Grandia – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Grandia – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

April 22, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

By: José Ricardo Fortes da Silva (Ash_Riot)


1 – Basic Commands
1.1 – Options Menu
1.2 – Battle Commands
1.3 – Save Points
1.4 – Stashing Place
2 – Spells (Introduction)
2.1 – Level 1 Spells
2.2 – Level 2 Spells
2.3 – Level 3 Spells
3 – Characters
3.1 – Justin
3.2 – Sue
3.3 – Feena
3.4 – Gadwin
3.5 – Rapp
3.6 – Milda
3.7 – Guido
3.8 – Liete
4 – Walkthrough

1 – Basic Commands

1.1 – Options Menu

To access the options menu, press triangle, you will have the following options:

Item – Used to use items, in the case of healing items, or to pass an item from one character to another, remembering that each character can only carry a maximum of 12 items.

Equip – Used to change your characters’ equipment.

Magic – Displays a list of magic and skills that you have already learned and also serves to use healing spells outside of battle.

Moves – Displays a list of spells and skills learned or not and also the requirements to learn them.

Status – Displays the status of your characters, as well as weapons and spells.

1.2 – Battle Commands

Combo – When used, the character applies two hits to the enemy (three in Guido’s case), and with each hit the character recovers 1 SP.

Critical – The character applies only one blow, but more powerful and each time he hits he recovers 2 SP.

Defend – You will have two other options: Stand still and defend or run to another location on the battlefield.

Look – Used to see the enemy’s status, somewhat useless.

Tactics – Used to place characters in “Auto Battle”, that is, they act alone, depending on the strategy you chose for each character.

Moves/Magic – Used to use learned spells and skills.

Use Item – Guess what!

1.3 – Save Points

Save Game – Saves your progress to the memory card.

Recover – Recovers HP, MP, SP and removes all negative statuses.

Hints – Gives some tips about the game, for those who know English of course.

Cancel – Find out for yourself.

1.4 – Stashing Place

These are places where you can store your items, like the chests in Resident Evil, and if you need to, get them back later in the game, they only have two commands which are:

Stash Item – Store an item in the chest.

Get Item – Get an item stored in the chest.

2 – Spells

To use spells in Grandia, you need an item called Mana Egg, which are scattered in different locations in the game, to find out where to find them, see the walkthrough, once found you must go to a store in any city and exchange one Mana Egg for a basic spell of a certain element (fire, wind, earth and water), when acquiring this spell you must use it so that its element gains experience, when you get 100 experience points, the element levels up and depending on this level, the character will learn a new spell or skill, in the case of skills you must evolve in addition to spells, the types of weapons used by the characters, for this just use normal attacks or skills already learned, below is a table with all the spells of all levels, as well as the requirements to learn them and the characters that can use them, in this case it is worth mentioning that when I say that everyone can use a certain spell, this does not include Guido and Milda, as these characters do not can use magic.

2.1 – Level 1 Spells


Boom! – 7 – Earth Lv.7, Fire Lv.6 – Explosion damage in a medium area – Justin, Sue, Gadwin and Liete

Burn – 1 – Fire Lv.1 – Fire damage in a small area – All

Crackle – 2 – Wind Lv.3, Water Lv.2 – Ice damage to one enemy – Justin, Sue and Feena

Cure – 1 – Water Lv.3, Earth Lv.2 – Poison Cure on an ally – Justin, Sue and Feena

Def-Loss – 3 – Earth Lv.6 – Lowers the defense of all enemies – Sue, Gadwin and Rapp

Diggin 1 – Earth Lv.1 – Increases defense of all allies – All

Freeze! – 3 – Wind Lv.6, Water Lv.5 – Decreases the Move of all enemies – Justin and Liete

Heal – 1 – Water Lv.1 – Recovers at least 30 HP from an ally – Everyone except Gadwin

Howl – 2 – Wind Lv.1 – Wind damage in a medium area – Everyone except Gadwin

Magical Art – 11 – Fire Lv.12 – Fire damage to one enemy – Liete

Poizn – 2 – Water Lv.5, Earth Lv.3 – Causes Poison in a medium area – Rapp and Liete

Runner – 1 – Wind Lv.2 – Increases Move of allies in a medium area – Feena and Rapp

Snooze – 2 – Water Lv.3 – Causes Sleep on all enemies – Everyone except Gadwin

Stram – 3 – Water Lv.6, Earth Lv.5 – Lowers an enemy’s Attack – Rapp and Liete

Time Gate – 99 (urgh!) – Wind Lv.99, Water Lv.99 (I repeat, urgh!) – All

(enemies and allies) minus Feena are paralyzed for a few turns – Feena

Wow! – 3 – Earth Lv.5, Fire Lv.5 – Increases an ally’s attack – Sue, Feena, Gadwin and Rapp

Zap! – 11 – Fire Lv.5, Wind Lv.4 – Thunder damage in a medium area – Justin, Sue and Liete

2.2 – Level 2 Spells


Alheal – 4 – Water Lv.5 – Recovers at least 30 HP of all allies – Justin, Sue and Feena

Alhealer – 8 – Water Lv.12 – Recovers at least 80 HP of all allies – Feena and Liete

Boom Pow! – 10 – Earth Lv.10, Fire Lv.10 – Explosion damage to all enemies – Justin, Sue, Gadwin, Rapp

Burnflame – 4 – Fire Lv.4 – Fire damage in a large area – All

Burnstrike – 5 – Fire Lv.18 – Fire damage to one enemy – Justin, Sue, Gadwin and Rapp

Cold – 3 – Wind Lv.10, Water Lv.8 – Decreases an enemy’s agility – Justin and Liete

Crackling – 14 – Wind Lv.10, Water Lv.12 – Ice damage to all enemies – All except Gadwin

Crazy – 1 – Water Lv.10, Earth Lv.10 – Causes confusion status on an enemy – Rapp and Liete

Gravity – 4 – Earth Lv.12 – Decreases an enemy’s Move – Gadwin, Rapp and Liete

Healer – 3 – Water Lv.8 – Recovers at least 80 HP from an ally – Justin, Feena and Rapp

Howlslash – 6 – Wind Lv.6 – Wind damage to all enemies – Justin, Sue, Feena and Liete

Meteorstrike – 10 – Earth Lv.15, Fire Lv.13 – Explosion damage to one enemy – Gadwin, Rapp and Liete

Refresh – 3 – Water Lv.12, Earth Lv.10 – Removes an ally’s Move Block status – Feena

Shhh! – 3 – Wind Lv.12 Causes Magic Block status on one enemy – Feena, Sue and Rapp

Star Symphony – 12 – Water Lv.20, Earth Lv.20 – Increases all stats of all characters by one point – Liete

Tree of Life – 28 – Water Lv.23, Earth Lv.22 – Recovers all HP and removes all negative statuses from all characters, but sets Atk, Mov, Def, Agl statuses to 0 – Feena

Tremor – 3 – Earth Lv.3 – Earth damage in a medium area – Justin, Sue, Feena and Gadwin

Zap All – 13 – Fire Lv.10, Wind Lv.9 – Thunder damage to all enemies – Justin, Sue, Rapp and Liete

2.3 – Level 3 Spells


Alhealer+ – 12 – Water Lv.20 – Recovers at least 150 HP of all characters – All except Gadwin

Ba-Boom! – 18 – Earth Lv.20, Fire Lv.18 – Explosion damage to all enemies – All

Burnflare – 7 – Fire Lv.9 – Fire damage to all enemies – All

Dragon Zap – 20 – Fire Lv.21, Wind Lv.19 – Thunder damage to all enemies – Justin, Feena, Rapp and Liete

Enclose – 26 – Fire Lv.23, Wind Lv.24 – Enemy is paralyzed and gradually loses HP – Liete

End of the World – 33 – Fire Lv.27 – Fire damage to all enemies – Feena

Fiora – 2 – Wind Lv.8, Water Lv.10 – Causes status magic block and move block on an enemy – Sue and Feena

Fireburner – 8 – Fire Lv.25 – Fire damage to one enemy – Justin, Gadwin and Rapp

Gadzap – 13 – Fire Lv.19, Wind Lv.15 – Thunder damage to one enemy – Justin and Liete

Halvah – 5 – Water Lv.19, Earth Lv.16 – Removes all negative statuses from an ally – Justin, Sue, Feena and Rapp

Howlnado – 8 – Wind Lv.23 – Wind damage to all enemies – Justin, Sue, Rapp and Liete

Protection – 21 – Wind Lv.20, Water Lv.23 – Cancels any damage for a few turns to an ally Feena and Liete

Quake – 12 – Earth Lv.19 – Earth damage to all enemies – Everyone except Feena

Ressurect – 6 – Water Lv.16 – Resurrects an ally – Justin, Sue, Feena and Liete

Speedy – 4 – Water Lv.13, Earth Lv.13 – Increases an ally’s agility – Sue, Feena and Rapp

3 – Characters

3.1 – Justin

A young man from the city of Parm who dreams of being a great adventurer like his father, brave but very clumsy, Justin keeps getting into trouble and alongside his friend Sue he will set out on a great journey where he will experience great adventures to save the world from a terrible evil, in battle Justin is the best, as expected, his skills cause high damage to enemies and he is also very good with magic.



V-Slash – Sword Lv.1 – Damages one enemy

W-Break – Sword Lv.6, Mace Lv.4 – Damage one enemy

Shockwave – Mace Lv7, Ax Lv.12 – Medium area damage

Midair Cut – Mace Lv.10, Ax Lv.12 – Damage one enemy

Lotus Cut – Sword Lv.12, Fire Lv.8 – Fire damage to one enemy

Ice Slash – Ax Lv.16, Wind Lv.10, Water Lv.10 – Ice damage to one enemy

Thor Cut – Sword Lv.23, Fire Lv.27, Wind Lv.17 – Thunder damage to one enemy

Immortal Aura – Sword Lv.20, Mace Lv.25, Ax Lv.22 – Leaves Justin invincible for a few turns

Dragon Cut – Sword Lv. 16, Fire Lv.6, Earth Lv. 7 – Explosive damage to everyone

enemies, can only be learned after Gadwin teaches it to Justin.

Heaven and Earth Cut – Sword Lv.32, Mace Lv.29, Ax Lv.30 – Damage to all enemies.

3.2 – Sue

Justin’s best friend in the city of Parm, they are always together on adventures and also in trouble, Sue is a very friendly little girl and lives with her pet Puffy, in battle Sue is an average character and her skills are of great help in beginning, but they become obsolete as the game progresses.



Puffy Kick – Throw Lv.1 – Damages one enemy

Rah-Rah Cheer – Throw Lv.1, Mace Lv.1 – Recovers HP of all allies

Round Wacker – Mace Lv.7 – Damage in a medium area

Fire Away – Throw Lv.10 – Damages all enemies, cannot be used with a Mace equipped

Yawn – Mace Lv.10, Water Lv.3 – Causes Sleep on all enemies

Puffy Fire – Throw Lv12, Fire Lv.2 – Fire damage in a medium area

Fight Cheer – Mace Lv.8, Earth Lv.2, Fire Lv.3 – Increases attack of all allies (!)

3.3 – Feena

An adventurer known and admired around the world, Feena meets Justin and Sue on a ship and ends up becoming great friends. Feena keeps a big secret that makes her a target of Baal’s army, but what secret is that? Of course I’m not going to tell you now, right? In battle, Feena is the best with spells, but unfortunately she has few skills and you can learn them all in the first CD.



