Final Fantasy IV (Japan) / Final Fantasy II (USA) – Complete Walkthrough (Step-by-Step Guide)

Final Fantasy IV (Japan) / Final Fantasy II (USA) – Complete Walkthrough (Step-by-Step Guide)

September 7, 2024 Off By Markus Norat

Note on the game title:

The game was released in Japan under the title Final Fantasy IV in 1991, but in the US version it was renamed Final Fantasy II . This change occurred because some titles in the Final Fantasy series had not been released outside of Japan, so the producer was concerned that the public would not understand why some titles were missing from the numbering sequence. The correct designation, however, is Final Fantasy IV , as this is the name given in the original Japanese version, in which all the titles in the series can be found. The North American version also underwent some changes, with parts of the game being cut or altered. For those who prefer a more faithful experience, it is possible to search for the Japanese version, which can even be found with translations.

Game Story:

The story of Final Fantasy IV revolves around Cecil, a dark knight, who embarks on a journey to stop the wizard Golbez from capturing magical crystals and putting the world in danger. During his mission, he counts on the help of different allies, whose roles and abilities are fixed, that is, each character has a defined class that cannot be changed. This game also pioneered the introduction of the real-time battle system, called “Active Time Battle”, which would become a common element in other games in the franchise. In addition, some characters evolve during the narrative, such as Cecil, who goes from dark knight to paladin, representing a transition of power and purpose throughout the story.

Final Fantasy IV (Japan) / Final Fantasy II (US) – Complete Walkthrough for Final Fantasy IV (Japan title) / Final Fantasy II (US title):

By: Jose Ricardo Fortes da Silva (Ash_Riot)

WARNING: This walkthrough was produced using a Portuguese version of the game. If you are playing the game in any other language, the names of some places, monsters and items may be different, but nothing that will hinder your fun.


1.1 – Main
1.1.1 – Cecil
1.1.2 – Kain
1.1.3 – Rosa
1.1.4 – Rydia
1.1.5 – Edge
1.2 – Supporting
1.2.1 – Tellah
1.2.2 – Edward
1.2.3 – Yang
1.2.4 – Palom
1.2.5 – Porom
1.2.6 – Cid
1.2.7 – Fusoya

2.1 – Introduction
2.2 – Baron’s Castle
2.3 – Mist Cave
2.4 – Kaipo
2.5 – South Cave
2.6 – Damcyan
2.7 – Antlion Cave
2.8 – Mt. Hobbs
2.9 – Fabul
2.10 – Mysidia
2.11 – Mt. Ordeals
2.12 – Baron (Getting a ship)
2.13 – Toroia
2.14 – Magna Cave
2.15 – Tower of Zott
2.16 – Underworld
2.17 – Bab-il Tower
2.18 – Eblan Cave
2.19 – Bab-il Tower (The Return)
2.20 – Sealed Cave
2.21 – Land of the Summoned Monsters
2.22 – Sylph Cave
2.23 – Lunar World
2.24 – Bab-il Giant
2.25 – Last things to do before the final battle
2.26 – Bahamut Cave
2.27 – Lunar Core


1.1 – MAIN

1.1.1 – Cecil

A Black Knight who, after questioning the king’s orders, is sent on a mission to destroy the summoners’ village, without knowing exactly what that would mean. When he realizes what he has done, Cecil rebels against the kingdom of Baron and decides to ask other kingdoms for help to face him. From there, he embarks on a long journey, where he discovers that, behind the king, there is an evil force that desires the power of the crystals for an unknown purpose.

Assessment: As a Black Knight, Cecil is strong, with good attack power and resistance. However, when he becomes a Paladin, his defense drops significantly and his white magics are not very useful. In the end, his attack power is also unimpressive, making him one of the weakest main characters in the game.

1.1.2 – Kain

Kain is a dragon knight, Cecil’s friend, who accompanies him on the quest to the Mist Village. He mysteriously disappears and reappears later fighting Cecil. Kain is jealous of Cecil because of Rosa, whom he also loves, making him easy prey for evil forces.

Assessment: Kain is the strongest character in terms of attack, but extremely limited. Aside from the “Jump” command and the basic attack, he doesn’t offer many other options, making him a monotonous character to use.

1.1.3 – Pink

Rosa is Cecil’s girlfriend and will do anything to be by his side, no matter the situation. Her presence also awakens Kain’s feelings, creating a rivalry between him and Cecil.

Assessment: Rosa is the official healer of the group. While Cecil and Rydia have healing abilities at times, Rosa is the best in this role. Outside of healing, her usefulness is limited until she acquires her more powerful magics.

1.1.4 – Rydia

Rydia is a summoner from the Mist Village who experiences a great tragedy involving Cecil and Kain, but ends up joining Cecil on his journey. Despite being young, Rydia is very mature for her age and sparks the interest of Edge, a certain ninja prince.

Evaluation: Rydia is the best of the main group. Despite her fragility and low attack power, her dark magic and summons are extremely powerful and can cause great damage to enemies.

1.1.5 – Edge

Edge is the prince of Eblan, whose parents were kidnapped and who receives Cecil’s help to save them. He joins the group in search of revenge and ends up taking an interest in Rydia.

Assessment: Edge is useful for his ability to steal items from enemies. While his Ninjitsu skills aren’t that great, he makes up for it with the “Throw” command, which allows him to throw weapons and shurikens, making him effective against powerful bosses.


1.2.1 – Tellah

Tellah is a wise man searching for his daughter, who ran away with a bard. He initially asks Cecil for help, but ends up joining him on other adventures.

Assessment: Tellah is one of the most powerful characters in terms of magic, but his skills require a lot of MP. Unfortunately, he doesn’t stay in the party until the end.

1.2.2 – Edward

Edward is the prince of Damcyan, whose kingdom was attacked and his beloved Anna killed. He decides to help Cecil, not so much for revenge, but because he has nothing left to lose.

Assessment: Edward is a weak character, with low attack power and defenses. He is quite cowardly and runs away easily, making him a disposable character.

1.2.3 – Yang

Yang is a fighter from the kingdom of Fabul, who joins Cecil after the theft of his kingdom’s crystal.

Evaluation: Yang is strong and has good attack power, with a special “Kick” command that hits all enemies. However, his low defense and lack of skill evolution make him limited.

1.2.4 – Palom

Palom is a young black mage sent to help Cecil become a Paladin. He is arrogant and is often reprimanded by his twin sister, Porom.

Assessment: Palom is a powerful but extremely fragile mage. His spells are useful during his time in the party.

1.2.5 – Porom

Porom is a white mage, Palom’s twin sister, much more humble and sensible. She accompanies Cecil to help him become a Paladin.

Assessment: In Rosa’s absence, Porom fills the role of healer. However, her low defense can be a problem in more difficult battles.

1.2.6 – Cid

Cid is the creator of Baron’s ships, but, dissatisfied with the evil use of his inventions, he allies himself with Cecil.

