Donkey Kong 64 – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Donkey Kong 64 – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

January 30, 2024 Off By Markus Leite
Game sheet:
Title: Donkey Kong 64.
Platforms: Nintendo 64 (original release in 1999); Wii U Virtual Console (release in April 2015)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platform.
Release date: November 22, 1999.
Developed by: Rare
Published by: Nintendo.
Number of players: up to 1 player.
Languages: German, Spanish, French, English, Italian.

Graphics: 10.0
Fun: 10.0
Gameplay: 10.0
Sound: 10.0

Walkthrough (Guide, Walkthrough) of Donkey Kong 64:

Before starting the walkthrough, we need to make an important explanation: In this game you will control five monkeys (Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Tiny Kong, Lanky Kong and Chunky Kong), and you will have missions for each of them, in all phases of the game; including in the game’s central area, Donkey Kong Isle.

You will not always have to complete the missions of all the monkeys at once, within the phases, sometimes you will complete the missions of some of them and move on to another point in the game and, later, you will need to return to that phase to complete the missions of the monkeys. other monkeys, when other items or passages have been unlocked.

To facilitate your reference, this walkthrough will be done as follows: We will deal with each phase in the correct sequence in which they appear in the game, and, in each one, we will inform you where you will be able to get all five golden bananas from each one. of the five monkeys, even if you will only complete the missions of a specific monkey at another time (Example: in the first phase, Jungle Japes, you will first complete the Donkey and Diddy missions, later at another time you will complete the missions of other monkeys that are yet to be unlocked; however, our walkthrough will already inform the missions of all the monkeys, so that you can find a mission you need more easily).

Having made this initial consideration, we present the walkthrough with a complete guide, showing the detailed walkthrough of the game Donkey Kong 64:


Donkey Kong

After the game’s initial animation, you will begin to control Donkey Kong, inside his house. Leave the house and go to Cranky’s Lab to talk to Cranky; he will make four barrels appear in the training area (in the location, next to Donkey Kong’s house, where previously there was just a tree in the center). After leaving Cranky’s Lab, go to the training area and enter each of the four barrels, so you can carry out small, easy missions and learn some of the game’s moves.

When you complete the four barrels, go back to Cranky’s Lab to drink a potion and acquire a new ability, Simian Slam (Press the A button to jump, and while in the air, press Z to spin and hit the ground with strength). This skill will be very useful for activating the buttons you find on the floor and for finishing off enemies.

Go into the cave behind Donkey Kong’s house to get some coins, don’t worry about the bats, they won’t hit you; then enter the other cave (the one with a sign saying it is the exit door) and use the new ability to press the button. When you press it, the grate will open and you will be on the outside of the island.

First Golden Banana: Go to the annex of Captain K. Rool’s ship and enter; Inside you will find a big alligator inside a cage, it’s K. Lumsy. Talk to him, promising to help him get out of there and he will jump with happiness; His jumps will cause a tremor that will make the rock that is blocking the passage of the first banana break. Go there, get the golden banana and enter the cave that appeared. There you will find the first phase of the game, Jungle Japes.

Second Golden Banana: Near the entrance to the Frantic Factory level, activate the lever to make the elevator work; then play Donkey Kong’s musical instrument (the Bongo) and the parrot will bring the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Near the entrance to the Crystal Caves stage, destroy the ice blocks with Chunky (throw punches); Change the character to Donkey Kong, and you will find Donkey Kong’s barrel and a strong alligator in the room on the other side. Enter the barrel to become invincible and get the golden banana in the lava.

Fourth Golden Banana: Near the entrance to the final stage, Hideout Helm, use Chunky’s barrel to view some vines. Here you should already have all the teleports activated and you will need to use teleport 1 to go back to the beginning and get Donkey Kong to shoot the button on top of the door, so that you will see a bridge that takes you to the strong alligator. of yellow hair.

Quinta Dourada Banana: In the central tower, where Snide HQ is located, there is a button with the coconut symbol. Shoot it to make the golden banana appear.

Diddy Kong

First Golden Banana: In Snide’s HQ you will find a button with Diddy’s face, press it to unlock a bonus stage. Win the challenge proposed in the bonus to win a golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Use Diddy Kong’s jet to reach a bonus barrel that is right at the top of the mountain (shaped like Donkey Kong’s head); winning you will win another golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Near the entrance to the Crystal Caves level, you will find a Diddy Kong barrel. Fly to the top of the cave and look for the musical button. Play Diddy’s guitar on top of the button to earn another golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Outside the Angry Aztec level there are two musical buttons under large rocks. Use Chunky to remove the rocks. One of the buttons will be Chunky’s own and the other will be Lanky’s. Use Lanky to play the trombone on the corresponding button and a barrel will appear outside the Fungi Forest level. Change the character to Diddy Kong and go there. Use the barrel to fly to the waterfall next to it and shoot the button with the peanut symbol on top of the gate and get the golden banana.

Fifth Golden Banana: Right at the entrance to the Creepy Castle level there is an entrance, go there with Donkey Kong and shoot the button to open the door and find the strong alligator with red hair. Use Diddy to destroy him and win the golden banana.

Tiny Kong

First Golden Banana: The island that looks like a scarecrow is the fairy island. Go there, shrink in size and enter the passage. Inside, talk to the fairy master to get the camera to take photos of the fairies. Exit and go to the back of the island and shoot the feather button to get the golden banana. After that, photograph the fairy at the top of the tree, on the island right next to it.

Second Golden Banana: Near the entrance to the Frantic Factory level there is a box with a question mark. Use Chunky to destroy it with one punch and reveal the strong purple-haired alligator. Destroy it with Tiny.

Third Golden Banana: In the entrance lobby of the Angry Aztecs level there are two gongs. Use Diddy Kong to dash and headbutt them and then use Tiny to jump into the bonus barrel that appears. If you win, you will win the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: At the base of Captain K. Rool’s ship there is a Tiny teleportation button, use it to go to the top and find a fairy. Play the saxophone on the music button and a golden banana will appear; Furthermore, a special barrel will appear on the island next to the fairy island.

Fifth Golden Banana: Near the entrance to the Gloomy Galleon level, use Chunky to activate the button that will open a small passage in the water. Go there with Tiny and find the fifth golden banana.

