Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – Complete Walkthrough (Step-by-Step Strategy Guide)

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – Complete Walkthrough (Step-by-Step Strategy Guide)

September 20, 2024 Off By Robert Allen Rusk
+| |+
+| "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" Strategy Guide |+
+| |+
+| [PlayStation 2, PlayStation 4, OG Xbox, and PC Versions] |+
+| Version 9.0 [Revision 29] (July 2022) |+
+| |+
+| By Robert Allen Rusk. |+
+| Copyright 2002-2022 Robert Allen Rusk. |+
+| |+
+| E-MAIL: rarusk[at]netzero[dot]com |+
+| |+


++IMPORTANT: Although this guide can be useful for The Definitive Edition of 
             Vice City it is recommended that you use the guide of that 
             version as it has multiple differences from the Original (OG) 


Did some format changes based on what I did for my San Andreas guide updates
but no new information.


"Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" is copyright 2002-2003 by Rockstar Games, a
subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

"Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" Official Strategy Guide - Written by Tim
Bogenn. Copyright 2003 by BradyGames, a division of Pearson Education, Inc.

The Official Strategy Guide was used as reference during initial construction
of this text based guide for the following:

  >>Table of Contents (to determine overall game structure)
  >>Hidden Package Maps
  >>Rampage Maps
  >>Unique Stunt Jumps Maps
  >>Weapons Location Map
  >>100% Completion List

"Jacked: The Outlaw Story of Grand Theft Auto" by David Kushner. Copyright
2012 by David Kushner. Published by John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, New

"Jacked" was used as reference for the "The Haitian Controversy" chapter.

All other trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

A complete listing of contact and other information can be found at the end
of this guide.

| >TBCT. Table of Contents                                                  |

This guide uses a Quick Search Feature which takes advantage of the Find
feature used by many web browsers. This feature will allow you to go to any
chapter or section in this guide quickly. To access any of those chapters,
sections, or to the Table of Contents do CTRL-F (PC) or Clover-F (Mac) to
activate the Find feature in the web browser. Then enter the code like this:

  >KR6 or >ZD12

| VCT1. Introduction and General Information |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\

    GEN1. About the Guide
            A. The Game Map
    GEN2. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
    GEN3. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
    GEN4. Differences Between the Three PS2 (American) Versions
    GEN5. Differences Between the Two Xbox Versions
    GEN6. The Haitian Controversy
    GEN7. Technical Data
            A. PlayStation 2 and Original Xbox Version Differences
            B. Additional PlayStation2 Technical Data
            C. Xbox 360
            D. PlayStation 4 (PS2 Classics)
            E. Apple Macintosh Data
            F. The Definitive Edition
    GEN8. Bugs
            A. Detonator Bug (PS2 - Original Version)
            B. Cherry Popper Glitch (PS2 Original Version)
            C. Little Havana Glitch (PS2 and PC Versions)
    GEN9. Controls and Vehicles
            A. On Foot
            B. In Cars, Motorcycles, and Boats
            C. In Helicopters
            D. In the Skimmer
            E. In the Rhino
            F. In the Hunter
    GEN10. The Main Screen
    GEN11. Game Menus
    GEN12. Law Enforcement
             A. Police Vehicles
    GEN13. Using a Pay 'N' Spray
    GEN14. Busted
    GEN15. Wasted
    GEN16. Motorcycle Details
    GEN17. Helicopter Details
    GEN18. Other Useful Vehicles
             A. The (Almost) Everything-Proof Admiral
    GEN19. Asset Properties
             A. Asset Mission Properties
    GEN20. Outfits
    GEN21. Advanced Tips and Information
    GEN22. Vice City: 1984 to 1986
    GEN23. 100% Completion List
    GEN24. PlayStation 4 (PS2 Classics) Trophy List
             A. Visible Trophies
             B. Secret Trophies

| VCT2. The East Side |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\

    EST1. In the Beginning.....
    EST2. Your Room
    EST3. {Take the Cannoli} Trophy (PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version)
    EST4. Before Doing the Main Story Missions
    EST5. Exploring Your Surroundings
    EST6. A Tour of the East Side
    EST7. Asset Properties (East Side)
    EST8. Weapons and Other Helpful Items
            A. Health, Body Armor, Police Bribe, and Adrenaline Icons
    EST9. East Side Weapons and Items
    EST10. Hidden Packages Explained
    EST11. Hidden Packages (East Side)
    EST12. Cone Crazy
    EST13. Trophy Hunting (Part One) (PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version)
    EST14. Taxi Mission
    EST15. Pizza Delivery Mission
    EST16. Ambulance Mission
    EST17. Firetruck Mission
    EST18. Vigilante Mission (Police Car)
    EST19. Rampages Explained
    EST20. Rampages (East Side)
    EST21. Unique Stunt Jumps Explained
    EST22. Unique Stunt Jumps (East Side)
    EST23. Robbing Stores (East Side)
    EST24. Top Fun Vans (East Side)
    EST25. PCJ Playground
    EST26. Going to the West Side Early
             A. The Bus (All Versions)
             B. The Jump (PS2 Version Only)
             C. The Ambulance (PS2, PS4, and PC Versions Only)
             D. The Hyman Condo Glitch
             E. What All You Can Do
             F. Early Explorer Bonus

| VCT3. The Main Story Missions |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\

++MSY1. Ken Rosenberg

       KRG1. The Party
       KRG2. Back Alley Brawl
       KRG3. Jury Fury

++MSY2. Assassination Contract

       ATC1. Road Kill
       KRG4. Riot

++MSY3. Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez

       JGC1. Treacherous Swine
       JGC2. Mall Shootout
       JGC3. Guardian Angels

| VCT4. Starfish Island |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\

    STF1. Starfish Island Landmarks
    STF2. Starfish Island Weapons and Items
    STF3. Hidden Packages (Starfish Island)
    STF4. Rampages and Unique Stunt Jumps (Starfish Island)
    STF5. Trophy Hunting (Part Two) (PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version)

++MSY4. Ricardo Diaz

       RDZ1. The Chase
       RDZ2. Phnom Penh '86

| VCT5. The West Side |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\

    WSD1. A Tour of the West Side
    WSD2. Asset Properties (West Side)
    WSD3. West Side Weapons and Items
    WSD4. Hidden Packages (West Side)
    WSD5. Rampages (West Side)
    WSD6. Unique Stunt Jumps (West Side)
    WSD7. Trophy Hunting (Part Three) (PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version)
    WSD8. Vigilante Mission (Rhino)
    WSD9. Vigilante Mission (Hunter - "Brown Thunder")
    WSD10. Looking for Cars
    WSD11. The Hyman Memorial Arena
    WSD12. The Dirtbike Track
    WSD13. Top Fun Vans (West Side)
    WSD14. Robbing Stores (West Side)
       ATC2. Waste the Wife
       JGC4. Sir, Yes, Sir!
       RDZ3. The Fastest Boat
       ATC3. Autocide
       RDZ4. Supply & Demand
       RDZ5. Death Row
       RDZ6. Rub Out

| VCT6. Reversal of Fortune |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\

    WSD15. Chopper Checkpoint Missions
    WSD16. {Catch Me if You Can} Trophy (PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version)

++MSY5. Tommy Vercetti

    AST1. Protection Ring Asset
       TMV1. Shakedown
    WSD17. Asset Property Missions
       ATC4. Check Out at the Check In
       TMV2. Bar Brawl
       TMV3. Copland
    AST2. Sunshine Autos
       SHN1. Vice Street Races
       SHN2. Car Collection Lists
               A. List One
               B. List Two
               C. List Three
               D. List Four
    AST3. The Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory
       CPP1. Distribution
    AST4. The Malibu Club
       MCB1. No Escape?
       MCB2. The Shootist
    WSD18. Rifle Range
       ATC5. Loose Ends
       MCB3. The Driver
       MCB4. The Job
    AST5. Phil Cassidy
       PCD1. Gun Runner
       PCD2. Boomshine Saigon
       JGC5. All Hands on Deck!
    AST6. Interglobal Films
       IFM1. Recruitment Drive
       IFM2. Dildo Dodo
       IFM3. Martha's Mug Shot
       IFM4. G-Spotlight
    AST7. Kaufman Cabs
       KCB1. V.I.P.
       KCB2. Friendly Rivalry
       KCB3. Cabmageddon
    AST8. The Boatyard
       BTD1. Checkpoint Charlie
    AST9. The Pole Position Club
    AST10. Vice City Printing Works
       PWK1. Spilling the Beans
       PWK2. Hit the Courier
       TMV4. Cap the Collector

| VCT7. And Now for Everybody Else |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\

++MSY6. Avery Carrington

       AVR1. Four Iron
       AVR2. Demolition Man
       AVR3. Two Bit Hit

++MSY7. Love Fist

       LVF1. Love Juice

++MSY8. Big Mitch Baker

       BMB1. Alloy Wheels of Steel
       BMB2. Messing With the Man
       BMB3. Hogtied
       LVF2. Psycho Killer
       LVF3. Publicity Tour

++MSY9. Umberto Robina

       UBR1. Stunt Boat Challenge
       UBR2. Cannon Fodder
       UBR3. Naval Engagement

++MSY10. Auntie Poulet

       PLT1. Juju Scramble
       PLT2. Bombs Away!
       PLT3. Dirty Lickin's
       UBR4. Trojan Voodoo
       TMV5. Keep Your Friends Close.....
    WSD19. 100% Completion Score

| VCT8. Conclusion |

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >VCT1. Introduction and General Information                               |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

My name is Robert Allen Rusk and I am a long time gamer with about 40+ years
of gaming experience. I am an ex-gametester (Broderbund Software, LucasArts
Games, Point Of View Computing) and an ex-arcade attendant (Namco
Cyberstation - Pier 39, San Francisco, CA). I also own multiple systems such
as the Sega Dreamcast, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Switch, Atari
Jaguar, PlayStation (1, 2, 3, and 4), Xbox, and Xbox 360.

I started writing guides in 2003 because I felt it was something I could do
utilizing my writing skills gained in college and gametesting along with my
passion for vidgames. Over time I have honed my overall writing and
organization skills plus my creative thinking skills. Additionally, I have
extended the play value of the games I have written guides and FAQs for many
times over plus I have received many letters from all over the world.

I am also a member of the following forums:

  >>Digital Press
  >>GTA Forums
  >>The MoFaT

Outside of gaming, my interests include Godzilla (I have been a G-Fan since
the age of ten) and Red Dwarf. I am also a long time soundtrack collector
with many titles in my possession. As far as favorite sports teams go, my
teams are the San Antonio Spurs (NBA) [the local team], the Denver Broncos
(NFL) [although I live in Texas, I am originally from Colorado Springs,
Colorado] and the Air Force Falcons (NCAA Football).

This guide was constructed using BBEdit Lite 6.1 and a Power Mac Workgroup
Server 8550/200. It is now being maintained using BBEdit on an Apple Mac
Mini. I view my work in Safari to help in seeing how it would look on the web
and correct format errors.

For my guide work I have more that twenty memory cards for my PlayStation 2.
I have reorganized the game saves on my memory cards and I now have eight
cards specifically dedicated to "GTA III", "GTA: Vice City" (Original Version
(1.40)), "GTA: San Andreas" (which uses up fifteen cards), "GTA: Liberty City
Stories" and "GTA: Vice City Stories".

These memory cards allow me to quickly go and try out new ideas (and modify
old ones) when they occur to me or suggested by others.

I have done 100% Completion twice prior to making this document and did it 
four more times (two on the Original, one on the Double Pack version, and one
on the Haitian-Friendly Version) on the PS2 versions. I have also done 100%
Completion on both the Original and Haitian-Friendly versions for the Xbox.
And I have also done 100% Completion on the PlayStation 4 version.

| >GEN1. About the Guide                                                    |

Welcome to my "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" guide! If this is the first time
you have visited then you will find a lot of useful information in a highly
organized format that you can use to beat all of the missions of the game.

Quotes taken from readers' e-mail are presented "as is" and may include
spelling and grammatical errors.

The main emphasis of this guide is to provide creative and simple solutions 
to many of the missions in the game. Many hours were spent going over each
mission and finding unique ways to solve them. I think you will be surprised
by many of the solutions found here.

I have worked hard to make sure that this guide is as complete as possible 
but at the same time leave room for exploration. I even included interesting
and humorous anecdotes, observations, and lines from Vice City (plus made-up
quotes). I hope that you enjoy this guide as much as learn from it.

While this guide was written initially for the PS2 version of the game, it
may also benefit those with the PC and Xbox versions of Vice City. If any of
the strategies in this guide won't work in either the PC or Xbox versions
then feel free to write me and let me know so I can make additional
adjustments in future revisions.

This guide is designed so that you can do the missions without any cheat 
codes. However, I have included one code, the Health Code (in the "Advanced 
Tips And Information" chapter), to give you a little flexibility.

In addition, this guide also reveals three reliable ways (depending on what
version of Vice City you have) to get around the roadblocks at the start of
the game.

Another emphasis of this guide is *ORDER*. If you do the missions and tasks
in a certain order then the game will be easier and more fun for you.

Although the guide follows more or less the traditional story order, there
are ways to acquire more powerful weapons early in the game. The chapter
"Going to the West Side Early" is the best way to get these weapons before
you're supposed to plus allow you to do all of the side stuff prior to doing
the Main Story Missions.

Each Hidden Package, Unique Stunt Jump, and Rampage has a letter designation
to make them easier to identify in this guide. In addition, there is a three
letter Neighborhood Prefix (listings below) indicating a particular
neighborhood or area where the item can be found (in these examples I use

  >>Hidden Packages will be identified with an "H".
      --Examples: Hidden Package [XXX-H21].
                  Package [XXX-H32].

  >>Rampages will be identified with an "R".
      --Examples: Rampage [XXX-R34].

  >>Unique Stunt Jumps will be identified with a "J".
      --Examples: Unique Stunt Jump [XXX-J24].
                  Jump [XXX-J8].

| Neighborhood Prefixes \

PRI - Prawn Island             SFI - Starfish Island
NPM - North Point Mall         DTN - Downtown
VCP - Vice Point               LHI - Little Haiti
LGC - Leaf Links Golf Club     LTV - Little Havana
WSB - Washington Beach         EIA - Escobar International Airport
OCB - Ocean Beach              VPR - Viceport
FBA - Fort Baxter Air Base

| A. The Game Map |########################################################\

Each copy of the game came with a printed map. The map showed locations of
multiple points of interest. It also had a grid system which is beneficial in
mapping other things related to the game. All map co-odinates used in
locating weapons, items, and collectibles come from this map.

It should also be pointed out that the map can also be downloaded from
Rockstar Games own website if you need a digital version of it.

| >GEN2. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City                                        |

"Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" is the follow-up to the smash hit "Grand Theft 
Auto III". Like its predecessor, Vice City is a freeform "sandbox" adventure
game where you can do pretty much anything you want.

Vice City is set in the 1980's (1986 specifically) which is about the time
when most adult gamers, when they were children or teens, were into the
Commodore 64s, Sega Master Systems and Nintendo Entertainment Systems.

Initially, I was expecting "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" to be just like
"Grand Theft Auto III" but with a little more polish.

But what Rockstar did was nothing short of incredible. They overhauled
everything, compiled a massive soundtrack the likes of which the gaming world
hadn't seen at that point (a lot of good 80's music) and got some major
Hollywood talent to lend their voices (like Ray Liotta and the late Dennis

Plus a more refined story, motorcycles, helicopters, better weapons, and the
ability to change outfits and purchase property.

There are more missions in Vice City than there were in "Grand Theft Auto
III" (88 in Vice City, 73 in GTA3). Plus, the missions are more involving,
but still not too complex. I guess that the designers didn't want to let too
many things get in the way of experiencing the full scope of Vice City. And
such a large scope it is too.

This was a major leap forward and Rockstar Games was highly commended for not
taking the easy way out. And it was worth every penny I paid for it (and I
pre-paid two months in advance at the local GameStop).

The only major downside to Vice City is that, since Vice City was such a
major leap from "Grand Theft Auto III", then how was Rockstar going to top
themselves for the next chapter in the Grand Theft Auto series?

"Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas", released in 2004, provided the answer to
that question. Larger and more expansive than anyone thought possible. This
made Vice City puny and old by comparison. And that's saying a lot.

And, of course, the releases of both "Grand Theft Auto IV" and "Grand Theft
Auto V" further push the envelopes started by both GTA3 and Vice City.

| >GEN3. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories                                |

In 2006, Rockstar Games released "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories", a
prequel to "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City", on the PlayStation Portable (PSP)
handheld system. Later, in early 2007, Rockstar Games released this game for
the PlayStation 2 game console.

Set in 1984, two years before the events in "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City", it
tells the story of Victor Vance, big brother to Lance Vance who is a major
character in "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City".

In this guide you will find many references to Vice City Stories. Mostly in
the Tour chapters plus a chapter that utilizes some creative writing to tie
both "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories" to "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City".

With all that said, let's get down to the business of the guide itself and I 
will start with the differences between the three PlayStation 2 versions.....

| >GEN4. Differences Between the Three PS2 (American) Versions              |

When "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" came out for the PS2, there were several
issues that came up like the Detonator Bug, getting hurt running off
sidewalks, and other glitches.

When Rockstar announced that they were doing a Double Pack version containing 
both "Grand Theft Auto III" and "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City", there was talk
that Rockstar might go into the PS2 version of both games and do some
clean-up work.

What Rockstar did was to put in some new ideas that were implemented in the
PC version to make the PS2 version equal to the other versions (although
another reader said that these were done to the foreign versions of Vice City
prior to the PC version).

Later, Rockstar did another version of Vice City that removed references to
killing Haitians in response to protests by the Haitian community. This is
known as the "Haitian-Friendly" version.

There are four ways to determine what version of "Grand Theft Auto: Vice
City" (American - NTSC) you have:

| Version Number \

  By placing the game disc inside a computer and opening the file 
  "system.cnf" within a text editing program then you can tell what version 
  of the game it is. There are three version numbers to note.

| Bar Code Number \

  At the lower left of the back cover is the barcode. The bar code number 
  starts with 10425. Then there is another set of numbers after that. This 
  set of numbers changes from version to version.

| Disc Banner Color \

  On the disc itself you will find the PlayStation 2 logo near the bottom of 
  the artwork. The banner that the wording is on is either going to be red or 
  black. If it is red then it is part of the Double Pack set. If it is black 
  then it is a Stand-Alone disc.

| Disc Ring \

  There is a way to identify the game version by looking at the disc itself. 
  Take your Vice City disc and flip it over so you are looking at the data 
  (silver) side. Near the center hole you should see the PlayStation 2 logos. 
  Beyond that you should see some bar codes. This is the Disc Ring. Opposite 
  the barcodes you should see some lettering:


  If you see this then this is a Haitian-Unfriendly (Original) Version. But, 
  if you see this:


  Then this is a Haitian-Friendly Version.


All of this information will help you in determining what version of "Grand
Theft Auto: Vice City" you have so you can avoid game save incompatibility

Listed below is the information on the PlayStation 2 versions:

  | Original Version (Stand-Alone) |
  | Version Number: 1.40           |
  | Bar Code Number: 27145         |
  | Disc Banner Color: Black       |
  | Disc Ring: PDSS-004995A1       |

  |     (Original) Double Pack     |
  | Version Number: 2.01           |
  | Bar Code Number: 27300         |
  | Disc Banner Color: Red         |
  | Disc Ring: PDSS-004995A1       |

  | (Haitian-Friendly) Double Pack |
  | Version Number: 3.00           |
  | Bar Code Number: 21383         |
  | Disc Banner Color: Red         |
  | Disc Ring: PDSS-004998A1       |

  | Haitian-Friendly (Stand-Alone) |
  | Version Number: 3.00           |
  | Bar Code Number: 27388         |
  | Disc Banner Color: Black       |
  | Disc Ring: PDSS-004998A1       |

It should also be noted that the version of Vice City that is featured within
the "Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy" (PS2) is the Haitian-Friendly version.

X| VERY IMPORTANT: The game saves from one version *WILL NOT* work with    |X
X| any other version! Version 1.40 game saves are not cross-compatible     |X
X| with version 2.01 and 3.00 discs. And version 3.00 game saves are not   |X
X| cross-compatible with version 2.01 discs either.                        |X
X|                                                                         |X
X| The reason for the incompatibility is due to the fact that, when you    |X
X| make any significant changes to the main program, then the game saves   |X
X| from the previous version will no longer be recognized by the new       |X
X| version. This is an issue that is unfixable.                            |X
X|                                                                         |X
X| If you need to replace a copy of Vice City then you have to make sure   |X
X| to get the same version otherwise you won't be able to use your game    |X
X| saves. The latest version of my Differences FAQ will show you what to   |X
X| look out for in helping you determine what version you have and what    |X
X| to look for in the other versions.                                      |X

Here is the list of major and minor changes that have been found so far:

| Version 2.01 \
| The Cherry Popper Save Glitch, which corrupts game saves when saved at    |
| Cherry Poppers, has been fixed.                                           |
| The Detonator Bug is fixed for the DP version. More details in the "Bugs" |
| chapter.                                                                  |
| The "Trial By Dirt" mini-game has been altered. The rain, Haitians on     |
| motorcycles and barrels won't show up when you do it the first time.      |
|                                                                           |
| The second time around then the barrels will appear. If you beat your     |
| best time then rain will appear the next time.                            |
|                                                                           |
| If you beat your best time again then the Haitians will appear on your    |
| next attempt. In addition, the stat glitch (in where the stat would not   |
| show up until you did "Test Drive" and only as the same time as that      |
| mini-game) has been fixed.                                                |
| The Lionel Ritchie song "Running With The Night" (Flash-FM) has been      |
| removed from the Double Pack version.                                     |
| The blurry vision in "Boomshine Saigon" is far less in the DP version     |
| although the screen will still swerve around.                             |
| Many weapons have been renamed.                                           |
| In the opening cutscene for "Recruitment Drive" (Interglobal Films Asset) |
| the big breasted woman with the pasties is now wearing a halter top       |
| instead.                                                                  |

| Version 3.00 \
| References to Haitians and Cubans have been either altered or removed     |
| (the main reason for Version 3.00).                                       |
| The Tear Gas that sits behind the Washington Beach Police Station has     |
| been replaced by Grenades.                                                |

| >GEN5. Differences Between the Two Xbox Versions                          |

Just like on the PlayStation side, there are also two versions of Vice City
for the Xbox: Original and Haitian-Friendly.

One of my readers, Kenneth Lowery, wrote to me concerning differences for the
Xbox versions. After reading the previous version of my Differences FAQ then
he checked the bar code on the back of his Double Pack copy.

He noticed that there was a sticker that covered another bar code. After
reading his letter I tracked down a copy of what he determined was the
Haitian-Friendly version for the Xbox.

Just like in the PS2 versions, the Xbox versions also have the game save
incompatibility issue. However, the Xbox will make another Vice City game
save folder instead of overwriting the older one so you can have two Vice
City folders on the hard drive.

Outside of the script changes for the Haitian / Cuban missions there is only
one other change to note:

  >>They fixed the Pedestrians Go Silent bug. The Pedestrians Go Silent bug 
    was a glitch that caused the pedestrians to go quiet even if you hit them 
    with a car. Unfortunately, this fix introduced more sound glitches so the 
    game actually sounds worse.


  >>Xbox Bar Code Data
      (Original) DP Version: 10425 29284
      (Haitian-Friendly) DP Version: 10425 29387

In addition, the Disc Ring method, for determining the game types, also works
for the Xbox versions. However, the lettering is smaller and can be found in
two places along the ring area:

  >>Disc Ring
      (Original) DP Version: TT01502A
      (Haitian-Friendly) DP Version: TT11504A

| >GEN6. The Haitian Controversy                                            |

In the spring of 2012 a book called "Jacked: The Outlaw Story of Grand Theft
Auto" (by David Kushner) was released. It details the history of Rockstar
Games from its beginnings to the present (as of publishing). Part of the book
chronicles the controversy concerning the Haitians, the basics of which
are as follows:

One of the New York television stations had a feature called "Shame on You"
which exposed shady goings on within the city and nearby areas. In November
of 2003 newscaster Arnold Diaz ran a piece on Vice City for this feature.

He focused on how you are supposed to kill the Haitians within the game.
Arnold considered it racist and was very upset with it. This was why he
featured it on "Shame on You".

It didn't take long for the Haitian community to respond. The Haitian Centers
Council put out a press release protesting the game's content.
Haitian-Americans protested outside New York's City Hall. Haitian president
Jean-Bertrand Aristide went talking to the U.S. authorities about the racism
within the game.

The protests became so loud that Rockstar Games was forced into making an
apology and then into making changes within new prints of the game to rectify
the situation. This controversy is why there is a Version 3 of Vice City,
dubbed "Haitian-Friendly".

| >GEN7. Technical Data                                                     |

In this chapter I go over technical data on the various platforms that "Grand
Theft Auto: Vice City" has been released for and can be played on:

| A. PlayStation 2 and Original Xbox Version Differences |#################\

What are some of the differences between the Original Xbox and PS2 versions?
Which one is better (from a technical standpoint)? Here's the breakdown:

| Graphics \

  The graphics on the Xbox version are better than its PS2 counterpart but 
  the animation tends to be a choppy thus negating some of its advantage. In 
  addition, the Xbox version has Progressive Scan and that's a nice plus.

  With the release of Xploder HDTV Player for the PS2 you can now enjoy Vice 
  City in 480p (although the main title introduction glitches up a bit due to 
  "meshing issues").

| Sound \

  The sound on the Xbox version tends to be quite glitchy. Inappropriate jet 
  noises plus the Pedestrians Go Silent glitch (on the Xbox 
  Haitian-Unfriendly version) gives the PS2 the edge even though you can make 
  customizable soundtracks on the Xbox version.

  On the Xbox Haitian-Friendly version, even though they fixed the 
  Pedestrians Go Silent glitch, there's more sound glitches.

| Controls \

  The controls on the Xbox version are OK even though doing drive-bys was 
  made a bit awkward because you had to use the Right Analog Stick. The PS2 
  version gets the edge here although the Xbox controls aren't as awful as I 
  made them out to be before. After playing around with San Andreas (Xbox), 
  the controls for Vice City (Xbox) seem so much better.

| Console Hardware Data \

  ++PlayStation 2
      The PS2 version runs pretty well but you can encounter sudden pop-ins 
      if you are driving very fast and outrun the object loading (but it 
      doesn't happen too often). Texture loading is pretty smooth but there 
      will be some occasions when you see slow loading textures but it is not 
      too bad.

      It is my understanding that most of the PlayStation 2 library, 
      including the GTA games, runs pretty well on the older PlayStation 3's 
      that have Backwards Compatibility.

      Although the Xbox version has better graphics, the animations tend to 
      be a bit choppy. The object and texture loading is much better than the 
      PS2 version which reduces sudden pop-ins. There are occasional hiccups 
      when streaming from the disc which makes you wonder if your machine has 
      crashed. There are also massive slowdowns at the end of a lot of 

      This is because the Xbox is reading the data off of the disc in such a 
      way that it interferes with the game (at least that is what I think it 
      is). Vice City also glitches out very bad if you happen to have an Xbox 
      with a Thompson drive (I had to trade in my initial Xbox because of 
      this problem).

      The best way to tell if you have the bad drive is when you load up the 
      game. If you can hear the title music but the screen remains black then 
      you have the bad drive. Microsoft used two other drives in addition to 
      the Thompson drive and only a drive replacement will solve this 
      particular problem.

| Xbox Version Differences \

  As I said at the start, there are also some tweaks that don't appear in the 
  PS2 version:

    | "The Jump" method of getting to the other side before "Phnom Pehn     |
    | '86" will *NOT* work on the Xbox version. However, you can still use  |
    | "The Bus" method of getting across.                                   |
    | The posters in the window of Rock City (Downtown) have been replaced  |
    | by a poster of a Cousin Ed (from Iron Maiden) look-alike with the     |
    | words "Jock Star" on the bottom.                                      |
    | A SWAT Enforcer can often be found at the Vice Point Police Station.  |
    | A Securicar can often be found in front of El Banco Corrupto Grande   |
    | near Little Havana.                                                   |
    | A Police Cheetah can sometimes be found in the back area of the       |
    | Little Havana Police Station.                                         |
    | A Bus can often be found by the building where Package [VPR-H98] is   |
    | located (the hangar east of the EIA Freight and Cargo Terminal        |
    | (Seaplanes Tours - near the Airport).                                 |
    | The Love Fist limo will spawn in front of VROCK after completion of   |
    | the Love Fist missions.                                               |
    | The Tear Gas Grenades that were in the back of the Washington Beach   |
    | Police Station in the PS2 versions have been replaced by standard     |
    | Grenades in the Xbox version.                                         |
    | Any Washington you see on the street will always be white. You can't  |
    | even change the color by running it through a Pay 'N Spray - it will  |
    | always come out white. A glitch maybe?                                |
    | An Admiral will sometimes replace the Stretch at The Mansion. The     |
    | only place to get the Stretch for the Sunshine Autos car list is at   |
    | The Mansion. You will have to move the Admiral far away, or take it   |
    | to complete one of the car lists at Sunshine Autos, to make the       |
    | Stretch appear again.                                                 |
    | You *CANNOT* use the FBI Rancher in a Pay 'N' Spray in the Xbox       |
    | version.                                                              |
    | And finally, there are *NO* sidewalk injuries in the Xbox version. In |
    | the PS2 versions you can get hurt running off the sidewalk. It is an  |
    | irritating bug and a running gag amongst Vice City players.           |

| B. Additional PlayStation 2 Technical Data  |############################\

In addition to cheat discs, such as Codebreaker, there are also various
programs that you can try to use with the PS2 version of the game:

| Xploder HDTV Player \

  Xploder HDTV Player is a disc that will allow PlayStation 2 owners to play 
  most of their games in Progressive Scan mode. Many games will work but some 
  of them will have issues.

  Vice City works great in 480p mode. However, the main title intro will be a 
  little glitchy because of "line meshing issues". This is because the intro 
  is actually a "film" instead of using the game graphics. It is to my 
  understanding that XHDTV doesn't handle film based stuff well and that 
  results in the jittery looking intro.

  But this is actually a minor problem since you can easily skip the opening 
  credits by pressing the X Button. Once you get past the intro then all is 

  Because the graphics are designed for 480 vertical resolution, it is not 
  recommended that you put Vice City in any mode higher than 480p. The higher 
  resolution modes, like 720p, simply shoehorn the 480 graphics into the 
  higher end modes and tend to really squash the screen.

| GS Mode Selector \

  This is a small program that is used with the memory card exploit known as 
  Free McBoot. Like with HDTV Viewer you can also view games in progressive 
  scan using this program. Unfortunately, this program does not work with 
  Vice City.

| HDLoader \

  This program, which has been floating around the internet for years, will 
  let you install your favorite games onto a hard drive (assuming you have an 
  older style PS2 "Fatty" (with a Network Adapter) or an early version of a 
  PS2 "Slim" that has been modified to use a hard drive).

  There are two variants of this program. The first variant is HDLoader which 
  is freeware and HDAdvance which is not. It is best to use HDLoader since it 
  is free and gets updated from time to time to improve compatibility and 

  HDLoader is best installed with a popular memory card exploit known as Free 
  McBoot. It is how I am using HDLoader now. Vice City, from what I know, has 
  always been compatible with the earliest versions of HDAdvance and 

  Why install the game on a hard drive? For starters, less wear and tear on 
  the DVD-ROM mechanism (that is assuming if it still works - thankfully you 
  can install games onto the hard drive from a PC as an option using a 
  program called WiinHip).

  But mainly it is for faster loading speeds. Listed below is the speed 
  difference with HDLoader in certain situations:

    | After selecting the game in the HDLoader menu, it takes less than     |
    | five seconds to get to the logo screen since it doesn't do the        |
    | PlayStation 2 splash screen.                                          |
    | The initial load is a little faster.                                  |
    | Entering/exiting buildings is faster.                                 |
    | Loading up missions and cutscenes are a little faster.                |
    | The "Welcome to Vice City" screen that pops up when you go between    |
    | the two halves of the city stays up less than half the time than it   |
    | was when you play off of the DVD-ROM.                                 |
    | Loading up game saves is much faster.                                 |
    | Object loading is much faster (no more hitting invisible objects -    |
    | objects that are "there" but you can't see because the graphic hasn't |
    | loaded up yet).                                                       |


  Before you start playing Vice City off of the hard drive there is something 
  *VERY IMPORTANT* you must do first.

  After installing the game onto the HDD, highlight Vice City on the Game 
  List menu and press SELECT. This will bring up the Game Compatibility 
  Settings. It will look like this:

    Slow HDD access:                 No
    Disable DVD9 support:            No
    Kill HDL After launch:           No
    Date/timefix 2:                  No
    Date/timefix 3:                  No
    Disable network support:         No
    Disable CzC patch:               No
    Soul Calibur 2 / Suikoden V:     No

  As you can see all of the default settings are set to "No". You need to 
  make the following changes to make sure that Vice City works perfectly with 

    Slow HDD access:                 No
    Disable DVD9 support:            No
    Kill HDL After launch:          YES <----------
    Date/timefix 2:                 YES <----------
    Date/timefix 3:                  No
    Disable network support:         No
    Disable CzC patch:               No
    Soul Calibur 2 / Suikoden V:     No

  Although I kill HDL as a precaution it is the timefix option that is most 
  important. If you do not change this setting then, if you decide to make 
  new game saves or overwrite an existing one, you will create a save with an 
  incorrect time stamp that is also corrupted.

  It will use the date of January 1, 2000 at 00:00 instead of what your 
  system clock has (this also happened with "Vice City Stories"). But it 
  isn't just that. Apparently HDL does something in addition to the incorrect 
  time-stamp to do something that the game doesn't like.

  What will eventually happen is that when you go to the game save screen to 
  load up the game saves on the Memory Card then your game will crash.

  Because the game crashes when it tries to bring up the game save list then 
  this also means that you cannot use any of the other game saves anymore and 
  you will have to delete them all in order to use the Memory Card for Vice 
  City again.

  This is why it is important to do the timefix tweak within HDL - so you 
  don't risk losing your other saves. Thankfully, this is a problem that is 
  specific only to HDLoader.

  If the little disc battery within your PS2 that keeps the time when the 
  unit is off dies and you have an incorrect date that is before the release 
  of Vice City it will *NOT* cause any problems when you make game saves. You 
will simply have an incorrect time stamp but the save will be fine.

| Open PS2 Loader \

This program is meant to replace HDLoader and is more solid than HDL. You
use this in place of HDL and it will recognize the HDD and all the games
you have already installed. OPL, or "Opal" as I like to call it, has its
own compatibility modes for games and won't recognize the settings used in

Based on the time I have played Vice City on Opal I found it to run just as
smooth as it was on HDL. Unlike with HDL there are no time-stamping issues
to worry about so you can't make a corrupted game save.

| C. Xbox 360 |############################################################\

"Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" works with the latest Backward Compatibility
updates for the Xbox 360 (you need the Hard Drive to play Original Xbox games
on the Xbox 360). You can play Vice City in many different resolutions
depending on your monitor or HDTV setup. It looks and plays pretty good
(although the main title intro chugs badly).

However, the graphics are just as choppy on the Xbox 360 as it was on the
Original Xbox. As for the sound, I haven't played enough of Vice City on the
Xbox 360 to know for sure at this point if the sounds play any better (by
better I mean less glitchy).

Three bad things about playing Vice City on the Xbox 360:

>>You can't do custom soundtracks like you could on the Original Xbox.
>>You can't transfer game saves to an external memory card for safekeeping.
>>You can't transfer games saves from the Original Xbox to the Xbox 360.

But one good thing about playing Vice City on the Xbox 360 is that the
White and Black buttons (from the Original Xbox controller) are replaced by
the Left and Right Buttons which are situated above the Left and Right
Triggers on the Xbox 360 pad.

Sadly, even if you use a USB-to-Xbox adapter, you cannot use an Xbox 360
controller with the Original Xbox.

| D. PlayStation 4 (PS2 Classics) |########################################\

In late 2015 Sony offered a new service on the PlayStation 4 called PS2
Classics in which PlayStation 2 games would be released and played on the PS4
through an emulator. The GTA Trilogy (GTA3, Vice City, and San Andreas) would
be some of the first titles released in this program. Although this doesn't
sound that much different from what the PlayStation 3 offered there is one
big difference:


You can now play PlayStation 2 games on the PS4 and earn Trophies for your
Trophy List just like you can for the regular PS3 and PS4 games. This guide
will cover how you can get all of the Trophies for this version of the game.
It should be pointed out that the version of Vice City used for the PS4 is
the Haitian-Friendly Version (V3.0).

Although you do get a manual when you get the game (and can be looked at at
any time) you do not get a map. This becomes a bit of a problem if you've
never played the game before.

As for the emulator, the game runs very well and looks great making the game
look like the PC version (it has been made to render in 720p). However, it
does stutter a little now and then and can stutter quite a bit depending on
how much is going on at once. But that doesn't happen very often.

One thing to note is that you cannot make virtual Memory Cards like you can
on the PS3. This is mainly to prevent Trophy cheating but you can still make
backups of your "card" for safe keeping.

Finally, the emulator doesn't just emulate the main chips - it also emulates
the DVD-ROM drive. This means that, even though the game is on the hard
drive, if the game loaded slow on the original hardware then this version
will load just as slow in the emulator.

With the release of The Definitive Edition of Vice City on the PlayStation 4
this version is no longer available. However, I will retain this version's
information within the guide for those who have it but have not played
through it yet and for those who will hack it into their systems at some

| E. Apple Macintosh Data |################################################\

One of the things that the Intel based Macintoshes can do is something called
BootCamp. This will allow you to install Windows on the Mac on its own
partition and you can switch to that operating system when you want to.

There is now a Mac version of the game available but it is actually the PC
version that is made to work on the Intel Macs by using something called
"wrappers". It may be best to track down the PC version and find a wrapper
that is best suited to what version of OSX you have since I know that the
official wrapped version of Vice City will not work on version OSX 10.8 and

| F. The Definitive Edition |##############################################\

In late 2021 this version of the game was released for the PlayStation 4,
Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. However, it was badly ported leading to many
complaints. Although there has been at least one patch which cleared up a lot
of the major problems it still is very unpolished and it is unclear if
additional work will be done to clear those problems up.

| >GEN8. Bugs |

Vice City, like most games, has its share of glitches and flaws. The vast
majority of them are minor and some of them can be used to get around certain

However, this section is dedicated to more serious problems that can get in
the way of things. Crash bugs and other problems that can seriously affect
gameplay are some of the things that are listed here.

They also have to appear during regular gameplay - meaning, no cheat codes.
Plus, all serious bugs have to be verified. This means being able to make the
bug happen again doing what you did before.

By listing the very serious bugs here, I'm trying to help gamers avoid
potential headaches that can negatively affect their experience.

| A. Detonator Bug (PS2 - Original Version) |##############################\

On the southwest part of Viceport (in the big open area just east of the
Airport) you will find 8-Ball's Bomb Shop. Here you can set up your car with
a bomb just like you could do in "Grand Theft Auto III". Just park the car
and detonate it at your leisure from a safe distance.

When you exit the car then you will see the detonator icon in your weapon
slot. Press the Circle Button to blow up the car. But, when you press the L2
or R2 Buttons, then you will find that you are stuck on the detonator - you
can't switch to another weapon. This can be quite distressing.

This also happens with the Remote Grenade weapon when you throw the grenade
and it switches to the Detonator part of the weapon.

The reason for this, based on several sources, has to do with the Infinite
Ammo Feature that you earn when you get 100% Completion. The Detonator weapon
was not designed to have any ammo and the program gets confused when it has
infinite ammo and it switches to the Detonator.

However, there are a couple of ways to get rid of the Detonator.....

| Get Wasted or Busted. |
| Go through a metal detector at either the Leaf Links Golf Club or Escobar |
| International Airport to remove your weapons. Then go back and get all of |
| your weapons except the Detonator. Special thanks to Rippersprite for the |
| suggestion. |

This bug has been fixed for the PS2 Double Pack and Haitian-Friendly Versions
and has never existed on either the Xbox and PC versions.

| B. Cherry Popper Glitch (PS2 Original Version) |#########################\

One of the nastier bugs within the PS2 Original Version is the Cherry Popper
Glitch. When you open the property then you can save there just like any
other property in the game.

However, on occasion, your game save can become corrupted when you save there
thus forcing you to start your game over again. It doesn't do it every time
but each time you save there you're rolling the dice betting your game save
doesn't frag.

The best thing to avoid it is simply *NEVER* to save there in the first
place. Rockstar may have fixed this in the PS2 Double Pack Version. I had
another reader, Dragonfire, report that this bug may also exist in the Xbox
version. It is unclear if this was fixed in the Xbox Haitian-Friendly

| C. Little Havana Glitch (PS2 and PC Versions) |##########################\

While perusing the site Vice City Message Board, I came across a topic
concerning the Little Havana Glitch started by one of the "gods" of Vice
City, robbman. Below is what he had to say on the topic (with a little

"I think people don't know or don't think about this glitch when playing.
That's why I made this topic."

"Later in the game you will be able to get the Little Havana Outfit. Though
there is a glitch which puts the Little Havana Outfit behind an invisible

"All you need to do to avoid this glitch is to do the mission "Copland"
(Tommy Vercetti) before you do Avery Carrington's last mission "Two Bit

Simple but effective. But, of course, if you follow the order of missions in
this guide, then you avoid this bug anyway. Still, not many people know about
(and how to) avoid this problem.

Glen T. Winstein wrote to me verifying that this bug also happens in the PC

In addition, another reader, TownRanger, indicated to me that PC version
users may have to change the order of missions to avoid this bug:

"However, I found out that in the PC version the invisible wall in front of
the Havana outfit icon still exist if you finish Copland before Two Big
Hit. The way I get rid of the glitch is to finish Copland before
Demolition Man."

| >GEN9. Controls and Vehicles |

Although the manual covers the setup pretty good, I felt that I should
include a section on controls. Special thanks to spaceeinstein for his help
with the PC controls and A1210 for his help with the Xbox controls. It should
be noted that on the PC version you have the option of using the Mouse for
targeting and driving instead of the Keypad.

I have also included basic action and vehicle information with their
respective control schemes.

| A. On Foot |#############################################################\

As with any GTA game, there are plenty of things you can do when on foot.

| PlayStation 2 and Xbox Versions \
| Command | PlayStation 2 | Xbox |
| Move Around................| Left Analog Stick | Left Analog Stick |
| Move Around................| D-Pad | NA |
| [1] Look Around............| Right Analog Stick | Right Analog Stick |
| Look Behind................| R3 Button | Right Stick Button |
| [2] Run....................| X Button | A Button |
| Jump.......................| Square Button | X Button |
| Crouch.....................| L3 Button | Left Stick Button |
| [3] Target.................| R1 Button | Left Trigger |
| [4] Attack.................| Circle Button | Right Trigger |
| Previous Weapon............| L2 Button | D-Pad Left |
| Next Weapon................| R2 Button | D-Pad Right |
| Sniper Rifle Zoom..........| Square/X Buttons | NA |
| [5] Enter Vehicle..........| Triangle Button | Y Button |
| [6] Multiple Use...........| L1 Button | D-Pad Up |
| Change Camera Mode.........| Select Button | White Button |
| Pause......................| Start Button | Start Button |


| PC Version \
| Command | Keyboard Control |
| Move Forward........................| Arrow Up; W Key |
| Move Backward.......................| Arrow Down; S Key |
| Move Left...........................| Arrow Left; A Key |
| Move Right..........................| Arrow Right; D Key |
| Look Behind.........................| NP 1; Caps Lock; |
| | Middle Mouse Button |
| [2] Run.............................| Right Shift |
| Jump................................| Right Control; Space |
| Crouch..............................| C Key |
| [3] Target..........................| Delete; Right Mouse Button |
| [4] Attack..........................| NP 0; Left Control; |
| | Left Mouse Button |
| Previous Weapon.....................| NP Period [.]; Mouse Wheel Up |
| Next Weapon.........................| NP Enter; Mouse Wheel Down |
| Zoom In With Sniper Rifle...........| Page Up; Z Key; Mouse Wheel Up |
| Zoom Out With Sniper Rifle..........| Page Down; X Key; Mouse Wheel Down |
| [5] Enter Vehicle...................| Return/Enter; F Key |
| Change Camera Mode..................| Home; V Key |

[NOTE: NP = Number Pad]

[It should be noted that you can use the mouse for more accurate aiming
when attacking on foot.]


[1] - You can do this for precision walking (like on a steel beam) by helping
you "aim" your character in the direction you want him to face.

[2] - If you hold down the Run button too long then you will tire and have to
rest before you can run again. Tapping the button in rhythm will serve
to help you run a little longer.

The more times you run, the better your stamina will be. You can solve
the problem of tiring out by acquiring the Infinite Run feature which
is obtained by successfully completing the Ambulance Mission (detailed

[3] - When holding a gun then you hold down the Target Button target your
enemy. Use the Previous Weapon and Next Weapon Buttons to switch
between targets.

[4] - When holding a melee weapon (like a bat) or using your fist then the
Attack Button is used to swing at your target.

When using Grenades or Tear Gas then the same button is used to throw
your weapon at the target. The longer you hold, the farther you throw.

When holding a gun (like a .357) or a heavy weapon (like a Rocket
Launcher) then you use the Attack Button to shoot. Use the Target
Button in conjunction to aim at your enemy.

When used with a camera (later on in the game) then the Attack Button
is used to take pictures.

[5] - When doing this to motorcycles, depending on how close you are, then
you can either knock the rider off with a elbow to the face or
jump-kick them to the chest.

If you jack a car that has a passenger, and you are fast enough, then
that passenger will ride with you (and scream constantly) for as long
as you drive the car (works with Police vehicles too).

[6] - On the PS2 version, based on context, this button can Change Camera
Modes, Get New Weapon, Purchase Property, or Answer Cell Phone.

On the Xbox version, based on context, this button can Get New Weapon
or Purchase New Property.

| B. In Cars, Motorcycles, and Boats |#####################################\

As with all the other GTAs, there are plenty of cars to use in Vice City.
From junkers and gang cars to the fanciest sports cars. They can all be used

In addition, the motorcycles are great for exploration, jumping, and looking
cool on. Perhaps the single biggest advantage to the bikes is the fact that
you can shoot forward (using a sub-machine gun) while riding one. You can
then take down anyone that tries to cut in front of you (like a Police car).

However, there are a couple of disadvantages. First, it is much easier for a
cop to knock you off and bust you than if he busts you in a car. Second, you
can easily wipe out or get knocked off by other motorists if you're not

But let's not forget the boats. They are part of the culture of Vice City.
From sailboats to speedboats they are all represented.

| PlayStation 2 and Xbox Versions \
| Command | PlayStation 2 | Xbox |
| [1] Turn Vehicle...........| Left Analog Stick | Left Analog Stick |
| [1] Turn Vehicle...........| D-Pad | NA |
| Look Left (Drive-By Mode)..| L2 Button | NA |
| Look Right (Drive-By Mode).| R2 Button | NA |
| Look Behind................| L2 + R2 Buttons | Right Analog Stick |
| Drive-By Mode/Look Around..| NA | Right Analog Stick |
| Accelerate.................| X Button | Right Trigger |
| Reverse....................| Square Button | Left Trigger |
| [2] Handbrake..............| R1 Button | B Button |
| [3] Exit Vehicle...........| Triangle Button | Y Button |
| [4] Attack.................| Circle Button | Right Stick Button |
| [5] Change Radio Stations..| L1 Button | Black Button |
| Use Horn/Siren.............| L3 Button | Left Stick Button |
| Activate Vehicle Missions..| R3 Button | X Button |
| Change Camera Mode.........| Select Button | White Button |
| Pause......................| Start Button | Start Button |


| PC Version \
| Command | Keyboard Control |
| Move Forward........................| Arrow Up; W Key |
| Move Backward.......................| Arrow Down; S Key |
| Move Left...........................| Arrow Left; A Key |
| Move Right..........................| Arrow Right; D Key |
| Look Behind.........................| NP 1 + NP 2; Q Key + E Key; |
| | Middle Mouse Button |
| Look Left (Drive By Mode)...........| NP 1; Q Key |
| Look Right (Drive By Mode)..........| NP 2; E Key |
| [1] Handbrake.......................| Right Ctrl; Space; |
| | Right Mouse Button |
| [3] Exit Vehicle....................| Return/Enter; F Key |
| Attack..............................| NP 0; Left Control; |
| | Left Mouse Button |
| | (With NP 1 or NP 2) |
| Change Radio Stations...............| Insert; R Key; Mouse Wheel Up |
| Use Horn (Or Siren).................| Left Shift; Right Shift |
| Activate Vehicle Missions...........| NP Plus [+]; Caps Lock |
| Change Camera Mode..................| Home; V Key |
| Turret Left (Firetruck).............| NP 4 |
| Turret Right (Firetruck)............| NP 5 |
| Turret Up/Lean Up (Wheelie).........| NP 9 |
| Turret Down/Lean Down (Stoppie).....| NP 6 |
| Go Up (Voodoo)......................| Left Shift |
| Go Down (Voodoo)....................| Right Shift |
| Tilt Right (Voodoo).................| NP4; Shift + NP5 |
| Tilt Left (Voodoo)..................| NP5; Shift + NP4 |
| Tilt Forward (Voodoo)...............| NP9; Shift + NP6 |
| Tilt Backward (Voodoo)..............| NP6; Shift + NP9 |

[NOTE: NP = Number Pad]


[1] - Pull Back to perform a wheelie on a motorcycle. Push Up in conjunction
with the Brake Button to perform a stoppie on a motorcycle.

[2] - Your stopping power is increased when used in conjunction with the
Reverse button.

[3] - You can jump from a moving car when you need to make a quick exit. You
will hurt yourself a little bit when you do but that is much better
then getting stuck in a flaming car that's about ready to blow up.

[4] - On the PlayStation 2 version you use this in conjunction with the L2 or
R2 Buttons. On the Xbox version you use this in conjunction with the
Right Analog Stick.

You can also shoot forward while riding a motorcycle. Just press the
Attack button.

[5] - On the Xbox version, to change cd/tape deck (Custom soundtrack), press
and hold the Black button while pressing up and down on the Directional
Pad to select "album"/folder. Then, while still holding the radio
button, press left or right on the Directional Pad to change songs.

| C. In Helicopters |######################################################\

There are plenty of helicopters to use in Vice City. They can be used to
quickly fly from one part of Vice City to another.

| PlayStation 2 and Xbox Versions \
| Command | PlayStation 2 | Xbox |
| Move Forward...............| Left Stick Up | Left Stick Up |
| Move Backward..............| Left Stick Down | Left Stick Down |
| Sidestep Left..............| Left Stick Left | Left Stick Left |
| Sidestep Right.............| Left Stick Right | Left Stick Right |
| Turn Clockwise.............| R2 Button | NA |
| Turn Counterclockwise......| L2 Button | NA |
| Rotate Helicopter..........| NA | Right Analog Stick |
| Ascend.....................| X Button | Right Trigger |
| Descend....................| Square Button | Left Trigger |
| Hover......................| L3 Button | Left Stick Button |
| Exit Helicopter............| Triangle Button | Y Button |
| [1] Fire Machine Gun.......| Circle Button | Right Stick Button |
| [2] Change Radio Stations..| L1 Button | Black Button |
| Change Camera Mode.........| Select Button | White Button |
| Pause......................| Start Button | Start Button |


| PC Version \
| Command | Keyboard Control |
| Move Forward........................| NP9 |
| Move Backward.......................| NP6 |
| Sidestep Left.......................| Arrow Left; A Key |
| Sidestep Right......................| Arrow Right; D Key |
| Turn Clockwise......................| NP 2; NP 5; E Key |
| Turn Counterclockwise...............| NP 1; NP 4; Q Key |
| Look Behind.........................| Middle Mouse Button |
| Ascend..............................| Arrow Up; W Key |
| Descend.............................| Arrow Down; S Key |
| Exit Helicopter.....................| Return/Enter; F Key |
| [1] Fire Machine Gun................| Right Mouse Button; |
| Space; Left Ctrl |
| Change Radio Stations...............| Insert; R Key; Mouse Wheel Up |

[NOTE: NP = Number Pad]


[1] - This applies to the Sea Sparrow only.

[2] - On the Xbox version, to change cd/tape deck (Custom soundtrack), press
and hold the Black button while pressing up and down on the Directional
Pad to select "album"/folder. Then, while still holding the radio
button, press left or right on the Directional Pad to change songs.

| D. In the Skimmer |######################################################\

This full-winged seaplane is used during and unlocked after completion of the
mission "Dildo Dodo". It handles sluggishly but it is not too bad once you
get it to top speed.

| PlayStation 2 and Xbox Versions \
| Command | PlayStation 2 | Xbox |
| Dive.......................| Left Stick Up | Left Stick Up |
| Rise.......................| Left Stick Down | Left Stick Down |
| Turn Left..................| Left Stick Left | Left Stick Left |
| Turn Right.................| Left Stick Right | Left Stick Right |
| Turn Vehicle...............| D-Pad | NA |
| Look Left..................| L2 Button | Right Analog Stick |
| Look Right.................| R2 Button | Right Analog Stick |
| Look Behind................| L2 + R2 Buttons | Right Analog Stick |
| Accelerate.................| X Button | Right Trigger |
| Decelerate.................| Square Button | Left Trigger |
| Exit Skimmer...............| Triangle Button | Y Button |
| [1] Change Radio Stations..| L1 Button | Black Button |
| Change Camera Mode.........| Select Button | White Button |
| Pause......................| Start Button | Start Button |


| PC Version \
| Command | Keyboard Control |
| Dive................................| NP9 |
| Rise................................| NP6 |
| Turn Left...........................| Arrow Left; A Key |
| Turn Right..........................| Arrow Right; D Key |
| Look Behind.........................| Middle Mouse Button |
| Accelerate..........................| Arrow Up; W Key |
| Decelerate..........................| Arrow Down; S Key |
| Exit Skimmer........................| Return/Enter; F Key |
| Change Radio Stations...............| Insert; R Key; Mouse Wheel Up |

[NOTE: NP = Number Pad]


[1] - To change cd/tape deck (Custom soundtrack), press and hold the Black
button while pressing up and down on the Directional Pad to select
"album"/folder. Then, while still holding the radio button, press left
or right on the Directional Pad to change songs. On the Xbox 360 you
can't do custom soundtracks for Vice City.

| E. In the Rhino |########################################################\

The Rhino is probably the single toughest vehicle in the game and is one of
the preferred vehicles to use in the Vigilante Mission (explained later in
the guide). You can acquire this vehicle during a 6-Star Wanted Rating and
take it from the soldiers or wait until after you've collected 90 Hidden
Packages where one will be unlocked near the front gate of Fort Baxter Air

| PlayStation 2 and Xbox Versions \
| Command | PlayStation 2 | Xbox |
| Turn Vehicle...............| Left Analog Stick | Left Analog Stick |
| Look Left..................| L2 Button | NA |
| Look Right.................| R2 Button | NA |
| Look Behind................| L2 + R2 Buttons | NA |
| Accelerate.................| X Button | Right Trigger |
| Reverse....................| Square Button | Left Trigger |
| Brake......................| R1 Button | Left Trigger |
| Exit Rhino.................| Triangle Button | Y Button |
| Turret Control.............| Right Analog Stick | Right Analog Stick |
| Main Gun...................| Circle Button | Right Stick Button |
| Use Horn...................| L3 Button | Left Stick Button |
| Activate Vigilante Mission.| R3 Button | X Button |
| Change Camera Mode.........| Select Button | White Button |
| Pause......................| Start Button | Start Button |


| PC Version \
| Command | Keyboard Control |
| Move Forward........................| Arrow Up; W Key |
| Move Backward.......................| Arrow Down; S Key |
| Move Left...........................| Arrow Left; A Key |
| Move Right..........................| Arrow Right; D Key |
| Look Left...........................| NP 1; Q Key |
| Look Right..........................| NP 2; E Key |
| Look Behind.........................| NP 1 + NP 2; Q Key + E Key; |
| | Middle Mouse Button |
| Brake...............................| Right Ctrl; Space; |
| | Right Mouse Button |
| Exit Rhino..........................| Return/Enter; F Key |
| Turret Left.........................| NP 4 |
| Turret Right........................| NP 5 |
| Main Gun............................| NP 0; Left Control; |
| | Left Mouse Button |
| | (With NP 1 or NP 2) |
| Use Horn............................| Left Shift; Right Shift |
| Activate Vigilante Mission..........| NP Plus [+]; Caps Lock |
| Change Camera Mode..................| Home; V Key |

[NOTE: NP = Number Pad]

| F. In the Hunter |#######################################################\

The Hunter appears at the northern part of Fort Baxter Air Base after you
have collected all 100 Hidden Packages and at the helipad at south Ocean
Beach after completion of the mission "Keep Your Friends Close.....". It is
also the single most preferred vehicle to use in the Vigilante Mission
(explained later in the guide).

| PlayStation 2 and Xbox Versions \
| Command | PlayStation 2 | Xbox |
| Move Forward...............| Left Stick Up | Left Stick Up |
| Move Backward..............| Left Stick Down | Left Stick Down |
| Sidestep Left..............| Left Stick Left | Left Stick Left |
| Sidestep Right.............| Left Stick Right | Left Stick Right |
| Turn Clockwise.............| R2 Button | NA |
| Turn Counterclockwise......| L2 Button | NA |
| Rotate Helicopter..........| NA | Right Analog Stick |
| Ascend.....................| X Button | Right Trigger |
| Descend....................| Square Button | Left Trigger |
| Hover......................| L3 Button | Left Stick Button |
| Exit Hunter................| Triangle Button | Y Button |
| Fire Machine Gun...........| R1 Button | Right Stick Button |
| Fire Rockets...............| Circle Button | B Button |
| [1] Change Radio Stations..| L1 Button | Black Button |
| Activate Vigilante Mission.| R3 Button | X Button |
| Change Camera Mode.........| Select Button | White Button |
| Pause......................| Start Button | Start Button |


| PC Version \
| Command | Keyboard Control |
| Move Forward........................| NP9 |
| Move Backward.......................| NP6 |
| Sidestep Left.......................| Arrow Left; A Key |
| Sidestep Right......................| Arrow Right; D Key |
| Turn Clockwise......................| NP 2; NP 5; E Key |
| Turn Counterclockwise...............| NP 1; NP 4; Q Key |
| Look Behind.........................| Middle Mouse Button |
| Ascend..............................| Arrow Up; W Key |
| Descend.............................| Arrow Down; S Key |
| Fire Machine Gun....................| Right Mouse Button; |
| Space; Left Ctrl |
| Fire Rockets........................| NP 0; Left Mouse Button; Right Ctrl |
| Exit Helicopter.....................| Return/Enter; F Key |
| Activate Vigilante Mission..........| NP Plus [+]; Caps Lock |
| Change Radio Stations...............| Insert; R Key; Mouse Wheel Up |

[NOTE: NP = Number Pad]


[1] - On the Xbox version, to change cd/tape deck (Custom soundtrack), press
and hold the Black button while pressing up and down on the Directional
Pad to select "album"/folder. Then, while still holding the radio
button, press left or right on the Directional Pad to change songs.

| >GEN10. The Main Screen |

Your Main Screen is where all of the action in the game take place. In the
center of your screen is your main character, Tommy Vercetti. You use
your Left Analog Stick to move him around and the Right Analog Stick to
rotate and manipulate the camera when he is standing still. On the PC version
you use the keyboard and mouse to move Tommy and the camera around.

In the lower left corner of the Main Screen is the Radar. This is used to
help in finding your current position in the city, objectives, mission
strands, and Safehouses.

In the upper right corner of the Main Screen you will find the game clock,
your Health, your Armor (when you have Armor), your money, and the weapon or
item you are currently holding.

Special prompts will appear at either the upper left corner of the Main
Screen or at the bottom.

| >GEN11. Game Menus |

When you pause the game, using the Start Button, then you also bring up these
menus listed at the bottom of the screen:

| Map | This shows the Main Map of Vice City. This is where you can |
| | find your position, mission strands, and other notable places. |
| Stats | This is where the statistics for everything you do are listed. |
| Game | This is where you load saves, delete saves, or start a new |
| | game. |
| Brief | This is where you can go through the text used in the |
| | cutscenes, missions, and outside of missions. |
| Controls | This is where you can see and setup your preferred control |
| | scheme. |
| Audio | This is where you control the audio and listen to some of the |
| | radio stations featured in the game. |
| Display | This is where you control some of the visual aspects of the |
| | game. |

| >GEN12. Law Enforcement |

Every metropolis has a Police force and Vice City is no different. When
you do something bad near a Cop, like mugging a person, then one of the stars
below your Health and Armor status will light up indicating a Wanted Rating.
The Cops will then try to bust you. The more stars you have, the more
aggressive they will be.

