Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

July 20, 2024 Off By Frank Grochowski

PLEASE NOTE: This entire FAQ/Walkthrough is designed for easy access. That means that you could search for each section via the code on the right side of the Table of Contents and it will bring you straight to that section. Press ctrl+f in your browser to open up the search box. In that box, type in the code to the right. For example, for the Bosses section, search “EL04” and your browser will bring you straight to that section. If you are looking for a particular stage, enter part of the name of the stage and search for it.

Table of Contents:

  1. Controls (EL01)
  2. Walkthrough (EL02)
  3. Power Ups (EL03)
  4. Bosses (EL04)
  5. Strategies (EL05)
  6. Enemies (EL06)
  7. Weapons (EL07)
  8. Trophies (EL08)
  9. Disclaimer (EL09)

1. Controls (EL01)

Up/Down: Activate Upgrades
Left/Right: Switch Weapons
Left Analog Stick: Move
Right Analog Stick: Move Camera
X Button: Enter Cover
Square Button: Pick Up Weapon / Melee
Circle Button: Vault Over Cover / Change Cover
Triangle Button: Point to Cover
L1 Button: Sprint
L2 Button: Aim
L3 Button: Crouch (While in Cover)
R1 Button: Reload Weapon
R2 Button: Fire Weapon
R3 Button: Switch Camera Shoulder
Start: Pause

2. Walkthrough (EL02)

Please Note – This walkthrough is written on Maximum Hazard difficulty. There may be fewer enemies in the easier difficulties.

Also note that the weapons are only listed for the sake of earning trophies/achievements. If you want to know which level has specific weapons so you can go back into those to get the achievements/trophies, then look at the weapons list. Otherwise, they don’t serve a purpose.

***If you want to unlock the hardest difficulty, go to the difficulty selection screen and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right.

Hide and Sake


  • .45 Calibur Handgun
  • 9mm Handgun
  • Submachine Gun
  • Magnum

You begin the game with the tutorial. You could skip it if you want since it just introduces you to the controls. It’ll first teach you how to move, then cover, then point to cover, and then vault over cover. It’s that easy, after you vault over the last cover, you will get your trophy and begin the regular stage.

Run up into the garage and kill the first enemy shooting at you from behind a pillar. Grab his gun and follow the path to the right. You will see three more enemies appear around the corner after a short hall. Hide in the corner for cover and take them out. Continue down this supply room and enter the large open doors in the back to enter the kitchen. Run to the opposite end and take a left to go down the hall. In the next section of the kitchen, you will see three more enemies. I suggest hiding in this corner in the hall to take them out easily. Enter the small supply room to the right for some extra ammo.

Head to the rear left corner of this kitchen and you will see a doorway for the next kitchen. Make a step into it so the three enemies will appear and go back to use the doorway as cover. Quickly kill the enemy on the balcony across the kitchen and then kill the two on the lower level. After you kill those three, three more enemies will appear on the lower level. One of those three will have a submachine gun so be careful with him. After you clear them all out, you will hear the music change to a more soothing Japanese music. Now it’s time to explore. Don’t go into the hall they came from, instead head to the rear left corner. Enter the locker room and there will be a submachine gun on a bench here. Keep going further into the locker room and go into the open stall in the bathroom for a Magnum. Now head back to the kitchen where you had that fire fight and enter the other hall, the door the enemies entered from.

An enemy will appear immediately to your right as you enter this area, kill him and go down that hall. Take a step down the stairs for the enemies to appear. There will be one enemy hiding behind the plants to the left and a few down at the other end of this room. Once they appear, turn around and hide behind the bar. Kill the enemies closest to you first before trying to pick the enemies off further away. Keep an eye out on the hall to the right that you came from because enemies will run come after you from there after you make a couple of kills. There will be a couple waves of them so you’re up for quite a fight. If the music is still fast paced, even after you think you have killed them all, there’s still at least one left. If you can’t find them, I suggest running behind the bar to the right and using it for cover. Once it is clear, continue through the restaurant.

Head to the entrance of the restaurant and make a left. Kill the two enemies in this hall while using cover. Run a little further in for a couple more enemies to appear to the right. Feel free to run back where you came from for some decent cover and take them out. After you kill those two, you will probably hear some footsteps, it will just be one guard running down the stairs so try to cut him off and melee him to death. Start to run up the stairs to see some more guards come down. Run back down and into the previous room for cover. Slowly make your way up the stairs while killing the people at the top. There will be a total of three of them.

When that room is clear, run up the small stair case to the left. You will enter a cutscene where you confront Sonny Tang. You will then have to fight him. The fight is basically like Dance Dance Revolution, you simply have to press the buttons that appear on the screen quickly. They actually give you a decent amount of time. Whenever you see a button flashing with a red outline and bar below it, you have to keep pressing that button quickly. The same goes for when you see an analog stick with an arrow circling it, you have to spin the analog stick quickly.

Almost immediately after the fight, you will see three enemies run after you from the rear left corner. One will most likely run to the right side while the rest will stick to the left. Kill the one on the right quickly and run back out into the hall you came from before the cutscene. Don’t go down the stairs you came from, instead continue down the hall as if you never entered this bar area. Use the corner for cover and kill all the enemies on the left side of the bar through the little hallway. Continue where all the enemies came from and you will see one running at you down a wide corridor. Kill him quickly and run to the end.

Use the right corner for cover and take out the two guards slowly running to you from the right. Now run down there and you will see a bar. Quickly run behind it and two enemies will appear from in front of you and two from behind. Try to kill the two in front of you by shooting the fire extinguisher when there are near it then turn around and kill the two behind you. While all this is going on, two more guards will appear at the bottom of the small stairs opposite of the bar, kill them. When this room is clear, run down those stairs and to the right to enter another pathway.

Use the corner for cover and kill the lone enemy standing in the open. Run to the right and kill the guard hiding in the side room there behind a counter. Now run back to the far left wall and hide behind this wall as you kill the rest. When they are all dead, run around the counter and to the rear left corner of this room for one more guard to come at you. Kill him and go through the door that he came from. Run down this short hall and into the next room.

In this room, run to the right and hide behind the fountain. Three enemies will appear from down the wide hall, kill them and you will fight another wave followed by one more wave. After you kill them all, enter the door behind the fountain to fight Sting in a similar fight as Sonny Tang. After you defeat him, you will enter another cutscene which will slowly lead into the next stage.

Red Meat


  • Hazard Pistol
  • Submachine Gun
  • Six-Shooters
  • Shotgun
  • AK-47

You will immediately start this stage with several enemies appearing from behind the meat counter. They will try to circle you so don’t let them. Immediately take cover to the left and shoot anybody that comes out from the left. Pay attention to when you start getting shot from the right because that’s when you need to move over there and take those enemies out. After you kill them all, collect some extra ammo and go behind the meat counter. Kill the two enemies in this room and you will notice the walk in freezer open, enter it.

Kill all of the enemies in here while using the meat for cover. Just be careful because the meat will fall apart the more shots that it absorbs. After you clear out the room, feel free to destroy the rest of the meat in here for the trophy. To save ammo, shoot the long bone in it to destroy it quicker. The top half of it will remain hanging so don’t waste all your ammo trying to destroy it since you won’t and don’t need to. After you are done in the meat freezer, go through the door in the back. Head to the right here and the door will open. Kill the two enemies outside and leave the building to enter another cutscene.

You will see two cowboys appear during this cutscene, quickly hide behind the wagon to the left and take them out. Once you kill them, four more enemies will appear. Two of the enemies will be on the ground where the previous two had spawned and the other two will be on the balcony above the saloon. Use the wagon for cover and kill the two on the ground as they approach you. When the ground is clear, kill the two on the balcony and then enter the saloon.

Enter the saloon and more bandits will spawn in here. Use the statue in the middle as cover. Kill the enemy with the shotgun to the right and then kill the enemy with the six-shooters to the left. Run up the stairs through the door to the left when this room is clear. Run along the balcony in this strip club and kill the bandit that will spawn in front of you. Keep running along the balcony and kill two more enemies that will spawn around the next corner. When you get around the large wall, you will see two enemies across from you and two more spawn further down the balcony you’re on. Kill the two across from you since they’re closer and then use the cover and time to headshot the two down the balcony.

Enter the open doorway further down the balcony and follow this path. Kill the two enemies at the end of this small room and head for the next doorway. Run behind the computer system in the middle of this next room and use it for cover. A lot of enemies will appear in this room. The bandits will spawn from each side while the regular guards will run in through doorways in the back. Kill them all and go through the doorway to the left. Go down these stairs to the next doorway.

There will be a lot of slot machines in the next room. They are all destructible but take quiet a beating before they break so use them for cover to kill the guards on the opposite end of this room. Head into the next room of the casino and hide behind the craps tables to kill the guards on the balcony. After you kill those, run to the right and use the pillar for cover as you kill four more enemies. After you kill them, run through the door to the right in the back. Run up the stairs straight ahead of you, it’s in the very dark corner.

Kill the two cowboys that will spawn in front of you. Now run along this balcony and into the manager’s office at the end for a cutscene. After the cutscene, you will have to fight off the enemies with Kitty while QA hacks up an exit for you so go out there and find some cover as you fight off a lot of enemies. Try to clear out the upper level and then take out the enemies below while you have the advantage of being above them. Go down the stairs when the enemies are cleared to spawn a lot more. Run back up the stairs now and take them all out from above.

