Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition – Character Creation Guide

Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition – Character Creation Guide

July 23, 2024 Off By Nathan Garvin
Table of Contents:

I. Introduction {INT001}
II. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attributes {SPC001}
1. Strength {SPC002}
2. Perception {SPC003}
3. Endurance {SPC004}
4. Charisma {SPC005}
5. Intelligence {SPC006}
6. Agility {SPC007}
7. Luck {SPC008}
8. My Personal Build, Attributes{SPC009}
III. Statistics {STA001}
1. CND {STA002}
2. RAD {STA003}
3. EFF {STA004}
4. LVL {STA005}
5. HP {STA006}
6. AP {STA007}
7. XP {STA008}
IV. Skills {SKL001}
Base {SKL002}
Tag! {SKL003}
Leveling {SKL004}
Bobbleheads {SKL005}
Books {SKL006}
Min/Maxing {SKL007}
Breakdown of Skill Points {SKL008}
The Skills {SKL009}
Barter {SKL010}
Big Guns {SKL011}
Energy Weapons {SKL012}
Explosives {SKL013}
Lockpick {SKL014}
Medicine {SKL015}
Melee Weapons {SKL016}
Repair {SKL017}
Science {SKL018}
Small Guns {SKL019}
Sneak {SKL020}
Speech {SKL021}
Unarmed {SKL022}
Skills I Tag! (and why) {SKL023}
Skill Point Allocation {SKL024}
V. Perks {PRK001}
Level 2 Perks {PRK002}
Level 4 Perks {PRK003}
Level 6 Perks {PRK004}
Level 8 Perks {PRK005}
Level 10 Perks {PRK006}
Level 12 Perks {PRK007}
Level 14 Perks {PRK008}
Level 16 Perks {PRK009}
Level 18 Perks {PRK010}
Level 20 Perks {PRK011}
Level 22 Perks
Level 24 Perks
Lever 26 Perks
Level 28 Perks
Level 30 Perks
Additional Perks {PRK012}
My Personal Build, Perks {PRK013}
VI. Bobbleheads & Miscellaneous {BOB001}
VII. Keller Family Transcripts {KFT001}
VIII. Sheet Music Books {SMB001|
IX. Books {BOK001}
X. Unique Weapons {UNQ001}
1. Big Guns {UNQ002}
2. Energy Weapons {UNQ003}
3. Melee Weapons {UNQ004}
4. Small Guns {UNQ005}
5. Unarmed {UNQ006}
XI. Schematics {SCM001}
XII. Updates/Thanks {UPD001}

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| Introduction {INT001} |
| |
This is the revamped, updated, overhauled Character Creation FAQ for

Fallout 3 and its first four expansion packs, but most significantly,
it will cover the game with the Broken Steel expansion installed. This
is not designed to play off of or be compatible with my previous FAQ,
hence the two separate versions. Broken Steel adds some perks that make
significant changes to the progression of your character, and if you
have this expansion, my previous FAQ is of no use to you. Really, it
isn't. This FAQ will create a character that is extremely power-gamey..
it's just how I play these games, myself. These are all just my
opinions-essentially a guide on how I build my characters, and why.

There are some new things added to the game with the expansion. 10
extra experience levels is the most obvious new thing with the
expansion. But to compensate for the new levels, they throw in some
new baddies, and of course, new items. Super Mutant Overlords and
Albino Rad Scorpians come to mind. Sneak attack criticals are more
useful than ever! Most the new enemies have a lot more hitpoints, and
a Super Mutant Overlord with a Tri-beam Laser Rifle can be a bad thing.
In fact, they're just about the only thing I've found in the game that
can hurt-and even kill-you in V.A.T.S. But, shooting the weapon out of
their hands in V.A.T.S. makes them almost defensless. Too bad they
still cap the experience rewards at 50. It seems a little cheap to have
to pump dozens of shotgun shells into the new baddies and still get the
same 50 for an Overlord as you get for a Master.

| |
| S.P.E.C.I.A.L Attributes {SPC001} |
| |
Your seven attributes are cleverly formed into the anagram 'SPECIAL',
which stands for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma,
Intelligence, Agility, Luck.

Attributes do a number of things for you-depending on what the actual
attribute is, but they all give a 2 point bonus to their related skills
for each point in that attribute. For example, if your Strength was 5
your base Melee Weapons skill would get a 10 point bonus. Luck is the
exception, which gives a 1 point bonus for each two points in Luck to
all your skills. This also means that when determining your skill
points, each skill starts out with at least a +2 bonus (for your
minimum of 1 in each attribute.) But.. more on that later.

You can get a Vault-Tec limited edition bobblehead that adds a +1 bonus
for each of your attributes. You should plan on getting these (or at
least the more important ones) and adjust your characters' attributes
appropriately. Remember, if you're planning on getting the "Almost

Perfect" perk, don't get ANY skill bobbles until you have that perk.
to the perks section of the guide to find out more.

In the original Fallout 3, your attribute placement was vital, as you
only had so many. In Broken Steel, the introduction of the level 30
perk Almost Perfect enables you to boost all your attributes up to 9,
10 with the Bobblehead. This makes attributes somewhat moot, as all
you have to do is get to level 30 to max yourself out. Appropriately
the focus of this guide has changed. No longer are the attributes
rated on which are the 'best' but now attribute allocation has more
to do with getting the perks you want when you want them, and which
attributes are more useful in getting you to level 30, since they are
all rather moot after you get there.

Strength {SPC002}
Skills: Melee Weapons

Strength is a measure of your raw physical power. It affects how much
you can carry, and determines the effectiveness of all melee attacks.

Strength determines the damage you do with melee attacks.. a whopping
half a point of damage for each point of strength. Yes, 10 points of
Strength gets you the same damage as the Iron Fist perk, wow! As far as
the skill point bonuses go, Strength is the weakest attribute, factoring
into only one skill.. the aforementioned Melee Weapons skill. Five is
good enough to get me Strong Back, and that's all I'll give it.
StrengthMelee DamageCarrying CapacitySkills
You can further increase your Strength by completing the quest 'Those!'
and recieving the injection from Doctor Lesko.

Grade: **

Perception							{SPC003}
Skills: Explosives, Lockpick, and Energy Weapons

A high Perception grants a bonus to the Explosives, Lockpick and Energy
Weapons skills, and determines when red compass markings appear (which
indicate threats).

Perception's big draw is that it increases the distance as which you
notice threats-red marks on your compass. Granted this is only useful
for avoiding said threats, or ambushing/sneaking up on them. Still, if
you are a ranged fighter, this is useful for letting you know where your
enemies are before you engage. If tactical advantages don't mean 
anything to you, obviously Perception shouldn't be high on your list.
Even without the threat markers (which I am personally fairly fond of)
Perception gives a bonus to three skills.. which makes it fairly useful
by that simple virtue alone. Many good perks require a Perception score
of six, so that's where I start.
You can further increase your Perception by completing the quest 
'Those!' and recieving the injection from Doctor Lesko.

Grade: ***

Endurance 							{SPC004}
Skills: Big Guns and Unarmed

Endurance is a measure of your overall physical fitness. A high 
Endurance gives bonuses to health, environmental resistances, and the
Big Guns and Unarmed skills.

Every point of Endurance gives you 20 health, a fairly significant
amount considering you gain 10 points per level (excluding the first)
added on to a base of 100. This bonus is retroactive-should you gain
more Endurance later, you'll find yourself burdened with an extra 20
health. By 'environmental resistances' they mean Radiation Resistance.
You'll gain a 2% bonus for every point above 1, again retroactive. This
is a fairly good attribute, and it gives bonuses to two skills, even
though they are two I'm not particularly fond of. Since all the bonuses
are retroactive, there's no call to put more points into it when you
begin than you absolutely need. I choose to start out with six.
EnduranceHitpointsPoison ResistanceRadiation ResistanceSkills
Grade: ****

Charisma 							{SPC005}
Skills: Barter and Speech

Having a high Charisma will improve people's disposition of you, and
give bonuses to both the Barter and Speech skills.

You won't need one point of Charisma to make it through the game, and
it's just as much of a dump stat in the expansions as it was in the
original. The only thing that's changed is now if you reach level 30,
you can enjoy all the perks of having a high Charisma, without having
to suffer to get it. Start out with one point.
Grade: *

Intelligence 							{SPC006}
Skills: Science, Repair, and Medicine

Intelligence affects the Science, Repair and Medicine skills. The
higher your Intelligence, the more Skill Points you'll be able to
distribute when you level up.

Intelligence gives bonuses to three skills, and for every point of
intelligence you have, you'll get one extra skill point to distribute
per level. This skill used to be one of the focal points of my build
in the original.. in the expansion, things have changed. On one hand,
you have half again as many levels, so you dont really NEED a super
high intelligence to max all your skills out at 100. On the other hand,
it's the only skill that isn't retroactive.. In other words, it's
the only one that will suffer if you don't have it high early. What it
comes down to is simple: at level 30, Intelligence is useless. All
the levels leading up to it are important. And it's only important in
getting you to 100 in all your skills. In the end, I still go with 9,
as there really just isn't much else worth getting. This way, I can
get the required skill levels for the perks I want and not even have
to worry about the Educated perk. Keep in mind that you CAN get the
bobblehead for Intelligence (or any other attribute) if you start out
with a base of 9. The Almost Perfect perk will not drop you down to 9 
if you already have a 10.
IntelligenceSkill Point per LevelSkills
Grade: ***

Agility 							{SPC007}
Skills: Small Guns and Sneak

Agility affects your Small Guns and Sneak skills, and the number of
Action Points available for V.A.T.S.

Small Guns and Sneak are both magnificent skills, and I live and die by
V.A.T.S. in this game. You get a measly two points for each point in
Agility plus a base of.. 65? Still, weapons just aren't accurate at a
range, and ammo is a commodity, so V.A.T.S. is good times. Besides, you
are invulnerable while in V.A.T.S. so it's something worth abusing.
Even though most of the perks I really want require only six, by the
time Nerves of Steel becomes availiable, I'm scraping the bottome of
the perk barrel. I get up to seven just so I can have that perk. Plus,
it'll help to have a good Agility early on.
AgilityAction PointsSkills
Grade: ****

Luck 								{SPC008}
Skills: All skills

Raising your Luck will raise all of your skills a little. Having a high
Luck will also improve your critical chance with all weapons.

Luck is a fantastic attribute. Every point gives you a 1% critical hit
rate. A critical hit on an enemy's head in V.A.T.S. with a combat
shotgun is a GOOD thing. With 10 points of Luck, Finesse, and the
best modifier from the Wasteland Survival Guide, you can get an 18%
critical rate. That's good times. As if that's not good enough, Luck
gives a bonus to all your skills, one point for every odd attribute 
point in Luck (1,3,5,7,9). That's a total of 13 skill points for every
other attribute point. At 6.5 per point, that's a better skill bonus
than any other attribute. I start out with six.
LuckCritical ChanceSkills
Grade: *****

You can further increase your Luck by possessing the Lucky 8 Ball. Like
a bobblehead, this item just sits in your inventory and makes your life

My Personal Build, Attributes 					{SPC009}
I count on getting all the bobbleheads (which is much easier than
finding all the books) and the Lucky 8 Ball. Also, I plan on getting
the Ant Sight perk. I play by using Stealth to sneak up on my enemies, 
typically with Small Guns. Sneak Criticals are good times, and my 
V.A.T.S. ensures I win my fights. This is my personal build for casual 

These following attributes will be enough to get me all the perks I
want up until level 30. At which time I will get Almost Perfect to
bring my attributes up to nine. Note that this build will not come into 
its own until you hit level 30.. at which point you can go around 
collecting bobbleheads and become a phenom. It's more than enough to 
survive the game though, and with some ease, until you hit level 30.
Strength	5
Perception	6
Endurance	6
Charisma	1
Intelligence	9
Agility		7
Luck		6
Statistics {STA001}
You could really look a lot of this up in the manual, but that's too
much for some folk.. I'll just assume you're looking it up here for my
expert opinions. Yeah..

CND 								{STA002}
Like the manual says, this screen has an outline of your poor little
Pip Boy. The healthier he is, the happier he'll look! Also, you can
see the condition of all your body parts. This feature seems a little
tacked on, and most of the time you'll only take serious bodily harm
from explosions, traps, or Robobrains. Getting crippled is a bad thing,
obviously, and the effects range from occassionally losing focus and
becoming temporarily blind to hobbling around at half speed. Using
stimpaks on the injured member or sleeping in a bed will fix you up.

RAD 								{STA003}
This screen shows your current level of radiation exposure via the
bar across the bottom. Your radiation level ranges from 0 rads to
1000 rads, with significant negative effects occuring every 200 rads,
as follows: 

200 rads: -1 EN
400 rads: -2 EN, -1 AG
600 rads: -3 EN, -2 AG, -1 ST
800 rads: -3 EN, -2 AG, -2 ST
1000 rads: Death!

You won't lose maximum HP while suffering from radiation poisoning, so
the endurance loss isn't too bad. However, losing agility and strength
kinda sucks. Fix yourself up with some radaway or prevent radiation
poisoning by using rad-x. Just don't become addicted!

As a side note, does anybody remember those old Terminator games made
by Bethesda? Really, Skynet was the more popular one, but they were
first person shooters made about a decade ago. Post-apocalyptic fps
game, and I swear the geiger counter sound effect was exactly the same.
I might be the only person who heard about Bethesda doing a Fallout
sequel and not thinking it was completely out of place.. but then again,
I was also one of the few people who played the original Fallout games
who didn't bristle when they said Fallout 3 would be "Oblivion with
guns." Ah well.. Tangents, sorry.

EFF 								{STA004}
If you're suffering from radiation poisoning, or if you are in some
other way buffed or impared, that'll show up here. This just lists the
various status effects affecting you.

LVL 								{STA005}
This is, of course, your level. You start out level 1, and reach level
2 immediately upon exiting the vault. As of now you can reach a
lamely low maximum level of 30. Each time you level up you'll recieve
10 HP, a perk, and 10 skill points + intelligence.

HP 								{STA006}
Hit Points, of course. When you run out of these, you die. Hit points
are good, and since endurance is one of the best ways to get more of
them, endurance is pretty good too. You start out with a base of 100
and recieve 10 every level (sans the first). You also gain 20 more per
point of endurance and possibly 30 from the Life Giver perk. That's a
maximum of 620 hit points.

AP 								{STA007}
Action points are all important for my play style. The more action
points you have, the more shots you can take in V.A.T.S., which is
much more accurate, damaging, and during which, you're invincible. If
you're too elite of an FPS shooter for V.A.T.S., just give yourself an
agility of 1 and have fun. For the rest of us, V.A.T.S. is win. You
start out with 65 and gain two points for every point of agility. With
the Action Boy/Girl perk, you can top out at 110 (which I always do).
There's an arguement that AP becomes redundant if you get the Grim 
Reaper's Sprint perk, but in its defense, the more AP you have, the 
more shots you can take, the better your chance of killing and enemy 
and replenishing your AP. It's good stuff people, trust me. I even
get Nerves of Steel, since it makes V.A.T.S. that much more accessible.
And really, there's not a stellar selection of great perks left at
level 26.

XP 								{STA008}
Your experience points rates your progress towards the next level. You
recieve anywhere from 1 to 50 experience (in normal difficulty) for 
killing an enemy, and you get a comparably whopping amount for 
completing the games' quests. I'll go ahead and say it here.. there are 
plenty of chances to gain XP in this game. Killing enemies, completing 
quests, giving certain items (scrap metal, sensor modules, sugar bombs 
and the like) to certain NPCs, picking locks, disabling/disarming mines, 
hacking computers.. Point is, you NEVER need perks that increase your 
XP.. even if you might be forced into picking one at level three for 
lack of options..
Skills {SKL001}
Skills determine how good you are at various activities, anything from
picking locks, hacking computers, attacking with various weapons,
sneaking, interacting with NPCs and so forth. Your skills are every bit
as important as your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes and your perks, with
one exception.. it's entirely possible to create a character with a
score of 100 in every skill.

Base 								{SKL002}
You start out with two points in each skill, and get an additional two
points per S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute in related skills with the
exception of Luck, which gives .5 point for each point of Luck
(rounded up).

Tag! 								{SKL003}
You select three skills to tag during the G.O.A.T. test. Unlike the
first two Fallout games, this doesn't double your rate of skill point
increase, it merely adds a 15 point bonus to those skills.

Leveling 							{SKL004}
You gain 10 skill points per level plus your Intelligence score.
Getting the bobblehead from Rivet City early earns you extra skill

Bobbleheads 							{SKL005}
There is a bobblehead in the game for each skill, each of which
increases your skill by 10 points. Free and easy skill points, you
shouldn't raise any skill above 90 until you have the bobblehead for
that skill, or you're wasting points.

Books 								{SKL006}
In addition to perks, leveling, intelligence, and bobbleheads, you can
get skill bonuses from books throughout the game. These books each give
you a one point bonus to a specific skill, depending on the book. This
cannot increase your skill level above 100. In the game there are
twenty-five of each skill book (except for 'Tales of a Junktown Jerky
Vendor, of which there are only twenty-three.) With the Comprehension
perk, each book adds two points instead of one, so you should save all
the skill books you find until you get Comprehension. Note that 
depending on where you choose to live, you may not be able to get all
25 of the books in the game. Different themes offer different books in
Tenpenny Tower than in Megaton. Also, the 'Lawbringer' and 'Contract 
Killer' perks each allow you to obtain a book you normally couldn't
get, a Guns & Bullets and Lying, Congressional Style, respectively. On 
any given playthrough you will miss out on two to four books, depending 
on how you play. Adjust your build accordingly.

Min/Maxing 							{SKL007}
If you want to ensure you'll max out all skills at 100, get every skill
to at least 40 points. You'll get ten more from the bobbleheads, and
you can get 50 more points from the skill books if you have
Comprehension. For Barter, you'll need a minimum of 44 since there are
only 23 books (Speech gets a 10 point boost from Yew's Bear Charm.) 
Keep in mind that some perks require skills to be at certain levels, 
like Cyborg. You might want to boost such skills to the minimum level-
and really strive to get your hands on the bobbleheads you'll need 
early on. This approach is even more power-gamey than I like to play, 
but it's an option. I don't think it's really all that valid now that 
you have an extra 10 levels and you might as well start out with a high 
Intelligence.. but.. hey, it's out there. If you want to find ALL the 
skill books, you don't even need Comprehension.

Breakdown of Skill Points 					{SKL008}
There are 13 skills in the game, each of which can be raised to a score
of 100, for a grand total of 1300 possible skill points in the game..
You will get skill points equal to (10 + your Intelligence score) for
each level you gain. For my build that's 19 at level 2, and 20 for the 
rest, since I'll make a priority getting the bobblehead from Rivet City. 
From leveling alone, I will get a total of 579 skill points. Add that
to the base two in each skill for an extra 26 skill points, or 605 

Add that to the three tagged skills for a total of 650. You will also
hit a total of 10 in each attribute, adding 20 points to each skill.
Luck will add an additional 5 points to all my skills for a total boost
from attributes of 25 points. (25 x 13 = 325) Just from leveling up,
getting the Almost Perfect perk, and all the attribute bobbleheads, my
skill point total is at 975 out of the possible 1,300. 

Now take into account the skill bobbleheads, each of which add 10 to
their skill. That's 130 more points, bringing me up to 1,105 points.
From books, I need to find only 195 points worth of books. With
Comprehension, that's a measly 98 books out of 323, which is cake.
But we're not done yet. Yew's Bear Charm gives you 10 points to
Speech, and I will also get the Cyborg perk (+10 to Energy Weapons)
and the Silent Running perk (+10 to Sneak.) So that's actually only
165 points to go, which requires me to find only 83 books.
Breakdown					Points
Base		2 per skill, 13 skills		26
Attributes	20 per skill, 13 skills		260
Luck		5 per skill, 13 skills		65	
Tag! Skills	15 per skill, 3 skills		45
Level 2		10 + Intelligence (9)		19
Levels 3-30	10 + Intelligence (10)		560
Bobbleheads	10 per skill, 13 skills		130
Perks		10 to 2 skills			20
Yew's Charm	10 to Speech			10

Total						1,135
				(87.3~ points per skill at level 30)

Needed						1,300

Left for Books					165
Comprehension	1 book = 2 points		82.5 (83 books)

Remember, you can get an infinite number of skill books for the Big Guns
skill, so never put any points into that skill. Also, that makes the
book total considerably lower than what is stated.. If you plan on
getting all of your Big Guns from books, you'll have something more like

Breakdown					Points
Base		2 per skill, 12 skills		24
Attributes	20 per skill, 12 skills		240
Luck		5 per skill, 12 skills		60
Tag! Skills	15 per skill, 3 skills		45
Level 2		10 + Intelligence (9)		19
Levels 3-30	10 + Ingelligence (10)		560
Bobbleheads	10 per skill, 12 skills		120
Perks		10 to 20 skills			20
Yew's Charm	10 to Speech			10

Total						1098 
				(91.5 points per skill at level 30)

Needed						1200

Left for Books					102
Comprehension	1 book = 2 points		51 (51 books)
This is the ultra power-gamey version of the above build. Since Big
Guns is a non-issue with this method, I simply ignore that skill 
entirely. Just be sure to return to the Bethesda Ruins once every
coulpe of game days to get yourself another copy, and before you know
it you'll have a high Big Guns score.

The skills 							{SKL009}
Below I have listed and explained the skills. It seems more redundant
than explaining S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes or perks, since you can
easily max all of the skills, but this might help you choose which
skill to tag and boost.

Barter 								{SKL010}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Charisma
Book: Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor

The Barter skill affects the prices you get for buying and selling
items. In general, the higher your Barter skill, the lower your prices
on purchased items.

Like it is said in the manual, you gain an advantage on trade prices,
which is fairly important. The more money you get for your loot, the
more ammo you can buy. The more ammo you have, the easier your life
will be. Being able to get your hands on more ammo, armor, and meds
will make the game easier, obviously. There is, however, plenty of
loot in the game, so while this skill helps, it's not a skill you
should lose sleep over.

Grade: ****

Big Guns 							{SKL011}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Endurance
Book: U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes

The Big Guns skill determines your combat effectivness with all
oversized weapons such as the Fat Man, Missile Launcher, Minigun, and
Gatling Laser.

The more points you have in Big Guns, the more damage they'll do, and
the better your accuracy in V.A.T.S. They already do a ton of damage,
but that just means they'll get that much better by focusing on Big
Guns. Of course, this is a fairly specialized niche of weapons that
have rather limited use and even more limited ammo. Granted, you'll
find more 5mm rounds than you can shake a stick at, but you'll also
burn through it like nothing else. I've managed to play through the
game without using a single Big Gun. In fact, the only situation in
which I found myself wanting one was against Super Mutant Behemoths,
and there are very few of them in the game. Big Guns tend to be
rather inefficient in V.A.T.S., as they take a lot of Action Points
to fire, and interrupt the flow of firing manually, since many have
a revving up time. They are also inaccurate at range, making them only
really useful in situations where you have enemies at short to middle
range with little cover. I don't know.. They seem to work better for 
the computer than they do for me.

Do not spend any points into Big Guns, EVER. In the Bethesda Ruins -
Bethesda Offices East there is a raider with a flamer that drops a
skill book for Big Guns. He will respawn, allowing you to get multiple 
copies of the book from him.

Grade: **

Energy Weapons 							{SKL012}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Perception
Book: Nikola Tesla and You

The Energy Weapons skill determines your effectiveness with weapons
such as the Laser Pistol, Laser Rifle, Plasma Rifle, and Plasma Pistol.