Sixth Golden Banana: This is the last golden banana in the game, golden banana number 201 ! To get this golden banana, you must do the following: After you take a photo of each of the 20 fairies in the game, go to the fairy island and the master fairy will give you the last golden banana in the game.

Lanky Kong

First Golden Banana: In the back of the prison of the fat alligator, K. Lumsy, shoot the button to open the gate and get the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: In the entrance lobby of the Jungle Japes level, there is a stone on top of a Lanky music button; use Chunky to lift the stone on top of Lanky’s button and play the trombone to win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: At the entrance to the Creepy Castle level, use Chunky to release Lanky’s button; change the character to Lanky and go back there. Use the balloon to float to the top of the small island and find the bonus barrel. Win the bonus challenge and get the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Near the entrance to the Crystal Caves stage, use Chunky’s punch to break the ice blocks. Change the character to Lanky and you will find the strong alligator with blue hair in the lava area, next to Donkey Kong’s barrel.

Fifth Golden Banana: Inside the prison of the fat alligator, K. Lumsy, press Lanky’s button and get the golden banana on the other side.

Chunky Kong

First Golden Banana: Near teleport 3, on the main island, there is an entrance (similar to a small cave) with a grate. On top of the grate is the button, press it to get the first golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Near the entrance to the Angry Aztec level, lift the stone and climb on top of the musical button. Touch the triangle to make the parrot bring the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Near the entrance to the Gloomy Galleon level you will find the strong alligator with green hair. Finish him to get a blueprint, which you can exchange for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Fourth Golden Banana: After you go to the top of Captain K. Rool’s ship (where the Frantic Factory is) and play the saxophone with Tiny Kong to get her golden banana, a Chunky barrel will appear on the fairy island. Go with Chunky to the island with a big “X”. Then, tap the “X” to make the golden banana appear.

Fifth Golden Banana: Near the entrance to the Hideout Helm stage, use Chunky’s barrel to become invisible and follow the vine path that appeared on the left. You will find a Bonus Barrel. Win the challenge to win the golden banana.


Note about this phase: This is the first phase of the game. You’ll start with just Donkey Kong, but you’ll encounter Diddy Kong at this stage. In later stages of the game you will find the other monkeys, so you must return to this stage and collect bananas from each of them. In each of the game’s phases you must collect items from each monkey, even though they will only be unlocked in future phases.

Donkey Kong

First Golden Banana: As soon as the level begins, climb the first tree and follow the path of vines, until you reach the cave at the top of the rock. You will press the button and open the grate. Inside, the animation will show you where Diddy Kong is trapped; you must reach him to receive the first golden banana . To get there, you must first jump into the lake and look for a climbing plant; Use it to climb to the top of the rock and find Funky’s Store (there’s a sign saying Armory). There, Funky will offer you the Coconut Cannon, a weapon that shoots coconuts, for three coins, accept it, as you will need it to hit three buttons with coconut images that are on top of three grated passages at different points in the level, and, thus, being able to release Diddy Kong.

In front of Funky’s store (Armory) there is a button with K. Rool’s face drawn on it. Climb on top of it and press the Z button to participate in a mini game in which you must eliminate enemies for a set amount of time to win the crown.

Second Golden Banana: Follow the path of vines to get to the other side of the rock, enter the cannon and be thrown to the top of the rock, go to the right and you will find Diddy Kong. Talk to him and the animation will show you the three locations where the buttons with the coconut symbol are, which you must shoot to release the little monkey and get another golden banana . After releasing Diddy, new paths will open up in the level.

Follow the passage that opened near the lake, and go to Cranky’s Lab and acquire the Baboon Blast ability for three coins.

Behind Cranky’s Lab there is a passage closed by bars, shoot the button with the coconut symbol to open the grate. Enter and jump on the wooden box to transform into Rambi the rhino. Destroy all the huts so that the buttons inside become visible and leave this area and go to the gate with the rhino’s face drawn on it (this gate is not in this area of ​​Cranky’s Lab, it is on the path to the cave you used to get to that area) and destroy it.

Third Golden Banana: In every stage you will find five strong alligators; each one has a different color hair color. Look for the strong alligator with the hair color that references the character you are playing and defeat him to get a plaque, the blueprint, which you will exchange for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ. The big alligator that Donkey Kong must eliminate is the one with yellow hair, he is in the tunnel in front of teleport number 3, in the lake area.

Fourth Golden Banana: Return to the Cranky’s Lab area and look for the button with Donkey Kong’s face drawn on it, activate it and a golden banana will appear in another part of the level. Go get the golden banana .

Quinta Banana Dourada: Climb the tree closest to the place where there is a large X painted on the ground, with a stone on top, and follow the path of vines. Climb on the button with Donkey Kong’s face and beat the challenge with the automated barrels to win Donkey Kong’s fifth golden banana .

After that, switch your character to Diddy Kong to start collecting his items.

Diddy Kong

Go to Cranky’s Lab and purchase the Chimpy Charge skill for three coins. After that, look for three red Diddy Kong coins and go to Funky’s Store and buy the Peanut Popgun (Diddy’s gun that shoots peanuts).

First Golden Banana: At the beginning of the level, in the place where there is a small cave, shoot the two buttons with the peanut symbol to open the gate and get the golden banana as well as some coins and pop the balloon.

Second Golden Banana: On the left side of the tunnel at the bottom of the mountain (you can also get there if you enter through the tunnel at the edge of the lake), you will find the large alligator with red hair. Finish him off to earn the Blueprint and then exchange it for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Third Golden Banana: At the top of the mountain, right in front of teleport number 2, shoot the button with the peanut symbol to make a wooden walkway appear that directs you to the highest top of the mountain; Follow this walkway and you will see a cave, located more or less halfway along the path. Enter it and, inside, climb the boxes that are on the right side and notice that on the front wall, there is a button with the peanut symbol; shoot it to make a bridge appear. Cross the bridge carefully so you don’t fall and the bee doesn’t catch you and press the button so that a golden banana appears outside, at the top of the mountain.

Fourth Golden Banana: Go back to the inner part of the mountain where you pressed the button to get the third banana, and, inside, go to a passage that is in the right corner, close to the path that the water stream is passing through. There you will see some big and fat alligators. Use the headbutt to open the gate of the grate there is a single fat alligator inside and press the button to slow down the conveyors are inside the other large one, with two fat alligators inside; and then climb onto the conveyors to reach the mine cart. Participate in the mini game and manage to collect 50 coins to win the fourth golden banana.

