Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

April 15, 2024 Off By Markus Leite


PHASE 1 – Pirate Panic: This phase has a classic pirate ship scenario. Let’s discover the secrets hidden here:

  1. Bonus Coin 1: Continue advancing through the level until you pass the Checkpoint Barrel. Keep an eye out for a space on the floor where there are some bananas visible. Get off at that location. Proceed further and you will find a cannon barrel. It will launch you into an area where you must ascend the barrels, with the bonus coin waiting for you at the top.
  2. Bonus Coin 2: As you progress through the level, you will encounter Rambi. Continue with it until you see an arrow of bananas heading left. To access the secret hideout, use Super Charge (press and hold the A button and then release it) in this direction. The bonus phase consists of eliminating rats and crocodiles. When finished, the coin will be waiting for you.
  3. DK Coin: After the second bonus, stay on the path. Eventually you will see large barrels stacked up. Climb on them to collect the DK Coin.
  4. Shortcut: At the beginning of the level, take advantage of the ability to launch your partner into the air to discover a secret cannon barrel. He will transport you to an area with four large barrels in a row. Position yourself between the first and second barrels and launch your companion into the air again, thus revealing the shortcut.

PHASE 2 – Mainbrace Mayhem:

  1. Bonus Coin 1: Once you start, go forward until you come across a banana arrow pointing to the left. Here, use the Helicopter move in that direction to hang from some ropes. The bonus barrel will be visible. Enter it and climb the ropes to get the coin.
  2. Bonus Coin 2: After collecting the letter N from the level, a cannonball will appear in your path. Take it and look for the cannon a little further on. Use the bullet to access the bonus area, where you will face pirates. Use the cannonball to defeat them and get the coin.
  3. Bonus Coin 3: A little past the cannon, look up and jump to a platform on the left. You’ll find another bonus barrel. Enter and collect all the stars to receive the coin.
  4. DK Coin: Proceed past the third bonus and the DK Coin will be on the right, waiting for you.
  5. Shortcut: At the beginning, after finding the banana arrow, use the Helicopter to fly to the left, below the main platform. Here is the shortcut.

PHASE 3 – Gangplank Galley:

  1. Bonus Coin 1: When you start, climb up the barrel to see the bonus barrel. When you enter, you will have to throw chests at a bee. In the end, the coin will be yours.
  2. Bonus Coin 2: During the level, you will find an invincibility barrel. Once you get it, run over to some large barrels. Climb to the highest to access the bonus, where, with caution, you must jump between hooks avoiding muscular enemies. At the end, the coin will be waiting.
  3. DK Coin: Below the bonus barrel at the beginning, see a hook a little ahead. With Dixie, roll, jump and use the helicopter to catch him. Keep jumping between hooks until you find the DK Coin.
  4. Shortcut: Stand under the bonus barrel at the start and throw your partner up a little in front of the barrel to discover the shortcut.

PHASE 4 – Lockjaw’s Locker:

  1. Bonus Coin 1: When you find the first red piranha, go down and go through an opening to find Engarde. Continue and pass a bunch of bananas. Above some boxes, you will see bananas. Ignore them and use Super Charge on the block with a banana in front of it to access the bonus. Avoid the paths with bananas to find the coin.
  2. DK Coin: Post Checkpoint, when you pass the starfish, go down and go right. Find Engarde again. With it, go to the top and right. When you see the water receding, just before, use Super Charge on the right. You will find the coin in a secret area.
  3. Shortcut: After the water level rises, go back a little. There is an opening just before two large barrels. That’s where the shortcut is hidden.

PHASE 5 – Topsail Trouble:

  1. Bonus Coin 1: Past two hooks, jump with the Rattle to a platform above on the right. The bonus barrel will be there. Go inside and jump over mosquitoes to collect the coin.
  2. Bonus Coin 2: After the Checkpoint, as you progress along the ropes, you will encounter tall mosquitoes. A hidden hook is just in front of them. Hang and jump on the mosquitoes to reach the bonus. Climb the ropes avoiding the mosquitoes to get the coin.
  3. DK Coin: Post second bonus, use a Helicopter on the right for a rope. Climb to the end and jump to the right for the DK Coin.
  4. Shortcut: At the start, Helicopter to the right under the platform. There’s the shortcut.

SWANKY BONUS BONANZA: Complete Q&A Round Details

1. Swanky Shake

In this first Q&A section, you will find three questions. The key to success here is to be aware of the correct answers, which are listed below:

  • Question 1: The correct answer is option A. Select it to successfully proceed to the next question.
  • Question 2: Again, the correct answer here is option A. Make sure you select it to continue progressing through the round.
  • Question 3: For this question, the correct answer is option C. Mark it to complete the Swanky Shake round successfully.

2. Pirate Puzzler

In the Pirate Puzzler round, it will be important to remember the following answers to the three questions:

  • Question 1: The right answer to this question is option B. Select it carefully to avoid losing lives or balloons.
  • Question 2: Option B is again the correct answer. Keep an eye out and make sure you select it.
  • Question 3: The answer to this question is option C. Select this option to complete the Pirate Puzzler round masterfully.

3. Chimp Challenge

The last question and answer section of SWANKY BONUS BONANZA is the Chimp Challenge. Here are the correct answers to each question:

  • Question 1: The correct answer to this question is option B. Stay focused and select it to move forward.
  • Question 2: Here the correct answer is option A. Be careful and make the correct choice.
  • Question 3: The final answer of the Chimp Challenge round is option C. Select it and celebrate your victory in this round.

BOSS: Krow’s Nest – Detailed Strategy

When you enter Krow’s nest, prepare for an exciting face-off against this world’s boss. Here is a detailed strategy to help you win:

  1. Start of the Battle: Krow begins the confrontation by picking up an egg and dropping it from above. This egg will come bouncing towards you. It is essential that you be extremely careful to avoid this moving egg, as it can cause damage.
  2. Catching the Egg: Once the egg stops bouncing, quickly approach it and catch it. This will be your instrument to deal damage to Krow.
  3. Attacking Krow: With the egg in hand, wait for Krow to come flying towards you from above. At the right moment, throw the egg at him to cause the first damage.
  4. Second Attack: Repeat the process of dodging the bouncing egg and catching it as soon as it stops. Wait for Krow to move and once again attack him when he flies towards you.
  5. Egg Rain: After hitting him twice, Krow will become enraged and hit the nest. This will cause several eggs to fall out randomly. Your main objective here is to dodge all the falling eggs. Keep moving and always pay attention to the shadow of the eggs to know where they will fall.
  6. Ending the Battle: After dodging the rain of eggs, an egg will remain on the ground. Grab it quickly and wait for Krow to charge. Hit him twice more using the same strategy. After the last hit, Krow will finally admit defeat.
  7. Reward: As a reward for your skill and dexterity, you will be awarded a Bonus Coin. Now your total reaches 11 Bonus Coins


PHASE 1 – Hot-Head Hop

In this volcanic phase, the adventure is full of scorching challenges.