You will enter another cutscene when all of these enemies are killed where Kitty gets to leave the stage. You will also unlock the Ice upgrade which makes your shots more powerful. Go through the exit door that you will start in front of after the cutscene. Go down into the sewage area and three more Russians will appear. Kill them and go up the stairs where they were, run to the right to enter the strip club. Four Russians will spawn on the other side of the dancers. Take them out quickly and head to the opposite end of the club for a couple more, kill them quickly.

You will see a set of stairs to the right, go up them and you will see some sandbags spawn right in front of you. Run up it to attract the attention of the enemies and then run back for cover. Kill them all and run through the next doorway for three more Russians to spawn on the ground. Kill them and look up to the balcony to the left, kill the Russian on it. Run to the hall to the left and then outside for a short cutscene.

After the cutscene, a couple of Russians will appear in front of you quickly kill one and melee the other as he runs towards you. Turn around and a door will open when they are dead, enter it. Grab ammo if you need it and enter the next door for a cutscene. I’m not sure if the developers did it on purpose, but you may notice that the first letter on the missiles isn’t even Russian, it’s just the letter N. They were probably looking for the Russian letter “ee” that looks like a backwards N. Anyway, after the cutscene, you will have to be in a big firefight.

Use cover to kill the Russians near you but don’t stay in one spot for too long because General Neutronov will shoot grenades at you. Make your way to the end of the missile silos that you can reach for some extra ammo. Shoot at General Neutronov whenever you get the chance but also make sure no Russians will come up from where you started from. Try to balance your focus on each one so you won’t die by the spare Russians but so you can advance. After a while, General Neutronov will run off and a ramp will appear, run up it.

On the next platform, you will see three Russians appear. Kill them and run to each switch on the right. Activate each one by pressing Square and you will see red tanks appear below General Neutronov. Destroy the tanks while fighting off any Russians that spawn behind you. After all three are destroyed, you will see another quick cutscene and the next ramp will fall for you. Run up it.

Run up the platforms and kill the two Russians that will appear. Keep running up to the highest platform and shoot at General Neutronov some more. He will quickly position himself to use the railing to block you. Whenever he does this, run down the platforms so you can get a better angle to shoot from. You will notice a time limit so try to kill him quickly while fighting off the spare Russians that spawn. After you kill him, run across the bridge and press the button on the bomb to disarm it.

Snipers, and Choppers, and Wizards, Oh my!


  • Hazard Pistol
  • Sniper Rifle
  • AK-47
  • Submachine Gun
  • Water Pistol
  • Water Submachine Gun
  • Shotgun
  • Grenade Launcher

Grab hold of the sniper rifle mounted to the ledge directly in front of you and start killing enemies. You will see the top right have a tracker of how many enemies you have killed. There are twenty total. They are pretty obvious on the screen. If you can’t see any just zoom out or pay attention to where the wizard is firing his spells. After you clear the twenty enemies, you will enter a quick cutscene and be brought straight to the next area.

This is actually a good place to get the Better Than One trophy. Quickly cover behind the crates to the left. Move to the left side and you will see the door open up with two enemies standing right behind one another. Line up your crosshair to be on the head of one with the other directly behind him and quickly aim and shoot. If you really want the trophy and didn’t get it, just run out and die to respawn and try again. Regardless, let’s move on with the walkthrough. Kill those two guards and the guard on the balcony above.

Run to the left and look behind some crates for a sniper rifle. Keep moving to the left and you will see two enemies appear, one on each side. Face them and start shooting to kill both of them. You will notice some scaffolding behind the guard to your right, cross it to reach the other rooftop. Run around these generators and kill the three enemies you come across. Run around a couple more generators and kill one more enemy. Run along the rooftop for another cutscene and another mounted sniper rifle. Take aim with the sniper rifle and kill seventeen guards on the ground to help cover the wizard.

After you fight off these waves of enemies, you will enter another cutscene. Kill the enemy after the cutscene. Run up the stairs to the left and kill the enemy coming down it. Move to the other end of this rooftop and cross the scaffolding while shooting the enemies on the next roof. When they are both dead, continue down this rooftop. Run down the stairs for a quick cutscene. Grab hold of the mounted sniper rifle and cover the wizard. When you kill the first wave, you will stop interacting with the sniper rifle to fight off a couple enemies behind you. After you kill both of those soldiers, run back to the mounted gun to cover Bill the Wizard again. After you finish helping him you will see another cutscene.

Now Sting is back to get his revenge from another rooftop. Don’t let him aim at you for too long or he’ll get you with a head shot. The point to cover button works great for this part of the stage. Head for the stairs to continue across the rooftop while hiding behind every piece of cover you can find. Be careful when you get to the top of the stairs because the boxes will be destroyed after he shoots so you’ll have to move even quicker. Make your way up the next set of stairs when you reach it. Kill the two soldiers at the top when they spawn.

Go through the open door and down the stairs. Enter the first door that’s open and make a left. Continue down this path and enter the warehouse for a lone enemy on the lower level. Kill him quickly and go down the stairs. You will come across a couple regular enemies but don’t throw away your water weapon at all for the rest of the stage. You will see two more enemies appear below the balcony that you came from. Kill them and enter the door in the corner of the room. Enter the open door to the staircase. Run to the bottom of the stairs and leave the staircase. Turn to your left and kill two more enemies in this part of the warehouse.

After you kill those two, you will see another water soldier appear so use your water gun on him. Run to the left and through the open door in the corner of the room. Go up the stairs for some objects to spawn, kill the enemy that will spawn down the hall. You will notice the doors along the right side open up. Another soldier will spawn in there so kill him. After you kill him, one more will spawn so kill him as well. Go through the door at the end of the hall when it opens up.

Run along the catwalk and use the cover on the left side to avoid Sting. There will be two more guards in the next room but don’t worry too much about them, your main job is to avoid Sting. Run into the room when you are ready and into the corner immediately to the left. Kill the two guards and run to the next catwalk. Use the cover along the left side again to avoid Sting. Stay at the cover until the two guards appear in the next room. Kill them and enter it. Run along the next catwalk while using the cover and go down the stairs when you reach them.

Enter the lower level of the warehouse and kill two more guards while running for cover from Sting. Make your way behind a bunch of crates as you progress through the warehouse. There will be two more enemies in the next room but Sting won’t be able to see you so use the doorway as cover. After you kill them, go out the back door and around a storage container for a couple of enemies. After you kill these three, run down the alley and enter the next part of the warehouse. You will enter a cutscene with a helicopter shooting at you that you can’t damage. So run to the right behind the forklift and melee the enemy there. Run behind those blue boxes for cover from the helicopter. Look into the office and kill the two enemies inside.

Now you just have to worry about the helicopter so hide behind these crates until the helicopter stops shooting. Once he stops, run into the office and hide on the other side of the doorway. Let the helicopter shoot some more and run around the bar and hide on the other side. Once he shoots again, head for the door and up the stairs. Kill the two enemies in here and head for the next catwalk. Time your movements between cover carefully while the helicopter isn’t shooting at you. When you reach the end of the catwalk with the crates, it gets a little more difficult. Kill the enemy further ahead with your gun and then try to time running down the catwalk just as he is finishing shooting. This should give you enough time to reach the cover at the end.

Kill the guards in this room and cover right before the doorway. Time it so you start to run just as the helicopter is finishing up his rounds. You will probably get shot a couple times as you get out but you shouldn’t die unless you run out too early. Make your way to the doorway in the back right corner of this office. Go down these stairs to the next office. Take a step out to make the enemies appear to the right and run back into the stairs for cover. Kill them and then head to the next doorway out of the office for cover. Run out to spawn three more enemies and back into the office in between the helicopters shots. Kill them and then use cover as you leave the office. Make your way to the right corner in between the helicopter’s shots for another cutscene.

Bill the Wizard will repay you for saving him a couple times by taking out the helicopter for you so you won’t have to deal with that. After this cutscene, you will unlock the fire upgrade. Go out the door and run to the far right. Kill the guard that runs across the open lot and wait for the door to open. Kill the guard that comes out of it. Go into the door that he just came out of. Two more guards will appear from down the hall when you enter this office. Kill them and continue down the hall. Run down the stairs and into the next office for another cutscene with Sting.

Bust out your water gun again and take cover. Kill the enemies in this office with the water gun. Now that they’re dead, make your way across the office while taking cover from Sting. Enter the doorway in the back left corner of this office and run along the catwalk. Run down the stairs at the end of this catwalk for another cutscene. Hide behind a computer in the middle of the hall for cover. There will be three water enemies in front of you. They glow in the dark so you can see them. Kill them and then make your way up the path while avoiding Sting’s sniper rifle.

Now you have to run to the other end of this generator room. There will be a couple more water enemies in your path so take them out safely with your water gun. You can actually hug the walls between every other generator for some added cover from Sting. The center is a bit difficult so be very careful when you reach it. There is also plenty of ammo on the sides of the generators in case you are running low. After you kill the last water enemy, you will enter another cutscene where you confront Sting. It will be just like the last fight with Sting, just press the buttons that appear on the screen until you defeat him.

Backdoor Assault at the Big House


  • Hazard Pistol
  • Magnum
  • AK-47
  • Shotgun
  • Grenade Launcher
  • Water Pistol
  • Water Submachine Gun
  • Sniper Rifle
  • Six-Shooters

Run outside and use the corner of the house for cover. Kill the two guards that appear and move along the side of the house. Two more guards will appear so use the flowers or fountain for cover to kill them. Move towards where they came from for three more enemies to kill. Fall back for cover while you kill them. Now you should be safe, make your way around the house. Go through that blue-ish gate thing and all the way up the stairs to the tennis court. Once you walk into the tennis court, you will see a brief cutscene.