Assessment: Cid has good attack power and plenty of HP, but his defense is low. He is limited by not gaining new abilities throughout the game.

1.2.7 – Fusoya

Fusoya is an elder from another planet who helps Cecil in the fight against the evil entity that wants the crystals.

Evaluation: Fusoya is the most complete mage, with access to all white and black magic. However, he is only available for a short period.



The Red Wings squad of the Kingdom of Baron is returning from a mission in Mysidia, where they took the Water Crystal by force. However, the soldiers are not happy about hurting innocent people. Captain Cecil claims that the king knows what he is doing and that they should follow his orders, but he himself is not sure if what they are doing is right. Some monsters attack, but Cecil easily defeats them. The soldiers comment that the number of monsters is increasing. The squad finally arrives at the Kingdom of Baron.


Cecil will be greeted by Baigan, who will take him to the king. After delivering the crystal, Cecil questions the reason for all this, and the king states that if Cecil cannot trust him, then he cannot command the Red Wings anymore. The king dismisses him from his position and sends him to hunt monsters in Mist Valley, taking a package there. Kain tries to defend Cecil, but the king orders him to come along. After talking to Kain, talk to everyone and go downstairs. Talk to the guard on the right and examine the switch to open a secret passage. Grab the items and go up the stairs on the left. Rosa will appear, saying that she wants to speak with Cecil later. Continue forward and you will meet Cid, who comments that the king is acting strangely and that he does not like the idea of ​​his ships being used as weapons. After he leaves, enter the door on the left and go up to Cecil’s room. Rest on the bed, and Cecil will reflect that he no longer wants to follow orders to kill innocents. Rosa arrives and expresses her concern, but Cecil reassures her, saying that Kain will be with him. The next day, Cecil and Kain head to Mist Valley. Before they do, explore the town, examine the vases for items, and find three blue chests in the Inn . Examine the crossed swords to open a secret passage and grab the items. Buy some Potions from the item shop. The weapon shop will be locked. Climb to the top of the town, drop down the waterfall, and follow the canal until you find two hidden chests containing Tents . Exit the town and head west, then north to a cave.


Keep moving forward until a mysterious voice tells you to turn back. Ignore the warning and continue picking up items along the way. The voice will warn you again, but keep moving forward. You will receive one last warning. Choose “yes” to face the boss:

BOSS: Mist Dragon
Cecil will use normal attacks, and Kain will use Jump . When the dragon turns into mist, it will be invulnerable, so just wait until it returns to its original form to attack it. The boss’s attacks are not very dangerous, making this battle relatively easy.

Exit the cave and head to Mist Village. Upon entering, the package you were carrying will open on its own, releasing monsters that set the village on fire. Cecil and Kain realize that they have been used by the king to eliminate the summoners living there. They find a girl next to her dead mother and conclude that the Mist Dragon was linked to her, which resulted in her mother’s death when she defeated the dragon. Trying to convince her to come with them, the girl refuses and summons a monster to attack them. After the attack, which causes an earthquake, Cecil wakes up next to the unconscious girl and sees that Kain has disappeared. With no other option, he decides to flee with her. Head to a nearby town, located near a lake in the desert.

2.4 – KAIPO

Cecil takes the girl to the Inn to rest. During the night, Baron’s soldiers appear to capture her, but Cecil decides to defend her. After the battle, the girl, Rydia, joins the party. Explore the town, and the armor shop, there is nothing of interest. In the weapons shop, buy a Mace for Rydia. Examine a nearby vase to find an Ether . North of the weapons shop, you will find Rosa lying in a bed. She followed Cecil, but has contracted a fever. The only cure is the Sand Ruby , which is in Antlion Cave. Leave the town and fight in the desert until Rydia is at least level 9. Rest at the Inn whenever necessary. When you are ready, buy Potions and some Phoenix Downs and head to the cave northeast of Kaipo.


Head north and grab the items. Turn back and head east, picking up a Tent from the chest. Head north and you’ll find Tellah. He explains that his daughter ran away with a bard to Damcyan and asks for your help, as a monster is blocking the cave exit. Cecil agrees to help him, and Tellah joins the party. Grab the item from the chest on the right and head up the stairs to the north. Before continuing, head east, down another set of stairs, and grab the Iron Ring from a chest. Further ahead, cross the waterfall to find a secret room with three chests containing an Elixir , a Hi-Potion , and 1000 Gil. Grab everything and head up the stairs to the north. Continue forward until you reach a Save Point . The party will rest, and Tellah and Cecil will talk about their goals in Damcyan. The next day, save your game and move forward. On the next screen, grab the Ice Staff from the chest and equip it on Rydia. Continue to the next door. Grab the two chests on the right and move forward. Grab the item from the chest and look for a secret passage in the wall to the left. Head to the chest with the Leather Helmet and then climb the ladder. Grab the items from the chests, including the Night Sword for Cecil. Exit the cave and use a Tent to save your game. Enter the next cave, drop down the waterfall and head straight to two chests containing a Night Helmet and Night Gloves . Equip them on Cecil and continue to the next door. Grab the items and head to the waterfall, where you will encounter the boss:

BOSS: Octomamm
This boss has a physical attack, and your biggest concern will be with Rydia, as she is the most fragile of the group. Heal her whenever necessary and use Thunder with Tellah, Chocobo with Rydia and normal attacks with Cecil.

Head behind the waterfall to exit the cave. Damcyan is north of here, but before you get there, you’ll see the castle being bombarded by Baron’s ships. Enter the castle.


Go up the stairs, on the way there is a chest with a Tent . Soon you will find Anna, Tellah’s daughter, who is dying. The bard then appears, and Tellah goes to attack. He tries to talk, but the old man is possessed and does not want to talk, until Anna tells him to stop. She reveals that the bard is actually the prince of Damcyan, Edward, and that they fled because Tellah did not allow their marriage. Edward says that the Red Wings , led by a certain Golbez, took the Fire Crystal from Damcyan and that Anna protected Edward from the arrows they shot. Anna ends up dying, and Tellah leaves to seek revenge against Golbez, leaving the group. Edward is left crying and, after taking a scolding from Rydia and Cecil, decides to help them find the Sand Ruby , which is in Antlion Cave. To get there, he will use his Hovercraft . Head northeast to some rocks in the water, cross to the other side and enter a cave to the southwest.


Search the area and grab the items from the chests. Go down the stairs to the southeast and enter the next door. Grab the Enchant Harp and equip it on Edward. Go back and climb the stairs to the left of this door. Enter the next door, grab the items, heal, and save. Go back two screens and go down the stairs to the south. You will reach the Antlion ‘s nest . Head to the center and the monster will appear. Edward says there is no danger, as the Antlion is docile, but when he tries to take the Sand Ruby , the monster attacks:

BOSS: Antlion
Nothing too worrying. Its physical attack is ridiculous, but its spike attack can be a problem, especially for Edward, who has low HP. Attack normally with Edward and Cecil and use Chocobo with Rydia. You shouldn’t have too many problems.