  1. Bonus Coin 1 :
    • Location: During your exploration, you will come across two blue crocodiles.
    • Action: Grab the chest next to them and hit one of the crocodiles to reveal the cannonball. Then continue moving forward until you find the cannon. Place the cannonball inside the cannon and be launched to the bonus area. Here, collect the stars and upon completion you will receive the first bonus coin.
  2. Bonus Coin 2 :
    • Location: With Squitter, the spider.
    • Action: After passing through a sequence of three trampoline crocodiles, use Squitter’s ability to create web platforms (press A to launch and again to form the platform). Follow the pairs of aerial bananas and you’ll soon find the bonus barrel. Enter and, using the web platforms, reach the top to collect the coin.
  3. Bonus Coin 3 :
    • Location: Next to the cannon barrels.
    • Action: After being launched by the cannon barrels, locate and enter the bonus barrel. Use the web platforms again to cross the chasm and collect the coin on the other side.
  4. DK Coin :
    • Location: Shortly after recruiting Squitter.
    • Action: Use the web platforms created by Squitter to reach the coin located directly above.
  5. Shortcut :
    • Location: At the beginning of the level.
    • Action: Throw your partner to the top of the cave. When you reach the top, repeat the launch, this time higher, thus revealing an alternative path.

PHASE 2 – Kannon’s Klaim

In this cave, cannon barrels and cannon crocodiles are the main challenges.

  1. Bonus Coin 1 :
    • Location: Right at the beginning of the level.
    • Action: Move forward a little and you will notice an arrow made of bananas. Use the “helicopter” ability to follow this direction and reach the barrel. From here, follow the cannon barrels until you reach the top. Remember to switch characters when necessary, as certain barrels require a specific Kong.
  2. Bonus Coin 2 :
    • Location: Area where two hostile crows surround you.
    • Action: Quickly run to the left and at the right time, jump over them to reach the bonus barrel. Then, use the cannon barrels to propel yourself to the coin’s location.
  3. Bonus Coin 3 :
    • Location: After a sequence with three cannon barrels.
    • Action: Do not enter the cannon barrel directly above. Instead, jump to the right using the “helicopter” ability. There, you’ll find another barrel behind a cannoneer crocodile. Use it and jump over the mosquitoes to collect the coin.
  4. DK Coin :
    • Location: Inside bonus area 1.
    • Action: Once inside, jump to a platform on the right. The coin will be waiting for you there.
  5. Shortcut :
    • Location: Area with two TNT barrels.
    • Action: Use the TNT barrels to eliminate the rats and the muscular enemy ahead. Then, use the “helicopter” ability to move to the bucket below.

PHASE 3 – Lava Lagoon

In this aquatic phase of boiling waters, you will face challenges amid hot currents.

  1. Bonus Coin 1 :
    • Location: After the “swordfish prohibited” sign.
    • Action: Keep moving forward and grab the barrel you find. Throw it towards the lone banana located just before. Upon doing so, a bonus barrel will be revealed. Enter it and, using Engarde, the swordfish, defeat the fish that appear in your path until you collect the coin.
  2. DK Coin :
    • Location: Near the last seal before the end of the level.
    • Action: When you find this seal, go down the space to the right of it until you find an invincibility barrel. Pick it up and follow the trail of bananas to the right until you reach the precious DK coin.
  3. Shortcut :
    • Location: After the first seal.
    • Action: When passing through it, climb onto the platform on the left. Stand on the far right and throw your partner into the air.

PHASE 4 – Red-Hot Ride

Here, hot balloons are your main form of transportation above the scalding lava.

Bonus Coin 1 :

  • Preliminary Guidelines : To access this currency, it is essential that you have already recruited Rambi, the rhinoceros, during your journey in this phase.
  • Step by step :
    1. Once you’re in control of Rambi, carefully navigate through the floating hot balloons. These balloons will help you cross areas of scalding lava and take you to a patch of dry land.
    2. When you step into this safe area, position yourself and prepare to use Rambi’s special ability, called Super Charge. This action will allow Rambi to run at high speed.
    3. Aim and charge Super Charge against the wall that is directly in front of you. Doing so will reveal a secret passage.
    4. Follow this passage and face the enemies that appear. Eliminate all crocodiles and mosquitoes that try to block your path.
    5. At the end of this secret corridor, you will find the much-desired bonus coin.

Bonus Coin 2 :

  • Preliminary Guidelines : Pay attention to the sign that says “No Rhinos”. This sign serves as a marker for your next action.
  • Step by step :
    1. After identifying and passing the sign, continue moving forward until you locate a muscular enemy.
    2. Stay on the right end of this platform.
    3. From here, make use of the “helicopter” ability, which allows you to glide through the air for a short distance.
    4. Aim for the bottom of the platform located to your left. Your objective is the bonus chest hidden in this area.
    5. When you access the contents of this chest, you will be challenged to collect several stars. Complete the challenge and the second bonus coin will be yours.

DK Coin :

  • Preliminary Guidelines : The checkpoint is the reference point for finding this coin. Keep an eye out for a blue balloon just after the checkpoint.
  • Step by step :
    1. Once you find the blue balloon, you’ll notice there’s a DK barrel resting on it.
    2. Carefully float this balloon towards another balloon that is strategically positioned between two bees.
    3. With precision, throw the DK barrel at the bee flying above.
    4. Now, with the path clear, climb onto the balloon and then throw your partner straight up.
    5. If everything is done correctly, you will capture the coveted DK Coin in the air.

Shortcut :

  • Preliminary Guidelines : Keep an eye out for the second blue balloon you find as you progress through the level.
  • Step by step :
    1. When positioning yourself in this balloon, move carefully until you find the second column of steam rising from the lava.
    2. This column of vapor will be your thrust point.
    3. With firmness and precision, throw your companion Kong straight into the air, using the propulsive force of this column of steam. If done correctly, this will give you a significant shortcut in the level.

PHASE 5 – Squawk’s Shaft

Deep Phase Exploration:

Bonus Coin 1 :

  • Preliminary Guidelines : As you progress, keep an eye out for the second group of green crocodiles you encounter.
  • Step by step :
    1. When you come across this trio of crocodiles, position yourself appropriately.
    2. Use your “helicopter” ability to deftly swipe to the right.
    3. This maneuver will take you directly to a cannon barrel.
    4. Once inside this barrel, allow yourself to be launched by a series of cannon barrels that direct you to the right.
    5. The final destination of this route is a bonus barrel. Here, you’ll find a bee circling around. Your challenge is to use the chests provided to hit her repeatedly.
    6. After dealing with the bee threat, the bonus coin will reveal itself to you.

Bonus Coin 2 :

  • Preliminary Guidelines : The checkpoint is your initial reference. Be prepared for a cannon barrel challenge.
  • Step by step :
    1. After crossing the checkpoint, immediately move left.
    2. Reaching the edge, throw your fellow Kong directly into the cannon barrel above.
    3. When you do this, you will be launched through a sequence of cannon barrels.
    4. Navigate with precision and always head towards the top.
    5. When you reach the pinnacle of this aerial challenge, the bonus coin will be waiting for you.