Golden Banana Farm: Near Cranky’s Lab, step on Diddy’s button, which is in the place where there was previously a hut, and run to the golden banana that appeared next to Funky’s Story, before time runs out (use the teleporter to get there faster).

After collecting Diddy’s golden bananas in this level, exit the level and go to the big alligator (K. Lumsly) who is imprisoned by Captain K. Rool to fit the first key in the padlock and he will unlock the Angry Aztec level .

Tiny Kong

Go to Funky’s Story and pay three coins to receive Tiny’s weapon (Feather Bow). With it you will shoot feathers. Then go to Cranky’s Lab and pay to drink the MiniMonkey portion, which will allow you to reduce in size when you enter specific barrels, which will allow you to enter small places to collect items.

First Golden Banana: Right at the beginning of the level, in the place where there is a small cave, shoot the button with the feather symbol to reach the bonus barrel and, if you manage to collect all the coins in the set time, you will win the first golden banana .

Second Golden Banana: Near Cranky’s Lab, step on Tiny’s button, which is in the place where there was previously a hut, and run to the cave that opened to get the golden banana. Do this before time runs out (use the teleporter to get there faster).

Third Golden Banana: Enter Tiny’s barrel to shrink and enter the shell, press the buttons to open the doors and get the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: In the cave located to the left of the lake, shoot the buttons with the feather symbol to open the gate and enter the barrel to shrink. Jump on top of the mushroom to get momentum and be able to climb on top of the log and enter the hole to get the fourth golden banana.

Fifth Golden Banana:  The strong alligator that Tiny Kong must eliminate is the one with purple hair, he is close to the place where you found the strong alligator with yellow hair, which you detonated when you were with Donkey Kong, in the tunnel that is in in front of teletransport number 3, in the lake area. Finish him off to earn the Blueprint and then exchange it for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Lanky Kong

First Golden Banana:  At the beginning of the level, where there is a small cave, shoot the button with the grape symbol to reach the bonus barrel. In the bonus, you must kill the five alligators and find the exit from the maze to win the first golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: In the tunnels that lead to Cranky’s Lab you will be able to find the strong Alligator with blue hair; defeat him to receive the Blueprint and exchange it for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Third Golden Banana: Inside the tunnel that leads to Cranky’s Lab, there are places that are very steep, with an incline that a monkey cannot climb normally, so use the walking movement with Lanky’s hands, and you will be able to climb these steep locations, to be able to find a bonus barrel. Enter it to participate in the bonus, jumping from vine to vine to get all the coins and win the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: To get this golden banana from Lanky, you will have to use Diddy Kong to shoot the button with the peanut symbol on top of the gate that is in a steep area just after the lake. After shooting with Diddy, use Lanky to use the walking movement with Lanky’s hands to get there and enter. Use the slam (butt on the ground) on the wooden supports and kill the bees to get the golden banana.

Golden Banana Farm: Near Cranky’s Lab, step on Lanky’s button, which is in the place where there was previously a hut, and run to the cave that opened to get the golden banana. Do this before time runs out (use the teleporter to get there faster).

Chunky Kong

First Golden Banana: Pick up the rock on top of the area with a big X painted on the floor and throw it at the wall to get the first golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: In the same place where you got the first banana, in the area with a large X painted on the floor, slam it several times so that the place opens up and you find a cave. Inside, throw pineapples at the buttons in the eyes of the bat-shaped statue and use the vines to reach the second golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: In the same tunnel where you got the second golden banana (the cave that opened after you butt-butted the place where there was a big X painted on the floor), use the vines to find the strong Alligator with green hair; defeat him to receive the Blueprint, then exchange it for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Fourth Golden Banana: In the tunnel that leads to Cranky’s Lab there is a huge rock on top of a button. This stone on top of the button is in a hidden location, behind a large wall with a rhinoceros design. If you have already broken it, when you transformed into a rhino, when you were carrying out another monkey’s missions, the stone will already be in sight, if not, use the rhino (transform there in the Cranky’s Lab area) to break the wall and then lift the stone and press the button to make the banana appear. You will have some time to get to the banana. Use teleportation to make it easier.

Fifth Golden Banana: Use Chunky’s barrel to increase in size and go to the bonus barrel. Beat the cart challenge and then increase in size again to climb the tree and jump to reach the golden banana.


Note about this stage: In this stage you will find and unlock two more monkeys: Tiny Kong and Lanky Kong. Remember to return to Jungle Japes (the first level of the game) to complete the missions for the new monkeys you’ve unlocked.

Enter Candy’s Music Shop to buy musical instruments and an extra watermelon (energy) for all the monkeys. These instruments will be used on top of musical buttons, which will be found at certain points in the levels. When you tap the button, a special effect will occur. Donkey Kong will have Bongo Blast; Diddy Kong will have the Guitar Gazump; Tiny Kong will have the Saxophone Slam and Lanky Kong will have the Trombone Tremor.

Donkey Kong

Buy the Strong Kong special power for five coins. You will become invincible when you enter some special barrels.

First Golden Banana: Right at the beginning of the level, in the tunnel, shoot the two buttons to open the gate. Use the Donkey Kong barrel to cross the sand without taking damage and detonate the strong alligator with the yellow hair on the bridge. You will earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Second Golden Banana: Inside the Llama temple, press the button and open a passage next to Funky’s Store. Go there and enter the barrel to become invincible and cross the area until you reach the bonus barrel. In the bonus, you must go through a maze without being seen by the alligators to win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: In front of the Llama temple, use the Donkey Pad to participate in the barrel test. Search through them all until you reach the star and pass through it. Release the Llama and collect the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Shoot the button on top of the temple door and when you are inside, play your musical instrument (bongo) on the musical button to cool the lava. After that, dive down and go through the tunnel, until you find Lanky Kong’s prison. Shoot the button to open the grate, release the monkey and win the golden banana.

Fifth Golden Banana: In the temple that has no door, you will find several buttons, press the button corresponding to Donkey Kong to run and get the golden banana before time runs out. You will find the golden banana in the hallways.

Diddy Kong

Buy the Rocketbarrel Boost special power for five coins at Cranky’s Lab. You will have a jetpack when you enter the special barrels.