You finally get the Sand Ruby . Edward doesn’t understand why the Antlion attacked, but Cecil comments that the monsters are multiplying every day and that tame creatures are becoming aggressive. Leave the cave, take the Hovercraft and return to Kaipo via the stone path west of Damcyan. Head to where Rosa is and use the Sand Ruby on her. She will recover and explain that the king of Baron is under the strong influence of Golbez, who wants the four crystals. She says that they must go to Fabul to protect the Air Crystal, but to do so they will have to pass through Mt. Hobbs, whose entrance is blocked by a block of ice. Rosa asks Rydia if she can melt the ice with fire magic, but Rydia changes the subject. Cecil doesn’t want Rosa to go with them, but she insists and ends up joining the group. Cecil says that they will go the next day.

During the night, Edward goes out and plays a sad song for his beloved. A monster attacks him, but Anna’s spirit appears to encourage him. Attack normally and the monster will be no problem. After the battle, Anna asks Edward to help protect the crystals and leaves. The next day, if you want, buy some Iron Arrows for Rosa and head to Mt. Hobbs, which is east of Antlion Cave.

2.8 – MT. HOBBS

Upon entering, Rosa asks Rydia to use fire magic to melt the ice, but Rydia refuses, as she is traumatized by the fact that her village was burned down. Rosa manages to convince her, and she removes the ice from the path. Go forward and enter the door on the left. Go to the end and grab the items in the chests. Save if you want and go back. Enter the other door on the left and grab some White Arrows from the chest. Continue forward, and you will find Yang, who is being attacked by several monsters. He defeats some on his own, but soon another stronger monster appears, and the group decides to help him:

BOSS: Mother Bomb
This boss has a high attack power, so be careful. Rosa should heal the whole time, and Rydia can also help, using Chocobo when possible. The others should attack normally. Soon the boss will explode and turn into three normal Bombs and three black Bombs , damaging everyone in the process. Heal yourself immediately and defeat the remaining enemies.

The group warns Yang that Baron is about to attack. He comments that Fabul is vulnerable, as the current soldiers are inexperienced. He asks Cecil for help and joins the group. Head through the door ahead and from there, straight to the mountain exit. Follow a long path east until you reach Fabul.

2.9 – FABUL

Enter the castle and buy new equipment at the weapon shop. Explore the place for items in chests and vases. Head to the throne room and talk to the king. Agree to help him defend the crystal. A group consisting of Cecil, Edward, and Yang will fight the invaders, while Rosa and Rydia will be in charge of healing the wounded. After a series of battles, the group will be cornered in the crystal room. Kain then appears and attacks Cecil. Don’t try to heal yourself, as you can’t win this fight. Rosa and Rydia will appear to help. Soon after, Golbez appears. Edward and Yang try to fight him, but are easily defeated. Golbez and Kain take the crystal and Rosa as hostages. Rydia heals the men, who decide to plan how to recover the crystal and rescue Rosa. Exit this room and press the button to the right of the throne. Follow the passage that opens and grab the three chests, one of which contains a Black Shield for Cecil. Head to the Inn and rest.

Cecil mentions that in order to fight Golbez, they will need a ship, but they will have to go to Baron to get it. He also says that the best way to enter the kingdom is by sea, as Baron’s navy is relatively weak. The next day, the king of Fabul gives them permission to use the ship and gives Cecil the Black Sword . Leave the castle and head east to the ship. Before entering, take all of Edward and Rydia’s equipment. During the journey, the ship is attacked by Leviathan and sinks. Cecil wakes up alone on a beach and heads to the next town.

2.10 – MYSIDIA

Don’t talk to the townspeople, as they are still angry at Cecil for helping steal their crystal and may react badly. Head straight to the house at the end of town and talk to the old man in black. He explains that if Cecil wants to fight evil, he will have to give up the black sword and become a Paladin. To do so, he must go to Mt. Ordeals and obtain the holy sword. The old man summons two mages, Palom and Porom, to help him. Buy them new equipment and leave town. Follow a long path east until you reach a mountain surrounded by forest.

2.11 – MT. ORDEALS

Upon entering, Palom will use an ice spell to remove the fire barrier. Meanwhile, Golbez has already learned of Cecil’s plans and sends one of his minions to stop him. Continue forward to the next screen. Walk a little and you will find Tellah, who is looking for the legendary Meteo spell to face Golbez. He will rejoin the group. Continue forward until you reach the Save Point . Recover, save and continue a little further to find Golbez’s minion:

BOSS: Scarmiglione
This boss is weak, he only uses the Bolt spell , which isn’t really a big problem. Use Fire 2 with Palom to defeat the zombies that help him and then attack the boss with everything. He shouldn’t last long.

Recover your characters and try to move forward, but Scarmiglione is not yet defeated and will attack you from behind:

BOSS: Scarmiglione Z
This boss is a bit harder, but not too much. He will poison your characters. Use Remedy to cure the poison. Use Fire 2 with Palom, while Porom and Tellah heal when needed. Cecil should keep attacking.

Remove all of Cecil’s equipment and examine the central stone. The party will be transported to a place full of mirrors. A voice, calling Cecil “son”, will tell them that in order to become a Paladin, they must defeat their past selves. Cecil’s appearance will change, and they will have a battle against their former selves. Just defend yourself until the fight is over. Cecil will become a Paladin, and Tellah will remember the spells he had forgotten, as well as learn the Meteo spell . Leave Mt. Ordeals and return to Mysidia. Buy Cecil new equipment and go speak to the old man. He will tell them a confusing legend that even he does not fully understand, and will give Cecil permission to use the portal that leads directly to Baron. Leave and head to the house that was being guarded by a black mage. You will now be able to enter the portal.


Head to the Inn and you’ll find Yang, but he’ll order the guards to attack you. Defeat them quickly using magic. Then Yang himself will attack. He’s not too tough, so use level 2 magic and he won’t last long. Yang actually had amnesia and was being used by Baron. Yang rejoins the party, and Cecil tells them that they need to rescue Cid, as he can get them a ship. Cecil finds a key that opens a secret passage to the castle and also to the weapons shop. The next day, head to the shop and use the key to unlock the door. The only good thing to buy here is Silver Rings , so get those if you don’t already have them. Then, head to the other locked door on the far left and use the key to open it. Go down the stairs and go straight to the next door, picking up the items along the way.

In the next room, there are several secret passages, but no special items. Grab what you want and continue to the right until you reach a ladder. Climb up and grab the Ether on the left. Climb up another ladder and enter the door on the left to reach a Save Point . Use a Tent , save and exit. Climb the ladder and you will reach the castle moat. Continue left until you reach a door, enter and continue right until you meet Baigan. He will say that he wants to help Cecil, but Palom and Porom are suspicious. Then, Baigan reveals himself to be another lackey of Golbez.