Knifehurl – Knife Lv.3 – Damages one enemy, can only be used with a knife equipped

Randomhurl – Knife Lv.10 – Damages all enemies, can only be used with a knife equipped

Paralyze Whip – Whip Lv.4 – Damages an enemy, can cause paralyze status, can only be used with a whip equipped

Fire Whip – Whip Lv.14, Fire Lv.12 – Fire damage to one enemy, can only be used with a whip equipped

Zap! Whip – Whip Lv.24, Fire Lv.15, Wind Lv.15 – Thunder damage to an enemy, can only be used with a whip equipped.

3.4 – Gadwin

A powerful Warrior who lives in Flying Dragon Forest, he meets Sue when she separates from the group and later ends up facing Justin in a battle, but later the two become friends and Gadwin ends up teaching Justin his Dragon Cut technique, in battle Gadwin is Potentially the most powerful character in the game, he has incredible attack power and great spells and skills, it’s a shame he won’t stay in the group for long.



Fly Cut – Sword Lv.4 – Damages one enemy

Eruption Cut – Sword Lv.8, Fire Lv.3, Earth Lv.3 – Explosion damage to one enemy

Dragon Cut – Sword Lv.16, Fire Lv.6, Earth Lv.7 – Explosion damage to all enemies.

3.5 – Rapp

A boy who lives in a forest near Cafu Village with his brother and some friends, Rapp joins Justin’s group after the latter saves his brother from a monster. Extremely rude, Rapp lives with his nose and ends up providing several funny scenes. In battle he is as good as Justin, with great Skills and magic.



Mist Hide – Knife Lv.5 – Rapp teleports to another area of ​​the screen (useless).

Doppelganger – Knife Lv.5, Sword Lv.9 – Damages an enemy, can only be used with a sword or knife equipped, this is one of the coolest attacks in the game.

Death Sword – Knife Lv.16, Sword Lv.14 – Can cause sudden death to an enemy, can only be used with a knife or sword equipped and obviously does not work on bosses.

Missile – Throw Lv.7 Damages an enemy, can only be used with a bow and arrow or javelin equipped.

Fireball – Throw Lv.12, Fire Lv.10 Fire damage to an enemy, can only be used with a bow and arrow or javelin equipped.

Sidethrow – Throw Lv.22 – Damages an enemy, can only be used with a bow and arrow or javelin equipped

Discutter – Knife Lv.10, Sword Lv.17, Throw Lv.15 – Damage one enemy.

Demon Ball – Knife Lv.20, Sword Lv.18, Throw Lv.23 – Damage to all enemies

Neo Demon Ball – Knife Lv.24, Sword Lv.25, Throw Lv.32 – Damage to all enemies.

3.6 – Milda

She is what you might call a “Macho Woman”, she lives in Laine Village and is very friendly, although the first encounter with her is not at all friendly, in battle, Milda is a good character, despite not being able to use magic, She already has all the skills learned and they are really powerful, don’t worry too much about evolving her, as she doesn’t stay in your group for long.



Milda Kick – Who Cares? – Damage an enemy.

Splitter – Same – Damage to all enemies.

Milda Hit – See the two above – Very high damage to an enemy, very cool


3.7 – Guido

A merchant from Zil Padon, who goes around the world selling his goods, you will meet him a few times in the game before he joins your group and he will give you some information, in battle Guido is the worst character, his only advantage is his combo that has three hits, but otherwise… He also can’t use spells and his Skills aren’t very good (except Mogay Hypo), but that doesn’t matter much, as he’s the one who spends the least amount of time in the group.



Mogay Shot – Throw Lv.5 – Damages one enemy, can only be used with a bow equipped.

Mogay Bomb – Throw Lv.12 – Damages one enemy

Mogay Hypo – Knife Lv.15, Sword Lv. 6 – Transfers SP from Guido to another character.

Power Up – Knife Lv.19, Sword Lv.10 – Increases an ally’s attack.

Mogay Pickpocket – Knife Lv.13, Sword Lv.8, Throw Lv.15 – Steals an item from an enemy, rarely works.

3.8 – Liete

She is the priestess of Alent and will guide Justin on his journey and then join the group. In battle, Liete is great with spells, but terrible with physical attacks and has a very low defense too, but this can be resolved with spells that increase status.



Redshock – Mace Lv.10 – Damages all enemies.

Enchantment Dance – Mace Lv.18 – Drains MP from an enemy.

4 – Walkthrough

Port Town of Parm

After the conversation between General Baal, his son Colonel Mullen and Lieutenant Leen, who are in a large ship, you will have a general view of the city of Parm and down below, a little girl with blue hair runs everywhere as if looking for someone, not far away, a young man is chased out of a bar by the very nervous owner, who found him going through his trash, he said he was looking for a treasure which made the owner even more nervous to the point of giving him another nice husky, the little girl then arrives and then you meet Justin and Sue, they are looking for some “treasures” that were hidden by a guy called Gantz, they have until the end of the day to find the treasures or Sue will have to marry Gantz , well Sue has already found the first treasure, the armor, now there are 3 left, go to a bridge with three guys and talk to the one in the middle who is Gantz, Justin will show him the armor, but he says there are still 3 pieces left and time is running out, after the conversation, follow the river until you find a staircase, go down it and go right until the end to find the helmet, go back and show it to Gantz and after the conversation, go to the port, south of the bridge where Gantz is and go left to find the shield, go back and show it to Gantz, now all you need is the sword, go to Gantz’s house and examine the chest in the corner, but it is locked, talk to the woman and she will say that the key is with Tentz, Gantz’s brother, now look for a chubby boy with a pink shirt near the river, talk to him and choose the second option, he will say that he lost the key near the river, then go look on the riverbank until you find it, then talk to Tentz again and go to Gantz’s house, open the chest and get the sword, go back to where Gantz is and Justin gets into more trouble and runs away with Sue to the house from him.

Arriving home Justin is welcomed by his mother Lilly with a loving pat on the head, talk to her and choose several options until everyone goes to dinner, place the cursor on everyone’s head until two options appear, choose the second to go to sleep, in the next day examine several corners of Justin’s room to find some items, go down the stairs and if you want you can keep some items in the chest, in the next room talk to Lilly and choose the third option to save your game, leave and head to the Baal Museum , which is to the right of Justin’s house following the tracks, just after the train station, entering go to the last room on the left and talk to the Curator, he will give Justin the Spirit Stone and says he will also deliver a letter that allows him to enter Sult Ruins, after he leaves, examine the statue and clumsy Justin will end up breaking it, after trying to fix it without success, head to the room in front of this and talk to the curator, choose the second option and the curator will give you the letter of recommendation, now with it, leave the city.

Marna Road

Here you will have your first battles, if you have any questions, check the Basic Commands section, right at the beginning there is a Save Point, you can recover HP and SP whenever you need, so fight until you evolve all your weapons to LV.2, explore well the place to find some money and some items, including the Baton (Mace), to get to Sult Ruins just follow the road.

Sult Ruins

When you arrive Justin will show the letter to the guard who will let you in, you will then meet Mio, Saki and Nana, get used to these faces as you will meet them many times during the game, after the conversation go talk to them and Justin will show you the letter that allows them to enter the excavations, but they tear up the letter and tell Justin and Sue to leave or they will be arrested, after they leave Sue tells Justin to return home but Justin says that an adventurer doesn’t turn back, so save your game and enter the cave, you will see Colonel Mullen giving a speech to the soldiers, after the conversation, go forward until the path splits, go left until a turnaround now just go forward until the exit to the next floor, don’t forget to pick up the items along the way and evolve your characters and weapons a little, on the next floor search the entire place looking for various items including the Rock Axe, now look for a pillar where a yellow thing appears , examine it to knock down the pillar and form a bridge, go through it and after the guards leave, save your game and move forward, the Spirit Stone in Justin’s pocket will start to glow and a door will open, enter it and go left, press the green button until a door appears, go through it and press the red button in the center once, go through the next door and go forward until the Spirit Stone opens another door, continue forward until a kind of altar, the Spirit Stone will shine again and a sphere of light will appear, examine it and you will meet Liete of Alent, she talks about an ancient civilization called Angelou, when two options appear choose the first one and Liete says that if Justin wants answers for your questions you will have to go East, to Alent, Liete disappears and Justin decides that he will find Angelou, even if he has to go to the end of the world to do so, well, go back all the way and you will find Mullen and Leen, Mullen asks your name , choose any option and then he will ask Justin how he opened the entrance, choose the second option and Mullen will get angry and attack Justin with his sword, he will ask what they saw inside, again choose the second option and Mullen will say that it is lie and that it will kill them, Sue ends up telling the truth, but Mullen says that she will kill them anyway, so Justin and Sue flee down the other hallway, head to the exit and you will find a little animal waiting for you:

Rock Bird – 230 HP

This fight will be very easy, with Justin using V-Slash twice and then attacking with combos, Sue using Puffy Kick about three times, he should die in about three turns.

After the fight, Justin and Sue leave the cave, Mullen is impressed that they defeated Rock Bird, now go back to Parm and head to Justin’s house, talk to Lilly for dinner and then go to sleep, the next day, head to the port of Parm and talk to the sailors until one of them tells you about a guy called Java, now go to the place where you helped Tentz find the key to the chest and talk to the woman at the door, she says she lost the key to the Café and that she is with one of the sailors, go back to the port and talk to the sailors until one of them gives you the key, go to the Café and give the key to the woman and she says to come back at night, when it gets dark go to the Café and talk to everyone inside, finally talk to the owner of the Café and she will give you the “Java Wallet”, now go back to the house and talk to Lilly to have dinner and then sleep, the next day go to the train station and talk to the guy at the entrance, go up the stairs and get on the train.

Leck Mines

Head to Java’s house and upon entering Justin puts the “Java Wallet” on the table, Java then appears and thinks they are thieves, but soon everything is resolved and Justin says he needs Java’s “Steamer Pass” to be able to travel on the ship and get to Alent, Java says he will give the item to Justin but first he will have to go through a test, he will have to defeat the King of Orcs inside the mines, Justin accepts the challenge, go to the mine entrance and talk with Java to save your game, to get to the exit just follow the compass arrow, but search the entire place to find money and great items, but you may run out of space in your inventory so whenever you take damage in fights, use an herb , to free up space, fight hard until you learn the Skills W-Break from Justin and Round Whacker from Sue, go to the second floor which is full of weapons and defense equipment, take everything and go to the location with a save point, recover – save yourself and move forward to find the King of Orcs. Before facing him, take the money that is around and go to the center of the room.

Orc King – 385 HP

He will be helped by two Orcs that have 70 HP each, finish them off first and then attack the king, use V-Slash and W-Break with Justin and Puffy Kick with Sue, you can also use the Grenades to hit more of an opponent, if necessary, heal yourself with items. After the battle, take the Def Seed and leave, now a scene in which Java helps Justin and Sue escape the mine, in the best Indiana Jones style, outside Java gives the Steamer Pass to Justin and when Sue leaves, Java tells Justin that he shouldn’t take Sue on this adventure, because an adventurer walks alone, go back to Parm and Justin tells Sue that she won’t go with him, because he can’t take a child on such a dangerous adventure, Sue says he’s not a child and he leaves crying, but then comes back, calls Justin a traitor and gives him a good kick in the shin, goes to Justin’s house and talks to Lilly for dinner, during dinner Justin tries to tell his mother that he’s leaving but he can’t, he goes to sleep and wakes up early in the morning and before leaving he promises himself that he will become a great adventurer like his father he nails a photo of himself on the wall and leaves, before heading to the port he stops by the item store and buy new weapons, sell the old ones and leave, go to the port and talk to the guard at the entrance, enter and head to the ship’s entrance, a sailor tells Justin that something fell out of his bag, a letter from Lilly intended for the president of the adventurers association and New Parm, asking him to make Justin a member and help him with whatever he needs, Justin is surprised and moved to see that his mother already knew everything and promises that he will return soon, he then enters the ship and says goodbye to Parm.


