Final Fantasy VI – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Final Fantasy VI – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

April 15, 2024 Off By Miguel Montenegro



Beginning: You will control three characters, one of which is an unnamed girl, and the other two are called Wedge and Vics. They are piloting armor called “Magitek Armors”.

Direction: Move forward, without worrying about the initial battles – Magitek Armors give you a big advantage.

The Mine: Continue until you see a bright spot. This is a “Save Point”. You can save the game here to be safe. Not long after, Vics will destroy a door, leading them to their first big challenge.

Boss – Whelk: This opponent has two targets: himself and his shell. Ignore the shell as it absorbs attacks. When Whelk hides, it’s a good time to heal his group. Use the mysterious girl’s Missile and Wedge and Vics’ regular attacks to defeat the boss.

Finding the Esper: As you advance, you will come across the Esper. After an animation, Wedge and Vics will disappear and the girl will be attacked. She then wakes up in a house with an old man, who reveals that her name is Terra. When faced with hostility from the inhabitants, the old man suggests that Terra flee. But first, check a clock on the right to collect an Elixir. Then, head towards the mine. Just ahead, there is another Save Point.

After collecting items from nearby chests and following a narrow path, Terra will be cornered and fall into a trap, losing consciousness. While unconscious, she has visions of the past, involving a man named Kefka and an artifact that controls his mind.

Upon waking up, a new character named Locke arrives to help. There will then be a battle segment divided into three parts, with the main objective of protecting Earth. Use the Y button to switch between groups.

After overcoming his opponents, Locke will help Terra escape the mine through a hidden route. While in town, talk to a man at the door to collect information and useful items. Satisfied? Head south, towards the desert, until you reach Figaro Castle.


Introduction: Advance directly to the throne room to meet Edgar, the king of the castle. After a brief introduction, you are free to explore the castle.

Exploration: There are many chests scattered around, now unlocked for access. In the left tower of the castle, go down the stairs and talk to an elderly woman. She will share information about Sabin, Edgar’s brother, and the royal family’s past.

Showdown with Kefka: Return to the throne room and talk to Edgar. Kefka, an antagonist, will appear looking for Terra. After denials and deceptions, Kefka leaves. However, at night he returns and attacks the castle. When this happens, go to the gate and talk to the guard. Then, Edgar, Locke and Terra flee on chocobos. The castle, in a surprising move, buries itself in the desert. However, Kefka sends his soldiers to pursue the trio.

Boss – Armors x 2: This battle shouldn’t be too complicated. Use the Auto-Crossbow with Edgar, and with Locke try to steal. Terra can use spells like Fire and Cure. Once the battle is over, Locke and Edgar will express surprise at seeing Terra using magic.

Towards Banon: Now, you need to find Banon. To do this, go south to a cave. Inside, it’s not very complex to move around. At the beginning, there is a fountain that restores HP and MP, useful for evolution. Get all the items from the chests and, when you leave the cave, head a little further south to a town.


In Figaro South, first invest in improving your equipment. Be sure to purchase the Sprint Shoes accessory to increase your movement speed. The town bar has a dark character called Shadow. After interacting with him, locate a small house north of the city. When Edgar leads the group to this house, he inspects the interior – the flowers, the oven and the stove to realize that Sabin has been there. Talk to the local elder and he will inform you that Sabin went to Colts Mt. to the east. There is disturbing information about Vargas, Duncan’s son, claiming that he murdered his own father and is on the mountain.


Along the Colts Mountain route, watch for a fast figure moving in front of you. Explore the area well to collect all the valuable items in the chests. You will soon encounter Vargas, the antagonist of this area. Before starting the battle, make sure you are in perfect shape.

In combat, Vargas is initially protected by two bears. Prioritize eliminating these bears quickly, using Fire and Auto-Crossbow. The fight changes momentum when Sabin makes a surprise appearance. Use Sabin’s Blitz Pummel technique to finish the fight. After defeating Vargas, Sabin joins his group.

Venturing through the cave, head north and you will eventually find the rebel HQ.


Banan, the rebel leader, sees Terra as his last hope in the fight against the empire. As you explore the HQ, be sure to interact with all the characters and collect all the items in the chests. Banan will give Terra a useful accessory called “Gloves”. The story then progresses and reveals that the empire has launched an invasion of South Figaro. The group decides that Locke should go there and delay the Imperial forces, while the rest of the group plans to visit the esper in Narshe.

For the next segment, you will travel down the Lete River on a raft.


In this segment, Banan joins the group. His role is crucial. If he falls in battle, it’s game over. Use your healing ability to keep everyone alive. At a certain point, you will find a fork in the river. Choose left direction both times this happens.

Then, you will find yourself face to face with one of the most annoying bosses in the game, Ultros. This octopus is more complicated than it seems, with attacks that can hit all characters, causing considerable damage. Keep Banan healing constantly, use Sabin’s Aura Bolt and Terra’s Fire to maximize damage. After the victory, a cinematic sequence will show Sabin being carried away by the river current.

After this episode, you will have three scenarios to choose from: Locke, Sabin or Banan’s group. The order of selection is not mandatory as all scenarios must be completed. However, for continuity purposes, the recommended next phase is to follow Locke’s path.

SOUTH FIGARO: Locke’s Escape and Celes’ Rescue

  1. Introduction : The agile thief, Locke, is now tasked with escaping South Figaro and heading towards Narshe. The city has been taken over by the Empire and he must be careful not to be captured.
  2. Step by step :
    • Starting Point : Enter the first residence and go down the stairs to use the Save Point, ensuring that any progress made so far is not lost.
    • Drink Quest : When heading to the adjacent house, an elder will request a drink. He interacts with the boy on the lower floor, who will block your path, and then visits the item shop. A confrontation will occur with a merchant; use Locke’s Steal ability to take his clothes and thus go unnoticed.
    • Disguises and Secret Passages : With the disguise, return to the boy, who will allow you passage. Be careful with the soldiers, but look for the soldier in the green suit. After a confrontation, also purchase your uniform. This gains access to the blocked area, leading to the cafe. One more disguise will be needed after another confrontation with a merchant. The purchased drink must be handed over to the elder, opening a secret passage.
    • Celes’ Rescue : The secret passage leads to the millionaire’s residence. Investigate the room to find a hidden route behind the bookshelf. Following this route, you will find Celes being tortured. Free her and equip her appropriately for the challenges ahead.
    • Confrontation with Tunnel Armor : After escaping the city and resting at Sabin’s house, a battle with Tunnel Armor will be inevitable. Use Runic with Celes and focus on attacks with Locke.