First Golden Banana: Climb the tree in front of the first temple and enter Diddy’s special barrel so you can fly. Fly to the top of the temple to find the strong alligator with red hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Second Golden Banana: Use the vines above the quicksand areas to reach the temple. Shoot the button with the peanut symbol on the side to enter and jump onto the Diddy Pad. Climb up to the platform. Shoot the peanut button and run. Go to the music button to play the guitar and defrost the water. Dive to find Tiny Kong, then headbutt Tiny’s button and then the letters that form the word KONG. By doing this you will be able to rescue Tiny Kong and win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: On the island with trees, which is in the center of the area with quicksand, climb the trees to follow the path of vines and reach the top of the Llama temple. Up there is a music button. Play the guitar to open a passage. Follow the path and headbutt the four gongs to make a tower appear. Use Diddy’s barrel to fly to the top of the tower and get the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: In the temple that has no door, you will find several buttons, press the button corresponding to Diddy Kong to run and get the golden banana before time runs out.

Fifth Golden Banana: Fly to pass through the sun symbol, which is at the top of the statue in the middle of the area, three times. After passing through the sun, a bird will appear. Talk to him and follow him, going through the rings to get the golden banana.

Tiny Kong

Go to Cranky’s Lab and get the special power “Minimonkey”, which will allow you to become very small, after entering Tiny’s special barrels. Then go to Funky’s Store and pay three coins for Tiny’s weapon, the Feather Bow, which shoots feathers.

First Golden Banana: In the first temple, shoot the button with the feather symbol to open the gate and use Tiny’s barrel to shrink in size. Dive into the pool and enter the passage. After destroying several enemies you will earn the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Go to the tower that Diddy made appear and use Tiny’s special barrel to shrink in size. Play the saxophone on top of the music button and a parrot will appear and take you to the top of the tower. Up there you must enter the hole to participate in a mini racing game against a beetle. You must collect 50 coins and finish first to win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: In the Llama temple, enter Tiny’s barrel to shrink and then enter through the pipe. Press the buttons to make the path to the golden banana appear.

Fourth Golden Banana: In the temple that has no door, you will find several buttons, press the button corresponding to Tiny Kong to run and get the golden banana. In that same temple, enter Tiny’s barrel to shrink and enter the hole in the wall on the left to photograph a fairy.

Fifth Golden Banana: In the second corridor, near the table in the middle of the passage, you will find the strong alligator with purple hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Lanky Kong

Go to Cranky’s Lab and purchase the Orangstand for three coins, to be able to climb slippery places. Then go to Funky’s Store and buy the Grape Shooter, which shoots grapes, for three coins.

First Golden Banana: At the Llama temple, play Lanky’s trombone to make the snake statues appear; Use Lanky’s hand-walking power to climb up them and find the bonus barrel. Win the challenge to win the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Still at the Llama temple, take the fairy’s photo, then open the gate by shooting the grape button and you will participate in a game of shooting at the colorful monkey head statues, which are on the wall. Shoot the heads with the same color and sound in succession to form pairs. When all pairs are correct, you will win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Near the Llama temple, use teleport 2 to find the strong alligator with blue hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Fourth Golden Banana: In the temple that has no door, where you find several buttons, there is a bonus barrel; enter it and win the challenge to win a golden banana.

Fifth Golden Banana: Swim through the tunnel, in the first temple, and shoot the button on top of the pillar. A bird will appear holding the golden banana, shoot it a few times until it drops the banana.

Boss: After knocking him down, the water will dry and you can go to Captain K. Rool’s button. Give the 120 bananas to the hippo and face the boss. Dodge the fire shots and when he stops shooting, throw the barrel at him, do this until you win.

Chunky Kong

First Golden Banana: At the beginning of the level, shoot the pineapple buds and collect the vases to place them on top of the corresponding symbols to win the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Go to the first temple and shoot the pineapple button to enter. Touch the triangle above the music button to access a room with several enemies; kill them all to win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Go to the tunnel and enter Chunky’s barrel to get big. Take the stone and place it on the table. Doing this will raise the cage, giving access to the bonus barrel. Win the challenge to win the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: In the temple where you find several buttons, press the button corresponding to Chunky Kong to find a bonus barrel. Enter, beat the challenge and receive the golden banana.

Golden Banana Farm: In the same temple (where you find several buttons), you will find the strong alligator with green hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.


Note about this stage: In this stage you will find and unlock the last playable monkey in the game, Chunky Kong, who is in the warehouse. Remember to go back to the previous levels to complete the missions for the new monkey you unlocked.

Donkey Kong

Climbing up the boxes, in the Storage Room you will find Cranky’s Lab; There you will buy Gorilla Grab for seven coins.
Press the button near the shrink barrel to open two grates. In one of them you will find a Captain K. Rool button.

First Golden Banana: Find Chunky’s prison in the warehouse. At the beginning of the level, shoot the button to open the gate and go to the button with Donkey Kong’s face to participate in a barrel test. When you reach the corner where there is a ring, aim and go through it to find a hidden barrel. Hit the Donkey Kong star to unlock the lever in front of the Donkey Kong arcade. Go to the arcade and press the lever to play the first Donkey Kong game, which was originally released in 1981 for the arcade (it was the first time that the character Mario appeared, but in that game he was simply called Jumpman). If you finish the game once you will win the golden banana. If you play again and finish the game one more time, you will earn special Nintendo currency.

Second Golden Banana: Go through the tunnel that has yellow bananas and hit the Donkey Kong button. Hit the number blocks, following the order of the numbers, in increasing order, before time runs out, to win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Press the button to open the engine room. Inside, pull the switch to activate the large machine and get the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Enter through the passage that opened in the large machine. Enter the invincibility barrel and go through the pile drivers until you find the golden banana.

Fifth Golden Banana: Climb up the pipes, at the top of the large machine and you will see to the right of the pipe, in the part just below, the strong alligator with yellow hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Diddy Kong

Go to Cranky’s Lab and buy the Simian Spring for seven coins. You will be able to jump higher.

First Golden Banana: Enter the room full of toy blocks and use the special button to jump very high and climb the pile of blocks, until you reach the bonus barrel. Win the challenge and win the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Play the guitar over the music button to enter the room. Headbutt the number buttons in the same order as shown on the doors. Kill the enemies and you will win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: In the engine room, press the button and follow the path of vines until you reach the bonus barrel. Win the challenge and win the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: At the top of the machine tower, use Diddy Kong’s pad to get the golden banana inside the hole.