Unfortunately, Energy Weapons describes a rather limited selection of 
weapons in Fallout 3. The exception of course, is the Alien Blaster, 
but ammo is incredibly rare for this gun. The big problem with Energy
Weapons is the fact that they aren't really any more powerful than Small
Guns, but typically cost much more to maintain. Sure, a Plasma Rifle can
compete with a Combat Shotgun in damage, but when you have to repair the
two.. you'll see the difference. That said, Gatling Lasers are in every
way a superior option for mass destruction to Big Guns like the Minigun.

Grade: ***

Explosives 							{SKL013}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Perception
Book: Duck and Cover!

The Explosives skill determines the power of any set mines, the ease of
disarming any hostile mines, and the effectiveness of any thrown

Explosives aren't very useful. They do good damage, but they come in
extremely limited quantities. They're annoying to aim, and they take 
too long to detonate. I know, I know, "aim better!" Most situations in 
which one could be used I found it easier to simply use a gun, or a 
missile. Some people suggest using Frag Mines against Mirelurks, but I 
found it simpler to just go downhill from them and put an end to them 
with a shotgun. And about the 'ease of disarming hostile mines', they
mean mines will take longer to detonate after they become live. It's not
a big deal, however, except with the quest 'The Power of the Atom.' Even
then, your skill doesn't have to be very high. Seriously, 25 in 
Explosives to disarm a tentative and malfunctioning nuclear device? It 
also allows you to disarm explosive traps, such as the baby carriage 
and grenade bouquet. Not essential, but not bad.

Grade: **

Lockpick 							{SKL014}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Perception
Book: Tumblers Today

The Lockpick skill is used to open locked doors and containers.

Every 25 points in this skill allows you to pick a more difficult lock.
It also increases your chance to force locks (wee..) There are
plenty of locks in the game, so this skill becomes useful simply
because of how often you'll need to use it. It is one of the few skills
you should level up quickly (the faster you get it up in ranks, the
sooner you'll be able to pick more difficult locks.) It's a good
candidate for a Tag! skill.
Lockpick SkillLock Difficulty
0Very Easy
100Very Hard
Grade: *****

Medicine 							{SKL015}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Intelligence
Book: D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine

The Medicine skill determines how many Hit Points you'll replenish upon
using a Stimpak, and the effectiveness of Rad-X and RadAway.

More potent Stimpaks, Rad-X, and RadAway? Not bad. I don't tend to use
them often, but when I need them, they come in handy. I wouldn't fret
about this skill, but the higher it gets, the more potent your meds
will be, and everybody can be happy with that.

Grade: ***

Melee Weapons 							{SKL016} 
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Strength
Book: Grognak the Barbarian

The Melee Weapons skill determines your effectiveness with any melee
weapon, from the simple lead pipe all the way up to the high-tech
Super Sledge.

I'm not sure what's 'high-tech' about a Super Sledge, but it sure does
pack a whallop. Melee weapons are inferior to Small Guns in damage and
range, but they do have one great perk-they require no ammo. That
makes life easier in the early going. And there are tons of them in
the game. Super Mutants and Raiders will carry them liberally, so
you should never be hurting for melee weapons. That said, you can
mow down enemies with melee weapons before they ever get close to you,
and it shouldn't be a surprise that the bad guys can return the favor.
There's no point in rushing a Super Mutant with a missile launcher.
Of course, since skills are so liberal in this game there's no reason
you should focus solely on melee weapons. They have their place, but
that place is mostly for early on, when ammo is scarce(ish). You'd
think that would make this skill worthy of an endorsement for early 
leveling, but frankly, the sooner you get your Small Guns up, the 
sooner you'll get to ditch Melee Weapons entirely. Despite the fact that
you'll need to invest several Perks into it, Paralyzing Palm makes
Unarmed the much better melee combat skill. Sorry Melee Weapons, you
really just can't compete.

Grade: **

Repair 								{SKL017}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Intelligence
Book: Dean's Electronics

The Repair skill allows you to maintain any weapons and apparel. In
addition, the higher your Repair skill, the better the starting
condition of any custom-made weapons.

This skill is surprisingly good. The better a weapons' condition, the
more damage it does, irregardless of what weapon type it is. This skill
allows you to do more damage with ALL weapons. Not only that, it keeps
armor in tip top shape as well, improving its damage reduction. Another
benefit of Repair is the higher your Repair skill, the more low quality
weapons you can combine to make higher quality weapons. This frees up
inventory space, and generally makes looting easier. Why tug around
several crappy suits of Raider armor when you can carry around one good
suit? Definately a tag-worthy skill.

Grade: *****

Science 							{SKL018}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Intelligence
Book: Big Book of Science

The Science skill represents your combined scientific knowledge, and
is primarily used to hack restricted computer terminals.

Just like Lockpicking, but for computers! Granted, hacking is less
useful in many ways. A great deal of computers unlock safes, and
many others just disable turrets. Still, it's experience, and there
are plenty of situations in which it is useful. Some of which are
even exclusive to Science. Keep in mind you also need it for the
excellent Cyborg perk. It's a consideration for a tag skill, although
I'd consider Lockpick more useful early on.
Science SkillHack Difficulty
0Very Easy
100Very Hard
Grade: *****

Small Guns 							{SKL019}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Agility
Book: Guns and Bullets

Small Guns determines your effectiveness with all conventional
projectile weapons, such as the 10mm pistol, BB Gun, and Combat

Small Guns are plentiful and powerful, useful in close range 
(shotguns), medium range (assault rifles), and long range (sniper 
rifles). They comprise a variety of ammo including BBs, 10mm rounds,
.32 calibur rounds, .44 rounds, 5.56mm rounds, .308 rounds, and of
course shotgun shells. This is a huge variety of weaponry to fall
under one skill. In fact, you don't even need another weapon skill
than Small Guns. It's not just the most varied, and composed of the
greatest library of ammunition (by far), but possibly the most
powerful. In particular the 10mm Submachine Gun, the Chinese
Assault Rifle, and the Combat Shotgun are all extremely powerful,
especially in V.A.T.S. The fact that the Combat Shotgun has such a
large clip size (12 rounds) and deals as much damage as it does makes
it overwhelming. This is the most versatile weapon skill in Fallout 3,
and regardless of what else you want to fight with, you should make
sure you've got Small Guns covered. Certainly worth considering for a
Tag! skill.

Grade: *****

Sneak 								{SKL020}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Agility
Book: Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual

The higher your Sneak skill, the easier it is to remain undetected,
steal and item, or pick someone's pocket. Successfully attack while
undetected grants an automatic critical hit.

Sneaking allows you to pick your fights, and with a high Perception,
it allows you to situate yourself in a position that makes surviving
a fire fight easier. Picking off that Super Mutant with the missile
launcher will make your life easier, as will avoiding that group of
Talon Company Mercenaries. Also, stealing stuff is great. It's a fine
way to get some better guns early on, or to just nab some stuff to
sell. Karma smarma. Good guys need money too. And automatic critical
hits? Critical hits are devastating in Fallout 3, and a critical
sneak attack headshot will just about end anything you'll come up with.
Especially with a combat shotgun. In the face. Yeah.. Oh, and the
Better Criticals perk just makes the situation all the better. Of
course, Sneak wont get you any experience, and it will only help so
much if you cant fight your way out of a wet paper bag, so while it's
extremely useful, it's worth focusing on after you get some other
skills a little higher. Plus, like in Oblivion, Sneak seems to be an
all or nothing skill. It's incredibly hard to sneak near enemies with
a sneak below the 70's. If you're trying to just avoid fights in open
terrain, you'll only need about 50, but for combat purposes, look
higher. And dammit, don't forget to turn your Pip-Boy light off! Am I
the only one who didn't notice your Pip-Boy had a light until the third
play-through? Nah, I'm sure I'm not.. Also, with a high Sneak score and
Chinese Combat Armor, the game breaks in the same way Oblivion does-
enemies simply cannot respond to your attacks. So long as you don't
run into them, and you use Unarmed or Melee Weapons, that is.

Grade: *****

Speech 								{SKL021}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Charisma
Book: Lying, Congressional Style

The Speech skill governs how much you cna influence someone through
dialogue, and gain access to information they might otherwise not want
to share.

Speech allows you to interact with characters better. Any time a
Speech option comes up, you'll get a chance to radically alter the
course of the conversation. Failure usually only deprives you of the
benefit of suceeding. Success will convince NPCs to do things without
a hassle, give you more money, or tell you about cool loot. If you
have a high Charisma, you might not need this skill, although I've
found very few instances where Charisma actually comes up at all. Also,
you get experience for successfully using Speech, unlike with having
a high Charisma. You typically only get one shot at making a Speech
check for an NPC about a specific subject, so I'd suggest you save
and reload. If you want to do quests off the bat, you should boost
your Speech to get as much out of the quests as you can. If you level
first, you can put Speech off a bit. Saving and reloading will allow
you to succeed at any Speech check.. eventually, a higher Speech skill
just cuts down on the bother. It's good, but it can wait. Also, in Oasis
a little girl named Yew will give you an item that permenantly increases
your Speech by 10 points, which is nice.

Grade: ***

Unarmed 							{SKL022}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Endurance
Book: Pugilism Illustrated

The Unarmed skill is used for fighting without a weapon, or with the
few weapons speciafically designed for hand-to-hand combat, like Brass
Knuckles, or the Power Fist.

I was a little rude to this skill in the previous version of the FAQ,
but I will maintain my position.. this skill is ass pre-expansion(s).
Can it be good? Yes. Is wasting three perks on Iron Fist and getting
Ninja worth it in the end? No. Now that you have 10 extra levels
though.. why not? Some of the unique power fists (like Fisto!) and the
Deathclaw Gauntlet can do some downright wretched damage later on. I 
mean, rivaling combat shotgun damage. And with Robotics Expert, machines 
you attack in melee won't know what to do! So, melee can be good-
especially with Paralyzing Palm. In fact, Paralyzing Palm is the easiest 
way to deal with stronger enemies like Albino Radscorpians and Feral 
Ghoul Reavers, making this skill easily the second-best weapon choice in 
the game. Get Iron Fist early on, put on some knuckles or get a power 
fist, and you'll make your life very easy by doing some good damage 
without fretting over ammo.

Grade: *****

Skills I Tag! (and why) 					{SKL023}
I typically choose from the following skills to tag.

They both unlock goodies, and they both will get you experience for
using them. I choose Lockpick, since a lot of computers simply open
locks, while no locks make computer redundant. Also, getting a 50 into
Lockpick lets you get the Strength bobblehead, which is handy.	

Small Guns/Repair/Sneak:
Small Guns allows you to kill things easier, hence making your ammo go 
further. Repair allows you to kill things easier, hence making your 
ammo go further, and it allows you to combine gear, giving you more 
potent, compact versions, which just makes life easier. Sneak allows 
you to steal loot to sell or use, and can help you avoid tough 
encounters early on-or allow you to get the drop on enemies.. allowing 
you to do more damage and make your ammo go further. These three skills 
make your killing easier, which will in their own ways maximize your
experience earning and money making. Pick which one (or two) you prefer
the most. Keep in mind that Sneak early on wont allow you to Sneak past
stronger foes, and it certainly wont let you steal with impunity.

Barter/Speech (honorable mention)
While both are good, you can do without at the beginning. If you dont
plan on doing quest right off the bat, ignore Speech. Even if you do
you can tough it out and save/reload until it works. With Barter, you
can get money from one of the above skills. These two skills are good,
but there are better early game skills.	

I pick Lockpick, Repair, and Sneak.	

Skill Point Allocation 						{SKL024}
I try to keep my skills somewhat equal as I level.. obviously paying
favor to the more useful skills first. Getting Lock Pick, Repair,
Science, Small Guns, Sneak, and Unarmed up to the 50's early on is
a good idea. Unarmed is good for lower levels, as you'll be able to
find and afford spiked knuckles earlier than you can get copious amounts
of ammo. Once I get all my skills to 50 (60 if they have the bobblehead)
I make the next incremental improvement and get Lockpick and Science to
75, and generally work on getting all my skills into the 80's. By this 
time, I'm keeping track of Bobbleheads, perk bonuses, and the fact that
when I get Almost Perfect my skill points will jump. Here's how I go
about things.. that's right, another breakdown.

Level 10
Get your more important skills to a decent level early on. You can do
some of these quicker by getting the bobblehead.. but don't kill 
yourself trying to get to Bethesda before you're ready. Here are some
(rough) examples of what I mean.
	Barter		30
	Lock Pick	50
	Repair		50
	Science		50
	Small Guns	50
	Sneak		50
	Speech		30+ (Depends if you want to quest early)
	Unarmed		50
Level 20
Get ALL your skills to 50 (60 with the bobblehead.) I make sure to
get certain skills up faster to meet perk requirements, as listed below.
	Energy Weapons 	60 (for Concentrated Fire)
	Medicine 	60 (for Cyborg)
	Science 	60 (for Cyborg and Robotics Expert)
	Small Guns 	60 (for Concentrated Fire)	
	Sneak 		50 (for Silent Running)
	Unarmed 	70 (for Paralyzing Palm)

The Last 10 Levels
Get all your skills up as high as you can.. this is where I really try
to equalize my skill values out for good, with a few exceptions. If you 
don't want to wait for Lockpick/Science to hit 100 at level 30, go ahead 
and max 'em out. Also, make SURE to get Melee Weapons and Sneak up to 80 
BEFORE you hit level 29 to get the Ninja perk. It's the most 
skill-intensive perk out there, and if you don't have it by level 29, 
you'd have to sacrifice Almost Perfect to get it. Also, I try to not use 
any skill books until I'm at this point, so I know what the TRUE values 
of my skill are. Obviously if I find and use 5 Dean's Electronics, I 
can't count on finding as many. This issue is largely resolved in the 
expansion by the fact that you'll get all your skills easily into the 
80's with this build.. If you can't find 10 or so of each book.. well, 
you're just not looking hard enough.
Perks {PRK001}
In Fallout 3 you gain a perk every level (starting at level 2, which you
attain automatically upon leaving Vault 101.) Perks are seperated by
thier level prerequisite, with every even level opening up more perks.
Prerequisites for perks may also include S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes or 
skill points. (For example, the Entomologist perk requires that you be 
level 4, have Intelligence 4, and Science 40.)

The name of the game has changed somewhat. Now that you have 10 more
levels to gain, you have an extra 50% base skill points to get just
from leveling.. You were already easily capable of maxing out all your
skills before, now it's even easier. This changes some things. Skill
perks are even more useless. If you're familiar with this guide, you
know why I think they suck. They suck worse now. Also, you no longer
need Educated at all to get more skill points than you need. Mostly
the Broken Steel perks are ways to either correct something your
previously couldn't fix (like bringing Dogmeat back) or radically
altering your character if you needed to (changing your alignment
from one extreme to another). Most of them just save you time or
effort, which I still consider a waste of a perk. Also keep in mind
the term 'build' is somewhat redundant. Your character has more perks
than ever to get, you no longer need to really worry about doing a
V.A.T.S. build, or a critical hit build, or a melee build. Do them
all. It's not like there are so many great perks out there vying for
your attention.

At level 30, you can get the "Almost Perfect" perk, which raises all
your deficient attributes to 9.. with the Bobblehead, that's 10 in all
attributes. Any perks that add to attributes are therefore useless.
All those Intensive Training perks? Not worth a thing. Now any perk
that offers a bonus.. no matter how menial.. might as well take their
place. Intensive Training will simply be over-ridden by Almost Perfect,
whereas even something like.. *groans*.. Lady Killer.. will be better.
At least it will do SOMETHING at level 30. And that's really what
matters, right? How much of a juggernaught you are at the end? That's
what I thought too.

*	Horrible	Nobody should pick this perk.
**	Bad		Generally this is a low-end perk. Sometimes
			they provide just enough of a benefit specific
			to a character to be worth it, but most
			characters will not find this perk useful.
***	Average		This perk is good simply because of the
			lack of competition, or there is a good, but
			not overwhelmingly good reason to pick it. It
			might look good on its own merit, but compared
			to truly great perks, it doesn't measure up.
****	Good		A good perk for anybody to pick, or a perk
			that is absolutely essential to a specific
*****	Great		A perk everybody should get. Period.

Level 2 Perks 							{PRK002}			       
Black Widow/Lady Killer
Req: Level 2
Ranks: 1

In combat you do +10% damage against male/female opponents. Outside of
combat, you'll sometimes have access to unique dialogue options when
dealing with the opposite sex.

You wont use this perk much in dialogue.. it just doesn't have all that
many uses. And what few it has, you can get the same results from other
methods. Still, the +10% damage to the opposite gender is.. well,
something, which is more than can be said for the other level 2 perks.

Grade: ***
Daddy's Boy/Daddy's Girl
Req: Level 2, Intelligence 4
Ranks: 3

Just like dear old Dad, you've devoted your time to Intellectual
pursuits. You gain an additional 5 points to both the Science and
Medicine skills.

Devote yourself to a real intellectual pursuit and skip this perk. Even
though it might be tempting from a story aspect to pick this up, +10%
to your skills is never worth a perk on its own. Especially when one of
them is Medicine.

Grade: *
Gun Nut
Req: Level 2, Intelligence 4, Agility 4
Ranks: 3

You're obsessed with using and maintaining a wide variety of 
conventional firearms. With each rank of the Gun Nut perk, you gain an
additional 5 points to the Small Guns and Repair skills.

Another skill perk. At least both of the skills are useful this time.

Grade: *
Intense Training
Req: Level 2
Ranks: 10

With the Intense Training perk, you can put a single point into any of
your S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes.

In the original Fallout 3, Intensive Training was one of the few ways
to raise an attribute. Now that you can get Almost Perfect, Intensive
Training is just a waste. Don't bother.

Grade: *
Little Leaguer
Req: Level 2, Strength 4
Ranks: 3

Years as the Vault little league MVP have honed your hitting and
throwing. With every rank, you gain 5 points of Melee Weapons skill and
5 points of Explosives skill.


Grade: *
Swift Learner
Req: Level 2, Intelligence 4
Ranks: 3

With each rank in the Swift Learner perk, you gain an additional 10% to
total Experience Points whenever Experience Points are earned.

You could get this, to level faster. Or you could just kill more, pick
a lock or two, succeed at a Speech check, or hack a computer. This is a
useless perk. It's almost insulting that they offer three ranks of it.
Unfortunately, since there's nothing better to pick at level 3, I end
up getting this perk.. the skill point perks I will have no use for
whatsoever, but the extra 10% experience.. well, it's still useless,
since there's nothing else to pick at this level, at least it gets me to
where I'm going faster. Some more consolation for you, at least the game
rounds up, so you'll always get some bonus experience with this perk.
If you kill something worth one point of experience, you'll get two,
kill something worth twenty five, and you'll get twenty eight. Also, if
you have multiple bonuses to experience gained, they don't combine, the
stack separately. If you're well rested and you have swift learner,
you'll get seven experience for killing something worth five, sixty one
experience for killing something worth fifty, and so on.

Grade: * 
Req: Level 2, Agility 2, Perception 4
Ranks: 3

With each rank of the Thief perk, you gain an immediate bonus of 5
points to both the Sneak and Lockpick skills.

At least these are good skills. Still. Yuck.

Grade: *

Level 4 Perks 							{PRK003}
Child at Heart
Req: Level 4, Charisma 4
Ranks: 1

The Child at Heart perk greatly improves your interactions with
children, usually in the form of unique dialogue options.

So you can have a few extra dialogue options with the handful of 
kids in this game who have something to do with quests. Dont waste your

Grade: *
Requirements: Level 4, Intelligence 4
Ranks: 1

With the Comprehension perk, you gain one additional skill point 
whenever a skill book is read.

Lets see. Almost 25 skill books per skill, 13 skills.. that's a 
potential of 325 extra skill points. That is the biggest pool of skill 
points in the game, even better than all the skill points you can get 
from intelligence. This is one of the must have perks. This perk is
pretty much in a league of its own in terms of usefulness, seeing as 
how it can potentially remove the need for an entire attribute.

I must say, however, that with the new build, I found my characters
reaching an average of 80~ or so in all their skills by the time they
hit level 30.. not including Big Guns, which gets ignored because it's
a waste to put skill points into it. This is counting the bobbleheads
and the +10 to Speech you get from Yew's Bear Charm, and of course,
the few perks I pick that raise skills (incidentally, of course.) This
is NOT counting the boosts from Almost Perfect, so keep in mind that's
easily maxing out my Barter and Speech, and giving some substantial
(4-8 points) boosts to my other skills.. I have to wonder if you even
need comprehension any more, as I find more than enough books on an
average play-through without having to use them all.. Pick Comprehension
if you don't think you'll bother finding five to ten of each book..and
of course, with Big Guns you're going to need to do the Bethesda run
about.. seventy times?

Grade: ****
Requirements: Level 4, Intelligence 4

With the Educated perk, you gain three skill points every time you 
advance in level. This perk is best taken early on, to maximize its

Now that you have an extra ten levels to gain, getting this perk is
over-kill on the skill points. You'd think that with 10 extra levels,
this perk would be even MORE useful.. and technically it is. Previously
you could get 48 extra skill points from this perk. In Broken Steel you
can get 78 points.. But the fact that you'll get a flat extra 110+ (200
for this build) skill points for the extra levels kinda makes this perk 
moot. Relying on finding a lot of books is a pain, but finding a third 
of them is not, which is all this build requires you to do. Don't bother 
with this perk in Broken Steel.

Grade: **
Req: Level 4, Intelligence 4, Science 40
Ranks: 1

With the Entomologist perk, you do an extra 50% damage every time you
attack a mutated insect, like the Radroach, Giant Ant, or Radscorpian.

I must admit, the lack of competing perks and the emergence of Albino
Rad Scorpians sheds a little new light on this perk. Still, they're
rare enough, and they are managable, if not mindlessly easy like the
rest of the bug-category monsters. You still don't need this perk, but
it does deserve a more favorable mention in the expansion.. I guess..

Grade: **
Iron Fist
Req: Level 4, Strength 4
Ranks: 3

with the Iron Fist perk, you do an additional 5 points of Unarmed damage
per rank.

Five points of unarmed damage is HUGE. It's the same damage bonus you'd
get from 10 points of strength. If you decide to try and play with your 
fists, these perks are essential. If you don't want to go melee, don't 
bother with this.
Grade: ****
Req: Level 4, Charisma 4
Ranks: 3

Take the Scoundrel perk, and you can use your wily charms to influence
people--each rank raises your Speech and Barter skills by 5 points.

10 skill point perk. Yuck.

Grade: *

Level 6 Perks 							{PRK004}
Bloody Mess
Req: Level 6
Ranks: 1

With the Bloody Mess perk, characters and creatures you kill will often 
explode into a red, gut-ridden, eyeball-strewn paste. Fun! Oh, and
you'll do 5% extra damage with all weapons.

Okay, the aesthetics are cool, but that's no reason to get a perk. 5%
damage against everything is nice, though. Considering the fact that
other damage increasing perks only affect certain weapon types, or
certain enemies, a pure, honest, damage boost is special. There's also
the nostalgia factor, for us old school Fallout players.

Grade: ****
Demolition Expert
Req: Level 6, Explosives 50
Ranks: 3

With each rank of this perk, all of your explosive weapons do an
additional 20% damage.

20% damage with explosives is a fairly big increase to damage. If you're
a nut about the grenades and mines, this is a great perk. Frankly, I've
never cared too much about explosives in this game. Missile launchers
fall under the Big Guns category, and so does the Fat Man. Still, you
might find a situation in which an opportune grenade will be handy, and
with the extra levels in Broken Steel, it's worth considering. Note that
this perk does NOT improve damage dealt with Nuka-Grenades, which is
mind-boggling for many reasons. I guess they thought that 800 damage
hand grenades would be too much? (But 800 damage mines are okay.)

Grade: **
Fortune Finder
Req: Level 6, Luck 5
Ranks: 1

With the Fortune Finder perk, you'll find considerably more Nuka-Cola
caps in containers than you normally would.