In control of Justin, explore all the places on the ship and talk to all the people, until you see Puffy running, go to the deck and see who came stowaway, Sue hid in a barrel and now the ship was far away and they couldn’t go back, the captain of the ship says that this is a serious offense and the punishment is being thrown into the sea in a barrel, Justin says that this is very cruel and asks if there is no other way to resolve this, the captain then decides to make the two sailor apprentices, that is, they will have to work hard on the ship, you will be in the back room of the ship, talk to the sailor to receive instructions and the key to the rooms, go to the corridor with two rooms and enter in the second, talk to the woman and she tells you to wash the bathtub, examine it and then talk to the woman again to get a tip, go to the deck, talk to the guy in the middle to start a mini game, you will have To scrub the deck, keep pressing , because even if you manage to clean the entire deck you won’t gain anything, when you finish go back to your room and sleep, the next day do it all again and when you finish the sailor will say that the floor must be shining because they will have a very special guest, a great adventurer from New Parm, Justin is excited to meet him, examine the lighthouse on deck and after the conversation Justin and Sue go to sleep. The next day, go to the deck and you will meet the great adventurer that is Feena, that’s right, a woman, after a lot of conversation go to your room and sleep again, the next day when Justin and Sue go to do their work they find out that he was already made by Feena, she then tells them about her adventures, Justin is impressed and says that he will also be a great adventurer, but Feena doesn’t take him seriously, suddenly, Feena feels something strange and goes to talk to the captain , go after her and discover that a ghost ship is approaching and everyone is in a panic, no one wants to go with Feena to explore the ship, Justin then offers along with Sue to go with her, after much hesitation, Feena ends up accepting the help of the two and joins the group, climb the rope near the mast and move to the other ship.

Ghost Ship

Feena finds an entrance through the ventilation duct and goes down first, Justin goes right behind and accidentally (maybe?) ends up catching him where he shouldn’t have and gets a huge slap from Feena (damn, this guy doesn’t give a shit), well, inside the ship, go to the next door and get the items from the place, go down through a hole in the floor, now go through the middle door and get the item, go back and go through the right door and Feena saves Justin from being sliced, go to a rope and go down it, go through the next door to reach a Save Point, collect the items and save your game, enter the next room and examine a book on the table, then a monster will come to attack you:

Squid King – 592 HP

Left Tentacle – 438 HP

Right Tentacle – 356 HP

This is going to be tough, its normal attack is very powerful and takes about 15 HP from a character, Shockwave takes 7 to 10 HP from whoever is nearby and the wind attack takes 10 to 13 from everyone, use V-Slash with Justin and combos when the SP runs out, with Feena use Knifehurl and when the SP runs out use Burn/Burnflame, destroy the tentacles first to gain more experience for weapons and spells, with Sue it is good to save SP to use Rah-Rah Cheer if necessary.

After the fight the ship starts to sink, turn everything back and Feena will unlock the exit to the deck and the three manage to escape, after receiving everyone’s thanks, Justin and Sue go for a well-deserved rest, the next day go to the deck and the sailor tells them that they have already arrived in New Parm, Justin and Sue run to the prow, to see the new world and when they get down, they do not hide their enthusiasm for being there, Feena then says goodbye to them, but says that they can visit her In your house, go to the next gate.

Town of New Parm

Go to the Adventure Store and buy new equipment, notice in your inventory that you have an item called Mana Egg, it is used to buy spells, buy a water spell and put it on Sue, now go to the Adventurer Society and talk to the woman at the counter, she will tell you to go see the president of the association Mr. Pakon, Justin is surprised because the letter from his mother was addressed to Mr. Gauss, well try to enter the office in the corner and Pakon will ask for a password, talk to the woman at the counter again and she will say the password, go back to the office to enter, you will see that Pakon is a stupid clown, Justin shows him the letter and Pakon says that a piece of paper will not make him a member of the association, Justin then talks about Feena and Pakon say that the two will get married soon, Justin wonders how Feena could want to marry a clown like that, this makes Pakon furious and he says that now Justin will not be a member of the association anyway, Justin decides to venture out on its own; Now you must head to Feena’s house, leave the city and head to…

Merrill Road

With the exception of a Mana Egg, there isn’t much important here, struggle a bit to evolve your weapons and spells, to find the Mana Egg, look for a small tunnel, go through it and go left and then go around to find it. So, go back to the city of New Parm and buy some wind magic for Justin, if you want to fight a little more on Merril Road, when you’re satisfied just follow the compass to get to Feena’s house.

Enter Feena’s house and examine the underwear on the clothesline, Feena then arrives and another funny scene occurs, after a lot of conversation, a familiar voice is heard outside the house, Feena goes to look and screams, follow where She is you will see that the snotty Pakon came to get his bride, Feena tries to convince the clown that she can’t marry him because she is Justin’s girlfriend, so Pakon calls his “security guard”, Mr. Chang who knocks Justin out and when he wakes up, Sue tells him that Pakon took Feena to New Parm, so head there.

Entering the city, follow a street to the right until you reach the church, but Pakon’s henchmen won’t let you enter, talk to the guy next to the church and he says there is a secret passage in the back warehouse, enter it to reach a small maze, right at the beginning you can see a Mana Egg in the canal, to get it, go through the first tunnel and activate the crank to open the dam, continue forward until you find another crank, activate it to go through to open the way to another side, go through and activate the crank on the other side to close the dam again, go through the next tunnel and in the next area go around the pool and go through a long tunnel, activate another crank and go back, go down the pool and ignore the door to the left of the stairs for now, go forward until you reach another tunnel, go to the end to get the Mana Egg, go back and go through that door that I told you to ignore and go up the stairs, examine the little yellow thing to discover a secret room with a Save Point, recover, save and climb the boxes to get to the church, you will see Feena all tied up and when Pakon is about to kiss her (Yuck!), Justin appears to save her, Pakon then calls his security guard again, but this time Justin is prepared:

Chang – 738 HP

The normal attack is not very powerful, but his Tornado is devastating, taking about 25 HP from a character. If he uses this, use Heal at the same time or, if necessary, use Rah-rah Cheer with Sue and Puffy Kick when you don’t need it. heal, Justin goes V-Slash or W-Break and heals with items if necessary. After the victory, Feena tells Pakon that she no longer wants to be part of the association and leaves with Justin and Sue, at her house she says she will go with them to Dom Ruins, but first she wants to rest a little, the next day, with Justin, go to Feena for a chat, then the group gets together, to get to Dom Ruins, you will have to go through Raggle Mountains, but first stop by New Parm and buy an earth spell and put it in Feena , now, head to the mountains.

Raggle Mountains

This place is divided into two parts, in each part there is a Mana Egg, in the first part just go West, it is very easy to find, fight hard to evolve your spells and go to the second part, the group will camp, on the day Next, Feena will show Justin and Sue the “End of the World”, which is a large wall, beyond the forest, after the conversation save your game and continue forward, to find the second Mana Egg just go to the exit, but don’t leave yet, always head west until you find him, it’s not very difficult either, now, leave, but before heading to Dom Ruins go back to New Parm and buy a fire spell for Justin and a wind spell for Sue, Then head to Dom Ruins.

Dom Ruins

The first part is in a dark forest, the enemies here are strong against physical attacks but weak against magic, don’t waste too much time with them and go to the second part, just follow the right side, following the trails until you reach the exit, in the second part just move forward, but examine the corners to find some items and money, here there is an enemy called Red Slime which is great for evolving spells, go inside and go forward until you find an elevator, go straight past through it and get the item at the end, then go back and move the lever to go down, continue following the compass until you reach a fork, go on the side that the compass doesn’t point to and follow it to the end, step on the button to activate a mechanism and form part of a bridge now go back and continue following the compass, step on the other button to form the rest of the bridge and continue forward following the direction and not forgetting to get a Mana Egg in a chest and a Pow Seed in one of the rooms without Exit, when you get to the elevator, go down, recover, save and store whatever you want in the chest, enter the next room to find a boss:

Ganymede – 1500 HP

Very easy, the only special attack “Rush Attack” takes a maximum of about 10 HP from whoever is in the way, it also pulls the group close to it to attack them at once, but it will have almost no chance to attack, with Justin use V-Slash/W-Break and heal with items if necessary (which I doubt), Sue uses Puffy Kick and when the SP runs out use Cracker to cause reasonable damage, Feena uses Wow! on the entire group and then attacks with Knifehurl, it may take a while because of the high HP but it shouldn’t be any trouble. After the fight, move forward to find a glowing sphere like in Sult Ruins, Justin touches it and Liete appears again, she says that that wall that Feena showed is not the “End of the World” and that there are many more things beyond it, Liete disappears and Justin becomes even more determined to get to Alent, go all the way back and leave Dom Ruins, the group will find an injured and unconscious boy, they decide to help him and take him to Feena’s house, she says that they need a special herb to cure it and it is found in some mountains nearby, leave and go to New Parm, buy a fire spell and put it on Sue, now go back to her house and examine the fence just after the entrance so that Justin opens the passage in a way that is not pleasant for him, go in and get ready because this place is boring, a real labyrinth, apart from the insects, the enemies here are not worth it, so don’t waste time facing them, follow the arrow until you reach a red flower, there are some items on the way, collect them all, when you find the red flower, go back to Feena’s house and she will use it on the boy, the next day go out and you will see the boy playing a flute, he seems to be grateful, but speaks in a strange language that the group cannot understand, then Garlyle’s troops led by those three women appear and say they will take the boy, Justin and the others try to defend him but end up being arrested.

Garlyle Base

Justin and Sue are locked in a cell, when given the command, grab the pipe in the corner, Justin then comes up with a plan to escape, he tells Sue to pretend she has a stomach ache (man, that one is really old!) and when the guard enter the cell, Justin hits him with a blow that takes him to the floor, go to the next cell, where Feena is, after the conversation, go forward and enter the next door, Justin will knock out the other guard, take the key and leave, the two will be recaptured and Justin will be tied up in the cell, Leen arrives to interrogate him and after the conversation she tells the guards to leave, then she throws the key into the cell and leaves, Justin manages to free himself from the ropes, take the key and follow go to the next cell to release Sue and Feena, now go forward until you reach a Save Point, climb the boxes to enter the ventilation duct and continue straight ahead until you reach a place where Mullen talks to the boy in the same language as him , after he leaves, go around to reach another ventilation duct, continue forward until you reach a place with a door locked by a code, as you don’t know the code and I’m not going to tell you to stop being bums , enter another ventilation duct and go forward, examine the side ducts, for some battles and items, follow until you find a changing room where Mio, Nana and Saki are in skimpy clothes (he he he!), pay attention to the conversation of them because they will reveal the door code, write it down or memorize it, because I’m not going to say it (damn, how bad I am in this walkthrough!), go back to the door and enter the code, what, did you forget? I’m sorry but you’ll have to go back there and listen again (hwa! hwa! hwa!), when you open the door, go to the save point, recover, save and enter the room where the boy is, examine the lever next to side of the cage to release him, he will offer the group some nuts, after eating them they begin to understand what the boy is saying, he introduces himself as Rem, after the conversation, leave there and make your way back, but Saki appears and won’t let you get away so easily:

Saki – 1000 HP

She shouldn’t cause many problems, her attacks take 10 to 12 HP from one or more characters, the problem is that she is accompanied by three Privates and if they attack at once, it gets complicated, so to start with, finish them off using Round Wacker/Shockwave and then use Puffy Kick with Sue and W-Break/V-Slash with Justin, if you run out of SP use Zap! with Justin and Crackle with Sue, Feena must heal the others and when that is not necessary she attacks with Knifehurl.

