Disc Jam – Guide
July 27, 2024Disc Jam is a 2-4 player multiplayer game that combines tennis and air hockey. A disc is thrown back and forth between sides and the goal is to get to land on the ground in the opposing zone or to get it to pass the opposing team and hit the back wall of their zone. The first team to reach 50 points twice wins the game! Combine quick reflexes, strategy, wit, and skill in this high paced, exciting game to outscore the opposing team.
If you have any suggestions for this guide, feel free to contact me at FrankTheTank3388@gmail.com. I’m always looking for tips on how to improve my game and can pass the word to all the readers who make their way to this guide. Any help, comments, or criticisms are always welcome to improve my work!
Scoring System
The goal in Disc Jam is to score 50 points twice. Each game is divided into up to three sets. Whoever gets to 50 points first in each set will win that set. The first team to win two sets will win the game. Naturally, if a team wins the first two sets, a third set is not necessary and will not be played. You will see in the middle of the play field that the score goes up one point every time the disc is touched. The longer a round goes, the more points the winner of that round will receive. If you score on a serve, you will get 10 points. Scoring at any other moment will give you the points that are shown on the board in the middle of the field.
Offensive Abilities
Standard Throw
A standard throw is used by pressing the A button on your XBox controller and will just throw the disc straight. No other button is used with this throw. This throw is easily defended when the opposing player is in good position but still has it’s rare good use. For example, if you’re on one side and the opposing player is on the other side, throwing it straight ahead quickly along the wall can get the disc to sneak by the opposing player before he/she has time to get to it.
Perfect Throw
A perfect throw is throwing the disc immediately once you get it. You have a second to throw the disc until it forces itself out of your hands but throwing it immediately will leave a pink trail and give it a higher speed. If you get three perfect throws in a row, you will become “juiced” and can throw at the maximum speed. Missing a perfect throw will reset the counter and you will lose your juiced status.
Lobs are great change up plays. You can lob the disc using the X button on your XBox controller. If you can catch an opposing player out of position, try lobbing the disc in the opposite corner of the player. For example, if the opposing player is in the back left corner of their zone, lob it into the front right corner. Lobs work a lot better towards the middle of the field because they have a smaller distance to travel. Try to avoid it to the back of the zones. If a player likes to hang in the back of the zone, make sure to keep them honest by throwing a couple lobs to the front of their zone.
Quick Curve
Quick curves can be used by pressing the left or right trigger. The disc will be thrown a little quicker but they are a lot more predictable. Quick curves will always move towards the center of the screen from the outside of whichever direction trigger you pressed.
Skilled Curve
Skilled curves are where you can really take your game to a new level. Practice in the advanced tutorial but basically if you hold one direction and then quickly swing it another direction, the disc will have a much stronger curve to it. A couple of consecutive perfect throws will speed up the disc and paired with some skilled curves, it can be very difficult to defend against. Bonus points if you do it into a wall at a strong enough curve, you can actually make it bounce along a wall which can really throw the opposing player for a loop.
Super Throws
Super throws don’t happen too often but there are two ways to trigger them. One is when the disc is lobbed into your zone, you will see a glowing circle on the ground. Stand in it long enough before the disc falls and you will see your character begin to glow. If you stand there long enough and throw a perfect throw, you will get a super throw. You can also trigger this by holding the A button to fully charge your shield and deflect the disc. Both of these are hard to accomplish because a player is never going to lob it into a position where you have enough time to charge up a super throw and your movement speed is very limited while charging your shield. If you press either the left or right trigger with a super throw, the disc will launch to that wall like a buzz saw and stick to it. Lobbing the disc will perform a faster lob which can still be very useful. Performing a regular throw will use your special throw ability (you can choose from three in the customization screen in the main menu.) The three special throws are:
- The Pythagoras – The disc will be launched and turn 90 degrees in regular intervals.
- The Spiral – The disc will launch and spin in a spiral pattern towards the opposing zone.
- The Zed – The disc will be launched and fly diagonally, turning in regular intervals.
You actually have time to move after you catch it and the special throw is active. Feel free to move around a bit to really confuse your opponent.
If you catch a special throw and get a perfect throw yourself, you will in turn throw your own special throw. I suggest practicing with each special throw in free play mode to get a feel for them. The disc always moves consistently with each special throw so they aren’t too difficult to defend against.
Defensive Abilities
Stuff Block
Stuff Blocks can be performed by popping your shield up right at the middle of the field and blocking the disc. This will cause the disc to flip into the opposing zone and give very little time for the defending player to get the disc. This can be easily countered though by throwing a curve so don’t make it too obvious when you plan on stuff blocking.
Sliding will allow you to travel a short distance in a very quick period of time. You likely won’t get a perfect throw out of it but sliding will become necessary to prevent the opposing team from scoring, which is much more important than getting a perfect throw.
In doubles mode, you can pass the disc to your teammate. This can be useful in trick plays to score when a player on the opposing team is out of position.
There are four different characters in this game and each has their own play style. I highly suggest trying them all to find out which character you enjoy using the most. None of them feel particularly weak or strong so you could always cycle between them. If you do choose to stick to one character early on, I suggest trying to switch after an hour or so. The skills you will learn early on could be very beneficial to another character.
