Final Fantasy XIII – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) – Part 01

Final Fantasy XIII – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) – Part 01

January 17, 2024 Off By Miguel Montenegro

Chapter I

At the beginning of Chapter I of Final Fantasy XIII, you take control of Lightning and Sazh. This phase serves as a basic introduction to the game, focusing on initial combat and exploration of limited environments.

Early Combat and Exploration

  • Facing Weak Monsters : The first enemies are relatively easy. Use the “Auto Battle” feature to fight efficiently, letting the game choose the best actions.
  • Collecting Items : Pay attention to the “flying capsules” scattered around the scene. They contain valuable items. In the game, items are expensive and money (Gil) is scarce, so take the opportunity to collect everything you find.

First Great Enemy: Manasvin Warmech

  • You will face Manasvin Warmech twice. When you defeat him, you receive 6 potions.
  • This battle is straightforward, serving more as a hands-on tutorial.

Game Tutorial

  • ATB (Active Time Battle) – Auto Battle and Abilities : The tutorial explains the ATB system, where each character action consumes part of the ATB bar. At the start, the bar is divided into two sections, allowing actions that consume one or two sections.
    • Auto Battle : This mode makes the character automatically choose the most effective actions.
    • Abilities : Allows manual selection of abilities in a specific order.
  • Item Usage : Items can be used during battle without consuming the ATB bar. Examples include:
    • Potion : Heals all party members.
    • Phoenix Down : Resurrects a fallen party member. Requires specific character selection.

Attack Chain Mechanics

  • The concept of “Attack Chain” is crucial in battles. Enemies have a Chain Gauge bar, indicating their vulnerability.
  • When filling this bar, the enemy enters “Stagger Mode”, increasing the damage received.
  • The strategy is to maximize the Chain Gauge to cause more damage, because when the gauge empties, the enemy’s vulnerability is reset.
  • Each monster has a different percentage of Chain Gauge, affecting how easy it is to fill it.

Progression and Items

  • During this chapter, you will also control Snow (accompanied by two party members) and then Hope with Vanille.
  • Game Tip : With Snow, avoid using potions, as one of the members can heal the group. When in pairs, use heals more sparingly.
  • At the end of the chapter, if you have collected all the items from the capsules, you should have: 9 potions, 2 Iron Bangles, 1 Power Circle and 200 Gil, in addition to the items obtained from defeated monsters.

This chapter serves as an introduction to the combat system and basic mechanics of Final Fantasy XIII, preparing you for more complex challenges in the following chapters.

Additional Strategies and Tips

  1. Meticulous Exploration : As the initial scenarios are compact, it is an excellent opportunity to explore every corner and collect all available items. This will help save valuable resources later in the game.
  2. Item and Gil Management : It is crucial to be economical with resources in the early game. Avoid spending Gil unnecessarily and only use items when necessary. Remember, items like potions are valuable and scarce.
  3. Combat System Learning :
    • Practice using “Auto Battle” to understand how the game selects actions.
    • Experiment with the “Abilities” menu to get a sense of how to plan and execute more personalized combat strategies.
    • Observe the behavior of the Chain Gauge on different enemies to develop effective strategies for each type.
  4. Adaptation to Combat Situations :
    • When controlling Snow, adjust your approach to take advantage of her healing abilities.
    • With Hope and Vanille, focus on understanding their abilities and how they can complement your playstyle.
  5. Character Progress Monitoring : Keep an eye on character development and unlocking new skills. This will be crucial to face future challenges.
  6. Preparation for Later Chapters : Chapter I is relatively easier, serving as a gentle introduction to the world of Final Fantasy XIII. Use it to familiarize yourself with the controls, game mechanics, and combat strategies that will be essential to advance through the game.

Chapter II

In Chapter II of Final Fantasy XIII, gameplay expands with more combat and the introduction of new concepts and strategies. Here is a detailed guide to navigating this chapter.

Vanille and Hope Control: Combat Practice

  • This phase is an excellent opportunity to get used to the game’s combat system.
  • Character Equipment : Use the equipment option (accessible via the triangle button) to strengthen your characters. It is recommended to equip Vanille and Hope with the “Iron Bangles” to increase their health points, as they have the lowest amount of health among the characters.