After the victory, Justin will get the Master Key from Saki, go back to the save point and recover, save if you want, continue following the opposite path to the compass, until you find Nana, get ready:

Nana – 900 HP

Its Spin Yo-Yo attack causes 10 to 15 HP of damage to all characters, so be careful, otherwise use the same scheme you used against Saki and you won’t have any problems.

Before moving on, stop by the save point nearby and recover, continue forward and look for some items and money around the scene, follow the compass until you find Mio:

Mio – 700 HP

Despite having the lowest HP she is the most dangerous of the three, her balloons can cause reasonable damage in addition to leaving everyone poisoned, use antidote, or the cure spell, and if necessary Rah-Rah Cheer with Sue, but if you are at a good level she might not even have a chance to use this, use the same strategy as the previous two and perhaps this will be the easiest of the three battles. Recover at the save point and keep whatever you need in the chest, continue forward to reach the train that the group will use to escape, after a long conversation with Rem, the train will be attacked by Garlyle’s troops, follow the carriages , finishing off the soldiers and taking the items, upon arriving at the locomotive, Justin tries to pull the brakes, but the lever breaks, so he has another idea, when the trio of sergeants arrive at the locomotive, Justin orders Feena and Sue to let them go. in the other cars and triumphantly, it takes a wave off the faces of the three who turn purple with anger, as they cannot stop the locomotive, the group ends up arriving in a forest full of fog, there are not many useful items here, but it is good to face the enemies to evolve your spells and weapons, follow the compass until you reach where Rem lives:

Luc Village

First go to the item shop and buy new equipment for the group, go to the village chief’s house and talk to him, he will thank you for rescuing Rem and will ask you to get a certain item very precious to them called Nectar of the Gods on a mountain nearby, but there are many monsters there, well head to a gate with a save point next to it, save and exit, there are many useful items here and the enemies give good experience, so spend a lot of time evolving here, go up the mountain, always following the compass until you reach the top, take the item up there and go back to the village and go to the boss’s house, after a lot of conversation, go to Rem’s house and talk to the mother him for dinner, at night, Garlyle’s forces will invade the place to steal the statue at the top of the mountain, Justin offers to stop them, head to the top of the mountain and face some soldiers on the way, getting there you will find Leen , and will discover that she is Feena’s sister, Leen tries to escape with the statue, but Justin jumps to stop her, at this moment the Spirit Stone reacts with the statue breaking it and Justin ends up falling, Leen runs away and the next day, the group apologizes for not being able to save the statue, the chief thanks them for fighting for the people of the village and gives them some nuts that are used to dispel the fog in the forest, return to the village and head to the gate with a guy in front.

Misty Forest

There are no important items here, but there is a lot of money, face the enemies to evolve your spells and weapons, follow the compass until you reach the second part, the group will camp, place the cursor on Feena to find out more about her and her sister, the next day, continue following the compass to a lake around a river (?????), it is obvious that this is an illusion, so cross it and continue forward until you reach the third part, always go following the compass until you reach another save point, save and you will arrive at the great wall that represents the end of the world.

End of the World

Although long, this place is very simple, just keep moving forward and be careful with the traps, recover whenever necessary, when you reach the third floor, the group will camp, they talk about Java, the next day continue Go forward and notice some buttons on the wall, they activate some mechanisms that allow you to continue your path, when you reach the sixth floor, the group will camp again, Sue and Feena are starting to get discouraged and think that this wall is no longer there. end, but Justin, optimistic as always, cheers them both up, the next day continue forward until you reach a button surrounded by monsters similar to Rock Bird, finish them off and press the button, move forward and the group will set up a new camp , this time it is Justin who is starting to get discouraged, but Feena asks if he has forgotten his motto that an adventurer never gives up and he replies that she is right, the next day, finally the group reaches the top of the wall and they see that the The world behind him is much bigger than they imagined, after a lot of talk some machines will pick up Sue and throw her down there and then do the same with Justin and Feena, now comes that stupid question: Will this be the end of our heroes?

Valley of the Flying Dragon

Justin is woken up by Feena and discovers that his fall has been cushioned by a giant leaf, they discover that Sue has disappeared and decide to look for her, as always, follow the compass and collect items on the way, as well as facing enemies and evolving their skills. magic and weapons, arriving at the second part, continue forward until you find Sue’s shoe, continue until you find Puffy, follow him and you will arrive at a house and outside a cauldron cooking something, Justin and Feena see the bag of Sue near the cauldron and they think nonsense, at that moment a big guy appears and I don’t know why Feena ends up fainting, Justin then challenges the man to a duel, he accepts immediately:

Gadwin – 300 HP

Justin will learn the hard way that you shouldn’t attack first and ask questions later, none of his attacks will cause any damage to Gadwin who after a few turns will use his Dragon Cut technique which will take 9999 HP from Justin (ouch!). When Justin wakes up he sees Sue and Feena by his side, Sue tells him that she was saved by Doctor Alma, a doctor from Dight Village, after the conversation the doctor leaves and Gadwin invites everyone to dinner, during dinner, Justin apologizes to Gadwin for having made hasty conclusions, the next day Gadwin says that they should go to Dight Village and joins the group, enter Gadwin’s house and save the game, look for a yellow exclamation and examine it to break the stones, follow use the compass until you reach a plant ladder, but before climbing it, go a little further to get a Mana Egg, continue following the compass until you reach the second part of the forest, look for items and money and fight hard to evolve For spells and weapons, there is a second Mana Egg just before the exit, near some trees, look until you find it and then leave.

Dight Village

When you enter, Gadwin will temporarily leave your group, go to the weapons store and buy new equipment for your group, if you don’t have enough money, don’t worry, you’ll come back here later, also buy a fire spell for Sue and an Earth spell for Justin, go to the Inn and you will meet Guido, after the conversation talk to the owner of the Inn to rest, soon after it starts to rain and Gadwin gets nervous and runs away, go to the beach and Gadwin says that there is a big threat coming of Typoon Tower and that he must go there to stop him, Justin offers to go along and Gadwin accepts, leave the city and head to…

Mt Typoon

This place is boring as hell, it’s full of acidic rivers that cause damage if you go over them, walk through the pink mushrooms and as always follow the compass, just before the exit there is another Mana Egg on an island surrounded by the river acid, get it and then heal yourself, if you want you can go back to Dight Village and put a water spell on Justin, anyway continue forward and in the second part look for some orange mushrooms that form a staircase, examine the tents, some have money, follow the compass until you reach a tower.

Typoon Tower

First of all, go west from the Save point and look for another Mana Egg, it’s not difficult to see, in that same area look for a green button on the floor and step on it to activate a secret staircase, climb it and follow it to the end, step on the purple button to activate a bridge, continue forward until you reach a mechanism, examine it to activate a bridge in another location, go back to the save point and go east, climb one of the stairs and go to the bridge you activated, continue straight ahead until you reach a throne room and face a boss:

Serpent – ​​1071 HP

Bad head – 600 HP

Mean head – 486 HP

Nice head – 800 HP

Hot head – 516 HP

Despite his appearance, he is not a big deal, each head has a different attack, but none are really dangerous, attack first the head that recovers HP and then the others, Justin uses Midair Cut/Lotus Cut and then Zap!/ Zap All, Gadwin goes for Dragon Cut and then Boom!/Boom Pow!, Sue uses Fire Away/Puffy Kick and then Crackle/Crackling and Feena is responsible for healing and uses her best attack spells, he should fall in some 6 shifts maximum.

After the battle step on the purple button behind the throne and go up the stairs that appear, you will arrive in a room with two mirrors, Gadwin says that they are portals and that one leads to the Spear of Heroes, needed to save Dight and the other leads to death and he doesn’t know which one is right, so he asks Justin that if he chooses the wrong mirror, he goes to the other mirror and saves Dight, Gadwin then chooses the moon mirror, but when he goes to pass, he realizes that the The mirror is too narrow for him, so Justin will have to do the job, examine the stone in the center and choose any option, Feena will interrupt Justin and ask him to let her choose the mirror, after a lot of conversation she chooses the mirror. stars, enter through it and you will end up in another area, go forward to get the Spear of Heroes, the tower then starts to collapse and Justin ends up falling into the void, Gadwin takes Sue and Feena out of the tower before it completely collapses, there outside everyone is devastated, because Justin couldn’t get out, but he appears out of nowhere, safe and sound, as he was saved by the Spirit Stone, after the emotional conversation, return to Dight Village and head to the beach, climb the stone for Justin to stick the throw it at her, after the conversation, buy whatever you want in the store and buy a wind spell for Feena, leave the city and head to…

Lama Mountains

There’s nothing special here, search the place looking for items and money and evolve a lot, follow the compass to get to the second part, the group will camp, place the cursor on Gadwin and choose the three options to find out about Gumbo Village, the next day, examine all the cable cars to get good items, keep following the compass until you reach the exit.

Gumbo Village

Look for the village chief’s house and he will welcome you very well and will throw a party in honor of Justin and Feena, after the party, talk to the chief to sleep and the next day, Feena tells Justin that she is suspicious of so much kindness, but Justin tells her not to worry and enjoy the party, go to the central tent near the beach and talk to the boss again, he asks Justin and Feena to sit on a platform and then says that the volcano has lost its fire and that’s why Gumbo Village is cold and to reverse this situation, a couple must be sacrificed to the monster that lives in the volcano, and guess which couple this is? Exactly, Justin and Feena and before they can say anything, they are catapulted straight into the volcano.


The first part is nothing special, so follow the compass straight to the second part, push the big rock to form a bridge, follow it and you will find Sue and Gadwin, now with the group together you have two paths to follow , the one on the left takes you to some items and money, get everything and go back, keep following the compass until you reach a yellow exclamation mark, examine it to open a secret passage, follow it to the other side and get the item, continue following the compass until you reach a fork, the path on the right takes you to another item and the one on the left takes you to the crater of the volcano where you will find the monster to whom Justin and Feena would be sacrificed, get ready:

Fire Dragon – 2150 HP

Here you don’t have many options, fire attacks have no effect on him and earth or explosion attacks do relatively low damage, so use ice attacks, with Justin use Ice Slash and Crackle/Crackling as well as Sue and Feena, Gadwin increases defense and attack the group and heal with items if necessary, it is not difficult. After the victory the volcano starts to erupt, make your way back until the volcano explodes, the group will return to Gumbo Village and will be greeted with fright, as everyone thinks they are ghosts, but as soon as they find out what happened they make a big party, now go with Feena to a small island near the pier for a very romantic scene (well, at least on Feena’s part), the next day go to the pier and talk to Danda to go by boat to Twin Towers.