DOMA: Doma’s Defense and Cyan’s Revenge

  1. Introduction : With Sabin and Shadow, you approach Doma, a fortress under siege by the Empire.
  2. Step by step :
    • Initial Confrontation : In Doma, the guards are desperate under pressure from the Empire. Once Cyan arrives on the scene, he quickly challenges and defeats the leader of the invaders, temporarily securing the castle.
    • Imperial Intrigue : At the Imperial camp, Sabin and Shadow witness an argument that reveals Kefka’s ambition to suppress General Leo.
    • Kefka’s Betrayal : Despite Leo’s orders, Kefka decides to poison Doma’s water supply. Sabin tries to intervene, but is delayed by soldiers.
    • The Fall of Doma : Back at the castle, tragedy unfolds as Doma’s inhabitants fall dead, including Cyan’s family. Overcome by grief and anger, Cyan attacks the Empire alone.
    • Temporary Alliance : Upon meeting Sabin, the two team up to face the Imperial forces. The situation becomes desperate, but they manage to use Magitek Armors to escape.
    • Strategic Escape : With the armor on, the duo heads west and then south, crossing a bridge and arriving at a forest, where more adventures await them.


1. Arrival in the Forest:

When entering the dense Ghost Forest, it is important to remember one detail: Shadow can leave you at any moment, so speed up your pace. Advance straight through the forest until you find a peaceful lake. Rest and take the chance to recover your characters’ HP.

2. The Ghost Train Enigma:

As you follow the path, you will eventually be taken to an enigmatic train station. And despite Cyan’s warnings about this being the train to the other world, Sabin, impetuous as always, decides to board, starting one of the most memorable journeys in the game.

3. Train Cars:

Each carriage on this mysterious train has its own peculiarities:

  • First Car: Look for the cabin and talk to the driver, who will tell you about the levers in the engine room. He indicates that this is the way to stop the train’s journey.
  • Encounter with Ghosts: While exploring the carriages, you will encounter several ghosts. Some sell valuable items, others may join you as temporary allies, and some attack, although they pose little threat. Always be prepared, and remember, some of your skills and spells may be useless against these ethereal beings.
  • Restaurant Car: Here, when examining the central table, you will have the opportunity to recover your energy. However, be sure to visit the other carriage entrance to find a precious pair of Earrings.
  • Facing Siegfried: When trying to get an item from the next carriage, a peculiar challenge awaits you: Siegfried. No matter how pompous and full of himself he may seem, a single well-placed blow usually does the trick.
  • Treasure Wagon: This wagon has four chests, one of which hides a monster, but also a valuable reward. Stay cautious and use your best attacks and skills to defeat this surprisingly resilient creature.

4. The Engine Room and the Battle with the Ghost Train:

When you reach the engine room, you will find three levers. The two in the corner are the ones that should be pulled. Be careful with the central lever!

Then a confrontation with the train itself is inevitable. During the battle, it is essential to keep an eye on your abilities and especially Acid Rain, which can cause great damage. The battle has two approaches: one that involves using your best skills and tactics, or, surprisingly, using a simple Phoenix Down to finish off the Ghost Train.

5. Goodbye and Leaving the Forest:

After defeating the Ghost Train, watch one of the game’s most touching moments, where Cyan watches his family leave. Talk to him to go on your way.

Finally, when leaving the forest, remove Shadow’s equipment as he may leave your team. He advances to the waterfall and prepares for a series of battles before an unexpected encounter with the savage Gau.


In the wild Veldt, the challenges are vast and unique. Here, you will face almost every monster in the game that has ever crossed your path, excluding bosses. Among the random appearances, Gau appears declaring his hunger. Since you have no food to offer, attack him. This causes him to temporarily run away.

The city of Mobilz to the west is your next destination. Pay a visit to the shops and equip yourself with the best items and equipment available, especially for Gau. The item shop is essential as it is where you must purchase the “Meat” item. Also visit the leftmost house in the city. When talking to the injured man, he recounts his discontent with the empire and his defection after witnessing Kefka’s cruelty. Help him by reading his loved one’s letter and help him send a reply.

When you return to the Veldt, fight until Gau reappears. Now, offer him the meat you bought, which will prompt him to join your group. As a sign of gratitude, Gau directs his team to his “treasure” located in the Crescent Mountains, south of Mobilz. Discover Gau’s new ‘Rage’ abilities and follow her journey to the mountain.

There, Gau’s much talked about “treasure” is revealed to be an ancient diving helmet. Sabin, seeing an opportunity, decides to use it to explore the river below. Crossing the river is simple, but inside the cave, you need to drain the water to advance. Soon, the port city of Nikeah appears on the horizon. If you wish, go shopping. However, your main objective is to board the ship and speak to the sailor.

The next phase is to return to Narshe. Unfortunately, the townspeople are hesitant to allow him entry. Using the secret passage that Terra and Locke used earlier, make your way through. During your crossing, keep an eye out for a strange light puzzle. If you get it wrong, ghosts will attack. Continue your path to find the mowglis’ place and, later, to Jun’s house. The arrival of the other characters begins a tense confrontation that eventually culminates in a direct confrontation with Kefka.


Inside the glorious Figaro Castle, head straight to meet the vendors. If Sabin is with you, allow him to explore the castle. Edgar needs to upgrade his tools, so buy the new ones available. As night falls, he sleeps in the castle to witness a revealing flashback that outlines the relationship between the brothers and the events following their father’s death.

The next day, look for the old man in the lower left part of the castle and ask him to take you to the western region of the continent. From there, proceed to the town to the west to continue your adventure.

Recommendation: The FINAL FANTASY VI saga is rich and detailed. Always take the time to fully explore each area, talk to NPCs, and keep an eye out for clues and details as they can open up new subplots and opportunities for improvement.


