Final Fantasy Tactics – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Final Fantasy Tactics – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

March 1, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

By: José Ricardo Fortes da Silva (Ash_Riot)

Basic Instructions

The map

It’s where you move from one location to another in the world of Final Fantasy Tactics, each location is represented by a dot of different colors, these colors determine the following:

Red – These are places you haven’t visited yet

Blue – These are cities or castles, where you can buy items and weapons, buy soldiers among other things, there are some smaller blue spots where nothing happens if you step on them.

Green – These are the places where you can enter a battle or not when you step on them, they are called random battles that always have the same objective which is to defeat all enemies and are perfect for evolving your characters.

Note: In random battles, the level of enemies depends on the level of your characters, that is, the stronger your warriors are, the stronger your enemies will be, this does not happen in battles that are part of the story.

The Options Menu

You can access it by pressing triangle on the map, it displays a series of options listed below:


When using this command a list of places where you can go appears, choose one of these locations and the character will go there taking the shortest route, you can do this another way, placing the cursor (little hand) over the point where you want to go and click on it.

Formation Here you take care of your characters, this command opens another list of options that will be listed below:

Status – As the name suggests, it is used to see your character’s status, with Attack, defense, magical power, etc.

Item – Used to equip your characters, you can do this manually or choose the “Best” option to automatically equip it with the best you have.

Ability – Opens three new options, Set and Remove serve respectively to equip and remove a certain ability and Learn serves to learn a new skill, choosing this option appears a list of Jobs that are already available for that character, choosing one of these jobs appears a list of skills that can be learned, well, that’s not quite the word, as you need to buy them and to do so you need JP that you earn in battles each time you perform a successful action.

Change Job – Used to change a character’s profession.

Order Unit – Used to organize your characters according to various criteria.

Remove Unit – Used to expel a character from your group, this action has no return, that is, an expelled character never returns, so think carefully before doing this, ok?

Brave Story :

It’s a type of diary where you can see everything that happened during your journey, review scenes, see how many enemies you killed and how many of your characters died, among other things.

Tutorial :

Explains how to play, useless, as you already have this tutorial here at Revolution Arena.


Used to save your game or load a previous save.


It changes some game settings, this is completely useless, so I won’t go into details.

Character Types

Generics – These are common characters that have no active participation in the story and are only used to fight, they can even be purchased from the “Soldier Office”.

Specials – These are the characters who have an active participation in the game’s story, even if very small and have so-called Special Jobs.

Monsters – These are the enemies you face in random battles, there are several that you can have in your group and all of them with varied abilities, some really useful, others not so much, the most common ones to enter your group are Chocobos.

Guests – These are special characters who act on their own in battles, that is, you do not control them, some become part of your group permanently, others only fight a single battle and never help you again.

The cities menu

When you arrive in a city (blue dot) and press circle on it, some options appear, which will be described below:


Basically it has two uses, when you access it another menu appears with the following options:

Rumor – These are “gossips” about some facts that occur during the game, they can give you some tips on what to do, some are really important to get a certain character or access a certain location, both secret but this will be better explained not detonated.

Proposition – It is only available from chapter two onwards, they are special jobs that can be carried out by your characters, the type of work varies a lot and requires a certain amount of days to be carried out, basically it is like this: You choose a job, if you accept it You must choose up to three characters to carry it out, remembering that only generic ones can go, then you choose how many days the work will be carried out, having a minimum and a maximum value, now you must walk around the map until they pass These days, each place you step on the map represents a past day, when all the days have passed, go back to the bar in that city and choose the Report Job option, depending on your characters’ performance each one will earn a certain amount of JP and you win a certain amount of money.


As you can already imagine, this is where you buy items, weapons and protective equipment, there’s not much to say about it.

Soldier Office:

This is where you buy soldiers, you can buy Squire or Chemist, perhaps beginners will use this option, but more experienced ones may find it somewhat useless.

Fur Shop:

It is only available in chapter 3 and is where you exchange the monster skins you got in battles for items, to get the monster skin you must have the Thieves’ Secret Hunt skill equipped, and then kill a monster with a normal attack to get his skin, depending on the monster, you can get wonderful items.

The battle

The battlefield in Final Fantasy Tactics can be compared to a game of chess, where there are some main pieces and some secondary ones, Ramza for example can be considered the King, because if he dies and becomes a crystal or chest, even if the others still are standing it will be Game Over, in the case of some battles you just need to defeat the leader or main enemy to win, without having to defeat the others, when starting the battle when you are going to carry out the action with a character, the following options will appear:


It is used to make a character walk from one point to another on the battlefield, the distance he can travel depends on his Move and varies from profession to profession.


It is used to perform an action with your character, whether to use a normal attack, use a skill from the job he is in or even use an equipped skill from another job, whenever you perform an action, whatever it may be, you will win an amount of experience and JP, for every 100 experience points gained the character will increase in level, reaching a maximum of 99, JP is used to buy new skills for a certain profession and when you gain a certain amount of JP the profession evolves or level up, reaching a maximum of level 8.


Ends your character’s turn without taking any action. Status – Used to see your character’s status.

Auto Battle:

Make the characters act on their own, only do this if you’re really lazy.


Common Jobs:

These are the professions in Final Fantasy Tactics, each profession has its own characteristics and exclusive skills, some really useful, others not so much, below is a table with all the jobs and their main characteristics.