Twin Towers

When you arrive, take some money outside and go inside, the group will see the tanks of Garlyle’s forces, after the conversation, follow the west side until you reach another area, now go around to reach another area and find the entrance to the labyrinth, it’s a bit complicated here and the compass won’t help you this time, so take the path to the right and go straight ahead until you reach a red button on the floor, press it to open the way and enter the door straight ahead and follow until you find another red button on the floor, press it and enter the door right in front of this one and follow until you reach a gate with guards, who will ask you a question, choose the second option to enter without problems, go to the right until you reach a tent, from inside it the trio of sergeants will come out, after they are gone, go in and after the conversation go through the door in the corner, but it is a dead end, try to leave the tent and Mullen and Leen will appear, Mullen want the Spirit Stone, choose the first option and Justin together with Gadwin will try to attack Mullen, but he is more powerful and knocks them both down, leaving Gadwin unconscious, again choose the first option and the Spirit Stone starts to glow, then a big flash , makes Justin, Feena, Mullen and Leen disappear. Feena wakes up and her leg hurts, Mullen then appears and takes care of Feena’s leg, they agree to make a truce until they get out of there, meanwhile in another place, Justin wakes up alone, follow the stairs and finish off the frogs if you want, continue on forward and you will see Leen surrounded by frogs, go help her, after finishing off the frogs, they are surrounded by a real army and Justin, I don’t know why, gives the Spirit Stone to Leen, when trying to escape, they end up falling in an abyss, meanwhile Feena and Mullen talk about the Icarians, he says that his mother was from Luc Village and his father married her so he could get Angelou’s secrets, back to Justin, he and Leen have a conversation , after she goes up the stairs until she finds a place where Liete talks to Justin again, she says that he must cross the ocean to get to Alent and gives him the Wisdom Medal which is Angelou’s key, then Leen activates a mechanism to leave there, they say goodbye and Leen returns the spirit stone to Justin and then leaves, walk a little following the arrow and you will find Feena, after the conversation walk a little more to find Sue and Gadwin, leave Twin Tower and return to Gumbo Village. Upon arriving at Gumbo Village, Justin tells everyone what Liete said and Gadwin says that he knows a way to cross the ocean easily, but that they need to talk to the Elder of Dight Village, so go there and go to the Gumbo Village’s house. Elder, he talks about an item called “Teleportation Orb” which is located in Vanishing Hill and which can take them anywhere in the world, but it can only be used once, leave Elder’s house and Sue will faint, in the clinic from doctor Alma,she says that Sue is exhausted from so much adventure and that she will need some time to recover, after the conversation, leave Dight Village.

Mysterious Vanishing Hill

Follow the right path until you reach a save point, step on the left button to form a bridge, follow it and get the silver key from the chest, go back to the save point, recover, save and open the gate right away. forward with the silver key, prepare for a boss:

Massacre Machine – 1800 HP

Nothing complicated, the most efficient attacks against him are thunder, so with Justin use Zap!/Gadzap and Lotus Cut, with Feena use Fire Whip and fire or wind spells and heal whenever necessary, Gadwin uses his best fire spells , Fly Cut is also a great choice because it is powerful and doesn’t use up a lot of SP, its special attack doesn’t cause many problems, but sometimes it can use it and then use Burnflame, so be careful. When you defeat him, go up the elevator in front and go left until you reach another elevator, go down and follow it to the buttons on the floor, notice that there is a key at the top of one of the columns, step on the one on the right and go up the stairs that go up. formed, step on the button and go back to the columns to get the gold key, go back to the save point and step on the right button to form another bridge, follow it and go forward to a gate that opens with the gold key, continue forward, until you reach a bridge that disappears when you step on it, quickly go to the other side before it disappears completely, go to an elevator and go up to face another boss:

Massacre Machine 2 – 2000 HP

This one is a little more difficult, as it uses consecutive attacks more frequently and instead of Burnflame like the previous one, it uses Howlslash, use the same scheme as the previous one, only this time you will need to heal a lot more. After victory, go to the buttons on the floor and step on the top three, if they form a ladder step on the bottom one and follow it, otherwise step on the bottom one to change the positions of the buttons, do this until you manage to form the ladder, climb it to get the Teleport Orb, return to Dight and head to Doctor Alma’s clinic, Sue will then tell Justin that she will no longer continue the adventure and asks him to continue alone, Justin then decides to use the Teleport Orb to send Sue back to Parm, Gadwin leaves the group and says he will wait for them at the Inn, return to Vanishing Hill and enter the cave just in front of the entrance, examine the statue in the center to use the Teleport Orb, it then opens a portal to Parm and after an emotional farewell, Sue says goodbye to Justin and Feena, return to Dight and talk to Gadwin at the Inn, he says he will be waiting at his house and leaves, examine the Stashing Place and you will see that it will have items which represent Sue’s experience with magical elements and weapons, 1/3 of this experience can be passed on to another character so use the experience with Mace on Justin and put all the spells on Feena, head to Valley of the Flying Dragon and go to Gadwin’s house, he will say that he has a boat and that he will give it to Justin if he defeats him in a duel, so let’s go:

Gadwin – 1850 HP

This time Gadwin will make it easy for you, his attacks won’t take more than 8 HP from Justin, use your best spells and skills to beat him quickly. After the battle, Gadwin will teach the Dragon Cut technique to Justin and will say that the boat is at Dight’s docks, it’s time to say goodbye to Gadwin too, return to Dight and examine the Stashing Place in the Inn, get Gadwin’s experience with sword and use it on Justin and the experience with fire and earth put it on Feena, head to the docks and talk to Doctor Alma, choose the second option to leave, during the night, Justin wakes up, save your game if you want and leave, Justin and Feena will have a very romantic conversation and just as the weather starts to heat up, Justin hears a noise and they see that they ran over (?!) a woman, after helping her, she says that the island where she lives was attacked by pirates and that only she escaped, she asks Justin to help her and he readily accepts, but Feena becomes suspicious. Examine all the paths to find great items, evolve your spells and weapons with the enemies and when you are satisfied, follow the compass until you reach a green area where you will find more women like those, they say that the pirates are in the cave just ahead and who are with their sister, enter the cave and you will find said sister, but soon she turns into a monster that wants to devour Justin:

Grinwhale – 1850 HP

Lure – 1825 HP

The biggest problem is the attack in which she attracts Justin close to her and then attacks him, taking about 45 HP, another attack hits everyone and takes about 20 HP from each one, so healing will be essential here, use thunder attacks, Gadzap and Thor Cut work wonders here, Zap All, Dragon Zap and even Zap! They are also very useful, avoid ice attacks, as they are not very efficient. After the battle, Justin and Feena return to the boat and continue their journey, after a conversation they see land, save your game, end of CD 1.

virgin forest

This place is quite boring, there are several carnivorous plants that can cause damage to the characters, follow the compass until you find Guido, he invites you to stay in his tent, during dinner he will give you some information about Alent and the Spirit Stone, in Next day, keep following the compass to get to the second part, here it’s even more boring, go to some floating plants and examine the yellow exclamation mark to get to the other side, keep going forward until you find a little boy, who soon disappears, keep going. front and a voice will say that Justin and Feena are not welcome there, Justin challenges the owner of the voice to appear and the two fall into a trap, they are taken to the owner of the voice, Rapp, the leader of a gang that protects the village from Cafu, after much discussion a monster appears and attacks little Nicky, Justin offers to help and Rapp, reluctantly, ends up accepting, get ready:

Trent – ​​2249 HP

Arm – 1366 HP

Flower – 1385 HP

You must be especially careful with its beam, which causes high damage to anyone in its path, Alheal will be used a lot and perhaps even Alhealer, the attacks must be as follows: Justin uses Lotus Cut and then Gadzap/Zap All, Feena uses Fire Whip and then Dragon Zap or Ba-Boom!, with Rapp you don’t have many options, use Missile and then Burnflame and normal attacks. After the battle, Rapp thanks them for their help and apologizes, as they thought Justin and Feena had come from Tower of Doom. After the conversation, go ahead to reach the fourth part of the forest, look for some items and evolve Rapp a little, when Once you’re satisfied, follow the compass to the exit.

Cafu Village

Go to the Weapon Store and buy new weapons and armor for everyone, now go to the Elder’s house and go down a rope, talk to the Elder and he will tell you that this is not the original Cafu village and that the old village was Turned to stone along with some inhabitants by an evil force coming from the Tower of Doom, Justin asks Rapp to take him to this forest, he agrees, then leaves the city.

Petrified Forest

Upon arriving, Rapp says that when the village was petrified he was still a child and that his parents also turned to stone, he grew up swearing that one day he would destroy the tower, Justin then proposes that they do it now and Rapp agrees to take them to the tower, search the place looking for items and money, follow the compass until you reach the second part, search everything again because among the items here there is a Mana Egg, which is near the exit, don’t proceed without getting it, now go to a viewpoint where everyone can see the tower and Justin sees that it is a military building, before heading to the tower go back to Cafu Village and buy a water spell for Rapp, sleep at the Inn and save if you want, then follow for…

Tower of Doom

Right from the beginning there is already trouble, walk a little and a woman appears, Rapp with his “subtle” way provokes her and she knocks him out and then goes after Justin and Feena, get ready:

Milda – 2800 HP

She’s very powerful so don’t hesitate, Milda Kick takes about 30 HP from a character and it’s not a big problem, Milda Hit takes about 70 HP from a character and then it hits, use Healer right away, she doesn’t have no specific weaknesses, so use your best skills and spells, giving preference to those that target a single character such as Gadzap, Lotus Cut, Zap! Whip among others. After the battle, Milda says that she came here to destroy the tower, so Justin realizes that they are on the same side and decides to help her, when Rapp wakes up, Justin explains what happened, but Rapp is reluctant to accept her into the group because it seems that the tribe of Cafu and Laine where Milda lives are enemies, but they soon understand each other and Milda joins the group, leave there and go inside the tower, go to the corridor on the right and enter the next door, examine the exclamation to open a secret passage, go forward until you reach a circular room, go to the next door to access another corridor, examine all the rooms to get some items, go up the stairs to reach another circular room with three other paths , go to the next door on the right, don’t step on the red parts to avoid being attacked by a bunch of soldiers, go right and enter the room full of lasers, they can cause damage so be careful, go back to the circular room and follow For the next path, examine all the rooms and go back, go to the third path to reach the third floor, notice the two lit buttons on the wall, don’t touch them now, go forward until you reach another circular room, go to the door straight ahead and examine the two rooms that are open, get some armor in one of them, go back to the room with the buttons and delete them both to open the middle room, go to it and delete the two blue buttons, go back to the corridor previous and enter the two rooms that have opened to get the items, go back to the room with the blue buttons and go up the stairs, the group will arrive at a laboratory and they will see a strange creature in a test tube, then the trio of Sergeants arrive and talk about the creature, Gaia, this is what turned the ancient village of Cafu into stone, after they talk to Baal, Justin and the others decide to end the creature and arriving quietly they destroy the machine that keeps it alive, leaving the sergeants furious, but when they are about to attack the creature escapes and becomes out of control, they flee and the remaining soldiers are turned into stone, Justin and the others are protected by the Spirit Stone and then another monster comes out from inside the creature, get ready :

Gaia Battler – 2473 HP

Right Hand – 1708 HP

Left Hand – 1872 HP

Nothing too worrying, his most dangerous attack is poisonous gas which he rarely uses, if someone gets poisoned, use Cure, otherwise he only uses normal attacks that take away a maximum of 30 HP, or more in the case of Milda, right at the beginning , do the Midaircut sequel, Zap! Whip, Doppelganger and Milda Hit, to take at least half of the animal’s HP, then use the best spells: Gadzap, Dragon Zap, Ba-Boom!, Crackling, Boom-Pow! among others, don’t try to attack the arms separately, as they are very resistant and you will only be wasting MP and SP. After the battle, the group takes a part of Gaia that is on the ground, leaves the tower and returns to Cafu Village, the Elder says that Milda cannot enter because she belongs to Laine and that they must stay at the hotel and leave tomorrow, Rapp stays angry, but Milda calms him down and says it doesn’t matter, they hand over Gaia’s share to the Elder, go to the hotel and talk to the owner for dinner, during dinner Milda says that her husband is one of Laine’s wise men and who must know something about Alent, Justin then decides to go to Laine, Feena asks to leave and Justin gets worried, follow behind her, go along the small road behind the hotel, finding Feena, she talks about Gaia and says she is very worried about your sister being involved in something so terrible, Rapp and Milda then appear and say that Garlyle’s soldiers are attacking the village, head to the hotel and face some soldiers, talk to Nicky and then save the Elder from some more soldiers, talk to the Elder and enter the village and go to a place where the soldiers block the passage, finish them off and move forward, you will see Leen, she came to take Gaia’s part, but she awakens and when she is about to transform the village into stone, Leen uses a hidden power and wings come out of her, then disappears along with the monster, Justin understands that Leen is an Icarian, and that this is proof that Angelou exists, go talk to the Elder and he thanks you for the help , head to the Inn and sleep, the next day the Elder says that for the safety of the village, Milda, Justin and Feena must leave, Rapp then decides to go with them, after saying goodbye, leave the city and head to…

Zil Desert

First of all, improve your spells and weapons here, especially with Rapp, when you’re satisfied, go back to the save point at the beginning and from there head east until you find a wooden gate, enter it to access a dungeon optional.