More caps. Yay. You'll get plenty of caps killing by things and selling
thier loot.

Grade: *
Req: Level 6
Ranks: 1

While using a pistol (or similar one-handed weapon), your accuracy in
V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.

If you plan to use one-handed ranged weapons-and V.A.T.S.-you should
definately pick up this perk. Personally I choose to get both this and
Commando, since I use Small Guns of all sorts.

Grade: ****
Lead Belly
Req: Level 6, Endurance 5
Ranks: 1

With the Lead Belly perk, you take 50% less radiation every time you
drink from an irradiated water source.

You shouldn't have to drink from too many irradiated water sources, even
though it can sometimes be effective. In any case, Rad-Away will heal
100 Rads, and it's cheap enough to get from Rivet city. Also, paying
100 caps will get you fixed up from any doctor. This is a waste of a

Grade: *
Req: Level 6, Endurance 5
Ranks: 1

With the Toughness perk, you gain +10% to overall Damage Resistance, up
to the maximum of 85%.

10% permenant damage reduction is good for everybody. You'll be taking
a lot of damage in this game, and this is a good way to mitigate some of

Grade: ****

Level 8 Perks 							{PRK005}
Req: Level 8
Ranks: 1

While using a rifle (or similar one-handed weapon), your accuracy in
V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.

With Commando and Gunslinger, all my V.A.T.S. attacks are boosted with
nearly any weapon I use. Since I am a V.A.T.S. abusing Small Guns loving
sneaker, these skills are vital for me.

Grade: ****
Impartial Mediation
Req: Level 8, Charisma 5
Ranks: 1

With the Impartial Mediation perk, you gain an extra 30 points to Speech
so long as you maintain a Neutral Karma level.

Gaining 30 skill points isn't a bad bonus for a perk-unfortunately, it's
alignment conditional. You really don't need the 30 points into Speech,
especially considering there are plenty of other fine perks out there
to put you in a good way skill-point wise. Still, it's definately better
than a 10 skill point perk.

Grade: **
Rad Resistance
Req: Level 8, Endurance 5
Ranks: 1

Rad Resistance allows you to -- what else? -- resist radiation. This
perk grants an additional 25% to Radiation Resistance.

25% is a fairly large amount of radiation resistance, but there are
plenty of enviromental suits in the game, and of course.. Rad-X. You can
take a perk to permenantly gain resistance, or take a pill to get the
resistance when you need it. Besides, plot areas that are blocked by
radiation will spike up so quickly it'll kill you anyways. Taking 25%
of 700 rads/second will end you regardless. Oh, and also, you can
always buy a "My First Infirmary" for your house and simply remove all
rads any time you wish, which really makes rad resistance more obsolete.
The only time you'd need rad resistance is if there were some area in
which you were in danger of dying from radiation poisoning without being
able to a) cure your rads with rad-away, b) up your rad resistance with
rad-x, or c) get back to town to heal at your house or by paying a
doctor. Think of any? No? Okay then.

Grade: **
Req: Level 8, Luck 5
Ranks: 1

With the Scrounger perk, you'll find considerably more ammunition in
containers than you normally would.

Or you could just buy ammo. Really, I've had more than 1000 rounds of
ammo for some guns by level 10, and past that point your ammo-to-kill
ratio is greatly in the positive. 

Grade: *
Size Matters
Req: Level 8, Endurance 5
Ranks: 3

You're obsessed with really big weapons. With each rank of this perk, 
you gain an additional 15 points to the Big Guns skill.

Another skill perk, but this time 15 instead of 10. Still yuck. 

Grade: *
Strong Back
Req: Level 8, Strength 5, Endurance 5
Ranks: 1

With the Strong Back perk, you can carry 50 more pounds of equipment.

This perk adds the same amount of carrying capacity as 5 points of
Strength. It really helps with bringing in loot and carrying all the
essential gear you'll need. Sure as hell beats dropping 5 points into
Strength. The only real reason I get my Strength to 5 is for this perk.
No, it doesn't make your character a better killer, but it sure as hell 
makes life easier, and pretty much drowns out the need for high 
strength if you're not making a melee build. Even if your Strength will
raise to 10 with Almost Perfect (and the bobblehead) 50 extra pounds of
carrying capacity will help you out.. Power Armor is heavy!

Grade: ***

Level 10 Perks 							{PRK006}
Animal Friend
Req: Level 10, Charisma 6
Ranks: 2

At the first rank of this perk, animals simply won't attack. At the
second rank, they will eventually come to your aid in combat, but never
against another animal. This perk affects the Dog, Yao Guai, Mole Rat,
and Brahmin.

Mole Rats and Brahmin can be melee'd to death without taking any damage,
the dog isn't very dangerous, even in packs of five, and with my build
I kill Yao Guai with a shotgun shot to the head or two.. without getting
a sneak critical. This is a totally useless perk. But those Brahmin..
the two mad Brahmin you'll see in this game can be dangerous.. If you
fall asleep playing.

Grade: *
Req: Level 10
Ranks: 1

With the Finesse perk you have a higher chance to score a critical hit
on an opponent in combat, equivalent to 5 extra points of Luck.

An extra 5% chance to critically hit sure fits into my game plan. 
Actually, I can't imagine anybody not having a use for an extra 5%
chance to critical. I'd rather take a sure damage increase any day, but
this is still a good perk. Think of it this way, taking Strong Back is
good because it gives you the best part of having five points of
Strength. Finesse does pretty much the same thing, but with Luck, a far
superior attribute.

Grade: *****
Here and Now
Req: Level 10
Ranks: 1

The Here and Now perk immediately grants an additional experience level,
complete with all the advantages that brings.

Or you could just level up like normal. If you're like me, you hit level
30 well before you finished the game. This is a waste of a perk.

Grade: *
Mister Sandman
Req: Level 10, Sneak 60%
Ranks: 1

With the Mister Sandman perk, when you're in Sneak mode, you gain the
option to silently kill any human or Ghoul while they're sleeping. And,
all Mister Sandman kills earn bonus XP.

First, if they're sleeping, you can probably just whack them in V.A.T.S.
anyways. Second, when enemies are sleeping, they seem to have a greater
ability to detect you. Hell, half the time I get detected it's by
sleeping characters. Third, most enemies you'll want to kill wont be
caught sleeping, so this is mostly useful for assassinating NPCs. And
finally-how much XP are you really going to be getting from this in the
long run? Don't waste your perks.

Grade: *
Mysterious Stranger
Req: Level 10, Luck 6
Ranks: 1

You've gained your own personal guardian angel... armed with a fully
loaded .44 Magnum. With this perk, the Mysterious Stranger will appear
occasionally in V.A.T.S. mode to lend a hand, with deadly efficiency.

This perk is actually kind of fun. Your Mysterious Stranger-unlike in
the first two games-is actually fairly strong. And he wont die. Still,
it's a luck-based skill, so you can't count on him when you need him.

Grade: **
Nerd Rage!
Req: Level 10, Intelligence 5, Science 50%
Ranks: 1

You've been pushed around long enough! With the Nerd Rage! perk, your
Strength is raised to 10 and you gain 50% to damage resistance whenever
your Health drops to 20% or below.

Your Strength raises to 10 (which is only useful in melee or unarmed)
and you take 1/2 the damage you originally did (if your DR is under
35%, 85% is the cap, so anything else is wasted.) You become powerful
in melee combat.. but you're almost dead. What a bunch of crap. Get
something else. I guess if you're a Science-heavy smart unarmed 
character it could provide some interesting circumstances.. but mostly
it would get you killed.

Grade: *
Night Person
Req: Level 10
Ranks: 1

When the sun is down, a Night Person gains +2 to both Intelligence and
Perception (up to a maximum of 10). This perk directly affects your
"internal clock" and remains active both inside and outside.

The best part of this perk is the skill bonuses you'd recieve from the
stat increases. If you get the extra skill points from the Intelligence
when you level up at night.. maybe. But still, having a bonus half of
the time.. eh. I mean, it's not like it adds to your combat abilities,
it lets you see threats further (at night) and gives you some extra
skill points. There's better out there.

Grade: *

Level 12 Perks 							{PRK007}
Req: Level 12
Ranks: 1

With the Cannibal perk, when you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option
to eat a corpse to regain Health. But every time you feed, you lose
Karma, and if the act is witnessed, it is considered a crime against

If you want to be truly despicable, you can go ahead and get this
perk. If you're looking for any gameplay advantage, look elsewhere.
There is plenty of water around if you need healing, and stimpaks,
and beds. The only reason to pick this perk is to commit a crime
against nature, for what that's worth.

Grade: *
Fast Metabolism
Req: Level 12
Ranks: 1

With the Fast Metabolism perk, you gain a 20% Health bonus when using

Or you could raise your medicine skill, which over the course of your
play time will raise your benefit from stimpaks, radAway, and rad-X. If
this perk gave a 20% bonus to all medicine you administered.. eh.. it
still wouldn't be worth it, especially considering your base stimpak
healing rate won't reach 100. 20 extra points of healing from a 
stimpak isn't worth a perk.

Grade: *
Life Giver
Req: Level 12, Endurance 6
Ranks: 1

With the Life Giver perk, you gain an additional 30 Hit Points.

Considering that you gain 20 hit points for a point of Endurance, this
perk is pretty much on the same level as an Intensive Training perk
spent on Endurance-minus the bonuses to resistances and the skills,
neither which I personally care all that much about. Life Giver can
constitute a good bit of your end hit points, and unlike Intensive
Training, it wasn't made redundant by the expansion.

Grade: ***
Req: Level 12, Explosives 60%
Ranks: 1

With the Pyromaniac perk, you do +50% damage with fire-based weapons,
like the Flamer and Shishkebab.

A +50% damage boost is quite a bit of a boost, but for two weapons? If
you absolutely love the flamer and the shishkebab, go ahead, but it's 
a very specific selection of weapons you're limiting yourself to. Still,
with +50% damage, nearly anything can be useful. Especially consider
that there simply aren't a whole lot of other useful perks to choose

Grade: ***
Robotics Expert
Req: Level 12, Science 50%
Ranks: 1

With the Robotics perk, you do an additional 25% damage to any robot.
But, even better, sneaking up on a hostile robot undetected and
activating it will put that robot into a permanent shutdown state.

There are a number of robots in the game, including the Protectron,
Robobrain, Mister Handy and Mister Gutsy, and of course, the Sentry
Bot. 25% is a decent damage bonus against a number of enemies that,
while mostly being nuisances, you'll certainly encounter more than
bugs. The shut down ability is extra nice, too, especially for the
kind of character I play. If you use stealth, that's an extra
consideration for this perk. With the oodles of extra perks you'll
get in the expansion, this perk is a more than welcome addition to the

Grade: ****
Silent Running
Req: Level 12, Agility 6, Sneak 50%
Ranks: 1

With the Silent Running perk, you gain an additional 10 points to
Sneak, and running no longer factors into a successful sneak attempt.

I disregard skill perks, and so I would disregard this one.. except
for the fact that this perk greatly improves your sneak ability. Since
I play a stealthy character, I take this feat. Sneak attack criticals
pretty much spell out the end of any bad guy I meet. If you want to
play stealthy, I'd suggest this feat, if not, it's completely a waste.

Grade: ****
Req: Level 12, Perception 6, Agility 6
Ranks: 1

With the Sniper perk, your chance to hit an opponent's head in V.A.T.s.
is significantly increased.

Headshots are the best way to take out fire ants, super mutants, 
raiders, and talon company mercs. If it has a head, chances are it's a
good idea to shoot it there. If you use V.A.T.S., you're probably going
to want this perk.

Grade: ****

Level 14 Perks 							{PRK008}
Adamantium Skeleton
Req: Level 14
Ranks: 1

With the Adamantium Skeleton perk, your limbs only receive 50% of the
damage they normally would.

Your limbs don't take much damage throughout the game, unless you step
on a mine or take a glancing blow from a missile launcher. You wont see
much in the way of hit point preservation with this perk, if anything,
you'll just get crippled less. Even though under the normal 20 level
cap of the original, I wouldn't even consider this perk, with 10 more
perks to choose, it becomes an option. Of course.. there are always
stimpaks, and by now you should know how I feel about a perk that can
be dismissed by popping a chem..

Grade: **
Req: Level 14, Medicine 60%
Ranks: 1

With the Chemist perk, any chems you take last twice as long.

There are few instances in the game when you will need to take chems,
in fact, the most useful chemical in the game is Rad-x. You'll find
plenty of chems in your travels, enough that you can just take two
instead of having this perk.

Grade: *
Contract Killer
Req: Level 14
Ranks: 1

Once you have the Contract Killer perk, any good character you kill will
have an ear on their corpse. This ear can then be sold to a certain
person (whose identity is disclosed when you take this perk) for caps
and negative karma.

It's easy to lose karma, and it's easy to get money. You'll never need
this perk. The only reason to choose it is for role-playing purposes.
Since I don't rate role-playing bonuses (at least ones that don't have
any tangible positive effect on survival) this perk is needless. If you
pick this perk you'll gain access to the Office building in the 
Scrapyard, where you can obtain a copy of Lying, Congressional Style
that you otherwise could not get.

Grade: *
Req: Level 14, Science 60%, Medicine 60%
Ranks: 1

You've made permanent enhancements to your body! The Cyborg perk
instantly add +10% to your Damage, Poison, and Radiation Resistances,
and 10 points to the Energy Weapons skill.

If you like energy weapons, this is a great perk, certainly more than
just a skill perk. In fact, this is a skill perk with Toughness tacked
on, and extra resistances to boot. In fact, this perk is worth three
lesser perks. Anybody who uses energy weapons, who hates taking damage,
and likes being resistant to poison and radiation has reason to take
this perk. Frankly, I'm not too fond of energy weapons, but I'm very
fond of damage reduction and resistances. This is a fantastic perk,
even if the requirements are rather high.

Grade: *****
Req: Level 14
Ranks: 1

Once you have the Lawbringer perk, any evil character you kill will have
a finger on their corpse. This finger can then be sold to a certain
person (whose identity is disclosed when you take the perk) for caps
and positive karma.

Same as Contract Killer, but for good folks. Just as needless, too.
Once you pick it you'll get the 'Regulator Headquarters' area added to
your map, where you can find a copy of Guns and Bullet underneath the
bed on the top floor, in the room where Sonora Cruz stands.

Grade: *
Light Step
Req: Level 14, Agility 6, Perception 6
Ranks: 1

With the Light Step perk, you'll never set off an enemy's mines or
floor-based traps.

Land mines are pretty common. Fortunately, they're also obvious, they
don't do a huge amount of damage-in the grand scheme of things, and you
can disarm them with a simple button click. Not only that, you get
experience and the mine itself when you do! Be observant, and you wont
need this perk.

Grade: *
Master Trader
Req: Level 14, Charisma 6, Barter 60%
Ranks: 1

When you take the Master Trader perk, the price of every item you buy
from a vendor is reduced by 25%.

Just like with every other money making perk, you can just kill more,
and loot more. You'll find no great need of this discount throughout
the game, money becomes plentiful as you become more powerful. Choose
something better.

Grade: *

Level 16 Perks 							{PRK009}
Action Boy/Girl
Req: Level 16, Agility 6
Ranks: 1

With the Action Boy perk, you gain an additional 25 Action Points to use
in V.A.T.S.

Action Boy comprises nearly a quarter of the potential action points
you can get in this game. If you plan to use V.A.T.S., get Action Boy.
If for some reason you just refuse to use V.A.T.S., well, then I don't
really know what you're spending your perks on.

Grade: ****
Better Criticals
Req: Level 16, Perception 6, Luck 6
Ranks: 1

With the Better Criticals perk, you gain a 50% damage bonus every time
a critical hit is scored on an opponent.

Your critical chance is determined by your luck-1 point of luck equals
a 1% chance of landing a critical hit. This doesn't increase your chance
of landing a critical hit, instead Better Criticals improves the
damage you deal when you do land a critical hit. Therefore the
usefulness of this perk is directly related to how high your luck is.
With sneak attack criticals, the Sniper perk, or the Finesse perk,
Better Criticals becomes greatly useful, but it really depends on your 
build. No character is hurt by having high luck however, so it stands 
to suggest that most characters could benefit greatly from this perk.. 
And since you need a luck of 6 for this perk, if you can get it, you 
might as well.

Grade: *****
Chem Resistant
Req: Level 16, Medicine 60%
Ranks: 1

Having the Chem Resistant perk means you're 50% less likely to
develop an addiction to chems, like Psycho or Jet.

First, why you would ever need to use Psycho or Jet is beyond me.
Secondly, addiction isn't a big deal. You can always get your
addiction cured at a hospital, or you could just reload. If doubling
the duration of chems didn't appeal to you, this shouldn't either.

Grade: *
Req: Level 16
Ranks: 1

The Tag! perk allows you to select a fourth Skill to be a Tag skill,
which instantly raises it by 15 points.

Okay, it's not quite a 10 skill point perk.. it's a whopping 15 point
perk, and you get to choose any skill to boost you want. With Educated
and Comprehension, you shouldn't really need this perk, especially if
you're intelligence is high.

Grade: *

Level 18 Perks 							{PRK010}
Computer Whiz
Req: Level 18, Intelligence 7, Science 70%
Ranks: 1

Fail a hack attempt and get locked out of a computer? Not if you're a
Computer Whiz! With this perk, you can attempt to re-hack any computer
you were previously locked out of.

Words can hardly describe how useless this perk is. Okay, yes they can.
This perk is damn near worthless. A 10 skill point perk seems fanastic
by comparison. Here's a way to get the benefits of this perk without
wasting your perk pick on it: before you hack a computer, save. If you
get locked out, reload. Bam, no need for this perk. And considering
90% of the computers you encounter in this game lock a door (which you
can pick) or disable turrets (which you can destroy) there's no great
fear of getting locked out of a terminal in any case. Dont waste your

Grade: *
Concentrated Fire
Req: Level 18, Small Guns 60%, Energy Weapons 60%
Ranks: 1

With Concentrated Fire, your accuracy to hit any body part in V.A.T.S.
increases slightly with each subsequent hit on that body part.

Obviously if you don't use V.A.T.S. you don't need to bother with this
perk. This perk becomes even more useful with Sniper and Action Boy, as
the bonus to head shots will stack, and the more shots you take in
V.A.T.S. the higher your accuracy will raise. This perk is most useful
with small arms-the more shots you take with your weapon in V.A.T.S.
the more beneficial this perk will be. I decided to go with another
Intensive Training perk pre-expansion, but now that Broken Steel is
in the mix, I am more than happy to welcome this perk back into the
build. Where it really shines are those mid-to-long range V.A.T.S. shots
that have a middling percentage to hit. Like say against a Super Mutant
Overlord's tri-beam laser rifle. Getting an extra 5%, 10%, 15% chance
to hit on those last three shots can really help.

Grade: ***
Req: Level 18, Perception 7, Lockpick 70%
Ranks: 1

With Infiltrator, if a lock is broken, and can't normally be picked
again, you can attempt to pick it again one more time. This includes
locks previously broken by a "Force Lock" attempt.

This perk sucks for the same reason Computer Whiz sucks. Why anybody
would be forcing locks in the first place is a mystery, and if you
are going to bother forcing locks, why wouldn't you save first? Save
and reload, and save a perk.

Grade: *
Paralyzing Palm
Req: Level 18, Unarmed 70%
Ranks: 1

With Paralyzing Palm, you will sometimes perform a S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
V.A.T.S. palm strike for 30 seconds. Note that in order to perform the
Paralyzing Palm, you must be completely unarmed.

If you built your character for unarmed combat, then this perk is an
absolute must-have, and even if you haven't, you ought to get it. There
is really no excuse not to have it with the extra 10 levels you get in
Broken Steel. This is the best way to deal with all of the games' 
hardest enemies, although it can be somewhat less useful against enemies
you'll find in groups, say, Enclave soldiers or Raiders. Still, against
Albino Radscoripians, Feral Ghoul Reavers, and Super Mutant Overlords
this is the BEST way to deal with them.

Grade: *****

Level 20 Perks 							{PRK011}			       
Req: Level 20
Ranks: 1

When you choose the Explorer perk, every location in the world is
revealed on your map. So get out there and explore!

You can find all the areas on the map by yourself. You even get little 
icons that will guide you to them when you're close. Along the way, 
you'll get to explore the wasteland, which is the meat of the game. 
You'll find skill books, get experience, and find loot. Also, it must 
be noted that this perk doesn't make your character stronger in any way. 
Download a world map and search for places yourself, save yourself a 

Grade: *
Grim Reaper's Sprint
Req: Level 20
Ranks: 1

If you kill a target in V.A.T.S., all your Action Points are restored
upon exiting V.A.T.S.

If you're an action point junky, or rather if you use V.A.T.S. at all, 
this perk is for you. This perk turns your character into a juggernaught
of destruction, and it makes every V.A.T.S. perk more powerful. The only 
negative is if you don't finish off your enemy in V.A.T.S., your action 
points don't replenish. Of course, so long as the finishing shot is in 
V.A.T.S., you're good to go. This perk is great for anybody who doesn't 
delude themselves into thinking Fallout 3 is a strict FPS by shunning 

Grade: *****
Req: Level 20, Sneak 80%, Melee Weapons 80%
Ranks: 1

The Ninja perk grants you the power of the fabled shadow warriors. When
attacking with either Melee or Unarmed, you gain a +15% critical chance
on every strike. Sneak attack criticals do 25% more damage than normal.

This perk used to get outshone by Grim Reaper's Sprint, but now that
you have Broken Steel, there's no reason to not pick it, too! +15% 
critical chance is equal to the amount of critical hit chance you can 
recieve in the game from luck and Finesse. This can raise your critical 
hit rate up to 30%. This is an excellent perk, especially when mixed 
with Iron Fist, Better Criticals, and Paralyzing Palm, but not so much
without those supporting it.

Grade: *****
Solar Powered
Req: Level 20, Endurance 7
Ranks: 1

With the Solar Powered perk, you gain an additioanl 2 points to 
Strength when in direct sunlight, and slowly regenerate lost Health.

Why bother with two points of strength when you'll get 10 at level 30?
Who needs health regeneration, limited at that. Use stimpacks. I'm sure
you can find SOMETHING better. If you pick this perk, the only real
bonus you'll get is some health regeneration.. during the day.. Or there
are always stimpaks.

Grade: **

Level 22 Perks 							{PRK012}			       
Deep Sleep
Req: Level 22
Ranks: 1

You sleep deeply no matter where you are. You get the Well Rested
benefit of +10% XP for eight hours no matter what bed you sleep in.

Really? This is a level 22 perk? Huh. Okay. Seriously, get Swift
Learner at level 2. It's just like this, but gives you a +10% XP
bonus ALL THE TIME. Now if it let you heal anywhere, like on Oblivion..
then I'd be intrigued, but it just gives you the XP bonus to any bed,
instead of just ones you own. How disappointing. Even if this perk was
offered at level 2, it would be a waste, but 22?

Grade: *
Req: Level 22
Ranks: 1

With the Puppies! perk, if Dogmeat dies, you'll be able to get a new
canine companion from his litter of puppies. Just wait a bit, and you'll
find your new furry friend waiting outside Vault 101.

Okay, this perk is worthless.. but it's nostalgic. I never let Dogmeat
into combat, because he'd become.. well.. Dogmeat. But in a more dead
sort of way. Still, Dogmeat is great, and we all remember struggling to
keep him alive through the super mutant base in Fallout 1, so it gets
an extra * for nostalgia and treating Dogmeat right.

Grade: **
Quantum Chemist
Req: Level 22
Ranks: 1

You have unlocked the secret to creating Nuka-Cola Quantum. With this
perk, every ten Nuka-Colas in your inventory is immediately converted
into a Nuka-Cola Quantum.

