Hi-Fi Rush – Guide with tips for beginners

Hi-Fi Rush – Guide with tips for beginners

April 6, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

Available for Xbox Series With the ability to sense the rhythm of the world around him, Chai can connect to the beat to enhance his movements and fight to save not only himself, but possibly the entire world. Additionally, the game is also available to all Xbox Game Pass members.

Are you a beginner? So here are useful tips to help you achieve success and face the enemies in this game, step by step!

Basic game tips:
Battles in Hi-Fi RUSH, called Chorus, are evaluated based on three main criteria: score, timing and timing. Your final classification is determined by your performance in each of these categories, each evaluated with a letter. The score is the total score you get from your combat skills, the higher the better. Synchrony is how you perform in rhythm, the more accurate the better. Time is how long it takes you to complete a battle, the less time the better. To earn an S rating, you must get at least an S in two of these categories and an A or better in the third category. The final ranking will be based on the combined rankings from each battle.

Change game difficulty:
You have the option to change the difficulty of Hi-Fi RUSH at any time, after starting a new game from the pause menu, and go to Options -> Gameplay -> Other Settings. Keep in mind that changing the difficulty will reset your progress on the current level from the last checkpoint.

Setting the bar:
Each level in the Hi-Fi RUSH game can be played at different difficulty levels, and all of them can be completed with an S rank. However, the difficulty settings affect how the game is played and this may affect the best way to get a high score. For example, enemies on lower difficulty levels are easier to defeat but take less damage, meaning players need to maximize the score they get on each enemy. Higher difficulty levels offer enemies that can take more hits, but may present other challenges. Regardless of the difficulty level chosen, the key to winning in Hi-Fi RUSH is always the same: getting into the rhythm and feeling the rhythm of the battle.

Synchronize your actions with the songs:
Hi-Fi RUSH is a game that combines rhythm and action, where action is the main point. Everything in the game is synchronized to the music, including your movements, but you have complete control. The action is automatically synchronized with the music, but acting randomly will not allow you to harness Chai’s true potential. Instead, you must time your actions to the beat, boosting your combos and potentially ending a string of combos with a flashy, high-damage Beat Hit! Getting into a rhythm not only allows you to perform at your best, but it can also help Chai stay out of harm’s way (more on that later).

Sync Help:
If you’ve lost your rhythm, don’t worry. Just take a quick break to feel the beat and you’ll be back in the game in no time. His floating cat robot friend, 808, is also there to help, you can look at 808 hovering over Chai’s shoulder for a glowing metronome! Players can also enable a HUD tab through the game’s settings to view the time without relying on audio.

Access bonuses:
In Hi-Fi RUSH, there are several ways to earn extra points during the game. These bonuses not only increase your score, but can also be accumulated in succession, giving a multiplier to your final score, which can reach up to 10 times more. These bonuses appear near your score when they are activated, such as Magnet Link, which is gained by using the magnet to catch enemies, or Aerial Rave, which is gained by attacking enemies in the air. To achieve the highest possible score, it is important to increase the multiplier as high as possible before it resets. Special attacks can be a secret weapon to achieve bonuses and extra points, so don’t hesitate to use them when you’re charged and ready.

Training Room:
After clearing track 01, you have the option to access the “Training Room” by speaking to your new friend Peppermint in the hideout. This will take you to a special location where you can perfect all your combos, special attacks, partner attacks and other skills. Even a star knows it’s important to practice (sometimes).

Keep the beat meter going:
It’s not enough to simply play hit songs over and over again! During each Chorus, the Pace Meter is displayed, measuring your current combat skills. The more enemies you attack with a variety of moves, the faster the tempo meter fills, granting higher scores. Additionally, using the same attacks over and over again can result in a “repetition” penalty, granting only 70% of the normal score. Therefore, it is important to vary your movements to get a high score! The meter also drops if the fight gets too calm, so using Chai’s magnetic grab ability and tagging partners is a great way to keep the crowd excited. This is especially important for players on Hi-Fi RUSH’s Rhythm Master expert difficulty, where letting the rhythm meter drop below a “C” grade results in an automatic game over!

Make great plays with your friendly allies:
It’s important to have help in Hi-Fi RUSH, as calling on the partners you acquire throughout the game can break enemy defenses and maintain combos while Chai is out of reach. Additionally, assist moves can juggle and knock back enemies, helping position them for a more impactful defeat and higher score. Once unlocked, players can also perform impressive Jam combos, activated by pressing the assist button during a hit. In addition to dealing significant damage, these moves also allow Chai to do extra juggles after defeating enemies.

Avoid damage:
Enemy attacks are also synchronized to the music, so watch out for flashes and sound effects to avoid damage. Use dodge at the right time or counterattack immediately to make yourself impossible to hit. Stay tuned to the beat to do better in battle.

Bonus if you don’t die:
While Chai may look funny getting knocked over by brute robots, that’s not what you expect from a rock star. Utilizing dodge skills and timing your dodges perfectly will keep enemies from getting out of step with you and preserve your pace meter. If you complete a battle or stage without taking damage, you will earn a bonus star along with your final rating for that segment of the game. However, if you die, you can start over from your last checkpoint, but you will also receive a penalty that can affect your stage ranking, so it’s important to try not to die.

Use Reverb Techniques:
The Reverb Meter allows Chai to use advanced techniques such as Special Attacks and Jam Combos, and it is important to use it efficiently. It recharges between fights, so it’s important to use it to deal the most damage, score, and style possible in each battle. Don’t save it for later use, as it resets between fights.

Equip yourself:
By exploring the scenarios and defeating enemy robots, you acquire pieces called Gears. These pieces can be spent to improve the character, such as increasing their maximum health or unlocking new moves and special techniques. Additionally, you can use these parts to craft chips, which provide additional benefits when equipped! Some areas of Hi-Fi RUSH require the help of an ally to access hidden treasures, so be sure to go back to previous levels to uncover everything!

Health Tanks:
Health tanks are great for saving Chai’s life! Collecting healing items with a full health meter fills your health tank, which is automatically used for a heal when your health reaches zero. The state of your health tank is maintained after the end of the game, so try not to use them before they are really needed!

Use friends to win and perform special tag-team moves:
Chai likes to be the center of attention, but he’s not alone in his fight against the evil organization that wants to capture him. Throughout the game, Chai will have the help of trusted allies. They can help you overcome obstacles, disrupt enemy defenses, or even perform special moves together. It’s important to work as a team!

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