Fallout 4 – Survival Guide
April 28, 2024Fallout 4 Survival Guide
Welcome to the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4! Here, you are the only survivor of a tragedy that changed the world forever. In 2077, the Great Nuclear War has devastated everything, and you have been frozen in a capsule in Vault 111 for 210 years. When he wakes up, he discovers that he has lost his spouse and his son has been kidnapped. Now, in 2287, you emerge into a chaotic and hostile world, ready to face the challenges that await you.
The setting for your journey is the Boston region, now known as the Commonwealth. This desolate land is full of dangers, from mutated creatures to hostile factions fighting for control. Your mission is to find and rescue your son, forming strategic alliances and exploring the ruins of the Commonwealth in search of clues.
Strategy and Tactics:
You’ll have many paths at your disposal as you progress through the campaign, with the option to ally yourself with one of the four main factions. In this guide, we will follow the path of the Minutemen, but we will also cover important missions from the Railroad and Brotherhood of Steel factions. In addition, we will emphasize optional tasks and visits to specific locations to obtain equipment.
Your tactics should favor the use of non-automatic and stealth rifles, avoiding direct confrontations whenever possible. Hand-to-hand combat will become more effective as you develop skills like Ninja and Blitz, and acquire more lethal melee weapons. Additionally, invest in Stealth skill points to become a master of the art of concealment.
The use of power armor should be reserved for the most challenging encounters, as they are valuable resources and can be scarce. Always remember to adapt your tactics to the environment and enemies you face, and be prepared to improvise as necessary.
To survive in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4, you’ll need adequate protection. However, excessive use of power armor is not recommended due to its lack of stealth and the high cost of fusion cores. Opt for light, upgraded armor, especially those with useful legendary attributes like damage resistance or ability boosts.
For example, Chameleon armor is highly recommended for its camouflage ability when you are crouched and stationary. This facilitates recognition and sniping, essential to avoid unnecessary confrontations.
To acquire essential materials to upgrade your armor, I recommend exploring the Railroad missions, as they provide access to ballistic fabric, a valuable component for upgrades. You can also find valuable resources around the Commonwealth and purchase supplies from vendors when needed.
The Commonwealth is a dangerous place, filled with hostile enemies. From human marauders to feral ghouls and super mutants, you’ll encounter a variety of threats as you explore the wasteland. It is crucial to be prepared to face these challenges and adapt your combat strategies as necessary.
Additionally, keep an eye out for robots, such as Protectrons and Assaultrons, which can pose a significant threat. Use effective weapons against them and take advantage of their weak points to defeat them efficiently.
Establishing and maintaining settlements is an important part of survival in Fallout 4. Start by fortifying Sanctuary, your home before the war, and then expand to other locations as needed. Make sure you provide essential resources like water, food, and defense to keep your colonists happy and safe.
Also, be prepared to defend your settlements against enemy attacks. Build guard towers and place settlers on guard duty to protect your borders. Remember to repair any damage caused during attacks to keep your settlements running smoothly.
Collecting resources is essential for your survival. Scavenge the environment for useful items, such as scrap metal, which can be recycled into valuable materials. Also, don’t underestimate the value of the food and water found in the wasteland, as they can be vital to your health and well-being.
Make sure you have an adequate supply of Stimpaks and RadAway to heal and protect yourself from radiation. You can also collect additional resources to craft useful items, such as oil and adhesive, at chemistry stations.
In Fallout 4, combat can be approached in a variety of ways. We will focus on strategies that value the use of non-automatic rifles and efficient hand-to-hand combat. Here are some recommended weapons and how to get them:
- .308 Suppressed Sniper Rifle : This rifle can be acquired early in the game by completing the optional mission “Chapter 8: Order Up” and negotiating with Trudy at the Drumlin Diner. Invest in upgrades like the powerful receiver and long sight to turn it into a silent and powerful sniper rifle.
- Overseer’s Guardian : A .45 caliber combat rifle that fires two projectiles using only one, making it extremely efficient. Can be purchased from Alexis Combes in Vault 81 after turning in 3 fusion cores and paying around 2,500 caps. It is highly customizable and can be modified to suit your needs.
- Combat Shotgun : This weapon can be found at vendors or in the environment around level 10. With a powerful receiver, it becomes a devastating weapon in close-range combat. Later, you can add a suppressor and a high-capacity drum for better performance.
- Righteous Authority : A laser carbine awarded by Paladin Dance after completing the Brotherhood of Steel mission “Call To Arms”. This weapon is especially effective in mid-range combat and can be upgraded with Science points.
- Delivery Man : A 10mm pistol obtained during the “Tradecraft” mission. It has a high hit chance in VATS and is an excellent secondary weapon for faster combat.
- Gauss Rifle : This weapon is extremely powerful, ideal for facing high-level enemies. It can be purchased from vendors after level 25, or you can buy the partially upgraded model “The Last Minute” from Ronnie Shaw in the Castle after completing the “Old Guns” mission.
Use the VATS system to locate enemies and target specific parts of their bodies, maximizing your chances of hitting. Remember that time is slowed down while in VATS, allowing you to make strategic decisions quickly.
Additionally, invest in skills like Stealth, Ninja and Blitz to improve your performance in melee combat. Melee weapons like Pickman’s Blade and Kremvh’s Tooth can be extremely effective when combined with these abilities.
Don’t forget to adapt your combat strategy according to the enemy and the environment around you. Be cunning and utilize all available tools to ensure your survival in the Wasteland of Fallout 4!
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