In this city, Locke and Celes share an emotional moment. Let’s explore this phase:

  1. Rachel’s Story: If you have Locke and Celes in your party, head to the larger house on the right and go down the stairs. There, you will witness a sad episode from Locke’s past. The young woman named Rachel is his ex-girlfriend, whose body was preserved by herbs. Locke is on a never-ending quest to bring her back to life.
  2. Locke’s Flashback: When visiting the smaller house on the right, a memory of Locke and Rachel will be revealed. A tragic accident in a cave and Rachel’s subsequent amnesia bookend this flashback, culminating in Rachel’s tragic death.
  3. Shadow Encounter: If you only have three characters, go to the cafe to recruit Shadow, who returns to the party for a fee. If you have four characters, Shadow will not join you.
  4. Destination – Jidoor: After resolving matters in Kohlingen, head south, towards Jidoor. There, take the opportunity to upgrade your equipment and keep an eye on the auction house, which has valuable items for future auctions. Then, trace a route along the east side of the mountain until you reach Zozo.

ZOZO A dangerous city full of challenges. Here are the steps:

  1. Preparation: Stock up on potions and Phoenix Down, as the enemies here are not easy.
  2. Towards the Thief Glove: Enter the house marked as an accessories store, go up the stairs and follow the thieves. Once you’ve climbed three floors, enter the room to find and equip the Thief Glove on Locke.
  3. Battle against Dadaluna: At the top, you will find an opponent who blocks your path. Use varied strategies to beat him quickly.
  4. Meeting with Terra and Ramuh: Behind the defeated enemy, you will find Terra and the Esper Ramuh, who reveals crucial information about the history of espers and delivers four magicites to the group.
  5. Return to Jidoor: Upon leaving Zozo, the group will meet to discuss next steps. They will decide to return to Jidoor.


In this phase, you will participate in an opera, and you will have to deal with intruders and surprises:

  1. The Plan: Learn about Setzer and his intention to kidnap Maria. Locke will suggest that Celes disguise herself as Maria to attract Setzer.
  2. Celes’ Performance: When controlling Celes, follow the opera guide and make choices in sequence 1, 2, and 3 to ensure the success of the performance.
  3. The Threat of Ultros: During the opera, you will discover that Ultros intends to sabotage the show. You will have five minutes to stop their plans. Be quick and avoid the rats to reach it in time.
  4. Battle against Ultros: Get ready to face this villain again, adopting offensive and defensive tactics according to the group you have.
  5. Negotiations with Setzer: After the battle, Setzer appears, taking Celes with him. However, a deal is made, and the group heads to the town of Albroog.
  6. Towards Vector: With Setzer’s help, head to Albrog to buy equipment and prepare. Vector is the next destination, located north of Albroog.


  1. Entrance to the Factory :
    • When you arrive in Vector, locate the old man hiding behind the boxes.
    • By talking to him, he will distract the soldiers, allowing you to enter the factory.
    • Use the box to climb up and across the beam.
    • Enter the factory through the northern entrance.
  2. Acquiring Items at the Factory :
    • Look at a pipe on the left and acquire the Flame Sword.
    • Use the hook to go back and find two pipes.
      • Go down the left pipe to get an item.
      • Then, go down the right pipe.
    • Continue left to get the Thunder Sword.
    • Continue until you find another treadmill. When it stops, head north.
    • In the chest, find the Gold Helmet.
    • Heading west and then north, look for the Dragon Boots accessory, which grants the Jump ability. Equip it on Edgar.
    • Entering the door above, you will find a Gold Shield.
  3. Confrontation with Ifrit and Shiva :
    • Moving forward, you’ll see a cutscene with Kefka discarding two espers. Approach them, but before interacting with them, enter the door on the right to retrieve the group and save.
    • When talking to one of the espers, the battle will begin.
      • They alternate in combat, using the Fire 2 and Ice 2 spells.
      • For Ifrit:
        • Celes: Use Ice
        • Sabin: Pummel
        • Edgar: Drill
      • For Shiva:
        • Celes: Use Fire
        • Sabin: Fire Dance
        • Edgar: Drill
      • Locke: responsible for healing, using items or magic.
    • When you win, they transform into magicites: collect them.
  4. Confrontation with Nº 024 :
    • Continue to the right, going up several stairs until you find your opponent.
      • It changes elements, so avoid spells.
      • Sabin: Use Pummel
      • Edgar: Drill
      • Celes: Runic
      • Locke: Steal the Bloody Sword and heal as needed.
    • Move forward and activate the lever to release the espers, which transform into magicites. Get: Unicorn, Maduin, Shoat, Phantom, Carbuncle and Bismarck.
  5. Revelations and Escape from the Factory :
    • Cid appears, introducing himself as the creator of the machines.
    • After a tense scene with Kefka, Celes and the soldiers disappear, and the building begins to collapse.
    • Follow Cid to the bottom of the factory and save your game.
    • After talking to Cid, you will face enemies in a moving cart, culminating in the battle against boss #128:
      • Focus your attacks on the main body.
      • Sabin: Pummel
      • Edgar: Drill
      • Locke: Focus on healing.
  6. Escaping Vector with Setzer’s Help :
    • After the battle, follow until you find Setzer. Everyone heads to the ship, but is interrupted by the boss Crane x 2:
      • Don’t use electrical magic.
      • Edgar: Drill
      • Sabin: Pummel
      • Locke: Heal
      • Setzer: Use Slot.
  7. Revelations in Zozo and Optional Missions :
    • Arriving in Zozo, Terra’s story is revealed.
    • After recovering and controlling Maduin, explore optional events:
      • In Tseng, buy the Seraph esper for 3000 Gil.
      • In Jidoor, at the auction, purchase Golem for 20000 Gil and Catcher for 10000 Gil.
  8. Towards Narshe :
    • Return to Narshe. Banan proposes a plan.
    • Head to the base east of Vector, go past it and enter the cave.


Upon entering this enigmatic cave, you will come across several traps and puzzles. Let’s face these challenges together:

  1. Starting Weapons: As soon as you enter the cave, there will be a weapon waiting for Shadow. Continue your journey, heading down the stairs, and you’ll find a weapon for Cyan.
  2. The Dancing Bridges: This is one of the most complicated segments of the cave. These wooden bridges constantly change position and if you’re not in the right place, you can fall into the lava and take damage. Follow the instructions precisely:
    • Initially, stay in the southernmost area.
    • Next, head to the rock in the center of the cave.
    • Move south, and at the first opportunity, turn right.
    • Keep moving forward until you find the Cannon accessory for Setzer.
    • Return to the center stone.
    • Move to the far north and then turn east to get an item.
    • Head south and look for the exit.
  3. More Challenges and Hidden Items: In the next section, choose the right path first to get an item. Then go back and take the left path. Remember the levers and the item that appears to be out of reach. Be patient and follow all the levers and buttons carefully to unlock new paths and find rare items like the Genji Glove and the Atma Weapon sword.
  4. The Final Confrontation: As you progress deeper into the cave, you will find the portal to the Esper World. Just as Terra tries to open the portal, Kefka appears, leading to a series of dramatic events.