Golden Banana Farm: In the room, near the base of the large machine, you will find the strong alligator with red hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Tiny Kong

Go to Cranky’s Lab and pay seven coins for the Pony Tail Twirl. You will be able to glide. Go take a photo of the fairy in front of Funky’s Store.

First Golden Banana: Go to the room where the arcade is and enter the barrel to shrink. Go through the small tunnel above the boxes to get the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: In the room with several toy blocks, shrink in size and go through the hole. Hit the button and you will participate in a mini game, in which you must shoot at the indicated images. Beat the mini game to win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Follow the path with purple bananas and enter the barrel to shrink. You will see a small race track, beat the toy car having collected ten coins to win the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: In the part near the large machine, step on the button and climb the platform. You will go through the pipes, wait for the bridge; Follow the conveyors and glide until you reach the bonus barrel. Win the challenge to win the golden banana.

Golden Banana Farm: In the production room, where there are some purple coins around the pole, you will find the strong alligator with purple hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Lanky Kong

Go to Cranky’s Lab and purchase the Baboon Ballon for seven coins. You will be able to float for a while, as if you were a balloon.

First Golden Banana: Find the place where Chunky is stuck and climb up the pipe path, using your hands to avoid slipping and reach the button. Press the button to release Chunky and win the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: At the beginning of the level, go up the passage on the right and play the trombone on top of the musical button to unlock the passage. Memorize the colors of the barrels that the alligators come out of and tap the key of the same color (butt the key). By doing the correct sequence, you win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Press the Lanky button and climb up the machine; When passing the conveyors, wait for the speed to reduce and pass through the cylinders. Climb up the pipe to get the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: In the large room, where you find several puzzles you will find the strong alligator with blue hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Fifth Golden Banana: In the room full of toy blocks, use Lanky’s pad to float to the bonus barrel at the top.

Chunky Kong

Go to Cranky’s Lab and get the Hunky Chunky for three coins. You’ll be able to throw a super punch. Go to Candy’s Shop and purchase Chunky’s musical instrument, the triangle, for three coins. Now go to Funky’s Store and buy Chunky’s gun for three coins, it shoots pineapples.

First Golden Banana: In the room with several stacked toy blocks you will find the strong alligator with green hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Second Golden Banana: Press the button at the base of the tower and run to get the golden banana at the top. Use teleport 4 to make it easier.

Third Golden Banana: Look for a grate gate in the previous wing of the level and use the super punch to break it. Break the box in the corner of the room and you will see the button; press it and use the platforms to get to the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Find the grate gate near the arcade and knock it down using the super punch. Inside you will find a bonus barrel. Win the challenge and win the golden banana.

Golden Banana Farm: Climb the ladder and knock down the grate gate with the super punch. Tap the triangle on the music button to open the room. Enter and defeat the enemies. When the big enemy appears, enter the barrel to become big and detonate it to get the golden banana.


Notes about this stage: To get to this stage, swim under Captain K. Rool’s ship to find the entrance.
Moving forward, at the beginning of the level, you will find some ship pieces inside a room. Go with Chunky to destroy the door and unlock the crown.
You can explore several caves in this level if you go to the tower, in the water, and change the water level by pressing the buttons.

Donkey Kong

First Golden Banana: Near Funky’s Store you will find a place with many musical buttons (one for each monkey). Play Donkey Kong’s bongo and a door will open in the sunken ship. Swim there to find a bonus barrel. Win the challenge and get the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Raise the water level and go to the lighthouse. Press the button to face the barrel challenge, until you get the Donkey Kong star; Go through it and a seal will appear. Press the button next to it and enter the lighthouse. Climb up to reach the lever and activate it to light the fuse, the gate opens and the ship enters and you receive a golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Talk to the seal to get a golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Race against the seal and come first, and collect ten coins during the race to defeat him and win the golden banana.

Golden Banana Farm: Use Diddy Kong to activate teleport 4 and then use it with Donkey Kong to find the strong alligator with yellow hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Diddy Kong

First Golden Banana: Play the guitar on the music button near Funky’s Store and go to the door that opened to find the bonus barrel. Win the bonus challenge to win the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Enter Diddy’s barrel to get the Jetpack and fly to the ship’s deck. Press the button and fly to the top of the lighthouse tower to get the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: On top of the lighthouse tower, play the guitar on top of the music button and you will release a mechanical fish into the other lake. Enter the fish’s mouth and shoot the red circles behind the propeller three times to get the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: With the water level low, enter the cave in the cove of the lighthouse tower to find the strong alligator with red hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Fifth Golden Banana: Use Lanky to open the passage to the room with the stacks of gold coins (jump three times for the DK star). Climb to the top of the gold coin tower to find a bonus barrel. Win the challenge and win the golden banana.

Tiny Kong

First Golden Banana: Go to the end of the hallway and use the cannon near Cranky’s Lab to be launched. Use the vines to get to the strong alligator with purple hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Second Golden Banana: In the first corridor on the left, open the gate with Diddy and change the character to Tiny to press the button and go to the sunken ship to enter the passage that has opened. There you will find a bonus barrel. Win the challenge and win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Play the saxophone on the music button, enter the passage that opened in the sunken ship and collect the golden banana from the compartment. There on the ship, enter the other compartment to take a photo of the fairy.

Fourth Golden Banana: Climb the huge chest and enter the barrel to shrink in size. Being reduced in size, enter through the keyhole and collect all the pearls that are in the oysters; look for the huge shell and enter the coral to talk to the mermaid. Turn in the pearls to get a golden banana.

Quinta Banana Dourada: Inside the water you will find a metal structure. Shrink down and enter through the gap that is close to the ground, after some seaweed and you will find a bonus barrel inside. Win the challenge to win the golden banana.

Lanky Kong

First Golden Banana: Swim through the passage to the right of the lake to find the musical button. Play the trombone and run to the passage on the ship to find the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Press Lanky’s button, which is next to the one you pressed when you were with Tiny. Swim to the boat and transform into a stayfish; destroy the underwater chests to find the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: In the room with the gold coins, with the water level low, inflate your body like a balloon and float to the top to find the bonus barrel. Win the challenge and win the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: With the water level high, go up to the docks, near the entrance, and in the area with the cannon, you will find the strong alligator with blue hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Golden Banana Farm: Press the button near the door and quickly swim to the door that will open and get the golden banana.