ProfessionRequirementsCommand AbilityReaction SkillSupport SkillsMove AbilityAssessment
SquireNoneBasic SkillCounter TackleEquip Axe, Monster Skill, Defend, Gained JP UpMove + 1Good at first, it becomes obsolete with the emergence of other professions.
ChemistNoneItemAuto PotionThrow Item, Maintenance, Equip ChangeMove-Find ItemVery useful profession, especially for healing and using Guns.
KnightSquire Lv. twoBattle SkillWeapon GuardEquip Armor, Equip Shield, Equip SwordNoneGood attack, but not very useful skills.
PriestChemist Lv. twoWhite MagicRegeneratorMagic Defend UpNoneGood healers, useful for healing multiple characters.
ArcherSquire Lv. twoCartoonSpeed ​​SaveArrow Guard, Equip Crossbow, ConcentrateJump + 1Useful at long distances, but less relevant with Guns available.
WizardChemist Lv. twoBlack MagicCounter MagicMagic Attack UpNonePowerful spells and useful skills.
monkKnight Lv. twoPunch ArtHP Restore, Counter, HamedoMartial ArtsMove-HP UpImpressive attack and very useful skills.
OraclePriest Lv. twoYin-Yang MagicAbsorb Used MPDefense UpAny Weather, Move-MP UpUseful in some situations, but limited.
ThiefArcher Lv. twoStealCaution, Gilgame Heart, CatchSecret HuntMove + 2, Jump + 2Weak attack, but useful skills for stealing and movement.
Team MageWizard Lv. twoTime MagicCritical Quick, MP SwitchShort ChargeTeleport, FloatUseful spells and Short Charge valuable for other professions.
GeomancerMonk Lv. 3ElementalCounter FloodAttack UpAny Ground, Move on LavaTerrain-based skills, useful but not extraordinary.
MediatorOracle Lv. twoTalk SkillFinger GuardEquip Gun, Train, Monster TalkNoneConsidered useless, with weak attack and defense.
LancerThief Lv. 3JumpDragon SpiritSpear EquipmentIgnore HeightStrong attack and Jump skill useful for temporary invulnerability.
SummonerTime Mage Lv. twoSummon MagicMP RestoreHalf of MPNoneDevastating spells and very useful Half MP.
DancerGeomancer Lv. 4, Lancer Lv. 4DanceAtk Save, Brave UpNoneJump + 3, FlyConsidered useless except for the Jump + 3 ability.
bardMediator Lv. 4, Summoner Lv. 4singMag Atk Save, Faith UpNoneMove + 3, FlyMore useful than Dancers, with better hit chances.
SamuraiKnight Lv. 3, Monk Lv. 4, Lancer Lv. twoDraw OutMetabone Slash, Blade GraspEquip Knife, Two HandsWalk on WaterGreat attack, but few useful skills other than Two Hands.
NinjaArcher Lv. 3, Thief Lv. 2, Geomancer Lv. twoThrowSunken State, AbandonmentTwo SwordsMove in WaterVery deadly due to using two weapons and useful Throw ability.
CalculatorPriest Lv. 4, Wizard Lv. 4, Oracle Lv. 3, Time Mage Lv. 3Math SkillDistribute, Damage SplitGained Exp UpMove-Get Exp, Move-Get JPPowerful but complex, useful for those who master its mechanism.
MimeSquire Lv. 8, Chemist Lv. 8, Geomancer Lv. 4, Lancer Lv. 4, Mediator Lv. 4, Summoner Lv. 4MimicNoneNoneNoneConsidered useless, it imitates the actions of allies without additional abilities.

Special Jobs:

These are the professions belonging to the characters who have an active participation in the game’s story, the only thing different about them are the Command Abilities, while the Reaction, Support and Move are the same as the Squires for everyone, below is another table listing these professions:

Squire/Ramza, Delita (chapter 1) and AlgusGutsThe same skills as Squires with some extra Command Abilities, good at first, but becomes expendable with new professions.
Holy Knight / Agrias and Delita (chapter 2 and 4)Holy SwordVery good, devastating attacks with a good sword.
Dark Knight/GafgarionDark SwordGood in principle, but short-lived in player use.
Engineer / MustadioSnipeUseful skills in some battles, long range attack with Guns, better than Archers.
Heaven Knight / RafaTruthAttacks deal reasonable damage, but targets and number of attacks are random, making their use limited.
Hell Knight / MalakUntruthThe same observations as Rafa apply to Malak.
Divine Knight / MeliadoulMighty SwordUseful attacks that always break the enemy’s equipment, but become expendable with the arrival of Orlandu.
Holy Swordsman/OrlanduAll SwordskillThe most powerful character in the game, makes the game easy with Excalibur.
Temple Knight/BeowulfMagic SwordUseful, but without extraordinary characteristics, similar to an Oracle with armor and sword.
Dragoner/KingsDragonPowerful, with high damage attacks despite the short range. Good option to diversify from Orlandu.
Soldier/CloudLimitThe Final Fantasy 7 hero is not that impressive here, difficult to evolve and with not very strong Limits.
Worker 8workExtremely powerful robot with high-energy and super-range attacks, but with no abilities other than Command and no change of profession.

Final Fantasy Tactics Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide):


A long time ago there was a war called “The Lion War”, which divided the kingdom of Ivalice in two, this war ended with the emergence of a Young Hero called Delita who ended up becoming the King, this is what the official story says , but the truth, which was hidden for a long time by the church, is that there was another hero, the youngest son of the Beoulve family, the church considered him a blasphemer and an anarchist, but he is the true hero and his story will be told to follow:

The Zodiac Brave Story


Orbonne Monastery
Princess Ovelia prays for everyone, while her bodyguard, the knight Agrias, says that they must leave soon, some mercenaries arrive, among them a knight in black armor called Gafgarion and a young man called Ramza, after much conversation, one of the knights arrive and alert to the presence of the enemy, everyone leaves leaving only the princess and the priest, the enemy in question are Prince Goltana’s soldiers who want the princess, knights and mercenaries will unite in a battle against them:

Location: Orbonne Monastery
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies This battle you will practically just watch, as you only control Ramza, do what you want and leave the dirty work to Gafgarion, Agrias and the others.

After the battle everyone hears a scream from the princess, Agrias goes to her aid and sees her being taken by a knight in golden armor, Ramza recognizes that man, a man he thought had died about a year before, Delita.


Military Academy Auditorium
Ramza, Delita and other cadets talk about a group of rebels called “Death Corps” that is against the nobles and is made up of commoners, they have been stealing, kidnapping and killing people, their commander then arrives and says that the cadets has the mission of helping the royal troops eliminate the rebels, he also says that a group of thieves are trying to enter the city and that they must be stopped immediately, the game then asks if you want to save, you know…

Location: Gariland Magic City
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies In this battle you will have no options other than Squires and Chemists, but don’t worry, this will be a very easy battle, have at least one Chemist to heal whenever necessary , Delita participates in this battle as a “Guest”, that is, you will not be able to control him, it will be like this throughout the chapter.

After the battle you can move around the map (more details about the map see in the “Basic Instructions” section), try to go to Igros Castle and you will see a scene where Ramza’s father is on the verge of death, when Ramza arrives , his father says goodbye telling him to be a loyal soldier and take care of his sister Alma and then he dies, back to the map, buy potions and phoenix downs in Gariland, if possible, buy new equipment and if possible, convert at least one of your Squires into a Knight, save your game and head to Mandalia Plains.

Mandalia Plains
A group of bandits are beating up a guy, when Ramza arrives, you will have two options, no matter which one you choose, they both end up the same and Ramza decides to help the stranger.

Location: Mandalia Plains
Conditions for victory: Save Algus
At first it can be a problem to complete the objective, as Algus is right in the middle of the enemies and if they start attacking first, he’s gone and then it’s Game Over, so pray that your group starts attacking, if Algus acts before being attacked, you must move away from them and then the battle becomes easy, have a Knight to cause high damage and a Chemist to heal.

After the battle, Algus says that Marquis Elmdor was kidnapped by the bandits and asks for Ranza’s help to save him, Delita says that they should go to the castle first to report what happened and Algus agrees.

Igros Castle
Ramza tells what happened to his brother Dycedarg, and he says that his other brother Zalbag is taking care of it and that the bandits must ask for a ransom, Algus asks for 100 soldiers to rescue the marquis, but his request is denied, in the gardens from the castle, Ramza finds Zalbag, his sister Alma and Teta, Delita’s sister, Zalbag says that the bandits asked for a ransom for the marquis’s life and that the spy they sent there has not yet returned and that the last time he heard from him, he was in Dorter Trade City, Ramza and the others decide to go there after saying goodbye.