Preemptive Strike Tutorial

  • When you control Vanille and Hope, you will learn about the “Preemptive Strike”. When attacking an unprepared enemy (with their back to you), you can start combat with the advantage, filling 99% of the opponent’s Chain Gauge, which makes the fight much easier.
  • Some creatures are more susceptible to being surprised than others, so be prepared for both scenarios.

Controlling Snow and the Lightning/Sazh Duo

  • You will also have the chance to control Snow alone and, later, the duo of Lightning and Sazh.
  • When facing Myrmidon with Lightning and Sazh, consider equipping the “Power Circle” to increase attack strength. One potion during battle should be enough to emerge victorious.

Shrouds Tutorial

  • Shrouds are items that grant special statuses before starting a battle. You will learn how to use them in this chapter.
  • Types of Shrouds :
    • Deceptisol : Makes your character invisible, allowing for surprise attacks most of the time.
    • Fortisol : Increases attack and speed stats.
    • Aegisol (not yet available): Increases physical and magical defense.
    • Ethersol (not yet available): Recovers the Technical Points bar.
  • To use a Shroud, press L1

and choose the desired item with the X button. Close the menu with the O button.

Confrontation with Fal’Cie Anima

  • The culmination of this chapter is the battle against the Fal’Cie Anima, an enemy with 3800HP.
  • Combat Strategy : The recommended tactic is to focus on the Anima’s arms first, as they can deal significant damage and regenerate. After destroying them, focus on the Anima’s main body.
  • Item Management : Keep a stock of 3-4 potions on hand for this battle, as they will be useful in maintaining your party’s health.

End of Chapter and Rewards

  • When you complete Chapter II, you will meet all the main characters and receive different rewards depending on your actions and discoveries throughout the chapter.
  • Expected Items : Some of the rewards and items you may have accumulated up to this point include:
    • 1x Doctor Code
    • 1x Power Wristband
    • 9x Potions
    • Gladius (weapon for Lightning)
    • 1x Phoenix Down
    • 1x Fortisol
    • 150 Gil
    • Other items found or dropped from monsters.

Additional Tips and Strategies

  1. Utilize Equipment Strategy : Collected accessories and weapons can make a big difference in battles. Make sure you equip your characters appropriately to maximize your chances of success.
  2. Take advantage of Preemptive Strike Opportunities : Whenever possible, try to approach enemies from behind to start combat with an advantage. This is especially useful against stronger enemies.
  3. Efficient Shroud Management : Use Shrouds strategically to facilitate difficult combats. Remember they are limited, so use them wisely.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the Controls and Mechanics : Each character has their own strengths and abilities. Take advantage of this chapter to familiarize yourself with each person’s different combat styles.
  5. Preparation for Confrontation with Fal’Cie Anima : This battle can be challenging, so be prepared with appropriate strategies and a good supply of healing items.

Chapter III

Paradigm System The Paradigm System is the backbone of Final Fantasy XIII’s combat system. It is based on the combination of different “roles” to form a “paradigm”. Each role performs a specific function in battle, such as attack, defense or support.

  • Examples of Paradigms :
    • Relentless Assault : Combines 1 Commando and 2 Ravagers. This paradigm focuses on heavy attack and magic damage.
    • Solidarity : Combines 1 Commando, 1 Sentinel and 1 Medic. This paradigm balances attack with defense and healing.
  • Paradigm Shift : During battle, you can switch paradigms by pressing L1 and selecting the desired paradigm from the list with the X button. This mechanic allows you to adapt your strategy in real time to different combat situations.

Crystarium Tutorial Crystarium is Final Fantasy XIII’s character progression system, where you can develop skills and attributes using Crystal Points (CP) earned in battles.

  • CP Gain : Each monster defeated grants a specific amount of CP. All characters in your party receive CP after a battle, even if they didn’t directly participate in it.
  • Character Development : In Crystarium, you will only find three main attributes: HP, Strength and Magic. These attributes are present in all roles, but the specific skills are exclusive to each role.
  • Progression Strategy : It is advisable to first focus on each character’s main roles (e.g. Commando for Light and Snow, Ravager and/or Medic for Hope and Vanille) before developing secondary roles.

Command Execution Tutorial This tutorial teaches you how to manage command execution in battle, offering finer control over character actions.