Run to the right corner and kill the Russian there. Now circle the tennis court to kill two more Russians. After the Russians are all dead, you can take your time aiming for headshots on all the zombies that will spawn in the tennis court. After you kill them, leave the tennis court through the open gates to the left. Go up this next set of stairs. Enter the pool house at the top and get ready for a firefight. First two guards will come through the opposite door and then three. When the three enter, zombies will also spawn all over the room. After you clear them all out, go out the door and up the ramp to your left.

Kill the three guards to the left for some zombies to spawn. Continue to the left when you get up the ramp and all the enemies are dead and grab the grenade launcher. A couple more guards and zombies will spawn from here so fall back for some cover. Go up the small ramp that the guards came from for some water enemies to spawn. Fall back for cover and take them out. Make sure to grab a water gun because they are weak against water. Run up the stairs to the left of the ramp that you came from. Run along the balcony and kill the two guards. When you kill them, some zombies will appear so kill them too. Continue along the balcony until you run up the next ramp. Enter the door that opens to the left.

You will run into Dexter in this room but he isn’t as grateful as you’d expect for trying to save him. Instead, he tries to kill you with robotic clones of Kitty and some wild west chick. Simply shoot at them until they are hunched over, powerless. You should probably wait until they are both in this position after shooting at both of them but you don’t have to. When they are leaning over, just run up to them and melee them once to kill both of them. If you are having trouble, you can use the ice power up to kill them without having to melee them. Remember this because if it doesn’t help here, it may help later on in the stage. Don’t forget to pick up their dual submachine guns, they’ll come in handy. Go through the door in the corner and follow these halls down to Dexter where you will have to fight him. It’ll be a melee boss battle just like the ones against Sting so just press the buttons the screen tells you to defeat him.

Go through the open door in the corner of this room. Head to the stairs and you will see two more of Dexter’s darling robots. Kill them the same way you kill the previous two and go down the stairs so three guards will spawn. Run back up the stairs for cover and take them out. Now you that the room is clear, you should run down the stairs and go through the door in the corner that is under the stairs. Go through a couple more doors until you reach Dexter’s garage. As you enter the garage, you will begin a cutscene. You will enter a ridiculously simply melee bit with Dexter after that cutscene and then enter into another cutscene.

You will have to make your way back to the guest house that you started this stage in. Go outside and down the small ramp to spawn some of Dexter’s darlings. Fall back for some cover and let them come to you. Wait until they get really close before shooting them and meleeing them to death. Just stay in this one area and keep doing that until you kill three of the darlings. A fourth will appear from across the courtyard but she won’t come close to you so move toward her. As you move closer, you will see a couple more cowboys spawn. Fall back for cover and kill all four of them.

After you kill the cowboys, continue through the courtyard. Now you will see some Russians spawn and start running toward you. Again, fall back for cover and kill the Russians. Run up to the darling and kill her for another to spawn further behind her. Finish her off and you will hear your victory music for clearing this area out. Go down the ramp and some more water enemies will spawn. Run back up the ramp for cover and take them out. After you kill the three down there, go down the ramp and enter the poolhouse.

As you enter, two darlings will run in. Shortly after they come in, two guards will come in. I suggest trying to kill at least one of them before the guards appear and then go for cover. Kill the guards first when they appear and then aim for whatever darlings are still standing. Two zombies will appear after a while in the poolhouse too so kill them as they appear. Leave the poolhouse through the opposite door and two water enemies will appear, kill them quickly. Continue down the path and enter the tennis court for a cutscene.

You will see three darlings appear in the tennis court. Take out two of them and let one live. Try to drag her to where you entered the tennis court. When she is close to the end of the court, kill her for some water enemies to spawn all around the tennis court. Kill all of them while you are back where you entered the tennis court for cover. After you kill them go back down the stairs towards the guest house.

Grab the shield upgrade and the grenade launcher. Aim your grenade launcher at the Russians running up the stairs to kill them quickly. Run down to the bottom and there will hopefully be a darling shooting at you. Quickly hurt her before she runs away so you can melee her and not have to worry about her. After you kill that darling, there will still be one more along with several guards and zombies. Kill the guards until they are all dead while killing any zombies that get uncomfortably close. After you kill the guards, fall back to a safe area from the last darling and finish off the zombies. When the zombies are all dead, kill the last darling to finish the stage.

Same Ship, Different Bay


  • Hazard Pistol
  • Submachine Gun
  • AK-47
  • Magnum
  • Energy Pistol
  • Plasma Rifle
  • Grenade Launcher

Immediately take cover behind the pillar to the left and take out the four guards that come running out at you. One of them will turn into a zombie so kill the zombie too. Run down the stairs and kill the enemies that come running out along with the zombie that will spawn. After you kill them, a door will open with more enemies running out of of it, kill them as well. Go through the door that the last wave of enemies came from after you clear the room out.

Use the next doorway as cover and let the enemies on the lower level come to you. There will be two on the lower level, two on the higher level, and one on the hanging submarine in the middle. Once you take some steps inside the room, another enemy will appear on the upper level. Now run in and go to the left side of the room. You might want to blow up the explosives on your end just to be safe. As you head for the corner of the room, the door will open with two guards running out, kill them. Head to the right corner when they are all dead and go up the stairs.

Use the pillar slightly to the left for cover and two Russians will spawn. Kill them and move to the right side of this balcony. Three guards will run from the corner of this room, kill them. Run into the showers that those enemies came from and go down the stairs. While you’re running down this tight hall, you will see the hall shift to the left. There will be a small room there with an enemy with a submachine gun. Simply melee him to save ammo and grab his guns and continue. Keep going until you reach the next large room. Kill the two guards and enter it. As you grab the Hazard pick up, a lot of enemies will appear from the back so kill them quickly. Run into the staircase in the back and run up the stairs. Kill the two enemies at the top and you will enter a cutscene.

Immediately take cover behind the crate that’s right in front of you and wait for Master Chef to generate some shields for you. Slowly make your way towards them while slowly damaging both of them. After you kill one, three guards will come running in from the door in the left corner. Take out the guards before you start working on the last space marine. After you kill both space marines and the three guards, you will get another quick cutscene. Collect ammo and swap weapons if you’d like to, I suggest taking the space marines’ weapons. Whenever you’re ready, head through the open door in the right corner and enter the elevator for another cutscene which is basically just a loading screen.

There will be a space marine on each side of the hall when you step out of the elevator so try to work the angle on them to take them out easily. After you kill them, they will both spawn zombies so kill the zombies as well. Enter the dining room and two space marines will spawn. Kill them with cover from the hall and enter for more space marines to enter the room. Fall back to the hallway again for cover and kill all of them. Run to the opposite end for two more two more to spawn in the back. Again, fall back to the hall to safely kill both of them and then the door in the back will open. Enter it after you stock up on ammo.

Once you get outside, you will see a Max Shield upgrade immediately to the left. Grab it and run to the edge of the yacht. You will see two enemies spawn. I suggest just meleeing both of them quickly and then four more will appear. Two on the right side of the yacht and two on the upper level. Run to the two on the lower level and melee them too. You should be able to do it quick enough to start the melee on the fourth enemy on the lower level before your Max Shield upgrade runs up. You will also be out of sight from the enemies on the upper level. From here, slowly walk out and charge your rifle while working the angle so you can shoot the marines on the top without them shooting you.

Continue down this side of the yacht and a space marine will spawn. Hide behind the small glowing object and kill him with ease. Run down a little further for two more to appear at the opposite end of the yacht, kill them and go to the right when you can for more marines to spawn. Run down to where these spawned and run down this side of the ship. Use the doorway just before the bench for cover as two more space marines will spawn. Keep moving to the end of the ship and a lone marine will spawn. Kill him and step onto the end for three more to spawn. Now I consider falling back for cover as you take these out.

The door to the theater will now open up. As you enter it, a space marine will spawn from each door on the sides of the bar. Kill both of them and then use either doorway for cover. There will now be two space marines at the top of the theater aiming down at you, kill them as well. One of them will spawn into a zombie so take him out as well. As you make your way up the stairs of the theater, two more space marines will spawn. Run back for cover and take both of them out. Run up the stairs and enter that room for two more space marines to spawn. Use the doorway you just entered as cover to take them both out and enter the door that opened behind them.

Run through this hall and use the next doorway as cover. You will see two space marines in the rear end of this room, take them both out. After you kill those two, enter the room and run in until two more space marines spawn in. Use the heat shield generators for cover to take these out since the door closes behind you. After you kill them, move in a little closer for more space marines to spawn, kill both of them. Move in even closer for the last two to spawn. After you cleared this room, you will see the door in the left corner open up, leave the room through it.

Quickly move to the right and use the bench as cover. Kill the lone space marine that will spawn in front of you. After you kill him, two more will spawn. One will be in the back to the right, behind the stairs while the other will be on the stairs. That space marine you just killed will also turn into a zombie so take him out before he gets too close. Kill both the space marines, grab some ammo, and head up the stairs. A space marine will spawn on each side so use the cover and take them out one at a time. Now run to the center of the ship and onto the helipad for a cutscene. After the cutscene, you will have to fight the boss, Tentacle Beast of Tramm.

