Godzilla (PlayStation 3 Version) – Complete Walkthrough (Step-by-Step Strategy Guide)

Godzilla (PlayStation 3 Version) – Complete Walkthrough (Step-by-Step Strategy Guide)

September 21, 2024 Off By Robert Allen Rusk

>> Click here for the PlayStation 4 version!

Complete Walkthrough (Step-by-Step Strategy Guide) of Godzilla (PS3 Version)

+| |+
+| Godzilla Strategy Guide |+
+| |+
+| [PlayStation 3 Import and American Versions] |+
+| Version 2.5 [Revision 3] (August 2021) |+
+| |+
+| By Robert Allen Rusk. |+
+| Copyright 2015-2021 Robert Allen Rusk. |+
+| |+
+| E-MAIL: rarusk[at]netzero[dot]com |+
+| |+


++IMPORTANT: Although this guide for the PS3 version of this game can be 
             useful for the PS4 version it is *NOT* recommended because of 
             major changes between the PS3 and PS4 versions.


For this revision I added a little bit of new information in the General
Information section and added new movie related info including the American
MonsterVerse films.


Godzilla is copyright 2014-2015 by Bandai Namco Games Inc. Godzilla and the
character design are trademarks of Toho Co., Ltd. 2014-2015 Toho Co., Ltd.,
Warner Brothers Entertainment Inc., and Legendary Studios. All rights

All other trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

A complete listing of contact and other information can be found at the end
of this guide.


| >TBCT. Table of Contents |

This guide uses a Quick Search Feature which takes advantage of the Find
feature used by many web browsers. This feature will allow you to go to any
chapter or section in this guide quickly. To access any of those chapters,
sections, or to the Table of Contents do CTRL-F (PC) or Clover-F (Mac) to
activate the Find feature in the web browser. Then enter the code like this:

>KR6 or >ZD12

| GDZ1. Introduction And General Information |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

GEN1. About The Guide
GEN2. Godzilla
GEN3. PS3 Version Differences
GEN4. PS4 Version Differences
GEN5. Technical Information
GEN6. The Story
GEN7. Controls
GEN8. The Main Screen and Health
GEN9. Tutorial, Main Menu, Settings, and Pause Menu
GEN10. Basic Moves
GEN11. Trophies

| GDZ2. The Game Modes |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

MDE1. God of Destruction Mode
A. Area and Stage Information
B. Stage and Area Breakdown
MDE2. Evolution Mode, Advanced Moves and Powers
MDE3. King of Kaiju Mode
MDE4. Diorama Mode
MDE5. Monster Field Guide

| GDZ3. The Godzilla Legacy |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

LCY1. The Film Series
A. The Showa Series (1954 to 1975)
B. The Heisei Series (1984 to 1995)
C. The Millenium Series (1999 to 2004)
D. Shin Godzilla
E. The American Films
LCY2. Godzilla in Gaming
LCY3. Featured Japanese Landmarks

| GDZ4. Conclusion |

/==++====++==\ /==++====++==\
| >GDZ1. Introduction And General Information |
\==++====++==/ \==++====++==/

My name is Robert Allen Rusk and I am a long time gamer with about 40+ years
of gaming experience. I am an ex-gametester (Broderbund Software, LucasArts
Games, Point Of View Computing) and an ex-arcade attendant (Namco
Cyberstation - Pier 39, San Francisco, CA). I also own multiple systems such
as the Sega Dreamcast, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Switch, Atari
Jaguar, PlayStation (1, 2, 3, and 4), Xbox, and Xbox 360.

I started writing guides in 2003 because I felt it was something I could do
utilizing my writing skills gained in college and gametesting along with my
passion for vidgames. Over time I have honed my overall writing and
organization skills plus my creative thinking skills. Additionally, I have
extended the play value of the games I have written guides and FAQs for many
times over plus I have received many letters from all over the world.

I am also a member of the following forums:

>>Digital Press
>>GTA Forums
>>The MoFaT

Outside of gaming, my interests include Godzilla (I have been a G-Fan since
the age of ten) and Red Dwarf. I am also a long time soundtrack collector
with many titles in my possession. As far as favorite sports teams go, my
teams are the San Antonio Spurs (NBA) [the local team], the Denver Broncos
(NFL) [although I live in Texas, I am originally from Colorado Springs,
Colorado] and the Air Force Falcons (NCAA Football).

This guide was constructed using TextWrangler on an Apple Mac Mini. I view my
work in multiple web browsers to help in seeing how it would look on the web
and correct format errors.

| >GEN1. About The Guide |

Welcome to my Godzilla guide! If this is the first time you have visited then
you will find a lot of useful information in a highly organized format.
Quotes taken from readers' e-mail are presented "as is" and may include
spelling and grammatical errors. Some terms plus Kaiju and weapon names are
borrowed from the PS4 version.

The main emphasis of this guide is to help you get the most out of each mode
and acquire all of the Trophies. This guide also serves as a brief
introduction to the Godzilla experience.

I have worked hard to make sure that this guide is as complete as possible
but at the same time leave room for exploration. I hope that you enjoy this
guide as much as learn from it.

This site user was instrumental in translating most of the menus
when the Japanese version was first released and posted them to GFAQs.
His help was very beneficial in the first version of this guide.

| >GEN2. Godzilla |

As a huge G-Fan I looked forward to this game. It certainly was better
looking than previous G-Games and it also appeared to be loads better than
the game it derives its inspiration from, Godzilla Generations (Sega
DreamCast). Considering that it would be many months between the official
release in Japan and its release in the US I decided to get an import copy of
the game.

The biggest problem for me was the language barrier. I can't read the
writings but there was enough English mixed in to at least get my way around.
Although many of the menus was in Japanese I was able to figure things out by
trying out each option and doing some minor translations using a couple of
websites including Google Translate.

There were also some websites I managed to get some additional information
from to fill in some of the blanks. I managed to get enough information to
make a good guide for this game. Even with all the Japanese you can still
find your way around and get the most from this game.

For this guide I also added a special extra section near the end that covers
the films and some of the games that Godzilla has appeared in.

Throughout this guide you may find me using the term Kaiju (Japanese for
"monster") and G (which is shorthand for Godzilla and is often referred to
this way in some of the movies). The Godzilla you play as in this game is the
Heisei Series version (1989 to 1995).

As for the game itself, it is pretty decent but it appears to be aimed at
long time G-Fans more than a general audience. There's plenty to like if
you're a fan but less so if you're not. It's not a hard game and you should
be able to get all of the Trophies without too much trouble.

One of the game's selling points is the appearance of the new 2014 Godzilla.
Although it looks like you could play as it and destroy cities you can only
use it in the King of the Monsters mode once you unlock it.

I should point out that while there are plenty of familiar Kaiju in the game
there were some glaring omissions. Some of the monsters left out are:
Megalon, Mecha King Ghidorah, Battra, MOGUERA, and especially, SpaceGodzilla.
However, most of the omitted Kaiju were added to the PS4 version of the game
but were not added to the PS3 version when released to American audiences.

Initially this game was going to be available on disc for both the PS3 and
PS4 in the States. However, due to low sales, the American PS3 version was
released only as a digital version through PSN. The PS4 version is available
on disc.

| >GEN3. PS3 Version Differences |

There are no major gameplay differences between the Japanese and American
versions of this game. The only major difference is the language and text now
being English. There are also some changes to the menu, terms, and Kaiju:

|~~~~~~~~| Japanese |~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| American |~~~~~~|
| Destruction Mode | God of Destruction Mode |
| King of the Monsters Mode | King of Kaiju Mode |
| Monster Field Guide | Kaiju Guide |
| Rush Chain | Fury Chain |
| Destruction Ratio | Destruction Rate |
| Mecha-Godzilla | MechaGodzilla 2 |
| MFS-3 | Type-3 Kiryu |

In addition, the Rankings for one version do not apply to the other. The
Rankings for the Japanese version only apply to that version and cannot apply
to the American one and vice versa.

Finally, the menu navigation button, which was the Circle button on the
Japanese version, is the X Button on the American version.

In the vast majority of PS3 games and in the PS3 dashboard menus you use the
X Button to make a selection when navigating console and game menus. However,
the Japanese version uses the Circle Button to make menu selections and the X
Button to back out of them. I found this to be pretty annoying because I end
up accidentally backing out of things instead of initiating them. Thankfully
they were switched when released Stateside.

| >GEN4. PS4 Version Differences |

When compared to the PS4 version the PS3 version is basically a demo version
of the PS4 game:

| In the PS3 version you can only play as Godzilla. In the PS4 version you |
| can play as any Kaiju in God of Destruction Mode. |
| There are many more Kaiju in the PS4 version which includes: Battra, |
| SpaceGodzilla, Anguirus, Mecha-King Ghidorah, Rodan, and the first |
| MechaGodzilla. |
| The game is harder plus you have a Roar move that serves as a form of |
| block and makes certain moves more powerful. |
| There are new Bases and many of the Bases used in the PS3 version are |
| made larger and with more buildings and objects to destroy. |
| There is also a multiplayer mode that can allow you to do two and three |
| player battles. |

There are many more differences too but these major ones are the reason that
I can't combine the PS3 and PS4 versions into a single guide - they are way
too different from each other.

| >GEN5. Technical Information |

In this chapter I cover some of the technical aspects of the game:

>>Game Install (Japanese Version)
When you initially start the game it will auto install to the hard
drive. This will save wear and tear on the Blu-Ray drive.

>>Game Issues
This game has a couple of noticeable issues. The first is that it tends
to slow down significantly when there is a lot going on at once,
especially when you destroy buildings. Second, I've had the game crash
on me a couple of times, mainly when I defeat a Kaiju. Other than those
it seems to run well.

>>Pre-Order Bonus (Japanese Version)
The pre-order bonus for this game is to unlock the new 2014 Godzilla
within the game. However, you need to have a Japanese PSN account in
order to do this - you cannot use your American PSN account to unlock
it. But, it is not hard at all to unlock it through normal game
progression so there is no need to bother with creating a Japanese

>>Custom Sound Tracks
One of the cool things about this game is you can install custom music
for all the Stages and Kaiju. The problem is, for me at least, is that
whatever music you use is going to have such a low volume, regardless
of how high the main volume is, the feature becomes almost useless.

I don't know if there is a patch to correct this issue and whether or
not you need a Japanese PSN account to get it if there is one. The
American version has the same problem but the volume is a little bit

| >GEN6. The Story |

In 1954 a large creature, named Gojira, landed in Japan and caused
considerable damage before disappearing. However, its appearance led to the
discovery of a special energy source dubbed G-Energy which was named after
the creature. This led to the construction of many Generators that housed
this special energy for the benefit of Japan.

For decades Japan used this energy to build themselves into a global power.
Unfortunately, the multiple Generators has attracted Gojira back from the sea
and it has begun to attack the constructs looking to absorb the G-Energy

To make matters worse its reappearance has also brought forth multiple other
Kaiju to challenge it. In addition, a specialized military division, called
G-Force, has been mobilized to deal with the worsening situation.

| >GEN7. Controls |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Command |~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~| Joypad Control |~~~~~~~~~~|
| Move Around.........................| D-Pad or Left Analog Stick |
| Look Around.........................| Right Analog Stick |
| Take Picture........................| R3 Button |
| Rotate Left/Right...................| L1/R1 Buttons |
| Charge..............................| X Button |
| Grab................................| Circle Button |
| Melee Attack........................| Square Button |
| Atomic Breath.......................| Triangle Button |
| Energy Blast........................| L2 Button |
| Pause...............................| Start Button |

| >GEN8. The Main Screen and Health |

Your Main Screen is where all of the action in Godzilla takes place.

In the center of your screen is Godzilla. You use your Left Analog Stick (or
D-Pad) to move it around and the Right Analog Stick to rotate and manipulate
the camera.

In the lower left corner of the Main Screen is the Radar and Temperature
Gauge. In the lower center is your current height (in Meters), the Disaster
Level, and Destruction Ratio. In the lower right corner is the Camera Icon
and Data Points.

In the upper right corner of the screen is where you will see notifications
from the G-Force Operator and conversations between her and the current Prime

If you take lots of damage then you may see the sides of the screen become
red. The more damage you take, the more red it becomes. If you continue
taking damage in this state then you will be defeated and be forced to redo
the Stage.

| >GEN9. Tutorial, Main Menu, Settings, and Pause Menu |

When you start up the game for the first time, and before you can get to the
Main Menu, you'll be forced to go through the Tutorial Mode where you'll go
through the basic moves of Godzilla. After completion of the Tutorial then
you'll be allowed to go to the Main Menu and earn the {Tower Destroyer} and
{The Scars of Disaster} Trophies.

If you pause the game during the Tutorial then you'll be able to skip out of
it. If you didn't get the Trophies then you can redo the Tutorial from
God of Destruction Mode.


When you have played some of the game, leave, and return then you'll be given
the options of Start and Continue. If you select Start then you'll erase your
progress and have to redo everything (although the game will warn you about
erasing your data if you proceed and give you a chance to back out).


When you finally get to the Main Menu you'll see that only God of Destruction
Mode and Settings are selectable. You'll need to go through one run-through
of God of Destruction Mode before the others can be selected:

| God of Destruction | This is the main mode of the game and I'll cover |
| Mode | that in detail later. |
| King of Kaiju Mode | This is another mode where you'll face off against |
| | other Kaiju in a multiple stage challenge. |
| Evolution Mode | This is where you go to upgrade G using the parts |
| | you earn through God of Destruction Mode. |
| Diorama Mode | This is where you can set up dioramas and take |
| | pictures for upload. |
| Kaiju Guide | This is where you can view bios of all of the Kaiju |
| | owned by Toho Studios. |
| Settings | This is where you can tweak various settings of the |
| | game. |


Under Settings there are many options that you can change (from top):

| Custom Soundtrack | This allows you to change the music for Stages and |
| | enemies with music you have stored on your machine. |
| | You can use any music you want - even non-Godzilla |
| | music. |
| | |
| | As I've already pointed out there are some issues |
| | regarding this option so I suggest avoiding using it |
| | until there is some fix for it. |
| Language Select | This allows you to select what the text language |
| | should be. There are multiple languages to choose |
| | from. This feature is only available on the American |
| | version. |
| Music Volume | This is the main volume for the game's music. |
| SFX Volume | This is the main volume for the game's sound effects. |
| Voice Volume | This is the main volume for the game's speech. |
| Roar Volume | This is the main volume for G's and other Kaiju |
| | roars. |
| Camera Vertical | This controls the vertical camera and can be left on |
| | Normal (push Up to look up) or switched to Inverted |
| | (push Up to look down). |
| Camera Horizontal | This controls the horizontal camera and can be left |
| | on Normal (push Right to go left) or switch to |
| | Inverted (push Right to go right). |
| Online Features | When this is ON and whenever you set records then the |
| | game will automatically try to go onto PSN to upload |
| | them. |
| Background | This controls whether or not the background objects, |
| Transparency | such as buildings, should be transparent. |
| Save | This will save your new settings. |
| Return to Title | This, of course, will take you back to the Main Menu. |
| Screen | |


When you pause the game you will also bring up the Pause Menu. The options
are (from top to bottom):

--Main Menu
--Help (goes over the HUD and Controls)

| >GEN10. Basic Moves |

In this chapter I go over the basic Godzilla moves:

| Charge | When you press the X Button then you will run headfirst |
| | for a short distance. This move is generally used to ram |
| | objects and enemies. It can also be used to run away from |
| | danger long enough to recover from damage. |
| | |
| | One annoying thing about this move: it has a tendency to |
| | auto-lock you onto a nearby enemy. |
| | |
| | For example, if you're aimed slightly away from a Kaiju |
| | then, when you press the button, you'll automatically |
| | charge directly at it instead of charging right past it. |
| | If you want to run away from an enemy then you'll need to |
| | turn well away from it. |
| Grab | When you are close to an enemy and press the Circle |
| | Button then you'll grab it. From here, you can crush it |
| | or throw it depending on what upgrades you have. However, |
| | certain enemies cannot be grabbed either due to size or |
| | shape. |
| Melee | When you press the Square Button then you will initiate a |
| | Melee Attack on either an enemy or building. Pressing the |
| | button repeatedly will make G swing its tail and cause |
| | even more damage. |
| Atomic Breath | When you press the Triangle Button then you'll initiate |
| | G's signature long range attack, the Atomic Breath (or |
| | Breath for shorthand). This is used to inflict massive |
| | damage on buildings and enemies. It can also lock-on to |
| | nearby Helicopters so you can shoot them down. |
| | |
| | Your Breath is tied into the Temperature Gauge which sits |
| | above the Radar. When a segment is filled up then you can |
| | use your Breath. Afterwards you have to wait for the |
| | Gauge to recharge before you can use it again. |
| | |
| | You can speed up your recharge ability by upgrading the |
| | Gauge and unlocking other Breath types. I'll go over |
| | those later in the guide. |
| Energy Blast | When you press the L2 Button then you'll initiate another |
| | powerful close range attack, the Energy Blast (or Blast |
| | for shorthand). |
| | |
| | When activated near a Kaiju then you'll knock it back and |
| | do some minor damage. When activated near buildings and |
| | vehicles then you'll completely destroy them. |
| | |
| | One important thing to note about this power: when you |
| | use it you will be invulnerable to attack from the moment |
| | you begin the animation. This makes this move even more |
| | powerful as your enemy cannot stop you from using it once |
| | you start it. |
| | |
| | Just like with your Breath this power is tied to your |
| | Temperature Gauge so you have to wait for it to charge up |
| | before you can use it. What Gauge upgrades and Breath |
| | type you have will determine how often you can use your |
| | Blast. |
| Temperature | Some other notes about the Gauge. Although it will charge |
| Gauge | up on its own pace it can be refilled more quickly if you |
| | are hit by certain missiles. In addition, the Gauge can |
| | be made to stop recharging for a few seconds or emptied |
| | immediately if you are hit by certain weapons. |

| >GEN11. Trophies |

This game has lots of Trophies but most of them are pretty easy to acquire
with only a small number that require a bit of work. They are broken down by

| Tutorial \

>>Tower Destroyer
Description: Destroy the TV Tower in the Tutorial.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>The Scars of Disaster
Description: Finish the Tutorial.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

| God of Destruction Mode \

>>Recurring Nightmare
Description: Go ashore for the first time in God of Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>Path of Humanity
Description: Clear Stage 7 in God of Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>Deep-Sea Slumber
Description: Clear Stage 9 in God of Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Silver.

>>A Monster's Legacy
Description: Clear the Final Stage in God of Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Gold.

>>Kaiju Killer
Description: Defeat all types of Kaiju in God of Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Silver.

>>MechaGodzilla Hunter
Description: Destroy all three MechaGodzillas in God of Destruction
Trophy Class: Silver.

>>Advanced Weapon Destroyer
Description: Destroy all G-Force advanced weaponry in God of
Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Silver.
Notes: This includes all three Super X craft and both G-Force

>>Helicopter Swatter
Description: Destroy 20 or more Helicopters in one Area in God of
Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Silver.
Notes: This needs to be done in one Stage.

>>Jet Fighter Downer
Description: Destroy 5 or more Jet Fighters in one Area in God of
Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Silver.
Notes: This needs to be done in one Stage.

>>Our Hero, Jet-Jaguar
Description: Defeat Jet-Jaguar three times in one playthrough of God of
Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Silver.
Notes: He only appears in Areas 1, 7, and 12 and you need to do
specific things in order to make him appear.