  • ATB Gauge Management : You can choose to stop filling the ATB Gauge to perform partial actions. For example, if you have set up a Blitz (consuming 2 ATB) followed by an Attack (1 ATB) with Lightning, you can press triangle to only perform the Blitz if only 2 ATB segments are charged.
  • Action Cancellation : By pressing the O button, you can cancel the current action and return to the previous menu, allowing you to adjust your Auto-Battle or Abilities choices.

Additional Tips and Strategies

  1. Flexibility with Paradigms : Learn to quickly switch paradigms during battle to respond to different situations, such as the need for quick healing or reinforced defense.
  2. Strategic Planning in Crystarium : Balance the development of attributes and skills. Don’t neglect any aspect of Crystarium, as they are all crucial to success in more challenging combat.
  3. Efficient Command : Practice using canceling and partial execution of commands to maximize efficiency in battle. This can be particularly useful for quickly reacting to changes on the battlefield or for applying specific strategies against certain enemies.

Paradigm System II

The Paradigm System is a crucial element in Final Fantasy XIII, providing a layer of deep strategy to combat. In this segment, we will focus on the practical and strategic application of the paradigms, especially in the confrontation with the boss Manasvin Warmech, a challenge that tests your understanding and ability to efficiently apply the paradigms.

Commando Role

  • Function and Importance : The Commando is essential to keep the enemy’s Chain Gauge from decreasing rapidly. This is especially useful for prolonging Stagger Mode, a state where the enemy is more vulnerable and takes more damage.
  • Usage Strategy : Use Commando to stabilize the Chain Gauge, especially when switching to defensive paradigms to heal your party. When returning to an offensive paradigm, the Chain Gauge will not be depleted, allowing you to continue to rack up damage on the enemy.

Ravager Role

  • Function and Importance : Ravagers specialize in magical and elemental attacks, crucial for quickly increasing the enemy’s Chain Gauge. They are effective against enemies with specific elemental weaknesses.
  • Usage Strategy : Use Ravagers to quickly fill the Chain Gauge and enter Stagger Mode. However, be aware that the Chain Gauge decreases more quickly with Ravager attacks, so it is vital to balance its use with that of Commandos.

Sentinel Role

  • Role and Importance : So far, only Snow has the role of Sentinel. This role is focused on defense, absorbing and significantly reducing damage received.
  • Usage Strategy : Sentinels are ideal in situations where you face enemies with powerful attacks. They can reduce damage taken by up to 75% or even completely block certain attacks. Use them in defensive strategies, especially when facing powerful bosses.

Confrontation with Manasvin Warmech

  • Preparation and Strategy : Against Manasvin Warmech (32400 HP), success depends not only on the level of your characters, but mainly on the efficient use of paradigms.
  • Paradigm Combination : Switching between offensive and defensive paradigms is crucial. Start with a paradigm that includes Ravagers to quickly increase the Chain Gauge, then switch to a paradigm with Commandos to stabilize the Chain Gauge and maximize damage during Stagger Mode. Use Sentinel when necessary to reduce damage taken during the boss’s most powerful attacks.

Additional Tips and Considerations

  1. Balance is Key : The key to mastering the Paradigm System is balancing the different roles. Don’t focus on just one type of attack or defense.
  2. Quick Adaptation : Be quick and adaptable in changing paradigms, responding to changes in battle efficiently.
  3. Anticipate Enemy Movements : Pay attention to enemy attack patterns and adjust your paradigms accordingly.
  4. Character Development : Maintain a good balance in the development of each character’s roles in Crystarium, for flexibility and effectiveness in combat.

The Role of the Medic

The Medic plays a crucial role in Final Fantasy XIII, responsible for healing and, eventually, reviving team members. However, effective management of this role is essential for success in combat.

  • Strategic Use of the Medic : The Medic should not be part of your starting (“official”) paradigm because this can reduce effectiveness in battle. Instead, switch to a paradigm with a Medic only when necessary to heal or revive. This ensures you don’t waste valuable time increasing the Chain Gauge or attacking.
  • Effect on Battle Ranking : Keeping a Medic too active can negatively affect his post-fight ranking, which is based on factors such as combat time and efficiency.

Distribution of Roles between Characters

  • Lightning : Mainly Commando (COM) and Ravager (RAV).
  • Snow : Commando (COM), Ravager (RAV) and Sentinel (SEN).
  • Hope : Ravager (RAV), Synergist (SYN) and Medic (MED).
  • Vanille : Ravager (RAV) and Medic (MED).
  • Sazh : Initially just Ravager (RAV), but later he learns Commando (COM) and Synergist (SYN).