Boss: Circle around him and go through all of Donkey Kong’s stars to activate the shock. Do this until you defeat him.

Chunky Kong

First Golden Banana: At the beginning, follow the corridor and give a super punch to the wall of the boat that has a crack and a passage will open; Super punch the chests to find a fairy and a golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: On the ship that is moving, kick it to open the trapdoor and then use the super punch to open the grate and break the chests to get the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: If you got the 20 banana medals, go to Cranky’s Lab to play Jetpack, reach 5000 points and earn the special Rare currency. At the bottom of Cranky’s Lab, use the super punch to knock down the gate and access Captain K. Rool’s button. You will need to use Diddy Kong to open the gate that leads to the lighthouse tower area. Climb into the small cave and there will be a musical button, touch the triangle to open a passage on the deck of the submerged ship; go there to find the bonus barrel. Win the challenge and win the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Near the starting area of ​​the level, go to the place where there is a cannon. With the water level raised, you will be able to grab the ball and enter the cannon, to hit the target three times and win the golden banana.

Quinta Dourada Banana: You will find the strong alligator with green hair in the area with several musical buttons, on top of the tower, near Funky’s Store. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.


Notes about this level: Go with Donkey Kong to Cranky’s Lab and Funky’s Store to improve all the monkeys’ weapons and movements.
On the clock, and if you shoot the buttons on the front of the clock, you will be able to change the time from day to night and vice versa, and the hours.
At night, go to the giant mushroom near the waterfall and you will find a crown.

Donkey Kong

First Golden Banana: Enter the giant mushroom and you will see buttons for each of the monkeys. Shoot the button corresponding to Donkey Kong and use the cannon to get the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Outside the giant mushroom, in the passages, you will find a Donkey Kong button; use it to reach the barrel challenge and get the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: During the day, enter the house that has several levers and do the sequence (which is indicated on the wall above the banana) 2, 1, 1, 3, 2 to get the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: On the side of the house near the mill, enter the barrel to become invincible and press the button between the spikes to open the gate. Break the box and press the button, climb up and follow the vines to reach the bonus barrel. In another box you find a fairy; look for the DK key in another box.

Quinta Banana Dourada: At night, behind the house, close to the thorns, you will find the strong alligator with yellow hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Diddy Kong

First Golden Banana: Go to the top of the giant mushroom and you’ll find a bonus barrel; win the challenge and win a golden banana. Also at the top of the mushroom, go down to where there was a trapdoor with the moon symbol and you will find Captain K. Rool’s button.

Second Golden Banana: Use Lanky to clear the path in the large tree. IN front of the anthill there is a music button, play the guitar there to wake up the owl. Enter the barrel in the flowerbed next to it to fly to the owl; talk to her and then follow her, going through the rings to reveal the bonus barrel. Win the bonus challenge and get the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Climb the cable to reach the roof of the mill and press the button. Enter the passage and shoot the button on top of the machine. Use your headbutt on the green button and the cage with the golden banana inside will appear. Play the guitar on the music button in front of the house to release the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: In the barn near the mill, climb the boxes and use Diddy’s button to jump high and enter through the attic passage. Inside, play the guitar so that the parrot comes with a flashlight and lights the way. Follow the boards until you reach the golden banana. There you will also find a fairy.

Golden Banana Farm: Enter the giant mushroom and go to the bottom of the platforms to find the strong alligator with red hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Tiny Kong

First Golden Banana: Enter the giant mushroom and press Tiny’s button. Run to get into the bonus barrel. Win the bonus challenge to earn the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: In the large area where there are trees, enter the barrel to shrink and play the saxophone on the music button so that the parrot appears and takes you to the cave. Inside, kill the enemies and you will win the golden banana, as well as a magic seed.

Third Golden Banana: Go to the beginning of the level and, on the left side, there is a flowerbed, leave the magic seed for a plant to grow and the golden banana appears. Enter the barrel to shrink in size and then play the saxophone so the parrot takes you to the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: During the day, use Chunky to break the wall and boxes that are blocking a small hole in the mill wall. At night, enter the barrel to decrease in size and then enter the hole in the mill wall. You will face the giant spider. Defeat the small spiders first and then shoot the big spider’s eyes. Do this three times to get the golden banana.

Quinta Dourada Banana: The strong alligator with purple hair is on the platforms outside the giant mushroom. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Lanky Kong

First Golden Banana: Walk with your hands on top of the mushroom and press the button to open the two doors below for a while. Go to the first door and jump on the mushrooms to get the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Go to the second door that you open by pressing the button on top of the mushroom (in the first door you already got a golden banana) and hit the mushrooms according to the order of the image of the monkeys that appear on the wall: yellow, red, blue, purple, green. After that, you will win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Inside the barn, in the same place where Diddy got the cage, enter through the side door and press Lanky’s button. Destroy the bats and win the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Inside the small tunnel that is close to the big tree you will find the strong alligator with blue hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Fifth Golden Banana: To get the last golden banana in this stage you need to race with the rabbit, but before that, you need to go to Cranky, in the next stage, the Crystal Caves, to acquire a new skill, which will allow you to run faster. So, after getting the new ability in Cranky’s Lab in the Crystal Caves level, go back here, shoot the button with the grape symbol to open the gate, play the trombone on top of the musical button to wake up the rabbit and beat it twice to win the golden banana.

Chunky Kong

First Golden Banana: In the well near the clock you will find a bonus challenge, which is a race with the mine cart. You must collect 50 coins and finish the race to win the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: In the location near Funky’s Store, enter the barrel to get big and butt the killer tomatoes to finish them off. Take the worm house and leave it on the land with an apple drawn, near the clock, to receive a golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: On top of the giant mushroom, press the button to open the gate and step on the other button to shuffle the puzzle with Chunky’s image and shoot the pieces to make them move and the image is correct to you win the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: At night, you will find the strong alligator with green hair on a platform on the outside of the giant mushroom (you can access this platform by reaching the monkey exchange barrel on the platform up and jumping to the platform below). Destroy the strong alligator and you will win the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Golden Banana Farm: Go to the mill and do the super punch to break the cracked gate. Break the boxes that have a question mark on them and touch the triangle above the music button. Take the barrel and enter the next door to leave it with the other barrels, on top of the conveyor belt. Use Donkey Kong to break the box with a question mark on it. Press the button, go through the gate and press the levers in the sequence of the balls that are drawn on the floor (21132) and the treadmill will start working. The barrels will be detonated and the banana will appear in the cage, but you can only get it at night. Go to the clock to make it dark and get the golden banana.


