Final Fantasy V – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Final Fantasy V – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

March 1, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

By: José Ricardo Fortes da Silva (Ash_Riot)

WARNING: This walkthrough was made playing a version of the game in Portuguese, so if you are playing the game in English or another language, the name of some items, monsters, places or abilities may be different, but nothing that will ruin your fun.



A young adventurer who left his home village to see the world, together with his faithful friend, the chocobo Boco, he ends up encountering a young princess and a forgetful old man and joins them on a journey to save the world from a terrible bad.

The princess of Tycoon, she sets out in search of her father who went to protect the crystal from the wind and disappeared, on the way she has the help of a young adventurer and an old man with no memory and later, also a mysterious pirate.

An old man who was found by Butz and Leena near a meteor and who remembers almost nothing, only his name and who has a mission to fulfill, over time, all the secrets of his memory are revealed between them, a terrible threat that could destroy two worlds.

A pirate with a mysterious past, who hides a big secret, he joins the group to discover more about his origins.

is Galuf’s granddaughter who stayed in his world, loves her grandfather very much and will do anything to help him against the terrible evil that threatens both worlds.

2 – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) of Final Fantasy V


In the Tycoon castle, the king leaves for the sanctuary of the wind because he feels that there is something wrong with the crystal that is there, he goes on a flying dragon called Hiryu, leaving his worried daughter Leena in the castle, meanwhile on a pirate ship, the captain feels that the wind has stopped, inside what appears to be a cave, a strange old man says that she must hurry, Leena notices that the wind is no longer blowing and thinks that something has happened to her father, at the Sanctuary of the wind the King arrives, but it is Too late, the crystal breaks, meanwhile in a forest, a young traveler and his chocobo rest when a meteor falls not far away, follow east to the meteor.


Walk a little and the young man will tell Boco, the chocobo, to wait at the entrance, walk a little further and you will see Leena being taken by two Goblins, time to save the princess, finish them off as they are very weak, after the fight, the young man introduces himself as Butz, you can change his name if you want, Leena thanks him and says he should go, when they hear someone groan walk to the right and you will see that old man lying down, talk to him and he says he doesn’t remember anything except for his name Galuf, Leena says he needs to go to the Sanctuary of Wind and Galuf says he should go there too, although he doesn’t remember why and asks to go with Leena, Butz says he will follow his path and says goodbye to them, go back to where Boco is and leave the forest and walk west, in the middle of the way, Butz becomes worried about the two and decides to look for them, an earthquake occurs, follow me ahead and finish off the Goblins on the way, soon Butz finds Leena and Galuf and takes them to a safe place, Butz says he will accompany them to the wind sanctuary, but the path was blocked by the earthquake and they will have to take another direction, go ahead to a cave, next to enter Butz tell Boco to stay there, continue forward until you see a fountain, it recovers HP and MP, take the opportunity to fight here until you reach Level 4 at least, then continue forward until you see a pirate opening a secret passage, take the Leather Helmet in the chest and equip in either one, open the passage like the pirate did and go in, go forward and you will see a ship arriving, the group finds it strange how a ship can move without wind, continue forward to the next door.


The group decides to hide on the ship, all the doors are blocked so, enter the ship and examine the helm, the group will be caught in the act by pirates who are commanded by Captain Farris, Leena asks him to take them to the sanctuary of the wind, but Farris notices that Leena wears a certain pendant and orders them to lock them in the basement, there the group starts a soft conversation, while Faris wonders why the Tycoon Princess has a pendant like hers, the next day Faris orders the group to be released and says he will take them to the sanctuary of the wind, but they ask how the ship will move without wind, Faris then introduces them to Syldra, a sea monster who grew up with her, he is the one who pulls the ship, head north and one of the pirates offers to take the ship to the sanctuary, accept and you will soon get there, disembark and enter.


Talk to the people on the left, one of them will give you 5 potions, they say that the King went to the top floor and hasn’t come back yet, go right and go up to the second floor, get a Tent from the chest and enter the door below , you will arrive at the first save point in the game, here you can also recover HP and MP using a Tent, save and move forward, go up the stairs on the right to get a Leather Helmet, go back and go to the stairs on the left to the third floor , go forward to a door with an animal blocking it, before facing it, enter the door on the right and get a Long Sword, equip it with Galuf, now let’s face the animal.

BOSS: Wing Raptor
His only dangerous attack is the wind attack that hits everyone and causes 20 to 25 damage, obviously you will have no other option than to use normal attacks and heal with potions whenever necessary, do this when he gets Protecting yourself with your wings, don’t attack him while he’s like this, when he’s exposed, keep attacking and healing whenever necessary.

Climb the stairs to the fourth floor and go straight to the next door to reach the crystal room, which is destroyed, King Tycoon appears and says that they are the chosen four and that they must protect the crystals, they will receive the power of the crystal of the wind and you will gain your first professions: Knight, Monk, Blue Mage, Thief, Priest and Wizard, enter the portal at the back of the room, the game will give you some explanations about the Final Fantasy 5 profession system, but don’t worry , later on you can see this explanation in good Portuguese, well, get on the boat and head south until you see a type of dam, then head west to reach Tule.


When you enter Faris and the sailors will go to the Pub to have a few drinks, go there and talk to the dancers, examine the chair near the stage to watch the show, then examine the piano to play it, this will be very important in the future, go up up to the second floor and you will see Faris sleeping in the room on the right, try to go in and Butz says he will take a look and when he gets close, he notices something strange and is surprised, when he notices Butz’s face, Galuf also goes to take a look and He is also surprised by something, Leena doesn’t understand and Faris wakes up, she says she wants to be alone, leave the Pub and go to the house on the left, this is the Begginers House, talk to everyone and you will receive several tips about the game, go out and buy new equipment and also your first spells, go to the bottom house to find Zokk, an acquaintance of Leena, she asks for the channel key so she can get to Worus, but Zokk says he lost it and invites the group to spend the night at the house, during the night Butz gets up and leaves the house, he starts to remember his past, about his parents and that his father had already talked about these crystals, when he goes back inside, Zokk hands over the channel key and asks him to take care of Leena, the next day try to leave the city and Faris returns to the group, he tells the pirates to stay in hiding, as this will be a long and dangerous journey (he doesn’t even know the half of it!), take the ship and after the conversation, head east to the Torna channel.


Butz will use the key to open it, fight here until you reach level 6 with everyone and keep moving forward, you will be caught in a whirlpool (or will it be a whirlpool, oh I don’t know!) and a monster attacks, get ready:

BOSS: Kalabros
He has an attack that reduces your HP to single digits, heals himself instantly, he is weak against thunder, so have two wizards using bolt, a priest to heal whenever necessary, the fourth character can be a knight or a monk, don’t use thiefs, he has nothing interesting to steal.

The ship manages to leave, but the monster is still alive and grabs Syldra, the two end up sinking and Faris has to be held by the others to not go after them, the ship drifts and after some time they end up in the ship graveyard. .


Follow the only path to a door, enter and go down the stairs, enter the middle door to get a Tent, go back and go to the right, now you will have to go underwater, Faris is not in the mood to get wet, but There is no other way, go down the stairs at the end and you will soon reach two doors, the top one leads to a Phoenix down, take it and go through the bottom one, get a potion from the chest and continue forward, until you reach a dormitory, the group decides to rest and dry their clothes, but Faris says he doesn’t need it, Butz and Galuf say he might get the flu and try to take his clothes off by force, when they discover that Faris is actually a woman, she says that was found by pirates when she was a child and pretended to be a man so as not to be used by them, well, after the explanations the group goes to sleep, the next day, go through the left door and save, exit and head east and then south, enter the cabin and get the world map, go down the stairs and get two antidotes and a phoenix down from the chests, go back and leave the cabin, go east jumping over the rocks, examine the chest to reveal a new path, follow it and the group feels something strange, Butz’s mother appears and calls him, so he is as if hypnotized, then King Tycoon appears and Leena and Faris are also hypnotized (strange, Leena is fine, but Faris…), then a little blonde girl appears who calls Galuf grandfather, but he doesn’t remember who she is and that’s why he isn’t bewitched, so the person responsible for this appears and Galuf manages to awaken the others, she then goes on the attack:

BOSS: Siren
At first she is immune to magic so use physical attacks, knights with Build Up are very useful here, after a few turns she changes color and becomes vulnerable to fire, have two wizards with white magic to burn her at this time and heal if necessary, she uses ice and Safe spells to increase physical defense, when defeating her you gain Bronze Armor.

Leave the cemetery and head east, then south until you see a city, head there.


Buy new equipment, healing items and spells, go to the Pub and play the piano, right here there is a secret passage on the left wall, if there is a thief in the group you can see it, go through it and examine the pots, in one of them there is 1000 Gil, that’s all to do here, leave the city and head northeast, until you reach a mountain.


Enter the cave, go down and get a phoenix down, go back and get the soft in the other chest, exit through the next passage, go up and enter the other cave, go straight to the other side and exit, be careful not to touch the plants purple, they poison you, cross the bridge and enter the next cave, save and move forward, Leena will see her father’s helmet and ends up being hit by a poisoned arrow, a strange woman appears and says she is after Hiryu and the group is in her way, let’s go:

BOSS: Magisa
Have two knights with Build Up and two priests with Black Magic, she can use the three level 1 elemental spells and has no specific weakness, right at the beginning use an antidote on Leena, use Build Up with the two knights and Safe on the two priests, when she loses more than half her HP she will call her husband Forza to give him a boost (damn, that was bad!), he only uses physical attacks, if you used Safe don’t worry about it, attack him with the knights and priests, heal whenever necessary and use elemental magic on Magisa to finish her off and prevent her from healing Forza.

Keep going forward and you will find Hiryu, but he is very injured and Leena will get a plant that can cure him but to do so she goes through the poisonous plants and when delivering the plant he falls ill, Faris gives the herb to Hiryu which improves and soon after heals Leena, the group can now use Hiryu to get to Worus despite the hesitation of Butz who is afraid of heights (what a beautiful hero this is, huh?!), fly to Carwen then head a little east until you see a river, now head south until you see a town next to a castle, land and enter the town.


Buy new equipment and healing items if you need, don’t buy spells now, we’ll come back here later, enter the leftmost house, examine the white pot to find the Glasses accessory, that’s all to do here for now, leave the city and head to the castle, when you enter go down the stairs, notice a button on the floor, if you step on it it will open a secret passage that takes you to the outer left part of the castle, but there is nothing interesting there, the door on the top right takes you to the basement, where there are good items, but there is also a very dangerous enemy that can kill the entire group quickly, we will go there later, the door below this takes you to the outer right part of the castle, if you follow it to the end you will reach a waterfall , behind it there is a secret location, but it’s also not worth going in here now, we’ll come back later, talk to the guard and go down the other stairs, talk to the Lone Wolf and answer Yes to let him escape, this will be very important In the future, do not enter the cell or talk to other prisoners, go up the two stairs and enter the door on the right to reach the library, go down the stairs and examine the pots, barrels and boxes to find some items and money, go back and go up the stairs, talk to people to find out about the old library, where there is more knowledge about crystals, step on the button on the floor and enter the door that appears, talk to the guy inside to find out about the Shiva invocation, leave the library and follow the middle door to reach the throne room, Leena tries to convince the king to stop amplifying the power of the water crystal or it will be destroyed, but the king ignores the pleas and says that this only brings benefits to the kingdom, when a noise is heard and a soldier arrives warning that a meteor has fallen near Worus Tower where the water crystal is, the king runs there, leave the castle, take the Hiryu and head northwest to the tower.


In this area there is an enemy called Wyvern, you can steal Mitril Daggers from him, talk to the soldiers and go forward until you find the king, talk to him and climb the vine on the left, get the Mantle from the chest, go back and continue forward, save and get the maiden kiss from the chest, continue forward to a room with three vines, climb the one on the left to get a Silver Ring, go back and climb the one on the right, get an ether and enter the next door, you will see a strange soldier trying to protect the crystal from a monster, but it ends up falling, now it’s your turn:

BOSS: Galura
He only uses physical attacks and has no weaknesses, so once again two Knights with Build Up must be used and two Priests with Black Magic for healing and using Safe on the entire group, with this there should be no problems.

Unfortunately it is too late and the crystal is destroyed and the knight apologizes to Galuf for not being able to protect the crystal and dies before saying anything to the old man, collect the crystal fragments to gain 5 more professions: Time Mage, Berseker, Red Mage , Summoner and Mystic Knight, but a crystal is in an inaccessible place, and the tower starts to sink, there is no way, we will have to leave it there, exit through the door that appeared and Syldra will rescue you using her last strength, after this he dies, take Hiryu and go back to Worus and buy new spells in the store, go to the castle and go to the throne room, go up the stairs to the right and talk to the king, he says you should go to Karnak, because a meteor also fell there, leave the castle and head to the meteor that fell near Worus Tower, inside go to the portal and Butz will disappear, the others will follow him and you will end up at another meteor, leave and head north, go around the mountain and head south until you see a city and a castle, enter the city.