Recommended Paradigms

  • Relentless Assault (COM/RAV/RAV) : Ideal for filling the Chain Gauge, with the Ravagers attacking the same target as the Commando.
  • Aggression (COM/COM/RAV) : Excellent in Stagger Mode, maximizing physical damage.
  • Diversity (COM/RAV/MED) : Useful for balancing attack and healing while maintaining Chain Gauge.
  • Tri-Disaster (RAV/RAV/RAV) : Fills the Chain Gauge quickly, but must be used with caution due to the rapid decrease in the Chain Gauge. Ideal against weak enemies or as part of a paradigm switching strategy for stronger enemies.

Additional Tips and Considerations

  1. Flexible Adaptation : The key to mastering combat in Final Fantasy XIII is to quickly adapt to the circumstances of battle, switching paradigms as necessary.
  2. Attention to Life Points : Hope, being a Medic with low health, requires special attention. Place him in a defensive or healing paradigm when his health is low.
  3. Character Development : Focus on developing each character’s primary roles in Crystarium, but don’t ignore secondary roles, as they can be crucial in specific situations.
  4. Maximize Use of Stagger Mode : Use paradigms that quickly increase Chain Gauge to enter Stagger Mode, then switch to paradigms that maximize physical damage.
  5. Advance Paradigm Planning : Plan your paradigms before important battles, taking into account the strengths

and enemy weaknesses, as well as the composition and roles available in your group.

Efficient Chain Gauge Management : Monitor the Chain Gauge carefully. Use paradigms that quickly fill her up, but be ready to switch to paradigms that stabilize her to maximize time in Stagger Mode.

Balancing Attack and Defense : While offensive paradigms like “Relentless Assault” and “Tri-Disaster” are critical for aggressive combat, don’t overlook the importance of defensive paradigms for healing and damage absorption, especially in prolonged battles.

Efficient Use of the Synergist and Saboteur : Although initially limited, the role of the Synergist (SYN) becomes vital later in the game, providing buffs to the team. The Saboteur (SAB), not yet introduced, will be equally important for weakening enemies.

Adapting to Group Limitations : At times in the game where the number of Commandos is limited, adjust your strategy to maximize the effectiveness of the Ravagers and other available roles.

Prepare for Changing Party Dynamics : Be prepared to adapt your strategies as new characters join or leave the party, and as new roles are unlocked in Crystarium.

Battle Technique Tutorial The Battle Technique Tutorial introduces an additional layer of strategy to Final Fantasy XIII’s combat, focusing on the use of Technique Points (TP) to perform special abilities.

  • Technique Points (TP) : These are required to perform special techniques and have a maximum of 5 points, indicated by a golden bar below the leader’s life bar.
  • TP Acquisition : You earn TP by defeating enemies and obtaining high star ratings in battles.
  • Libra Technique : The initial technique, Libra, is crucial for revealing enemies’ weaknesses and resistances. This information is accessible by pressing R1 during battle.

Practical Application in Battles

  • Against Alpha Behemoth (20000 HP) : This is a challenging enemy where the Libra technique is vital. The recommended strategy is to prevent it from reaching 100% on the Chain Gauge, which can be done by efficiently changing paradigms and using the Libra technique to identify weaknesses.

Facing PSICOM Executioner and Crusader

  • PSICOM Executioner (4050HP) : Prioritize eliminating other smaller enemies before focusing on the Executioner. Be ready to heal the team, as it takes time to fill your Chain Gauge.
  • Crusader (7290HP) : Despite having a lot of health, it is vulnerable in Stagger Mode. Use the Libra technique and focus on attacks during the Stagger.

Battle Against Garuda Interceptor

  • First Battle (8000HP) : Easiest, with standard combat strategies.
  • Second Battle (16200HP) : Here, managing the team’s HP and the enemy’s Chain Gauge is crucial. Recommended paradigms are Relentless Assault, Tri-disaster and Diversity.
  • After Victory : Sazh learns the Synergist role and Vanille the Saboteur role.

Exploring New Roles

  • Synergist : Sazh and Hope can use offensive and defensive buffs. Initially, Sazh focuses on offensive buffs (Bravery and Faith), while Hope on defensive ones (Protect and Shell).
  • Saboteur : Vanille, with this role, applies debuffs such as deprotect and defaith to enemies, increasing the damage received by them.