Bonus Coin 3 :

  • Preliminary Guidelines : Having Squawks, the parrot, is essential for this challenge. Keep an eye out for crows and hooked crocodiles.
  • Step by step :
    1. With Squawks under your command, move forward until you pass the crows that cross your path.
    2. Once you’re safe from the crows, focus your attention on the hook crocodiles that are positioned just above you.
    3. Use Squawks’ projectiles to eliminate them.
    4. After dealing with this threat, head right until you find an arrow made of bananas that points upwards.
    5. Follow the direction indicated by this arrow until you find the bonus barrel. Upon entering it, your challenge will be to face a group of bees.
    6. Once all the bees are defeated, the third bonus coin is yours.

DK Coin :

  • Preliminary Guidelines : Stay vigilant after the third bonus coin challenge.
  • Step by step :
    1. The DK Coin is located to the left of the third challenge bonus barrel. Simply go left after exiting the barrel and collect the coin.

Shortcut :

  • Preliminary Guidelines : The ability to use the “helicopter” skill is crucial here. This shortcut also represents the last available shortcut in the entire game.
  • Step by step :
    1. Move to the far right of the platform you are on.
    2. Brace yourself, then use your “helicopter” ability to glide to the right.

Attention: This is the last phase that has a shortcut. There are no longer any shortcuts of this type in the other stages of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest.


1. Cranky Challenge :

  • How to play :
    • Swanky will ask you a series of three questions related to the game.
    • To answer, select the correct option from the three alternatives.
  • Answers :
    1. For the first question, choose option B.
    2. The second question has its correct answer in option A.
    3. Finally, for the third question, the right answer is also option A.

2. Lucky Lava :

  • How to play :
    • Again, get ready for a series of three questions presented by Swanky.
    • Select the correct answer from the options presented.
  • Answers :
    1. Answer the first question with option C.
    2. The answer to the second question is in option B.
    3. And for the third question, select option A.

3. Gorilla Game :

  • How to play :
    • This is the third and final challenge proposed by Swanky in this bonanza.
    • Pay attention to the questions and choose your answer.
  • Answers :
    1. The first question has its correct answer in option B.
    2. The second answer is in option C.
    3. And, for the third and final question of this challenge, the answer is again in option C.

BOSS: Kleever’s Kiln

Description and Combat Strategy :

Kleever is a fiery adversary who inhabits a hot, scorching environment, personified by a fiery sword. To defeat this fiery opponent, it is crucial to understand his attack patterns and react quickly.

  1. First phase :
  • Attack Pattern : Kleever begins his attack by launching fireballs towards him.
  • Defense Strategy : These fireballs are reasonably predictable in their movement. Keep moving and pay attention to avoid them with dexterity.
  • Counterattack : Once he stops throwing fireballs, a cannon will fire a cannonball. Grab it quickly and hit Kleever. Later, use the hanging hooks to transport yourself to the other side of the arena and repeat the process. After hitting him three times, Kleever will change his strategy.
  1. Second level :
  • Attack Pattern : Kleever becomes more aggressive and goes for direct attacks, trying to hit you with his incandescent blade.
  • Defense Strategy : When he advances, make a well-timed jump to avoid him and then use the grappling hooks to move to the opposite side of the arena.
  • Counterattack : Once again, grab the cannonball when it becomes available. Wait for the right moment and hit Kleever when he gets close. Right after hitting it, make a quick escape to the other side. Repeat this sequence until you hit him three more times.

By following this strategy and hitting him a total of six times, Kleever will finally meet his explosive end. As a reward, you will earn a Bonus Coin. This brings the total of your Bonus Coins accumulated so far to 24.


PHASE 1 – Barrel Bayou

General description :

Barrel Bayou is a mysterious area filled with cannons and shadowy ghost-like creatures that launch objects towards players. This stage is notable for its muddy and misty environment, where cannons and enemies can appear unexpectedly.

1. Bonus Coin 1 :

  • Location : After finding and passing through a cannon, players will encounter a peculiar ghost that launches boxes.
  • Strategy : Do not confront the ghost directly. Instead, get behind him. When he moves to the left, follow him discreetly. He will eventually stop and drop a chest. Pick up the chest and slam it into him. This will reveal a cannonball. Carry this bullet to the previous cannon and use it to eliminate enemies on the way. By doing this correctly, players will be rewarded with a Bonus Coin.

2. Bonus Coin 2 :

  • Location : There is a bonus barrel clearly visible in this section of the level.
  • Strategy : To access it, players need to throw their partner Kong directly at it. However, keep an eye out for the bees dropped by the ghost. Once in the barrel challenge, skillfully navigate the cannon barrels until you reach the coveted coin.

3. DK Coin :

  • Location and Strategy : For this currency, players will need the help of their rhino friend, Rambi. With it, advance through the level until you find a sign that prohibits the presence of the rhino. When you approach this sign with Rambi, he will magically transform into the DK Coin.

PHASE 2 – Glimmer’s Galeon

General description :

Glimmer’s Galeon transports players to the depths of an underwater galleon. With a dark and winding environment, this level is a challenge for those unfamiliar with the secret paths and aquatic creatures.

1. Bonus Coin 1 :

  • Location : At the beginning of the level.
  • Strategy : From the starting point, swim up a little and look for a passage to the right. Follow this route and keep swimming until you find the coin.

2. Bonus Coin 2 :

  • Location : Near the letter “N” of the level.
  • Strategy : After locating the letter “N”, continue swimming and stay at the bottom. Look for an arrow indicating the direction to the right and a blowfish. Before reaching the puffer fish, go down a hole and move forward. Further along, find the red piranha and locate another hole just below it. Follow this passage avoiding paths that have bananas, and you will soon find the coin.

3. DK Coin :

  • Location and Strategy : This coin is hidden next to the first Bonus Coin. Instead of heading towards the bonus, look for a passage a little higher up. You will find a pattern of bananas forming the number “3”. Head upwards from this point and the DK Coin will be waiting for you.

PHASE 3 – Krockhead Klamber

General description :

Krockhead Klamber is a challenge that mixes dry land with water sections. Players will encounter areas where they will have to rely on Krockheads, living platforms, to advance.

1. Bonus Coin 1 :

  • Location : Near the sign prohibiting spiders.
  • Strategy : Before reaching the aforementioned sign, players will see an arrow pointing upwards. Throw your companion Kong in this direction to be launched into the bonus barrel challenge. Here, transform into Squitter, the spider, and use your webs to create platforms and overcome bees until you reach the coin.

2. DK Coin :

  • Location and Strategy : This currency is a little more challenging. At the beginning of the level, head left. You will find two bees blocking your path. To overcome them, throw your partner Kong upwards and immediately direct him to the left. This requires precision. Move forward and use a barrel to eliminate the upper bee. Use the “helicopter spin” move to reach the next platform. Repeat the throwing process twice more, and you’ll find a chest. Throw this chest at the remaining bees until the DK Coin is revealed.

PHASE 4 – Rattle Battle

General description :

This phase requires dexterity, precision and a keen eye to discover the secrets hidden in the depths of the ship. With the help of Rattly, the jumping snake, players will have to overcome enemies and obstacles, as well as discover secret passages to collect precious coins.