This boss battle will start with the tentacles smashing the deck. Watch out for which ones are about to smash and get out of the way. Every once in a while, a tentacle will get stuck in the deck, now is your chance to shoot the glowing orange jewel on it. There will also be space marines that spawn on the ship so take them out quickly. The tentacles that you destroy the jewel on won’t attack again so try to stay there for safety. If it’s a corner tentacle, use the cannon in that corner for cover so you can easily kill any space marines that will spawn. I suggest holding onto the energy pistol and swapping out whatever other weapon you have with the submachine gun in the middle of the deck. It will keep respawning so it’ll always supply you with ammo. After you shoot all six tentacles, you will reach a checkpoint.

Now it gets even more difficult. Shoot the small tentacles on the side to make a large tentacle appear. The large tentacle will be holding a bomb, shoot the bomb before it throws the bomb. While this is all going on, space marines will also spawn to bother you and supply you with energy pistol ammo. Kill them when you need to. Try to kill the first space marine that spawns and then aim for a tentacle in the opposite corner from where that space marine spawned. Use this corner as cover while you kill off the space marines and then target the tentacles one at a time. After you kill all of those tentacles, you will thankfully reach another checkpoint.

Now three tentacles will appear on the side of the boat. You must shoot the tip of each long enough to kill them. I suggest focusing your fire on one at a time. You will kill one and a cutscene will play. The tentacle you just killed will respawn. Kill another and you will get another cutscene where QA explains that the programmers are respawning them but she fixed it. Now just finish the beast off by killing the last two tentacles and beating this stage.



  • Hazard Pistol
  • AK-47
  • Water Pistol
  • Sniper Rifle
  • Water Submachine Gun
  • Energy Pistol

There will be a lot of Russians in this open area outside. Use the truck that you start right next to for cover as you take them out. There will be a total of four waves, including the first that is already spawned, as you make your way through this area so be careful. Head inside of the warehouse through the open door in the left corner. Open the door for several water enemies to spawn inside. Grab the Max Shield upgrade just inside the door and try to take them all out quickly. After you kill them, go up the stairs and down the hall to the next corner. Use it for cover while you kill a lot more water enemies. There is a Max Karnarge pick up just to the right around the corner if you are having trouble. There’s also plenty of explosives to take advantage of. When you kill them, some more to rush down the stairs.

After you clear this room out, run up the stairs and through the open door in the right rear corner. Run down the hall until you see some boxes and Russians spawn. There will only be two Russians so kill both of them. They will both turn into zombies after you kill them and then two more Russians will spawn. Kill them for two more zombies again. Once again, after you kill those two, two more Russians will appear, but these won’t turn into zombies so just kill them quickly. After you kill them, go through the open door and stay at the stairs for some water enemies to spawn in the room below. Stay up here and take them out or grab the Master Shield upgrade in the lower corner across from the stairs and take them out quickly. Go up the stairs in the left corner when it’s clear for a cutscene.

Run back down the stairs after the cutscene and make a right and go into the open door. Go down the stairs. The first room at the bottom will be empty. Head for the doorway and use it as cover while you shoot the water enemies in the next room. Kill the enemies in this room and head for the elevator in the rear right corner for a brief cutscene which is basically a loading screen. Once you get off the elevator, move to the room to the right. There will be a couple of water enemies in here so use the cover and kill them. After you kill them, head for the doorway in the back and kill any enemies that remain for a cutscene.

Kill the two water enemies at the bottom of the stairs from above and then head down the stairs. There will be a Master Shield pick up under the stairs that you just came from. Pick it up and run down the winding path while killing any enemies you see. Be careful with those 2D enemies because they will turn to their sides to avoid bullets. Take advantage of your Max Shield pick up while you can and just run and gun your way through as much of this room as you can. After you kill enough enemies, you will see a cutscene. Grab the Max Karnage upgrade under the stairs and head for the blown out door. Kill the space marines with the power up and a few more will spawn. Clear out the outside area and stock up on energy pistol and submachine gun ammo. When it is cleared, head through the door in the rear left corner for another cutscene.

Immediately turn around and use the furthest alter for cover. He has three attacks he will use on you. The first is a big swipe of his sword sending shockwaves, the second is him spawning some space marines, and the third is small meteors that spin around his head and then target in on you. Simply cover to avoid the shockwaves, kill the space marines he spawns for ammo, and shoot him while the meteors spin around his head. When they slow down, it’s time to run in one direction as you try your best to avoid these. When he is low on health, he will turn into ice and spawn health packs that will float to him. Don’t shoot at him since you won’t be able to hurt him, instead, destroy his health packs. When he’s almost dead, there will be a short cutscene where he regenerates his health, it also acts as a checkpoint.

Now he has a couple different attacks. They are of the same nature but just more powerful this time. Instead of swinging his sword to produce shockwaves, he will throw his sword towards you and it will spin around your head. You have to cover and crouch to avoid this. There is a pretty nice break when he retrieves his sword so shoot him up during this break. The meteors will also be different. They will be larger and more powerful while causing explosions on impact. The space marines will remain the same and he will try to heal himself the same was as last time so destroy the health packs coming to him. Just hide behind the furthest alter and unload your weapons into him, it’s really quite simple if you have the ammo.

A Dock of Ships, Now


  • Hazard Pistol
  • Submachine Gun
  • AK-47
  • Shotgun
  • Sniper Rifle
  • Water Pistol
  • Water Submachine Gun
  • Energy Pistol
  • Grenade Launcher
  • Plasma Rifle

Immediately run into the room to your right and take cover in the big doorway. If you ever have trouble with this area, there is a Max Shield upgrade straight ahead from where you started just before the water. Several construction workers will run from around the corner, take them out one by one from cover. After you kill them, kill the Russians that spawn and come from the same corner. When you clear out the Russians, some space marines will spawn behind the red container to the left side of this area. After you kill the space marines, some water enemies will spawn all around this area. After a little bit of fighting with the water enemies, more construction workers will spawn in the back to give you trouble.

After you finally clear out all these enemies, head for that back left corner for a few more construction workers to kill. Enter the loading dock area when all are dead and some more will come in after you. Find cover and take them out. Once the music calms down again, you will be clear for a while. Run down the alley while stocking up on ammo. Enter the open door to enter the office. Run in the corner for the next door and it will open for you. Enter the warehouse and you will notice a lot of explosives. Use these to your advantage since a lot of enemies will spawn all over in here. Walk slowly inside here and you will see a room to the left. Shoot the tanks inside it to get rid of the explosives before you spawn any enemies. Now run into that room for cover as you kill the other enemies in this room. After you clear out the room, head outside through the office in the corner.

Use the doorway to get outside as cover as you kill enemies waiting for you just outside. Kill two for more to come rushing in. One of these enemies will have a grenade launcher, try to take him out first since some of his grenades are likely to get inside of the office. If they do get inside, run away. After the music calms down, you’ll be clear so advance through these storage containers. You will see a short fence on your right in between some storage containers, the next corner will contain several enemies. They will also put a block on the last corner so you can turn around for cover. Use either the edge of the container or the forklift for cover and quickly kill the close enemies. When you are safe, you can pick them off one at a time. After you kill all of the construction workers, some space marines will spawn in. There is a Max Shield upgrade just past the forklift so grab it and kill them quickly. Stock up on ammo for the Energy Pistol and whatever other gun you want as you run up the ramp leading up to the ship.

Run to the right down this hall and enter the room quickly and leave for three water enemies to spawn. Take them out with ease and enter the room. Go through the open door and follow this path until you get on a catwalk on the deck of the ship. Run down the stairs and a lot of enemies will spawn in. Use the corner of the storage container for cover and wait for the enemies to come to you. Kill them as they run up to you and when they stop coming, go out carefully to kill the enemies on the balcony above. Just be mindful that you may not have killed all of the enemies on the ground before you run out into the open.

After this area is clear, run around to the opposite corner and enter the open door under the stairs. Run down this hall until you reach the open door to the left. There will be two guards there, one of which will most likely run out at you, simply melee him since the only. The other guard is in the far corner at a bad angle to shoot you while meleeing the other guard so enter when ready and kill him. Go out the door on the other side for a few more enemies in the hall. Work the angle on them to kill each one. Go through the next small room and head up the stairs. Use the doorway for the kitchen as cover as you take out the enemies in the kitchen. After you kill these enemies head to the next room for three more enemies to come out.

Head through the open door and down the hall. Enter the next room for water enemies and zombies to spawn. The door will close behind you so find some boxes to hide behind quick. Take out the water enemies and then the zombies when they get close. Go through the door to the right when this room is cleared. Follow this path until you get outside. Walk along the water and shoot the gas tank on the crates at the corner of this storage container before it hurts you. Now use the storage container as cover to kill enemies. Just be careful because you’re standing on the track for the crane which will move and push you into the open if you aren’t paying attention. After you clear this area of construction workers, run to where they were using cover because space marines will spawn right behind you. Grab the Max Karnage power up to take them out quickly for the music to calm down and a checkpoint.

Head for the warehouse across the yard that opens up. Take aim at that propane tank just inside the door and slowly walk in. When you see the 2D enemies appear, quickly shoot the tank. The explosion should kill at least one and weaken the rest so run to the corner of the doorway for cover and finish them off. Head up the stairs to the right and enter the office. Use a desk as cover and kill the three bandits that spawn in the next room. Go down the hallway for some Wolfenstein 3D graphics and kill the Wafferthin 2D enemies that spawn. Enter the train yard when all of these enemies are dead and go down the stairs on either side of this control room.