Resource and Equipment Management

  • Item Usage : Save your potions and Phoenix Downs for emergencies or boss fights. For minor healings, switch to a healing paradigm.
  • Recommended Equipment : Pearlwing Staff for Vanille, Silver Bangles for Hope (who has less HP), Spark Ring, Librascopes and 700 gil. Do not sell essential items except Credit Chips in the Shop.

Final Tips and Strategies

  1. Paradigm Management : Adapt your paradigms to the different phases of battles, switching between offensive and defensive as necessary.
  2. Pay attention to Stagger Mode : Monitor your enemies’ Chain Gauge to make the most of moments of vulnerability.
  3. Advance Planning : Before important battles, review your paradigms, techniques, and equipment to ensure the best preparation possible.
  4. Strategic Use of Techniques : Use the Libra technique on each new enemy to understand their weaknesses and resistances, thus optimizing your attacks and battle strategy.
  5. Balancing Attack and Healing : Don’t underestimate the value of a paradigm that includes a Medic, especially in prolonged battles or when facing enemies with high-damage attacks.
  6. Taking advantage of Buffs and Debuffs : Use the Synergist and Saboteur roles strategically to strengthen your team and weaken enemies, respectively. This can make a big difference in difficult battles.
  7. TP Monitoring : Keep an eye on your Technique Points, using them wisely to execute techniques that can be decisive in challenging battles.
  8. Adapt as You Progress : As new roles and abilities are unlocked, continue to adapt and experiment with different paradigm combinations to find the ideal balance for each combat situation.

Chapter IV

Facing Multiple Opponents with Snow

  • Combat Tactics : Use the ATB cancellation technique (pressing triangle) to minimize damage received and avoid excessive use of potions.
  • General Strategy : The initial fight is relatively easy, but serves as a warm-up for the more significant challenge to come.

Battle with the First Eidolon: Shiva Sisters

  • Eldolon Battle Tutorial : The battle begins with the Doom countdown. Focus on filling the Eidolon’s Gestalt Gauge.
  • Use of Libra : Essential for discovering effective strategies for filling the Gestalt Gauge. For the Shiva Sisters, using the Sentinel role, especially during their ATB charging, is very effective.
  • Eidolon Capture : When the Gestalt Gauge is full, press square to capture the Eidolon.

Progression with the Two Doubles

  • Facing Pulsework Soldier : With Light and Hope, focus on achieving Stagger Mode. With Sazh and Vanille, use the SAB and SYN roles for debuffs and buffs, respectively, to maximize damage.

Strategy for Monster Fights

  • Take advantage of these opportunities to carry out Preemptive Strikes, but assess the situation to decide the best approach.

Preparation for the Battle Against Dreadnought

  • Hope’s Equipment : If possible, equip Hope with a weapon that increases her Magic.
  • Combat Strategy : Start with COM/SYN/WIS to apply debuffs to the enemy and buffs to your team. Switch between Relentless Assault and Tri-disaster to fill the Chain Gauge. Pay attention to the Dreadnought’s Steam Clean, re-applying debuffs as needed.

Character Development

  • After the fights, Light and Sazh unlock new roles. Prioritize the development of Commando for both and Ravager for the other group members.
  • Focus on skills that end with “role level” to increase the level of the respective roles.

Equipment Management

Evaluate and equip your characters according to the needs of the battle. Keep in mind that more equipment slots will open up as you progress through character roles.

Second Eidolon Battle: Odin

  • Strategies for Increasing Gestalt Gauge : With Light and Hope, attacks that increase Chain Gauge and heal allies in danger are effective against Odin.
  • Recommended Paradigms : Start with COM/SYN for attack and defensive buffs. Switch to MED/SYN if health becomes critical, and use COM/RAV or RAV/RAV to increase Chain Gauge.
  • Odin Capture : Switch between paradigms as needed and capture Odin by pressing square when the Gestalt Gauge is full.

Eidolon Battle Tutorial

  • After capturing Odin, a new tutorial will introduce you to how to fight alongside your Eidolon. Learn how to maximize the potential of this powerful addition to your combat arsenal.