1. Bonus Coin 1 :

  • Location : Immediately at the start of the level.
  • Strategy : When starting the level, look for a lone banana. This is no ordinary banana, but rather the key to a hidden cannon barrel. When you jump over it, a cannon barrel will be revealed. This barrel will launch players to a higher part of the ship. Once there, you should see a bonus barrel just above. To access it, throw your Kong companion directly into the barrel. The challenge consists of skilfully jumping between rising cannon barrels until you reach the Bonus Coin.

2. Bonus Coin 2 :

  • Location : At one point in the level, you will notice three bananas formed in a vertical line above a dark floor.
  • Strategy : These bananas are a sign. Right after them, there is a hole. Do not be afraid; fall for it! But instead of falling straight down, move to the left. This will lead to a hidden cannon barrel. This barrel, in turn, launches players into a bonus area where they encounter a series of bees. The challenge is to use these bees as platforms to jump and reach the Bonus Coin.

3. Bonus Coin 3 :

  • Location : During the level, players will come across an arrow pointing upwards.
  • Strategy : This arrow isn’t just there for decoration. It is indicating a secret. Below it, players need to perform a super jump. This jump leads to the hidden bonus barrel. Once within this challenge, the mission is to collect all the stars that appear within a set time. When you successfully collect all the stars, the Bonus Coin will be revealed.

4. DK Coin :

  • Location : This special coin is hidden at the bottom of the ship, right before the checkpoint.
  • Strategy : As you progress through the level, pay close attention to the floor of the ship. Just before the DK Coin location, there is a single banana. That banana is a sign. Jump towards it and keep moving forward to reveal the hidden DK Coin.


PHASE – Black Ice Battle

You must find the chest to be able to get the cannonball. Search the level until you find the hallway with the cannon. Get the items and enter the cannon bonus. There you will find the DK coin.

PHASE 5 – Slime Climb

General description :

In Slime Climb, players find themselves in a vertical scenario, constantly climbing to escape the rising tide and the claws of a hostile fish. Challenges include slippery platforms, enemies throwing obstacles and, of course, the search for hidden secrets.

Bonus Coin 1 :

  • Location : The first challenge is after the checkpoint.
  • Strategy : Eliminate the cannoneer that is throwing obstacles towards you. After defeating him, you will find a special invincibility barrel. When you pick it up, you will become temporarily invulnerable. With this protection, jump into the water and follow the bananas that form a path in the water. These bananas will guide you directly to a bonus barrel. Within this area, the mission is to collect all the stars quickly. Do this, and the reward is Bonus Coin.

Bonus Coin 2 :

  • Location : During your climb, you will find a cannonball.
  • Strategy : Take the bullet and continue your trajectory until you find a cannon. Use the cannonball to activate this cannon, which will take you to a bonus area. Here, your objective will be to eliminate a series of enemies – mosquitoes and bees. Upon doing so successfully, you will be rewarded with the second Bonus Coin.

DK Coin :

  • Location : After exiting the second bonus area.
  • Strategy : Continue climbing until you find another invincibility barrel. When you get it, jump back into the water and head right. While the level normally continues upwards, the DK Coin is hidden to the right, just past the level’s end point.

PHASE 6 – Bramble Blast

General description :

Bramble Blast is a mystical stage full of spike mazes and cannon barrels that shoot the Kongs in different directions. Accuracy is crucial here, as one wrong shot can lead to a sharp thorn.

Bonus Coin 1 :

  • Location : During the level, you will find a set of cannon barrels with arrows.
  • Strategy : Aim for the barrel that is located further left and underneath the set. Shoot towards the southwest and this will take you to the bonus barrel. Once inside, the challenge will be to navigate a series of cannon barrels until you reach the Bonus Coin.

Bonus Coin 2 :

  • Location : Near the end of the level.
  • Strategy : While most players would jump on the mosquitoes and head to the right, you should do the opposite. Go left and fall into the space before the mosquitoes. This move takes you to a cannon that fires you directly at Squawks the parrot. With Squawks, fly left, then up, then right. Be cautious while passing the dangerous red bees. You’ll soon find the bonus barrel. Enter and follow the path to the coin.

DK Coin :

  • Location : On the way to the second Bonus Coin.
  • Strategy : While you are on your way to the second bonus, the DK Coin is clearly visible. However, there is a bee blocking your path. Use Squawks to throw a coconut at the bee and clear the path. Now, with the path clear, fly to the coin and collect it.


Funky’s Fun

  • Questions and answers:
    1. Question 1 – Correct answer: A
    2. Question 2 – Correct answer: B
    3. Question 3 – Correct answer: C

Swampy Swag

  • Questions and answers:
    1. Question 1 – Correct answer: B
    2. Question 2 – Correct answer: C
    3. Question 3 – Correct answer: B

Primate Prize

  • Questions and answers:
    1. Question 1 – Correct answer: B
    2. Question 2 – Correct answer: A
    3. Question 3 – Correct answer: C

BOSS: Kudgel’s Kontest

General description :

Kudgel’s Kontest pits players against Kudgel, a huge and intimidating enemy. With a club in hand and powerful jumps, he offers quite a challenge. However, with the right strategy, it is possible to win.

Battle Strategy :

  1. First Attack Phase : When the fight begins, Kudgel will display his high and powerful jump in an attempt to crush the Kongs. In doing so, he creates shockwaves upon landing, which can temporarily stun players. To avoid being stunned, jump just as Kudgel lands. Stay mobile, moving to the opposite side of where he plans to land.
  2. TNT Barrel : After three powerful jumps, Kudgel will attempt to strike the ground with his club. This will result in a TNT barrel appearing. Quickly, get that barrel.
  3. Counterattack : As soon as Kudgel makes his next jump, use the TNT barrel and throw it at him as soon as he lands. This will damage it. This sequence of dodging jumps and using the TNT barrel needs to be repeated two more times.
  4. Change of Strategy : After hitting him three times, Kudgel will change his attack pattern. He will make one big jump followed by three smaller, faster jumps. Again, the objective is to avoid these jumps and wait for the right moment to counterattack.
  5. Battle Conclusion : After hitting him three more times after changing strategy, Kudgel will be defeated, falling into the dark depths of the swamp. The reward for victory over this formidable opponent is a valuable Bonus Coin.


PHASE 1 – Hornet Hole

General description :

Hornet Hole is an intriguing level, characterized by the sticky honey that adorns its walls and the presence of persistent bees. The ability to navigate this viscous environment is crucial to obtaining all the collectibles.

Bonus Coin 1 :

  • At the start of the level, use the throwing technique with one of the Kongs to launch your partner towards the hook hanging above.
  • Once on the hook, navigate the sticky honey walls, ascending until you reach a section with three hooks.
  • Jump from hook to hook, and when you reach the third, let yourself fall.
  • As you go down, you will find a secret passage. Enter it.
  • Inside this area, you will find a chest. Use this chest as a projectile, launching it at the bees that stand in your way. Continue to do so until you reveal the hidden bonus coin.

Bonus Coin 2 :

  • Interestingly, the entrance to this bonus is situated right below the entrance to Bonus 1.
  • When you find this entrance, enter it.
  • Use the sticky honey walls to climb vertically.
  • The bonus coin will be waiting at the top, ready to be collected.