There are several ways to get rid of a Wanted Rating:

| Hiding out somewhere for a bit (only works at 1-Star). |
| Changing clothes (up to 2-Star). |
| Getting a Police Bribe Icon (drops the level down a notch). |
| Completing the current mission (if you get a rating during one). |
| Getting Busted or Wasted. |
| Driving a car (excluding rescue and most Police vehicles) into a Pay 'N' |
| Spray. |

There are six Wanted Rating levels. The higher you go, the more aggressive
the pursuit. Below are the Wanted Ratings and what you can expect:

| 1-Star \

You are of mild interest to the Cops. They will chase you on foot and will
whack you with their nightsticks when close enough. They would rather not
be chasing you but will be more than happy to bust you if you're stupid
enough to let them. Hiding out somewhere for awhile will get rid of a
1-Star rating.

If you want to amuse yourself for awhile then try this. When in a car and a
Cop is chasing you on foot then slow down to his foot speed and make him
run behind you. See how long you keep this up. A great way for him to work
off those doughnuts and stale coffee!

| 2-Star \

Things get a bit more serious here. The number of Cops increase a bit and
they will start shooting you instead of whacking you with their clubs. You
can't wait things out this time but you can still switch out clothes to get
rid of a 2-Star Wanted Rating.

| 3-Star \

At this level the Cops will start laying out spike strips (although
sometimes they lay them away from the the street and into nearby buildings)
to blow out your tires. A helicopter will start pursuing you and will shoot
at you if you stand still long enough for it to do so.

And the Vice Squad, with their Crockett and Tubbs look-alikes, will now
join in the chase (in their high-priced Cheetahs).

In a fit of inspiration I decided to jack a Police Cheetah during one of
my city wide rampages. I killed "Crockett" and took off in the car. As I
was heading to a nearby Pay 'N' Spray to get rid of my Wanted Rating so I
can save the car, I wondered to myself: "Wasn't there another guy that came
with this car? I didn't remember seeing him as I jacked the car."

I clipped the corner of a building as I turned onto a street and it slowed
me down a bit. When this happened then a figure went flying out of the
passenger side of the car. It was "Tubbs"! He was in the car the whole time
and didn't even make a sound. And, at the first opportunity, he threw
himself out of the vehicle.

How sorry is this Police force anyway? In real life he would have put a gun
to my head before I even put on the seat belt. I wonder what his
performance review looked like afterwards.....

| 4-Star \

Now the SWAT team joins in. They will try to blockade the road with their
Enforcers and rappel down from the helicopter. This is in addition to
everything else being thrown at you. This is the highest wanted level you
can obtain while (officially) confined to the East Side.

I decided to jack a Police car during one of my rampages and wouldn't you
know it, I jacked one with a Cop still in the passenger seat so I got an
unwilling guest.

I found out the biggest difference between Vice Squad Cops and regular Cops
- Vice Squad Cops are too cool to squeal like a little girl when their
Police car gets jacked unlike the poor Cop who took the ride with me. But I
had to give this guy credit - he didn't try to fling himself out the car at
a high rate of speed unlike his Vice Squad counterpart.

He waited until I got smacked into a signal post (and came to a stop)
before exiting the vehicle. Then, before I had a chance to get away, he
calmly turned around and busted my sorry ass.....

| 5-Star \

The FBI will now lend their assistance in hopes of bringing you down. They
will ride in large FBI Ranchers and carry four agents, all packing MPs,
and they are not afraid to use them.

The FBI Ranchers are nice vehicles to have and can be had once you kill the
agents nearby (assuming they don't kill you first - there's an easier
method listed in the "Advanced Tips" chapter later in the guide).

You can max out at 5-Star after unlocking Starfish Island (After completion
of the mission "Guardian Angels").

| 6-Star \

After making mincemeat of the Police force, including the FBI, then the
city will now call in the Army to deal with you. They will come in with
Rhinos and trucks and will mainly try to kill you (but they will arrest you
if the opportunity presents itself).

The soldiers will kill you quickly with their M4's and barely getting
touched (while in a vehicle) by a Rhino will spell certain death. It will
be quite difficult to survive at this level for very long.

You can achieve this maximum rating after completion of the mission "Rub

| A. Police Vehicles |#####################################################\

In addition to all of the other cars you can take in Vice City you can also
use Police Vehicles. The main reason for acquiring one is for the Vigilante
Mission which is explained later in the guide. In addition, some have
additional features and bonuses that can help you.


|>>Police Car | This vehicle can be found on the street and at all |
| | Police Stations. |
| | |
| | In addition, you get five Shotgun shells when |
| | entering a Police Car. If you don't already have a |
| | Shotgun then you will get a Shotgun with five |
| | shells. |
|>>Vice Squad Cheetah | This vehicle will spawn during a 3-Star Wanted |
| | Rating. |
|>>SWAT Enforcer | This vehicle will spawn during a 4-Star Wanted |
| | Rating. |
| | |
| | In addition, you will get Body Armor when entering |
| | this vehicle. |
|>>FBI Rancher | This vehicle will spawn during a 5-Star Wanted |
| | Rating. |
| | |
| | Unlike most FBI vehicles this cannot be used at a |
| | Pay 'N' Spray. |
|>>FBI Washington | In the alleyway behind Rock City in Downtown. |
| | |
| | Unlike with the FBI Rancher this vehicle can be |
| | used at a Pay 'N' Spray to get rid of a Wanted |
| | Rating. |
|>>Rhino | This vehicle will spawn during a 6-Star Wanted |
| | Rating - also unlocked at Fort Baxter Air Base |
| | after collecting 90 Hidden Packages. |
|>>Hunter | This is unlocked at Fort Baxter Air Base after |
| | collecting all 100 Hidden Packages. This will also |
| | start spawning at a helipad in south Ocean Beach |
| | after you reach 100% Completion. |


Both the Police Cheetah and the FBI Rancher are nice cars to have and also to
use in Vigilante Missions. However, getting them can be a pain in the butt
because of the difficulty of getting rid of the Cops to get the vehicle and
getting rid of the Wanted Ratings all the while keeping them from destroying
the car.

There are two methods to acquiring these Police Vehicles:

>>You can run for a little bit away from a cluster of Ranchers (and
Cheetahs) and turn around. The agents will be gone but the vehicles are
still there to get with no resistance (a leftover trick from "Grand Theft
Auto III").

>>You can jack either a Cheetah or Rancher before they can come to a
complete stop (the other riders will jump out while you are removing the

If you thought "Tubbs" had it bad dealing with his boss then imagine four
highly embarrassed, and supposedly well trained and heavily armed, FBI agents
trying to explain to their superiors how they let a street-wise punk with a
plain six-shooter take one of the agency's vehicles from them. Imagine

However, if you mistime your carjack attempt, then you will either be shot up
pretty bad when they exit the vehicle or be knocked down for a quick, and
embarrassing, bust.

| >GEN13. Using a Pay 'N' Spray |

As noted above, you can drive a car or motorcycle, excluding Police and
rescue vehicles, into a Pay 'N' Spray to change the color of your vehicle, as
well as repair it, to get rid of Wanted Ratings at a cost of $100.

When you use the Pay 'N' Spray to get rid of your Wanted Ratings then the
Wanted Rating Stars will flash for a short time. While they are flashing, you
are then considered to be on "probation". If you commit a crime, like running
over someone, while the Wanted Rating Stars are flashing, then your Wanted
Rating will be reinstated.

There are five Pay 'N' Sprays in Vice City where you can go to get rid of
your Wanted Ratings and repair your vehicle:

>>Vice Point (East Side).
>>Ocean Beach (East Side).
>>Little Haiti (West Side).
>>Viceport (West Side).
>>Sunshine Autos (Little Havana - West Side).
**NOTE: Although Sunshine Autos is a Asset Mission Property, you don't
have to buy it to use this facility.

| >GEN14. Busted |

If you get a Wanted Rating and the Cops end up catching you then you are
Busted. Any mission you were doing at the time will be Failed. When you are
Busted then you are sent to the nearest Police Station where you will be
processed (which takes six game hours) and released. You also lose all
weapons including your Body Armor.

In addition, you will be fined based on the number of Wanted Rating Stars you
have when you are Busted:

>>1-Star: $100.
>>2-Star: $200.
>>3-Star: $400.
>>4-Star: $600.
>>5-Star: $900.
>>6-Star: $1,500.

If you were in the middle of a mission when you were Busted then you will
also find a Taxi, with a blue arrow above it, nearby. This will take you back
near where you got the mission you were trying to do for a cost of $9.

There are four Police Stations in Vice City where you may find yourself if
you are Busted by the Cops:

>>Little Havana.
>>Vice Point.
>>Washington Beach.

| >GEN15. Wasted |

If you do something to reduce your Health to zero, like being too close to an
explosion, getting shot up a lot, or drowning, then you will be Wasted. Any
mission you were doing at the time will be Failed.

When you are Wasted then you are sent to the nearest Hospital where you will
be treated (which takes six game hours), billed $100 and released. You
also lose all weapons including your Body Armor.

If you were in the middle of a mission when you were Wasted then you will
also find a Taxi, with a blue arrow above it, nearby. This will take you back
near where you got the mission you were trying to do for a cost of $9.

There are four Hospitals in Vice City where you may find yourself if you are
Wasted for any reason:

>>Schuman Health Care Center (Downtown).
>>West Haven Community Healthcare Center (Little Havana).
>>Shady Palms Hospital (Vice Point).
>>Ocean View Hospital (Ocean Beach).

| >GEN16. Motorcycle Details |

These vehicles are great for exploration, jumping, and looking cool on. And
all of bikes listed below can handle two people. You can also do wheelies and
stoppies with these vehicles but I have no information on the best way to do
them since I have not played around and tried them.

| Faggio | The Faggio is nothing more than a moped. It is the slowest bike |
| | and certainly the un-coolest in the game. But, in the early |
| | going, it is the best vehicle to have. |
| | |
| | It is great for exploring Vice City and will get you from place |
| | to place much faster than just running (and tiring and running |
| | and tiring.....). |
| | |
| | It is also small enough to let you into small areas so you |
| | don't constantly have to get off and get back on when |
| | exploring. Perfect for acquiring most of the Hidden Packages. |
| Sanchez | This is a sleek looking dirtbike that is best used off-road. It |
| | makes a good on-road vehicle for exploration purposes and is a |
| | very good platform for doing drive-bys. |
| Angel & | These two bikes fall under the Harley-Davidson type category. |
| Freeway | Big and noisy, these bikes have sluggish handling especially at |
| | high speed (there is a reason they call these things "hogs"). |
| | |
| | The best of the Harley type bikes is the one I call the Steel |
| | Angel and can only be used on the "Alloy Wheels of Steel" |
| | mission. |
| | |
| | But racing or chasing isn't the reason you have one - it is to |
| | cruise and look positively badass on. Ahh yes, the roar of the |
| | engine, the wind in your hair, the bugs in your teeth..... |
| PCJ-600 | The sleekest and fastest of all road vehicles. Has very good |
| | handling too. This is best used for fast getaways and Unique |
| | Stunt Jumps (explained later). |

| >GEN17. Helicopter Details |

When you finally get to the West Side, officially or unofficially, then you
can have access to the helicopters in the game. Look at the flying controls
setup, based on what version you have, and then practice basic flying

I use the Clockwise / Counterclockwise controls to turn the chopper like I
would turn a car. Whenever I fly I always switch to first person mode so I
can better control the helicopter.

Take the time to practice basic flying, creeping over buildings, hovering
and, turning on a dime. When you get the hang of it then go and acquire any
Hidden Packages that require a helicopter to get at (more details in the
"Hidden Packages" chapters of the guide).

When you get at least eighty Hidden Packages, and unlock the Sea Sparrow,
then you may want to go to Starfish Island and get one so you can practice
strafing with the mounted Machine Gun. That skill will definitely come in
very handy in some of the missions.

You can also bail out of a chopper while still in the air. Be warned though,
it will leave a mark.

| Maverick \

This plain chopper comes in several flavors depending on where you get one.
A Police version (green and white) can be found on the top of the Downtown
Police station. A TV station version (blue and white) can be found on the
top of the VCN Building (TV station - where Package [DTN-H60] is).

A plain one (comes in several colors) can be found at the top of the Hyman
Condo or at the top of The Mansion when you acquire the properties. This
chopper is a little slow but it will get you where you need to go. However,
it not very durable and can easily be destroyed.

| Sea Sparrow \

This helicopter will spawn behind The Mansion on Starfish Island after
acquiring 80 Hidden Packages. This chopper is perhaps one of the most
versatile vehicles in the game. In addition to being able to float on water
the Sea Sparrow also has an unlimited use Machine Gun mounted underneath
which is fired using the Fire Machine Gun button.

It also has what I call a "subtle auto-aim" feature which allows the gun to
lock-on to various targets near the center of the screen regardless of
whether you see the target or not. This makes the gun quite accurate and

By unlocking the Sea Sparrow as soon as possible then you can use this
chopper in a wide array of missions, even some of the very early ones.

There is also a plain version of the Sparrow that will spawn in four
locations for the express purpose of the Chopper Checkpoint Missions
(unlocked after completion of the mission "Rub Out") plus one that is used
for the mission "Martha's Mug Shot". Both are durable and maneuverable

| Hunter \

This Apache-like attack helicopter is spawned after you collect all 100
Hidden Packages and is situated at the north part of Fort Baxter Air Base.

This causes a problem because the soldiers that spawn there will shoot at
civilians (especially you) and you have to go through a maze of fences to
get to the chopper. The best way to get to it on foot is to first get a
Cop Outfit because they won't shoot at law enforcement.

However, that opportunity won't happen until deep into the Main Story
Missions. But you can still get it, you just have to be fast and a little

++The Safe Way
Wait until you have played through the Story Missions up to
"Copland". There you can unlock the Cop Outfit so you can dress up as
a Cop. The soldiers won't shoot you while you are in the uniform so
you can just stroll through the maze of fences to the Hunter.

++The Not-So-Safe Way
Get a helicopter and and fly to Little Havana and turn west toward
the base. Fly low and, when you get over the wall, then jump out as
close to the Hunter as possible but without hitting it with your

Then get into the Hunter as quickly as possible and fly out.
Hopefully, you can do this fast enough before the game spawns enough
soldiers to shoot at you.

If there are some soldiers and they shoot you (damaging the Hunter in
the process) then use the Health Code (in the "Advanced Tips And
Information" chapter) to fix it up. The odds of getting it this way
is about 50-50 but your odds will improve slightly if you try at

However, a gentleman by the name of Leandro Nantes wrote me telling
me that 12:00 is also a good time to get the Hunter because that is
when the soldiers go to lunch (supposedly).

The first thing you will notice when flying the Hunter is that it is fast.
Perhaps a little too fast since you can easily overshoot any target that you
are trying to hit on the ground so you will have to adjust to its speed. It
is also much tougher than either the Maverick or Sea Sparrow but it can still
be shot down. Like the Sea Sparrow, the Hunter also has a Machine Gun.

On the PS2 versions the Hunter's Machine Gun is less accurate than the Sea
Sparrow's Machine Gun. However, according to Rich Williams, the Hunter's
Machine Gun is far more accurate and devastating on the PC version.

In addition to the Machine Gun, the Hunter has Rockets which are launched
with the Attack button. The Rockets can really wreak havoc on the traffic
down below. Be careful not to be too close to trees or lightposts when firing
Rockets - you may blow yourself up in the process.

Strangely enough, even though you are in a military helicopter, you can
listen to the radio stations while flying. Which is not a bad thing,
considering the time you might spend in the air doing the "Brown Thunder"
Vigilante Mission (later in the guide), you might as well have something good
to listen to.

One of my readers, Michael Furman, then wrote to me about listening to the
radio stations in the Hunter:

"Interestingly enough, I've done my time serving our nation in the US Army,
and my job was actually taking care of those bad birds, the Apaches.
Although you might find it strange, they actually DO get radio stations,
and the pilots DO actually listen to them...helps calm their nerves =), or
so they say, lol."

| >GEN18. Other Useful Vehicles |

Listed below are vehicles that can be of most use depending on certain

| Banshee | These sports cars can be used to get from one place to |
| Comet | another really fast and are fairly durable. They can take |
| Phoenix | a few whacks from Police cars and other vehicles before |
| Stinger | succumbing. |
| | |
| | The Cheetah can also be used but is a bit more fragile |
| | and the Infernus can only take a couple of hits before |
| | exploding. |
| Admiral | These are middle of the road vehicles. Not too fast, not |
| Cuban Hermes | too slow and are durable vehicles. These cars can also be |
| Hermes | used to transport passengers. |
| Sentinel | |
| Taxi | |
| Washington | |
| Coach | This long silver bus is slow and not as durable as one |
| | might think. But it is still a very useful vehicle |
| | because of its size and shape. Its large size makes it |
| | perfect for road-blocking in various missions such as |
| | "Psycho Killer". |

| A. The (Almost) Everything-Proof Admiral |###############################\

One of the most interesting and useful vehicles in the game is what is known
as the Everything-Proof Admiral (aka EP-Admiral). The Admiral is a car that
resembles a BMW with decent speed, handling and durability (see above).

This very special Admiral makes an appearance in the mission "Guardian
Angels". This white Admiral is the car that Ricardo Diaz drives up in during
the mission.

In one of the earlier versions of the guide I had mentioned that you had to
fail the mission to get the Admiral. But a gentleman by the name of Matthew
Dean informed me that this wasn't necessary:

"Sorry to inform you you can acquire this admiral by passing the mission as
well. After giving the money to diaz, you get the mission passed display.
If you go back towards the street and make a left towards the traffic
light on ocean drive the bullet proof admiral is there sitting under the
traffic light. (I did this a few times in a few different games to make
sure it worked)..."

And, sure enough, it works like a charm in both the PS2 and Xbox versions.
Glen T. Winstein wrote to me letting me know that you can get the EP-Admiral
without failing the mission in the PC version:

"I just learned, from someone named mgssnakes of the PC VC message boards
of site, that you can get the EP Admiral in the PC Vice City at the
end of "Guardian Angels." When Tommy returns the briefcase to Diaz, have
him enter the pink shaft of light from the north facing south. During the
cutscene, have the keys pressed to have Tommy run, so he'll run south as
soon as the game will let him. THEN when he goes south and around the
corner to the east, the Admiral will be waiting. I just tried it, and it

I also had another reader who goes by Mr. Spock write to me that it doesn't
always appear when you complete the mission but you can increase your chances
of getting the EP-Admiral by parking a car in front of Diaz's car before you
give him his money (the parked car will disappear in the cutscene).

When you drive around in the EP-Admiral, you will find that it doesn't feel
any more different that a regular Admiral. But, when you smack it into
something, then you will notice that it has no damage.

You can smack it into everything and not even get a scratch. You can shoot it
up with guns and even hit it with a Rocket Launcher with no effect on it
whatsoever. Even the tires are bulletproof.

So, as you can see, this Admiral is very special indeed (make sure that you
have either the Ocean Beach or El Swanko Casa properties before trying to get
the Admiral so you can save it).

However, it is *NOT* truly everything-proof. When you first get it then you
will find that the tires are bullet and spike strip proof. But, when you
place it in a garage and let the door close, then the tire status changes.
When you open the garage door again and use a Sniper Rifle then you can blow
out the tires.

However, because of the overall toughness of the car, the chances of either
the bad guys or the Cops shooting out your tires are very low (almost zero).

In addition, there are four ways to actually destroy the car:

>>Flipping it over.
>>Dunking it into the water.
>>Getting hit by a Rhino.
>>Getting shot up by the Haitian "super weapons" during the mission "Cannon

During the previous revisions I managed to use this car in a lot of missions
and some of the strategies have been revised to take advantage of the

| >GEN19. Asset Properties |

There are seven places in Vice City that you can purchase starting at the
beginning of the game called Asset Properties. Each of these places serve as
save points and each property bought will inch you closer to 100% Completion.
Some of these properties have additional features, like garages.

At the beginning of the game you have the Ocean View Hotel as your Safehouse.
As you gain more money then you can then start purchasing the other Asset

These Asset Properties are listed in each half of Vice City.

| A. Asset Mission Properties |###########################################\

There are nine additional Asset Properties around town that have a red
Purchase Icon in front of them that can't do anything with in the early part
of the game.

After completion of the mission "Shakedown" then you can start purchasing
these businesses which will allow you to amass more wealth and climb closer
to 100% Completion. These businesses also have their own missions and tasks,
called Asset Missions, that need to be completed before you can make money
off of them.

When you complete the Asset Missions for a business then you will see a Money
Icon appear in front of that business. Money will accumulate over time until
a designated maximum is reached. Just go up to the icon and collect your
money to add to your wealth. In addition, each Asset Mission Property is also
a save point just like the other properties you have bought.

There are a total of ten Asset Mission Properties and the details for these
places are listed after completion of the mission "Shakedown".

| >GEN20. Outfits |

In this game you have the option to change clothes. Not only will this change
your look it will also eliminate a Wanted Rating (up to 2-Star). It will also
change how you appear in the cutscenes. Most of the outfits are unlocked
after doing certain missions.


| Street |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Unlocked After | The Party. |
| Where | Ocean View Hotel, Hyman Condo, and The Mansion. |
| Description | Acid washed jeans and a blue tropical print shirt. This |
| | is the outfit you will probably end up wearing the most |
| | throughout the game. Can be considered the default |
| | outfit. |
| Soiree |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Unlocked After | The Party. |
| Where | Rafael's (Ocean Beach). |
| Description | A purple and black semi-formal outfit (no socks). Good |
| | for yacht parties. |
| Coveralls |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Unlocked After | Riot. |
| Where | Tooled Up Hardware Store (North Point Mall). |
| Description | Denim coveralls, a hat, and gloves. Perfect for home |
| | improvement projects like filling in bullet holes, |
| | cleaning up blood, crafting cement shoes..... |
| Casual |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Unlocked After | Treacherous Swine. |
| Where | Gash (North Point Mall). |
| Description | A plain dark t-shirt and jeans. |
| Tracksuit |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Unlocked After | One is already unlocked and another is unlocked after |
| | completion of the mission "Supply & Demand". |
| Where | Laundromat (Little Havana), Jocksport (Downtown). |
| Description | A maroon jogging outfit. You might as well look the part |
| | when running from the Cops..... |
| Cop |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Unlocked After | Copland. |
| Where | In the locker room of the Washington Beach Police |
| | Station. |
| Description | Standard Cop uniform. An extra benefit to wearing it is |
| | that you can go through Fort Baxter Air Base without any |
| | soldiers shooting at you. |
| Bank Job |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Unlocked After | The Job. |
| Where | The office at the Malibu Club. |
| Description | A green jumpsuit, gloves, and a hockey mask. Great for |
| | robbing banks or doing part-time work in slasher flicks: |
| | "Hey, can I borrow a knife?"..... |
| Mr. Vercetti |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Unlocked After | Completion of the Pole Position Club Asset Mission. |
| Where | Collars & Cuffs (Ocean Beach). |
| Description | A semi-formal business outfit. When you want to look |
| | professional while hanging out at The Pole Position |
| | Club: "Say hello to my little friend"..... |
| Golf Club |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Unlocked After | Four Iron. |
| Where | In front of the Clubhouse for Leaf Links Golf Club. |
| Description | A standard golf outfit (meaning: ugly as hell and you |
| | don't want to wear this fashion travesty any longer than |
| | you have to). |
| Little Havana |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Unlocked After | Two Bit Hit. |
| Where | Little Havana Streetwear (Little Havana). |
| Description | White t-shirt with artwork, red bandana, and blue jeans. |
| | Good for luring Haitians into fights or when you want to |
| | look the part when cruising in a Cuban Hermes. |
| Frankie |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Unlocked After | Acquiring 100% Completion. |
| Where | In the office on the second floor of The Mansion. |
| Description | The same as the Casual Outfit except that the t-shirt is |
| | white and has some writing on it. |

| >GEN21. Advanced Tips and Information |

Below are some tips and additional information that will be of benefit to

| The Health Code \

Even though you can do everything in this guide without the use of any
cheat codes, I felt that I should provide this one to give the user a
little bit of flexibility.

There are several areas of the game that can possibly frustrate gamers and
this code can be of use there. There are also a few areas where I actually
encourage its use (like "Brown Thunder"). This code will *NOT* corrupt save
files or cause a percentage lockdown (I can personally confirm that).

++PlayStation2: R1 Button, R2 Button, L1 Button, Circle Button, Left,
Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

++Xbox: Right Trigger, Black Button, Left Trigger, B Button, Left, Down,
Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

++PC: Aspirine

| No Wanted Rating Exploits \

Glen T. Winstein relayed me an idea that was tried by another gamer named
GTA_Loc. It seems that in two of the missions, "Rub Out" and "Copland",
have what is known as a No Wanted Rating Exploit.

Basically, at a certain point within those two missions, you will not be
able to generate a Wanted Rating regardless of how much chaos you create.
Useful for jacking up your Criminal Ranking or robbing the Stores. I will
provide more details within those two missions.

| Quick Targeting \

When locking onto targets with a gun (like a .357) while holding down
Target then you can use the Next and Previous Weapon buttons to switch
targets. You can also let go of the Target button and quickly press it
again to pick up another target (after you kill the previous one).

| Air Base Shortcut \

If you are in Downtown or Little Haiti and you need to get to Fort Baxter
Air Base then there is a shortcut that will help.

Go to the City Scrap area. Just before you get to the entrance then hang a
left at the road before it and you should cross a small red railroad
bridge. Go right and then left and stay close to the edge. Eventually, you
will end up behind the Airport billboards.

Go right and, where the signs end and the tunnel begins, the ground and the
top of the tunnel are at the same level. Go on top of the tunnel and go
right toward Fort Baxter Air Base. Either jump off the tunnel onto the road
or stay left so you can get level with the road (after turning left where
the wall ends).

| Chopper Free Zone \

Did you know that if you are flying a chopper and at 3-Star Wanted Rating
(or above) that you can make the Police helicopter go away if you land on
the roof of the North Point Mall? However, the Police helicopter will
re-appear if you fly away from the mall.

There is a second chopper-free zone at the east house on the north part of
Prawn Island (where you can find Package [PRI-H2]).

A third chopper-free area can be found at the rooftop of the EIA Main
Terminal Building at Escobar International Airport (credit for this find
goes to Phil Gulliford).

| Render Spike Strips Ineffective \

When in a Police Vehicle then press Activate Vehicle Mission to turn on
Vigilante Mode and quickly press Activate Vehicle Mission again to turn it
off. After that then you are impervious to the spike strips that the Cops
lay down at 3-Star Wanted Rating and above. This will also keep them from
shooting out your tires as well.

This will only last for as long as you stay in the Police Vehicle and won't
transfer to another car if you leave it.

Sadly, this won't work in Firetruck, Ambulance, and Taxi vehicles. Credit
for this nifty idea goes to Shnangyboos who posted his find on site
(GTA: Vice City forum).

| Prostitution \

Like in "Grand Theft Auto III", you can pick up a hooker and go above your
maximum of 100 health to 125. But, if you do the Pizza Delivery Mission to
get your health maximum bumped up to 150 and you pick up a prostitute, then
your health will *DROP* down to 125 so sometimes sex isn't always a good

| Food for Thought \

When you go into the North Point Mall at either the west or east ends then
you will see the food court. There are four different fast food places
where you can get food (or what passes for it).

But you have to be below 100 health to activate the pink circles at each
place. And regardless of your health maximum they will only bump it back to
100. They also cost a little money but, unless you are really broke, this
should not be an issue.

| Some Interesting Trivia \

One of my readers, Bragon (from Thailand), gave me a couple of bits of
interesting trivia that I will now share.....

++About The Suzy Suxxx Movie Title "BITE"
In French, "bite" means "dick" (pronounced "beat").

++About A Movie Poster In Phil's Bedroom (In His Trailer)
"Chicks 'N Guns" was the title of the video watched by Robert DeNiro
and Samuel Jackson at the beginning of Quentin Tarentino's movie
"Jackie Brown".

| "Hook The Hooker" \

I had a reader by the name of Restick write to me with the following

"Hi, I have read many FAQ's and have never seen the Hooker Trick. I call
it "Hook The Hooker". Do the races from sunshine auto, (airport one is
the best) and when you get there before starting the race, check each
car to see which one has the Hooker driving. She is always in the same
car. Get in line and then start the race and stay with her. At the end
of the race she will take off. Catch her and do a drive by on her. Her
car will come to a stop and as it does, pull along side so when she gets
out she will walk up to your car and get in. Now she won't charge you
anything for being with you, plus, she will follow you anywhere you go.
Take her for a helo ride, motorcycle ride or the like. You can also
enter the race again with her as a passager, and if you have a 4 door
car, do the same stunt and pick up a total of 3 to follow u all over
vice city. Sometimes though when u do the drive by, she may not stop.
That's ok. Go back and do the race again. Believe me, you will get her."

I verified this trick on both the PS2 and Xbox versions and Glen T.
Winstein verified it on the PC version.

You can actually make things easier on yourself if you don't collect any
checkpoints during the Airport race. Partway through the race the cars will
stop being aggressive and slow down. They will even go single file through
the remainder of the race. This will make it very easy to stay with the
hooker's car so you can get her for Tommy.

| Good Samaritan Bonus \

I had a gentleman named Abhisheik Dahiya point this out to me in one of my
earlier revisions.....

"If you see a Cop chasing a guy (you can easily see this happening at the
mall all the time) and you run to the guy the Cop is chasing and knock
him down WITH ONLY YOUR FIST, NO GUN, do it in front of the Cop so he
can arrest him. You get a Good Samaritan Bonus 50$."

Another reader, Tim Williams, had some more information regarding the Good
Samaritan Bonus.....

"Further to the note on the good samaritan bonus, if you keep on chasing
the criminal, or help the Copper beat him up until he dies, you can then
kick the corpse, if you do this, you will get paid the good samaritan
bonus every time you hit him while he's alive, and every time you
mutilate his corpse. This can't be done forever as the body will fade
out, but it's a quick was to make a few hundred if you need it early on
in the game."

This can be done on all versions.

| Bus Driving \

If you have a Coach then you can actually pick up passengers at bus stops.
Each passenger will give you $5 and will exit when you stop at another bus
stop. Thanks to Rich Williams for that information.

And Andr Dienske come up with this observation:

"After I read that you can pick up passengers with a bus (5 dollars per
passenger), I tried it. Actually, there is a complete circular route
(clockwise) of bus stops all over the island. Completing it doesnt give
you any extras, but I found out one amusing thing.

Becoming rich as a bus driver. At the bus stop next to the North Shopping
Mall, a lot of people usually spawn. While I was parked there, I got a
phone call and left the game for a while. When I came back, I saw a crowd
of people around the bus, trying to get in. And it never stops: I saw
over a hundred people disappear in the bus. Later I tried letting the bus
stay there while I was asleep. I woke up a rich man and bought me some
property all over the island."

| When Forced to Change Weapons \

I had a reader, Tow Wang, come up with following observation and solution
concerning certain missions (on the PC version):

"The following missions have an annoying feature in common: they force
you to pick up a weapon that may be less effective than the one you
already have, especially if you have collected a lot of hidden packages
before doing the main story missions...

>C1. "Treacherous Swine" (Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez) Forces you to
pick up: chainsaw

>C3. "Guardian Angels" (Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez) Forces you to pick
up: Ruger

>D4. "Supply & Demand" (Ricardo Diaz) Forces you to pick up: Assault
Rifle that triggers a bug

>AC4. "Check Out at the Check In" (Assassination Contact) Forces you
to pick up: Sniper Rifle

>PCA1. "Gun Runner" (Phil Cassidy's Asset) Forces you to pick up:
Mac-10, M4, M60 and one I can't remember

>AP3. "Dirty Lickin's" (Auntie Poulet) Forces you to pick up: Sniper

In all these missions, if you don't want to lose your original weapons
and ammo, go drop everything at EIA (which I confirmed works) or at the
golf club (have not tried yet). Even if a mission forces you to pick up
a "Sniper Rifle" with only a few bullets, you can always go back to
those security checkpoints and re-get the previous weapons you had (e.g.
the better PSG-1), and in the process all the ammo you had amassed gets

| >GEN22. Vice City: 1984 to 1986 |

X| IMPORTANT NOTE: This chapter employs some creative writing and is not |X
X| part of the official GTA canon or endorsed by Rockstar Games. It is my |X
X| way of linking "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories" to "Grand Theft |X
X| Auto: Vice City". |X
X| |X
X| In addition, I make many references to places and people that appeared |X
X| in LCS as a way to further tie GTA:VC and VCS together. |X
X| |X
X| It also goes without saying that this is *MAJOR SPOILERS* for "Grand |X
X| Theft Auto: Vice City Stories" so read with caution if you haven't |X
X| played that game yet. |X

After the events of "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories", here is what
has happened between then and now.....


The Police are still baffled about the sudden rise and disappearance of crime
lord Victor Vance in 1984. He came and went so quickly that they were not
able to get a lot of information on him.

The fact that he kept out of the public eye for the most part made him even
more mysterious to law enforcement. Even those who worked for him in the
short time he was in Vice City didn't know much about him.

Victor's younger brother, Lance Vance, however, was far more flamboyant and
outgoing. As a result, the Police have far more info on him than on Victor.
Hopefully, this information will lead them back to Victor at some point since
they feel that he may one day return to Vice City.

Victor Vance is also implicated in the theft of a very powerful attack
chopper from Fort Baxter Air Base. This, of course, was extremely
embarrassing to military brass considering that Victor Vance was once a
soldier there.

This has also led to toward increased hostilities to civilians because of
heightened security. Especially to those who happen to be wandering just
outside of the base.


When the infamous Mendez Brothers, who were revealed to be notorious drug
dealers, were murdered in 1984, law enforcement moved in to take over their
houses. In addition to the house on the north side of Prawn Island they also
owned the two neighboring houses to keep nosy people from moving in.

However, the brothers have powerful family outside the country and they have
been fighting law enforcement over the ownership of the properties. While
this has been going on, the houses have fallen into disrepair and now street
gangs have taken them over and using them for their hideout.


The brothers were also leasing a large building on the west side of Downtown
known as the Mendez Building. But the building had to be demolished in late
1984 because of extensive damage near the top of the building suffered during
an attack which resulted in the death of Diego Mendez.

According to law enforcement, the Hunter that was taken from Fort Baxter Air
Base was used in this attack thus implicating Victor Vance as the attacker
(in addition to his other crimes). Almost as quickly as the Mendez Building
went down another, smaller, building sprang up.

However, the speed of construction has raised questions of the new building's
safety so it remains mostly empty at this time.


After Victor Vance's disappearance then law enforcement aggressively moved in
and took over his businesses. In a show of force they quickly destroyed all
of his businesses and either sold the land to businesses or gave it to Vice
City for future development.


One of those properties was right next to The Fairgrounds in Vice Point. The
constant gang warfare chased away many customers.

Even with law enforcement taking over this gang property The Fairground was
forced to close in late 1984. The Fairgrounds was a popular tourist
attraction where people would go and have some fun on the bumper cars or the
ferris wheel.

Shortly after the closure then Avery Carrington, one of Vice City's prominent
real estate developers, bought The Fairground property and started a new
development project known as Fairground Point. He also wanted the gang
property but law enforcement sold it to Spand Express as quickly as they
confiscated it.

According to sources close to Mr. Carrington, Avery was most unhappy with
that sale because he also had an eye on the property.


Near the end of the 1984 hurricane season a major hurricane came ashore near
the Vice City area.

While not an extremely powerful storm, it did do considerable damage which
included severe damage to The Waterhouses area, destroying the wooden bridge
that connected Little Havana to the Fort Baxter Air Base area and knocking
over the huge "Rockstar" sign off of The Rockstar Building.


In 1985 the Civil Asset Forfeiture Impound, which was on the west side of
Viceport, moved to a location outside of Vice City leaving a huge vacancy.
However, 8-Ball's Bomb Shop left the Downtown area and moved into one of the
buildings vacated by CAFI in late 1985.

| >GEN23. 100% Completion List                                              |

Below is everything you need to do to get 100% Completion within Vice City:

  >>Completion of all Main Story Missions
      ++From "The Party" to "Keep Your Friends Close.....".

  >>Complete all Side Story Missions
      ++Avery Carrington (three missions)
      ++Love Fist (three missions)
      ++Big Mitch Baker (three missions)
      ++Auntie Poulet (three missions)
      ++Umberto Robina (three missions)

  >>Complete the following tasks
      ++Collect all 100 Hidden Packages.
      ++Complete all thirty five Rampages.
      ++Complete all thirty six Unique Stunt Jumps.
      ++Complete the Ambulance Mission.
      ++Complete the Firetruck Mission.
      ++Complete the Vigilante Mission.
      ++Complete the Taxi Mission.
      ++Complete the Pizza Delivery Mission.
      ++Complete all five Assassination Missions.
      ++Rob all fifteen stores.
      ++Complete all three Top Fun Van Missions.
      ++Get at least 45 points in "Rifle Range" (opened after completion of 
        the mission "The Shootist") to unlock the Fast Load feature.

  >>Complete all three Hyman Memorial Arena events
      ++Blood Ring
      ++Dirt Ring
      ++Hot Ring

  >>Complete all four Chopper Checkpoint Missions
      ++Little Haiti
      ++Ocean Beach
      ++Vice Point

  >>Complete all four Vehicle Checkpoint Missions
      ++Test Track (Downtown)
      ++Trial By Dirt (Downtown)
      ++Cone Crazy (Ocean Beach)
      ++PCJ Playground (Vice Point)

  >>Acquire all Asset Mission Properties and complete their related tasks
      ++The Malibu Club
      ++Kaufman Cabs
      ++Vice City Printing Works
      ++Interglobal Film Studios
      ++Phil's Place
      ++Sunshine Autos
      ++The Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory
      ++The Boatyard
      ++The Pole Position Club

  >>Purchase all seven regular Asset Properties
      ++El Swanko Casa
      ++Links View Heights
      ++Ocean Heights Apartments
      ++The Hyman Condo
      ++1102 Washington Street
      ++3321 Vice Point
      ++Skumhole Shack

| >GEN24. PlayStation 4 (PS2 Classics) Trophy List                          |

Listed in this chapter are all of the Trophies that can be acquired for the
PlayStation 4 (PS2 Classics) Version of Vice City. Unlike the regular
PlayStation 4 games you can use most of the in-game cheats without the risk
of deactivating Trophies. Many of the Trophies within the game are easy to
obtain. Some require more work. They are broken down into Visible and Secret

| A. Visible Trophies |####################################################\

  >>Bloodstained Hands
      Description: Earn the Butcher criminal rating.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Bull in a China Shop
      Description: Cause $1,000,000 in property damage.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Catch Me if You Can
      Description: Achieve a six-star wanted level.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>City Sleuth
      Description: Find 100 hidden packages.
      Trophy Class: Gold.

      Description: Complete 36 Unique Jumps.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Did Somebody Call the Wambulance?
      Description: Complete Paramedic Mission level 12.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Done it All
      Description: Earn 100% completion.
      Trophy Class: Gold.

  >>Going Green
      Description: Destroy 100 road vehicles.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Grand Theft Auto
      Description: Retrieve every wanted vehicle at Sunshine Auto's Import 
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Greasy Palms
      Description: Use a Police Bribe to reduce your wanted level.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Gun for Hire
      Description: Complete all assassination contracts.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>High Quality H2O
      Description: Extinguish 10 fires.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>I'm Famous!
      Description: Earn the Stuff of Legends media attention rank.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Just Like the Real Thing
      Description: Win the RC Bandit Race.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Keepie-Uppy Okie Dokie
      Description: Earn a high score of 5 with the Keepie-Uppy beach ball.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

      Description: Unlock all trophies.
      Trophy Class: Platinum.

  >>Legal Counsel
      Description: Complete the "Riot" mission.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Life of the Party
      Description: Complete the "All Hands on Deck!" mission.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Mischief Managed
      Description: Complete the "Keep Your Friends Close..." mission.
      Trophy Class: Gold.

  >>One is Better Than Two
      Description: Perform a 30 second wheelie.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Pie Guy
      Description: Deliver 10 pizzas.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Point A to Point B
      Description: Drop off 25 passengers driving the taxi.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Put 'Em Up
      Description: Knock off 15 stores.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Repeat Offender
      Description: Attain 100 wanted stars.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Running Rampant
      Description: Complete Vigilante Mission level 12
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Scouring the City
      Description: Find 50 hidden packages.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>South American Connection
      Description: Complete the "Supply & Demand" mission.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Straight to the Dome
      Description: Perform 100 headshots.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Take the Cannoli
      Description: Earn the Godfather criminal rating.
      Trophy Class: Gold.

  >>Vice City Mogul
      Description: Own 10 properties.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

| B. Secret Trophies |#####################################################\

  >>Big Heat from Little Havana
      Description: Complete the "Trojan Voodoo" mission.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

      Description: Complete the "Publicity Tour" mission.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

  >>Chicken of the Sea
      Description: Snipe a seagull.
      Trophy Class: Bronze.

  >>Tommy Two-Wheels
      Description: Complete the "Hog Tied" mission.
      Trophy Class: Silver.

With that done, it is now time to move onto the main portion of the guide
starting with.....

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >VCT2. The East Side                                                      |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

On the eastern half of this area is the large beach which is very popular
with the tourists and the large hotels they stay at while in Vice City. Prawn
Island, situated at the north part of the Vice City area between the East and
West sides, is home to a movie studio and some luxury homes (which have
fallen into disrepair).

Vice Point is home to the largest shopping mall in Vice City as well as many
large hotels and apartments. Leaf Links Golf Club is where to rich go to play
golf and hang out. Ocean Beach is home to the Vice City Marina, where one can
park a boat, and The Lighthouse, an important and historical landmark.

However, due to the threat of a major hurricane offshore, all of the bridges
to the West Side have been closed so you cannot go there for the foreseeable

| >EST1. In the Beginning.....                                              |

| Vice City: 1986 \

After a fifteen year stretch in prison, Tommy Vercetti is finally released
and is sent down to Vice City on behalf of the Forelli family, based in
Liberty City, to expand their criminal empire. Tommy's first task is to
acquire some cocaine using Sonny Forelli's money to get things going in Vice

With the help of Ken Rosenberg, lawyer/contact for the Forelli family, he
meets a supplier and begins the transaction. Of course, things don't go as
planned (otherwise there wouldn't be a game here, right?) as Tommy and his
group are ambushed.

Fortunately, Tommy barely makes it out alive with the help of Ken who speeds 
them both to safety. After the two of you make it back to Ken's office then
you are then free to move about. At this point you are instructed to go to
your hotel in Ocean Beach. Grab either the nearby Faggio or Admiral and head
to the hotel.

As you enter the hotel then you will see the pink circle at the base of the
stairs which you have to enter to get to your room and talk to "An Old
Friend". Sonny is pissed at you having lost the money and the coke and you
promise him that you will get both the money and the merchandise as well as
the ermm...limbs of the people responsible for this mess.

After the cutscene ends then save your game and go back up to your room.

| >EST2. Your Room                                                          |

As you look around, you realize that you got a nice little place here at the
Ocean View Hotel. However, most people rarely go back here when they finally
have access to the West Side and The Mansion. In doing so they miss out on
most of the subtle decor changes that occur as the game progresses:

| Three of your weapon icons (Flamethrower, Mini-Gun, and Rocket Launcher)  |
| will appear here when you get the necessary Hidden Packages to unlock     |
| them.                                                                     |
| A Rafael's garment bag will appear on your closet after completion of the |
| mission "The Party".                                                      |
| A Shooter of the Month trophy will appear on top of the TV after          |
| completion of the mission "The Shootist". Use the Sniper Rifle scope to   |
| read the wording.                                                         |
| A duffel bag with money (and bundles of money strewn about) will appear   |
| on the bed after completion of the mission "Hit The Courier" (thanks to   |
| magnamerik for that bit of info).                                         |
| A hockey mask will appear on the coffee table after completion of the     |
| mission "The Job".                                                        |
| Three barrels of Boomshine will appear in the corner near the minibar     |
| after completion of the mission "Boomshine Saigon".                       |
| Two of Candy Suxxx's movie posters ("Bite" and "Closer Encounters") will  |
| appear on the wall after completion of the mission "G-Spotlight".         |
| A Hidden Package, broken in two, will appear on the minibar at some point |
| during the game. Also on the bar is two small piles of white powder. As   |
| it turns out, the Hidden Packages were really just a fancy, and sneaky,   |
| way of getting cocaine into Vice City.                                    |

| >EST3. {Take the Cannoli} Trophy (PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version)             |

If you have this version of the game and want all of the Trophies then you
need to start with this one. This Trophy requires that you get the Godfather
Criminal Ranking. The Criminal Ranking (shorthanded to CR) can be found at
the top of your Stats page.

A complete 100% Completion run generally gets you about 10,000 CR or so.
Unfortunately, the Godfather ranking requires that you get 1,000,000 CR - a
whole lot more and difficult to get.

Not surprisingly, when this version came out, people started to find ways to
get this as quickly as possible. At a user named
BuYcKi started a roadmap topic using a method given to him by another member,
Scar-Vince. Once I understood it myself I tried to find ways to expand on it
and make it better.

I am dividing things into three stages:

| Stage One \

It is recommended that you get at least 10 million dollars. Your CR is tied
to having money - the more you have, the higher the score. However, if you
get the full billion ($999,999,999) then you can have a CR of 200,000. The
only way to get this amount is by taking advantage of the Cone Crazy vehicle
mission which is at the top of the Ocean Beach Parking Garage just a very
short distance west of the Ocean View Hotel.

The problem here is that it is tougher to get that amount of money since
Rockstar fixed the so-called Cone Crazy Glitch (remember, the PS4 version is
the Haitian-Friendly Version (V3.0)).

A video by one of the members, Shadiochao, revealed something that I didn't
know about until then - that you could gently move the cones around without
destroying them. This will make it a lot easier to get max money since you
can do a completely different order of Checkpoint acquisition. It takes time
to move cones around but it is really worth it if you want all that cash.

I will explain things in a lot more detail in the Cone Crazy chapter.

| Stage Two \

After acquiring all of that money I suggest going into an Ammu-Nation and buy
a Pistol along with about 200 rounds. Next, you need to acquire at least 80
Hidden Packages to spawn a Sea Sparrow at The Mansion. In addition, you also
need to avoid situations where there can be gunfire.

Why do you need to do that? One of the other things that determine CR is
Accuracy. Of course, despite having a Pistol, you never need to fire it as
you go about your business. But there's an interesting little quirk within
the game.

You see, whenever you see other people firing guns nearby their shots and
accuracy get counted on your Stats. That's right - the Shots Fired, Shots
Hit, and Accuracy is for *EVERYBODY* not just yourself.

One other interesting quirk: Accuracy doesn't get counted in the CR until you
have 101 shots fired. The good news is that you can get into a situation
where there is gunfire and not have it screw things up as long as you keep it
brief and get away quickly.

Since only 80 Packages are needed you can skip the ones at the Washington
Beach Police Station and Fort Baxter Air Base since you will be shot at.
Others recommend avoiding the Little Haiti and Little Havana areas due to
gang warfare but I had little problem going through there.

Of course, at this stage of the game, if you want additional Packages you
will need to get to the West Side early. Since the PS4 Version is an emulated
PS2 Version you can use The Ambulance method of glitching through the gate as
this is the fastest way to get across.

Once you get at least 70 Packages I recommend buying the Hyman Condo as this
will usually generate a Helicopter spawn and a save point while you are on
the West Side early. After you get the 80 Packages then take a Helicopter
(either from the Condo, VCN Building, or nearby Police Station) and fly to
the Film Studio on Prawn Island.

When you get there then walk into one of the open studios. Check how many
shots have been fired. If it is under 101 then carefully fire your Pistol
until you reach that amount. Here, in the Studio, you won't be bothered by
the Cops or anybody else. After you get 101 shots then fly back to the Condo
and save your game.

I also recommend that you save your game again in a different slot and use
this as your Trophy Hunting save and use the other one for your main game

| Stage Three \

Now get another Helicopter and fly to The Mansion to get a Sea Sparrow. Next,
fly it back to the Film Studio. You're probably asking why you need a Sea
Sparrow in all of this.

There are some other quirks that need to be explained. First, shots fired
from the Sea Sparrow do *NOT* count as Shots Fired but will count as Shots
Hit. Thus it is possible to have an Accuracy greater than 100%. In addition,
when you destroy something with the Sea Sparrow's Machine Gun and continue to
shoot the remains it will still count as Shots Hit. Finally, the Machine Gun
on the Sea Sparrow has infinite ammo.

Basically, you destroy a vehicle with the Sea Sparrow and keep shooting at it
to increase your Accuracy stat which will get you the remaining 800,000 CR
needed to get the Godfather ranking. By keeping your Shots Fired at the
absolute minimum of 101 Shots Fired you can increase the Accuracy stat faster
and speed up the process.

At the northwest corner of the Studio is the Packer. Go into first person
mode, gently approach the Packer, destroy it, then get closer to it until you
are right against the front. You will notice that the destroyed Packer will
lean into the ground on the right side. Aim at this point and land the Sea

The process of increasing the Accuracy takes a few hours (about three to
four) so what I recommend doing is taping down the R1 Button so it is firing
at this specific point on the Packer and leave the game alone so you can do
other stuff. Check up on it every so often until the Trophy pops.

Total time for this is about maybe five to six hours.

| Other Trophies \

While you are going for {Take the Cannoli} you should also get three other
Trophies along the way (in order):

  >>{Bloodstained Hands} Trophy
      You get this for getting 10,000 CR. You'll get this while doing Cone 
      Crazy for max money.

  >>{Scouring the City} Trophy
      You get this for acquiring 50 Hidden Packages. Since you need 80 you 
      should get this along the way.

  >>{Bull in a China Shop} Trophy
      You get this for causing $1,000,000 in damage. One other quirk: each 
      time you hit the destroyed Packer it causes your damage stat to go up. 
      You'll get this Trophy about three fourths of the way to the Godfather 

| >EST4. Before Doing the Main Story Missions                               |

To start, I'm going to do as much of the off-story stuff as possible before 
doing the first official mission, "The Party".

A lot of this stuff can be done in any order but doing some things in a 
certain sequence will be of most benefit to you (like doing the Ambulance
Mission (for Infinite Run), the Pizza Delivery Mission (for 150 health) and
the Firetruck Mission (for the Fireproof Feature) before doing any Rampages).

After looking around then leave your hotel room and begin your exploration of
the city starting with.....

| >EST5. Exploring Your Surroundings                                        |

Although "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" has an in-game map, it doesn't have a
lot of detail. Therefore, it is important to explore each region to know it
better and find the landmarks that are used to help locate items, Rampages
and, Unique Stunt Jumps.

To this end I have constructed tour guides for each region. Starting at your
current Safehouse or other major landmark I guide you through the region and
point out all of the landmarks. The Map co-ordinates refer to the printed map
that comes with the game.

Many of the names for these landmarks are pretty straightforward, some are
referenced from the official strategy guide, some are made up to give them a
name to help find other objects and some are referenced from the prequel game
"Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories".

With that said, let's go on.....

| >EST6. A Tour of the East Side                                            |

Now that we're here let's have a tour of this area of Vice City starting
with the:

  >>Ocean View Hotel
      Location: (Southeast) Ocean Beach.
      Map: (G-5).
      Notes: This quaint hotel is the first Safehouse you get in Vice City. 
             Some of your Weapon Icons will spawn here during the course of 
             the game.

From here, head south and stop at the road curve that goes west. Look east
from here to find:

  >>The Lighthouse
      Location: (Southeast) Ocean Beach.
      Map: (H-5).
      Notes: This is an historical and important landmark used to keep ships 
             from getting lost near the shores of Vice City.

Now, go east, go through the next three-way intersection, and stop at the
next three-way intersection. At the northeast corner of this intersection is

  >>Ocean Heights Apartments
      Location: (South) Ocean Beach.
      Map: (G-4).
      Notes: This tall red and white building is an Asset Property that you 
             can buy. More details in the next chapter.

From here, go forward and stop at the next intersection ahead. At the
northwest corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Ocean Beach Church
      Location: (South) Ocean Beach.
      Map: (G-4).
      Notes: This is one of the churches where the religious can congregate 
             and pray.

Now continue forward and go along the road curve going north then stop at
the next three-way intersection. To your left you will see a large white
building which is part of:

  >>Vice City Marina
      Location: (West) Ocean Beach.
      Map: (G-4).
      Notes: This place has two large piers where one can dock a luxury or 
             fishing boat. The large white building also has an underground 
             parking garage located at the south end.

And in the water directly south of the Vice City Marina are:

  >>The Waterhouses
      Location: (Southwest) Ocean Beach.
      Map: ([G, H]-4).
      Notes: These wooden platforms were bases for houses that were destroyed 
             in a hurricane in late 1984.

However, from this intersection, continue forward, follow the road curve
going east, and stop at the next three-way intersection. At the northwest
corner of this intersection is the:

  >>The Ocean View Medical Foundation
      Location: (Northwest) Ocean Beach.
      Map: (F-4).
      Notes: These two large buildings is where important medical research is 
             being done to help benefit mankind.

And at the southwest corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Marina Sands Hotel
      Location: (West) Ocean Beach.
      Map: ([F, G]-4).
      Notes: This large luxurious hotel is where many famous guests like to 
             stay when they are in Vice City.

From this intersection, turn left and go all the way to the next three-way
intersection where this road ends. At the southwest corner of this
intersection is the:

  >>Ocean View Hospital
      Location: (Northwest) Ocean Beach.
      Map: (F-4).
      Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Wasted while on 
             the East Side near the Ocean Beach area.

And at the southeast corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Washington Mall
      Location: (North) Ocean Beach.
      Map: (F-4).
      Notes: This newly completed mall is the latest addition to Vice City's 
             shopping scene.

And going west from here will lead to the:

  >>South Bridge
      Location: (South) Vice City.
      Map: (F-[3, 4]).
      Notes: This bridge connects Ocean Beach to Little Havana.

However, from this intersection, turn right. As you make the gentle road
curve going north then you will see a large lavender building to your left
which is:

  >>1102 Washington Street
      Location: (Southwest) Washington Beach.
      Map: (F-4).
      Notes: This colorful red and lavender building is an Asset Property you 
             can buy. More details in the next chapter.

And directly across the street east of this place is:

  >>Ken Rosenberg & Co.
      Location: (Southwest) Washington Beach.
      Map: (F-[4, 5]).
      Notes: This is where Ken Rosenberg, your main contact, works at.

From here, continue forward through the next three-way intersection, cross
the bridge and stop at the *SECOND* three-way intersection after the bridge.
At the southwest corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Starfish Apartment Complex
      Location: (Southwest) Vice Point, at the east end of the bridge that 
                goes to Starfish Island.
      Map: (E-[4, 5]).
      Notes: This is a huge multi-building apartment complex that offers 
             spectacular views of Starfish Island and surrounding areas.

At the northwest corner of this intersection is:

  >>Star View Heights
      Location: (Southwest) Vice Point.
      Map: (E-[4, 5]).
      Notes: Currently under construction, this huge office/residential 
             building is supposed to compliment Starfish Apartment Complex 
             (across the street to the south).

At the southeast corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Bunch of Tools Hardware Store
      Location: (Northwest) Washington Beach.
      Map: (E-5).
      Notes: This is where one can buy tools and equipment for home 
             improvement projects.

And just west of this intersection is:

  >>Island Bridge (East)
      Location: (South Central) Vice City.
      Map: (E-4).
      Notes: This bridge connects Washington Beach to Starfish Island.

But, from this intersection, continue forward and stop at the next three-way
intersection. At the southeast corner of this intersection is:

  >>Fairground Point
      Location: (Southwest) Vice Point.
      Map: (E-5).
      Notes: This currently under construction building, owned by real estate 
             magnate Avery Carrington, is being built on what was formerly 
             known as The Fairgrounds. In early 1985 The Fairgrounds was 
             forced to close due to lack of business. Shortly thereafter 
             Avery Carrington bought the property and began to build on it.

And next door southeast of Fairground Point is:

  >>Spand Express
      Location: (Southwest) Vice Point.
      Map: (E-5).
      Notes: This business sits on what was formerly known as a gang 
             business. This gang business was rumored to be owned by Victor 
             Vance but, after his mysterious disappearance in 1984, then this 
             business was shut down by the Police. This land was sold on the 
             cheap, by law enforcement, to Spand Express who quickly built an 
             office on the property.

Now, from this intersection, continue forward and turn right at the next
three-way intersection then cross the bridge and stop at the next three-way
intersection. At the northeast corner of this intersection is:

  >>The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Vice Point)
      Location: (Central) Vice Point.
      Map: (D-5).
      Notes: This chain of pizza parlors is a popular eating establishment in 
             Vice City.

From this intersection, turn left, go through the next three-way
intersection, and stop at the next three-way intersection. Going west from
here will take you to:

  >>Leaf Links Golf Club
      Location: Leaf Links.
      Map: (C-[4, 5], D-[4, 5]).
      Notes: This is the major golf course for this region. The entry to the 
             golf course has a metal detector that will strip you of all of 
             your weapons.

However, from this intersection, turn right and stop at the next three-way
intersection. At the northeast corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Vice Point Apartments
      Location: (North) Vice Point.
      Map: ([C, D]-5).
      Notes: This complex stretches from the yellow and white building at 
             this intersection all the way to the pink building northeast of 
             Links View Heights (which is north of here).

From here, turn left and stop at the next three-way intersection. At the
northwest corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Links View Heights
      Location: (North) Vice Point.
      Map: (C-5).
      Notes: This large white building with beige trim is an Asset Property 
             you can buy. More details in the next chapter.

Next, head forward to the next three-way intersection and stop. At the
northwest corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Vice Point Pay 'N' Spray
      Location: (North) Vice Point.
      Map: (C-5).
      Notes: This is where you can have your vehicle repaired or re-sprayed 
             to get rid of Wanted Ratings.

From here, continue forward and go through the next two three-way
intersections then stop at the next three-way intersection where this road
ends. This intersection is part of a triple intersection comprised of three
three-way intersections. The intersection you are at is the center of this
area. At the northwest corner of this triple intersection is a large hotel
and that is the:

  >>Ducum Inn
      Location: (North) Vice Point.
      Map: (C-5).
      Notes: This is one of the largest hotels in Vice City and has a large 
             swimming pool in the back.

At the southeast corner of the intersection you are at is the:

  >>El Swanko Casa
      Location: (North) Vice Point.
      Map: (C-5).
      Notes: This luxurious house is an Asset Property that you can buy. More 
             details in the next chapter.

And at the northeast corner of this triple intersection is the:

  >>Shady Palms Hospital
      Location: (North) Vice Point, two blocks east of the Ducum Inn.
      Map: (C-5).
      Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Wasted while on 
             the East Side near the Vice Point area.

From your current position, head northeast to the Hospital and proceed north
from there. The road will eventually curve west and you will go over:

  >>North Bridge (East)
      Location: (North) Vice City.
      Map: (B-5).
      Notes: This bridge connects Vice Point to Prawn Island.

Once on Prawn Island then stop at the four-way intersection near the center
of the island. To the north you will find:

  >>The Mendez Brothers House
      Location: (North) Prawn Island.
      Map: (B-4).
      Notes: This large aqua colored house at the north end of the island was 
             the former residence of the notorious Mendez Brothers, major 
             players in Vice City's crime scene, who were killed in 1984.

             The house has remained largely abandoned as law enforcement and 
             relatives of the brothers fight over the estate. This house, and 
             the two nearby houses, also owned by the brothers, have been 
             overrun by street gangs who make it their hideout.

And at the southwest corner of this intersection is:

  >>Interglobal Films
      Location: (Southwest) Prawn Island.
      Map: (B-4).
      Notes: A moderately sized film studio where B-movies and commercials 
             are usually filmed. In addition, some low grade pornography 
             films have recently been filmed there. This film studio is an 
             Asset Property that you can purchase later in the game.

From here, turn around and head back across North Bridge (East). After making
the road curve going south then go through the first three-way intersection
and turn right at the next three-way intersection. After that then turn left
at the next three-way intersection. As you make your way forward then you
should see to your left the:

  >>Dispensary (Vice Point)
      Location: (North) Vice Point.
      Map: (C-5).
      Notes: This is where you can find Health and Adrenaline to help you out 
             in tight situations.

From here, continue forward then turn right at the next three-way
intersection. Then go along the hairpin curve that goes around the south end
of the Ducum Inn then go through the next three-way intersection. As you
continue forward then you will go under North Bridge (East). Just after the
bridge then you should see to your right the:

  >>North Point Mall
      Location: (North) Vice Point.
      Map: (B-5).
      Notes: The major mall for Vice City. This place houses many stores 
             including an Ammu-Nation.