  1. Quick Adaptation : Be ready to quickly change strategies and paradigms as the battle unfolds.
  2. Efficient Use of Libra : Use Libra on each new enemy to discover their weak points and adapt your combat strategy.
  3. Resource Management : Be conservative with your use of items like potions and Phoenix Downs. Switch to healing paradigms to maintain team health without wasting resources.
  4. Watch out for Stagger Mode : Focus on achieving and exploiting Stagger Mode on difficult enemies, especially when facing the Pulsework Soldier and Dreadnought.
  5. Maximize the Use of Buffs and Debuffs : Use the Synergist and Saboteur roles to strengthen your team and weaken enemies, especially in battles against powerful enemies like Eidolons and Dreadnought.

Gestalt Mode and Eidolon Tutorial with Lightning and Odin

  1. Lightning’s Summoning of Odin :
    • Only Lightning can summon Odin. To do this, access the Techniques menu and select Summon, spending 3 TP (Technique Points).
    • During the battle, Lightning will fight alongside Odin, significantly increasing combat power.
  2. Time Bar Management :
    • There are two time bars to monitor: the character’s pink bar, which indicates the time available in Gestalt Mode (GM), and the Eidolon’s bar (SP), which shows how long he will remain in the fight.
    • The SP bar constantly decreases over time and when receiving attacks.
  3. Entering Gestalt Mode :
    • Ideally, activate Gestalt Mode by pressing square when the GM bar is full or when the SP bar is about to end.
    • In Gestalt Mode, Light and Odin perform powerful combo attacks, gradually consuming the GM bar until Odin retreats from the battle.

Activities with Sazh and Vanille

  1. Continuation of the Game with Sazh and Vanille :
    • After Lightning and Odin’s battle, you will control Sazh and Vanille. Although this part of the chapter is not marked by significant events, it is an opportunity to collect items and earn gil.
    • During this period, focus on exploring, collecting items, and increasing Sazh and Vanille’s experience.

Tips and Strategies

  1. Maximize Eidolon Usage : Learn how to use each Eidolon effectively. They are a powerful addition to your arsenal and can turn the tide in your favor in difficult battles.
  2. TP Management : Manage your Technique Points carefully as they are valuable and limited resources.
  3. Exploration and Item Collection : Use time with Sazh and Vanille to explore areas thoroughly, collecting all available items.
  4. Character Development : Take advantage of smaller battles to develop Sazh and Vanille’s abilities and roles in the Crystarium.

Chapter V

Selection and Use of Paradigms

  1. Slash & Burn (COM/RAV) : Use as an initial paradigm for a balance between physical and magical attacks.
  2. Dual Casting (RAV/RAV) : Alternate with the previous one to maximize magic damage on vulnerable enemies.
  3. War & Peace (COM/MED) : Ideal for maintaining attack pressure while recovering HP, without losing chain gauge.
  4. Double Dose (MED/MED) : Use when both characters need significant healing.
  5. Symbiosis (MED/SYN) : Effective against strong enemies like Behemoths, where one character buffs and the other heals.
  6. Supersoldier (COM/SYN) : Good for regular combat situations where buffs are needed but healing is not urgent.

Chapter Progress and Character Development

  • Throughout the chapter, there are ample opportunities to earn CP and develop Light and Hope’s abilities.
  • Recommended equipment:
    • Hawkeye for Hope : Increases magic, strengthening magical attacks.
    • Edged Carbine for Light : Depending on your playstyle, this weapon could be a good choice.

Combat and Strategy Against Monsters

  • Use Libra on all new enemies to identify weaknesses and resistances.
  • Feral Behemoth (23625 HP) :
    • Start with Supersoldier for defensive and offensive buffs, especially when faced alone.
    • Eliminate other monsters first if they are present.

Confrontation with the Boss

  • The boss of this chapter has 129500 HP and powerful attacks.
  • Start with the Supersoldier paradigm for defense and offense.
  • Important Boss Features:
    • Efflorescence : An attack that can remove half HP. Switch to Double Dose or War & Peace as needed.
    • Changing Elemental Weaknesses : Be prepared to adapt your magical attacks, using Hope’s advantage in RAV and Light, if possible, also in RAV.

Recommended Paradigm Cycle for the Boss Battle

  1. COM/SYN : For attacks and applying buffs.
  2. MED/SYN : If necessary, for healing and buff maintenance.
  3. COM/RAV and RAV/RAV : Toggle to quickly fill the chain gauge.
  4. COM/MED or MED/MED : For recovery in critical situations.