Bonus Coin 3 :

  • Continue the level until you find the letter “N” in KONG.
  • Once you pass this point, you will be launched by a cannon barrel.
  • After that, use the Squitter character to create web platforms, making climbing easier.
  • Follow the trail of pairs of bananas, which will indicate the way.
  • This path will lead to a bonus entrance. Enter and continue using web platforms to reach the much-desired coin.

DK Coin :

  • As you navigate the level, you will find a hole protected by a bee. Use Squitter to eliminate this threat.
  • Once the bee is eliminated, fall through the hole, but make sure you are holding the D-pad left as you fall.
  • Go left until you find a bunch of bananas.
  • Use Squitter to create web platforms, allowing you to reach the DK Coin.

PHASE 2 – Target Terror

General description :

Target Terror is one of the most exciting levels, where players navigate tracks on roller coaster cars in an amusement park, avoiding obstacles and enemies.

Bonus Coin 1 :

  • Keep an eye out after passing through the fourth gate of the level.
  • A bonus barrel will appear on the way. When you enter it, you will be transformed into Squawks.
  • Use Squawks to eliminate the bees and collect the stars. On completing the task you will be rewarded with the coin.

Bonus Coin 2 :

  • Continue the level until after the checkpoint.
  • You will encounter a barrel-throwing reptile. Dodge the thrown barrels and, when the reptile falls, follow it, falling too.
  • This will lead to a secret trail. Browse through it and move on.
  • Soon, you will find a bonus entry. Enter it and jump from cart to cart, avoiding obstacles and enemies, until you reach the coin.

DK Coin :

  • Progress through the level until after the checkpoint.
  • When going through a short tunnel, keep your eyes open. Part of the DK Coin will be visible, but well hidden.
  • Jump at the right time to collect the coin.

PHASE 3 – Bramble Scramble

General description :

Bramble Scramble is a level that challenges players’ dexterity, as it is full of deadly spikes. Careful navigation is the key to success.

Bonus Coin 1 :

  • As soon as you start climbing the first vine, use your partner’s throw to launch Kong into the air, reaching an invincible barrel.
  • With this invincibility, advance through the thorny areas until you find a cannon barrel.
  • This barrel will launch you into a bonus area. Once there, use Squawks to eliminate the bees while collecting stars. When completed, the coin will be yours.

DK Coin :

  • When you arrive at the checkpoint, avoid the temptation to climb the vine.
  • Instead, go through the wall of spikes in front of you.
  • This will take you to Squitter. With it, create web platforms to climb up.
  • You will find two coins. Go through the wall to the left of them.
  • This secret passage will take you directly to DK Coin.

PHASE 4 – Rickety Race

General description :

Rickety Race is a thrilling level that combines speed, precision and mine cart racing. The emphasis here is to keep up the pace while outsmarting your competitors to get the collectible coins.

Bonus Coin 1 :

  • At the dawn of the level, choose one of the Kongs and throw the partner towards the suspended platform above.
  • Perform the throw once more to reach another higher platform.
  • Once on this platform, use the helicopter technique to cross a gap and reach the other side.
  • When you arrive, you will find an area with enemies. Eliminate them deftly to reveal the bonus coin.

DK Coin :

  • To secure the DK Coin, it is essential to win the mine cart race. However, this comes with a specific condition.
  • When you reach the first one, jump over it, making sure to land on its head rather than simply jumping over it.
  • When starting the cart race, press and hold the left directional pad to activate reverse gear.
  • This action will take you to a barrel which, when used, will provide an additional boost of speed, essential to guarantee victory and, consequently, the DK Coin.

PHASE 5 – Mudhole Marsh

General description :

Mudhole Marsh is a swamp level, characterized by its muddy terrain and thorny enemies. The strategy here is the ability to jump and throw with precision.

Bonus Coin 1 :

  • As you progress through the level, you will come across an area where a bonus barrel will be visibly in view.
  • Neutralize the porcupine guarding this area.
  • Throw your partner Kong directly into the bonus barrel.
  • Once inside, the objective is simple: collect all the stars. Upon completing this task, the bonus currency will be yours.

Bonus Coin 2 :

  • As you progress through the level, keep an eye out for a cannonball that rests on the path.
  • Collect this bullet and carefully transport it to a cannon up ahead.
  • When you feed the bullet into the cannon, you will be launched into a bonus area. Here, the mission is to defeat the enemies that stand in your way. Once everyone is defeated, the coin will appear.

DK Coin :

  • The DK Coin in this stage is particularly tricky and requires time and precision.
  • This coin is one of four rewards at the end of the level. To obtain it, it is crucial not to get distracted by the cannoneer crocodile.
  • Go past it and position yourself correctly to jump into a barrel at the right time. If performed accurately, you will collect the DK Coin. This is considered one of the most challenging to obtain.

PHASE 6 – Rambi Rumble

General description :

Rambi Rumble is a vibrant stage where action and sticky honey are the highlights. Interaction with the environment and the correct use of character and animal abilities is crucial.

Bonus Coin 1 :

  • Advance through the level until you find a cannon barrel that rotates continuously.
  • Instead of using the barrel right away, look to your left and jump towards a lone banana.
  • This jump will reveal a secret hook. Use a series of hooks and the honey walls to climb up.
  • Continue climbing until you find the entrance to a bonus area. Once inside, climb up the sticky honey to the point where the bonus coin rests.

Bonus Coin 2 :

  • As you navigate the level, just before you come across a sign that says “no rhinos”, you will notice a cannon barrel just above.
  • Use the powerful Super Charge and direct it against the wall just below that barrel.
  • The wall will collapse, revealing a secret area. Inside, the mission is clear: defeat all enemies. Once everyone is eliminated, the coin will appear as a reward.

DK Coin :

  • After passing the checkpoint, before entering the cave where Rambi the rhino resides, make a well-calculated jump.
  • This jump will reveal another secret hook. Use it to ascend.
  • Keep climbing and following the path until the DK Coin is visible and within reach.


Wrinkly’s Winner :

  • Question 1 : The correct answer is option C. Make sure you choose this option to get started on the right foot.
  • Question 2 : The correct answer to the second question is option A. By selecting this option, you will be closer to completing the quiz.
  • Question 3 : Finally, the answer to the third question is again option C. With this, you will have successfully completed Wrinkly’s Winner.

Krazy Kwiz :

  • Question 1 : Start this set by choosing option B as the answer to the first question.
  • Question 2 : Stay consistent and select option B again for the second question.
  • Question 3 : To finish Krazy Kwiz, select option A. With this, another set of questions will be overcome.

Baboon Booty :

  • Question 1 : The correct answer to the first question in this set is option C.
  • Question 2 : Change your choice and select option B for the second question.
  • Question 3 : Complete Baboon Booty by choosing option C again . With this, you will have answered all the Swanky Bonus Bonanza questions correctly.