Go to the Pub and play the piano, talk to the attendant and leave, the magic store is locked, if you want, rest at the INN and buy some healing items, go to the equipment store and try to buy something, the soldiers of Karnak they say that you are with the monsters since you left the meteor and they take you to Xilindró, there you will meet Cid, he invented the machine that amplifies the powers of crystals, but when he saw that this could destroy them, he tried to stop the machine and That’s why he was arrested, a nobleman arrives and says that Cid was right, because the crystal cracked and even stopping the machine the crystal’s power continues to grow, Cid says that the steamship must be sucking the crystal’s energy and says it will only help If he leaves Butz and the others free, the noble hesitates, but accepts the deal, Cid goes ahead and tells the group to prepare well before entering the ship, leave the castle, you will see some chests on the way but they are blocked by the flames, you can’t catch them now, go to the city and buy new equipment and spells, if you don’t have money, fight in the forest right next to the city, the only enemies that appear are the Wild Necks, they always come in groups of five, they give little experience and only 1 AP, but they give 625 Gil, which at this point is a reasonable amount of money, fight until you can buy at least the Ice 2, Cure 2 and Life spells, also buy at least two Ice Staffs, if If you’re not in a hurry and want to buy the other spells, it’s up to you, but only the three mentioned will be really necessary where we’re going, when you’re ready, head to the ship.


Cid will show you the entrance, go through the door on the right and enter the next one, enter the door straight ahead to get a Mitril Ring, go out, go up the ladder and go down another one straight ahead to get a Cottage, go up the ladder to the right, follow until the end and go in to get an elixir, go back and enter the northernmost door, pull the lever and exit, take the phoenix down and go to the next elevator, pull the lever and exit, enter through the pipe and go straight ahead until you get out of it, enter the next elevator and use it, you will end up in a place with 4 pipes and three elevators, counting the one you left, enter the third pipe from left to right to reach a chest with the Thief accessory Ring, go all the way through the pipe again until you reach the place with the pipes, now enter the second one from left to right, go up the stairs to the right, pull the lever and enter the door that opened, get the item from the chest and go back , enter the next door, and then the one on the left, save and continue, now a boring part, a lot of people are rude here, but the uncle will give the people a helping hand, just ahead there are three levers, one on the left, one on the other. right and one to the north, forming a triangle, pull in that order, right, north and left, cross the bridge that formed and pull the two levers at the end, go down, climb on the platform and pull the lever next to it, take the item in the chest and enter the next door, you will find the queen of Karnak, but she seems to be possessed and says that you are preventing her rebirth and therefore must be destroyed, she sends a monster to attack you.

BOSS: Fire Elemental (?)
Quarry, he can easily finish off a character and if you falter, with the whole group, have a Wizard with White Magic and equipped with Ice Staff, a Priest with Black Magic and two Mystic Knights with Build Up , during the battle he keeps changing shape as he is hit, in humanoid form he will counterattack your attacks with Fire 2, in one-handed form he becomes immune to magical attacks, use physical attacks, he counterattacks in the same way mode, in hurricane form he is more vulnerable to magical attacks, with the Mystic Knights use Ice 2 Sword and then Build Up for damage greater than 1000 HP, three or four of these will finish him off, but don’t think that’s the only way to do it. , as it won’t be easy and you will have to heal and revive a lot here, with the Priest use Cure 2 on everyone whenever necessary, with the Wizard cure if necessary and when not, use Ice 2, if you have the Ice Staff equipped the damage will be greater, when you defeat him you will get a Fire Bow.

The queen returns to normal and says that she was being possessed by an evil spirit, she indicates the way to the crystal, follow it, when you get there you will find a werewolf, he also knows Galuf, but before he can say anything a soldier Karnak, possessed by that spirit, turns on the amplifier machine, the others can’t do anything, the crystal is about to explode, the wolf man tells them to get out while he tries to delay the explosion, but the group tries to save him and ends up falling in a hole in the basement, the crystal explodes and the werewolf dies, with the crystal destroyed the castle’s flames disappear and without your power the castle will explode, you have ten minutes to leave the castle, if you don’t succeed, Game Over, you regain control at a save point, save, don’t change your profession or abilities to avoid wasting time, if you want, go back a screen and examine the pot to recover HP and MP, there are many chests in the castle, most have monsters inside, some have good items like elixirs and armor, in one of them you can also find the Esuna magic, if you want to try to get them all I advise you to be at a good level and finish the battles quickly, I won’t tell you where each chest is, it’s up to you to look for them If you want, I’ll just tell you the way to get out of here, from the save point, go forward to the dungeon, continue forward to the stairs, enter through the middle door and continue forward to reach the entrance, before leaving you you will have to go through a small obstacle, three dogs and a sergeant, quickly kill the dogs and the sergeant will transform into a Claw, he is not difficult at all as long as you have at least 3 minutes, less than that, the thing can complicate things for your side, finish him off and leave, the castle will explode, you will gain three more professions: Trainer, Geomancer and Ninja, go back to the ship and talk to Cid, he is depressed because he thinks all this is his fault and leaves , go to the city and go to a Pub, go up to the second floor and talk to Cid, but he doesn’t want to talk, talk to the people at the Pub to find out that Cid has a grandson who is in the old library, leave the city and follow west and then south, until you reach a place surrounded by a forest, on the way you will pass through a desert, DO NOT WALK THROUGH IT, or you may come face to face with Chimera, he teaches the great Blue Magic “Aqua Rake”, but you can finish your group quickly, we’ll come back here another time, enter the library.


Talk to everyone and you will learn that Mid went looking for a book and disappeared, enter the middle door and examine the pot to recover, go up the stairs and examine the book on the right to face a monster, go back to the first room and go down the stairs on the left, enter the door, lean on the bookshelf to open the way, examine the space on the left and follow the passage that appeared, go up the stairs and follow them to the end, go back a little and go down the stairs, examine the dark stain on the floor to open a secret passage, enter and you will be in a dark room, with just a circle of light around it, go down a little and go to the right to get an ether, continue forward to the next room, enter the door on the left, but the bookcase it won’t let you pass, go back, climb the stairs to the left and examine the books to open a passage, follow it and enter the next room, examine the book on the floor to face a boss:

BOSS: Ifrit
The only thing he does is use Fire 2, have a Priest ready for healing, otherwise use the same scheme you used against the Fire Elemental and you shouldn’t have many problems, when you defeat him you get the Ifrit summon .

Go back to the bookshelf that blocked the path and when you realize that Ifrit is with you, he will let you pass, in the next room go to the left and go down to a phoenix down, go through the corridor on the right and enter the next door, go through the other door and go forward to a staircase, go up and examine the books to open a passage, follow it and enter the next door, you will find Mid, but something doesn’t want you to talk to him:

BOSS: Byblos
He uses physical attacks and a thunder attack that causes reasonable damage, he is weak against fire, have a Mystic Knight using Fire 2 Sword, two Summoners, equipped with Fire Staff, using Ifrit and a Priest ready for healing .

Talk to Mid and he takes you back to the library entrance through a secret passage, he says he found a book with which he can make the steamship work and he needs to tell Cid, but Butz and the others say he is depressed. and about to give up, Mid then goes to Karnak, go after him and in the city go to the Pub and go up to the second floor, talk to Cid and he continues to be sad, but Mid arrives and manages to cheer him up, he shows him the book that found it in the library and the two go to the steamship, go after them and upon entering Cid tells the group to rest, they go down to the cabin and there Galuf has a memory, he has a granddaughter called Cara, that little blonde girl who appeared in the ship cemetery, remember? He also remembers that he came from another world on the meteor to prevent the black magician Exdeath from being released, he was imprisoned a long time ago and the power of the crystals kept him that way, if the four crystals are destroyed, Exdeath will return and spread darkness in the world. world, the next day talk to Cid and Mid and they say that the steamship is ready and that they will go to the library to see if they can find out where the earth crystal is, you can go there if you want, but first let’s go back to Worus, you can’t get there with the ship, so you’ll have to go through the meteor portal. Once there, head to the place behind the waterfall, remember? Once there, just move forward until you reach a large room with a shiny object in the center, examine this object to face:

BOSS: Shiva
She is accompanied by three soldiers and uses ice magic, have two summoners using Ifrit and this battle will be ridiculously easy, a Priest to heal and perhaps a Mystic Knight to provide support, when you defeat her, the summoners will be able to summon -there.

You can leave here through the door to the south, if you want you can also go to the basement, but only if you already have the Escape from the Thiefs skill, as the enemy there is still very powerful and if you get into a battle with him, run away, as the Unless you are at least level 25, it is almost impossible to defeat him, I don’t remember the items there, but I know they are very good, anyway, leave the castle and go back to where you left the ship, get them. o and head to the library, but don’t go in now, then head south along the coast, until you see a cave surrounded by mountains, get off the ship and head west, passing straight through the cave, until you reach a city.


Go to the Pub and play the piano, talk to the dancer for a little surprise, if you need to sleep at the Inn, buy new equipment, there is nothing new in the magic shop, that’s all to do here, leave the city and head to the cave to the north.


There is a very interesting enemy here, it is a gray squirrel, he almost always runs away at the beginning of the battle, but even when he runs away he leaves you precious 5 AP, in other words, this is a great place to improve your professions, when you enter, examine the skull further down, now go to where there are a lot of skulls, wait for just one to appear and examine it, follow the passage that opened, examine the open chest to open the door, enter and go forward until the path splits, on the southwest path, there is a Tent, on the northwest path there is a shuriken, take them and follow the north path and then west, take the item and follow it to the end of the cave, you can climb the wall only to reach a dead end exit, but remember this place, we will come back here, much later, when you are satisfied, leave the cave and now go to the Library, talk to Cid and Mid to find out about an island shaped like a crescent moon, leave and check the map, you will see an island with this shape in the southeast part, head there.


When you enter there is an earthquake, try to leave the city and you will see the ship sink (NOOOO, MY BRAND NEW SHIP!!!), go to the house on the right and play the piano, talk to the owner and he will teach you how Life Song that can be used by the Bard that you don’t have yet, there is nothing interesting in the stores, talk to people and one of them will say that he saw the legendary black chocobo, which can fly, leave the city and head to the forest to the south , when you enter you will see the black chocobo, but he is shy and you will have to catch him, when you do Butz will try to fly on him but he can’t, Faris discovers pieces of crystal on him, that’s why he couldn’t fly, you will get two new professions: Bard and Archer and you can fly on the chocobo, (the music that starts playing is sensational) but you can only land in forests, go back to the library and Cid and Mid will say that King Tycoon was seen in a desert to the east of there, follow there through the corridor between the mountains.


When you arrive you will see that you can’t move forward because of the quicksand, Cid and Mid arrive and say that there is a way, they will attract a monster called Sandworm, so that you can defeat him and then use his body as a bridge, they ask if you are ready, answer Yes, then:

BOSS: Sandworm
He keeps going in and out of holes in the ground, so it can happen that you use a spell on him and he changes holes before it is executed, his attacks are Quicksand, which hits everyone, causes around 50 HP per year and it still lowers its HP quickly, Demi takes half of the HP of whoever is hit, it is weak against water, so it would be good to already have the blue magic Aqua Rake, if that is not possible, the best option is the Ninjas, have two throwing Shurikens and weapons, a priest to heal and a Wizard or Summoner to provide support.

Before proceeding, Butz asks Cid and Mid to take the black chocobo back to the forest on the crescent island, keep going south, soon you will leave the desert, continue south to reach a deserted city.


Go forward and you will see the king going to the house below, follow him and he will go to the house above, go there and he will go to the left, go up the stairs and follow until you see him, but the group falls in a trap and ends up in a strange place, there Faris makes that typical Mexican soap opera revelation “Leena, I am your sister” (OOOOHHHHHH!!!!), after the exciting scene, go to the door ahead and go to the platform , the group will be transported to another location, below the growing island, leave there as the platform is collapsing, meanwhile, Cid and Mid arrive with the black chocobo in the forest, go to the next room and go down to reach a place with three rooms, go to the left room and examine the gray button at the end, go to the middle room, you can sleep if you want, examine the right side of the flower bed, now go to the right room and examine the note on the table, further to the right, go back to the room on the left and examine the brown pot on the left, a frog will come out of it and knock a book off the shelf, examine it and then examine the gray button again to open the way to three chests, containing two shurikens and the black magic Mini, leave this location and press the gray button to open the door to the north, but this also opens a trapdoor right under Cid and Mid, keep going forward and you will arrive at the ship at steam, continue forward and you will arrive at a ship with propellers, Cid and Mid fall from the sky, after a lot of idle talk, go down to the basement and talk to Cid he will make the flying ship work, but a monster grabs him and pulls him to down, let’s get rid of it.

BOSS: Crayclaw
The only attack he used was one that reduces a character’s HP to single digits, have a Priest to solve this problem, in addition you can use two Knights with Build Up and equipped with Coral Sword and a Wizard using Bolt 2, another option is to use Mystic Knights, either way this will be a quick and easy battle.

Back at the shelter, Cid and Mid say they will try to find out where the earth crystal is while the group explores the world with the flying ship, we will complete some optional events, head to Tycoon north of there and talk to the Chancellor, he asks to you spend the night there, during the night, Faris has some memories of the past, her real name is Sarissa, the next day walk around the castle and examine pots and barrels to find different items, go to the entrance and go through the door with a guard next door, go forward to a room with a lever, pull it to open a secret passage, follow it to find the chancellor, talk to him and get the items in the chests, for now that’s all you can do in Tycoon, exit and head north until you see a small village surrounded by mountains near the wind sanctuary.