Continue along the road and it will eventually curve east to go along the
north side of the mall. Follow the road until you get to the road curve going
south then stop. On the outside part of this curve you will see a large green
building. The address for this building is:

  >>3321 Vice Point Rd.
      Location: (Northeast) Vice Point.
      Map: ([A, B]-5).
      Notes: This green colored hotel building, northeast of the Vice Point 
             Mall, is an Asset Property that you can buy. More details in the 
             next chapter.

From here, head south through the next two three-way intersections then stop
at the third. If you go east from here then you will go onto the beach and
find the:

  >>Beach Dirtbike Track
      Location: (Northeast) Vice Point, on the Beach.
      Map: (B-6).
      Notes: This is a large sandy dirtbike track where one can ride around 
             on a Sanchez or even race remote control cars.

Now, from this intersection, head forward through the next two three-way
intersections and stop at the third three-way intersection. At the northwest
corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Vice Point Police Station
      Location: (North) Vice Point.
      Map: (C-5).
      Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Busted while on 
             the East Side near the Vice Point area.

From here, head forward through the next three-way intersections then stop at
the next three-way intersection. At the southwest corner of this intersection
is the:

  >>Washington Street Apartments
      Location: (Central) Vice Point.
      Map: (D-5).
      Notes: This small cluster of apartment buildings has a courtyard with 
             several basketball courts.

Now head forward and stop at the road curve going west. Inside the road
curve is:

  >>The Malibu Club
      Location: (South) Vice Point.
      Map: (D-5).
      Notes: The big time nightclub for Vice City is an Asset Property that 
             you can purchase later in the game.

And across the street east of here is:

  >>Vice Point Langer
      Location: (South) Vice Point.
      Map: (D-5).
      Notes: This is one of the major hotels for the East Side. This hotel 
             took over from Van Khoff At The Beach in early 1985.
             **NOTE: This is also known as the WK Chariot Hotel in the PC 

From here, go through the double curve and continue south. As you proceed
forward then you will see off to your left:

  >>Standing Vice Point Hotel
      Location: (South) Vice Point, just southeast of The Malibu Club.
      Map: (E-5).
      Notes: This is also another of the major hotels for the East Side.

After that then stop at the next intersection. You will see that this is part
of a double intersection that resembles a starfish. Head to the south part of
this intersection and go south. And to your right you should see the:

  >>Washington Beach Police Station
      Location: (North) Washington Beach.
      Map: (E-5).
      Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Busted while on 
             the East Side near the Washington Beach area.

After that then go through the next two three-way intersections and stop at
the third. At the southeast corner of this intersection is:

  >>DBP Security
      Location: Washington Beach.
      Map: (F-5).
      Notes: DBP Security is considered one of the best private security 
             firms in Vice City.

From here, head forward and turn right at the next four-way intersection. As
you head to the next intersection then you should see to your right:

  >>Washington Beach Apartments
      Location: (South) Washington Beach.
      Map: (F-5).
      Notes: This is a large apartment complex for the south half of 
             Washington Beach.

And next door north of that is the:

  >>Washington Beach Office Complex
      Location: (South) Washington Beach.
      Map: (F-5).
      Notes: These very tall buildings are on the other side of the teal 
             fence near the swimming pool for Washington Beach Apartments.

When you get to the next intersection then turn left and stop at the next
three-way intersection. At the southwest corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Going Gas Station
      Location: (North) Ocean Beach, directly south of the Washington Mall.
      Map: (F-4).
      Notes: A gas station for the Going Co. oil producer.

Now head forward and stop at the next three-way intersection. At the
southeast corner of this intersection is:

      Location: (Central) Ocean Beach.
      Map: (F-4).
      Notes: One of Vice City's high end clothing stores.

This business is also at the base of the:

  >>Ocean Beach Parking Garage
      Location: (Central) Ocean Beach.
      Map: ([F, G]-4).
      Notes: A major parking garage used by those who want to go to the beach 
             or to shop in the nearby businesses.

From here, turn left then turn right at the next four-way intersection. Then
stop at the next three-way intersection. Near the northwest corner of this
intersection is:

  >>Collars & Cuffs
      Location: (Central) Ocean Beach.
      Map: (G-5).
      Notes: Another one of Vice City's high end clothing stores.
From here, head forward and stop at the next three-way intersection. At the
northwest corner of this intersection is:

  >>The Pole Position Club
      Location: (South) Ocean Beach.
      Map: (G-[4, 5]).
      Notes: This strip club, with red and blue neon lights going around the 
             building, is an Asset Property that you can purchase later in 
             the game.

From here, turn right and then turn right again at the next three-way
intersection. Go through the next three-way intersection then turn left at
the one after that. Then turn left at the next three-way intersection and
stop at the one after that. At the east side of this intersection is the:

  >>Ocean Beach Pay 'N' Spray
      Location: (Central) Ocean Beach.
      Map: (G-4).
      Notes: This is where you can have your vehicle repaired or re-sprayed 
             to get rid of Wanted Ratings.

From here, head forward and on the right side of the road you should see the:

  >>Ocean Beach Ammu-Nation
      Location: (South) Ocean Beach.
      Map: (G-4).
      Notes: This is where you can purchase weapons for use against your 
             enemies or anybody else who pisses you off.

And this is where I am going to end the tour. You can head back to your
Safehouse if you like. Now that I've familiarized you with the East Side,
it is time to go over.....

| >EST7. Asset Properties (East Side)                                       |

In this chapter I go over the Asset Properties, that you passed by during the
tour, in more detail.


| 3321 Vice Point          |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | Northeast of the North Point Mall in Vice Point.               |
| Map      | (B-5).                                                         |
| Price    | $2,500.                                                        |
| Notes    | Just a basic save point. Good if you want to save before doing |
|          | any mischief at the mall.                                      |
| El Swanko Casa           |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | Just south of Shady Palms Hospital in Vice Point.              |
| Map      | (C-5).                                                         |
| Cost     | $8,000.                                                        |
| Notes    | Has one garage plus a Kruger Weapon Icon on the roof in the    |
|          | back.                                                          |
| Links View Apartments    |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | South of the Vice Point Pay 'N' Spray in Vice Point.           |
| Map      | (C-5).                                                         |
| Cost     | $6,000.                                                        |
| Notes    | Has one garage. Good for saving the Caddy after swiping one    |
|          | from Leaf Links Golf Course.                                   |
| 1102 Washington Street   |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | Across the street from Ken Rosenberg's office in Washington    |
|          | Beach.                                                         |
| Map      | (F-5).                                                         |
| Cost     | $3,000.                                                        |
| Notes    | Another basic save point. This is the best place to save       |
|          | before starting the Main Story Missions.                       |
| Ocean Heights Apartments |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | On the southern edge of Ocean Beach west of The Pole Position  |
|          | Club in Ocean Beach.                                           |
| Map      | (G-4).                                                         |
| Cost     | $7,000.                                                        |
| Notes    | Has one garage. It is also the tallest garage on the East Side |
|          | which is perfect for storing a bus (like the Coach).           |

| >EST8. Weapons and Other Helpful Items                                    |

Weapons are the tools of the trade for any professional criminal. There are 
thirty two different weapons, in ten different categories, that can be found
and used to create mayhem and abuse. However, you can only have one of each
type at a time so you can only carry a maximum of nine weapons (one slot is
used for a Camera later in the game).

I also had a reader, Rob Owens, write to me with additional real world data
on some of the the weapons used in the game. Some of the weapons listed here
go by more than one name depending on what version of the game you have. I
will use the weapon name used on the latest version of the Vice City.

Each weapon listed here have notes on their operations and usefulness plus,
if applicable, when they appear at Ammu-Nations or other locations and for
how much as well as alternate weapon names.


|############################| Slot 1 - Camera |############################|
| There is only one mission in the game in which this is used, "Martha's    |
| Mug Shot". This is not a weapon but it has its own slot so you can use    |
| the item during that particular mission.                                  |


|#############################| Slot 2 - Fist |#############################|
| This is your standard bare fist. However, you can make it more powerful   |
| by adding a piece of metal to it known as Brass Knuckles. They can be     |
| acquired from the guards at the Malibu Club or found in places in the     |
| city.                                                                     |


|#########################| Slot 3 - Melee Weapons |########################|
| These weapons are used for pounding, stabbing, and slicing your enemies.  |
| There are quite a lot of choices here for the discriminating psychotic.   |
| Nightstick    |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| This can be acquired from a dead Cop since he won't be needing it anyway  |
| (or the locker room of the Washington Beach Police Station). Perfect for  |
| use in playing "Bad Cop, Naughty Prisoner".....                           |
| Golf Club     |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Can be acquired in or around Leaf Links Golf Club (usually by mugging a   |
| golfer) or by swiping a Caddy. You can improve your swing and work        |
| somebody over at the same time.....                                       |
| Screwdriver   |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Cost          | $10 - Tooled Up, Bunch of Tools, and Screw This Hardware  |
|               |       Stores.                                             |
| Notes         | Use this to add some literalism to the statement, "Screw  |
|               | you!"                                                     |
| Hammer        |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Cost          | $20 - Tooled Up, Bunch of Tools, and Screw This Hardware  |
|               |       Stores.                                             |
| Notes         | Pound them and then rip out body parts with the claw..... |
| Meat Cleaver  |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Cost          | $50 - Tooled Up, Bunch of Tools, and Screw This Hardware  |
|               |       Stores.                                             |
| Notes         | Slice, dice, and make giblets out of anyone that gets in  |
|               | your way.....                                             |
| Knife         |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Cost          | $90 - Tooled Up Hardware Store.                           |
| Notes         | "This knife killed over 25,000 people in Cambodia. Now    |
|               |  you can too!"                                            |
| Baseball Bat  |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears After | Riot.                                                     |
| Cost          | $80 - Bunch of Tools Hardware Store.                      |
| Notes         | Great for batting practice (on somebody's head) or        |
|               | breaking kneecaps.                                        |
| Machete       |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears After | Treacherous Swine.                                        |
| Cost          | $100 - Bunch of Tools and Screw This Hardware Stores.     |
| Notes         | "That's not a knife, mate. Now this, this is a big ass    |
|               |  m***********g knife!"                                    |
| Katana        |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears After | The Chase.                                                |
| Cost          | $300 - Tooled Up Hardware Store.                          |
| Notes         | While overhead swings can be effective, running anyone    |
|               | through with this sword will kill instantly. "Wow! You    |
|               | look like a psycho!"                                      |
| Chainsaw      |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Cost          | $500 - Screw This Hardware Store.                         |
| Notes         | Be careful using this weapon because you move slowly      |
|               | while using it thus you are vulnerable to being attacked  |
|               | or busted. However, according to Gui Ritter, you can jump |
|               | when holding this weapon which will allow you to get away |
|               | more quickly than by just running alone.                  |


|######################| Slot 4 - Projectile Weapons |######################|
| These weapons are meant to be thrown at your targets. The longer you hold |
| the Attack button, the farther you throw.                                 |
| Tear Gas       |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| This weapon can wear out your armor and health quickly if you stay in the |
| cloud for too long. Outside of a kick to the groin this is probably the   |
| best way to make a grown man cry......                                    |
|   **NOTE: This weapon is *NOT* available in either the PC or Xbox         |
|           versions. It is still available in the PS2 Original Version     |
|           (1.40) and PS2 Double Pack version (2.01).                      |
| Molotovs       |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Can be used to flambe' your enemies and yourself if you're too careless   |
| in where you throw one. Best used when you acquire the Fireproof Feature  |
| (by doing the Firetruck Mission) to keep yourself cool when everybody     |
| else is not.....                                                          |
| Grenades       |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Cost           | $300 - North Point Mall Ammu-Nation.                     |
| Notes          | Toss one of these and watch the crowds scatter (in more  |
|                | ways than one).....                                      |
| Remote Grenade |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears After  | Boomshine Saigon.                                        |
| Cost           | $1,000 - Phil's Place.                                   |
| Notes          | Throw this like a Grenade and detonate it at your        |
|                | leisure. Good for ambushes.                              |
|                |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                |   **NOTE: On the PS2 Original Version *ONLY*: This       |
|                |           weapon should *NOT* be used when Infinite Ammo |
|                |           is acquired at 100% Completion due to a bug.   |


|###########################| Slot 5 - Handguns |###########################|
| Pistol        |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Also Known As | Colt .45.                                                 |
| Cost          | $100 - North Point Mall and Ocean Beach Ammu-Nations.     |
| Notes         | A decent handgun that can be bought or acquired from dead |
|               | Cops. This gun is also known as a Government Model 1911.  |
|               | You can use this weapon while running to make yourself    |
|               | harder to hit while taking down a target at the same      |
|               | time.                                                     |
| .357          |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears After | Rub Out.                                                  |
| Also Known As | Colt Python.                                              |
| Cost          | $2,000 - Downtown Ammu-Nation.                            |
| Notes         | The best handgun around and one of the best weapons to    |
|               | use, period. While the game version of this weapon is     |
|               | chambered for 9mm (.357), it's more often chambered for   |
|               | the larger 12.7mm round in the real world.                |
|               |                                                           |
|               | This gun is practically a one-kill weapon (except on SWAT |
|               | members) making this very effective on most missions. You |
|               | can't run while shooting with this gun but, if you are    |
|               | quick with your targeting, then you can still make fast   |
|               | work of a group of enemies with little damage.            |


|###########################| Slot 6 - Shotguns |###########################|
| These ridiculously powerful weapons will make short work of anything      |
| (including vehicles - even the Hunter). You can't run while holding one   |
| but that doesn't make you any less dangerous.                             |
| Stubby Shotgun |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| This Shotgun has had the barrels sawn off to make it easier to conceal.   |
| However, this greatly reduces its range. But it's still a real beast up   |
| close.                                                                    |
| Chrome Shotgun |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears After  | Mall Shootout.                                           |
| Cost           | $500 - Ocean Beach Ammu-Nation.                          |
| Notes          | A standard pump action single barreled shotgun. Slow on  |
|                | the fire rate but still effective.                       |
| S.P.A.S. 12    |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears After  | Bar Brawl.                                               |
| Also Known As  | Spaz Shotgun.                                            |
| Cost           | $4,000 - Downtown Ammu-Nation.                           |
| Notes          | A much cooler looking rapid-fire shotgun. This is the    |
|                | best Shotgun in the game. Great against Mafia bosses.    |


|#######################| Slot 7 - Sub-Machine Guns |#######################|
| These lightweight weapons can take down anyone very quickly. These are    |
| the only weapons that can be used while in a car, motorcycle or boat.     |
| Tec-9         |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| This has the largest magazine of this group but is less accurate and has  |
| a slower rate of fire. But you can run and aim at the same time like you  |
| can with the Pistol.                                                      |
| Mac           |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Also Known As | Ingram Mac-10.                                            |
| Cost          | $300 - Ocean Beach Ammu-Nation.                           |
| Notes         | This gun is a little bit better than the Tec-9 but has    |
|               | about half the clip capacity. Like the Pistol and the     |
|               | Tec-9, you can also aim and run at the same time using    |
|               | the Mac.                                                  |
| Uz-1          |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Also Known As | Uzi 9mm.                                                  |
| Cost          | $400 - North Point Mall Ammu-Nation.                      |
| Notes         | One of the better machine guns here as it has a good rate |
|               | of fire and accuracy. It also has a slightly faster       |
|               | reload than the other guns. Because you have to use two   |
|               | hands when firing, you can't aim and run at the same time |
|               | while using this weapon.                                  |
| MP            |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears After | Rub Out.                                                  |
| Also Known As | MP5.                                                      |
| Cost          | $3,000 - Downtown Ammu-Nation.                            |
| Notes         | The best sub-machine gun in the group. Has a high rate of |
|               | accuracy and fire making it perfect for drive-bys. You    |
|               | can either get one off an FBI agent (good luck) during a  |
|               | 5-Star Wanted Rating or purchase one from the Downtown    |
|               | Ammu-Nation.                                              |
|               |                                                           |
|               | Like the Uz-1, you can't aim and run at the same time     |
|               | because you have to use both hands to fire this weapon.   |


|########################| Slot 8 - Assault Rifles |########################|
| These weapons are very good for getting rid of a crowd. Use Target to     |
| properly aim these weapons. According to Eric Chase you can improve the   |
| accuracy of these weapons by crouching (keeps the targeting sight from    |
| jumping around so much).                                                  |
| Kruger        |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears after | Guardian Angels.                                          |
| Also Known As | Ruger.                                                    |
| Cost          | $1,000 - Ocean Beach Ammu-Nation.                         |
| Notes         | This has a decent rate of fire and your targeting sight   |
|               | remains steady. This is also known as a Mini-M14.         |
| M4            |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears After | Rub Out.                                                  |
| Cost          | $5,000 - Downtown Ammu-Nation.                            |
| Notes         | This has a very fast rate of fire but your sight will     |
|               | jump all around the screen. Good for quick work once you  |
|               | manage to compensate for the unsteadiness of the rifle.   |


|#########################| Slot 9 - Heavy Weapons |########################|
| These are some of the most powerful weapons in the game. However, you     |
| walk slowly while carrying them thus making you an easy target for law    |
| enforcement (or pissed off pedestrians).                                  |
| Flamethrower    |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Better than the Molotovs for roasting nearby enemies because you can aim  |
| where the flames go. Its main use is against the Rhino since fire is the  |
| only thing that can destroy it.                                           |
| M60             |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears After   | Boomshine Saigon.                                       |
| Cost            | $8,000 - Phil's Place.                                  |
| Notes           | A large powerful Army-style machine gun. It uses a      |
|                 | 7.62mm NATO round and has a moderate rate of fire.      |
|                 | However, when firing the weapon, then the sight will    |
|                 | jump around the screen.                                 |
|                 |                                                         |
|                 | But it will still make quick work of anything that gets |
|                 | in its way. According to Eric Chase you can improve the |
|                 | accuracy of this weapon by crouching (keeps the         |
|                 | targeting sight from jumping around so much).           |
| Rocket Launcher |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears After   | Boomshine Saigon.                                       |
| Cost            | $8,000 - Phil's Place.                                  |
| Notes           | This very destructive weapon can be made more powerful  |
|                 | when you get the Fast Load feature (after successful    |
|                 | completion of "Rifle Range") for it will make this into |
|                 | a rapid-fire weapon. This weapon is also known as an    |
|                 | RPG-7.                                                  |
| Mini-Gun        |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears After   | Boomshine Saigon.                                       |
| Cost            | $10,000 - Phil's Place.                                 |
| Notes           | Although quite powerful (you can shred anything that is |
|                 | in front of it), it is a pain to use because you can't  |
|                 | lock onto anything and the camera doesn't get a very    |
|                 | good angle behind you (most times).                     |
|                 |                                                         |
|                 | However, according to reader Oaikhena Amaize, if you    |
|                 | have the PC version, then this weapon is far more       |
|                 | useful and powerful because you can aim this with the   |
|                 | mouse thus giving you far greater control than with the |
|                 | console versions.                                       |


|########################| Slot 10 - Sniper Rifles |########################|
| Excellent for taking long range target practice and zooming in on various |
| features (they also make excellent binoculars).                           |
| Sniper Rifle  |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears After | Phnom Penh '86.                                           |
| Cost          | $1,500 - Downtown Ammu-Nation.                            |
| Notes         | This fires one shot at a time and reloads slowly but it   |
|               | is effective. This weapon is also known as a civilian     |
|               | model of he M24 and the M40 and is also the same sniper   |
|               | rifle used in "Grand Theft Auto III".                     |
|               |                                                           |
|               | You can make this rifle into a rapid-fire weapon when you |
|               | acquire the Fast Load feature (by successfully completing |
|               | "Rifle Range").                                           |
| .308 Sniper   |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Appears After | Shakedown.                                                |
| Also Known As | PSG1.                                                     |
| Cost          | $6,000 - Downtown Ammu-Nation.                            |
| Notes         | The best sniper rifle around. It has a laser scope and    |
|               | multi-round capability.                                   |

| A. Health, Body Armor, Police Bribe, and Adrenaline Icons |##############\

But Weapon Icons aren't the only things you will find scattered around Vice
City. You will also find these other icons that you can use to help you out:

| Health       | This heart-shaped icon is used to restore your health to   |
|              | its maximum of 100. When you complete the Pizza Delivery   |
|              | Mission then the maximum will increase to 150.             |
|              |                                                            |
|              | When you get 100% Completion then the maximum will go to   |
|              | 200. You can purchase Health from all four Hospitals and   |
|              | all three Pharmacies for $20.                              |
| Body Armor   | This armor-shaped icon will increase your armor rating to  |
|              | its maximum of 100. When you complete Level 12 of a        |
|              | Vigilante Mission then your maximum will increase to 150.  |
|              | When you get 100% Completion then the maximum will go up   |
|              | to 200.                                                    |
|              |                                                            |
|              | You can purchase Body Armor at all three Ammu-Nations      |
|              | after completion of the mission "Jury Fury". You can also  |
|              | unlock the Body Armor Icons at your main Safehouses by     |
|              | collecting 10 Hidden Packages.                             |
| Police Bribe | These star-shaped icons will drop your Wanted Rating by    |
|              | one star when picked up. It is best to know where all the  |
|              | bribe icons are located before doing any missions so you   |
|              | can quickly deal with any law enforcement pursuit.         |
| Adrenaline   | This pill-shaped icon will slow things down and give you   |
|              | super strength. Good for tight situations when you need a  |
|              | little extra help. You can purchase Adrenaline from all    |
|              | three Pharmacies for $10.                                  |

With that explained, let's go over the.....

| >EST9. East Side Weapons and Items                                        |

Listed in this chapter, by neighborhood, are the Weapon, Health, Body Armor,
Police Bribe, and Adrenaline Icons for the East Side of Vice City. Map
co-ordinates are included and directions and notes, as necessary, are
indicated with a ">>".


|##############################| Prawn Island |#############################|
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Weapons |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Uz-1 | On the front porch of The Mendez Brothers House.                   |
|      | Map: (B-4).                                                        |
| M4   | Behind the moon lander inside Studio B at the Interglobal Films    |
|      | complex.                                                           |
|      | Map: (B-4).                                                        |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Health |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| At the north side of the fountain in the center of Prawn Island.          |
| Map: (B-4).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Body Armor |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Tucked in a corner inside a small enclosed yard across the street         |
| southeast of the entrance to Interglobal Films.                           |
| Map: (B-4).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Police Bribe |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| On the road at the southeast corner of Prawn Island.                      |
| Map: (B-4).                                                               |


|############################| North Point Mall |###########################|
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Weapons |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Katana | Inside the back office of the Tarbrush Cafe at the southeast     |
|        | side of the ground floor of the Mall.                            |
|        | Map: (B-5).                                                      |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Health |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Inside the giant cup display at the northwest side of the ground floor of |
| the Mall.                                                                 |
| Map: (B-5).                                                               |


|###############################| Vice Point |##############################|
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Weapons |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Kruger         | On top of the roof behind El Swanko Casa.                |
|                | Map: (C-5).                                              |
| Meat Cleaver   | Behind The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Vice Point).          |
|                | Map: (D-5).                                              |
| Remote Grenade | Near the northeast corner behind the large blue hotel    |
|                | building across the street east of Washington Street     |
|                | Apartments.                                              |
|                | Map: (D-5).                                              |
|                |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                |   **NOTE: On the PS2 Original Version *ONLY*: This       |
|                |           weapon should *NOT* be used when Infinite Ammo |
|                |           is acquired at 100% Completion due to a bug.   |
| Tec-9          | Between the backsides of two houses near the end of a    |
|                | cul-de-sac.                                              |
|                | Map: (D-5).                                              |
|                |                                                          |
|                |   >>From The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Vice Point), head   |
|                |     west and cross the bridge. After crossing the bridge |
|                |     then look right to find a salmon colored wall.       |
|                |                                                          |
|                |     After this wall ends then turn right and you should  |
|                |     be on a grassy alley that runs behind a row of       |
|                |     houses that are part of a cul-de-sac. Continue to    |
|                |     the end of this row to find a pink house.            |
|                |                                                          |
|                |     Just before you get to this house then look left and |
|                |     you should see the weapon between the pink house and |
|                |     the light green house before it.                     |
| Pistol         | At the east side of the first floor of the building      |
|                | under construction at Fairground Point.                  |
|                | Map: (E-5).                                              |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Health |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| At Shady Palms Hospital.                                                  |
| Map: (C-5).                                                               |
| At the Dispensary (Vice Point).                                           |
| Map: (C-5).                                                               |
| Behind a dumpster.                                                        |
| Map: (C-5).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>From the Vice Point Pay 'N' Spray, head north and stop at the next    |
|     three-way intersection. At the southeast corner of this intersection  |
|     is a dumpster. The Health can be found behind this dumpster.          |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Body Armor |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Tucked in the northwest corner of the orange-and-white building next door |
| south of the 3321 Vice Point Rd. Safehouse.                               |
| Map: (B-5).                                                               |
| On the top level in the center of a blue-and-white building.              |
| Map: (B-5).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>From the El Casa Swanko Safehouse, head north through the first       |
|     three-way intersection then stop at the next three-way intersection.  |
|     At the northwest corner of this intersection is the blue and white    |
|     building. The entrance into the center of this building is on the     |
|     east side then climb the ramp to the top level where the Armor can be |
|     found.                                                                |
| Inside the pool bar at the house across the street south of El Casa       |
| Swanko.                                                                   |
| Map: (C-5).                                                               |
| At the west side of the basketball courts in the center of the Washington |
| Street Apartments complex.                                                |
| Map: (D-5).                                                               |
| Near the entrance of Standing Vice Point Hotel.                           |
| Map: (D-5).                                                               |
| Behind the wall at the northeast corner of the ground floor of Star View  |
| Heights.                                                                  |
| Map: (E-5).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Police Bribe |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| On the lower level at the south side of the North Point Mall.             |
| Map: (B-5).                                                               |
| On the pathway that cuts across the Vice Point Apartments area directly   |
| across the street east of Links View Heights.                             |
| Map: (C-5).                                                               |
| Between the trees just across the street southeast of The Well Stacked    |
| Pizza Co. (Vice Point).                                                   |
| Map: (D-5).                                                               |
| At the east side of a white and yellow building.                          |
| Map: (D-5).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>From The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Vice Point), head west and cross the |
|     bridge. After crossing the bridge then look left to find a salmon     |
|     colored wall. After this wall ends then turn left and you should see  |
|     a large white and yellow building. Go along the east side of this     |
|     building where the Bribe can be found.                                |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Adrenaline |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Between a wall and a set of stairs just south of the North Point Mall.    |
| Map: (B-5).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>Head to the three-way intersection at the southeast corner of the     |
|     North Point Mall area. From here, head west but stay close to the     |
|     white and tan building which should be to your left. Eventually you   |
|     will get to a large gap in the wall that will lead you to North       |
|     Bridge (East).                                                        |
|                                                                           |
|     Stop before you reach this gap and look left to find the Adrenaline   |
|     between the wall and a set of stairs for the white and tan building.  |
| At the Dispensary (Vice Point).                                           |
| Map: (C-5).                                                               |
| On the upper porch at the north side of Washington Street Apartments      |
| directly across the street south of Vice Point Apartments.                |
| Map: (D-5).                                                               |
| At the west side of the gray and blue condo building across the street    |
| south of The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Vice Point).                         |
| Map: (D-5).                                                               |


|##########################| Leaf Links Golf Club |#########################|
| In the early part of the game the Golf Club is locked until the           |
| completion of the mission "Four Iron". To get inside early you should get |
| an Ambulance and drive to the locked gate. What you need to do is put the |
| vehicle against the bridge railing which should be to your right.         |
|                                                                           |
| The front of the Ambulance should be almost at the locked gate. Push the  |
| Ambulance against the railing if it is not close enough. Climb onto the   |
| vehicle then jump over the bridge railing to enter the Golf Club.         |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Weapons |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Golf Club | Behind the Clubhouse.                                         |
|           | Map: (C-4).                                                   |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Health |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| On the west foot bridge at the north section of Leaf Links Golf Club.     |
| Map: (C-4).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Body Armor |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| In a bunker for Hole 12 at the northwest area of the golf course.         |
| Map: (C-4).                                                               |


|############################| Washington Beach |###########################|
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Weapons |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Grenades       | Behind the Washington Beach Police Station.              |
|                | Map: (E-5).                                              |
|                |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                |   **NOTE: This only appears in the Xbox, PC, PS2 Double  |
|                |           Pack (3.00), and PS2 Haitian-Friendly (3.00,   |
|                |           3.01) versions.                                |
| Tear Gas       | Behind the Washington Beach Police Station.              |
|                | Map: (E-5).                                              |
|                |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                |   **NOTE: This weapon only appears in the PS2 Original   |
|                |           Version (1.40), and PS2 Haitian-Unfriendly     |
|                |           Double Pack version (2.01).                    |
| Machete        | At the southeast corner of Island Bridge (East) next to  |
|                | the Starfish Island Estates archway.                     |
|                | Map: (E-4).                                              |
| Chrome Shotgun | By one of the benches on the beach sidewalk south of     |
|                | Standing Vice Point Hotel.                               |
|                | Map: (E-5).                                              |
|                |                                                          |
|                |   >>At the south side of the Standing Vice Point Hotel   |
|                |     is a large beach sidewalk. Go onto this sidewalk and |
|                |     take the curve going south. The first bench you come |
|                |     to is where you can find the weapon.                 |
| Uz-1           | At the west side, near the front, of Washington Beach    |
|                | Apartments.                                              |
|                | Map: (F-5).                                              |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Health |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| On top of the building across the street east of the Washington Beach     |
| Police Station.                                                           |
| Map: (E-5).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Body Armor |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| By the swimming pool at the north side of Washington Beach Apartments.    |
| Map: (F-5).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Police Bribe |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| In the alley just north of DBP Security.                                  |
| Map: (E-5).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Adrenaline |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| On the ground floor at the west end of the Washington Mall.               |
| Map: (F-4).                                                               |


|##############################| Ocean Beach |##############################|
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Weapons |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Chrome Shotgun | Next to the ramp at the southeast corner of the top      |
|                | level of the Washington Mall parking garage.             |
|                | Map: (F-4).                                              |
| Pistol         | Just south of the entrance of the large white building   |
|                | at the Vice City Marina.                                 |
|                | Map: (G-4).                                              |
| Uz-1           | Behind the Ocean Beach Pay 'N' Spray.                    |
|                | Map: (G-4).                                              |
| Chainsaw       | Inside Apartment 3c which is at the small pink and white |
|                | apartment building next door south of the Ocean Beach    |
|                | Pay 'N' Spray.                                           |
|                | Map: (G-4).                                              |
|                |                                                          |
|                |   >>From the Ocean Beach Pay 'N' Spray, go south and     |
|                |     turn left at the next three-way intersection. As you |
|                |     proceed forward then you should see a pink and white |
|                |     apartment building to your left.                     |
|                |                                                          |
|                |     Stop here then climb the stairs and enter the open   |
|                |     door at the east end of the balcony to enter this    |
|                |     apartment. The weapon can be found inside the        |
|                |     bathroom.                                            |
| Baseball Bat   | Behind the Ocean View Hotel.                             |
|                | Map: (G-5).                                              |
| Brass Knuckles | In a nook of the white building in the alley that runs   |
|                | behind the Ocean View Hotel just north of the hotel      |
|                | itself (and north of the Baseball Bat).                  |
|                | Map: (G-5).                                              |
| Knife          | In a corner of the covered parking area behind the       |
|                | Maison Weinfall restaurant.                              |
|                | Map: (G-5).                                              |
|                |                                                          |
|                |   >>From the entrance of The Pole Position Club, go east |
|                |     into the alley at the east side of the three-way     |
|                |     intersection. Then turn right at the next corner.    |
|                |                                                          |
|                |     Go forward until you reach the end of the alley and  |
|                |     arrive at the covered parking area at the back of    |
|                |     the restaurant where the weapon can be found.        |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Health |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| In front of Ocean View Hospital.                                          |
| Map: (F-4).                                                               |
| At the north side of the small park north of the Vice City Marina.        |
| Map: (F-4).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Body Armor |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| At the top of the stairs on the south side of the blue and white stilt    |
| building next door north of the Ocean Beach Pay 'N' Spray.                |
| Map: (G-4).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Police Bribe |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| In the lower shopping area just south of the Ocean Beach Parking Garage.  |
| Map: (G-5).                                                               |

| >EST10. Hidden Packages Explained                                         |

By going after the Hidden Packages, strewn throughout Vice City, then you
will be helping yourself to get familiar with this metropolis as well as
generating Weapon Icons for your Safehouses and vehicles at certain places.

The Weapon Icons will spawn at the Ocean View Hotel, the Hyman Condo
(Downtown), and The Mansion (Starfish Island). The vehicles will spawn where

There are 100 Hidden Packages total and each Package retrieved will give
$100. You will also get $100,000 for acquiring all 100 Packages plus
percentage toward 100% Completion.

If you have the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version then by acquiring 50 Packages you
should get the {Scouring the City} Trophy and finding all 100 Packages should
get you the {City Sleuth} Trophy.

This is the list of what you get for acquiring the Hidden Packages:

  | 10 Packages - Body Armor   |===| 60 Packages - Mini-Gun        |
  | 20 Packages - Chainsaw     |===| 70 Packages - Rocket Launcher |
  | 30 Packages - .357         |===| 80 Packages - Sea Sparrow     |
  | 40 Packages - Flamethrower |===| 90 Packages - Rhino           |
  | 50 Packages - .308 Sniper  |===| 100 Packages - Hunter         |

The Sea Sparrow can be found at The Mansion on Starfish Island. Both the
Rhino and Hunter can be found at Fort Baxter Air Base.

There are three Packages that need to be acquired by helicopter or boat and
can be done later. For those on the ground, you can speed up the process by
using a Faggio which will allow you to get into small places quickly.

| >EST11. Hidden Packages (East Side)                                       |

Listed below, by neighborhood, are the forty nine Hidden Packages that can be
found on, or near, the East Side. Information on location, map co-ordinates,
directions (if necessary), and notes (if necessary) are provided with each


|####################| Prawn Island (PRI), Packages - 5 |###################|
|#[PRI-H1]   | At the west side of the abandoned house southwest of The     |
|            | Mendez Brothers House.                                       |
|            | Map: (B-4).                                                  |
|#[PRI-H2]   | Inside a small room at the abandoned house southeast of The  |
|            | Mendez Brothers House.                                       |
|            | Map: (B-4).                                                  |
| Notes      | Here's the best way to acquire this Package:                 |
|            |                                                              |
|            |   --When you get inside the house then look around.          |
|            |   --At the right side, on the floor, is a ruined picture.    |
|            |   --Above that picture is a hole in the wall.                |
|            |   --Beyond that hole is another room. This is where the      |
|            |     Package is at.                                           |
|            |   --Go up the right side of the stairs then stop at the set  |
|            |     of doors near the hole (where it cuts into the floor).   |
|            |   --Look down into the hole and you should be able to see    |
|            |     it.                                                      |
|            |   --If you can see it then jump and you should get through   |
|            |     the hole.                                                |
|            |   --Once you do that then grab the Package and use the       |
|            |     pallets to climb out.                                    |
|#[PRI-H3]   | Inside Studio C at the north part of the Interglobal Film    |
|            | Studio lot.                                                  |
|            | Map: (B-4).                                                  |
|#[PRI-H4]   | On top of the blue glass building inside the Interglobal     |
|            | Film Studios lot.                                            |
|            | Map: (B-4).                                                  |
| Notes      | This Package can be acquired by either helicopter or         |
|            | motorcycle.                                                  |
|            |                                                              |
|            | When using a motorcycle then get on top of the building      |
|            | across the street east of the studio and line yourself up    |
|            | with a concrete ramp (which is also a Unique Stunt Jump) but |
|            | angle right towards the blue building during your approach.  |
|            |                                                              |
|            | You'll have to stop quick when you get on top of the blue    |
|            | glass building otherwise you'll fall off.                    |
|#[PRI-H5]   | At the end of the alley at the east side of the large        |
|            | building on the east side of Prawn Island.                   |
|            | Map: (B-4).                                                  |


|##################| North Point Mall (NPM), Packages - 2 |#################|
|#[NPM-H6]   | At the east side of the second floor by some sale signs.     |
|            | Map: (B-5).                                                  |
|#[NPM-H7]   | Tucked in the southwest corner inside the Gash store at the  |
|            | south side of the second floor.                              |
|            | Map: (B-5).                                                  |


|####################| Vice Point (VCP), Packages - 20 |####################|
|#[VCP-H8]   | Inside the nook between the entrances at the north end of    |
|            | North Point Mall.                                            |
|            | Map: (B-5).                                                  |
|#[VCP-H9]   | At the southwest corner on the ground floor of the North     |
|            | Point Mall parking garage.                                   |
|            | Map: (B-5).                                                  |
|#[VCP-H10]  | At the east side of the orange-and-white building next door  |
|            | south of the 3321 Vice Point Rd. Safehouse.                  |
|            | Map: (B-4).                                                  |
|#[VCP-H11]  | Behind the Jocksport sign at the east side of the Beach      |
|            | Dirtbike Track.                                              |
|            | Map: (B-6).                                                  |
|#[VCP-H12]  | On the ground next to the railing at the south side of the   |
|            | east end of North Bridge (East).                             |
|            | Map: (B-5).                                                  |
| Directions | Go under the bridge then go west towards the wall. Go south  |
|            | until you are no longer under the bridge. Look right to see  |
|            | the railing at the water's edge. You should see the Package  |
|            | in the corner where the railing meets the bridge.            |
|#[VCP-H13]  | In the walled-in area of the hairpin turn at the south end   |
|            | of the Ducum Inn.                                            |
|            | Map: (C-5).                                                  |
|#[VCP-H14]  | On the highest diving board behind the Ducum Inn.            |
|            | Map: (C-5).                                                  |
|#[VCP-H15]  | By the back door at the northwest corner of the luxury home  |
|            | across the street south of Links View Heights.               |
|            | Map: (C-5).                                                  |
|#[VCP-H16]  | On the rooftop of Vice Point Apartments.                     |
|            | Map: (C-5).                                                  |
| Directions | Go up the stairs at the south end of the apartment complex   |
|            | and hang a left when you get to the top. After you fall down |
|            | to the next lower level then the Package should be behind    |
|            | and to the left of you.                                      |
|#[VCP-H17]  | Tucked in the corner of a wooden fence next to a large tree  |
|            | at the north side of the courtyard of Vice Point Apartments. |
|            | Map: (C-5).                                                  |
| Directions | From Links View Heights, head across the street east and     |
|            | onto the path that cuts across the Vice Point Apartments     |
|            | area.                                                        |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Head forward past the Police Bribe and turn left into the    |
|            | opening of the wooden fence. Head northwest to the corner of |
|            | this wooden fence to find a large tree. The Package can be   |
|            | can be found next to this tree.                              |
|#[VCP-H18]  | Inside the Jewelry Store.                                    |
|            | Map: (D-5).                                                  |
| Directions | From the three-way intersection at east side of The Well     |
|            | Stacked Pizza Co. (Vice Point), head north and through the   |
|            | next three-way intersection. Just past this intersection you |
|            | should see a small un-marked store to your left which is the |
|            | Jewelry Store where you can find the Package within.         |
|#[VCP-H19]  | Inside The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Vice Point).              |
|            | Map: (D-5).                                                  |
|#[VCP-H20]  | Behind the stairs at the south side of Washington Street     |
|            | Apartments.                                                  |
|            | Map: (D-5).                                                  |
|#[VCP-H21]  | On top of the gray and blue condo building across the street |
|            | south of The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Vice Point).            |
|            | Map: (D-5).                                                  |
| Notes      | Use a Helicopter and land in the pool and it should be off   |
|            | off to your left. Another option is to wait until the        |
|            | mission "Treacherous Swine". If you manage to kill Gonzalez  |
|            | while on the rooftop then you can get the Package before     |
|            | before heading back down.                                    |
|#[VCP-H22]  | In a corner of the docking area behind The Malibu Club.      |
|            | Map: (D-5).                                                  |
|#[VCP-H23]  | At the northwest corner of the pool area behind the WK       |
|            | Chariot Hotel.                                               |
|            | Map: (D-5).                                                  |
|#[VCP-H24]  | On top of the tall light gray and blue building across the   |
|            | street southeast of The Malibu Club.                         |
|            | Map: (D-5).                                                  |
| Notes      | This Package can only be obtained by Helicopter. Land in the |
|            | pool and the Package should be off to your right.            |
|#[VCP-H25]  | At the end of the steel beam sticking out from the top floor |
|            | of the building under construction at Fairground Point.      |
|            | Map: (E-5).                                                  |
|#[VCP-H26]  | On the wooden dock at the west side of the small apartments  |
|            | directly across the street west of Fairground Point.         |
|            | Map: (E-5).                                                  |
|#[VCP-H27]  | Behind the Spand Express building.                           |
|            | Map: (E-5).                                                  |
| Notes      | This place won't open itself until after completion of the   |
|            | mission "Riot" but you can still get this Package            |
|            | beforehand.                                                  |
|            |                                                              |
|            | The best way to acquire it, as suggested by Andrew Morgan,   |
|            | is to get a tall vehicle (I prefer an Ambulance) and go up   |
|            | to the gate. Jump on top of the vehicle then jump over the   |
|            | gate.                                                        |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Go around the back and collect it and use the boxes at the   |
|            | west side of the Spand Express area to jump back over the    |
|            | wall and into the nearby Fairground Point construction site. |


|################| Leaf Links Golf Club (LGC), Packages - 5 |###############|
| In the early part of the game the Golf Club is locked until the           |
| completion of the mission "Four Iron". To get inside early you should get |
| an Ambulance and drive to the locked gate. What you need to do is put the |
| vehicle against the bridge railing which should be to your right.         |
|                                                                           |
| The front of the Ambulance should be almost at the locked gate. Push the  |
| Ambulance against the railing if it is not close enough. Climb onto the   |
| vehicle then jump over the bridge railing to enter the Golf Club.         |
|#[LGC-H28]  | At the north tee of the driving range at the north section   |
|            | of the Golf Club.                                            |
|            | Map: (C-4).                                                  |
|#[LGC-H29]  | Under the bridge that leads back to Vice Point.              |
|            | Map: (D-5).                                                  |
|#[LGC-H30]  | In a bunker northwest of the end of S-curved road that is    |
|            | west of the Clubhouse.                                       |
|            | Map: (D-4).                                                  |
|#[LGC-H31]  | On a small island in the middle of a large water hazard at   |
|            | the south section of the Golf Club almost directly south of  |
|            | the foot bridge that connects the north and south halves of  |
|            | the course.                                                  |
|            | Map: (D-4).                                                  |
|#[LGC-H32]  | On the bridge that goes to the southmost island of the Golf  |
|            | Club.                                                        |
|            | Map: (D-4).                                                  |


|#################| Washington Beach (WSB), Packages - 10 |#################|
|#[WSB-H33]  | On the steps of a hut on the beach.                          |
|            | Map: (E-6).                                                  |
| Notes      | Head to the very southeast corner of the Standing Vice Point |
|            | Hotel. When you get to this corner then turn southeast and   |
|            | go in that direction onto the beach. After some distance you |
|            | will find a small hut where you can find the Package.        |
|#[WSB-H34]  | Underneath Island Bridge (East).                             |
|            | Map: (E-4).                                                  |
|#[WSB-H35]  | At the north end of the open showers at the northwest corner |
|            | of Starfish Apartment Complex.                               |
|            | Map: (E-4).                                                  |
|#[WSB-H36]  | In a corner at the center of the salmon and pink office      |
|            | building in the center of the Starfish Apartment Complex.    |
|            | Map: (E-4).                                                  |
|#[WSB-H37]  | On the ground at the southeast corner of the small bridge    |
|            | near the southeast corner of the Starfish Apartment Complex. |
|            | Map: (E-5).                                                  |
|#[WSB-H38]  | On the second floor of the Washington Beach Police Station.  |
|            | Map: (E-5).                                                  |
| Notes      | Go into the lobby and up to where the sign says "No          |
|            | civilians beyond this point". Then run up the stairs, jump   |
|            | jump over the desks to quickly get to the room across from   |
|            | the stairs (and to help get past the shooting Cops since you |
|            | now have a 2-Star Wanted Rating).                            |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Grab the Package and go back the same way you came. After    |
|            | you get out of the station then grab a car and go to the     |
|            | nearest Pay 'N' Spray or find a nearby Police Bribe to get   |
|            | rid of the Wanted Rating.                                    |
|            |                                                              |
|            | If you have trouble acquiring it then you may want to wait   |
|            | until you have completed both the Pizza Delivery and         |
|            | Ambulance Missions. This will make grabbing the Package      |
|            | easier.                                                      |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Or you may want to wait until either of the missions "No     |
|            | Escape?" or "Copland" to get a Cop Outfit so you can take it |
|            | without the Cops shooting at you.                            |
|#[WSB-H39]  | On the roof of the tall blue and white building across the   |
|            | street south of the Washington Beach Police Station.         |
|            | Map: (E-5).                                                  |
| Notes      | This Package can only be acquired by Helicopter.             |
|#[WSB-H40]  | At the southwest part of the roof of the building for DBP    |
|            | Security.                                                    |
|            | Map: (F-5).                                                  |
| Notes      | This Package can be acquired by either a Helicopter or by    |
|            | completing Jump [WSB-J10].                                   |
|#[WSB-H41]  | At the west side of the 1102 Washington Street Safehouse.    |
|            | Map: (F-5).                                                  |
|#[WSB-H42]  | By the swimming pool at the north side of Washington Beach   |
|            | Apartments.                                                  |
|            | Map: (F-5).                                                  |


|####################| Ocean Beach (OCB), Packages - 7 |####################|
|#[OCB-H43]  | On the walkway under the South Bridge.                       |
|            | Map: (F-4).                                                  |
|#[OCB-H44]  | At the west side of the west building for The Ocean View     |
|            | Medical Foundation complex.                                  |
|            | Map: (F-4).                                                  |
|#[OCB-H45]  | On the roof of the building across the street and east of    |
|            | the Washington Mall.                                         |
|            | Map: (F-5).                                                  |
| Notes      | This Package can be acquired while doing Unique Stunt Jump   |
|            | [OCB-J13]. After landing then use one of the vents to your   |
|            | right to jump up to the roof where it is located. It can     |
|            | also be acquired by Helicopter.                              |
|#[OCB-H46]  | At the northwest corner inside the underground parking       |
|            | garage at the south end of the Vice City Marina.             |
|            | Map: (G-4).                                                  |
|#[OCB-H47]  | At the top of the steps of the Lighthouse.                   |
|            | Map: (H-5).                                                  |
|#[OCB-H48]  | By the back steps of the house, with a helipad, across the   |
|            | street south of the Ocean Beach Church.                      |
|            | Map: (G-4).                                                  |
|#[OCB-H49]  | On the large rocks south of the Vice City Marina.            |
|            | Map: (G-4).                                                  |
| Notes      | This Package can be acquired by either boat or Sea Sparrow.  |
|            | The only boats available at this point are at Pier 1 at the  |
|            | Vice City Marina.                                            |
|            |                                                              |
|            | If you cross onto the West Side early but do not spawn the   |
|            | Sea Sparrow then grab a helicopter from Downtown and fly     |
|            | back to the Marina. Land close to the Rio and then use this  |
|            | boat to go over to the Package.                              |
|            |                                                              |
|            | If you are using the Sea Sparrow then land on the rock to    |
|            | the right of it (when approaching from the north). The       |
|            | helicopter may slide back into the water while you are       |
|            | collecting it but it will still be close to the rock so you  |
|            | can get back in.                                             |

| >EST12. Cone Crazy                                                        |

At the top of the Ocean Beach Parking Garage, which is west of the Ocean View
Hotel, is where you can find this vehicle based side-mission.

Near the north end of the garage is a Stallion that you enter to activate
this mission. Here you must collect five Checkpoints that are placed among
cones that you cannot hit. The timer doesn't start until you get the first
Checkpoint so you can scope the scene first.

When you hit the first marker then you will start with twelve seconds and get
an additional twelve seconds of time for each one you hit. When you
successfully complete the course then you will earn $200.

But the big thing about this mission is that you can exploit it to make lots
of money quickly and early in the game. The reason for that is because each
time you break your record you will double the amount of money you earn.

When you beat the mission the first time then you earn $200. If you break the
record on the second attempt then you will earn $400. Third attempt should
get you $800 and so on. Keep breaking records and you will earn millions of
dollars, even all the way to maximum ($999,999,999). But, if you complete the
course but don't break the record then you will only get $200.

However, after you break a record and do Cone Crazy again the time per marker
will be reduced by one second making it gradually harder to break records
(but will go no lower than six seconds). To maximize the amount you earn you
need to hit the final marker at a precise time to break the previous record
and double your money.

Before you enter the Stallion though there is something you may want to do.
Get in a car and drive up to the third level. All throughout the lot you
should see several small white light posts, one at each end of the concrete
islands. There is one just southeast of the Stallion. Knock it away going
northeast. This will prevent it from becoming a problem as you approach the
last marker later.

When you start the mission then you will see a Checkpoint off to your right
[#5]. As you go to the south end then you will see a Checkpoint in a circle
of cones [#4]. At the south end you will see two more on the ramps in the
corner [#2, #3]. And finally, near the back of the ramp down, is the last
Checkpoint [#1].

You will notice the numbers I attached to each Checkpoint. This is the order 
you hit them to succeed. You don't have to hit them head-on to activate. You 
can just clip them with your fender.

To start, head southeast and towards Checkpoint [#1]. You will see the marker
situated between two rows of cones. Even though it looks like you can't you
can actually drive south through the cones to get Checkpoint [#1] like in the
picture below (the /\ indicates direction):

               *    *|
                (1)  |
                 /\  |
     *    *    * /\ *|_____

After acquiring Checkpoint [#1] and activating the timer then head right to
get [#2, #3]. You have to have good speed going up the ramp or else you will
get hung up at the top. Once you get [#2, #3] then it is a piece of cake from
here. You now have plenty of time to carefully get Checkpoint [#4] and
Checkpoint [#5] to successfully complete the mission.

If you have the PS2 Original Version then you can take advantage of what was
known as the Cone Crazy Glitch. While there are a lot of glitches and bugs in
the PS2 Original Version that are bad, this bug is actually beneficial.
The Cone Crazy Glitch allows you to make a lot of money more quickly than in
other versions. This exploit has been around for awhile but I could not fully
understand how it worked until Walter Marshaleck wrote me in more detail
about this trick.

As mentioned before the amount of time per marker is reduced by one second on
each attempt until it reaches six seconds per marker. But, on that particular
version, even though the game says that the time is being reduced, it is
actually not. This makes it much easier to break records and get lots of
money quickly since the time per marker stays at twelve seconds.

This bug, along with a bug that could get you into negative money if you got
too much money, was fixed on the Double-Pack Version (V2.0) and carried over
to the Haitian-Friendly Version (V3.0). You can still max out your money with
these versions but you need to plan things out more carefully.

You need to get close to the last Checkpoint and hit it with a certain amount
of time on the clock to break the record. Listed below is the attempts you
can do in the current order and the time you need to hit the marker on to
break a record:

    --A: Attempt.
    --B: Time on clock, in seconds, that you need to hit the last marker on.
    --C: Time per marker.
    --Money: How much money you earn when you break the record.

|  A   | B |  C |   Money    |
| 1st  | 1 | 12 |       $200 |
| 2nd  | 1 | 11 |       $400 |
| 3rd  | 1 | 10 |       $800 |
| 4th  | 1 |  9 |     $1,600 |
| 5th  | 1 |  8 |     $3,200 |
| 6th  | 1 |  7 |     $6,400 |
| 7th  | 1 |  6 |    $12,800 |

On your next attempt you need to do a couple of little things in that you
need to move a couple of cones to make it easier to hit the last two
Checkpoints. As noted earlier there is a video by Shadiochao where you can
move the cones around prior to hitting any Checkpoints. You have to do it
carefully though because if you accidentally destroy any then you fail the

Near [#4] is the cone in the center. Push that one south. Near [#5] are two
cones - one by the wall and one just southeast of the Checkpoint. Push the
one southeast of [#5] northeast.

| 8th  | 2 |  6 |    $25,600 |
| 9th  | 3 |  6 |    $51,200 |
| 10th | 4 |  6 |   $102,400 |
| 11th | 5 |  6 |   $204,800 |
| 12th | 6 |  6 |   $409,600 |
| 13th | 7 |  6 |   $819,200 |
| 14th | 8 |  6 | $1,638,400 |

By this point you should get over $3 million which is good enough for the
game. However, if you want more money, especially for those wanting the {Take
the Cannoli} Trophy, then you need to do something different.

| An Alternate Order \

In order to get more money you need to change the order from 1-2-3-4-5 to

Prior to entering the Stallion you need to not only knock away the light cone
to the southeast but there is another light post just north of Checkpoint
[#1] than you knock away to the southwest to get that out of the way. In
addition, there is a car that is normally parked by [#1] so you should move
it towards the Stallion (I also recommend using it to knock away the light

When you activate the mission then head to [#2] and [#3]. There are cones at
the base of the ramps. Gently go up to one and tap the Accelerator to start
moving the cone. What you should do is move the two cones toward each other
and away from the ramps.

Next, go to [#1]. On the side with two cones take the outer one and push it
in towards the one against the short wall. Be careful not to get too close to
the marker or you will start the timer. On the long line of cones move the
outer two to the southeast and close to the outer wall and then move the
third one to the last cone against the short wall.

Next, go and line yourself so that [#4] and [#5] are in a straight line. When
you do that then you should get an idea of which cones you need to move so
you can get a straight shot at these last two markers. Move all the cones
necessary so that there is nothing in the way of a straight shot to the end.
For the cones by [#5] just move them to the northeast.

This takes time to do but it is worth it if you want all the money.

When you are ready then go south at a good speed up the ramp to [#3] then get
[#2] and speed down. Not having the cone at the end of the ramp keeps you
from accidentally hitting it when you start curving towards [#1]. Not having
the car parked by [#1] makes it easier to do a tighter curve.

Clip [#1] then quickly line yourself to get [#4]. Speed to [#5] then stop
before it and wait for the right time to hit the marker to break the record
and complete the course.

As for the remaining attempts:

|  A   | B  | C |     Money    |
| 15th |  9 | 6 |   $3,276,800 |
| 16th | 10 | 6 |   $6,553,600 |
| 17th | 11 | 6 |  $13,107,200 |
| 18th | 12 | 6 |  $26,214,400 |
| 19th | 13 | 6 |  $52,428,800 |
| 20th | 14 | 6 | $104,857,600 |
| 21st | 15 | 6 | $209,715,200 |
| 22nd | 16 | 6 | $419,430,400 |
| 23rd | 17 | 6 | $838,860,800 |

When you start getting up that high you should wait for the money to stop
counting before saving just to be safe.

| >EST13. Trophy Hunting (Part One) (PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version)            |

There are several other Trophies you can acquire before doing any other
activities. This is based on the assumption that you just acquired the {Take
the Cannoli} Trophy and maxed out your money through Cone Crazy.

  >>{Straight to the Dome} Trophy
      This one is for doing 100 headshots. Get some PSG-1 ammo from the Hyman 
      Condo and drive a vehicle to the Little Haiti Pay 'N' Spray. Place it 
      inside and step out. The reason for going here is because of the fact 
      that Haitian gangs spawn a lot here and you can get a lot of easy 
      headshots. Putting the car into the facility will allow you to get rid 
      of Wanted Ratings when the Cops come calling.

  >>{Repeat Offender} Trophy
      This one is for attaining 100 Wanted Rating Stars. When you are done 
      with {Straight to the Dome} then continue causing trouble at the Little 
      Haiti Pay 'N' Spray until you get a 4-Star Wanted Rating. When you get 
      it then get into your car to get rid of the Rating. As the Stars flash 
      then switch to your Pistol and fire one shot. This will reinstate your 
      Wanted Rating.

      Reinstating Wanted Ratings will add Stars to your total. Keep going 
      back into your car and firing your Pistol to reinstate your Rating 
      until you get the Trophy.

  >>{Chicken of the Sea} Trophy
      For this you need to kill a Seagull. You need to go to the beach on the 
      East Side. Switch to your Rifle and look east to the sea during the 
      daytime. You should see some flying squiggly things. These are the 

      However, they fly fast. But they stay on the same line of sight. So aim 
      along where they fly and wait for one to come across your view. When 
      one does then fire when it enters your scope and you should get the 

  >>{Going Green} Trophy
      This one is for destroying 100 road vehicles. You may want to go to the 
      North Point Ammu-Nation to max out your Uz-1 ammo (if you haven't 
      already done so) and get lots of Grenades. Get on a PCJ-600 and enter 
      the Marina Garage. Line yourself up with the cars and forward drive-by 
      them to destroy them. Use Grenades on any bikes you find.

      After this then go to the Ocean Beach Parking Garage and destroy all 
      vehicles there. Then go back to the Marina Garage and repeat the 
      process until the Trophy pops.

| >EST14. Taxi Mission                                                      |

Whenever you enter a taxi in Vice City then you have the option of doing this
side-mission by pressing Activate Vehicle Mission. The mission consists
simply of driving fares from place to place ala Sega's Crazy Taxi.

By getting 100 fares (they don't have to be done all at once) then you can
unlock the Super Taxi Jump that will allow you to jump over cars (but not
over the roadblocks) and inch closer to 100% Completion.

Getting 100 fares in Vice City takes longer than it did in "Grand Theft Auto
III" because of the size of Vice City. The game likes to send you from one
end of the city to the other over and over again which makes things a bit
tedious because of the length of the city. This is why I recommend doing this
activity early because it takes the longest to do.

Even so, the West Side is probably better to do this mission on because of
the width of the main road (Bayshore Avenue) which makes it easier to get
from place to place without smashing into any cars. When doing the mission,
it is best to get a regular Taxi instead of the Cabbie (or Kaufman Cab)
because the Cabbie / Kaufman Cab is slower and unstable which leads to easy

One option is to wait until you have done the Kaufman Cab Asset Missions and
unlock the Zebra Cab. It is slightly faster than the Taxi and more stable 
than the Cabbie / Kaufman Cab and it just plain looks cool. The choice is

If you have the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version you can earn the {Point A to Point
B} Trophy for dropping off 25 passengers.

There are times when you are doing the Taxi Mission that you have a hard time
getting fares to show up. You may drive around and around wasting time
waiting for a fare to pick up.

When this happens then find a person riding a motorcycle or moped. Smack him
to knock him off (but not so hard that you kill him). When he gets up off the
ground then he will become your next fare. I found that this trick works
almost 100% of the time I tried it.

| >EST15. Pizza Delivery Mission                                            |

By now you should not only be acclimated to the Faggio but have a good feel 
for this half of the city. The Pizza Boy is just another version of the
Faggio so it handles the same way. The mission consists of ten levels. In
each level you have five minutes to deliver Pizza to your customers and
return back to the Pizza place for more orders.

In Level 1, it is just one customer, in Level 2, two customers and so on
until you have ten customers on Level 10. But it is still five minutes per
level so there is little room for error when you get to Level 7 and beyond.

In addition, you can carry a maximum of six Pizzas at a time and they must be
delivered via drive-by (left or right only). Starting at level seven you have
to go back to get more Pizzas when you have delivered your sixth Pizza of the

When you get into the higher levels then you may want to pause and look at
your map when you start it. When you get to Level 7 and beyond then take six
customers and plan a circular route that starts at the restaurant and make
your way to the furthest customer hitting other customers along the way.

Then, from there, make your way back to the Pizza place getting customers
with your remaining Pizzas. The remaining customers should be the ones
closest to the restaurant so you can easily complete the rest of that level.

If you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version then you should get the {Pie Guy}
Trophy for delivering at least ten Pizzas in a level (which is, of course,
the last one so you basically get this for successfully completing the

When you have successfully completed the Pizza Delivery Mission then your
Health will be maxed out at 150 and you will take another step toward 100%

One time I got a mission failure that wasn't my fault. During one attempt on
Level 10, I saw two cars, one behind the other as I approached a customer. 
Now sometimes during the game you will see cars pass each other up rather
aggressively adding a realistic touch to the traffic.

Well, it happened here as I tried to get to my customer. But the back car
decided to use the sidewalk to pass up the front car. In the process, the
back car ran over and killed my customer saddling me with a mission failure.
Now how lame is that?

| >EST16. Ambulance Mission                                                 |

When you go near either Schuman Health Care Center (Downtown), West Haven
Community Healthcare Center (Little Havana), Shady Palms Hospital (Vice
Point), or Ocean View Hospital (Ocean Beach) then you should find an

Climb into the Ambulance and press Activate Vehicle Mission to begin the
mission. When you start then you have to drive around the city to pick up
patients and take them to a nearby hospital.