BOSS: Baigan
This is the hardest boss so far. There are three targets: the body and both arms, which die with any attack, but are quickly restored. Baigan has a very powerful physical attack. Porom will have to heal all the time, Palom will use the Double command , Yang and Cecil will use normal attacks, and Tellah will use Fire 3 on the body, causing about 1600 damage. The problem is that, every time the body is hit by magic, it will use Wall and start reflecting magic. When this happens, use Wall with Tellah on some character and cast Fire 3 on that character to reflect the magic on Baigan, since a magic can only be reflected once. Good luck!

Before continuing, head to Cecil’s room and sleep in his bed. Now, head to the place with the three chests you opened at the beginning of the game. Go up the stairs on the right and follow them to a door that was guarded. You can now enter. Search everything for items. Downstairs, there is a staircase on the right, but a mysterious force prevents you from proceeding. We’ll come back here later.

Head to the throne room and speak to the king, but he is actually another one of Golbez’s elemental demons. The real king is dead, and Cagnazzo has taken his place. Prepare yourself:

BOSS: Cagnazzo
Compared to Baigan, this boss isn’t that difficult. His main attack is Big Wave , which hits all characters and deals about 100 damage. Again, have Porom heal, Palom use Double , and Tellah use Bolt 3 . Yang and Cecil should attack normally.

Cid arrives and says he will take Cecil to the ship, but as they enter the next room, Cagnazzo uses his last bit of strength to activate a trap. The walls begin to close in, and Palom and Porom turn to stone to prevent themselves from being crushed. Tellah tries to heal them, but fails. Cid leads the group to the ship.

Upon takeoff, Kain arrives in another ship and tells Cecil that he will return Rosa if he brings him the Earth Crystal, which is in Toroia. Kain leaves, and you must head to Toroia, which is northeast of Baron.

2.13 – TOROIA

Enter the pool and follow the canal to the end. Follow the secret passage on the left to where a woman is. Search the area for hidden chests. The only interesting thing to buy here is the Composite Bow for Cecil, which he will need in the next dungeon, as well as some arrows. Leave the city and head to the castle. Continue forward until you meet the eight clerics who rule Toroia. They say that the Earth Crystal was stolen by the Dark Elf and that he lives in a cave on an island to the northeast. The problem is that the ship cannot land there.

Go back to the place with two doors, go left and enter. You will find Edward, who is badly injured and can no longer fight. He gives you the Twin Harp . Leave the castle and head to the northern end of the continent to find the Chocobo Forest. Catch a Black Chocobo . With it, you can fly to the Dark Elf Island . Go there and enter the cave.


This location is protected by a magnetic field, and anything metal equipped will render the character unable to fight. Recommended equipment here is: Leather Helmets , Leather or Gaea Vests , and Ruby Rings . Yang, Tellah, and Cid’s weapons are unaffected, but Cecil will not be able to use his sword, so equip him with the Composite Bow . Go forward until you reach a chest with a Hi-Potion . Go back, go down, and follow the stairs to a nearby chest.

On the next screen, head through a door on the right for two chests. Go back and down the stairs on the left. Enter the next door for a Save Point . Heal up and exit. Enter the southernmost door for three chests. Go back and continue forward to the next door. Before entering the next door, grab the Hi-Ether on the left. Enter and you’ll encounter the Dark Elf . When you fight him, he’ll use a combo of spells that will quickly wipe out your party. Edward will sense that you’re in danger and play his harp. The Twin Harp will react, breaking the enchantment that prevents the use of metal equipment. Equip your best items and head into battle.

BOSS: Dark Elf
This time, the boss’s magic combo will be quite weak. He can also turn a character into a pig, so use Remedy to heal him. Cecil is the only one who will do good damage to the boss, since Tellah’s magic is not very effective. Use Tellah mainly for healing. Cid and Yang should attack normally. After taking a lot of damage, the Dark Elf will change form and start using Bad Breath , which hits everyone and deals about 150 damage. Keep attacking him and he will soon be defeated.

Grab the crystal and leave the room. If you want, use the Exit spell to leave the cave. Return to Toroia and talk to the clerics. Kain’s voice echoes, telling you to take his ship. Talk to all the clerics and leave. Go through the door on the right, enter the next door, go down the stairs on the left and talk to the guardian. Answer “Yes” and she will open a passage. Go through it and go down the stairs to reach a room full of chests. Grab everything and go back. Go down the other stairs to get more items. If you want, you can talk to Edward to thank him for his help. Exit the castle and take the ship. Kain will take you to where Rosa is.


Head to the chest in the upper left to get a Fire Armor . Equip Cecil and enter the door on the right. There is a single chest, and inside it is a monster. Use Ice 2 with Tellah to defeat it and get a Fire Sword for Cecil. Head through the next door. On the next floor, go right all the way to the end, then north, then left to the next door. Continue until the path splits. Head north to three doors. The middle door contains a chest with a Stone Hammer for Cid. The left door contains a Poison Claw for Yang, and further down, a Fire Shield for Cecil. The right door contains a Mage Robe for Tellah. Grab everything and follow the right path to the next door. Enter the next door for a Save Point . Heal up, save, and exit. Head through the next door. Along the way, there will be an obstacle:

BOSS: Magus Sisters
The taller sister will cast Wall on the fat sister, which does nothing, while the shorter sister will cast random elemental spells. Take out the fat sister first, as she can resurrect the others. Once she is defeated, the taller sister will start casting status spells, such as Slow . Use Tellah’s best spells and normal attacks on the others.

Return to the Save Point to recover and continue. On the next floor, you will find Golbez and Kain. Cecil hands over the Earth Crystal, but like all villains, Golbez does not keep his promise to return Rosa. Tellah then goes on the attack, using his most powerful spells, but they barely scratch Golbez. Desperate, Tellah uses Meteo , dealing 9999 damage, but this only makes Golbez furious. Tellah collapses and, despite Cecil’s efforts, Golbez escapes with the crystal. Using Meteo was too much for Tellah, who ends up dying. Kain, now free from Golbez’s control, takes Cecil to where Rosa is. After the emotional reunion, he tries to leave, but another of Golbez’s elemental demons attacks:

BOSS: Barbariccia
She has several annoying attacks. Weaken reduces a character’s HP to single digits, and another attack from her can gradually petrify them. Use Remedy when necessary. When she starts spinning, her defense and evasion increase, and only Kain’s Jump can stop her spinning. Use Jump whenever possible. Rosa should heal the party, Cecil and Cid attack, and Yang should use Remedy on whoever needs it and attack when possible. Despite her low HP, this battle can be long.

After the fight, the tower begins to collapse, but Rosa uses the Exit spell and transports everyone back to Baron. There, Kain tells him that Golbez does not have all the crystals yet and that there are four more in the underworld. If Golbez gets them all, he will open a passage to the Moon. Kain gives Cecil the Magma Key , which opens a passage to the underworld, but he does not know where. For now, the group decides to rest. The next day, head to Agart, a city on an island south of Baron. There is nothing interesting to buy here, so head straight to the well in the center of the city and use the Magma Key . An earthquake will occur and open a large hole near the city. Take the ship and enter it.