Notes about this level: Go to Cranky’s Lab for new moves for Chunky, Lanky and Tiny and go to Funky’s Store and Candy to increase life with another watermelon for all the monkeys.
You will find a crown following the waterfall to a room with the bongo musical button and, after playing the instrument, heading left.

Donkey Kong

First Golden Banana: Next to Cranky’s Lab there is a Donkey Kong button to take you to the barrel challenge and ends with the banana path with a bonus barrel at the end. Win the bonus challenge to win the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Use Diddy Kong to fly past the Donkey Kong star on top of the igloo. With Donkey Kong, hit the bongo to enter the igloo and enter the ice maze. Be careful not to touch anything and head towards the golden banana (Note: try to walk as far as possible when the walls are getting further away; when the walls are getting closer to you, proceed with caution).

Third Golden Banana: Near Candy’s house you can find a musical bongo button. Tap to open the door and blast the bees to get the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: In the cabin after the bridge, play the bongo on the music button to open the door. Press the button on the right and you will see a Captain K. Rool button. In the color matching game, tap to turn the pieces over and form color pairs within the given time to win a golden banana.

Golden Banana Farm: You will find the strong alligator with yellow hair on top of the ice castle. To get to it you must carefully follow the board. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Diddy Kong

First Golden Banana: Play the guitar on the music button and enter the igloo. You must detonate the barrels in your bases according to the correct numerical order (if you pick up a barrel out of order, leave it there and go get another one). Do it correctly to receive the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Right in the middle of the waterfall is a bonus barrel. Fly to it to enter and win the challenge to earn the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Near Candy’s Store, play the guitar on the music button and enter through the door that has opened. Now use Diddy’s Jetpack to light the three large candles and you will get the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Near Candy’s Store, play the guitar on the other musical button, which is outside the house and enter through the other door that has opened. Enter the barrel and destroy all enemies within the given time to win the golden banana.

Fifth Golden Banana: Use Tiny Kong to activate teleport 5. Go on it with Diddy to find the strong alligator with red hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Tiny Kong

First Golden Banana: Near where Cranky is you will find a bonus barrel. If you win the bonus challenge you will win the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Play the saxophone to enter the igloo; Destroy enemies and punch the circle to win the golden banana. Find the fairy in this area and take a photo of her.

Third Golden Banana: Near Candy’s Store, play the saxophone on the music button to open the door and go inside. Destroy the purple crocodiles by throwing oranges at them to get a golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: You will find the strong alligator with purple hair right after you pass the waterfall, following the slope, close to the little houses. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Golden Banana Farm: Follow the path after Funky’s Store and enter the barrel to reduce in size. Glide and enter the hole. Use the button to teleport and get the golden banana.

Lanky Kong

First Golden Banana: Press the button in front of the ice castle and enter. Face the ice creature; you must give butts to flip the pieces and end up with more squares with DK than your opponent. If you win the challenge, you will receive the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: On the side of the ice castle there is a button that opens a passage. Use Lanky’s button to inflate and float like a balloon and reach the entrance. You will run into a beetle. Get into the barrel to get super speed and run. You need to collect 50 coins and win the race to win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Play the trombone to enter the igloo. Destroy all enemies and a Lanky button will appear; use it to inflate and reach the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Go to the house on the right and climb onto the roof; you will find a lanky button. Enter the house, destroy the enemies and float to Lanky’s barrel to get super speed. Press the button and run to get the golden banana.

Quinta Banana Dourada: Next to Funky, in the upper part you will find the strong alligator with blue hair; To get there, use teleport 5 or float. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Chunky Kong

First Golden Banana: Go to the waterfall, near the ice castle and press Chunky’s button to get the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: Touch the triangle to enter the igloo; Inside, you must save the rabbit from the fireworks (keep beating it) until the time runs out, to win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: touch the triangle and enter the house. Evade the lights and butt the target three times and you can become invisible to get to the bonus barrel. Win the challenge and win the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Destroy the ice blocks with the super punch and, inside the door, press the Chunky button to get the golden banana.

Quinta Dourada Banana: The strong alligator with green hair is at the top of the igloo. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.


Notes about this level: Go to Funky’s Store to get a more powerful weapon, which has zoom and allows you to shoot at greater distances. Cranky will make a new ability available, Super Duper Slam, which will allow you to press the red buttons.
You will find a crown in the maze, which is accessed via the Lanky button, which is next to the teleport button 4.

Donkey Kong

First Golden Banana: In front of the big tree there is a Donkey Kong button, use it and enter the tree; Inside, shoot to open the door and find the strong alligator with yellow hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ. After you get your blueprint plate, jump into the hole; climb the wood and look for the fairy, looking up.

Second Golden Banana: Inside the tree, after you have picked up the new weapon with a scope from Funky, use it to aim at the targets on the wall and get the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Inside the castle you must solve the lever puzzle; On the wall is a tip on how you should activate each of the six levers to win the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Inside the castle there is a puzzle to assemble the image of Donkey Kong’s face; Slam to turn the pieces over and assemble the image on the floor board to win the golden banana.

Golden Banana Farm: Go to the top of the castle (use the teleportation button 5 to make it easier) and then go down the platform to press the Donkey Kong button. Run to enter the library door. Inside the library, destroy the enemies and press the red button. Go to the passage and enter the barrel, becoming invincible and being able to get the golden banana.

Diddy Kong

First Golden Banana: When you are at the beginning of the level, go straight past all the slopes and stairs and you will arrive at a lower area. Enter the cave below and you will find the strong alligator with red hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Second Golden Banana: Press Diddy Kong’s button to open the castle door (use teleportation button 4 to get to Diddy’s button); When you enter the party room, use the jetpack to light all the candles and find a bonus barrel. Win the challenge to win the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Go to the top of the castle with the jetpack to find a bonus barrel. Win the challenge to earn another golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: In the catacombs, shoot the button with the peanut symbol next to the skull to enter and press the buttons in the sequence 3, 4, 2, 1 to get the golden banana. Later, if you place 4, 3, 2, 1 you will get balloons.