You can determine how easy this mission will be by which hospital you use as
your "base". At this point in the game I am on the East Side so I will focus
on the two hospitals there, Vice Point and Ocean Beach. The easiest one to
use for the mission is the Shady Palms Hospital in Vice Point. The main
reason is that most of your patients will be on the beach which has no
vehicles or trees to get in the way.

The best thing to do beforehand is to practice driving the ambulance around
before doing the mission, especially on the beach. Learn how to stop the
thing properly on the sand so you can lessen the risk of killing patients. Go
back near Shady Palms Hospital and start the mission when you're ready.

There are twelve levels in the Ambulance Mission. You start with one patient
at Level 1 and a additional patient will be added in each level as you
progress. You can carry a maximum of three patients at one time so you will
have to plan your routes, using the in-game map, to find the best way to pick
them up.

Always go for the furthest patient first and work back to the hospital. Since
the ambulance can only carry three patients then you will have to think in
groups of three when you plan your routes in the later levels (use your
in-game map when planning).

If you don't think you will have enough time to get the furthest one first
then get the first one you see on the way then make your way to the furthest

When approaching a patient then make sure that the patient is on the right of
your Ambulance and don't get too close as the patient is running toward your
vehicle as you approach.

When the patient just starts to get in the Ambulance then go. This will save
a second or two. Use your Siren as this causes the cars to either stop or
turn away from you thus making it easier to evade them.

You don't have to drive like a bat out of hell to go from patient to patient
and then to the hospital. The time is a little more generous than it was in
GTA3 so you can slow down and evade traffic more effectively and turn without
the risk of tipping over and crashing.

In addition, one of my readers, Jari H S Kauppila, wrote me with the
following claim.....

  "I play the PC version of GTA: Vice City and I found out some funny stuff 
   that in the ambulance mission, when I drop off 3 patients, the ambulance 
   heals itself. I didn't need to use the health code that way. It's useful 
   and I think you should mention this."

This self-healing property works in both the PS2 and Xbox versions also. This
self-healing occurs when you drop off a group of three patients in the middle
of a level (not at the end). This means that this healing occurs at level
four and above.

However, the Ambulance does not heal completely. If your Ambulance is 
billowing black smoke then it will be reduced to white smoke. If the
Ambulance has white smoke then it will be reduced to nothing.

When you successfully complete the Ambulance Mission then you will have the
Infinite Run feature (never tire when running) and lots of cash (you can earn
around $53,000 or so). In addition, if you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics)
Version, then you should earn the {Did Somebody Call the Wambulance?} Trophy.

Finally, you can't do the Ambulance Mission if you cheat your way to the West
Side - no patients will appear.

| >EST17. Firetruck Mission                                                 |

In your exploration of the East Side you will notice that there are no Fire
Stations. The only Fire Station is on the West Side (to the west and across
the street of the Downtown Police Station).

If you cheat your way to the West Side and try to do the Firetruck Mission
then you will find out that you can't do anything - no targets will generate
while you are unofficially on this side of the city. That doesn't mean you
can't do the mission while stuck on the East Side - you just have to make a
Firetruck come to you.

If you acquired at least forty Hidden Packages then you should have the
Flamethrower Icon unlocked at the Ocean View Hotel. While doing other things
then occasionally go back to your hotel room to get the icon and build up a
little bit of ammo.

When you are ready then go to an intersection and flame some cars. A
Firetruck should show up quickly. Try to keep Wanted Rating down (about
1-Star) so you can easily grab the Firetruck. Get some bribes to get rid of
the Wanted Rating.

Another option is to do Rampage [OCB-R15] (near The Lighthouse) to draw out a
Firetruck. Get the Firetruck when the Rampage is over.

Once you have the Firetruck then press Activate Vehicle Mission to begin. You
use the Attack button to use the water cannon and the Right Analog Stick
(PS2, Xbox) or Number Pad (PC) to aim the water cannon.

In the Firetruck Mission you have to go from place to place to put out
vehicle fires. In addition, the more you advance, the more cars you have to
put out (up to a maximum of three per level).

On top of that, in later levels, when you put out a car fire, then people
will exit that car and they will be aflame also. They also will run up the
street so you will have to chase them to put them out. You have to be careful
when chasing them for sometimes they run back at you and, if you don't stop
in time, then you will kill them and the mission will be failed.

A general rule of thumb for me is to put out the cars first putting out as 
many of the passenger fires as possible when they exit their cars. Then I go
and carefully chase the remaining passengers to finish the level.

If you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version then you should earn the {High
Quality H2O} Trophy when you put out ten fires total.

When you successfully complete Level 12 then you will be rewarded with the 
Fireproof Feature which will make you...well...fireproof. This means that if 
you catch on fire, like say from an errant Molotov, then you won't be hurt.
This does not, however, make you explosion proof so don't get too cocky.

You can also save the Firetruck at the Ocean Heights garage if you want to
use it again later.

| >EST18. Vigilante Mission (Police Car)                                    |

Before doing this mission it is advisable to have lots of sub-machine gun

When in a Police Vehicle then press Activate Vehicle Mission to begin a
Vigilante Mission. You will then be prompted to chase and destroy a selected
target which is another car.

You have to kill all the criminals in the car, by drive-bying them, before
moving onto the next level. Sometimes, if you damage the criminal's car
enough, then the criminals may exit the car to confront you. Drive-by or run
them over to get rid of them. 

The higher you go up the levels the more criminals you will have to deal with
(up to a maximum of three cars per level with three criminals per car). The
faster you can complete a level the more time you can accumulate which will
help you when you need to find another Police Car (after it has been shot up
a bit) because you can't use it in a Pay 'N' Spray.

But you may want to get a 3-Star Wanted Rating and acquire the Police Cheetah
as it is the only Police vehicle available at this stage of the game that you
can take to a Pay 'N' Spray. However, it is more fragile than a regular
Police Car so there's a bit of a trade off.

If you've made your way to the West Side early and purchased the Hyman Condo
after acquiring 70 Packages then you can get lots of Rocket Launcher ammo
before doing the mission. When you start the mission then look at where the
criminals are going. If you have the Police Cheetah and know where they are
going then you can drive to a point ahead of them.

Then get out of the car, get on the sidewalk, and wait for them to approach.
Then use the Rocket Launcher and blow up the cars before they can get away.
The reason for getting on the sidewalk is because you need to get them at an
angle for best results. Once you've destroyed the group then get back into
your vehicle before the "find another Police Car" timer runs out.

The problem with this method is that you can get to a 2-Star Wanted Rating
quickly. And care must be taken to keep your Wanted Ratings to a minimum
because the Cops don't take too kindly to someone muscling in on their job.
The Cops are almost as bad as the criminals sometimes.

Although you can complete this mission with a standard Police Car or Police
Cheetah, the best vehicles to use are the Hunter and the Rhino (explained
later). After completing Level 12 then you will be rewarded with a permanent
increase in your Armor (going up to 150 maximum). If you have the PS4 (PS2
Classics) Version then you should also earn the {Running Rampant} Trophy.

Now, that I've maxed out my health and armor as well as unlocking the
Fireproof and Infinite Run Features, I will now move onto.....

| >EST19. Rampages Explained                                                |

As you go around the city you may notice some skull icons laying about. These
are the Rampage Icons.

When one is activated then you will be instructed to kill or destroy certain
objects within a time limit and with a given weapon with unlimited ammo (that
you can't switch out of during the duration of the Rampage). The people that
you are instructed to kill are always gang members and randomize from game to

If you activate a Rampage Icon then you may be asked to kill Cuban gang
members. If you start another game and activate the same Rampage Icon then
you may be asked to kill Bikers.

In addition, these Rampages are easier than the ones in GTA3 because the gang
members cluster in groups for protection which makes it easy for you to take
them down quickly. Plus it is easier to aim and the weapons, like the .357,
are better.

All Rampages are two minutes in length regardless of weapon or location. You 
cannot pick up any money or weapons dropped by your victims during a Rampage. 
You will have to wait until it is over before picking up any bonus money or 

You also cannot use Police Bribes to reduce your Wanted Ratings during a
Rampage. However, your Wanted Ratings will disappear when you successfully
complete one.

Sometimes, after a Rampage, you may notice missing weapons. One of my
readers, Monkey Man, suggested a method to prevent your weapons from going
missing after Rampages:

  "Normally you lose weapons when you do rampages. to prevent yourself from 
   losing weapons, just switch to the same weapon "class" (sub machine gun, 
   sniper rifle, shotgun, etc)as the rampage is and you wont lose any 
   weapons. It doesnt matter if its the same weapon as the rampage is or a 
   different weapon that is in the same class as the rampage, as long as you 
   switch to the same weapon class as the rampage you wont lose any weapon."

So, for example, if you are going to do a Rampage that uses a Shotgun weapon,
then switch to a Shotgun, any Shotgun, prior to starting the Rampage. This
trick should allow you to keep your weapons intact.

In addition, reader Robert Kosinski found something that can allow you to
build up vast amounts of ammunition for your weapons. He noted that any
weapon you hold in your hand when you start a Rampage will have its
ammunition *DOUBLED* when you finish regardless of success or failure.

One plus to failing a Rampage is that it doesn't reflect negatively on your
stats. So you can fail a Rampage over and over to increase the ammunition for
your weapons without worry.

Robert also found that the best Rampage to use for this exploit has to be one
with a melee weapon since that weapon type is unaffected by the lossage
problem and that Rampage [OCB-R12] is the preferred Rampage because of its
close proximity to the Ocean View Hotel.

He also recommended waiting until after completion of the mission "Check Out
at the Check In" because you will be forced to use a regular Sniper Rifle
instead of allowing you to use the superior .308 Sniper which you will lose
if you have it in your possession.

I have also noted that certain gangs are more aggressive than others. The
Columbians appear to be the nastiest, especially after completion of the
mission "Rub Out", while the Bikers and Street Punks appear to be the least

However, the soldiers at Fort Baxter Air Base can become a gang too, mostly
for Rampages [EIA-R29] and [EIA-R30] situated near the Air Base. These guys
are far worse than the Columbians because they have more powerful weapons,
the M4, and they will shoot at you with no provocation.

This makes any Rampage they appear in very difficult. I also found out that
the soldiers stay primarily around the Air Base and part of the Airport
grounds. If you can get off of the Airport grounds, like near the Hooker Inn,
then the gangs will change and you will have an easier time doing the

Thanks to a suggestion from Sri C (who recommended using a Rhino for one of
the Rampages), you can use Sea Sparrows, Hunters, and Rhinos for almost all
of the Rampages.

But there are certain Rampages that can really benefit from using a Rhino or
Hunter (such as Katana or Chainsaw Rampages). I have made this suggestion
within the Rampages that can best be served by using a military vehicle.

It should be noted that, when using the Rhino, then the Tank Gun can shoot
over the heads of people. So you need to shoot a nearby building to create
splash damage to kill your targets.

With that explained, let's go do them.....

| >EST20. Rampages (East Side)                                              |

Listed below are the sixteen Rampages that can be found on the East Side plus
the strategies for each one. Information on location, directions (if
necessary), and map co-ordinates are provided with each Rampage.


|#########################| North Point Mall (NPM) |########################|

|#[NPM-R1] - Kill 30 Gang Members (Rocket Launcher) \
| Location   | On the small island at the west side of the second floor     |
|            | close to Vinyl Countdown.                                    |
| Map        | (B-5).                                                       |
| Notes      | Keep a good distance from the gang clusters to keep from     |
|            | blowing yourself up.                                         |

|############################| Vice Point (VCP) |###########################|

|#[VCP-R2] - Drive-By and Waste 30 Gang Members (Uz-1) \
| Location   | At the northeast corner behind the apartment complex across  |
|            | the street north of the North Point Mall parking garage.     |
| Map        | (A-5).                                                       |
| Notes      | This is a drive-by Rampage. Recommended vehicles are the     |
|            | Angel, Sanchez, or PCJ-600. Just drive forward while         |
|            | shooting to take down the gang clusters.                     |


|#[VCP-R3] - Kill 25 Gang Members (.357) \
| Location   | On the ground by the beach near the northeast corner of the  |
|            | orange and white apartment building next door south of the   |
|            | 3321 Vice Point Rd. Safehouse.                               |
| Map        | (B-5).                                                       |
| Notes      | Duck into North Point Mall to reduce the number of Cops you  |
|            | may have to deal with when doing the Rampage.                |


|#[VCP-R4] - Kill 35 Gang Members (M4) \
| Location   | At the east entrance of North Point Mall.                    |
| Map        | (B-5).                                                       |
| Notes      | As with Rampage [VCP-R2], you can also duck into the Mall to |
|            | keep the number of Cops after you to a minimum.              |


|#[VCP-R5] - Kill 20 Gang Members (Chainsaw) \
| Location   | On the wooden pier on the north side of the east end of the  |
|            | bridge connecting Leaf Links Golf Club and Vice Point.       |
| Map        | (D-5).                                                       |
| Notes      | I hate the Chainsaw Rampages. You run very slowly while      |
|            | doing this and the gang members can easily make mincemeat    |
|            | out of you if you're not careful.                            |
|            |                                                              |
|            | This is in addition to all the Cops that may converge on     |
|            | your position when you start racking up Wanted Ratings. Hold |
|            | down the Attack button when approaching gang clusters to     |
|            | make short work of them. Keep moving to avoid as much of the |
|            | gunfire as possible.                                         |
|            |                                                              |
|            | This is a Rampage that definitely benefits from the use of a |
|            | Rhino or Hunter. If you acquire a Rhino then park it close   |
|            | to the Rampage and activate it. After that then just go down |
|            | the nearby streets and shoot the nearby buildings to create  |
|            | splash damage to kill the gang members.                      |


|#[VCP-R6] - Drive-By and Waste 35 Gang Members (Uz-1) \
| Location   | At the end of a cul-de-sac.                                  |
| Map        | (D-5).                                                       |
| Directions | From The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Vice Point), head west and  |
|            | cross the bridge. After crossing the bridge then turn right  |
|            | at the next three-way intersection. After a short distance   |
|            | then you will reach the end of this cul-de-sac where you can |
|            | find it on the grass.                                        |
| Notes      | Another drive-by rampage. Recommended vehicles are the       |
|            | Angel, Sanchez, or PCJ-600. Just drive forward while         |
|            | shooting to take down the gang clusters.                     |


|#[VCP-R7] - Kill 30 Gang Members (S.P.A.S. 12) \
| Location   | At the southeast side of the Standing Vice Point Hotel just  |
|            | south of the swimming pool area.                             |
| Map        | (E-6).                                                       |
| Notes      | Go north after activating the Rampage and head to the        |
|            | swimming pool. This awesome weapon will allow you to finish  |
|            | it quickly.                                                  |


|#[VCP-R8] - Kill 10 Gang Members (.308 Sniper) \
| Location   | At the Standing Vice Point Hotel swimming pool area on the   |
|            | highest diving board.                                        |
| Map        | (E-6).                                                       |
| Notes      | Very easy. From your vantage point on the diving board you   |
|            | can get through it very quickly.                             |

|#########################| Washington Beach (WSB) |########################|

|#[WSB-R9] - Kill 25 Gang Members (MP) \
| Location   | At the east side of the salmon and pink office building in   |
|            | the center of the Starfish Apartment Complex.                |
| Map        | (E-4).                                                       |
| Notes      | Fairly easy. Go to the street by the Washington Beach Bunch  |
|            | of Tools Hardware Store and take down all of the gang        |
|            | members you find.                                            |

|###########################| Ocean Beach (OCB) |###########################|

|#[OCB-R10] - Kill 25 Gang Members (Shotgun) \
| Location   | By the glass railing at the southwest corner of the top      |
|            | level of the Washington Mall parking garage.                 |
| Map        | (F-4).                                                       |
| Notes      | Go to where the upper walkway is in the center of the mall   |
|            | area and jump down. From there, find as many of the gang     |
|            | clusters as you can and rip them to shreds.                  |


|#[OCB-R11] - Kill 25 Gang Members (M4) \
| Location   | Near the front entrance for the west building of The Ocean   |
|            | View Medical Foundation complex.                             |
| Map        | (F-4).                                                       |
| Notes      | Not too hard. Stay on the corner above street level and pick |
|            | them off from a distance.                                    |


|#[OCB-R12] - Kill 20 Gang Members (Chainsaw) \
| Location   | Behind the fence of the pink apartment building next door    |
|            | south of the Going Gas Station.                              |
| Map        | (F-4).                                                       |
| Notes      | Just like with Rampage [VCP-R4], hold down the Attack button |
|            | when approaching gang clusters to make short work of them.   |
|            | Keep moving to avoid as much of the gunfire as possible.     |
|            |                                                              |
|            | This is a Rampage that definitely benefits from the use of a |
|            | Rhino or Hunter. If you acquire a Rhino then park it close   |
|            | to the Rampage and activate it. After that then just go down |
|            | the nearby streets and shoot the nearby buildings to create  |
|            | splash damage to kill the gang members.                      |


|#[OCB-R13] - Kill 10 Gang Members (Katana) \
| Location   | In the group of green and white apartment buildings north of |
|            | the Ocean Beach Pay 'N' Spray.                               |
| Map        | (F-4).                                                       |
| Directions | From the Ocean Beach Pay 'N' Spray, head north and stop at   |
|            | the next three-way intersection. At the northeast corner of  |
|            | this intersection you should see the green and white         |
|            | apartment complex.                                           |
|            |                                                              |
|            | From this corner, head east and along the sidewalk. You      |
|            | should see to your left the hedge fence for these            |
|            | apartments.                                                  |
|            |                                                              |
|            | There are two openings in the hedge fence. Go left through   |
|            | the first one and follow the path. When you get to the first |
|            | intersection then hang a right. The Rampage can be found     |
|            | behind a tree.                                               |
| Notes      | As I said earlier, I hate Chainsaw Rampages but I am not too |
|            | fond of Katana Rampages either. You either have to behead    |
|            | them or run them through otherwise the kill won't count.     |
|            |                                                              |
|            | You can't knock them down and kick them either. Use the Body |
|            | Armor at the top of the stairs of the nearby blue and white  |
|            | stilt building if you need it.                               |
|            |                                                              |
|            | And you will need it too since the gang members can really   |
|            | make this hard on you because they will be shooting at you   |
|            | and all you have is the sword.                               |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Go up to a gang cluster, swing the sword a few times to see  |
|            | if you kill one or more of them and then run away when they  |
|            | start firing at you. Then go up to another cluster and       |
|            | repeat until you either succeed or fail.                     |
|            |                                                              |
|            | This is a Rampage that definitely benefits from the use of a |
|            | Rhino or Hunter. If you acquire a Rhino then park it close   |
|            | to the Rampage and activate it. After that then just go down |
|            | the nearby streets and shoot the nearby buildings to create  |
|            | splash damage to kill the gang members.                      |


|#[OCB-R14] - Kill 25 Gang Members (.308 Sniper) \
| Location   | At the southwest corner of the roof of the corner building   |
|            | that is part of the Ocean Beach Parking Garage complex.      |
| Map        | (F-5).                                                       |
| Notes      | This one is pretty easy. Zoom in on the gang clusters to     |
|            | take them down.                                              |


|#[OCB-R15] - Kill 30 Gang Members (Molotovs) \
| Location   | In the open, on the path leading to The Lighthouse.          |
| Map        | (G-5).                                                       |
| Notes      | You can do this Rampage to get a Firetruck for the Firetruck |
|            | Mission. Just maintain a safe distance and do a medium lob   |
|            | to hit the gang clusters.                                    |
|            |                                                              |
|            | If you do the Firetruck Mission and get the Fireproof        |
|            | Feature enabled then this Rampage becomes much easier. Just  |
|            | go to a gang cluster and drop a Molotov at their feet.       |
|            | Continue doing this to the gang clusters until you           |
|            | successfully complete the Rampage.                           |


|#[OCB-R16] - Run Over and Kill 30 Gang Members (Any Vehicle) \
| Location   | On the beach, near the water, just north of The Lighthouse.  |
| Map        | (G-5).                                                       |
| Notes      | Park the car on the hilltop (on the grass) west of the Icon  |
|            | (so you can get traction to go back to the street faster).   |
|            | Speed to the sidewalk along the beach and go north and south |
|            | along the sidewalk to claim your targets.                    |
|            |                                                              |
|            | In addition, this is a Rampage that you cannot use a         |
|            | military vehicle with.                                       |

| >EST21. Unique Stunt Jumps Explained                                      |

All around Vice City you will find objects that can be used as ramps for
vehicle jumping. Usually, on most jumps, you will just get some additional
money and not much more.

But, on some jumps, you will get a slow motion cutscene as you fly through
the air. These jumps are known as the Unique Stunt Jumps and, if you complete
them correctly, then this will add toward 100% Completion. The best vehicle
to use for these Jumps is the PCJ-600 motorcycle (unless noted).
If you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version then completing all 36 Jumps should
also get you the {Daredevil} Trophy.

There are a total of thirty six Unique Stunt Jumps in the game and seventeen
to nineteen of them can be done on the East Side at this point of the game.

With that explained, let's go do them.....

| >EST22. Unique Stunt Jumps (East Side)                                    |

Listed below are the nineteen Unique Stunt Jumps that can be found on the
East Side. Information on location, map co-ordinates, directions (if
necessary), recommended vehicle, heading, and notes (if necessary) are
provided with each Jump.


|###########################| Prawn Island (PRI) |##########################|

|#[PRI-J1] - A concrete ramp. \
| Location   | At the top of the building southeast of the Interglobal Film |
|            | Studio.                                                      |
| Map        | (B-4).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | East to West and land inside the Film Studio.                |
| Notes      | You will have to make a series of small jumps to get up to   |
|            | this ramp starting with the ramp at the northeast corner of  |
|            | this large building. Put your back wheel at the edge of the  |
|            | building before starting your run.                           |

|############################| Vice Point (VCP) |###########################|

|#[VCP-J2] - A steel beam. \
| Location   | At the topmost floor of the building under construction at   |
|            | Fairground Point.                                            |
| Map        | (E-5).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | South to North.                                              |
| Notes      | You must climb the narrow ramps to get there. You may also   |
|            | acquire Package [VCP-H25] while you're trying to do this     |
|            | Jump.                                                        |


|#[VCP-J3] - A concrete ramp. \
| Location   | At the south side of the Malibu Club.                        |
| Map        | (D-5).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | East to West and across the channel.                         |
| Notes      | Go into the parking area just southeast of the club to get   |
|            | the necessary distance for your run. Try to aim for the fat  |
|            | tree across the channel to succeed.                          |


|#[VCP-J4] - A concrete ramp. \
| Location   | At the north side of the east end of the bridge north of the |
|            | Washington Beach Police Station.                             |
| Map        | (D-5).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600 or just about any vehicle.                           |
| Heading    | North to South.                                              |

|#########################| Washington Beach (WSB) |########################|

|#[WSB-J5] - A small dirt ramp. \
| Location   | Near the bridge across the street east of the Bunch of Tools |
|            | Hardware Store.                                              |
| Map        | (E-5).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | Cheetah or any fast vehicle.                                 |
| Heading    | West to East.                                                |
| Notes      | Go to the east gate of Starfish Island to get the distance   |
|            | to make the Jump.                                            |


|#[WSB-J6] - A wooden ramp. \
| Location   | At the southeast corner of the five-way intersection         |
|            | northeast of the Washington Beach Police Station.            |
| Map        | (E-5).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | North to South.                                              |


|#[WSB-J7] - A concrete ramp. \
| Location   | West of the three-way intersection at the southwest corner   |
|            | of the Washington Beach Police Station.                      |
| Map        | (E-5).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | Cheetah or any other vehicle.                                |
| Heading    | East to West.                                                |


|#[WSB-J8] - A set of stairs. \
| Location   | In the north-south alley east of the Washington Beach Police |
|            | Station.                                                     |
| Map        | (E-5).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | North to South.                                              |
| Notes      | You will have to start at the north end of the alley to get  |
|            | a good distance for the Jump.                                |


|#[WSB-J9] - A set of stairs. \
| Location   | Next to, and east, of Jump [WSB-J8].                         |
| Map        | (E-5).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | East to West.                                                |
| Notes      | You must land on the grass by the Washington Beach Police    |
|            | Station to be successful and may take several tries to get   |
|            | right. Don't try to do this when it is raining because you   |
|            | will have to go all the way to the beach wall to start your  |
|            | run and the wet grass will slow your motorcycle down.        |


|#[WSB-J10] - A set of stairs. \
| Location   | In the alley across the street north of DBP Security.        |
| Map        | (E-5).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | North to South.                                              |
| Notes      | After finishing this Jump then you can acquire Package       |
|            | [WSB-H40] which is sitting at the southwest corner of the    |
|            | roof you land on.                                            |


|#[WSB-J11] - A set of wooden pallets. \
| Location   | In the alley east of the Washington Beach Apartments.        |
| Map        | (F-5).                                                       |
| Directions | From the stairs in front of the Washington Beach Apartments, |
|            | head east and through the next four-way intersection. As you |
|            | continue east then you should see an alley to your left. The |
|            | wooden pallets is at the entrance of this alley.             |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | North to South.                                              |

|###########################| Ocean Beach (OCB) |###########################|

|#[OCB-J12] - A set of wooden pallets. \
| Location   | At the north end of the alley that runs behind the Ocean     |
|            | View Hotel.                                                  |
| Map        | (F-5).                                                       |
| Directions | Go into the alley behind the Ocean View Hotel and head       |
|            | north. When you reach the next road then you should see the  |
|            | wood pallets to your left.                                   |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | South to North.                                              |


|#[OCB-J13] - An asphalt ramp. \
| Location   | At the southeast corner of the top level of the Washington   |
|            | Mall parking garage.                                         |
| Map        | (F-4).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | Cheetah.                                                     |
| Heading    | West to East and land on top of the Beach Scooter store      |
|            | across the street.                                           |
| Notes      | This Jump is done with a Cheetah. It may get picky if you    |
|            | use a PCJ-600. Can also be done while acquiring Package      |
|            | [OCB-H45] which is on the building to the right when you     |
|            | land. Use one of the roof vents to jump to the upper rooftop |
|            | to get Package [OCB-H45].                                    |


|#[OCB-J14] - A roof vent. \
| Location   | At the northeast corner of the building across the street    |
|            | south of the Washington Beach Apartments.                    |
| Map        | (F-5).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | West to East.                                                |
| Notes      | You need to jump from the Washington Mall to the roof of the |
|            | Beach Scooter store, with a PCJ-600, to put yourself into    |
|            | position (and doing Jump [OCB-J13] in the process - if the   |
|            | game gives you credit for doing it with the PCJ-600).        |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Go up the stairs and you will see the vent which is on the   |
|            | northeast corner of the adjacent building. You will have to  |
|            | take an angular approach because of another vent which is in |
|            | the way. Line yourself up, back yourself up as far as        |
|            | possible, gun the engine, and go in order to make the Jump.  |


|#[OCB-J15] - A set of stairs. \
| Location   | At the south part of the blue and white stilt building next  |
|            | door north of the Ocean Beach Pay 'N' Spray.                 |
| -AND-      |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
|#[OCB-J16]  | ++A roof vent.                                               |
| Location   | On top of the pink and white apartment building next door    |
|            | south of the Ocean Beach Pay 'N' Spray.                      |
| Map        | (G-4).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | North to South.                                              |
| Notes      | Go into the alley across the street north of the blue and    |
|            | white stilt building to get the distance needed. You also    |
|            | need to stay at the left of the stairs so you can line       |
|            | yourself properly for Jump [OCB-J16] when you land on the    |
|            | roof.                                                        |
|            |                                                              |
|            | When doing Jump [OCB-J16] then angle slightly left and aim   |
|            | for the center of the next building across the street. You   |
|            | can smack into the side of the building to succeed.          |
|            |                                                              |
|            | However, by angling slightly left and aiming for the center  |
|            | of the next building, then you will get more distance and be |
|            | able to successfully complete it. If you keep straight then  |
|            | you more than likely will smack into the side of the         |
|            | building that is closest to the street and thus you won't    |
|            | get the distance for it.                                     |


|#[OCB-J17] - A concrete ramp. \
| Location   | At the southwest corner of the top level of the Ocean Beach  |
|            | Parking Garage.                                              |
| Map        | (G-5).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | Any fast vehicle will do.                                    |
| Heading    | North to South and land on the roof of the building across   |
|            | the way.                                                     |


|#[OCB-J18] - A wooden ramp. \
| -AND-      |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
|#[OCB-J19]  | ++A wooden ramp.                                             |
| Location   | At Pier 1 and Pier 2 at the Vice City Marina.                |
| Map        | (G-4).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | North to South.                                              |
| **NOTE:    | These two Jumps become available after completion of "Phnom  |
|            | Penh '86" and are done back-to-back.                         |
|            |                                                              |
|            | However, according to Mark Coiley, you can actually do them  |
|            | before that mission. Go and jump into the Film Studio then   |
|            | grab the Packer. Take it to the main gate and park it there  |
|            | with the top of the ramp at the bottom of the large opening  |
|            | over the gate.                                               |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Go back on your motorcycle and jump back out of the Studio   |
|            | then jump back in. At this point another Packer should've    |
|            | spawned but the first one should still be parked at the      |
|            | gate. Drive the second Packer onto the first and drop out    |
|            | onto the street.                                             |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Drive down to the Marina and to Pier 1. Park it facing the   |
|            | tree at the north side of the gate and with the back end     |
|            | pointed slightly northeast and towards one of the foot       |
|            | paths. Grab the motorcycle normally parked by the other Pier |
|            | and take it back to the Packer.                              |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Go onto the foot path to get enough distance so you can jump |
|            | onto the Pier. You do not want to go too fast or you will    |
|            | overshoot and end up in the water.                           |
| Notes      | To start, back up as far as possible, gun the engine and go. |
|            | Both Jumps are done at once because you need enough speed to |
|            | go from one pier section to another.                         |
|            |                                                              |
|            | After doing Jump [OCB-J18] then keep up the speed then hit   |
|            | the ramp for Jump [OCB-J19]. When you land after doing Jump  |
|            | [OCB-J19] then hold down Handbrake and tap Reverse to stop   |
|            | quickly. From here, you will have to turn left and do one    |
|            | more jump to make it back to the mainland.                   |

| >EST23. Robbing Stores (East Side)                                        |

Throughout the city there are a total of fifteen stores that you can enter
and rob. Ammu-Nation doesn't count because all you're going to get for your 
effort is shot. You can't rob fast food places either (like they have a lot 
of money, eh?).

There are a total of eight stores on the East Side and seven on the West
Side. Simply aim your gun, but don't shoot, at the clerk behind the counter.
The longer you hold your aim, the more money you get. You can earn a maximum
of $1,000 per store.

However, if you try to hold your aim that long to get it, then you will end 
up with a 3-Star Wanted Rating. But, no matter what you do, you will end up
with at least a 2-Star Wanted Rating anyway so it doesn't matter if you leave
the clerk alone or shoot him.

The best thing to do here is to rob all the stores on the East Side in one
run and get it over with.

However, if you wait until either completion of the missions "Rub Out" or
"Copland", then you can take advantage of the No Wanted Rating Exploit and
rob all of the Stores without any interference.

Robbing all fifteen stores is required for 100% Completion. If you own the
PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version then you should also get the {Put 'Em Up} Trophy
when you rob the last store.

Below is the list of stores to rob on the East Side from north to south.


|     Business    |  Map  |                     Location                    |
| Vinyl Countdown | (B-5) | At the west side of the second floor inside     |
|                 |       | North Point Mall.                               |
| Gash            | (B-5) | South center part of the first floor inside     |
|                 |       | North Point Mall.                               |
| Tooled Up       | (B-5) | Next door next to the North Point Mall          |
|                 |       | Ammu-Nation.                                    |
| Jewelry Store   | (B-5) | At the northeast corner of the first floor      |
|                 |       | inside North Point Mall.                        |
| Corner Store    | (C-5) | On the corner of the block across the street    |
|                 |       | north of Shady Palms Hospital in Vice Point.    |
| Dispensary      | (C-5) | On the west side of the block across the street |
|                 |       | west of Shady Palms Hospital in Vice Point.     |
| Jewelry Store   | (D-5) | On the east side of the block north of The Well |
|                 |       | Stacked Pizza Co. (Vice Point).                 |
| Bunch of Tools  | (E-5) | Across the street east of the Starfish          |
|                 |       | Apartment Complex in Washington Beach.          |

| >EST24. Top Fun Vans (East Side)                                          |

During your exploration of Vice City you may have noticed a silver van with 
a red, white, and blue logo stating "Top Fun" on the side at either the top
of the North Point Mall parking garage or by the Beach Dirtbike Track.
Entering this van starts a vehicle mission. More specifically, an RC vehicle

These missions are races with radio controlled vehicles and vary from van to 
van. In addition to the two vans mentioned above there is also a third van on
the grounds of Escobar International Airport on the West Side.

It should be noted that these vehicles are difficult to control and will take
some getting used to if you wish to be successful. Now for a breakdown of the
two Top Fun Vans on the East Side:

| RC Bandit \

  This van can be found near the Beach Dirtbike Track. This race requires two 
  laps around the track with RC cars. The best thing to do is out-corner the 
  cars in each turn since you can't out-accelerate them. This usually leads 
  to victory.

  It is important to note that on certain versions of the game the van may 
  never spawn. You can get around that by using the van at the North Point 
  Mall Parking Garage and driving it to the Track after completing the RC 
  Baron race. Drive it close to the starting line, which is at the southwest 
  corner of the Track, and the RC Bandit race should automatically start.

  If you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version then you should get the {Just 
  Like the Real Thing} Trophy when you win the race.

| RC Baron \

  This van can be found inside the North Point Mall Parking Garage. This one 
  is a race using RC biplanes. This one's a pain because the plane does not 
  control good at all and may require several tries to succeed.

  Hold down Accelerate to move forward and, when you get into the air, then 
  hold down Handbrake in conjunction with Accelerate. I found on the PS2 that 
  holding down these two buttons makes the plane go faster and allows you to 
  get up a large lead.

  In addition, you can change the viewpoint of the camera behind the plane if 
  you change the viewpoint while in a car prior to getting into the Top Fun 
  van. If you change the camera in the car to the first-person or cinematic 
  camera then the camera behind the plane will be directly behind it instead 
  of above and behind.

  I found that this viewpoint was quite helpful in allowing me to avoid 
  lampposts or other obstacles. This trick only works with this mission and 
  not the other two Top Fun van missions.

  If, by chance, you end up on the ground then you are pretty much screwed 
  because you probably won't be able to get back up in time to avoid being 
  passed and you will lose the race.

| >EST25. PCJ Playground                                                    |

If you do a little exploration of the East Side then you may come across a 
PCJ-600 parked close to the south side of the Standing Vice Point hotel.

When you get on the motorcycle then you will activate this vehicle
side-mission. For this you need to collect twenty four checkpoints in two
minutes. However, you will have to do a few jumps near the beginning and you
may lose time if you screw them up.

When you start then you will have to go up the road toward the Malibu Club a
little bit to get some running room to go up the first ramp. After getting
the second checkpoint then you may have to go back down into the alley and
back up a little bit so you can do the jump to get the next checkpoint.

About a third of the way into the mission then you will see two trucks that
will try to cut in front of you as you go down the alley. The first truck you
can just jump over using the pallets. The second truck you will have to just
slow down a little to let him pass. You will wreck if you try to get in front
of him.

When you get to the stilt building near the end then get the marker and hang 
a right to go down to the end of the alley so you can turn around and make
the jump to the last two markers.

With this I have done all I can do on the East Side before starting the Main
Story Missions. However, there is something else that can be done.....

| >EST26. Going to the West Side Early                                      |

The reason for the roadblocks in Vice City, and all the other GTA games, were 
to keep you from getting all the Hidden Packages and do other stuff so you
wouldn't be too rich and powerful too early. However, this did not stop
people from trying to get around them.

Over time gamers managed to find reliable methods of getting around these
roadblocks without the use of cheat codes.

You do not have to sneak to the West Side early but it is highly recommended
since you can do a lot of stuff there that will really help you later in the
game plus get a lot of the little things out of the way so you can plow
through the Main Story.

Listed below are three reliable methods, depending on what version of the
game you have, of going to the West Side early. Also included in this chapter
is additional information including the Hyman Condo Glitch.

| A. The Bus (All Versions) |##############################################\

First, you have to purchase the Ocean Heights Apartments property. Second,
you have to find a Coach, which is the long silver bus which appears from
time to time, and head to Ocean Heights to put it in the garage. You will see
that the Coach is too long for the garage but don't worry, it can still be
saved. Go in and to the right as far as possible.

When you exit the bus then push it as far right against the wall as possible
and then push it from the back as far forward as you can. Then save your

When you get back, it may look like the bus is gone but, when you get the
garage to open, then the bus magically "expands" into view. This is a
leftover trick from "Grand Theft Auto III" which allowed you to save
firetrucks and other large vehicles in garages.

The reason you want to save the bus is because, in case you screw up the 
attempt, then you can just go back to your previous save instead of scouring
the city again for a Coach.

I should also point out that one of my readers, Sexybeast 22, played around
with this method and found several other vehicles that you can use instead of
the Coach should you have trouble finding one:

  >>Regina (station wagon)
  >>Perennial (station wagon)

For of the rest of this section I will use the Coach.

Get the bus and head to the pier at the Vice City Marina where Colonel Juan
Garcia Cortez's yacht is located (Pier 2). Normally, you will see a sports
car and a pair of large plants, one on each side of the pier. The one we will
deal with is the north plant.

With the bus at full speed, slam into the plant and it will disintegrate. You
will note that the black fence that runs north/south along the edge doesn't
extend to the corner leaving a gap, which the plant covered, big enough for a
vehicle to go through.

Now turn the bus right and go all the way to the wall. What we are going to 
do is put the bus in this gap while lining it parallel to the pier. It is 
important to note that you must *BACK* the bus into the gap not drive it 
forward (the door is near the front of the Coach).

Once you line up everything properly then gently back the bus until the rear
wheels are just over the curb and over the water (use the Drive-By Mode
(Right) to see the left side of the bus so you can see the wheels better). 
Then get out, get into the nearby Cheetah and use it to push the front of the
bus and gently put it into the water.

If you do everything right then the bus will fall into the water, parallel,
and as close to the pier as possible. The bus will float (the top of the bus
will be just above the water) but still makes an excellent platform.

Carefully jump onto the floating bus and walk to the back end which, thanks 
to the Coach's length, is now past the gate. Jump onto the pier and grab a 
boat, preferably the Reefer.

This works in calm weather but works even better in stormy weather. The waves
generated by the storm will cause the bus to go up and down and simply jump
on to the pier when the bus is at its highest.

Once you get in the Reefer then you have the option to get Packages
[OCB-H49], [VPR-H95], and do Rampage [VPR-R34]. Beach the Reefer at The
Boathouse in Viceport, jump out, and get a vehicle to do more exploration.

| B. The Jump (PS2 Version Only) |#########################################\

Once you are familiar with the PCJ-600 and have some money to boot then you
can go ahead and do this method. To do this, you have to go to Interglobal
Films on Prawn Island.

But you have to jump off a rooftop to get inside. Getting into position
requires touch because it is easy to fall into the alleyway where Package
[PRI-H5] is located.

You have to go up the ramp with just enough speed to land on the building but
slow enough not to fall off and then use one of the air vents to get onto the
second building. Once you are in proper position then back up as far as
possible then gun it and in the process you will be doing Jump [PRI-J1].

Now that you are inside Interglobal Films, find Studio C and go inside to 
collect Package [PRI-H3]. Make your way to the water tower in the NW corner
and you should see a large auto transport vehicle called the Packer. If it is
not there then go to the south end of the studio, run around the film lot
there and go back.

Upon examination, the Packer is essentially a movable ramp and was probably 
placed inside the studio to help gamers get out of the place by jumping off
of it if it was placed correctly, mainly to get back onto Prawn Island.

But the Packer can also be used to jump over the wall, past the roadblock and
onto the bridge leading into Downtown. Park your PCJ-600 near Studio B and
get into the Packer.

Point the Packer in a NW direction and, while using the right side of the 
right-most skyscraper in the background as an imaginary border, line the left 
side of the vehicle with it. Hold Drive-By Mode (Left) to see the right side 
of the Packer.

Near the top of the rear wheels you will see the blinker housings. Line the
right side of the blinker housing closest to the screen with the front of the
giant fan in the background. Exit the Packer and get back on the motorcycle.

Mind you, this doesn't have to be pixel perfect but this is how I lined up 
the transport. There may be a better position for the Packer but I was 
more concerned about just getting over the wall.

Doing a straight line shot won't work because there isn't enough space to 
get the speed necessary to make a successful jump. You will smack into the 
top of wall and fly into the water, killing you.

A curved approach is what is needed here. Go to the SE corner of the studio
where you will find a set of stairs.

Go under the stairs and turn around until you are facing north. Gun the
engine and go. Once past the glass building (the one with the curved glass
corner that should be on your left here) then curve left to line yourself
with the Packer.

By the time you reach the ramp then you should have the speed necessary to
jump the wall. You might clip the top of the wall with your wheels but it
should not cause any problems. Once on the bridge then straighten yourself
and head into Downtown.

One of my readers, Joey Schmidt, came up with a slight variation to doing the
jump using a different vehicle. I haven't tried it myself but I thought it
was cool enough to put in the guide:

  "Woohoo, I found another way of getting to the West Side of Vice City 
   without cheating. After completion of the taxi mission you get the horn 
   replaced by a bouncy flying jumpy thing right? Now, to get into the film 
   studio with a taxi. Through the blue grilled gates and below the stone 
   arch you can fit a Kaufman cab, I assume that any other cab will fit if 
   this fat bastard does! Then, as per your solution, you line up the Packer. 
   Take a run from maybe half the distance you would with the PCJ-600 and 
   when you reach the top of the Packer's ramp, hit L3 or whatever button is 
   assigned to the horn and hey presto! I use a PS2 pad on the PC 

   PS the first time I did this I flew over the right hand side of the bridge 
   using the PCJ-600 run distance."

| C. The Ambulance (PS2, PS4, and PC Versions Only |#######################\

One of my readers, Rondo, alerted me to another way to get to the West Side

  "I used "The Jump" to get onto the West Island before the bridges opened as 
   you described in your faq. However, on "" a few months ago, 
   there was discussion of an easier way to get there. Go to the Ocean Beach 
   pier north of Cortez's boat with an ambulance, back up to the gate, jump 
   on the top, then jump "through" the fence. Works every time. Grab the boat 
   at the dock and cruise over to the Boatyard at Vice Port, run it up the 
   ramp and jump off. Get the chopper from VCN downtown and go anywhere you 

I gave it a try and found that this is a pretty effective way to get to the
West Side. The thing about it is that you're probably not going to get
through on the first try. Just keep jumping at the fence and you will
eventually get through. Apparently you take advantage of some glitch to get
through the fence but if it works don't knock it.

And, according to readers Cristian Luis Barreto and Gui Ritter, this trick
works for the PC version. Sadly, I have not been able to get this to work on
the Xbox version.

| D. The Hyman Condo Glitch  |#############################################\

If you go to the West Side early and immediately purchase the Hyman Condo
then you may encounter the Hyman Condo Glitch.

At the top of the Hyman Condo is where you can find your Weapon Icons. If you
purchase the condo while you are on the West Side early then you should see
four of them (Body Armor, Chainsaw, .357, Flamethrower). However, if you
manage to unlock any more Weapon Icons, by collecting Hidden Packages while
unofficially on the West Side, then they will *NOT* appear on the top of the

But you can get around this by waiting until you have unlocked all seven
Weapon Icons before buying the Hyman Condo. When you purchase the Condo after
acquiring at least seventy Hidden Packages then all seven Weapon Icons will
appear at the top of the building.

| E. What All You Can Do |#################################################\

Listed below is the list of things you can do while on the West Side:

  >>Collect fifty one Hidden Packages.
  >>Do nineteen Rampages.
  >>Do thirteen Unique Stunt Jumps.
  >>"Brown Thunder" helicopter vigilante mission (max 150 armor) (if you 
    managed to acquire all 100 Hidden Packages and get the Hunter without 
    being killed).
  >>Do the Escobar International Airport Top Fun Van mission.
  >>Do all three Hyman Memorial Arena missions.
  >>Do the "Trial By Dirt", and "Test Track" vehicle missions at The 
    Dirtbike Track.
  >>Purchase two properties (Hyman Condo and The Skumhole Shack).
  >>Rob seven stores.

Listed below is the list of things you can do prior to doing any of the Main
Story Missions (including the West Side):

  >>Collect all 100 Hidden Packages (plus all Weapon Icons and vehicles 
  >>Do all thirty five Rampages.
  >>Do up to thirty one (or thirty four if you get the one from "G-Spotlight" 
    plus the two at the Vice City Marina) (out of thirty six) Unique Jumps.
  >>Do the Pizza Delivery Mission (max 150 health).
  >>Do the Ambulance Mission (Infinite Run feature enabled).
  >>Do at least 100 Taxi fares done (unlocks the Super Jump feature).
  >>Do the Vigilante Mission (max 150 armor).
  >>Do the Firetruck Mission (Fireproof feature enabled).
  >>Do all three Top Fun Van missions.
  >>Do all three Hyman Memorial Arena missions.
  >>Do all four vehicle missions ("PCJ Playground", "Cone Crazy", "Trial By 
    Dirt", and "Test Track").
  >>Purchase all seven properties.
  >>Rob all fifteen stores.

This should get you around 42% to 45% completion and about $3,500,000 if you
took advantage of the Cone Crazy exploit.

| F. Early Explorer Bonus |################################################\

Any strategy in some of the early missions that use weapons gained by going
to the West Side early prior to doing any of the Main Story Missions will be
notated with "Early Explorer Bonus".

With this done, it is time to finally move onto.....

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >VCT3. The Main Story Missions                                            |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

Each Story Mission is broken into six parts:

| Overview \

  What the mission is about.

| Weapons \

  Weapons used on the mission. Each weapon listed should have a lot of ammo 
  for it before doing the mission attempt. If there are no weapons used then 
  this section won't be displayed.

| Notes \

  Additional information and other musings. This also includes any prep work 
  suggestions prior to doing the mission. If there are no notes then this 
  section won't be displayed.

| The Plan \

  How to do the mission.

| Reward \

  What you get for your efforts.

With that explained, I will now finally move on to the story.....

 / The Main Story \###################\
| >MSY1. Ken Rosenberg                                                      +

This pathetic excuse for a lawyer is, at this time, the only friend Tommy
has. Even though he is whiny and paranoid, he does provide you with some
means to help you get started. His missions are very easy since these are
meant for newbies to get acquainted with Vice City.

There are a total of four missions and they can be done quickly. He is 
represented by the "L" icon near the Washington Mall.

 / Ken Rosenberg \
| >KRG1. The Party                                                          0
| Overview /                                              \ Ken Rosenberg /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  You are to take Ken's place at a posh party held on a yacht owned by a 
  Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez who helped arrange the deal that eventually went 
  bad. You will need to change clothes even though Tommy does not want 

    "Who does this guy think he is?! Now I gotta dress like a chump as well 
     as hang out with them?! I like this shirt."

| The Plan \

  Very simple really. Make your way to Rafael's for your new duds. As you 
  exit then you will see somebody drive up on a Freeway. You can take it if 
  you want to make a good entrance. Drive to the Vice City Marina and near 
  the pink circle at Pier 2 (do not get off the bike if you want to use it 
  later) to get things started.

  During the cutscene, you will be introduced to most, if not all, of Vice 
  City's power players. After the cutscene ends then you exit the yacht with 
  the Colonel's daughter, Mercedes. If the bike is still there after the 
  cutscene ends then simply get on and Mercedes will follow.

  You can take any of the cars as well if you want instead of using the 
  motorcycle. The only difference is a slight change in the dialogue between 
  Tommy and Mercedes. Drop her off at The Pole Position Club to successfully 
  complete the mission.

| Reward \



  And you made some new friends (including some you may have to kill later). 
  You will also have the Soiree Outfit icon available at Rafael's and the 
  regular Street Clothes icon at the Ocean View Hotel and Hyman Condo 

 / Ken Rosenberg \
| >KRG2. Back Alley Brawl                                                   0
| Overview /                                              \ Ken Rosenberg /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Ken gives you your first possible lead into what happened. He tells you to 
  talk to some guy named Kent Paul.....

    "Anyway, he's got his nose so far up most of Vice City's ass that if 
     anybody knows the whereabouts of 20k's of coke, it's this guy, all 
     right? He's always at The Malibu."

| Weapons \

  --Pistol (provided).
  --Sniper Rifle.
  --.308 Sniper.

| The Plan \

  Drive to the Malibu Club to talk to Kent who happens to be some British 
  jerk. He then tells you to go talk to some chef on Ocean Drive who seems to 
  be quite pleased with himself lately and may have some info.

  Drive down to the blip by Ocean Drive and you will see a chef talking to 
  someone on a cell phone in the alley. Approach from the north, line up your 
  car with the chef, and go as fast as possible.

  When you get close enough then you will see the cutscene with the chef. 
  However, due to your momentum, you will run him over as soon as the 
  cutscene starts. Plus, you will automatically eject from the car, near the 
  now dead chef, with no damage.

  If you try to approach from the south then your car will automatically come 
  to a dead stop near the chef no matter how fast you are going and Tommy 
  will exit his car to confront him. You can jump out just before you reach 
  the chef (who will then get run over by your now driver-less car) but you 
  will damage yourself a little in the process.

  After taking care of the chef and getting his phone then you are approached 
  by a stranger named Lance. He is upset that you silenced a possible lead 
  and tells you that the both of you want the same thing and that you two 
  should watch each other's back even though you don't even know him.

  No sooner than you try to brush him off then three friends of the chef you 
  just whacked show up and Lance throws you a gun (Pistol) and tells you to 
  follow him.

  Kill the three chefs with the gun (or any other weapon in your arsenal) and 
  then follow Lance. Lance has a white Infernus and, once you jump into the 
  driver's seat, then you are instructed to drive to the Washington Beach 
  Ammu-Nation and then back to your hotel to successfully complete the 

  | Early Explorer Bonus |

  If you have a Sniper Rifle or .308 Sniper then park near the set of stairs 
  for Jump [WSB-J9], climb up to the top of the stairs, aim at the Chef, and 
  shoot him. Then go and get his phone.

| Reward \



  And you gained a new friend (?). You also get a call on your newly acquired 
  cell phone from some guy who thinks you're Leo. He gets angry when he 
  realizes you're not him but, during the very short conversation, he drops 
  some clues about who may have screwed you at the drug deal.

 / Ken Rosenberg \
| >KRG3. Jury Fury                                                          0
| Overview /                                              \ Ken Rosenberg /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Ken needs you to change the minds of a couple of jurors who are working on 
  the trial of Sonny's cousin, Giorgio. Ken is no good at threats.....

    "I couldn't intimidate a child - and believe me, I've tried!"

  .....or anything else for that matter so it is up to you to "wipe up the 

| Weapons \


| The Plan \

  As the mission begins, you will see some guy get run over by a car right in 
  front of you. This is so you can get a melee weapon (Hammer) that the 
  victim dropped. But you should already have a suitable weapon (Grenades). 

  There are two jurors that you need to deal with. All you have to do is 
  scare them (and no, you can't kill them).

  The first juror is just east of Ken's office near a restaurant. When you 
  get near the juror then you will see him talking to someone. You will also 
  see a Sentinel parked nearby.

  Drop a Grenade by the side of the Admiral furthest from the juror. Once the 
  Grenade blows then that will be enough to damage the car so the juror will 
  run away scared. That takes care of one juror.

  Reader Dan Stephen did have this to add about this part of this mission:

    "With the first juror at Ocean Beach, I didn't use your method. I used 
     the "beating the crap out of the car" method and I found that he will 
     try to make a getaway and will crash into a SPANDEX truck, and it will 
     immobilise the two cars and drop two more hammers."

  The next juror lives in Vice Point. Drive up to the hotel and make your way 
  to the juror's car. Drop a grenade near the car just like you did the first 
  one. When it blows up then that will be enough to scare the other juror and 
  complete the mission successfully.

| Reward \



  You'll also get a call from Sonny on your cell phone (how did he get your 
  number anyway?). In addition, you can now buy Body Armor at all 

    >>Ocean Beach [Cost: $200].
    >>North Point Mall [Cost: $200].
    >>Downtown [Cost: $200].

  You will also get a mysterious call from someone who wants you to go to the 
  pay phone near the Washington Mall. Let's go here first.....

 / The Main Story \###################\
| >MSY2. Assassination Contract                                             +

It seems that the chef you took the phone from was, in fact, a free-lance 
assassin who works for a mysterious gentleman code named Mr. Black. Tommy 
decides to play along to see where it leads him.

There are a total of five missions for Mr. Black. These are also known as the
Assassination Contact Missions. Each mission appears at various points during
the story. Each one can be done at anytime after they appear but my general
rule of thumb is to do them as soon as they come up.

However, there is one exception to this little rule for I saved one, "Waste
The Wife", until after completion of the mission "Phnom Penh '86". Each
mission is represented by a phone icon where you are supposed to pick up 
the mission.

It is unclear where the name Mr. Black came from but it has been floating
around the "Grand Theft Auto" related forums for a number of years.

 / Assassination Contract \
| >ATC1. Road Kill                                                          0
| Overview /                                     \ Assassination Contract /
0=========0                                       0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Your assignment is to kill a pizza delivery man named Carl Peterson.....

| Notes \

  A good solid sports car, like a Cheetah, will work fine.

| The Plan \

  Carl is doing his delivery run on his Pizza Boy. You have a time limit to 
  track him down so don't dawdle. Find him, run into his Pizza Boy to knock 
  him off and run him over when he lands to successfully complete this 
  mission. Simple.

| Reward \


 / Ken Rosenberg \
| >KRG4. Riot                                                               0
| Overview /                                              \ Ken Rosenberg /
0=========0                                                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Ken introduces you to a gentleman named Avery Carrington who happens to be 
  the main real estate developer in Vice City. He promises to help you out if 
  you do some favors for him. One such favor is to take some business down so 
  he can get at their property.....

| Weapons \

  --Uz-1 (300-500 rounds).

| The Plan \

  It seems that business is not good at SpandEx as the workers are in 
  revolt. This bodes well for you because it will give you a good cover to do 
  your mischief.

  Your mission is to destroy the three trucks that SpandEx has parked in the 
  front behind the fence. Even though the game prompts you to go to Rafael's 
  to get a worker outfit, you won't need one. Instead of hitting the other 
  workers to start the riot, just go up to the fence and use the Uz-1 on the 

  First, go to the right side and shoot up the front truck which, when it 
  explodes, will destroy both trucks. Then move over to the left side to 
  shoot up and blow up the remaining truck.

  When that truck explodes then the mission is successfully completed. In 
  addition, the gate will open and everybody will walk to the street 

  If you've managed to get Package [VCP-H27] by going into the construction 
  site at Fairground Point and jumping onto the SpandEx Express roof then you 
  can try another option. Jump onto the roof of SpandEx Express and gently 
  drop some Grenades near the trucks from your safe vantage point.

  If you're in a nasty mood then you can shoot up the large group of workers 
  and guards for the hell of it (and to get extra cash and weapons) after the 
  mission is completed.

  | Early Explorer Bonus |

  Another idea is to use a Flamethrower. Go into the construction site and 
  head to the fence for the northeast part of Spand Express. Get close enough 
  to the fence to get the message to start a fight with four workers. Then 
  shoot the Flamethrower at the fence behind the two vans.

  The flames will go through the fence and eventually destroy the vans. Then 
  go around the fence to the other side and do the same thing to destroy the 
  last van and successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \


  In addition, if you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version, then you should 
  also earn the {Legal Counsel} Trophy.


  You'll also complete all of Ken Rosenberg's missions and open up Avery 
  Carrington's but I will save his missions until after doing all of the 
  Asset Missions. A little bit later, you will get a call from Colonel Juan 
  Garcia Cortez and that will open up his set of missions.

  In addition, the Coveralls Outfit icon spawn at the Tooled Up Hardware 
  Store inside North Point Mall and the following weapon can now be purchased 
  at the Bunch of Tools Hardware Store in Washington Beach:

    >>Baseball Bat [Cost: $80].

 / The Main Story \###################\
| >MSY3. Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez                                         +

Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez is the gentleman who hosted the party that you
attended at the beginning of the story. He gives you assistance in trying to
find out who busted your deal since he helped to set it up in the first

In doing his missions, you will be helping him acquire certain items. But, in
the process, you will be getting lots of cash and information.

"Sir, Yes, Sir!" can only be done after completion of the mission "Phnom Penh
'86" and must be done before completing the last of Diaz's missions ("Death
Row" and "Rub Out").

The last of the Colonel's missions, "All Hands On Deck!", should be delayed
until after getting the Fast Load feature (by doing "Rifle Range" - later in
the game) and completing Phil Cassidy's Asset Missions (so you can buy heavy
weapons) to make it easier on you.

The Colonel has a total of five missions and is represented by the "C" icon
at the Vice City Marina (where you went to during "The Party").

 / Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez \
| >JGC1. Treacherous Swine                                                  0
| Overview /                                 \ Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez /
0=========0                                   0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  The Colonel informs you that one of his men, Gonzalez, may have leaked 
  information to someone about your deal. The Colonel has been carrying 
  Gonzalez around for years even though he has been growing increasingly 

  After finding out that he may have been giving information to someone about 
  the Colonel's activities then Cortez has decided he has had enough of 
  Gonzalez and recommends that you be the one to take him down. He even gives 
  you a Chainsaw to do the dirty deed with.....

| Weapons \


| Notes \

  I had a reader named Luke Edwins offer me another way to do this 

    "For an easy way to do this is to grab a PCJ 600 or a car before you go
     into the pink marker and park your bike/car in front of the door. Then 
     go in and kill the two guys that attack you. When you come out of the 
     house, get into your car/bike and run Gonzalez over. He will die staight 
     away and then you don't have to go back for your car/bike. ;-)."

  However, if you get a large enough vehicle, then you can actually block the 
  doorway at the bottom of the stairs and trap Gonzalez at the front door 
  where you can do anything you want to him.

| The Plan \

  Grab the Cheetah that is usually parked by Pier 2 (go into the nearby 
  underground parking garage to get a car if the Cheetah is not there) and 
  drive to Gonzalez's condo which happens to be the one just north of the 
  Malibu Club.

  Get into the pink circle and you will be on the top floor where you will 
  confront Gonzalez (with the Chainsaw). Quickly switch to your Uz-1 and jump 
  over the railing and in the process you will get in front of Gonzalez.

  Target and shoot Gonzalez. A solid burst of sub-machine gun fire will kill 
  him. Once he goes down then you will then get a 2-Star Wanted Rating so the 
  Cops will be looking for you.

  It should be noted that you can also get Package [VCP-H21] while up on the 
  condo roof if you were not able to get it beforehand (thanks to Jake Stutts 
  for pointing that out).

  Go back to ground level and get back in your car. Go back north up the 
  street and get the bribe that is in the trees north of the condo.

  You may either find the other nearby bribe (east of Links View Heights), go 
  to the Vice Point Pay 'N' Spray just north of that, or just wait for the 
  1-Star Wanted Rating to disappear. When the Wanted Rating goes away then 
  the mission is successfully completed.

| Reward \



  Plus, the Casual Outfit icon will spawn outside the Gash store inside North 
  Point Mall. In addition, you can now buy the Machete at the following 
  Hardware Stores:

    >>Bunch Of Tools (Washington Beach) [Cost: $100].
    >>Screw This (Little Havana) [Cost: $100].

 / Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez \
| >JGC2. Mall Shootout                                                      0
| Overview /                                 \ Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez /
0=========0                                   0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  The Colonel wants you to meet with a courier at the Washington Mall to pick 
  up some technology. The Colonel is also very pleased with your disposal of 

    "Tommy, you are like a pampas breeze that has freed me from the stench of 
     corruption, although, I must appear to mourn his passing and carry on 
     with business as usual."

| The Plan \

  Grab the Cheetah that is usually parked by Pier 2 at the Vice City Marina. 
  Even though the game prompts you to go to Ammu-Nation for weaponry, you 
  will won't need any for this mission.

  Go up to the Washington Mall and park close to the north entrance then go 
  up to meet the courier who happens to be French. Unfortunately, some French 
  agents show up to crash the party. The courier makes a run for it and so 
  should you since you waste time and armor fighting these agents. Get back 
  in your car and head north along Washington Street.

  The courier is also heading north along this street and he happens to be on 
  a motorcycle as well. Hit him to knock him off then run him over to kill 
  him. Get out of your car to get the chips. When you do that then you will 
  get a 2-Star Wanted Rating. Then get back in your car and head straight to 
  Pier 2 (skip the Pay 'N' Spray) to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \



  You'll also get another mysterious phone call which prompts the second 
  mission from Mr. Black which is near Vice Point. But I will save this one 
  until after completion of the mission "Phnom Penh '86".