This is Butz’s village, where he set off on his journey, enter the house just above the Inn and examine the little purple box, Butz will have yet another memory of the past, talk to the owner of the house and he will teach the Charm Song to the Bard, in stores healing items are sold at half the normal price, so take advantage, I also advise you to buy Fire, Water and especially Bolt Techs for ninjas, don’t buy Shurikens, as they are still very expensive, only in the magic store has the white magic Esuna, if you didn’t get it in Karnak, go to the Inn and sleep “for free”, during the night, Butz goes to visit his parents’ tomb and Faris follows him, Butz talks about his past and how your father was strong, the next day, leave Lix and head east to a town between two bridges.


In the armor store, there are very good items for sale, but also expensive for C!@#$%&, obviously you shouldn’t have the money to buy them, but in the future these items will be necessary, so be sure we’ll come back here, follow until some square-shaped flowers and walk around them, a frog will come out of the ground and give you the black magic Frog, there is nothing new in the magic shop, go to the sheep pen and notice one that is standing still in the leftmost corner, examine her from behind and she will kick you and throw you to the other side of the fence, talk to the guy with blue hair to learn the Love Song for Bard, leave the city and walk through the forest side until entering a battle:

BOSS: Ramuh
He uses thunder spells and an attack that leaves the entire group blind and can be learned by blue mages, have at least one in the group, he has no specific weakness, so the best option is to use Knights with Build Up, but don’t equip the Coral Sword or you will end up healing him, have a Priest to heal whenever necessary, when you defeat him you will gain the item Ramuh, use it so that the summoners can summon him

For now we have completed all the optional events, take the ship and head to Ruin City, you will see that the city is actually a large ship that rises very high where your ship cannot reach, return to the shelter on the crescent moon and talk to Cid and Mid, they say they can make the ship fly higher but to do that they need a mineral called Adamantium (Great, now we just have to find Wolverine and borrow some bones from him, he he he!), Galuf says he has some in the meteor he came in, the one that fell near Tycoon, head there then, when you enter Galuf will open a door, go in and get the Adamantium at the end, try to leave and something won’t want to leave.

BOSS: Adamantium Turtle
He is very resistant to physical attacks and has a powerful attack as well, the best option here are the Mystic Knights with Build Up, use Ice 2 Sword which is his weakness, have 2 priests using Safe on the entire group and healing whenever necessary.

When you defeat him, exit the meteor and return to the shelter, Cid and Mid will work on the ship while you rest, the next day it will be ready, to reach the large ship press the landing button and put it up and press it again, you will have to defeat four side cannons before you can enter, use your best thunder attacks to finish them off, if you want you can return to the shelter and rest after defeating each cannon, after defeating all four the main cannon appears, let’s go:

BOSS: Sol Cannon
Pedreira, he comes with two auxiliary cannons, and uses an attack that leaves you with Old status, which is a serious problem, I hope you bought a lot of bolt techs in Lix, have two Ninjas throwing this at him directly and two Priests for healing, when he loses his auxiliary cannons he will start using an attack that takes about three turns to charge and when it is used it hits everyone, takes away between 250 and 300 HP and makes your HP drop little by little, in this case Now the priests will be more necessary than ever, with the Ninjas keep throwing Bolt Techs and if they run out, throw everything I have at him (except the mother, of course), as this creature has a lot of HP.

Finally you will enter the ship, this is the biggest dungeon in the game so far, follow the only possible path to the stairs to the second level, here it is good to have the passage skill equipped, or a thief in the group, go to the chest with a Gold Armor and go down to the third level, go left, get an Elixir from the chest and continue forward, go straight through the stairs, get the Phoenix Down and go down the southernmost stairs, go up the next stairs and go straight to a chest with a Gold Shield, go back to the stairs that I told you to go straight through and go up the one on the right to a save point, use a Tent if you need and save, go back and go down the stairs on the left, go right until you reach a place with a door and a staircase on the side, go down the stairs and go to a room with five chests, but there are some traps here, have a Geomancer in the group to avoid them, take the items and go back to the door next to the stairs and follow it, go down the ladder and climb the next one, continue forward (be careful with the hole), in the next room, there is a door on the left and a ladder ahead, go up the ladder, recover, save and go back, follow the door until you reach in a door next to a staircase, the staircase takes you to two chests with a Cottage and a Phoenix Down, take them and go through the door, press the gray button and go down the stairs that appeared, you will find King Tycoon and he orders you to defeat the guardian of the earth’s crystal:

BOSS: Archeo Avis
He constantly changes his weak point, so it’s not a good idea to use elemental magic on him, his attacks are Bolt, from 100 to 130 HP of damage, Fire 2, about 150 and Blaze, about 250 HP of damage and still He quickly lowers what’s left, but he hardly uses this one, a good option is to have two Priests with the Geomancers’ Terrain ability, in this terrain they should almost always use the wind attack which causes good damage, also have two strong characters like Knights or Ninjas equipped with Build Up, when defeated he gets up again and is now immune to any type of magic, he also starts to use the Maelstron attack which can reduce everyone’s HP to single digits, now Priests must limit themselves healing and with others, use and abuse Build Up and if you have shurikens, it would be a good idea to use them now.

Follow King Tycoon to the crystal room, he is ready to attack them, but a meteor falls and Galuf’s granddaughter, Cara, arrives and casts a spell on the King who faints, upon seeing her Galuf fully recovers his memory and the King wakes up free from evil control, but the earth crystal breaks and Exdeath is freed, he uses the power of the crystal fragments to attack Butz and the others and then says he will destroy the world of Galuf and leaves, the King Tycoon then sacrifices himself to neutralize the power of the crystals, after his death, you will gain four more professions: Samurai, Lancer, Dancer and Alchemist, the ship begins to collapse and the group manages to escape on the flying ship, Galuf says that he and Cara they must leave immediately and tell them that Exdeath was an evil wizard who 30 years ago came to this world to destroy the crystals, but Galuf and three other warriors managed to imprison him, now that he is free, Galuf must leave to protect his world, they will travel at Cara’s meteor, Butz, Leena and Faris want to go along, but Galuf doesn’t let them, saying that the meteor only has energy for one more trip and that if they go they won’t be able to return, Galuf and Cara leave, go back to the shelter and go to the sleeping place, in the room on the right, on the table there is a note from Cid, saying that they were taking the remaining Adamantium to its place of origin, then head to Tycoon’s meteor, when you enter you will find Cid and Mid, they will place the Adamantium in the portal on the ground and see that it sucks energy from the mineral, Leena then asks if they can use this to restore the meteor’s power and reach the world of Galuf, Cid says that the Adamantium they have is not enough for this, but if you use the energy of the other three meteors together, you might be able to do it, so, head to the Worus meteor, but first stop by Lix and buy Water Techs if you don’t have any, at the meteor, talk to Cid and they they will enter and energize it, but before leaving something attacks them:

BOSS: Purobolos x 6
They are an improved version of the Bombs that you may already know, they are weak against water and ice, but if you use ice spells on them they will heal themselves and there may come a time when they will use Explode, which can be learned by the Blue Mages, but it will kill whoever is hit, another thing to note is that if you kill one, it will return a companion before dying, so the thing is to kill them all at once, to do this, have three ninjas playing Water Techs In them, about three should be enough, meaning you can finish them off in the first turn.

Go to the Karnak meteor and talk to Cid and he and Mid will enter the meteor, some time later they come out and say they can’t work because there is a monster inside, enter the meteor and follow until you find the one whose:

BOSS: Titan
I advise you to have characters with high HP like Monks or Knights, and a Priest to keep everyone’s HP full, use physical attacks which shouldn’t last long, but before dying he will use Quake which takes between 400 and 500 HP of everyone and if everyone dies it is Game Over, upon defeating him, Summoners will be able to summon him.

Go to the meteor in Ruin City and talk to Cid and Mid, they will enter but after some time, Butz gets worried about the delay and decides to go after them, enter the meteor and follow it to the end, you will see Cid and Mid being attacked by a monster, let’s go:

BOSS: Chimera Brain
Its most dangerous attack is Blaze, which you may already know, besides having a Summoner using Titan, a Knight using Build Up and a Priest to do you know what.

Now that the four meteors are energized, their energy comes together at the point that Cid shows on the map, make sure you have done everything you could do here, if you want you can return to Jacole Cave and evolve your professions a little more, when you are ready follow to the location indicated in the center of the map, just head straight east from where you are, enter the blue dot on the ground and Butz, Leena and Faris say goodbye to this world and leave for the world of Galuf.


The group will end up on a small island, apparently deserted and with no way to get out, the only enemy here is a goblin who poses no danger, when you defeat him you get a Tent, as this item is quite difficult to obtain, take the opportunity to stock up on some, when you are satisfied, use a Tent, during the night a monster takes Leena and Faris and attacks Butz, he is very strong and you must be defeated, but if you manage to win, a chest will appear, open it and you will see that he has a sleeping gas and Butz is captured anyway, they wake up in Exdeath’s castle who uses a magic mirror to show their image in the sky, upon seeing this, Galuf decides to go rescue them, with Cara’s Hiryu he He leaves alone for the castle.


Upon entering Galuf takes Butz, Leena and Faris’ things from the chest, as well as the crystal fragments, while Galuf is alone, it is better to use professions with high defense power, such as Knight, Lancer or Samurai, the bottom door is locked , the one at the top takes you to a Save Point, further ahead there is a fountain that recovers HP and MP, go back and go down the ladder on the left side, go to the next ladder and then another, you will find your friends, but first you will have to pass a small obstacle.

BOSS: Gilgamesh
Well, you only have Galuf and Gilgamesh has a reasonably strong physical attack, so don’t risk it, enter the fight as Samurai and use GP Toss to end the fight immediately, Gilgamesh will run away.

Now with the group together, go all the way back out of the castle, on the map, head west to a large bridge, now go forward and face the monsters that appear, when you arrive in the next room Gilgamesh is back, get ready if:

BOSS: Gilgamesh
At the beginning he uses physical attacks and Aero 2 which takes about 250 HP from a character, have 2 Samurais with Build Up and 2 Priests for healing, keep using Build Up, when he loses a good part of his HP he will appeal and use Safe, Shell and Haste on himself, use GP Toss with the samurai, one should be enough, two, he certainly can’t handle it.

Continue forward, defeating the monsters, until you find Cara, but Exdeath puts a barrier around the castle and she throws Butz and the others away, head east until you reach a city close to the mountains and inside a forest.


You can buy new spells and equipment here, but it’s all very expensive, if you want to buy everything now, you’ll have to waste a lot of time fighting in the forest, in the Pub there’s a secret passage in the left wall that takes you to the piano, play it o, go to the Inn and sleep, for free, during the night, a scene will occur between Butz and Galuf, the next day leave the city and head south, until you see the castle, this is Sealed Castle of Kuzar, when you enter, team the Escape skill, if you enter a battle, run away immediately, the enemies here are very powerful, keep moving forward, until you reach the place where the twelve legendary weapons are, which were used in a battle 1000 years before, you cannot get them now, then leave the castle and continue heading south, then east and then north until you see a square-shaped forest, enter it and you will find a Moggle, but he runs away scared and ends up falling into a hole, go after him, you you will enter a cave, when you enter the water you will be taken by the current, follow it until you reach a chest with 4400 GP, take the money and go down the stairs to the left, to go down, in the next room, just go forward , you will find moggle being attacked by a monster:

BOSS: Tyrasaurus
He only uses physical attacks and an attack that will kill whoever is hit, have two Priests using Safe in the group, healing and reviving whenever necessary and two Mystic Knights with Build Up and using Fire 2 Sword.

The moggle is grateful for having saved his life and asks you to follow him, he goes to a forest surrounded by mountains, follow the path he goes and avoid stepping into the desert to avoid problems, when you arrive in the forest step in the place where he stopped.


Talk to Moggle to the right of the last house and he will take you inside, take the items from the chests and go to the next house, put on Moggle’s clothes and go to the next house, talk to Moggle and he will unlock the chest, inside it an Elf Cape, go out and talk to the moggle in the first house, he will tell Cara’s moggle where the group is and she will pick them up at Hiryu.


When you arrive you discover that Galuf is the king of this castle, after a lot of conversation, let’s explore the castle, on the left there is a Hero Drink, a little below another chest, leaving the throne room, you will see a staircase on the right, no go down now, first go to the weapons and armor stores, buy what you can and climb the stairs at the bottom, keep going forward until you find an old man, take the item from the chest, and notice a little thing on the other side of the wall, more on the right, examine this place to open a secret passage, examine the center of the counter to receive a scolding from the vendors and then earn a Lamia Harp, now go down that staircase and you will arrive in the basement, there is a locked door, not for now you can really open it, but you can fight here with some stone knights, they can be dangerous if you hesitate, but they give a good amount of AP, so if you want to improve your professions a little, this is a good place, I just recommend it have a good stock of Softs, when you are satisfied, head to where Cara is and she will tell you that Hiryu is dying and that the only way to save him is with a herb called Hiryusoul that grows in the valley where Hiryu was born, go to the entrance and talk to the guards to leave, you will have to face a monster that is lying in wait, the boss battle music plays, but he is so weak that I won’t even go into details, turn around, after defeating him go to north to a city.