Before moving on, I advise you to fight a little in Mandalia Plains, until your Squires have the skills “Gained JP Up” and “Counter Tackle” and your Chemists have “Auto Potion”, when you are ready, head to Sweegy Woods :

Location: Sweegy Woods
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
You will face some monsters, be careful especially with the Bombs and finish them off before they use self-destruction which causes good damage, the blue goblins are weak against ice, so If you already have a Wizard with Ice, it’s a good choice, have at least one Chemist and plenty of Potions.

Before heading to Dorter, evolve your characters until you have the professions Monk with the “Chakra” ability and Priest with the Cure, Protect and Shell abilities, in addition to the “Throw Item” support ability of the Chemist, buy plenty of Phoenix Downs and Potions and some If you get new equipment, when you’re ready, save your game and head to Dorter.

Dorter Trade City
You will see two knights arguing, one of them threatens the other with death if he doesn’t tell him where a certain Gustav is, the other says he is in the desert and then Ramza and the others arrive, the guy who was interrogating runs away, but Delita recognizes him and says that he is Wiegraf, leader of the “Death Corps” bandits, the soldier who was being interrogated calls his people and a battle begins.

Location: Dorter Trade City
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
If you have done what I said before and have a Monk and a Priest with the necessary skills, you shouldn’t have any major problems in this battle, otherwise it is good to have a lot of Phoenix Down here. First of all, finish off the Wizards and quickly, as they cause quite a bit of damage to the group, then focus on the archers and leave the Knight for last.

After the battle, the group decides to interrogate the knight, Algus is extremely rude to him and he ends up confessing that Gustav, the captain of the “Death Corps”, kidnapped the marquis and took him to a place in Zeklaus Desert, called Rat Cellar, all decide to go there, evolve a little if you want and buy items if you need, head to the new location that opened on the map.

Location: Rat Cellar in Zeklaus Desert
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
The enemies here are made up of Knights, Archers and Monks, it’s a good idea to have a female Thief with Steal Heart to make things easier, a Chemist or Priest is also essential, besides of course a Monk, use your best attacks and soon the battle will be won.

After the battle the scene moves to the basement, where Wiegraf kills Gustav for disobeying his orders, Ramza and the others arrive and Wiegraf says that they can take the marquis if they let him go, Ramza and Delita agree despite Algus’ protests, they they decide to return to Igros Castle.

Igros Castle
Arriving there Dycedarg scolds Ramza for going into the desert without his order, but Prince Larg arrives and says that Ramza did a good job saving Marquis Elmdor and that Dycedarg shouldn’t be so hard on him, Dycederg then sends Ramza In another mission, evolve a little if you want and head to the new location that has opened.

Location: Thieves Fortress
Conditions for victory: Defeat Miluda
If you defeat Miluda before the others the battle ends, but this will not be so easy, as the others will hinder you a lot, especially the Priests, finish them off first to prevent them from healing the others and then go after Miluda, have in the group a chemist, knights or archers and at least one monk, wizards are also welcome, this will be Algus’s last battle in your group, when it is over, remove all his equipment .

After the battle, Algus tells Ramza that he must kill Miluda, as losers do not deserve compassion and even refers to her as an animal (what a cocky guy!), Delita disagrees and thinks they should let her go, Ramza agrees with Delita to the despair of Algus who asks what is wrong with them, Miluda runs away, but says that she will not stop being an enemy because of this.

Meanwhile in Igros Castle, bandits attack and try to kidnap Alma, Dycederg is injured, Zalbag manages to save Alma, but Teta ends up being taken, when Ramza arrives at the castle, he finds out everything, Dycedarg says he will search everywhere until meeting Teta, outside the castle, Delita is desperate, Ramza tries to calm him down but it is useless, Algus then arrives and says that if he were Dycedarg he would never send soldiers to rescue an ordinary person, which makes Delita furious to the point of attacking him, this only causes Algus to offend and humiliate Delita even more who leaves the castle, Ramza kicks Algus out of the castle and says he never wants to see him again, Algus leaves and you return to the map, head to Mandalia Plains, Ramza and Delita will have a conversation between friends, after that, evolve your characters a little, stop by the Shops and notice that new equipment has appeared, buy everything you need and head to the new area of ​​the map, you will find Miluda again, Delita asks where she is Theta, she responds that she did what she did because the Nobles took what was theirs and forced them to retaliate.

Location: Lenalia Plateau
Conditions for victory: Defeat Miluda
This time Miluda brought Knights, Wizards and Time Mages with her, the Time Mages will be using Slow all the time, it’s good to have an Oracle with Dispel to solve this, anyway this battle It should be even easier than the previous one, attack in the same way and victory will be yours.

After the victory Miluda dies and Delita feels bad about it, Ramza too, meanwhile at the mill, Wiegraf reprimands Galagros for having kidnapped Teta, he said it was the only way to escape, after much discussion, a soldier arrives warning of the Ramza’s arrival and that they killed Miluda, Wiegraf decides to confront them and orders Galagros to go to Fort Zeakden and leave Teta here.

Location: Windmill Shed
Conditions for victory: Defeat Wiegraf
You must keep one thing in mind: Finish Wiegraf quickly, as he can use Holy Sword and this is extremely dangerous, don’t even pay attention to the others, as beating him the battle ends , have monks and knights to facilitate the service.

After the battle, Wiegraf runs away, Ramza and Delita go look for Teta at the mill, but she is not there, they decide to go to Fort Zeakden to rescue her, before moving on to the next battle, make sure your characters are in good health. level, with the necessary skills and with the best possible equipment, when you are ready, head to…

Fort Zeakden
You will see a scene where Zalbag and Algus surround Galagros who is holding Teta hostage, he also warns that the Fort is full of gunpowder and any false move will send everyone flying, Ramza and Delita arrive, Zalbag simply orders and Algus hits a well-aimed arrow at Teta and then another at Galagros, who still manages to enter the Fort, Ramza is perplexed and Delita despairs over his sister’s death, Zalbag runs away and tells Algus to take care of the rest, Algus says that the nobles’ only objective was end the rebels and that it was not an “ordinary person” like Teta who was going to get in the way, Delita, blind with rage, says that she will kill Algus no matter what, and then begins the last battle of Chapter 1:

Location: Fort Zeakden
Conditions for victory: Defeat Algus
In addition to Algus, you will have to face Wizards and Knights, all very powerful, have Ramza in the group as a Monk and a Woman as well as a Monk and with the command ability Steal Heart, also have a Priest with the Command Abity Item and also with Throw Item, and as a fourth character, a Summoner if possible, or a well-evolved Wizard, have everyone with Auto Potion, finish off the Wizards first and then the Knights, wait for them to turn into crystals or chests to get good items or skills, then finish off Algus who shouldn’t be any trouble.

After the victory, Delita looks at her sister’s body and then an explosion occurs, Ramza shouts for Delita to get out of there, but he remains motionless and another explosion, even bigger, makes Delita disappear among the flames, Ramza, disgusted by his brother’s attitude, leaves the royal army and becomes a mercenary, joining Gafgarion’s group.

