmine to get it out of the way, you are now in the territory of the Inostrancevia, when you find them, use the Chaimine to turn them around and then shoot with the Antitank Rifle, a little ahead there is a MED PAK L behind the rock, follow the yellow marks and you shouldn’t have difficulty finding the exit, when you arrive at a save point, open the store , there is a new weapon available, the ROCKET LAUNCHER costs 100000 EPs, you will hardly have the money for it and anyway it is not that necessary, despite being very powerful, but, it’s up to you, anyway, reload, buy items of healing if you need it and save, go up the stairs and a group of Allosaurus arrives for dinner, after the scene, controlling Regina you must fire the flare so that Dylan can shoot the animals with the cannon and also remove the obstacles, when you reach one At a certain point, the roles are reversed, Regina provides cover and Dylan runs, but he must go a little further, when he arrives control returns to Regina, go to where Dylan is and after the scene pick up the DINO FILE near the body:


Meaning: Face with three horns
Length: 8.5 meters
Height: 3 meters

They are herbivores and can be seen in the fields on the outskirts of the city, they protect their eggs in flocks, they are sociable dinosaurs, they are generally docile and will not attack unless forced, for example, if they step on their eggs, six months ago , their attack on the city was unstoppable, a part of the place was completely destroyed, they seemed to remember who hurt them, some of our soldiers paid with their lives.

If you dare stand against them, you have already lost, an angry Triceratops is unstoppable, the only thing that can stop one is another angry Triceratops, all we can do is use heavy artillery and shoot at their nose to keep them away, already that the pack is your priority, they won’t follow you if you leave their territory, all you can do is run.

Save and walk a little to find a dead Triceratops baby, it doesn’t take long for its mother to appear and as you can imagine, she’s pissed off, Dylan and Regina take a jeep to escape, you have to shoot her in the face of the animal to keep it away, it can come from the middle or from the sides, pay attention, after a while, another triceratops arrives to help and things get complicated, it disappears in the middle of the forest and suddenly appears to hit you, then Pay attention, when you manage to lose them, you will see a long scene, when you regain control, ignore the silver door behind you for now and examine the jeep on the right to find a DINO FILE:


Meaning: Egg thief
Length: 2.5 meters
Height: 1.3 meters

Since we arrived in this world we have encountered many different dinosaurs, but this was the first one that we thought we could handle easily, but we soon realized that we were totally mistaken, they are armed with two arsenals, one is their sharp beak and the other is their venom, the The name “egg thief” was given to them based on a misunderstanding, they use their beak to break the hard shells of eggs and to protect themselves they use an acidic poison, they have attack and defense equipment.

You must not stand still when facing them, some will spit poison, another will jump at you, your best chance of survival is to move while attacking, their small size is a problem, they attack in groups and are really annoying, so contain them a weapon that can burn them should do the job.

Go south, climb the container and go down the other side to find a MED PAK L, go through the green door, on the counter there is a file:


I underestimated the idea of ​​trying to protect human territory, the plan to cleanse the city of the invading dinosaurs failed, the humans of this world are about to go extinct, we humans should never have gotten our hands on third energy, the military still doesn’t understand this After everything that happened, their plan is to fire a third energy missile into this area in order to clear the place of dinosaurs, they plan to take the third energy data to the missile silo and put this data into a warhead, the missile is scheduled to hit this area tomorrow, is it the missile first or us first… who knows?

Pick up the LIVING QUARTERS KEY on the ground, save and leave the store, go through the silver door and use the Living Quarters Key to unlock the next door, our friend T-Rex is back in the area, Dylan will get a tank to escape, use Use the L1 and R1 buttons to rotate the cannon and shoot the at the same time, shoot the big guy to slow him down until a cutscene takes place and Dylan manages to lose him… for now, pick up the GAS MASK on the ground and another cutscene occurs, after that, you will be back on the boat controlling Regina, there is a new item available in the store, the EPS GOLD CARD which costs 40000 EPs and doubles the EP when killing dinos, we are almost at the end of the game and perhaps this is not of much use now, but if there is still a lot left to buy, it would be a good thing, Well, it’s up to you, anyway, go back to the Jungle Area and go through the door on the left and then go forward to the area where there were the poisonous plants, then take the path to the left and now that we have the Gas Mask we can cross this area calmly. area, entering the door at the end we will reach the missile silo.


Reload your weapons, save and go through the green door, move forward, shooting at the raptors that appear on the way to a blue door, entering, examine the control panel until you find the last DINO FILE.


Meaning: Giant Lizard (Oh come on!)
Length: Over 20 meters
Height: Over 7 meters

There is a dinosaur much bigger than the T-Rex, that’s the rumor spread among the soldiers, the search for this thing started 3 years ago, but nothing so far, however, last summer a dead T-Rex was found with huge teeth marks on his neck, the rumor no longer seems like a rumor now.

