Hiden Inyou Kikouhou: Ca Da – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Hiden Inyou Kikouhou: Ca Da – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

July 26, 2024 Off By Frank Grochowski

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction CADA01
2. Walkthrough CADA02
3. Passwords CADA03
4. Contact CADA04
5. Disclaimer CADA05

*Please Note – This entire FAQ/Walkthrough has been designed for easy access. This means that you can use your browser’s search function to find any section immediately. Just bring it up by pressing ctrl+f and search for either the section name or the code to the right. You will go right to that section.

1. Introduction CADA01

D-Pad – Move
A – Jump
B – Surrender
Start – Pause
Select – No Use

*Note – You can move the map while the game is paused to view the level.

Hiden Inyou Kikouhou: Ca Da, also known as just Ca Da, is a puzzle platformer that focuses its gameplay around magnetism. You can preview the whole level by pausing the game and planning your route. The goal is to collect every magnetic orb, which will change your character’s magnetic charge, and then reaching the exit door. The challenge is figuring out the correct order to collect the orbs. The magnetic charge will attract opposite charges (positive/white to negative/black.) It will also repel the same charges (positive/white to positive/white or negative/black to negative/black.) For simplicity in the guide, I will refer to it as just white or black.

You will see white and black arrows scattered around levels. If you are the same color as those arrows, they will push you away. Use this to reach higher platforms. Conversely, being the opposite color will pull you to the arrows. Plan ahead if you get stuck on the wrong color arrow and it’s hindering your progress. The white orbs will always turn you white, the black orbs will always turn you black, and the mixed orbs will always change your color.

An interesting mechanic to this game that is necessary to learn if you want to succeed is the jumping mechanics. There are two tricks to jumping that is different than any other game. I will start with the easier. You can hold jump and you will be off the ground for a set amount of time. If there’s a ceiling above you, holding jump will still keep your feet off the ground. You can test this on the first level to get an idea. Just watch your character’s feet and you’ll see that if your feet aren’t moving, you’re considered jumping. This trick can be used to reach places that look inaccessible.

The other trick to jump is an extra boost jump. This is a VERY DIFFICULT trick to master and will likely take you several tries to pull off. It’s actually necessary to complete Map 3-05. Fortunately, you don’t have to use this trick too often. Basically, if you’re on the same color arrow tile, you know you can’t jump very high. The trick is if you come in from the side without an arrow tile and hit just the edge of the arrow tile, you will get a slightly higher jump. You have a lot of control in the air so you may have to jump away and then as you fall, turn back towards the arrow tile. You want to hold jump and land just on the edge of the arrow tile. Practice makes perfect. You also likely won’t hit this consistently. I suggest practicing on random mode instead of campaign mode until you can hit it consistently enough to complete the stage.

You will also see some levels with teleporters. There will always be a teleporter entrance, teleporter exit, and a switch. The switch is just a small button. You can jump into the button and it will change the entrance and exit. If the teleporter has two lines on it, it’s the entrance of the teleporter. If the teleporter has four lines on it, it’s the exit of the teleporter. Use this to plan accordingly with teleporters.

Monsters don’t actually do damage to you, what they do is just push you and any blocks in its way. The octopus like monster will just run side to side and jump any gaps in its way. If they hit you, it will launch you pretty far. Sometimes it will completely ruin your run if it knocks you off a platform you can’t get back onto. The little blob monsters will shoot at you when they see you. If you’re behind them, they will not shoot. You will notice you have 1 ups. It’s not because of damage you can take. You have them in case you run out of time or surrender with the B button if you realized you put yourself into a dead end.

There aren’t too many items in this game and aside from the extra life, they all have to do with time. The more time you have left on the clock at the end of the level will reflect in your score so even if you don’t need the time, it’s a good item to pick these items up to go for a high score. Some items you find are actually hidden. You can try jumping into blocks and you’ll sometimes see them start to break. Jump into them a couple of times to break them away to reveal a hidden item. The items you can get are:

KEY Keys will add 700 time to your total.

CANDY Candy is the best item, it adds 1800 time to your total.

CLOCK The Clock will change the clock to 3000 regardless of how much time you have. If you’re higher than 3000, you should just avoid it because it will actually hurt you rather than help you.

1UP The 1 Up is exactly what it sounds like, an extra life.

2. Walkthrough CADA02

For easy access, to just search for the level number. If you’re looking for Map 2-04 for example, just use your browser’s search (ctrl+f) and search for 2-04.

Map 1-01

Start by jumping and grabbing the black orb above you. Run to the far left and grab the white orb. Head back towards the middle of this room. Use the white arrow to jump straight up and to the platform to your left. Grab the black orb. Use the black arrow here to get to the platform above but don’t get the white orb yet. Go to the right and grab the black orb there. Now head back to the left for that white orb. Head back to the middle on this row of platforms and use the white arrow to jump to the higher platform. Go left to exit.