Back to Orbonne Monastery
After Ramza tells the whole story, Agrias decides to go after Delita and save the Princess, Gafgarion says he won’t help, but Ramza says he will go along, as he wants to know what happened to Delita, Gafgarion then decides go too.


Dorter Trade City
A mysterious man talks to a bandit, he is hiring him to eliminate a certain group that is approaching and says he will pay 700 Gil for each member eliminated, after a lot of talk he leaves and Ramza’s group arrives , upon seeing Gafgarion the bandit panics and says that 700 Gil was very cheap:

Location: Dorter Trade City
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies The only ones that can cause any problems are the archers, finish them off first and then take care of the rest, have a Chemist or Priest to heal and you shouldn’t have any problems.

After victory, before heading to the new path, buy new equipment and evolve your characters, invest in Lancers and Summoners, when you’re ready head to Araguay Woods, the group will see a chocobo surrounded by goblins, Ramza says that the chocobo can be useful in a fight, although Gafgarion disagrees, you will have two options, choose the second to save the chocobo:

Location: Araguay Woods
Conditions for victory: Save the Chocobo
As you may know, these goblins are weak against ice, so have at least two Wizards with Ice 2 or two Summoners with Shiva, to make things easier, lancers are also very useful here and of course a character for healing, don’t let the Chocobo die or it will be Game Over.

After victory, the Chocobo joins your group, you can even place it in the place of a Priest or Chemist, as its healing does not use MP, well, before moving on to the next location, take all of Gafgarion’s equipment and evolve its characters if you want, head to Zirekile Falls and you will find Delita and Princess Ovélia, surrounded by Prince Goltana’s knights, Delita says that she is not kidnapping but protecting the princess, Gafgarion goes over to the enemy’s side (how naughty!) and Ramza decides to help Agrias save the princess:

Location: Zirekile Falls
Conditions for victory: Save Princess Ovelia
The group is made up only of Knignts besides Gafgarion, if you took away his equipment, a single attack from a Lancer should finish off the bastard who will run away, now take care of the rest , have at least two lancers and a chemist to heal the princess if necessary, but maybe not, as she soon uses the Mbarrier magic that leaves her practically immortal, do not use Monks in this battle as their skills are of no use against these Knights, a Summoner it can also be of great help, Delita will also help as a guest, so if necessary, heal him too.

After the victory Delita says that Teta saved him from dying in the explosion, he says that for now he will leave the princess with Ramza and leaves, after the battle go to the next location:

Zaland Fort City
You will see a guy called Mustadio surrounded by bandits who want an object from him, Ramza arrives and you will have two options, again choose the second:

Location: Zaland Fort City
Conditions for victory: Save Mustadio
This will be a really difficult battle as the enemy group is made up of Knights, Archer and Wizards, have at least two characters for healing, one of them must be Agrias, also have Ramza and another character like Lancer equipped with Punch Art, you shouldn’t have any problems saving Mustadio as he always stays away from the enemies, finish off the Wizards first, then attack the Archers and leave the Knights last.

After the battle, Ramza and Agrias talk to Mustadio, he says that his father is a prisoner in the city of Goug and asks for Ramza’s help to save him, he says that in Goug there are excavations of objects from an ancient civilization that had a high technology, but which ended up being lost due to several wars, Ramza decides to help him and Mustadio joins the group, evolves some characters and moves on to the next location.

Location: Barius Hill
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
The enemies are made up of Knights, Archers and Summoners, the latter are a serious problem, so finish them off first, have a Priest with Short Charge for emergencies and also Monks, Lancers and Summoners, after eliminating the enemy Summoners the rest is drooling.

After the victory, head to Lionel Castle, Agrias will ask for Cardinal Draclau’s help to protect the princess and Mustadio also asks for help to save his father, Draclau is ready to help them and then tells them about the Zodiac Stones, which are stones who have great power, Ramza notices that Mustadio turned pale when he heard the story and he ends up confessing that he has one of these stones and that the bandits were after it, as the stone makes the machines found in Goug work and they want to use this power to make powerful weapons, after that, Ramza decides to go with Mustadio to Goug, help save his father, Agrias and Ovélia say they will stay and leave the group, when leaving the map buy new things in Lionel Castle and go to the next local.

Location: Zigolis Swamp
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
The biggest problem here is that if you step on the liquid part you will be poisoned, so if possible have an accessory that cancels Poison, if not, then it is good to have characters that can attack at great distances, such as Archers, Geomancers and Lancers with Level Jump 8, this will be a long battle, but you shouldn’t have any major problems beating these monsters.

Goug Machine City
After the victory, head to Goug and Mustadio goes alone and ends up being captured, back on the map try to move and a battle will begin, before you will see Ramza looking for Mustadio, the bandits appear with Mustadio in his possession and also with the his father, the boss of the bandits says that if Mustadio doesn’t tell him where the Zodiac Stone is he will kill his father, Mustadio then reveals the secret place where he hid the stone and Ramza takes it, he ends up giving it to the boss of the bandits and Mustadio is released, the boss then reveals that Cardinal Draclau is involved with them and that he is the one who wants the Zodiac Stones, he runs away and leaves some minions for you to play with:

Location: Goug Machine City
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
In this battle Mustadio will be without any equipment and must be killed soon, do not resurrect him, as this is a waste of time and do not worry, as he will not turn into a chest or crystal , have Monks or Lancers, Wizards or Summoners and Priests or Chemists in your group, finish off the enemy Summoners first, then the archers and leave the thieves for last, you shouldn’t have many problems in this battle.

After the battle, everyone talks at Mustadio’s house, he says that he gave a fake stone to the leader of the bandits and that the real one is with him, Ramza says that Agrias and Ovelia are in danger, since Draclau is on the side of the bandits and resolves go save her, Mustadio says he will go along and join the group permanently, now you can control him in battles, he says that the path to Lionel Castle is probably blocked and that they should go another way, on the map buy things new ones in Goug and then go to the only possible way to get to Warjilis, there Ramza meets Delita and they will have a conversation, then you will return to the map, head to Barius Valley and you will find Agrias surrounded by soldiers of Draclau, well, let’s fight:

Location: Barius Valley
Conditions for victory: Save Agrias
The group will stay in two different locations, place in the group of three people, a Lancer/Monk and a Priest and in the group of two place a Lancer with Two Hands and a Wizard/Summoner with White Magic, do not put Mustadio as he must be at a low level and will be of little use here, finish off the Wizards first and then the Archers, leaving the Knights last, keep Agrias’ HP always full, because if she dies it is Game Over, this battle shouldn’t present any major problems either.

After the victory Agrias says that Princess Ovelia was taken to an execution site, she definitely joins the group and you can control her, back on the map go to Golgorand Execution Site and you will see an executioner about to execute the princess, when Ramza and the others arrive they discover that it is a trap as the princess is fake and the executioner is Gafgarion, time to face him once again:

Location: Golgorand Execution Site
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
The group will again be divided into two locations, where two characters are, place two Lancers, one of them with Punch Art and the Chakra skill learned and if possible, both with Two Hands, in the other group have Ramza also as Lancer, a Chemist with White Magic and equipped with a Gun and a Wizard or Summoner with Yin-yang Magic and the Dispel skill learned, after all this go to fight, in addition to Gafgarion you there are Time Mages, Knights and Archers, the Teams are a pain, as they keep using Haste on their allies and Slow on yours, Dispel can solve this problem, Finish Gafgarion first and the coward will run away again, now go after the Teams Mages, after defeating them the rest is easy, before killing the last enemy, it would be interesting to wait for the others to see crystals or chests, to be able to get great items and some skills for free.