Stay in the middle of the stair case and use the higher set of stairs as cover while you try and work the angle to kill the enemies on the lower level. When you kill the security guards, some bandits will spawn from the opposite end of this train yard, kill them as well. When this room is clear, head outside, just follow the train tracks. Run in just enough to spawn the enemies and fall back to the room you were just in. Use the large doorway as cover and let the enemies come to you. If they won’t approach you, slowly walk out hugging each wall and looking around the opposite corner to safely clear the next room. While all the fighting is going on, you’ll notice the train car rotate and move off to the right. Follow those tracks when it’s clear for the next area.

Run along this area for a bit until a lot of enemies spawn in. I suggest falling back to the short hall you just came from and using the cover. Wait for the enemies to come to you and kill them one at a time. After you think they’re all clearly, cautiously walk out and clear whatever stragglers remain. Also look up at the catwalks because there are a couple enemies who stay up there too. Remember there is plenty of ammo in the previous room along with a sniper rifle which would be good for picking off those three enemies on the catwalks above. Once you think it’s clear, run down the yard for the screen to glitch for several more enemies to spawn. There is a master shield upgrade behind a beam on the right side to take advantage of. As you get even closer to the end of this yard, even more enemies will spawn. Use the Master Shield now if you haven’t used it yet. Go in the office in the right corner and up the stairs. From here you can reach the balcony and kill any enemies that remain.

Cross the catwalks and go down the stairs. You will now be in another train yard. The tank to the right won’t blow up so don’t worry about it as you use the doorway for cover to take out the enemies in this yard. When this area is clear, head to the office across the yard and into the next room. Some water enemies will spawn in this room. Use the storage container to your right and kill one, grab his gun when it’s safe, and then take out the others. Try to wait until one gets close to you before you kill him so you have time to grab his gun without dying. After you kill those three, some more will spawn in from the same spot. Kill them as well. Stock up on water gun ammo and head through the now open door until you get outside for a cutscene.

Move to the left and you will see a pick up truck with propane tanks in the bed. Don’t go near it, instead, there will be another truck to the left of that one. Use it for cover as you take out some water enemies. When there is one left, move to the other side of the truck. Kill him and where you just were, some space marines will spawn in. There will be a Master Shield that spawns in in the corner where the water enemies were so grab it whenever you feel like it. There will also be energy pistol ammo right next to it. Kill the space marines for another wave of water enemies to spawn in. If you haven’t used the Master Shield for the space marines, make sure to use it for the last wave of water enemies or it’ll be wasted. Stock up on ammo, I suggest the plasma rifle and energy pistol. Run into the warehouse at the end whenever you’re ready for another cutscene.

The first part of the Sting battle is incredibly simple. Look at the red gas tanks during the cutscene, you just have to shoot the three of these. Quickly use the tall cover object in front of you to hide from his first shot. Now quickly run to the storage container to the right. Hug these storage containers until you reach the red one. Get as close to the end as you can without him shooting you and you will be at the right angle to shoot the tank below him without him shooting you. Use the plasma rifle and one charged shot will destroy the tank. Now run for the red storage container on the left and look to the right for the tank in the other storage container. Shoot that one easily. Head around this storage container and to the left of the trailers for a clean shot at the last gas tank on the side of Sting’s tower. You will enter a cutscene and a checkpoint for the real part of this boss fight.

This is the real part of fighting Sting but it is still pretty simple. Immediately run to one of the satellites and shoot the door a couple of times to open it. Sting will try to hit you with his laser but will instead destroy the satellite you’re in. He will spawn some space marines, take cover and take your time killing them. Break the seals for the doors on the other satellites and run into the next closest one. Sting will try to hit you with his laser again but will break the second satellite. When the second satellite is destroyed, he will spawn more space marines. Use an upgrade now if you have it since these are the last enemies of the stage. Take your time with the space marine and run into the last satellite for a final cutscene. If at any time you are in a satellite and it doesn’t get destroyed, Sting didn’t try to get you with the laser. If it hasn’t been destroyed after about 5-10 seconds, then just run out and run back in to draw his attention and it should do the trick. Just make sure not to run out too early or you’ll probably run right into the laser.

Taking Revenge to a Whole New Level


  • Hazard Pistol
  • Submachine Gun
  • Water Pistol
  • Water Submachine Gun
  • Grenade Launcher
  • Sniper Rifle
  • AK-47
  • Energy Pistol
  • Plasma Rifle
  • Magnum

Use this corner as cover and quickly take out the security guards while they are talking. This will draw attention of the water enemies down the hall a bit, kill them afterwards. Make sure to get the two snipers on the upper level before advancing. Run across the screen and you will see a glitch. The helicopter will be back outside the windows to the right. Pick up the water pistol when it’s safe and head for the stairs when the helicopter isn’t shooting. Kill a Russian to the left at the top of the stairs. Wait at the top of the stairs until the helicopter is almost done shooting. When you’re ready, run to the left and into a hallway that has cover from the helicopter. Use the niche to the left for cover and kill the Russian. Crouch so you can aim at a water sniper up ahead and take him out with water pistol.

Run up the next set of stairs when you get a break from the helicopter fire. Quickly hide behind the pillar on the right and take out the water enemies in this room. After you clear out this room, wait for a break from the helicopter and run up the stairs. Use the pillar for cover from the helicopter and two Russians will appear from the balcony just above the foot of the stairs so kill them quickly as well. Now wait for the breaks from the helicopter’s guns and run down the walkway. Use the plants for cover while he shoots his next rounds. A Russian will appear on the lower level but won’t come up to the walkway. Feel free to kill him if you’re nervous but I personally just kept running. Use the next set of plants as cover from the helicopter fire again. Continue down the walkway when you get another break and to the stairs.

Run up the stairs until you see some water enemies and Russians spawn at the top of the third set of small stairs. Use the plants for cover to take them out. Run up the stairs when it’s clear ahead because two Wafferthin enemies will spawn behind you. Use the corner of the stairs as cover as you take them out. When this staircase is clear, go up the last set of stairs and too the right for one more set of short stairs. Kill the two Russians that will appear in this room while using cover and continue up the stairs. You will walk into a large room still under construction. There will be a master shield pick up to the right that is very useful. Just run straight for it and kill the guard coming out behind it. Now go to the left side of the room and up the makeshift ramp killing any enemies that get in your way. Find some cover next to the railings at the top of the ramp and use it to clear out the room. A couple of zombies will spawn on the lower level and one on the second floor so don’t let him sneak up behind you. After you clear this area, some more bandits and water enemies will come up on the second floor, the water enemies will turn into zombies.

Move along the left side and some Wafferthins will appear. Hide behind the boxes and take them out when they get close. Go down the path when you kill the three 2D enemies. Go into the small room to the right and grab the grenade launcher. Enter the next room and take cover. Kill the space marines that spawn with the grenade launcher and then their zombies with whatever other weapon you have. Run down the stairs when you kill the space marines and their zombies for more enemies to spawn. Find cover quickly and kill them. Make sure not to forget the enemies that appear on the walkway you just came from. When you cleared out the room again, run up the stairs for two space marines who will turn into zombies. Kill them and four more space marines will spawn, kill them as well. There will also be a fourth space marine with a plasma rifle on the walkway so be careful with him. After killing all of them and their zombies, head for the elevator in the back for a cutscene.

This next part is a pain in the butt because there are a ton of zombies near you along with some water enemies. Kill the zombie that spawns in front of you and run forward to kill the green water enemy. Kill some more zombies in this area and more will spawn. Kill them and make sure all the zombies near you are dead. Now you should focus on the other water enemies. One more water enemy will spawn after you kill the three so kill him quickly. Finish off whatever zombies remain and you will enter another cutscene. Two security guards will come out, one with a submachine gun and then one with a shotgun. Kill them and collect whatever ammo you can. Enter the elevator they came out of when you’re ready for another cutscene. Take a right out of the elevator for yet another cutscene.

This part gets pretty tough. A lot of enemies will run in from all angles so try to find some cover quickly. There’s a Master Shield pick up to the right which you should take advantage of. Grab it right away and head up the stairs in the back right corner. Kill the enemy that spawns up here and use it as a little base. Let them come to you and if they won’t come to you, take your time going out through the window and kill anybody you can see when the Master Shield power up runs dry. There is also a Magnum in here that keeps respawning to keep you safe. When this room is all clear, head down the stairs and to the next set of stairs opposite of you. Don’t go down them since more enemies will spawn. Instead, just pick them off from above. Go down the stairs when the room is clear and through the door in the right corner.

Go down the hall into the conference room and kill the three enemies here. Follow the hall to the next room when this one is cleared and several enemies will spawn all around the room on both the first and second floors. Hide behind a pillar when they spawn and take them out one at a time. Move to the door in the rear left corner and kill the two enemies in this office. Leave this office on the other side and kill the two enemies to the left around the table and the one enemy above to the right. Enter the next little office and kill the enemies in here. A good place to stay for defense is in the small supply room slightly to the right. After you clear this room, head for the next small office opposite of where you came from. A couple more enemies will spawn here so just kill them. Keep going while killing enemies and go up the fire stairs when you reach it.

Each landing will have an enemy spawn on it so take them out quickly. If you still have the plasma rifle, just charge up a shot to take them out in one hit. Once at the top, use the corner to the right for cover and take out the workers in this room. Go down that hall and make a left to go outside. There will be a lot of enemies here and more will approach as you progress through this area. Make your way around the pool area and forget the stairs at first. A few will run down the stairs but the rest will stay up them. Get all the way inside the next door while killing any enemies that spawn and then go up the stairs to clear out the rest. Go through the latter door in the pool area and kill three more enemies then go up the elevator.