  In addition, you can now buy the following weapon at the Ocean Beach 

    >>Shotgun [Cost: $500].

 / Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez \
| >JGC3. Guardian Angels                                                    0
| Overview /                                 \ Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez /
0=========0                                   0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  The Colonel wants you to pick up a weapon at the multistory parking garage 
  and head over to a meeting place to watch over a deal being made between 
  Ricardo Diaz and some Cubans.....

| Weapons \

  --Rocket Launcher (8+ rounds preferable).

| Notes \

  Have either the Ocean Beach or El Swanko Casa properties acquired before 
  doing this mission.

| The Plan \

  Head over to the multistory parking garage to pick up your weapon (a 
  Kruger). When you do then Lance shows up again.....

    Lance: "Hogging all the action, I see..."
    Tommy: "Look, you wanna do something other than just shadowing me
            everywhere? Why don't you come along and show me if you're any 

  Get into the Infernus and drive to the meeting place which is near the 
  Washington Beach Police Station. When you get to the pink marker then 
  Ricardo Diaz and his men drive up in his white Admiral.

  After the cutscene ends then you are prompted to go to the pink marker at 
  the top of the nearby stairs. You will also see two health status bars for 
  both Lance and Diaz. If either one of them are reduced to zero then the 
  mission is failed.

  When you get to the top of the stairs then switch to your Uz-1 and go to 
  the bottom of the stairs. Then place yourself at the corner of the building 
  right by the street.

  Keep a close eye on the radar. Two Haitian cars will show up first. When 
  they stop and exit the cars then quickly target and shoot the Haitians 
  before they can do any damage. After several seconds then a van will back 
  up toward you from the east. Shoot the Haitians as they exit the van.

  A few seconds later, another van will appear at the north entrance of the 
  alleyway. Again, kill the Haitians as they exit the van before they can do 
  any damage to Diaz or Lance. Several seconds later, another Haitian car 
  appears in the intersection ahead of you. Finish off the Haitians as they 
  exit the car.

  Next, a couple of Haitians show up on motorcycles to take Diaz's money and
  Diaz takes out one of them leaving behind a Sanchez which you have to take 
  to chase the other one down.

  Since you can fire forward on a motorcycle then all you have to do is just 
  line him up and take him down. If you're fast then you should get him 
  before you reach the Ocean View Hotel. Get the briefcase and take it back 
  to Diaz to end the mission.

  As stated earlier in the guide, you can get the Everything-Proof Admiral 
  after completion of this mission. After you get the "Mission Completed" 
  message then run back to the street and take a left.

  Diaz's Admiral (the Everything-Proof Admiral), should be sitting (and empty 
  no less) underneath the signal light. Grab the car and store it in one of 
  your garages to keep it so you can use it later in some of the missions.

  If the EP-Admiral isn't at the signal light at the end of the mission then 
  park a car in front of Diaz's Admiral before giving him his money (thanks 
  to reader (not the character) Mr. Spock).

  | Early Explorer Bonus |

  After the first wave of Haitian attackers then switch to your Rocket 

  After several seconds, a van will back up toward you from the east. From 
  here on out all of the enemy vehicles can be rocketed. Rocket the van and 
  position yourself so you are looking due north up the alleyway.

  A few seconds later, another van will appear at the north entrance of the 
  alleyway. Rocket it and position yourself so you are looking at the 
  Washington Beach Police Station (due west).

  Several seconds later, another Haitian car appears in the intersection 
  ahead of you. Rocket it to destroy the car.

| Reward \



  You also open up Diaz's set of missions when he calls you up shortly after 
  this mission to offer you a job. I'll go and do some of Diaz's missions 
  before I continue with the Colonel's missions.

  At this point, if you cause enough trouble, then you can now get a maximum 
  Wanted Rating of 5-Stars. In addition, you can now buy the following at the 
  Ocean Beach Ammu-Nation:

    >>Kruger [Cost: $1,000].

  When Diaz called you on your cell phone then this also opened up another 
  section of Vice City.....

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >VCT4. Starfish Island                                                    |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

In the center of Vice City, between Little Havana and Washington Beach, is
Starfish Island. This island is where the richest make their residence.
Plenty of million dollar homes dot the area. Plus one very big mansion at the
south side of Starfish Island.

| >STF1. Starfish Island Landmarks                                          |

Listed below are the major landmarks for Starfish Island:

  >>The Mansion
      Location: (South) Starfish Island.
      Map: (E-[3, 4]).
      Notes: This is the main residence of Ricardo Diaz, one of Vice City's 
             more notorious crime lords.

| >STF2. Starfish Island Weapons and Items                                  |

Listed below are the Weapon, Health, Body Armor, and Adrenaline Icons for
Starfish Island.


|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Weapons |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Katana         | Inside the garage of the house next door west of The     |
|                | Mansion.                                                 |
|                | Map: (E-3).                                              |
| Flamethrower   | In the Rockstar shaped swimming pool of a large white    |
|                | house.                                                   |
|                | Map: (E-3).                                              |
|                |                                                          |
|                |   >>Go to the three-way intersection at the west side of |
|                |     Starfish Island. Starting at the sidewalk at the     |
|                |     northeast corner of this intersection, head east. To |
|                |     your left you should see a short white brick fence.  |
|                |     Continue east until you find an opening.             |
|                |                                                          |
|                |     Head north through this opening and you should see a |
|                |     large white house with a large planter (with red     |
|                |     flowery bushes) in front. Go to the back of this     |
|                |     house to find the Rockstar shaped swimming pool      |
|                |     where you should find the weapon.                    |
| Sniper Rifle   | In the northeast corner of the hedge maze at the west    |
|                | side of The Mansion.                                     |
|                | Map: (E-3).                                              |
| M4             | In the small room at the bottom of the stairwell on the  |
|                | east side inside The Mansion.                            |
|                | Map: (E-4).                                              |
|                |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                |   **NOTE: This weapon becomes available after completion |
|                |           of the mission "Rub Out".                      |
| Chrome Shotgun | In the small room at the bottom of the stairwell on the  |
|                | east side inside The Mansion.                            |
|                | Map: (E-4).                                              |
|                |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                |   **NOTE: This weapon becomes available after completion |
|                |           of the mission "Rub Out".                      |
| .357           | In the recreation room just west of the main entrance    |
|                | inside The Mansion.                                      |
|                | Map: (E-3).                                              |
|                |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                |   **NOTE: This weapon becomes available after completion |
|                |           of the mission "Keep Your Friends Close....."  |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Health |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| At the east end of Island Bridge (West).                                  |
| Map: (E-3).                                                               |
| In the small room at the bottom of the stairwell on the east side inside  |
| The Mansion.                                                              |
| Map: (E-4).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   **NOTE: This Health becomes available after completion of the mission   |
|           "Rub Out".                                                      |
| In the recreation room just west of the main entrance inside The Mansion. |
| Map: (E-3).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   **NOTE: This Health becomes available after completion of the mission   |
|           "Rub Out".                                                      |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Body Armor |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| In the small room at the bottom of the stairwell on the east side inside  |
| The Mansion.                                                              |
| Map: (E-4).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   **NOTE: This Armor becomes available after completion of the mission    |
|           "Rub Out".                                                      |
| In the recreation room just west of the main entrance inside The Mansion. |
| Map: (E-3).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   **NOTE: This Armor becomes available after completion of the mission    |
|           "Keep Your Friends Close....."                                  |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Adrenaline |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Behind the fence north of the main entrance to The Mansion.               |
| Map: (E-3).                                                               |
| At the southeast corner of the roof of The Mansion.                       |
| Map: (E-4).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   **NOTE: This Adrenaline becomes available after completion of the       |
|           mission "Rub Out".                                              |

| >STF3. Hidden Packages (Starfish Island)                                  |

Listed below are the five Hidden Packages found on Starfish Island (SFI).


|#[SFI-H50]  | On the upper balcony area of a large white house.            |
|            | Map: (E-3).                                                  |
| Directions | Go to the three-way intersection at the west side of         |
|            | Starfish Island. Starting at the sidewalk at the northeast   |
|            | corner of this intersection, head east. To your left you     |
|            | should see a short white brick fence. Continue forward until |
|            | you find an opening.                                         |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Turn left through this opening and you should see a large    |
|            | white house with a large planter (with red flowery bushes)   |
|            | in front. Go to the back of this house to find the stairs    |
|            | that will lead you to the balcony and the Package.           |
|#[SFI-H51]  | At the end of the narrow alley-like path between the west    |
|            | side of The Mansion area and the pink fence for the house    |
|            | next door to the west.                                       |
|            | Map: (E-3).                                                  |
|#[SFI-H52]  | In a jacuzzi.                                                |
|            | Map: (E-4).                                                  |
| Directions |  Go to the three-way intersection at the east side of        |
|            |  Starfish Island. Starting at the northwest corner of this   |
|            |  intersection, head northwest and jump over the short fence. |
|            |                                                              |
|            |  Continue northwest and you will find a swimming pool for    |
|            |  the nearby residence. At the northwest corner of the pool   |
|            |  is where you will find the jacuzzi and the Package.         |
|#[SFI-H53]  | At the front door of a beige house.                          |
|            | Map: (E-4).                                                  |
| Directions | Go to the three-way intersection at the east side of         |
|            | Starfish Island. Starting at the sidewalk at the northeast   |
|            | corner of this intersection, head north.                     |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Continue forward until you reach a lamppost then stop. Look  |
|            | to your right to find an open gate that leads to a beige     |
|            | house behind the wall. Go through the gate and to the front  |
|            | door of this house to find the Package.                      |
|#[SFI-H54]  | By the stairs on the lower level near the water at the east  |
|            | end of The Mansion area.                                     |
|            | Map: (E-4).                                                  |

| >STF4. Rampages and Unique Stunt Jumps (Starfish Island)                  |

Listed below are the Rampages and Unique Stunt Jumps found on Starfish Island


| Rampages \

|#[SFI-R17] - Run Over and Kill 35 Gang Members (Any Vehicle) \
| Location   | At a house at the northwest corner of the three-way          |
|            | intersection at the west side of Starfish Island.            |
| Map        | (E-3).                                                       |
| Notes      | Use the nearby Admiral (make sure it is there before doing   |
|            | the Rampage) and use the nearby ramp to jump into the next   |
|            | yard so you can go back into the street. Then just go in one |
|            | direction on the sidewalk for Starfish Loop to run over your |
|            | victims.                                                     |
|            |                                                              |
|            | This is a Rampage that you cannot use a military vehicle     |
|            | with.                                                        |


| Unique Stunt Jumps \

|#[SFI-J20] - A set of stairs. \
| Location   | At the front of the brown house on the north end of Starfish |
|            | Island.                                                      |
| Map        | (E-3).                                                       |
| Directions | Head to the three-way intersection at the north side of      |
|            | Starfish Loop. At the northeast corner of this intersection  |
|            | is an alley that leads north. Go into this alley and, near   |
|            | the end, you will find the gate that leads into the backyard |
|            | of this house where you can find the stairs at the front.    |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | West to East.                                                |
| Notes      | Go into the yard behind the garage (where the Phoenix is) to |
|            | get distance to make the jump (over the hedge and into the   |
|            | next door neighbor's yard).                                  |

| >STF5. Trophy Hunting (Part Two) (PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version)             |

There is one Trophy that is specific to Starfish Island:

  >>{Keepie-Uppy Okie Dokie}
      For this you need to get a high score of 5 with the Keepie-Uppy beach 
      ball. This is found inside a swimming pool at the east side of Starfish 
      Island. You have to run into the ball to get it airborne. It'll take a 
      couple of attempts to get it airborne and straight up.

      While it is in the air look for its shadow. Get to the shadow and you 
      should hit the ball with your head when it comes down. When it bounces 
      back up then follow the shadow again. Continue until you get the 

Now let's continue with the Main Story.....

 / The Main Story \###################\
| >MSY4. Ricardo Diaz                                                       +

This loudmouth (that you saw at the Colonel's party) is the main drug baron
in Vice City. He is short of stature and even shorter of temper. His
unpredictable behavior keeps people in line as he is adept at destroying
various objects like TV's and VCR's (and pigeons).

This is the guy you must deal with if you want to make your mark in Vice
City, especially since you suspect him of being behind the ambush that ruined
your deal. He is represented by the "D" icon at The Mansion.

 / Ricardo Diaz \
| >RDZ1. The Chase                                                          0
| Overview /                                               \ Ricardo Diaz /
0=========0                                                 0+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Diaz suspects that one of his dealers is taking some of the profits for 
  himself and Ricardo is none too happy about it (he is not happy about a lot 
  of things it seems). He wants you to find out where he's taking the cash so 
  you can kill him later.....

| Weapons \

  Sniper Rifle.

| The Plan \

  Go over to the Thief's Apartment in Vice Point which will start a chase 
  across the rooftop. He will blow up some barrels near the end of the 
  rooftop but it can be easily avoided. When the both of you jump off the 
  roof then the thief will climb into a BF Injection and drive off. You must 
  now follow him.

  Take the Faggio which just happens to be right there by the dumpster and 
  chase him. Keep him in your sight but don't get too close because he will 
  be shooting at you with a Kruger. Weave to make yourself difficult to hit.

  If you have the Infinite Run feature then you can do things a little 
  differently. When you get to the rooftop then just hold down Run and chase 
  after the thief. You will quickly catch up to and pass him.

  Don't hit him though. Just pass him. If he somehow stops running before 
  you get to the end of the rooftop then head back towards him. This will 
  trigger a cutscene of him shooting the red barrels and will get him running 

  When you reach the end of the rooftop then angle left and you should land 
  near the signal light when you jump off the rooftop. Get near the sidewalk 
  and wait. The thief will follow you off the rooftop and get into the BF 
  Injection that will spawn to pick him up.

  However, because of your position, then you can jack the vehicle and drive 
  off. Get some distance and turn around. Run over the driver (the one that 
  doesn't have the pink arrow) then park near the Faggio. Let the thief jack 
  you so he can drive off. Grab the Faggio and follow him.

  The advantage here is that the thief will have to drive himself to his 
  hideout and therefore you won't be fired upon. This will make the mission 

  If you want to slow him down even further then, instead of just going back 
  to the Faggio after running over the driver, get some distance and shoot 
  out all four tires with the Sniper Rifle before driving back and letting 
  the thief jack you.

  After going around North Point Mall then you eventually end up at some 
  dilapidated mansions (The Mendez Brothers House) at the north end of Prawn 
  Island. When you get here then the mission will be successfully completed.

| Reward \



  In addition, you can now buy the following weapon at the "Tooled Up" 
  Hardware Store inside North Point Mall:

    >>Katana [Cost: $300].

  And the following weapon at the North Point Mall Ammu-Nation:

    >>Stubby Shotgun [Cost: $600].

 / Ricardo Diaz \
| >RDZ2. Phnom Penh '86                                                     0
| Overview /                                               \ Ricardo Diaz /
0=========0                                                 0+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  The ever-so-pleasant Diaz pairs you up with Lance (going under the alias 
  Quentin) to take down the thief you tracked in the previous mission. The 
  two of you board a helicopter with Lance doing the piloting and you doing 
  the shooting.....

| Weapons \

  --M-60 (provided).

| The Plan \

  When you get to the ruined mansions on Prawn Island then you will be 
  confronted by several armed thugs who will shoot at your helicopter. You 
  will have to kill them all before you can move on to the next section of 
  the mansion area.

  The longer you stay in a section, the more opportunities they have to do 
  damage to your helicopter. If your helicopter's health reaches zero then 
  you will fail the mission.

  The helicopter will bob and weave so aiming is a bit difficult. When you 
  move from section to section then take advantage of barrels and vehicles 
  (which you can blow up) to make short work of these thugs.

  Eventually, Lance will let you down and you will have to go up to the top 
  of the mansion on foot to recover the money. Switch to the Uz-1 so you can 
  kill these guys quickly. Go inside the dilapidated mansion, kill everyone 
  you see, and get to the rooftop to recover the briefcase.

  After you get the money then Lance will pick you up and the mission will 
  end successfully.

| Reward \


  In addition, you can now buy the following weapon at the "Screw This" 
  Hardware Store in Little Havana:

    >>Chainsaw [Cost: $500].

  At this point the hurricane that threatened Vice City will dissipate thus 
  removing the roadblocks so you can now go to.....
  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >VCT5. The West Side                                                      |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

On the northern part of the West Side is the Downtown district. This is where
many corporations and businesses set up shop. It is also home to the world
famous Hyman Memorial Stadium where many concerts and events are held. South
of Downtown is Little Haiti where most of the resident Carribeans live and
work. The area has a lot of rundown homes and small businesses.

Little Havana is where most of the resident Cubans work and live. Although
this neighborhood is a bit rundown like Little Haiti, the residents do manage
to make it more colorful and lively.

South of Little Havana is the Viceport area. This is where the ships dock to
unload cargo from all over the world. The vast majority of this district
consists of large warehouses and the Vice City Port Authority buildings.

West of Little Havana is Escobar International Airport. This is where many
people fly in from all over the world to partake in the splendor that is Vice
City whether it be for business or pleasure.

Just north of Escobar International Airport is Fort Baxter Air Base. This is
the main military base for the Vice City area. Its primary purposes is to
serve as a deterrent to nearby communist Cuba and to help out law enforcement
in crisis situations.

Now that you're finally on the West Side let's go on.....

| >WSD1. A Tour of the West Side                                            |

The starting point for this tour will be the driveway entrance to The Mansion
on Starfish Island. From here, head west and across:

  >>Island Bridge (West)
      Location: (South Central) Vice City.
      Map: (E-3).
      Notes: This bridge connects Little Havana to Starfish Island.

Once across the bridge then stop at the three-way intersection with the main
road (Bayshore Avenue). Near the southwest corner of this intersection is:

  >>The Cherry Popper Ice Cream Company
      Location: (Northeast) Little Havana.
      Map: (E-3).
      Notes: This ice cream factory is an Asset Property that you can 
             purchase later in the game.

And near the northwest corner of this intersection is:

  >>West Haven Community Healthcare Center
      Location: (Northeast) Little Havana.
      Map: (E-3).
      Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Wasted while on 
             the West Side near the Little Havana area.

And directly across the street north of the Hospital is:

  >>El Banco Corrupto Grande
      Location: (Northeast) Little Havana.
      Map: (E-3).
      Notes: This is one of the major banks for the Vice City area.

From this intersection, turn right and go forward until the road angles
northeast. Just as the road angles then you should see to your left the:

  >>Little Haiti Pay 'N' Spray
      Location: (East) Little Haiti.
      Map: (D-3).
      Notes: This is where you can have your vehicle repaired or re-sprayed 
             to get rid of Wanted Ratings.

And next door north of that is:

  >>Ryton Aide Pharmacy
      Location: (East) Little Haiti.
      Map: (D-3).
      Notes: This is where you can find Health and Adrenaline to help you out 
             in tight situations.

As you continue forward on the main road then you will go under a large
bridge which is the:

  >>Links Bridge
      Location: (North Central) Vice City.
      Map: (D-[3, 4]).
      Notes: This bridge connects Little Haiti to Leaf Links Golf Club.

After going under this bridge then continue forward all the way to the road
curve going east. Just before you go through the curve then you should see
off to your left the:

  >>Moist Palms Hotel
      Location: (South) Downtown.
      Map: (C-3).
      Notes: This is one of the major hotels in the Downtown area.

Go through the curve and afterwards you should see a bar with a motorcycle
parked in front. And this is:

  >>The Greasy Chopper
      Location: (Southeast) Downtown.
      Map: (C-3).
      Notes: This popular biker hangout is where you will pick up certain 
             missions later in the game.

From here, stop when you get to the road curve going north. Inside this curve
is a set of stairs leading to the rooftop of a large building. At the top of
this building is the:

  >>Skumhole Shack
      Location: (Central) Downtown.
      Map: (C-3).
      Notes: This is an Asset Property that you can buy. More details in the 
             next chapter.

After stopping to purchase the Asset Property then go back down to the road
curve and head forward then stop at the next three-way intersection. At the
northwest corner of this intersection is:

  >>The Rockstar Building
      Location: (Central) Downtown.
      Map: (C-3).
      Notes: This huge building is one of the major landmarks on the West 
             Side. It used to have a huge "Rockstar" sign on the top but that 
             was destroyed by a hurricane in 1984.

From here, continue forward and go under a large bridge which is the:

  >>North Bridge (West)
      Location: (North) Vice City.
      Map: (B-4).
      Notes: This bridge connects Downtown to Prawn Island.

After going under this bridge then you should see off to your left the:

  >>VCN Building
      Location: (Northeast) Downtown.
      Map: (B-[3, 4]).
      Notes: This is where one of the major television stations for Vice City 
             is located.

After that then continue forward and take the road curve going west. Shortly
after the road curve then you should see a large blue building to your left
which is the:

  >>V.A.J. Building
      Location: (Northeast) Downtown.
      Map: (B-3).
      Notes: This large blue and white U-shaped building has a large 
             sculpture in its courtyard.

Directly across the street north from that are some small buildings. And just
north of them is:

  >>The Dirtbike Track
      Location: (Northeast) Downtown.
      Map: (A-3).
      Notes: This is where you can do the Time Trials for a couple of 
             vehicles parked at the track.

Continue forward and to the next road curve going north. And at the outside
of this road curve is:

  >>The Hyman Condo
      Location: (Northwest) Downtown.
      Map: (B-3).
      Notes: This is one of the major Asset Properties that you can buy. More 
             details in the next chapter.

After purchasing the property then head west and back to the street. You
should be at the southeast corner of a three-way intersection. If you look
west from here then you should see a large facility which is:

  >>Hyman Memorial Stadium
      Location: (Northwest) Downtown.
      Map: (A-[1, 2]), (B-[1, 2]).
      Notes: This is the main stadium for the Vice City area. It hosts a 
             variety of events including sports and concerts.

From here, turn left and stop at the next three-way intersection. At the
southeast corner of this intersection is:

  >>Schuman Health Care Center
      Location: (Northwest) Downtown.
      Map: (B-3).
      Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Wasted while on 
             the West Side near the Downtown area.

And at the west side of this intersection is:

      Location: (Northwest) Downtown.
      Map: (B-3).
      Notes: This is the major hard rock radio station in Vice City.

From this intersection, head east and stop at the next three-way
intersection. At the north side of this intersection is the:

  >>Downtown Ammu-Nation
      Location: (North) Downtown.
      Map: (B-3).
      Notes: This is where you can purchase weapons for use against your 
             enemies or anybody else who pisses you off. This Ammu-Nation has 
             a shooting range to test your skills at.

Now turn around and head back to the intersection where the Hospital is.
Turn left from this intersection and head forward towards the next road
curve. Just before the road curve then you should see to your right:

  >>The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Downtown)
      Location: (Central) Downtown.
      Map: (B-2).
      Notes: This is part of the expanding fast food chain that is spreading 
             around the country. They finished buying out the troubled King 
             Knuts food chain in 1985.

And just outside the road curve south of the food place is:

  >>Rock City
      Location: (Central) Downtown.
      Map: (C-2).
      Notes: The biggest record store in Vice City. This is also where 
             visiting bands go to meet with the fans when they perform in 
             Vice City.

Just after the road curve then you should see to your right the:

  >>Dispensary (Downtown)
      Location: (Central) Downtown.
      Map: (C-2).
      Notes: This is where you can find Health and Adrenaline to help you out 
             in tight situations.

From here, continue forward and stop at the next four-way intersection. At
the northwest corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Downtown Fire Department
      Location: (Central) Downtown.
      Map: ([B, C]-3).
      Notes: This is the main Fire Department for Vice City and has a 
             Firetruck which you can use to do the Firefighter Mission.

And at the northeast corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Downtown Police Department
      Location: (Central) Downtown.
      Map: (C-3).
      Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Busted while on 
             the West Side near the Downtown area.

From here, turn right, go past the Moist Palms Hotel and turn right at the
next three-way intersection. Go forward through the next three-way
intersection and stop at the road curve going south.

On the outside of this road curve is a path leading to:

  >>Phil's Place
      Location: (Northwest) Little Haiti.
      Map: (C-2).
      Notes: This is where you will deal with Phil Cassidy during the course 
             of the game.

Go south from here and stop at the next three-way intersection. At the
northeast corner of this intersection is:

  >>Kaufman Cabs
      Location: (North) Little Haiti.
      Map: (D-2).
      Notes: This taxi depot is an Asset Property that you can purchase later 
             in the game.

Go forward through the intersection and through the S-curve. Just after the
S-curve then you should see to your left:

  >>The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Little Haiti)
      Location: (Central) Little Haiti.
      Map: (D-2).
      Notes: This is part of the expanding fast food chain that is spreading 
             around the country.

From here, head forward and stop at the next three-way intersection. Going
west from this intersection will lead you to the:

  >>City Scrap
      Location: (West) Little Haiti.
      Map: (D-2).
      Notes: This is where most cars and other junk within Vice City end up.

Now from this intersection, head south, go through the next three-way
intersection and turn right at the next three-way intersection (the one with
signal lights). Go through the road curve going south and turn left at the
next three-way intersection.

Continue forward and stop at the next three-way intersection. At the
northwest corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Vice City Printing Works
      Location: (South) Little Haiti.
      Map: (E-2).
      Notes: This is the place to go when one needs to print out large 
             quantities of papers and signs. This place is also an Asset 
             Property that you can purchase later in the game.

From here, turn right and turn left at the next three-way intersection.
Follow the road then stop at the next three-way intersection. Near the
northwest corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Little Havana Streetwear
      Location: (North) Little Havana.
      Map: (E-2).
      Notes: This is where the Cubans shop for the latest street fashions.

Now head forward and turn right at the next three-way intersection. Go
forward through the next three-way intersection and stop at the road curve
that goes south. Just inside this road curve is:

  >>Robina's Cafe
      Location: (West) Little Havana.
      Map: (E-2).
      Notes: This cafe is owned by Alberto Robina, father to Cuban gang 
             leader Umberto Robina who you will deal with during your stay in 
             Vice City.

From here, head south then take the road curve going east then turn right at
the next three-way intersection. As you go forward then you should see a
large facility to your left which is:

  >>Sunshine Autos
      Location: (South) Little Havana.
      Map: (F-2).
      Notes: This is one of the major car lots for the Vice City area. 
             Currently owned by B.J. Smith, a former football player who is 
             thinking of coming out of retirement. This place is also an 
             Asset Property that you can purchase later in the game.

From here, head forward and stop at the next four-way intersection. Near the
southwest corner of this intersection is:

  >>The Hooker Inn
      Location: (South) Little Havana.
      Map: (F-2).
      Notes: This is one of the small hotels near the Airport that cater to 
             the business traveler.

And directly across the street north from that is:

  >>The Fuel Depot
      Location: (Southwest) Little Havana.
      Map: (F-2).
      Notes: This large area with pipes and large tanks is the main fuel 
             depository for nearby Escobar International Airport.

From here, turn right and take the road curve going north. As you continue
forward then you should see to your right:

  >>EIA East Parking Lot
      Location: (Southwest) Little Havana, next door west of The Fuel Depot.
      Map: (F-2).
      Notes: This is one of the parking areas for nearby Escobar 
             International Airport.

Continue forward from here and take the road curve going west then turn right
at the next three-way intersection. Then head forward through the next
three-way intersection, take the road curve going west then turn right at the
next three-way intersection.

After going through the tunnel then take the road curve going west. As you
head forward then you should see a large military facility to your right
which is:

  >>Fort Baxter Air Base
      Location: Fort Baxter.
      Map: (E-1).
      Notes: This is the main military base for this region of the country. 
             Because of events in 1984 concerning Victor Vance, the local 
             soldiers are openly hostile towards civilians so care must be 
             taken if you travel in this area of Vice City.

After going past the Air Base then take the road curve going south and enter
the tunnel. After going through and leaving the tunnel then you will see a
large building to your right which is the:

  >>EIA Main Terminal Building
      Location: (Central) Escobar International Airport.
      Map: (F-[1, 2]).
      Notes: This is the main terminal for the Airport. It has two large 
             gates that serves the largest planes that come to Vice City.

Just after the terminal then you will see the entrance for the Airport
grounds. Turn right through this entrance and go west along the south side of
the terminal building. Just after the terminal building then you will see a
large tower which is the:

  >>EIA Control Tower
      Location: (Central) Escobar International Airport, just west of the EIA 
                Main Terminal Building.
      Map: (F-1).
      Notes: This large lavender colored tower serves the Airport.

And right next to it to the west is the:

  >>Main Runway
      Location: (West) Escobar International Airport.
      Map: ([F, G, H]-1).
      Notes: This north-south runway is the longest of the three runways that 
             serve the Airport area.

And just to the west of that is the:

  >>EIA Fire Department
      Location: (West) Escobar International Airport, just west of the Main 
      Map: (F-1).
      Notes: This is the main Fire Department for Escobar International 

From here, turn left and head south along the Main Runway and you will
eventually intersect with the:

  >>South Runway
      Location: (South) Escobar International Airport.
      Map: (G-1), (F-2).
      Notes: This southwest-northeast runway is one of the two secondary 
             runways for the Airport area.

Now turn left and head east until you reach a large building with a short
control tower. And this building is the:

  >>EIA Freight and Cargo Terminal
      Location: (Southeast) Escobar International Airport, southeast of the 
                South Runway.
      Map: (G-2).
      Notes: This large building is the main cargo terminal for Vice City.

From here, head north and exit the Airport grounds the same way you came in
then turn left. Then turn right when you get to the next three-way
intersection. Then go forward through the next four-way intersection. As you
continue forward then you will see a large building ahead of you which is

  >>North Terminal Building
      Location: (North) Escobar International Airport.
      Map: (E-1).
      Notes: This is the north terminal building for the Airport.

Take the road curve going west then the next one going south and turn left
at the next three-way intersection. As you get near the next four-way
intersection then you should see to your left the:

  >>EIA Main Parking Lot
      Location: (North) Escobar International Airport, just south of the 
                North Terminal Building.
      Map: (E-1).
      Notes: This is the main parking lot for the Airport.

After that then head all the way back to the four-way intersection next to
the Fuel Depot and The Hooker Inn. From here, turn right and stop at the next
three-way intersection. At the northeast corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Viceport Pay 'N' Spray
      Location: (North) Viceport.
      Map: (G-2).
      Notes: This is where you can have your vehicle repaired or re-sprayed 
             to get rid of Wanted Ratings.

And directly across the street west from that is an entrance to a large open
area. At the southwest corner of this area is a medium-sized building where
you will find:

  >>8-Ball's Bomb Shop
      Location: (West) Viceport.
      Map: (G-2).
      Notes: This place is where you can rig up a vehicle with a car bomb and 
             use it like a Remote Grenade. This placed moved from the 
             Downtown area to Viceport in 1985 after the Civil Asset 
             Forfeiture Impound moved to another part of the state in late 

From here, head back to the street and turn right then take the road curve
going east. As you head forward then you should see a large building to your
left which is the:

  >>Vice City Port Authority Main Building
      Location: (South) Viceport.
      Map: (G-[2, 3]).
      Notes: This huge blue building with a control tower on top is the 
             headquarters for the Vice City Port Authority.

From here, continue forward and stop at the road curve going north. At the
outside part of this curve is:

  >>The Boatyard
      Location: (Southeast) Viceport.
      Map: (G-3).
      Notes: This small business is an Asset Property that you can purchase 
             later in the game.

Now head north and through the gates for Viceport. Continue forward past the
intersection with the South Bridge then stop at the next three-way
intersection. At the southwest corner of this intersection is the:

  >>Little Havana Police Station
      Location: (East) Little Havana.
      Map: (F-3).
      Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Busted while on 
             the West Side near the Little Havana area.

From here, turn left and stop at the next three-way intersection. At the
south side of this intersection is:

  >>Screw This Hardware Store
      Location: (Central) Little Havana.
      Map: (E-2).
      Notes: This is where one can buy tools and equipment for home 
             improvement projects.

And this is where I am going to end the tour. You can head back from here to
return any of your Safehouses if you like.

| >WSD2. Asset Properties (West Side)                                       |

In this chapter I go over the Asset Properties, that you passed by during the
tour, in more detail.


| Hyman Condo    |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | East of the Hyman Memorial Stadium in Downtown.                |
| Map      | (B-3).                                                         |
| Cost     | $14,000.                                                       |
| Notes    | One of the major Safehouses in the game. Has three garages     |
|          | (two cars each), a Police Bribe in front, a helipad on top,    |
|          | and your Weapon Icons (plus your Street Outfit) will spawn     |
|          | here.                                                          |
| Skumhole Shack |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | On the rooftop of a building across the street north from the  |
|          | Greasy Chopper in Downtown.                                    |
| Map      | (C-3).                                                         |
| Cost     | $1,000.                                                        |
| Notes    | A basic save point. It is the hardest to find because it is    |
|          | hidden on a rooftop up and away from the street.               |


Now, that I've familiarized you with the West Side, it is time to go

| >WSD3. West Side Weapons and Items                                        |

Listed below, by neighborhood, is the Weapon, Health, Body Armor, Police
Bribe, and Adrenaline Icons for the West Side of Vice City.


|################################| Downtown |###############################|
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Weapons |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Molotovs | At the Tacopalypse restaurant across the street east of the    |
|          | Hyman Condo.                                                   |
|          | Map: (A-3).                                                    |
| Uz-1     | Under the stairs, that lead up the The Skumhole Shack, inside  |
|          | the road curve east of The Greasy Chopper.                     |
|          | Map: (C-3).                                                    |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Health |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| In the middle of The Dirtbike Track.                                      |
| Map: (A-3).                                                               |
| In front of Schuman Health Care Center.                                   |
| Map: (B-3).                                                               |
| On top of Schuman Health Care Center.                                     |
| Map: (B-3).                                                               |
| On top of the large building that houses the Downtown Ammu-Nation near    |
| the set of stairs leading down.                                           |
| Map: (B-3).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>You need to jump from the set of stairs, which is also a Unique Stunt |
|     Jump, across the street south of the Ammu-Nation or use a helicopter  |
|     to land on the roof.                                                  |
| At the Dispensary (Downtown).                                             |
| Map: (C-3).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Body Armor |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Near the top of the metal stairs of the building next door south of The   |
| Dirtbike Track.                                                           |
| Map: (A-3).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   **NOTE: This Armor will become available after completion of the        |
|           mission "G-Spotlight".                                          |
| In a corner at the west side of the alley loop next door south of The     |
| Well Stacked Pizza (Downtown).                                            |
| Map: (C-2).                                                               |
| Just inside the entrance of a walled-off area at the south side of the    |
| building that houses The Greasy Chopper.                                  |
| Map: (C-3).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Police Bribe |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Near the front entrance of the Hyman Condo.                               |
| Map: (B-3).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Adrenaline |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| On top of the large building that houses the Downtown Ammu-Nation at the  |
| west side of the roof.                                                    |
| Map: (B-3).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>You need to jump from the set of stairs, which is also a Unique Stunt |
|     Jump, across the street south of the Ammu-Nation or use a helicopter  |
|     to land on the roof.                                                  |
| At the Dispensary (Downtown).                                             |
| Map: (C-3).                                                               |
| By the pair of palm trees directly across the street south of the VCN     |
| Building.                                                                 |
| Map: (B-4).                                                               |


|##############################| Little Haiti |#############################|
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Weapons |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Stubby Shotgun | Behind the hangar at the northwest corner of the City    |
|                | Scrap.                                                   |
|                | Map: (D-2).                                              |
| M4             | In the middle of a cluster of small shacks.              |
|                | Map: (D-2).                                              |
|                |                                                          |
|                |   >>Go to Kaufman Cabs. Across the street south of this  |
|                |     business is an area comprised of small shacks. In    |
|                |     the center of this area is where you can find the    |
|                |     weapon.                                              |
| .357           | Tucked in a little alley by a road curve.                |
|                | Map: (B-3).                                              |
|                |                                                          |
|                |   >>From The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Little Haiti), head |
|                |     south until you get to the *THIRD* three-way         |
|                |     intersection (the one with the signal lights). Then  |
|                |     turn right and you should see the "Welcome to Hell"  |
|                |     billboard as you approach the road curve going       |
|                |     south.                                               |
|                |                                                          |
|                |     On the sidewalk at the outside of this road curve is |
|                |     a junked car. Continue straight and to the junked    |
|                |     car. When you get to the car then turn right and you |
|                |     should see a wall. Go west along the wall and you    |
|                |     will enter the small alley where you can find the    |
|                |     weapon.                                              |
| Mini-Gun       | On the top floor of the remains of the Haitian Drug      |
|                | Processing Plant (which is the gated area in the alley   |
|                | across the street west of The Well Stacked Pizza Co.     |
|                | (Little Haiti)).                                         |
|                | Map: (D-2).                                              |
|                |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                |   **NOTE: This weapon becomes available after completion |
|                |           of the mission "Trojan Voodoo".                |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Health |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| On top of the crusher in the center of the City Scrap area.               |
| Map: (D-2).                                                               |
| Near the stairs at the south side of the Haitian Drug Processing Plant    |
| (which is the gated area in the alley across the street west of The Well  |
| Stacked Pizza Co. (Little Haiti)).                                        |
| Map: (D-2).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>You can use an Ambulance to jump over the wall or you can wait until  |
|     after completion of the mission "Trojan Voodoo".                      |
| At the Ryton Aide Pharmacy.                                               |
| Map: (C-2).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Police Bribe |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| In the air in front of a ramp.                                            |
| Map: (D-2).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>From the entrance of Phil's Place, head east and onto the road. As    |
|     you do so then you should see a yellow apartment building on the left |
|     side of the road.                                                     |
|                                                                           |
|     Directly across the street south of this apartment building is a gray |
|     building with a salmon pink base. At the east side of this building   |
|     is an alley. Go south into this alley to find the Bribe in front of a |
|     ramp (which is also a Unique Stunt Jump).                             |
| In an alleyway by a road curve.                                           |
| Map: (D-2).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>From The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Little Haiti), head south until you  |
|     get to the *SECOND* three-way intersection then turn left. Then turn  |
|     left when you get to the next three-way intersection.                 |
|                                                                           |
|     After a short distance then you will get to a road curve going east.  |
|     Straight ahead of you is an alley next to a large building with a     |
|     billboard on top. The Bribe can be found in this alley.               |
| In the air above the drainage ditch west of the Little Haiti Pay 'N'      |
| Spray.                                                                    |
| Map: (E-2).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Adrenaline |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Behind a small wall at the south side of the parking lot of Crocs Bar.    |
| Map: (D-2).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>Crocs Bar is across the street northwest of The Well Stacked Pizza    |
|     Co. (Little Haiti).                                                   |
| Under the stairs of a building.                                           |
| Map: (D-2).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>From the three-way intersection at the southwest corner of Kaufman    |
|     Cabs, head east then turn right at the next three-way intersection.   |
|     Take the gentle curve going east and you should see a small light     |
|     blue building on the right side of the road (Cafe Under The Tree).    |
|                                                                           |
|     Stop at this cafe and look north across the street to find a large    |
|     building. The Adrenaline can be found at the north side of this       |
|     building underneath a set of stairs.                                  |
| Under an overhang of a small beige house.                                 |
| Map: (E-2).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>From the three-way intersection at the southeast corner of Vice City  |
|     Printing Works, take the road curve at the north side of this         |
|     intersection and head east then turn left at the next three-way       |
|     intersection.                                                         |
|                                                                           |
|     Continue forward and stop at the *SECOND* three-way intersection. At  |
|     the southeast corner of this intersection is a small beige house and  |
|     the Adrenaline can be found underneath the overhang at the south      |
|     side.                                                                 |
| At the Ryton Aide Pharmacy.                                               |
| Map: (C-3).                                                               |


|#############################| Little Havana |#############################|
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Weapons |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Grenades    | Inside the basketball court next door west of West Haven    |
|             | Community Healthcare Center.                                |
|             | Map: (E-2).                                                 |
| M4          | At the west side of the gray building with a red awning     |
|             | directly across the street west of Cafe Robina.             |
|             | Map: (E-2).                                                 |
| .308 Sniper | On the roof of the building next door east of Cafe Robina.  |
|             | Map: (E-2).                                                 |
|             |                                                             |
|             |   >>From Cafe Robina, head east and stop at the next        |
|             |     three-way intersection. At the south side of this       |
|             |     intersection is an alley. Go south into this alley then |
|             |     angle west to find an enclosed area with a set of       |
|             |     stairs which will lead you to the rooftop.              |
|             |                                                             |
|             |     When you get to the top of the stairs then you should   |
|             |     see to the north a lower rooftop area with another set  |
|             |     of stairs. Go down to the lower rooftop and climb the   |
|             |     next set of stairs to get to the next rooftop where the |
|             |     weapon can be found.                                    |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Health |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| On top of a roof across the street northwest of the Little Havana Police  |
| Station.                                                                  |
| Map: (E-2).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>From the Screw This Hardware Store, head north and stop at the next   |
|     three-way intersection. Near the northeast corner of this             |
|     intersection is a large beige and red supermarket (El Nuevo Siglo     |
|     Supermarket - the "l" in "Siglo" is missing).                         |
|                                                                           |
|     At the north side of this building is a gate. Use an Ambulance to     |
|     jump over it. Once beyond the gate then head east and turn right at   |
|     the corner. You will now enter a large area behind the Cherry Poppers |
|     business.                                                             |
|                                                                           |
|     As you continue forward then you should see a concrete platform with  |
|     a short set of stairs off to the right. Climb these stairs then climb |
|     the next set that leads to the rooftop where you can find the Health  |
|     near the edge of the roof.                                            |
| In front of West Haven Community Healthcare Center.                       |
| Map: (E-3).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Body Armor |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| At a corner of the roof at the east side of Vice City Printing Works.     |
| Map: (E-2).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>Use the stairs at the center of the complex to access.                |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Police Bribe |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| In a narrow alleyway across the street northwest from the Screw This      |
| Hardware Store.                                                           |
| Map: (E-2).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>Head to the Screw This Hardware Store. Across the street northwest    |
|     from here is a building with a Sunshine Autos billboard on top. At    |
|     the east side of this building is a narrow alley where you can find   |
|     the Bribe.                                                            |
| In the air by the ramp in the parking lot east of Sunshine Autos.         |
| Map: (F-2).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Adrenaline |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Tucked in a corner of a clearing with a bunch of palm trees.              |
| Map: (E-2).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   >>From the three-way intersection in front of the Screw This Hardware   |
|     Store, head north and through the next three-way intersection. As you |
|     continue forward then you should see an open area with a bunch of     |
|     palm trees to your left.                                              |
|                                                                           |
|     Turn left into this open area and head to the southwest corner where  |
|     you will find a ramp. Stop before you get to this ramp and look left  |
|     to find the Adrenaline in a corner.                                   |


|##########################| Fort Baxter Air Base |#########################|
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Weapons |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| M60 | In the west guard tower near the front entrance.                    |
|     | Map: (E-1).                                                         |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Body Armor |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| In the east guard tower near the front entrance.                          |
| Map: (E-1).                                                               |


|#####################| Escobar International Airport |#####################|
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Weapons |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| S.P.A.S. 12 | Behind the Vice Surf billboard across the street north of   |
|             | the EIA Main Terminal Building.                             |
|             | Map: (F-1).                                                 |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Health |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Inside the EIA Main Terminal Building near Gate 1-8.                      |
| Map: (F-1).                                                               |


|################################| Viceport |###############################|
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Weapons |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Rocket Launcher | In the swimming pool of The Hooker Inn.                 |
|                 | Map: (F-2).                                             |
| Sniper Rifle    | On the ledge at the south side of the base of the south |
|                 | bridge housing at the west end of the South Bridge.     |
|                 | Map: (F-3).                                             |
| Flamethrower    | By the building near the road curve south of the        |
|                 | Viceport Pay 'N' Spray.                                 |
|                 | Map: (G-2).                                             |
|                 |                                                         |
|                 |   >>From the three-way intersection next to the         |
|                 |     Viceport Pay 'N' Spray, head south along the road.  |
|                 |     As you near the road curve going east then you      |
|                 |     should see the weapon in the corner to your right.  |
| Mac             | Tucked behind the wooden fence across the street west   |
|                 | of The Boatyard.                                        |
|                 | Map: (G-3).                                             |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Health |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Under the north foot bridge leading up to the deck of the large ship      |
| docked at the east side of Viceport.                                      |
| Map: (G-3).                                                               |
| By the south set of the stairs leading down to water level at The         |
| Boatyard.                                                                 |
| Map: (G-3).                                                               |
|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| Body Armor |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Tucked between crates at the north side of the EIA East Parking Lot.      |
| Map: (F-2).                                                               |
| At the doorway at the east side of the small building directly across the |
| street west of the large ship docked at the east side of Viceport.        |
| Map: (G-3).                                                               |

| >WSD4. Hidden Packages (West Side)                                        |

Listed below are the remaining forty six Hidden Packages that can be found
on the West Side.


|######################| Downtown (DTN), Packages - 8 |#####################|
|#[DTN-H55]  | Tucked in a corner of the parking lot at the west side of    |
|            | Hyman Memorial Stadium.                                      |
|            | Map: (B-1).                                                  |
|#[DTN-H56]  | Tucked in a nook in a enclosed area near the Hyman Condo.    |
|            | Map: (B-3).                                                  |
| Notes      | Directly south of the entrance to the Hyman Condo is an      |
|            | entryway into an enclosed area. Head east into this area and |
|            | turn right at the corner. After turning right then you       |
|            | should see a nook to your left. The Package can be found in  |
|            | this nook.                                                   |
|#[DTN-H57]  | In the middle of the sculpture in the courtyard underneath   |
|            | the V.A.J. Building.                                         |
|            | Map: (B-3).                                                  |
|#[DTN-H58]  | In a little nook at the east side of the large building      |
|            | across the road east of the VCN Building.                    |
|            | Map: (B-4).                                                  |
|#[DTN-H59]  | Tucked in the corner of the lower area behind the Ambulance  |
|            | at Schuman Health Care Center.                               |
|            | Map: (B-3).                                                  |
|#[DTN-H60]  | At the base of the helipad on top of the VCN Building.       |
|            | Map: (B-3).                                                  |
| Notes      | You should see the Package on your left halfway up the upper |
|            | section of the ramp leading to the top of the helipad.       |
|#[DTN-H61]  | By the elevator in the lobby of The Rockstar Building.       |
|            | Map: (C-3).                                                  |
| Notes      | Use the stairs at the east side of the building to get       |
|            | access to the lobby which is at the west side.               |
|#[DTN-H62]  | Tucked in the southwest corner of the grassy area, at the    |
|            | end of the concrete ramp, behind the Moist Palms Hotel.      |
|            | Map: (C-3).                                                  |


|####################| Little Haiti (LHI), Packages - 8 |###################|
|#[LHI-H63]  | At the corner of the seawall northwest of Phil's Place.      |
|            | Map: (C-2).                                                  |
|#[LHI-H64]  | Inside the shed to the north just inside the entrance to     |
|            | Phil's Place.                                                |
|            | Map: (C-2).                                                  |
|#[LHI-H65]  | At the bottom of a set of stairs.                            |
|            | Map: (D-2).                                                  |
| Directions | From the entrance to Phil's Place, head east to the road     |
|            | curve. At the inside of the road curve is a red and beige    |
|            | building.                                                    |
|            |                                                              |
|            | At the south side of this building is an alley. Head east    |
|            | into this alley and turn right at the next corner. Just      |
|            | ahead of you should be a set of stairs leading down where    |
|            | you can find the Package.                                    |
|#[LHI-H66]  | On top of the stairs of the house right next door east of    |
|            | Kaufman Cabs.                                                |
|            | Map: (D-2).                                                  |
|#[LHI-H67]  | Inside the corner of the recessed area of the roof at the    |
|            | east side of a building with salmon and teal awnings.        |
|            | Map: (D-3).                                                  |
| Directions | From the three-way intersection next to Kaufman Cabs, head   |
|            | east and stop at the next three-way intersection. Just       |
|            | northeast from this intersection, and on the outside of the  |
|            | gentle road curve going east, is a storefront with salmon    |
|            | and teal awnings.                                            |
|            |                                                              |
|            | The recessed area is at the east side of the rooftop. This   |
|            | Package can be acquired with either a helicopter or          |
|            | motorcycle.                                                  |
|            |                                                              |
|            | When using the motorcycle then use the ramp, which is also a |
|            | Unique Stunt Jump, north of the building. The recessed area  |
|            | should be off to your left when you land.                    |
|#[LHI-H68]  | On top of the open grave behind the Funeraria Romero next    |
|            | door south of The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Little Haiti).     |
|            | Map: (D-2).                                                  |
|#[LHI-H69]  | On the roof of the building next door north of the Vice City |
|            | Printing Works.                                              |
|            | Map: (D-2).                                                  |
| Directions | Go north along the west side of the Vice City Printing Works |
|            | and through the opening in the wooden fence. Head northeast  |
|            | until you get to an opening in the concrete fence.           |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Go through this opening and head east until you reach the    |
|            | wall. You should see a set of stairs to your right. Head to  |
|            | the roof and the Package should be near the air conditioners |
|            | ahead of you.                                                |
|#[LHI-H70]  | Behind the fence near the "Life's A Bitch" billboard.        |
|            | Map: (E-2).                                                  |
| Directions | At the southeast part of the Vice City Printing Works is a   |
|            | large billboard. This is the "Life's a Bitch" billboard and  |
|            | the Package can be found near it. Just to the east of the    |
|            | billboard is a three-way intersection.                       |
|            |                                                              |
|            | From here, head north along the fence until it ends then     |
|            | turn left. Then turn left again and you will see some bushes |
|            | to your left. The Package can be found up against the fence  |
|            | near these bushes.                                           |


|###################| Little Havana (LTV), Packages - 7 |###################|
|#[LTV-H71]  | Inside the Laundromat.                                       |
|            | Map: (E-2).                                                  |
| Directions | From the three-way intersection at the southeast corner of   |
|            | Vice City Printing Works, head west and turn left at the     |
|            | next three-way intersection then stop at the next three-way  |
|            | intersection. At the northwest corner of this intersection   |
|            | is the Laundromat where you can find the Package within.     |
|#[LTV-H72]  | At the top of the ramp of the pale green house.              |
|            | Map: (E-2).                                                  |
| Directions | From Package [LTV-H71], head back to the intersection then   |
|            | head east and stop at the next three-way intersection. At    |
|            | the southwest corner of this intersection is a pale green    |
|            | house where the Package is located.                          |
|#[LTV-H73]  | Tucked in the corner behind the wall directly across the     |
|            | street north from Cafe Robina.                               |
|            | Map: (E-2).                                                  |
|#[LTV-H74]  | At the east end of the Kaufman Cabs billboard east of Cafe   |
|            | Robina.                                                      |
|            | Map: (E-2).                                                  |
| Directions | From Cafe Robina, head east and stop at the next three-way   |
|            | intersection. At the south side of this intersection is an   |
|            | alley.                                                       |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Go south into this alley then angle west to find an enclosed |
|            | area with a set of stairs which will lead you to the         |
|            | rooftop. When you get to the top of the stairs then you      |
|            | should see to the north a lower rooftop area with another    |
|            | set of stairs.                                               |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Go down to the lower rooftop and climb the next set of       |
|            | stairs to get to the next rooftop where you should find the  |
|            | .308 Sniper Weapon Icon. Next to it is the Kaufman Cabs      |
|            | billboard. Jump onto the billboard and head to the east end  |
|            | where you can find the Package.                              |
|#[LTV-H75]  | Inside the Deli which is across the street north of the      |
|            | Little Havana Police Station.                                |
|            | Map: (E-3).                                                  |
|#[LTV-H76]  | At the southwest corner of the roof of a building with red   |
|            | and white awnings south of Cafe Robina.                      |
|            | Map: (F-2).                                                  |
| Directions | From Cafe Robina, head south to the next road curve where    |
|            | you can find this building. Use the set of stairs at the     |
|            | south side of the building to access.                        |
|#[LTV-H77]  | At the southwest corner of the upstairs floor inside         |
|            | Sunshine Autos.                                              |
|            | Map: (F-2).                                                  |


|################| Fort Baxter Air Base (FBA), Packages - 1 |###############|
|#[FBA-H78]  | Behind the sign at the entrance to the Base.                 |
|            | Map: (E-1).                                                  |


|###########| Escobar International Airport (EIA), Packages - 13 |##########|
|#[EIA-H79]  | Under one of the planes at the northwest side of the North   |
|            | Terminal Building.                                           |
|            | Map: (E-1).                                                  |
|#[EIA-H80]  | Behind the billboards at the northeast section of the        |
|            | Airport area.                                                |
|            | Map: (E-2).                                                  |
| Directions | Go to Cafe Robina in Little Havana. Across the street north  |
|            | of the Cafe is an alley. Head north into this alley. Near    |
|            | the end of this alley is an opening to your left.            |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Go west through this opening and you will be near the backs  |
|            | of the billboards for the Airport. Continue forward until    |
|            | you reach the corner behind the billboards and where the     |
|            | Package is located.                                          |
|#[EIA-H81]  | In the valley at the west side of the EIA Main Terminal      |
|            | Building roof.                                               |
|            | Map: (F-1).                                                  |
| Notes      | You can either use a Helicopter of jump onto the roof using  |
|            | the ramp within the Vice Surf billboard to gain access.      |
|#[EIA-H82]  | At the northwest section of the ground floor inside the EIA  |
|            | Main Terminal Building.                                      |
|            | Map: (F-1).                                                  |
|#[EIA-H83]  | At Gate 1-8 on the second floor inside the EIA Main Terminal |
|            | Building.                                                    |
|            | Map: (F-2).                                                  |
|#[EIA-H84]  | At the west side of the EIA Fire Department.                 |
|            | Map: (F-1).                                                  |
|#[EIA-H85]  | Under the wing of the large plane in one of the third hangar |
|            | south of the EIA Fire Department.                            |
|            | Map: (F-1).                                                  |
|#[EIA-H86]  | On the roof at the end of the east loading terminal.         |
|            | Map: (F-2).                                                  |
| Notes      | Near the north end of the east loading terminal is a Packer. |
|            | Get into the Packer and drive to the un-used gate near it.   |
|            | Park the Packer so it looks like you are docking it at the   |
|            | gate.                                                        |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Then climb to the end of the ramp and jump onto the top of   |
|            | the gate. Then climb the remainder of the gate to collect    |
|            | the Package. Thanks to Nine-Tailed for the suggestion.       |
|#[EIA-H87]  | On top of the plane, near the tail, at the southwest part of |
|            | the west loading terminal.                                   |
|            | Map: (F-1).                                                  |
| Notes      | Use the Packer method, described above, to get onto the top  |
|            | of the plane to get it.                                      |
|#[EIA-H88]  | Under Package [EIA-H87] (near the center of the plane).      |
|            | Map: (F-1).                                                  |
|#[EIA-H89]  | On the helipad at the south end of the Airport and near the  |
|            | South Runway.                                                |
|            | Map: (G-2).                                                  |
|#[EIA-H90]  | On top of the McAdam Airways hangar east of the helipad.     |
|            | Map: (G-2).                                                  |
| Notes      | This can be acquired by either Helicopter or motorcycle. If  |
|            | using a motorcycle then use one of the concrete ramps to the |
|            | west and use moderate speed to keep from going over the      |
|            | hangar.                                                      |
|#[EIA-H91]  | Near the small control tower on the roof of the EIA Freight  |
|            | and Cargo Terminal.                                          |
|            | Map: (G-2).                                                  |
| Notes      | This Package can be acquired by either Helicopter or         |
|            | motorcycle. If using a motorcycle then there is a series of  |
|            | ramps by the northwest part of the building using some of    |
|            | the large cargo crates.                                      |


|######################| Viceport (VPR), Packages - 9 |#####################|
|#[VPR-H92]  | In the center of the cluster of four large fuel tanks at The |
|            | Fuel Depot.                                                  |
|            | Map: (F-2).                                                  |
|#[VPR-H93]  | Between two tractor trailers in the southwest corner of the  |
|            | EIA East Parking Lot.                                        |
|            | Map: (F-2).                                                  |
|#[VPR-H94]  | At the parking pad for an apartment complex.                 |
|            | Map: (G-3).                                                  |
| Directions | Head to the large ship docked at the east side of Viceport.  |
|            | Now go north along the road and out the main entrance to     |
|            | Viceport. To your left you should see a long beige (with     |
|            | green trim) apartment complex. Go to the south end of this   |
|            | complex and head north along the sidewalk.                   |
|            |                                                              |
|            | As you proceed forward then you should find a small grassy   |
|            | area to your left. However, continue forward and you will    |
|            | come to a small parking pad which will be to your left. The  |
|            | Package can be found at the south side of this parking pad.  |
|#[VPR-H95]  | Tucked in a nook by some container crates at the south end   |
|            | of the ship docked at the east side of Viceport.             |
|            | Map: (G-3).                                                  |
| Directions | Go to the ramp at the south end of the ship. Head up the     |
|            | ramp then turn north when you get to the deck.               |
|            |                                                              |
|            | To your right you should see a platform with container       |
|            | crates. Head north alongside them and turn right at the next |
|            | corner then turn right again at the next corner. Ahead of    |
|            | you is a small group of container crates. The Package can be |
|            | found tucked in the nook by the ship railing.                |
|#[VPR-H96]  | Tucked in the corner behind the Vice City Port Authority     |
|            | Main Building signs which is at the three-way intersection   |
|            | near the southeast corner of the building.                   |
|            | Map: (G-3).                                                  |
|#[VPR-H97]  | At the northwest corner of the large open area west of the   |
|            | Viceport Pay 'N' Spray.                                      |
|            | Map: (G-2).                                                  |
| Directions | From the three-way intersection next to the Viceport Pay 'N' |
|            | Spray, head west. Go through the gate leading into the open  |
|            | area and straight west. As you get near the wall at the west |
|            | side of this area then you should find the Package in the    |
|            | corner.                                                      |
|#[VPR-H98]  | Inside the office that is inside the hangar across the       |
|            | street east of the EIA Freight and Cargo Terminal.           |
|            | Map: (G-2).                                                  |
|#[VPR-H99]  | On the west end of the ship docked at the southwest end of   |
|            | Viceport.                                                    |
|            | Map: (G-2).                                                  |
| Notes      | This can only be acquired with a Helicopter.                 |
|#[VPR-H100] | On a rotting wooden platform within The Waterhouses area.    |
|            | Map: (H-4).                                                  |
| Notes      | This one can be acquired by boat or Helicopter. However, if  |
|            | you use a boat, a Rampage is directly in the way so you will |
|            | have to do that before you can grab the Package.             |

| >WSD5. Rampages (West Side)                                               |

Listed below are the remaining eighteen Rampages that can be found on the
West Side and the strategies for each one.