Head to the gate at the bottom, but it is locked, as are the shops and the Inn, enter the only house that is not locked and try to open the next door, which is also locked, try to leave and you will meet Kelgar, he says that Butz and the others are responsible for freeing Exdeath and challenge the hero to a duel, Butz manages to win with a technique that according to him, his father taught, Galuf and Kelgar then discover that Butz is the son of Dorgan, one of the four warriors who fought against Exdeath 30 years before, Kelgar opens the passage through the gate, go to the Inn and talk to the wolf near the table, sit in the chair to his left and he will serve you a drink that recovers HP and MP and will also give you 8 potions , you can repeat this two more times, that is, 24 potions, I know that at this point in the game, potions are obsolete, but for free, even forehead injections, in weapons and armor stores, some new things, but it’s not much It’s likely that you have money to buy it, unlike the magic shop, which doesn’t have anything new, examine the well in front of the shops and talk to the old man, he wants to give you an item in exchange for a toad, to get one is just fight on the map near the city and use a Trainer to capture one, but only do this if you have 10000 GP left, otherwise don’t even waste your time, otherwise you will get the Conago Jar, which makes it easier to capture monsters, go to where three wolves are walking in a circle, talk to them and one of them will teach you the Requiem Song, useful against the undead, that’s all to do here for now, leave Kelb and continue north to a mountain in the middle of the forest:


Go forward to a cave, exit the other side and enter the other cave on the right, take the Cottage from the chest and continue forward, cross the bridge and enter the cave, exit the other side and go forward, if you examine one of the skeletons will find the Bone Armor, but not the team, despite increasing defense, it has a very unpleasant side effect, enter the next cave and keep walking until you fall into a hole, get 7000 GP from the chest and enter the door, examine the cave , to open a passage outside, go back and enter the door to the north, leave the cave and go forward to the next one, take the left path to get two chests, take them and follow the right path, until a chest with a Phoenix Down, just below a door that leads to a save point, recover, save and exit, go through the exit on the left, in this area you can enter a battle in which a pink dragon, a black dinosaur and a stone monster (Golem), the dragon and the dinosaur start attacking Golem and he asks for your help, here it is good to have two Bards and use Requiem Song to finish off the monsters quickly without hurting the Golem and a priest to heal him If it suffers at least 500 HP of damage, when you get it you will get the Golem item, use it and you will be able to summon it, but continue forward until you find Hiryusoul, but she attacks you:

BOSS: Hiryusoul
I advise you to have two Ninjas, a Priest and a Summoner, keep using Techs and your best summons and heal whenever necessary, strangely he didn’t do anything to me other than resurrecting the little plants that accompany him, but don’t neglect and end up right with him.

Finally you will get Hiryusoul, if you want, use the Exit spell to get out of here, anyway, go back to Bal Castle, but the guards won’t let you in thinking you are Exdeath monsters, Galuf then shows a path through the moat, follow Take the right path to the end and examine the wall to find a Great Sword, now take the left path and pull the lever at the end to enter a secret passage, go to Cara’s room and she will be sick, she says that they need to talk to Guido, a 700-year-old wise man (damn!), head to where Hiryu is and Leena will try to give him the herb, but he doesn’t want to eat it and Leena eats some to try to convince him, even though she knows that Hiryusoul is poisonous to humans, Hiryu ends up eating it and getting well and Leena falls hard to the ground, Cara arrives and gives her the antidote, after a lot of conversation, with Hiryu head north to Hiryu Valley, then follow the only possible path until you see an island close to the mainland, land and try to enter the cave, but an earthquake occurs and the island sinks into the sea, guess who is responsible for this, well, head to Kelb and go talk to Kelgar, he says that Zeza, another of the four warriors, set out with his fleet of ships to destroy the tower that generates the barrier in Exdeath’s castle and you can help him, leave Kelb and go to where the island that sank was, then head west until you see a castle, go inside.


Pull the lever to the left of the gate, after talking to the guard, let’s explore the castle, go up the bottom left stairs and examine the red book to learn the Speed ​​Song, go down and climb the top stairs, go forward to the library , talk to the people and examine the book on the table, go down the next staircase and talk to the librarian, she asks you to put the books that are on the tables back on their respective shelves, from right to left put the first book on the “stu” shelf, the second on the “mno” shelf and the third on the “def” shelf, talk to her again and she will open a secret passage, follow it and exit and go down the next staircase, get 5000 GP chest and exit through the door below, go to the door on the right and go down the stairs, get the Time Magic “Float” from the chest and go all the way back to the throne room, going down the stairs on the right you will reach the shops, if you want ( and you can) do some shopping, there is nothing else to do here, leave the castle and head to the continent where Exdeath castle is, in the southeast part of the map, there, look for a bunch of ships and land on the biggest one, you you will meet Zeza and he says he has everything planned and asks you to rest, go down the stairs and then one more, go to the room on the right to rest, the monsters invade the ship, go to the deck and talk to Zeza, Gilgamesh is in the area, but before facing him you will have to get a little monster out of the way, there are two or three more on the deck, but you are not obliged to kill them, anyway…

BOSS: Gilgamesh
Have two Samurai using Build Up, a Priest using Safe in the group and healing whenever necessary and a Thief with White Magic, to steal the Genji Ring and support the Priest, its most dangerous attack now is Missile, which takes about 500 HP from a character, attack Gilgamesh, after a few turns another monster appears, Ekidou, and straight away uses White Wind, recovering 4000 HP from both, then forget about Gilgamesh and beat the crap out of Ekidou until you finish him off and avoid hassles, you can steal a Green Berret from him if you want, after defeating him continue your attack on Gilgamesh, avoid using GP Toss, as money is tight and at this point Build Up breaks the bank, when you beat him you get a Gold Shield .

Gilgamesh still tries to drag you to the bottom of the sea, but you are saved by Hiryu, follow Zeza to the ship’s hold, go down the next staircase and enter the room on the left, talk to Zeza and examine the other side of where he is to open a passage to a submarine, with it you will go through a tunnel to the barrier tower, you can rest on the floor below, get out of the submarine and talk to Zeza, he will use an explosive to open a passage.


Zeza says he will go to the lowest floor to stop the antenna’s power, while you go to the top to destroy the antenna, he gives you some type of communicator and if he goes, go up the stairs and save, in the next room there are two chests, one has money and the other a Blood Sword, but you will have to face a monster, quite annoying, go down through the bottom door and now just move forward, taking the chests on the way, until you reach a part where there are two doors, go through the on the left for another chest with a monster, beat it to get a Hairpin, which cuts the MP cost in half, now go through the door on the right, save and continue forward until you reach the antenna, Zeza tells you that he managed to turn off the strength and that you must destroy the antenna, but something says it will stop you:

BOSS: Atomos
There is only one word to describe this thing: Apelão! Right away he will use Comet which should kill one or two characters and the dead characters will be sucked into it if they are not resurrected soon, so we have no other option but to appeal as well, get into the fight with two Samurai and two Priests who will have the only function is to resurrect whoever dies, don’t even try to heal as it’s a waste of time, with the Samurais use GP Toss until you can’t anymore, good luck.

The antenna is destroyed, but Zeza is trapped in the engine room, Galuf wants to save him anyway and Butz is forced to knock him out so they can escape, you will end up in the submarine, talk to Galuf and he asks you to wait one more a little, wait about a minute and Galuf gives up, now the submarine is yours and with it you can reach Guido’s cave, go to the point in the center of the map and enter, continue forward until you reach a place with five chests arranged in in the shape of a cross, in the center chest there is a stone, take it and put it in the upper left chest, enter the door that opened and press the button, go back and put the stone in the lower left chest, go through the door and go down the stairs then, go down to the leftmost part to discover a passage to a button, press it and go down the ladder that appeared, now follow the hidden passages until you find a turtle in the water, jump into the water and you will find the turtle , who is nothing more, nothing less than the wise Guido (it’s explained because he is 700 years old), he says that Exdeath is in the forest of Mua, the place where he was born 500 years ago, that he is looking for something that is there, Guido Give the group a branch from the oldest tree in the forest, with it you can enter it, use the Exit spell to leave here and go to the westernmost point of the map, go to a very narrow and dead-end place and then go up to the surface, you will emerge at a small lake with a town to the west, enter it.


Buy new equipment and especially new spells, if you don’t have money, fight outside the city until you have at least the spells Cure 3, Fire 3, Ice 3 and Bolt 3, in the Pub, play one more piano, for now, that’s all there is to it. To do here, when you’re ready, head to the forest east of town.


Butz will use the branch to open a path, go forward to a chest with 2500 GP, go right to a chest with an Ether, examine the hole in the tree right next to it to open a passage, go through it and come out on the other side, going straight ahead there is another tree with a hole, but before going through it, there are two more chests in this area, containing good money, be sure to get them, follow the passage and in the next area, go right until a chest with a Morning Star, go left, until you hear a noise and you discover that Exdeath has set the forest on fire, you will be surrounded by flames, keep walking until a moggle appears, fall into the hole he opened, in the cave use the fountain below to recover wait until the moggle gets out of the way, go back to the surface and get the Flame Shield from the chest, go left and get the Flame Sword, now head north until you find a large tree, the master tree, guardian from the seal, after the conversation, enter the tree and you will be attacked by four strange beings;

BOSS: Sealed x 4
They can use all level 3 spells and blue magics such as Aqua Rake and Aero 3, if you want to learn them have a blue mage in the group, in addition, if you want a quick battle, have 2 Samurais and use GP Toss twice, that’s it, have at least one Priest just in case.

Exdeath appears and thanks her for saving him the trouble of breaking the seal, then the 4 Sealeds turn into crystals and Exdeath uses their power to attack the group, in Bal Castle, Cara senses the danger and heads to the tree, she attacks Exdeath, but he soon gets up and sends a spell to kill her, Galuf gets up and despite the great power of the crystals he resists and manages to save Cara and then goes after Exdeath.

BOSS: Exdeath
Despite Galuf’s HP reaching zero, he doesn’t fall, even if Exdeath sends a devastating combo of spells like Flare + Holy + Meteo, so don’t worry about healing, send your most powerful attacks until he gives up.

Exdeath gets up and disappears, Butz and the others get up and go to the aid of Galuf who is on his last legs, he asks the four to defeat Exdeath, Butz, Leena and Faris try everything to revive him, Cure 3, Life 2 , Phoenix Down, Elixir, but the injuries are too serious, there is nothing to do, Galuf dies.

When she regains control, she keeps walking until Cara feels that her grandfather is calling, she leaves the tree and Galuf, using the power of the master tree, transfers all his abilities to his granddaughter, Cara then joins the group and says that they have We want to go to Exdeath castle, so let’s go, you should already know the way.


The door that was previously locked is now open, before going through it you can go to the fountain to recover, going up to the second floor, take the items from the chests and go to the third floor, you will arrive at a dead end. exit, try to go back and Cara says that this is an illusion of Exdeath and asks for help from Galuf who appears to Kelgar in Kelb, Kelgar then uses his last strength to destroy Exdeath’s illusion and also dies, now the hassle is over, the castle revealed its true form and the enemies are stronger, so be careful, go through the door that appeared to the fourth floor, follow it until you see a green lever, press it to open the way to a chest with an Ice Shield, go forward to the stairs to the fifth floor, go north to the end, you will see a chest next to a door, go through the wall and get the Ether, go to the sixth floor, use the Float magic on the group and go down the lava until you see a chest on the right, there is a Storm Bow, take it and follow the path to the stairs, get the elixir from the chest and go up to the seventh floor, now step on the skull and the platform will keep moving until you press the action button, depending on where it stops you can get two weapons from the chests or head to the eighth floor, if it stops somewhere else, you will face a very annoying monster, either way, go to the eighth floor, use the skill Passage to get to the chest with an elixir, go to the other chest with 9900 GP, and go up to the ninth floor and then straight to the tenth floor, go down the stairs right next to it, to go back to the ninth, use the Float to walk on the lava, follow it to the end and climb the ladder to get money from the chest, go back and climb the ladder on the right, follow it to some skulls, when you step on the first one, the path to the ladder below disappears, leave it for now, now you you will see a bunch of skulls in a trio, the secret is not to step on the skulls in the middle, get the Gemini Lance from the chest on the right, and step on the skull in the north corner, you will be transported to a staircase, climb it to reach an optional boss:

BOSS: Carbuncle
I have good news and bad news, the good news is that he is weak against almost everything, the bad news is that he always has the Reflect status, so spells don’t even think about it, GP Toss doesn’t work on him either, so the best option is the Mystic Knights with Build Up, use Ice 3 Sword and Build Up on him, pray you don’t miss, (as he has a high evasion) and you can even kill him with a single hit, have two Priests for healing, as he also He has a high magical power and even the level 2 spells he uses can cause serious problems, when you defeat him you gain the Carbuncle invocation.