>>Fury 10x
Description: Reach 10 Fury in God of Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>Fury 30x
Description: Reach 20 Fury in God of Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>Fury 50x
Description: Reach 30 Fury in God of Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Silver.

>>80m and Growing
Description: Grow Godzilla to a height of 80m or more in God of
Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>90m and Still Growing
Description: Grow Godzilla to a height of 90m or more in God of
Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>100m Tall
Description: Grow Godzilla to a height of 100m in God of Destruction
Trophy Class: Silver.

>>Amateur Photographer
Description: Collect first set of data at a photo location in God of
Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>Photography Enthusiast
Description: Collect 50% of data at photo locations in God of
Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Silver.

>>Photographer Extraordinaire
Description: Collect 100% of data at photo locations in God of
Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Gold.

>>100% Destruction
Description: Reach 100% Destruction rate in any Area in God of
Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>God of Destruction
Description: Clear all areas in God of Destruction Mode.
Trophy Class: Silver.

| King of Kaiju Mode \

Description: Play King of Kaiju Mode for the first time.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>King of Kaiju
Description: Clear King of Kaiju Mode for the first time.
Trophy Class: Silver.

>>Finished in 10
Description: Clear King of Kaiju Mode in 10 minutes or less.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>Finished in 8
Description: Clear King of Kaiju Mode in 8 minutes or less.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>Finished in 6
Description: Clear King of Kaiju Mode in 6 minutes or less.
Trophy Class: Gold.

| Evolution Mode \

>>Indication of Evolution
Description: Evolve Godzilla in Evolution Mode for the first time.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>Showa Demon
Description: Gain the Showa-era abilities Jump Attack and Back Charge
in Evolution Mode.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>Killer Breath
Description: Unlock all Atomic Breath types in Evolution Mode.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>Perfect Being
Description: Complete all evolutions in Evolution Mode.
Trophy Class: Silver.

| Diorama Mode \

>>Diorama Beginner
Description: Use Diorama Mode for the first time.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>Base Master
Description: Earn all Bases in Diorama Mode.
Trophy Class: Bronze.
Notes: You get this when you enter Diorama Mode after acquiring the
last Base in God of Destruction Mode.

>>Figure Collector
Description: Earn all figures in Diorama Mode.
Trophy Class: Bronze.
Notes: You get this when you enter Diorama Mode after acquiring the
last Figure in God of Destruction Mode.

>>Amateur Director
Description: Shoot your first scene in Diorama Mode.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>Seasoned Director
Description: Shoot 100 scenes in Diorama Mode.
Trophy Class: Silver.

| Kaiju Guide \

>>Godzilla Fan
Description: View the Kaiju Guide for the first time.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

>>Godzilla Expert
Description: Collect all entries in the Kaiju Guide.
Trophy Class: Silver.

>>Crazy for Godzilla
Description: View all entries in the Kaiju Guide.
Trophy Class: Bronze.

| Platinum Trophy \

Description: Earn all trophies.
Trophy Class: Platinum.

And now, for the main part of the guide.....

/==++====++==\ /==++====++==\
| >GDZ2. The Game Modes |
\==++====++==/ \==++====++==/

In this section of the guide I will go over all of the game modes starting
with the main one.....

| >MDE1. God of Destruction Mode |

This mode is the main part of the game and where you will be spending most of
your time. You'll be doing many run-throughs to get upgrades for G and most
of the Trophies.

The primary goal in this mode is to destroy all of the G-Energy Generators,
which are the large yellow dots on your Radar, in each Area you go through.
As mentioned earlier, the Generators aren't the only thing to contend with.
You'll be dealing with G-Force and various Kaiju who'll attack on occasion.
The Stage ends when the Generators and Kaiju are destroyed.

At the end of the Stage you can see how much time it took you to finish it,
how much percentage of the Area destroyed, how much Height you gained, what
Data Points you have collected (explained later), and your total Height.

| Menu and High-Score \

When you start this mode there are several options on the left side of the
screen (top to bottom):

| Go Ashore | This starts you at Area 1. When you start acquiring |
| | different Breath types through Evolution then you will |
| | select which one you want to use for your run (from top |
| | to bottom): |
| | |
| | --Normal |
| | --Spiral |
| | --Vapor |
| | --Ring |
| Resume Progress | If you had to stop in the middle of a run then you can |
| | continue it from the Stage Branch of the current Stage. |
| | You can also change paths if allowed. |
| Tutorial | This allows you to go through a short tutorial mission |
| | which goes over the basic controls. If you skipped |
| | through it when you started the game the first time |
| | then you can do it again to get the Trophies attached |
| | to this mission. |
| Rankings | If you have the Online Features option in the Settings |
| | Menu turned on then you can compare your score with |
| | other players around the world. |
| Data Entries | Here you can go over all of the Data Points you have |
| | collected. |

On the right side of the screen you will see the High-Score which lists your
best Height, Evolution level, and the Route taken for that score.

| Invasion Route \

When you start a run-through you will begin your invasion through Japan.
There are a maximum of ten Stages to go through to get to the end of a
run-through. There are a total of twenty five Areas and three different
paths, which determine difficulty, to get to the end.

After each Stage you'll be presented with a Stage Branch which allows you to
choose a path on your Invasion Route. There are three main Routes:

>>Easy: 1 - 2 - 4 - 7 - 11 - 14 - 18 - 21 - 23 - 25
>>Normal: 1 - 3 - 5 - (8 or 9) - 12 - (15 or 16) - 19 - 21 - 23 - 25
>>Hard: 1 - 3 - 6 - 10 - 13 - 17 - 20 - 22 - 24 - 25

What Route you go on will also determine the Prime Minister who will work
alongside G-Force. You can also change difficulty during a run-through which
will also change the Prime Minister:

--Hatagoya (Easy)
A kind man who believes that Godzilla is no different from any other
animal and is hesitant to bring in additional forces.

--Chujo (Normal)
An arrogant but unimaginative man who strictly adheres to a guidebook
for all of his decision making.

--Takasu (Hard)
A stoic and tough woman who will do whatever it takes to defend her
country from threats whatever they may be.

Each Stage Branch will also inform you of which Kaiju appears in the two
Areas to select (this is more difficult in the Japanese version unless you
know of the Kanji for each monster - unfortunately the text encoding needed
for most websites doesn't allow for Japanese writing so I can't include them
in this document). What upgrades you are trying to acquire may determine what
path you go on as you progress through the run-through.

| G-Energy Generators, Height, and Destruction Ratio \

G-Energy is the energy source that has attracted Godzilla back to Japan. One
of your goals is to acquire as much of it as you can.

The Generators are massive round cylinders that house the G-Energy that
everybody around it uses daily. They have five large circular rings that spin
around. As you do damage to it then you can see some of the rings start to
stop. When all five rings stop then the Generator is destroyed. You can get a
lot of G-Energy by destroying the Generator.

The Generator will also throw up a shield pulse every so often when you are
close enough. If you are hit by this pulse then you will be knocked down but
you won't suffer any damage.

Even though the Generators have a lot of G-Energy even smaller objects and
buildings have a little bit of this energy since it is used to run them. When
you destroy a building or vehicle then you'll release that energy which
you'll absorb.

In the beginning you will start at a height of 50 Meters. As you absorb
G-Energy then you will begin to grow in size. The larger you can make G grow,
the more powerful you will become. Your melee and ramming attacks will become
more devastating plus your Breath and Blast attacks will become more powerful
and their ranges will also be extended. And you will also be able to take
more damage.

If an object is destroyed by something other than yourself then you can't get
the G-Energy from it so.

There is a Destruction Ratio indicator which is to the right of the Disaster
Level meter. When you reach 100% then you have destroyed every building in
the Area. G-Force, cars, and buses do not count towards this - only

| Fury Chains \

Another way to increase the amount of G-Energy you can acquire is by creating
large Fury Chains. When you start destroying things you will see a Fury Chain
appear on the left side of the screen. The longer the Chain becomes and the
longer you can keep it up then the more energy you can collect from the
things you destroy (up to 10x). You can get up to a 99 Fury Chain (you can
still keep the Chain going but it won't go above 99).

If you stop destroying then the Energy Rate will start to go down. If it goes
all the way down then the Chain ends. You can maintain the Chain by
destroying debris or hitting something. The best way to refill the Energy
Rate, and maintain the Chain, without destroying something is by using your
Blast. How often you can keep the Rate up is determined by your upgrades.

You can only extend the Chain, and add to the Rate multiplier, by destroying
something. If you start a Chain at the beginning of a Stage and maintain it
all the way through you may be able to delay the appearance of Kaiju and may
allow you to complete a Stage without encountering any.

To maximize growth you not only need to maintain large Fury Chains but also
destroy everything you can while doing so. This includes all aircraft and
extra forces that show up when you cross Disaster Level thresholds. In
addition, how quickly you can max the Energy Rate will also be determined by
the Disaster Level - the higher the Level, the more energy you can get from
destroying the G-Forces.

If you destroy everything and maintain large Fury Chains all the way through
to the Final Stage you may be able to make G grow in excess of 120 Meters.
Other players have managed to get Godzilla up to about 130 Meters.

| Time Limits \

Some of the Stages have a time limit. This limit is how long you have to 
destroy the Generators before they drop down into the ground for safety. If
they drop into the ground then you fail the Stage and must redo it.

If you wish to destroy everything in a Stage you should wait for a Kaiju to
show up. Once it does then destroy the Generator which removes the timer.
Then play keep-away from the Kaiju until you reach 100% Destruction Ratio
then fight the monster.

| Data Collection \

When you do your first run-through you'll find that you cannot progress any
further than Stage 7. The reason for that is because G-Force doesn't have
enough information on you to create a weapon powerful enough to defeat you.
To progress further in the game you need to collect at least 50% of all of
the Data Points.

Every Area has four Data Points which are represented by glowing orange 
circles on your Radar. At the lower right corner of the screen is the Camera
icon. When you get near a Data Point then you should see "NEW!" pop up. This
indicates that you are near a Point that has not been collected.

You need to use the Camera, by pressing the R3 Button, to collect the Point.
You have to stand close to the Point until the Camera is finished collecting.
When the Point is collected then the circle will turn purple to inform you
that it has been permanently collected. Beneath the Camera are four "cards"
that indicate the Data Points. This tells you which Data Points you have

If you are near a Data Point, regardless of whether or not it has been
collected, and use the Camera then you will also greatly slow down the
depletion of the Energy Rate of a Fury Chain while you are taking a picture.
This can become useful for keeping up Fury Chains. Be warned though, if you
are not near a Data Point then you can't use the Camera.

Between each Stage you can see how much you have collected at the top of the
screen (it will show as a percentage). When you have at least 50% collected
then you can progress up to Stage 9.

| Final Stage \

To reach the Final Stage, and Area 25, you have to be at least 100 Meters in
height by the time you complete the end of Stage 9. The fastest way to get
there is by doing the Easy Route and focusing on collecting all of the Data
Points. Then do the Normal Route while doing the same thing and growing G to
be at least 100m. By the time you complete Stage 7 you should have more than
50% of the Points collected so you can progress to the next two Stages.

The one problem with doing this method is Area 3 which is a Hard Stage (you
need to get through it to get to Area 5 and back on Normal). If you don't
have any Gauge upgrades, like an additional section, then it can be much
harder than usual. Although you can skip over Area 3 and get onto the Normal
Route later you won't get enough Data Points. You will need to do additional
run-throughs to at least get some basic Gauge upgrades to tackle Area 3.

| Kaiju \

G-Energy isn't just attracting you - it's also attracting other large
creatures, either to destroy the energy or to destroy you. You'll be doing a
lot of battles with these Kaiju. Defeating them will also allow you to
upgrade your abilities through Evolution.

Whenever you defeat a Kaiju or G-Force MechaGodzilla you gain a "Part" that
is used for upgrading G. Certain Parts in combination will allow you to
purchase upgrades.

How long it will take for one to appear during a Stage will depend on what
difficulty you choose. If you choose the Easy Route then it may take it
awhile to appear and, if you destroy the last Generator before it show up,
then you can avoid fighting it. If you choose the harder paths then it will
appear much quicker and even appear right at the start of a Stage.

When a Kaiju appears it can be of a random height but still be close to your
current height either being slightly taller or slightly shorter. Sometimes,
though, it can be much smaller or larger which can make the battle either
much easier or much harder.

On the Normal and Hard paths the game may generate a 100m Kaiju at any Stage,
even as early as Stage 2. You can tell when one will appear when the operator
talks of a very strong signal. How difficult the battle will be is determined
on how big you are and how upgraded you are.

If you face a 100m class Kaiju and it is bigger than you then you can get up
to *THREE* Parts from it for upgrading. If it is smaller than you then you
can only get one Part.

There is a general strategy to defeating Kaiju which also works against the
G-Force MechaGodzillas:

| Run at and ram them constantly to keep it from attacking you.             |
| When your Gauge is charged up enough then use your Breath on it while you |
| are ramming it to rapidly deplete its health.                             |
| If it tries to do any kind of attack then use your Blast if your Gauge    |
| has enough energy.                                                        |
| If it flies into the air then use your Breath on it to knock it back down |
| and ram it before it has a chance to get back up.                         |

Now for the list of Kaiju (in order of film appearance):

      Films: Mothra vs. Godzilla (1964 - Showa Series)
             Ghidorah, The Three-Headed Monster (1964 - Showa Series)
             Godzilla vs. Ebirah (1966 - Showa Series)
             Destroy All Monsters (1968 - Showa Series)
             Godzilla vs. Mothra (1992 - Heisei Series)
             GMK: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack (2001 - Millenium Series)
             Godzilla X Mothra X MechaGodzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. (2003 - 
             Millenium Series)
             Godzilla: Final Wars (2004 - Millenium Series)
             Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019 - Legendary Studios / 
                       Warner Brothers (MonsterVerse))
      Notes: Mothra is one of the most popular Kaiju other than G and comes 
             in two forms: Larva and Adult. In its Larva form it uses a web 
             weapon that can push you back and can jump and push you back as 
             it primary forms of attack. However, it is the weakest of all of 
             the Kaiju and can very easily be defeated.

             In its Adult form (1992 version) it is more powerful as it can 
             fly around and charge you allowing for melee attacks. It also 
             has antennae beam weapons and a scale cloud attack that it can 
             use against you. But, even in this form, it can still be easily 

  >>King Ghidorah
      Films: Ghidorah, The Three-Headed Monster (1964 - Showa Series)
             Invasion of Astro-Monster (1965 - Showa Series)
             Destroy All Monsters (1968 - Showa Series)
             Godzilla vs. Gigan (1972 - Showa Series)
             Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991 - Heisei Series)
             GMK: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack (2001 - Millenium Series)
             Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019 - Legendary Studios / 
                       Warner Brothers (MonsterVerse))
      Notes: This Kaiju, based on the 1991 version, is a massive gold 
             three-headed winged beast that is the most popular villain in 
             the G-Universe. Its massive size can allow for powerful melee 
             attacks and it can breathe fire from all three heads.

      Film: Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971 - Showa Series)
            Godzilla: Final Wars (2004 -  Millenium Series)
      Notes: This ugly looking pollution based creature has a couple of  
             forms of attack. It can throw sewage chunks that can briefly 
             stun you. It does have a more powerful beam weapon that can stun 
             you and push you back. Although it can change into a flying form 
             in the movies it does not have this capability in the game.

      Films: Godzilla vs. Gigan (1972 - Showa Series)
             Godzilla vs. Megalon (1973 - Showa Series)
             Godzilla: Final Wars (2004 - Millenium Series)
      Notes: Although this Kaiju first appeared in the '70s this game uses 
             the more awesome 2004 version. In addition to its chainsaw hands 
             it also has a flying blade weapon that can hit and stun you 
             multiple times. It also has a powerful charge attack that 
             includes its chainsaws.

      Films: Godzilla vs. Megalon (1973 - Showa Series)
      Notes: This Kaiju is a cult favorite in the G-Universe. It is a robot 
             that has learned to program itself to make it larger so it can 
             fight other Kaiju. Unlike the other creatures it has no beam 
             attacks - it must rely entirely on melee attacks. This makes it 
             easy to defeat. In addition, it can only appear in three Stages 
             and under specific conditions.

  >>Mecha-Godzilla (Japanese Version)
    MechaGodzilla 2 (American Version)
      Films: Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla (1974 - Showa Series)
             Terror of MechaGodzilla (1975 - Showa Series)
      Notes: Unlike the G-Force MechaGodzillas this one is actually 
             controlled by hostile aliens bent on taking over the Earth. This 
             one has eye based beam weapons and finger missiles that are 
             fired from its hands.

             It is also more resilient than the other Kaiju because it is 
             made from Space Titanium, a very tough metal. This makes it even 
             more dangerous if it happens to be much larger than you.

             The MG version used in the game is the 1975 version as evidenced 
             by the MG2 logo on its upper arm and the more pointed finger 
             missiles which are more powerful than the ones used in the first 

      Film: Godzilla vs. Biollante (1989 - Heisei Version)
      Notes: This is a massive beast that is a combination of a rose and a 
             Godzilla Cell collected from the 1984 attack on Tokyo (The 
             Return of Godzilla). It has multiple arms that can create 
             multiple hit melee attacks. It also has an acid based breath 
             attack that it uses infrequently.

             However, its large size makes it a slow moving and easy target 
             for your Breath attacks.

      Film: Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (1995 - Heisei Series)
      Notes: This is a massive creature that is a mutant created from the 
             Oxygen Destroyer used against the first G in 1954. Its powers 
             are derived from the concepts of micro-oxygen. It has a powerful 
             mouth based beam attack that can stun and push you back. It has 
             a slashing beam attack that uses its horn and can fly and charge 
             at you.

  >>(Legendary) Godzilla
      Film: Godzilla (2014 - Legendary Studios / Warner Brothers 
            Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019 - Legendary Studios / Warner 
                      Brothers (MonsterVerse))
            Godzilla vs. Kong (2021 - Legendary Studios / Warner Brothers
      Notes: This is the Americanized Godzilla and I named it based on the 
             film studio behind it, Legendary Studios. It is a massive beast. 
             In addition to its large size, which allows for powerful melee 
             attacks, it also has its own Atomic Breath weapon which has long 
             distance capability and it is very powerful.

| G-Force \

Japan isn't going to let you have an uncontested run at their cities. The
country has a defense force that is tasked to defend the cities and find ways
to repulse or defeat you. They are represented by small orange dots (and
squares) on your Radar. Below is a list of vehicles and weapons that G-Force

| Ground Forces   | These are Tanks and Rocket Launchers that will fire     |
|                 | shells and rockets at you.                              |
| Aircraft        | These are Helicopters and Planes that will try to stop  |
|                 | you from the air. The Helicopters will hover close to   |
|                 | you so they can fire machine guns at you. You can       |
|                 | easily shoot them down with your Breath. As for the     |
|                 | Planes it is best to use your Blast as they dive down   |
|                 | on you.                                                 |
|                 |                                                         |
|                 | The Aircraft can be annoying in that they can get in    |
|                 | the way if you wish to use your Breath on something     |
|                 | else.                                                   |
|                 |                                                         |
|                 | For example, if you want to use your Breath on a        |
|                 | building and a Helicopter is nearby, even if it is not  |
|                 | directly in front of the building, then you will        |
|                 | auto-lock onto the chopper instead when you use the     |
|                 | Breath.                                                 |
| Cruisers        | On some Stages you may find large Cruisers docked in    |
|                 | the water. They tend to fire their machine guns and     |
|                 | rockets at you and don't seem to be affected by your    |
|                 | rise through the Disaster Levels. As a result they pose |
|                 | little threat to you.                                   |
| Stationary Guns | These are large blocky looking constructs that carry    |
|                 | all kinds of specialized weapons. At first they are     |
|                 | content to fire their guns at you but, as you go up the |
|                 | Disaster Levels, they will start to fire large groups   |
|                 | of rockets and eventually open up to reveal Maser       |
|                 | Cannons.                                                |
|                 |                                                         |
|                 | These Guns will often be found close to Generators.     |

How aggressive they can be is determined by what is known as the Disaster
Level down at the bottom center of the screen. When you start a Stage it will
be a Level 1. When you destroy buildings and vehicles you will slowly fill up
the meter. When it fills up then you will move up to the next Level.