You’re already in the middle of the mess. The Red Wings are fighting with tanks, and the ship ends up getting hit. Enter the dwarves’ castle and go talk to King Giott. After some conversation, Cid leaves the group and says he’s going to reinforce the ship’s bodywork. The king then says that Golbez has already taken two of the four crystals from the underworld and that one of them is hidden in a secret room behind the throne. Yang senses that someone is spying, and the king orders the door to the crystal room to be opened. However, upon entering, the door is locked, and you’ll have to face a boss:

BOSS: Galbera
At the beginning, there are six dolls, but when you destroy the three in front, the ones in the back join together to form the real enemy. There’s not much to say here, just attack and heal when necessary.

After the fight, Golbez appears and attacks.

BOSS: Golbez
As soon as the fight begins, use Jump with Kain, as Golbez’s first action will be an attack that will paralyze all characters. He will then summon a dragon that will kill everyone except Cecil (and Kain, if he jumped in time). All seems lost, until a Mist Dragon appears and finishes off Golbez’s dragon. Soon after, the spell that paralyzes Cecil is broken, and Rydia enters the battle. Revive whoever is dead and use Ifrit with Rydia to end the fight.

Rydia explains that Leviathan took her to the land of summoned monsters, where she increased her power as a summoner and black mage, but lost the ability to use white magic. When you try to leave, Golbez gets up and steals the crystal. The king says that the last crystal is in a sealed cave and suggests that the group go to Bab-il Tower to retrieve the other crystals, while Golbez and his troops try to get the last one. Head to the right tower of the castle. Buy new equipment, but don’t buy the Dwarf Axe , as you can find one for free on the second floor. On the third floor, there is nothing, and on the fourth floor, look carefully for hidden passages to get items from the chests, among them a Power Ring that can be equipped on Yang.

Head to the left tower, sleep at the Inn , and climb up to the top floor. Again, look for secret passages to pick up items, including the Black Belt that should be equipped on Yang. Now, go down the ladder next to the Inn counter and follow it to the end. Examine the pots to find some Carrots . If you want, you can save some items from the Fat Chocobo . Talk to the dwarf next to the bookshelf, and he will open a secret passage. Follow it to reach the underground. Grab three Cottages from the chests on the right and climb the ladder on the left. Head to the next ladder and you will be outside. Head west and then north until you see the dwarven tanks attacking the tower. Enter it.


On the first floor, grab the Ice Arrows on the left; they’ll come in handy here. Also grab an Ether on the right and enter the door to the second floor. Grab the Bandana from the chest and equip it on Yang. Enter the next door and open the chest, but be careful: there’s a monster inside. Defeat it to earn the Snow Spear for Kain. Exit and head to the door on the far right. Open the chest and defeat another monster to earn the Arctic Blade for Cecil. Exit and head through the door on the left to the third floor. Grab the Cat’s Claw for Yang just to the left. Go to the door on the right and grab the Archer’s Bow , equip it on Rosa and go back. Grab the other chests and head to the far left door to reach the fourth floor. Enter the door straight ahead for a Save Point . Do whatever you need to do, save and exit. Head to the bottom left door. Open the chest and defeat the monster to earn a Frost Shield that you should equip on Cecil. The door on the right is empty. Head to the door above and defeat another monster in the chest to get a Frost Armor for Cecil. Exit and follow the upper walkway to the door to the fifth floor.

Head forward. The middle door is locked. Grab the Hi-Potion from the chest and enter the door on the right to the sixth floor. Go through the next door to reach the seventh floor. The door on the right has another save point , and the door below leads to the eighth floor. Once there, head forward and you’ll find Dr. Rugae talking to Rubicante, the last of the elemental demons. Rubicante leaves, leaving Rugae in charge, who summons his creation to attack him.

BOSS: Dr. Rugae and Balnab
After a pathetic start, Balnab starts attacking you, but his attack is weak, so don’t worry too much. Use everything you have, and he’ll go down quickly. However, Rugae doesn’t give up and decides to operate the robot himself. Now the challenge gets bigger, as his attack becomes more powerful. Keep attacking until Balnab uses self-destruct , killing whoever gets hit.

Rugae insistently says he will now use his true power. Get ready:

BOSS: Dr. Rugae
This boss is a strange one. He constantly uses Poison Gas and Sleep Gas , and then uses Aura to heal you. He also has a Laser attack that can either kill a character or just scratch them. Cecil and Yang should attack normally, Kain uses Jump , Rosa heals, and Rydia uses her best summons. Defeating him will earn you the Tower Key .

Before dying, Rugae says that Rubicante has already taken the crystals and that the tower’s large cannon will annihilate the dwarves. Head to the locked door on the fifth floor and use the Tower Key . Once inside, kill some imps, but they destroy the cannon’s controls, and it is no longer possible to stop it. Then, Yang throws everyone out of the room and sacrifices himself to stop the cannon. Head all the way back to the tower entrance. Golbez still tries to destroy the group, but Cid appears to rescue them in his ship. A Red Wings ship chases them, so Cid decides to use a bomb to close the entrance to the underworld and trap Golbez. He jumps and also sacrifices himself to achieve his goal. Cecil and the others escape in time, and the entrance is closed.

Head to Baron and talk to the men in blue on the right side of the castle. They’ll hook you onto the ship so you can load the hovercraft. It’s located in Mt. Hobbs. Head there, stand on top of it, and press A to pick it up. Head to the mainland with a large tower, the Bab-il Tower . Nearby is the Eblan castle. There’s no one here, but there are a lot of chests with items, including the Drain Spear for Kain. As the name suggests, it drains HP from enemies, but its Hit is very low, meaning it misses often. Search everything and leave. Take the hovercraft and follow the stone path to the west until you reach a cave.


Grab the items from this area and head down the stairs to the south. You’ll find the people of Eblan who have been hiding here. Rest at the Inn if you need to and buy new items and equipment. Talk to the guards to learn that their prince went to Bab-il Tower to try to rescue his parents and has not yet returned. Climb the stairs to the north and another one further ahead. Search this area for items, and go down the stairs to the right. Grab the items again and go up the stairs to the right. Enter the door on the right to a Save Point . Heal up, save, and exit. Head north, and you’ll find the prince of Eblan, Edge, who tries to fight Rubicante, but is defeated. Rosa heals him, and he joins the party. Climb the next stairs.


Continue forward, and the group will wonder how to get in. Edge uses a ninja technique to get past the wall. Follow the long path to the door to B2 . Continue to a bridge in the middle of the path, drop down and open the chest. Defeat the monsters to earn an Ogre Axe . Go back and continue forward to the door to B3 . Here, go straight to the next door that leads to B4 . Go right to another door that leads back to B3 . Continue right until you reach two doors. The one on the left is a Save Point ; the one on the right leads to B4 , which in turn has another door that leads to B5 . Continue forward and, before going to the middle door, don’t forget to open the chest on the left that contains 82,000 Gil. Now, try to go to the door, and Edge’s parents will appear. However, something is wrong, and they attack.