The group decides to go to Lionel Castle, but before going there, go straight past the red dot, that’s right, you can go straight through without entering the battle, just select a location after this, for example: Zaland Fort City, do that and go to all the cities to buy new equipment, especially an accessory called Defense Ring, evolve a little if you want, especially Agrias and Mustadio and when you’re ready head to Lionel Castle, once there, Ramza will open the gate for the others, but Gafgarion and his henchmen arrive to stop it, let’s go then:

Location: Lionel Castle
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
In this battle Ramza will fight one-on-one with Gafgarion who is much more powerful now, but if you have Ramza as a Lancer equipped with the Two Hands skill, you should be able to finish him off. him in two turns, the rest of the enemy group is made up of Knights, Archers and a Summoner who should be your first target, have at least one more Lancer with Two Hands, Agrias with Lighting Stab if possible, Mustadio as Chemist and already having Hi -Potion and Phoenix Down and a Wizard with White Magic, after finishing Gafgarion once and for all, go with Ramza to the lever next to the gate to open it, then just finish off the rest of the enemies.

After the battle, save your game and equip the character you will use in the next battle with Defense Rings. Upon entering the castle, the group encounters Draclau, he uses the power of the Zodiac Stone to transform into a monster called Queklain, let’s fight:

Location: Lionel Castle
Conditions for Victory: Defeat Queklain
He’s only one and your party probably has five, so this battle will be a breeze as long as your party is equipped with Defense Rings that protect them against his Nightmare attack that causes the status Sleep and Death Sentece, having this just attack mercilessly and it doesn’t last long.

After the victory you will see a scene in Prince Goltana’s throne room, Delita arrives and says that there is a traitor among them, he orders to bring a prisoner who denounces the traitor in exchange for his life, Delita immediately executes the traitor despite him denying it. all.


You will see a conversation between the nobles in Goltana’s palace, one of them, Orlandu, says that the war must end and is reprimanded by the others, meanwhile Ramza decides to go talk to his brother Dycedarg in Lesalia Castle, head to the new location that opened, you will see a guy surrounded by bandits, Ramza decides to help him:

Location: Goland Coal City
Conditions for victory: Save Olan
The enemy group is made up of Chemists and Thieves, nothing too difficult, have two Lancers, a Chemist or Priest, Mustadio already with the Job Engine in master and a Summoner, use the Mustadio’s abilities to paralyze enemies and make the battle even easier, Olan will sometimes use his Galaxy Stop ability which paralyzes enemies and is extremely useful, it’s a shame that you can only count on him in this battle.

After the battle, Olan thanks him and continues on his way, proceed to the next point:

Lesalia Castle
Ramza goes to talk to Dycedarg and asks him to stop this war, faced with a refusal, Ramza claims that Zalbag is involved in Ovelia’s kidnapping, Dycedarg doesn’t believe it and sends Ramza away, but first asks him to talk to Alma, on the side from outside the castle, Ramza says he needs to go to Orbonne Monastery, Alma offers to take him there, but Ramza refuses and says it is too dangerous, then a priest named Zalmo arrives and says he has come to arrest Ramza for heresy, obviously Ramza resists and Zalmo orders his soldiers to execute him:

Location: Lesalia Castle
Conditions for victory: Defeat Zalmo
The enemy group is made up of Knights and Monks, the biggest problem is that when you kill an enemy Zalmo immediately resurrects him, then finish him off and the battle ends, Zalmo will run away.

Ramza decides to accept Alma’s help and a new location opens on the map, head to Orbonne Monastery, you will find some enemies who are after something, get ready:

Location: Orbonne Monastery
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
The enemy group is made up of Lancers, Time Mages and Chemists who must be the first to die to prevent them from reviving the others, then finish off the Time Mages, try to keep your distance of the Lancers as they are very powerful, a female Thief is very useful for using Steal Heart and putting them on your side, besides having the usual, Lancers, Chemists, Priets and Summoners.

After the victory Ramza tells Alma to stay and take care of Simon who is injured, then goes to the next floor and finds Vormav’s son, Izlude, he wants the Zodiac Stone from Ramza and will take it by force:

Location: Orbonne Monastery
Conditions for victory: Defeat Izlude
Izlude is very powerful and has the Jump ability, so be careful, finish off the Summoner and the archers quickly and leave the Kights for last or try to finish off Izlude and shorten the battle.

Going to the next floor, Ramza will meet an old acquaintance, Wiegraf (remember him?), well, now he’s on Vormav’s side and goes on the attack:

Location: Orbonne Monastery
Conditions for victory: Defeat Wiegraf
Sorry, but in this battle I won’t be able to give a detailed strategy because I simply ended Wiegraf in the first attack, using Ramza as a Lancer and having the Two Hands ability, so it won’t work Not even to talk about others.

Wiegraf runs away and Ramza goes after him, outside the monastery Wiegraf tells Izlude to flee, taking Alma, when Ramza arrives, Wiegraf who is almost dying, uses the power of the Zodiac Stone to transform into a monster called Velius, the monster says who will face Ramza later and runs away, Father Simon arrives and gives Ramza a book which was what Izlude was looking for, Ramza decides to rescue his sister, passing by Dorter, a strange man tells Ramza to take the book to Riovanes Castle if If you want to save your sister, head to the new open area:

Location: Grog Hill
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
This will be one of the easiest battles in the game, the group will be made up of Thives, Chemists and Squires, place two Lancers, one of them Ramza, to finish them off quickly and three more at low level to get some free skills, when enemies turn into crystals, a Calculator among them is a good choice.

Go to the next point, you will find a girl called Rafa arguing with that strange guy, his name is Malak and he is her brother, when Ramza arrives, Malak goes on the attack and Rafa stays by his side:

Location: Yardow Fort City
Conditions for victory: Save Rafa
You shouldn’t have any problems achieving your objective, as Rafa will probably move away from the enemies, anyway keep her HP full, have your strongest warriors, Malak and the Ninjas shouldn’t cause too many problems, Summoners are a pain in the ass, finish them off quickly, a good choice here is a Time Mage with Meteor and Short Charge, but keep your allies away from the place where the magic will be performed.

After a conversation between Rafa and Ramza, Malak sends a frog messenger telling the two to go to Riovannes Castle if Ramza wants to see Alma alive, Rafa joins the group as a Guest, proceed to the next point:

Location: Yuguo Woods
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
All enemies here are undead, so have warriors equipped with White Magic and Item skills, and use healing spells and Phoenix Downs to finish them off right away, don’t Wait until they turn into a chest or crystal, because this doesn’t happen with them, instead they will revive.