Map 1-02


This map is all about grabbing both the white and black orbs in one jump. If you miss one in a jump, you’re not going to be able to complete this room. The white will always be on the left and the black will always be on the right. Jump to the white one and mid jump, move to the right to collect the black orbs. Do this across all the platforms to collect all the orbs. When you reach the second orb, wait for the monster to jump towards you and jump over it. If it hits you, you will likely fall to the ground and also won’t be able to continue. Once you have all the orbs, run to the exit in the lower right corner.

Map 1-03


Jump over the first orb. The higher platform will have a monster that shoots at you. The orbs won’t kill you but they will knock you far to the left. If you fall off the upper platform without collecting all six black orbs above, you won’t be able to continue so make sure to get all those orbs before dropping back down! You can also jump into the lone block up there from below for an extra life. When you collect all the orbs, fall to the left. Pick up the last orb at the start of the level and run right for the exit.

Map 1-04


There are monsters on each set of platforms that will jump across. They can’t kill you but they will bump you pretty far. Don’t worry too much if they hit you, just keep an eye on the timer. Run to the right on the ground to collect two black orbs. Jump onto one of the platforms above using a black arrow. Jump across the platforms to the left for the orb on the far left. Go back to the right and grab the black orb on one of the platforms to the right if you haven’t already. Keep jumping to the right until you reach the last platform. Use the arrow here to reach the highest set of platforms. Jump across the platforms to the left while collecting the rest of the orbs and head for the exit.

Map 1-05


Grab the first black orb to your right. Wait for the monster to approach. Jump on its head and quickly jump to the higher black orb. Now head left again. Grab the white orb. Use the white arrows to jump into the switch in the far left corner. Now use one of the monsters to reach the black orb above slightly to the right. Head all the way to the right when you grab it and enter the teleporter. When you teleport to the upper left corner, jump across the gaps while collecting the white orbs up here. When all of the orbs are collected, head to the right for the exit.

Map 1-06


This level is really easy. Just use each arrow straight up for a white orb, then grab a black orb to change your color again. The tricky part is the monster that runs side to side. Don’t let it bump you into a black orb! If you don’t alternate and start with white orbs, you won’t be able to complete this level. Do this for every arrow jump block and just be cautious of the monster running side to side. After you collect them all, ending with the final black orb, use the black arrow to the far right to jump to the exit.

Map 1-07


This room will be the first time you will see orbs that are half white and half black. These orbs will always alternate your color unlike the solid color orbs that will always put you at the color orb. Go to the right and skip the first orb. Grab the mixed orb to the right first and then grab the black orb. Jump to the right and stand in the clear arrow blocks. This acts as an elevator. Ride it up and go left. Grab the orbs one by one as you go to the left and keep changing colors. Now go to the right to drop down. Go left and use the final arrow block. Pick up the key to the right first and then jump to the exit door.

Map 1-08


Jump and grab the mixed orb above. Climb the steps to the right as you collect every orb on the way up. Now go down the steps while collecting each orb on the way down. The last two orbs will be to your right when you reach the bottom of the steps. Jump over the white orb, you’ll pick up the key on the way, and grab the final black orb first. Now grab the white orb and use the white arrow blocks to reach the exit.

Map 1-09


Start off by holding jump to the left to pick up the candy and key. The mixed orb has to be the last orb you collect. Start on the left and collect all the white orbs to the left. Jump over the mixed orb to the right and collect all the orbs here. The block furthest to the right, up above, can be broken for an extra life too. Just make sure to avoid the monsters before they bump you into the mixed orb. When all the white orbs are collected, grab the mixed orb and go left. Use the black arrow tiles to jump to the exit.

Map 1-10


Jump up and ride up the elevator. Jump the first gap and then fall for the first black orb. Fall down and head left again while collecting the orbs below. You’ll end up back where you started the level. Go back up the tiles above and jump the gaps to the next white orb. Cycle around down below again and keep jumping the gaps to the mixed orb. Land on the platform to the right so you don’t have to cycle around again. Jump to the right and grab the mixed orb first, then the white orb here to collect all the orbs. Use the jump tiles to jump to the exit.

Map 2-01


Run to the right and drop down to the next platform. Jump the gap to the left and pick up the candy. Drop down for the white orb there. Go to the right and pick up the rest of the white orbs. When all the white orbs are collected, go to the bottom left for the mixed orb to change to black. Go to the right and the block on the exit door will slowly attract towards you. Slowly inch it to the left until you can jump over it and walk into the exit.