BOSS: King Eblan and Queen Eblan
The king only uses Fire 2 , and the queen, physical attacks. Nothing too worrying. Use your best attacks, and you shouldn’t have any problems. Soon they will come to their senses and, after saying goodbye to their son, they commit suicide.

Rubicante appears and says that it was Dr. Rugae who turned Edge’s parents into monsters and that he had nothing to do with it. However, Edge, possessed by rage, doesn’t want to hear anything about it. He gains two new attacks and now it’s time to face the last elemental demon. You’ll have the chance to recover from the previous battle. Do so and go fight.

BOSS: Rubicante
The only attack he uses is a fiery hurricane that will kill anyone hit unless the character is equipped with Flame Armor or Flame Shields . Either way, it’s a good idea to have Cecil and Kain equipped with the Arctic Blade and Snow Spear to deal high damage to Rubicante. Kain can deal over 6,000 damage with his Jump . Rosa, as always, should heal, Rydia uses Shiva , and Edge throws Shurikens or any other weapon. This battle will be easier than it seems.

Edge’s servants arrive and tell them to go back and rebuild the castle. However, Edge decides to continue the search for Golbez and asks them to take care of the castle. Enter the next door to reach the crystal room, but the group falls into a trap and ends up in another area of ​​the tower. Go to the door to the south to reach the seventh floor. Go straight to the next door to reach the sixth floor. Going right, you will find only a Hi-Potion . Go left to the next door. The group will find a Red Wings ship and take it for themselves. Go to the dwarves’ castle and speak to the king. He gives them the key to the cave where the last crystal is, but the ship you took cannot reach it.

Talk to the dwarves in the castle, and one of them will tell you that they found a strange old man near the collapsed entrance and that he is in the infirmary. Head there, down the stairs to the right of the Inn counter and through the door directly beyond. You will find Cid, who will immediately start working on the new ship. Once the ship is ready, leave the castle and head southwest until you see a cave surrounded by mountains. Nearby is the town of Tomra . Head there and buy some new equipment. In the northernmost house, there are some chests with items. Grab them and head to the cave.


Use the key King Giott gave you to enter. Climb down the rope to the south and open the door below. It’s a monster that chooses a character and, on the next turn, uses an attack that kills them. Despite this, you shouldn’t have any trouble finishing it off. Grab the items here, including a weapon for Edge. Exit and head west to another rope. Climb up and face another monster door. Enter and you’ll find two more doors and a ladder. Both doors are monsters and there’s absolutely nothing behind them. Even so, fight them, as they give a lot of experience.

Go down the stairs and head east and then north to reach a bunch of monster doors. The first one has nothing; the second one has a Light Saber for Cecil; the third one has a Ninja Shuriken , Elixir , and 5,000 Gil; the fourth one has nothing; the fifth one has a Save Point ; the sixth one has a weapon and a helmet for Edge. The seventh one, further south, has a Hi-Potion and a ladder to the next floor. There are two chests here and another monster door, but nothing behind it. Go through the door to the south, where there is a chest and another monster door, which also has nothing behind it.

Climb down the rope and go right to another monster door. Behind it, there is a Hi-Ether and an X-Potion . Go back and go left. Go down the ladder to reach another Save Point . Do what you need to do and move forward. Go down the ladder and cross the bridge to finally reach the crystal. Grab it and leave. Walk a little and a trap will be activated. Prepare yourself:

BOSS: Demon Wall
At first, he only uses physical attacks, but if you let him get too close, things can get really complicated, as he can use Petrify and an attack that instantly kills a character. So, attack with everything and don’t worry too much about healing, only in case of emergency. Edge should throw everything he has, even the kitchen sink! Rydia should use Titan , which is very effective against him. Kain and Cecil do the usual. This will be the hardest battle so far, so be careful.

Make your way all the way back to the cave entrance. Once there, Golbez takes control of Kain’s mind, and he escapes with the crystal. Head to the dwarven castle and speak to the King. He says that now the only hope is the Great Whale, a gigantic ship that can reach the Moon. He mentions that the wise men of Mysidia can summon it, but the passage to the outside world is closed and they can no longer go through Bab-il Tower . Then, Cid appears and says that he will install a drill in the ship to dig a way out. The next day, the work will be finished, and Cid will be exhausted. Leave the castle and get your new ship. Our next stop would be Mysidia, but first, we will complete some optional events.


First of all, use the Float spell on all characters, as the floor here causes damage. You will need to do this every time you move from one floor to another. On the first floor, there are some items on the right. Grab them all and go down the stairs on the left. On the second floor, grab the items and head right. On the third floor, look for secret passages to grab several items, including a Ninja Knife for Edge, a Poison Axe , and the Defender sword for Cecil. Grab them all and step on the gray square to reach the fourth floor. This is already a village where the summoned monsters live. Grab the items from the chests and step on the gray square to go to the next floor. Step on it again to go back and grab the very important Rat Tail item from the chest . Step on the square and head to the hotel. Sleep and, if necessary, buy items. Also buy new equipment from the shops. In the house next to the hotel, there is a Save Point . Go to the house with a chocobo in front, go down the stairs and step on the gray square to reach the king and queen’s room.

Talk to the Queen. Rydia will ask for her help, but she says she will test them first:

BOSS: Azura
Most of the time, she just uses Cure 3 , Cure 4 , and Life 1 on herself. She also has a physical attack that does reasonable damage. Early on, use Wall on Azura to stop her from healing herself and start healing you. Cecil attacks, Edge throws any weapons he has, and Rydia uses Titan . When you defeat her, she joins you as a summon.

Leave here and go to the Inn to rest. Save and go talk to the old man next to the queen. He is the king and also wants to test you:

BOSS: Leviathan
In addition to his physical attack, he also has Big Wave , which hits everyone and causes about 350 damage, as well as Ice 2 , which causes the same damage to one character. With Edge, use the Ninjitsu “Blitz”. With Rydia, use Ramuh or Bolt 3 if you already have it. Virus is also efficient for saving MP. Rosa heals all the time and Cecil does the usual. It is good to have him equipped with the Light Saber to cause more damage.

Leviathan becomes another summon for Rydia. Rest at the Inn and step on the gray square to the previous floor. Head to the chest on the southern side of this floor. Note that in front of it, there is a small space where the floor is slightly different. Step on it to reach a secret area with four chests containing, among other things, a Samurai Bow and 10 Samurai Arrows . South of the gray square, there is another secret transporter that leads directly outside. Take the shuttle and head to another cave northwest of here.


Just like in the previous dungeon, here you will also have to use the Float spell every time you move from one floor to another. On the first floor, grab the items and go down the stairs. On the second floor, grab the items from the chests and go up the stairs to the south to return to the first floor. On the left, there is a secret passage. Follow it to a chest containing an Elven Bow . There is a Save Point on the way. On the right, there are some more items and another staircase to the second floor. Go down it and go up the next staircase. Grab the items to the north and go back. Go to the next staircase. On the right, there is a secret passage that leads to a chest. Open it and defeat the monsters to get a Silent Dagger . Now, go down the stairs to the third floor.