Soldier Graveyard

Here you must be careful, the enemies are very powerful and it is good that you have evolved a lot in Zil Desert before entering here, pay special attention to the enemies called “Cerberus”, DO NOT LET THEM CATCH YOU FROM BEHIND, or the whole group could be killed in the first turn, also keep in mind that the save point at the beginning is the only one in the entire dungeon, so I advise you to save MP and SP here, at the beginning you have four paths to follow, the one on the right has nothing, so ignore it, go to the left, go straight through the first corridor and enter the second, go to a springboard and go to the other side, get the shield and go back, go to the first corridor and follow until an intersection, the path on the left will give you leads to a bag of money, take the one on the right until a fork and then go left until another fork, take the left again and look for a hole in the wall to reach the second floor. Go left until a fork, continue left until another fork, now go right until another fork (wow, what a maze huh!), continue right and you will arrive in a brick room, with an item in the middle, but you you won’t see any other path and you’ll think you’ve reached the end of the dungeon, right? WRONG! Examine the wall right in front of the entrance to find a secret path, follow it to a staircase that gives you access to the third floor, at the top, go straight until the path splits into three, going forward you will find some money, the path The one on the right has nothing and the one on the left takes you to an Expensive Jewel, which cannot be equipped, but can be sold for a good price, use the trampoline to reach it and then fall into the hole to reach the fourth floor. You will fall into a place where the path splits in two, but there is a third secret path, examine the wall between the two corridors to find it, go forward until you reach a place with a key, take it and continue on. forward, go through another false wall and head to the stairs straight ahead to reach the fifth floor, here there are three paths, going forward you get a helmet, the path on the right takes you to a sword and the one on the left to an item which increases all of a character’s stats, take everything and go back to the fourth floor, go left to a blue door, enter through it to reach the eastern part of the fourth floor, right at the beginning there is an accessory that protects against Move/Magic Block, here you must get four items called Soldier Souls, one is in the secret path on the right wall and the second on the left wall, get them, but to get the other two you will have to go through a small obstacle:

Kung-Fu Master – 4776 HP

Remember Chang? Because this guy is a much more powerful version of him, he has the same attacks, including the Tornado that takes about 60 HP from a character and another that takes 40 to 50 HP from everyone, but the worst of all is a sequence that can take up to 150 HP, but he doesn’t use it much, you will notice that he recovers about 250 HP each turn, so use powerful attacks with all characters, with Justin use Midair Cut/V-Slash, Gadzap is also a good option, Rapp uses Doppelganger, while with Milda you can even use Milda Hit, which does good damage but the SP spent and the slowness of the blow are not worth it, so prefer Milda Kick, Feena is responsible for healing and recovering MP and SP from others with items and when you can, use Zap! Whip, when you defeat him you will gain an accessory called Satsfacion Gem that makes the character attack twice with the Critical command. Continue forward until you reach a chest that you can’t reach now, continue forward until an apparently dead end, but there are two other secret paths, the one on the right takes you straight to the third Soldier Soul and the one on the left takes you to another item that increases all of a character’s stats, examine the wall straight ahead to find another secret path that takes you to the last Soldier Soul, now you can reach that chest, inside it there is an Energy Charm, this accessory cuts the cost of Half SP, equip it on Justin and go all the way back to get back to Zil Desert. Search the western part of the desert to find another Energy Charm, equip it on Rapp and follow the compass to reach the second part of the desert, now follow the compass until you reach the exit, but don’t leave now, go back a little and go through path east to reach another optional dungeon:

Castle of Dreams

The Enemies here are resistant to physical attacks, so use and abuse spells, the blue alligators are only affected by wind spells, while the skeleton warriors are weak against fire, don’t worry about MP as there are plenty of Save Points here, talk to the woman at the entrance and she asks you to get a cursed sword inside the castle and save her sister, enter the castle and go to the “Knight Room” straight ahead, if you touch the statues you will be attacked by monsters, go to go to the “Library” and get the item from the chest, go back to the “Great Hall” and enter the “Cemetery” on the left, you will have to walk a long way to get to the chest containing a shield, but the zombies on the way are not problem, be careful with the stakes that come out of the wall, take the shield and return to the “Great Hall”, go up the stairs, take the knife and enter the “Dinning Room”, there is a Mana Egg under a board, as well as some money , take everything and leave, go up the stairs and enter the door at the end, there is only money here, if you touch the sword on the table you will be attacked by monsters, go back and enter the next door, there is a whip under the table, open the cupboard in the corner which is actually a staircase, climb it to reach the Rooftop, enter the next window to reach the “Ghost Room”, talk to the woman to face a boss:

Lord Ghost – 4960 HP

Wand – 3800 HP

Nothing too difficult, but not easy either, he uses a lot of Zap!, which takes 55 to 65 HP from whoever is hit and he very rarely uses Gadzap, this is a big problem as it will definitely kill whoever is hit, your X -Ray takes 70 to 80 HP from whoever is in the way, well, let’s get to the strategy: With Justin, give preference to Skills that affect a single character such as Midair Cut, Lotus Cut and Thor Cut, Rapp uses Doppelganger, Zap All and Burnflare, Milda uses Splitter/Milda Kick and if the SP runs out, attacks normally with combos, Feena will practically do nothing other than heal, but when that’s not necessary, use Zap! Whip and Dragon Zap/Ba-Boom!, depending on your level this battle can take a long time. After the battle, the woman thanks you and gives you a sword, leave the castle and return to Zil Desert, now just follow the compass to get to Zil Padon.

Zil Padon

There isn’t much to do here now, buy new equipment for your characters and put a wind spell on Rapp, sell whatever you want and head to the hotel, talk to everyone and leave, the group will have a conversation, enter the hotel again and talk to the clerk for dinner, then leave town and head to…

Savanna Wilderness

First of all, head straight west to find a Mana Egg, now just continue west to reach Brinan Mountains, but if you want some more items and money head to the eastern part of the Savanna and explore the place well for great items , just before the stone bridge there is a small tunnel that when you enter you cannot see your characters, arriving on the other side there is a stone building, inside it there is an icon selling items with very good and very expensive accessories, among they a ring that doubles the money earned in battles and does not need to be equipped, it just needs to be in the inventory, here there is also a teleport that takes you to the third optional dungeon, Temptation Tower, but unlike the other two this one is extremely difficult and assuming If you are at a level between 27 and 29 with Justin, entering here now is practically suicide, so let’s leave it for later, after exploring the entire savannah, go back to Zil Padon and buy an earth spell for Rapp, head to Brinan Mountains.

Brinan Mountains

This place is a little complicated and you should spend a good amount of time here, the enemies are great for improving your spells, so make the most of it, in the first part the path to the exit is on the right, but explore the other paths to find good items , then follow the compass to get to the second part, here it gets even more complicated, you must find two snowballs and push them to form a bridge for you to follow the path, search all sides and when you find the two snowballs, push -as and go back to the beginning, from there take the path to the left and follow the compass until you reach the exit.

Laine Village

Upon arrival you will meet one of Laine’s three wise men and Milda’s husband, Darlin, a… TALKING OX!? (I’ve heard that he has a taste for everything, but that’s too much), entering the house of the “couple” Darlin will say something about Alent and the Icarians and ask you to talk to the other wise man Derlin, Derlin’s house is west of Milda’s house, it’s the one with three children in front, go in and talk to Derlin, after the conversation, he tells you to go talk to the third wise man Dorlin, his house is the one on the edge of the lake, between in it and talk to Dorlin, but he doesn’t say anything, Milda then says that since he lost his horn in the old Laine Village (which was also turned to stone), he has been confused and the only way to know how to get to Alent is to go to the old village and retrieve the horn, well, leave Laine Village and head to…

Abandoned Laine Village (Warp Space)

In the first part you have to enter some houses to be transported to another area, but before entering, search the place looking for good items, now just enter all the houses you find until one takes you to a place with a gate ahead, enter through it to reach the second part, again search everything for more items including a Mana Egg, now just follow the compass until you reach a place where the group is closed in a box and transported to another area, with several gates, but only one of them opens and takes you to the third part, here it is very easy, there are several paths that take you to several items, take everything and follow the compass until you reach a type of green circular door, recover at the Save Point and enter, prepare for another boss:

Gaia Battler – 3567 HP

Right Hand – 2548 HP

Left Hand – 2573 HP

First, let’s look at his attacks: The main body uses an attack that hits everyone and takes away around 65 HP, nothing that Alheal can’t solve, Right Hand uses an attack called “Combination” that can take 100 HP from a single character, so be careful, Left Hand recovers everyone’s HP and should be your first target, use Skills on it as spells are not very efficient, Midair Cut, Doppelganger and Milda Hit are the best, Feena as always takes care of healing and when not necessary uses powerful spells with Dragon Zap, Ba-Boom! and Crackling, the others should do the same after Left Hand falls, he shouldn’t last long. When you defeat him, take the “Horn of Knowledge” from the chest and return to Laine Village, go to Dorlin’s house and Milda will put back his horn and he will no longer be a beast and will return to being a wise man, he tells Justin that the “Medal of Widsom” that Liete gave him is not the key to Alent but the key to a temple in Zil Padon, he says that you must go there and talk to the chief of the Mogay to be able to enter it, then head there, but you will have to say goodbye to Milda as she no longer wants to leave her beloved Darlin, well, then with the reduced group head to Zil Padon, once there go to the hotel and examine the Stashing Place, take the Milda’s experience with a sword and put it in Rapp and the experience with Mace and Ax put it in Justin, leave the hotel and go to the fountain, which is the entrance to the temple, but the water prevents you from entering, then a girl similar to Guido arrives and says that the chief of the Mogay is waiting for them, head to his house in a yellow area, entering you will find that the chief of the Mogay is Guido, he asks why you want to go to Alent, choose the second option and Guido joins the group and pulls a rope that removes the water from the fountain, now go there and enter, choosing the second option. Inside here, do what you always do, search everywhere to find items and money and then follow the compass to get to the second part, search everything again and then look for a small staircase that takes you to a purple button on the floor, press it o to open a secret passage, go up it and then move from one platform to another (be careful not to fall) until you reach a place with a save point, recover, save and continue forward until you reach a building all green, enter it to face a boss:

Ruin Guard – 4500 HP

Ax – 2350 HP

Boomerang – 2350 HP

This battle will be a breeze, especially if you already have “Heaven and Earth Cut” with Justin which takes more than 1000 HP from him, if you haven’t already use Dragon Cut and if you run out of SP use Dragon Zap/ Ba-Boom!, but if If you’re equipped with Energy Charm you won’t even need it, Rapp uses Doppelganger or Demon Ball if you already have it, Feena uses Dragon Zap and Ba-Boom! and heals whenever necessary, with Guido use normal attacks and when necessary use Mogay Hypo to recover Justin or Rapp’s SP, Ruin Guard’s attacks are very weak and not worth commenting on. After the battle, examine the part to the right of the next staircase to find an accessory, go up the stairs to get the “Medal of Knowledge”, go all the way back, but when you reach the save point the group will see Garlyle’s troops with General Baal in person, after a conversation he takes Leen away and tells Mullen to find the Spirit Stone, now the group has to go another way, go back to the next screen and go down the moving platform, enter the cave and after the conversation continue on ahead, Mullen and his soldiers end up surrounding the group, then the earth begins to shake and a scene ensues in which Baal appears to be using Leen’s powers for some evil purpose, then the giants drawn on the wall come to life and surround the group. by Justin, the floor begins to collapse and Mullen falls into the void along with his soldiers, walk a little and Feena begins to feel her sister’s suffering and falls, the floor continues to collapse and Rapp and Guido also fall into the void, after some scenes , the screen goes dark and Justin is alone. Save your game and look for some items behind the rocks, enter the next door and always follow the compass until you reach a staircase, continue forward until you find Mullen, Justin asks where Feena is, but Mullen tells him to run away with the Spirit Stone (?) and when the soldiers approach he hides it in a room behind him, the soldiers say that Feena was taken by Baal, after they leave, examine the mechanism in the center of the room to activate an elevator, now move forward until you reach the exit, you will see Feena being taken away in a large ship, after they are gone, Guido and Rapp appear in a giant flying stingray and take Justin to then go and rescue Feena, upon arriving at the ship they end up being hit and fall on her.