After the victory, finally head to Riovannes Castle, you will see a scene where a priest (I forgot his name), proposes an alliance with Vormav and makes a threat if he refuses, Vormav then uses the power of the Zodiac Stone to kill everyone, including his own son Izlude, meanwhile at the castle gate, Ramza’s group is welcomed by Malak, let’s go:

Location: Riovannes Castle
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
Have your most powerful warriors again, Lancers, Summonners, Calculators, a good option is to have Agrias as a Knight with Holy Sword and Two Swords, with the Summoner use Golem to make it a little easier your life, this battle can be a little long, but not very difficult, when you defeat Malak, he will run away again, Rafa will go after him.

After the battle Ramza enters the castle, you will find Wiegraf in his human form, you will face him only with Ramza, have him as Lancer and the skills, Punch Art, Auto Potion, Two Hands and Move+2 (if possible Move+ 3), use the Jump command only when his CT is below 30, if you prefer, use the Earth Slash ability, which takes little HP but always hits, when you defeat him he uses the power of the Zodiac Stone to transform into Velius , now the bug catches:

Location: Riovannes Caslte
Conditions for victory: Defeat Velius
I consider this the most difficult battle in the game, have at least three Lancers with Two Hands here, Mustadio can also be useful with his Snipe ability, also have a Calculator with the Item ability, Velius can use Summon Cyclops which causes absurd damage, when he starts charging it use the Jump command on him with his three Lancers, as in addition to being protected they will have time to hit him, Mustadio attacks from afar and tries to paralyze the other monsters that are also very powerful, the Calculator heals whenever necessary, Velius can also petrify a character, have the Jade Armlet accessory equipped which cancels this effect, this battle will be really difficult, so good luck.

After the battle, you will see a scene where Alma escapes from prison and finds Izlude almost dead, he gives her the Zodiac Stone in his possession and dies, soon after Vormav appears and approaches her, his Zodiac Stone reacts and he then realizes something and takes Alma away after knocking her out, Alma drops the Zodiac Stone that Izlude delivered and Vormav doesn’t notice, Ramza arrives and picks up the stone, meanwhile on the roof of the castle, Rafa confronts the man who created her together with her brother, Barinten, she says that she knows that he was the one who destroyed the village where they lived and that now she is going to take revenge, but Barinten says that she wouldn’t have the courage to kill him and when he is about to shoot her, Malak puts himself in in front of him and is hit, Barintem tells Rafa to hand over her Zodiac Stone when Ramza appears, Marquis Elmdor also appears, who is another of Vormav’s allies, he is accompanied by two assassins who kill Barinten and go after Rafa wanting his zodiac stone:

Location: Riovannes Castle
Conditions for victory: Protect Rafa Accomplishing this objective can be a serious problem, as Rafa will probably attack enemies who are extremely powerful and can kill her with a single blow and if that happens it is Game Over, have the same group as in the battle against Velius and pray that Ramza attacks before the assassins, don’t try to attack Elmdor as he has Hamedo, go after one of the assassins and try to deal good damage to her, this will make them flee and you will win the battle, once again, good luck.

After the battle, Rafa uses the power of the Zodiac Stone to revive his brother, Malak apologizes to Ramza and the two permanently join his group.


Ramza decides to go to Zeltenia Castle to meet Delita, before heading to the new area that has opened, go to Goug Machine City and you will see a scene of Ramza, Mustadio and a strange machine that reacts to Zodiac Stone, after the scene, head to Zarghidas Trade City and a girl, somewhat familiar (for those who played Final Fantasy 7) will sell you flowers, choose the second option to buy, this will be very important later on, now go to the next point.

Location: Doguola Pass
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
The group is made up of Lancers, Knights, Wizards and Archers, have your best warriors, two Lancers at least, one Summoner, Mustadio as Chemist and Agrias, Finish the Wizard first , the Summoner must use Golem right away to avoid enemy attacks, Mustadio must heal whenever necessary and use his Snipe skills to paralyze enemies, if he is at a good level he should not have any problems.

Head to the next city and you will find Meliadoul, she says she came to take revenge on Ramza for killing her brother Izlude, Ramza denies it but she doesn’t believe it and goes on the attack.

Location: Bervenia Free City
Conditions for victory: Defeat Meliadoul
Now the bug catches up, as Meliadou’s attacks not only cause good damage but also break a character’s equipment, so finish her off immediately and the battle is over, forget about the others.

After victory Meliadoul will run away, go to the next point

Location: Finath River
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
A battle only against Chocobos, the number of yellow, black or red chocobos is random, my advice is: if more than one red chocobo appears, reset the game and try again new, as they are very powerful, their Choco Meteor causes absurd damage and always hits, so enter the battle with at most one red chocobo, to fight them the best options are warriors, have two Lancers with Two Hands and two Knights with Two Swords, if you have a Red Chocobo at a good level it is also a good option, for healing the most recommended is the calculator, keep it away from enemies and heal whenever necessary, good luck.

Head to Zeltenia Castle and in the church Ramza and Delita talk, Delita reveals that she intends to kill Goltana and that Larg will have the same fate, he also says that the church is behind the war and that he wants the power of the Zodiac Stones, outside Zalmo says that the church is surrounded and tells Ramza to turn himself in, Delita joins Ramza to finish off Zalmo

Location: Zeltenia Caslte
Conditions for victory: Defeat Zalmo
This battle shouldn’t present any major problems, especially with Delita helping you, the problem is getting to where Zalmo is, which can take a while so keep following and finish off whoever appears in front , Zalmo will always try to resurrect whoever dies, so try to silence him, Agrias’ Lighting Stab works very well, Oracles can be a problem so finish them off quickly, when they all turn into crystals or chests then finish off Zalmo at once for all.

After the victory Ramza and Delita talk, a woman appears and says that the Hokuten attacked Bethla Garrison, Ramza decides to go there and says goodbye to Delita, head to the new area that has opened.

Location: Bed Desert
Conditions for victory: Defeat Balk
Before the battle starts, Balk poisons all members of your group, have a Monk with Stigma Magic and use it as soon as the battle starts, Balk shouldn’t pose any major difficulties so get it over with quickly. your minions and wait for them to turn into chests or crystals and then finish off Balk.

Head to Bethla Garrison, when you arrive you must choose whether to attack from the north or the south, whatever the choice, the strategy for the battle is the same, the only thing that changes is the type of enemy, I chose to go from the south, so let’s go

Location: Bethla Garrison
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
The group is made up of Knights, Archers, a Thief and a Ninja, have Lancers and Knights with Two Swords in the group and a Calculator ready for healing and you shouldn’t have too many problems.

Save your game and prepare for the next battle:

Location: Bethla Garrisson
Conditions for victory: Open the dam floodgates
In this battle you should notice that there are two Knights who don’t move at all, they are protecting the levers that open the floodgates, so leave them to kill last, finish off the Archers and Wizards and when they all fall, finish off the two Knights, and wait for them to turn into crystal or chest, when that happens, with Ramza step where the Knights were to open the floodgates and accomplish the objective.