Go back to the floor with skulls and step on the one in the south corner, go down the stairs and save, enter the next door and ignore the chest for now, go up the stairs to the right and get a Partisan and a Fuuma Shuriken from the chests, go back and now yes, open the chest, but it is empty, try to climb the stairs ahead and an old acquaintance arrives to the party:

BOSS: Gilgamesh
This time he has been using attacks that cause negative status, if you have equipped the Ribbon helmet on your characters, use your most powerful attacks and heal whenever necessary, after a few turns, Gilgamesh changes form, keep attacking and healing, until Exdeath loses his temper and sends Gilgamesh to another dimension.

Climb the stairs ahead and enter the next door to find Exdeath, he says that his objective is to return the world to its original form and you won’t be able to stop him, let’s go:

BOSS: Exdeath
He has a powerful physical attack and often uses combos of physical attack followed by magic, in addition to having a high defense, the scheme here is as follows: have two samurai with Build Up and two Priests with the Alchemists’ Mix skill, use the Potion + Dragon Tooth mixture on the Samurai to double their attack power, then alternate between Build Up and GP Toss to try not to spend too much money, with the Priests use Safe and Shell on the group and heal whenever necessary.

With Exdeath apparently defeated, the castle begins to shake, the group faints and ends up in a green field, Leena and Faris recognize the Tycoon castle in the distance and conclude that they have returned to their world.


Before heading to the Castle, remove all equipment from Leena and Faris, upon entering, the Chancellor will throw a party for the return of Princess Sarissa, better known as Faris, during the party, controlling Butz, follow Cara and talk to her, the two decide to leave, without Leena and Faris, leave the castle and head west to the cave where you left Boco, when you get there you will have a surprise, Boco is not alone, he presents a “friend”, a female chocobo called Coco, now with Boco head north from Tycoon’s castle, until you reach Tule Village, then head a little west, and enter a narrow passage between the mountains, walk a little and you will fall into a hole, and a monster attacks you:

BOSS: Antlion
He has no really dangerous attack, Sonic Wave reduces a character’s level by half and can be learned by a Blue Mage, in addition to the physical attack which is not a big problem, have two wizards with White magic and send any Level 3 magic doesn’t last long.

Wait some time and someone throws a rope, they try to catch it and the person who threw it keeps playing an annoying joke with Butz, after a lot of anger, the group finally leaves the cave and discovers that the person who threw the rope was Faris , she says that the life of a princess was not for her and fled the castle, but Leena stayed there, now with an extra member, head south to a cave, enter it and you will find Guido, then you will discover that the two worlds came together into one, Guido says that 1000 years ago the two worlds were one, but a great evil called Enuo appeared and created the Void, a terrible power that almost destroyed the world, but with the help of the twelve legendary weapons, humans managed to defeat Enuo, but they were unable to get rid of the Void, so they split the Crystal that supported the world in two, with this the world was also divided and the power of the Void was trapped in the space between the two worlds, called the Cleft of Dimension, at that moment Exdeath appears and says that his objective was to unite the two worlds to obtain the power of the Void, then a black hole appears and swallows Tycoon’s Castle. The group tries to attack Exdeath, but it is useless, until Guido joins the fight , but he uses a magic that sends them away, you will end up in the ancient library, when you enter, you will meet the wise men of Surgate, they will unite the two parts of the sealed book and Guido will say that you must break the seals of the twelve legendary weapons and to do this you must get the four stone tablets that are in four different locations, the first is in a pyramid, in the desert west of the library, go there, passing through the main tree of the Mua Forest.


Try to enter and the statues next to the door attack you, prepare yourself:

BOSS: Gargoyle x 2
The biggest problem here is that they must be defeated at the same time, or one immediately resurrects the other, so the most effective way is to use GP Toss, two will be enough and you may not even need to heal.

Butz use the book to open the door, enter and go through the door to the left, go up to the second floor, kill the snakes and press the three blue buttons on the wall, go up to the third floor, here you will find three chests, all they with monsters, but with good rewards, get them and go to the stairs to the room, but be careful, as it disappears and you slip on poisonous thorns, wait for the thorns to disappear, and go up quickly, the fourth floor is infested with monsters and to follow the path, you will have to go through some of them, collect the items and climb the stairs on the left to reach a save point, save and go up to the fifth floor, here there is a secret passage in the east wall, going through it you will face a slightly more powerful enemy, but it’s not a very serious problem, finish him off to gain a good amount of AP, on the path to the north there are two chests with monsters inside, take what’s inside and climb the ladder in the south part to reach the sixth floor, press the blue buttons to stop the movement of the sand and climb the stairs to the south to reach the seventh floor, then go straight up to the eighth floor, here the floor keeps changing, try to open the three chests on this floor place and fall into the hole to return to the seventh floor, get the elixir from the chest and follow the passage to the north, on the right there is a chest with 10000 GP, take it and go left, there is another chest with an elixir, get it and go forward until the stairs to the eighth floor, at the top take the path on the right and get the items in the chests, one of them has monsters, go back and take the path on the left, open the chests and go through the door to the north to finally find the first stone tablet, take it and you will stop outside the pyramid, then you will see Bahamut appear and say that he will be waiting for you on the mountain to the north, later we will have a little chat with him, but for now , exit the pyramid, recover, save and make your way back to the library, but upon arriving at the master tree, Hiryu arrives bringing Leena, but she is possessed by a demon and attacks, Exdeath then appears and says that the monsters existing in Cleft of Dimension are now his minions, then he uses the power of the vacuum to disappear with the library, after he leaves Hiryu, in an act of desperation, attacks Leena and she separates herself from the demon, the time has come to face him:

BOSS: Merugene
The biggest problem here is that she keeps changing her weak point, so it wouldn’t be good to use mages in this battle so as not to end up healing her, have two Monks using Build Up and a Priest for healing, she uses level 3 spells and sometimes it leaves a character confused, if this happens attack him with the priest before he causes any problems, this will be a battle of patience.

Leena is back with the group, head to the ship northeast of Surgate, the group heads to Kuzar’s castle, when Exdeath uses the power of the vacuum to level several cities, including Lix, which leaves Butz completely out of control. control and he starts flying the ship like a madman and only with great difficulty do the girls manage to calm him down, when you regain control you will already be over Kuzar, land and enter, you will find some Tycoon survivors, talk to the prime minister and He will read a book that gives some tips on where the other stone tablets are, go to the weapons room and examine the altar ahead to use the tablet, you will only be able to get three of the twelve legendary weapons, I suggest you take the sword Excalibur, the Yoichi Bow and especially the Holy Lance, leave the castle and head to an island with a bridge south of here enter the building there.


When you enter you will face two more Gargoyles, just use the same scheme as before and go forward there is a secret passage in the wall on the right that leads to a chest with 12000 GP, take it and go back, go through the door on the left and enter through pipe you will arrive in a room with two levers, pull the one on the right and go back through the pipe, take the item from the chest and go back, pull the one on the left and go through the pipe, take another item and go back, now pull the one on the right again and go back through pipe, defeat the monster in the chest to get a Rising Sun and go through the door on the right to reach a save point, do the usual and go forward to reach a large room, collect the items there, including a Crystal Helmet and go up the stairs to the north to the third floor, enter the door straight ahead to get the Beast Killer in the chest, go back and go left to the stairs to the fourth floor and from here straight to the fifth floor, have a character equipped with the Elementalist’s Trap skill to avoid the various holes in this room, collect the items and move forward to another save point, recover, save and continue forward to reach the seventh and final floor, open the two chests here and continue forward forward to the stone tablet, but one of Exdeath’s demons came to try to stop you, get ready:

BOSS: Stoker
There are four, but only one is real and if you attack a fake one he attacks with the Blaze magic which is very inconvenient, he also has an attack that paralyzes a character, if you got the three legendary weapons that I recommended, then enter the battle with a Lancer, a Knight and an Archer equipped with their respective weapons to make things a little easier and a Priest for healing, there’s not much to say here, just attack until you find the real one and detonate it.

Take the sign and the Fork Tower, where the most powerful White and Black magic, Holy and Flare are now accessible, before going there let’s go back to Kuzar’s castle to get three more weapons, choose the ones you want and if If you need to go to a city to renew your stock of healing items, when you’re ready, head to a tower west of Crescent, in the place where the entrance to the shelter used to be.


When entering the group you will have to split up, you will have to choose who will go to each side, send two characters with magic professions along the left path and two characters with strength professions along the right path, now just keep going forward, without mystery, up to the top of the tower with each group, now each one will have to face a boss and the first one is the one in the right tower:

BOSS: Minotaur
He is quite easy, as he only uses physical attacks, the best option here is to have a Knight equipped with Excalibur using Build Up and an Archer equipped with the Yoichi Bow using Aim, or if you don’t mind spending a little money , use GP Toss, heal with items whenever necessary, after defeating him it will be the group in the left tower’s turn.

BOSS: Omniscient
Get ready to test your patience, as this is one of the most frustrating battles in the game, to begin with you can only use magic on him, if you try to use any skill that doesn’t use MP, he uses the Reset magic to restart the battle , the worst thing is that the guy has a very high magical defense, and you will be able to cause a maximum of around 650 damage, he can use a multitude of attack spells and negative and positive statuses, so let’s get to the strategy, if you have a Blue Mage with the Aero 2 spell would be a good choice, otherwise go for Wizard, the other must be a Summoner, both with the Mix ability, right at the beginning use Carbuncle to reflect most of your spells and then use Titan, if he uses Float , start using Ifrit or Ramuh and if your MP runs out, use the mixture Ether + Hi Potion to fully recover it, remember, patience is the soul of the business, good luck!

Now you have the Holy and Flare spells, the tower disappears, enter the shelter and go to the room after the save point, go down the stairs to find Cid, he will modify the ship that will now be able to travel underwater, go to the rightmost part of the map and dive, examine the map and head to the furthest point of the continent.


When you enter, two more Gargoyles attack you, now you should know what to do, after defeating them, go forward until the path splits, to the south there is a chest with a Water Tech, take it and go down the stairs to the east, save if you want and move forward, examine the first skull to follow the path, go forward and ignore the second skull, on the next screen, examine the fourth skull from left to right, ignore the others, go down the stairs and use the Float spell in the group to go through the lava, get the Dragon Tooth from the chest to the north and go down the next ladder and head east through the lava picking up the items on the way, go down the ladder to get to the dwarven kingdom, well, the kingdom is exaggerated, as there is only five dwarves in the location, in the door on the right you can buy new equipment, give preference to armor, going along the long path to the southwest you will find a dwarf who is digging a tunnel, he says he heard a strange sound above and a new location is shown on the map, memorize it, go back and go down the stairs to the south examine all the skulls in this location to deactivate the lava at the top, get the Kaiser Knucles from the chest and examine the chest on the left to open the way, go forward to reach the third stone tablet, but when trying to take it, more of Exdeath’s minions arrive for the party:

BOSS: Triton, Nergade and Phobos
A very tough stop, they have little HP compared to more recent bosses, but they can use level 3 spells and other very annoying ones, like Rainbow Wind which causes Blind and Silence, if you kill one of them, he will resurrect and counterattack with Delta Attack that petrifies the target, but there is good news, they are undead and a good way to finish them off is to use Requiem Song, do this with two characters and have two others as Priests for healing.

You get the third stone tablet and as a gift, take the Time Magic Meteor, go to Kuzar and get three more weapons, now go to the Pirate Hideout which is in the central part of the map, in a cave surrounded by mountains, go to where the pirates and Faris will feel Syldra’s presence, after the conversation, Syldra joins the group as a summon, leave this location and head to a set of islands in the southern part, remember the location that the dwarf gave you? Well, go to that area and look for a small forest, walk through it until you enter a battle, you will end up at…


When you enter here, have the Passage skill equipped, go to the armor shop, but don’t buy anything from this guy, examine the top of the bench to open the way, follow the secret passage to another seller, he sells very good rings but they cost absurd 50000 GPs, sell everything you find useless and try to buy at least 2 Coral Rings (you should already have one with you) as you will need them a lot a little further on, in the magic shop, enter through the secret passage on the left side to reach the seller with new spells, the most interesting ones to acquire now, if you have the money, are Osmosis, Quick and Full Life, the others can be left for later, now head to the Pub, but not in front, there is a door on the side from the back, get the Thief Knife from the second to last barrel from top to bottom and go down the ladder and talk to the guy here, he says he will give you a gift if you go around the world in a chocobo, I tried several times with the black chocobo and he didn’t give me anything, if he’s talking about Boco, it’s impossible, if anyone knows what I have to do, please write to me, continue forward and enter the house to the south, here is a pot that recovers HP and MP, go to the next room, go down until you can’t go any further and notice the secret passage on the left, we’ll go through it later, first go right and ignore the door in the middle of the way, as you can’t enter it now, go up the stairs to the north to get to the back of the weapons store, buy at least 15 or 20 Bolt Techs from the guy ahead, now go back to the secret passage and go straight through the stairs to get to the last piano in the game, play -it to become a master, now go up the stairs to find the black chocobo, take it, go to Crescent, go to the house on the right and play the piano there, talk to the guy with the hair blue and he will teach you the Power Song and the Hero Song, leave the city and head to the large desert in the northeast part of the map, land in the forest and take a long path to the southern tower.