The Grandeur

Enter the ship and save if you want, follow the compass and collect items on the way, improve Rapp’s spells with the soldiers, when you arrive at a striped gate examine the corner of it to open it, now just continue following the compass until you reach another save point, recover, save and enter the next room, it’s time to face the trio of sergeants once again:

Saki – 5000 HP

Nana – 4000 HP

Mio – 3000 HP

Now the situation hits, because the three are together and this will be, in my opinion, the most difficult battle in the game, even more so without Feena, right at the beginning they will use “Trinity”, where they attack together and cause 65 to 75 HP of damage. damage to all characters, other than that they have the same attacks as in the previous battle and just like before Mio continues to be the most dangerous of the three and must be eliminated first, with Justin using Heaven and Earth Cut and Dragon Cut, Rapp using Dragon Zap and Demonball when they are close, Guido uses Power Up on both of them and heals with items whenever necessary, you may have some difficulty at the beginning, but after Mio falls, the other two become easy, good luck! After the battle they leave, Justin examines a control panel on the ship, but is unable to operate it, Rapp tries, but ends up activating the ship’s self-destruction, follow the middle door and the ship ends up breaking in two, the part from behind he falls taking Rapp and Guido with him, now only with Justin continue moving forward until he finds Feena and Baal, the General says he will exchange Feena for the Spirit Stone, despite her telling Justin not to do that he ends up handing over the stone, Baal then activates a mechanism and Justin falls into a hole, but manages to hold on to a pipe and climb back up, keep following the compass until you find them again, now let’s face the general:

Baal – 2759 HP

Easy, Baal won’t do practically anything, use Midair Cut about four times as he’s gone, if you want to prolong the battle a little use V-Slash or W-Break, but he’ll fall anyway. After the battle, Baal uses the power of the Spirit Stone and transforms into a monster, he captures Feena and knocks Justin off the ship, Feena manages to break free and jumps after Justin, when they are almost giving up hope, Feena starts to glow and wings come out of her back, revealing that she is also an Icarian as Leen, Rapp and Guido appear on the flying stingray and they end up in Brinan Mountains, after much conversation, head to Laine Village and go talk to Darlin, then head to Go to Dorlin’s house and talk to him, he will give you permission to enter Rainbow Mountains, leave and go to the opposite side of the city entrance which is now open.

Rainbow Mountains

Nothing complicated here, simply search the area looking for items and then follow the compass until you reach the second part, repeat the procedure here and follow until you reach a portal that will take you to Alent, at that moment, Guido will leave the group, saying that his mission was complete, Justin then throws the Medal of Knowledge into the water and a portal opens taking the group off the planet, where Alent is.


Finally Justin achieved his objective and reached Alent, right away you will have to face 3 bosses in a row and there is no save point nearby, but this won’t be a big problem as long as you have items to recover MP and SP, keep going the compass and get the Mana Egg right at the beginning, keep moving forward and pick up the items along the way, you will soon reach the first boss:

Hydra – 3721 HP

Perl head – 2848 HP

Nice head – 1741 HP

Hot head – 2826 HP

Awful head – 2462 HP

This creature is simply pathetic, it’s practically the same one you faced in Typoon Tower, with almost the same stats, use your best attacks and spells, with Justin use Heaven and Earth Cut straight away, with Rapp use Fireball or Sidethrow and Feena goes from End of The World, if he doesn’t die in the first turn, use Dragon Cut with Justin to finish the job. Continue forward to reach the second boss:

Great Suzano-O – 3453 HP

Ax – 2316 HP

Iron Ball – 1600 HP

A little stronger than the first one, but still very weak, he looks like the Ruin Guard from Zil Shrine, use the same scheme as the previous boss and you won’t have any problems.

Continue forward to find the last boss:

Phantom Dragon – 3976 HP

This time the target is single, so prefer attacks that hit just one opponent, with Justin using Midair Cut and Gadzap, Rapp using Dopelganger or Demon Ball and Feena using Zap! Whip or any other powerful magic, just like the previous two, this shouldn’t be too much work. Enter the next room to find Liete, but there are a lot of Lietes here and when you talk to one she disappears, talk to them all until there are none left, then enter the door right where there were four Lietes together to find the real Liete , talk to her and to summarize the conversation, she will tell the story of Alent, she will also say that Justin was chosen by the spirits to end Gaia, after all this Liete joins the group, leave the room and everyone will return to the planet in a kind of rocket that will fall in Savanna Wilderness, since you are here, I suppose you must already be at a good level to enter Temptation Tower (The last secret dungeon), just to remind you, the entrance is close to the stone bridge and on the other side there is a stone building, enter it and you will find a portal that takes you to the tower.

Temptation Tower

Before going here, here are some basic tips:

1 – If you really want to explore the tower from cover to cover, reserve at least 5 hours of your time, as it is really gigantic and inside there is not even a single save point;

2 – Avoid battles as much as you can, as the enemies here are very powerful but give little experience, both for the characters and for weapons and magic, so it’s not worth wasting time on them;

3 – When you can’t avoid battles, try to catch enemies from behind to have a good advantage, prefer normal attacks which are more efficient than spells on most enemies;

4 – Pay special attention to enemies called “Brain Bat”, never, I repeat, NEVER let them catch you from behind, because despite having very low defense, they use several powerful spells, including Ba-Boom! which will kill the entire group instantly, although they rarely use this, but don’t risk it, if you find them, take them head on and finish them off quickly.

Well, that’s it guys, now it’s up to you, I’m going to try to make as decent a guide as possible, so you can get to the top of the tower, as it’s really huge, I might end up forgetting some detail, if that happens. , I’m sorry.

1st floor – Right at the beginning you will see a lot of weapons spread across the floor, you will think: “How beautiful, I’m in paradise!” Sorry to disappoint you friend, but these are the worst weapons in the game, and what’s worse, they can’t be sold so the best thing you can do is leave them where they are, the tower has four entrances, heading to the On the right you will find a red door, it will lead you to just a few bags of money, so don’t waste time here, head straight to the light blue door, this will lead you to some good items so have a good search here, exit and continue through right to get to the gray door, but don’t go in now, continue forward until you get to the dark blue door, go in and look for a pink cross, it’s not difficult to find, when you find it, go to the gray door and in possession From the cross you will be able to open the next door, here the easy part ends.

2nd floor – Absolutely nothing, simply go through the next door to reach an external corridor, climb the stairs to reach the third floor.

3rd floor – Here you will come across some elevators that take you to another part of the second floor, there you will find other elevators that take you to other parts of the third floor and so on, you can easily get lost here, so be careful , when you reach the first trio of elevators simply take the middle one, you will reach the second floor, go straight ahead until another elevator that takes you back to the third floor now just examine all the corners until you find a door that takes you to another external corridor, going up the stairs you will reach the fourth floor.

4th floor – Another very complicated floor, here it is full of levers that open secret passages, examine the brown walls to open other passages, in one part you will find a statue of a head, examine it four times to open two other passages, one takes you to an item and another takes you to an elevator that goes straight to the seventh floor, here there is also a teleporter that takes you straight to the first floor, you can go back to recover at the save point and return to the fourth floor via the same path.

7th floor – This floor is full of colored doors that can only be opened by pressing buttons on the floor with their respective colors, you will only have access to one of these buttons, look for it and press it, follow the door of the same color until reach a staircase that takes you to the sixth floor.

6th floor – Here there are only two stairs that take you to the fifth floor and a hole that also goes there, so just go down any of the stairs.

5th floor – Look for a device next to one of the stairs, examine it and the passage after the stairs will be blocked, go up to the sixth floor and fall into the hole, to access another path, look for another staircase to the sixth walk with a device at your side, thus repeating the previous operation, continue like this until you find another staircase on the sixth floor that takes you to the seventh floor, now look for the other colored buttons that open the doors, and the last door to be opened is the green one, it will take you to a staircase to the eighth floor, where there is another staircase that takes you straight to the ninth floor.

9th floor – You will be in a central circle and around it there are six paths, all of them have a trap and if you step on it you will fall into a hole and end up in another area of ​​the eighth floor, where there is absolutely nothing interesting, so If you come here, go to the central part where there is another trap, where a hole takes you to the seventh floor, now look for the staircase that takes you back to the ninth floor, to go through the traps, approach slowly until they close open and close again then go through them calmly, going clockwise, path 1 takes you to path 2, but here there is a secret passage in the wall that takes you to an item, go to path 3 which takes you to path 4, here is another secret passage that leads you to some money, paths 5 and 6 are dead ends, so simply go to path 3 and fall down the hole, you will end up in a secret part of the eighth floor, go straight ahead until a stairs that take you to a secret part of the ninth floor, now just go forward to reach the stairs that take you to the tenth floor.

10th floor – From here there is no turning back, so make sure you have plenty of items to recover MP and SP and that you are at a level between 31 and 33 at least and that you already have the best skills and spells of all the characters, when you are Ready, move forward to face the first boss of the tower:

Gargoyle – 4759 HP

He’s the same as the Ganymede you faced in Dom Ruins, with the same attacks, use your best attacks on him and he should fall in about two turns.

Follow the door on the right to a staircase that takes you to the eleventh floor and the second boss of the tower:

Slug Fish – 3958 HP

Lure – 2997 HP

This creature is even more ridiculous than the previous one, it’s the same as the Grinwhale you faced at the end of the first CD, use the following attacks to finish it off in the first turn: Justin uses Heaven and Earth Cut, Feena uses End of the World, Rapp goes Neo Demon Ball and Liete uses Ba-Boom! ready.

Follow the door on the right to a staircase that takes you to the twelfth floor and the third and final boss of the tower:

Leviathan – 7859 HP

Left Tentacle – 4357 HP

Right Tentacle – 4890 HP

Now the bug catches up, this one is just like the Squid King you faced in Ghost Ship, but with much more powerful attacks, one of the tentacles usually uses Zap! and the other uses an attack that sucks the characters close to the monster, while the main body uses Laser Eye that can take 85 to 100 HP from whoever is in the way, the worst thing is that it usually uses these attacks in sequence, so healing will be essential here, prefer Liete for this role, while the others use their best attacks and magic on the animal, this battle will be very long but not that difficult. After the battle, enter the door on the right and follow a long corridor to a door that takes you to an external corridor, here go right when you see a staircase, go straight through it and follow it to the end to get an accessory that increases and a lot of a character’s agility, now climb the ladder to reach the top of the tower and get the well-deserved reward, which are nine chests filled with wonderful items, including an accessory that doubles the experience gained through spells and another that does the same with the weapons, and in the chest in the center is Justin’s second best weapon, if your inventory is full there is also a Stashing Place, behind this platform there is a Teleporter that takes you back to the Savanna, without having to go all the way back, if you managed to get this far, congratulations and believe me, after this the rest of the game will be a breeze, now let’s continue with the story, leave the Savanna and head to…

Luzet Mountains

In the first part there are no secrets, simply search the entire area looking for items and then follow the compass until the second part, here you must look for a long tunnel, walk through it pressing the action button until you get an accessory called Azura which when equipped gives you another attack in the combo and critical, now just follow the compass to the exit.


