Disney’s Goof Troop – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Disney’s Goof Troop – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

July 16, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

By: José Ricardo Fortes da Silva (Ash_Riot)


  • Y/X: Use item
  • A/B: Grab and throw objects/kick rocks/pick up items
  • R/L: Exchange item to be used


  • Hook: It has several uses, such as forming bridges in certain locations, finishing off weaker enemies, pushing stronger enemies, picking up objects out of reach, etc.
  • Bell: Used to attract enemies towards you, but only works with pirates.
  • Board: Used to complete a missing part of a bridge.
  • Key: It has the obvious function of opening locked doors.
  • Cherry: Gives you a heart that serves as life. If you are hit, you will not die immediately. If you add six hearts plus one, you gain a life. If you are hit when you have no heart, you will lose a life.
  • Banana: Gives you two hearts.
  • Ruby: Gives you a life.
  • Esmeralda: Give me a go.
  • Shovel: Used for digging in certain places where bananas, cherries and, with any luck, rubies and emeralds are buried.
  • Candle: Used to increase the illuminated area in dark places.

Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) of Disney’s Goof Troop:

It was a beautiful day to fish in Spoonerville. Goofy and Max went to the ocean to fish in their boat. Traveling through it, they suddenly saw Bafo and PJ on an amazing, dark and gigantic ship. Goofy and Max looked up and saw a pirate ship heading towards Spoonerville. Bafo and PJ were in it, victims of a major kidnapping. Goofy rowed to reach the ship at all costs, but he couldn’t. The ship docked on an island, and determined to rescue their friends, Goofy and Max must explore the island to find the dangerous pirate.

Choose your character and let’s get started. This walkthrough will be done by playing with a character. Good luck!


  1. Go right and get the hook.
  2. Go back and head up. Use the hook to pull the barrel next to the gray stone.
  3. Finish off the pirates and get the fruit, a life and a continue.
  4. Go back to where you got the hook and head north.
  5. Take the bell and continue forward.
  6. Take the north path and kick the rock on the right at the star in front of it. Beware of the bee.
  7. Follow the passage that opened and take the board. Leave the bell.
  8. Go back and head south. Go through the right passage.
  9. Finish off the pirates to open the door to the north. Follow it and use the plank on the bridge.
  10. Continue forward and, in the next area, use the grappling hook to knock the pirates into the water and also to get the emerald on the island to the left.
  11. Continue north for a puzzle. You must kick the four rocks to the four stars. Below is an explanatory diagram:

The letters a, b, c, d are the stars, the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 are the stones to be kicked, and the letter K is the key. The scheme is as follows:

  1. Kick rock 1 to the left and then rock 2 to the left and then up to get to b.
  2. Kick rock 1 down, left, then up to get to a.
  3. Kick rock 4 up and then right to get to d.
  4. Finally, kick stone 3 to the left and then up to reach c.
  5. Get the key and go back to the bee area. Kick the middle rock into the star and enter the passage to the north.
  6. Grab the shovel and use it to dig into the brown area behind the fisherman to find some fruit and, with a little luck, a life.
  7. When you’re done, pick up the object you left in place of the shovel and go back. Kick the rock on the left at the star and enter the passage that opened.
  8. You can finish off the porcupines using the hook. Grab the life and use the key to open the door to the north.
  9. There’s a locked door here. Leave it for now and follow the passage on the right.
  10. Destroy the pirate and the bee to open the door to the north. Enter it for another riddle. Below is its diagram:

To solve this riddle:

  1. Kick rock 2 to the left and then up to get to a.
  2. Kick rock 1 up to get to b.
  3. Kick rock 2 to the right and then down to get to c.
  4. Kick stone 4 to d.
  5. Kick stone 5 down, right, then up to reach f.
  6. Kick up to get to e.
  7. Take the key and go back to the area where the door is locked. Kill the pirates to open it. Go in and get the bell. Use it to lure the pirates into the enclosure and then use the rocks to trap them.
  8. Now use the key on the door to the north and prepare for the boss.

BOSS: Jester x 7

There are seven in total and they hide in holes. They appear to throw objects at you. At this point, you must hit them. They can throw barrels, bombs or spikey red rocks. You can pick up the barrels and bombs by keeping your arms up and throw them back when they appear. Don’t let the red stones hit you, don’t even try to pick them up. If you pick up the bombs, throw them quickly before they explode.