Run into the room a little bit to spawn some enemies. Quickly fall back into the niches for cover and kill the first couple of enemies. When they’re all dead, move up to the book shelf and use that as cover. Kill a couple more enemies in this room but don’t kill all of them. Make sure to stock up on ammo because when you kill the last one, you go straight into the final boss battle.

This boss is a huge pain, especially on difficult. If you ever need ammo, an energy blaster will always respawn where you started at the top of the short stairs. Right in front of you will be two zombies and two of Dexter’s Darlings will be to the right. Run for cover to the left and take out the zombies quickly. Now try to kill the two Darlings while they are fairly close by and without the danger of the zombies. Run over and melee them when you’re safe to. You basically have to repeat this three more times for a total of six zombies and six darlings. After you kill them all, there will be a quick cutscene where Wellesley will try to shoot you with his de-rez gun. You will also see the blue gate to the left open. Use all the cover you can as you make your way towards the gate because you don’t want to be killed by him. When you reach the console behind the gate, press square to activate it and you will get another cutscene and thankfully, a checkpoint.

This part of the boss battle will be very similar to the previous part. The difference is that instead of zombies and darlings, you will fight the Wafferthin and space marines. Kill all of the enemies except for one. When there is just one enemy let, run around and collect ammo safely. Make your way over to the other gate which is to the far right of where you started this entire boss battle and then kill the last enemy. When you clear the area, a cutscene will play and Wellesley will try to shoot at you again but this time he will shoot faster. You’re going to have to be quicker when moving between cover. This is why I told you to wait before killing the last one, because you will get to start this sequence right next to the next gate. When you make it after using all the cover you can, hit the switch on the console. You will enter another cutscene.

This is the final part of fighting Wellesley. Now your target are waves of three avatars. Be careful for the avatars with plasma rifles because their charged shots could kill you easily. After you clear out all of the avatars in this section, you have another cutscene where Wellesley is seriously trying to kill you. He has a much faster shot so you have to be very quick when moving from cover to cover. Make your way to the console in the center and flip the switch to complete the game!

3. Power Ups (EL03)

Weapon Upgrades:


  • Unlocked in: Red Meat
  • Description: The ice upgrade modifies your weapons to fire sub-zero projectiles that encase your targets in ice and kill them faster.


  • Unlocked in: Snipers, and Choppers, and Wizards, Oh my!
  • Description: The fire upgrade modifies your weapons to shoot projectiles that light your targets on fire. This causes additional damage over time.

Temporary Upgrades:

Max Karnage/Hazard

  • First Appearance: Red Meat
  • Description: This power up looks like a trash bin/ash tray that glows red. This power up will make all your attacks much more powerful for the next thirty seconds. You only need one punch or fewer shots to kill enemies.

Shield Master

  • First Appearance: Backdoor Assault at the Big House
  • Description: This power up is just a small piece of steel on the ground that glows blue. This power up will make you completely invincible for the next thirty seconds.

4. Bosses (EL04)

Sonny Tang

  • Appearance: Hide and Sake
  • Difficulty: *
  • Description: This is more of a mini-boss but I figured I would put him in here anyway. Simply press the buttons that appear on the screen until you defeat him.

Sting Sniperscope [First Appearance]

  • Appearance: Hide and Sake
  • Difficulty: *
  • Description: This is by far the most simple boss battle ever. It is another button prompt boss battle except there’s just one button to press. Simply hit square to complete this one.

General Neutronov

  • Appearance: Red Meat
  • Difficulty: ***
  • Description: This boss battle is fairly difficult because of the extra enemies. It comes in three separate parts. In the first, kill all of the Russians that spawn in this area. When it’s clear, head to the top of the platforms and start to shoot at General Neutronov. There are plenty of AK-47s lying around along with the AK-47s dropped by the Russians you kill. Try to focus on General Neutronov until the Russians start to get close. After you hurt General Neutronov enough, you will enter a cutscene, get a checkpoint, and start the next portion. Run forward on this platform to spawn a few more Russians. Kill them. There’s more ammo along the wall if you need it. You will see three buttons on the right side of this platform. You have to press these three buttons to reveal small gas tanks below General Neutronov. While you are doing all this, more Russians will spawn so take them out when they get close. Shoot the three gas tanks below General Neutronov to reach the next part, including a checkpoint. Now you will notice a timer because General Neutronov set the bomb up. You have to run up the platforms while killing the Russians in your way. Shoot at General Neutronov until he ends up dying quickly to beat the timer. While this is all going on, more Russians spawn so kill them. If he is using the railing as cover, I suggest moving up or down the platforms to get a better angle on him in order to kill him. After he dies, you have to cross the bridge on the top platform and hit the switch on the bomb before the timer runs out.

Sting Sniperscope [Second Appearance]

  • Appearance: Snipers, and Choppers, and Wizards, Oh my!
  • Difficulty: *
  • Description: This is another one of those button prompt fights but it’s a little more complicated than the last one. Think of the fight with Sonny Tang, it’s basically the same with different buttons.


  • Appearance: Backdoor Assault at the Big House
  • Difficulty: *
  • Description: The first time you see him, he will send his darlings at you. To kill them, simply shoot them a couple times until they are hunched over and powerless. Just melee them once when they are hunched over to kill them. After you defeat his darlings, follow the hall down the stairs for another button prompt fight just like Sting Sniperscope or Sonny Tang.

Tentacle Beast of Tramm

  • Appearance: Same Ship, Different Bay
  • Difficulty: ****
  • Description: This boss battle comes in three parts. There is a respawning submachine gun in the center of the ship to keep your shooting. The first part has the tentacles on each side of the ship trying to hit you. Look at the tentacles and some will wave, this is your warning so run away. After a couple of hits, one of the tentacles will smash into the deck of the ship and get stuck. You have to shoot the glowing jewel on the tentacle and then it will retract under the ship. After you kill one, you can stand under where it was because it won’t swing down anymore, this space will be safe. Some space marines will spawn which is a pain because it’s a tight area. Use a cannon for cover to kill them and then go back to the tentacles until they all retract. After that cutscene and a checkpoint, you will enter the second part. You will see small tentacles on the side of the boat coming onto the deck. Shoot those tentacles and it will draw out the large tentacles. The large tentacles will be holding bombs. Simply shoot at the bombs before the beast throws them at you. Do that to each of the six tentacles. While you are doing this, more space marines will spawn like in the last part. After you do that to all six tentacles, you will reach the checkpoint and enter the final part of this boss battle. Now you will see three tentacles on one side of the ship. The tips of the tentacles no longer have any armor on them because you destroyed it with the bombs. Shoot at the tips that are swinging in the air and it will respawn. Shoot one again and QA will inform you that the save states were hacked and that she fixed them. Simply kill the rest of the tentacles to finish this boss.

Altos Tratus

  • Appearance: Fraggmee Warehouse
  • Difficulty: **
  • Description: Before you start this boss battle, make sure to fill up your ammo for the submachine guns and energy blaster. After the cutscene, turn around and cover behind the furthest altar. In the first part of this battle, he will have three attacks. He will swipe his large sword and send shockwaves out, there will be small meteors that spin around his head, then stop to shoot at you, and he will spawn space marines. You have to cover to avoid the shockwave so just stay put behind the furthest altar. When the meteors spin around his head, you can shoot him. However, when they slow down, it’s time to run in one direction to avoid them. When he is low on health, he will freeze and you will see health packs float towards him. Shoot the health packs so he can’t heal himself and then finish him off when he unfreezes himself. The best way to do this is to use the submachine guns and just aim at his chest. Make sure to take short bursts while aiming to make sure all of your shots hit him. Switch to your energy blaster when you’re out of submachine gun ammo and quickly finish him off. On hard, you can get this first part done in about 15-20 seconds if you do it right. The second part is very similar to the first. The only difference is instead of sending out a shockwave, he will throw his sword and it will spin around your head so you have to cover and crouch in order to avoid it, most importantly is crouching. The meteors will also be larger and more powerful. Again, cover behind the furthest altar and grab the AK-47 if you’re out of submachine gun ammo. Unload on the boss with the AK-47 in short bursts to make sure all the shots hit. When he sends out meteors, shoot him until they slow down around his head. Now is your time to run so run to the right and circle him. Grab the AK-47 to the right of him to stock up on ammo and crouch behind the small wall on the right side of the room. Unload the rest of your AK-47 shots on him when you can for a surprisingly easy boss fight. This part probably takes 20-30 seconds so the whole thing should go by pretty quickly. I suggest just ignoring the space marines unless they get very close.

Sting Sniperscope [Third and Final Appearance]

  • Appearance: A Dock of Ships, Now
  • Difficulty: **
  • Description: This boss fight comes in two simple steps. Hard to believe for what is supposed to be a final boss. The first part comes with him just trying to aim at you. Use the tall object for cover from the start and hug the storage containers to the right. Keep running along the left side of the containers until you reach the last one on this side. Move to an angle that you can shoot at the gas tank below Sting and destroy it. Now run to the red storage container to the left. Shoot the gas tank in the open storage container on the right side to destroy that one. Now run around the side of this storage container and to the left of the trailer. Destroy the last gas tank of the left side of Sting’s tower at an angle that he can’t shoot at you from. Now you’re going to have to finish Sting off for the last time. Quickly run towards the first satellite and shoot at the door to open it. Run inside and Sting’s laser will destroy it. Some space marines will spawn outside. Use this satellite as cover while you kill those three space marines and run for the next closest satellite. Shoot the door a few times to open it and run in for Sting to destroy it with his laser. Run out and use it for cover as you kill the next three space marines that spawn. Now head for the final satellite and shoot the door to open it and get inside. Let the laser destroy it for the final cutscene in this stage.