Continue forward until you reach a house inhabited by the Sylphs. There, you will find Yang, who is still alive, but has no memory. The Sylphs do not want to let him go with you. Climb the ladder to be transported to another place. Climb the platform to go outside. Take the ship and exit the underworld through the crater north of the dwarven castle. Head to Eblan and take the other ship. Take the hovercraft at the entrance to Eblan Cave and head to a small town on an island south of Fabul. This is Silveira . There is nothing interesting here. Leave the hovercraft and land. Take the hovercraft again and follow the stone path south to a cave. Enter it and talk to a dwarf in blue. Give him the Rat Tail you got in the land of the summoned monsters, and he will give you the ore Adamantium .

Leave and head to Fabul. Talk to Yang’s wife, and she’ll give you a frying pan. Return to the underworld and head to a small house in the southeast. Enter, climb the ladder, and talk to the old man in bed. Give him the Adamantium , and he’ll say he’ll use it to upgrade Cecil’s Legend Sword , but that it’ll take some time. Then, return to Sylph Cave and head to the house where Yang is. Use the frying pan on him, and he’ll regain his memory. However, since he’s too injured, he can’t leave right now. The Sylphs join Rydia, who can now summon them. Return to Fabul and talk to Yang’s wife again. Give her back the frying pan, and she’ll give you the precious item “Spoon”. Whatever happens, DON’T USE THIS ITEM YET!

That’s all we can do for now. Head to Mysidia. When you arrive, the old man will take you to the tower where they say a prayer, and then the Great Whale will appear. With it, you can reach the Moon. But first, it’s a good idea to stock up on healing items. When you enter the ship, at the bottom, there’s a Fat Chocobo in case you want to store any items. You can sleep by examining the devices just below the crystal and pilot the ship by examining the device to the north. Examine the crystal to go to the Moon.


The enemies here are very strong, so it’s a good idea to have plenty of healing items as I suggested. You should go to the Crystal Castle . Land the ship near the cave to the west of it and enter it. Pick up the items along the way and exit through the other side. Head south to another cave. Enter it and exit through the other side. Enter the cave to the north to reach the castle. On the left, there is a square that restores your HP and status; on the right, another that restores MP. Head to the center and you will meet Fusoya. He is a Lunarian and explains that the others of his race are asleep. They fled their old planet when it was destroyed and ended up on the blue planet, as they call Earth. When they saw that humans were evolving, they decided to create a Moon and live there. But one of them did not agree and wanted to dominate the planet: his name is Zemus. He is behind Golbez, whom he used to get the crystals, which are his source of energy. Zemus plans to use them to awaken a giant who will annihilate life on Earth.

Fusoya tells that his brother, Kluya, went to the planet and taught humans how to build ships and the Serpent Road , in addition to creating the Great Whale . He fell in love with a human and, from this union, two children were born. One of them is Cecil, who remembers the voice he heard when he became a paladin. Fusoya explains that it was Kluya’s spirit, and that he gave Cecil the power to end Zemus’ plans. Fusoya joins the group and says that they must return to Bab-il Tower . Leave the castle and return to the whale. Examine the crystal to return to the planet, but it is too late. The giant awakens, and all seems lost. But the dwarves attack with their tanks. With them is Yang. Cid also appears with his ships, along with Palom, Porom and Edward. Everyone joins to face the fearsome giant. Fusoya says that they must enter the giant and destroy it from the inside. Cid takes them to the interior of the monster.


Head north and step on the gray square. Then step on the next one to reach the chest. Grab the Shuriken , Hi-Potion , and Samurai Arrows , and step on the next square to reach the stomach. Grab two Phoenix Down and follow the middle path to the next square. In this area, there is a Save Point . Recover and save. Step on the square to the north to reach the lung. Continue forward and you will meet four old acquaintances: the elemental demons are back and now they will join forces to finish you off. Get ready:

BOSS: Elementals
The first one is Scaramiglione. Physical attacks are the best option, since he absorbs all elements, so Rydia will be practically useless, unless she already has Nuke , which is unlikely. Fusoya should use it, and Edge throws weapons if he has it. Rosa and Cecil do the usual. Rubicante is the second one. He uses several fire spells in a row, which despite doing low damage, can be a problem. Use Ice 3 with Rydia and Fusoya to do 9999 damage and Flood with Edge. The third one is Cagnazzo, who comes with the same attacks as before. Use Bolt 3 with Rydia and Fusoya and Blitz with Edge. Finally, Barbariccia, who also has the same attacks as before. Use the same scheme as Cagnazzo and you should have no problems.

Before moving on, return to the Save Point to recover. Now head to the next square to reach the giant’s brain. Prepare yourself:

BOSS: CPU, Attacker, Defender
If the previous battle was difficult, this one will be a nightmare. First, destroy the Defender , as he restores the CPU’s HP. When he falls, go for the CPU. The problem is that he will use Wall right at the beginning of the battle. So, do the following: use Wall on a character and then cast your best spells on him so that they are reflected on the CPU. Nuke and Bolt 3 are the best options. Don’t use summons so as not to run the risk of destroying the Attacker , because if that happens, things get complicated. After defeating the CPU, destroy the Attacker .

Golbez appears furious, but Fusoya frees him from Zemus’ control. It is revealed that Golbez is Kluya’s other son, meaning Golbez is Cecil’s brother, who is stunned by the revelation. Golbez says he will settle the score with Zemus, and Fusoya goes with him. Kain appears and gets everyone out of there before the giant explodes. On the Great Whale , Kain says he is ready to face the consequences of his actions, and Edge agrees, but Rosa calms things down. Everything is sorted out, and the group heads to the Moon. After the conversation, examine the crystal to return to the planet, as there are still some things to do.


Take the ship that is near Mysidia and head to the underworld. Go to the old man’s house where you left the Adamantium and the Legend Sword . Talk to him, and he will give you Excalibur , Cecil’s second best weapon. Now head to Baron’s castle. Remember that ladder in the tower on the right that you couldn’t go down before? Well, now you can. Go up it and you will meet the spirit of the King of Baron, who claims to have the power to help you, but for once, he will test you:

BOSS: Odin
The order here is: be quick! You only have two turns to defeat him, or he will use the Zantetsuken attack , which will kill the entire party. Don’t worry about healing. Cecil and Rosa use normal attacks (have Rosa equipped with Light Arrows ), Edge uses Blitz , Rydia uses Bolt 3 to deal 9999 damage, and Kain jumps. Don’t hesitate for even a moment, or it could be your end.

Odin becomes another summon for Rydia. There’s nothing left to do on the planet now. If you need to, buy healing items and when you’re ready, head to the Moon. Go to Crystal Castle , but first, there’s one last optional thing to do. There’s a cave surrounded by a circular mountain. Head there.