|#############################| Downtown (DTN) |############################|

|#[DTN-R18] - Kill 30 Gang Members (Flamethrower) \
| Location   | By the walkway to the floating helipad at the northeast side |
|            | of the Hyman Memorial Arena.                                 |
| Map        | (A-2).                                                       |
| Notes      | The wide radius of the Flamethrower's output makes for easy  |
|            | disposal of any gang cluster in front of you, even those     |
|            | that try to run away.                                        |


|#[DTN-R19] - Kill 30 Gang Members (Mini-Gun) \
| Location   | At the south side of the V.A.J. Building courtyard just      |
|            | behind the sculpture.                                        |
| Map        | (A-3).                                                       |
| Notes      | Not too hard. Just be careful shooting near cars since their |
|            | explosions can do some serious damage.                       |


|#[DTN-R20] - Kill 40 Gang Members (Molotovs) \
| Location   | At the top of stairs of the building next door west of the   |
|            | VCN Building.                                                |
| Map        | (B-3).                                                       |
| Notes      | Go to the Downtown Ammu-Nation to acquire your targets,      |
|            | because they spawn more easily here, so you can complete it. |
|            | Having the Fireproof Feature really makes this Rampage easy. |


|#[DTN-R21] - Kill 25 Gang Members (.357) \
| Location   | At the top of the stairs across across the street south from |
|            | the Downtown Ammu-Nation (also a Unique Stunt Jump).         |
| Map        | (B-3).                                                       |
| Notes      | The stopping power of the .357 makes killing your victims    |
|            | easy. The only matter is how fast you can go from target to  |
|            | target.                                                      |


|#[DTN-R22] - Drive-By and Waste 35 Gang Members (Uz-1) \
| Location   | At the west side of the alley loop next door south of the    |
|            | The Well Stacked Pizza (Downtown).                           |
| Map        | (C-2).                                                       |
| Notes      | Another drive-by rampage. Recommended vehicles are the       |
|            | Angel, Sanchez, or PCJ-600. Just drive forward while         |
|            | shooting to take down the gang clusters.                     |


|#[DTN-R23] - Kill 30 Gang Members (M60) \
| Location   | Tucked in a corner behind the northwest corner of the Moist  |
|            | Palms Hotel.                                                 |
| Map        | (C-2).                                                       |
| Notes      | You will usually get Bikers when you do this Rampage and     |
|            | they are really not that hard to deal with. They will        |
|            | usually try to rush you and that makes for easy pickings.    |

|###########################| Little Haiti (LHI) |##########################|

|#[LHI-R24] - Kill 30 Gang Members (Tec-9) \
| Location   | Behind a small pale green house.                             |
| Map        | (E-2).                                                       |
| Directions | From the three-way intersection at the southeast corner of   |
|            | Vice City Printing Works, take the road curve at the north   |
|            | side of this intersection and head east then turn left at    |
|            | the next three-way intersection.                             |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Continue forward and stop at the next three-way              |
|            | intersection. At the southwest corner of this intersection   |
|            | is a small beige house. Next door south of this beige house  |
|            | is the pale green house where you should find the Rampage    |
|            | behind it.                                                   |
| Notes      | The high number of bullets required to kill a gang member,   |
|            | plus the slow rate of fire, may drag this Rampage out a bit. |
|            |                                                              |
|            | This is a Rampage that definitely benefits from the use of a |
|            | Rhino or Hunter. If you acquire a Rhino then park it close   |
|            | to the Rampage and activate it. After that then just go down |
|            | the nearby streets and shoot the nearby buildings to create  |
|            | splash damage to kill the gang members.                      |

|##########################| Little Havana (LTV) |##########################|

|#[LTV-R25] - Kill 10 Gang Members (Katana) \
| Location   | On the loading dock behind El Banco Corrupto Grande.         |
| Map        | (E-2).                                                       |
| Notes      | Run them through or behead them to make your kill count.     |
|            | Unfortunately, just like Rampage [OCB-R13], the gang members |
|            | can really make this hard on you because they will be        |
|            | shooting at you and all you have is the sword.               |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Go up to a cluster, swing the sword a few times to see if    |
|            | you kill one or more of them and then run away when they     |
|            | start firing at you. Then go up to another cluster and       |
|            | repeat.                                                      |
|            |                                                              |
|            | This is a Rampage that definitely benefits from the use of a |
|            | Rhino or Hunter. If you acquire a Rhino then park it close   |
|            | to the Rampage and activate it. After that then just go down |
|            | the nearby streets and shoot the nearby buildings to create  |
|            | splash damage to kill the gang members.                      |


|#[LTV-R26] - Kill 25 Gang Members (Shotgun) \
| Location   | In the center of a basketball court area.                    |
| Map        | (E-2).                                                       |
| Directions | From the three-way intersection at the southeast corner of   |
|            | Vice City Printing Works, head west and turn left at the     |
|            | next three-way intersection then stop at the next three-way  |
|            | intersection.                                                |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Near the southeast corner of this intersection is an alley   |
|            | that leads to the center of the block ahead of you. Go south |
|            | into this alley and it will lead you to the basketball court |
|            | area where you can find the Rampage.                         |
| Notes      | Not as fast as the S.P.A.S. 12 but still effective.          |


|#[LTV-R27] - Kill 20 Gang Members (Sniper Rifle) \
| Location   | On the roof of the building next door north of Cherry        |
|            | Poppers and can only be accessed by helicopter.              |
| Map        | (E-3).                                                       |
| Notes      | Just stay on the roof and pick your victims off from a       |
|            | distance.                                                    |


|#[LTV-R28] - Kill 20 Gang Members (Kruger) \
| Location   | At the northwest corner of the roof of a building with red   |
|            | and white awnings south of Cafe Robina.                      |
| Map        | (F-2).                                                       |
| Directions | From Cafe Robina, head south to the next road curve where    |
|            | you will find this building. Use the set of stairs at the    |
|            | south side of the building to access.                        |
| Notes      | When doing this Rampage you may have to jump to ground level |
|            | to get some of your targets since they will run up to the    |
|            | building and you may not be able to shoot at them because of |
|            | the bad angle.                                               |

|##################| Escobar International Airport (EIA) |##################|

|#[EIA-R29] - Kill 35 Gang Members (S.P.A.S. 12) \
| Location   | At the corner of a building.                                 |
| Map        | (D-2).                                                       |
| Directions | From The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Little Haiti), head south   |
|            | until you get to the *THIRD* three-way intersection (the one |
|            | with the signal lights). Then turn right and you should see  |
|            | the "Welcome to Hell" billboard as you approach the road     |
|            | curve going south.                                           |
|            |                                                              |
|            | As you near the billboard itself then you should see an      |
|            | alley with a green dumpster. Head west into this alley.      |
|            | Continue forward then turn left at the next corner to find   |
|            | it.                                                          |
| Notes      | Pretty easy. The S.P.A.S. 12 makes quick work out of any     |
|            | gang cluster you aim at.                                     |


|#[EIA-R30] - Destroy 15 Vehicles (Mini-Gun) \
| Location   | By the bushes east of Fort Baxter Air Base.                  |
| Map        | (E-1).                                                       |
| Notes      | Get a PCJ-600 and drive to the Rampage. Point east when you  |
|            | park close to it.                                            |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Activate it, get back on the bike, and make your way to the  |
|            | EIA Main Parking Lot. When you reach the lower intersection  |
|            | then angle right and go up the concrete embankment.          |
|            |                                                              |
|            | There is a gap between the fence at the top and the end of   |
|            | the bridge. This makes an excellent shortcut. When you get   |
|            | to the parking lot then destroy every car on the lot,        |
|            | including your PCJ-600, if necessary.                        |
|            |                                                              |
|            | On occasion this Rampage is made more difficult by the fact  |
|            | that the hostile soldiers from the nearby Air Base can       |
|            | become a gang in this Rampage. This is because they have use |
|            | of the M4 and will shoot at you with no provocation.         |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Make your way to the parking lot and get as far from the     |
|            | street as possible then destroy the cars and any soldiers    |
|            | that shoot at you.                                           |
|            |                                                              |
|            | This is a Rampage that definitely benefits from the use of a |
|            | Rhino or Hunter. If you acquire a Rhino then park it close   |
|            | to the Rampage and activate it. After that then just go down |
|            | the nearby streets and run into the cars to destroy them. If |
|            | you have the Hunter then you can use both the Machine Gun    |
|            | and Rockets to destroy them.                                 |


|#[EIA-R31] - Destroy 12 Vehicles (Rocket Launcher) \
| Location   | Near the front of the roof of the EIA Main Terminal          |
|            | Building.                                                    |
| Map        | (F-1).                                                       |
| Notes      | Use a PCJ-600 and use the ramp inside the Vice Surf          |
|            | billboard to get onto the roof. Go near the Rampage, get off |
|            | the bike, activate the Rampage, get back on the bike, go to  |
|            | ground level, and go the EIA Main Parking Lot.               |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Destroy all the cars on the lot and destroy any cars that    |
|            | pass by on the road to complete the Rampage.                 |
|            |                                                              |
|            | According to Daniyal Faizee, if you waited until you have    |
|            | purchased Sunshine Autos, then you can make things easier on |
|            | yourself. Store several cars in the garages at the           |
|            | dealership.                                                  |
|            |                                                              |
|            | When you start the Rampage then head to Sunshine Autos. Open |
|            | the garage doors and destroy the cars. Let the doors close   |
|            | then go back and re-open them.                               |
|            |                                                              |
|            | The cars should be regenerated. Destroy them again and       |
|            | repeat the pattern until the Rampage is successfully         |
|            | completed.                                                   |
|            |                                                              |
|            | This is a Rampage that definitely benefits from the use of a |
|            | Rhino or Hunter. If you acquire a Rhino then park it close   |
|            | to the Rampage and activate it. After that then just go down |
|            | the nearby streets and run into the cars to destroy them. If |
|            | you have the Hunter then you can use both the Machine Gun    |
|            | and Rockets to destroy them.                                 |


|#[EIA-R32] - Kill 25 Gang Members (S.P.A.S. 12) \
| Location   | Inside the EIA Main Terminal Building, near the back, under  |
|            | the bridge to Gates 9-14.                                    |
| Map        | (F-1).                                                       |
| Notes      | Pretty easy. The S.P.A.S. 12 makes quick work out of any     |
|            | gang cluster you aim at.                                     |

|#############################| Viceport (VPR) |############################|

|#[VPR-R33] - Kill 35 Gang Members (Grenades) \
| Location   | In the bushes south of The Hooker Inn.                       |
| Map        | (F-2).                                                       |
| Notes      | Not too hard. Drop one at the feet of a gang cluster and     |
|            | run. Continue until the Rampage is passed.                   |


|#[VPR-R34] - Destroy 15 Vehicles (Rocket Launcher) \
| Location   | At the south end of the ship docked at the east side of      |
|            | Viceport.                                                    |
| Map        | (G-3).                                                       |
| Directions | Go to the ramp at the south end of the ship. Head up the     |
|            | ramp then continue east when get to the deck. Head past the  |
|            | large pillar and look left to find the Rampage.              |
| Notes      | Get a vehicle to block the road in front of the ship so you  |
|            | can get some cars to shoot at. There is usually a van near   |
|            | the Mac Weapon Icon plus a Linerunner just ahead of you when |
|            | you get off the ramp you can shoot at to help you complete   |
|            | the Rampage.                                                 |
|            |                                                              |
|            | This is a Rampage that definitely benefits from the use of a |
|            | Rhino or Hunter. If you acquire a Rhino then park it close   |
|            | to the Rampage and activate it. After that then just go down |
|            | the nearby streets and run into the cars to destroy them. If |
|            | you have the Hunter then you can use both the Machine Gun    |
|            | and Rockets to destroy them.                                 |


|#[VPR-R35] - Destroy 10 Vehicles (Rocket Launcher) \
| Location   | On a rotting wooden platform within The Waterhouses area.    |
| Map        | (H-4).                                                       |
| Notes      | Daniyal Faizee came up with an excellent way to do this      |
|            | Rampage. Fly out to the platform using a helicopter and land |
|            | on it.                                                       |
|            |                                                              |
|            | When you activate the Rampage then get back in the           |
|            | helicopter and fly into the Ocean Beach area as quickly as   |
|            | possible. Land on the top level of the Ocean Beach parking   |
|            | garage and exit your helicopter.                             |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Destroy the chopper which counts as a vehicle. You will      |
|            | notice that there are no cars on the top level of the        |
|            | parking garage. Head down to the third level. There are no   |
|            | cars here either so continue down to the second level.       |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Here you will find as many as seven cars to destroy. Destroy |
|            | them then head back to the third level again. Cars should    |
|            | now appear on the third level. Destroy all the cars you      |
|            | find here to successfully complete the Rampage.              |
|            |                                                              |
|            | This is a Rampage that definitely benefits from the use of a |
|            | Hunter. Fly up to the Rampage and activate it. Once you get  |
|            | the Rampage started then it is best to head west toward      |
|            | Viceport.                                                    |
|            |                                                              |
|            | If you try to destroy cars in Ocean Beach then you run the   |
|            | risk of blowing yourself up on the trees and lightposts. Go  |
|            | through Viceport and toward the parking lots around Escobar  |
|            | International Airport.                                       |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Destroy all cars you encounter on the way to the parking     |
|            | lots. Once you get to one of the lots then destroy all of    |
|            | the cars there and any nearby cars on the road, if           |
|            | necessary, to successfully complete the Rampage.             |

| >WSD6. Unique Stunt Jumps (West Side)                                     |

Listed below are the remaining sixteen Unique Stunt Jumps that can be found
on the West Side.


|#############################| Downtown (DTN) |############################|

|#[DTN-J21] - A concrete ramp. \
| Location   | At the northwest corner of the roof of Schuman Health Care   |
|            | Center.                                                      |
| Map        | (B-3).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | South to North and land on the roof of the building across   |
|            | the street.                                                  |
| Notes      | This Jump is unlocked when doing the mission "G-Spotlight".  |
|            |                                                              |
|            | However, according to Mark Coiley, you can do this before    |
|            | the mission but you need to complete the Taxi Mission first. |
|            | Grab a Taxi and have it saved at the Hyman Condo. Grab a     |
|            | Packer from Viceport and take it with you to Downtown.       |
|            |                                                              |
|            | South of the Hospital is a large hotel. In front of it is a  |
|            | raised driveway. Take the Packer and drive up and to the     |
|            | north end so it is pointed at the Hospital. You will notice  |
|            | that the roof of the Hospital is a bit higher than the end   |
|            | of the Packer's ramp. This is why you need a Taxi with the   |
|            | jump boost.                                                  |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Go back to the Condo to grab the Taxi then drive to the      |
|            | south end of the driveway. Speed up the Packer and jump when |
|            | you get to the end of the ramp to get to the Hospital roof.  |
|            | Once there then back up to get distance then speed to the    |
|            | ramp and hit jump when you get to the end to jump over the   |
|            | street and complete the Jump.                                |


|#[DTN-J22] - A set of stairs. \
| Location   | Across the street south of the Downtown Ammu-Nation.         |
| Map        | (B-3).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | South to North and land on the roof of the Ammu-Nation.      |


|#[DTN-J23] - A metal ramp. \
| Location   | On top of the large building across the street east of the   |
|            | VCN Building.                                                |
| Map        | (B-4).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | North to South and land on the roof of the building with the |
|            | searchlights.                                                |
| Notes      | This Jump is usually done during the mission "G-Spotlight"   |
|            | but can be done before that.                                 |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Park a PCJ-600 at the Hyman Condo garage. Then go into       |
|            | Viceport and grab a Packer. After that then go to The        |
|            | Dirtbike Track.                                              |
|            |                                                              |
|            | At the southwest part of The Dirtbike Track there is a       |
|            | building that has a set of stairs sticking straight up.      |
|            | These will come down during the mission.                     |
|            |                                                              |
|            | But what you need to do is park the Packer pointing south    |
|            | and to the right of the stairs. Run back to the Hyman Condo  |
|            | garage on foot and grab the PCJ-600.                         |
|            |                                                              |
|            | To the north of the parked Packer, and running almost all    |
|            | the way to the north seawall, is level grass. Go north along |
|            | this grass a little bit, turn around and then jump to the    |
|            | top of this building using the Packer.                       |
|            |                                                              |
|            | After that then follow the stairs and ramps until you reach  |
|            | and complete Jump [DTN-J23]. Credit for this goes to Daniyal |
|            | Faizee.                                                      |


|#[DTN-J24] - Straight through a glass window. \
| Location   | At one of the upper levels of The Rockstar Building.         |
| Map        | (B-3).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | South to North and land in the hollow area of the building   |
|            | next door.                                                   |
| Notes      | This Jump is unlocked when doing the mission "G-Spotlight"   |
|            | and can only be done during and after the mission.           |

|###########################| Little Haiti (LHI) |##########################|

|#[LHI-J25] - A wooden ramp. \
| Location   | The ramp in an alley east of Phil's Place.                   |
| Map        | (D-2).                                                       |
| Directions | From the entrance of Phil's Place, head east and onto the    |
|            | road. As you do so then you should see a yellow apartment    |
|            | building on the left side of the road.                       |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Directly across the street south of this apartment building  |
|            | is a gray building with a salmon pink base. At the east side |
|            | of this building is an alley. Go south into this alley to    |
|            | find the wooden ramp.                                        |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | North to South.                                              |
| Notes      | There is a Police Bribe suspended in the air at the end of   |
|            | the ramp.                                                    |


|#[LHI-J26] - A wooden ramp. \
| Location   | The ramp north of a junked school bus.                       |
| Map        | (D-2).                                                       |
| Directions | From The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Little Haiti), head south   |
|            | until you get to the *SECOND* three-way intersection then    |
|            | turn left. Then stop when you get to the next three-way      |
|            | intersection.                                                |
|            |                                                              |
|            | At the southwest corner of this intersection is a junked     |
|            | school bus. The ramp is across the street north of it.       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | North to South and you must clear the houses.                |


|#[LHI-J27] - A wooden ramp. \
| Location   | The ramp at the west side of the drainage ditch west of the  |
|            | Little Haiti Pay 'N' Spray.                                  |
| Map        | (D-2).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | West to East.                                                |
| Notes      | There is a Police Bribe suspended in the air at the end of   |
|            | the ramp. You will have to go back to the building at the    |
|            | road curve west of the ramp to get distance for the Jump.    |

|##########################| Little Havana (LTV) |##########################|

|#[LTV-J28] - A metal ramp. \
| Location   | On top of Calle 8 Cafeteria.                                 |
| Map        | (E-2).                                                       |
| Directions | From the three-way intersection at the southeast corner of   |
|            | Vice City Printing Works, head south then stop at the next   |
|            | three-way intersection. At the south side of this            |
|            | intersection is a large building. At the west side of this   |
|            | building is an alley.                                        |
|            |                                                              |
|            | Head south into this alley then angle southeast to find a    |
|            | ramp that leads to a rooftop. At the other end of this       |
|            | rooftop is a ramp that leads to the next rooftop. At the     |
|            | end of this rooftop you drop down to the next rooftop, which |
|            | is for Calle 8 Cafeteria, where you can find the Jump.       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | North to South and land on the building across the street.   |

|##################| Escobar International Airport (EIA) |##################|

|#[EIA-J29] - The Vice Surf billboard. \
| Location   | Across the street north of the EIA Main Terminal Building.   |
| Map        | (F-2).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | North to South and land on the EIA Main Terminal Building.   |


|#[EIA-J30] - A metal ramp. \
| Location   | By the chain-link fence east of the EIA Main Terminal        |
|            | Building.                                                    |
| Map        | (F-2).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | West to East and land on the Vice City Transport Police      |
|            | building across the street.                                  |


|#[EIA-J31] - A metal ramp. \
| Location   | At the east side of the west loading terminal.               |
| Map        | (F-1).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | East to West and over the west loading terminal.             |


|#[EIA-J32] - A metal ramp. \
| Location   | At the east side of the east loading terminal.               |
| Map        | (F-2).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | East to West and over the east loading terminal.             |


|#[EIA-J33] - A metal ramp. \
| Location   | At the west side of the west loading terminal.               |
| Map        | (F-1).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | West to East and over the west loading terminal.             |


|#[EIA-J34] - A metal ramp. \
| Location   | The left ramp at the northeast end of the South Runway.      |
| Map        | (F-2).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | Southwest to Northeast.                                      |


|#[EIA-J35] - A small yellow sign. \
| Location   | East of the small radar building south of the west loading   |
|            | terminal.                                                    |
| Map        | (G-1).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | East to West and jump over the radar building.               |


|#[EIA-J36] - A metal ramp. \
| Location   | Just southwest of the small radar building and southwest of  |
|            | Jump [EIA-J35].                                              |
| Map        | (G-1).                                                       |
| Vehicle    | PCJ-600.                                                     |
| Heading    | West to East.                                                |

| >WSD7. Trophy Hunting (Part Three) (PS4 (PS2 Classics Version)            |

There are other Trophies that you can acquire before doing any other

  >>{I'm Famous}
      This is for acquiring the Stuff of Legends media attention rating. You 
      get this by causing trouble but mainly for getting into fights with the 
      Cops. The more Cops, and their vehicles, you destroy, the higher the 
      rating becomes. Below is the list of ratings:

        ++Vaguely interesting
        ++Local paper Page 7
        ++Front page of local paper
        ++Vice Courier Page 2
        ++Vice Courier Front page
        ++Local TV 3am
        ++Local TV news
        ++Local TV Live coverage
        ++UFA Today page 12
        ++UFA Today page 4
        ++Picture in UFA Today
        ++National TV 4am
        ++National TV news
        ++National TV live coverage
        ++International news
        ++National crisis
        ++International crisis
        ++World event
        ++Stuff of legends

      According to The GTA Place, where I did some research into this, they 
      recommend that you save this for the end of the game and 100% 
      Completion when you can take advantage of the infinite ammo feature and 
      shoot a Rhino. Shooting the Rhino, even though you can't destroy it, 
      will cause the rating to go up quickly.

      However, you already have an infinite ammo weapon available - the Sea 
      Sparrow's Machine Gun. So, get at least 10 more Packages (or all of 
      them) to get the Rhino to spawn at Fort Baxter Air Base. Get a Rhino 
      and save it at the Hyman Condo (you should get a tank anyways for 
      certain activities and missions).

      Next, fly back to The Mansion and get another Sea Sparrow. Fly it to 
      the large grassy beach area at the west side of Downtown that sits 
      between the Hyman Memorial Stadium and land near the center. After that 
      then run to the Hyman Condo and get the Rhino then drive it to where 
      the Sea Sparrow is.

      Get back into the helicopter and gently hover while shooting the tank. 
      You should get the Trophy in less than ten minutes, maybe even less.

      An alternate method is to fly back to the East Side and to the North 
      Point Mall Ammu-Nation. Max out the ammo on your Uz-1 then fly back. Go 
      into the garage where the Rhino is stored and shoot it until you get 
      the Trophy.

  >>{One is Better Than Two}
      This one is for doing a 30-second wheelie. Those who are good with 
      doing stunts should have little problem getting this. But for those who 
      have never done a wheelie this becomes a bit more annoying.

      I found that the best motorcycle to use for this is the Sanchez. It's 
      difficult to do wheelies on the Freeway and Faggio and the PCJ-600 is a 
      bit too fast. The best place to do a wheelie, because of its smooth 
      surface, is the Airport grounds.

      Start from the south end of the Main Runway and head north. Just after 
      passing the small radar building then make a gentle right curve towards 
      the loading gates. The idea is to go under them without hitting 
      anything and to the northeast side of the grounds which should allow 
      you get more than thirty seconds for the wheelie.

      One thing to note is that you can't let the back end of the bike touch 
      the ground. If you do then you risk either having the wheelie end or 
      not have it count at all.

      When you get the wheelie started you need to tap the acceleration 
      button to keep it going or you risk having the front wheel come down or 
      have the back end touch the ground. So you need to tap the button just 
      slow enough to keep the wheelie, and your speed just slow enough, to 
      get past 30 seconds and acquire the Accomplishment.

| >WSD8. Vigilante Mission (Rhino)                                          |

If you collected at least 90 Hidden Packages then you should have spawned the
Rhino at Fort Baxter Air Base. This is one of the best Police Vehicles to use
for the Vigilante Mission because you are invincible inside the tank.

However, you can get smacked around a lot and risk getting Busted if you get
stuck because the Rhino is a slow moving vehicle for the most part. But you
can still get the Body Armor upgrade and plenty of money.

You can only do the Vigilante Mission in the Rhino after completion of the
mission "Phnom Penh '86" because you can't generate any targets for the
Vigilante Mission on the West Side if you sneak there early and you can't get
a Rhino around the roadblocks so you can take it back to the East Side.

If you want to use the Rhino then you will still have to deal with the
hostile soldiers Fort Baxter Air Base if you want to get the tank.

However, it is much easier to get the Rhino than it is to get the Hunter
because the tank is parked near the gate. To get the tank (without the use of
a Cop Outfit) then get a fast vehicle and run through the gate then stop near
the Rhino.

Get out of the car and into the tank as fast as you can then speed away while
hanging a sharp left to exit the base. You should be almost out of the base
by the time the game generates any soldiers to shoot at you in which case you
should be safe.

When you start the Vigilante Mission then just run into your targets instead
of shooting them. You'll probably end up jacking your Wanted Rating up to
6-Star but nobody can hurt you while you are in the Rhino. Although, as it
was pointed out by Rich Williams, the Rhino appears to be weaker in the PC

Even so, just chase your targets and destroy whatever gets in your way. Then
the only matter is how long you want to do the Vigilante Mission and how to
get rid of the Wanted Ratings when you decide to call it quits.

| >WSD9. Vigilante Mission (Hunter - "Brown Thunder")                       |

The Hunter attack helicopter is by far the best vehicle to do the Vigilante
Mission in. As noted before, this vehicle will start to spawn at the back of
Fort Baxter Air Base after the acquisition of all 100 Hidden Packages.

If you manage to acquire a Hunter without the benefit of a Cop Outfit (or
wait until you reach far enough into the Main Story Missions to get the Cop
Outfit Icon) then you can do what is known as "Brown Thunder".

When you press Activate Vehicle Mission then the words "Brown Thunder" will
come up on your screen. This is just a name for the Hunter Vigilante Mission.
This does *NOT* make it a separate vehicle based mission.

The speed of the helicopter plus the Machine Gun and Rockets will allow you
to get to Level 12 quickly. However, you need to keep an eye open for targets
that leave their vehicles as they will shoot up at you and damage the
helicopter if you get too close. Although the Hunter is tougher than the
other helicopters it is not that much tougher and can easily be shot down if
you're not careful.

You can use the Hunter in conjunction with this side-mission to make lots of
money. However, since it is easy to exploit the "Cone Crazy" mission to make
as much as a billion dollars, it is best to simply get far enough to max out
your Armor and quit.

If you went to the West Side early and try to do "Brown Thunder" then you
will notice that there are no targets generated. You will have to fly back to
the East Side before you are provided with anything to shoot at. It is more
difficult to do "Brown Thunder" on the East Side than it is on the West. This
is because of the narrow streets and other obstacles (trees, lightposts,
signal lights) which can prove deadly when using Rockets.

| >WSD10. Looking for Cars                                                  |

When you acquire the Hyman Condo then you have access to three garages that
can hold multiple cars. It is also a good idea to try to find and save hard
to find cars for the Sunshine Autos car lists which you will do later in the
game. All the cars listed in this chapter appear at random.

You don't have to spend large chunks of time trying to find them. You can
acquire them while doing other things like doing Rampages or Unique Stunt

Below is the list of cars you should try to get prior to getting the Sunshine 
Autos property:

|       Name     |                        Description                       |
| Esperanto      | Looks like an old Cadillac. Big and long.                |
| Idaho          | Big like the Esperanto but has a white roof that slopes  |
|                | in the back.                                             |
| Blista Compact | Small compact car with a rounded end.                    |
| Virgo          | Looks very similar to the Esperanto but has a thin white |
|                | stripe that runs along the sides of the car and goes     |
|                | around the tops of the wheels.                           |

Most of the other cars on the four lists are fairly easy to get during the 
course of the game. It's just that these cars that are listed spawn less 
frequently and are harder to acquire.

| >WSD11. The Hyman Memorial Arena                                          |

In the northwest section of Downtown is the Hyman Memorial Arena where you 
can do three vehicle related side missions that will get you closer to 100% 
completion. You can't get into the arena until 8 o'clock (20:00) in the

As you approach the stadium then look up to the billboard that's just over
the road leading to the arena. This will tell you which activity is currently
at the arena.

The best way to do these events is this: save at the Hyman Condo when the 
time is near 14:00 (so, when you get back, the time is near 20:00). Then do
the event posted. If you blow the event or end up with undesirable results
then simply reload from the previous save point. Repeat until you get the
desired results for that event.

Here's the rundown on the three events:

| Hot Ring \

  This event is a twelve lap race around a short track. You start in 16th 
  Place and you must be in the top three to be successful. However, you must 
  be in first place and win the race outright to climb toward 100% Completion 
  (thanks to Gary Paydon for pointing that out).

  This can be a frustrating event because getting smacked by a car can spin 
  you around and lead to getting repeatedly hit by oncoming cars thus causing 
  serious damage and loss of position.

  At the beginning of the race the best thing to do is to stay in last place 
  and watch the others smack each other around for position. Keep it slow and 
  weave through the chaos. Should you get hit then you won't be damaged as 
  much. By the time you get through the initial mess then some of the other 
  racers should be either majorly damaged or destroyed which can help you get 
  up in position quickly.

  You should also be in the top five or so too. When passing cars try to get 
  into the inside part of the track to make it easier to do so.

  When you see a group of cars in front of you getting into some wrecks then 
  slow yourself down to help you avoid the cars better. Slowing down will 
  help you to keep control of your vehicle if you get hit while trying to get 
  around them.

| Blood Ring \

  This event is an old-style demolition derby in which you must hit the 
  yellow markers to try to get the time over one minute to end the event. You 
  also have to deal with the other cars that are trying to hit and damage 
  you. You are going to be hit and spun around a lot.

  The best advice is to just keep moving no matter what. Hit reverse if your 
  target is behind you instead of trying to spin into position. Don't worry 
  if your car is flipped onto its roof. The game will automatically flip it 
  back onto the wheels. Despite all the chaos, this really isn't a difficult 

| Dirt Ring \

  This event is essentially a stunt track with walls, jumps, and 
  loop-de-loops. There is no time limit but you can earn $50,000 if you can 
  do this in under five minutes. You can also earn $10,000 if you do it under 
  ten minutes and $5,000 for times over ten minutes.

  Most of these markers are in the racetrack in the middle which are easy to 
  get. However, one of these racetrack markers can only be acquired with a 

  Switch to the first-person view to do the loops. As far as the walls and 
  planks go, line yourself as carefully as possible and get some good speed 
  to go up them. You will also need some patience as well. It will probably 
  take a few tries to get these right since you can easily fall off them.

  However, you can still finish this with a time as little as two seconds 
  with no cheat codes. Glen T. Winstein pointed out a little trick which 
  worked on his PC version and works on both the PS2 and Xbox versions.

  Get and save a Sanchez at your garage at the Hyman Condo. Make sure that 
  the Dirt Ring event is playing at the Arena. Get on the Sanchez, drive to 
  the Arena entrance, and get off. When the entrance opens then push the bike 
  partway into the door. When it is inside the door then get near the bike.

  As you get near the bike then the screen will start to fade as it begins 
  the event. When this happens then get on the bike. If you do this right 
  then you should be on the Sanchez you brought in as the event begins. The 
  "official" Sanchez should be to your right.

  The first thing ahead of you is a jump through a ring of fire. Leave that 
  one alone. Go and collect the other markers. You'll see that you can get 
  them but there is no time clock present. The clock only starts when you get 
  on the "official" Sanchez".

  So now you have all the time in the world to collect all of the markers 
  save for the one in front of the "official" Sanchez". When you get all of 
  the other markers then go back to the "official" Sanchez. Get off your 
  Sanchez and climb on the other one. Then jump through the last marker to 
  claim your $50,000 and a time of two seconds.

  If you get *ALL* of the markers then switch to the "official" Sanchez you 
  will end up with a time of 0:00. However, even though you get the $50,000, 
  the stats for Dirt Ring will *NOT* count in your stat sheet so you *MUST* 
  leave one marker alone for the stats to count toward 100% Completion.

  Although you can bring other bikes into the Dirt Ring, like the PCJ-600, 
  *ONLY* the Sanchez will allow you to pick up the markers.

| >WSD12. The Dirtbike Track |

To the north of Downtown is The Dirtbike Track which has a Sanchez and a
Landstalker parked nearby. Each is a vehicle specific mission, one called
"Trial by Dirt" (Sanchez) and the other "Test Drive" (Landstalker).

| Trial By Dirt (Sanchez) \

This involves you taking the motorcycle and going two laps in a clockwise
direction. However, there are considerable changes between the PS2 Original
and the PS2 Double Pack versions of this mini-game:

++PS2 Original Version
There is also a stat glitch concerning the Sanchez mission. If you do
the mission then you will notice that the stats for this mission will
not appear on your stat sheet. It only appears after you do the "Test
Drive" mission but the time will match that of the Landstalker.

In addition, you will have to deal with red barrels near the end of
each lap plus rain and Haitians on black Sanchez's will appear on the
second lap.

++PS2 Double Pack, Xbox Version, and PC Version
[PS2 Double Pack Version Only] - The stat glitch has been fixed.

The barrels, rain, and Haitians on motorcycles will not show up when
you do "Trial By Dirt" the first time. On your second run through,
the barrels will appear. If you beat your best time then the rain
will appear on your next run. If you beat your best time again then
the Haitians on motorcycles will appear on your next run.

| Test Drive (Landstalker) \

This mission requires that you take the Landstalker to go through the
course in a counter-clockwise direction. If you beat your record then red
barrels will be placed near the front of the course when you make an
another attempt. If you break your record again then a black Rancher will
chase you around the course on your next attempt.

When you do both of these missions then simply take it slow. You are only
setting the benchmark to beat for further attempts. You only need to complete
each mission once to have it count toward 100% Completion.

| >WSD13. Top Fun Vans (West Side) |

The third and final Top Fun mission can be found on the Escobar International
Airport grounds near the entrance of the EIA Freight and Cargo Terminal. It
may not be there when you try to find it the first time so go around the
grounds and go back.

| RC Raider \

This is an obstacle course using an RC helicopter. Here you can take your
time because you aren't racing against anything. One of the problems here
is that you can't change camera modes to get the best angle. When you're in
tight areas then make very small careful movements.

Patience is the best advice here. This may take awhile but, once you finish
this, then you won't have to worry about it again unless you want to try
for a better time.

| >WSD14. Robbing Stores (West Side) |

Listed below are the seven stores to be robbed on the West Side. Again, the
best thing to do is to rob them all in one run and get it over with. But, if
you wait until completion of either the missions "Rub Out" or "Copland", then
you can take advantage of the No Wanted Rating Exploit and rob all of the
Stores without any interference.

Below is the list of stores from north to south.


| Business | Map | Location |
| Jewelry Store | (B-3) | Across the street northeast of The Well |
| | | Stacked Pizza Co. (Downtown). |
| Dispensary | (C-3) | Just east of the Rock City record store in |
| | | Downtown. |
| Ryton Aide Pharmacy | (D-3) | Next door north of the Little Haiti Pay 'N' |
| | | Spray. |
| Laundromat | (E-2) | In northwest Little Havana. |
| Cafe Robina | (E-2) | On the west side of Little Havana. |
| | | |
| | | **NOTE: You must rob this place before |
| | | taking missions from Umberto |
| | | Robina. |
| Screw This | (E-2) | Just west of the Little Havana Police |
| | | Station at the three-way intersection. |
| Deli | (E-3) | Across the street north of the Little |
| | | Havana Police Station. |


Now, that all of this stuff is done, let's resume with the missions starting
with the second Assassination Contract mission from Mr. Black.....

/ Assassination Contract \
| >ATC2. Waste the Wife 0
| Overview / \ Assassination Contract /
0=========0 0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

Your assignment is to kill a Mrs. Dawson using only a car. It must be made
to look like an accident so no weapons can be used.....

| Notes \

Get a Rhino from Fort Baxter Air Base, after acquiring 90 Hidden Packages
to make it spawn, and save it at your Hyman Condo garage.

Found a way to make this easier by pushing this mission a little farther
back in the guide.

| The Plan \

Get your Rhino and go to Vice Point (being careful not to hit any other
cars) to pick up the mission. Re-enter your Rhino and go to the pink marker
near the Jewelry Store where Mrs. Dawson is shopping at. When she gets in
her car then follow her and hit her car to destroy it and successfully
complete this mission.

She'll be driving normally because she doesn't know she is a target. She
only drives fast when you first hit her.

Of course, when you smack her with the Rhino, then you destroy her car
before she even knows what hit her. This makes the mission very easy
considering that she will usually stop at the nearest signal light allowing
you quickly hit her car. Then go back and park the Rhino back at your Hyman
Condo garage so you can use it later.

| Reward \


/ Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez \
| >JGC4. Sir, Yes, Sir! 0
| Overview / \ Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez /
0=========0 0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

The Colonel wants you to acquire another piece of technology for him. He
also tells you that Diaz may indeed have been behind your ambush......

| Notes \

I have another method to doing this mission thanks to Tow Wang.

| The Plan \

The technology the Colonel wants is a tank. It is being delivered somewhere
and is protected by a convoy of soldiers. At the time you begin this
mission, the convoy is going south down the main road on the West Side
towards a large garage in Viceport.

Reader Glen T. Winstein gave me another method that a friend of his,
HandsomeRockus, uses.

Take the Cheetah that spawns near the Colonel's yacht and drive to the West
Side. Go north along the southbound lane until you encounter the convoy.
Slow down and park the Cheetah in front of the tank itself then exit the
car. When the driver of the tank leaves to move the Cheetah then get inside
the tank and floor it. The other vehicles of the convoy will try to stop
you but will end up destroying themselves when they hit the tank.

When you enter the tank then an auto-destruct sequence starts so you have
to act fast. Head to the red dot within Little Havana which is a storage
building. When you get there then put the tank into the building and get
out to end the mission.

Then there's this interesting method by Tow Wang:

"I did this mission with a Hunter. The convoy was parading through a big
wide avenue, and there was plenty of opportunity to lower the Hunter to
just-above ground-level, behind the convoy. A pair of rockets blew up
the rear truck, and I strafed both columns of soldiers with the
auto-targetting gun in a matter of seconds. I got out, and used the
sniper rifle to kill off a few more soldiers that remained, and actually
had to WAIT for the tank driver to get out so I could steal it."

| Reward \



There is still one more mission left for the Colonel but I will save that
for later. For now, let's return to Diaz.

/ Ricardo Diaz \
| >RDZ3. The Fastest Boat 0
| Overview / \ Ricardo Diaz /
0=========0 0+=+=+=+=+=+=0

The ever-so-trigger-happy Diaz wants you to steal a boat. But not just any
boat. This boat is supposed to be the fastest one around and Diaz.....


| Notes \

A gentleman by the name of IncredibleHoke posted the following information
on the site Vice City message boards and I gave it a try.....

"and for the fastest boat, u dont even have to pull the switch, all that
u do is drive straight in an get out of your car right next to the fence
next to the boat, then push triangle and the boat drops with u in it,
i've done this mission without any gunshots at all, as a matter of fact
i didnt even know there was a switch until my friend told me of it"

I also decided to remove a couple of the strategies used in previous
versions and streamline this chapter.

| The Plan \

Take a car and drive to The Boatyard. Drive through the opening, run over
one of the guards, and stop at the overturned rowboat near the Fastest
Boat. Get out and run over to the fence, in the corner, right by the
Fastest Boat.

When you get in the corner then press Enter Vehicle and you will
automatically jump in and gain control of the boat. You will also drop the
boat into the water and get a 3-Star Wanted Rating in the process. But you
can easily do a straight shot to The Mansion, despite the Police Boats
trying to chase you, to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \



At this point you may get another Assassination Contract mission call from
Mr. Black. After that then go to Washington Mall to answer the phone.....

/ Assassination Contract \
| >ATC3. Autocide 0
| Overview / \ Assassination Contract /
0=========0 0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

Your assignment is to eliminate a European gang that is planning to hit a
bank. They are doing menial jobs or taking vacations as a cover while they
plan and bide their time.....

| Weapons \

--Machine Gun (Sea Sparrow).
--Rockets (Hunter).

| Notes \

Get a Sea Sparrow, or if you're fortunate enough, a Hunter and land in the
Washington Mall parking lot by the ringing phone.

| The Plan \

When you start the mission you have nine minutes to complete it but with
the use of helicopters you can do this quickly.

After getting your assignment then get back into the Sea Sparrow and
proceed to your first target, Mark Griffon. He is working on a billboard
near the mall and doesn't stand a chance against the Sea Sparrow's
Machine Gun. A single rocket from the Hunter will also do the job.

Your next target is Nick Tanner who is working for DBP Security. He sees
you and flees in a Securicar. A few seconds with the Sea Sparrow's Machine
Gun will make short work of him. If you angle your Hunter right, when doing
the approach from the west, then you can destroy his car, as well as Nick,
with a Rocket before he can try to get away.

Your next two targets are Marcus Hammond and Franco Carter who are parked
in a Bobcat near the jewelry shop in Vice Point. One of these guys will
jump out to shoot you if you are spotted but that doesn't matter since you
are in a Sea Sparrow and another dose of the Machine Gun will take care of
these knuckleheads.

If you angle your Hunter properly during approach then you can destroy the
truck with a rocket before they know what hit them.

Your next target is Nick Kong who is on a boat near the Washington Street
bridge. Go southwest so the boat will be on your left as you approach so
Nick can't see you. Then use your the Sea Sparrow's Machine Gun to destroy
the boat. A couple of Hunter rockets will also make quick work of the boat.

Your last target is Charlie Dilson who is riding around in the Washington
Beach area on a motorcycle. This one is a little tricky because motorcycles
can be tough to hit with the Sea Sparrow's Machine Gun.

He's going to go along the main road at the south end of Ocean Beach then
turn north up the street next to The Pole Position Club. Slowly approach
the Club from the north and gently hover at roof level. As he approaches
then let loose a barrage from the Machine Gun from either the Sea Sparrow
or Hunter to destroy him before he can get away.

Destroying him will allow you to finish the mission successfully.

| Reward \


/ Ricardo Diaz \
| >RDZ4. Supply & Demand 0
| Overview / \ Ricardo Diaz /
0=========0 0+=+=+=+=+=+=0

Diaz wants you to take the boat you just acquired for him and meet with a
supplier who shows up once a month. The supplier only deals with the first
boat that shows up so you will have to be fast because the other dealers
will be trying to get to him first as well.....

| Weapons \

M4 (provided).

| Notes \

I got this e-mail from a reader, Ronn.....

"After trying the left and right channels numerous times by following the
other boats and failing, I decided to take advantage of the Squallo's
speed. Going to the far left under the Starfish Island and Leaf Links
bridges then jumping the narrow part of Leaf Links island, I got to the
supply boat well before the other boats.... not even close. Easy for
those beginners who have trouble with boats."

This actually works pretty well and I made a change to my strategy.

| The Plan \

When you get to the boat then you will find that Lance is there also (the
instrumental portion of the beginning of Wang Chung's "Dance Hall Days" is
a nice touch). After the cutscene ends then you will have to outrace the
other boats to the dealer. You drive and Lance shoots.

When you start the mission then go straight north and go under the leftmost
part of Island Bridge (East). Then go under the rightmost part of the Links
Bridge (near the Predator Police Boat).

You can't jump the island but instead follow the curve going right and go
under the two bridges connecting two areas of the Golf Club. Then go left
and straight toward the dealer. If you do this right then the other boats
will be left far behind you. Once you get to the supplier then you and
Lance switch places. He drives and you shoot.

Now you have to make it back to The Mansion in one piece which is made
difficult by the fact that the other dealers are gunning for you. The fact
that the Health Code will *NOT* work for this part of the mission makes it
even more difficult.

Shoot the gunner and then the driver of the boat behind you. That boat will
slow down becoming an obstacle for the other boats behind it.

Lance will prompt you about gunners on the jetty but I ignore them and
focus on the chopper that has just appeared overhead. Shoot the gunner and
then the chopper to destroy it. I found that I'm more successful doing it
this way.

You will have one more boat to face during the stretch run to The Mansion.
Like the first boat, shoot the gunner and then the pilot. After that then
it is smooth sailing to The Mansion to successfully complete the

Lance: "Good shooting, my friend. You're a real, proper, grade A
Tommy: "Well, thank you."

| Reward \


In addition, if you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version, then you should
also earn the {South American Connection} Trophy.


Finally, the Tracksuit Outfit will now spawn at the Jocksport in Downtown.
Lance will also call telling Tommy that they can take down Diaz. A little
bit later Tommy will get a call from Kent Paul concerning Lance.....

/ Ricardo Diaz \
| >RDZ5. Death Row 0
| Overview / \ Ricardo Diaz /
0=========0 0+=+=+=+=+=+=0

This is part one of a two-part mission that will change the course of the
game. Even though the mission starts at the Malibu Club with Kent Paul, it
technically falls within Diaz's line of missions.

When you talk to Kent then he informs you that Lance tried to jump Diaz but
failed. He is being held at the City Scrap where he is being tortured. You
have to go rescue him.....

| Weapons \

--Machine Gun (Sea Sparrow).

| Notes \

--Option #1: Get a Sea Sparrow and land it by the Malibu Club prior to
starting the mission.

--Option #2: Acquire the Everything-Proof Admiral, at the end of the
mission "Guardian Angels", and have it stored in a garage.

Andre Delarue wrote to me about a method using the Mini-Gun:

"Just happened to get my hands on GTA Vice City again last night and
finally beat the Death Row mission in a different way than you
suggested. Problem was that I never had enough hidden packages to get
the sea sparrow so I had to think of something else. I got the MiniGun
from the Ocean View Hotel, picked up 500 rounds, saved the game, picked
up another 500, saved the game, picked up another 500, saved the game,
picked up another 500 and went going. I drove to the Malibu club, where
the mission starts and then headed off from there to the junkyard. Any
car that is not too fast ( to avoid losing control ) will do to get
there with enough time... I run the car down the road in front of the
junkyard, make a quick exit and see my car crash into the couple of cars
parked in front of the junkyard. Then I just pull out the MiniGun, fire
at the cars until they explode and my way into the junkyard is clear.
When right in , take a turn to the right and start blowing away
everything that comes along. Five or six crooks it takes, then further
on... I make my way through the junkyard, NOT BLOWING UP the junkyard
truck. When in front of the building I kill the last goons in front and
inside of it, and then I rescue Lance. I tried switching to a lighter
weapon whenever there were no crooks to shoot to make my way quicker
through the junkyard but managed it also to go through carrying the
MiniGun all the time. Once Lance is freed I jump into the junkyard truck
and head to the hospital. The advantage is that the car is right there
and can take a few hits. Made it with the junkyard truck at the first

I haven't actually tried this myself but the strategy looks to be pretty
solid so I included it here to give you another option to play with.

| The Plan \

Get back into the Sea Sparrow and fly to the City Scrap. You will also see
a bar indicating Lance's health. As the mission progresses then his health
will get worse so you need to act fast. The Sea Sparrow will allow you to
fly straight to the City Scrap in the fastest possible way.

As you approach then use your Machine Gun to clear out the yard of Diaz's
goons. Use the Health Code, if necessary, if you take on too much damage.

Land near the building where Lance is held and get out. Use the .357 and
kill the remaining goons near Lance so you can rescue him. Tommy is rather
upset that Lance spoiled their plans but Lance counters.....

"He killed my brother. What do you expect me to do, mow his lawns?"

I guess you can't really blame Lance for that.

Get back into the Sea Sparrow and Lance will get in with you. Then just fly
straight to the Hospital in Downtown to end the mission. If you want to be
nasty then shoot up the cars that pursue you if you decide to fly out by
the main entrance.

Why not get a Hunter instead? In addition to the difficulty of getting one
without a Cop Outfit, the Hunter only seats one as opposed to the Sea
Sparrow which can seat two.

When using the EP-Admiral then drive as fast as possible to the City Scrap
using the Links Bridge. When you get there then drive-by and run over all
of Diaz's goons.

They can fire all they want but can't hurt the car. When you get to where
Lance is then position your car so you can drive-by his captors. Drive
inside and exit the car near Lance to rescue him. Get Lance and re-enter
the Admiral. When you exit the City Scrap then several of Diaz's goons will
chase you in their cars.

Just stand still and go into drive-by mode to shoot up and destroy their
cars. The explosions won't hurt you so this becomes easy. After you destroy
the last car then head over to the Hospital to successfully complete the

Save the EP-Admiral for future use then grab another car to get to the next
part of the two-part mission.

| Reward \

None but you can get a little bit of money when you kill some of the goons
near Lance.

/ Ricardo Diaz \
| >RDZ6. Rub Out 0
| Overview / \ Ricardo Diaz /
0=========0 0+=+=+=+=+=+=0

The second part of the two-part mission begins at the "D" near Diaz's
mansion. Lance has packed a small arsenal in the trunk that you may need to
finally take on Diaz and kill him for what he did to the both of you.....

| Weapons \

--Rocket Launcher.

| Notes \

I didn't have any rockets when I did this mission on the Xbox. I just had
the M60. This gun worked pretty well and less hazardous than the Rocket

This is one of two missions that have the No Wanted Rating Exploit.

To take advantage of the No Wanted Level Exploit do *NOT* use the Sea
Sparrow. Instead, enter The Mansion from the ground floor. Once the
interior of The Mansion loads up then you can turn around and leave the
same way you came. Lance will be okay where he is.

You will notice that the Wanted Rating stars will blink but no Cops will do
anything to you. There are also no pedestrians but plenty of cars. You can
easily rob all of the Stores without any interference you if choose to do

| The Plan \

Make your way to the back of The Mansion, going along the east side and
towards the back, killing any goons that get in your way with your .357.
Get into the Sea Sparrow and fly up to the roof and land. Go into the roof
entrance and make your way to the main hall.

When you get there then you will actually be on the top level of the hall
and can easily get rid of all of Diaz's goons before Lance can catch up
with you. Switch to your Rocket Launcher or M60 and make your way to the
small set of stairs on either side of the hall which will start the

After the cutscene ends then aim at Diaz and hit him with a rocket. He'll
go down but he is not out so rocket him again. The second rocket will
finish him off. A few shots from the M60 will take him down also.

After that then he will crawl about and complain about what you have done
to The Mansion and tells you that he could have had you made. But the both
of you decide that Diaz's time has come to an end as you two make sure that
the last thing he sees are the barrels of your guns.....

"Say goodnight, Mr. Diaz!"

| Reward \



And The Mansion is now yours.

At some point afterward, Kent Paul calls telling you that he is working
with some major recording artists and that you should pay him a visit. This
opens up the Love Fist Missions but I will save them for later.

A little bit later, Sonny calls. He hears of what you have done and points
out that he hasn't forgotten about you even as you forge your own path.

In addition, you can now buy the following weapons at the Downtown

>>.357 [Cost: $2,000].
>>MP [Cost: $3,000].
>>M4 [Cost: $5,000].

And finally, you can now reach the Wanted Rating maximum of 6-Stars.

/==++====++==\ /==++====++==\
| >VCT6. Reversal of Fortune |
\==++====++==/ \==++====++==/

When Tommy arrived in Vice City, he was screwed over and left with nothing.
Over the course of the game he gradually acquired money, weapons, and
property in an attempt to repay Sonny and get at the people responsible for
his situation.

But, as Tommy found out more about the people who ran things, especially
Diaz, then he realized that taking over Vice City for himself would be much
easier than he thought. And a lot better than working for Sonny Forelli.

Now that he has taken down Diaz and acquired The Mansion for himself he can
build his own empire and leave Sonny behind.

Your Weapon Icons will appear by the east side of The Mansion and you have
access to The Mansion's garage. You will also have your own access to an
Infernus and a Stretch. A Maverick will also spawn at the top of The Mansion.
If you have acquired at least eighty Hidden Packages then the Sea Sparrow
will spawn at the back of The Mansion.

Like the Ocean View Hotel, the environment within The Mansion gradually
changes as the game progresses. This stuff is also listed in PSM (issue

| Candy Suxxx's poster and pictures on the coffee table and desk that |
| appear after completion of the mission "G-Spotlight". |
| Used targets on the coffee table near the security monitor rack and gun |
| related stuff that appear on the desk after completion of the mission |
| "The Shootist". |
| Three awards appear on top of the TV in the Rec Room downstairs that are |
| related to the Hyman Arena events. |
| "Gash" bags, trash and an RC helicopter box will appear at random points |
| during the game. |

| >WSD15. Chopper Checkpoint Missions |

After completion of the mission "Rub Out" then three Chopper Checkpoint
missions will appear. A fourth will appear after completing the mission

These are done using a plain Sparrow helicopter. These missions are very
simple checkpoint races that are done in each of the four major quadrants of
the city.

You can either do the three that open now or wait until the fourth opens up
and do them all at once. Start one and, when you are finished, then fly to
the next chopper and repeat until all the chopper missions are completed.

These need to be done if you want 100% Completion. They are at the following

| Vice Point | On the ground, in the courtyard for Vice Point Apartments. |
| Ocean View | On top of the pink building where Jump [OCB-J16] is |
| | located. |
| Little Haiti | On top of the building near where Jump [LHI-J25] is |
| | completed. |
| Downtown | On the patio of The Rockstar Building which is unlocked |
| | after completion of the mission "G-Spotlight". |

**NOTE: It is important to point out that you may run into a problem where
the Little Haiti chopper won't spawn no matter what you do. This can
be solved the same way as the RC Bandit van problem - take a chopper
from one of the other Checkpoint missions and land it where the
regular chopper would spawn.

When you land it in the right place then the mission should
automatically start. The game is a bit picky on placement though. You
need to be very close to the exact place on the east side of the
building and pointed south.

| >WSD16. {Catch Me if You Can} Trophy (PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version) |

This Trophy is for acquiring a 6-Star Wanted Rating. Now that you have
completed "Rub Out" you can go after this Trophy. After completing "Rub Out"
go and save your game. Take the Rhino from the Hyman Condo and go down the
streets destroying everything until you get to 6-Star and the Trophy pops up.
Then reload your saved game and continue forward.

Now let's go back to the Main Story.....

/ The Main Story \###################\
| >MSY5. Tommy Vercetti +

Now that Tommy has executed Diaz, he will have his own set of missions that
are represented by the "V" on or around The Mansion. There are a total of
five missions for him that include the final Story Mission, "Keep Your
Friends Close.....".

The first three are part of the Protection Ring Asset Missions. The last two
will be saved until all other Asset Missions and side missions are done.

/ Asset Missions \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >AST1. Protection Ring 0

Like any crime syndicate, Diaz had what is known as a Protection Ring. He
extorted nearby businesses into paying "protection" money otherwise very bad
things would happen to them. Now that Diaz is gone, these businesses no
longer want to pay protection money to anyone, especially Tommy.

The first three Vercetti missions has Tommy showing these businesses that
they need his "protection" and setting up his own Ring.....

/ Tommy Vercetti \
| >TMV1. Shakedown 0
| Overview / \ Tommy Vercetti /
0=========0 0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

Some of Vice City's businesses that were paying protection money to Diaz
feel that they no longer need to give any to the new guy in town. Tommy
sets out to show them that the more things change, the more they stay the
same (for their sake).....

| Weapons \

Rocket Launcher.

| Notes \

John Nowakowski had this to add about this mission:

"Regardless of what method you use, it is good to know that there are two
changes of outfit (one in the hardware store and one on the 2nd floor)
and an gun store (to replenish your vest.) Start on the East side of the
mall and take out the two stores on the 1st floor there. Run to the
other side of the mall, but stop for a change of clothes and to
replenish your vest at the midpoint on the first floor. Run to the west
side and take out the cafe, then the 1st floor of the clothing store.
Run up to take out the 2nd floor of the clothing store and grab a change
of outfit. Then run to the midpoint on the 2nd floor to end with the
record store."

| The Plan \

Tommy sets a time limit for himself at five minutes. All of the businesses
that need "protection" are all in the North Point Mall. Get into the white
Infernus parked near the door and quickly make your way there.

When you get inside then switch to your your Rocket Launcher and shoot at a
business to shatter all the windows. If you aim correctly then you can get
all the windows of a business in one shot. Switch to a light weapon and run
to another business and switch back to destroy the windows.

Your Wanted Rating will rapidly increase and, by the time you are finished,
it will be at 5-Star. But, when you successfully complete the mission, then
the Wanted Rating will disappear.

| Reward \



In addition, you can now buy the following weapon at the Downtown

>>.308 Sniper (Cost: $6,000).

And you also open up the remaining.....

| >WSD17. Asset Property Missions |

Some of the businesses around town have a red icon in front of them that, up
until now, you couldn't do anything with. After completion of the mission
"Shakedown" then these businesses can now be purchased allowing you to amass
more wealth and climb closer to 100% Completion.

These businesses also have their own missions and tasks that need to be
completed before you can make money off them and add toward 100% Completion.
When you complete the Asset Missions for a business then you will see a Money
Icon appear in front of that business. Money will accumulate over time until
a designated maximum is reached

Just go up to the icon and collect your money to add to your wealth. In
addition, each Asset Property is also a save point just like the other places
you have brought.

If you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version then buying some of these
properties, along with your other Safehouses, should get you the {Vice City
Mogul} Trophy.

There are a total of nine Asset Properties you can buy and this is the order
they will be done in this guide. The Map co-ordinates refer to the printed
map that comes included with the game disc.


| Sunshine Autos |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | In the southern part of Little Havana east of Escobar |
| | International Airport. |
| Map | (F-2). |
| Cost | $50,000. |
| Bonuses | Four garages (two cars each), a Pay 'N' Spray, Vice City |
| | Races, and four cars that can be earned by doing the Car Lists |
| | (Sandking, Deluxo, Hotring Racer, Sabre Turbo). |
| The Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | Just north of the Little Havana Police Station. |
| Map | (E-3). |
| Cost | $20,000. |
| Bonuses | Mr. Whoopee vehicle. |
| The Malibu Club |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | South edge of Vice Point across the street west of Vice Point |
| | Langer. |
| Map | (D-5). |
| Cost | $100,000. |
| Bonuses | None. |
| Phil Cassidy's Place |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | Northwest part of Little Haiti. |
| Map | (C-2). |
| Cost | Successful completion of Phil Cassidy's Asset Missions. |
| Bonuses | The ability to quickly purchase heavy weapons like the Rocket |
| | Launcher. |
| Interglobal Films |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | Southwest part of Prawn Island. |
| Map | (B-4). |
| Cost | $60,000. |
| Bonuses | The Skimmer seaplane. |
| Kaufman Cabs |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | Central Little Haiti just northwest of the North Haitian |
| | Neighborhood. |
| Map | (D-2). |
| Cost | $40,000. |
| Bonuses | Zebra Cab vehicle unlocked after completion of the Kaufman |
| | Cabs Asset Missions. |
| The Boatyard |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | The southeast corner of Viceport. |
| Map | (G-3). |
| Cost | $10,000. |
| Bonuses | Unlimited use of two boats parked in back (once you finish |
| | "Checkpoint Charlie"). |
| The Pole Position Club |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | South Ocean Beach east of the Ocean Beach Apartments. |
| Map | (G-4). |
| Cost | $30,000. |
| Bonuses | "Management Only" room unlocked. |
| Vice City Printing Works |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Location | North part of Little Havana just west of the South Haitian |
| | Neighborhood. |
| Map | (E-2). |
| Cost | $70,000. |
| Bonuses | Completion of Print Works Asset Missions will unlock the last |
| | two Main Story Missions, "Cap the Collector" and "Keep Your |
| | Friends Close.....". |


You need to do most of the other Asset Missions, in addition to the Print
Works Asset, before you are allowed to do the last two Main Story Missions.
Also, doing all the other Asset Properties before the Print Works Asset will
help out a lot when doing the mission "Cap The Collector".

At this point you may also get another Assassination Contract call from Mr.

/ Assassination Contract \
| >ATC4. Check Out at the Check In 0
| Overview / \ Assassination Contract /
0=========0 0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

Head over to the Airport to activate this mission. A woman will go on over
to a designated gentleman and ask for the time. After she does and moves
away from him then you must kill that person. A Sniper Rifle is provided in
one of the plants since you cannot bring any weapons into the Airport.....

| Weapons \

Sniper Rifle (provided by your contact).

| Notes \

--Option #1: Get a Sea Sparrow and park it in the small clearing by the

--Option #2: Acquire the Everything-Proof Admiral, at the end of the
               mission "Guardian Angels", and have it stored in a garage.

| The Plan \

  When you get the Sniper Rifle then make your way near the target. But you 
  can't get too close otherwise he will see you and you will fail the 
  mission. Get about halfway on the Spook Meter, stop and then zoom in on 
  your target while waiting for the woman to do her thing. Once she finishes 
  then kill your target and his bodyguard.

  You will then get a 2-Star Wanted Rating. Get the briefcase your victim 
  dropped and get out of the Airport picking up the weapons you had to leave 
  outside. Get into your Sea Sparrow and fly to the Ammu-Nation in Downtown 
  to successfully the mission.

  If you try to go on the main road out then you will be ambushed by enemy 
  agents who also want that briefcase. They will chase you until they kill 
  you or you succeed. That is why you use the Sea Sparrow, so you can avoid 
  them outright by flying straight to Downtown.

  If your Sea Sparrow is destroyed or you have to get out before getting 
  busted then there is another way. Get a car and drive to the east tunnel 
  leading to Fort Baxter Air Base.

  After the tunnel ends then get out and jump over the railing and onto the 
  grass. Go back south and along the outer part of the tunnel and you will 
  end up behind the Airport signs (near where Package [EIA-H80] is located).

  Keep heading east and you will end up in Little Havana. Jack a car and go 
  to Downtown (avoiding the Cops that will chase you) to successfully 
  complete the mission.

  If you still have the Everything-Proof Admiral then you can use it here 
  instead of the Sea Sparrow. The Cops and enemy agents can't damage the car 
  (unless they manage to flip it over or get you stuck so the Cops can bust 
  you) so this will make your getaway on the ground much easier.

| Reward \


 / Tommy Vercetti \
| >TMV2. Bar Brawl                                                          0
| Overview /                                             \ Tommy Vercetti /
0=========0                                               0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Lance informs Tommy that a cafe in Ocean Beach won't pay protection. Lance 
  says that he will handle the situation but sitting at the bar drinking all 
  day isn't Tommy's idea of dealing with it. Tommy decides to deal with them 

| Weapons \

  --Machine Gun (Sea Sparrow).

| Notes \

  Acquire the Everything-Proof Admiral, at the end of the mission "Guardian 
  Angels", and have it stored in a garage.

| The Plan \

  Go in the back and get a Sea Sparrow and fly to your target. There are two 
  security guards in the front of the Cafe. Fly low and shoot them with the 
  Machine Gun. You will get a 1-Star Rating so fly east and over the water 
  and wait until the Rating disappears then fly back to the Cafe and land.