After the battle, Ramza will free Orlandu who had been imprisoned by Goltana, and he joins your group, now you have the most powerful character in the game and from here things will get much easier, then you will see some scenes where Dycedarg kills Larg and Delita kills Goltana, head to the new area that has opened.

Location: Germinas Peak
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
The enemy group is made up of Archers, Thieves and a Ninja, if you have Orlandu in the group they won’t give you any trouble, also have a character to heal whenever necessary and also a character with a Move-Find Item, use it to reach the highest part to find a Vanish Mantle, an accessory that makes a character invisible.

Go to the next point

Location: Poeskas Lake
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
Another battle against the undead, the plan is the same as before, have Priests, Chemists or Calculators and use spells/healing items to finish them off, Agrias and Orlandu are also very useful here.

Save your game and head to Limbery Castle:

Location: Limbery Castle
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
You will face the assassins of Elmdor and some demons, in fact, it is not necessary to kill them all, just deal good damage to one of the assassins and the battle is over, you can learn from they the Ultima ability for Ramza, for this you must have Ramza as a Squire, wait for one of the assassins to use the Ultima magic on him and he should still survive, it is good to have the Angel Ring accessories equipped in your group that protect against sudden death, the The most recommended group is Knights or Lancers, all with the Item skill, good luck!

Save your game and prepare for the next battle:

Location: Limbery Castle
Conditions for victory: Defeat Elmdor
You will face Elmdor and his assassins, have your strongest characters and have them equipped with Angel Rings and 108 Gems that protect against the Blood Suck status, Elmdor has great equipment, you can try to steal them them, but it’s very difficult, finish off the assassins quickly and Elmdor won’t be a problem.

Save your game and prepare for the next battle, Elmdor uses the power of the Zodiac Stone to transform into a monster, Meliadou arrives and discovers that it was Vormav who killed his brother Izlude, let’s go:

Location: Limbery Castle
Conditions for victory: Defeat Zalera
In addition to Zalera, there are some undead, don’t waste time with them, in this battle Meliadou will be on your side as Guest, but she won’t be of much help, Zalera has the same attacks from Queklain and some of your own, have protection against Sleep and Death Sentence, have Orlandu, Agrias and two Lancers with Two Hands in the group and attack the monster, also have a Chemist ready for healing, Mustadio is a good option for this role .

After the battle, Meliadoul joins your group, your next stop is Igros Castle, but before heading there let’s do some optional things, head to Goland Coal City and in the bar listen to the rumor “Ghost of Coliery”, then go to Riovanes Castle and you will see a scene with Ramza in the bar, where he hears a conversation about a dragon in a mine and decides to investigate, a man called Beowulf asks to accompany him, choose the option “Let’s go togheter” to accept him In the group as Guest, return to Goland Coal City which is now a red dot and you will face a series of battles:

Location: Goland Coal City
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
The group is made up exclusively of Chemists, have your best warriors and you shouldn’t have any problems.

Save your game and prepare for the next battle:

Location: Goland Coal City
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
Now things get complicated, as the group is made up of a Chemist, two Thieves and TWO extremely powerful BEHEMOTHS, stay away from them and use attacks that hit them from a distance like Jump and Elemental, Orlandu is also indispensable here, the others will not be a problem.

Save your game and prepare for the next battle (didn’t I already say that?):

Location: Goland Coal City
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
Another quarry, now there are two Chemists, two Blue Dragons, which are very powerful and a Uribo which is the least of your problems, finish off the Blue Dragons using spells of fire, or the summons Ifrit and Salamander, the others will be very easy.

Save your game and you will see a demon and several monsters surrounding a dragon, they want a Zodiac Stone that is in his possession, Bewoulf seems very determined to save him, let’s go then:

Location: Goland Coal City
Conditions for victory: Save Reis
Reis is the dragon, and if he dies it’s Game Over, but don’t worry because he has a high HP and is very powerful, he should finish off some monsters right away, be careful Orlandu and Agrias to ensure victory and a Chemist for the cure.

After the victory, Reis and Beowulf join your group, head to Goug Machine city and Ramza will use the Zodiac Stone that Beowulf gave him to awaken the robot Worker 8, after a very funny scene, the robot joins the group and is one of the best characters, now head to Nelveska Temple, you will find another robot like Worker 8 that goes on the attack:

Location: Nelveska Temple
Conditions for victory: Defeat Worker 7
One of the most difficult battles in the game, even with Orlandu in the group you can have serious problems, as in addition to Worker 7, who is already very powerful, although slow, there are also three crows purple and two Hydras, have Mustadio and Beowulf in the group, and try to leave the Hydras with Don’t Act, as a fourth option have Agrias or Worker 8, have at least two characters with the item command, Ramza must be Lancer with Punch Art and Secret Hunt to try to get the skin of the hydras that can be exchanged for a good item in the Fur Shop, if you manage to paralyze the hydras, finish off the crows and then try to get the skin of the hydras, when you finish, finish off with Worker 7, after If he falls, he will use the auxiliary force to get up, just one more attack and he’s gone.

After the victory, the Dragon Kings enters the temple and using the power of the Zodiac Stone, transforms into a beautiful woman, Beowulf’s wife, now you can understand why he was so interested in saving the dragon, well, go back to Goug Machine City and you will see a scene where Mustadio’s father finds a time machine and it ends up bringing a strange man, the man is called Cloud and not understanding anything, he runs away, we will see him again later, now you must go to Igros Castle, Ramza will find his brothers, Zalbag and Dycedarg fighting, Zalbag reveals to Ramza that Dycedarg killed Larg and Dycedarg decides to kill them both, let’s do it:

Location: Igros Castle
Conditions for victory: Defeat Dycedarg
Zalbag will be on your side as a Guest, if he dies don’t worry as the objective is not to save him, Dycedarg has the skills of a Holy Knight so be careful, have your best warriors and finish off Dycedarg quickly, don’t pay attention to the Knights that accompany him, when Dycedarg is defeated, he uses the power of the Zodiac Stone to transform into the monster Adramelk, he makes Zalbag disappear and goes on the attack, he has some of Velius’ attacks and you can use Bahamut, but he will hardly do that, have Beowulf and use Silence on him, also have Worker 8, Orlandu and a healing character, attack without mercy and he will soon fall.

After the victory, a new location opens, but before going there, head to Zarghidas Trade City, you will see Cloud facing some bandits to save the flower seller, Ramza arrives and a battle begins, let’s go:

Location: Zarghidas Trade City
Conditions for victory: Save Cloud
This objective will not be difficult to achieve, as Cloud will have to escape from enemies that are actually very weak, a Monk, three Thives and two Squires, have a Chemist or Priest to always heal Cloud as necessary and have some Lancers or Knights to finish off the bandits.