Nuka-Cola Quantums are rare, Nuka-Cola is not. But, Nuka-Cola Quantum
is also fairly.. well.. do you really even need it? I mean, really?
Okay, they're the only way to make Nuka-Grenades, but is that really
that important? If you love grenades, this is the only way to ensure
that you have unlimited access to Nuka-Grenades, and frankly, if you're
not chucking a Nuka-Grenade, you might as well use a Missile Launcher
or Fat Man. Note that this perk only coverts Nuka-Colas, not Ice-Cold
Nuka-Colas. To be fair, ensuring that you can always create Nuka-
Grenades is more useful than all three of the Demolition Expert perks
combined. Think about it, a Frag Grenade is around 100~ damage, +60%
equals 160~ damage. A Nuka-Grenade can approach 500~ damage.

Grade: ***

Level 24 Perks 							{PRK013}			       

Devil's Highway
Req: Level 24
Ranks: 1

When you choose the Devil's Highway perk, your Karma is instantly set
to Very Evil.

I could understand getting Escalator to Heaven a bit, but getting a
perk to become evil? Find any computer terminal that you're not supposed
to be messing with, and keep interacting with it. Steal stuff. Useless
stuff. It doesn't matter. You do not need a perk for this.

If you want to get the level 30 karma achievements, save your game 
right before you level up. Pick the perk that corresponds to the karma 
achievement you want and finish. You'll unlock the achievement, and you
can just reload and pick another-better-perk.

Grade: *
Escalator to Heaven
Req: Level 24
Ranks: 1

When you choose the Escalator to Heaven perk, your Karma is instantly 
set to Very Good.

Or you could give some beggars water. This is not hard, and you don't
have much of a reason for alignment changes anyways. Really. Could
you want to hire so-and-so so badly that you need to change your
alignment? Giving Purified water away makes you a good boy. Simple. To
be fair this is the hardest of the alignments to swing, but it's not
that hard.

If you want to get the level 30 karma achievements, save your game 
right before you level up. Pick the perk that corresponds to the karma 
achievement you want and finish. You'll unlock the achievement, and you
can just reload and pick another-better-perk.

Grade: *
Karmic Rebalance
Req: Level 24
Ranks: 1

When you choose the Karmic Rebalance perk, your Karma is instantly set
to Neutral.

See the two above, this is the exact same thing, but only half-assed.
If you're good, be bad until you're neutral. If you're bad, be good
until you're neutral. Ta-da.

If you want to get the level 30 karma achievements, save your game 
right before you level up. Pick the perk that corresponds to the karma 
achievement you want and finish. You'll unlock the achievement, and you
can just reload and pick another-better-perk.

Grade: *
No Weaknesses
Req: Level 24
Ranks: 1

When you take the No Weaknesses perk, all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats that are
less than 5 are instantly increased to 5.

When me and my fiance saw this, our jaws dropped. "No way!" we 
exclaimed.. and began our eager chittering and planning on how to best
manipulate this perk to our devious ends. Then we saw Almost Perfect,
and this perk became as useless as Intensive Training. If it wasn't for
Almost Perfect, we'd tout this perk highly.. but as it is, it will be
rendered useless at level 30.

Grade: *

Level 26 Perks 							{PRK014}			       

Nerves of Steel
Req: Level 26, Agility 7

With the Nerves of Steel perk, you regenerate Action Points much more
quickly than you normally would.

So, it increases your Action Point regeneration. If you have Grim
Reaper's Sprint, it's not really worth much, since you can get a full
boost after you kill anything. But, for those times when you're caught
with your pants down, out of AP, it'll help. Besides, there really 
isn't anything better out there.

Grade: ***
Rad Tolerance
Req: Level 26, Endurance 7
Ranks: 1
Although you are still notified when you get Minor Radiation Poisoning,
you do not suffer any ill effects from it.

Minor Radiation poisoning is no big deal, and can be cured cheaply and
instantly with chems. The only use for this is in conjunction with
Rad Regeneration, which.. oh wait, that's ADVANCED radiation poisoning.
Nevermind, this perk is wholly useless. Had ya going there for a
second, eh?

Grade: *
Req: Level 26, Intelligence 7
Ranks: 1

You've figured out on your own how to build all the custom weapons!
With the Warmonger perk, all custom weapon types become available to
you without the schematics.

How lazy can you be? You BUY a lot of these! This is a useless perk,
trying to get you to play the game less. Fight it. The custom weapons
aren't anything special, so the schematics for them are even less
special. But to further dissaude anybody from picking this perk, I will
include all the schematics in the game in this guide. It wouldn't be
much of a guide if I didn't include ways for you guys to avoid picking 
useless perks. Damn you are all lazy..

Grade: *

Level 28 Perks 							{PRK015}	
Party Boy/Girl
Req: Level 28
Ranks: 1

You are such a Party Boy that you no longer suffer the withdrawal
effect from alcohol addiction.
The second highest tier of perks.. gotta have something good here,
right? Right? You.. no longer.. suffer withdrawls from alcohol
addiction? How many times does this even come up?! The only time I EVER
drank in this game was when I was carrying too much crap, and I needed
to drop some weight/gain some Strength. How utterly useless. If it
applied to ALL chems, it would still be useless. Blah. This perk makes
me feel like angry-typing gibbersh on my keyboard.. but I'll spare you.
But as a plus, we do gain some insight from this perk. Bethesda 
thinks all good frat-boys are level 28 characters in Fallout 3.

Grade: *
Rad Absorption
Req: Level 28, Endurance 7
Ranks: 1

With the Rad Absorption perk, your radiation level slowly decreases on
its own over time.

Now this is more like it. You lose radiation over time. This might
change how the game plays a bit. Radiation is no longer to be quite
so feared.. But, right, then again.. you have Rad-X and Rad-Away. But
at least this perk seems like a serious one.. so we'll give it that.
If you're too lazy to carry around weightless chems you can make in
your house for free, you can get this perk.

Grade: **

Level 30 Perks 							{PRK016}			       
Almost Perfect
Req: Level 30
Ranks: 1

Take the Almost Perfect perk, and all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats are
instantly raised to 9.
A perk which sets all your attributes to 9. What can I really say? It
makes all perks that add to attributes utterly obsolete. It makes the
old build obsolete. It makes old perks obsolete. It makes caring about
your attributes, well, less important. This is the definitive perk of
the expansion, and it changes the game. Getting a 9 in all attributes
is better than any number of Intensive Training perks, it's better than
No Weaknesses, it gives you bonuses to everything the attributes do..
obviously, it raises them all to 9! What can you really say? You'd be
an utter fool not to get this perk at level 30. Enjoy your near

Keep in mind that if you get a bobblehead, it counts as if said 
attribute had been raised. For example, if you have a base of 6 
Endurance, and you get the bobblehead, the game will count your 
Endurance as a base of 7, not 6 + 1.. like with items. When you get the 
Almost Perfect perk, it will raise your Endurance up to 9. If you get 
your bobblehead AFTER you get the Almost Perfect perk, you can raise 
your attribute up to 10, if you get your bobbleheads BEFORE you get the 
Almost Perfect perk, you will not be able to get up to 10. So get 
Almost Perfect, and then find the bobbleheads. Also, keep in mind the 
large jump in skills you'll get when you get Almost Perfect. I tend to 
start with a Charisma of 1, so bringing my Charisma up to 10 will give 
me 18 points into both Barter and Speech. Just keep in mind how your 
skills will change if you want to conserve points.

Grade: *****
Nuclear Anomaly
Req: Level 30
Ranks: 1

With the Nuclear Anomaly perk, whenever your Health is reduced to 20
or less, you will erupt into a devasating nuclear explosion. Note that
any allies in the vicinity will also suffer the effects of the blast!

When you drop to 20 Health or less? That's cutting it awful close,
don't you think? Anyways, why bother? It doesn't stop you from getting
shot, if the enemies are far away. It can kill your allies, townsfolk,
and the like.. So lets think reasonably here.. if you let this explode
during a bad time and lose a friendly NPC or piss off story characters,
will you really even save the game? No, you'd reload, if you even live
to bother. This perk sucks. Oh, plus it's competing against the best
perk in the game. At least Bethesda is making the choice easy on you.

Grade: *

Additional Perks 						{PRK017}		       
Additional perks are quest-based perks that you can get for completing
specific quests specific ways. These are entirely missable, so they
bear planning for BEFORE you start the quest. I wont grade them, as
they are bonus perks-having them is a benefit in itself, and there
really is no downside to having any of these perks.
Ant Might
Benefit: 25% resistance to fire, +1 bonus to Strength.

You'll get to choose one of two injections as a reward from Doctor
Lesko for completing the objectives he gives you during the quest
'Those!'. You only get one, so choose what fits your character and
play style best.
Ant Sight
Benefit: 25% resistance to fire, +1 bonus to Perception.

You'll get to choose one of two injections as a reward from Doctor
Lesko for completing the objectives he gives you during the quest
'Those!'. You only get one, so choose what fits your character and
play style best.
Auto Axpert
Benefit: You've become an expert with the Auto Axe. You do +25% damage
whenever you use it. Vroom.

You get this perk when you collect 10 steel Ingots. I don't know about

anybody else, but I didn't really need any other weapons for The Pitt
other than the auto axe. Getting 25% extra damage on these excellent 
 weapons is a very welcome perk indeed.
Benefit: 5% damage reduction

Finish the quest 'Oasis' by completing Harold's objective. It beats the
other rewards.
Booster Shot
Benefit: Radiation Resistance +10%

Complete the quest "Free Labor" in the Pitt.
Dream Crusher
Benefit: -50% chance to suffer a critical hit.

You can get this perk by convincing Moira to stop working on the
Wasteland Survival Guide. 

I don't suffer many critical hits in this game already, and overall, 
they don't seem to creep out of nowhere and ruin your day like in 
Fallout 1 & 2. Still, if you think it's for you.. look at the reward for 
finishing the quest first, then decide.

Ghoul Ecology

Benefit: +5 damage against ghouls. 

You get this perk from reading Plik's 
Journal in the Coastal Grotto.
 Normally, I would think this perk is 
kinda balls. Ghouls,
 even glowing ones, aren't enough of a threat that 
you'd need the
extra damage. With Feral Ghoul Reavers added into the game
any help is welcome. And hey, it's free. What's even better is
the fact that the game apparently applies this damage to everything,
and not just Ghouls. Another +5 damage perk from Point Lookout that
doesn't work right-to your benefit. Its effects stack when dealing with
rapid-fire weapons, causing guns like the 10mm Submachine Gun and the
Chinese Assault Rifle to present damage totals that are simply silly.
Benefit: You can drink a Blood Pack to get healed for 20 Hit Points,
instead of the usual 1 Hit Point. You can also sell Blood Packs for
15 caps.

Complete the quest 'Blood Ties' by making a deal between the 'vampires' 
and Arefu. This.. perk is of limited use, but still, why not?
Junior Survivor
Benefit: varies	Normal: +5 Hit Points
		Smart:	+2 Medicine, +2 Science
		Tough:	+2 Damage Resistance
		Sneaky:	+2 Sneak, +2 Speech
		Snide:	+1% Critical Hit Rate
		Always:	+2% Poison and Radiation Resistance

Okay.. When you complete quests for Moira, you'll get a number of
answers to choose depending on your stats. If you do few or none of the
sidequests, or if you lie to Moira at any point, you'll end up with the
Junior Survivor perk, which is the worst of the bunch. Try and do ALL
of her sidequests for the best benefits. You may have to do some drugs
to raise your attributes if they're not high enough. Buffout to raise
Strenght, or Mentats to raise Intelligence, for example, before you
talk to Moira. I believe that acting tough or being a smartass are the
two best ways to go. Damage Resistance is always nice, and so are
Critical Hits. You'll just have to choose whether you'd like x%
Damage Resistance, or x% critical hit. You'll always get the poison and
radiation resistance, no matter how you answer. If you complete a
certain number of Moira's optional objectives, you'll get a better
version of this perk..
Pitt Fighter
Benefit: Damage and Radiation Resistance +3%

Commplete the pit fighting portion of the Pitt. An extremely easy 
and an extremely rewarding one.
Power Armor Training
Benefit: You can wear Power Armor.

After the quest 'The Waters of Life' is complete, you can get Elder
Lyons to give you permission to recieve the training. Talk to Paladin
Gunny in the Citadel to recieve this perk. 

*Sigh* Okay, I can admit to being wrong. Power Armor is cool.. so long
as it's the Enclave kind. Get, wear it, love it. Do the whole sci-fi
black knight thing. You know you want to.

Punga Power!

Benefit: Boosts radiation recovery from eating Punga Fruits.

You get this perk for completing the Walking with Spirits quest in

Point Lookout.

Rad Limb Healing
Benefit: You'll regenerate crippled limbs when you are suffering from
Advanced Radiation Poisoning (400+ rads).

During the quest 'The Wasteland Survival Guide: Get Radiated!" if you
meet the sub-objective of suffering from Advanced Radiation Poisoning
(600+ rads) you'll get this perk.

Okay, well, granted there aren't all that many opportunities for you
to use this perk-ideally you don't want 400+ rads-it's still handy to
get. Keep in mind that if you choose to be a Dream Crusher, you can't,
obviously, get this perk.


Superior Defender

Benefit: +5 damage and +10 armor when standing still.

Get this perk by completing 'The Local Flavor' quest in the Point

Lookout DLC. Despite its misleading language, you are almost always
standing still, as far as the game is concerned, especially if you
V.A.T.S. often. You can count this as a flat bonus to damage and armor,
and a hefty one. This is a rather ridiculously strong perk.
Survivor Expert
Benefit: varies	Normal: +10 Hit Points
		Smart:	+4 Medicine, +4 Science
		Tough:	+4 Damage Resistance
		Sneaky:	+4 Sneak, +4 Speech
		Snide:	+2% Critical Hit Rate
		Always:	+4% Poison and Radiation Resistance

Like Junior Survivor, but better. You completed some, but not all of
Moira's objectives. If you complete ALL of Moira's optional objectives,
you'll get the best variant of this perk..
Survivor Guru
Benefit: varies	Normal: +15 Hit Points
		Smart:	+6 Medicine, +6 Science
		Tough:	+6 Damage Resistance
		Sneaky:	+6 Sneak, +6 Speech
		Snide:	+3% Critical Hit Rate
		Always:	+6% Poison and Radiation Resistance

You'll get this perk if you complete ALL of the optional objectives
for Moira in the quest 'The Wasteland Survival Guide'. This is the
best version of the perk reward, certainly better than Dream Crusher.
Wired Reflexes
Benefit: V.A.T.S. accuracy improved by 10%.

After completing the quest 'The Replicated Man', talk to Dr. Zimmer and
reveal everything you discovered about the android's identity. Keep in 
mind you can get the android to let you kill Dr. Zimmer before talking 
to Zimmer, and receive the unique Plasma Rifle. You can then sell the
android out and recieve the Wired Reflexes perk. If you still want to
be a good guy, it's good fun to slip a Frag Mine into Dr. Zimmer's
pants as he walks away. Wait, that's good? It's Fallout 3. Moral
relativism rocks.

My Personal Build, Perks* 					{PRK018}
Swift Learner	
Black Widow/Lady Killer		
Comprehension** (or Entomologist)			
Iron Fist (1)			
Strong Back					
Bloody Mess
Silent Running
Robotics Expert
Better Criticals
Action Boy
Life Giver
Paralyzing Palm
Grim Reaper's Sprint
Concentrated Fire
Iron Fist (2)
Iron Fist (3)
Adamantium Skeleton?/Entomologist?/Quantum Chemist?
Nerves of Steel
Demolition Expert (1)
Demolition Expert (2)
Demolition Expert (3)
Almost Perfect

*Note: these perks are not necissarily listed in order of selection.

**For a more power-gamey approach you can dispense with Comprehension
if you a) start out with 10 Intelligence, b) spread your skill points
out evenly from leveling up, and c) plan to get most of the books in
the game. Comprehension is not necessary in the expansions, but it does
make it much easier to get all your skills up to 100.

I also try and get all the other bonus perks from questing. I try and 
choose the 'Tough' responses for the Damage Reduction and get the 
Survivor Guru version of the perk. Also, I tend to choose Ant Sight, 
because I find Perception to be more useful than Strength.. Although
when everything gets up to 10 it's rather moot. If you plan to get the
Bobblehead - Strength early on (i.e. you want to live in Tenpenny Tower
but you don't want to wait until level 30 to safely do so) wait until
you're level 30 to get the Ant Might perk to ensure you get 10 Strength.

Keep in mind that in the expansion, there's really more room for
versatility, so I'm much less adamant about my build this time around.
If you really really like another perk, go for it. I don't use many
explosives myself, but if for some reason I do decide to chuck a 
grenade, I'll be able to do it well. The only real question to that end
is whether it's better to get a third rank of Demolition Expert (20%
extra damage with all explosives) or get Quantum Chemist, which allows
you to make the most powerful grenade in the game-the Nuka-Grenade.

Entomologist is only really useful against Albino Radscorpians, and if
you're willing to trust in Paralzying Palm when you fight them, you'll
see you don't really need it. You never really need Adamantium Skeleton.
Quantum Chemist isn't great.. but it's about your only chance of ever
being able to get enough Nuka-Grenades to make using them feasible. But
of course, you could always just use Mini-Nukes, which can be purchased
from Flak & Shrapnel pretty reliably. Also note that Explosives like
Frag Grenades will struggle to surpass 100 damage, while the Nuka-
Grenade does in the area of 500, each Demolition Expert perk is going
to give a Frag Grenade 20~ damage.

If you don't like Iron Fist, Demolition Expert, or Pyromaniac, don't
get 'em.. if you can find something better. Frankly, I couldn't. I
should have covered the perks well enough that you won't pick any of the 
one-star perks.. or failing that, common sense will intervene. With the
new versatility in perk choices, some gamers will pick perks like
Educated just to make the trip to level 30 easier, or will eschew
my Swift Learner pick in order to grab one of the skill perks.. I mean,
they're both going to be useless by level 30 anyways, so why not? I
still prefer picking perks that are going to give me bonuses-no matter
how sleight-at level 30, and I'm pretty comfortable with my choices of
about 26 of the 30 perks. Some people will well argue that there's not
much point in having both Gunslinger AND Commando-pick one type of gun
and use it types-but I prefer flexibility. If I want to use a 10mm
Submachine Gun from time to time, or a Scoped .44 Magnum, I'd prefer to
be able to do it well. Why have Grim Reaper's Sprint and Nerves of 
Steel? Doesn't having the former make the latter obsolete? Not really.
Big bad guys like Albino Radscorpians, Feral Ghoul Reavers, and Super
Mutant Overlords might not get affected by my paralyzing palm in one
V.A.T.S. session, and getting another one quickly can make a difference.
Certainly they won't be killed by one V.A.T.S., and if there are
multiple threats, it's good to be able to respond to them quicker. So
it's my hope that my build allows me to use almost every weapon with
some skill, regardless of how often I use them. Clearly two-handed
Small Guns and Unarmed are the best weapon categories in the game, but
I'd rather use perks that cater to all weapons than something like 
Adamantium Skeleton or even Rad Absorption, both of which provide an
arguably useful field benefit, but can be cured with a cheap chem or a
trip back home.
Bobbleheads and Miscellaneous {BOB001}
Below I will include the locations of all the bobbleheads.. you know, so
if you want to get them on your own, you don't have to go searching 
through the walkthrough to find them. I also included a  few 
build-helpful items at the end. I do not include items that have to be 
equipped to work, all the items listed below merely have to be in your 
inventory to give you a bonus. The bobbleheads merely have to be found.
Note, however, that since this is BELOW the walkthrough, you might want 
to be careful for..


Location: Megaton - Lucas Simms House

"It's essential to give your arguments impact."

This is one of the easiest bobbleheads you can get. It's located in 
the house of sheriff Lucas Simms, in Megaton. You'll need a 50 Lockpick 
skill to pick the lock to his house.. or you can steal the key from him.
Or kill him. It's upstairs on a desk in the sheriff's room. If you 
destroy Megaton before you get this bobblehead, it's gone for good, so 
try and get it fairly early.. or if you want to live in Tenpenny Tower,
get to level 30 and then destroy Megaton.. but that's waiting a long
time for a hovel of your own. Of course, if you don't mind being an
abomination with only 9 Strength.. you can just ignore this bobblehead.
Any power armor you wear will give you a bonus to Strength anyhow. I
personally just live in Megaton, since it's quicker to get to your house
Location: The Republic of Dave - Museum of Dave

"Only through observation will you perceive weakness."
The Perception bobblehead is located in the 'Republic of Dave', in the 
north-eastern area of the map. You'll find it inside the Museum of Dave 
on a shelf. This one is pretty easy to get, it's just making it to the
Republic of Dave that can be a pain early on. It's north of the MDPL-16 
Power Station.. it's really up there.
Location: Deathclaw Sanctuary

"Always be ready to take one for the team."

You'll find this bobblehead in the Deathclaw Sanctuary. At the entrace 
head down the passage and to the right. You'll find a bunch of dead 
things, on a metal round object you'll find the bobblehead.. it's to 
the left of a dead Brahmin, right by it's dead Brahmin butt. This can 
take a bit of work to get, as Deathclaws are bad news. You can kill the 
one guarding the entrance from the cliffs above, it's just going to take 
some ammo. You'll find the Sanctuary in the north western part of the 
map, just west of the Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel.
Location: Vault 108 - Cloning Lab

"Nothing says pizzazz like a winning smile."
In Vault 108, in the Cloning Lab, you can find the bobblehead on a desk 
inside the central room. Vault 108 is on the eastern edge of the map, 
near the center. Getting there might be an adventure, but disposing of
the clones won't be. It's north and east of the	Bethesda ruins. If you 
find the Corvega factory, you're close, it's just a little ways north 
and east.
Location: Rivet City - Science Lab
"It takes the smartest individuals to realize there's always more to

In Rivet City, in the Science Lab on a desk. Rivet City is located on 
the south eastern corner of the map, just east of the Jefferson 
Memorial. You can easily head down and grab this bobblehead before 
level 3. I'd suggest reaching the Citadel, and swimming across the 
river near there, avoiding the Irradiated Metro and the	Jefferson 
Memorial. Avoid Grayditch along the way too, you don't want to tangle 
with Fire Ants. Don't worry about the rads, you won't get that many 
from swimming across the river, and it sure beats having to take pot
shots from Super Mutants in the city.
Location: Greener Pastures Disposal Site - Office

"Never be afraid to dodge the sensitive issues."

You'll find this on the desk in the Greener Pastures Disposal Site, in 
an office on a desk. You'll have to take some rads to get this one, but 
it shouldn't be too much. You can find the Greener Pastures Disposal
Site north and east of the MDPL-13 Power Station. It's on the 
north-eastern part of the map, in fact, you can probably grab it on 
your way to getting to the Republic	of Dave.
Location: Arlington House

"There's only one way to give 110%."

This bobblehead is in the Arlington House, in the basement on a shelf. 
The Arlington House is located midway between Arlington Cemetary South 
and North, just east of Grayditch. Unfortunately, you can't just run 
there, as rubble blocks the way. To actually get to Arlington House, 
you need to go through Marigold Metro to reach Falls church Metro. From 
there you have to head through some more city to reach the 
Arlington/Falls Church Metro. Once there, you can get to the Arlington 
National Cemetary. There are Fire Ants, Raiders, and Super Mutants to 
deal with along the way, so be careful with this one.
Location: Evergreen Mills - Evergreen Mills Bazaar

"Never forget to walk away with more than you've bought."