Gator is your standard all around character that doesn’t particularly have any strengths or weaknesses.
Haruka is the fastest runner but is rather weak in every other category. She can’t throw fast and has the weakest slide but she has a moderate curve in her throw.
Makenna has a moderate speed and slide. Her specialty is having very strong curves.
Stanton doesn’t have a fast run speed but can slide very well. He also has a very powerful throw.
Resetting Your Position!
The serving circle in the middle of the zone is where you want to be when you do not have the disc. This position will give you time to reach a disc thrown pretty much anywhere. You will obviously have to stray from this point to get the disc but right after you throw it, you want to immediately start heading back for this serving circle.
Resetting Your Opponent’s Juice
It’s very difficult to defend against an opponent’s juice. It is also very difficult to get a perfect throw off a lob. Throw a lob when your opponent gets a couple of perfect throws to get them of their juice mode. Just make sure to lob it away from them, you don’t want to give them a special throw!
Slide Only When You Have To
Sliding is a great way to get somewhere quickly but catching a disc on a slide will certainly mean you can’t perform a perfect throw. Only slide into the disc when it’s necessary to make sure to keep your perfect throws going.
Use Shield To Slow Down The Pace
If the disc is coming to you really quickly and you don’t have time to get it and perform the throw you want, pop your shield up real quick. This will stop the disc and pop it up. You will still have to get into position because it doesn’t pop straight up but it will often give you enough time to set up the play you want to set up. Just be careful, the the disc hits you in the back (whether you have the shield up or not,) it will knock you over.
Be Unpredictable
A lot of Disc Jam is about reflexes. Don’t repeat the same couple of throws. Make your opponent guess your every move. Throw some lobs in there, throw some straight throws. Sometimes throwing a curve aiming right at the opponent will throw them off. They’ll think it’s coming right for them but then curve away.
Determining Wall Bounces
You will notice there are two kinds of bounces that can come off a wall, a wall ride and a hard hop. The hard hop will hit the wall and then come straight off the wall at a predetermined angle. The wall ride will keep spinning and curving towards back towards the wall after hitting the wall. Learning how to determine each bounce is crucial to becoming a good Disc Jam player. There are two determining factors to look out for. The wall ride will send the disc at a steeper angle than the hard hop. Even easier to notice, the wall ride will have a special spinning sound effect when the thrower releases the disc. Listen for that sound queue to learn how to adjust to the play to catch the disc.
Play Your Opponent’s Position
In order to consistently score in this game, you have to have quick reflexes and throw the disc accordingly. First thing’s first here, focus on perfect throws. Throwing three in a row will put you in juiced mode which will throw the disc the fastest your character can. Other than that, you want to make sure to do what you can to throw the disc as far from the enemy as possible. If the enemy is close to the center line and off to one side, just throw a quick curve around him. If you throw the same throw a few times in a row, the opponent will start leaning in that direction. For example, if you keep curving it right, they will probably start playing more towards the right. Take advantage and curve it left when they’re more to the right. Make sure to especially use lobs when the opponent is in a corner.
Challenger Approaches
Complete the Basic Tutorial. This is simple and quite frankly, you should get this before you even attempt to play another person.
Road to Mastery
Complete the Advanced Tutorial. Again, this should be done before even attempting to play another person.
Singles Master
Win a Singles match. You will surely win a singles match if you play the game long enough. The game can be tricky at first so don’t give up if you lose your first handful of games.
Doubles Master
Win a Doubles match. I would recommend sticking to Singles until you get the hang of the game, then try Doubles. You will have a teammate and you don’t want to be a liable to your teammate while you’re still learning the game.
Stanton Supreme
Win a match as Stanton.
Makenna Maniac
Win a match as Makenna.
Gator is Greater
Win a match as Gator.
Haruka Hustle
Win a match as Haruka
Win a match without losing a single rally. This achievement will require perfection on your side. Don’t let your opponent score a single point during the entire match. This includes both sets so you will have to win two sets for 50 points without allowing the opposing player or team to score a single point.
Score a points off of a serve. You should get this one relatively quickly once you get the hang of curves. You will eventually run into somebody who botches the serve.
With Authority!
Score the final point of a match using a Super Throw. This can be tough because super throws are very uncommon. If you’re player against a bad player, and only need one more rally to win, especially if the opposing player hasn’t scored any points yet, I recommend trying to hang in the back with a fully charged shield to give yourself a super throw. Or maybe you are dominating an opponent so badly that they go AFK, use the charged shield to give yourself an easy super throw. If you’re really desperate, you can also try lobbing it straight to the opposing player to give them a super throw and then quickly return it.
Win 50 online public matches. Just win 50 games against random players online. This does not count against friends in private lobbies, you do have to queue up against random opponents. This will just come to you in time.
This FAQ / Walkthrough is copyrighted © 2017 to Frank Grochowski. International Copyright laws protect this FAQ / Walkthrough. You cannot sell this FAQ / Walkthrough for a profit of any kind. You cannot reproduce this FAQ / Walkthrough in any way with out my written consent. You are however allowed to download this FAQ / Walkthrough for personal use.
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