At that point G-Force will send out more vehicles to try to stop you and send
out more powerful forces too. G-Force will also become more aggressive in
their attempts to stop you. How fast you progress through them is determined
on what path you choose in Destruction Mode.

In Disaster Level 1 you will see the standard response from G-Force.
Helicopters use machine guns and there are regular Tanks that are placed
around some Areas. Listed below are what happens when you cross into the
advanced Disaster Levels:

| Level 2 | Additional Planes and Helicopters will be dispatched with       |
|         | additional Tanks being placed nearby. Stationary Guns will now  |
|         | start to use Rockets.                                           |
| Level 3 | Additional Planes will be launched and Launchers, which will    |
|         | now start to replace Tanks, will be placed nearby.              |
| Level 4 | Maser Tanks will start to replace Launchers and Maser Planes    |
|         | will also fly alongside regular Plane. Stationary Guns will now |
|         | start to use single Masers. If you're on the Hard Route then    |
|         | Super X will be launched and you must defeat it before going to |
|         | the next Stage.                                                 |
| Level 5 | Maser Tanks will be used exclusively for ground forces.         |
|         | Stationary Guns will now start to use Triple Masers and Cadmium |
|         | Missiles. Any Launchers that remain will also start to use      |
|         | Cadmium Missiles.                                               |
|         |                                                                 |
|         | Cadmium Missiles are special missiles that absorb radiation and |
|         | will create a purple cloud on impact (they may also stun on     |
|         | occasion). This will cause your Temperature Gauge to stop       |
|         | recharging for a few seconds.                                   |
|         |                                                                 |
|         | If you're on the Hard Route then Super X2 will be launched. If  |
|         | you're on the Normal Route then Super X will be launched. If    |
|         | you're on Area 19 when you cross into D-Level 5 then that won't |
|         | happen since Super X naturally appears in that Area.            |

As noted, in higher Stages and Disaster Levels you will start to see
G-Force's more powerful weapons. Strategies for dealing with them will be
noted in the Areas they appear in.

Listed in order of appearance:

  >>Super X
      Film: The Return of Godzilla (1984 - Heisei Series)
      Notes: This is probably the single most irritating enemy of the game. 
             It can move quickly from side to side making it hard to fire 
             your Breath on it. It also has multiple weapons, including 
             Cadmium missiles, that it uses aggressively.

  >>Super X2
      Film: Godzilla vs. Biollante (1989 - Heisei Series)
      Notes: Unlike the Super X this craft isn't as hard to deal with. 
             Although it can move from side to side quickly it isn't as 
             aggressive. It also doesn't have as many weapons and is easier 
             to destroy.

  >>Super X III
      Film: Godzilla vs Destoroyah (1995 - Heisei Series)
      Notes: Unlike the prior two craft this is more of a plane and less of a 
             hovercraft. So it won't sit there trying to take potshots at 
             you. It mainly has missile and beam weapons which are fired from 
             the front as it dives at you.

      Film: Godzilla: Final Wars (2004 - Millenium Series)
      Notes: This is a large futuristic craft with a giant drill on the 
             front. It can dive on you and use the drill to hurt you but it 
             may also use a powerful beam weapon which is also emitted from 
             it. It can also fire missile clusters and multiple beam weapons 
             when approaching from the side.

  >>Super MechaGodzilla
      Film: Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla (1993 - Heisei Series)
      Notes: This massive construct was built using the remains of Mecha-King 
             Ghidorah, built with 23rd century technology, which fought 
             G near the end of Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah.

             This particular machine is actually the combination of two 
             constructs: MechaGodzilla and Garuda. Garuda was the first of 
             the two and was designed as a flying craft with two massive beam 

             When Garuda was decommissioned the designer managed to convince 
             one of the designers of MechaGodzilla to allow Garuda to be 
             connected to it and use Garuda's beam cannons as over the 
             shoulder weapons. This combination would create Super 

  >>MFS-3 (Japanese Version)
    Type-3 Kiryu (American Version)
      Films: Godzilla X MechaGodzilla (2002 - Millenium Series)
             Godzilla X Mothra X MechaGodzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. (2003 - 
             Millenium Series)
      Notes: This particular construct is a cyborg built around the bones of 
             the first Godzilla killed in 1954. Although it uses powerful DNA 
             computers it is not as dangerous as Super MechaGodzilla because 
             it doesn't have the ability to absorb your Breath and use it 
             against you.

             **NOTE: MFS-3 is shorthand for (Multipurpose Fighting System 

| A. Area and Stage Information |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

When you enter an Area you will see that even though you are in a large city
you are confined to a small area which is bordered by a bright orange striped
line. You cannot cross this line but you can still destroy objects outside of
it with your Breath and Blast. It should be pointed out that not all Areas
are bordered this way.

Many Areas can have more than one Kaiju that can appear there. But which one
you get to face will be randomly selected each time you do a run-through.

Some Areas have major Landmarks that can be destroyed (a total of six).
Destroying them will allow you to acquire additional figures for Diorama Mode
and count towards the {Figure Collector} Trophy.

Although there are twenty five Areas they are split up amongst several cities
and regions that you may encounter more than once during a run-through. The
names are based on what they are called in Diorama Mode:

  >>Harbor Area
      Areas: 2, 21, 22.
      Notes: This area is based on the real life city of Yokohama and has two 
             major Landmarks: the Cosmo World Ferris Wheel and the Landmark 
             Tower. Although this is a sizable area most of it is water with 
             far fewer buildings than most Areas.

      Areas: 3, 4, 9, 15.
      Notes: This is a large refinery area with plenty of storage tanks and 
             other machinery to destroy. This will be your first encounter 
             with the Stationary Guns. There are also a couple of Cruisers in 
             the water that ring the area.

  >>Town at Night
      Areas: 5, 7, 10.
      Notes: This area is based on the real life area of Chiyoda, Tokyo and 
             is home to the large National Diet Building which is another 
             Landmark and is surrounded by three Stationary Guns. Most of the 
             other buildings are at the opposite end of this region.

  >>Mountain Base
      Areas: 6, 16.
      Notes: This area is a valley close to Mt. Fuji, one of the world's most 
             famous mountains. You will also encounter Electrical Towers that 
             don't seem to do any harm to you. All of the Stationary Guns are 
             stationed by the Generators. Most of the buildings and G-Force 
             units are spread out as well so you have to plan your path to 
             make a good Fury Chain.

  >>Office District
      Areas: 8, 11, 13.
      Notes: This small area is based on the real life area of Minato, Tokyo 
             and is home to the Tokyo Tower, another Landmark. This area is 
             packed with lots of buildings so you can get plenty of G-Energy 

  >>Exhibition Space
      Areas: 12, 14, 23, 24, 25.
      Notes: This area is based on the real life city of Chiba and is home to 
             the Makuhari Messe Convention Center which is the large Landmark 
             on the one side of this area. This area has lots of buildings 
             but also has lots of cars that will provide tons of G-Energy.

  >>City Center
      Areas: 18, 19, 20.
      Notes: This area is based on the real life area of Shinjuku, Tokyo and 
             is home to the last Landmark, Tokyo City Hall. It also has 
             plenty of buildings and G-Force units to destroy for long Fury 

| Stage Flowchart \

Here, in ASCII form, is the complete flowchart of the three Routes and Stage
Branches. For accuracy purposes some Areas appear more than once.

>>Legend: E - Easy, N - Normal, H - Hard.


[Stage 1]                          A1(N)
                                  /    \
[Stage 2]                     A3(H)     A2(E)
                             /    \        \
[Stage 3]                 A6(H)   A5(N)   A4(E)
                         /    \  /    \  /   |
[Stage 4]             A10(H)  A9(N)  A8(N) A7(E)
                        |        \       \ /   \
[Stage 5]             A13(H)    A12(N) A12(N) A11(E)
                       |   \    /   \   /       /  |
[Stage 6]           A17(H)  A16(N)  A15(N) A15(N) A14(E)
                      |         \    /  \    /     |  \
[Stage 7]           A20(H)      A19(N)   A19(N) A19(N) A18(E)
                      |           |            \   |  /
[Stage 8]           A22(H)      A21(H)          A21(H)
                      |           |                |
[Stage 9]           A24(H)      A23(H)          A23(H)
                      |           |                |
[Final Stage]       A25(H)      A25(H)          A25(H)

| B. Stage and Area Breakdown |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

In this part I will go over the various Areas and Stages in more detail. Each
Area is broken down with the following:

| Generators   | How many Generators are in the Area.                       |
| Time Limit   | How much time you have if there is a limit for this Area.  |
| Enemies      | The Enemies that can appear at this Area.                  |
| Landmarks    | What Landmarks can be found if there are any for the Area. |
| Stage Branch | What Areas you can go to from that Stage.                  |
| Fury Chain   | How long a Fury Chain you can get from this Area. This can |
|              | vary by whether or not you cross into the next Disaster    |
|              | Level in that Area. That is also determined by what path   |
|              | you choose since you can go from Easy to Normal or Hard to |
|              | Normal at several points along the Invasion Route.         |
| Growth       | How much you can grow in this Area. That is also           |
|              | determined by the Fury Chain.                              |
| Orientation  | A kind of map that gives you an idea where things are at   |
|              | and what directions they are in.                           |
| Notes        | Notes on that Stage and Area. Some have a Maximum Growth   |
|              | path that is used to get the most G-Energy from that Area. |
|              | It should be noted that to get the maximum growth          |
|              | potential in each Area it is highly recommended that you   |
|              | completely upgrade your Gauge and acquire the Vapor Breath |
|              | to further increase recharge speed.                        |
|              |                                                            |
|              | However, these paths can still be used to grow quickly     |
|              | even if you don't have all of the Gauge and Breath         |
|              | upgrades. But having the upgrades can help you squeeze the |
|              | most from each Area, especially if you want to get to the  |
|              | top of the Rankings chart.                                 |
|              |                                                            |
|              | In addition, everything is written as if you do the Easy   |
|              | Route first, Normal second, and Hard last.                 |

Some of this information came from gametter.com but have added a lot of my
own observations and notes.

| Stage 1 |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Stage 1 |

| Area 1 [Normal] - Harbor \
| Generators: 1 | Time Limit: None | Enemies: Jet-Jaguar                    |
| Landmarks: None              | Stage Branch: Area 2 [Easy]                |
|                              |               Area 3 [Hard]                |
| Fury Chain: 45+              | Growth: 15.00+ Meters                      |
| Orientation: You start out at the south end of the Area. The Generator is |
|              at the north end.                                            |
| This is a pretty straightforward Stage. At first glance it appears that   |
| it may be difficult to get a long Fury Chain but you can still get a      |
| good one and deal with the lone Enemy at the same time:                   |
|                                                                           |
|  >>{Our Hero, Jet-Jaguar} Trophy (1)                                      |
|    *********************************                                      |
|      This will help you to get him to appear and get maximum growth for   |
|      this Stage. This is one of three Areas he only appears only in, the  |
|      others being Area 7 and Area 12. The way to make him appear is to    |
|      destroy between 50% to 65% of the Area and quickly destroy the       |
|      Generator. If you take too long then he won't appear.                |
|                                                                           |
|      From where you start, go straight north towards the Cruiser. When    |
|      you get there then quickly rotate southeast. Use your Blast to       |
|      destroy the Cruiser and at least one of the nearby boats. Then run   |
|      towards the boat furthest from you and run into it the maintain the  |
|      Chain.                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|      Run to a point along the retaining wall between the large crane and  |
|      the first line of enemy Tanks. Rotate north and use your Blast. Run  |
|      along the wall then Blast again when you stop.                       |
|                                                                           |
|      When you get close to the second group of enemy Tanks then, after    |
|      Blasting, angle northwest towards the corner with the small          |
|      cylinders. When you get here then angle north and continue running   |
|      and Blasting. Run and Blast all the way up to the corner by the      |
|      second large storage tank.                                           |
|                                                                           |
|      When you get to the corner then Blast to destroy the large building  |
|      to the east to get 50% Destruction then angle northwest towards the  |
|      group of enemy Tanks just before the Generator and run towards them  |
|      (you should get to them just before the Chain runs out). After       |
|      destroying them then run northeast towards the group of enemy Tanks  |
|      at the east side of the Generator.                                   |
|                                                                           |
|      After destroying them then run into the Generator to start damaging  |
|      it. When the shield gets ready to go off then Blast to prevent being |
|      knocked down and hopefully take down some of the nearby Helicopters  |
|      as well. With some luck you may get above 7x on the Energy Rate by   |
|      the time you finally destroy the Generator. If you manage to get     |
|      above that, even better.                                             |
|                                                                           |
|      After destroying the Generator then run towards the group of enemy   |
|      Tanks ahead of you. As you destroy them then turn south and begin    |
|      going down the west side of the Area running and Blasting as you go. |
|      Just as you get started then Jet-Jaguar should show up.              |
|                                                                           |
|      You should finally confront him just before you get to the corner    |
|      with the container crates. Hopefully he will stay in front of you so |
|      you can keep up the Chain as you Blast him. With a little luck the   |
|      Helicopters can keep you with you so you can destroy them with each  |
|      Blast. Do not try to directly fight JJ - just continue down the west |
|      side running and Blasting until you get to the last crane.           |
|                                                                           |
|      Continue to the southeast corner near where you started to get the   |
|      last two boats outside of the Area to get a little more G-Energy.    |
|      Then fight off JJ to complete the Stage.                             |

| Stage 2 |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Stage 2 |

| Area 2 [Easy] - Harbor Area (Yokohama) \
| Generators: 3 | Time Limit: None | Enemies: Hedorah                       |
|               |                  |          MechaGodzilla 2               |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Larva)                |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Adult)                |
| Landmarks: Ferris Wheel      | Stage Branch: Area 4 [Easy]                |
|            Landmark Tower    |                                            |
| Fury Chain: 35+              | Growth: 9.00+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You will start at the south end. The Ferris Wheel and one of |
|              the Generators will be just west of you. Another Generator   |
|              and the Landmark Tower will be at the northeast corner. The  |
|              last Generator will be north of your starting position.      |
| The Kaiju you face will usually be in the 50m class which will be         |
| slightly smaller than you given the G-Energy you have consumed so far.    |
| However, you can destroy the Generators before it shows up to end the     |
| Stage but I recommend not doing that until you have done all upgrading    |
| using the cells of the Kaiju that normally appear here.                   |
|                                                                           |
|  >>Maximum Growth                                                         |
|    **************                                                         |
|      To start, go west to destroy the Ferris Wheel. Approach it from the  |
|      south and run north into it to destroy it. By the time you finish    |
|      that then you should be partway towards the enemy Tanks just north   |
|      of you. Run and destroy the three Tanks on the peninsula.            |
|                                                                           |
|      From here, turn southeast and run to destroy the three Tanks near    |
|      the shore. Go to the south end of the buildings and start Blasting.  |
|      Proceed north to the east Generator Blasting as you go. Try to time  |
|      them to destroy any flying Planes. A good way to do that is gently   |
|      bump and rub against some of the buildings to keep the Chain up then |
|      Blast as the Planes approach.                                        |
|                                                                           |
|      By the time you get to the Generator you should be up to around      |
|      4.6x. After destroying the Generator then proceed north to destroy   |
|      the Landmark Tower and turn west to run and destroy the Cruiser      |
|      docked nearby. Run to and destroy the north Generator.               |
|                                                                           |
|      As you are destroying the Generator then you should be attacked by   |
|      another group of Planes. Blast them as they approach. As you         |
|      continue to damage the Generator you should be pointing southwest    |
|      towards the line of Tanks just ahead.                                |
|                                                                           |
|      After destroying the Generator then quickly run and start Blasting   |
|      the Tanks. You should be some distance from the Tanks so you can     |
|      quickly run to the last Generator after destroying the group. If     |
|      you've done everything right then, when you run to the Generator,    |
|      you should be able to Blast it once to keep the Chain up before you  |
|      can start ramming it.                                                |
|                                                                           |
|      Destruction of the Generator should end the Stage unless you want to |
|      stop beforehand to fight a Kaiju.                                    |


| Area 3 [Hard] - Complex \
| Generators: 3 | Time Limit: None | Enemies: Hedorah                       |
|               |                  |          MechaGodzilla 2               |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Larva)                |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Adult)                |
| Landmarks: None              | Stage Branch: Area 5 [Normal]              |
|                              |               Area 6 [Hard]                |
| Fury Chain: 90+              | Growth: 19.00+ Meters                      |
| Orientation: You start at the south end of this Area. One Generator will  |
|              be at the west side, another will be in the east corner, and |
|              the last one will be at the northwest corner.                |
| Because this is a Hard Area you stand about a 33% chance that the Kaiju   |
| that shows up will be in the 100m Class. This makes this Stage more       |
| difficult because you will more than likely be only around 70m by the     |
| time it shows up.                                                         |
|                                                                           |
| You can still face it if you want to to get extra Parts but this is not   |
| recommended if you have only upgraded a little. The less upgrades you     |
| have, the harder it becomes, especially if you haven't acquired and Gauge |
| and Breath ones.                                                          |
|                                                                           |
| The best thing to do in this case it to let the Kaiju beat you then try   |
| again. The game will usually give you either the same Kaiju or another    |
| one but in the same class as you thus making the Stage easier. If you     |
| have mostly upgraded then you can take on all comers with few problems.   |
|                                                                           |
|  >>Maximum Growth                                                         |
|    **************                                                         |
|      The path outlined for Area 4 works here but with a few changes. When |
|      you are destroying the machinery after the second Stationary Gun you |
|      should get a little over 9.0x on the Energy Rate before crossing to  |
|      the large storage tanks to the east.                                 |
|                                                                           |
|      The plan is to cross into Disaster Level 2 when you destroy the      |
|      tanker. This will spawn additional enemy Tanks around the Generator  |
|      and on the road going back to the west. This will make it easier to  |
|      destroy the extra forces and help maintain the Chain as you run back |
|      west.                                                                |
|                                                                           |
|      After destroying the last Stationary Gun then run to destroy the     |
|      last Generator as the Kaiju will have shown up by then. Destroy it   |
|      before the other Kaiju does. After destroying it then fight off the  |
|      Kaiju while destroying whatever remains.                             |