Evergreen Mills is south-west of the Jury Street Metro Station. You'll
know you're there when you find the Super Mutant Behemoth trapped in an
electrified cage. Head into the Foundry and down to the Bazaar. The
bobblehead is in the north-eastern corner of the Bazaar, down a side
passage from Smiling Jack's store, on a shelf behind a counter. 
Big Guns
Location: Fort Constantine - CO Quarters

"The best way to win an argument is to be the loudest."

In the north-wester corner of the map, between two SatCom Arrays
(NW-05a and NN-03d) you'll find Fort constantine. One of the smaller
buildings, listed as the CO Quarters, is where you want to go. The
bobblehead is in the basement, inside an already opened safe. This
house is particularly giving, because is also has two books inside.
Energy Weapons
Location: Raven Rock - Level 2

"Arrive at peaceful resolutions by using superior firepower."

In the room in the north western corner of Raven Rock - Level 2 you'll
find this bobblehead, on a table. It's not hard to find, but it is one
of the few missable bobbleheads. Grab it before you go to the Control
Room, or regret it later.
Location: Drainage Grate to Sealed Cistern

"The best way to solve a problem is to make it go away."

Just south of the WKML Broadcast Station, you can find the Sealed 
Cistern, the bobblehead is on a desk by a Ham Radio. You can find the 
WKML Broadcast Station in the Northwest area of the map.
Location: Bethesda Offices East

"Always strive for the unobtainable."

The Bethesda Offices are east of Big Town, past the river. The
Bobblehead is on a desk in a room just south from the center of the
map. It's the desk underneath the safe that you need a special key to
Location: Vault 101

"The smart man knows a bandage only hides his wounds."

This is the first bobblehead you can get, it's on your dad's desk. You
can pick it up when you're sixteen, right before you take the G.O.A.T.,
or afterwards during the breakout.
Melee Weapons
Location: Dunwich Building - Virulent Underchambers

"It's important to do business up close and personal."

The Dunwich Building is in the far south-west corner of the map, the
furthest south-west location in the game, in fact. You'll have to go
through the Dunwich Building and the Forsaken Ruins to get to the
Virulent Chambers. The Bobblhead is in the southernmost room on the
area map, near the door that leads back to the Dunwich Building. It's
on the floor amongst some cans and soda bottles.
Location: Arefu - Evan King's House

"Why go down with the ship when you can try to fix it?"

Arefu is located north-west of Megaton, it's on one of the old
highways spanning the river, so if you follow the river north of
Megaton, you should run into. You'll need a Lockpick skill of 50 to
pick the lock on Evan King's door. It's right by the door inside, on
a table to the left.
Location: Vault 106 - Living Quarters

"Always be prepared to explain the hows and the whys."

Vault 106 is north-west of Vault 101. This Bobblehead is pretty easy
to get, all you have to do is head through the Entrance and into the
Living Quarters. From the door head across the bridge to the east,
then go south through a door and follow the tunnel. You'll end up in
a room on the eastern edge of the map. The Bobblehead is on a 
Small Guns
Location: National Guard Depot - National Guard Armory

"Because it's easier to have courage from a safe distance away."

The National Guard Depot is at the edge of the D.C. area near the
eastern edge of the map. It's pretty much due east of Vault 101, but
it's a pretty perilious journey. Inside the Depot, it's not much
better. There are tons of robots in here, and you have to make your
way through a couple of areas until you wind up back in the National
Guard Depot in an area that was previously inaccessible. (In a room
above the room that had the door leading to the Depot Training Wing.)
Hit the electrical switch by the desk and go down the hole. You now
have access to the National Guard Armory. The Bobblehead is on a
metal shelf in the main room of the Armory (the room with all the
Location: Yao Gui Tunnels - Yao Gui Den

"The safest distance between two points is a shadowy line."

The Yao Gui Tunnels are at the far western edge of the world map, north
and west of Girdershade. Go through the Tunnels to reach the Den and 
follow the path into a large open room. Follow the wall traveling around 
the room to the left and you'll find a Metal Box, on top of which is the 
Bobble Head. 
Location: Paradise Falls - Eulogy's Pad

"Let your words be your weapon."

Paradise Falls can be found north of the Northwest Seneca Station. You
can get in by saying the right things, or by being evil and making a
[Karma] check. Once in, head into the next area and find Eulogy's Pad.
The Bobblehead is in the south-eastern corner of the house, on a table.
Location: Rockopolis

"When words fail, there's always fists."

Rockopolis is an unmarked area on the map, west of Smith Casey's
Garage. If you listen to GNR on your Pip-Boy, you might have heard a
tale about it. In any case, head west of Smith Caseys Garage until
you find yourself in a clearing surrounded by rock ledges with three
paths leading to the area. There will be a rock to the west that has
a line of party flags over it. Search it to find Rockopolis (you could
also check your area map to find out where Rockopolis is. Once inside
head north. The Bobblehead is on the ground near the body of Argyle.
Lucky 8 Ball
Location: Timebomb in Big Town.

Go to Red's Clinic in Big Town and fix Timebomb up. You'll need a
Medicine skill of 40 to do this. After rescuing Red and Shorty from
the Germantown Police Head Quarters, talk to Timebomb again. He'll
thank you, and give you the Lucky 8 Ball, which permenantly increases
your luck.. so long as you hold onto it.
Yew's Bear Charm
Location: Oasis

After resolving the Oasis quest, talk to Yew. She should give you this
charm. It gives a permanent +10% bonus to Speech so long as you hang
onto it. 10 more points you can spend elsewhere.

*Note: I've had this item mysteriously stop working for me before. It
wasn't a big deal with my build, I just had to pop open some more
copies of Lying, Congressional Style. Still, it was a bit of a mystery
as to why it stopped adding anything. If anybody can answer this, it'll
be greatly appreciated.
Keller Family Transcripts {KFT001}
A number of final correspondances between the late Keller family lie
scattered about the wastes, each giving a code you'll need to unlock the
secure door in the National Guard Armory. Below are their locations.

#1:	North of the VAPL-58 Power Station, you'll find a shelter of
	sorts built around an electrical tower (pretty clever, if you
	think about it.) If you were to draw a line north from the 
	VAPL-58 Power Station, and west from Arefu, they would ALMOST 
	intersect at the shelter. Do it, draw a line from each, and
	head to where they intersect, the shelter should be just south
	of where you are, on top of a hill, around an electrical tower.
	I can't really give any better advice than that, when you see
	the towers in the distance, go to it. Inside the shelter, on
	one of the lower shelves of a bookcase, you'll find the

#2: 	North of Big Town you'll find the Hallowed Moors Cemetary. The
	church is the significant building around, and inside, on the
	podium, lies the Transcript.

#3:	Behind the Grisly Diner in the north-eastern area of the
	Wasteland, you'll find the Transcript in broad daylight, on
	top of a metal desk.

#4:	West and slightly north of Rockbreaker's Last Gas is an
	Abandoned Shack. This is not marked on the map, and it's on
	top of a mountain, so get to climbing. The transcript is
	inside on top of the workbench.

#5:	North of the Anchorage War Memorial along the river is a Super
	Mutant outpost. The transcript is in the tent, on a table by
	a ham radio
Sheet Music Books {SMB001}
You give these to Agatha, who lives in a house north-east of the
Meresti Trainyard. Once she has her violin back (assuming you give it
to her) these will allow her to play more songs over the radio. Other
than that, it doesn't really serve much of a purpose. Why am I
including them? I dunno, I'm just being nice I guess.

Arlington Public Library - Children's Wing
In a room on the western side of the level, after entering from the
Lobby. It's on the floor near a stand.

National Archives - Archives Sub-Basement
In the room full of metal shelves near the stairs to the National 
Archives, the Sheet Music Book is on a metal shelf along the western

Roosevelt Academy - Roosevelt Arts and Athletics Hall
In the auditorium on the stage, the Sheet Music Book is on the floor
near a music stand.

Vault 92 - Living Quarters
In the dorm with the 'Men's Dorm Security Terminal' in front of it. Go
into the second room, then north into a bathroom. The Sheet Music book
is on the floor near a toilet in the north eastern corner of the 
Books {BOK001}
Below is a list of all the books I've found in my playthroughs. On the 
first line I list the general area/landmark/map location the book is 
near, and any sub-areas when applicable. The descriptive text gives you 
a more in-depth idea of where the book is located.

Oh, and if there are any duplicate books, or you can't find one by
reading this guide, let me know. I won't consider you a moron if you
can't follow my directions, I'll just assume my directions weren't good
enough. Keep in mind that I found these books over seven playthroughs
(and my fiance found some of them as well), so if this section lacks
cohesion.. well, that's why.

Big Book of Science (Science) 					[25/25]
[ ] 	Arlington National Cemetary - Arlington House
	Arlington House - Arlington National Cemetary. It's in the same
	house you find the Luck bobblehead in, on the first floor in
	the kitchen, on a small table in the corner.

[ ]	Arlington Public Library - Lobby
	Arlington Public Library Lobby, in the north-east office room 
	upstairs. The book is on a desk.

[ ]	Bethesda Ruins - Bethesda Offices West
	The book is on the counter in the large lower room near the
	Turret Control System terminal.

[ ]	Broadcast Tower KB5 - Scientist Truck
	West of the Broadcast Tower KB5 you'll find a highway. Don't be
	fooled by the Pip Boy, the road lines it shows in no way
	corresponds to the highway you're looking for. It lies to the
	south west of the Raider House (an unmarked location). Get on
	the highway and follow it to the north west. When you approach
	a truck, there will be an explosion from within, expelling the
	body of a Scientist. The book is on the Scientists' body.

[ ]	Broadcast Tower LP8 - Radio Signal Echo Foxtrot Sealed Cistern
	To the far north of your world map you'll find Broadcast Tower
	LP8. Activate it to pick up Radio Signal Echo Foxtrot. The
	source of the signal can be found in a sealed cistern to the
	east of the broadcast tower. The book is inside on a table.

[ ]	Chryslus Building - Chryslus Building Basement
	In the far western edge of the area, in the broiler room south
	east of the entrance to the Chryslus Building Reception Area.
	The book is on a metal shelf.

[ ]	Citadel - County Sewer Mainline
	Just north of the Citadel along the coast you'll find the
	entrance to the County Sewer Mainline. In the fenced in central
	room, on the desk next to the Sewer Management Access Computer
	Terminal you'll find a Big Book of Science.

[ ]	Corvega Factory - Entrance
	From the door, go up some stairs and to the east. The book is
	on one of the desks.

[ ]	Corvega Factory Area
	Behind the Corvega Factory (that's south of it) you'll find a
	dumpster. The only way in is to go up on the cliffs south of
	the factory, and jump in from there. On the floor, near some
	waste barrels, you'll find the book.

[ ]	Fort Bannister - Fort Bannister Main
	Behind a locked door [Average], in a room with Mini Nuke and a
	Fat Man.

[ ] 	Fort Constantine - Launch Control Bunker
	In the same room as the copy of Duck and Cover! and the Fort
	Constantine Launch Terminal. The book is on a desk to the east.

[ ]	GNR Building Plaza - GNR Studios
	In the GNR Studios, on the level where Three Dogg stays, the
	book is on a table.

[ ]     Greener Pastures Disposal Site
	Outside of Greener Pastures Disposal Site in a shipping 
	container next to a dead scientist.

[ ]	Hallowed Moors Cemetary
	Hallowed Moors Cemetary, in the ruined chapel. It's on the

[ ]	Jury Street Metro Station - Radio Signal Oscar 
				  Tango Drainage Chamber
	South, south-west of the Jury Street Metro Station there is a
	manhole leading down into a Drainage Chamber. You can find
	the book on a desk in the upstairs room.

[ ]	L'Enfant Plaza
	West of the four-way where Enclave Soldiers land you'll find
	some stairs leading up to a Pulowski Preservation Shelter. The
	book is inside.

[ ]	Marigold Metro Station - Queen Ant's Hatchery
	In the Marigold Metro Station, find the entrance to the Queen 
	Ant's Hatchery, it is in the large Northernmost room on the 
	table next to Dr. Lesko's Portacomp.

[ ]	Megaton - Craterside Supply (Moira)
	Complete the "Wasteland Survival Guide" mini quest to install
	the Processor Widget into the RobCo Mainframe and harness the
	power of old technology. As a reward you'll be given this book.

[ ]	Nuka-Cola Plant - Offices
	Upstairs is a room with a large hole in the floor with the body
	of Winger Mercier in it. In another room north off of this one
	you'll find this book on a table.

[ ]	Rivet City Area - Broken Bow
	In the Broken Bow (the half of Rivet City that is no longer
	connected), in Pinkerton's room. The book is on the counter.
	To get into the Broken Bow you must either swim under water
	under the eastern (shorn) side of the ship or have a Lockpick
	score of 100.

[ ]	RobCo Facility - Factory Floor
	In the RobCo Factory - Floor, in the eastern side of the
	building. In one of the multi-story open rooms, the book is
	on a piece of machinery.

[ ]	Shalebridge - Shalebridge Tunnels
	In the Shalebridge tunnels near Shalebridge, you'll find this 
	book in the large room to the North, it is on the body of an 
	ant researcher in a pool of water.

[ ]	Tenpenny Tower - My Tenpenny Suite
	If you blew up Megaton and were granted your own suite you'll
	get this book by buying the Scientist theme from Lydia
	Montenegro. It'll be by the bedside table.

[ ]	Vault-Tec Headquarters - Vault-Tec Corporate Offices
	On the second floor of the Corporate Offices area, in a room to
	the east of the room with the Nuka-Cola Quantum in it. The book
	is on a shelf along the eastern wall, above a hole in the floor.

[ ]	Warrington Station
	From the room with the Dean's Electronics in it head east until
	you're in the room with the door to the Metro Access & 
	Generator. The book is on a desk.

Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual (Sneak) 		[25/25]
[ ]	Bethesda Ruins - Bethesda Offices East
	Bethesda Offices East. This book is on a desk in a room just
	north of center on the map, by a pair of Missiles.

[ ]	Broadcast Tower KT8 Area - Radio Signal Sierra Romeo Drainage
	Near Broadcast Tower KT8, you will find a drainage chamber, 
	grab the encryption key from a desk in the room through a door 
	on the left, and use the computer terminal to open the secure 
	hatch, the book is downstairs on the desk near radio signal 
	Sierra Romeo.

[ ]	Capitol Building - Hall of Columns
	In a locked supply room [Hard] west of the turret in the middle
	of the level. The book is on a table.

[ ]	Cliffside Caverns - Raider Outpost
	You can find this book on a wooden shelf in the north western
	corner of the level. It's on the wooden platform in the room
	just east of the room with a tent.

[ ]	Corvega Factory Area
	South of the Corvega Factory, along a road south east of the
	red rocket you'll find an overturned truck. In the back of this
	truck you'll find a locked footlocker [Very Hard] with this book

[ ]	Fairfax Ruins - Fairfax Metro
	Go east until you reach the large metro station room, then go
	down some stairs to the south. At the bottom turn east and go
	over some rubble. The book is on a slab of concrete near the end
	of a subway car.

[ ]	Flooded Metro Area
	Near the Flooded Metro between the Nuka Cola Factory and the
	Arlington Library, in a Pulowski Preservation Shelter.

[ ]	Fort Constantine - CO Quarters
	In the CO Quarters, downstairs in the basement. It's the same
	room you find the Big Guns bobblehead. The book is under a
	stealth boy on a cinderblock, near the safe with the bobblehead
	in it. There's a dead wastelander nearby.

[ ]	Georgetown/The Mall Metro
	Enter through the Mall Northwest entrance and search the first
	ticket booth you come across. You can find this book inside,
	on the floor, leaning against a cash register.

[ ]	Irradiated Metro
	From the entrance across the river from the Citadel (not from
	L'Enfant Plaza), head through the metro tunnel to the sewer.
	From here, go south through a door, down two flights of stairs, 
	and through another door into a large room. From the flaming
	barrel, turn west and search one of the consoles near the
	railing. Aside from several clipboards you'll find this book.

[ ]	L.O.B. Enterprises Archives
	In the L.O.B. Enterprises Archives, in the north-eastern most
	room. The book is on a desk by a computer terminal.

[ ]	Mama Dolce's - Mama Dolce's Loading Yard
	You have to get to the Arlington Cemetary to reach Mama 
	Dolce's. Head to the entrance to the Loading Yard that is
	farthest to the east on your map. You'll enter into a raised
	area. The book is on the floor, near an ammo box.

[ ]	Mirelurk Nesting Hole
	In the Mall area, east of The Mall Southwest (the Hazmat 
	Disposal Site L5) you'll find a sewer Grate leading to the
	Mirelurk Nesting Hole. Head into the large southern area and 
	jump up onto a ledge where you'll find a dead Brahmin and a
	dead Mercenary. From here, go to the north west, staying on the
	high ground and continue into a tunnel until you find a
	skeleton, a first aid box, and a wooden crate. On top of the 
	latter is this book.

[ ]	Museum of History - Museum of History Offices
	On the second level in the middle room, you'll find this book on
	a desk near Lincoln' Repeater.

[ ]	Museum Station
	In the Museum Station, just north of the western-most entrance
	to The Mall. In a wooden crate in the ladies room.

[ ] 	Nuka Cola Plant - Factory Floor
	In the room you enter to from the Capital Wasteland go over by
	the desk and loot up at the ceiling. You'll find a hole in the
	ceiling with a filing cabinet looming above. Loot it to find
	this book.

[ ]	Pennsylvania Avenue - Hotel
	In an unmarked Hotel just south of Pennsylvania Avenue 
	Northewest you'll find this book on a small table.

[ ]	Reclining Groves Resort Homes Area - Barn
	East of the Reclining Groves Resort Homes you can find a ruined
	barn, on the second story of which is a personal footlocker
	[Very Hard]. This book is inside.

[ ]	Red Racer Factory Area - Scavenger Shack
	North of the Red Racer Factory is a Scavenger-and more 
	importantly his shack. His shack is located on an overpass of 
	the highway just west of Arlington, along a road that leads
	to Grayditch. The book is on a shelf in the Scavenger's shack,
	along with a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine, and a Grognak
	the Barbarian book.

[ ]	SatCom Array NW-05a
	In the north-west corner of world map you'll find SatCom Array
	NW-05a. Inside, on the ground floor, you'll find the book on a
	table near a computer.

[ ]	Springvale School Lower levels
	To the far east of the map, past the very hard locked door that
	leads to the ant tunnels. You'll find the book under the body 
	of a dead Wastelander.

[ ]	Statesman Hotel Mid level
	On the level with the staircase leading to the Statesman Hotel
	Restaurant, the book is in a side room on a bookshelf.

[ ]	Super Duper Mart Area
	Between Springvale and the Super Duper Mart there is a ruined
	house next to a silo, within sight of the water tower. In the
	house on a shelf you'll find the book.

[ ]	Taft Tunnels
	During the quest 'The Waters of Life' when you're going through
	the Taft Tunnels you'll come to an overflow terminal. In the
	room nearby you'll find this book on a desk in the south wester

[ ]	Wheaton Armory Area
	North of the Wheaton Armory you'll find an elevated highways.
	Get on it and follow it until you find a bus you can explore.
	Inside you'll find a bunch of electrical equipment and this 

D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine (Medicine) 			[25/25]
[ ]	Anchorage Memorial - Anchorage Memorial Facility
	On the western side of the level, in the medical bay (the room
	with the gurney and x-rays) the book is on a table.

[ ]	Big Town - Red's Clinic
	Big Town, in Red's Clinic, in the room with the bed on the

[ ]	Capitol Building - Hall of Columns
	Near the entrance to the Capitol Building West Entrance, there
	are stairs leading to a raised area upon which lurks a Talon
	Company Mercenary with a Sniper Rifle, a lot of .308 ammo, and
	nothing constructive to do with his time. This book is up there
	as well, on the railing spanning the hall, on the southern side.

[ ]	DCTA Tunnel 014-B Potomac
	You can find the entrance to the DCTA Tunnel in the Georgetown
	area by heading southish from Georgetown West. Once inside,
	fend off Mirelurks and head south. You'll have go go underwater
	for a somewhat lengthy period of time, but once you can surface
	again you'll be in a small room. Get out of the water and head
	onto the scaffolding around it. The book is on a large 
	electronic.. thing.

[ ]	Falls Church/Mason Dst Metro
	From the exit to Mason District head north then west, going into
	the first bathroom you see, which will be on your right. The 
	book is on a first aid box on the wall between two stalls on the
	eastern wall.

[ ]	Fort Constantine - Bomb Storage
	In the locked room, against the door of which Tara is lying,
	that contains the T-51b Power Armor. The book is on a table near
	a Fat Man and two Mini Nukes.

[ ]	Germantown Police HQ - Top Floor
	In one of the rooms with a table running the length of the room,
	the book is on the edge of the table, near where a live Frag
	Mine is.

[ ]	Greener Pastures Disposal Site - Makeshift Shack
	North-west of the MDPL-13 Power Station you'll find the Greener
	Pasture Disposal Site. North west of the map marker you'll find
	a makeshift shack. Inside, on the floor under a bed you'll find
	the book.

[ ]	Hallowed Moors Cemetary
	Hallowed Moors Cemetary, in the ruined chapel. You can find
	this book on a shelf.

[ ] 	Jalbert Brother's Waste Disposal - Office Building
	In the Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal, in an Office Building.
	The book is on top of a bookshelf near a locked safe.

[ ]	Mason Dixon Salvage
	In the northern Abandoned Shack, the book is on the floor on a
	Large Destroyed Book, near a bucket and a metal shelf.

[ ]	MDPL-21 Power Station - Northern Pond
	North of the MDPL-21 Power Station you can find a pond filled
	with radioactive barrels. Swim to the west past a half-submerged
	truck bed to find a cubby with a bed, a table, a locked safe,
	and plenty of RadAway around. This book is on a table.

[ ]	Minefield - Benson House
	In Minefield you'll find the Benson house, to the north-east
	of the Gibson House. This book is on a desk on the second
	floor near a destroyed computer terminal.

[ ] 	Museum of History - Museum of History Lower Halls
	From the entrance go north into a large cafeteria. Head into the
	room behind the counter to the east. The book is on a metal
	shelf near the floor.

[ ] 	Oasis - Sunken Chambers
	The second underground portion of Oasis, you need to start the
	quest to mess with Harold's heart in some way, shape, or form
	in order to get access. Take the first left (west) to get to a
	disorderly formerly inhabited area. To the left of the bed are
	some wooden crates. The book is in one of them.

[ ]	Our Lady of Hope Hospital
	In the small room in the south east corner of the area map. The
	book is on a table in the corner.

[ ]	Our Lady of Hope Hospital 2nd Lvl
	In the cafeteria room to the east of the exit to the lower
	level, the book is on a table.

[ ]	Red Racer Factory - Factory Floor
	On a ledge against the eastern wall of the factory, the book is
	hidden under a bucket between two pieces of machinery. The only
	way to reach the ledge is to jump down to it off some railing
	above. It is not on the ground level.

[ ] 	Relay Tower KX-B8-11 - Radio Signal Oscar Zulu Drainage Chamber
	Near Relay Tower KX-B8-11 there is a drainage chamber the book 
	is in the room to the east on a desk with radio signal Oscar 

[ ]	Rivet City Area - Broken Bow
	Behind the gurney with the corpse on it in Pinkerton's home
	you'll find this book.

[ ]	RobCo Facility - Offices and Cafeteria
	In a room to the far south on your area map, the book is on a
	desk in the corner of the room, next to some jet and a first
	aid box.

[ ]	Roosevelt Academy
	In the Roosevelt Academy nurses station, on a desk.

[ ] 	Shalebridge
	Next to an ant egg clutch east of the ant hill entrances you'll
	find this book.

[ ]	Vault 92 - Living Quarters
	In the southern-most part of the map, in the small clinic. The
	book is on the table near the 'Laboratory Terminal'.