After the victory, Cloud joins the group, he is at level 1 and will not be able to use his Limits unless you get his sword “Materia Blade”, it is located at the highest point of Beveria Volcano, near Riovannes Castle, enter a battle there and have a character equipped with the Germinas Boots accessory and the Move-Find Item ability, and reach the highest point to get the sword, now just fight until you learn all the Limits, when you’re ready go to Murond Holy Place

Location: Murond Holy Place
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
The enemy group is made up of Mediators, Geomancers and a Priest with Math Skill who should be your first target, as he can resurrect others with Raise 2, have characters that can attack from afar, such as lancers, chemists and geomancers, but this battle should not present great difficulties.

Save your progress and prepare for the next battle, you will face Vormav and his minions:

Location: Murond Holy Place
Conditions for victory: Defeat Vormav

This battle will be very easy, just deal good damage to one of the enemies and they will run away, have Orlandu in the group and the battle will end with the first attack.

Save and prepare for the next battle, this time you will face Zalbag transformed into an undead, although he doesn’t want to face Ramza he can’t control himself.

Location: Murond Holy Place
Conditions for victory: Defeat Zalbag
In this battle, have protection against Blood Suck and finish off Zalbag quickly, don’t pay attention to the demons as they are a waste of time, use spells like Holy, or the skills of Agrias and Orlandu , Zalbag should fall quickly.

Ramza greatly mourns the death of his brother, he meets a priest who was involved with Vormav but who was betrayed and mortally wounded by him, before he dies he reveals to Ramza that Vormav took Alma to a secret location in Orbonne Monastery, Ramza decides to head there, but before going, stop by Warjilis Trade City and you will see a scene in the bar where some people talk about a place called Deep Dungeon, after the scene, the Deep Dungeon is accessible right next to Warjilis, there are ten floors filled with powerful enemies and the best items in the game, here you can get the best Summon, as well as the skins of rare monsters with the Secret Hunt skill, when entering battles have at least three characters with Move-Find Item to try to find the hidden items, to move from one floor to another you must find the exit from this floor, when you do, a message appears, until then you must leave at least one enemy alive or you will have to fight on this floor again if you want to pass For the next one, another thing to note is that the battlefield is very dark, and as you kill enemies and they turn to crystal, they light up the place, although this doesn’t make a difference as the secret items will remain invisible. , on the first nine floors the enemies are random, and the objective is always the same, which is to finish them all, so I won’t go into further details, only on the last floor, which has the suggestive name of END, will you face an enemy called Elidibs, he uses the power of the Zodiac Stone to transform into a monster and wants the Zodiac Stones you already have, come on!

Location: Deep Dungeon
Conditions for victory: Defeat Elidibs
He will have the help of some demons, who are really stupid, as they use Bio1, 2 and 3, have your best warriors, the most recommended are Ramza with Lancer and the Two skill Hands, Orlandu and Agrias, with Two Swords if possible, a Calculator for healing and a Summoner with all the skills learned, finish off the demons quickly, there will come a time when Elidibs will use Zodiac, the most powerful Summon in the game, if you want to learn it your Summoner in master will have to be hit by the Zodiac and survive, good luck friend, because this won’t be easy at all, I must admit that I didn’t succeed, maybe it’s only possible with Game Shark, but you’re the one who knows, if If you achieve this feat, just use Orlandu and Agrias’ skills to finish off Elidibs. Ah yes, I almost forgot, in this battle you will have the help of a monster called Byblos, after the battle he joins the group, it’s up to you to accept him or not, personally I don’t like him very much, so much so that I didn’t even include him in the character list, but it’s up to you to decide.

Now just head to Orbonne Monastery, but be careful, this is a point of no return, only enter here if you have already done everything you had to do:

Location: Orbonne Monastery
Conditions for victory: Defeat all enemies
A very easy battle, the group is made up of Knights, Monks and an Archer, finish off the archer and then the monks, leave the Knights for last.

Save your game and prepare for the next battle, you will face Rofel, one of Vormav’s minions.

Location: Orbonne Monastery
Conditions for victory: Defeat Rofel
In addition to himself, the group is also made up of Wizards, Summoners and a Time Mage, forget about them and finish off Rofel quickly, as he has the same skills as Meliadoul and can be a serious problem, use characters that attack from a distance to make your job easier.

Before dying Rofel makes an incantation to take Ramza and the others to a place called Murond Death City, save your game and get ready to face yet another of Vormav’s lackeys, Kletian:

Location: Murond Death City
Conditions for victory: Defeat Kletian
Kletian is accompanied by Ninjas, Samurais and Time Mages, as in the previous battle, finish off Kletian quickly, as he has powerful spells like Dark Holy, use your best characters and heal whenever necessary.

Save and prepare for the next battle, you will face Balk again:

Location: Murond Death City
Conditions for victory: Defeat Balk
This is one of the most difficult battles in the game, Balk is accompanied by very powerful Behemoths and Dragons, Balk himself still has the same abilities as Mustadio and can paralyze your characters, have characters that attack from a distance, Lancers preferably, Mustadio will also be of great use and for healing, prefer a Chemist with Math Skill, finish off Balk before the monsters exterminate your group.

Save and get ready to face Vormav in a definitive battle, he uses the power of the Zodiac Stone to transform into the monster Hashmalum, let’s go:

Location: Graveyard of Airships
Conditions for victory: Defeat Hashmalum
Very easy, he comes alone and has little HP, but don’t hesitate, have protection against Stop and be careful, as he can use Meteor and Quake that cause high damage, have your best warriors to quickly finish him off, a good tip is to use Beowulf’s Drain spell which is devastating, as always Agrias and Orlandu will be of great help, have a character for healing just in case.

When you win, you get the Ragnarok sword, equip it on Agrias or Beowulf, save and prepare for the final battle, Hashmalum kills himself so that St. Ajora resurrects in Alma’s body, but soon the two separate and St. Ajora becomes the demon Altima and goes on the attack:

Location: Graveyard of Airships
Conditions for victory: Defeat Altima
She is accompanied by some demons, don’t waste time with them and go after Altima, in this battle Alma will help you as a Guest, have Beowulf, Orlandu, Agrias and a Priest for healing, when you don’t need to heal, use Holy on Altima, Beowulf goes with Drain, while Agrias and Orlandu use Lighting Stab or Holy Explosion, Ramza must be Lancer and use normal attacks, if equipped with Holy Lance he can cause damage of 999 HP, when defeated, Altima takes on another form and the demons disappear, but she doesn’t become more powerful, the only thing she does is use Despair, which nullifies the effect of Soul’s MBarrier, use the same scheme and soon she will be finished.

After the victory there is a big explosion, the next scene shows a cemetery where Alma and Ramza’s funeral is being held, everyone mourns the end of the Beoulves after 300 years of history, when everyone leaves, Olan arrives to place flowers on the Beoulve’s grave. friend and deeply regrets his death, when he then sees Ramza and Alma, alive, leaving forever in their Chocobos, a beautiful CG scene follows telling that a man called Durai, wrote Ramza’s story as it really happened , but the Church, to hide its involvement, had Durai arrested and confiscated his scriptures that were hidden for centuries, to later be revealed, after the credits, there is a final scene with the now King Delita and his queen Ovélia, I won’t say what It happens, but I guarantee that you will be surprised, and that’s all, thanks and until the next walkthrough.

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