BOSS: King Zing Sting

General description :

The battle against King Zing Sting is intense and requires agile reflexes. The boss appears as a giant bee with fast movements and dangerous attacks. Here is a detailed strategy to beat it:

Step 1 :

  1. Initially, you will face King Zing in the form of Squawks, the bird. Your primary objective is to aim and hit King Zing’s stinger with coconuts.
  2. After hitting him twice, he will adopt a more aggressive tactic, launching spikes in various directions. It is crucial to maintain mobility and avoid all the spikes.
  3. Continue the initial method of attacking his stinger, but be careful as King Zing will now be moving faster.

Step 2 :

  1. After hitting him a total of six times, there will be a noticeable transformation into King Zing. He will transform into a smaller red bee and will be accompanied by four other yellow bees.
  2. Your goal in this phase is to quickly eliminate the yellow bees. However, be quick, because if you don’t defeat them in time, others will appear in their place.
  3. Once all the yellow bees have been defeated, King Zing will become vulnerable, taking on a yellow color.

Step 3 :

  1. This is the final phase of the battle. With King Zing now vulnerable, hit him three more times.
  2. After these final blows, King Zing will be defeated, ending the fight and granting you another precious Bonus Coin.


PHASE 1 – Ghostly Grove

General Description : Ghostly Grove is a shadowy forest filled with spiritual strings that appear and disappear. These are the main objectives:

Bonus Coin 1 :

  1. Advance through the level until you find a monster barrel followed by a muscular enemy.
  2. In this location, look for a wall that has a single banana in front of it.
  3. Throw a barrel directly at this wall to reveal a secret passage.
  4. Upon entering, you will find a chest. Throw this chest at a bee that is protecting the area.
  5. Keep hitting the bee with the chest until it breaks and reveals the bonus coin.

Bonus Coin 2 :

  1. Progress to a section where two spiritual strings appear and disappear in quick succession.
  2. Quickly jump across these ropes to reach a bonus barrel.
  3. Inside the bonus area, you’ll need to navigate several of these ropes to get to the coin. Timing is essential here.

DK Coin :

  1. Throughout the level, you will find the letter “O” floating in the air.
  2. Just below it, perform a “helicopter” movement under the platform to discover a hidden cannon barrel.
  3. Enter the cannon barrel, which will launch you directly into the DK Coin.

PHASE 2 – Haunted Hall

General Description : Haunted Hall takes players through a spooky mansion filled with mine tracks.

Bonus Coin 1 :

  1. Advance through the level until you pass through the second gate.
  2. Soon after, you will see an upper rail. Jump onto this rail and immediately make another jump to a higher area.
  3. In this upper section, enter the bonus area.
  4. Once inside, locate the “+” barrel. When reversing, keep jumping along the upper rails until you reach the coin.

Bonus Coin 2 :

  1. When leaving the Bonus Coin 1 area, drop to the bottom rail and enter directly into Bonus 2.
  2. Here, collect all the stars to reveal the bonus coin.

Bonus Coin 3 :

  1. Keep moving forward and, after passing through the second gate after the checkpoint, notice two tracks in front of you.
  2. Jump onto the lower rail to enter another bonus area.
  3. Inside this area, keep jumping between the rails until you find the coin.

DK Coin :

  1. Just before ending the level, look for a tunnel on the left.
  2. Enter this tunnel to find the DK Coin waiting for you.

PHASE 3 – Gusty Glade

General Description : Gusty Glade is a windy stage with several threats, including the possibility of being blown off the platforms by the strong wind.

Bonus Coin 1 :

  1. When playing as Rattle, continue through the level until you find a set of bananas forming the letter “A”.
  2. Position yourself at the edge of the platform where the bananas are and perform a super jump.
  3. This jump will take you to a bonus barrel. Once inside, jump on the mosquitoes to get to the coin.

Bonus Coin 2 :

  1. After the checkpoint, you will find an area with two lizards armed with swords and two chests.
  2. Grab the upper chest and use it to attack one of the lizards. This will reveal a cannonball.
  3. Load this bullet until you find a cannon not too far away. When you enter the bonus area, collect the stars to unlock the coin.

DK Coin :

  1. After passing through the first set of cannon barrels and reaching a higher part of the level, make a jump and use the “helicopter” move to fly to the right.
  2. This maneuver will take you directly to DK Coin.

PHASE 4 – Parrot Chute Panic

General Description : In this stage, players will venture through a bee-infested cave, using Squawks the parrot as their main mode of transportation.

Bonus Coin 1 :

  1. Progress through the level until you come across three bees lined up in a diagonal formation.
  2. When you see them, press the left directional pad and quickly head to a secret passage in that direction.
  3. Inside, you’ll find Squawks the parrot. Pick it up and navigate carefully until you locate the hidden bonus coin.

Bonus Coin 2 :

  1. Continue through the level until you come across the letter “N”.
  2. Above it, you’ll see a wall covered in honey and two bees patrolling below.
  3. Use Honey Grip to climb this wall until you reach the bonus entrance.
  4. Within this environment, take Squawks and your mission is to defeat the bees present. When you do so, you will be rewarded with bonus currency.

DK Coin :

  1. At the beginning of the level, instead of moving forward, use the “helicopter” movement and simultaneously press the left directional pad to head towards a hole.
  2. When you do, you will discover the cleverly hidden DK Coin.

PHASE 5 – Web Woods

General Description : This forest level is characterized by its cobwebs, which players use to create temporary platforms.

Bonus Coin 1 :

  1. As you go, look for a formation of bananas forming an arrow pointing to the left.
  2. Continue and you will encounter a cannoneer crocodile. Important: DO NOT attack him.
  3. This crocodile will fire a very slow cannonball. Follow it as it will reveal a secret passage in the wall.
  4. When you enter, use the cobwebs to create platforms, making it easier to get to the bonus currency.

Bonus Coin 2 :

  1. Continue on the level until you find another banana arrow also pointing to the left and soon after, another cannoneer crocodile.
  2. Just like before, follow the cannonball until it opens a second passage in the wall.
  3. In this bonus space, collect all available stars to unlock the currency.

DK Coin :

  1. Near the end of the stage, the DK Coin is one of four possible prizes.
  2. Use the cannon barrel and line up your shot carefully to ensure you get the DK Coin and not one of the other prizes.


  • Lockjaw’s Loot :
    • Question 1: A
    • Question 2: B
    • Question 3: C
  • Haunted Haul :
    • Question 1: C
    • Question 2: B
    • Question 3: B
  • Gibbon Game :
    • Question 1: C
    • Question 2: A
    • Question 3: A

BOSS: Kreepy Krow

Strategy :

Kreepy Krow is the vengeful spirit of the Krow and is ready to give you a frightening battle! Follow these steps to defeat him:

  1. First Step : Dodge the little ghost crows that Krow releases. Keep an eye out for a non-ghost crow and jump on it to make a barrel appear.
  2. Pick up the barrel and wait for Krow to come down to your level. When he comes towards you, throw the barrel at him.
  3. Now, start climbing the hooks and ropes. However, be cautious of eggs that continually fall out.
  4. Second Stage : When you reach the second level, you will face a similar challenge to the first, but with crows flying faster.
  5. Repeat the strategy of jumping on the non-ghost crow, grabbing the barrel, and shooting Krow when he comes after you.
  6. Continue your climb, this time being extra careful with the eggs that come both vertically and horizontally.
  7. Third Stage : Once at the top, prepare for a final confrontation with Krow. Once again, he repeat the process of jumping on the royal crow, picking up the barrel, and throwing it at Krow when he attacks.