[ ]	Vernon Square - Sewer
	South west of Vernon Square North (Metro Junction) you'll find a
	crater with a downed aircraft at the bottom. The place is very
	unfriendly due to an unusually high radiation concentration, so
	getting some rad resistance-either from Rad-X or gear is really
	mandotory. At the bottom of the crater is a sewer entrance,
	inside of which is a Super Mutant camp. The book is on a metal
	shelf inside the sewer.

Dean's Electronics (Repair) 					[25/25]
[ ]	Anchorage Memorial - Anchorage Memorial Facility
	On the western side of the level, in the medical bay (the room
	with the gurney and x-rays) the book is under the table near the
	x-rays in a floor safe.	

[ ]	Bethesda Ruins - Bethesda Offices West
	On the top floor of the Bethesda Offices West, in the room
	that has three rigged shotguns set as traps. The book is at the
	bottom of a wooden crate on a desk in the corner. There is a
	steam gauge assembly on top of the crate.

[ ]	Canterbury Commons - Dominic and Machete's House
	In Dominic and Machete's House, on a metal shelf.

[ ]	Corvega Factory
	In the second part of the Corvega Factory (the area where the
	ant queen is) in the southern part of the map. The book is in
	one of the raised areas, on a desk.

[ ]	Dunwich Building - Forsaken Dunwich Ruins
	In the Dunwich Building - Forsaken Dunwich Ruins. The book is
	in a room on the southern end of the area map, on a shelf next
	to a Toolbox.

[ ]	Dupont Circle - Dry Sewer
	Just north of Dupont East you'll find the Dry Sewers. Inside,
	in a small room to the south, you'll find the book. It's on a
	metal shelf on top of another book.

[ ]	Hubris Comics - Utility Tunnels
	In the Hubris Comics Utility Tunnels which are located
	directly south of the Farragut West Metro Station, across the
	river. From the exit to the Capital Wasteland, it's in a room
	on a desk by some electrical equipment.

[ ]	Hubris Comics Area
	Just south of Hubris comics, in a Pulowski Preservation Chamber.

[ ]	Jury Street Metro Station
	In the Jury Street Metro Station. Head right around the first
	corner to find a Raider camp. The book is on the Workbench.

[ ]	Mama Dolce's - Mama Dolce's Processed Foods
	From where you found the Guns and Bullets book in this area,
	head up some stairs. On a landing in the stairwell you'll find
	a metal shelf. The book is on the shelf, next to a smashed

[ ]	MDPL-05 Power Station
	In the north-west corner of the world map is the MDPL-05 Power
	Station. Inside the fenced area, by a skeleton, you'll find the
	book. The book is leaning against a tool box, near a Schematic.

[ ] 	Metro Central
	In Metro Central, on the second floor, between the exits to
	Foggy Bottom Station and Freedom Street Station. On a round
	table in a caged-in area. 

[ ]	Nuka-Cola Plant - Factory Floor
	From the entrance head east, then go into the room on the left.
	You'll find this book on the inside corner of the L-shaped
	counter in the middle of the room.

[ ]	Nuka-Cola Plant Area
	North-west of the Nuka-Cola Plant, on top of a hill you'll find
	a ruined truck bed, inside of which are a number of metal
	crates. The book is in the back, on a footlocker. This truck is
	due west of the diner in which you can find a copy of U.S. Army:
	30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes.

[ ]	Ranger Compound
	From the entrance go down the stairs and take a left, then
	immediately take another left and continue down a tunnel to the
	south until you reach a room. The book is on a generator,
	although it can be hard to find a way to pick it up. If it's
	being a bother, blow up the generator and try and find it
	that way. Damn clipping..

[ ]	Red Racer Factory - Factory Floor
	From the entrance head north through some doors. You should be
	in a room with a conveyor belt, above which is an over-sized 
	tricycle with a Teddy Bear on top. Go west along the railing
	to find some metal barrels by a door. Jump on top of them to
	get on top of the conveyor belt machine, where you'll find this
	book next to a tool box.

[ ]	Rivet City - Broken Bow
	In the Broken Bow (the half of Rivet City that is no longer
	connected), in Pinkerton's room. The book is on the shelf, not
	too far away from the Big Book of Science. To get into the 
	Broken Bow you must either swim under water under the eastern 
	(shorn) side of the ship or have a Lockpick score of 100.

[ ]	Rockbreaker's Last Gas - Abandoned Shack
	West and slightly north of Rockbreaker's Last Gas, there's an
	Abandoned Shack on top of a mountain. The book is in a wooden
	crate on the workbench. There's also a Guns and Bullets book
	and a Keller Family Transcript inside, so you'll know if you're
	in the right place.

[ ] 	Temple of the Union Area - Abandoned Farm
	North east of the Temple of the Union, up a large hill you'll
	find a farm, complete with a silo, water tower, and wind mill.
	South east of the outhouse where you can find a copy of Guns
	and Bullets you'll find a small pond over a cliff. Inside an
	overturned truck bed on the shore of the pond you'll find some
	radioactive barrels, upon which rests this book.

[ ]	Tepid Sewers
	In the Tepid Sewers. To the east you'll find a tunnel where
	Rocksalt and his Raiders are located. The book is in one of
	the rooms to the east of the tunnel, the room with the large
	generator. It's behind a Toolbox and by a wrench.

[ ]	VAPL-58 Power Station - Power Substation
	At the VAPL-58 Power Station, in the Power Substation. The book
	is on the desk next to a working computer terminal and a safe.

[ ]	VAPL-66 Power Station - Power Substation
	At the VAPL-66 Power Station, in the Power Substation. The book
	is on a desk with a broken computer on it.

[ ]	Vault 92 Area - Raider Barn
	West of Vault 92 you'll find a barn full of Raiders, which is
	nothing like a barrel full of monkeys. Inside the barn, on a
	metal shelf is this book.

[ ]	Vernon Square - Sewer Entrance
	Near the Cinema you'll find a Sewer Entrance leading to the..
	Sewer Entrance. Fair enough. Inside you'll find a copy of 
	Dean's Electronics on a table beyond a locked [Average] door.

[ ]	Warrington Station
	From the room where Roy Phillips stays head out a door to the
	north, then go east down some stairs. Finally go north into a
	storeroom with a red light. The book is on a metal shelf.

Duck and Cover! (Explosives)					[25/25]
[ ]	Alexandria Arms
	In a room on the southern end of the level you'll find this
	book on a bookshelf.

[ ]	Charnel House
	Charnel House, upstairs.

[ ]	Citadel - Laboratory
	You can find this book in a wooden crate in the bathroom on the
	bottom floor.

[ ]	Deathclaw Sanctuary Area
	Outside the Deathclaw Sanctuary you'll find a locked Footlocker 
	near a dead Mercenary. The book is inside the Footlocker, but
	you'll need a Lockpick skill of 50 to open it.

[ ]	Dukov's Place Area
	South of Dukov's Place, you'll find a Raider camp near the 
	river, the book is on a circular table near some beds.

[ ]	Evergreen Mills - Foundry
	On the roof of the metal room on the western side of the room.
	Jump down from stairs above it to find the book near a
	mutilated corpse.

[ ]	F. Scott Key Trail & Campground
	Near the F.Scott Key Trail & Campground, on a picnic table 
	north of the trailer.

[ ]	Falls Church/Mason Dst Metro
	In the Falls Church/Mason District Metro tunnels, in the large
	room east of the Falls Church exit you'll find a ticket booth
	on the upper level. The book is inside the booth, on a ledge
	by a light.

[ ]	Fort Constantine - Launch Control Bunker
	In the room with the Fort Constantine Launch Control, the book 
	is on a table near the aforementioned terminal.

[ ]	Germantown Police HQ Area - Train Camp
	North east of the Germantown Police HQ you'll come across some
	derailed trains. Follow the tracks until you come to two trains
	on the ground that form a V. In the interior, there's a raider
	camp. The book is on the ground, near the bathtub.

[ ]	Germantown Police HQ Area - Ruined House
	South, South west of Germantown Police HQ you'll find the ruins 
	of a bombed out house. The book is inside, on a wooden shelf. 
	Note: A road runs along the house to the east, and south west of 
	the house is a billboard, beyond which in the distance is a 
	train track, and to the north west you can clearly see Paradise 

[ ]	Hamilton's Hideaway
	In the Raider-occupied room in the south eastern corner of the
	map. The book is on a counter by a Nuka-Cola Quantum.

[ ]	Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal - Abandoned Shack
	North of the Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal you'll find a town
	filled with Ghouls. This book is in the Southern-most Abandoned 
	Shack on the floor by an ammo box.  

[ ]	Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop Area - Radio Signal Sierra Victor 
					Drainage Chamber
	East of Jocko's Pop & Gas you'll find a radio tower, which once
	activated will allow you to pick up the Radio Signal Sierra
	Victor. Follow the signal east over a fallen tower to find a
	Drainage Chamber. The book is inside on a table.

[ ]	Mall - Bunker
	In The Mall area of the D.C. ruins, down in the trenches in
	between the Washington Monument and the Capitol Building you'll
	find the entrance to a bunker. The book is on a table, in front
	of a radio.

[ ]	National Archives
	From the entrance in the front head west, then north until you
	find a small 'library' room filled with bookshelves. The book 
	is in the north western corner, on a school desk half buried
	in desbris.

[ ]	National Archives - Archives Sub-Basement
	In the south western corner behind a locked [Very Hard] gate.
	The book is on some metal shelves, which also hold some Metal
	Armor, a Metal Helmet, a Stealth Boy, and a Mini Nuke.

[ ]	National Guard Depot - Depot Offices
	South-west of the entrance from the Depot Training Wing, up
	some stairs you'll find a room with a long wooden table with
	stools on one side. The book is on this table.

[ ]	Old Olney - Olney Sewers
	In the far north-eastern area of the world map you'll find Old
	Olney, a lovely town overrun with Deathclaws. What else? Find
	an entrance to the sewers and blast your way through the 
	Deathclaws. The book is on the floor by a skeleton in a tunnel
	to the south of the sewers.

[ ]	Red Racer Factory Area - Scavenger Shack
	North of the Red Racer Factory is a Scavenger-and more 
	importantly his shack. His shack is located on an overpass of 
	the highway just west of Arlington, along a road that leads
	to Grayditch. The book is on a shelf in the Scavenger's shack,
	along with a Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual, and a 
	Grognak the Barbarian book.

[ ]	SatCom Array NW-07c - Corpse and Cars
	North east of SatCom Array NW-07c you'll find a line of four
	cars, near which lies a skeleton. On the ground near the
	skeleton you'll find this book.

[ ]	Springvale Elementary School
	In Springvale Elementary School, in the hallway outside of the
	library, on a desk near a computer terminal.

[ ]	Super Duper Mart Area
	North of Super Duper Mart, under a bridge you'll find a raider
	camp. The book is by a bed. Beware of landmines.

[ ]	Tenpenny Tower Area
	West of Tenpenny Tower, in the ruins of a house, the book is on
	a bookshelf, half underneath another book.

[ ]	Vault 92 - Vault 92 Overseer's Office
	In the Vault 92 Overseer's Office, in the actual Overseer's
	Office. The book is on a bookshelf, the same bookshelf that also
	has a Pre-War Book on it.

Grognak the Barbarian (Melee Weapons)				[25/25]
[ ]	Andale - The Smith's House Basement
	This book is on the floor southwest of the first counter, near
 	some bloodstains in front of a refrigerator. It's pretty hard to

[ ]	Bethesda Ruins - Bethesda Underworks
	You can find this book by heading through the Underworks until
	you're directly south of the entrance (the staircase, not the
	sewer grate). The book is in a small maintenence room, on a
	metal shelf.

[ ]	Canterbury Commons
	This book can be pick-pocketed from Derek Pacion.

[ ]	Canterbury Commons Area - Radio Signal Yankee Bravo Drainage
	South of Canterbury Commons you'll find a radio tower. Activate
	the electrical switch to find Radio Signal Yankee Bravo. The
	Drainage Chamber from whence the signal comes is west, over a
	cliff. This book is in the room to the south.

[ ] 	Chaste Arces Diary Farm Area
	Chaste Acres Dairy Farm upstairs in the ruined barn left of 
	the bed with the mutilated body on the floor.

[ ]	Cliffside Caverns - Raider Outpost
	Near the Cliffside Caverns you'll find a door [Hard] leading to
	a Raider Outpost. Head west across a wooden bridge to reach a
	platform with a generator. Search the platform behind the 
	generator to find this book.

[ ]	Clifftop Shacks - Northern Shack
	On a metal shelf, the book is on top of a Small Ruined Book.

[ ]	Deathclaw Sanctuary Area
	South and west of the Deathclaw Sanctuary you'll find some
	raiders who have made forts out of old cars. On the northernmost
	fort (the one with the super sledge on a shelf) you'll find a
	wooden crate under a table. The book is inside.

[ ] 	Fort Constantine - Personnel Offices
	Right across from the CO Quarters is the larger and more
	obvious (yet less rewarding in all ways) Personnel Building. The
	book is inside on the first floor, in a locked storage room with
	a hard lock near some stairs. It's on a counter.

[ ]	Georgetown West Area
	In the Georgetown area of the D.C. Ruins, which can be
	reached via the Tepid Sewers. There is a crumbling building
	occupied by Super Mutants. The book is on the second story,
	on a metal shelf.

[ ]	Hubris Comics Printing
	Just south of the door leading to Hubris Comics Publishing is a
	large room where you'll find Mad Johhny Wes, some Ghouls, and two
	(leveled) turrets. The book is in the room Mad Johnny Wes is in.

[ ]	Megaton - Jericho's House	
	In Jericho's House in Megaton, on the floor between some metal
	crates and some shelves.

[ ]	Metro Junction
	Enter via the 'Vernon Square North' entrance and head into the
	large metro hub chamber. To your east you'll see a wooden ramp
	going over the railing of the platform. Go to the edge of it and
	look down, where you'll spy a table with a lantern on it, and
	your new book.

[ ]	Minefield - Gillian House
	West of Minefield you'll find the Gillian House, north-west of
	the Gibson House. The book is upstairs on a bed.

[ ]	Museum Station
	This book is in the Museum Station, on a table in a room with
	beds and a pool table. This is the same room that contains
	the stairs that lead to Metro Central.

[ ]	Red Racer Factory Area
	To the left of the doors of the Red Racer factory you'll find
	a large metal box containing some barrels of toxic waste. The
	book is inside the box on the ground. Prepare to take some

[ ]	Red Racer Factory Area - Scavenger Shack
	North of the Red Racer Factory is a Scavenger-and more 
	importantly his shack. His shack is located on an overpass of 
	the highway just west of Arlington, along a road that leads
	to Grayditch. The book is on a shelf in the Scavenger's shack,
	along with a Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual, and a 
	Duck and Cover! book.

[ ]	Scrapyard
	In Scrapyard, near the stairs of a destroyed bus in John's
	Treasure Box. The bus is next to a red boxcar.

[ ]	Statesman Hotel Restaurant
	This book is behind the central bar in the Alfresco Lounge, on
	one of the shelves.

[ ]	Temple of the Union Area - Raider Bridge
	After completing the quest 'Head of State' return to the Temple
	of the Union and head south west until you find a highway. Get
	on it and you'll discover some shacks which are now occupied by
	Raiders. Inside one of the shacks, on a table, is this book.
	There's also a Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor nearby.

[ ]	Tenleytown/Friendship Station
	From the exit to the Friendship Station entrance head south and
	go into an office building on the right. In the room to the
	south you'll find two lockers. The book is on the left one, on
	the upper left shelf. It is fairly hard to see.

[ ]	The Silver Lining Drive-In Area
	This book is located in a metal shack Northwest of The Silver 
	Lining Drive-In.

[ ]	Vault 101
	You'll be given one of these during your 10th birthday party
	by Amata. When you're 19, be sure to search the dresser in
	your room to pick it up again.

[ ]	Vault-Tec Headquarters - vault-Tec Administration
	On the top level in the Administration area there is a room with
	three doors leading to it, beyond which are two offices. The
	book is in the left office on a desk.

[ ]	Yao Guai Tunnels
	Find the Yao Guai Tunnels and enter the the Yao Guai Den via the 
	exit to the east. Head through the Den to the exit back to the 
	Tunnels in the south. There's a ledge past a fence opposite the 
	door. The book is on the ledge near the body of a Raider.

Guns and Bullets (Small Guns)					[25/25]
[ ]	Alexandria Arms
	Up some stairs just east of the middle of the level on your
	Local Map. It's on a counter near some ammo boxes and a bucket.

[ ]	Arlington Library Area
	Outside the Arlington Library is a Pulowski Presevation
	Shelter. The book is inside.

[ ]	Arlington Library - Children's Wing
	In the Arlington Library - Children's Wing. Enter from the
	Media Archives and walk across a bookshelf that's bridging a
	hole in the floor. The book is on a bookshelf.

[ ]	Chryslus Building - Chryslyus Building Reception Area
	In the northern part of the level, in the room just east of the
	stairs leading down to the Chryslus Building Lower Offices,
	you'll have to pick a locked door [Hard] or disengage the lock
	via a wall terminal [Average] to get inside. The book is on a
	table in the middle of the room, along with an ammo box and a
	Scoped .44 Magnum.

[ ] 	Citadel - A Ring
	You'll find this book in 'The Den', in the second room with four
	beds. Its on the floor by the foot of the southern-most bed.

[ ]	Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel
	In the Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel, on the floor near some
	ammunition boxes.

[ ]	Everglow National Campground
	Everglow National Campground, in one of the trailers, on the 
	floor by a some Makeshift Bedding.

[ ]	Falls Church/Mason District Metro Area
	South of the Fall's Church/Mason District Metro, in a building 
	overlooking a flooded playground, the book is on a table 
	upstairs by a window. This is due South of the Pulowski 
	Preservation Chamber that had the Dean's Electronics book

[ ]	Flooded Metro
	In the Flooded Metro West of Arlington Library, in a room with 
	stairs going down, to the West of the stairs, this book is 
	behind a pillar behind a corpse on a ledge.

[ ]	Fort Bannister - Bunker
	This book is in the Bunker, in the eastern-most room on top of a
 	gun cabinet along the southern wall.

[ ]	Fort Constantine - Bomb Storage
	In the north western room behind a locked door [Very Hard],
	you'll find the book on a table in the middle of the room, along
	with a 10mm Pistol and 10mm Rounds.

[ ]	Fort Constantine - CO Quarters
	It's in the bedroom to the north-east, on a queen-sized bed,
	right out in the open. There's also a pre-war book on the small
	round table nearby, but I'm only telling you that because I
	like you. No more freebies.

[ ]	Franklin Metro Utilty
	Go through the Falls Church/Mason District Metro to reach the
	Franklin Metro Utility. In the large central room near the 
	entrance, in a fenced-in area in the middle of the room. The 
	book is on a table on top of a Combat Shotgun.

[ ]	Grayditch - Abandoned Home
	In Grayditch, in the Abandoned Home to the East of the 
	Brandice's House, in the first room in a wooden crate on a 

[ ]	Hamilton's Hideaway
	In the north-western corner of Hamilton's Hideaway, near some
	rubble you'll find a hole in the wall leading to an ammo cache.
	You must have completed the quest 'Galaxy News Radio' and have
	recieved the 'Weapon's Cache Key' from Three Dog in order to
	get at this loot. The book is on a footlocker.

[ ]	Mama Dolce's - Mama Dolce's Processed Foods
	This book is in the bathroom on the lower floor, in the stall
	in the back. It's on the floor, near a toilet, surrounded by
	a bunch of useless books.

[ ]	Mama Dolce's - Mama Dolce's Loading Yard
	From the area named 'Mama Dolce's Processed Foods' head
	through the westernmost door that leads to 'Mama Dolce's
	Loading Yard' to reach a raised area with a sniper. The book
	is on the floor.

[ ]	MDPL Mass Relay Station - Power Station
	MDPL Mass Relay Station, in the power station on a desk.

[ ]	Museum of Technology - West Wing
	In the Delta IX Rocket display room head up to the top level.
	In the south west corner under the staircase is a balcony that
	you can drop down to. To the south is a room with this book
	inside, on a desk.

[ ]	Old Olney Area
	South east of Old Olney you'll find a Nuka-Cola truck on the
	road. While the numerous Nuka-Colas and Nuka-Cola Quantums are
	good incentive, search the mail box nearby for this book.

[ ] 	Red Racer Factory Area
	East, South-East of the Red Racer Factory is a raider shack.
	You'll find this book on a counter between a wooden box and
	some pressure cookers. There is also a U.S. Army: 30 Handy 
	Flamethrower Recipes book nearby.

[ ]	Regulator Headquarters
	You'll get this location if you pick the 'Lawbringer' perk, and
	even if you find it on your own, you cannot enter unless you
	have this perk. The book is under a bed near where Sonora Cruz

[ ]	Rockbreaker's Last Gas - Abandoned Shack
	West and slightly north of Rockbreaker's Last Gas, there's an
	Abandoned Shack on top of a mountain. The book is on a small
	table between the bed and a locker. There's also a Dean's
	Electronics book and a Keller Family Transcript in the shack.

[ ]	Scrapyard
	In Scrapyard, near the stairs of a destroyed bus in John's
	Treasure Box. The bus is next to a red boxcar.

[ ] 	Temple of the Union Area - Abandoned Farm
	North east of the Temple of the Union, up a large hill you'll
	find a farm, complete with a silo, water tower, and wind mill.
	In the outhouse you'll find this book.

Lying, Congressional Style (Speech)				[25/25]
[ ]	Arlington Library - Children's Wing
	In the Arlington Library - Children's Wing, just south of
	center on the local map. The book is on a table near two
	coffee makers.

[ ]	Capitol Building - Conference Room
	In the conference room, on top of the podium.

[ ]	Corvega Factory - Entrance
	From the entrance go straight foward to reach a receptionist
	desk. The book is on the desk, between a fan and a telephone.

[ ]	Dupont Circle Station
	From the entrance to Dupont Circle head south and into the door
	on the right. On a desk is a bin, inside of which is this book.

[ ]	Georgetown Area - Townhome
	South of Georgetown West you'll find a house marked 'Townhome'
	on your area map. The book is on the ground floor, on a table
	by a camera.

[ ]	Germantown Police Head Quarters - Ground Floor
	In the room with the tables, desks, chalkboards, and 
	bookshelves. The book is on a desk that is half buried in 

[ ]	Jury Street Metro Station - Jury Street Tunnels
	You can find this book east of the northernmost exit to the 
	Jury Street Metro Station. The book is on top of Ryan Brigg's 

[ ]	Jury Street Metro Station Area - Raider Church
	In an abandoned church south-west of the Jury Street Metro
	Station. The book is in the podium on top of a small burned

[ ]	Megaton/Tenpenny Tower - Your House
	When you have your own house, either in Megaton or in Tenpenny
	Tower, buy the 'Love Machine' theme. You should find the book
	somewhere in your house/apartment.

[ ]	Megaton - Craterside Supply (Moira)
	Complete the "Wasteland Survival Guide" mini quest to access
	the card catalogue in the Arlington Public Library and talk to
	Moira. For your reward, you'll get some caps and this book. I'm
	not sure if you get the same reward if you fail to complete the
	sub-objectives, but you might as well anyways for the Survival
	Guru perk.

[ ]	Meresti Trainyard - Meresti Metro Station
	Go up to the balcony where most of the Family has their beds
	and jump onto the northern traincar. The book is under a wooden

[ ]	Museum of History - Underworld Concourse
	Talk to Tulip, the owner of the store 'Underworld Outfitters'.
	She'll offer you a copy of Paradise Lost, which functions like a
	copy of Lying, Congressional Style.

[ ]	National Archives - Archival Secure Wing East
	Behind two locked doors [Average], on a table near the archives
	security safe containing the Bill of Rights.