| Stage 3 |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Stage 3 |

| Area 4 [Easy] - Complex \
| Generators: 3 | Time Limit: None | Enemies: Hedorah                       |
|               |                  |          MechaGodzilla 2               |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Larva)                |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Adult)                |
| Landmarks: None              | Stage Branch: Area 7 [Easy]                |
|                              |               Area 8 [Normal]              |
| Fury Chain: 85+              | Growth: 12.00+ Meters                      |
| Orientation: You start at the south end of this Area. One Generator will  |
|              be at the west side, another will be in the east corner, and |
|              the last one will be at the northwest corner.                |
| You can easily destroy all Generators before any Kaiju show up if you     |
| want. If you let a Kaiju show up it will usually be in the 50m class so   |
| it should be considerably smaller than you.                               |
|                                                                           |
|  >>Maximum Growth                                                         |
|    **************                                                         |
|      To start, go north and destroy the four buildings and enemy Tanks    |
|      plus three trucks. Destroy the Stationary Gun and proceed north to   |
|      the large storage tanks. Do *NOT* destroy the large storage tank     |
|      closest to you - just go after the group of enemy Tanks just to the  |
|      east. After that then turn west and gently bump into and rub the     |
|      large storage tank.                                                  |
|                                                                           |
|      At this point you will be notified of an aircraft attack. Time a     |
|      Blast to destroy the approaching Planes and nearby Helicopters. This |
|      will also destroy the large storage tank. After this then proceed    |
|      west to start destroying the machinery and enemy Tanks as you        |
|      proceed to the Stationary Gun in the corner near the west Generator. |
|      Destroy the Gun then proceed back to the machinery.                  |
|                                                                           |
|      Do not go after the west Generator yet. The plan is to destroy more  |
|      machinery and get up to around 8.6x Energy Rate before cutting       |
|      across to the east and destroying the large storage tanks leading to |
|      the Cruiser in the water. Destroy the Cruiser with your Breath then  |
|      head towards the enemy Tanks by the Generator while destroying any   |
|      large storage tanks along the way.                                   |
|                                                                           |
|      Destroy the enemy Tanks then go the water's edge and fire your       |
|      Breath towards the large tanker docked nearby. You should be up to   |
|      10x at this point and there is a lot of G-Energy in the tanker - it  |
|      is almost like another Generator. After destroying the tanker then   |
|      turn around and destroy the Generator.                               |
|                                                                           |
|      After that then go west and destroy the large storage tanks heading  |
|      back to the machinery. Run through the ruins so you can destroy the  |
|      west Generator. After destroying the Generator then proceed to the   |
|      last Stationary Gun and do a Blast to destroy all remaining          |
|      machinery.                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|      After destroying the Gun then angle northeast to the enemy Tanks.    |
|      Destroy them and you should reach Disaster Level 2. Do a Blast to    |
|      destroy nearby enemy Tanks and approaching Aircraft. Do a second     |
|      Blast to get rid of most of the remaining Planes. Run towards the    |
|      enemy Tanks by the last Generator to keep your Chain up.             |
|                                                                           |
|      Run into the Generator to damage it and use your Blast to keep from  |
|      being knocked back and destroy any remaining enemy Tanks.            |
|                                                                           |
|      You may notice that I didn't account for the Cruiser to the north.   |
|      That is because you can't destroy it with your Vapor Breath upgrade  |
|      because it is out of your range. If you use another Breath then you  |
|      should be able to get at it.                                         |


| Area 5 [Normal] - Town at Night (Chiyoda, Tokyo) \
| Generators: 2 | Time Limit: None | Enemies: Hedorah                       |
|               |                  |          MechaGodzilla 2               |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Larva)                |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Adult)                |
| Landmarks: Diet Building     | Stage Branch: Area 8 [Normal]              |
|                              |               Area 9 [Normal]              |
| Fury Chain: 70+              | Growth: 7.00+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start at the south side of the area. The first Generator |
|              is at the west side. The second Generator is at the far      |
|              north end near the Diet Building.                            |
| Any Kaiju that shows up is going to be a bit more aggressive than it      |
| would be on Easy. If you have upgraded properly then they should not be   |
| much of a problem.                                                        |
|                                                                           |
| Do the Maximum Growth path outlined in Area 7 but with one little change. |
| When you get near the line of Tanks northeast of the first Generator then |
| get closer to them so you can destroy the nearby building with your Blast |
| before going south. This will prevent the approaching Kaiju from          |
| destroying it later.                                                      |
|                                                                           |
| Destroy the remaining buildings and reach the first Generator. By the     |
| time you get here then the Kaiju should show up. After destroying the     |
| Generator then run up to the Kaiju and use it to keep the Chain up before |
| destroying the Stationary Gun. Then destroy the one in the corner while   |
| fending off the Kaiju with your Blast.                                    |
|                                                                           |
| As you make your way to the Generator then you should cross over into     |
| Disaster Level 4. This will prompt the arrival of Super X. As you damage  |
| the Generator try to fend off the Kaiju long enough to allow you to       |
| destroy it before it does. Once the Generator is destroyed then fight the |
| Kaiju to complete the Stage.                                              |


| Area 6 [Hard] - Mountain Base (Mt. Fuji) \
| Generators: 2 | Time Limit: None | Enemies: Hedorah                       |
|               |                  |          MechaGodzilla 2               |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Larva)                |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Adult)                |
| Landmarks: None              | Stage Branch: Area 9 [Normal]              |
|                              |               Area 10 [Hard]               |
| Fury Chain: 75+              | Growth: 8.50+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start out at the south end. The first Generator should   |
|              be northwest of you and the second Generator should be at    |
|              the north end.                                               |
| You can easily destroy all Generators before any Kaiju show up if you     |
| want. If you let a Kaiju show up then you may find that it is closer to   |
| your current size than in the last Stage. But it will be more aggressive. |
|                                                                           |
| The maximum Growth path for Area 16 works with virtually no changes.      |
| However, you will more than likely cross into Disaster Level 3 along the  |
| way. Depending on where you are in the Area you may or may not generate   |
| additional ground forces.                                                 |

| Stage 4 |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Stage 4 |

| Area 7 [Easy] - Town at Night (Chiyoda, Tokyo) \
| Generators: 2 | Time Limit: None | Enemies: Jet-Jaguar                    |
| Landmarks: Diet Building     | Stage Branch: Area 11 [Easy]               |
|                              |               Area 12 [Normal]             |
| Fury Chain: 80+              | Growth: 8.00+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start at the south side of the area. The first Generator |
|              is at the west side. The second Generator is at the far      |
|              north end near the Diet Building.                            |
| This is an easy Stage because there is no Kaiju, other than Jet-Jaguar,   |
| to confront you. G-Force themselves don't use a lot of aircraft here.     |
| Even though the Stationary Guns start firing missiles because of Disaster |
| Level 2 they pose little threat.                                          |
|                                                                           |
|  >>{Our Hero, Jet-Jaguar} Trophy (2)                                      |
|    *********************************                                      |
|      This is the second of three Stages you can make Jet-Jaguar appear in |
|      order to get this Trophy (the last being Area 12). Although it is    |
|      said to you need to get around 50 to 65% Destruction and quickly     |
|      destroy the last Generator to make him appear there is another way.  |
|                                                                           |
|      If you start a Fury Chain at the beginning and maintain it all the   |
|      way through to the last Generator, while acquiring 100% Destruction, |
|      you can still make him appear. The path outlined in Area 5 also      |
|      works for this Stage and for making JJ appear.                       |
|                                                                           |
|      To start, turn northeast and destroy the buildings while heading up  |
|      the shoreline. When you get to the last rounded building then turn   |
|      southwest a little bit and Blast the three Tanks nearby. Do not      |
|      destroy the building near them. Run south while Blasting to destroy  |
|      large swaths of buildings.                                           |
|                                                                           |
|      Angle southwest to reach the south end of the line of buildings at   |
|      the west side of this Area. Then turn and head north to Blast more   |
|      buildings as you proceed to the west Generator. After destroying it  |
|      then run to the Stationary Gun while destroying the building ahead   |
|      of you to keep the Chain up.                                         |
|                                                                           |
|      Destroy the first Stationary Gun then run west to the next Gun in    |
|      the corner. Destroy that and proceed towards the last Gun while      |
|      Blasting to destroy the Diet Building and nearby enemies. Then       |
|      destroy the Generator to get Jet-Jaguar to appear.                   |
|                                                                           |
|      If you don't feel that you have the right upgrades for doing this    |
|      then use the 50% method. When you start then angle northwest and     |
|      destroy some of the buildings near the west Generator. Do not use    |
|      your Blast, just run into them one at a time. You should get around  |
|      40% before destroying the Generator.                                 |
|                                                                           |
|      After that then run north along the west edge, while destroying the  |
|      lone building along the way, to get to the Stationary Gun in the     |
|      corner. Destroy that, the nearby building, then run through the Diet |
|      Building to get to 50% Destruction. Destroy the Generator to get     |
|      Jet-Jaguar to appear. Finish destroying everything else before       |
|      finally fighting him.                                                |


| Area 8 [Normal] - Office District (Minato, Tokyo) \
| Generators: 1 | Time Limit: None | Enemies: Hedorah                       |
|               |                  |          MechaGodzilla 2               |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Larva)                |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Adult)                |
| Landmarks: Tokyo Tower       | Stage Branch: Area 12 [Normal]             |
| Fury Chain: 80+              | Growth: 6.00+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start near the southwest corner of this Area. The Tokyo  |
|              Tower is to the east and the lone Generator is at the far    |
|              north end.                                                   |
| Unlike with Area 11 the Kaiju appears immediately at the start of the     |
| Stage. To limit destruction of buildings by it, and denying you G-Energy, |
| just go up the main road and start Blasting buildings. This will also     |
| keep the Kaiju at bay while you are going around and destroying           |
| everything.                                                               |
|                                                                           |
| Along the way to the Generator you should cross into Disaster Level 3.    |
| This will generate additional forces that you can destroy for G-Energy.   |
| Destroy the Generator and everything else before fighting the Kaiju to    |
| complete the Stage.                                                       |


| Area 9 [Normal] - Complex \
| Generators: 3 | Time Limit: 5:00 | Enemies: Destoroyah                    |
|               |                  |          Hedorah                       |
|               |                  |          MechaGodzilla 2               |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Larva)                |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Adult)                |
| Landmarks: None              | Stage Branch: Area 12 [Normal]             |
| Fury Chain: 85+              | Growth: 8.50+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start at the south end of this Area. One Generator will  |
|              be at the west side, another will be in the east corner, and |
|              the last one will be at the northwest corner.                |
| You can easily destroy all Generators before any Kaiju show up if you     |
| want. If you let a Kaiju show up it will usually be in the 50m class so   |
| it should be considerably smaller than you.                               |
|                                                                           |
| The Maximum Growth path from Area 4 works but there are some tweaks.      |
| After destroying the aircraft near the beginning then wade into the       |
| machinery going towards the Stationary Gun in the corner. Just before you |
| reach it then you should cross into Disaster Level 3. This will create    |
| additional enemies for you to destroy.                                    |
|                                                                           |
| After destroying the Gun you should be at 10x Energy Rate so go ahead and |
| destroy the west Generator. Cut through the machinery and run east to     |
| destroy the large storage tanks, Cruiser, tanker, and the east Generator. |
| Then cut back to the west and destroy everything else to complete the     |
| Stage.                                                                    |


| Area 10 [Hard] - Town at Night (Chiyoda, Tokyo) \
| Generators: 2 | Time Limit: 5:00 | Enemies: Gigan                         |
|               |                  |          Hedorah                       |
|               |                  |          King Ghidorah                 |
|               |                  |          MechaGodzilla 2               |
|               |                  |          Super X                       |
| Landmarks: Diet Building     | Stage Branch: Area 13 [Hard]               |
| Fury Chain: 75+              | Growth: 7.00+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start at the south side of the area. The first Generator |
|              is at the west side. The second Generator is at the far      |
|              north end near the Diet Building.                            |
| The Notes for Area 7 apply here but with one key difference. As you make  |
| your way to the second Generator you should cross over into Disaster      |
| Level 4 which will prompt the arrival of Super X and some additional      |
| forces.                                                                   |
|                                                                           |
| Once the last Generator is destroyed then fight the Kaiju while also      |
| destroying the G-Forces that were generated when you reached D-Level 4.   |
| Defeat the Kaiju quickly before Super X arrives so you don't get into a   |
| two-on-one situation.                                                     |

| Stage 5 |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Stage 5 |

| Area 11 [Easy] - Office District (Minato, Tokyo) \
| Generators: 1 | Time Limit: None | Enemies: MechaGodzilla 2               |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Larva)                |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Adult)                |
| Landmarks: Tokyo Tower       | Stage Branch: Area 14 [Easy]               |
|                              |               Area 15 [Normal]             |
| Fury Chain: 75+              | Growth: 5.00+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start near the southwest corner of this Area. The Tokyo  |
|              Tower is to the east and the lone Generator is at the far    |
|              north end.                                                   |
| You can easily destroy all Generators before any Kaiju show up if you     |
| want. If you let a Kaiju show up then it should be in the 50 to 60m class |
| which, given the G-Energy you have been consuming, should make it much    |
| smaller than you thus allowing you to defeat it more easily.              |
|                                                                           |
|  >>Maximum Growth                                                         |
|    **************                                                         |
|      To start, go just up the main street and run over the two Tanks.     |
|      When you get enough charge then Blast all the nearby buildings. Then |
|      head northeast until you reach the Tokyo Tower and Blast it and      |
|      everything nearby.                                                   |
|                                                                           |
|      Then run west to Blast all the buildings on the west side then turn  |
|      north and start Blasting buildings until you reach the northwest     |
|      corner. Then turn east and Blast the remaining buildings near the    |
|      Generator then proceed to destroy it and the nearby enemy Tanks.     |


| Area 12 [Normal] - Exhibition Space (Chiba) \
| Generators: 2 | Time Limit: None | Enemies: Jet-Jaguar                    |
| Landmarks: Convention Center | Stage Branch: Area 15 [Normal]             |
|                              |               Area 16 [Normal]             |
| Orientation: You start near the southwest corner of the Area. One         |
|              Generator is in the northwest corner and the other is near   |
|              the center. The Convention Center dominates the north side.  |
| Fury Chain: 99               | Growth: 7.50+ Meters                       |
| This Stage is unusual in that there are no Kaiju, other than Jet-Jaguar,  |
| to attack you.                                                            |
|                                                                           |
|   >>{Our Hero, Jet-Jaguar} Trophy (3)                                     |
|     *********************************                                     |
|       This is the last of three Stages you can make Jet-Jaguar appear in  |
|       order to get this Trophy. As with Area 7 you can get a very long    |
|       Fury Chain from beginning to end and still make him appear. You can |
|       do that here too and you don't need a lot of upgrades to do so      |
|       because of how packed everything is.                                |
|                                                                           |
|       The Maximum Growth path in Area 14 works here but the difference is |
|       that you might not cross into Disaster Level 4. If by some chance   |
|       you do then finish off the new forces as you destroy the city. If   |
|       you finish this fast enough then he should appear when you destroy  |
|       the last Generator. Defeat him to get a cutscene and the Trophy.    |


| Area 13 [Hard] - Office District (Minato, Tokyo) \
| Generators: 1 | Time Limit: None | Enemies: Mothra (Larva)                |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Adult)                |
|               |                  |          Hedorah                       |
|               |                  |          Destoroyah                    |
| Landmarks: Tokyo Tower       | Stage Branch: Area 16 [Normal]             |
|                              |               Area 17 [Hard]               |
| Fury Chain: 75+              | Growth: 5.00+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start near the southwest corner of this Area. The Tokyo  |
|              Tower is to the east and the lone Generator is at the far    |
|              north end.                                                   |
| The Kaiju appears immediately at the start of the Stage. To limit         |
| destruction of buildings by it, and denying you G-Energy, just go up the  |
| main road and start Blasting buildings. This will also keep the Kaiju at  |
| bay while you are going around and destroying everything.                 |
|                                                                           |
| Don't destroy the Generator until you have a 10x Energy Rate. After       |
| destroying everything then fight the Kaiju to complete the Stage.         |

| Stage 6 |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Stage 6 |

| Area 14 [Easy] - Exhibition Space (Chiba) \
| Generators: 2 | Time Limit: 5:00 | Enemies: Gigan                         |
|               |                  |          King Ghidorah                 |
| Landmarks: Convention Center | Stage Branch: Area 18 [Easy]               |
|                              |               Area 19 [Normal]             |
| Fury Chain: 99               | Growth: 7.00+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start near the southwest corner of the Area. One         |
|              Generator is in the northwest corner and the other is near   |
|              the center. The Convention Center dominates the north side.  |
| You can easily destroy all Generators before any Kaiju show up if you     |
| want. If you've destroyed everything up to this point you should be up to |
| around 100m by the time you get notice of an approaching Kaiju. It should |
| be in the 50 to 60m range which should make it much smaller than you and  |
| much easier to defeat.                                                    |
|                                                                           |
|  >>Maximum Growth                                                         |
|    **************                                                         |
|      To start, go northwest and destroy the nearby building and train     |
|      tracks with your melee attacks. Then go to the west edge and proceed |
|      north a little bit then Blast to destroy all of the cars in the      |
|      parking lot just outside the border. Run north a bit the Blast again |
|      to get the buses in the parking lot.                                 |
|                                                                           |
|      Run and Blast until you reach the north Generator then destroy it.   |
|      After that then proceed east to destroy the Convention Center. Run   |
|      southwest to go down the main street. Do not use your Blast yet -    |
|      gently rub into one of the large buildings to maintain your Chain    |
|      while you are waiting for the group of Planes that just appeared to  |
|      attack again so you can Blast them out of the sky.                   |
|                                                                           |
|      When you do that then you should reach Disaster Level 3. Blast again |
|      to destroy nearby Planes then proceed southeast towards the train    |
|      tracks. When you get there then Blast them to destroy them and get   |
|      100% Destruction.                                                    |
|                                                                           |
|      Then turn north and Blast in the center of the parking lot to        |
|      destroy all remaining cars, Tanks and, hopefully, a few Planes in    |
|      the process. Then go to and destroy the last Generator to end the    |
|      Stage.                                                               |


| Area 15 [Normal] - Complex \
| Generators: 3 | Time Limit: None | Enemies: Gigan                         |
|               |                  |          King Ghidorah                 |
| Landmarks: None              | Stage Branch: Area 19 [Normal]             |
| Fury Chain: 85+              | Growth: 5.50+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start at the south end of this Area. One Generator will  |
|              be at the west side, another will be in the east corner, and |
|              the last one will be at the northwest corner.                |
| The Kaiju will show up about a minute into the Stage. Being that you      |
| should be at least into Disaster Level 3 you can get to 10x Energy Rate   |
| more quickly. If you are already into Disaster Level 4 then you can get   |
| it even more quickly.                                                     |
|                                                                           |
| Just like with Area 4 destroy the first Stationary Gun and Blast the      |
| approaching aircraft near the large storage tank. However, instead of     |
| going west, destroy all of the large storage tanks on the east side, the  |
| Cruiser, then run over the Launchers near the tanker. Destroy the tanker  |
| then go after the Generator.                                              |
|                                                                           |
| At this point the Kaiju will show up. If you didn't cross over into       |
| Disaster Level 4 in the previous Stage then you should do it at this      |
| point. This will generate additional forces for more G-Energy.            |
|                                                                           |
| The problem now becomes destroying everything while fighting the Kaiju,   |
| Super X (if necessary), and maintaining the Fury Meter.                   |