When you hit him a third time, you will have defeated Kreepy Krow once and for all. As a reward, you will earn a Bonus Coin.


PHASE 1 – Arctic Abyss:

  1. Bonus Coin 1:
    • After obtaining the ally Engarde, the swordfish, advance through the stage until you notice a variation in the water level, which initially drops and then begins to rise.
    • As the water rises, look closely at the ceiling on the left, where two bananas float.
    • Use Engarde’s Super Charge ability, charging it and shooting towards the bananas. This move will reveal a secret access.
    • Inside this secret segment, the objective is to collect all the stars to be rewarded with bonus currency.
  2. Bonus Coin 2:
    • As you progress through the stage, keep an eye out for an extra red life balloon. When you see him, dive down and head to the right, crossing the wall that appears solid.
    • When you pass a sign that signals the prohibition of Engarde the swordfish, you will notice the entrance to the bonus challenge.
    • In this segment, you will need to pick up a chest and throw it at a series of bees. Keep doing this until you reveal the bonus coin.
  3. DK Coin:
    • Just after crossing the stage’s checkpoint, when swimming the next upward section, use Engarde’s Super Charge and dash to the right, where the precious DK Coin is hidden.

PHASE 2 – Windy Well:

  1. Bonus Coin 1:
    • After locating the letter “O” for KONG, continue until you see a DK Barrel on your left.
    • Just below, you will identify the entrance to a bonus challenge. Float closer, and once inside you’ll be tasked with defeating a series of flying mosquitoes to get the bonus coin.
  2. Bonus Coin 2:
    • Near the end of the stage, you will find a sign indicating that parrots are prohibited. Just to the right, jump to the lower platform.
    • Shoot down the barrel enemy and then throw it at the sword-wielding lizard. This will reveal the entrance to a bonus challenge.
    • Here, collect all the stars to earn the coin.
  3. DK Coin:
    • After facing two crocodiles suspended from hooks, position yourself on the edge of the platform above them and begin floating. Avoid the bees flying below and head towards the coin.

PHASE 3 – Castle Crush:

  1. Bonus Coin 1:
    • At the very beginning of the stage, pick up the DK Barrel and throw it at the lizard carrying a sword. This will reveal a transformation into Rambi the rhino.
    • While controlling Rambi, look for an arrow made of bananas that points to the left, then use the Super Charge ability in that direction to reveal a secret access. Inside, destroy the bees and secure your bonus coin.
  2. Bonus Coin 2:
    • When controlling Squawks, the parrot, move forward until you find a sign indicating that parrots are prohibited. Turn Squawks into a TNT barrel and throw him against the wall indicated by the arrow. An entry will be revealed.
    • In the secret segment, your objective is to ascend, avoiding the obstacles on the ceiling, until you win the bonus coin.
  3. DK Coin:
    • After crossing the checkpoint, continue until you notice a wall on the left that can be crossed. Go through it to transform into Squawks.
    • Continue until you find another sign prohibiting parrots. On the right, there is a descending opening that houses the DK Coin. Go ahead and get it.

PHASE 4 – Clapper’s Cavern:

  1. Bonus Coin 1:
    • At the beginning of the level, use the character throw method to launch your companion into the air, reaching a hook.
    • Climb to the upper platform and go forward to the secret entrance. In this hidden segment, you need to climb icy platforms until you reach the bonus coin.
  2. Bonus Coin 2:
    • When controlling Engarde, swim until you find three vertically positioned starfish. Go up a little and head left until the end of this path. Here, use a Super Charge aimed at the wall that has a banana in front of it to reveal the entrance to a bonus challenge.
    • Within this segment, navigate using successive Super Charges until you find the bonus coin.
  3. DK Coin:
    • After completing the first bonus challenge, you will be transported back to the stage. In the area where you appear, throw your companion into the air again, aiming for a hook. From there, make a well-calculated jump towards the DK Coin waiting for you.

PHASE 5 – Chain Link Chamber

Collecting Bonus Coins and DK Coin:

  1. First Coin Bonus:
    • As you progress, you will come across three hook crocodiles one after another.
    • Keep your focus on the third crocodile. When you climb up it, you need to be quick and strategic to make the monster barrel move and clear the path for the cannonball.
    • Once you have the cannonball, go back a bit, precisely behind the second hook crocodile. You will find a cannon. Use the cannonball on him.
    • From there, a series of chains and hooks will form an upward path. Precisely navigate this maze to get your reward, the bonus coin.
  2. Second Bonus Coin:
    • Continue your journey and you will soon come across two cannoneers launching cannonballs straight down.
    • Go past them and head right until you find a hanging vertical chain. Climb that chain.
    • From this position, make a well-calculated jump to the left. This jump will reveal a secret path.
    • As you follow this path, you will encounter two cannoneers. Neutralize them.
    • A bonus entry will reveal itself. Enter and get ready for a series of challenges with cannon barrels. If you browse successfully, the second bonus currency is yours.
  3. DK Coin:
    • As you progress, there will be a section with two vertical chains and cannonballs falling endlessly from the ceiling.
    • Keep an eye out for a single banana among these chains. This banana is the sign.
    • Do a wall jump to the right of this banana. A hidden path will reveal itself.
    • Follow this secret path, and at the end, the precious DK Coin will be waiting for you.

PHASE 6 – Toxic Tower

Collecting Bonus Coins and DK Coin:

  1. First Coin Bonus:
    • When you manage to control Squitter the spider, look immediately above. A bee will be hovering.
    • Use Squitter’s abilities to neutralize it.
    • Jump onto the wall just behind the defeated bee. This will reveal a secret path.
    • Follow this path until you find the bonus barrel.
    • Once inside, Squitter’s ability to create web platforms will be crucial. Use them wisely and get the bonus currency.
  2. DK Coin:
    • Advance until you notice a formation of bananas shaped like the letter “A”.
    • Use this formation as a reference and start climbing the platforms.
    • A bee will be in the way. Jump onto it and, while you’re still in the air, move to the right.
    • You will land directly where the DK Coin is located.


Quiz Challenge Answers:

K. Rool’s Kwiz

  • Question 1: Answer B
  • Question 2: Answer C
  • Question 3: Answer B

Castle Challenge

  • Question 1: Answer A
  • Question 2: Answer C
  • Question 3: Answer B

Big Ape Bounty

  • Question 1: Answer B
  • Question 2: Answer A
  • Question 3: Answer B

SPECIAL SCENE: Stronghold Showdown

In this exciting showdown, you finally reunite with Donkey Kong and earn another bonus coin. However, when it seemed like the adventure was coming to an end, K. Rool intervenes and kidnaps Donkey Kong, taking him to his ship. Despite this setback, his progress is remarkable with 73 coins collected. Just two more coins to find. Take a deep breath and continue your search.