[ ]     Nuka-Cola Plant - Offices
	In the Nuka-Cola Plant - Offices level, on the second floor in a
	room east of a room with a hole in the floor. The book is on top
	of a safe.

[ ]	Rivet City Area
	You can find this book in the Super Mutant camp between Rivet
	City and the Jefferson Memorial. It's up by the ammo boxes by
	the beds.

[ ]	RobCo Factory - Floor
	The book is on the reception desk just opposite the entrance, 
	next to a computer.

[ ]	Robot Repair Center - Mechanist's Forge
	Enter through the doorway in the north eastern area of the Robot
	Repair Center (as opposed to taking the elevator). Activate the
	coffee machine to open the Mechanist's over-dramatic door. The
	book is on a table in the next room.

[ ]	Scrapyard - Office
	Select the 'Contract Killer' perk and head to the Scrapyard,
	where you'll now have access to the Office. The book is in a
	plastic bin next to Daniel Littlehorn's desk, under a Large
	Ruined Book.

[ ]	Seward Square Area
	South of the entrance to the Capitol Building East Entrance,
	along the Capitol Building you'll find a small square not
	covered with rubble. Inside the Pulowski Preservation Shelter
	you'll find this book, on top of a suitcase.

[ ]	Takoma Industrial - Factory
	In the most prominent building in the Takoma Industrial area,
	the Factory. The book is on some wooden shelves in the south
	eastern corner of the level.

[ ]	Tenleytown/Friendship Station
	From the exit to the Farragut West Station follow the tracks 
	east, then north. Before entering into the large Friendship
	station room there's a passage heading east that connects two
	rail tunnels. Near a fence is a dead Mercenary and some metal
	shelves, upon one of which the book lies.

[ ]	Tenpenny Tower - Penthouse Suites
	In Tenpenny's Suite, on a desk.

[ ]	Tenpenny Tower - My Tenpenny Suite
	If you blew up Megaton and were granted your own suite you'll
	get this book by buying the Love Machine theme from Lydia

[ ]	Vault 108 - Cloning Lab
	In the Vault 108 Cloning Lab area, in the room just east of
	the center of the area. The book is on a table opposite the
	table the Charisma Bobblehead is on.

[ ]	Vernon East/Takoma Park Metro
	Entering from the Vernon Square side, head west to find a ticket
	booth. The book is inside, on the front counter.

Nikola Tesla and You (Energy Weapons)				[25/25]
[ ]	Arlington Library Area - Talon Company Camp
	South-east of the Arlington Library is a Talon Company 
	encampment with bunkers blocking off the roads leading in.
	The encampment is the remains of a building with wooden ramps
	leading up to the upper levels. On the topmost level, on a
	small round table near some bunk beds is the book.

[ ]	Capitol Building - Capitol Building West Entrance
	In a locked supply room [Hard], the book is on a table.

[ ]	Deathclaw Sanctuary
	This book is inside the Deathclaw Sanctuary, on the metal
	object next to the Endurance bobblehead. From the entrance you
	should be able to see a pillar in front of you. The book and 
	bobblehead are on the opposite side of the pillar from the
	entrance. Take the path down and to the right, and when you get
	past the pillar look left. The goodies are near some rotting
	Brahmin, ants, people, and random, unidentifiable meat.

[ ]	Evergreen Mills - Evergreen Mills Bazaar. 
	This book is in one of the rooms up a hill past Smiling Jack's 
	store. Specifically the locked room that requires a key. It's on 
	one of the bunk beds.

[ ]	Farragut West Station
	In the Farragut West Station, in a room to the north by the
	Tenleytown/Friendship Station. The book is in a safe behind a

[ ]	Foggy Bottom Station
	Foggy Bottom Station, east of the exit to Dupont Circle. The
	book is on top of some machinery between a desk and a robot

[ ]	Fort Bannister - Commanding Officer's Office
	On the bottom floor of the large silo/stairwell there is a metal 
	covering over the passage/doorway that leads deeper into the 
 	Fort. On top of this metal cover is a partial barrier of sandbags, 
	a radio, a Ammo Box, and the book. You have to jump down on top of 
	this structure from the stairwell above.

[ ]	Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop
	In Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop. The book is on the counter, in plain

[ ] 	Jury Street Metro Station Area - Gold Ribbon Grocers
	West of the Jury Street Metro Station you'll find a store 
	called "Gold Ribbon Grocers". On the floor in the south west
	corner of the store you'll find the book, near a skeleton.
	There's also a Tumbler's Today nearby.

[ ]	Little Lamplight - Reactor Chamber
	In the south western corner of the level, beyond a closed door
	leading to a collapsed tunnel. The book is in a wooden create
	on the ground near a mannequin.

[ ]	Mason Dixon Salvage Area - Abandoned Shack
	In the Mason Dixon Salvage, in the Northwesternmost Abandoned 
	Shack, the book is on a table by a first aid box.

[ ]	Mason Dixon Salvage Area - Abandoned Tent
	North east of the Mason Dixon Salvage area you'll come across
	an Abandoned Tent. The book is inside, on a metal shelf.

[ ]	MDPL-21 Power Station - Power Substation
	West of the Oasis you'll find the MDPL-21 Power Station. The
	book is inside the Power Substation, on a workbench.

[ ]	Megaton - Your House
	When you have your own house in Megaton buy the 'Science' theme.
 	You should find the book somewhere in your house.

[ ]	Museum of History - Museum of History Entrance
	From the door go west into the ladies bathroom. The book is on
	the floor inside a stall.

[ ]	Museum of Technology - Museum of Technology Atrium
	From the entrance go south east through a door, past two 
	bathrooms and up some stairs to reach a room with two terminals.
	Near the Museum Maintenence console you'll find this book.

[ ]	National Guard Depot
	In the National Guard Depot, the book is in a supply room on a 
	metal shelf in the south-eastern corner of the bottom floor.

[ ]	Red Racer Factory - CEO Offices
	From the entrance to the CEO Offices head north and take a left
	down a tunnel. Go into the first door on the left [Average]. The
	book is on a metal bookshelf.

[ ]	RobCo Facility - Offices and Cafeteria
	In the north-western part of the area map you'll find a bunch of
	cubicles. The book is on a table in front of a filing cabinet.

[ ]	Robot Repair Center
	In Sector A, in the north west corner of the area, on the ground
	floor you'll find a Protectron on a table. Near it is this book.

[ ]	SatCom Array NW-05a Area
	Between SatCom Array NW-05a and the MPDL-05 Power Station you'll
	find some water with a dock occupied by Raiders. The book is on
	top of a blue boat south east of the dock.

[ ]	Taft Tunnel
	During the quest 'The Waters of Life' when you're going through
	the Taft Tunnel (not to be confused with the Taft Tunnels)
	you'll find a table with a generator on it, and a Nuka-Cola
	Quantum. Behind the generator you'll find this book.

[ ]	VAPL-84 Power Station Area
	North of the VAPL-84 Power Station are a number of destoyed
	houses. Inside the rubble you'll find this book on a counter,
	near some large destroyed books. Note that this is just
	south of the church with two books inside of it, and west of
	the truck with another book. That's four books in a relatively
	small area of game!

[ ]	Vault 92 - Sound Testing
	You can find this book on a desk near the note 'Professor 
	Malleus Audio Log V92-06'.

[ ]	Vault 106 - Living Quarters
	In the Vault 106 Living Quarters, in the first room on the left
	from the stairs (a classroom). There is a large desk in one
	corner of the room with three stacked wooden crates on top. The
	book is at the bottom of the last crate, the one actually on
	the desk.

Pugilism Illustrated (Unarmed)					[25/25]
[ ] 	Abandoned Car Fort Area - Internment Truck
	North, north west along the highway past the Abandoned Car Fort
	you'll find a truck, in the back of which are plenty of 
	skeletons along with this book.

[ ]	Anacostia Crossing Station
	North of Rivet City you'll find the Anacostia Crossing Station.
	The book is on a table in the first large room north-east of
	the entrance from the Capital Wasteland.

[ ]	Anchorage War Memorial Area
	Along the river north of the Anchorage Memorial in a Super 
	Mutant outpost.  Near the tent is a truck with a wooded ramp
	leading up to its bed. The book is inside the truck, on a

[ ]	Arefu - Alan's House
	After making peace between Arefu and the Family head back to the
	house in front of the highway leading up to Arefu. The dead
	Brahmin are gone, replaced with living ones, and the house is
	now inhabited. This book is inside the house, on a table by the

[ ]	Arlington Library Area - Raider Fort
	South east of the Flooded Metro you'll find a Raider fort
	along the road. On a counter inside you'll find this book.

[ ] 	Charnel House Area - Radio Signal Papa November Drainage Chamber
	Head west of Charnel House to find a radio tower, which when
	activated will get you the Papa November Radio Signal. Head over
	a cliff to the north east to find a Drainage Chamber. The book
	is on the floor by the ladder.

[ ]	Chaste Acres Dairy Farm - Silo
	This book is located on the floor in the silo near the Chaste 
	Acres Dairy Farm.

[ ] 	Chryslus Building - Chryslus Building Lower Offices
	In the middle of the room where the Minigun wielding Super
	Mutant was (the one who had the Chryslus Building Master Key)
	you'll find a counter north of a bunch of desks near a 
	Nuka-Cola Vending Machine. On top of the counter are a number of
	bins, within which this book hides.

[ ]	Clifftop Shacks - Southern Shack
	In the southern-most shack in the Clifftop Shacks area. The
	book is on a shelf.

[ ]	Dukov's Place
	Upstairs in Dukov's room, on the shelves behind the bed.

[ ]	Faded Pomp Estates
	Just east of the map marker, you'll find this book in one of
	the many destroyed houses, lying on top of several other,
	useless, books. It's right in front of a fireplace, by a

[ ]	Jury Street Metro Station Area - Raider Church
	In an abandoned church south-west of the Jury Street Metro
	Station. The book is in one of the building's corners, between
	a sink and a toilet.

[ ]	Little Lamplight - Living Quarters
	Directly south of the door to the Reactor Chamber on your area
	map, it's in a room beyond a locked [Average] door on the upper 
	level of the Living Quarters. The book is within, on a shelf.

[ ]	L.O.B. Enterprises
	In the L.O.B. Enterprises building, in a storeroom in the
	north-eastern corner of the building (the room full of metal
	shelves). The book is on a shelf.

[ ]	Metro Central
	There is a locked supply closet across from the exit to the
	Museum Station. The book is inside, on one of the metal 
[ ]	Minefield - Zane House
	In Minefield you'll find the Zane House, north-east of the
	Benson House. The book is upstairs on a bed being held by a
	teddy bear.

[ ]	Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema
	On a picnic table near some cars. The book is laying on top of a 
	large destroyed book.

[ ]	Roosevelt Academy
	In the Roosevelt Academy, in a bathroom near the administration
	offices. The book is on the floor near the body of a dead

[ ]	Roosevelt Academy - Maintenence and Evacuation Tunnel
	On a metal shelf near a locked [Average] door leading to the
	sewer portion of the level. The book is near the midpoint of
	the area.

[ ]	Satcom Array NN-03d-C
	West of the MDPL-21 Power Station you'll find a number of 
	satelite towers guarded by raiders. In the one named SatCom
	Array NN-03d-C you'll find the book on the edge of a toilet.
	Everybody poops, and the best time to read about fist fighting
	is while you're defacating.

[ ]	Springvale Area
	Inside a standing mailbox near a blue car. Pretty much directly 
	south of a Small Ranch, and directly east of Vault 101.

[ ]	White House Plaza Area - Utility Tunnel
	This book is found in the Pennsylvania Avenue section of the
	D.C. ruins. Near the White House gate, find a Utility Tunnel
	and go down. The book is in the first room on the right, on the
	corner of a table.

[ ]	Vault 108 - Living Quarters
	In the Vault 108 Living Quarters, in the room north west of the
	large, two-storied atrium. The book is on a counter near a metal
 	cooking pot.

[ ]	Warrington Station
	In the room that Roy Phillips and his gang stay in, the book is
	in a wooden crate on a shelf.

[ ]	Warrington Station - Lucky's
	Near the Warrington Station is a shop called 'Lucky's'. The
	book is inside the shop behind the counter, in a compartment
	near the floor.

Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor (Barter)			[23/23]
[ ]	Abandoned Car Fort
	Abandoned Car Fort, next to a wooden crate by a bed.

[ ]	Arlington Library - Media Archive
	In the Arlington Library - Media Archive. The book is in the
	room with the pool table, on a table near the fridge next to
	a coffee maker and some cups.

[ ]	Arlington National Cemetary
	In the Arlington National Cemetary, just north of Mama Dolce's
	Food Distribution. The book is on the ground inside of an
	overturned a truck bed, near some toxic waste barrels.

[ ] 	Bethesda Ruins Area
	East of the Bethesda Ruins, you'll come across a little house
	known as 'The Raid Shack', which appropriately enough is full of
	Raiders. Upstairs, in the bedroom with the queen sized bed,
	you'll find the book, on a table next to said bed.

[ ]	Bethesda Ruins - Bethesda Underworks
	Near the Bethesda Ruins you'll find the Bethesda Underworks.
	This book is in the first large room in the metro, on a bench on
	top of a bucket.

[ ]	Capitol Building - Capitol Building East Entrance
	From the West Entrance exit head south, then east through a door
	to find a hallway. Head east down the hallway and go through a
	door to the left to find some some cubicles. On one of the desks
	is this book.

[ ]	Citadel - County Sewer Main Line
	Just north of the Citadel along the coast you'll find the
	entrance to the County Sewer Mainline. Travel through the place
	until you find Gallo, a ghoul with a penchent for Nuka Cola
	items. He has the book on his person.

[ ]	Dupont Circle - Lady Frumperton's Fashions
	In the Dupont Circle area you'll find Lady Frumperton's 
	Fashions. The book is inside a safe [Average].

[ ]  	Grisly Diner
	This book is located on a shelf inside the Grisly Diner which 
	is just North of the Temple of the Union.

[ ]	Hubris Comics Publishing
	Behind the receptionist desk near the entrance, on a shelf over
	a rigged computer.

[ ]	Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal Area - Abandoned Shack
	North of the Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal you'll find a town
	filled with Ghouls. This book is in the Northern-most Abandoned 
	Shack on the table.

[ ]	Little Lamplight - Murder Pass
	In the first large chamber to the north of the exit to the
	Lamplight Caverns. There's a makeshift shelter, near which is
	an alcove where you'll find a screen, a toilet, an ammo box, and
	a skeleton. The book is on top of the toilet tank.

[ ]	National Archives - Archival Strongroom
	This book can be found on the table near the safes, within one
	of which is the Declaration of Independence.

[ ]	National Guard Depot - Training Wing
	To the east of your area map you'll find a room up some stairs.
	The book is on a desk. They're both gray, and the book tends to
	blend in, but if you take a second to look, you'll find it.

[ ]	Reclining Groves Resort Homes
	North of Germantown Police HQ you'll find Reclining Groves
	Resort Homes. In one of the houses to the north-east, you'll
	find the book on a shelf.

[ ]	Red Racer Factory Area
	If you head south-west of the Red Racer factory you'll find a
	diner with a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes
	inside. If you head south-west from that diner along a road
	you'll find a ruined truck with a copy of Dean's Electronics
	in the back. From this truck, head north to find the sparse
	remains of a building behind a fence. Up a ramp somebody has
	built a blue shelter, inside of which you'll find this book on
	a stack of large burned books near a bed. This area is closer
	on the map to Andale or the Fairfax Ruins, but it is easier to
	describe its location sequentially from the Red Racer Factory.
	It's my guide, I'll write it how I wish.

[ ]	Super Duper Mart
	Super Duper Mart. At the back of the store, west from the
	southern-most entrance. You'll find the book on a counter.

[ ]	Temple of the Union Area - Raider Bridge
	After completing the quest 'Head of State' return to the Temple
	of the Union and head south west until you find a highway. Get
	on it and you'll discover some shacks which are now occupied by
	Raiders. Inside one of the shacks, on a table, is this book.
	There's also a copy of Grognak the Barbarian nearby.

[ ]	Tenpenny Tower - Tenpenny Suites
	In the suite in the north eastern corner of the level you'll 
	find this book on a desk, next to a Love Letter.

[ ]	The Statesman Hotel
	In a room on the second floor, in the north eastern corner of
	the level. This book is on a desk in the corner, along with
	a phone, two Coffee Mugs, and a lamp.

[ ]	Vault-Tec Headquarters - Vault-Tec Guest Relations
	Once you reach Vault-Tec Administration, go down the stairs in
	the north west corner to reach a door leading back to Guest
	Relations. This will allow you to reach the previously 
	unreachable north western corner of Guest Relations. The book 
	is on one of the tables.

[ ]	Vault 92
	In the large room to the south you'll find a locked [Average]
	door on the second level. Inside is a supply room. The book is
	on the metal shelf behind the counter with the Supply Shop
	terminal [Average] on it, on the bottom shelf in the corner.

[ ]	Willy's Grocer
	East of Tenpenny Tower you'll find Willy's Grocer. The book is
	on the counter.

Tumblers Today (Lockpick)					[25/25]
[ ]	Arlington Library - Media Archive
	In the Arlington Library - Media Archive, on the top floor in
	the south-west corner of the local map. The book is on a table
	west of the safe

[ ]	Arlington Library Area - Raider Fort
	This book can be found in a Raider stronghold that lies down
	the road west from the Arlington Library. It is found next to
	a bed that lies up some ramps on the side of the stronghold
	opposite the caged overpass with the turret.

[ ]	Broadcast Tower KB5 - Drainage Chamber
	South east of the tower you'll find a drainage chamber. If you
	activate the electrical switch, it'll start up radio signal
	Alfa Lima, which you can follow (audibly) to the chamber. The
	book is inside on the floor, next to a skeleton by a locked

[ ] 	Broadcast Tower KB5 Area
	West of the Broadcast Tower KB5 you'll find a house filled with
	Raiders. You'll find this book on a metal shelf in the corner of 
	the house.

[ ] 	Drowned Devil's Crossing Area
	Northwest of Drowned Devil's Crossing, you'll find a truck on 
	the road, the book is inside the truck, near a safe in the 

[ ]	Falls Church/Mason District Metro - Office Building
	In the Office Building south of the Falls Church/Mason District
	Metro. It's on top of a desk with a safe [Easy] underneath it.

[ ]	Franklin Metro Utility
	Go through the Falls Church/Mason District Metro to reach the
	Franklin Metro Utility. The book is in a fenced in area on
	top of a locked Mine Box.

[ ]	Freedom Street Station
	In Freedom Street Station, just north of the exit to Metro
	Central. The book is on a table near the Scavenger's bed.

[ ]	Germantown Police Head Quarters - Basement 
	In the locked room by the shooting range. The book is on a metal 
	shelf above an ammunition box. You'll need a Lockpick skill of 
	50 to get into this room.

[ ]	Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal Area - Ghoul Town
	North of the Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal site you'll find
	a town occupied by hostile Ghoul Wastelanders. Outside of the
	western most Abandoned Shack is an overturned refrigerator, 
	inside of which rests this book.

[ ]	Jury Street Metro Station - Gold Ribbon Grocers
	West of the Jury Street Metro Station you'll find a store 
	called "Gold Ribbon Grocers". On the floor in the south west
	corner of the store you'll find the book, near a skeleton.
	There's also a Nikola Tesla and You nearby. Oh, and check the
	stand nearby for a mini nuke.

[ ]	L.O.B. Enterprises East Wing
	In the East Wing section of L.O.B. Enterprises, in the CEO's 
	office on the CEo's desk.

[ ]	Mama Dolce's Food Distribution
	In the far south-western edge of your area map, in a tunnel
	on the lowest floor. The book is by a skeleton on the ground.

[ ]	Mason Dixon Salvage - Abandoned Shack
	In the Mason Dixon Salvage, in the Southernmost Abandoned 
	Shack, on the floor next to a footlocker.

[ ]	Meresti Trainyard Area
	South-east of the Meresti Trainyard you'll find a number of 
	destroyed houses. You'll find the book inside one, in a bathtub.

[ ]	Meresti Trainyard
	In the Meresti Trainyard, down by the Family outpost. The book 
	is on a crate in plain sight.

[ ]	Minefield - Gibson House
	In Minefield you'll find the Gibson House, south-west of the
	Benson House. The book is on a desk on the first floor next to 
	a broken computer terminal.

[ ]	Nuka-Cola Factory - Factory Floor
	In the room guarded by the crazed robot named Milo you'll find
	a door leading to a closet. This book is inside, on a bookshelf.

[ ]	Roosevelt Academy - Roosevelt Arts and Athletics Hall
	On the third level, the book is just south east of the center of
	the level on the area map. The book is on a desk by a locked 
	wall safe [Average] behind some	ammo boxes.

[ ]	Seward Square North Area - Sewer
	In the sewer that connects Seward Square to Pennsylvania Avenue.
	The book is in the south eastern tunnel, in a niche along the
	northern wall near the debris.

[ ]	Sewer Waystation Area - Talon Company Camp
	This book is in the south eastern room on a metal shelf.

[ ] 	Smith Casey's Garage
	Inside Smith Casey's Garage, due west of Evergreen Mills. The
	book is behind the counter, inside an already-opened safe.

[ ]	Tenpenny Tower Area - Ruined Building
	South of Willy's Grocer (south west of Tenpenny Tower) you'll
	find a bombed out brick building. Inside, on one of the upper
	levels is a skeleton near wooden shelves. On top of the shelves
	is this book.

[ ]	Vault 106 - Science Labs
	From the door in the south that leads to the Living Quarters: 
	Head north down the stairs until you run into a wall. Turn east 
	down some stairs and turn north again. Take the first hallway east 
	and go into the room. The book is in this room, on a collapsed 
	metal thingy, along withtwo milk bottles.

[ ]	Vault 108 - Entrance
	East of the room with the reactor you'll find a room filled with
	yellow crates. In the corner of this room, behind the crates is
	a step ladder with a Nuka-Cola Quantum on top, and a Tumblers
	Today underneath the step ladder. I have no idea how you 
	actually are supposed to obtain this book, however.

U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes (Big Guns)		[25/25]
*Note that in the Bethesda Ruins - Bethesda Offices East there is a
raider with a flamer that has a U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower 
Recipes. This guy continuously respawns, allowing you to grab as many
copies of this book as you wish. Kill him, grab the book, wait a few
days, repeat.

[ ]	Anchorage Memorial Service Entrance
	When entering from outside head east until you come to a four
	way split, then go north. The north-most door on the right side
	is messed up, but if you get the door component (and have at
	least 35 Repair) you can fix it. Inside is the book.

[ ]	Arlington/Falls Church Metro
	This book is proof that Bethesda hates you, it's in the 
	Arlington/Falls Church Metro. After entering from Falls Church
	area, head into the large area to the north. Cross to the far
	side of the tracks and head to the entrance to the tunnel
	leading north. If you look south-west from your position, you
	should see a large metal bin. Jump inside of it. The book is
	on a chair inside of the metal bin.  

[ ]	Arlington Utility
	Just south of the Arlington National Cemetery North location is
	the Arlington Utility. From that entrance follow the metro 
	tunnel until you come to a door to the north. Continue north
	until you get to a fork in the road and head north up some
	stairs, then east up some more stairs. The book is in a room on
	a metal shelf.

[ ]	Bethesda Ruins - Bethesda Offices East
	I found this book on the body of a Raider. Not a unique guy.. 
	just a Raider. To be fair, he did have a Flamer, but, well, 
	that's about all the help I can  give. Might as well pick up
	the bobblehead while you're here, too.

[ ]	Capitol Building - Capitol Building West Entrance
	In the large domed room in which the Super Mutant Behemoth is
	located. The book is on a table to the south east, near some
	metal shelves.