(PASSWORD: banana, ruby, cherry, banana, cherry)

Head two screens north and you’ll find a puzzle. See the diagram below:

  1. Kick rock 2 to the left and then up to get to a.
  2. Kick stone 3 to b.
  3. Kick rock 4 up.
  4. Kick rock 1 to the right and then up to get to c.
  5. Kick stone 4 right, up, right and up to get to d.

Watch out for the fireballs that the statues launch. Enter through the door that has opened, take the hook and follow the passage on the left. Take the board and go back. Head north and use the grappling hook to form a bridge to the island. Finish off the pirate and use the plank on the bridge. Kick the rocks into the water and get the other hook and key at the end. Use the hook to get the emerald and go back.

Go through the left passage. If the pirates block the path with rocks, go back and enter again. Follow the passage north, past the snakes and continue north. Watch out for pirates who kick explosive rocks at you. Go past them and turn right. Take out the pirates and use the key on the door to the north. Don’t go in now. Use the hook to reach the place where another key and another hook are. Take them both and head through the door to the north.

Another rock-kicking puzzle, and worst of all, two pirates who can get in the way a lot. Below is the diagram:

  1. Kick rock 1 down, left, down, left, and down to get to c.
  2. Kick stone 2 down, right, up, right and up to get to b.
  3. Kick stone 4 to the right and down to get to d.
  4. Kick rock 3 to the left and up to get to a.

If the pirates screw up your scheme, leave, come back and try again. Enter the door that opened and go past the steamrollers. Be careful with the cannons, finish them off by catching their bullets and sending them back at them. Use the key on the door to the north and go inside. Finish off the two pirates and get the shovel. Dig where the golden key is. When you’re done, take the key and leave the shovel. Go right and use the hook to get the ruby. Then use it to form a bridge to the other side.

Return to the cannon area and head left. Grab another hook and be careful with the pirates. Grab the life and use the grappling hook to press the gray button and open the door to the north. Use the hook to get to the other side and get another hook. Head north and enter the spaces to escape the pirates playing with human balls. Try to get the two rubies and use the key on the door to the north. Get ready for the boss of the level.

BOSS: Fire Bug

He has three attacks:

  1. Throws a bunch of torches at you. Don’t try to attack him at this time, better dodge.
  2. Swing the torch if you get too close.
  3. Uses a flamethrower that has a long range. This is when he is most vulnerable.

Hit barrels at him. When the four barrels on the scene are used, some natives will throw more at you. Keep your arms raised to catch them. You must hit him twelve times to finish him off.


(PASSWORD: cherry, ruby, emerald, cherry, banana)

  1. Press the button in the right corner to open the gates. Enter and go two screens north.
  2. Be careful with the balls that cross the path. Follow the northern path and defeat the ghosts.
  3. Throw a vase at the central mirror to reveal a secret passage. Go in and get the fruit. Go back two screens and go right.
  4. Take the key and use it to open the padlocked door. Go inside and get an emerald, a bell and a candle. Go back two more screens and go through the door on the left.
  5. Press the four buttons in the corners to open the door. Go through the dark maze and pick up the shovel on the way. Proceed to the next screen.
  6. There is a big space to dig. When you’re done, go through the door on the right. Be careful with the carts that come and go. Go past them and go up the ladder.
  7. Beware of the knights. Defeat them and throw a vase at the cracked part. Enter the passage and go down the stairs to get an emerald and a ruby.
  8. Go back and get the board. Enter the next door. Now you must destroy the cannon to open the door on the left. Stay right in front of him to avoid the iron balls.
  9. When you can, go inside and use the plank on the missing part of the bridge. Kick the rock to defeat the pirates and get another plank. Use it to get to where the key is. Take it and go through the next door.
  10. Evade the big iron balls and use the key to open the next door. Defeat the pirates and get another key. Use it to open the next door. Grab the hook and climb the ladder.
  11. Solve an easy puzzle: step on the letters in the following order: OPEN, to open the next door. Take the key and go inside.
  12. Another riddle: four buttons forming a square. Press them in the following order: top-right, bottom-left, top-left, and finally bottom-right.
  13. Enter through the door that has opened. Go past the pirates and enter the next door. Note that before it there is a hook. Once inside, use the hook you already have to get to where another key is. Take it, defeat the pirates and open the gate with one of the keys.
  14. Before climbing the ladder, go back to the previous screen and grab the other hook. Now, go up the stairs.
  15. Defeat the two pirates and go to the place where you need to use the hook. Wait for the platform to arrive and climb onto it to reach the other side. Use the key to open the door and take the candle.
  16. Cross another dark maze. There is an emerald here. Entering the next door, defeat the two cannons to open the door on the right. Go in and get the golden key. Go up the stairs and open the door to the north with the key, before the wall crushes you. Get ready for the boss:

BOSS: Red Skeleton and Blue Skeleton

At first, they just keep throwing bone boomerangs at you. Run away from them and when they stop, grab one and hit them. After a while, they disappear. Don’t try to hit them while they are jumping. Blue is the hardest; try to finish him off first. When you hit them six times, they’ll send their heads out to chase you. They are easy to dodge and, if you have a boomerang in your hand, you can hit them. Hit each one six more times to defeat them.


(PASSWORD: ruby, cherry, emerald, emerald, ruby)

Go through the door on the left for another puzzle. See the diagram below:

  1. Kick rock 2 up and then a.
  2. Kick rock 4 up, then left, then b.
  3. Kick stone 1 to c and stone 3 to d.

Go back to the previous screen and go through the door to the north. Watch out for frogs and pirates who throw barrels at you. Continue north and pass some more pirates. Go right for another puzzle. See the diagram below:


Stones 1, 2 and 4 are explosive, so you have to be quick.

  1. Kick rock 3 up.
  2. Kick rock 4 up and then left.
  3. Kick stone 1 to the right.
  4. Kick rock 4 up and then right.

Wait for it to explode and collect the two rubies. Also take a candle and go through the door on the right. You arrive at a frozen area and must press all the buttons to open the door, but you have to be quick or they return to normal. Enter the door that has opened and head left, into a dark maze. Look for a ruby ​​and an emerald and be careful with the fat pirate. Go back and defeat the red pirate to open the door to the north. Enter and follow two screens north until you reach a place with two paths. Both lead to the same place, but the path on the right is easier.

Go right for another puzzle. This one is no mystery: kick the rocks to the stars in front of them. Enter the door that opened and take the bell. Kick the two rocks up and kick the one on the right to the left. Use the bell to lure the pirates in front of the rock and then defeat them all to open the door to the north. Go in and defeat the fat pirates. Continue north and defeat all enemies to open the next door.

Enter and pass through the bouncing rocks, be careful not to get hit. In the next area, there is another puzzle. First, defeat the pirates and get rid of all the barrels. Now, kick the explosive rock to the left. Quickly go through the maze and kick it up and then left to open the door. You’ll arrive where the two paths meet, so ignore the door on the left. Press the four buttons to open the door to the north. Now comes a difficult riddle as you are in the dark. See the diagram:

  1. Kick rock 2 up, left and up to get to a.
  2. Kick stone 1 right, down, left, down and right to get to b.
  3. Kick stone 4 right, down, and left to get to c.
  4. Kick stone 3 to the right.
  5. Kick stone 5 up and then left.
  6. Kick rock 3 up.
  7. Kick stone 5 down.
  8. Kick rock 3 right, down, right, and finally up to get to d.

Grab the hook and head north. Defeat the fat pirates to open the next door. Kick rocks at them and go left for another puzzle. See the diagram:


Stone 1 is explosive and you will have to be very quick at the beginning.

  1. Kick stone 1 down, left, down and right. After it explodes, kick rock 3 left, up, right, down, right and up to get to b.
  2. Kick rock 2 up to get to a.

Go back one screen and use the grappling hook to reach the door to the north. Defeat all the pirates to open the next door. Get ready for the boss:

BOSS: Green Rumbler and Red Rumbler

Here, the biggest problem is trying not to fall into the abyss. Besides, they’re actually quite easy. Stay close to the door. When the ground shakes, you won’t be able to move and stalactites will fall from the ceiling. Be careful not to get hit by them. Notice the shadows that indicate where they will fall. Grab a stalactite quickly, as they disappear quickly, and hit the centipedes in the head. They are invulnerable in the rest of the body. You must hit them six times each. With each hit, they get faster, so pay close attention.