Upon entering you should notice that there is apparently no way forward, well, examine the wall straight ahead to reveal a staircase, it will be the same on most of the following floors, except that on some you have two doors and one of them is a monster, but they both lead to the same place, other than that, this place has no mystery, just go forward, on the fifth floor you will see two bottles, the one on the left contains 5000 GP and the one on the right leads to a battle against a monster called Magic Pot, he asks you for an elixir, give it to him to gain a precious 100 AP, keep going up and on the tenth floor two more bottles, one with 10000 GP and the other with another Magic Pot, keep going up and on the fifteenth floor there are more two bottles, with 15000 GP and another magic pot, go forward until the twentieth floor where there are two more bottles, with 20000 GP and a magic pot, go forward and on the twenty-fifth floor there are two more, this time with 25000 GP and a Magic Pot, now just follow five more floors to the top, where you will find Leena’s Hiryu, she remembers when her mother was very sick and her father said that only the tongue of a Hiryu could cure her, Leena then goes As far as he is thinking about killing him, the maid tries to stop her saying that he is the last Hiryu in the world and asks if she really wants to kill him to save her mother, choose any option, anyway, the Hiryu will sacrifice and become the Phoenix summon, leave the tower and return to Mirage Town, if you can buy a fourth Coral Ring and some more Bolt Techs, now head to a waterfall in the northwest part of the map, from there follow the river south until you reach the ocean, then dive and with the submarine enter the cave to the east, go forward until you come out on the map, cross the small desert and enter a cave behind the waterfall.


Kill the gargoyles at the entrance and go forward, get the items and enter the door to the north, go down the stairs on the right and get the Giant Drink to the south, go to the skull, it deactivates the waterfall ahead, but it’s a close call time, have the Dash skill equipped, examine the skull and immediately run to the chest to get a Protect Ring, now go down the stairs to the south, in this area there are two chests containing a Phoenix Down and a Wall Ring, take them and go down the Next staircase, save and recover if you need to, in the next area everything is dark, have a character with the Trap skill to avoid some traps, go south and climb the stairs to reach a chest containing the Artemis Bow, go back and get another item to the southwest, now go to a door to the northwest and get another item in the next room, go back and go down the stairs to the south, get the items from the chests scattered around the place and examine the skull further southwest to remove the stakes surrounding the chest, take the item and fall into one of the holes to reach the stone plate, take it and try to leave, another of Exdeath’s monsters appears to try to stop you, but then Leviathan also appears and finishes him off, you can face him now or come back later if you think you’re not ready, either way…

BOSS: Leviathan
In addition to the physical attack that causes reasonable damage, he uses Aqua Breath that causes around 300 damage to everyone and the worst of them High Tide that causes more than 800 to everyone, but if you have all four equipped with Coral Ring, neither worry about that, he is weak against thunder, so have 2 Mystic Knights with Build Up and use Bolt 3 Sword to deal 9999 damage and end the fight quickly, a Summoner using Syldra also helps as well as a Ninja playing Bolt Techs, As always, have a Priest for healing, when you defeat him, you get a Wall Ring in addition to the Leviathan summon itself.

Leave this location and return to the submarine, head to Kuzar to get the last weapons, if you want you can now go to Cleft of Dimension, but there are still some optional events to complete, head to the large lake south of Phoenix Tower, dive into it and enter the tower to the north.


Remember when we were here the first time and had to leave a crystal behind? Well, it’s time to get it, the problem here is that you can only hold your breath for 7 minutes, so don’t waste time, until you reach a seemingly dead end, fall into the hole on the right and now just move on. forward to the crystal, avoid all the battles so as not to waste time, when you reach the crystal, try to get it and something will try to stop you:

BOSS: Gogo
To start with, you’d better have at least 4 minutes of breathing space, he says he’ll imitate everything you do and that to win you’ll have to imitate him, but he doesn’t do anything on his own, so the secret to winning, DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, let time pass and after about three minutes, he gives up and leaves and you still get 50 cool AP and the last profession, Mimic.

Leave this place and go to where Boco is, take him and go east to Kuzar, then go north to Rugor and then west to Istory waterfall, walk along the top of it until you enter a minimum space, go to the edge and press the action button to get the Magic Lamp, this item allows you to use a summon once from the strongest to the weakest, ok, now head to Jacole Cave south of the waterfall and west of Bal Castle.


Just follow the same path as the first time to the wall you can climb, you will come out in the basement of Bal Castle, after the locked door, you can unlock it now, go forward until you find Odin, choose talk to him and choose Yes twice to face it:

BOSS: Odin
You have one minute to beat him, or it’s gone, have three characters with the GP Toss skill equipped and boss him around without mercy, about four should do the trick, have a Priest for healing, when you beat him, you gains another invocation.

Leave the castle and go get the Black Chocobo, head to the great desert in the Northeast and land in the forest, this time, head north to the mountain and enter.


You’ve been here before and should know the way, so head to the top and prepare to face Bahamut.

BOSS: Bahamut
He attacks like Atomic Ray and Flame Wave that deal 600 to 700 damage to everyone, (I know it’s difficult, but it would be a good idea to have everyone equipped with Flame Rings to avoid this), in addition to the powerful physical attack , but the worst of all is the Mega Flare that he uses when he is almost dying and that should annihilate the entire group immediately, but the good news is that, just like in Final Fantasy IV, it can be reflected, enter the fight with a Summoner, an Alchemist with Mix for healing and two other characters with GP Toss, it’s good to have saved some money for this battle, or things will get very difficult, with the Summoner first use Golem to avoid the physical attack and then use Carbuncle and then start using Leviathan, when he uses Mega Flare, if everyone still has Wall, he will end up killing himself and you get the most powerful summon in the game.

These were the last optional events to be done, it’s time to go to the Cleft of Dimeinsion Final Dungeon, you can access it from any black hole in the world, go to a city, renew your stock of healing items and let’s go for a end to Exdeath’s plans.


You start in a desert, go east to a door, the monsters from Exdeath appear and say that you will die and that the world of darkness will be born and blah, blah, blah… Enter and you will be in a place similar to the Shelter, go down the chain and go to the next room, take the items from the chest and go down the stairs to the south, go down the chains and follow them to three more, go up the one on the right for an Elixir, go up the one on the left and enter through the door, follow the path on the right for a chest containing a Bloody Sword, follow the other path and enter the door, go up the chain and you will arrive in Mirage Town, everyone here is frozen, so don’t even waste time trying to talk to them, go straight to the city entrance, recover – go to the pot on the way, you will arrive in a dark forest, go north until you can’t go any further and then, west, north, east and south until you reach the tree in the lower right corner, examine it to open a passage, but there are people from ambush, get ready:

Annoying Castiferi! She only uses positive status spells on herself, such as Safe, Shell, Wall, Regen and Haste, have a Priest using direct Dispel and healing when necessary, she can also attack with Bio and Drain, among others, have two Summoners using Bahamut and a Time Mage using Meteor, this will be a long battle, but not that difficult.

Enter through the passage in the tree to reach a cave, go straight ahead until an area with waterfalls, go to the end, passing straight through the first cave, enter the other one behind the waterfall and get an Angel Ring from the chest, go back and enter the cave of the In the middle, get the Coral Ring from the chest and go forward to the save point, recover and save, in the next area, you will see a little robot moving back and forth, GO RIGHT BY IT, believe me, you don’t want to meet him now, enter the next cave and you will arrive at a library, examine the book on the table to face…

BOSS: Apanda
He is a more powerful version of the Byblos that you faced in Ancient Library, he uses Wind Blow that hits everyone and causes around 500 damage, he also has Drain and some other attacks that are not so worrying, have 2 Mystic Knights with Build Up, using Fire 3 Sword and this battle ends quickly, a Wizard also helps a lot and as always, a Priest for healing.

Leave this room and you will be in another area, a type of castle in the sky, it is good to have a Thief in the group to see the passages, follow the only possible path until you reach the gates of a castle, enter and follow the lower left door to reach a chest containing a Thor Hammer, go back and go through the lower right door to reach a chest with a Hermes Ring, go down the stairs to the north, in the cells with three old men there are the items Red Boots and Rainbow Vest, but to get them, you will have to face some pretty annoying enemies, so before doing so, first go talk to the guy in the cell on the left, answer Yes and prepare for a boss:

BOSS: Apocalypse
This guy only uses Blue Magic, have a Priest to heal him and remove negative statuses, as he will use this resource a lot, use Flare Sword with the Mystic Knights (don’t forget the Build Up), if you want you can also have a Blue Mage to learn some spells, but if you don’t feel like it, the best option is a Summoner using Carbuncle early on and then Bahamut.

When you defeat him, a save point will appear, now you can face the old men and get the items in the chests and between one fight and another, save and recover, when you have finished with them talk to the monster in the rightmost cell:

BOSS: Catastrophe
First let’s look at his attacks, Quake deals around 1000 damage to everyone, have a Priest with Time Magic using Float to escape this, even so, he must immediately use Gravity 100 which nullifies this effect, so pay attention to healing, it can also petrify a character, so it’s good to have a good stock of Softs, have Mystic Knights using Flare Sword and Summoners using Bahamut to finish it off.

After defeating the monster, go to the cell where he was to get a kiss from the girl, go up the stairs and go down the stairs to the left to reach a chest with a sword, go back and enter through the middle door, if you want, go down the stairs , and unlock the door to the floor below, anyway try to enter through the next door, but something pulls you towards the throne, try again and again you won’t make it, then the “girl” appears and says she gave you the kiss of death and now the job will be finished.

BOSS: Halicarnas
The hardest boss in the game so far, he can turn all your characters into frogs, have two Priests, if possible, equipped with Ribbon, or some other accessory that protects against this status, he also uses Holy which will kill whoever is hit, therefore, the healing will be constant here, have a Knight equipped with Excalibur and a Mystic Knight using Holy or Flare Sword both with Build Up, when I faced him, there was a Thief in the group and I managed to steal a Holy Mace from him, If you want to take a risk…

Go through the next door and climb the stairs, before continuing, equip everyone with Coral Rings, move forward and you will have to remove another obstacle from the path.

BOSS: Twin Tania
This creature only has size, if you have everyone with Coral Ring, this battle will be a breeze, its most dangerous attack is High Tide, which must be absorbed thanks to the accessory, its other attacks are not so worrying, just have one Priest for healing, he is weak against water and holy, so use Holy Sword with Mystic Knights or Leviathan with Summoners and he doesn’t last three turns.

Climb the ladder that appears and you will be transported to the space where the power of the vacuum is sealed, in this place you will find the most powerful enemies in the game, they do not give any experience, on the other hand they give a high amount of AP, so this is The best place to improve your professions, anyway, get the items from the chests and go talk to the guy on the right.

BOSS: Gilgamesh
He will only use physical attacks, have a Thief in the group to steal a Genji Shield, only use normal attacks and heal if necessary, soon he recognizes the group and asks where the exit from this place is, they inform him and Gilgamesh leaves .

Step on the figure where Gilgamesh was to be transported to another area, go forward, picking up the items on the way, to another figure and step on it, in the next area, go to a staircase, when you climb it you will see another one next to it, it leads to a chest, inside this chest is the almighty Shinryu, the god of dragons, I advise you not to face him now, as you will probably die in the first attack, in a moment I will give you a strategy on how to defeat him, for now continue forward to another figure, step on it to reach another area, move forward until you see a shiny object, recover and examine it:

BOSS: Necrophobia
He has four barriers that prevent you from attacking him, so we have to destroy them, the best way to do this is GP Toss or Summons, don’t use spells as they will be reflected, finish them quickly as they use spells like Holy and Flare in sequence and concentrate their attacks on one character until they kill him, have two characters with White Magic for healing and two Mystic Knights, after the barriers fall, things are not easy at all, he is very fast and has a double physical attack that can be a serious problem, it is weak against all elements, but the best option here is to use Holy Sword with the Mystic Knights, hold on tight, after some time Gilgamesh appears and sacrifices himself to finish it off. with him.

A save appears, this is the last one in the game, to the north there is a transport figure, if you step on it you will reach where Exdeath is and from there there is no return, so it would be good to progress well here, especially if you intend to defeat the two bosses optional and incredibly powerful, well, do whatever you want, anyway, if you think you’re ready, head to the chest where I said the god of dragons is, open it and get ready to face your second worst nightmare :

This guy is a true beast from hell, he has a devastating arsenal of attacks and uses them with incredible speed, if you’re not well prepared, you won’t even be able to perform any action, I advise you to be at least Lv. 70 and have everyone equipped with Ribbons, Coral Rings and Ice Shields to escape most of his attacks, if you want to try to defeat him the hard way, have two PSPs with the Magic Sword and Two Hands skills, use Bolt 3 Sword without stopping , the other two must have White Magic and are responsible for healing and resuscitation and also Time Magic to increase their stats, especially speed, there is another easier way to beat him, in the area where you faced Gilgamesh an enemy usually appears called Crystal Dragon, by defeating him, you can (see, I said CAN) win the Hiryu Spear, which is the best spear in the game, try to get eight of them (this can take a c@#$%&) and then enter the fight with 4 Lancers with the Two Hands ability and equipped with 2 each, also have Coral Rings and if possible, Ribbons on all of them, as right away Shinryu will use Tidal Wave and another attack (pray it’s not roullete or Ice Storm), jump with the four and when they fall they will land two hits, and if you are at the recommended level, each hit should take away around 8000 HP from the bastard, that is, 8 hits of 8000 HP each should be more than enough to kill him. him in the first turn, when you defeat him you win the Dragon Crest which is proof of your feat and also the Ragnarok sword.