PHASE 1 – Screech’s Sprint

Main Objectives – Bonus Coins and DK Coin:

  1. First Coin Bonus:
    • When starting, climb up using the available vine.
    • Continue the route until you face some crows.
    • After passing these crows, direct your gaze upwards. You’ll notice a cannonball on a raised platform.
    • Use the partner throwing strategy to reach this bullet.
    • With the bullet in hand, advance to the right. You will come across a cannon. Feed him the bullet.
    • Follow the path. In some sections, the terrain will be full of thorns. Use the “helicopter” ability to glide over them and ensure a safe crossing. Continue until you reach the bonus coin.
  2. DK Coin:
    • During the level, there will be a race against a black bird. Stay focused!
    • Halfway through the race, watch for the bananas. One of them forms an arrow pointing downwards.
    • When you see this arrow, do not go down. Instead, go right. This hidden direction will take you directly to DK Coin.

FINAL BOSS (or maybe not): K. Rool Duel

Strategy to Defeat K. Rool:

  • K. Rool, as always, is a cunning opponent. His main weapon is a shotgun, which can also be used to suck up objects and fire various projectiles.
  • First Attack: He will try to hit you once and start sucking air with his shotgun. Jump and shoot the cannonball into his mouth when he starts sucking. Avoid the bullet he fires next.
  • Second Attack: He puts a spiked ball on the ground and tries to hit you three times. Dodge!
  • Third Attack: Two spiked balls are placed. After hitting him three times, he appears to be defeated, but don’t let that fool you. He will get up.
  • Fourth Attack: K. Rool will fire several spiked balls. Jump or duck depending on your height. Wait for the barrel, grab the bullet and hit it.
  • Fifth and Sixth Attacks: The spiked balls jump or spin towards you. Dodge them.
  • Seventh Attack: K. Rool uses blue gas bullets. If hit, you are paralyzed. He then tries to hit you three times, becoming invisible on the third attempt. Observe the movement of air on the ground to predict and dodge the attack. Shoot him with the bullet next.
  • Eighth and Ninth Attacks: He launches gas bullets of varying colors. Red slows you down, and purple reverses the controls. Dodge and watch out for K. Rool’s attempts to suck you in. Resist by running in the opposite direction.

After hitting him three more times, you finally get the last bonus coin. When it appears the battle is over, Donkey Kong breaks free and hits K. Rool, sending him flying.

Now, it’s time to enjoy the final scene… but not too fast! Although the Kremkoins have been collected, there are still 6 DK Coins left. They are hidden in the secret world.

To access this world, look for the “Kluuba Kiosk”. There are five of them spread across the worlds: Crocodile Cauldron, Krem Quay, Krazy Kremland, Gloomy Gulch and K.Rool Keep.

To move between worlds, look for Funky’s Flight. There, by paying two banana coins, Funky will allow you to use his plane.

In the “Kluuba Kiosk”, the big guy will require 15 Kremkoins to allow him to enter the secret phases. So be prepared and continue your search for the last set of coins! Here we go!


PHASE 1 – Jungle Jinx

Main Objective – DK Coin:

  • DK Coin Location:
    • Start the level and keep moving forward until you approach the checkpoint.
    • Before reaching the checkpoint, you will notice the letter “O” near a set of spikes.
    • To the left of this letter, a bonus barrel will be hidden. The strategy here is to use the “helicopter” ability to glide and reach the barrel.
    • Within the bonus challenge, your main objective is to eliminate mosquitoes. Bees are dangerous and should be avoided. Upon completing this challenge, the DK Coin will be yours!

PHASE 2 – Black Ice Battle

Main Objective – DK Coin:

  • DK Coin Location:
    • Progress through the level, dealing with the slippery ice platforms.
    • After passing some of these smaller platforms, you’ll find yourself falling through a hole to the left.
    • When you land, go right. Keep an eye out for a chest hidden behind two flying bees.
    • Take this chest and throw it at an enemy. When you break it, a cannonball will be revealed.
    • With the bullet in hand, continue moving forward until you find a bee blocking a path to the right. Eliminate her and continue on your way, being careful with the other bees.
    • After finding the cannon, continue jumping over the bees until you finally reach the DK Coin.

PHASE 3 – Klobber Karnage

Main Objective – DK Coin:

  • DK Coin Location:
    • Navigate through the level until you almost reach the end.
    • There, using Diddy, jump into the barrel that has his face printed on it. This barrel will take you to another barrel further up.
    • Instead of shooting downwards, as most players might expect, aim to the right, specifically in the direction of a lone banana.
    • When you do this, you will find a bonus challenge. Inside, take the barrel of invincibility.
    • With invincibility activated, move forward and eliminate the bees in your path. Upon completing this challenge, DK Coin will be waiting for you.

PHASE 4 – Fiery Furnace

Main Objective – DK Coin:

  • DK Coin Location:
    • As you progress through the level, keep an eye out near the end.
    • You’ll notice a barrel raised above the ground.
    • Use the partner throwing technique to reach this barrel. Once inside, follow the trail of bananas to reach the next bonus challenge.
    • This challenge will test your navigation skills as you have to dodge the bees and make sure you don’t touch any thorns.
    • Complete this winding and dangerous path, and DK Coin will be your reward.

PHASE 5 – Animal Antics

Main Objective – DK Coin:

  • DK Coin Location:
    • While controlling Squiter (the spider), move forward until you find a barrel with an arrow pointing up.
    • Here’s the catch: don’t climb into that barrel!
    • Instead, look for a secret path above the barrel.
    • This hidden path will lead you to another bonus challenge. Inside, your goal is to eliminate the bees that block your path.
    • Complete this challenge and the DK Coin will be yours!

FINAL BOSS – TRUE: Krocodile Kore

The clash with Krocodile Kore represents the true final challenge in “Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest”. In an intense confrontation, you will find the notorious K. Rool angrier than ever, ready for the ultimate battle. Prepared? This confrontation will test your ability to dodge and counterattack.

Detailed Strategy:

  1. Facing the Fury of K. Rool:
    • As soon as combat begins, you’ll realize that K. Rool isn’t messing around. He will use his powerful shotgun to fire a variety of shots in your direction.
    • The key to surviving this stage is to keep moving. Pay close attention to K. Rool’s shooting patterns and anticipate, dodging all the projectiles.
  2. Taking advantage of the Barrel:
    • Amidst the chaos of combat, K. Rool eventually fires a different type of projectile – a barrel.
    • This is your moment! Once the barrel is in the air, make a precise jump to land on top of it. This will turn the barrel into a cannonball.
  3. The Final Blow:
    • With the cannonball in hand (or feet, in the case of our primate heroes), you will notice that K. Rool’s shotgun begins to suck in everything around him, trying to pull him in.
    • This is your window of opportunity. As soon as the shotgun begins this suction movement, throw the cannonball directly at it.
    • When you do this correctly, you will deal critical damage to K. Rool. And, incredibly, a single accurate hit is all you need. K. Rool will be cast away, ending his reign of terror and sending him straight to the depths of hell.
  4. The Last DK Coin:
    • As a reward for your bravery and dexterity, you will be presented with the last, precious DK Coin in the game.

You did it! Against all odds, he faced all opponents and emerged victorious. Enjoy the true ending of the game as you have earned every second of glory. Congratulations!

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