When you enter, go through the door on the right and then enter the larger red door, then go through the door on the right and go forward until you find Mullen and Leen, after the conversation go down the stairs and go straight, enter the blue vehicle to continue path, there are some items, take everything and continue forward until you reach a save point, save and move forward to find Baal.

Baal – 6000 HP

Gaia Tentacle – 7000 HP

Even with the power of the Spirit Stone, this guy is useless, especially if you’ve already been through Temptation Tower, do what you always do, that is, use your best attacks and heal whenever necessary, it’s not even worth commenting on the attacks from him.

Baal is about to release Gaia’s power and uses this power to take down Justin and the others, Leen appears and tries to stop him, but it is no use, Gaia’s power is released and now the whole world is in danger, Justin and the others are on an aircraft and a soldier comes to tell them that Mullen wants to talk to Feena, leave the room and head to the yellow door, Mullen says he needs Feena’s cooperation to destroy Gaia, after some conversation, the group without Feena is in a camp in Luzet Mountains, explore the place well to find some items, there is a tent that sells items and equipment, buy everything you need, then go to the next tent to find Feena, she returns to the group, go to the next tent to find Leen, she says that only she and Feena can destroy Gaia, but Feena refuses to believe it and says that she is being tricked by Mullen, after much discussion, leave the camp and head to Zil Padon, the city is very quiet , suddenly Gaia’s tentacles appear and destroy everything, some inhabitants are attacked by monsters, finish them off, Leen comes after the group and asks Feena to come back with her, but she says she needs to help people, at this moment more monsters attack, finish them off, then a Gaia Battler appears, but Leen destroys it, after a lot of conversation now it’s you who has to face a Gaia Battler:

Gaia Battler – 3567 HP

Right Hand – 2548 HP

Left Hand – 2573 HP

This is absolutely the same one you faced in Warp Space, which was already easy, now, if it makes you sleepy, use your best attacks to finish him off in the first turn.

After the battle, a bunch of Gaia Battlers appear and when all seemed lost, Feena uses her power and finishes them all off, Leen tells her that now she must understand that Mullen was right and that only the powers of the Icarians can stop Gaia, Leen leaves and Rapp tells them to rest in a tent near one of the exits, head there and after the conversation scene between Mullen and Leen, the group receives news that Gaia is attacking J Base, head there, but you will have to go through Luzet Mountains again, but now the monsters are more powerful, so take the opportunity to fight a lot here and learn the spells and skills that are still missing, when you arrive at J Base, go to the door on the right and then enter at the red door, now go through the left door and follow it to the end, to find Mullen, he says that Leen went to face Gaia alone and then she appears saying that she will sacrifice herself to save the world, at the end she still declares her love for Mullen, Now only with Justin talk to Mullen and then leave, go through the door in the middle of the stairs and go to the next door to see the most exciting CG in the game, where Leen sacrifices herself to destroy Gaia, but unfortunately in vain.

Back in Zil Padon, talk to Rapp and Liete, Mullen appears and enters the tent to talk to Feena, enter behind him to see him try to convince Feena to help him, after a lot of conversation, Feena asks to be alone, leave and Gina appears saying that Guido wants to talk to Justin, go to his house and Guido will say that to save the world he must use the same power that he and Feena used to save Zil Padon, Justin then understands that he and Feena must fight together to defeat Gaia, go back to the tent, but Feena is no longer there, leave Zil Padon and head to Field Base, entering, go left to the second screen, Justin tries to convince Feena not to go with Mullen, but she says no there is another way and he ends up leaving, Talk to Rapp and Liete and they say that Justin is a coward for letting Feena go and they leave, move forward and you will see the three sergeants saying that Justin is no longer needed and that he should leave , leave Field Base and head to Savanna, Justin ends up tripping in the mud and regrets having failed to be a great adventurer, then the spirits appear and Justin follows them to Zil Padon, look for Guido and talk to him, Justin says that everyone has abandoned him and that he is now useless and can’t do anything else, Guido then asks him to look around and then you will see all his friends: Sue, Gadwin, Milda, Rapp and Liete who came to encourage him, Justin then understands that he is not alone and says that he will do everything to save the world and build a new future, then a portal opens and Liete says that it leads to the Spirit Sanctuary where Justin can obtain the power to defeat Gaia, before entering, talk to all your friends and then head to the portal.

Spirit Sanctuary

This place is a little complicated, try to search all the paths to get the best equipment, when you get to a part where there are several colored paths, follow them in all directions, until a big blue path appears, follow it to reach the center of the sanctuary, but first you will have to go through a small obstacle:

Mage King – 3892 HP

Wand – 2346 HP

This one is just a weaker version of the Lord Ghost that you faced in Castle of Dreams, he uses powerful spells, but he won’t even have a chance to attack if you use the following combo: Heaven and Earth Cut/Neo Demon Ball/Dragon Zap ( with Liete), if he still survives use V-Slash or W-Break with Justin to finish the job.

Climb the stairs in the center and you will be transported to another area, from here Justin must go alone, press X on the stones for a path to appear, follow it and at the end Justin asks the spirits to grant him the power to build a new future , the spirits then give Justin the Spirit Sword, the group will leave the sanctuary and you will see Gaia mutate to her final form, the group will automatically go to J Base, equip the Spirit Sword and enter, move forward to a hole in the wall.

Icarian City

Enter the next door and you will be on a staircase, go to the next door and enter, follow it until a fork, although the compass tells you to go left, go the opposite way and examine all the rooms to find great equipment, then you will you will reach a staircase with a shiny object at the top, examine it to open a path to the third part of the place, again search everything and fight as much as you want, follow until you reach another staircase with another mechanism at the top, which opens the way to the fourth part of the dungeon, go forward to a giant ball of light, examine it and you will stop inside it, wait for it to turn blue and press X to reach a chest containing the best weapon for Rapp, enter the ball again and Wait for it to turn yellow to move to the other side, go to a crystal bridge and examine the mechanism in the middle to change the bridge, but be careful, the bridge will turn to the side the character is looking at, so activate the mechanism with the character looking west, go forward until you reach a large white sphere with a door, enter it and you will stop at a location with a save point, save and recover, go forward to find an old acquaintance:

Gaia Battler – 5871 HP

Right Hand – 4237 HP

Left Hand – 4237 HP

Tsk, Tsk! This creature is already annoying, it’s just a little stronger than the previous ones, but it still has the same attacks as always, so use the same attacks as always on it, end of story!

Now move forward until you find Feena and Mullen surrounded by Gaia Battlers, Justin finishes them off and tells Feena that he now understands what Leen meant by a new path, Feena realizes that Justin was the chosen one of the spirits to destroy Gaia, but Mullen doesn’t accept and challenges Justin to a duel to find out if he is really the chosen one, well, he was the one who asked, let’s go:

Mullen – 2496 HP

It’s finally time to give this cocky blonde a break, his only Sonic Boom attack, shouldn’t take more than 25 HP from Justin, use attacks like V-Slash and W-Break just to warm up and when he’s almost falling, show all your power using Heaven and Earth Cut (ha ha ha ha!!!!!).

Mullen is impressed by Justin’s power and understands that he did everything wrong and because of that he ended up losing Leen, Justin and Feena say it’s not too late and ask Mullen to fight with them, Mullen accepts and then Feena uses her power to get the group out of there, outside you will see the trio of Sergeants along with Sue, Gadwin, Milda and Guido, as well as Garlyle’s soldiers attacking Gaia, they say they will provide support from the outside while Justin and the others enter inside the monster To destroy the Spirit Stone that gives you your power, it’s time to move on to the final battle.


This is the best place to evolve your weapons and spells, so make the most of it, if you have a little patience you can even try to get Feena’s Time Gate spell, search everywhere to find items, from now on I’ll just tell you the way to get there At the end, without giving the location of items, it’s up to you to look for them if you want, well, in the first part go past the purple cactus and go left and then right, you’ll soon reach a boss:

Gaia Trent – ​​4578 HP

Flower – 3167 HP

Arm – 2953 HP

This one is already an old acquaintance from the beginning of CD 2, but in a slightly more powerful version, but it has the same attacks as the other one, use your best attacks and it shouldn’t go beyond the first round.

Follow the path that opened and you will arrive in the second part, here just follow the compass straight to the entrance of the third part, go straight to the next room, go to a kind of living elevator that takes you to a path above, look for items and return to the bottom path, go forward and you will reach the passage to the fourth part and after it there is another boss:

Gaia Armor – 6785 HP

This is the same as the Massacre Machine you faced in Vanishing Hill, with the same attacks as before and some different spells from its predecessor, use the usual scheme, it is very resistant, so this battle will be a little long but not at all difficult.

After defeating him, move the little things on the wall to open the next door, go through it and you will be in a small maze with several colored tunnels, continue following the compass until you reach a blocked tunnel near another open purple tunnel, follow through it and move the three colored columns to unlock the tunnel, follow it until you reach a save point, this is the last one in the game, make sure you have enough items to recover SP and MP, recover, save and step on the dark circle to go up to the next floor and have the last battle against Baal:

Baal – 7000 HP

C. Tentacle – 6000 HP

G. Tentacle – 5456 HP

Gaia Cyst – 4500 HP

As incredible as it may seem, he is even weaker than in the previous fight, you can’t even say what attacks he uses, because if you followed this guide to the letter, he won’t have a chance to use any, use the deadly combo Heaven and Earth Cut /End of the World/Neo Demon Ball/Dragon Zap, this should wipe out the adjacent parts, leaving only the main body, so use another Midair Cut/Zap combo! Whip/Demon Ball/Red Shock to finish the job.

After finishing off Baal, recover MP, SP and HP for the entire group, head to the dark part to go up to the next floor, collect the items around the circle and move on to the final battle:

Gaia Core – 9999 HP

Mega Gaia x 2 – 4800 HP (each)

Despite his high HP he is useless, in fact, the low difficulty in the final bosses is the only negative point in this fantastic game, the only attack that can cause problems is the one that causes snakes to appear and attack the characters, other than that he uses some spells that are nothing that an Alheal can’t solve, use your best attacks as always and recover whenever necessary, after he falls, you go straight to the next one, without pausing to breathe:

Evil Gaia – 9999 HP

Damn, with that name you must be expecting something like an Omega Weapon, right? Well forget, of all the bosses in the game, this is the most pathetic, ridiculous and despicable of them whose most powerful attack is Burn, that’s exactly what you read, Burn, that level 1 fire spell, it’s really frustrating to prepare so much for get to the end and find a baba like that, finish him the way you prefer and believe me, it’s practically impossible to lose this battle.

Now with Gaia defeated all that remains is to destroy the Spirit Stone, after the conversation between the group, just with Justin and Feena go to the next room to reach the end of the game, which is really rewarding and with many surprises, I won’t say anything and leave you can see for yourself, when the credits start, turn up the sound because the background music is really cool, and after the credits there is another extra scene, I’ll just give you a tip, Justin and Feena’s love will bear many fruits Hehehe! Thanks guys and see you next time.


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