| Area 16 [Normal] - Mountain Base (Mt. Fuji) \
| Generators: 2 | Time Limit: 5:00 | Enemies: Destoroyah                    |
|               |                  |          Gigan                         |
|               |                  |          King Ghidorah                 |
| Landmarks: None              | Stage Branch: Area 19 [Normal]             |
| Fury Chain: 75+              | Growth: 4.00+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start out at the south end. The first Generator should   |
|              be northwest of you and the second Generator should be at    |
|              the north end.                                               |
| You can easily destroy all Generators before any Kaiju show up if you     |
| want. The Kaiju you may encounter will be bigger and more aggressive.     |
| This will also be your first encounter with the Electrical Towers.        |
|                                                                           |
|  >>Maximum Growth                                                         |
|    **************                                                         |
|      Although everything is spread out it is still easy to maintain the   |
|      Fury Chain all the way to the first Generator. Just before the first |
|      Generator there will be two concrete platforms with small storage    |
|      cylinders and buildings on them.                                     |
|                                                                           |
|      I generally go to the south one and destroy the small storage        |
|      cylinders there then rotate north, Blast to destroy the small        |
|      building, then run to the next platform to destroy the small storage |
|      cylinders. Then I rotate west and run into the small building to     |
|      destroy it and start running to the small line of Launchers before   |
|      the Generator.                                                       |
|                                                                           |
|      Destroy the Stationary Gun south of the Generator then destroy the   |
|      Generator itself. After destroying the first Generator then go       |
|      northeast to destroy the line of buildings and then go west to       |
|      destroy the small group there. Then run north to the long line of    |
|      Launchers.                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|      Start at the west end and run them over as you make your way to the  |
|      next group of buildings. Run over the small storage cylinders, get   |
|      up against the small buildings, rotate southwest to face the line of |
|      Towers, then use your Blast to destroy the buildings and run to the  |
|      first Tower.                                                         |
|                                                                           |
|      Follow the Towers to the next group of buildings. Run north into the |
|      half-dome buildings and quickly run northeast towards the last       |
|      Generator. Just as you get close to the Stationary Guns then use     |
|      your Blast to maintain the Chain. Destroy all of the ground forces   |
|      then gently bump into the Generator.                                 |
|                                                                           |
|      Use your Blast on occasion to destroy most, if not all, of the       |
|      Helicopters then destroy the Generator to end the Stage before the   |
|      Kaiju arrives.                                                       |


| Area 17 [Hard] - Night Valley \
| Generators: 2 | Time Limit: 5:00 | Enemies: Biollante                     |
|               |                  |          Destoroyah                    |
|               |                  |          Super X2                      |
| Landmarks: None              | Stage Branch: Area 20 [Hard]               |
| Fury Chain: 85+              | Growth: 6.00+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start out at the south end. The first generator is just  |
|              northwest of you and the second Generator is at the far      |
|              north end.                                                   |
| This Area is an unidentified valley with the buildings and electrical     |
| towers spread out. There is also going to be a lot of aircraft so this is |
| a good place to get both the {Helicopter Swatter} and {Jet Fighter        |
| Downer} Trophies. Because you are at Disaster Level 4 the Stationary Guns |
| will now start to use its Masers as you approach them.                    |
|                                                                           |
| To start, run through the nearest group of buildings as you go to the     |
| first Generator. Then run into and destroy the first Stationary Gun. When |
| you destroy that and get to the Generator itself rub against it to keep   |
| the Chain up then use your Blast exclusively to destroy it. This will     |
| allow you to also destroy the swarms of Maser Planes that generate at     |
| this point along with some of the Helicopters.                            |
|                                                                           |
| After destroying the first Generator, and depending on how many aircraft  |
| you destroy, you should cross Disaster Level 5. This will prompt the      |
| arrival of Super X2 and a bunch of aircraft. Use your Blast a couple of   |
| times to destroy them before moving on.                                   |
|                                                                           |
| From here, go and destroy the second Stationary Gun. Go up to the first   |
| Tower then go east to destroy the Tower line and any buildings along the  |
| way. When you reach the last Tower then quickly turn north, run to the    |
| next group of buildings, then use your Blast to help keep the Chain up.   |
| At this point both Super X2 and the Kaiju should arrive.                  |
|                                                                           |
| After destroying this group of buildings then run west and destroy that   |
| group. Then head towards the last Generator. Destroy the Generator before |
| the Kaiju does and finish off the remaining Tanks and Guns. There should  |
| be lots of Aircraft you can Blast to keep the Chain up.                   |
|                                                                           |
| Run up to the Kaiju and use Blast exclusively on it. This should allow    |
| you to destroy the groups of Aircraft that are generated at this point in |
| the Stage. When there are no more Aircraft then finish off the Kaiju with |
| Breath rays. Ignore Super X2 until the Kaiju is defeated. Then finish off |
| Super X2 to complete the Stage.                                           |

| Stage 7 |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Stage 7 |

**NOTE: Successfully completing this Stage the first time should earn you 
        {Path of Humanity} Trophy regardless of Invasion Route. This should 
        also open up King of Kaiju Mode, Diorama Mode, and the Kaiju Guide.


| Area 18 [Easy] - City Center (Shinjuku, Tokyo) \
| Generators: 3 | Time Limit: None | Enemies: Super X                       |
| Landmarks: City Hall         | Stage Branch: Area 21 [Hard]               |
| Fury Chain: 75+              | Growth: 4.00+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start on the south side of the Area. The first two       |
|              Generators are on the east and west central sides of the     |
|              Area. The last one is at the far north end. City Hall is     |
|              just before the last Generator.                              |
| If you take the Easy Route first when you start playing the game then     |
| this will be the first time you will encounter Super X. As already        |
| mentioned, Super X is the most annoying enemy in the game as it moves     |
| fast and has an array of weapons to use against you.                      |
|                                                                           |
| It has a rapid fire cannon that can briefly stun you. It also has the     |
| ability to fire Cadmium Missiles which will create a small purple cloud   |
| on impact and briefly stun you.                                           |
|                                                                           |
| However, its most powerful weapon is the Double Maser which pushes you    |
| away from the craft and seriously damages you (although it can rapidly    |
| refill your Temperature Gauge at the same time). It is also well armored  |
| - it may take several Breath blasts (depending on Breath type) to         |
| destroy it.                                                               |
|                                                                           |
| The combination of its speed and aggressiveness plus your slow movements  |
| makes this a formidable foe. But there is a way to deal with it quickly   |
| and with minimal damage in a process I call "wait-and-corner".            |
|                                                                           |
| When you first start the Stage go to the southeast corner, put yourself   |
| in the corner, and face west. While you're waiting for Super X to show up |
| then destroy the three Helicopters that hover nearby with your Breath.    |
| When Super X arrives it will come from the southwest corner. As it heads  |
| towards you it may stick to the border.                                   |
|                                                                           |
| What you want to do is move in such a way as to keep it against the       |
| border and maybe put it in the corner so you can quickly deal some up     |
| close damage. If it moves away from the border then let it attack you     |
| while you try to get it to move against the border again so you can       |
| corner it. Once against the border then hit it with your Breath attacks   |
| until it is defeated.                                                     |
|                                                                           |
| After you defeat Super X then you have the entire city to yourself to     |
| destroy at your leisure. I prefer to start near the southwest corner then |
| Blast large sections while heading east then go north to destroy the east |
| Generator.                                                                |
|                                                                           |
| After that then I go west, destroying everything, to get the west         |
| Generator. Then I proceed north to the Stationary Gun in the northwest    |
| corner, go east to destroy City Hall, destroy any buildings I missed to   |
| the east, and go north to destroy the last Stationary Gun in the          |
| northeast corner. Then I go after the last Generator to end the Stage.    |


| Area 19 [Normal] - City Center (Shinjuku, Tokyo) \
| Generators: 3 | Time Limit: None | Enemies: Super X                       |
|               |                  |          Super X2                      |
| Landmarks: City Hall         | Stage Branch: Area 21 [Hard]               |
| Fury Chain: 90+              | Growth: 5.50+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start on the south side of the Area. The first two       |
|              Generators are on the east and west central sides of the     |
|              Area. The last one is at the far north end. City Hall is     |
|              just before the last Generator.                              |
| If you do the Normal Route after doing the Easy Route then most likely    |
| this will be the first time you will encounter Super X2. As noted earlier |
| it is less aggressive than Super X and has fewer weapons.                 |
|                                                                           |
| It can fire a large cluster of missiles at you which can briefly stun     |
| you. But its main weapon is the Fire Mirror which is exposed when it      |
| opens the front. The Fire Mirror is designed to absorb your Breath and    |
| send it back at you while amplifying it to make it more damaging.         |
|                                                                           |
| However, this is also a weakness because it needs you to fire at it to    |
| work. Also, it fires back if you hit the center of the Mirror. If you     |
| graze the sides then it most likely won't fire. In addition, if you have  |
| the Ring Breath, the Fire Mirror doesn't work because the Ring Breath is  |
| not a direct beam weapon and the Mirror requires one to be effective.     |
|                                                                           |
| Even so, when its front is open, try not to fire at it until the Mirror   |
| closes. It is also not well armored only taking about two blasts          |
| (depending on Breath type) to bring it down.                              |
|                                                                           |
| Two other notes regarding the Fire Mirror. First, if a beam from another  |
| source, like a Kaiju, hits it that beam will also be reflected at         |
| whatever the Mirror is pointed at. Second, if you fire at it enough times |
| you will be able to overheat and destroy the Mirror (just like in the     |
| movie).                                                                   |
|                                                                           |
| Of course, you have to deal with Super X first. And you deal with both    |
| craft the same way as you did in Area 18: "wait-and-corner".              |
|                                                                           |
| After destroying both craft then you can rampage through the city at your |
| leisure. Along the way you will cross over into Disaster Level 5.         |
| Normally this will entail dealing with the Super X craft but you have     |
| already done that. Make an effort to destroy the extra Tanks wherever     |
| they appear.                                                              |


| Area 20 [Hard] - City Center (Shinjuku, Tokyo) \
| Generators: 3 | Time Limit: 3:00 | Enemies: Super X                       |
|               |                  |          Super X2                      |
|               |                  |          Super X III                   |
| Landmarks: City Hall         | Stage Branch: Area 22 [Hard]               |
| Fury Chain: 80+              | Growth: 5.00+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start on the south side of the Area. The first two       |
|              Generators are on the east and west central sides of the     |
|              Area. The last one is at the far north end. City Hall is     |
|              just before the last Generator.                              |
| Unfortunately, because of the tight time limit, you cannot do the         |
| "wait-and-corner" method. You will have to destroy the Area while fending |
| off all three craft. Because of the time limit you will need to do a      |
| different path. Go north and destroy the west Generator then go north to  |
| destroy the north Generator and go south to destroy the east Generator to |
| kill the timer.                                                           |
|                                                                           |
| After that then destroy the rest of the city as you deal with the Super X |
| craft. Use your Blast on occasion to limit their attacks, especially      |
| Super X's. Once you destroy the entire city then focus on destroy Super X |
| since that is the most dangerous of the three. Keep moving to keep them   |
| from getting a bead on you.                                               |

| Stage 8 |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Stage 8 |

| Area 21 [Hard] - Harbor Area (Yokohama) \
| Generators: 3 | Time Limit: 3:00 | Enemies: Gotengo                       |
|               |                  |          Destoroyah                    |
|               |                  |          Hedorah                       |
|               |                  |          MechaGodzilla 2               |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Larva)                |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Adult)                |
| Landmarks: Ferris Wheel      | Stage Branch: Area 23 [Hard]               |
|            Landmark Tower    |                                            |
| Fury Chain: 45+ (Easy)       | Growth: 2.50+ Meters (Easy)                |
|             40+ (Normal)     |         2.00+ Meters (Normal)              |
| Orientation: You will start at the south end. The Ferris Wheel and one of |
|              the Generators will be just west of you. Another Generator   |
|              and the Landmark Tower will be at the northeast corner. The  |
|              last Generator will be north of your starting position.      |
| This Area is where you will likely encounter Gotengo for the first time.  |
|                                                                           |
| Although it looks like a powerful enemy it really isn't. Its Drill Beam   |
| weapon can stun you but not damage you seriously. And the Blue Beam       |
| weapon attacks are more annoying than anything because it can keep you    |
| stunned for a long time until it finishes its attack (and preventing you  |
| from making your own).                                                    |
|                                                                           |
| In addition, it doesn't attack you often enough, like the Super X, to     |
| make any substantial impact. The hardest thing about it is trying to hit  |
| it with your Breath to quickly defeat it.                                 |
|                                                                           |
| Most of the time when it dives on you it will use its Drill Beam weapon.  |
| You can tell when it is going to use it when it goes away from the area a |
| bit then turn around and dive. Fire off a Breath ray just before it fires |
| to do some damage before it fires its weapon.                             |
|                                                                           |
| When your attack is broken then use your Blast to do additional damage as |
| it passes. However, you probably won't be able to do this double attack   |
| until you have upgraded some.                                             |
|                                                                           |
| Sometimes it will leave that area, get far away, then slowly dive at you. |
| This means that it will try to use its massive drill to ram you. This is  |
| the best attack for you since you can do massive and, depending on Breath |
| upgrades, possibly fatal damage. Just as it gets close to you then fire   |
| off your Breath to hit it.                                                |
|                                                                           |
| Trying to hit it on its side is also tricky in that it will generally use |
| its other beam attacks to stun you and keep you from doing anything until |
| it is out of your range.                                                  |
|                                                                           |
| Sometimes it will use its missile attacks instead of its Blue Beam        |
| weapon. As it passes in front of you then you need to angle G to fire a   |
| Breath ray in front of Gotengo. If you try to fire at its center then G   |
| will turn to fire at Gotengo's rear which often results in a miss. By     |
| firing in front then you have a good chance to do serious damage to       |
| Gotengo.                                                                  |
|                                                                           |
| You can also prevent any Kaiju from appearing by destroying Gotengo and   |
| the Generators before it can show up. If a Kaiju shows up then Gotengo    |
| will attack it instead. This is a good strategy for dealing with Gotengo  |
| since it will be easier to destroy it as it is distracted. You can get at |
| its sides more easily to get rid of it quicker then focus on the Kaiju to |
| complete the Stage.                                                       |
|                                                                           |
| The Maximum Growth path for Area 2 works here but you don't need to       |
| destroy the Ferris Wheel first since Gotengo will show up regardless of   |
| what you do. You can destroy it when you destroy the nearby Generator.    |
|                                                                           |
| If you take the Easy Route then you should cross Disaster Level 4. This   |
| should bring about extra forces that you can destroy for additional       |
| G-Energy.                                                                 |


| Area 22 [Hard] - Harbor Area (Yokohama) \
| Generators: 3 | Time Limit: 3:00 | Enemies: Gotengo                       |
|               |                  |          Destoroyah                    |
|               |                  |          Hedorah                       |
|               |                  |          MechaGodzilla 2               |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Larva)                |
|               |                  |          Mothra (Adult)                |
| Landmarks: Ferris Wheel      | Stage Branch: Area 24 [Hard]               |
|            Landmark Tower    |                                            |
| Fury Chain: 40+              | Growth: 2.00+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You will start at the south end. The Ferris Wheel and one of |
|              the Generators will be just west of you. Another Generator   |
|              and the Landmark Tower will be at the northeast corner. The  |
|              last Generator will be north of your starting position.      |
| The Notes for Area 21 also apply here.                                    |

| Stage 9 |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Stage 9 |

**NOTE: Successfully completing this Stage the first time should earn you the 
        {Deep-Sea Slumber} Trophy regardless of Invasion Route.


| Area 23 [Hard] - Exhibition Space (Chiba) \
| Generators: 2 | Time Limit: 3:00 | Enemies: Super MechaGodzilla           |
|               |                  |          Super X2                      |
| Landmarks: Convention Center | Stage Branch: Area 25 [Hard]               |
| Fury Chain: 99               | Growth: 5.00+ Meters (Easy)                |
|                              |         4.00+ Meters (Normal)              |
| Orientation: You start near the southwest corner of the Area. One         |
|              Generator is in the northwest corner and the other is near   |
|              the center. The Convention Center dominates the north side.  |
| Start the process of creating a long Fury Chain while waiting for Super   |
| MechaGodzilla to show up. Use the path outlined in Area 2 but there are a |
| couple of differences.                                                    |
|                                                                           |
| Just after you Blast the cars just outside the border then go northeast a |
| bit to get close to the second of the three large buildings then Blast    |
| again. This should destroy all of the large buildings an most of the      |
| walkways. The reason for this is so you can destroy them before Super     |
| MechaGodzilla can and thus get G-Energy from them.                        |
|                                                                           |
| After that then go back northwest to the border and proceed north. Just   |
| as you get to the north Generator then Super MechaGodzilla will show up.  |
| Destroy the Generator and the Convention Center then proceed south to     |
| destroy the last Generator to kill the timer. You will probably need to   |
| use your Blast on occasion to fend off SMG while you are damaging the     |
| Generator.                                                                |
|                                                                           |
| Once the Generator is destroyed then proceed south to Blast the cars in   |
| the parking lot then run south to Blast the train tracks to complete 100% |
| Destruction. If you've taken the Easy Route then you may reach Disaster   |
| Level 4 as you approach the bridge. This should bring out additional      |
| G-Force units along with the appearance of Super X2. After destroying the |
| additional G-Force then fight SMG.                                        |
|                                                                           |
| In addition to its over-the-shoulder Hyper Maser Beam Cannon SMG also has |
| a powerful Mega Buster beam weapon that is fired from its mouth. It also  |
| has what is called the G-Crusher which are cable weapons fired from the   |
| forearms and designed to carry large amounts of electrical current from   |
| MechaGodzilla to you. And it can seriously injure you quickly unless you  |
| use your Blast to detach yourself.                                        |
|                                                                           |
| But its most powerful weapon is the Plasma Grenade which is fired from    |
| its belly. The Plasma Grenade works very similar to Super X2's Fire       |
| Mirror. When you use your Breath on SMG most of your Breath is absorbed   |
| through the skin using artificial diamonds then quickly stored and sent   |
| back at you as a powerful plasma blast.                                   |
|                                                                           |
| However, you can quickly get out of the way when it starts to fire it. It |
| will bend down slightly then straighten back up slowly as it outstretches |
| its arms. When you start to see this happen then sidestep left or right   |
| before it fires.                                                          |
|                                                                           |
| If you use your Normal Breath against it it will do little damage and can |
| prompt SMG to use its Plasma Grenade. If you use more powerful Breaths    |
| then you can do more damage and prevent it from using its powerful        |
| weapon.                                                                   |
|                                                                           |
| If it has injured you severely then it will also use all of its other     |
| beam weapons at once to kill you in a finishing move (assuming that you   |
| don't move out of the way).                                               |
|                                                                           |
| SMG can also fly but not as fast as Super X - it seems content to slowly  |
| go around you and fire its beam weapons. When Super X2 arrives then focus |
| your attention on defeating Super MechaGodzilla first before dealing with |
| it.                                                                       |


| Area 24 [Hard] - Exhibition Space (Chiba) \
| Generators: 2 | Time Limit: 3:00 | Enemies: Type-3 Kiryu                  |
| Landmarks: Convention Center | Stage Branch: Area 25 [Hard]               |
| Fury Chain: 99               | Growth: 4.00+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start near the southwest corner of the Area. One         |
|              Generator is in the northwest corner and the other is near   |
|              the center. The Convention Center dominates the north side.  |
| Take the same path outlined in Area 23 to get the most G-Energy from this |
| Stage while fending off Kiryu. As for Kiryu itself:                       |
|                                                                           |
| It has the Type-0 Rail Gun beam cannon mounted on the wrists and shoulder |
| mounted missile Launchers which it uses a lot. It also has the mouth      |
| fired Type-99 Double Maser Cannon which it can sometimes use.             |
|                                                                           |
| It also has small jets on its limbs which will allow it to move quickly   |
| away from you if it senses that you are going to fire your Breath on it   |
| and get back up quickly from a successful takedown.                       |
|                                                                           |
| When you damage it enough then you'll destroy its missile Launchers and   |
| wrist cannons. At that point it will use its melee attacks more           |
| frequently which includes the Spiral Claw hand drill attack. It will also |
| start to use its chest mounted Hyper Maser Cannon weapon.                 |
|                                                                           |
| Kiryu is much easier to deal with than Super MechaGodzilla because it     |
| doesn't have the dangerous Plasma Grenade. Successfully defeating it      |
| should earn you the {MechaGodzilla Hunter} and the {Advanced Weapon       |
| Destroyer} Trophies.                                                      |
|                                                                           |
| **NOTE: There are three aircraft that fly around that you can't destroy.  |
|         These are the support craft that control Kiryu (AC-3 White        |
|         Heron).                                                           |