Once you’ve finished the Cave of Sealed Gate, it’s time to head back to the ship and head to Vector.

VECTOR (Post-Destruction)

Arriving in Vector, the scene is one of devastation. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Palace Meeting: Emperor Gestahl will reveal his plans, leading to a palace sequence where you will have to interact with the soldiers.
  2. The Banquet Mission: This section is crucial. During dinner with the Emperor, your answers will determine the outcome. If you follow the instructions above correctly, you will be able to maximize the benefits for your journey.
  3. Rewards: If you succeed in the banquet quest, Doma and South Figaro will be freed. Additionally, the locked door at the empire base will be accessible, providing a number of useful items.
  4. Journey to Albrog: After collecting your prizes, head to Albrog. The port city will be your next destination, where you will meet General Leo. Here, there will be important character interactions and developments.
  5. Journey to Crescent Island: With Celes, Locke, Shadow and General Leo on board, the team sails to Crescent Island. After some events on the trip, the team splits up upon arriving at the island, each group heading in a different direction.
  6. The City on the Peninsula: This will be Terra, Locke and Shadow’s next destination, where new challenges and revelations await.


  • Shopping and Equipment : Start your journey in Thamasa by going to local stores and investing in new equipment to strengthen your group.
  • Meeting with Strago and Relm : Head to the northernmost house to meet Strago and his granddaughter, Relm. Relm has a special friendship with Interceptor, Shadow’s loyal dog. Despite Locke’s suspicions, Strago initially denies any knowledge of espers.
  • The Fire : After sleeping at the INN, you discover that Relm’s house is on fire! Strago tries to use magic to control the fire, even though the town elder disapproves. You must enter the burning house to save Relm.
    • Inside the house: Equipping Strago with the Frost Staff and Terra with the Frost Sword will increase their effectiveness against fire-based enemies. Avoid flames whenever possible, as they can start fights. Following the path with several doors, take the Flame Staff and then look for the Frost Staff.
    • BOSS – Flame Eater : This boss has an affinity for fire, so use water or ice-based skills and spells to maximize damage. Strago’s Aqua Breath, Shiva, Maduin, and Ice 2 are especially effective. Keep an eye out for Protect and Reflect in the final moments of the battle, but remember that Aqua Breath cannot be reflected.

After defeating the boss, the group rescues Relm and is eventually saved by Shadow. Strago reveals the town’s secret: everyone is a wizard and hides their abilities due to historical persecution. Strago and Relm join their group, while Shadow goes his own way.

Mountains West of Thamasa:

  • Heading to the Statues : After acquiring the necessary equipment in Thamasa, head towards the mountains. Grab the Healing Staff and watch out for the mysterious figure following you.
  • BOSS – Ultros : Ultros returns and initially, his attacks are easily manageable. Use Fire 2 with Terra and Locke, and Strago to heal. The battle has an interesting outcome when Relm offers to paint Ultros, leading to his retreat.

After Ultros, continue forward until you encounter the espers. Peace is tentatively achieved with the help of Locke and General Leo.

Return to Thamasa & Confrontation with Kefka :

After the encounter with the espers, the city of Thamasa suffers at the hands of Kefka, a cruel antagonist. He turns the espers into magicites and unleashes chaos. You will have the unique opportunity to control General Leo in a battle against Kefka. Take advantage and use your special abilities, but prepare for a tragic conclusion.

With the events in Thamasa coming to an end, prepare for the next phase. Invest time in training, acquire new spells, explore the triangular island to face Intangir and stock up on useful items for the upcoming battle.

Direction to the Floating Continent :

  • Preparation : Before taking off, make sure your group is well prepared. I suggest taking Terra, Locke, and a combination of Sabin, Edgar, or Strago. They will offer a balanced combination of attacks and support.
  • Air Battle : Get ready to face the empire’s air force. These battles are straightforward and a good warm-up for the challenges ahead.
  • BOSS – Ultros & Chupon : Ultros returns once again, this time accompanied by Chupon. Focus on defeating Ultros with Fire 2 and then switch your attention to Chupon, using Ice 2 to exploit its weakness.
  • BOSS – Air Force : Your last obstacle before the Floating Continent. Bolt 2, Ramuh and Maduín are effective here. Make sure to keep your party’s HP high to counter any substantial damage Air Force might do.


1. Encounter with Shadow: As soon as you start the level, you discover Shadow seriously injured. When you approach and interact with him, he will recover and join your team, strengthening the group. It’s vital to save your progress immediately after this to avoid having to repeat steps in case of defeat.

2. Navigation through the blue buttons and facing Giants: There are several blue buttons scattered along the way. Examining the first blue button will reveal the Murasame for Cyan, a valuable addition to your arsenal. A second blue button will lead to a confrontation with Gigantos. This creature is extremely dangerous and must be dealt with quickly to avoid major damage. Upon defeating him, you will be rewarded with the Sasuke Knife for Shadow, a crucial weapon.

3. Using transport and activating buttons: The level features several transports, which serve as shortcuts and lead to specific areas. The objective is to use these transports to navigate the scene, stepping on various buttons to create paths and unlock passages. Along these paths, you will find useful equipment and have a chance to save your game.

4. Battling Atma Weapon: Atma Weapon is a significant threat that requires careful strategy. His spells, such as Flare and Bio, are dangerous and must be counterbalanced with good defense and recovery. Use character-specific abilities, such as Shadow’s Shurikens and Terra’s Fire 2 in Morph mode, to deal maximum damage. Strago should be primarily assigned to healing the party and keeping his MPs full.

5. Facing Kefka and the consequences: The subsequent interaction with Kefka and Gestahl is more focused on narrative than actual combat. The game features a series of events that culminate in an epic battle between the statues, Kefka, and his companions. Celes plays a crucial role here, acting as a link between you and the antagonists.