Now is the moment of truth, time to show that you really are a warrior, remember that little robot in the waterfall area that I told you to go straight past? Well, head over there and prepare for your ultimate nightmare:

Forget everything you know about difficult bosses, because this one would make a fool of them all, Omega is a true merciless demon, his attacks don’t do as much damage as Shinryu’s, but he executes them at an even greater speed, he can absorb all elements, except thunder, and has absurd defense and evasion, have Ribbons and Fire Shields equipped on whoever can and be at least Lv. 75 to have any chance, have 2 PSPs with White and Time Magic to heal and increase status and another two with Magic Sword and Aim and use Bolt 3 Sword, a good stock of elixirs is also essential, if you couldn’t defeat Shinryu don’t even lose your time coming here, as you will be massacred, if you manage to defeat him, you will only win 50000 GP and the Omega Medal, which is nothing more than a medallion that proves your feat in defeating one of the most difficult bosses in the history of video games.

Now it’s time to face Exdeath, follow him to where he is, he says that he finally has the absolute power of the vacuum and that he will destroy everything, he uses it to suck up the remaining cities and then uses it against the group, but then the spirits of the 4 knights of dawn, Galuf, Zeza, Kelgar and Dorvan and King Taycoon appear and say that they will stop the power of the void while Butz, Leena, Faris and Cara destroy Exdeath, let’s go then:

BOSS: Exdeath
While he is not that difficult, his most dangerous attack is Meteo, which should kill whoever is hit, have two characters with White Magic for healing, one with Mix using the Dragon Tooth + Potion mixture and the others using GP Toss, soon the power of the vacuum begins to devour Exdeath and he disappears, but if you’re thinking it’s over, you can get your chocobo out of the rain.

FINAL BOSS: Neo Exdeath
If you have defeated Omega and Shinryu, this may even be an easy battle, otherwise, I advise you to be at least at Lv. 50, he has an arsenal of attacks that is in no way inferior to the optional bosses, Algamest causes around 1600 damage to everyone, Grand Cross causes random negative statuses in addition to spells with Flare, Meteo among others that can be a problem, he is divided into four parts and you must kill all four to win, use the same scheme as the previous battle, that is, GP Toss without stopping, but this time the healing will be more constant, good luck.

Now just enjoy the ending, which despite not having the magnificent CGs of the Playstation era, is one of the most beautiful in the series, thanks guys and see you in the next walkthrough.


The Job system in Final Fantasy V works as follows, throughout the game you acquire crystals that represent professions, from then on, if you want to change profession, go to the options menu and choose JOB, a list of available professions will appear and you choose the one you prefer, then you must equip a skill from this or another profession, for example, you can have a Knight who can use White Magic or a Ninja who can steal items and so on, to gain new skills you Need AP that you earn in battles, below is a list of all professions and their details:


Equip : Knives, Swords and Shields
Command : Cover – Protects allies with low HP.
Skills : Lv1 – Cover – 10 AP – Protects allies with low HP
Lv2 – Defend – 30 AP – Halves the damage of physical attacks.
Lv3 – Two Hands – 50 AP – Holds the weapon with both hands increasing the damage caused.
Lv4 – Equip Shield – 100 AP – Allows you to equip shields in professions where this is not allowed.
Lv5 – Equip Armor – 150 AP – Allows you to equip heavy armor in professions where this is not allowed.
Lv6 – Equip Sword – 350 AP – Allows you to equip swords in professions where this is not allowed.
Assessment : The Knight is good at the beginning, he has good attack and defense power, but he doesn’t have any really useful skills, but with the arrival of new jobs, Dragoon and Mystic Knight, you shouldn’t want to use him too much, recommended skills : Build Up, Two Swords and X-Fight.


Equip : Nothing
Command : Kick – Damages all enemies
Skills : Lv1 – Build Up – 15 AP – Accumulates strength and deals double damage the next turn.
Lv2 – Bare Fist – 30 AP – Allows you to fight unarmed, causing greater damage than normal
Lv3 – Chakra – 45 AP – Recovers HP and cures Poison and Darkness.
Lv4 – Counter – 60 AP – Counters physical attacks.
Lv5 – HP + 10% – 100 AP – Increases HP by 10%
Lv6 – HP + 20% – 150 AP – Increases HP by 20%
Lv7 – HP + 30% – 300 AP – Increases HP by 30%
Rating : The Monk has a slightly better attack power than the Knight and can make two normal attacks in one turn, has great skills to learn, but has a terrible defense which may (or may not) be compensated by its high HP, Even so, develop it to the maximum, recommended skills: Build Up and X-Fight.


Equipment : Knives
Command : Steal – Steals items from enemies
Skills : Lv1 – Passage – 10 AP – Allows you to see secret passages
Lv2 – Escape – 20 AP – Escapes from battles, does not work in battles against bosses.
Lv3 – Dash – 30 AP – Allows you to run while holding the B button.
Lv4 – Steal – 50 AP – See description above.
Lv5 – Caution – 75 AP – Avoids attacks from behind
Lv6 – Mug – 150 AP – Steals and damages the enemy.
Lv7 – Foot work – 300 AP – Makes the character faster.
Assessment : In battle, the Thief is terrible, as all of his stats are very low, but he has great skills to learn, so it’s also good to develop him to the maximum, recommended skills: X-Fight and Mix.


Equipment : Knives, Spears and Shields
Command : Jump – Jump to a great height and some time later fall on the enemy, causing double the damage.
Skills : Lv1 – Jump – 50 AP – See description above.
Lv2 – Lancet – 150 AP – Drains HP and MP from an enemy, but the amount is very low.
Lv3 – Equip Spear – 400 AP – Allows you to equip spears in professions where this is not allowed.

Assessment : Lancers are improved Knights, advisable especially against enemies that use fatal attacks because with Jump, they can escape, recommended skills: Two Swords


Equip : Knives
Command : Throw – Throws weapons and other projectiles at enemies.
Skills : Lv1 – Smoke Bomb – 10 AP – Escapes from battles, does not work against bosses.
Lv2 – Image – 30 AP – Nullifies physical attacks for two turns.
Lv3 – Initiative – 50 AP – Increases chance of attacking first.
Lv4 – Throw – 150 AP – See description above.
Lv5 – Two Swords – 450 AP – Allows you to equip two weapons, except bows and harps.
Assessment : Ninjas are great, despite their weak defense, the fact that they can equip two weapons, in addition to their great agility, make them deadly warriors, they also have other excellent skills to be learned, recommended skills: Build Up and X-Fight .


Equipment : Knives, Katanas and Shields
Command : GP Toss – Throws money at the opponent, causing high damage.
Skills : Lv1 – Sword Slap – 10 AP – Petrifies an enemy.
Lv2 – GP Toss – 30 AP – See description above.
Lv3 – Sword Grap – 60 AP – Dodges a physical attack
Lv4 – Equip Katana – 180 AP – Allows you to equip Katanas in professions where this is not allowed.
Lv5 – Fatal Slash – 540 AP – Kills (or at least tries to) all enemies.
Assessment : After learning GP Toss, the Samurai becomes expendable, despite having a good attack and defense, you have better options, recommended skills: Build Up, Two Swords and X-Fight.


Equipment : Knives, Axes and Shields
Command : None
Skills : Lv1 – Berserk – 100 AP – Character leaves your control and attacks without stopping, causing greater damage than normal.
Lv2 – Equip Ax – 400 AP – Allows you to equip axes in other professions.
Rating : The Berserker has monstrous attack power, but you cannot control it, which will probably limit its use, recommended skills: Two Swords and Counter.


Equip : Knives and Bows
Command : Aim – Normal attack with 100% chance of hitting.
Skills : Lv1 – Animals – 15 AP – Summons forest animals for different effects.
Lv2 – Aim – 45 AP – See description above.
Lv3 – Equip Bow – 135 AP – Allows you to equip bows in other professions.
Lv4 – X-Fight – 405 AP – Allows you to use 4 normal attacks, but with reduced damage.
Assessment : The Archer is good, as it can cause high damage, being in the rear, something I recommend due to its low defense, but like the Samurai, you have better options, even so, develop it until you learn skill -Fight, recommended skills: GP Toss and Mix


Equip : Knives, Swords and Shields
Command : Magic Sword – Adds elemental attributes to the weapon.
Skills : Lv1 – Auto-Shell – 10 AP – Uses Shell magic on yourself when close to death.
Lv2 – Magic Sword Lv1 – 20 AP – See description above.
Lv3 – Magic Sword Lv2 – 30 AP – See description above.
Lv4 – Magic Sword Lv3 – 50 AP – See description above.
Lv5 – Magic Sword Lv4 – 70 AP – See description above.
Lv6 – Magic Sword Lv5 – 100 AP – See description above.
Lv7 – Magic Sword Lv6 – 400 AP – See description above.
Rating : One of the best professions in the game, despite the somewhat weak defense, depending on the situation, a well-equipped Mystic Knight can save your life, so develop it to the maximum, recommended skills: Build Up, Two Swords and X-Fight.


Equip : Maces
Command : White Magic – Healing and assistance spells.
Skills : Lv1 – White Magic Lv1 – 10 AP – See description above.
Lv2 – White Magic Lv2 – 20 AP – See description above.
Lv3 – White Magic Lv3 – 30 AP – See description above.
Lv4 – White Magic Lv4 – 50 AP – See description above.
Lv5 – White Magic Lv5 – 70 AP – See description above.
Lv6 – White Magic Lv6 – 100 AP – See description above.
Lv7 – MP + 10% – 300 AP – Increases MP by 10%

Assessment : Priest are indispensable in battles against bosses, for the simple fact that they can heal and are the best at it, this is perhaps the only profession in which maximum development is mandatory, recommended skills: Mix, Time Magic and X-Magic.


Cure – Recovers little HP
Cure 2 – Recovers some HP
Cure 3 – Recovers a lot of HP
Life – Recovers with little HP
Full Life – Recovers with full HP
Scan – Shows the enemy’s HP, MP and weaknesses.
Poisona – Removes the poison status.
Esuna – Removes some negative statuses.
Silence – Prevents an enemy from using magic.
Confuse – Leaves an enemy confused and they can attack anyone.
Mini – Reduces the size of an enemy and also their stats.
Shell – Increases magical defense.
Safe – Increases physical defense.
Blink – Increases evasion.
Wall – Reflects most spells.
Berserk – Makes the enemy uncontrollable and he only attacks.
Dispel – Removes positive statuses from an enemy.
Holy – High damage to an enemy.

Comments :

  • The Esuna spell does not remove Confuse, Berserk and Zombie statuses.
  • The Silence and Berserk spells normally do not work against magical enemies.
  • The Wall spell does not reflect Summons.


Equipment : Knives and Staffs
Command : Black Magic – Elemental attack spells.
Skills : Lv1 – Black Magic Lv1 – 10 AP – See description above
Lv2 – Black Magic Lv2 – 20 AP – See description above
Lv3 – Black Magic Lv3 – 30 AP – See description above
Lv4 – Black Magic Lv4 – 50 AP – See description above
Lv5 – Black Magic Lv5 – 70 AP – See description above
Lv6 – Black Magic Lv6 – 100 AP – See description above
Lv7 – MP + 30% – 400 AP – Increases MP by 30%
Rating : Just like Knights, Wizards are good at first, but with the arrival of Summoners, you may not want to use them much, but I advise you to develop them to the maximum to use their skills in other professions, recommended skills: Summon, White Magic and X-Magic.


Fire – Low fire damage.
Fire 2 – Medium fire damage.
Fire 3 – High fire damage.
Ice – Low ice damage.
Ice 2 – Medium ice damage.
Ice 3 – High ice damage.
Bolt – Low thunder damage.
Bolt 2 – Medium thunder damage.
Bolt 3 – High thunder damage.
Poison – Low poison damage.
Bio – High poison damage.
Sleep – Puts an enemy to sleep.
Toad – Transforms an enemy into a toad.
Drain – Drains HP from an enemy.
Osmosis – Leeches MP from an enemy.
Break – Petrifies an enemy.
Death – Instantly kills an enemy.
Flare – Very high fire damage.

Comments :

  • Sleep, Toad, Break and Death spells rarely work on bosses.
  • Drain and Osmosis spells cannot be reflected.


Equipment : Knives, Staffs and Maces
Command : Time Magic – Attack and assistance spells.
Skills : Lv1 – Time Magic Lv1 – 10 AP – See description above.
Lv2 – Time Magic Lv2 – 20 AP – See description above.
Lv3 – Time Magic Lv3 – 30 AP – See description above.
Lv4 – Time Magic Lv4 – 50 AP – See description above.
Lv5 – Time Magic Lv5 – 70 AP – See description above.
Lv6 – Time Magic Lv6 – 100 AP – See description above.
Lv7 – Equip Rod – 250 AP – Allows you to equip staffs in professions where this is not allowed. (bad joke from Square.)
Evaluation : Time Mages have some useful spells in battle, or outside of it, but I don’t recommend that you use them in battles against bosses, as they are very fragile, recommended skills: White Magic and -Magic.