After completion of this Stage then you will get the end credits. But, if you
are 100m or taller, then you will continue the story and get the game's true

| Final Stage |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Final Stage |

| Area 25 [Hard] - Exhibition Space (Chiba) \
| Generators: 0 | Time Limit: 5:00 | Enemies: Legendary Godzilla            |
|               |                  |          Super X III                   |
| Fury Chain: 30+              | Growth: 1.50+ Meters                       |
| Orientation: You start near the center while facing north.                |
| You will be back in the same city that you destroyed in the last Stage.   |
| All of the G-Energy you have consumed will transform you into Burning     |
| Godzilla which will make you more dangerous and powerful. It will also    |
| transform your Breath into the more powerful Fire Breath weapon but will  |
| not affect the speed of your Temperature Gauge recharge.                  |
|                                                                           |
| G-Force will send out lots of aircraft and ground forces to try to        |
| contain your eventual meltdown. Some of them will have special Freeze     |
| Missiles that will immediately drain your Temperature Gauge so it is      |
| imperative to destroy these forces quickly.                               |
|                                                                           |
| To start, run to the southeast corner and run over the trio of Tanks      |
| positioned there. Then run north to destroy the line of Tanks along the   |
| east side. Run north to destroy the line of Tanks near the ruins of the   |
| Convention Center. Run west to destroy the line of Launchers near the     |
| ruins of the north Generator. Then run south to put yourself between the  |
| last two groups of Tanks.                                                 |
|                                                                           |
| At this point start Blasting to get rid of the aircraft. Depending on how |
| much aircraft you destroy you should be able to get up to a 35 Fury       |
| Chain. In the process Super X III should show up. If you are doing an     |
| Easy or Normal run-through then this is probably the first time you will  |
| encounter Super X III.                                                    |
|                                                                           |
| Unlike the prior two Super X craft this is more of a plane and less of a  |
| hovercraft. So it won't sit there trying to take potshots at you.         |
|                                                                           |
| It mainly has missile and beam weapons which are fired from the front as  |
| it dives at you. The beam weapons are Freezing Lasers that can            |
| immediately empty your Temperature Gauge if it scores a direct hit on     |
| you.                                                                      |
|                                                                           |
| However, diving at you gives you an excellent way to blast it as it comes |
| at you and before it can do any damage. And it is lightly armored too     |
| which means that one good blast of your Breath can take it down           |
| (depending on Breath type of course).                                     |
|                                                                           |
| Just about the time you can start to fight it off most, if not all, of    |
| the other Aircraft should be gone. One good Blast from your Fire Breath   |
| when it tries to dive on you should destroy it immediately.               |
|                                                                           |
| You will lose the Fury Chain because there should be no more Aircraft to  |
| deal with for awhile. As you are waiting for Legendary Godzilla to show   |
| up you may be attacked by more Planes so Blast them as they come at you.  |
| At about the 2:20 mark then the new Godzilla should show up.              |
|                                                                           |
| Although big and powerful it can be brought down with your improved       |
| Breath rather quickly. Just stay your distance and use your Breath ray    |
| on it every so often. It will take four Breaths to defeat it.             |
|                                                                           |
| Most of the time LG will just kind of lumber towards you and scope you    |
| out which will make it easy for you to Breathe on it. However, it may     |
| fire off its own powerful Breath weapon and can knock you on your ass. It |
| will only use it more than once if you try to do any melee attacks on it  |
| which is really not a good idea since you will only do minor damage to it |
| because of its massive size.                                              |
|                                                                           |
| Another option is to use your Blast against it for awhile so you can      |
| destroy incoming aircraft to acquire the {Helicopter Swatter} and {Jet    |
| Fighter Downer} Trophies if you hadn't done so already. When you have     |
| destroyed most, if not all, of the Aircraft then fight off LG with your   |
| Breath.                                                                   |
|                                                                           |
| Successfully completing this Stage will unlock both Burning Godzilla and  |
| Legendary Godzilla for King of Kaiju Mode as well as earning you the {A   |
| Monster's Legacy} Trophy.                                                 |

| >MDE2. Evolution Mode, Advanced Moves and Powers                          |

When you first play through God of Destruction Mode you will have just your
basic moves, one part of your Temperature Gauge which recharges very slowly,
and your Normal Breath which is the weakest of all the Breath types. To have
better success against the harder parts of the game you need to upgrade

Evolution Mode is where you can upgrade G with more moves and powers. As
noted earlier, you need to defeat Kaijus in God of Destruction Mode to get
parts for upgrading. You will need to defeat certain Kaiju multiple times to
get the number of parts needed for higher upgrades.

It is highly recommended that you visit Evolution Mode after each God of
Destruction run to see if you can upgrade.

As you upgrade you will also increase your Evolution level which is displayed
directly above the Parts list. When you acquire all of the upgrades then you
will obtain the maximum Evolution level which is 23.

Because of the power of your Breath and Blast it is highly recommended that
you focus on upgrading the Temperature Gauge and recharge abilities before
obtaining any Special Moves. You should also acquire the Vapor Breath as soon
as possible since that will allow you to recharge even faster.

Acquiring everything in Evolution Mode should earn you the following

  >>Indication of Evolution
      Acquire your first upgrade.

  >>Showa Demon
      Acquire both the Jump Attack and Back Charge moves. These are the two 
      Showa-based skills featured in the older films. The Back Charge is 
      based off of the "Jet Breath" move featured in the film Godzilla vs. 
      Hedorah. The Jump Attack is the so-called "Godzilla Dance" first seen 
      in the film Invasion of Astro-Monster.

  >>Killer Breath
      Acquire all three Breath types (Spiral, Vapor, Ring).

  >>Perfect Being
      Acquire all upgrades.


On the right side of the screen, in a collapsable window, is the list of
parts (from top to bottom) as well as the number of Parts needed for all

  --Mothra (Larva) Cell (7)
  --Mothra (Adult) Cell (7)
  --King Ghidorah Cell (8)
  --MechaGodzilla Part (7)
  --Hedorah Cell (6)
  --Super MechaGodzilla Part (10)
  --Jet-Jaguar Circuit (9)
  --Biollante Cell (8)
  --Destoroyah Cell (8)
  --Gigan Part (7)
  --Type-3 Kiryu Part (10)


On the left side of the screen is the list of upgrades. Most of the time they
will be grayed out unless you get the necessary parts to "purchase" one of
them. Below is the complete upgrade list (from top to bottom):

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Temperature Gauge |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| There are two levels of upgrades with each upgrade adding another portion |
| of the Gauge so you can use your Breath or Blast multiple times.          |
|      Upgrade      |                         Parts                         |
| Gauge Upgrade Lv2 | Mothra (Larva) Cell x1, Hedorah Cell x1               |
| Gauge Upgrade Lv3 | King Ghidorah Cell x4, Super MechaGodzilla Part x1,   |
|                   | Type-3 Kiryu Part x1                                  |


|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Gauge Recharge |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| There are nine levels of upgrades with each upgrade increasing the speed  |
| of recharging the Temperature Gauge so you can use your Breath or Blast   |
| multiple times.                                                           |
|~~~~~| Upgrade |~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Parts |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Charge Upgrade Lv2  | Mothra (Larva) Cell x1                              |
| Charge Upgrade Lv3  | Mothra (Larva) Cell x1, Mothra (Adult) Cell x1      |
| Charge Upgrade Lv4  | Mothra (Larva) Cell x1, Biollante Cell x1,          |
|                     | Gigan Part x1                                       |
| Charge Upgrade Lv5  | King Ghidorah Cell x1, MechaGodzilla Part x1,       |
|                     | Gigan Part x2                                       |
| Charge Upgrade Lv6  | MechaGodzilla Part x2, Jet-Jaguar Circuit x1,       |
|                     | Biollante Cell x1                                   |
| Charge Upgrade Lv7  | Gigan Part x3, Type-3 Kiryu Part x1                 |
| Charge Upgrade Lv8  | Mothra (Larva) Cell x2, Mothra (Adult) Cell x5,     |
|                     | Super MechaGodzilla Part x2, Type-3 Kiryu Part x2   |
| Charge Upgrade Lv9  | Biollante Cell x5, Destoroyah Cell x2,              |
|                     | Type-3 Kiryu Part x5                                |
| Charge Upgrade Lv10 | Super MechaGodzilla Part x5, Jet-Jaguar Circuit x5, |
|                     | Destoroyah Cell x5                                  |


|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Special Moves |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Just beneath the Temperature Gauge upgrades are multiple special moves    |
| that you can acquire that will make G even more powerful.                 |
|~~~| Upgrade |~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Parts |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| 180 Degree Turn | King Ghidorah Cell x1                                   |
| Rear Tail Slam  | Mothra (Larva) Cell x1                                  |
| Side Attack     | Mothra (Adult) Cell x1                                  |
| Middle Kick     | MechaGodzilla Part x1                                   |
| Back Tackle     | Hedorah Cell x3                                         |
| Jump Attack     | King Ghidorah Cell x2, Jet-Jaguar Circuit x1            |
| Throw           | Gigan Part x1                                           |
| Grab Breath     | Super MechaGodzilla Part x1                             |

Now for some details on these new moves:

| 180 Degree Turn | When you double tap either the L1 or R1 Buttons then    |
|                 | you can do a very quick 180 degree turn. A great way to |
|                 | quickly face an enemy that is behind you.               |
| Rear Tail Slam  | When you pull Down on your Stick or D-Pad and then      |
|                 | press Square then you can do a powerful tail slam that  |
|                 | can do damage to any enemy behind you.                  |
| Side Attack     | When you go Right or Left and press Square then you     |
|                 | will suddenly move to the Right or Left which will      |
|                 | allow you to avoid an attack or suddenly surprise an    |
|                 | enemy.                                                  |
| Middle Kick     | Do a Charge using the X Button then follow up with the  |
|                 | Square Button to do a kick move.                        |
| Back Tackle     | When you pull Down on your Stick or D-Pad and press the |
|                 | Triangle Button you can quickly jump backwards using    |
|                 | your Breath to propel you.                              |
| Jump Attack     | When you press both the X Button and the Square Button  |
|                 | together then you will do a special jump move that      |
|                 | looks like a dance. This is actually a pretty effective |
|                 | melee attack that does more damage than the standard    |
|                 | ramming move.                                           |
| Throw           | When you grab an enemy then you can throw it by using   |
|                 | the Square Button.                                      |
| Grab Breath     | When you grab an enemy then you can use your Breath on  |
|                 | it by using the Triangle Button.                        |


|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Breath Types |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Listed below the Special Moves are the three different Breath types for   |
| G. These can have an effect on how fast your Temperature Gauge recharges  |
| and thus effect how often you can use your Breath and Blast.              |
|~~| Upgrade |~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Parts |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Spiral Breath | Biollante Cell x1, Destoroyah Cell x1                     |
| Vapor Breath  | MechaGodzilla Part x1, Super MechaGodzilla Part x1,       |
|               | Type-3 Kiryu Part x1                                      |
| Ring Breath   | MechaGodzilla Part x2, Hedorah Cell x2,                   |
|               | Jet-Jaguar Circuit x2                                     |

Now for some details on these new Breath types:

| Spiral Breath | This is generally considered the most powerful of all of  |
|               | the Breath types. It can destroy most enemies very        |
|               | quickly and has the longest range. Unfortunately, it also |
|               | recharges very slowly regardless of Gauge upgrades. I     |
|               | generally avoid using this Breath type for this reason.   |
| Vapor Breath  | This wispy looking Breath is less powerful than the       |
|               | Spiral (but more powerful than the Standard Breath) and   |
|               | has the shortest range out of all of the Breath types.    |
|               | However, it also recharges the fastest. I strongly prefer |
|               | to use this type for this reason.                         |
| Ring Breath   | This is a slow moving Breath attack that resembles a      |
|               | smoke ring. However, it can hit an enemy multiple times   |
|               | for considerable damage. It has a slow recharge rate but  |
|               | faster than the Spiral's.                                 |

| >MDE3. King of Kaiju Mode                                                 |

King of Kaiju Mode is where you do a six stage "boss rush" game where you try
to defeat each enemy as fast as possible. The more you upgrade G, the more
powerful you will become and the faster you can go through the stages.

Both you and the enemy will be at 80m. Although you can get G-Energy from the
buildings you destroy you won't be able to grow much at all. It is also
important to point out that any Landmarks you destroy in KotM will count
towards the {Figure Collector} Trophy.

Personally, I wouldn't recommend even touching this mode until you have
completed the Final Stage and have some upgrades to your Temperature Gauge

When you complete the Final Stage you also unlock Burning Godzilla and
Legendary Godzilla for this mode. Although Legendary Godzilla is plenty
powerful I recommend using Burning Godzilla instead. All of your upgrades
transfer to it and the Fire Breath is the most powerful Breath type you can

There are five Trophies related to this mode. One is for starting a run and
one for successfully finishing it regardless of time. The other three are
related to time (finishing under ten minutes, eight minutes, and six

By waiting until you have Burning Godzilla and some upgrades before coming
here you can get all five Trophies in one go. In addition, you should be
pretty good at defeating Kaiju at this point so you can get through enemies
quickly. The last stage for Burning Godzilla is always going to be Kiryu and
it will take some time to bring it down.

Even so, you should be able to finish at around four minutes on your first
try. If the first five stages have a good mix of weak Kaiju (Mothra (Larva),
Jet-Jaguar, Hedorah, Gigan, Mothra (Adult)) then you can get your time down
to as little as two and a half minutes.

Below the Godzilla list is the Ranking option which will allow you to compare
your time with other players around the world. There are players that have
managed to get their time down to about a minute and forty seconds.

| >MDE4. Diorama Mode                                                       |

Diorama Mode is where you can set up dioramas featuring various Kaiju and
take pictures of them which will be placed in a folder within the Photo
option on your PlayStation 3 desktop. When you enter Diorama Mode for the
first time you should get the {Diorama Beginner} Trophy.

When you first use this mode you will have a very small number of Bases,
Characters, and Figures.

To acquire all of the Bases you need to achieve 100% Destruction in one Area
of each of the cities and regions in Destruction Mode:

  --Harbor Area (Yokohama) (Areas: 2, 21, or 22)
  --Complex (Areas: 3, 4, 9, or 15)
  --Town at Night (Chiyoda, Tokyo) (Areas: 5, 7, or 10)
  --Mountain Base (Mt. Fuji) (Areas: 6 or 16)
  --Office District (Minato, Tokyo) (Areas: 8, 11, or 13)
  --Exhibition Space (Chiba) (Areas: 12, 14, 23, 24)
  --Night Valley
  --City Center (Shinjuku, Tokyo) (Areas: 18, 19, or 20)
  --Final Stage

You do not need to get 100% Destruction in all Areas. For example, if you do
not get 100% Destruction in Area 2 (Yokohama) then you can still get a Base
by doing 100% Destruction in Area 21 (Yokohama).

To acquire Characters and their Figures you need to destroy Landmarks in
Destruction Mode. As already noted there are a total of six Landmarks:

  --Yokohama Cosmo World Ferris Wheel
  --Yokohama Landmark Tower
  --Diet Building (Chiyoda, Tokyo)
  --Tokyo Tower (Minato, Tokyo)
  --Tokyo City Hall (Shinjuku, Tokyo)
  --Makuhari Messe Convention Center (Chiba)

Each Landmark you destroy will add a Character or Figure to their respective
lists. However, there are a lot of Characters and Figures so you will 
need to go through multiple run-throughs in Destruction Mode to get them all. 

The fastest way is by going the Easy Route (1 - 2 - 4 - 7 - 11 - 14 - 18 - 21
- 23 - 25) since you can destroy nine of them by Stage 9. You will go through
Yokohama and Chiba twice which adds three additional Landmarks.

For acquiring all Bases you should get the {Base Master} Trophy and for
acquiring all Characters and Figures you should get the {Figure Collector}


When you start Diorama Mode you need to select a slot from the ten available.
After you select a slot then you need to choose a Base. You can use the Right
Analog Stick to rotate it for better viewing and the R3 Button to zoom in on

After choosing a Base then you need to select a Character. You can choose up
to three to be used in the diorama. When you have chosen your Character then
select the Confirm option below Character 3 to enter Place Mode.


When you enter the Place Mode you will be presented with several options:

  --Take Picture
  --Character Select
  --Base Select
  --Diorama Select
  --Save / Finish


When you enter the Position mode you will be presented with several options:

| Character     | If you have more than one then go left/right on the D-Pad |
| Select        | to choose.                                                |
| Figure Figure | Use this to choose a Figure from the Figure List.         |
| Position      | There are multiple squares on the Base for Figure         |
|               | placement. You cannot choose a square with another Figure |
|               | already on it.                                            |
| Angle         | Use this to rotate the Figure once you put it down.       |
| Size          | Use the Slider to make the Figure larger or smaller.      |
| Height        | Use the Slider to raise or lower the Figure.              |


After putting the Figures into place then you can take a picture. When you go
into the Take Picture mode you will be presented with several options:

| Character | Choose a Character to focus on.                               |
| Select    |                                                               |
| Zoom      | Use to zoom in or out.                                        |
| Distance  | Use to move the Camera closer or further away.                |
| Depth of  | Use to make the background blurry to emphasize foreground     |
| Field     | characters.                                                   |
| Film      | Use this to choose between Monochrome (black and white) or    |
|           | Color.                                                        |
| Watermark | Use this to determine which corner of the picture you want    |
|           | the copyright notice to be.                                   |
| Take      | Snap a photo to be saved in the Photo option on your PS3's    |
| Picture   | dashboard.                                                    |

Below the menu is the Operation Guide for the Camera. The Right Analog Stick
is used to rotate the Camera. The L2/R2 Buttons are used to move the Camera
down or up. The Left Analog Stick is used to move the Camera left, right,
forward, or back. The Select Button centers the Camera.


