Galerians – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)
July 15, 2024The Michelangelo Memorial Hospital
First, when you come across a locked door, press the TRIANGLE button to use your psychic powers and open the door. Then, enter Room 2 and collect the Security Card, essential for your progression.
With the card in hand, go to Room 3 and use it on the security panel to unlock the door. Proceed to Room 4 where you will encounter a guard. Defeat him and examine the map on the table to better orient yourself. In Room 5, you will find the Freezer Room key, essential for opening a new door further on. Take the opportunity to press the button on the computer, opening another door in the hospital.
Now, enter Room 6 and grab the Beeject from the shelf. This item will allow you to recharge your power bar, as long as you have the corresponding pills in your inventory. With the Freezer Room key in hand, go to Room 7, use it to open the door and get the Fuse from the power box. Suddenly, a wall of cold air will appear blocking your exit; to disable it, examine the nearby panel.
In Room 8, quickly eliminate the scientists and grab the PPEC Storage Key on the computer. Head to Room 9 and examine the wall to reveal the secret password 9607932. Return to the hallway and use the Fuse on the Room 1 door to clear the passage. Use the PPEC Storage Key on the cylinder in the corner of the room, opening it and finding the Liquid Explosive.
With the explosive in hand, go to the gate marked with the number 14, use the Liquid Explosive and then use your psychic power (TRIANGLE button) to break down the door and go down the stairs. In Room 10, an animation will be shown. After that, activate the panel to unlock the door and go to Room 11, where you must get the Special PPEC Office key on the table.
Go up to the 15th floor and use the key to open Room 12. Examine the computer and use the Security Card with the password 9607932 to reformat the card. Go down to the 14th floor again and use the new Security Card to open the door to Corridor 13. In Room 14, get the medicines.
In Hangar 15, you will face a dangerous enemy in armored armor. Run to avoid his aim and, as soon as he fires, stop and counterattack using the Shock Wave power. Repeat the process until you defeat him and go down the stairs. When you go down, enter Room 18 and look for the almost invisible door in front of the Save room. When you enter, the lights will turn off, leaving only three lamps on over the computers. Examine them in order: right, left and center.
This will reactivate the electrical power box and turn on all the lights in the room. Grab the Control Room Key next to one of the computers and use it to open Room 18B. Go inside and press the buttons on the computers to unlock the doors to Rooms 19 and 20. Go to Room 16 to get the Test Lab key and use it to open Room 17, where you will find The Two-Headed Snake item.
Then go to Room 19 and get The Two-Headed Wolf item. In Room 20, you will find The Two-Headed Eagle item. With these items in hand, return to Concourse 21, go up the stairs and enter Room 22 to get the Research Lab key.
Return to Room 18B and disable the door to find The Two-Headed Monkey item. Go to Room 22 and fit The Two-Headed items into the four holders, in the order: Snake, Eagle, Wolf and Monkey (from left to right). Walk through the passage that has opened and face the armored guards in Room 23 to clear the passage and reach the staircase.
In Room 24, access the computer terminal and watch the animation showing Dr. Lem. During the fight against him, keep a safe distance and use the Flame Blast psychic power repeatedly until you defeat him. When he transforms into a killing machine, run around him, dodging his attacks, and attack him with the Shock Wave power when he slides towards you. If you’re lucky and your AP Bar is full, use the special power to defeat him quickly. After beating him, examine his body to get the jewel in his eye, which will be used to activate the elevator and allow you to escape from the hospital.
Your House
You should start by walking through the gate to the right of the mansion. There, locate the car parked in Garage 1 and take the Backdoor key. With this key in hand, head to the door behind the pool and use it to unlock the entrance, thus allowing access to the mansion.
Upon entering, quickly go to Bathroom 2 and activate the switch to empty the bathtub. This will reveal the second floor key, which you should take. With this key, go to Room 3 and take the Metamorphosis painting that is positioned on the sofa. Don’t forget to examine the photographs over the fireplace, as this will trigger an animation important to the game’s progress.
Then run to Bar 4 and purchase the Book Knob item on the counter. Return to Dining Room 5 and use the Book Knob on the double door to open it and reach Lobby 6. Now, go up the stairs to the second floor and use the second floor key to unlock the corresponding door. Enter Room 9, take the room key from the desk and use it to open Room 10.
Inside the room, examine the jewelry on the nightstand to watch a new animation. Then, go back and head to Room 7. On the way, you will find a hole in the middle of the corridor. Examine it and choose the YES option to jump over it, pressing Up + X to avoid falling. Once in Room 7, use the Metamorphosis painting on the lighter area of the wall next to the door to open a trapdoor.
Go down through the trapdoor and go to Bathroom 11. Use your powers in the sink to levitate the item Your Mother Ring from the drain. Return to Room 10 and use the ring to open the jewelry box, finding Your Father Ring. Take back your mother’s ring and leave the room, heading to Library 12. In the library, use the two rings on the holes next to the window, placing your mother’s ring on the right and your father’s ring on the left . This will cause the bookshelf to move, revealing the entrance to Central Computer Room 13.
Enter the room and watch the animation. Take the 3 Ball on the table and return to Pool 14. Use your power in front of the pool to lift the car that was hidden underwater and take the 9 Ball from the hands of the late Dr. Pascalle. Return to Bar 4 and use the two balls on the pool table, revealing a secret passage.