6. Escape from the Floating Continent: Later, you will find yourself in a timed mission where you only have 5 minutes to escape. Although it seems rushed, the path is direct and without forks, allowing for a relatively smooth escape. However, before completing your escape, you will face Nerapa, a difficult opponent due to his Reflect status. Physical attacks are the key to overcoming him, but be careful with his abilities such as Death Sentence.

7. Final decision: Shadow and escape: Reaching the end of the Floating Continent, you have a critical choice to make: wait for Shadow or leave without him. To ensure that Shadow survives and can be a valuable member of the team in the future, you must choose to wait until the last few seconds. If you rush and leave too soon, you will lose Shadow forever.


Lonely Island and the Recovery of Celes

After the devastating events that left the world in ruins, Celes awakens on an isolated island, having been in a coma for a year. She discovers that Cid took care of her throughout this period. Reports from Cid describe the desperate situation: most people have given in to hopelessness, and even wildlife is dying.

Mission : Cid, weakened, needs Celes to collect fish to feed him. You must head to the beach, capture fish, and deliver them to Cid. Focus on fast fish as they are more nutritious. Cid’s survival does not directly impact the game’s main progression, but it can lead to more emotional moments, such as the scene in which Celes tries to take her own life, unable to deal with loneliness and loss.

After this harrowing event, Celes finds hope when she sees a seagull with Locke’s bandana. This discovery leads Celes to the basement of Cid’s cabin, where she finds a raft that will take her to the main continent.

Main Continent and Reunion with Old Friends

Arriving on the mainland, Celes team. The nearby town of Albrog may be useful for stocking up on items, but it is not a crucial point of the narrative.

Continuing north, Kefka’s tower appears on the horizon, where Vector once stood. Although the tower is currently inaccessible, it represents the source of the chaos plaguing the world.

Further north, you come across the city of Tseng.


Upon entering, an earthquake occurs, revealing an imminent challenge. Sabin, an old friend, is trying to stop a house from collapsing, asking Celes to save a child trapped inside. With a time limit of six minutes, avoid unnecessary combat, search for valuable items in the area and save the child. Make sure to use Fire 2 on the monsters guarding the chests for quick elimination. With the child safe, Sabin joins Celes on the mission to restore the world.

Heading north, Celes and Sabin find a stable. Use a Chocobo to travel to Mobilz, in the far east.


Upon arrival, the landscape is that of a traumatized village. Terra, a once powerful warrior, is now a protector of children orphaned by the disaster. However, the village faces a threat: Phunbaba. In an attempt to protect herself, Terra confronts the monster, but ends up being quickly subdued. Celes and Sabin arrive on the scene to face this threat. During the confrontation, use Fire 2 with Celes and Suplex with Sabin to maximize damage.

After the confrontation, Terra chooses to remain in Mobilz, and the group is gifted Fenrir’s Magicite.

Continuing, the group arrives at Nikeah. After properly equipping himself, in the town’s café, a familiar figure is seen – Edgar. However, he denies his past and introduces himself as Geoff.

Cave and the Rescue of Castle Figaro : Following the tracks of “Geoff”, Celes and Sabin go deep into the cave and discover that Castle Figaro has been trapped underground by tentacles. After a challenging fight against these creatures, it is revealed that Geoff is, in fact, Edgar, who used a false identity for infiltration.

Now, with Edgar in the group, the search for allies continues. Setzer, a former ally and aircraft owner, is found in Kohlingen. Although initially hesitant, he is persuaded to help. The next stop is Daryl’s Tomb, south of the city, where a new airship awaits.


  1. Entry and First Steps :
    • Enter the upper right door and examine the tombstone.
    • Keep following and press the lever. Then return to the previous path.
    • Access the door below to collect the Genji Helmet .
  2. Exploring the Tomb :
    • Advance to the lower center door. Ignoring the lever, go straight down.
    • Investigate all the tombstones present in this area.
    • Head to the upper left door. When examining the tombstone in this room, select the options in the following order: 4th, 1st, 3rd.
    • Next, exit and go to the door below.
    • Go downstairs and acquire the Royal Vest .
    • Before entering the door, walk through the wall on the right to get the Exp . Egg accessory , which doubles the equipped character’s experience.
    • Now, enter the door and activate the lever.
    • Return to the previously ignored lever and press it. Use the turtle to cross the river.
    • Continue until you find a save point. Near it is a chest with an optional boss.
  3. Optional Boss – Presenter :
    • You will face two targets: the head and the shell. Never attack the shell as it can launch a devastating attack called Giga-Volt.
    • The head, on the other hand, uses attacks like Aqua Breath.
    • The best strategy here is to use Fire 2 magic.
    • Once defeated, you will receive Dragon Claw for Sabin.
  4. Confrontation with Dulahan :
    • After recovering from the battle, move forward and interact with the pillar, triggering another boss battle against Dulahan.
    • Dulahan has a large amount of HP and is capable of using powerful attacks like Lv? Holy and Holy.
    • Maintain the offensive using Fire 2, while also managing the party’s health. Setzer’s Gil Throw is especially useful in this battle.
    • After victory, proceed through the newly opened passage.
  5. Souvenirs and THE FALCON :
    • The story unfolds as Setzer reminisces about his friend Daryl and the loss of his ship, which he refurbished and named FALCON.
    • With the FALCON in hand, you could try attacking Kefka Tower, but considering your characters’ levels, it’s wiser to focus on gathering the rest of the group and strengthening yourself.
  6. Towards Miranda :
    • Follow the seagull to Miranda. There, talk to the young woman in the rightmost house. The story of her boyfriend’s mysterious correspondence leads us to believe that Cyan is involved.
    • After reading the letter, give it to the pigeon, who will show you the way.


  1. Arrival and Solvent :
    • In Zozo, the enemies haven’t changed, so you shouldn’t have any problems.
    • Purchase the solvent from the NPC near the INN for 1000 Gil.
  2. Cave and Items :
    • Head to the CAFE and use the solvent to unblock a previously blocked passage.
    • Explore the cave, collect items from the chests and head towards the Gold Hairpin (reduces MP usage by half) through the leftmost exit.
  3. Storm Dragon :
    • After saving, press the button on the floor and approach the chest. Here you will face the Storm Dragon.
    • This is a challenging opponent who has powerful attacks. Depending on the level and preparation, it may be advisable to tackle it later.
  4. Cyan and Gau :
    • Continue to a room full of flowers and letters. Moving forward, you will find Cyan. He will return to the group and report on Gau in Miranda.
    • After leaving Zozo, go to the beach where Celes was previously to get the Esper Catcher. When forming a group of three, fight in the Veldt until Gau appears. He only joins groups of three or less. When you’re ready, go to the cave in the same area.