When you take your first picture then you should get the {Amateur Director}
Trophy. For the {Seasoned Director} Trophy, use one Base and Character and
take 100 pictures of the same Figure in one sitting. Should take about 40
minutes. Deleting the pictures is optional.

| >MDE5. Kaiju Guide                                                        |

The final mode that the game has is the Kaiju Guide. Here you can look over
the bios of all the Kaiju that is owned by Toho Studios. When you are first
allowed to look over the list only a handful of Kaiju are available to look

You need to defeat all of the Kaiju, both G-Force MechaGodzillas, and get all
100 Data Points in Destruction Mode to reveal the entire list and acquire the
{Godzilla Expert} Trophy. As for the {Crazy for Godzilla} Trophy, start with
the first one and use the R1 Button to quickly go through the list. Should
take about a minute.

With that done let's move on to an extra section that goes over.....

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >GDZ3. The Godzilla Legacy                                                |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

When Toho Studios first released Gojira in 1954 they had no idea they were
launching a soon-to-be major film icon that would entertain and thrill
audiences around the world for over 60 years. In this section I will go over
the films and some of the games that G has appeared in as well as featured
Japanese landmarks.

| >LCY1. The Film Series                                                    |

In this chapter I briefly go over all of the films, including the American
versions, that features the world's most popular Kaiju. I list the alternate
titles of each film along with year released, DVD/Blu-Ray releases, and

| A. The Showa Series (1954 to 1975) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

Although the first couple of films were serious they would later begin to
lighten up and eventually become child friendly campy affairs by the
seventies. Even so, they are still a lot of fun to watch regardless of
quality and age.

**NOTE: As of this revision all of the Showa Era films are on Blu-Ray now but 
        some of them are only for The Criterion Collection Showa Era Box Set. 
        I will note those that are only for that set.


      Year: 1954
      DVD: Yes (also part of The Criterion Collection)
      Blu-Ray: Yes (also part of The Criterion Collection separate from the 
                    Box Set)
      Notes: The one that started it all. Although the effects are very dated 
             the film remains one of the most powerful Japanese films 
             released. The movie came out nine years after the Hiroshima and 
             Nagasaki atomic bomb attacks that ended World War II so it was 
             still fresh in the minds of the public.

             G represented the dangers of nuclear testing and the choir that 
             played after its attack on Tokyo is very haunting and moving. 
             When the film came to America it was renamed Godzilla and had 
             additional scenes with actor Raymond Burr added to make it 
             easier for audiences to understand.

  >>Godzilla's Counterattack
      AKA: Gigantis, the Fire Monster
           Godzilla Raids Again
      Year: 1955
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes (only as part of the Showa Era Box Set)
      Notes: This is the first of many sequels to Gojira. It also introduced 
             G's first rival (and later friend), Anguirus, and has some 
             decent Kaiju action. However, for the most part, this film is 
             kind of boring because of the poorly executed human scenes.

             One interesting bit of trivia about the film. When it reached 
             America it needed to be dubbed. One of the people who helped dub 
             it was George Takei who would later achieve greater fame as 
             Hikaru Sulu in the Star Trek television show and would become an 
             icon in his own right.

  >>King Kong vs. Godzilla
      Year: 1962
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes (Japanese version is only for the Showa Era Box Set)
      Notes: Co-produced in conjunction with Universal Studios this film 
             brings the giant American gorilla and the Japanese Kaiju 
             together in the same film. Has plenty of good action and the 
             story isn't too bad either.

             My only gripe with this title is that the official American 
             releases are dubbed only (I prefer to watch my G-Films in 
             Japanese with English subtitles).

             Thankfully, the Showa Era Box Set has the American and Japanese 
             versions so you have both options.

  >>Mothra vs. Godzilla
      AKA: Godzilla vs. the Thing
      Year: 1964
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes (only as part of the Showa Era Box Set)
      Notes: Mothra had its own film in 1961 and was successful enough to 
             warrant an appearance in a G-Film. A large egg is washed ashore 
             and acquired by people who want to turn it into a tourist 
             attraction. Godzilla appears and heads towards an eventual 
             showdown with the giant insect.

  >>Ghidorah, The Three-Headed Monster
      Year: 1964
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes (only as part of the Showa Era Box Set)
      Notes: Released in the same year as the previous film this title 
             features Godzilla, Mothra, and Rodan who appeared in its own 
             film in 1956. This film also introduces one of the most popular 
             villains in the G universe, King Ghidorah. The other Kaiju must 
             join forces to stop Ghidorah's rampage.

             While this is going on a princess from another country manages 
             to escape an assassination attempt. She later reappears but is 
             possessed by an alien force who warns of Ghidorah's approach.

             Those who tried to kill her before pursue her and her protector 
             as they try to unravel the mystery of Ghidorah and the force 
             that possesses her. One of my personal favorites from the Showa 

  >>Invasion of Astro-Monster
      AKA: Godzilla vs. Monster Zero
      Year: 1965
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes (only as part of the Showa Era Box Set)
      Notes: Astronauts from Earth land on a large asteroid and are 
             approached by aliens who need both Godzilla and Rodan to fight 
             off a large Kaiju called Monster Zero who is later revealed to 
             be King Ghidorah. After King Ghidorah is run off then the aliens 
             reveal their true intentions: world domination.

             At this point the Earthlings must find a way to fight them off 
             and with a quirky invention that may hold the answer to Earth's 
             survival. This film introduces the viewer to the "Godzilla 
             Dance" which is used in the game.

  >>Godzilla vs. Ebirah
      AKA: Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster
      Year: 1966
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: A young man steals a boat in an attempt to find his brother. 
             Both himself and his unwitting passengers are eventually caught 
             up in a storm and find themselves on an uncharted island run by 
             a terrorist group called the Red Bamboo.

             They also realize that a large sea monster, a giant lobster 
             called Ebirah, lurks offshore and destroys anything that tries 
             to leave the island unless it is repelled by a special liquid.

             But they also find that Godzilla is sleeping on the island and 
             decide that the only way to defeat Ebirah is to wake it up. 
             Mothra also makes a guest appearance for good measure.

  >>Son of Godzilla
      Year: 1967
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes (only as part of the Showa Era Box Set)
      Notes: Since King Kong was given a son many years prior it would make 
             sense to do the same with Godzilla. Scientists on a remote 
             island are trying to create a system to control weather but are 
             thwarted by mysterious waves coming from another part of the 

             The waves come from a large egg that would be exposed by giant 
             mantises that got big because of the malfunction in the system. 
             The egg hatches to reveal a baby Godzilla which is named 

             After Godzilla shows up to destroy the mantises then it adopts 
             Minilla and teaches it the way of the Kaiju. Eventually a large 
             spider, called Kumonga, is awakened and the lives of everybody 
             on the island are threatened.

  >>Destroy All Monsters
      Year: 1968
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: All of the known Kaiju have been gathered up and placed on a 
             single island under the watch of the United Nations. But the 
             facility is hijacked by powerful aliens and the monsters are 
             unleashed on most of the major world cities. Now the Earthlings 
             must find a way to defeat these aliens and get the Kaiju back 
             under control before humanity is doomed.

  >>All Monsters Attack
      AKA: Godzilla's Revenge
      Year: 1969
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes (only as part of the Showa Era Box Set)
      Notes: This entry is unusual in that it is mainly a children's film. 
             The film follows the adventures of a latchkey kid who is dealing 
             with bullies. To escape his problems he dreams himself on 
             Monster Island alongside his friend, Minilla.

             Minilla is also having troubles with his own bully and the two 
             conspire to deal with it. These trips give the kid lessons that 
             he applies when he encounters bank robbers back in the real 

  >>Godzilla vs. Hedorah
      AKA: Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster
      Year: 1971
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: Pollution from mankind creates a noxious monster called Hedorah. 
             This Kaiju lives off of smokestacks and various other poisons in 
             the environment. When it flies it also releases a corrosive gas 
             that dissolves everything in its path. Godzilla eventually 
             arrives to deal with this threat and finds it to be a real 

             This film is one of the most unusual entires because of its 
             "hippieness" that is marked by its heavy-handed message about 
             the environment and several small animated segments that break 
             up the action.

             This film also introduces the viewer to the "Jet Breath" that is 
             used in the game.

  >>Godzilla vs. Gigan
      Year: 1972
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: A cartoonist is brought in by a children's park to do some work 
             for them and stumbles onto a dangerous secret: the owners are 
             space aliens that intend to eliminate mankind. They bring in 
             their own Kaiju, Gigan, and King Ghidorah to put their plans 
             into motion.

             However, they also attract the attention of Godzilla and his 
             friend Anguirus who leave Monster Island to confront the space 
             monsters. Another favorite of mine from this era.

  >>Godzilla vs. Megalon
      Year: 1973
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: This is generally regarded as the worst G-Film by many fans but 
             introduces a couple of new Kaiju, Megalon, and Jet-Jaguar, a 
             cult favorite amongst fans.

             What's interesting about this film is that it was never supposed 
             to be a Godzilla film - it was supposed to be about Jet-Jaguar. 
             But Toho Studios didn't think that the character could carry the 
             film on its own so both Godzilla and Gigan were shoehorned into 
             the story.

             Interestingly enough this was my very first G-Film which I first 
             watched in 1977 and started my path to G-Fandom which continues 
             to this day.

  >>Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla
      AKA: Godzilla vs. the Cosmic Monster
      Year: 1974
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes (only as part of the Showa Era Box Set)
      Notes: Toho Studios rebounded from the awfulness of Megalon with this 
             classic which is my personal favorite of the Showa series. In it 
             you have a giant robot, an ancient prophecy, and aliens that 
             look like characters from The Planet of the Apes (which makes 
             sense because of the popularity of that movie series back in the 
             US during this time period). A must for any G-Fan.

  >>Terror of MechaGodzilla
      Year: 1975
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes (only as part of the Showa Era Box Set)
      Notes: MechaGodzilla and its alien handlers are back for more mischief 
             and are aided by an angry scientist and a Kaiju called 
             Titanosaurus. This leads to a two-on-one against Godzilla when 
             it comes to do battle.

| B. The Heisei Series (1984 to 1995) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

After Terror of MechaGodzilla Toho Studios decided to retire Godzilla. This
was because of low ticket sales brought about by uneven film quality,
campiness, and a general fatigue of the character. However, as the eighties
started, Toho was bouncing some ideas to bring G back. Despite some
resistance from within the studio they went ahead with their plans in 1984,
nine years after Godzilla was retired.

However, they decided not to do a sequel to Terror of MechaGodzilla but
instead do a follow-up of the first film essentially rebooting the series.
Unlike the previous films the entries in the Heisei series would be more
serious with better stories and special effects. In addition, there would be
some new Kaiju and those already established would be reinvented for the most


  >>The Return of Godzilla
      Year: 1984
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: Godzilla returns after a thirty year hiatus and wreaks havoc on 
             Japan. Scientists must find a way to deal with it without the 
             knowledge of the Oxygen Destroyer which destroyed the first one.

  >>Godzilla 1985
      Year: 1985
      DVD: No
      Blu-Ray: No
      Notes: This is the Americanized version of The Return of Godzilla 
             released by New World Pictures. Just like with the original 1954 
             film this had scenes shot specifically for it with actor Raymond 
             Burr. In addition to these new scenes the film was also 
             re-edited in other areas, more specifically in regards to how 
             the Russians were portrayed.

             Unfortunately, a long standing legal tussle regarding American 
             film rights means that this is the only G-Film that has not had 
             a legal DVD or Blu-Ray release even though the Japanese version 
             is now available. And it looks like this issue won't be settled 
             anytime soon.

  >>Godzilla vs. Biollante
      Year: 1989
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: A doctor attempts to keep his dead daughter's soul alive within 
             some roses by splicing them with Godzilla Cells found from its 
             attack on Tokyo years earlier. This inadvertently creates a 
             large creature named Biollante. After G is freed from its 
             volcanic prison by a terrorist act Biollante does battle with G 
             in order to protect itself and the land.

  >>Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah
      Year: 1991
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: 23rd century time travelers come to the present day to help rid 
             Japan of Godzilla by going back in time and transporting it away 
             from the island it was on before atomic tests could mutate it.

             However, these travelers would leave behind something else that 
             could be mutated. This new creature would become King Ghidorah 
             and be under the control of these travelers who want to destroy 
             Japan to prevent it from becoming a massive superpower in the 
             23rd century.

             And yet, despite their efforts, Godzilla shows up anyway.

             This title plays fast and loose with time travel concepts and, 
             if you ignore that (plus some cringeworthy acting from the 
             American soldiers on the island), then this becomes a fun ride.

             This film also introduces one of my favorite Kaiju: Mecha-King 
             Ghidorah. This is my personal favorite from the Heisei series.

  >>Godzilla vs. Mothra
      AKA: Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth
      Year: 1992
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: Although King Ghidorah's origin was revamped for this series 
             Mothra's was not (although it was given new powers which it 
             displays in both the film and the game). This film also 
             introduces another new Kaiju: Battra, a "dark Mothra" type 
             creature. This title also has a good three-way Kaiju battle in 

  >>Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla
      AKA: Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla II
      Year: 1993
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: The remains of Mecha-King Ghidorah are retrieved from the ocean 
             floor and the technology from it is used to create two machines: 
             Garuda and MechaGodzilla. While these machines are being built a 
             giant egg is discovered on a remote island and brought back to 

             This egg would hatch a smaller version of G and be called 
             BabyGodzilla. Its hatching would attract Godzilla along with the 
             egg's original caretaker, Rodan. G-Force decides to use 
             BabyGodzilla to lure G to MechaGodzilla so they can take the 
             beast down once and for all (or, at least, try to).

  >>Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla
      Year: 1994
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: Godzilla Cells brought into space by Mothra are sucked into a 
             black hole and results in another Kaiju, SpaceGodzilla. SG is a 
             nasty crystalline based lifeform that is very powerful.

             While this is going on, G-Force is finishing up on another 
             robotic construct, M.O.G.U.E.R.A (Mobile Operation Godzilla 
             Universal Expert Robot Aero-Type) (and a sneaky way to bring 
             back a character from another Toho movie, The Mysterians). 
             Together, both MOGUERA and Godzilla have to team up to defeat 
             the powerful SpaceGodzilla.

  >>Godzilla vs. Destoroyah
      Year: 1995
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: A massive volcanic explosion on the island where both Godzilla 
             and BabyGodzilla were living on has caused G to begin melting 
             down. This is evidenced by glowing red patches on G's skin. 
             BabyGodzilla did manage to escape and has grown into 

             While G-Force frets about what to do about Godzilla, workers in 
             a construction site accidentally dig up some tiny creatures 
             that were suspended in soil exposed to the Oxygen Destroyer in 
             1954. When awakened they begin to grow and cause havoc to the 
             local area.

             The creatures would later combine into a giant Kaiju named 
             Destoroyah (the Japanese pronunciation for "destroyer"). G-Force 
             decides to lure G towards the new monster by using 
             LittleGodzilla as bait. They hope that the two kill each other 
             off before G has a complete and catastrophic meltdown that could 
             destroy the Earth.

| C. The Millenium Series (1999 to 2004) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

After a short hiatus to make room for the 1998 American version of Godzilla
Toho Studios decided to continue making additional G-Films. Instead of making
a sequel to Godzilla vs. Destoroyah they went ahead and rebooted it again. In
an interesting twist, each film would be set in its own "universe" instead of
following each other like it was in the Showa and Heisei series.

The only common thread would be the 1954 attack but everything after that
would be up to the story writers and directors. This would lead to some very
interesting stories.


  >>Godzilla 2000
      AKA: Godzilla 2000: Millenium
      Year: 1999
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: A father and daughter team of scientists set up equipment to 
             track the movements of Godzilla and butt heads with a government 
             agency tasked to kill the creature. This becomes problematic 
             since the scientist was once part of this agency.

             In the meantime, a giant alien craft is found on the ocean floor 
             and is brought to the surface. Once exposed to the sunlight it 
             becomes active and flies away. The alien craft is home to an 
             alien life force that wants to take over the planet and 
             eventually faces off against Godzilla while both the scientist 
             and the agency try to find out what is going on.

  >>Godzilla vs. Megaguirus
      Year: 2000
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: G-Force has come up with a weapon capable of sending Godzilla to 
             another dimension using a miniature black hole. However, during 
             a test run, a small flying creature emerges and leaves behind a 
             giant egg that would be found by a small boy. The boy dumps the 
             egg in a local sewer and the egg would hatch lots of small 
             flying creatures.

             One of them becomes a giant dragonfly-like Kaiju named 
             Megaguirus. Eventually it faces off against Godzilla as G-Force 
             tries to use the black hole weapon against G.

  >>Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack
      AKA: GMK
      Year: 2001
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: As Godzilla returns to Japan a mysterious old man tells a young 
             TV journalist that it is possessed by the angry spirits of 
             people killed in previous wars. The spirits are upset that they 
             and their sacrifices have been forgotten.

             This same journalist also gets caught up with something called 
             the Guardian Monsters, Kaiju that have protected Japan in the 
             past. They are Baragon, Mothra, and King Ghidorah (the only time 
             it has ever been a hero from start to finish). Eventually all of 
             them come together for a major showdown.

             The unique spiritual element, excellent visual effects, good 
             soundtrack, and a good story makes this my favorite from the 
             Millenium series.

  >>Godzilla X MechaGodzilla
      AKA: Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla
      Year: 2002
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: The bones of the first Godzilla killed in 1954 are found and 
             they become the base for a cybernetic construct built to face 
             the current Godzilla. Named Kiryu it is the most advanced and 
             powerful of any MechaGodzilla in the G-Universe. After dealing 
             with some interesting glitches Kiryu and its handlers eventually 
             face off against G in a massive fight.

  >>Godzilla X Mothra X MechaGodzilla: Tokyo S.O.S.
      AKA: Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S.
      Year: 2003
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: Breaking with the rules established when the Millenium series 
             started this film is a sequel to the previous entry. As Kiryu is 
             being repaired from its battle with Godzilla Mothra appears and 
             goes to the home of Dr. Shin'ichi Chujo who first met up with it 
             and the twins back in the fifties.

             The twins, small female fairies who are also Mothra's handlers, 
             plead with Shin'ichi to return Godzilla's bones to the sea or 
             Mothra may attack mankind. Kiryu's re-activation brings 
             Godzilla to land and G-Force has no choice but to send the 
             cyborg to do battle regardless of Shin'ichi's warnings. Mothra 
             joins in to create a three-way battle in the heart of Tokyo.

  >>Godzilla: Final Wars
      Year: 2004
      DVD: Yes
      Blu-Ray: Yes
      Notes: This was originally supposed to be the third film in a planned 
             trilogy featuring Kiryu but Toho wanted to do something special 
             for G's 50th birthday. The result was a film that is a spiritual 
             remake of Destroy All Monsters but with a dash of X-Men thrown 
             in for good measure.

             Aliens come to Earth to help mankind deal with a massive Kaiju 
             problem but would be revealed to be creatures who need to feed 
             off of humans to survive. Godzilla is released from its icy 
             prison that it was placed into at the beginning of the film and 
             all hell breaks loose since the aliens are controlling all of 
             the other Kaiju to destroy mankind.