  • Appearance: Taking Revenge to a Whole New Level
  • Difficulty: *****
  • Description: This boss battle is difficult for a reason, it’s to beat the game! You will notice some stairs in front of you, at the top of these stairs will be a respawning energy blaster. You will see two zombies spawn in front of you and two darlings to the right. Run for cover to the left and kill the zombies. Try to take out the darlings when they get close. There will be a total of six zombies and six darlings, two at a time, in this part of the boss battle. Try to head towards the left side as you kill the last one. When you clear this area, you will get a cutscene where Wellesley will try to de-rez you with his gun. You have to use the objects for cover before he shoots you as you make your way to the console on the left side. You will have to keep moving in between shots because they will de-rez the objects you use for cover. When you reach the console, activate it for a cutscene and the next part of this boss battle. This next part will be very similar to the previous part except instead of darlings and zombies, you will fight Wafferthins and space marines. The difficult part here is the plasma rifles since the charged shots are very powerful and can kill you in one hit. There will be six total Wafferthins and six space marines. The next console will be on the right side of where you started. Before you kill all of them, head over to the next console and kill the last one. You will get another cutscene and Wellesley will try to de-rez you again. This time his shots will be a little quicker so be even more careful as you go from cover to cover to activate the console. This will be the final part of this boss battle. Instead of fighting space marines and Wafferthins, you will have to fight the avatars of employees. This time there will be three at a time and they will have random weapons. Keep an eye out for the enemies with plasma rifles for their charged shots. Before you kill the last one, head for the center. After you kill them all, you will get a cutscene where you have to go from cover to cover to the center console. This time Wellesley’s serious and his shots are very quick in between. Use every piece of cover until you get to the center console and you will finally defeat this tough boss.

5. Strategies (EL05)

I made this section in case you are having trouble getting through the game. I by no means consider myself good at console shooters and I even beat this on hard so it’s very possible if you just make sure to do a couple things right.

  • First thing is first and it sounds too obvious, but always use cover. I highly suggest using walls for cover since they can’t be destroyed. Make sure to only pop out when it’s safe.
  • You may not want to do it but sometimes the best way to approach a stage is to beat it on an easier difficulty. This will give you a feel for the stage along with good hiding spots and how many enemies spawn where. This is only recommended when you are truly stuck and just cannot beat a certain area.
  • A great way to use cover to your full advantage is to aim before you move out to fire. If you are in cover long enough, probably 10 seconds, the enemies will stand there waiting for you to come out to shoot you. Move your crosshair over his head. Now when you move out to aim, you will still be focused on the same spot. So to take advantage of this, quickly press the aim button and immediately fire only to let go of the aim right after. If you do it quick enough, you will kill the enemy without getting touched.
  • Working the angle is also a very useful way to safely dispose of enemies. For some reason, you can sometimes see enemies and shoot them without them ever seeing you. You can’t be in cover to do this. Simply move the camera over the shoulder that the corner is on, if the corner is to the left, put the camera over the left shoulder, and slowly walk out until you can just barely see the enemy’s head. Take your time aiming and just pop a single shot into his head without him being able to shoot you for an easy kill.
  • Take full advantage of power-ups during key moments in the game. If the room is tough, make sure to grab a Max Shield or Max Hazard power-up to help clear the room quickly. If there are a lot of enemies, use these and run to a good vantage point to defend from while killing the enemies in your way. You can also use the ice power-up when you are against say Soak ‘Em Commandos without a water gun to kill them quickly and easily.
  • Make sure to always be stocked up on ammo. It may seem obvious but even backtrack if you have to. If you’re in a stage with a lot of the same enemies, make sure to always have a gun they are weak against. Towards the end of the game, I suggest just always carrying a water gun and energy blaster so you have something to kill everybody with.
  • The plasma rifle is a very powerful weapon, especially when used correctly. It is almost like a grenade launcher when you charge a shot so try to take out a small group of enemies. The blast will produce a minor shockwave which has an area of effect damage. Wait until a few enemies are near each other and fire a charged shot to clear them out all at once.
  • I suggest carrying energy blasters as much as possible because they are great with blind fire. With the energy pistol, you can very easily clear out a room of enemies without ever peeking around the corner.
  • Don’t be afraid to backtrack! There are very few times that enemies will spawn behind you or where you came from. If you run into a room and a lot of objects and enemies spawn, don’t necessarily use one of the objects for cover. If the door didn’t close behind you, run out through the door you just entered and use it for cover or maybe even a staircase so you have the safest vantage point.

6. Enemies (EL06)

In this section, I will list the different enemies and what weapons they use. If they have a weakness, I will also list what weapons they are weak against. Any enemy will pick up more powerful weapons when they see them, the listings are only what weapons they will spawn with.

Common Enemies (Construction Workers, Security Guards, etc)

  • Weapons Used: Hazard Pistol, 9mm Handgun, .45 Handgun, Magnum, Submachine Gun, Shotgun, and Sniper Rifle
  • Weaknesses: None

Cowboy Bandits

  • Weapons Used: Six-Shooters and Shotgun
  • Weaknesses: None


  • Weapons Used: AK-47 and Hazard Pistol
  • Weaknesses: None

Soak ’em Commandos

  • Weapons Used: Water Pistol, Water Submachine Gun, and Sniper Rifle
  • Weaknesses: Water Pistol and Water Submachine Gun


  • Weapons Used: None
  • Weaknesses: None (Must use head shot or explosion)

Dexter’s Darlings

  • Weapons Used: Dual Submachine Guns
  • Weaknesses: None

Space Marines

  • Weapons Used: Energy Blaster and Plasma Rifle
  • Weaknesses: Energy Blaster and Plasma Rifle


  • Weapons Used: Assault Rifle (They don’t drop any weapons)
  • Weaknesses: None


  • Weapons Used: All of them
  • Weaknesses: None

7. Weapons (EL07)

In this section I will list each weapon and a little bit of information about them.

.45 Handgun

  • This is a standard issue handgun that is only used in the first stage. It’s slightly more powerful than the 9mm handgun.

9mm Handgun

  • This is a standard issue handgun that is only used in the first stage. It’s slightly less powerful than the .45 handgun.


  • This is a very powerful handgun. A well-placed shot can kill most enemies but it has a low rate of fire and max capacity.

Hazard Pistol

  • This is a standard issue handgun that you get in every stage except for the first. Nothing special but it’s good to have if you usually run out of ammo.

Submachine Gun

  • The submachine gun is powerful but has a lot of recoil. Try to fire in short bursts and use it in close quarters combat. You can also carry two of these after you defeat Dexter’s darlings for the first time.


  • This gun is great in close quarters combat. A well-placed shot can kill any enemy in one shot. Don’t waste your ammo if you’re shooting long range though.

Sniper Rifle

  • This gun is great for long range but that’s about it. The rate of fire and maximum capacity are both pretty bad otherwise.

Grenade Launcher

  • This gun is great for groups of enemies. Other than that, they are pretty useless.


  • These are basically like the Magnum except you fire two shots at a time.


  • This gun is probably the best in the game. It’s powerful, accurate, and has a very nice range. Just make sure to shoot in bursts for good accuracy.

Water Pistol

  • This gun is just like any other handgun in the game except the Soak ‘Em Commandos are weak against it.

Water Submachine Gun

  • This gun is just like the regular submachine gun except the Soak ‘Em Commandos are weak against it.

Energy Blaster

  • This gun acts as if it’s a handgun but is also quite different. The reload is bad on it since you have to recharge each shot one at a time but it will recharge automatically and you can stop to shoot. The main benefit to this gun is it is very accurate when used in blind fire.

Plasma Rifle

  • This gun is pretty weak in single shots and has a bad rate of fire but it’s very powerful if you charge it. Let it charge and it will explode on contact. If there is a group of enemies, hit one of the enemies to instantly kill him and the blast will probably kill a couple of others near them.

8. Trophies (EL08)

Please Note – The triple stars (***) are just tips on how to get the trophies. Most of them are very straightforward but the tough ones have tips.

Bronze Trophies

It’s HAZARD TIME! Start your first game. “Thanks for buying my game. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. — Sincerely, Matt Hazard” ***Simply start the game to unlock this.

Take 5. Pause the game for the first time. “Hey…come back here and play!” ***Simply pause the game to unlock this.

Straight-A Student Complete all of the in-game tutorials. “Like I had any choice…” ***Simply go through the tutorial to unlock this.

Hands-On Approach Defeat an enemy using melee combat. “I don’t need a stinkin’ gun to deal with YOU!” ***Simply melee an enemy to unlock this.

Eat Fist! Perform 10 single-hit melee kills. “In Hazard Land, the hand can be used like a knife.” ***You will end up getting this killing Dexter’s Darlings later on in the game so you don’t have to try getting this from the start.

Headache Score 20 headshots. “A shot in the head is worth two in the chest.” ***Just grind out headshots.

Migraine Score 50 headshots. “That’s using your head!” ***Just grind out head shots.

Plink Kill 50 enemies with the Hazard pistol. “Frag you.” ***Just grind out kills with this weapon.

Pull! Kill 50 enemies with the shotgun. “That was a blast!” ***Just grind out kills with this weapon.