VELDT CAVE (Optional)

Upon entering this cave, Interceptor will be your first sight. There’s no way to get lost here:

  1. Follow Interceptor : No misleading forks.
  2. Item Collection :
    • As you proceed, look for chests.
    • In one of the chests you will find a weapon crucial for a subsequent event. Make sure you get it.
  3. Lever :
    • Further on, you will find a lever. Pull it, and a new passage will open.
  4. Encounter with Shadow :
    • As you follow this new passage, you will find Shadow fallen. Keep moving forward, and you’ll find a save point.
    • After this point, follow the lower passage and find Shadow again. However, be prepared as an enemy will attack you.
    Boss: Mr. Behemoth
    • He is a formidable opponent. His attacks include Holy, Ice 2 and 3.
    • Defense: Keep healing constantly.
    • Offensive: Use fire attacks like Fire 2 and Ifrit.
    • After a while, a second Behemoth will appear, but the strategy remains practically the same.
  5. Return to Thamasa :
    • After the battle, the party will take Shadow to Thamasa to recover. Rest in Thamasa and when you return you will notice that Shadow has disappeared.
  6. Coliseum :
    • North of Kohlingen, a new location will appear – the coliseum.
    • Here, you’ll meet Ultros again, but he now works as a receptionist.
    • In the coliseum, you must bet items to battle. Bet the dagger you found in the Veldt Cave and prepare to face Shadow.
  7. Fight with Shadow :
    • Choose a member to fight. Note that you cannot control your character in battle.
    • The good news is that Shadow is not difficult to defeat. After beating him, he will join the group again.
  8. Missions in Mobliz :
    • In Mobliz, go to children’s homes and interact with them.
    • Then, head to the house on the left and talk to Dean.
    • Following the dog, you will find Terra and Katrin. However, a boy will appear, bringing news of Phunbaba’s return.
    Boss: Punbaba
    • He’s less threatening than he seems. Use Fire 2 and other powerful attacks.
    • At some point, Punbaba will eliminate two members of your party. Terra will transform and join the battle, use Fire 2 on her.
    • After the battle, Terra will rejoin the group.


In this phase, you will operate with two groups to advance through the cave:

  • Group 1 : Earth, Edgar, Shadow, Gau
  • Group 2 : Celes, Sabin, Cyan, Setzer
  1. First steps :
    • Group 1 : Enter the cave and step on the button.
    • Group 2 : Through the newly opened passage, follow and try to open the chest on the left. After falling into the hole, go back up the stairs and press the button.
  2. Progression :
    • The objective is to use the buttons to open passages for the other group. Each group alternates between advancing and helping the other group. Note that many of the chests are empty, but you must open them as the items in them will be given to you later.
  3. Clash with Red Dragon :
    • After several changes of positions and pulled levers, Group 1 will arrive at a place where they will face one of the super dragons.
    Boss: Red Dragon
    • Get ready to face attacks like Fire 2, Fire 3 and Merton. Keep healing and attack with ice elements, like Ice 3.
    • Upon defeating him, Cyan will gain a new weapon.
  4. Phoenix Cave Conclusion :
    • Continue moving forward with both groups until you find Locke. The story will reveal your motives, and after an emotional sequence in Kohlingen, you will receive the Esper Phoenix. Additionally, Locke will return to the group and give you the items from the chests you opened.
  5. Next destination :
    • Head to the triangular island where you previously faced Itangir.


Introduction: Triangle Island is a special location located in the world of FINAL FANTASY VI that offers optional challenges and rewards.

Step by step:

  1. Swallowing Monster:
    • Walk around Triangle Island until you find a special monster with the ability to swallow characters.
    • Allow this monster to swallow all your characters.
  2. The Mysterious Cave:
    • After being swallowed, you will be transported to a hidden cave.
    • Start by climbing down the ladder directly below. (The stairs above are for exiting).
    • Use the action button to jump between bridges. Be wary of the enemies that roam around – if they touch you, you’ll fall into a hole.
  3. Chests and Buttons:
    • If you fall into a hole, don’t worry. Below are two chests containing valuable items. After picking them up, press the button on the floor to return.
    • Continue by collecting items from the chests, including a Genji Armor and a special accessory for Relm.
    • Save the game and continue advancing.
  4. Danger in sight:
    • Proceed cautiously into the next area where the ceiling rises and falls. Keep an eye out for holes in the ceiling to avoid being crushed.
  5. Chests and Gogo:
    • Continue to an area with many open chests. Use them as springboards to navigate.
    • Follow the right directions to find Gogo, a mime who will join your group.
    • After obtaining Gogo, exit the cave and proceed to Narshe.


Introduction: Narshe is an important city that you visited earlier in the game. This return presents challenges and new allies.

Step by step:

  1. Preparation:
    • Assemble a group of three characters, ensuring that Locke is among them.
  2. Lone Wolf and Chests:
    • Once in Narshe, talk to Lone Wolf.
    • Access the room full of chests and open the closed one – however, it will be empty.
  3. Esper Ragnarok:
    • Head to the weapons store and talk to the old man. He will offer you a choice between the esper Ragnarok or a powerful sword.
    • Choose to stay with the esper, as she teaches the powerful Ultima magic.
  4. Mog and the Mines:
    • Access the mines and go to the place previously inhabited by Moogles. There, you will meet Mog again, who will join your group.
    • Continue exploring the mines, being careful of the ice dragon and looking for the Tritorch esper.
  5. Boss: Tritorch:
    • After an encounter with the Tritorch, you will be rewarded with the esper after defeating it.
  6. The Ice Dragon and Umaro:
    • After preparing, face the Ice Dragon.
    • Afterwards, explore a secret area where you will find a skull sculpture. By examining it, you will gain the esper Terrato, but you will also face the Yeti (Umaro).
    • Upon defeating Umaro, he will join your party at Mog’s insistence.
  7. Dances and Bum Rush:
    • With Mog in your party, travel through different terrains to learn new Dances.
    • Add Sabin to the group and head to an area near Narshe marked by cross-shaped trees. There, you will meet Duncan, who will teach Sabin the powerful Bum Rush.