             While this film has some good action it is a major mess. 
             Compared to the decently constructed stories of the previous 
             films in this series Final Wars is sloppy and has several scenes 
             that make you go WTF and scratch your head. Not surprisingly, 
             this film made the least money of all of the films in the 
             Millenium series and is considered a flop.

| D. Shin Godzilla |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

In 2016 a new Toho Studios Godzilla movie was released called Shin Gojira
(True Godzilla). The film is co-directed by Hideaki Anno and Shinji Higuchi,
the men behind the popular Evangelion anime series. Basically this is a
reimagining of the 1954 film and has no ties to any of the previous series.

And, like the original 1954 film, Shin Godzilla is a statement on the current
state of affairs. The original film was a statement on nuclear weapons which
was very fresh on the minds of the Japanese considering the atomic bomb
attacks nine years previous. Shin Godzilla is a statement on inefficient
Japanese bureaucracy and their feelings on American relations.

Inspiration for the film was drawn mainly from the 2011 earthquake and
tsunami that also caused the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Further inspiration
came from the government's slow response during that crisis. Despite the very
serious tone of the film it became one of the biggest hits in Japan and is
one of the most popular Godzilla films in decades. It was also popular in
America during its limited run (it was even extended due to demand).

As for Godzilla itself, it is the largest of all of incarnations measuring
over 100 Meters in height when at full growth. It is also the most
frightening of all of them looking like a mutated burn victim. Although it
would look like it would be a good candidate for game play it is actually a
poor choice.

It moves very slow and never uses its arms. It also doesn't react to anything
unless injured and doesn't have any kind of motives. However, it has some
incredible special attacks. The down side is that it requires a very long
recharge (which gives its enemies more than enough time to figure it out).

| E. The American Films |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

Because of the popularity of Godzilla around the world, and especially the
US, there were attempts to create an non-Japanese version of the popular


      Year: 1998
      Studio: Tri-Star Pictures
      Director: Roland Emmerich
      Notes: In the mid-nineties director Jan DeBont, who helmed the 
             successful films Speed and Twister, was initially given the task 
             to bring G to the screen. When Tri-Star Pictures, who secured 
             rights to G, balked at the high cost of the film DeBont left the 

             In came Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin who were riding the 
             success of one of the biggest films of the decade, Independence 
             Day. They would write up the script together and Roland would 

             The film was released for the Memorial Day weekend and was 
             expected to do well and even break the record that was set by 
             The Lost World: Jurassic Park the previous year.

             That didn't happen and the film faded quickly as the weeks went 
             on. This was mainly due to a lot of negative feedback, both from 
             critics and fans alike.

             The fans were especially upset as this was not the Godzilla they 
             envisioned. G was reduced to being a giant iguana with weak 
             breath powers and wimpy enough to be easily killed. Toho Studios 
             themselves were disappointed in the character leading to one 
             executive even walking out of the premiere.

             Yet, despite all of the negativity, the film actually made money 
             worldwide becoming the third most successful film that year.

             In the years that have followed, this Godzilla would be renamed 
             Zilla and has been mainly reduced to a punchline including a 
             blink-and-you'll-miss-it "fight" between it and the real 
             Godzilla in Final Wars. Devlin himself has expressed regret on 
             how the script was handled and blames himself for most of the 
             film's failings.

      Year: 2014
      Studio: Legendary Studios / Warner Brothers
      Director: Gareth Edwards
      Notes: Another attempt at an American Godzilla started in 2009 as 
             Legendary Studios began talks with Toho to acquire the rights 
             which was announced in 2010. Memories about the 1998 misfire 
             still lingered with fans so better care was taken with this 

             It still took a few years for the script to be finalized 
             including a rewrite by Frank Darabont, the director behind The 
             Shawshank Redemption. The director would be Gareth Edwards who 
             did a low budget Kaiju film called Monsters which impressed the 
             studio enough to trust him with the project.

             The cast would include Ken Watanabe, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and 
             multiple Emmy Award winner Bryan Cranston who was finishing up 
             his run in one of best television shows of the decade, Breaking 

             As for G himself, he would become a force of nature and 
             anti-hero. New creatures, called MUTOS, were made for the film.

             Unlike with the 1998 version the new G was revealed early to the 
             press so the fans could see that this was not going to be a 
             repeat of that fiasco. This G, while different, maintained the 
             original design of Godzillas past which was a relief to the 

             After much fanfare this new version was released on May 15, 
             2014. $200 million by the time it finished its domestic run. 
             Worldwide it did over $530 million. Although the film faded 
             quickly after the first week it generated far more positive 
             reviews from critics, fans, and Toho than the 1998 version.

             However, the film does have some major criticisms. One, it 
             teased the title character one too many times that led to 
             frustration from some fans.

             Two, despite the script, some of the acting was a bit bland, 
             especially from Aaron Taylor-Johnson. And three, the film kind 
             of wasted the talents of Bryan Cranston although he did a good 
             job with what screen time he had.

  >>Godzilla: King of the Monsters
      Year: 2019
      Studio: Legendary Studios / Warner Brothers
      Director: Michael Dougherty
      Notes: This long awaited sequel was originally going to be helmed again 
             by Gareth but dropped out in 2016 to focus on Rogue One and 
             smaller projects. When Dougherty took over he wanted to "take 
             the gloves off" and have a more action oriented picture. 
             Especially since King Ghidorah, Mothra, and Rodan joined the 
             cast of Kaiju for this film.

             The human cast included Kyle Chandler, Millie Bobby Brown, Sally 
             Hawkins, Charles Dance, and Ken Watanabe to name a few.

             The plot focused on the discoveries of other Kaiju, called 
             Titans, for the film. There was also bio-terrorists that planned 
             to use the Titans to cleanse the Earth of humans to heal the 
             world. In turn they would start to wake some of them up starting 
             with King Ghidorah who was frozen in Antarctica.

             King Ghidorah would end up controlling all of the other Titans, 
             and nearby weather patterns, due to its extra-terrestrial 
             origins. Godzilla would eventually go for a showdown, aided by 
             Monarch and Mothra, in Boston. Godzilla would eventually win and 
             set up another film.

             While the first film was methodical and deliberate this film was 
             more fast paced and hectic. Perhaps too hectic. As a matter of 
             fact this film, to me anyway, was an American version of 
             Godzilla: Final Wars. Fast paced, messy, and things coming and 
             going with little setup and reason.

             The best example is the Oxygen Destroyer missile they used 
             against G in the middle of the film. It just comes out of 
             nowhere without any hint of it being developed at any point in 
             the film and it is not mentioned again after its use.

             Other Final War reminders is the battle in Antarctica and that 
             the Argo flying wing used by Monarch is basically the film's 
             version of the Gotengo. The only thing missing was Don Frye 
             carrying a samurai sword. I did like the film but you have to
             turn your brain completely off or you may not enjoy it as much.

             It is to my understanding that the filmmakers were attempting to 
             do a modern version of the old Showa era films hence its over 
             the topness. And it makes more sense in this context but the 
             older films did have some better cohesiveness than KotM.

             Legendary Studios also decided to make these films part of what 
             is called the MonsterVerse which would also include any 
             follow-up projects.

  >>Godzilla vs. Kong
      Year: 2021
      Studio: Legendary Studios / Warner Brothers
      Director: Adam Wingard
      Notes: This film is a follow-up to not only KotM but another film in 
             the MonsterVerse, Kong: Skull Island. As the title suggests both 
             Godzilla and Kong fight each other. The plot involves scientists 
             getting Kong to an opening to what is known as the Hollow Earth 
             and follow him into it so they can locate a powerful energy 
             source. Hollow Earth is also Kong's ancestral home.

             Godzilla interferes on one occasion as they are considered 
             enemies but Kong manages to survive the encounter. They 
             eventually reach the center of the Earth and find the source 
             which is part of a weapon that is an axe made of one of 
             Godzilla's dorsal plates.

             Of course, the scientists are being manipulated by darker forces 
             who want the energy to power something to battle Godzilla and 
             take over the planet. Eventually both Godzilla and Kong fight 
             again but this time in Hong Kong.

             Kong is defeated but the bad guys release their weapon which is 
             MechaGodzilla who is now out of control due to the energy source 
             allowing King Ghidorah's essence, still inside the severed head 
             from the last film and now being used to help control the 
             construct, take over the machine.

             Godzilla gets pounded by MechaGodzilla as the scientists find a 
             way to revive Kong. After Kong is revived then he helps Godzilla 
             defeat the machine before they go their separate ways with Kong 
             going back to Hollow Earth to live out his days.

             Although this film isn't as messy as the last one it still has 
             some issues. One is that Serizawa's son being one of the bad 
             guys without any explanation. I'm not asking for a lot of 
             exposition but a few moments to why he is on their side would've 
             been nice.

             Another is that the whole subplot involving Milly Bobbie Brown's 
             character was not necessary and felt wasted to me. And, of 
             course, the whole concept of Hollow Earth. However, since this 
             is a modern Showa Era film this concept fits in with what was 
             established previously.

             Despite these issues it is still a good Kaiju film with plenty 
             of good action between the two titans and it is more cohesive 
             than the last one. And MechaGodzilla looked pretty cool too. Too 
             bad they won't be able to put it into this game.

| >LCY2. Godzilla in Gaming                                                 |

Over the years Godzilla has made its mark on a multitude of different media.
Games were no different. G has been a part of gaming since the early eighties
and has starred in a lot of titles. However, I will only go over those that I
own in one form or another.


  >>The Movie Monster Game
      Year: 1986
      Developer: Epyx
      Platforms: Commodore 64, Apple II
      Notes: This is a neat little game that featured multiple monsters 
             including G. Basically you chose a monster, city, and scenario 
             to play out. Everything is set on a movie screen and you play 
             through to see what ending and score you get.

             It would be cool to do a remake of this title with original 
             Kaiju and expand on the different tropes of the genre. Another 
             idea is to do something along the lines of the Original Xbox 
             game Kung Fu Chaos where you can have different monsters fight 
             it out on movie sets to determine the next big Kaiju star.

  >>Super Godzilla
      Year: 1993
      Developer: Advance Communication Company
      Publisher: Toho
      Platform: Super Nintendo
      Notes: This title could be called a strategic fighting game where you 
             first go along a map to pick up different power-ups then fight a 
             boss which is another Kaiju. You have to hit it with your fist 
             at the right moment then quickly choose a more powerful followup 
             attack. There are several different Kaiju you have to fight as 
             you go through the story which involves an alien attack.

             The main end boss is called Bagan which was actually supposed to 
             be an opponent for G in the movie The Return of Godzilla. The 
             idea for Bagan was scrapped but brought back for this game. 
             Given its size and power I think it would've been a good 
             inclusion in the PS3 and PS4 games.

      Year: 1993
      Developer: Banpresto
      Platform: Arcade
      Notes: This is an obscure fighting style arcade game that was an 
             attempt to piggyback on the massive success of Street Fighter II 
             which was the king of the arcades at that time.

             I have had the ROMS for some time but have not been able to make 
             them work within MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator). But, 
             thanks to YouTube, I was able to finally see what the game is 
             about. It is an interesting take on things but I will need to 
             find out which version of MAME it runs under before I can try it 
             out for myself.

  >>Godzilla: Rettoushinkan
      AKA: Godzilla: Archipelago Shock
      Year: 1995
      Developer: Sega
      Publisher: Sega
      Platform: Sega Saturn (Import)
      Notes: This is probably one of the most interesting G-Games out there. 
             You don't play as any of the Kaiju. Instead you play as the 
             military in a Real Time Strategy game where you use your 
             resources to defeat and drive away the Kaiju.

             Given the success of RTS games over the years (and especially 
             Command & Conquer) I think this would be a good title to bring 
             back and reinvent.

             I only messed around with my copy a little bit but gave up 
             because of the language barrier. Given the success I've had with 
             dealing with the PS3 game I may go back and give this game 
             another try but I should install a solid import mod into my 
             Saturn first.

  >>Godzilla Generations
      Year: 1998
      Developer: General Entertainment Co., Ltd.
      Publisher: Sega
      Platform: Sega DreamCast (Import)
      Notes: This game could be considered the precursor to the PS3 game. In 
             it you control various monsters and destroy cities but you don't 
             fight other Kaiju.

             This game got very bad reviews because of poor game design but 
             the main reason I think it didn't do well is because of the 
             awful camera system that was implemented. The camera doesn't 
             follow you around. Instead there are multiple stationary cameras 
             around the city and you would switch cameras based on your 
             position as you moved around and destroyed stuff.

             This made it difficult to properly see what you were doing 
             because 95% of the time you would be either too close, too far, 
             or have a bad angle. This is the single worst camera scheme I 
             have ever encountered in any game before or since.

  >>Godzilla Generations: Maximum Impact
      Year: 1999
      Developer: General Entertainment Co., Ltd.
      Publisher: Sega
      Platform: Sega DreamCast (Import)
      Notes: Despite the poor sales of the previous game Sega went ahead with 
             a sequel. What this is is a rail shooter where you use your 
             Breath to destroy buildings and military craft as Godzilla walks 
             along on its own. It also has some good boss battles where you 
             fight the major Kaiju from the Heisei era. Not surprisingly, 
             this title is way better than its predecessor.

  >>Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee
      Year: 2002
      Developer: Pipeworks Software, Inc.
      Publisher: Atari, DreamWorks Classics, Toho
      Platform: Nintendo GameCube, Original Xbox
      Notes: This title would be the first of three games made by Pipeworks 
             Software involving the G-Universe. This game is basically a 3-D 
             fighting game that involves most of the Kaiju from Toho Studios. 
             You can play against other humans or single player.

             As the story goes, an alien force, called the Vortaak, invade 
             the Earth and gain control of the planet's monsters. You control 
             the one that escapes from them and you fight the other Kaiju so 
             you can defeat the aliens.

  >>Godzilla: Save the Earth
      Year: 2004
      Developer: Pipeworks Software, Inc.
      Publisher: Atari, DreamWorks Classics, Toho
      Platform: PlayStation 2, Original Xbox
      Notes: As with the previous Pipeworks game this is a 3D fighting game 
             that you can play multiplayer or single player. The Original 
             Xbox version allowed you to play online multiplayer (which has 
             since been taken offline). Additional Kaiju were included as 
             well as better areas to fight in. There is also a Challenge Mode 
             where there are other things to do while fighting.

             As the story goes, the Vortaak attempt to invade the Earth again 
             and this time they bring their best weapon, SpaceGodzilla. They 
             also control most of the other Kaiju that you have to fight in 
             order to drive off the Vortaak again.

  >>Godzilla: Unleashed
      Year: 2007
      Developer: Pipeworks Software, Inc.
      Publisher: Atari
      Platform: Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 2
      Notes: As with the previous Pipeworks game this is a 3D fighting game 
             that you can play multiplayer or single player.

             As the story goes, many years after the events of the previous 
             game meteors slam into the Earth causing great damage. This also 
             causes giant crystals to grow and this also causes many of the 
             planet's monsters to attack cities. The Vortaak, seeing what is 
             going on, decide to use this opportunity to re-invade the Earth.

             All of this creates several factions which determine how the 
             story unfolds based on which one you choose to play as.

| >LCY3. Featured Japanese Landmarks                                        |

In this chapter I go over some basic information on the seven Japanese
landmarks featured in the game. This information is paraphrased from their
respective WikiPedia entries (plus Metro.co.uk):

  >>Yokohama Cosmo World Ferris Wheel
      Also known as Cosmo Clock 21 this giant ferris wheel is part of the 
      Cosmo World amusement park in the Minato Mirai 21 district of Yokohama. 
      It was built in 1989 for the YES '89 Yokohama Exposition and was the 
      tallest in the world until the construction of the Tempozan Ferris 
      Wheel in Osaka, Japan in 1997.

      In 1997 it was dismantled and in 1999 moved to a higher base to put it 
      at about the same height as Osaka's. This landmark was featured in the 
      movie Godzilla vs. Mothra (1992 - Heisei Series).

  >>Yokohama Landmark Tower
      This massive building, finished in 1993, is one of the tallest 
      structures in Japan standing at nearly 1,000 feet in height. Just like 
      with Cosmo Clock 21 it is also located in the Minato Mirai 21 district 
      next to the Yokohama Museum of Art. It has a large five-star hotel that 
      occupies its higher floors with offices, shops, and clinics occupying 
      the lower floors.

  >>National Diet Building
      Located in Chiyoda, Tokyo this is the building where the National Diet, 
      the Japanese version of Congress, meets. The first version was built in 
      1890 with its current version constructed between 1920 and 1936. This 
      building has been featured in multiple films.

  >>Tokyo Tower
      This is one of the most recognizable man-made landmarks in the world. 
      Located in the Minato area construction was started in 1957 and 
      finished in 1958. Its main purpose is to serve as a communications and 
transmission tower but also has a large observation deck for tourists.

A large four story building, called FootTown, sits under the tower. It
houses a gallery, restaurants, shops, and the main elevators to the
tower's observation deck. This structure has been featured in multiple

>>Tokyo City Hall
Located in the Shinjuku area this massive building serves as the center
of government of the city of Tokyo and surrounding areas. It stands at
nearly 800 feet which makes it stand out from the other buildings
nearby. In addition to official offices it also has an observation deck
for tourists. This building was featured in the movie Godzilla vs.
King Ghidorah (1991 - Heisei Series).

>>The Gracery (Godzilla) Hotel
In April 2015 a new Godzilla themed hotel was opened in the Shinjuku
area of Tokyo. One of its main features is a large Godzilla head which
is on one of the lower roofs. The hotel has multiple Godzilla theme
rooms and even G themed toilets. The hotel has 970 rooms and is thirty
stories high. It is also part of a large entertainment complex that
includes theaters and restaurants.

>>Makuhari Messe Convention Center
Located in Chiba this massive convention center area was opened in 1989
and serves as the main exhibition area for nearby Tokyo and surrounding
areas. It has over 800,000 square feet of space to use for various


Now that I'm finished with this chapter it is time to close things up.....

/==++====++==\ /==++====++==\
| >GDZ4. Conclusion |
\==++====++==/ \==++====++==/

| General Notices \

This document is copyright (c) Robert Allen Rusk (RARusk) 2016-2021.

Most of my guides are dedicated to the popular Grand Theft Auto and Hitman
game series but some of my other work include The Chronicles of Riddick
games, Bully, and The Darkness titles.

| Additional Sources \

--Zeruel (Japanese translation of various menus)
--Destruction Mode stages and information
--Trophy listing (Japanese version)
--Gormaru Island
--{Our Hero, Jet-Jaguar} Trophy information
--G-Film and game information
--City and Landmark information
--Shin Godzilla
--Godzilla: Archipelago Shock information
--G-Game information

| Credits \

Credits and thanks go out to the following:

>>Toho Studios
For creating Godzilla and all of the other Kaiju under its name.

>>Bandai Namco
For making one of the better Godzilla games.

>> Revolution Arena
For providing a place for writers like myself to publish our work and
help other gamers while indulging in one of our favorite pastimes.

And finally, my biggest thanks of all goes to you the reader (and especially
those who have made suggestions as well as those who took the time to write

| Contact Information \

E-MAIL: rarusk[at]netzero[dot]com
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/robert.a.rusk
PSN: RARusk161

So now I've come to the end of yet another gaming adventure and looking
forward to new ones. I hope that my guide helps you in getting the most out
of the PlayStation 3 version of Godzilla.


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