[ ]	Corvega Factory Area
	South of the Corvega Factory, along a road south east of the
	red rocket you'll find an overturned truck. In the back of this
	truck you'll find this book on a table near some Stimpaks and a
	Mini Nuke.

[ ]	Dupont Circle - Sunken Sewer
	North east of Dupont West you'll find a cistern leading to the
	Sunken Sewer. Before you go down, pop a Rad-X, because the rads
	can be pretty nasty near the entrance. Inside are some ghouls,
	but more important is the loot they guard. In the middle room,
	the book is to the north, on top of a safe.

[ ]	Evergreen Mills - Southern Shack
	The book is on a bookshelf near a First Aid Box.

[ ]	Fairfax Ruins Area - Car Dealership
	East of the Fairfax Ruins there's a Car Dealership. Inside
	the Car Dealership, on the raised area to the east the book
	is on a container next to an empty nuka cola bottle. You'll
	have to do some jumping to reach the area the book is in.

[ ]	Farragut West Station
	In the Farragut West Station, to the north by the Tenleytown/
	Friendship Station entrance. There are some metal stairs leading
	down to a room with a locked door. Pick the lock, the book is
	inside on a shelf.

[ ]	Five Axels Rest Stop
	In the Five Axles Rest Stop, you will find a ring of trucks, 
	the book is in the back of the one with the beds, near some 
	wooden crates.

[ ]	Franklin Metro Utility
	Go through the Falls Church/Mason District Metro to reach the
	Franklin Metro Utility. After making it to the north-eastern
	tunnel by travelling through the flooded section of the tunnel 
	and the natural cave formation go down the tunnel heading
	west. The book is on a metal shelf. In the opposite direction
	you'll find the Burnmaster Flamethrower.

[ ]	Georgetown Area - La Maison Beauregard Lobby
	In between the Georgetown/The Mall Metro and the
	Penn Ave./Georgetown Metro you'll find La Maison Beauregard
	Lobby. Once inside take a left and go behind the counter. The
	book is on the floor by some Beer.

[ ] 	Grisly Diner Area
	Located in a bus North of the Grisly Diner. If you follow the 
	road in front of the Grisly Diner North, you will find it.

[ ]	Jury Street Metro Station Area
	South-west of the Jury Street Metro Station you'll find an
	abandoned church which contains (among other things) a
	Pugilism Illustrated book and a Lying, Congressional Style
	book. South-east of that church in the back of an abandoned
	truck you'll find this book near a bed.

[ ]	L'Enfant Plaza
	From the Irradiated Metro head west, then north until you find
	a four-way road past a diner. From here go north to a collapsed
	tunnel. On the left in the rubble you'll find a shelter, inside
	of which is this book, on an overturned locker.

[ ]	Little Lamplight - Murder Pass
	In the first large cavern to the west of the entrance from
	Lamplight Caverns. The book is on a table near some first aid

[ ]	Nation Guard Armory - Underground Bunker
	In the National Guard Armory, on a table next to the 
	Experimental MIRV and some Mini Nukes. You must have gained
	access to the underground bunker via the Keller Family
	Transcripts to get this book. (See the entry on the 
	Experimental MIRV for a more in depth guide.)

[ ]	Nuka Cola Factory Area
	North of the Nuka-Cola factory is a diner, the book is behind
	the counter, on a table.

[ ]	Reclining Groves Resort Homes - Bloatfly Hill
	Northest of the Reclining Groves Resort Homes you'll find a 
	Barn that has a Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual locked
	away in a footlocker [Very Hard]. North east of this, you'll 
	find some cliffs, which if you traverse will lead you to
	Bloatfly Hill, which has several Bloatflys just hanging around.
	Near a tree surrounded by Tin Cans you can find this book, on
	the ground.

[ ]	Red Racer Factory Area
	East, South-East of the Red Racer Factory is a raider shack.
	This book is by the bed, near the footlocker and the ammo
	boxes. There's also a Guns and Bullets book nearby.

[ ]	Scrapyard
	In Scrapyard, near the stairs of a destroyed bus in John's
	Treasure Box. The bus is next to a red boxcar.

[ ]	Takoma Industrial - Auto Shop
	West of the Factory you'll find an Auto Shop. The book is 
	inside in the back of the store, behind the counter on a desk.

[ ]	VAPL-58 Power Substation - Power Substation
	At the VAPL-58 Power Station, on top of the Power Substation.
	Enter the Power Substation and take the ladder up to the roof.
	The book is on the ground near the grill.

[ ]	Wheaton Armory
	Inside the Wheaton Armory, on the lowest level. You need to
	either hack a very hard computer or pick a very hard lock, so
	pick your poison. Once inside, the book is on the corner of a
	table near some missile launchers. There's a ton of treasure in
	here, so be sure to swing by if you get 100 Lockpick/Science.
	Don't forget some Rad-X.
Unique Weapons {UNQ001}
Sure, you can just look for the name of the weapon in the Walkthrough,
but some people are just too.. ah.. busy.. for that. In this section
I will include all the unique weapons I've found, and give you
directions to them.
Big Guns		       {UNQ002}
Burnmaster (Flamer)

Go through the Falls Church/Mason District Metro to reach the Franklin 
Metro Utility. After making it to the north-eastern tunnel by 
travelling through the flooded section of the tunnel and the natural 
cave formation go down the tunnel heading east. You might want to
consider popping some Rad-X if you're squeamish about collecting Rads.
You'll have to run between some barrels of toxic waste and onto the
back of a truck. There are tons of Ammunition Boxes with flamer fuel
in them, and behind the boxes on the ground is Burnmaster.
Eugene (Minigun)

Rescue the Rangers from the roof of the Statesman Hotel during the 
Reilly's Rangers quest, then talk to Reilly back at the Ranger COmpound.
You'll get the choice to take a suit of Ranger Battle Armor or one of
Brick's Miniguns. Pick the Minigun to get Eugene.
Experimental MIRV (Fatman)

This gun is located in the National Guard Depot, which is located at 
the edge of the D.C. area at the far eastern edge of the map. Go
through the place until it loops back to the initial area, then hit
an electrical switch to open a locked door in the basement. This will
take you to the National Gaurd Armory. Inside there's a locked door
that can only be opened by entering in the correct password. To gain
access, you must have found all the Keller Family Transcipts (there
are five in total). Once it's opened, you'll have access to the
underground bunker. The Experimental MIRV is on a table, next to
five Mini Nukes and a U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes book.
Note: You must FIND all the transcripts to open the door. You aren't
given a chance to manually enter the passcode, you just have to have
collected AND listened to the passcodes via your Pip-Boy. If you have
done this, the computer will open the door.
Energy Weapons		       {UNQ003}
A3-21's Plasma Rifle (Plasma Rifle)

Complete the the quest 'The Replicated Man by talking to Pinkerton and
getting the photo evidence and audio recording proving who the andriod
is, as well as the override code to return the android's memories.
Before reporting back to Zimmer talk to the android and reveal the
truth. Offer to kill Zimmer and the android will hand over its plasma
Alien Blaster (Alien Blaster)

From the Greener Pastures Disposal Site head west north-west until you
pick up a 'Recon Craft Theta Beacon' radio signal. Follow the signal
audioly until you find a crashed flying saucer that carved a nice
trench into the terrain. You'll know you're getting close when you
start taking rads, and you know you're off target when you lose the
radio signal. Anyhow, search around the saucer until you find the
front. Near a cliche alien corpse you'll find the Alien Blaster and
a good number of Alien Power Cells. Use this gun sparingly, you wont
be buying ammo for it from the store.

Personally, I love this gun. I give Bethesda a lot of credit for
keeping so much of the previous games in this one. In the first game,
this was THE gun to use. In the second, I preferred the Gauss Rifle.
Both of which (eventually) made their way into Fallout 3. If you just
read this, you've gained no relevant information on the game this
FAQ is about. Sorry for wasting a few precious moments of your life.
Colenol Autumn's Laser Pistol (Laser Pistol)

During the quest 'Take it Back!' you'll encounter Colenol Autumn in the
Jefferson Memorial Rotunda. Kill him, and this gun is yours for the 
Firelance (Alien Blaster)

In one random encounter an alien probe will explode overhead, spilling
numerous Alien Power Cells over a wide area and this gun. It can be
nearly impossible to spot, especially if you don't know what you're
looking for, but it's a very powerful, if extremely limited use gun.
Gauss Rifle (Gauss Rifle)

Complete the expansion 'Operation: Anchorage' to get access to the 
pre-war vault filled with goodies from the simulation. This is one of
the treats that lies within.
Metal Blaster (Laser Rifle) 

As with most of the good loot in 'The Pitt' expansion, you'll get this
by bringing Steel Ingots to Everett. Bring 50 Ingots to the man and
this will be your reward.
Microwave Emitter (Mesmetron)

After completing the quest 'Thought Control' in the expansion 'Point
Lookout' you'll begin the quest 'A Meeting of the Minds' which leads you
to the Point Lookout Lighthouse. Head into the Underground Lab and make
your way through. After dealing with The Brain (aka Calvert) search the
rooms around his chamber. In the room with the ladder to the outside
you'll find this weapon on a workbench.
Protectron's Gaze (Laser Pistol)

When completing the quest 'The Superhuman Gambit' you have to side with
the Mechanist against the AntAgonizer. Kill the AntAgonizer and give the
Mechanist her costume and you'll be rewarded with this laser pistol.
Smuggler's End (Laser Pistol)

In the Citadel - B Ring, in Elder Lyon's room you'll find a locked safe
on the wall [Very Hard]. You can either pick the lock, or use a terminal
[Very Hard] to gain access. The pistol is inside of the safe.
Vengeance (Gatling Laser)

You'll find this bad boy in the Deathclaw Sanctuary. Unlike the
Endurance Bobblehead, this is not a run in and get it sort of deal. 
Vengeance is pretty deep inside, in the south-eastern corner of the
Sanctuary, near some water. Think carefully before you go after it. You
could use a stealth boy and hope for the best, but otherwise, you're
fighting numerous Deathclaws (at least four most likely) in the dark,
in an enclosed space. Make sure your vault dweller is up to snuff.
Wazer Wifle (Laser Rifle)

In Little Lamplight, in the 'Great Cavern' area find a little boy named
Biwwy. He'll try to sell you his 'Wazer Wifle' for 500 Caps, but you can
talk him down to 250.
Melee Weapons		       {UNQ004}
The Ant's Sting (Knife)

When completing the quest 'The Superhuman Gambit' you must side with the
AntAgonizer against the Mechanist. Kill the Mechanist and give the 
AntAgonizer his costume and you'll be given this knife.
Board of Education (Nail Board)

In the Clifftop Shacks area, in the southern shack. You can find this
weapon on the floor.
Fawke's Super Sledge (Super Sledge)

After rescuing Fawkes in Vault 87, talk to Fawkes and go to 'switch'
weapons with Fawkes. Grab this weapon off of Fawkes and it's yours.
Fertilizer Shovel (Shovel)

During the quest 'Walking with Spirits' in the 'Point Lookout'
expansion, gain access to the Ark & Dove Cathedral by completing the
ritual of the mother seed. Once inside, talk to a Tribal named Croatoa,
who will give you this Shovel if you succeed at a Speech check.
Highwayman's Friend (Tire Iron)

In Canterbury Commons, search Dominic and Machete's House to find this
tire iron on a metal shelf.
Jack (Ripper)

After the quest 'The Waters of Life' the Enclave will be in town. Return
to the Deathclaw Sanctuary and look for the body of a dead Enclave
Officer inside. Loot their body for this weapon.
Jingwei's Shocksword (Chinese Officer's Sword)

Complete the expansion 'Operation: Anchorage' to get access to the 
pre-war vault filled with goodies from the simulation. This is one of
the treats that lies within.
Man Opener (Auto Axe)

In 'The Pitt' expansion, you can find this weapon on a bed inside the
Supply Plant in the Steelyard.
Occam's Razor (Combat Knife)

In the interior portion of Fort Bannister, known as the Commanding 
Officer's Office you'll find Commander Jasco, of the Talon Company. Kill
him and loot this knife off of him.
Repellent Stick (Repellent Stick)

During the 'Wasteland Survival Guide' quest, you'll be given this weapon
to test out on Mole Rats by Moira when she sends you off to the Tepid
Ritual Knife (Knife)

During the quest 'The Dark Heart of Blackhall' in the expansion 'Point
Lookout' you'll be sent to the Ritual Site to retrieve a book for 
Obahiah. You can find this weapon inside, on the alter, firmly embedded
into a corpses' head.
Stab Happy (Combat Knife)

East of the Bethesda Ruins you'll find "The Raid Shack". One of the
raiders inside has this knife on him, so don't miss it.
The Break (Pool Cue)

In Paradise Falls you'll find a pool table just outside of Eulogy Jones'
house, on which this pool cue sits, right out in the open, plain as day.
The Dismemberer (Axe)

During the expansion 'Point Lookout' complete the quest 'Plik's Safari'.
Upon surviving the safari, you'll be rewarded with this axe.
The Mauler (Auto Axe)

In the expansion 'The Pitt' bring Everett 80 Ingots to get this weapon.
The Tenderizer (Sledgehammer)

In the Anchorage Memorial Service Entrance, when entering from the
Capital Wasteland go east, then north to find a locked room, the room is
at the end of the tunnel to the right. You need to get the door
component from elsewhere in the memorial and have a Repair skill of 35
to fix the door. Once you do, open the door. You'll find this
Sledgehammer inside.
Trench Knife (Combat Knife)

Complete the expansion 'Operation: Anchorage' to get access to the 
pre-war vault filled with goodies from the simulation. This is one of
the treats that lies within.
Vampire's Edge (Chinese Officer's Sword)

In the Meresti Trainyard loot the sword cabinet [Hard] in Vance's room
to get your hands on this sword.
Small Guns		       {UNQ005}
Backwater Rifle (Lever-Action Rifle)

In the expansion 'Point Lookout' follow the quest 'Velvet Curtain'. Blow
up the Chinese submarine and get into the Chinese Intelligence Bunker
near the Calvert Mansion. You'll be instructed to consult a terminal
within to claim your reward. You don't get much from the Chinese, but
you can grab this weapon off a shelf in the same room.
Blackhawk (Scoped .44 Magnum)

Complete the quest 'Agatha's Song' by bringing the Soil Stradivarius
to Agatha. Then bring her some Sheet Music Books. For your effort to
improve and preserve music above and beyond the call of duty, you'll be
given this gun.
Lincoln's Repeater (Lever-Action Rifle)

In the Museum of History - Offices, you'll find this gun locked away.
It's a fantastic gun, and you'll probably get it during your quest to
get a picture of the Lincoln Memorial during the quest 'Head of State.'
Ol' Painless (Hunting Rifle)

In the Republic of Dave - Capitol Building, you can find this gun in the
safe in the 'presidents' office.
Perforator (Infiltrator)

In the expansion 'The Pitt' bring Everett 90 Ingots to get this weapon.
Reservist's Rifle (Sniper Rifle)

In the Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel you'll find a 'Drifter', a bastard
who hangs up on some rafters and likes to try and snipe you. Approach
him from the east where he is exposed and kill him. The rifle he uses
is the Reservist's Rifle, which he'll be all too happy to donate upon
his timely demise.
Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG (10mm Submachine Gun)

While exploring the Statesman Hotel you'll find a note 'A Note from 
Little Moonbeam's Father' on a bed near some skeletons. Take it and
deduce that this is the last recording of Sydney (a scavenger who is
over at the National Archives). Go take it to Sydney, who will give you
her unique SMG in exchange for your kind deed.. or you could just kill
Sydney and take it from her.
The Kneecapper (Sawed-Off Shotgun)

In Girdershade you'll find Ronald Laren, the owner of this gun. That is,
unless you kill him and take it.
The Terrible Shotgun (Combat Shotgun)

In the Evergreen Mills Bazaar, this weapon is on Smiling Jack. He won't
be smiling for long if you take it from him, however, as you have to 
kill him to get it.
Victory Rifle (Sniper Rifle)

In the mountain-side shack to the west of Rockbreaker's Last Gas you'll
find this rifle. It's in a locker [Very Hard] near the bed.
Wild Bill's Sidearm (.32 Pistol)

In the Steelyard, while going up the stairs leading to the smelter that
dominates the level you'll find the body of one Wild Bill. Naturally,
his sidearm is on his body.
Xuanlong Assault Rifle (Chinese Assault Rifle)

In the Museum of Technology you'll find numerous terminals around, some
of which have been hacked by someone named Prime, who is leaving trails
to his buddy Jiggs. Guess the correct number (it's always the prime 
number) and you'll eventually get Jiggs' stash. Once you complete this
objective and claim Jiggs' loot you'll get a note 'Earned Your Share'
that tells Jiggs to meet Prime at the diner near the Jury Street Metro
Station. Go there to find Prime.. certainly not in prime condition. On
his body you'll find this gun.
Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol (Chinese Pistol)

You can find this weapon in the L.O.B. Enterprises East Wing building.
It's in the L.O.B. Enterprises Secure-Case [Hard].

|				Unarmed			       {UNQ006}|
Fisto! (Power Fist)

At the MDPL-13 Power Plant, in the Derelict Power Plant, you'll find
Fisto! upstairs on a desk. It's a little better than a Power Fist in
all areas.
Steel Knuckles (Brass Knuckles)

In the expansion 'The Pitt' bring Everett 30 Ingots to get this weapon.
The Shocker (Power Fist)

Go to the Flooded Metro west of Arlington Library. Inside you'll battle
your way through horde of mirelurks, keep heading down stairs until
you reach the ground floor, which is, of course, partially flooded.
Continue around until you find a room with stairs leading up. Don't go
up the stairs, but instead, go through another door into more flooded
tunnels. You'll eventually get to a room with a dead Wastelander 
inside. You'll know the room, because it'll have a bed, a refrigerator,
and The Shocker. Pick up the Shocker Glove note on the metal drum
while you're at it, too.
Schematics {SCM001}
Just to keep you from ever picking a lame perk, and because this guide
wouldn't be up to snuff without it, this is where you can find all the
schematics in the game. Finding at least one schematic allows you to 
create that item. Finding multiple Schematics improves the process in 
some way, for example, requiring fewer ingredients, producing more of 
the items, and so on. Your repair skill determines the condition of the 
weapon when it is made. Note that if you get more than three Schematics
of the same kind, it will not improve the weapon any more, or even note
that you've obtained it. In essence, there is no V.4 weapons, extra
Schematics are just extra chances to improve.

Bottlecap Mine
Location: Megaton - Craterside Supply (Moira Brown)

You can buy this schematic from Moira Brown, the proprieter of 
Craterside Supply.
Location: Tenpenny Tower (Herbert "Daring" Dashwood)

You'll find Herbert wandering around somewhere in Tenpenny Tower, either
in the Federalist Lounge in the Lobby, or in his room in the Suites. 
He'll ask you to tell him if you find Argyle ever. If you went to 
Rockopolis (for instance, to find the Unarmed bobblehead) then you 
undoubtably have found Argyle. Tell Herbert about his friend and he'll 
give you a key to his safe. The safe is in his suite, in the north
western room. Inside is the schematic, amongst other toys.
Location: Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop

You can find this Schematic in Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop, on a work bench.
Jocko's is just east of Girdershade and north of the VAPL-66 Power 
Location: Little Lamplight (Knick-Knack)

You can buy this Schematic from Knick-Knack, the kid who runs the store
in Little Lamplight.

Dart Gun			       
Location: MDPL-05 Power Station

In the far north-west corner of the world map you'll find the power
station. Pick a hard lock, and you'll find the schematic on the ground
near a Dean's Electronics book and a skeleton.
Location: Tenpenny Tower - Lobby (Lydia Montenegro)

She runs a shop called "Boutique Le Chic." All you have to do is buy
the schematic off of her, and you're good to go.
Location: Temple of the Union (Hannibal Hamlin)

Bring back a picture of the Lincoln Memorial and clear out the slavers
for Hannibal and his fellow slaves and you'll be rewarded with this
Schematic for resolving the quest 'Head of State' in a goodly fashion.

Deathclaw Gauntlet
Location: F. Scott Key Trail & Campground

The campground is located in the far, far south-west corner of the map,
just north west of the Dunwich Building. In one of the trailers you'll
find the schematics on the floor
Location: Rivet City - Market (Bannon)

Do Bannon's side quest and find some incriminating evidence on Seagrave
Holmes. To do this, sneak into Holmes' room and pick up the holotape on
the floor under his bed (the one near the footlocker). Then take it
back to Bannon. He'll tell you to report to Commander Danvers, so do so.
Don't give Bannon away and head back downstairs and talk to Bannon, who
will give you the schematic.


Location: Wastelander (Random Encounter)

I can now say that I have found this schematic for myself while fishing
for random encounters. You'll find a Deathclaw standing over a dead
Wasteland Settler, who has in his inventory the Schematic - Deathclaw
Gauntlet. Can you really blame the Deathclaw, though?

Nuka Grenade
Location: The Capital Wasteland (Doctor Hoff)

Another schematic you can buy from from one of the travelling merchants.
Just wait outside of Megaton until Dr. Hoff shows up. He's the one in a
black business suit.
Location: Girdershade - Sierra Petrovita's Home (Sierra Petrovita) 

You'll get this if you complete the Nuka-Cola Challenge quest by 
bringing Sierra 30 Quantums. Kinda funny how in order to get a
Schematic that makes it more efficient to create Nuka-Grenades you need
to give up 30 Quantums. 
Location: Cliffside Cavern, Yao Guai Caves

Find the Overlook Drive-In south of Fort Independence and west of
Andale. Nearby will be a door to a 'Raider Outpost', and through there
are the Yao Guai Caves. You can find the Schematic lying in the caves,
by some dead bodies.

Railway Rifle	
Location: MDPL-13 Power Station - Power Substation

You'll find this station north of Minefield. The schematic is on a
workbench. How appropriate.
Location: Rivet City - Midship Deck, Capital Preservation Society
						(Abraham Lincoln)

In order to get this Schematic, haggle with Abraham Lincoln about the
reward for the quest 'Stealing Independence.' Once you bring back the
Declaration of Independence you'll be rewarded with this Schematic.
Location: Museum of History, The Underworld Concourse (Tulip)

You can buy this Schematic from Tulip, the owner of Underworld 

Location: Capital Wasteland (Crazy Wolfgang)

You can buy this Schematic from Crazy Wolfgang, one of the traveling
Location: Megaton - Craterside Supply (Moira Brown)

You can buy this schematic from Moira Brown, the proprieter of 
Craterside Supply.
Location: Rivet City - Bridge Tower

Reach Rivet City and go up the stairwell to the highest level, then go
through a door to the Bridge Tower. On the level with the Private Jones
robot you'll find a locked door [Very Hard], beyond which is an armory
and a turret. You've got to disable Private Jones and kill the turret
without provoking Rivet City security. The Schematic is on a shelf 
Location: Vault 101

The framed Revelation 21:6 quote that this game puts so much stock into.
When you first go through Vault 101 you'll find that it's locked
[Average] so you have no way of getting at it until the quest 'Trouble
on the Homefront' starts. When you return to Vault 101 go find the
framed quote and unlock it to get this Schematic.

Location: Lucky Harith (character)

This schematic can simply be purchased from Luck Harith, one of the
traveling merchants. (The dude in a yellow suit, who sells you
wonderful, wonderful guns.) It'll set you back a couple hundred caps,
but who's counting?
Location: West and slightly south of SatCom Array NN-03d

Another free schematic, just waiting for your to take it. Find SatCom
Array NN-03-d and head mostly west, south west to find some shacks.
Inside you'll find a bunch of Brotherhood Outcasts, the schematic is on
a table near a workbench.
Location: Meresti Trainyard

If you solve the quest 'Blood Ties' by convincing Ian West to leave the
Family you'll be given this Schematic by Vance.

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