Speed ​​– Increases the user’s speed.
Slow – Decreases an enemy’s speed.
Haste – Increases an ally’s speed.
Slow 2 – Slows down all enemies.
Haste 2 – Increases the speed of all allies.
Regen – HP is gradually recovered.
Float – Leaves a character floating and immune to land attacks.
Mute – Same effect as Silence.
Exit – Escape from a battle or dungeon.
Demi – Decreases the target’s HP by half.
Quarter – Decreases the target’s HP by a quarter.
Stop – Paralyzes an enemy.
Reenter – Restarts a battle.
Old – Makes the enemy old and with low stats.
Quick – Allows an ally to perform two actions in one turn.
X Zone – Sends an enemy to another dimension.
Comet – Non-elemental damage to an enemy.
Meteo – Non-elemental damage to random enemies.

Comments .

  • Demi, Quarter, Stop, Old and X-Zone spells almost never work against bosses.
  • The damage caused by the Comet and Meteo spells is random, that is, it depends more on your luck than on your magical power.
  • When you defeat an enemy with the X-Zone spell, you do not gain experience, AP, or money.
  • Comet and Meteo spells can’t be reflected, it looks like Demi and Quarter can’t either, but I still need to confirm that.


Equip : Knives and Staffs
Command : Summon – Summons monsters to cause different effects.
Skills : Lv1 – Summon Lv1 – 15 AP – See description above.
Lv2 – Summon Lv2 – 30 AP – See description above.
Lv3 – Summon Lv3 – 45 AP – See description above.
Lv4 – Summon Lv4 – 60 AP – See description above.
Lv5 – Summon Lv5 – 100 AP – See description above.
Lv6 – Call – 500 AP – Uses a random summon with no MP cost.
Evaluation : Without a doubt, the best profession related to magic, at the beginning you shouldn’t use it much, as your first summons are rubbish, but as the game goes on, new, much more powerful summons will be acquired and it will become a great option against powerful bosses, recommended skills: White Magic and Black Magic.


Chocobo – Physical damage to one enemy
Sylph – Drana HP of one enemy
Remora – Slows one enemy
Shiva – Ice damage to all enemies
Ifrit – Fire damage to all enemies
Ramuh – Thunder damage to all enemies
Titan – Earth damage to all enemies
Golem – Immunity to physical attacks
Shoat – Turns an enemy to stone
Carbuncle – Walls all allies
Syldra – Thunder damage to all enemies
Leviathan – Water damage to all enemies
Odin – Kill instantly all enemies
Bahamut – Non-elemental damage to all enemies
Phoenix – Fire damage to all enemies and also revives dead allies.

Comments :

  • Summon Titan does not work against flying enemies
  • The summons Remora, Shoat and Odin do not work against bosses.


Equipment : Knives, Swords, Staffs and Shields
Command : Blue Magic – Uses magic learned from enemies.
Skills : Lv1 – Check – 10 AP – Reveals the enemy’s HP and weaknesses.
Lv2 – Learn – 20 AP – Allows other professions to learn Blue Magic.
Lv3 – Blue Magic – 70 AP – See description above.
Lv4 – Scan – 250 – An improved version of Check.
Assessment : A good profession if you have the patience to look for all the blue magic, unfortunately the best ones are the hardest to get, so you shouldn’t use them a lot, recommended skills: X-Magic and Control


???? – Deals damage equal to the difference between current and total HP – Wild Nack, Gogo
1000 Needles – Deals 1000 HP damage – Lamia
Aero – Low wind damage – Flying monsters in Wind Shrine.
Aero 2 – Medium wind damage – Djinn
Aero 3 – High wind damage – Magic Dragon, Elm Gigas
Aqua Breath – Water damage to all enemies – Chimera, Bahamut
Black Shock – Reduces an enemy’s level by half – Rock Brain , Shadow, Nile
Blood Suck – Drains an enemy’s HP – Steel Bat, Abductor
Death Claw – Reduces the target’s HP to single digits – Iron Claw, Gilgamesh
Roullete – Chooses a random target and kills them – Bella Donna, Shinryu
Death Sentence – Gives target 30 seconds of health – Exdeath, Form Unknow 4
Emission – Fire damage to one enemy – Fire Cannon, Machine Head
Flash – Blinds all enemies – Gilgamesh, Bella Donna
Frog Song – Turns all enemies into frogs – Elf Toad , Archeo Toad
Fusion – Sacrifices itself to restore an ally – Mithril Dragon
Guard Off – Lowers target’s defense – Shadow, Magic Dragon
Goblin Punch – Physical damage to an enemy – Goblin, Black Goblin
Level 2 Old – Puts old status on enemies with level – Ixecrator multiple of 2
Level 3 Flare – Uses Flare magic on enemies with – Exdeath, Lunenta level multiple of 3
Level 4 Demi – Uses Demi magic on enemies with – Tricker, Ixecrator level multiple of 4
Level 5 Death – Kills the enemy with a multiple level of 5 – Page 64, Ixecrator
Magic Hammer – Decreases the target’s MP by half – Byblos, Drippy
Mighty Guard – Uses Safe, Shell and Float on all allies – Sting Ray
Mind Blast – Damages one enemy, can cause paralysis – Stalker
Missile – Decreases the target’s HP by half – Bolt Cannon, Gilgamesh, Omega
Moon’s Promotion – Leaves all allies with Berserk – Page 32
Small Melody – Uses Mini and Sleep on all enemies – Gilgamesh, Mini Mage
Explode – Sacrifices himself to deal high damage to the target – Bomb, Grenade
Time Slip – Uses Sleep on the enemy – Traveler, Gilgamesh
White Wind – Recovers HP of allies – Enkidou


Equipment : Knives, Swords, Staffs and Maces
Command : White/Black – Can use white and black magic
Skills : Lv1 – White/Black Lv1 – 20 AP – See description above.
Lv2 – White/Black Lv2 – 40 AP – See description above.
Lv3 – White/Black Lv3 – 100 AP – See description above.
Lv4 – X-Magic – 999 AP (urgh!) – Allows you to use two spells in the same turn.
Assessment : The fact that Red Mage can use both types of magic may make you think that he is the best profession in the game, because it is not, he cannot use all magic, only low and medium level ones and their statuses They are no wonder, but even so, you will be forced to develop it to the maximum if you want one of the best skills in the game, X-Magic, recommended skills: White Magic, Black Magic and X-Magic.


Equipment : Knives and Whips
Command : Catch – Captures monsters, but he must be almost dying.
Release – Releases the captured monster and it uses its best attack.
Skills : Lv1 – Tame – 10 AP – Causes a monster not to attack for a few turns.
Lv2 – Control – 50 AP – Takes control of a monster, being able to use its attacks against enemies.
Lv3 – Equip Whip – 100 AP – Allows you to equip whips in other professions.
Lv4 – Catch – 300 AP – See description above.
Assessment : The Trainer is a good character to have in your backline and also has many useful skills, but is not recommended against bosses, recommended skills: Aim, Two Swords and X-Fight.


Equipment : Knives and Maces
Command : Drink – Drink special potions that increase status.
Skills : Lv1 – Chemist – 15 AP – Doubles the effect of potions and ethers.
Lv2 – Mix – 30 AP – Mixes two items to form a new one.
Lv3 – Drink – 45 AP – See description above.
Lv4 – Recover – 135 AP – Cures negative statuses
Lv5 – Revive – 405 AP – Resurrects dead allies.
Assessment : Do not use him at all against bosses, as he is very fragile and as a healer, Priests are infinitely better, but develop him to the maximum, as he has many useful skills, recommended skills: GP Toss


Potion + Hi potion = Water of Life / Uses Regen
Potion + Ether = X-Potion / Recovers all HP
Potion + Phoenix Down = Ressurection / Resurrects an ally
Potion + Antidote = Neutralize / Recovers HP and cures poison
Potion + Eye Drop = Cure Blind / Recovers HP and cures darkness
Potion + Dragon Fang = Dragon Power / Increases level by 20
Potion + Dark Matter = Dark Potion / Deals 666 damage
Hi-Potion + Ether = Half Elixir / Recovers all HP
Hi-Potion + Turtle Shell = Ether Dry / Triple the effect of Ether
Ether + Phoenix Down = Reicarnation / Resurrects with full HP
Ether + Maiden Kiss = Lillith Kiss / Drains enemy HP
Ether + Antidote = Resist Poison / Auto -explanatory
Ether + Eye Drop = Resist Fire / Self-explanatory
Ether + Dragon Fang = Dragon Shield / Resistance against fire, ice and thunder
Ether + Dark Matter = Dark Ether / Drains MP
Elixir + Dragon Fang = Giant Drink / Doubles maximum HP
Elixir + Dark Matter = Dark Elixir / Reduces HP and MP to single digits
Phoenix Down + Maiden Kiss = Kiss of Life / Resurrects with half HP and full MP
Phoenix Down + Holy Water = Life Shield / Resistance against sudden death.
Phoenix Down + Turtle Shell = Panacea / Removes all negative statuses
Phoenix Down + Antidote = Resist Ice / Self-explanatory
Phoenix Down + Eye Drop = Resist Thunder / Self-explanatory
Phoenix Down + Dragon Fang = Dragon Armor / Increases physical defense and magic
Phoenix Down + Dark Matter = Death Potion / Instant death
Maiden Kiss + Holy Water = Kiss of Blessing / Uses Berkerk, Haste and Blink
Maiden Kiss + Turtle Shell = Drain Kiss / Drains HP
Maiden Kiss + Antidote = Levitate / Uses Float
Maiden Kiss + Eye Drop = Lamia Kiss / Usa Confuse
Maiden Kiss + Dragon Fang = Dragon Kiss / Unknown effect
Maiden Kiss + Dark Matter = Toad Kiss / Transforms into a frog
Holy Water + Turtle Shell = Bacchus Wine / Usa Berserk
Holy Water + Antidote = Samsom Power / Increases level by 10
Holy Water + Eye Drop = Elemental Power / Increases magic damage
Holy Water + Dragon Fang = Holy Breath / High damage from holy
Turtle Shell + Turtle Shell = Protect Drink / Uses Safe
Turtle Shell + Antidote = Haste Drink / Uses Haste
Turtle Shell + Dark Matter = Explosive / Uses Explode
Antidote + Eye Drop = Restorative / Removes negative statuses
Antidote + Dragon Fang = Poison Breath / Uses poison on multiple targets
Antidote + Dark Matter = Poison / Uses poison
Eye Drop + Dragon Fang = Dark Sigh / Uses Blind and Confuse
Eye Drop + Dark Matter = Dark Gas / Uses Blind
Dragon Fang + Dragon Fang = Dragon Breath / Fire, ice and thunder damage.
Dragon Fang + Dark Matter = Dark Breath / Dark Damage
Dark Matter + Dark Matter = Shadow Flare / High Dark Damage


Equip : Knives and Bells
Command : Terrain – Use attacks according to the environment in which the battle takes place.
Skills : Lv1 – Terrain – 25 AP – See description above.
Lv2 – Trap – 50 AP – Avoid traps.
Lv3 – NoDmg Floor – 100 AP – Ignores damage caused by terrain such as lava, thorns, etc.
Rating : Another profession not recommended in difficult battles, but with good skills to acquire, so give it a go, recommended skills: GP Toss.


Team : Knives and Harps
Command : Sing – Sings songs that cause different effects.
Skills : Lv1 – Hide – 25 AP – Hides (no comments!)
Lv2 – Equip Harp – 50 AP – Equip harps in other professions.
Lv3 – Sing – 100 AP – See description above.
Assessment : Bard’s songs can be useful in some situations, but in general he is completely expendable due to his low stats, recommended skills: GP Toss


Power – Gradually increases attack during battle.
Speed ​​– Gradually increases speed during battle.
Vitality – Uses regen on all allies
Magic – Gradually increases magical power during battle.
Hero – Gradually increases level during battle.
Requien – Periodically deals damage to undead.
Love – Uses Stop on all enemies
Charm – Uses Confuse on all enemies.


Equip : Knives
Command : Dance – Variable effects on the enemy.
Skills : Lv1 – Flirt – 25 AP – Supposedly, it causes damage and confuses the enemy, but I’m not sure, as I’ve never used it.
Lv2 – Dance – 50 AP – See description above.
Lv3 – Equip Ribbon – 325 AP – Allows you to equip certain items exclusive to dancers in other professions.
Assessment : Perhaps the most useless of the professions, besides being very fragile, they don’t have any useful skills, if you’re going to develop all the professions to the maximum, I advise you to leave this one for last, recommended skills: GP Toss


Equipment : Knives, Staffs, Maces and Shields
Command : Mime – Imitates the action performed by the ally.
Skills : Lv1 – Mime – 999 AP – See description above.
Assessment : The Mime can be a good choice, depending on the situation, because imitating a spell or summon for example, it doesn’t spend MP, I can’t make a more accurate assessment, as I don’t use it much, recommended skills: GP Toss


Team : All
Command : None

Assessment : PSPs can equip any type of weapon and also two skills from other professions, which makes them the best options for any situation, develop the professions you prefer to the maximum and use PSPs in the final battles.

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