After completing these optional tasks, you will be empowered, with new allies and powerful abilities. Now head to Jidoor.


  • Mysterious Mansion in Jidoor:
    • Upon entering the dark mansion, head towards the back stairs.
    • An entity will block your path, redirecting you to examine a diary on a nearby table.
    • Afterwards, interact with the lamp next to the stairs to light up the room.
    • With the area lit up, head to the final panel on the left on the upper floor and prepare for combat.
    • When you win, a secret door will appear. Cross it and go down the stairs.
    • Avoid the board that sucks you into another battle. Once you beat it, you’ll find a hallway with two doors.
      • The left door contains valuable armor for Strago.
      • The right leads to a room with three doors that open and close alternately. Behind them, find the “Dead Ring” accessory.
    • Go through the left door to a room with floating chests. Stepping into the shadows of these chests leads to battles that, when won, release items from the chests. Even if they are not essential, it is recommended to purchase all items.
    • Examine the central board for another battle. Beat her and proceed through the newly opened door.
    • Before facing the boss, save your progress and proceed to the next room.
    • Battle against Chadarnook:
      • Strategy: Chadarnook is vulnerable to electrical attacks. Use Earth (with Morph) and Fire 3 to deal maximum damage. Sabin, in turn, should use Bum Rush. Keep your other characters focused on healing the party and launching fire attacks.
  • After the Battle:
    • Talk to the owner of the mansion and acquire the “Starlet” esper by examining the shelf.
    • Recruit Relm back into the group and prepare to leave Jidoor.


  • Fanatics Tower:
    • Near Nikeah, this tower houses formidable enemies. However, the main objective at the moment is to rescue Strago, who will only join you if Relm is in the party.
  • Thamasa:
    • With Relm and Strago in the group, go to Thamasa. A sequence will reveal that Strago wants to avenge his friend, injured by the monster Hidon.
    • Head to the island to the north and enter the dark cave. Here, visibility is limited and there are teleporter portals.
    • To progress, you need to collect corals and feed a hungry chest that blocks the path. After satisfying your hunger, the chest will open the passage.
    • Battle against Hidon:
      • Strategy: Hidon uses powerful poison attacks, including Grand Train. The latter is valuable for Strago, as it is one of his best abilities. Use fire magic and, after defeating Hidon, return to Thamasa.


  • Cyan’s Dream:
    • Explore the castle in search of items and, when proposed, choose to sleep. The journey inside Cyan’s dream unfolds in different scenarios:
      • First, recover your allies by going through doors in sequence.
      • In an area with levers and chests, follow the instructions to advance.
      • In Ghost Train, solve puzzles involving chests and levers to progress.
      • In the mines of Narshe, follow Cyan and help him through the painful memories associated with his past.
    • Key Battles:
      • Larry, Curly and Moe: Focus on defeating the flying enemy first, using ice-based spells and attacks. They can petrify, so be prepared.
      • Wrexsoul: This boss is challenging. It has characters and is invulnerable until the host is defeated. Use physical attacks and avoid using fire magic.
  • Return to Doma:
    • After overcoming the trials in the dream, Cyan is gifted with the Masamune sword and unlocks all of his Swordtech abilities.

Other Missions:

  • Doom Gaze:
    • This is a volatile enemy that can be randomly encountered while flying around the map. Use Vanish and Doom or X-Zone spells for an easy victory and obtain the Bahamut esper.
  • Figaro Castle:
    • After moving under the sand, explore the underground area and caves. Fight Master Pug and get a special weapon for Locke. Further ahead, discover the Ancient Castle.


History : The Ancient Castle is a place full of mysteries and stories of previous battles. A thousand years ago, a terrible battle took place in this place. The esper Odin fought bravely, but a powerful sorcerer turned him to stone. Unfortunately, the city was destroyed in that battle.

Action Route :

  1. Katana Soul :
    • Location : Upon entering, go through the door on the left and open the chest.
    • Strategy : Katana Soul has similar abilities to the character Shadow. Use characters with strong physical attacks like Bum Rush, Quadra Slice, Drill and Gil Throw. Keep a character dedicated to healing.
    • Reward : By defeating Katana Soul, you acquire the Offer Ring accessory. This accessory allows normal attacks to hit four times. Combine this with Genji Glove on Sabin or Cyan for an 8-hit total attack.
  2. Discovering Esper Odin :
    • Location : Go back and go through the main door until you reach the throne room.
    • Action : Examine the statue to obtain the Odin esper.
  3. Secrets and Super Dragons :
    • Location : Go north and enter the first door on the right.
    • Items : Here, you will find a Gold Hairpin and an accessory for Umaro.
    • Special Action : Standing next to the Odin statue and moving downwards while pressing the action button will reveal a secret.
    • BlueDragon :
      • Strategy : Be careful with the water attack that hits all characters. Physical attacks, similar to those used against Katana Soul, are effective here.
      • Reward : When you defeat him, you get the Zantesuken sword.
  4. Raiden & Meteo :
    • Examine the queen’s statue and the esper Odin will be transformed into Raiden. This will replace the Meteo spell with the Quick spell.
  5. Final Tip : This area is great for improving your espers. Consider spending some time fighting here.


Features : The peculiarity of this tower is that only spells and items can be used. Normal attacks and special abilities are restricted. Also, there are no Save Points, so proceed with caution.

Action Route :

  1. Exploring the Tower :
    • Go up the stairs and take the opportunity to collect valuable items in the rooms:
      • An accessory that protects against fatal magic.
      • Genji Shield.
  2. WhiteDragon :
    • Strategy : White Dragon uses Holy and Dispel. Use the Ultima spell and complement it with spells like Fire 2.
    • Reward : When you beat him, you receive the Holy Lance.
  3. Reaching the Top :
    • Continue climbing and collect the Gem Box accessory.
    • Get ready to face the fanatics and the powerful Mage Master.
  4. Mage Master :
    • Strategy : Equip the Gem Box and be ready to use powerful spells like Ultima and Auto-Life. It is also vital to use Reflect to reflect your spells.
    • Caution : Before being defeated, Mage Master uses Ultima magic, which can be fatal.