Go down the secret passage, flip the light switch and read the diary on the table to find the Shed key between the pages. After talking to Birdman, run out of the mansion, ignoring the telepathic apparitions along the way, but keeping your distance from them. When leaving the mansion, go to the left side, which you haven’t explored yet. Use the Shed Key to open the door to Tool Shed 15. Inside, pick up the Lilia’s Doll on the floor.
Now, head out to find Birdman and confront him. At the beginning of the fight, Birdman continually disappears, but he stops a few times to perform his attacks. Dodge these attacks and quickly counterattack with the Shock Wave power. When Birdman splits into three to attack you, keep running until all three fire, and then hit them with the same magic. I recommend using the Skip pill to increase the strength of your attacks, making it easier to defeat Birdman.
Babylon Hotel
You need to start by talking to the receptionist at the counter. Then take the elevator and go up to the third floor. Enter Room 302 and go straight to the bathroom, where you will find a note stuck to the mirror. Read the note and then head to Room 306. Once inside, talk to the man inside. Leave and come back to talk to him again.
After that, go down to the ground floor and go to the counter. In front of the counter, you will see a trail of blood. Follow this trail and examine the body you find using your psychic power to find out what happened. Go back and talk to the man near the counter. He will teach you a secret knock that you must use to access Room 204. Knock on the door following the correct rhythm and the guest will invite you to enter. Talk to him and then search the apartment. When you are leaving, the man will call you and give you the special drug D-Felon.
Now, go to Room 201 and examine the door several times until the cleaner allows you entry. Go up to the third floor again and face the enemies you encounter along the way. Enter Room 304, talk to the woman there and then leave. Go back and talk to her one more time. As soon as you leave the apartment for the second time, you will find Rainheart in the hallway. Talk to him and then head to Room 301, where you will find a letter from Lilia.
Then go to Room 303 and talk to the guy there twice. After that, go down to Dorm 205 and answer the phone as soon as you enter. Go to Room 206 and talk to the individual there twice. Head to Dorm 203 and speak to the local occupant. Then, prepare for a fight in Apartment 202, where you must defeat the lurking enemy.
After that, on the second floor, you’ll find Rainheart in front of the clock in the hallway. Talk to him and then go up to Room 305 to face him. During the battle with Rainheart, run in as soon as he appears and attack him with the Shock Wave power. After some time, he will begin to levitate and create fire monsters. Use the Shock Wave power again to defeat them. At certain times, Rainheart will duck and release several fireballs. Run to a corner of the room for cover. After defeating him, go down to the ground floor and talk to the janitor.
In the room next to the reception desk, turn off the building’s power switch. Then, go down the stairs next to the elevator and go to the machine room. Use the elevator next to the mechanisms and search the wreckage for pills. Then, go through the side door of the kitchen and find Rita. Rita floats over the table and uses the furniture to attack him. Dodge thrown objects by running sideways. When she lands, attack her with the Flame Blast or Shock Wave powers, repeating the procedure until you defeat her.
Mushroom Tower
In the Mushroom Tower, you need to start by approaching the elevator on your right and eliminating the enemies that appear. When you do this, you light up the first lamp on the central teleporter. Then examine the cylinders you find to obtain useful pills. Using your psychic powers, examine the elevators to uncover the color sequence and switch places with Lilia.
Now, controlling Lilia, you must activate the colored platforms in the following order: yellow, green, blue, pink and red. This will activate the elevator in the center of the platform. Returning to Rion’s control, enter the elevator activated by Lilia and go up to the 78th floor. Face the three heavily armed guards using the Antigravity power to destroy them all at once, thus lighting yet another lamp in the central teleporter. Examine another elevator to unlock another sequence and control Lilia again.
With Lilia, activate the platforms in the order: pink, light blue, green, red and blue. Then, enter the central elevator and, under Rion’s control, ride the newly activated elevator to the 103rd floor. Destroy the mutants you encounter, activating another lamp in the process. Examine the elevator to regain control of Lilia. This time, activate the platforms in sequence: blue, red, yellow, light blue and green. Using Rion, go up to the 150th floor, eliminate the opponents and activate the last lamp on the central teleporter. Examine the elevator to view the last color sequence and return to control Lilia once again. Activate the platforms in the order: red, blue, light blue, yellow and pink.
Now, with Lilia and Rion in the most restricted part of the tower, known as the Family Program Room – where the Galerians were created – examine the incubators using your powers to discover the identity of the Galerians. When you check the last of them, Kain will appear. At this point, Kain reveals that Rion is actually a clone of him. After this revelation, he will decide to fight. During battle, he runs to evade Kain’s attacks and, after the third attack, stops and counterattacks with the Flame Blast or Shock Wave power. When it starts to rain, keep moving constantly to avoid the lightning and run towards Kain to escape the attacks.
When Kain starts using fire powers, stay in the center to avoid the flames. Charge your powers and attack him when he passes in front of you, repeating the procedure until you defeat him. After the animations, he goes through the double doors to face the electronic monster Mother, the creator of the Galerians.
During the duel against the last enemy in the game, you need to be careful. When the light appears on the ground, run and keep your distance to avoid the rays. When the laser activates, stay close to the base for protection. Use the Flame Blast power to attack the flying eyes, around the creature and run around the sides to escape. As the battle intensifies, the attacks become more frequent and faster, requiring you to be very careful and patient to win.
Congratulations, you finished the game. Now watch the final animation!
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