Auto Dealer Kill 50 enemies with the sub-machinegun. “You would think this one would have been automatic. Get it? Automatic? Nothing?” ***Just grind out kills with this weapon.

Russian Attack Kill 50 enemies with the AK-47. “They might be socialists, but they make a pretty good gun.” ***Just grind out kills with this weapon.

Peekaboo…I Shot You! Kill 50 enemies with the Sniper Rifle. “Zoom, pow! Right to the moon.” ***Just grind out kills with this weapon. I’m almost positive the mounted sniper rifle when you have to save the wizard counts.

Blind Luck Kill 25 enemies using blind fire. “Sorry. Didn’t see you standing there.” ***Don’t aim when in cover to kill people. Wait until you can use the energy blaster since it’s very accurate in blind fire.

Second Amendment Kill at least one enemy with every available gun. “The developers put all those guns in the game for a reason…” ***Just grind out kills with every weapon, don’t forget the grenade launcher since it’s a fairly rare weapon.

Say “No” to Pots Shoot 30 potted plants. “Look at ’em. Just sittin’ there, bein’ all green and stuff. They were askin’ for it!” ***The start of Red Meat has ten pots in the first room. Break them and restart as needed.

Fire Hazard Shoot and destroy 30 fire extinguishers. “Extinguishers. They’re not just for fires anymore.” ***Just shoot the fire extinguishers you see. There are a couple at the start of Red Meat if you want to grind it out.

Uncovered Destroy 20 destructible cover objects. “I know it’s a waste of ammo…but I LOVE that de-rez effect!” ***Just break twenty destructible objects you can cover behind. Enemies destroying them for you also counts towards the twenty.

Boom Blow up 50 explosive objects. “Hey… I didn’t pay for ’em. Why should I care?” ***Shoot at all explosives you see, preferably when enemies are near them.

No Pain, No Gain Kill an enemy with an explosive that also damages you. “That’s gonna hurt me more than it hurts you. Well… maybe not quite as much.” ***You can do this in Red Meat. When you go behind the counter, head for the fire extinguisher to the right and shoot it when both you and the enemy are near it.

Maxx Karnage Collect 20 Hazard pickups. “Maxx Karnage… sounds like a cool action hero name.” ***Just collect the Hazard pickups throughout the game.

Shield Master Collect 20 Master Shield pickups. “It’s not like I was afraid of dying… I just wanted the trophy!” ***Just collect the Master Shield pickups throughout the game.

Hazard Avoider Complete the game on the Minor Hazard difficulty setting. “Sure you won… my GRANDMOTHER could win on ‘Easy!'” ***Beat the game on this difficulty.

Multiplayer Master! [SECRET] “What? No multiplayer? Sigh. Well… not like we can take the trophy back NOW…” ***Beat the game on any difficulty.

Disco is Dead [SECRET] Defeat Sonny Tang. “Sonny, YOUR ass is kicked!” ***Storyline trophy.

Stung [SECRET] Defeat Sting Sniperscope. “Your present ends now.” ***Storyline trophy.

Head Cheese [SECRET] Kill all enemies in the butcher shop with head shots. “Nice shooting! But it’s not like you’re PAYING for that ammo. Feel free to use more.” ***Just head shot everybody in the first couple of rooms of Red Meat until you get this.

Meat Your Maker [SECRET] Destroy all of the meat in the Level 2 meat locker. “Have a beef with the owner? Steaking your claim? Beating your… hey, I can go on all day.” ***Break all the slabs of meat hanging in the freezer. Half of it will still hang there no matter how many times you shoot it.

Draw [SECRET] Kill 50 enemies with the Dual-Wield Six-Shooters. “Now all we need is the spaghetti…” ***Just grind this one out.

Bedlam Basher [SECRET] Kill a Bandit from behind with a melee attack. “Good for you. Coward.” ***The best way to do this one is grab the submachine gun in Red Meat. Clear out the first part with bandits until there is one left and let him run to a barrel for cover. Try to run behind him while he’s hiding behind the barrel and shoot him in the lower body for him to stagger. While he’s staggering, quickly melee him from behind.

***I figured out a really easy way to get the bedlam basher trophy. In the room with the first Max Hazard power up, activate the power up, then run to the back of the room. Kill all the enemies until a bandit guy spawns right in front of you, and bash him (1-hit-kill because of the power up) as he walks out of the saloon-looking doors. -Thanks to Dirjel for this tip!

Dances With Guns [SECRET] Complete both nightclub encounters without any of the dance-bots being destroyed. “Do dancing robots dream of disco sheep?” ***This is best done on easy, try to skip everybody in the club and run into the bar. You will see a set of stairs in the corner, run up them and kill the enemies in this room. Go into the next room and try to kill these enemies quickly before they break any robots. You may have to keep moving for the trophy to be unlocked.

Russian to the Finish [SECRET] Defeat General Neutronov. “From Hazard, With Love.” ***Storyline trophy.

Deja-Vu [SECRET] Defeat Sting Sniperscope again in Level 3. “Your present ends now. Again.” ***Storyline trophy.

Death Hazard [SECRET] Score 20 single-shot Zombie kills. “Don’t these things usually hang out in shopping malls?” ***You have to head shot zombies anyway. Sometimes it takes two shots and others it’ll take one. There are plenty of zombies throughout the game so you’ll get it eventually.

Housing Crisis [SECRET] Escape from Dexter’s mansion. “I gotta get me a house like THAT!” ***Storyline trophy.

Pure Energy [SECRET] Kill 50 enemies with the Energy Pistol. “Blaster? I hardly know ‘er!” ***Grind out kills with this weapon.

Well, I Heard Them Scream [SECRET] Kill 50 enemies with the Plasma Rifle. “Plasma Rifles–they’re not just for Space Marines anymore.” ***Grind out kills with this weapon.

Your Turn [SECRET] Defeat Altos Tratus. “Forecast for the next level: no more clouds.” ***Storyline trophy.

Talk! [SECRET] “What do you mean the interrogation feature was cut?!? Here… just take the trophy.” ***Storyline trophy.

Observe the Grenade [SECRET] Kill 3 Tester employees with a single shot from the grenade launcher. “Test the grenades: check!” ***This is probably the hardest one to unlock in the game so read this carefully. Make sure you have a grenade launcher with you and go to the room just before where you fight Wellesley. Use a regular gun to kill the red enemy to the left that spawns. Move to the right and kill the yellow enemy that spawns to the right. Now move to the left and grab the Hazard powerup. Use the left side of the bookcase as cover so you will be in between the left wall and the bookcase. Hopefully the three pink enemies will be right next to each other so just shoot grenades at all of them quickly. It doesn’t have to be one grenade like the description suggests, just to kill them all very quickly from one another.

Silver Trophies

Feeling Punchy Defeat five enemies in a row using melee combat. “Not as fast as shooting…but it sure is satisfying.” ***You might get this one when fighting off Dexter’s Darlings throughout the game. However, if you are having trouble, just play easy and do the first level and melee five in a row.

Head of the Class Score 100 headshots. “Don’t lose your head! Oh…too late.” ***Just grind out headshots.

Better Than One Score two headshots with one bullet. “Eat lead…both of you!” ***This one is also pretty tough. In the stage with the Wizard right after the first sniper rifle part, do the following. Quickly cover behind the crates to the left. Move to the left side and you will see the door open up with two enemies standing right behind one another. Line up your crosshair to be on the head of one with the other directly behind him and quickly aim and shoot. If you really want the trophy and didn’t get it, just run out and die to respawn and try again.

Just a Flesh Wound Complete a level without dying. “Eight million corpses in this level… and you’re not one of them.” ***If you haven’t gotten it throughout the game, just play the first stage on easy. It’s quick and obviously easy.

Pseudo-Hazard Complete the game on the Major Hazard difficulty setting. “Well… at least you didn’t have it set to ‘Easy…'” ***Simply beat the game on this difficulty.

…Where Credit is Due Watch the credits from beginning to end. “Hey… aren’t they the guys who made Dead Head Fred?” ***Just roll through all the credits. Change the channel and watch TV for a couple minutes if you really don’t want to look at the credits.

Tramm Ride [SECRET] Defeat the Tentacle Beast of Tramm. “One-two shot right to the tentacles.” ***Storyline trophy.

Deja-Vu (All Over Again) [SECRET] Defeat Sting Sniperscope yet AGAIN on Level 7. “I. Have had. Enough. Of YOU!” ***Storyline trophy.

Beat the Snot out of Wellesley with My Bare Hands [SECRET] Defeat Wally Wellesley in the final boss battle. “Like I said…” ***Storyline trophy.

Gold Trophies

Hazard Master Complete the game on the Maximum Hazard difficulty setting. “You’ve done this before, haven’t you?” ***Just beat the game on the hardest difficulty.

Meet Quentin. [SECRET] Meet Quentin. “DUDE!!!!!” ***Storyline trophy.

Platinum Trophy

King of Hazard Land! Earn all Trophies in the game. “You. Are. The. MAN! (Unless you are a lady. In which case, I apologize.)” ***Unlock all other trophies.

9. Disclaimer (EL09)

This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyrighted © 2009 to Frank Grochowski. International Copyright laws protect this FAQ/Walkthrough. You cannot sell this FAQ/Walkthrough for a profit of any kind. You cannot reproduce this FAQ/Walkthrough in any way without my written consent. You are however allowed to download this FAQ/Walkthrough for personal use. You can also post it on your website as long as you give me full credit, don’t change it in any way, and it is free.

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