Preparing for Kefka Tower :

  • Tips :
    • Collect the remaining Lores for Strago and the Rages for Gau.
    • Fight enemies in the Colosseum to earn items.
    • To gain experience quickly, fight T-Rex near the Veldt.
  • Entrance to Kefka Tower :
    • Form three balanced groups to face the challenges. Each group must consist of a wizard, a strong warrior, a fast character and a balanced one.

Suggested Groups :

  1. Terra, Cyan, Gau, and Strago.
  2. Celes, Sabin, Locke, and Mog.
  3. Relm, Edgar, Shadow, and Setzer.

Alternatively, you can replace Locke with Gogo and Setzer with Umaro according to your strategy. With the groups formed, advance to the last dungeon until you confront Kefka!

KEFKA TOWER (Final Dungeon)

Kefka’s Tower represents the pinnacle of challenges in FINAL FANTASY VI. Before embarking on this adventure, it is essential to prepare adequately.

Initial Preparations :

  • Character Levels : Make sure your characters are at least level 45. If possible, try to reach even higher levels to ensure your safety.
  • Equipment : Equip your characters with the best equipment available in the game.

Featured Enemies :

  1. Demon Dragons : These dragons are a great threat, as they always appear in pairs and use the Southern Cross attack, causing devastating damage of approximately 3500 points to the entire group. Unless you are above level 70, it is highly recommended to run away from these opponents.
  2. Ninja-Sorceress Group : This group is made up of two ninjas and a sorceress. Ninjas are especially dangerous due to their ability to fight back by throwing deadly weapons. Therefore, it is prudent to avoid combat with them.

Navigating the Tower :

Group 1 :

  1. Move forward and locate the chest containing the Hypno Crown .
  2. Proceed through the door on the left, advance to the next door and find a weapon for Setzer inside the chest.
  3. Keep moving forward until you reach a dead end.

Group 2 :

  1. Continue forward until you find a chest with Minerva armor .
  2. Keep moving forward until you reach two doors. First, head to the top door to get a Tack Star .
  3. Next, head through the lower door and prepare for a possible confrontation with Atma .
    • Atma Attacks : Fire 3, Ice 3 (these can be fatal if focused on a single character), and Northern Cross. It is recommended to use Celes to cast Fire 3 or Ultima, as well as Locke and Mog. Sabin must use Bum Rush constantly. Avoid using Holy, as Atma absorbs this type of magic.
  4. After facing Atma, save your game at the Save Point and go through the door below. Move forward to the next door and use the pipe on the left.
  5. Search a chest for the Force Shield and then look further left to find Force Armor . Proceed through the door on the left and press the button on the floor, allowing Group 1 to advance.
  6. Get the Ribbon from the chest and continue through the right door. Get ready to face Gold Dragon .
    • Combat against Gold Dragon : He only uses thunder spells. Protect yourself against this type of magic and use techniques like Ultima, Holy, Bum Rush and, if Mog is equipped with a Holy Lance and Dragon Boots, use the Jump attack.

Important Note : In the local area, an enemy named Gamma can be defeated to obtain the Air Anchor , Edgar’s ultimate tool. This tool is not very useful, but it can be collected by completionist players.

Group 3 :

  1. Head down and enter the first door on the left. Go forward to find two chests.
  2. Return and proceed through the lower door. Advance until you find a pipe, follow it to the Save Point.
  3. Get ready for a showdown against Inferno .
    • Combat against Inferno : He is an improved version of No. 128. Protect yourself against fire attacks and be ready to heal and revive your characters. Use attacks like Ultima, Holy, Flare, Drill and Gil Throw.
  4. After the battle, move forward, collect the megaelixir from the chest and examine the red glowing chest. Climb the conveyor belt, collect a weapon for Relm, and prepare to face the last of the eight super dragons.

Skull Dragon : This is an undead boss, and as such has a critical weakness: simply use a Phoenix Down and he will be defeated instantly. Make sure he has already defeated all eight dragons to receive the last esper, Crusader, by defeating the Skull Dragon.

After victory, continue moving forward until you reach the second group and step on the button.

Group Dynamics :

  • Group 1 :
    1. Continue forward until you find Groups 2 and 3.
    2. Enter the newly opened door and go left.
    3. Go down and switch to Group 2.
    4. Exit the button and switch back to Group 1.
    5. Push the weight to land on the button.
  • Group 2 :
    1. Go through the central door and move to the right.
    2. Repeat the procedure from Group 1.
  • Group 3 :
    1. Access the central corridor and go down.
    2. Press the button and return.
    3. Enter the door above and step on the button.
    4. With the other groups, activate the remaining buttons to open a new door.
    5. Enter the new area with Group 3 and prepare for another boss.

Guardian : The Guardian may have a powerful attack, but during my playthrough, it only used one Ultros tentacle attack, dealing around 1100 damage. The strategy here is simple: with Relm, dump Ultima or Bolt 3 magic on him. Shadow can throw his weapons, Edgar uses Drill, and Setzer can play GP Throw. Even though it seems simple, don’t underestimate this enemy.

After defeating the Guardian, be sure to recover and save. Move forward to face the first statue.

Poltergeist : This boss is extremely lethal, capable of annihilating the entire party in a single turn. Stay alert for his attacks: Aero, Meteo, Merton and a blow that kills a character instantly. Auto-Life magic will be crucial. Relm must channel Ultima magic. Shadow must bring out his best weapons. Edgar and Setzer should prioritize healing and reviving, but when possible, use them to attack. Upon defeating Poltergeist, you will be rewarded with the Shinning Lance – equip it on Edgar to power him up.

Advance to the next area, recover, save, and follow the instructions, moving between groups as necessary. You will face two additional bosses – Doom and Goddess . These battles will be arduous, requiring maximum strategic capacity and optimal use of your skills and magic.

Finally, you will confront Kefka , the game’s main antagonist and final boss. For this confrontation, you can use all 12 characters you brought to the dungeon. The battle is sequential, divided into several phases, and if all four of your active characters die, it’s GAME OVER. So be strategic about the order you place your characters in and use their abilities in the most effective way.

Kefka has a variety of powerful attacks, including Fallen One, Merton, and a regular attack that is lethal. Strategy, timing and effective use of spells and skills are essential to defeating him. Once Kefka falls, the game reaches its climax and you can enjoy the end of the game.

Remember: FINAL FANTASY VI’s ending may vary depending on the decisions you made throughout the game and the characters you acquired during your journey.

May the light of crystals guide your path!

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