We don’t know anything about its way of attacking, this could mean two things: One is that this dinosaur doesn’t actually exist, the other is that any soldier who found it disappeared without a trace, of the soldiers who were lost from the troop, approximately 70 % of their bodies were never found, with this in mind, we cannot ignore the possibility that there was a dinosaur capable of swallowing a man whole, anyone who has seen this beast, did not live to tell the tale.

Examine the luminous part of the panel to get the 3RD ENERGY DISK, leave the room and the T-Rex will be waiting for you, but as there is always a bigger lizard, you will have the pleasure of meeting the Gigantosaurus who, after sending the T-Rex to the dinosaur sky, turns his eyes to Regina who immediately returns to the control room, soon Dylan arrives and the missile launch system is activated, Regina says she will try to stop him while Dylan prepares the evacuation, but upon arriving at the Silo, the Gigantosaurus arrives for dinner and you have 10 minutes to take it down before the missile is launched, there are two gas launchers here, you must activate it and then use the electric baton to set the gas on fire and cause damage to it , he can easily knock you down with his roar, if that happens, move the controls like crazy to get up quickly, as his bite is very painful, have a good stock of Med Paks, as you will need each one of them, when you manage to knock him down it, go to the computer at the end and activate it, hit the red lights with the electric baton until they all turn blue, a bridge will rise, follow it to an elevator, go up and activate the panel at the end to open a panel on the missile, move it to deactivate it, make your way back until a cutscene occurs, after which, open the store, replenish your stock of healing items and if you can, buy the Missile Pod, increase its capacity to at least 50, save and exit through the only possible door, use the Missile Pod to take out the Inostrancevia on the way, soon you will arrive where Dylan and David are, after the scene you will have to protect David from the raptors, while he opens the floodgate that stops the boat from passing, when he succeeds, watch one more scene and you will be in control of Dylan again.

That girl appears and asks Dylan to follow her, you will have to protect her from the Oviraptors in this and the next area, soon there will come a point where a laser grid prevents you from proceeding, examine the panel near her, you must activate four panels, two on the left and two on the right, when you activate them all, examine the panel near the grate again to deactivate it and be able to enter the next room, inside, get the file just ahead:


I knew it would come to this, there is no way humans and dinosaurs can co-exist, but if we sacrifice ourselves now there will be a chance for the human race to survive, the irony is that this facility we are trapped in was built to provide a suitable environment for dinosaurs, I’m the superintendent of this facility and I’m the only one here, but I don’t belong here.

There is no future for this world, the children injured by dinosaurs were placed in life support chambers, I trust that people from the “past” will take care of them, the chambers are incredible, they can heal any injury, no matter how serious it is and will also provide knowledge about this world, however, the chambers were designed for the growth of dinosaurs, this will also provide an instinct for coexistence with dinosaurs.

The tragedy is that these children will eventually lose their ability to speak, instead they will be conditioned with an instinct to protect the dinosaurs, today I recorded this message for the man who will definitely come here, so I have no regrets.

Go forward to another room where you will find another file:


Year 2009: It all started in Bolzinia, a small republic in the South Sea, the first overload was the start of it all, during transportation something went wrong which resulted in a crack in time and space that tilted the story after the era Cretaceous, to investigate this phenomenon, an extensive experiment was conducted on a global scale and the result… catastrophic.

The tilt of spacetime would have an effect on all living organisms, the history of the earth would be altered dramatically and the changes could erase the human race from existence, this was the conclusion of the experiment.

The plan was to transport the organisms from the Cretaceous period through a time portal to a world with a similar environment, but in the distant future, when the crisis has passed, the organisms would then be returned to their original time, we call this the Ark Plan. of Noah, this was the only plan that could give the human race any chance of survival, we hope it works and we must declare its execution.

WWAP Central Council.

Here is the last save point of the game, buy healing items until you can no longer, reload your strongest weapons and save, move forward, to the next room, you will find the girl and you will find out that her name is Paula and that she came from the future, a man in a hologram asks Dylan to take her and other children who are in the preservation chambers back to their time, he says that there is a portal ahead, but it is incomplete and we can only use it once Once again, he also reveals something surprising, which I won’t tell here, find out for yourself, after the scene, follow Paula to the next room, a tremor occurs and the self-destruction system is activated, you have 5 minutes to give the out of here and as if that wasn’t enough, the Gigantosaurus appears to the party, run like crazy until you cross the bridge, don’t hesitate or you’re gone, when you get to the other side, examine the panel, there are two other panels, one to the left and another one on the right, you must activate both and then move the middle panel again to activate a satellite gun and send the lizard to the depths of hell (literally), now go right to the next room and then see the end of game.

After the credits save and you will have access to a new game mode called “Dino Coliseum”, here there are two modes, one in which you must kill several dinosaurs in a time limit, you can use characters from this game and the previous game, dinosaurs and even a tank, there is also a versus mode where you only use dinosaurs and can play with a friend, you can unlock new characters using all the EP you earned during the game, if you have collected all the Dino Files you will win the EPS PLATINUM CARD, When you start a new game you will be able to buy all weapons with infinite ammunition in the store and that’s it, thanks guys and see you next time.

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