(PASSWORD: banana, cherry, emerald, ruby, banana)

  1. Enter the ship and head to the next area, passing some pirates. Defeat the cannon and two more pirates.
  2. Kick the rock down, kick the one below it to the right, and kick the one above it up. Grab the hook and use it to reach the ladder. Go down and go through the door on the left.
  3. Press the button with an arrow to activate the conveyor belt that will bring the barrels. Defeat all the pirates and press the yellow button to open the door. Go in and kick the explosive rock up, right, up and right to get to the star and open the door.
  4. Go in and get the bell. Lure the pirates in front of the cannons so they can be shot. Defeat them all to clear the path to the hook. Take it and go right. Go through the door to the south and, in the next area, defeat the pirates to clear the path. Take a candle and go down the stairs.
  5. Use the grappling hook to reach the door on the left. Enter for another riddle. See the diagram:
  1. Kick rock 2 to the right and up.
  2. Kick stone 1 down, right, up and right.
  3. Kick rock 2 left, up and right.
  4. Finally, kick rock 1 up to get to it and open the door.

Go inside and use the grappling hook to get the barrels. Hit the yellow buttons to open the way. Go left and use the hook on the leftmost part. There’s a locked door here, we’ll come back later. Head south, get the bell and lure the pirates to a location so you can get the emerald. Go back two screens and head north to reach a dark maze. Go right to the next screen. Use the bell to lure the pirate to the yellow button. Grab a hook and go back two screens. Head south and then right. Use the hook to reach the door to the north. Follow it to reach another puzzle. See the diagram:

  1. To open the left door, kick rock 1 up. Kick rock 2 right, up and left to get to a.
  2. To open the door on the right, kick rock 4 up. Kick rock 3 up and then right to get to d.
  3. Now exit and enter again. To open the middle door, kick rock 1 up. Kick rock 2 to the right and then up. Kick rock 3 up. Kick rock 4 up and then left to get to c. Kick rock 1 to the right to get to b.

Wait for the rocks to explode and get the key. Now go to the area where there was a locked door and use the key to open it. You will be in yet another dark maze. Just to the right is a ruby ​​and just to the left is a staircase, but keep going north until you find a rock that can be kicked to the right. Don’t kick the rock up. Go up a little and go left to another key. Take it and go up the ladder. Here there is a platform that moves according to the arrows you step on. There’s no layout, so turn around to get to where the hook is. Take it and go through the next door.

You must reach the door on the right, being careful not to fall into the holes that keep appearing and disappearing. The secret here is to go from the bottom. Entering, grab a barrel and hit the yellow button to activate the platform. Use it to get to the other side and use the key to open the gate. Grab the hook and climb the ladder. Defeat the cannons and use the grappling hooks to reach the southern door for the last and most complicated puzzle in the game. See the diagram:

  1. Kick stone 3 to the left.
  2. Kick stone 2 down, left and up to get to a.
  3. Kick stone 5 to the right.
  4. Kick rock 1 to the right and down.
  5. Kick rock 4 to the right and up to get to b and open the gate.

Head south, defeat the pirates and get the emerald. Take the hooks if you want, but they are no longer needed. Go back and head left. Use the cannon to finish off the pirates. Press the arrow buttons to change direction and the yellow button to shoot. Defeat them all to open the door. Get ready for the big challenge:

FINAL BOSS: Captain K. Pete

Its attacks are as follows:

  1. At first, he spins like a top and throws bombs everywhere. In this rotation, it can stay still or move across the screen. Try to dodge and pick up the bombs to throw at him, but be quick. You must hit him twelve or fourteen times to defeat him.
  2. Another attack is when he pulls you with his hook. It’s easy to dodge.
  3. He also shoots with his shotgun, also easy to dodge.
  4. Finally, he calls two pirates to do the job. Finish them off using the bombs or, if you’re lucky, K. Pete himself will detonate them with his shotgun.

When you’re done with it, enjoy the ending.

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