  After you talk to the owner then you have five minutes to kill the other 
  guards at DBP Security before they get away. Get back in your chopper and 
  fly west a couple of blocks then angle north. When you are just a little 
  north of their position then turn east.

  Across the street north of where they are standing is a building with a set 
  of stairs. Land on this building as close to the neighboring building (the 
  building rise on your left here) as possible and get out. Switch to your 
  Grenades and go about halfway to the southern edge.

  Then throw Grenades to kill them. If you're good then you can kill them 
  with one shot. But it usually takes three to five to get them all. After 
  you kill all of them then a cutscene will show two more trying to get away 
  on motorcycles.

  If you're wondering why I didn't just use the Sea Sparrow to kill the first 
  group it is because that, after the cutscene ends, then you will be placed 
  on the ground even if you are in a helicopter. This becomes annoying 
  especially if there are a lot a Cops around.

  Worse, if you land on one of the other nearby high buildings and take down 
  the first group from there, then you will be unable to get back to your 
  chopper when placed on the ground after the cutscene ends. This is why I 
  chose this particular building, the one with the stairs, to land on.

  This is so you can get back up to the rooftop and get back into your Sea 
  Sparrow and chase the other two guards.

  After you get back in the air then go after the other two guards who are 
  heading south along the main road. They will be heading toward The 
  Lighthouse and this is where you will eventually catch up with them. Shoot 
  at the both of them with the Machine Gun and after you kill them then you 
  will successfully complete the mission.

  When using the EP-Admiral then just run over the two guards at the Cafe. 
  Then go into drive-by mode when at DBP Security to get rid of the other 
  guards. When chasing the motorcycles then pass them by and let them catch 
  up slowly so you can drive-by them off their bikes.

  In addition, you may be confronted by a Securicar allied with DBP Security. 
  If you destroy this Securicar then you will earn a $1,000 bonus.

| Reward \



  In addition, you can now buy the following weapon at the Downtown 

    >>S.P.A.S. 12 (Cost: $4,000).

  A little bit later you will also get a call from Lance who is upset over 
  how he is being treated and doesn't feel he is getting a fair slice. Tommy 
  tells him that he is screwing up and that he will not stab him in the back. 
  Lance doesn't want to hear it and Tommy.....

    "This is tough enough without you getting all emotional on me." 

  This may spell trouble.....

 / Tommy Vercetti \
| >TMV3. Copland                                                            0
| Overview /                                             \ Tommy Vercetti /
0=========0                                               0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Mike, one of Tommy's henchmen, screwed up an attempted bombing at one of 
  the stores in the North Point Mall. The Cops are all over the place looking 
  for the bomb but it will take time. Tommy decides to disguise himself as a 
  Cop and Lance suggests that they lure some into a trap to get some 

| Weapons \

  Any gun will do.

| Notes \

  This is one of two missions that have the No Wanted Rating Exploit.

  John Nowakowski had this to add about using the Everything-Proof Admiral:

    "This was easy with the EPA. Have the EPA stored at the Leaf Links 
     garage. After you get the uniforms, head to the mall in it and pull in 
     front of the door near the Tarbrush Cafe facing West. After the bomb 
     goes off, run out hop in the car and take a left. Basically, you are 
     heading for the Pay N Spray south of you. Heading south take a quick 
     left then right to keep south, then a quick right and quick left to get 
     on the street where the Pay N Spray will be on your right."

| The Plan \

  You must get a Wanted Rating to attract some Cops. Get yourself (and Lance) 
  into the nearby car and go to the lock-up in Vice Point. As you drive to 
  the lock-up then see if you can find a Cop car or a Cop on the sidewalk. 
  Shoot up the Cop car and kill the officer when he exits or run over the Cop 
  on the sidewalk to get an automatic 2-Star Wanted Rating.

  If you can't find any Cops on the way to the lock-up then head near the 
  North Point Mall where there are Cops galore.

  When you finally get to the lock-up, after getting the Wanted Rating, 
  then drive the car all the way inside and against the wall. Stay in the 
  car. Because of the 2-Star Wanted Rating then Cops will generate quickly 
  and at least two will enter the lock-up.

  Even though you and Lance are in the car you will still be able to jump the 
  Cops who enter. Sometimes, though, a Cop car will enter the lock-up and 
  block the door. In case this happens then back out and drive around the 
  block to get the lock-up cleared so you can try again.

  After you get the uniforms then you can do one of two things:

    >>As Josh suggested, head west and into the courtyard for Vice Point 
      Apartments, not far from the lock-up, and get the Sparrow normally used 
      for the Vice Point Chopper Checkpoint Mission (since you are already in 
      a mission then it becomes a regular Sparrow).

    >>Take advantage of the No Wanted Rating Exploit.

  With the No Wanted Rating Exploit you can cause as much chaos as possible 
  but generate no Wanted Ratings. You can also rob all fifteen Stores without 
  any interference. You can also cause destruction to jack up your Criminal 

  However, if you choose to do that, then you will have to find a way to keep 
  Lance safe because he will follow you around and you risk killing him when 
  you try to go on a destructive rampage. During the Exploit there are plenty 
  of cars and a light amount of pedestrians.

  After the both of you enter the Sparrow then fly to the south end of the 
  North Point Mall. Between the two south entrances, there is a small 
  clearing you can park the chopper on. Exit the Sparrow and go to the 
  southeast entrance.

  The Tarbrush Cafe should be to your right when you enter the Mall. Go 
  inside and into the pink circle to set the timer. The timer is set at five 
  seconds so you should run back to the entrance you just entered from. Once 
  the bomb goes off then you will get a 5-Star Wanted Rating and a whole 
  bunch of Cops will be shooting at you.

  Run out of the Mall (make sure Lance follows you), kill any Cops nearby, 
  get back in the Sparrow, and fly to The Mansion. Land at the top of the 
  stairs near the pink circle and exit the chopper. Then run into the pink 
  circle to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \



  And you have completed the Protection Ring Asset Missions. A money icon 
  will now appear in front of The Mansion that will generate a maximum of 
  $5,000 a day in revenue. In addition, the Cop Outfit will now spawn in the 
  Washington Beach Police Station.

  Later, you will also get a call from Lance who is very emotional to the 
  point that he doesn't even want Tommy to talk to him. This definitely 
  spells trouble.....

  At this point you can't go any further in the Main Story until the 
  completion of the Print Works Asset Missions. In the meantime, I will do 
  all the other Asset Missions before I get to the Print Works.

 / Asset Missions \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >AST2. Sunshine Autos                                                     0

BJ Smith, the soon to be un-retired football player, decides to sell his used 
car dealership to Tommy for $50,000 so he can focus on his comeback. There
are no missions per se but there are still things to do to get the most out
of your Asset Property.

Out in the back, there are ramps that lead to four garages (two cars each - 
for storage (maximum: eight cars)), a Pay 'N' Spray, another garage door (for
car collection), and a large city map.

By opening up this asset now, I am beginning the process of officially 
fulfilling the car lists stated in the second half of this asset. Now I can 
start getting all of the cars that I have been storing at the Hyman Condo and 
placing them in the car collection garage (to complete a list) or in the 
storage garages.

You don't need to complete this asset before moving onto another. Just keep a 
lookout for the cars you need while doing other stuff. The car collection
lists comprise half of what you need to do to complete this Asset Mission.
The other half is the.....

 / Sunshine Autos Asset \
| >SHN1. Vice Street Races                                                  0
                                                   \ Sunshine Autos Asset /

Go down the ramp and turn right to face the city map. Step into the pink 
circle to activate the race-map. Use the D-Pad (PS2, Xbox) or keyboard (PC),
to choose a course and press Run to activate. You will then be prompted to
get a fast car and go to the course.

There are six races total and they each require an entrance fee. But the 
pay-out is much larger (up to $40,000) so doing the races can be quite
profitable if you win.

You can enter the races as many times as you want to help increase your bank
account. Here are the listings for the six races complete with entrance fee
and payout winnings:

  |        Race       |   Fee   |  Payout |
  | Terminal Velocity |    $100 |    $400 |
  | Ocean Drive       |    $500 |  $2,000 |
  | Border Run        |  $1,000 |  $4,000 |
  | Capitol Cruise    |  $2,000 |  $8,000 |
  | Tour!             |  $5,000 | $20,000 |
  | V.C. Endurance    | $10,000 | $40,000 |

You can do the races one of three ways.....

| Simply get a fast car and go to the start line and test your racing       |
| skills. The best car is the Hotring Racer as it has the fastest speed and |
| the best handling.                                                        |
| Get a Rocket Launcher and make your way near the starting area. While     |
| facing the front of the group then destroy the cars with rockets and then |
| go through the course unopposed.                                          |
|                                                                           |
| You may want to wait until getting the Fast Load feature (by getting 45   |
| points at "Rifle Range") before trying to use the Rocket Launcher method  |
| so it will be easier to destroy the cars at the starting line.            |
| If you don't want to use a Rocket Launcher and you don't want to sit and  |
| wait for the race to start then you can do what Jason Corns               |
| suggested.....                                                            |
|                                                                           |
|   "when you are starting a race, get a running start, and aim for the     |
|    space between the two lead cars. your speed will carry you through the |
|    start point, and as soon as you touch one of the other cars, the race  |
|    will start. You will be going top speed when the race starts, whereas  |
|    the other cars will not only have to accelerate, but they will be busy |
|    recovering from the crash. After that, it's just steady-as-she-goes,   |
|    and you can win the races pretty easily."                              |

 / Sunshine Autos Asset \
| >SHN2. Car Collection Lists                                               0
                                                   \ Sunshine Autos Asset /

Just like in most GTAs, you can steal selected cars to fulfill certain
vehicle lists. The lists for Sunshine Autos are broken into four parts and
one part must be completed before you can move onto the next. You can use the
garages to store cars for one list while working on another.

The first two lists are more difficult to complete because of all of the
randomly generated vehicles. The last two are easier because the vehicles
spawn in the same places.

When you bring a car into Sunshine Autos then you will receive $500 for it
regardless of condition. When you complete a list then you will also receive
a bonus of $20,000. As each list is completed then you will receive a new car
which spawns in the showroom and an increase in the maximum revenue Sunshine
Autos generates. This is also required for 100% Completion.

If you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version then you should also get the {Grand
Theft Auto} Trophy for completing all four lists.

| A. List One |############################################################\

| Esperanto      |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description    | Looks like an old Cadillac. Big and long.                |
| Where Found    | At random. Pretty hard to find.                          |
| Rancher        |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description    | A very large SUV.                                        |
| Where Found    | At random.                                               |
| Idaho          |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description    | Big like the Esperanto but has a sloping back. Comes in  |
|                | four colors (red, blue, purple, silver) and can have     |
|                | either a white or black roof.                            |
| Where Found    | At random. Doesn't spawn too often.                      |
| Stallion       |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description    | A 1967-1969 Pontiac Firebird, with the Ram Air hood      |
|                | scoops option, convertible.                              |
| Where Found    | Can usually be found at the Ocean Beach Parking Garage   |
|                | (because of the one that has to spawn for "Cone Crazy"). |
| Landstalker    |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description    | Another SUV but smaller than the Rancher.                |
| Where Found    | Can usually be found at the large house at the northwest |
|                | part of Starfish Island.                                 |
| Blista Compact |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description    | A Honda CRX style compact car (with rounded end).        |
| Where Found    | At random. Can be very hard to find. The game doesn't    |
|                | like to spawn this vehicle.                              |


Upon completion then your maximum revenue goes to $1,500 and you will earn
the Deluxo.

| B. List Two |############################################################\

| Virgo       |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description | Looks very similar to the Esperanto but has a thin white    |
|             | stripe that runs along the sides of the car and goes around |
|             | the tops of the wheels.                                     |
| Where Found | At random.                                                  |
| Sentinel    |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description | A mid-level four door sedan *WITHOUT* a rear spoiler. Not   |
|             | to be confused with the Sentinel XS which has the rear      |
|             | spoiler.                                                    |
| Where Found | On the first floor of Sunshine Autos near the desk.         |
| Washington  |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description | Resembles the Sentinel (but slightly larger) and has a      |
|             | small high grille in the front.                             |
| Where Found | At random. Although you can find an FBI Washington in the   |
|             | alley loop behind the Rock City store in Downtown you       |
|             | cannot use that one for the car list.                       |
| Stretch     |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description | A long stretch limousine.                                   |
| Where Found | The Mansion on Starfish Island.                             |
|             |                                                             |
|             | **NOTE: On the Xbox version you may find an Admiral in      |
|             |         place of the Stretch. You will have to move the     |
|             |         Admiral far away before the Stretch can appear.     |
| Sabre       |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description | A 1970-1972 Buick GSX. Resembles the Stallion but has a     |
|             | slightly larger trunk and four headlights.                  |
| Where Found | At random.                                                  |
| Admiral     |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description | A Mercedes style 4-door sedan.                              |
| Where Found | The Admiral can be found right next to Rampage [SFI-R17] on |
|             | Starfish Island.                                            |
|             |                                                             |
|             | **NOTE: On the Xbox version an Admiral can also be found at |
|             |         The Mansion where the Stretch usually is. You will  |
|             |         have to move the Admiral far away or take it to     |
|             |         Sunshine Autos to complete the car list to make the |
|             |         Stretch appear.                                     |


Upon completion then your max revenue goes to $4,000 and you will earn the
Sabre Turbo.

| C. List Three |##########################################################\

| Comet       |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description | A late-80s Porsche 911 Carrera style open top sports car.   |
| Where Found | Can be found in the garage near where Package [SFI-H53] is  |
|             | located.                                                    |
| Banshee     |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description | Looks like a 1984 Corvette.                                 |
| Where Found | Can be found at the house with the Rockstar shaped pool on  |
|             | Starfish Island (northwest of The Mansion).                 |
| Stinger     |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description | A larger open-top (convertible) sports car.                 |
| Where Found | Can usually be found at the house just east of the house    |
|             | with the Rockstar shaped pool on Starfish Island.           |
| Phoenix     |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description | Looks like a Trans-Am with a large vent on the hood.        |
| Where Found | Can usually be found at the garage near Jump [SFI-J20] on   |
|             | Starfish Island.                                            |
| Cheetah     |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description | A Ferrari Testarossa style sports car.                      |
| Where Found | Can usually be found at the house next to Island Bridge     |
|             | (East). It should be noted that, according to Jesse         |
|             | Huongvilay, you can also use the Police Cheetah for this    |
|             | list.                                                       |
| Infernus    |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description | Looks like a Lamboghini.                                    |
| Where Found | The Mansion on Starfish Island.                             |


Upon completion then your max revenue will increase to $6,500 and you will
earn the Sandking.

| D. List Four |###########################################################\

| Caddy           |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description     | A basic golf cart.                                      |
| Where Found     | The best place to find this vehicle is inside a large   |
|                 | shrub (almost completely hidden) on the south side of   |
|                 | the walk path just west of The Lighthouse in Ocean      |
|                 | Beach.                                                  |
| Voodoo          |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description     | A large maroon 50's style car with wings in the back.   |
|                 | It is also the Haitian gang car.                        |
| Where Found     | In and around Little Haiti. But you can find one parked |
|                 | at a group of small shacks across the street south of   |
|                 | Kaufman Cabs.                                           |
| Pizza Boy       |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description     | A specialized Faggio with pizza logos and mirrors on    |
|                 | the handlebars.                                         |
| Where Found     | At any Well Stacked Pizza place (Vice Point, Little     |
|                 | Haiti, and Downtown).                                   |
| Cuban Hermes    |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description     | A black souped up muscle car with a very large hood and |
|                 | a flame themed paint job. It is also the Cuban gang     |
|                 | car.                                                    |
| Where Found     | In and around Little Havana.                            |
| Baggage Handler |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description     | A small white vehicle designed to pull luggage carts at |
|                 | the Airport.                                            |
| Where Found     | At the west side of the EIA Main Terminal Building.     |
| Mr. Whoopee     |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
| Description     | A large ice cream van.                                  |
| Where Found     | At The Cherry Poppers Ice Cream Company (after          |
|                 | completion of the Asset Mission "Distribution").        |


You can acquire all but one vehicle for the lists. The last one is the Mr. 
Whoopee vehicle and there is only one way to get it. And that is to do

 / Asset Missions \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >AST3. The Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory                                0

Tommy decides to buy this business for $20,000 to diversify his portfolio a
bit. He finds this business run by a woman with some, shall we say,

  "A dirty, stinking, sniveling, snotting, vile, puking, crying, little baby! 
   A baby - an awful, horrible, disgusting little boo hoo. Mommy doesn't love 
   you. You little shit!"


  "And if I see a kid, I put him to good use. Don't I, kiddies? Yes - yes, I 
   do. Mummy doesn't love you. She HATES you!"

He also finds out that this company is a front and instead sells "non-diary 
products", i.e. drugs, through the Mr. Whoopee trucks. You need to open this 
asset to gain access to the Mr. Whoopee truck for the fourth car list at 
Sunshine Autos.

 / Cherry Popper Asset \
| >CPP1. Distribution                                                       0
                                                    \ Cherry Popper Asset /

You need to take a Mr. Whoopee truck and find a place to do some business.
You need to get at least fifty customers (in one run) to successfully
complete the Asset Mission. Of course, doing business isn't always easy.

If you choose the wrong place then you may be accosted by gang members. In
addition, the more customers you get at one time, the more likely you will
attract the attention of the Cops.

Reader Gui Ritter had this to say about the Cops:

  "In the PC version, every 4 customers gives you a star. If you have go 3 
   customers and the fourth comes alone, it doesn't matter, you will get a 
   star. But I don't know if the eighth customer gives you a 2-star wanted 
   level if you still have the first star, I didn't went that far. That's the 
   strategy I used"

The safest place to do business is Viceport. There are no Cop cars (you still 
have to look out for foot patrols), plenty of customers, and a nearby Pay 'N' 

Press Horn to start the music and you will attract customers. Use the
Drive-By Mode and Look Behind buttons to keep a constant lookout for Cops. If 
one chases you then get away as quickly as possible and find some new

You will rarely get a 2-Star Rating and, by the time you find new customers, 
then the 1-Star Wanted Rating you occasionally get will usually disappear.
This Asset Mission is very easy and you should be done with this in no time
at all.

Glen T. Winstein says that the Moist Palms hotel area is also a good spot to
do this mission.

Once you have at least fifty customers then turn off the music and head back
to Sunshine Autos. Before you put the Mr. Whoopee in the shop, get out to 
complete the mission and get back in then place the truck in the shop to
complete the last vehicle list for Sunshine Autos.

Upon completion of the list then your max revenue for Sunshine Autos will
increase to its maximum of $9,000 and you will earn the Hotring Racer. When
you are done here then a Money Icon will spawn in front of Cherry Poppers
will generate maximum revenue of $3,000 per day.

 / Asset Missions \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >AST4. The Malibu Club                                                    0

When Tommy buys the Malibu Club for $120,000, he realizes that it needs a
little work to make it profitable. The banks won't give him a legitimate loan
so he decides to make an "unauthorized" withdrawal - meaning: rob one of the
banks. But he needs a team to make it work.

The Malibu Club Asset has four missions total and they are some of the
hardest in the game. The first three concern getting a team together and the
last one is the actual holdup. And you also open up "Rifle Range" along the
way (to get the Fast Load feature).

 / The Malibu Club Asset \
| >MCB1. No Escape?                                                         0
| Overview /                                      \ The Malibu Club Asset /
0=========0                                        0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Tommy needs a safecracker to open the safe to the bank. Unfortunately, the 
  best guy available, Cam Jones, is currently under arrest, and awaiting 
  transfer, at the Washington Beach Police Station. Tommy decides to grant 
  this guy early release.....

| Weapons \


| Notes \

  Get a fast car and park it near the Malibu Club.

  Bragon pointed me in another direction, so to speak.

  One time I managed to do this mission without the Cop Outfit. It was a bit 
  of an accident.

  I walked into the Police Station with a weapon and it went to a 4-Star 
  Wanted Rating before I got the uniform. I managed to get the card and freed 
  Cam but the Cops did a lot of damage to me in the process. I managed to 
  successfully complete the mission this way but this method is not 

  Another reader, Martin W. Anderson, suggested that I use a helicopter and 
  park it on the rooftop east of the Washington Beach Police Station (where 
  you did the mission "Guardian Angels"). Then use it to get away and get rid 
  of the Wanted Ratings and even take Cam with you.

  However, it doesn't work very well. First, you get shot up a lot by the 
  nearby Cops. Second, Cam doesn't seem to want to go up the stairs. And, 
  third, nine times out of ten Cam would get his ass run over by pursuing Cop 
  cars as he tries to follow me.

| The Plan \

  If you still had the Cop Outfit that you got from "Copland" then you will 
  notice that, when you start the mission, you will auto-change back into the 
  Street Outfit.

  Get into your fast car and drive down to the Washington Beach Police 
  Station. Park it about three car lengths from the stairs and point the 
  vehicle north. Then exit the car and enter the Police Station.

  Go left into the locker room to get another Cop uniform. Then head up the 
  stairs and straight across to enter the room that has the keycard you need 
  to release Cam (where Package [WSB-H15] is, or was, located). Go back 
  downstairs and then to the lower level where Cam is being held. Ready your 
  .357 and then release him.

  You will then get a 4-Star Wanted Rating and every Cop will be shooting at 
  you. Nail the guy at the desk then head back up to the lobby making sure 
  that Cam is close behind. Shoot any Cops that get in your way and make your 
  way to the front door.

  Once the both of you are outside then make a run for the fast car you 
  parked earlier, get in, go *NORTH* and leave Cam behind. Wait a minute, 
  leave Cam behind you say? Yes, leave Cam behind.

  Even though the two of you are involved in this crime, the Cops are after 
  you and *ONLY* you. Cam could be shooting Cops left and right and they 
  won't even give him a second glance while the Cops would like to work you 
  over with a Nightstick (and God knows what else).

  So, even though Cam is in the middle of a bunch of Cops, he is quite safe. 
  If you wait for him to get in the car then the approaching Cop cars may ram 
  it into Cam, killing him and failing your mission. I had this happen to me 
  several times which frustrated me to the point I decided to try leaving him 
  behind instead. This turned out to be the best method.

  As I just mentioned, go *NORTH* not south. The Cops expect you to try to go 
  to the Ocean Beach Pay 'N' Spray so you can expect a lot of resistance. 

  But, as reader Bragon pointed out, going north is a slightly different 
  story. There is far less resistance plus you can hit at least two Police 
  Bribes on the way to the Vice Point Pay 'N' Spray to decrease the intensity 
  of the Police pursuit.

  When you have succeeded in getting rid of your Wanted Rating then go back 
  and get Cam. As you get back near the Police Station then any Cops that are 
  nearby will shoot at you even though you no longer have a Wanted Rating. 
  But they won't try to bust you.

  They may, however, bust a tire so be careful. When you get Cam then it is 
  just a smooth ride back to his place to successfully complete the mission. 
  One part of the team is now complete.....

    Tommy: "I'm gonna be doing a job and you're my safe cracker."
    Cam: "Beats losing my ass in a cell!"

| Reward \


 / The Malibu Club Asset \
| >MCB2. The Shootist                                                       0
| Overview /                                      \ The Malibu Club Asset /
0=========0                                        0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Now Tommy needs a guy who can handle a gun. Cam recommends a guy by the 
  name of Phil Cassidy who hangs out at the Ammu-Nation in Downtown.....

| Weapons \

  Pistol (provided).

| Notes \

  Glen T. Winstein had this to add about this mission:

    "Here's an easy gimmick that may make The Shootist a little easier. You
     need 60 points total from doing the three parts of it to pass the 
     For the second part, I just shot at the cartoon of Misty in the top 
     middle window of the six at the far middle section and got 34 points.  
     The next time I tried this mission, I tried to improve that by keeping 
     my aim at the right side of that window--where the cartoon of Misty 
     emerges--and got 40 points."

| The Plan \

  When Tommy makes his way to the Rifle Range and encounters Phil, he disses 
  him a little bit and Phil responds by handing him one of his guns and 
  challenges Tommy to a shooting contest. The contest is broken into three 

  You must get at least 60 points total to succeed. This mission is the 
  easiest in the Malibu Club Asset.

  The first round has three moving targets that move left and right. There is 
  one in front of you, one a little bit farther and one a little bit farther 
  than that. Each target has five pieces that must be shot away before it is 
  counted as destroyed.

  The front target is worth one point, the middle is two points, and the 
  furthest is worth three points. Focus on the furthest one exclusively. 
  Don't bother with the two front targets. This will not only help you get a 
  lot of points in this contest but it will help you in the "Rifle Range" 
  mission (done later).

  You have two minutes to get as many points as possible. Running out of ammo 
  will also end the round. If you are good with your marksmanship then you 
  can get at least half of the 60 points required to succeed.

  The second round takes place in another part of the range that represents 
  a urban environment. There are six windows that targets will appear in and 
  they are worth one point each.

  The targets move slowly so they are not difficult to hit. Focus on the four 
  left windows and shoot the targets that appear in them. This will make this 
  stage a little easier. If you are good then you may surpass 60 points 
  before this round ends.

  The third round also takes place in this area but you have to go near where 
  the second set of targets were. Here the targets move much faster and are 
  harder to hit.

  After this round is over then you are done with the mission. If you got 60+ 
  points total then you will accomplish your objective and Phil joins your 

    "Son, after shooting like that, if you asked me to be your wife, I'd say 

| Reward \



  Then go on over to the Hyman Condo and save your game before you do 

| >WSD18. Rifle Range                                                       |

Go back to the Downtown Ammu-Nation and back to the gun range to start this 
mission. "Rifle Range" only encompasses the section where you did the first
round during "The Shootist" so you don't have to worry about going to any
other part of the range.

You have two minutes to get as many points as possible. Running out of ammo 
will also end the round. Like before, focus only on the back target to be
most successful. You succeed if you get at least 30+ points to get a little
money. But the real reward comes when you get at least 45 points: the Fast
Load feature.

The Fast Load feature eliminates the need to reload your weapon. If you have 
an Uzi with 2,000 rounds then, instead of reloading every 30 rounds (in which
case you are vulnerable, especially during a firefight), Fast Load will give
that Uzi what amounts to a single 2,000 round clip so you never have to pause
while firing.

Even better is what it will do to single shot weapons like the Sniper Rifle 
and the Rocket Launcher. These weapons have to reload (slowly I might note)
after every single shot. Fast Load eliminates the reloading and gives these
weapons rapid fire capability. This is especially useful on the Rocket

This is slightly easier on the Xbox version because you can see the slots in
the walls where the targets come from so you can better aim at the target
when it comes from the wall.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: You will need to acquire the Fast Load Feature to get 100% 
                  Completion. This mission is one that most people tend to 
                  miss when going after this goal.

And Cristian Luis Barreto came up with this little tip for doing this

  "when I did "Rifle Range" for the first time, I barely get 30-33 points 
   because of the first and second targets getting in the way of the third. 
   When I tried again, I shot the "bodies" of the first and second target, 
   leaving the "head" alone. Then it becomes easier for me, all I had to do 
   is checking the right side to aim for the third target's head, shoot it 
   and keep shooting for the body. When I had only 2 bullet's left, I shot 
   the two heads remaining for an extra 3 points :)"

At this point in the game you may get another Assassination Contract call
from Mr. Black.....

 / Assassination Contract \
| >ATC5. Loose Ends                                                         0
| Overview /                                     \ Assassination Contract /
0=========0                                       0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  An important exchange is taking place on the roof of the Cherry Popper Ice 
  Cream Factory. You have to kill everyone involved and take the briefcase to 
  the Airport....

| Weapons \

  Machine Gun (Sea Sparrow).

| Notes \

  Collect 80 Hidden Packages to spawn the Sea Sparrow at the back of The 

| The Plan \

  Going from the back gate all the way to the roof is fraught with danger. 
  There are agents everywhere and you have to be careful and be a good shot 
  to make your way to the exchange.

  But you can simplify your task immensely by just heading back to The 
  Mansion and get a Sea Sparrow. Fly back to Cherry Poppers and approach from 
  the northeast. From this angle, all you have to deal with is just the 
  people doing the actual exchange.

  Use the Sea Sparrow's Machine Gun to wipe them out (blow up the helicopter 
  there if necessary), land on the rooftop, get the case, and quickly take 
  off again. Fly due east until you are over the water then turn south until 
  you are over the South Bridge and then west toward the Airport.

  This way, none of the other agents can get a shot at you as you escape. 
  From here, make your way to the landing pad at the Airport to successfully 
  complete the mission.

| Reward \


  In addition, if you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version, then you should 
  also get the {Gun for Hire} Trophy.


  You'll also complete all of Mr. Black's Assassination Contract missions. In 
  the end, you never did find out much about him or Leo or how they tied into 
  everything. Oh well, but it was fun while it lasted.....

  Now back to the Main Story. Where were we?.....Oh yeah! The Malibu Club 

 / The Malibu Club Asset \
| >MCB3. The Driver                                                         0
| Overview /                                      \ The Malibu Club Asset /
0=========0                                        0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Now Tommy needs a driver. Phil recommends a guy named Hilary who is 
  probably the best driver around, even if he has "abandonment issues".....

| Notes \

  Earn the Hotring Racer by doing the Sunshine Autos car collection lists.

  I tried to do something different but things didn't turn out as well as 
  expected. Since Hilary's car is impervious to rockets and guns then I 
  decided to try using the Rhino.

  But, if I tried to leave it by the Washington Beach Police Station, then it 
  would disappear. I found that the garage at The Mansion was tall enough for 
  the tank.

  I backed it in, saving it in the process and drove to the Malibu Club to 
  start the mission. I zipped as fast as I could to my Mansion garage, got 
  the Rhino, drove back to the course (turning right near "Bunch of Tools") 
  and went the opposite way to see if I could ram Hilary head-on.

  I finally got my chance near Rosenberg's office and I managed to actually 
  destroy his car and in the process got into first place. Then I went back 
  to the second marker and went down the course to complete it.

  But, when I finished the race, then the screen said "Mission Failed" and 
  "Hilary is dead!". I "won" the race thus successfully completing my 
  objective but with Hilary dead I also failed the mission.

  The game then proceeded to try to load the cutscene that plays when you 
  succeed and the screen went black. However, with Hilary dead, the program 
  went "urk!" and the game froze with the black screen. Not quite what I was 
  hoping for.

  Another reader, peter parker, came up with an interesting idea for the PC 

    "Forget switching cars (I haven't been able to complete this mission 
     switching cars). Get a 2 star wanted level with Police chasing you. Make 
     sure the Police are just outside the malibu club before you enter it. 
     Enter the club. Turn around and wait for the Police to start shooting 
     outside the club. When the first shot is heard the two doorman will walk 
     further into the club. Now start "The Driver" mission. Because of all 
     the Police on the streets you will soon outrace hilary and the only 
     thing you have to do is avoid accidents. Hilary and the Police are now 
     not as aggressive. Piece of cake."

  Tried it in both the PS2 and Xbox versions but didn't notice any major 
  differences. But this may be of some help anyway to those frustrated with 
  this mission.

  Another one of my readers, Richard Qin, suggested using the Hotring Racer 
  instead of the Cheetah when using the car switch method. I found that this 
  car is much better than using the Cheetah.

  It is as fast as the Cheetah (if not slightly faster), handles much better 
  (especially around corners), more durable and more solid which gives you a 
  better chance to avoid being spun out when trying to pass Hilary (should he 
  try to bump you out of the way).

  Reader Dawson Harris also suggested to me that you can get up behind 
  Hilary's bumper and spin him out by clipping one side of the rear bumper 
  (essentially doing the PIT Maneuver).

  In addition, I got this interesting observation from Tow Wang concerning 
  this mission and has some tips included:

    "I have software development experience, and I am very sure this game 
     only keeps track of characters and vehicles within a small radius of 
     Tommy's position in the "world", namely, things that are visible and 
     drawn on screen when Tommy looks around. I have been noticing that, 
     whenever I manage to trail Hilary within visible range, the game will 
     generate traffic in the streets. Hilary has to maneuver around the 
     traffic as long as you keep him in your sights, and he will often get 
     into accidents and spin out of control. If you fall so far behind that 
     Hilary goes out of sight ahead of you, he most likely will be able to 
     cruise through the race track unopposed, as the game engine does not 
     generate obstacles for the part of the world surrounding him, far out of 
     your sight.

     The strategy I've followed is therefore to follow him but not make any 
     risky maneuvers until reaching the southern-most point of the racetrack 
     in Ocean Beach. This is because in this first half of the race, you are 
     racing through narrow streets with a lot of traffic and sharp turns. 
     Very often Hilary will collide with another car, and you can pass him 
     safely and gain lead on him.

     Then, in the second half of this racetrack, you are pretty much just 
     heading straight north, and I found that the Sentinel's speed is 
     adequate to keep the lead and outrun the police, of course provided that 
     you do not make a mistake and get spun out. I was able to beat him 
     several times using this strategy of waiting for him to make a mistake. 
     I did not have to switch cars, and only collected one bribe at a sharp 
     U-turn right before the next-to-last checkpoint. I think you recommend 
     going NORTH in mission "No Escape?" for the exact same reason."

  And John Nowakowski had this to add about this mission:

    "First, do NOT do this mission when it is raining. The rain doesn't 
     change how he drives, but will make you spin out more. Second, I won 
     this with a Stinger after trying the Cheetah a few times. The Stinger 
     seemed better able to withstand hits and stay on track. Third, I noticed 
     that there is always some point in the race where two cop cars will 
     close together from either side forming a blockade. This usually happens 
     just past Ocean Beach Mall when you are making a right, so cut that 
     corner! Finally, I noticed that Hil always drives on the street (except 
     when he makes a mistake) so the best advantage that you have is to cut 
     corners and use the sidewalk as an inside curve when it works for you."

| The Plan \

  In order to get Hilary to join your team, you must outrace him. 
  Unfortunately, when you start the race, then you will be stuck in a 
  Sentinel and he will be in a fast Turbo Sabre.

  This mission can be frustrating because you can't block the road with a bus 
  and you can't shoot out his tires (his car is indestructible). And you 
  can't park a fast car nearby either (it will disappear).

  But that doesn't mean that you can't park a car *SOMEWHERE* that you can 
  use to beat Hilary. After some experimentation, I found that the no-parking 
  zone (where cars disappear if you try to leave them to use in the race) 
  goes only as far as the main intersection south of the Club.

  The best place to park the Cheetah or Hotring Racer is in the street in the 
  northbound lane with the back of the car touching the signal light next to 
  the Coin Laundry (where Jump [WSB-J6] is located) and angle your car so you 
  can go down the southwest street.

  After parking your car then run (*DON'T* jack a car or you will lose your 
  parked car) to the Malibu Club to start the mission. When you start the 
  race then head to your parked Cheetah or Hotring Racer as fast as possible. 
  Stop as close as you can and switch vehicles. The faster you stop and 
  switch vehicles, the faster you can catch up to Hilary.
  However, while you are in the process of switching vehicles, then you get a 
  2-Star Wanted Rating for being part of an illegal street race. Of course, 
  the Cops are only after you. They could care less about Hilary.

  What reader Gamester-007 noticed is that, at the first left turn, is 
  Rafael's. And right in front of Rafael's is a Clothes Icon. And using a 
  Clothes Icon will get rid of a 2-Star Wanted Rating.

  So, what he did is park a fast car near Rafael's, went back to The Malibu 
  Club to start the mission, stopped his Sentinel at Rafael's, use the 
  Clothes Icon to get rid of the Wanted Rating, switch to his fast car, then 
  go after Hilary with no more Cop interference.

  But, after trying it his way, I found that parking the fast car near the 
  main intersection was still the best place. The reason is that you can 
  close the distance on Hilary sooner if you switch to a faster car near the 
  beginning and you won't lose as much time.

  Here's why. It takes about five to seven seconds to switch to your fast car 
  and about five to seven seconds to stop at Rafael's to change clothes. You 
  are already partway down the course when you get to Rafael's. If you try to 
  get both the Clothes Icon and the fast car at the same time then you lose 
  about ten to fourteen seconds.

  What this means is that it will take longer to get to Hilary, even if you 
  are driving well, and you won't be able to catch him until you reach the 
  tail end of the course. If you are not that good a driver then you may 
  still lose the race even with the fast car and no Cops.

  But, by getting the fast car early, then you can make up most, if not all, 
  of the time you lost by switching cars and get close to Hilary by the time 
  you reach Rafael's.

  Now, instead of making up ten to fourteen seconds from Rafael's, it has 
  been reduced to five to seven seconds and, after switching clothes, then 
  you can pass Hilary sooner even if you are not a great driver.

  And, thanks to this information, the basic outline for this mission 

    >>Park the fast car near the main intersection.
    >>Run to The Malibu Club to start mission.
    >>Switch to the fast car after the race starts.
    >>Make up lost time.
    >>Stop quickly at Rafael's to use the Clothes Icon and get rid of the 
    >>Catch up to Hilary and pass him.
    >>Win the race and laugh at Hilary.

  After you win the race then you get Hilary on your side and the team is 
  finally complete.....

    "Ok. I'll drive for you, but please, treat me bad."

| Reward \


 / The Malibu Club Asset \
| >MCB4. The Job                                                            0
| Overview /                                      \ The Malibu Club Asset /
0=========0                                        0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  The team is all here and now is the time to do the job.....

    "Look, it's easy. Haven't you ever seen a movie? We walk into the bank, 
     we wave the gun around, and leave very rich men."

| Weapons \

  --S.P.A.S. 12.
  --.308 Sniper.

| The Plan \

  Get into the taxi parked outside and make your way to the bank. When you 
  get there then the team gets out and Hilary will drive around until you are 
  ready to make your getaway. Make your way near the bank entrance to change 

  Once the robbery starts then switch to your .357, make your way upstairs, 
  and towards the manager's office to draw out the security guards so you can 
  shoot them now instead of dealing with them later. Kill the other guards 
  near the elevator and the last guard by the safe.

  Cam informs you that you need the bank manager to help in unlocking the 
  safe. Go back down to the manager's office to get him (grab the Body Armor 
  in the security room to the left if you need it) and lead him to the safe. 
  After that then go back down to check on Phil.

  Just as you reach the ground floor then the alarm is tripped and you will 
  end up with a 4-Star Wanted Rating. Switch to your S.P.A.S. 12 before 
  entering the pink circle to start the next phase. When the SWAT comes 
  rappelling down then shoot them quickly (the S.P.A.S. 12 is very effective 
  against the SWAT team). Once they're gone then exit the bank.

  When you do then you will find that Hilary is nowhere in sight. But, just 
  as you begin to wonder whether Hilary abandoned you, he quickly shows up 
  and provides cover fire for you. Unfortunately, the Cops drop him and now 
  you have to do the driving. Shoot the nearby SWAT team before getting into 
  the taxi and make your way to the Little Haiti Pay 'N' Spray to get rid of 
  your Wanted Rating.

  After doing that then make your way to the hideout, Cam's place, to 
  successfully complete the mission. Be careful making your way to the 
  hideout though. Any SWAT members left behind may shoot at you even though 
  you no longer have a Wanted Rating.

  Go through Little Haiti and behind the bank to avoid this problem. Phil 
  cannot be killed (you need him for his missions - not to mention the fact 
  that it would leave a nasty continuity hole for GTA3.....) but Cam is 
  expendable. The ending to the mission changes slightly if Cam dies.

  If you want to hear the alternate ending (when Cam dies) but he survives 
  the robbery then here's what you can do. After getting rid of your Wanted 
  Rating then head back down to Cam's place.

  Shortly before you get there, hang a right down one of the side roads to 
  put you behind the apartment complexes. Get out of the taxi and your 
  remaining crew will follow. You can't auto-target either Cam or Phil with a 
  pistol (so you couldn't accidentally shoot them during the robbery). So you 
  need to use a manual targeting weapon like a Kruger or an M4.

  Better still, use the .308 Sniper. Target Cam (the bald one) and shoot him. 
  Get back in the taxi and make your way back to Cam's place to complete the 

  In addition, you can now enter the bank anytime you want and hang out in 
  the lobby. There's even some money ($1,000) in the bank manager's office. 
  The catch: the moment you get on the stairway leading up, you will be hit 
  with a 4-Star Wanted Rating (ouch)!

| Reward \



  Now that you have completed the Malibu Club Asset missions a Money Icon 
  will now appear in front of the Malibu Club that will generate maximum 
  revenue of $10,000 per day.

  You also will get a call from Phil and this will open up his set of 
  missions. In addition, the Bank Job Outfit will spawn at the main office in 
  the Malibu Club.

 / Asset Missions \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >AST5. Phil Cassidy                                                       0

Phil Cassidy is a redneck moonshiner and gunrunner. He is more interested in 
getting wasted on boomshine than anything else. He is represented by the "P" 
in Little Haiti and only has two simple missions.

 / Phil Cassidy's Asset \
| >PCD1. Gun Runner                                                         0
| Overview /                                       \ Phil Cassidy's Asset /
0=========0                                         0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  After nearly getting killed by an explosion caused by Phil's boomshine, 
  ("Never get a naked flame too close to one of Phil Cassidy's Boomshine 
  stills!) then Tommy decides to help Phil out and take care of some 
  gunrunners that are causing him some headaches.....

| Weapons \

  --Rockets (Hunter).

| Notes \

  --Option #1: Go to the Washington Beach Police Station and get a Cop 
               Outfit. Then get a Hunter and park it in the median of the 
               main road east of Phil's Place. If you park it any closer then 
               it will disappear when you start the mission. Run down the 
               road leading to Phil's Place to start the mission.

  --Option #2: Acquire the Everything-Proof Admiral, at the end of the 
               mission "Guardian Angels", and have it stored in a garage. 
               Park it in the median of the main road east of Phil's Place 
               before starting the mission.

  A very funny thing happened while using the EP-Admiral during one attempt. 
  While dealing with the goons on Faggios one of them entered the passenger 
  side of the Admiral while I was trying to speed away.

  Tommy snarled "You think that's a good idea?" Apparently not, for when the 
  goon closed the car door, then he went from being a goon to being an 
  unwilling passenger and started screaming! Hilarious!

  Not so tough now is he? I sped around for a while listening to his screams 
  and seeing what would happen. I eventually stopped, let him get out, and 
  shot him when he did.

| The Plan \

  The gunrunner has four trucks in two groups. Both groups are heading north. 
  One group is moving through Little Havana along the main road. Run as fast 
  as you can to your parked Hunter.

  Get in and fly slightly south until you see the first group. Shoot the 
  rockets and destroy both trucks. Leave the weapons where they are at and 
  fly north. Try not to leave any survivors. Any goons you leave behind will 
  carjack a nearby vehicle and pursue you.

  The second group is also heading north along the central road in Downtown 
  by the Police Station. You will notice that, when you attacked the first 
  group, then these guys disappeared from the radar but are still active.

  Rocket them, land your helicopter, and get the weapons that these guys 
  dropped. The game will prompt that the gunrunners have sent reinforcements 
  to deal with you. Get back into your Hunter and fly south back to the first 
  set of weapons.

  These reinforcements will be riding Faggios and will chase you around. They 
  will come in groups of four as long as you have not picked up all the 
  weapons. Destroy one group and more will show up. There is a bonus, 
  however, if you kill any of these guys - $100.

  But, if you fly back to the first set of weapons and land quickly enough, 
  then you can get both weapons (S.P.A.S. 12, .357) before any of these guys 
  show up. And in doing so you will also successfully complete the mission.

  When using the EP-Admiral then drive-by the trucks and goons. You can have 
  a lot of fun smacking the goons off their mopeds and gaining some bonus 
  money in the process. Just be on the lookout for Cops and be careful when 
  exiting the car to get the weapons.

  According to reader Cristian Luis Barreto you can also use the Rhino for 
  this mission and easily blow up the trucks and Faggios.

| Reward \


 / Phil Cassidy's Asset \
| >PCD2. Boomshine Saigon                                                   0
| Overview /                                       \ Phil Cassidy's Asset /
0=========0                                         0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Tommy decides to visit Phil who happens to be thoroughly wasted on his own 
  boomshine. His breath fumes are so potent, even Tommy is getting drunk off 
  of it.

  Phil wants to show Tommy a demonstration on some explosives but it is not 
  working because the batteries in his detonator are dead. Phil replaces the 
  batteries and manages to get it to work but ends up blowing off his right 
  arm in the process. You now have to get Phil to the hospital before he 
  bleeds to death.....

| The Plan \

  The blurring and swerving effect you see is the result of the boomshine 
  fumes that Tommy inhaled (the blurring is much less in the DP Version 
  (PS2), Xbox Version, and PC Version).

  You must take it easy and not over-steer but at the same time you must go 
  as fast as possible so you can quickly get Phil some medical attention. 
  Make your way to the main road (Bayshore Avenue) and go south.

  But, once you get to the hospital, then Phil protests and you now must make 
  your way to an old buddy of his that lives in Little Havana ("There's an 
  ex-army surgeon who owes me a few favors and a lawnmower."). As you get 
  closer to your destination then your vision will begin to clear up so you 
  can drive easier.

  After you drop Phil off then the mission is successfully completed.

| Reward \



  Now that you have finished Phil Cassidy's Asset missions, you can buy the 
  following weapons at Phil's Place:

    >>Remote Grenade [Cost: $1,000].
    >>Mini-Gun [Cost: $10,000].
    >>Rocket Launcher [Cost: $8,000].
    >>M60 [Cost: $8,000].

  The Weapon Icons regenerate quickly so you don't have to wait long to get a 
  lot of ammo for the weapons he sells.

  And, now that I have the Fast Load feature (from doing "Rifle Range" 
  earlier) and a place to quickly get lots of ammo for my heavy weapons, I 
  can finally do the last of the Colonel's missions.....

 / Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez \
| >JGC5. All Hands on Deck!                                                 0
| Overview /                                 \ Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez /
0=========0                                   0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  The Colonel's skirmishes with the French, with your help of course, have 
  put a lot of heat on him and he feels the need to finally leave Vice City. 
  Even though you have done some of his dirty work for him, he has fulfilled 
  his promises and paid you well for your services. As a last gesture of 
  goodwill, you volunteer to help him get away. And Cortez.....

    "You, my friend, are worth ten guns..." 

| Weapons \

  M60 (1,000+ rounds).

| Notes \

  Go to Phil's Place and get the necessary ammo for the M60.

  The road-blocking method, using a Coach to block the entrance to Pier 1, 
  will *NOT* work on the Xbox and PC versions. In addition, Glen T. Winstein 
  wrote me saying that he used the M60 with very good results. I tried it and 
  found I could simplify things by doing away with the road-blocking and 
  using the M60 instead of using the Sniper Rifle/Rocket Launcher method used 
  in previous versions of the guide.

| The Plan \

  The mission begins with a cutscene of the yacht pulling away. As you are 
  moving away then two black cars filled with French agents pull up to Pier 
  1. They exit their cars and head for some boats parked at the end of the 
  pier. When you gain control then switch to your M60 and shoot up the three 
  boats. They will blow up very easily when using the M60. 

  The next section takes place near another bridge. The agents have formed a 
  blockade made up of several small and medium sized boats. Focus on the 
  boats exclusively and ignore the agents that may board the yacht and just 
  shoot up and blow up the boats.

  After the last boat is gone then you will now have to deal with 
  helicopters. Look to the east and shoot down the first helicopter that 
  appears and do the same thing to the second helicopter when it appears. The 
  M60 makes quick work of the choppers.

  After that then you will now have to deal with a third helicopter. But this 
  one is a Hunter. Shoot up the Hunter and it will go down quickly like the 
  others. When the Hunter goes down then the mission is successfully 

| Reward \


  In addition, if you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version, then you should 
  also earn the {Life of the Party} Trophy.


  Finally, you will be given a boat as a gift (you can't save it though) and 
  you have finally completed the last of the Colonel's missions.

  Now let's go to the next Asset Mission Property.....

 / Asset Missions \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >AST6. Interglobal Films                                                  0

Tommy buys this film studio for $60,000 because he knows that there are big
bucks in pornography. This studio is being run by film director Steve Scott
who seems to have a fetish for big sharks and mashed potatoes. Tommy just
wants him to focus on what's important - the sex ("Why'd you get in this
business, ya prick? Huh? For the pussy, that's why!").

But he needs to find some new talent and creative ways to get the word out
on this project. There are a total of four missions and is represented by the
clacker symbol on Prawn Island.

 / Interglobal Films Asset \
| >IFM1. Recruitment Drive                                                  0
| Overview /                                    \ Interglobal Films Asset /
0=========0                                      0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Tommy doesn't like the actors that have been working on Steve's project so 
  he needs to get new ones. He hears that actress Candy Suxxx may be 
  available for a film project so Tommy decides to go and recruit her.....

| Weapons \


| Notes \

  Get a Sanchez or PCJ-600 and save it in either the Hyman Condo or the El 
  Swanko Casa and save your game before riding to the film studio to start 
  the mission.

| The Plan \

  Go to the north part of Downtown (the V.A.J. Finance building) where Candy 
  is said to work. Stop near the pink circle and get off then walk into the 
  circle. You will then see Candy being dropped off by Congressman Shrub. She 
  will then come talk to you. She agrees to being in the film but she says 
  that you need to talk to her agent.

  Her "agent" is really her pimp who has just driven up. Angrily, he then 
  gets back in his car and flees but not before three associates come out of 
  his car to give you a hard time.

  Quickly get back on your bike and go after the pimp instead of dealing with 
  these guys (you will notice that the game has placed your bike near the 
  street at a certain angle during the cutscene regardless of where you 
  parked your bike before).

  As you chase Candy's pimp, you will see him tear through the traffic. Try 
  to get close enough to him to shoot him with your MP. At some point he may 
  suddenly stop. If you're close enough to him then three more goons will 
  come out of his car and go after you and the pimp will tear off again.

  But, if he stops and you're far enough away, then no goons will come out of 
  his car but he will remain still. This means he is a sitting duck and can 
  be easily destroyed. If these goons do come out then just blow past these 
  guys and continue chasing and shooting.

  Once his car starts flaming then he will get out and run. Shoot him or run 
  him over to kill him.

  It kinda goes without saying that you should keep an eye out for the Cops 
  while you are doing all this because they can easily knock you off your 
  bike and bust you when you least expect it.

  When you finally get rid of her pimp then go back to the Hyman Condo to get 
  rid of your Wanted Rating (using either the Police Bribe or a change of 
  clothes). Then go and get Candy who will then climb on the back of your 

  Now you need to get Mercedes who just happens to be having lunch at The 
  Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Downtown). When you get there then get off the bike 
  and head inside. You will also notice that across the street is a four-door 
  car that has been placed there for you.

  Talk to Mercedes who is more than happy to be in the film ("Of course, as 
  long as it's cheap and sleazy."). Walk back out and get in the car (making 
  sure the girls follow you) then drive to the studio to successfully 
  complete the mission.

| Reward \



  In addition, Sonny decides to give you another call. He is a little upset 
  that you haven't given him any consideration.....


  Tommy will have to deal with him eventually if he wants to keep his budding 
  empire intact.

 / Interglobal Films Asset \
| >IFM2. Dildo Dodo                                                         0
| Overview /                                    \ Interglobal Films Asset /
0=========0                                      0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Steve is quite happy with the new talent.....

    "Well, Candy is a natural and that new girl - she's insatiable! She went 
     through half the cast and crew before I even took a light reading." 

  .....but now faces the problem of getting the word out about the film. 
  There are a lot of flyers sitting on a table waiting to be seen but nobody 
  will let them be posted. But Tommy has other ideas.....

| The Plan \

  Tommy decides to drop the flyers out of a seaplane and spread them out all 
  over town. There is one parked right outside the studio by the pier. The 
  plane doesn't have good handling but, once you get it to top speed, then 
  it's not too bad. Go south on the water until you get up in the air and at 
  top speed. Then go north toward The Dirtbike Track.

  On your radar screen, you will see six blips - all on the West Side. They 
  are represented by blue globes (Starting Markers).

  When you fly into one then the flyers come pouring out. In addition, all 
  the other blips disappear and a red one appears (Ending Marker). Fly into 
  this red globe to stop the flow and go to another blue Starting Marker to 
  send out some more flyers.

  There are a total of twelve markers in all - six blue (beginning) and six 
  red (ending). You can do this in any order but the route outlined in this 
  guide is probably the best way to go:

    | Starting Marker #1: North Dirttrack.                                  |
    | Ending Marker #1: At intersection near VROCK.                         |
    | Starting Marker #2: At a corner near The Well Stacked Pizza Co.       |
    |                     (Downtown).                                       |
    | Ending Marker #2: At an intersection near The Well Stacked Pizza Co.  |
    |                   (Little Haiti).                                     |
    | Starting Marker #3: Near the "Welcome to HELL" sign in Little Haiti.  |
    | Ending Marker #3: Above the Escobar International Airport terminal.   |
    | Starting Marker #4: Near The Boatyard in Viceport.                    |
    | Ending Marker #4: Near the Deli in Little Havana.                     |
    | Starting Marker #5: Near the Bank in Little Havana.                   |
    | Ending Marker #5: Between the two large buildings on the road that    |
    |                   leads to Phil's Place.                              |
    | Starting Marker #6: Above the Greasy Chopper in Downtown.             |
    | Ending Marker #6: Above North Bridge (West).                          |

  The best way to get Ending Marker #5 is to go far west and turn back east 
  so you can get a straight shot at the red marker. The rest of the markers 
  you should have no problems with (other than controlling the plane, that 

  I almost forgot to mention that you have a limited supply of gas for this 
  mission but, since this can be done quickly, then this really isn't much of 
  an issue. After doing all twelve markers then the mission is successfully 

| Reward \



  In addition, you now have a Skimmer to play with at the pier by the Film 

 / Interglobal Films Asset \
| >IFM3. Martha's Mug Shot                                                  0
| Overview /                                    \ Interglobal Films Asset /
0=========0                                      0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Congressman Shrub has decided to go after the Puritan vote and is proposing 
  legislation to shut down film studios such as yours. Tommy decides to use 
  Candy's connection to Shrub to his advantage. Steve suggests that Tommy 
  follow Candy after work to see where she goes to meet the Congressman and 
  gives him a camera to help him dig up some dirt.....

| The Plan \

  You will need to follow Candy to their "love nest" and the best way to do 
  that is with the Sparrow helicopter parked near Studio C. Once in the air 
  then stick close to the limo and see where it goes. It will eventually drop 
  Candy off at the condo north of the Malibu Club (where you did "Treacherous 

  It turns out that the Congressman does indeed have a fetish (including 
  being called "Martha"). The game will then prompt you that the WK Chariot 
  Hotel across the street will make an excellent vantage point and a door 
  will be opened for you to get there.

  But, if you rotate slightly left, then you can see the large balcony in the 
  front of the hotel. Go through the gap in the trees and land your chopper 
  on the balcony. The top of the balcony and the top of the condo are about 
  level. Get a good vantage point to take the three pictures you need to 
  frame him.

  Unfortunately, after taking the third picture, then you are found out by 
  his guards and they sic the FBI out on you thus jacking your Wanted Rating 
  to 5-Star. Not good, especially since you need to get back to your studio 
  with the pictures. Get back in your Sparrow and fly back to the studio.

  Don't fly over Prawn Island to get to your studio. There are agents posted 
  at the entrances and they can shoot you down with their MPs. Instead, fly 
  west over the water then turn north when you are close to the West Side so 
  your studio is northeast of you. Fly to North Bridge (West) and turn right 
  when you do.

  Then turn right again when Studio C is to your right and you should see the 
  pink circle ahead of you. Fly towards the pink circle while descending. You 
  should hit the ground when you reach the pink circle and, when you do that, 
  then this will successfully complete the mission.

  If you read the section "Getting The Police Cheetah or FBI Rancher" in the 
  Advanced Tips And Information chapter in Part I then this is a perfect 
  opportunity to get a FBI Rancher. Land the Sparrow near the south end of 
  the Links View Heights and acquire a FBI Rancher. Then use the Pay 'N' 
  Spray there to get rid of the Wanted Ratings.

  It should be noted, however, that you *CANNOT* use the FBI Rancher in a Pay 
  'N' Spray in the Xbox version so you may have to use another car inside the 
  Pay 'N' Spray to get rid of the Wanted Ratings. Just park the car inside 
  and get out before the garage door closes.

  Then, when you are ready to get rid of the Ratings, go back into your car 
  and the garage door should close. Then go back out and acquire a FBI 

  Once you get a FBI Rancher then store it and head back to the film studio. 
  However, even though you may no longer have a Wanted Rating, there are 
  still guards in front of the studio at both entrances.

  These guys are not related to law enforcement but instead are Congressman 
  Shrub's personal bodyguards. Go up to the fountain north of the studio and 
  take these guys down with a Rocket Launcher to clear the way back into the 
  studio to end the mission.

| Reward \


 / Interglobal Films Asset \
| >IFM4. G-Spotlight                                                        0
| Overview /                                    \ Interglobal Films Asset /
0=========0                                      0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Tommy decides to try a publicity stunt to promote the film. He decides to 
  manipulate the searchlight in the east part of Downtown.....

| The Plan \

  In order to reach the searchlight, you must go on the roofs of the downtown 
  buildings to manipulate it. You will be provided a PCJ-600 to use for the 
  course so go ahead and take it. There are nineteen pink circles you must 
  hit to reach the searchlight.

  Once you start then you have until 7 AM the following morning to complete 
  your task but, because you start in the early evening, then you will have 
  more than enough time to finish the mission. In addition, you will finally 
  be able to complete the last three Unique Stunt Jumps - [DTN-J21], 
  [DTN-J23], and [DTN-J24].

  To start, you have to go into The Rockstar Building then enter the 
  elevator. When you line yourself up with the first circle then back up 
  against the wall, gun the engine, and go.

  In doing so you will do.....

  [DTN-J24] - Smash through the glass of The Rockstar Building to land in the 
              hollow area of the building next door.

  If you blow any of the early jumps or not get any credit for the Unique 
  Stunt Jumps then you can always go back to the elevator and try again. Your 
  cycle will take damage as you land so either go to the Little Haiti Pay 'N' 
  Spray or use the Health Code if it starts smoking. You cannot use the 
  garage repair trick during the mission to fix your bike.

  As you head west along the building rooftops then you will land on the 
  Hospital and set yourself up for the second of the three Unique Stunt 

  [DTN-J21] - Jump from the roof of Schuman Health Care Center to the 
              building across the street.

  About halfway through the course and near The Dirtbike Track, you will land 
  on a building that has a ladder that will go down as you land on it. So, if 
  you blow any of the later jumps, then you can go back here instead of going 
  back to the beginning of the course.

  The last jump onto the searchlight building will be the last of the Unique 
  Stunt Jumps.....

  [DTN-J23] - Jump across North Bridge (West) and land on the building that 
              has the searchlight on top.

  This should complete all of the Unique Stunt Jumps in the game. Go to the 
  pink circle by the searchlight to finish the mission and give gawkers 
  something to look at. A stairway on the south end of the building will 
  extend down so you can get back onto the street.

  If you have too much trouble jumping from building to building then you can 
  do what reader Rich Kelly suggested which is placing a helicopter after the 
  first jump (or just go over to the nearby VCN Building and get a news 
  chopper) and fly through all of the checkpoints. Then go back and do the 
  Unique Stunt Jumps afterward.

  Don't forget - the final Chopper Checkpoint mission opens up at the 
  skyscraper where you started the mission. Go ahead and do this (and the 
  other three if you waited until this one opened up so you could do them all 
  at once) before you save your game.

| Reward \



  You'll also complete all of the Interglobal Films Asset Missions. A Money 
  Icon will spawn outside Interglobal Films that will generate maximum 
  revenue of $7,000 per day.

  If you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version then you should also unlock the 
  {Daredevil} Trophy for completing the Unique Stunt Jumps in this mission if 
  you did all of the other Jumps prior.

 / Asset Missions \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >AST7. Kaufman Cabs                                                       0

Tommy buys this place for $40,000 because he hears that there is good money
in the Taxi business. The dispatch lady seems pretty blase' about another
gangster running things....

  "Anyhoo, I guess you better get on with the 'things are gonna change 
   around here' crap, maybe threaten one of the drivers - go steady on Ted 
   over there, he's just had his hernia fixed."

This Asset Property has three simple missions and it should not take too long 
to complete.

 / Kaufman Cabs Asset \
| >KCB1. V.I.P.                                                             0
| Overview /                                         \ Kaufman Cabs Asset /
0=========0                                           0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Tommy decides to take a cab to pick up an important customer.....

| Weapons \

  --.308 Sniper.

| The Plan \

  Drive up to the pink marker on Starfish Island in less than one minute to 
  pick up your customer. As you near the pink marker then drive past it a 
  little and turn around. You should be facing west when you get into the 
  circle. Honk the horn when you stop in the circle.