Head south and grab the Samurai Gloves . Now head east and then north. Go through the secret passage to the chest with a Samurai Shield . Go back and head south to the stairs to the second floor. Go straight ahead to a chest containing a Samurai Armor . Continue on to a chest with a Samurai Helmet . Go down the stairs to the north to the third floor. Follow the narrow passage. Along the way, you’ll face some annoying enemies that you can’t run away from. When you reach the end, heal up and talk to the guy on the platform to face:

BOSS: Bahamut
Easier than it looks. The trick here is to not waste too much time. His only attack is Mega Nuke , which will kill the entire group, but can be reflected with Wall . Before using it, he starts a countdown, from 5 to 1. So, do the following: with Rosa, use Wall on everyone, preferably in the following order: Rosa, Rydia, Cecil, Edge and Kain. Rydia uses Leviathan , Cecil and Edge attack normally, and Kain jumps. You might be able to escape Mega Nuke this way. If you’ve used Wall on at least two characters, with luck, when he uses Mega Nuke , he’ll end up killing himself. If not, another Leviathan should finish the job.

Rydia gains her most powerful summon. Exit the cave and, if you wish, head to another cave surrounded by mountains. This is the home of the Hemingways, the ones who change the characters’ names. One of them sells healing items. I advise you to spend all your money here on Hi-Potions , Cottages , Ethers and others. If you want, you can also buy a Whistle that summons the Fat Chocobo anywhere. When you’re ready, head to the Crystal Castle . Recover in the side squares and go through the middle path to the crystal room. Step on the square in the center to go to the center of the Moon.


There are two secret passages: one on the left wall and one on the right. Go right and go all the way to the end to find a chest. Open it and defeat the monsters to get a Ninja Gear . Go back and go through the passage on the right. Step on the square and go forward. On the way, there is a chest with a Life Mace . Soon you will find a floating sword. Examine it to face a boss:

BOSS: Pale Dim
I can’t say if he has any powerful attacks, because he didn’t use any on me. Use whatever you have: Nuke , Meteo , White and Bahamut , and he shouldn’t make it past the third turn. When you defeat him, you’ll get the Murasame for Edge.

Return to the beginning and go down the stairs to the south. Follow the passage to a chest with a Flame Whip . Continue forward to a chest with a Dragon Shield for Kain. Nearby, there is a ladder. Follow it and search the area for the items: Dragon Helmet , Dragon Armor , and Dragon Gloves , all for Kain. Follow the stairs in the center. Go right to a chest with Artemis Arrows . Go down the stairs and enter the cave on the left to get an Elixir . Go back and go down to another cave. Grab the items and exit through the other side. Open the chest and defeat the Behemoth to earn a Star Rod . Go down the stairs, grab the Crystal Shield from the chest and enter the cave. Open the chest and defeat the monster to earn a Crystal Armor . Exit to the south and open the chest on the right for more monsters. Defeating them will earn you Crystal Gloves . Go back and head north. Grab the items and continue forward. On the left, there is a chest. Open it and kill the monsters to get a Crystal Helmet . There are two ladders here. Grab the items, including a Cottage . Remember this location. Go down the next ladder, open the chest and defeat the monsters to get a Minerva Vest . Go up the ladder on the right and continue forward until you reach three caves. The one on the left has a Save Point (hallelujah). Recover, save and head to the middle cave:

BOSS: Plague
Early on, he’ll use Death Sentence on everyone, so you’ll have little time to defeat him. Edge should throw everything he’s got. Rydia uses Nuke , Rosa uses White (don’t worry about healing), and Cecil and Kain do their usual. Defeating him earns you the Holy Lance , Kain’s best weapon.

Return to the Save Point to recover and head through the cave on the right:

BOSS: Lunar Dragon x2
They have a powerful physical attack and use magic like Wall and Virus . Rosa should only heal. Rydia uses Bahamut , Kain jumps and the others use normal attacks.

Grab the two Ribbons from the chests and equip them on Rosa and Rydia. Go back two floors and go to the chest where the Cottage was . To the left of the chest, there is an invisible bridge. Go across it and go forward to a chest. Defeat the Behemoth to get another Protect Ring . Continue forward to encounter another boss:

BOSS: Wyvern
An improved version of Bahamut . He also uses Mega Nuke , which is not as devastating here, but is still a problem. He also uses Wall and Nuke . With Rosa, use Wall on the entire group and, if you need to heal, use X-Potions or Elixirs . Rydia uses Bahamut , Edge throws weapons if he has them, Kain jumps and Cecil attacks. This is the second hardest battle in the game, so be very careful. By defeating him, you earn the Crystal Sword , Cecil’s best weapon and the game’s best weapon.

Return to the area with the three caves and go left until you reach a ladder. Go down and go through the next entrance. Continue to the southernmost part (pick up a Ninja Shuriken on the way) to face the penultimate boss of the game:

BOSS: Ogopogo
Just like the previous one, this one is an improved version of Leviathan . He uses physical attack and Great Wave , which now deals over 1500 damage to everyone. Rosa should heal all the time. Rydia uses Bahamut or Bolt 3 , Edge uses Blitz and Kain and Cecil do the usual (this is getting repetitive). By defeating him, you earn Massamune , Edge’s best weapon.

Go down the stairs to the north. From here, there is no secret. Just keep going forward and you will reach Zemus. Golbez and Fusoya are already facing him and, after much effort, they manage to defeat him. When everything seemed to be over, Zemus’ hatred transforms him into another creature called Zeromus . Golbez and Fusoya try to face him again, but this time he destroys them, as well as Cecil and the others. On the planet, Cecil’s friends join in a prayer and send their strength to him. Golbez gives you a crystal and, after having his strength restored, the time finally comes for the final battle:


First of all, use the crystal that Golbez gave you on Zeromus to reveal his true form. Get ready, because this is the hardest battle in the game. He has several attacks, such as Nuke , Black Hole (which nullifies assist spells), Flare Storm (which hits everyone and deals up to 1800 damage to each character), and Meteo , which he uses when he’s almost dying, but it’s not really a big deal.

Cecil and Kain do the usual: Normal Attack and Jump , respectively. Edge should throw everything he has, including the Spoon that Yang’s wife gave him. Rosa should heal all the time and, when possible, use White . The problem is that, every time you do this, Zeromus counterattacks with Weaken , which reduces the HP of whoever is hit to 1. Rydia uses Bahamut ; Meteo also does a lot of damage, but it takes a while to charge. It’s up to you to decide the best tactic. Good luck!

Zemus disappears, saying that as long as evil lives in the hearts of humans, he will never die. Fusoya thanks him for his help and says he must return to his sleep. Golbez decides to go with him, because after everything he has done, he cannot return to the planet. Before leaving, he and Cecil come to an understanding. Now all that’s left is to enjoy the ending in the best “last chapter of a soap opera” style, complete with the protagonists’ wedding and everything.

Thanks, guys, and until the next walkthrough!

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