Fifth Golden Banana: Press the button with the peanut symbol to get the golden banana that disappears. After shooting, use the vine path to reach it.

Tiny Kong

First Golden Banana: The strong alligator with purple hair is at the bottom of the level, in the crypt area. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Second Golden Banana: Enter the barrel to shrink, which is next to the maze and jump on the mushroom to gain momentum and climb up the house. Go in and destroy all the enemies to get the golden banana.

Third Golden Banana: Under the castle, follow the corridor to the right and shoot to open the door; press the button and jump and slide from hand to hand in the acid area to get the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Use teleport button 1 to find a bonus barrel under the castle. Win the bonus challenge to earn the golden banana.

Quinta Dourada Banana: Inside the castle, use the barrel to shrink and teleport to the top and participate in a race. Win the race to win the golden banana.

Lanky Kong

First Golden Banana: Go to the top of the castle and press Lanky’s button. Press the buttons and float to the bonus barrel.

Second Golden Banana: On the way to get to the top of the castle there is a Lanky button. Activate it to enter the maze and win the golden banana. After picking up the banana, Captain K. Rool’s button will appear in the middle of the maze.

Third Golden Banana: Shoot the button with the grape symbol and enter Lanky’s barrel to run faster to the gate, while there is time. Play the trombone on the music button and use the vines to get the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Press Lanky’s button, under the castle and float until you reach the bonus barrel. Win the challenge to win the golden banana.

Quinta Banana Dourada: Go up the hill, just after the drawbridge you will find a strong alligator with blue hair. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Chunky Kong

First Golden Banana: Inside the tree, use the super punch to detonate the wall with the crack. Use the aim to shoot the button with the pineapple symbol and enter the bonus barrel. Win the challenge to win the golden banana.

Second Golden Banana: To find the strong alligator with green hair, follow the trail of bananas and enter the hole, the wooden gate and you will find him inside the cave. Destroy it and you’ll earn the blueprint, which can be exchanged for a golden banana at Snide’s HQ.

Third Golden Banana: Shoot the button with the pineapple symbol, next to the skull and enter, under the castle. Break the crypts with the super punch and you will find a bonus barrel. Win the challenge to receive the golden banana.

Fourth Golden Banana: Follow the side of the castle and press the button to open the museum door. Super punch all three of them to open the statue’s mouth and get the stone. Place the stone on the square that looks like a table in the center to open the mouth of the other statue and get the golden banana.

Golden Banana Farm: Break the cracked door next to the maze; break the box and become invisible. Kill the bats and get the golden banana.


We reached the last level. You won’t need to collect any golden bananas here, but you will face special minigames for each of the monkeys.

The first part of the level is timed, but don’t worry, if you got all the blueprint pieces and exchanged them at Snide’s HQ, you will have 50 minutes to complete the first part of the level (if you didn’t get them all, get them now, to fulfill this mission). You must reach the machine room that generates energy for the cannon and deactivate them. To get to this room, you will use skills from each of the monkeys: start with Lanky, use him to get through the slippery ramp, then use Chunky to shoot the pineapple button; switch to Tiny and decrease in size to be able to fit through the tubes; use Donkey Kong to activate the lever and then Diddy to fly through all of Donkey Kong’s stars and also reach Captain K. Rool’s button, which is at the top of the room. Finally, use Chunky to break the bars.

From now on you will have to play each monkey’s musical instruments and face two special missions for each of them:

Donkey Kong

First mission: With Rambi the rhino, destroy enemies in time, without touching the energy towers.

Second mission: Hit all three targets.

Diddy Kong

First mission: Destroy all enemies in the room and press the button without touching the energy towers.

Second mission: Enter the barrel and hit the three targets.

Tiny Kong

First mission: Jump and glide from box to box, without touching the ground, and collect the three DK stars.

Second mission: Take a boost on the mushrooms to, without touching the ground, pass through the middle of the DK stars that are high up.

Lanky Kong

First mission: In the maze, get super speed from the barrel, destroy the enemies and press the button to finish.

Second mission: Use the weapon’s zoom to detonate enemies.

Chunky Kong

First mission: Enter the barrel and detonate the question boxes until you find the hidden alligator (and detonate him too).

Second mission: Stand on top of the box and destroy all enemies that appear with your weapon.

After completing the missions for each of the five monkeys, you will need to have collected at least four crowns to open the cabin door on Captain K. Rool’s ship. Open the door and he will try to escape.

With the special coins, the Nintendo coin (to get it, you must win the Donkey Kong arcade game, which is in the Frantic Factory, twice; and the Rare coin, which, to get it, you you must go with the banana medals, to Cranky’s Lab in Gloomy Galleon, to play Jetpack and score the required score: 5000) you will be able to open the door and get the last key to save the fat alligator and you will also see the last two fairies.

As we already mentioned in Donkey Kong Isle, to get the last golden banana in the game, after you have taken a photo of each of the 20 fairies in the game, go to the fairy island and the master fairy will give you the last golden banana about the game.

Go to the fat alligator to use the last key to release it and an animation video will show that Captain K. Rool was unable to escape; go to the place where he is to face him.

Against Captain K. Rool you will use all monkeys:

Donkey Kong

Jump on the barrel and wait for it to calm down before shooting. Do this until you can finish this step.

Diddy Kong

Fly and shoot the light buttons so that Captain K. Rool gets hit. Do this until you can finish this step.

Tiny Kong

Jump and glide over the explosions; Captain K. Rool will start dancing, enter the barrel that will appear to decrease in size and enter the hole in the shoe on the left and shoot feathers to reach four fingers and finish this stage.

Lanky Kong

Press the buttons, without approaching the pillars (use your long arms) and grab the barrels. Throw the barrels in the middle so that there is a banana peel, and when he is close, play the trombone so that he gets distracted and slips. Do this four times until you can finish this step.

Chunky Kong

Press the button in the middle to make the barrel appear, enter it to become invisible and then enter the other barrel to become big. When you’re very close, facing Captain K. Rool, throw super punches. Do this until you manage to destroy Captain K. Rool once and for all.

Now just enjoy the final animation of the game!

Congratulations, you have completely finished Donkey Kong 64!

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