Crystarium Expansion and Rewards

  • After victory, the Crystarium expands, allowing

going into deeper character development.

  • You will receive the Tungsten Bangle, which adds 150HP, strengthening characters’ stamina.

Tips and Final Considerations

  1. Combat Strategy : The key to success in this chapter is flexibility and quickly adapting paradigms to the needs of the battle. Constantly assess character health and enemy weaknesses to choose the most effective paradigm.
  2. Maximizing Libra Use : Continued use of Libra will not only reveal enemies’ weaknesses, but also allow you to adapt your strategy to focus on each opponent’s specific vulnerabilities.
  3. Resource Management : Carefully manage acquired CPs to maximize Light and Hope’s development, focusing on roles that complement their skills and playstyle.
  4. Pay attention to Stagger Mode : Work to put enemies into Stagger Mode quickly, especially in confrontations with stronger enemies like the Feral Behemoth and the chapter boss.
  5. Preparation for the Boss : Before facing the boss, make sure Light and Hope are well equipped and their main roles are maximized for combat.
  6. Boss Adaptation : Be prepared for the boss’s unpredictable nature, adapting your attacks as it changes its elemental weaknesses.

Chapter VI

Character Development and Combat Strategies

  1. Sazh and Vanille Strengthening in Crystarium :
    • Prioritize the development of Commando (COM) and Ravager (RAV) for Sazh, focusing on the Blitz ability to hit multiple enemies.
    • For Vanille, focus on improving your skills as a Ravager (RAV) and Medic (MED), especially acquiring the Healing skill.
    • Use the accumulated CPs (around 6000 points) to advance in both Crystarium.
  2. Recommended Equipment :
    • Procyons for Sazh : Despite the attribute reduction, the passive ability is valuable, prolonging enemies’ Stagger Mode.
    • Belladonna Wand for Vanille : Balances attribute reduction with the passive ability that increases the chances of successfully applying debuffs.

Facing Enemies and Managing the Environment

  1. Avoiding Scalebeasts :
    • Avoid Scalebeasts due to their durability (37125 HP) and the duo’s difficulty in defeating them quickly.
    • If you choose to face them, use Preemptive Strike and start with the Tide & Turner (SAB/SYN) paradigm to apply debuffs and buffs.
  2. Time Change to Change Enemies :
    • Modify the weather to influence the types of enemies that appear, avoiding the strongest ones, such as Wyverns in sunny weather.
    • Explore and collect items from available capsules during the time change.

Confrontation with Entil and Enki

  1. Battle Preparation :
    • Before facing Entil (70200 HP) and Enki (75600 HP), ensure Sazh has Synergist (SYN) skills unlocked and learned.
    • Determine which of the two enemies (Entil or Enki) will be your main target, based on their elemental weaknesses.
  2. Battle Strategies :
    • Start with SAB/SYN, applying Deshell and Deprotect with Vanille, while Sazh uses SYN abilities to reinforce attacks.
    • Use Enthunder on Sazh if you choose to focus on Enki first.
    • Switch to healing paradigms as needed due to the power of Entil and Enki’s attacks.
    • Take advantage of Stagger Mode to inflict high damage, especially if Sazh is equipped with Procyons.

Chapter Conclusion and Crystarium Expansion

  1. Chapter Ending : The defeat of Entil and Enki marks the end of Chapter VI, culminating in a significant challenge for the duo of Sazh and Vanille.
  2. Crystarium Expansion : With the conclusion of the chapter, the Crystarium expands, offering new development opportunities for the characters.

Tips and Final Considerations

  1. Adapting to the Duo : Sazh and Vanille have a unique combat style, and it is important to adapt to their abilities and limitations.
  2. Efficient Use of Paradigms : Strategically switch between attacking and healing paradigms to maintain a balance between offense and survival.
  3. Exploration and Item Collection : Don’t neglect exploration to collect valuable items and capsules that can help on the journey.
  4. Enemy and Environment Management : Use the changing weather to your advantage to avoid stronger enemies and find safer routes.
  5. Boss Battle Preparation : Before facing bosses like Entil and Enki, make sure your characters’ skills and equipment are optimized for the confrontation.
  6. Crystarium Maximization : Take advantage of the Crystarium expansion to further strengthen Sazh and Vanille by exploring the new abilities and upgrades available.

>> PART 02

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