  Unfortunately, a rival cab cuts in front of you and takes your fare. 
  Drive-by and shoot up the other cab to the point the customer leaves that
  cab and enters yours. Drive the customer to the airport to complete the 

  Then there's this method offered to me by Mihir Mehta:

    "As you know the VIP has to be dropped at the pink marker at the terminal 
     at Escobar International airport. After the cutscene in which the rival 
     cab drives off with him, IGNORE HIM, overtake him and park in the pink 
     marker. Now the other cab cannot reach there. Now you can easily shoot 
     him until the VIP gets into your cab. Easy as pie."

  Well, I tried that but he still managed to drop off the passenger. However, 
  I played around a little and came up with something different.

  The other cab will go through Little Havana on the way to the Airport. Keep 
  going south along the main road and take the other way to the Airport. 
  Drive over to the EIA Main Terminal entrance but park in the grassy area in 
  the front.

  Exit the cab and switch to your Sniper Rifle. Get on the sidewalk and look 
  east down the main road leading to the airport entrance. When the other cab 
  comes into view then snipe the driver. Then shoot up the cab a little to 
  get the passenger out. Get him into your cab and drive the short distance 
  to the pink marker to successfully complete the mission.

  You can get into the other cab if you want (after sniping the driver) but, 
  if you drive the passenger into the pink circle, then you will fail the 
  mission since he is not in the Kaufman Cab.

| Reward \


 / Kaufman Cabs Asset \
| >KCB2. Friendly Rivalry                                                   0
| Overview /                                         \ Kaufman Cabs Asset /
0=========0                                           0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  VC Cabs is overwhelming Kaufman Cabs. They have too many vehicles and it is 
  up to you to thin their herd.....

| Weapons \

  --Rocket Launcher.

| Notes \

  Get a Rhino from Fort Baxter Air Base and put it in one of your garages.

  John Nowakowski had some additional information for this mission.

| The Plan \

  There are three cabs that need to be disposed of. There are also four ways 
  you can dispose of them:

    >>Drive by and shoot them until they are destroyed. John Nowakowski had 
      this to add about using this method:

        "It is key to remember to use the Pay N'Spray for the drive-by 
         method. Destroy one, then go repair, destroy the second, then 
         repair. They will try to stay close to you even when they are 
         flaming, so be sure to always leave a way to speed away from them 
         once that happens."

    >>Get some distance in front of them, get out, and use the Rocket 

    >>Use the Rhino and run them down.

    >>Jack the three cabs and group them together so they can be destroyed 
      with one rocket or grenade.

  Either way, destroy all three cabs to complete the mission successfully.

| Reward \


 / Kaufman Cabs Asset \
| >KCB3. Cabmageddon                                                        0
| Overview /                                         \ Kaufman Cabs Asset /
0=========0                                           0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Tommy has been personally requested to pick up Mercedes and wastes no time 
  in taking the call.....

| Weapons \

  --Rocket Launcher.

| Notes \

  --Optional: Do the Taxi Mission and get at least 100 fares to unlock the 
              Super Taxi Jump.

  Special thanks to Dexterx5 for pointing me in the right direction with his 

    "In the mission "cabmageddon", when the taxis start chasing you just 
     drive towards the water. Get out of the car, hop up on the wall and wait 
     for time to run out.  When the zebra cab came, I cautiously ran toward 
     it, pulled the driver out, shot him with the python. Mission passed and 
     I drove the zebra cab to my garage."

  But another reader, Brian P., came up with something a little better.....

    "Hey there. I was reading your FAQ for Vice city on site, and
      I found it really helpful. I wanted to send you a tactic that I used for 
     the Cabageddon mission (Taxi asset). I hadn't read that section of your 
     guide before doing it, so I did it my own special way. Anyway, the six 
     taxi cabs try to beat you down while your in your own cabby. My tactic 
     was this...The gate that you usually enter from is barred off, so it 
     tries to prevent you from leaving. I had already done the 100 passenger 
     taxi mission, so I just made a mad dash for the gate and used the 
     special cab jump ability to hop over it. Once I was on the other side of 
     the gate, I just waited for the timer to run out. Once it did, the zebra 
     cab appeared on the inside. It was trapped in there while I was on the 
     outside, so I just threw a few grenades over the fence to destroy it. It 
     worked like a charm for me, so let me know what you think."

  Tried it and it works pretty well.....

  I had something funny happen to me when trying out the new strategy. I 
  jumped the fence with the taxi but had one of the other taxis follow me (a 
  definite glitch).

  I let him do circles and destroyed him with my MP in drive-by mode. The 
  explosion came close to a bunch of pedestrians and killed some but pissed 
  off one of them. I got out of my cab and made my way back to the gate with 
  the ped chasing me. When I got back to the gate then I was accosted by the 

  I switched back to the Nightstick and knocked him down. By this point the 
  time had run out and the leader cab sequence started. When the cutscene 
  started then the leader cab landed on the ped and was on top of him long 
  enough to kill him! I switched back to the Rocket Launcher when I regained 
  control and destroyed the leader cab.

  After I passed the mission then I picked up the money that the dead ped 
  left behind. When I did that Tommy said "It's a nasty city isn't it?" all 
  the while looking down on the dead ped. Got a nice chuckle out of that one.

  I had another reader, Red Falcon, offer a method to completing this mission 
  although it takes a while to set up:

    "Get the taxi and go and stand in the pink marker. But DO NOT sound the 
     horn. Exit the cab and go to your mansion. If you have the Sea Sparrow, 
     get that, or, get the Maverick. Go back to the airport on your heli, 
     land AS CLOSE to the taxi you were on as possible. Then, exit the heli, 
     enter the taxi and sound the horn. When the cutscene ends, exit the cab 
     and get into the heli as fast as possible. If you are quick enough(easy 
     to do), you should enter it before the taxi guys run you down. Then, let 
     the heli gain speed, just hover on top of the taxis or go into the 
     water. If you hover on your heli over water, the taxi guys will try to 
     come behind you and as a result, fall into the water. You can try the 
     same for the Zebra Cab, but be careful. After the Zebra cab falls into 
     the water, the "Asset Completed" cutscene starts, so you lose control of 
     your heli and it might fall into the water."

  I couldn't get this to work 100% of the time but it is something different 
  to try.

  And there is this interesting bit of trivia from Jeff Sims:

    "Now the question: In the Vice City game there a mission that involves 
     Tommy being attacked by a Zebra Cab. I wonder if you can tell me if you 
     have any theorys about why this cab would be called the Zebra cab?

     My theory is that it is a reference to a taxi company in a book called 
     American Tabloid, written by James Ellroy. In this book there is a cab 
     company called Tiger Cabs, that is a front for a drug running (and other 
     dirty business) outfit in Miami.

     I have searched for Tiger Cabs on the interment and there doesn't appear 
     to be any other results, so I assume it is a fictional company."

| The Plan \

  The location of where you are supposed to pick up Mercedes is Viceport in 
  the large open area west of the Viceport Pay 'N' Spray. When you get there 
  then you will see a pink circle where you are prompted to go.

  Point your cab north and have only the back end of the cab in the pink 
  circle. When you honk the horn then you will find that there's no sign of 
  Mercedes. Instead, you have been lured into a trap by VC Cabs and six cabs 
  show up to give you the "business". When you start this phase, which lasts 
  one minute, then zip as quickly as possible to the gate.

  Get a straight shot at the gate and use the Super Taxi Jump to go over the 
  fence. Exit the cab near the truck parked near the gate, put Tommy in the 
  middle of the gate and look towards the Pay 'N' Spray. Switch to your 
  Rocket Launcher then wait for the timer to run out.

  If you haven't done the Taxi Mission and got 100 passengers to unlock the 
  Super Taxi Jump then point your cab slightly to the southeast (toward the 
  bow of the ship in the background) and have only the back end of the cab in 
  the pink circle when you get there. When chased by the other cabs then zip 
  over as quickly as possible to where the ship is.

  Round the corner, get near the crates, skid so that you are parallel to the 
  crates, exit your cab and quickly jump onto the little wall before any of 
  the other cabs can get to you. Run alongside the crates and get to the 
  other side. Then run back to the gate where you entered.

  Put Tommy in the middle of the gate and look towards the Pay 'N' Spray. 
  Switch to your Rocket Launcher then wait for the timer to run out.

  When you finish that phase then the leader of VC Cabs shows up to deal with 
  you personally in his Zebra Cab. You will even see Tommy standing there in 
  the cutscene and his standing in front of the cab keeps it from moving past 
  the gate.

  When the cutscene finishes then the leader cab will back away from you so 
  he can gain speed to run you over. Take this opportunity to target the 
  leader cab with your Rocket Launcher and quickly destroy it with two 
  rockets to successfully complete the mission.

  Then there's this method that HandsomeRockus and Rich Williams use for this 
  mission and falls under the category of "Why the hell didn't I think of 
  that?" If you have at least 90 Hidden Packages then you can use the Rhino 
  here. Park the cab close to the pink marker then leave to get another 
  vehicle. Go to Fort Baxter Air Base and get a Rhino.

  Drive the Rhino and park it near the pink marker (to its left) then switch 
  vehicles. Get into the pink marker and sound the horn. After the cutscene 
  ends then switch to the Rhino. The other cabs will destroy themselves on 
  the tank. The same goes for the leader cab when he confronts you. Very 

| Reward \



  You'll also complete all of the Kaufman Cabs Asset Missions. A Money Icon 
  will spawn inside Kaufman Cabs that will generate maximum revenue of $5,000 
  per day plus a Zebra Cab to call your own. You may also want to do the Taxi 
  Mission if you decided to wait this long to do it.

  In addition, if you get a regular Kaufman Cab (not a Cabbie, Taxi, or Zebra 
  Cab), then you can listen to what is known as the Taxi Band. This is 
  similar to the Police Band in which you can listen to communications 
  between the Kaufman Cab operator and various Kaufman Cabs around town.

 / Asset Missions \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >AST8. The Boatyard                                                       0

Tommy decides to buy the Boatyard for $10,000 to get some boats for use in
his operations. He finds the place run by a couple of dopeheads, Dwaine and
Jethro, who point out the boats parked in the back.....

  Dwaine: "Dude, she's already running with a 300 horse power engine..."
  Jethro: "and the fiberglass hull, she just shoots through the waves!"
  Dwaine: "She can do like zero to sixty in four seconds flat dude..."
  Jethro: "and she can hold like twenty bales of the best Jamaican smoke 
           right in the hull!"
  **NOTE: You'll meet up with these two stoners again in "Grand Theft Auto: 
          San Andreas" (starting with the mission "Wear Flowers In Your 

 / The Boatyard Asset \
| >BTD1. Checkpoint Charlie                                                 0
                                                     \ The Boatyard Asset /

This Asset Mission requires that you go through a checkpoint race. You have 2 
and 1/2 minutes to complete the course. The first part of the race is the
most difficult because of all the turns and jumps around the piers at the
Vice City Marina.

Once you have made the last jump from the Pier area then the rest is easy.
But, if you had some difficulty in the first part, then you may still lose
the race.

After this Asset Mission is done then a Money Icon will spawn in front of the 
Boatyard that will generate maximum revenue of $2,000 per day plus unlimited
use of the boats.

However, if you grab any of the boats, then you will have to do the mission
again. You will also notice that the time to complete the course is five
seconds less than before (2:25). If you are successful again then there will
be five seconds less to complete the course than was before when you try
again (2:20).

Therefore, the more times you complete the course, the less time you will
have on subsequent attempts.

 / Asset Missions \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >AST9. The Pole Position Club                                             0

Now Tommy wants a place to go to where he and his friends can enjoy some 
exotic entertainment (i.e. strippers) and the only place in town that has it 
is the Pole Position Club.

When you purchase the place for $30,000 then the Mr. Vercetti Outfit will
spawn at "Collars & Cuffs" which is about a block north of the Club. The
Asset Mission related to this property isn't obvious at first. When you 
enter the place then you will find the customers doing their thing (and the
dancers dancing).

Go in the back and you will notice some rooms. In the very back on the right
side, there is a door for management only. There is a room across from that
that you can enter but there is nothing there. Enter the room closest to the
main room and you will be treated to a dance from one of the dancers.

The Asset Mission is here in this room. You must sit through and spend a 
minimum of $300 here to complete the Asset Mission. Once this is done then a
Money Icon will spawn in front of the club that will generate maximum revenue
of $4,000 per day.

In addition, you will also unlock the "management only" room and, upon 
entering, you will be treated to a very short cutscene of Tommy enjoying
another dancer wearing nothing but a cowboy hat, pasties and a g-string. On
top of that, this dancer will also appear as a bartender at the Malibu Club.

 / Asset Missions \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >AST10. Vice City Printing Works                                          0

Tommy decides to buy the old Vice City Printing Works Asset for $70,000 to
put out something related to his work over at Interglobal Films (some porno
mags maybe?). Ernest Kelly, the longtime boss there, says that printing money
is far better than making magazines ("Oh, crap, sonny, low grade crap. I've
always fancied printing money. It ain't too hard.").

This Asset Property has two missions and is represented by the "$" near
Little Havana.

 / Vice City Printing Works Asset \
| >PWK1. Spilling the Beans                                                 0
| Overview /                             \ Vice City Printing Works Asset /
0=========0                               0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  After being introduced to Ernest then Tommy decides to track down some 
  plates for his counterfeiting operation.....

| Weapons \

  --.308 Sniper.
  --Machine Gun (Sea Sparrow).

| Notes \

  Reader Cristian Luis Barreto came up with a way to simplify this mission by 
  suggesting that you can land on a building close to the ship and sniping 
  guards from there.

| The Plan \

  Tommy needs to find out where and when the plates are coming in. He figures 
  that the person who has the best knowledge is Kent Paul. After confronting 
  Kent then Tommy is informed that the triad is operating off one of the 
  large ships near Viceport and that the bossman there can tell him when the 
  plates are coming in.

  Go back to The Mansion and get a Sea Sparrow. Fly to the ship and you will 
  see security personnel all over the ship. Land on the small building across 
  the street west of the ship. Then get out and use the .308 Sniper to snipe 
  the five guards you see patrolling the west side of the ship.

  Then get back into the Sea Sparrow and gently fly out to the north end of 
  the ship and use the Sea Sparrow's Machine Gun to kill the two guards here 
  then fly a little more east and angle yourself to get rid of the remaining 
  two guards.

  The pink circle, which is where you need to go, is on one of the higher 
  parts of the ship. You will also see a ramp near that that heads up to the 
  top platform. Go to the west side of the ship and land on the left side of 
  this platform. It may not look like you could land there but you can, you 
  just have to be careful.

  After you land then go down the ramp to the pink circle. When the cutscene 
  ends then switch to your .357 in case there are any security to deal with. 
  Then get back into your chopper and fly back to Vice City Printing Works to 
  successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \



  In addition, Ken gives you a call. It seems that Sonny has been putting the 
  screws to him and is running scared. Tommy tells him to calm down but we 
  all know how Ken is, right? Eventually, Sonny needs to be dealt with once 
  and for all.

 / Vice City Printing Works Asset \
| >PWK2. Hit the Courier                                                    0
| Overview /                             \ Vice City Printing Works Asset /
0=========0                               0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Now that Tommy knows when the plates are coming, it is time to go and get 

| Weapons \

  --Rockets (Hunter).

| Notes \

  --Option #1: Prior to starting the mission, get a Cop Outfit and get a 
               Hunter from Fort Baxter Air Base. Land the Hunter on the 
               ground about three car lengths from the pink circle at the 
               Print Works. If you park it too close to the pink circle then 
               the Hunter may disappear when you start the mission.

  --Option #2: Acquire the Everything-Proof Admiral, at the end of the 
               mission "Guardian Angels", and have it stored in a garage.

  I have another method to doing this mission thanks to Glen T. Winstein and 

| The Plan \

  The drop-off is in Viceport where you got ambushed in the beginning of the 
  game. It is heavily guarded with many of the sentries carrying Shotguns 
  (which can down your Hunter with one or two solid hits) and Tec-9's. There 
  are other sentries on the rooftops and crane that are armed with Sniper 
  Rifles. There are also three cars waiting for the courier.

  Fly the Hunter to the drop-off and veer out over the water when you get to 
  the ship where you did the previous mission. Where you want the chopper is 
  over the water *BEHIND* where the other chopper (with the courier) will 

  You should also see the three cars in the background. Stay far enough away 
  so you don't alert the guards and hover at about ground level. The other 
  chopper will eventually come from behind and above you. Wait for it to land 
  and, when the courier exits the helicopter, then blast it and the three 
  cars in the background.

  This should get rid of most, if not all, of the nearby guards. Rotate 
  slightly right to blast the crane and gently rotate left to hit the top of 
  the building in the back to get rid of the snipers.

  When you clear this sector out then gently land the Hunter near the plates, 
  exit the chopper to get them, get back in, fly back out over the water, and 
  retrace your path back to the Print Works to successfully complete the 

  When using the EP-Admiral then lay in wait in-between some trailers not far 
  from the drop-off area. As the cars pass by then they will spot you and go 
  after you.

  Focus on the courier's car. Drive-by it until it flames and wait for the 
  courier to exit. If the car blows up before the courier gets out then you 
  will fail the mission because the plates will be destroyed in the 

  Kill the courier or wait for the car to explode when the courier exits. Get 
  out and quickly get the plates. Get back into the EP-Admiral and speed over 
  to the Print works (park near the fence otherwise you may lose the 
  EP-Admiral) to successfully complete the mission.

  Reader Glen T. Winstein gave me another method that a friend of his, 
  HandsomeRockus, uses. Basically he lays in wait near where their secret 
  printing press is which is at the stairs just behind the red-and-beige 
  building east of Phil's Place (and where you found Package [LHI-H65]).

  He used a Rhino and blasted the two escort cars when they showed up (they 
  show up way ahead of the courier's car) and killed the courier when she 
  arrived and exited her car. Then he took the plates and drove over to the 
  Print Works to complete the mission.

  I tried it and it works pretty good. I also used the EP-Admiral and it 
  works a little better because it is faster and less clumsy. Just use the 
  Drive-By mode when the escort cars arrive (to destroy them) and run over 
  the courier when she exits the car after she arrives.

| Reward \



  You'll also complete all of the Vice City Printing Works Asset Missions. A 
  Money Icon will spawn outside the building that will generate maximum 
  revenue of $8,000 per day.

  In addition, a coked-up Ken calls and tells you that something has happened 
  over at the Print Works that needs to be checked out. This will open up the 
  last two Main Story Missions.

 / Tommy Vercetti \
| >TMV4. Cap the Collector                                                  0
| Overview /                                             \ Tommy Vercetti /
0=========0                                               0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  When Tommy checks out the Vice City Printing Works he then finds Ernest 
  being helped up by the other workers. He has been beat up by thugs sent out 
  by Sonny who has decided to take matters into his own hands and collect his 
  slice from Tommy.

  However, Tommy is in no mood to share, especially with Sonny. He now must 
  put a stop to the collections.....

    Ernest: " that guy a new asshole for me..."
    Tommy: "I'm gonna rip him two!"

| Weapons \


| Notes \

  Monkey Man came up with a very good way to this mission.....

    "For the mission "Cap the Collector" what I did is took a coar and parked 
     it over the money icon at Sunshine Autos so they couldnt collect the 
     money and then took out my rocket launcher and blasted them when they 
     got close to the car."

  I made some tweaks to make this strategy better and removed the others to 
  streamline this chapter.

| The Plan \

  The collectors that Sonny has sent will go to each of your businesses to 
  collect his slice. The more businesses you have, the more time you have to 
  get the collectors.

  This is why I saved the Vice City Printing Works as the last Asset Property 
  to do. To make sure I had all of my businesses opened to give myself as 
  much time as possible although this mission can be done quickly.

  A pair of collectors are on a Sanchez and heading toward The Boatyard. Get 
  into your car and speed down to Sunshine Autos.

  When you get to Sunshine Autos then position your car as to look like 
  you are backing it through the door. The Money Icon should be in the back 
  seat. However, you should angle the car toward the left a little bit. This 
  way, when you look right in drive-by mode, you should be aiming at the 
  driveway entrance leading into the facility.

  When the first set of collectors make their way to the auto lot then they 
  will park at the driveway entrance and run toward the icon. Just go into 
  drive-by mode and kill them with the MP as they approach the car.

  After that then a second set of collectors will head down the main road 
  from Downtown to continue the collecting started by the first group. Just 
  stay where you are at regardless of whether the collectors go to your other 

  They still need to come to Sunshine Autos so you can just wait and ambush 
  them. After killing the second set of collectors then a third set will be 
  generated. Wait for them also. When you kill them then the mission will be 
  successfully completed.

| Reward \



  At this point, the only remaining Main Story Mission left is "Keep Your 
  Friends Close.....". But that will be the very last mission to do in this 
  guide. There is still quite a bit of work to do here and this segues into 
  the next section.....

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >VCT7. And Now for Everybody Else                                         |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

Now is the time to clean up some loose ends. Along the way, I've opened up a 
lot of other Side Story Missions that up until now have been put on hold.
There are a total of sixteen missions spread out amongst five different
persons and groups. Most of these missions are easy and they can be done

This is the order in which they are presented in this guide:

  >>Avery Carrington
  >>Love Fist
  >>Big Mitch Baker
  >>Umberto Robina
  >>Auntie Poulet

They can be done in any order but it is suggested that the gang missions 
(Robina and Poulet) be done last. This is because of the hostility the 
Haitians will have against you when you enter their neighborhood after you
complete the gang missions.

 / The Main Story \###################\
| >MSY6. Avery Carrington                                                   +

Avery Carrington is the main real estate developer in Vice City. He seems
like a nice enough gentleman but when it comes to acquiring property he can
be quite ruthless. You have already done some work for him ("Riot") so you
have some idea of what to expect.

He has three missions total and they are not too difficult. He is represented 
by the "A" icon at Fairground Point in Vice Point.

 / Avery Carrington \
| >AVR1. Four Iron                                                          0
| Overview /                                           \ Avery Carrington /
0=========0                                             0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Avery wants you to take down some guy at Leaf Links Golf Club so he can 
  get some additional property. He gives you a membership at the course and 
  tells you to go to Jocksport to get appropriate clothing.....

| Weapons \

  --.308 Sniper.
  --Machine Gun (Sea Sparrow).

| The Plan \

  This mission lends itself to some creative thinking. There are two ways 
  you can do this mission.

  The first way involves the use of a Sea Sparrow. First, go to Jocksport 
  to get your golf outfit. But, instead of going straight to Leaf Links Golf 
  Club, head to The Mansion and get a Sea Sparrow.

  Fly back to the Golf Club and park the Sea Sparrow in front of the gate and 
  get out. Get into the pink circle (to generate your target) and get back 
  into the chopper. Fly over the Golf Club and creep along the trees until 
  you sight your target. Then let him have it with the Sea Sparrow's 
  Machine Gun. Mission completed.

  The second method for doing this mission was suggested to me by Abhisheik 

    "In the four iron missoin for Avery carrington there is another way to 
     get your weapons to the golf course Use the boat parked to the right of 
     the course entrance and drive the boat to the islands edge and jump onto 
     the island. Easy."

  There's a way to make this even better. Instead of going onto the Golf 
  Club, find the Predator that is parked at the east end of Links Bridge, 
  drive it over to near the driving range, and park a short distance from it. 
  Then just use the .308 Sniper from the boat to kill your target and 
  successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \



  In addition, the Golf Outfit icon will spawn outside of Leaf Links Golf 

 / Avery Carrington \
| >AVR2. Demolition Man                                                     0
| Overview /                                           \ Avery Carrington /
0=========0                                             0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Avery wants you to help him damage a certain building so he can acquire 
  more property.....

| Notes \

  I had a reader, Cic the Poet, bring up a good point concerning this 

    "on the mission "Demolition Man" you give the advice: "When you finally 
     grab the first bomb, start with the top target and then work your way 
     down to the ground floor."

    "I think this is a bad idea. No matter in what order you do the other 
     bombs, it would be best to save the top target for last. Simply because 
     you will not have to fly back from the last target you bomb, and saving 
     the top target for last means you save the maximum time out of this 

     For example, let's say you need 10 seconds to fly from the lowest target 
     back to the top-fun van, and you need 30 seconds from the top target. 
     Then you gain 20 seconds of time if you do the top target as last 
     instead of the bottom one."

  So I made a slight change to this mission.....

| The Plan \

  The method to damaging this building is a bit unusual in that you have to 
  use an RC helicopter (controlled from a Top Fun Van) to drop bombs at 
  certain points within the building (four of them to be exact). You have a 
  seven minute time limit that begins when you pick up the first bomb.

  With that in mind, you can go ahead and scope things out before doing your 
  dirty work.

  As you go around inside the building to find where are supposed to drop the 
  bombs, you will see that the place is guarded by workers and security 
  people. They see your chopper and will try to attack it with hammers and 
  guns. However, you can easily deal with them by slicing them up (and 
  killing them) with your copter blades.

  If you take the time to find where your targets are and kill all of the 
  guards in the building then this will make the mission much easier. When 
  you finally grab the first bomb then start with the bottom target and work 
  your way up to the top floor.

  When you have dropped the last bomb then your work is done and the mission 
  is successfully completed.

| Reward \


 / Avery Carrington \
| >AVR3. Two Bit Hit                                                        0
| Overview /                                           \ Avery Carrington /
0=========0                                             0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Avery wants you to start a gang war between the Cubans and the Haitians so 
  that land prices will drop and he can acquire more property (cheap). He 
  also introduces you to his protege', Donald Love (from "Grand Theft Auto 
  III" and "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories") who happens to be taking 

    "Now, nothing brings down real estate prices quicker than a good 
     old-fashioned gang war 'cept maybe a disaster, like a biblical plague or 
     something, but, that may be going too far in this case. You getting this 
     down, you four-eyed prick?"

| Weapons \

  --.308 Sniper.
  --Tank Gun (Rhino).

| Notes \

  --Option #1: If you don't have a Rhino then get one from Fort Baxter Air 
               Base and save it at the Hyman Condo garage.

  --Option #2: Acquire the Everything-Proof Admiral, at the end of the 
               mission "Guardian Angels", and have it stored in a garage.

  Cic the Poet came up with another good method to doing this mission.

| The Plan \

  Get a car and go west into Little Havana to the Little Havana Streetwear 
  store that will let you get into the appropriate outfit. Get back into your 
  car and go get the Rhino you have stored in the Hyman Condo garage.

  Approach the Funeral Parlor from either the north or from the south and 
  blast (and run over) everything in sight. In the chaos you will kill your 
  intended target. When you have done that then hightail it out of Little 
  Haiti. After you get out of there then your mission is successfully 

  Store your Rhino back at the Hyman Condo, or your Mansion garage, if you 
  wish to use it later for something else.

  When using the EP-Admiral then run over everybody in front of you and 
  drive-by your target. If the target gets in his vehicle, which is a hearse, 
  then chase him.

  Don't worry about the flaming coffins he dumps from the back of the hearse, 
  he can't hurt you because of the EP-Admiral. Drive-by his hearse to destroy 
  it and your target. You will more than likely be outside of Little Haiti if 
  you have to chase him so you will end the mission successfully when you 
  blow up the hearse.

  Then there is the method suggested to me by Cic the Poet:

    "Get to the scene from the _west_. There is a point where a wall blocks 
     your way to the scene. Park your car there, get on top of the car so you 
     can see the gang leader. (With a cheetah, for example, you need to get 
     on the roof of the car, the hood is not high enough.) Use your sniper 
     rifle to shoot him. Then, enter your car and leave. You should be out of 
     Little Haiti before anyone bothers you."

  Actually what he means is approach the scene from the *EAST* on the 
  opposite side of the wall behind The Well Stacked Pizza Co. (Little Haiti). 
  Once you peek over the wall then you will be spotted by the Haitians 
  (that's what you want). Shoot the guy closest to you then kill the gang 
  leader with the .308 Sniper or M60. Then get into your car and leave. 

  If you're into car collecting then this is a very good way to get the 
  Hearse. Kill most of the Haitians (which will eventually get you a 2-Star 
  Wanted Rating). Switch to your Uz-1 or .357 (which will allow you to run), 
  jump the wall then get into the Hearse. Then drive out of Little Haiti to 
  complete the mission and acquire the Hearse.

| Reward \



  You'll also complete all of Avery Carrington's missions. You will also get 
  a phone call from the Cuban gang leader, Umberto Robina. But I will save 
  his stuff for later in the guide. In addition, the Havana Outfit will spawn 
  at the Little Havana Streetwear in Little Havana.

 / The Main Story \###################\
| >MSY7. Love Fist                                                          +

Love Fist is a drunken, drug-addled, Scottish heavy metal hair band. Kent
Paul is currently helping them record a new album while they are in Vice
City. They have three missions total and are represented by the skull icon
near the Hyman Condo. In addition, they are interconnected with the Big Mitch
Baker missions (done a little later).

 / Love Fist \
| >LVF1. Love Juice                                                         0
| Overview /                                                  \ Love Fist /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  After being introduced to the group by Kent then Tommy helps them get some 
  ingredients for what they call "love juice". Most of those ingredients, of 
  course, involve drugs and other unusual compounds.....

| Weapons \


| Notes \

  You may want to get a Hotring Racer from Sunshine Autos and save it at the 
  Hyman Condo garage.

| The Plan \

  When the mission starts then run back to the Condo to get your Racer, Then
  drive to the pink marker but, before you sound the horn, position your car 
  so that you are facing the street but with the pink marker in front of the 
  car. Park in the circle and sound the horn. The dealer will come out and do 
  some business and you off and speed off on a motorcycle.

  Chase after him, ram him off his bike, and run him over (or drive-by him). 
  Get out and get the drugs. After doing that then Kent calls and tells you 
  that the band could do with a little company. Tommy has just the person - 
  Mercedes. You now have to go get Mercedes at her place which is just south 
  of the Links View Heights.

  Once you pick her up then you have ninety seconds to get her back to the 
  studio. The fastest way is to go straight north and over the North Bridge 
  into Downtown (the road also ends at the studio). When you get back to the 
  studio then the mission is successfully completed.

| Reward \



  In addition, Kent calls and tells you that they are going to need some 
  security for the concert and recommends the local biker gang led by one 
  Mitch Baker. This will open up Mitch's set of missions which I will do 
  first before finishing up with Love Fist.

 / The Main Story \###################\
| >MSY8. Big Mitch Baker                                                    +

Mitch Baker leads a ragtag group of bikers who call The Greasy Chopper
"home". He is loyal to his gang and is intolerant of outsiders. Naturally, he
doesn't take too kindly to Tommy but Tommy doesn't back down offering to join
the gang if that is what it will take to secure his services.

Baker's missions are represented by a spade in the south part of Downtown and
consists of three missions.

 / Big Mitch Baker \
| >BMB1. Alloy Wheels of Steel                                              0
| Overview /                                            \ Big Mitch Baker /
0=========0                                              0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Tommy's first test is to see if he can ride a bike. However, the bike has 
  to be a either an Angel or Freeway.....

| Notes \

  The idea for knocking off a rider at the beginning of the race came from 
  the following source: Official U.S. Playstation Magazine (Issue #66 (March 
  2003) - Page 123) by Brian Steinlage (bonniejs[at]juno[dot]com)).

| The Plan \

  The race starts at the front of the Greasy Chopper and you have to ride 
  against three other riders. You have to use either an Angel or Freeway. And 
  you can't use weapons either - you have to play it straight. You can grab 
  one the bikes in front of the Greasy Chopper and get in the pink circle to 
  start the race.

  Or you can go in front of one of the other riders (not too close though) 
  and press Enter Vehicle to knock the rider off and grab the bike (the race 
  will automatically start) and thus you only have to deal with two bikers 
  instead of three.

  Then there's this nice suggestion given to me by Jamie Allen. Grab a 
  Firetruck from the nearby Fire Station and drive to the other riders.

  What you want to do is place the Firetruck in front of the right two bikers 
  and perpendicular to the street leaving one rider unblocked. Go the 
  unblocked rider and jack the bike.

  This will start the race but the other riders will smack the Firetruck and 
  it will take them time to get around it. Of course, you can zip right past 
  the Firetruck and gain a huge lead over the other two riders.

  There's also another benefit to stealing one of your opponent's bikes. It 
  seems that the Angels that your computer opponents ride have much better 
  handling than the regular Angels parked in front of the Greasy Chopper.

  You can turn the corners much tighter than on a regular Angel (which make 
  you feel like you are on ice). This means that you can also go much faster 
  than you could on an regular Angel.

  Your other opponents have the same bikes but their advantage is negated by 
  the fact that they are lousy riders and will wipe out constantly in the 
  corners (and there a lot of them on the course). You first opportunity to 
  pass them will come where the sharp 90 degree right turn is at the Hyman 
  Condo - they will be picking themselves up as you pass them.

  Thanks to the improved handling of this particular motorcycle, which I call 
  the "Steel Angel", you can easily win the race with a time as little as 

  If you want, after the race, you can save the Steel Angel in one of your 
  garages. However, as A.M. van de Water pointed out, it will lose its 
  special properties when saved thus becoming a regular Angel again.

| Reward \


 / Big Mitch Baker \
| >BMB2. Messing With the Man                                               0
| Overview /                                            \ Big Mitch Baker /
0=========0                                              0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  Tommy is a little impatient and tries to get into a fight with Mitch to see 
  if it will speed things up. Mitch uses Tommy's anger, and the knowledge of 
  Tommy's prison stay, to his advantage and tells to him "mess with the man". 
  Tommy decides to take him up on the challenge.....

| Weapons \

  --MP (2,500+ rounds).
  --M60 (2,500+ rounds).

| Notes \

  If you don't have a Rhino then get one from Fort Baxter Air Base and save 
  it at the Hyman Condo garage.

  In previous versions of the guide Tow Wang suggested the use of the Rhino 
  for this mission. He found that you can only kill Cops and destroy Police 
  vehicles to max out the Chaos Meter. But, because of this information and 
  acquiring the {I'm Famous} Trophy for the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version, I 
  came up with a much better way to do this mission and removed the other 
  ones to streamline things.

| The Plan \

  What Mitch wants you to do is create as much chaos as possible within two 
  minutes. There is a Chaos Meter that must be maxed out to successfully 
  complete the mission. You must destroy and kill as much as possible to max 
  it out.

  However, there is a very easy way to do this. Drive your Rhino to the bar 
  and park it against the seawall just southeast from the bar and well away 
  from the road. Run to the bar and start the mission then run back to your 
  tank. Switch to your MP or M60 and shoot the tank to fill the Meter. Being 
  away from the road should keep you from getting any Wanted Ratings. 

  Regardless of weapon you should fill up the Meter in less than a minute. 
  Although, if you use the M60, you should aim at the upper portion of the 
  Rhino since shooting the lower part may not register on the Meter. When the 
  Chaos Meter is filled up then the mission is successfully completed.

| Reward \


 / Big Mitch Baker \
| >BMB3. Hogtied                                                            0
| Overview /                                            \ Big Mitch Baker /
0=========0                                              0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

  As a final test, Mitch wants you to rescue his bike which has been stolen 
  by a local street gang. If you succeed then Mitch will do security for the 
  Love Fist concert.....

| Weapons \


| Notes \

  Have plenty of ammo for the MP and .357.

  One time I used an Angel to make the jump into the compound. I hit a couple 
  of people on the way and got a 1-Star Wanted Rating.

  For some reason, I didn't quite have the speed to make the jump and I was 
  woefully short, hitting the building and getting knocked off the bike in 
  mid-air. And I got busted by a Cop the very moment I hit the ground. 

  I also came up with a new way of doing this mission plus a new exit 
  strategy by Adam Lilley.

| The Plan \

  Get a PCJ-600 from Howlin' Pete's (across the street from The Greasy 
  Chopper). There is no direct gate into the compound so you will have to 
  jump onto a roof to get in. The ramp is the long set of stairs across the 
  street from the Downtown Ammu-Nation.

  Once on the roof then get off the bike and kill the two goons nearby. There 
  are a total of thirty goons in the compound. You have already killed the 
  first two here on the roof. Eventually you will be spotted and the rest 
  will attack.

  They will come out of a doorway right next to the bike. Switch to your MP 
  or .357 and work your way to the corner near the top of the bottom-most set 
  of stairs. Stand at the edge of the corner and this will allow you to 
  quickly kill the gang members as they approach.

  After awhile then you will hear gunfire from an M4. The last two goons have 
  M4's and, when they show themselves (and you kill them), then you will have 
  cleared the compound of goons and you can get to the bike without any 
  additional interference.

  When you get to Mitch's bike then get on it and go back the way you came. 
  As noted earlier, Adam Lilley came up with a different exit path than the 
  one I used before.

  Go back up to the roof. You will notice four small ventilation "humps" on 
  the east side of the roof.

  What needs to be done is to use these "humps" as mini-ramps to jump over 
  the edge and onto either the building next door or onto the road. Go back 
  west to the other side of the roof so you can get enough speed to jump over 
  the retaining ledge when you hit the "hump" closest to the street.

  When you finally get back to the street then head toward the bridge leading 
  to Prawn Island. When you get near the bridge then break right to get on 
  the sidewalk and go in the gap between the wall and bridge. Then turn 
  right, go down the stairs and straight to the Greasy Chopper.

  Even though you cleared the compound of goons, the gang will still chase 
  you with their Gang Burritos. However, by going this particular route, then 
  they can't catch you.

  When you get back to the Greasy Chopper then you will complete your task 
  and win your patch.

| Reward \


  In addition, if you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version, then you should 
  also earn the {Tommy Two-Wheels} Trophy.


  Finally, you will complete all of Mitch Baker's missions and got the 
  security you need for the Love Fist concert. And speaking of Love Fist.....

 / Love Fist \
| >LVF2. Psycho Killer                                                      0
| Overview /                                                  \ Love Fist /
0=========0                                                    0=+=+=+=+=0

  A lunatic fan has been making threats against the band. The band fears that 
  the fan may show up at a autograph session at a local record store. Tommy 
  has to try to get the psycho to show himself so he can deal with him.....

| Weapons \


| Notes \

  Get a Coach or Firetruck and save it at the Hyman Condo prior to starting 
  the mission.

  I managed to get the game to freeze during this mission. After I parked the 
  limo then I ran up the street and got a Freeway and went back to Rock City.
  I tried to put the bike on top of the psycho to keep him down just to see 
  what happens. What happened instead was that the psycho got up and was 
  standing on top of the bike!

  I got back on the bike and slowly drove away with the psycho still on top. 
  I parked the bike near the Hyman Condo and went back to the limo.

  When the cutscene started you see the two girls (that precede the psycho) 
  make their way into the store. But, because the psycho isn't there, then 
  the security guard doesn't get shot and the scene will "freeze" - you can't 
  go any further and you can't get out of it. Weird.....

| The Plan \

  Get into the limo and make your way to the signing. But stop just short of 
  the pink marker and get out. Run all the way back to the Hyman Condo and 
  get the Coach or Firetruck.

  Make your way back to the record store and angle the vehicle toward the 
  alley to the left of the store. Enter the alleyway and line the vehicle up 
  against the right wall so you are scraping the right side of it.

  Once the vehicle is straight then back it out of the alley and hold down 
  Drive-By Mode (Left) to see the right side of either the Coach or 
  Firetruck. What you want to do is put the vehicle in such a way as to cover 
  the middle of the street.

  Exit the vehicle, ready your .357, get back into the limo and creep into 
  the pink circle. When the cutscene starts then the psycho reveals himself. 
Near the end then he will get into his car. Notice where the vehicle is -
it is right on his front bumper. When you get control again then get out.

You will notice that the psycho is just spinning his wheels. After a couple
of seconds (too fast to use a Sniper Rifle) then the frustrated psycho will
exit his car. Shoot him when he does to successfully complete the mission.

If, by some chance, he decides to back up instead then quickly run up and
jack his car. Hold Drive-By Mode (Left) when you get in and shoot him when
he gets up off the ground.

You might have considered, now that you know what he looks like, to just go
up to the crowd on foot and whack him before he does any damage.
Unfortunately, the game still considers him a regular fan since you have
not drawn him out at that point and you will fail the mission if you kill
him beforehand. So much for that potential shortcut.

| Reward \


/ Love Fist \
| >LVF3. Publicity Tour 0
| Overview / \ Love Fist /
0=========0 0=+=+=+=+=0

Despite the hard work in the previous mission, Tommy finds out that the
psycho is still alive and making threats. The group still need Tommy's help
in dealing with this problem but he is clearly getting irritated at still
having to babysit the band.....

"Normally, I wouldn't busy myself with driving around a bunch of drunken
Scottish bisexuals but, in your case, I'll make an exception!"

| The Plan \

The psycho has left a little surprise in the limo - a bomb that will
explode if you stop the vehicle. Now you will have to drive around while
you and the band try to find a way out of this. This mission has a lot of
room for creative solutions - there really isn't a wrong way to do this.
But perhaps the most effective way is the route outlined here.

Go south along the main road (Bayshore Avenue) and into Viceport. Hang a
left when the road ends and follow it back out and you will be going back
north along the main road. You don't have to hold Accelerate down all the
time. Release it in intervals to keep a good solid speed.

This will also help you keep better control of the limo so you can weave
through the traffic better. After about 2 and 3/4 minutes then the band
will finally defuse the bomb. Then drive back up to the venue to
successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \


In addition, if you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version, then you should
also earn the {Chauffeur} Trophy.


And you will also complete the Love Fist missions. Shortly afterwards,
Mitch calls to tell you that everything went great at the concert and
thanks you for your help.

/ The Main Story \###################\
| >MSY9. Umberto Robina +

Umberto Robina is the leader of the Cuban gang that resides in Little Havana.
He hangs out with his father in the Robina Cafe and considers having big
"cojones" to be more important than anything else. His gang is at war with
the Haitians so most of your missions involve playing mercenary for him.

He has four missions total and is represented by the Robina insignia in
Little Havana. The last mission, "Trojan Voodoo", can only be done after
completing all of Auntie Poulet's missions.

/ Umberto Robina \
| >UBR1. Stunt Boat Challenge 0
| Overview / \ Umberto Robina /
0=========0 0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

After introducing himself to Umberto then Tommy is challenged to a race
against time using a boat to prove he has big cojones.....

| Notes \

I had a reader, Tyotyovics Kazmer, strongly suggest to me that if you own
the PC version it is recommended that the frame limiter be turned on or
this mission becomes much tougher to complete.

| The Plan \

If you did pretty good at "Checkpoint Charlie" then this is a piece of
cake. Your biggest problems are going to be the ramps and a couple of sharp
turns near the middle of the course. Finishing the course in less than 3:00
will earn their respect and successful completion.

| Reward \



You'll also get a call from a woman who calls herself Auntie Poulet. This
opens up her set of missions but we will save them for later. For now, I
will continue with Umberto's missions.

/ Umberto Robina \
| >UBR2. Cannon Fodder 0
| Overview / \ Umberto Robina /
0=========0 0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

Umberto is upset of losing some of his men to the Haitians and wants you to
escort some additional "troops" into Little Haiti.....

| Weapons \

--S.P.A.S. 12.
--.308 Sniper.

| Notes \

Grab a four-door vehicle, like a Taxi, before beginning the mission.

Some interesting findings concerning some of the Haitian weapons. They seem
to be able to destroy any kind of vehicle with ease including the Rhino and
the EP-Admiral.

In front of the gate is a road that runs along the front of it. If you go
along this road and place a vehicle in front of the Haitians so they can't
shoot the Cubans then that vehicle will be destroyed very quickly.

For example, I got a Rhino and drove in front of the gate, without touching
anything, to protect the Cubans while I took care of the Haitians. To my
amazement, the Rhino started flaming in about a few shots from the Haitian
weapons and thus they destroyed the Rhino.

| The Plan \

When everybody is in the car then go toward the pink blip on the radar.
Once there then you will see a long alleyway leading into an industrial
building. At the gate, there is a car and a bunch of Haitians behind it.
There is also an alleyway that runs along the front wall of the complex.
After the cutscene ends then you are prompted to get rid of the Haitians.

Switch to your .308 Sniper and take down the Haitians from your position.
Shoot up the car to destroy it for this will take out most of the Haitians.
Kill any survivors to advance the mission along. When the Cubans charge
then three of them are cut down by a sniper who is on the roof of the main
building. Take him down with your .308 Sniper then switch to your S.P.A.S.
12 and enter the complex.

When you get to the van then kill as many Haitians as possible before
stealing the van. Once in the van then run over any Haitians that get in
your way.

Keep in mind that in the process of killing all those Haitians you jacked
up your Wanted Rating (2-Star) so now you will have to deal with the Cops
as you exit the complex. Make your way to the Little Haiti Pay 'N' Spray to
get rid of the rating and then go to the Cafe to successfully complete the

Or, you can just go straight to the Cafe instead of going to a Pay 'N'
Spray if you're feeling adventurous.

| Reward \


/ Umberto Robina \
| >UBR3. Naval Engagement 0
| Overview / \ Umberto Robina /
0=========0 0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

Umberto wants you to crash a deal that is going down with the Haitians and
take the money and drugs back to him.....

| Weapons \

--S.P.A.S. 12.
--Rocket Launcher.

| The Plan \

Drive down to the pink blip to meet Rico who will drive you to the meet at
Starfish Island. Switch to your S.P.A.S. 12 before activating the pink

The meet is taking place on one of the docks and there are also two boats
there. There are three Haitians on each boat and several people on the dock
itself. Once you are at the meet then hold Target and tap Next Weapon until
you are targeting the Haitian on the far right (on the right boat).

Then press and *HOLD* down the Attack button to start shooting and quickly
tap Previous Weapon to do a quick sweep of all of your targets from right
to left. If you do this right, and quickly enough, then you should be able
to get through this first section without so much as a scratch.

After that then you will be on land. Switch to your Rocket Launcher and
shoot at various places around the house to kill all of the other gang

Grab one of the briefcases near the boats then go near the house to get the
others. After that is done then the Haitians will destroy Rico and his boat
so you are on your own.

At this point you will have a 4-Star Wanted Rating. Go along the left side
of the house and you will see a Landstalker on the parking pad. Take it and
drive it back (avoiding as much of the Police pursuit as possible) to the
Cafe to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \



In addition, you won't be able to do the last of Umberto's missions until
you do all of Auntie Poulet's missions. Which leads me to.....

/ The Main Story \###################\
| >MSY10. Auntie Poulet +

Auntie Poulet is the leader of the Haitian gang and is at war with the
Cubans. Tommy is confused at first of why he's there but Auntie Poulet leaves
him feeling a little, shall we say, spellbound. He is now compelled to help
her in her fight against the Cubans.

She has three relatively simple missions and is represented by the voodoo
doll icon in Little Haiti.

/ Auntie Poulet \
| >PLT1. Juju Scramble 0
| Overview / \ Auntie Poulet /
0=========0 0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

The Cubans have told the Cops where Auntie Poulet hides her special powders
who think that they are illegal drugs. She tells Tommy they are not and
compels him to get the powders before the Cops do.....

| The Plan \

The powders are located in three locations and, after you grab the first
one, then you have about a minute to grab the other two. Drive a car to the
first location which is near the City Scrap entrance. Park the car close to
the building pointing east right by the stash.

Exit the car, go up the ramp and across the roof to get it. When you grab
the case then you will be accosted by a SWAT member. Jump off the roof and
onto or near your parked car. Get back in your car and get the second
stash. You will have at least a 2-Star Wanted Rating so the Cops will be on
your tail.

The second stash is located in the open near a corner not far from the
first one. When you grab that then you will get a 4-Star Wanted Rating and
the Cops will be all over you.

Head back toward Auntie Poulet's and in the process go through an alley
that has a Police Bribe that will lower your rating. Once you do that then
angle right and head to the third package which is just north of Jump

After you grab that then your Wanted Rating now goes up to 5-Star and the
FBI will join in chasing you down. The best thing to do is just run on
foot, off the ramp and into the Police Bribe, then back to Auntie Poulet's
to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \


/ Auntie Poulet \
| >PLT2. Bombs Away! 0
| Overview / \ Auntie Poulet /
0=========0 0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

Auntie Poulet wants you to take down some Cubans and their boats using RC

| The Plan \

Go and find the Top Fun Van which is by the seawall not far from Auntie
Poulet's shack. You have three planes to do your work with which is to
destroy the Cubans and their boats, docked on Starfish Island, by bombing
them with RC Barons. If you had problems doing the RC Baron race then this
is not going to be easy.

However, you can make things a whole lot better on yourself if you do the

When you get the plane in the air then make your way to the dock area where
the Cubans are. Once you're over the backyard of the house where the dock
is then land your plane.

From this point you control the plane like you would a car. And you can
also run over people with the plane like you can with a car. If you hit
somebody hard enough or run over them enough times then you can kill people
this way.

Start by running over the Cuban standing by the car. The Cubans won't do
anything unless you drop a bomb so they're sitting ducks while you're on
the ground. After you run over the first Cuban then go over and run over
the three Cubans standing near the top of the stairs. Then go down the
stairs and go after the one closest to the boats.

Stop quickly once you hit him regardless of whether you killed him or not
otherwise you put the plane in the water. Back up and hit him again if you
didn't kill him.

Then go after the Cuban hidden by the crane. Because of the small space, it
will take four hits to kill him (back up after hitting him to make another
run at him). Then go after the other three Cubans standing and sitting
nearby to clear them out.

After that then all that's left are the boats themselves. Put the plane in
the middle boat and drop a bomb to destroy the boat, the boat to the right,
and your plane. This leaves the left boat and you can use one of your
remaining two planes to either bomb it from the air or land it in the boat
and self-destruct.

When all three boats are destroyed then the mission is successfully

| Reward \


/ Auntie Poulet \
| >PLT3. Dirty Lickin's 0
| Overview / \ Auntie Poulet /
0=========0 0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

Auntie Poulet's final task for you involves providing some unfair
assistance for the Haitians involved in a street fight with the Cubans. The
assistance comes in the form of you taking down the Cubans with a Sniper

| Weapons \

Sniper Rifle.

| Notes \

Buy a Sniper Rifle from the Ammu-Nation in North Point Mall and get a least
60 rounds.

| The Plan \

During the cutscene, Tommy grabs the Sniper Rifle off the table. If you had
the .308 Sniper then it will be replaced by the Sniper Rifle. By getting a
Sniper Rifle beforehand then Tommy will merely add to the ammo he already

Run to the stairs leading to the rooftop where the pink circle is and grab
the Adrenaline Pill on the way up to your vantage point. Then zoom in and
take down all of the Cubans and their reinforcements as they appear.

You should have more than enough ammo to do the deed. The Fast Load
Feature, if you managed to earn it from the "Rifle Range" mission, will
allow you to kill the Cubans quickly. After the Haitians kill the last
Cuban then the mission will end successfully.

| Reward \



At this point I have completed all of Auntie Poulet's missions. This also
means that I can finally finish up with Robina's tasks which takes me

/ Umberto Robina \
| >UBR4. Trojan Voodoo 0
| Overview / \ Umberto Robina /
0=========0 0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

Umberto's final task for you is to go and blow up the Haitian drug
processing plant. You need to get a Haitian vehicle to get inside so you
can plant bombs to destroy the building.....

| Weapons \


| The Plan \

You will need to get a Voodoo to make your entrance. The good part is that
there is always one parked by Auntie Poulet's house.

Get in a car and drive yourself and Pepe over to Auntie Poulet's to get the
Voodoo (Pepe will make some interesting comments along the way). When you
get the Voodoo then make your way over to the other members of your team
parked not far from Kaufman Cabs. From there, simply follow your team into
the Haitian complex.

Once you get out of your car and into the building then kill every Haitian
with your .357 before planting any bombs. There are three places to place
your devices:

>>[#1] - On the second floor.
>>[#2] - Right beneath [#1].
>>[#3] - By the door.

When you plant the first one then you have about forty seconds to plant the
other two bombs before they detonate. Start with [#1] and make your way to
[#2] and [#3].

After planting the last device then run to the gate entrance and hang a
right to go up some stairs to a nearby rooftop to escape. After that then
you will then be treated to some fireworks as the factory goes up. This
will successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \


In addition, if you own the PS4 (PS2 vClassics) Version, then you should
also earn the {Big Heat from Little Havana} Trophy.


This also completes all of Umberto Robina's missions. In addition, the
Haitians will then be hostile to you so, if go through Little Haiti, then
they will try to yank you from your car and kill you. This is why I saved
this mission until almost the very end.

Plus, the Mini-Gun Weapon Icon will now appear on top of the ruined drug
processing plant.


At this point in the guide I am at 99% completion and ready to do the
final Main Story Mission of the game.....

/ Tommy Vercetti \
| >TMV5. Keep Your Friends Close..... 0
| Overview / \ Tommy Vercetti /
0=========0 0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

Sonny Forelli decides to visit The Mansion after Tommy whacked his
collectors. Tommy's plan is to give $3 million in fake money to satisfy
Sonny. Unfortunately, for Tommy, Lance reveals himself as a traitor telling
Sonny where the real cash is. And so the final confrontation begins.....

"I just wanted to piss you off before I kill you."

| Weapons \

--S.P.A.S. 12 (100+ rounds).
--Rocket Launcher (100+ rounds).

| Notes \

One reader, Rich Williams, informed me of that some of the rewards for
completing this mission occur at the end of the Main Story Missions not at
100% Completion so I rearranged some things at the end of this chapter.

| The Plan \

After the mission begins then you will be behind your desk ready to guard
your safe. Quickly run out of your office and angle left. Go up the
mini-set of stairs and position yourself underneath the wall lamp at the
top. Switch to your Rocket Launcher and aim at the stained glass window at
the top of the office door.

As the goons come up then launch a rocket at the window and the explosion
will kill them before they can enter the office. Keep shooting the window
with rockets as additional goons come up. After awhile then you will be
prompted to return to your office to protect your safe. When you get to the
front of your office then you will start the cutscene with Lance.

After the cutscene ends then run to the corner close to the stairs near
Lance. Quickly switch to your Rocket Launcher, aim at him, and quickly rip
off several rockets to kill Lance without you even having to chase him!
These blasts should also kill the nearby gunmen. Then swing your launcher
left toward the two goons near the upper window across the room from you
and send a rocket to take them down.

However, you won't be able to trigger the cutscene with Sonny until you
leave the main room. The game expects you to chase Lance up to the roof and
the ability to trigger the cutscene is tied to you leaving the main room.
So switch to your .357 and run up to the hallway leading to the staircase.

Go down the stairs to the basement and to the small room that has Health,
Body Armor, an M4 and a Shotgun where you can replenish yourself (killing
any goons that get in your way of course). Then go back up to your office
but switch to your S.P.A.S. 12 before reaching the door.

When you get back to your office then you will confront Sonny who pretty
much confirms that you were set up by him fifteen years ago.....

"I OWN you, Tommy! Those fifteen years were mine to spend."

He now considers you expendable so he sends his guys out to kill you. After
the cutscene ends then move forward a couple of steps to the edge of the
top step, quickly target, and shoot one of Sonny's bodyguards. After that
then quickly target and shoot the other bodyguard.

Then quickly target Sonny and *HOLD* down the Attack button to pump as much
lead into Sonny as fast as you possibly can. You will take some damage but
if you are quick enough this part should be over in a matter of seconds.
After a few rounds then Sonny will go down in a bloody heap.

Congratulations! You have now succeeded in getting rid of Sonny once and
for all. You will then be treated to the ending cutscene and the

"Ain't it just beautiful?"

After that then you will be placed at the top of the stairs in front of
your mansion. And what do you get for your work?.....

| Reward \


In addition, if you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version, then you should
also earn the {Mischief Managed} Trophy.


And for completing the Main Story Missions you should get the following:

| The Hunter will now start spawning at the Helipad at south Ocean |
| Beach. It may not appear the first time you try to find it so go |
| around one of the blocks and return to the helipad. (source: |
| GTA:Vice City Forum). |
| |
| In addition, according to Dan Leonard (who is playing the Xbox |
| version), the Hunter may also appear at Fort Baxter Air Base after |
| this mission regardless of whether or not you obtained all 100 Hidden |
| Packages first. |
| As you roam the city you will get phone calls from some of the other |
| characters starting with Colonel Cortez. These phone calls provide |
| some additional humor to liven up the game. |

And, if you've done *EVERYTHING* prior to doing this mission, then you
should also have the elusive.....

| >WSD19. 100% Completion Score |

And what do you earn for 100% Completion in this game?:

| Maximum health of 200. |
| Maximum armor of 200. |
| Infinite ammo for *ALL* weapons. |
| Double damage rating for all cars you drive. This means that, while you |
| are behind the wheel of a car, then it will take twice as much damage |
| before being destroyed. Any other car on the road has normal damage. |
| The Frankie Outfit will now spawn in your office. It is the same as your |
| Casual Outfit except the T-shirt will have some writing on it: "I |
| completed Vice City and all I got was this lousy T-shirt." |
| You can get bodyguards after 100% Completion. In the living room on the |
| first floor of The Mansion you will see three of your men sitting on the |
| furniture with pink circles in front of them. |
| |
| If you activate the pink circles then you will lose a little money and |
| these guys will follow you around until they get killed. Thanks to Robert |
| Buchanan for that piece of information. Also thanks to Michael Jankowski |
| for pointing out that you can also get them in the PS2 version. |
| If you own the PS4 (PS2 Classics) Version then you should earn the {Done |
| it All} Trophy. |

And, now, to close things up.....

/==++====++==\ /==++====++==\
| >VCT8. Conclusion |
\==++====++==/ \==++====++==/

| General Notices \

This document is copyright (c) Robert Allen Rusk (RARusk) 2002-2022.

Most of my guides are dedicated to the popular Grand Theft Auto game series
but some of my other work include "The Chronicles of Riddick" games,
"Bully", "The Darkness", and "Hitman" titles.

| Additional Sources \

--Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Tourist Guide (Game Manual)
--PSM magazine (issue #67, pages 86-87).
--Official U.S. Playstation Magazine (Issue #65 (February 2003) - Pages
118, 119)
--Official U.S. Playstation Magazine (Issue #66 (March 2003) - Page 123) -
Brian Steinlage GTA: Vice City Forum
--GameFAQs GTA: Vice City Forum
--Shnangyboos (Spike Strip Trick)
--robbman (Little Havana Glitch Info)
--BuYcKi and Scar-Vince ({Take the Cannoli} Trophy roadmap)
--The GTA Place
--{I'm Famous} Trophy information

| Additional Contributions \

--spaceeinstein (
--Ripperspirite --Dexterx5 --J. Straughan
--slash1 --Pete Zsolnay --imaginaetion
--Bragon (from Thailand) --Glen T. Winstein --A1210
--Alex T. Roth --Matthew Dean --Leandro Nantes
--Benjamin Kirk --Jari H S Kauppila --Rich Kelly
--Restick ww --Tom Jackson --WizO Randal
--David Hawkins --peter parker --Slycer Starblade
--mgssnakes --A.M. van de Water --Monkey Man
--jason corns --Ronn --Sexybeast 22
--Richard Qin --Cic the Poet --thirdi
--Andre Delarue --Luke Edwins --Abhisheik Dahiya
--Rondo --Haenlomal --David Sears
--Daniel B. --Jake Stutts --Gary Paydon
--Adam Lilley --Sri c --Andrew Morgan
--Tim Williams --HandsomeRockus --Jamie Allen
--Joey Schmidt --Michael Jankowski --Mihir Mehta
--Red Falcon --Kenneth Lowery --Chris Humm
--Jecson Eslabra --Michael Furman --Dragonfire
--Walter Marshaleck --Rich Williams --Martin W. Anderson
--TownRanger --Brian P. --Daniyal Faizee
--Phil Gulliford --Rob Owens --GTA_Loc
--Jeff Sims --magnamerik --Mr. Spock
--Eric Chase --Dawson Harris --Gamester-007
--Andr Dienske --Jesse Huongvilay --Josh
--Nine-Tailed --Tyotyovics Kazmer --Dan Leonard
--Cristian Luis Barreto --Mark Coiley --Tow Wang
--Dan Stephen --John Nowakowski --Robert Kosinski
--Gui Ritter --Oaikhena Amaize

| Credits \

Credits and thanks go out to the following:

>>Rockstar Games
For creating one of the best games ever made (again) and for giving me
the single biggest reason to relive the 80's (hey I was nineteen in

>>Revolution Arena
For providing a place for writers like myself to publish our work and
help other gamers while indulging in one of our favorite pastimes.

>>Glen T. Winstein
For probably being the single biggest fan of my GTA related work
(especially this document).

And finally, my biggest thanks of all goes to you the reader (and especially
those who have made suggestions as well as those who took the time to write

| Contact Information \

E-MAIL: rarusk[at]netzero[dot]com

So now I've come to the end of yet another gaming adventure and looking
forward to new ones. I hope that my guide helps you in getting the most out
of "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City".


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