Map 2-02


Go to the right. Pick up the white orb and then the black orb. Jump over the wall using the black jump arrow. Collect the items above to the right and then ride the elevator. Move to the left at the top and pick up the black orb before the white orb above. When you grab both, jump on the monster when it’s far to the left to jump over this short wall. On the other side of this wall, pick up the white orb to the left and then backtrack for the black orb just to the left of the wall. Head to the exit.

Map 2-03


This level looks a lot more confusing than it actually is. Start by heading to the right and collecting the right most orb first. Now go left and collect the next two orbs before the middle. Head to the left of the teleporters to be brought up by the black magnet above. Enter the teleporter to go back to the bottom. Now head left and pick up the remaining two orbs. Head for the exit in the top left corner.

Map 2-04


Jump and grab the two black orbs on the top platform. Run to the left and drop down to the ground. Start moving to the right, only grab the first mixed orb and then the white orb. Leave the third orb down here (mixed) for now. Pull the black block all the way to the left until it is touching the wall. Jump over it and collect the last mixed block to change to black. Go all the way to the left and use the block you pulled over there to reach the platform above. Go all the way to the right and start pulling the white block across to the left. Collect the key and all the white orbs as you pass them. Be quick when you get close to the exit to jump on the block and then to the exit.

Map 2-05


Use the arrow to your left to hop to the platform above. Grab the black orb and then go to the right. Fall to the ground and jump over the mixed orb in the middle. Use the black arrow tile to reach the platform above. Grab the white orb to the right. Go back to the left, still leaving that middle orb in the middle. Jump up the platforms here and grab the white orb first, then the mixed orb in the top left. Fall back to the ground and go back to the right yet again, and again, leave that middle mixed orb there. Jump up the platforms on the right side and collect the white orb. Now drop down to the ground and pick up that mixed orb in the middle where you started. Climb the platforms on the right side for the final mixed block. Now climb up the platforms on the left side and jump to the exit door in the middle.

Map 2-06


Go to the right and up the elevator. Go right at the top and grab the candy. Drop down and go to the right. Grab the black orb. Go left and jump over the white orb for now. Use the black tiles to jump to the key and switch above. Grab the white orb and run to the left. You deactivated this teleporter now so just walk right through it. Jump and grab the candy and mixed orb up here. Fall down and head to the right. Use the black arrows to jump up to the switch again. Hit the switch and go right. Now you deactivated the right teleporter. Go through it to the right and drop down. Head to the left for the exit.

Map 2-07


This level is all about collecting the orbs in the correct order so the magnets can help you. The best way to describe this level will be a chart. Each number below will be a counter from left to right with how many orbs there are. Below, I will list the order of jumps required and which orbs you have to get in each jump. If I include two orbs in one jump, you have to get those two in one jump in that order.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Jump 1 – 10 & 9
Jump 2 – 7 & 6
Jump 3 – 1 & 2
Jump 4 – 4 & 5
Jump 5 – 8
Jump 6 – 12 & 13
Jump 7 – 3
Jump 8 – 11

The tricky one is jump 6, because you have to shift mid magnet pull and quickly shift back. Once all of the orbs are collected, go to the far left and drop down. Go to the far right from here for the exit door.

Map 2-08


Start off by collecting all the black orbs here. Hop on the black block and the monster to grab all the blocks in the middle. The top row will require some patience and luck. The monster will bounce the block far away so stand on the block and wait for the monster to push it and hope you can jump to one of the orbs along the ceiling. Fortunately the arrows will all keep you up high for a little while so it gives you some room for error. Once they’re all collected, hop on the monster when it’s in the middle and jump to the exit door.

Map 2-09


Don’t touch any orbs yet. Go to the far right and pull the block to the left with your charge. Once you get it past the two mixed orbs, jump on it and keep inching it to the left. Jump to the platform to the upper left when you get a chance and quickly grab the block orb up here before the block covers it. Inch this upper block to the right and hop onto the block below. Let the top block slide onto your head. Keep inching to the right with the top block on your head and the bottom block on the ground. They will slide with you. Once you reach the first mixed block, you will change colors and the blocks will repel from you rather than attract to you so quickly run to the left. You can grab the white orb as well. Repel the two blocks, which should now be stacked, to the far right wall. Go back and grab the other mixed orb, still leaving the black orb.

Jump at the stack of blocks and you’ll block the top block while pulling the lower block. Quickly jump onto the top block and inch to the right so you can jump onto the teleporter. When you teleport, grab the orb to your right. Jump back into this teleporter, you won’t teleport back, this is the teleporter exit. Jump over the wall to the right. Go to the far right and jump onto the right teleporter. Grab the white orb and then the black orb. Go to the left and grab the mixed orb next to the exit door. Fall down to the right and quickly move to the left without letting the blocks unstack. Push the blocks back to the right wall when you land on the ground. Now go get the black orb, then head back to the block stack. Use the same trick to reach the teleporter as before. Jump over the wall on the other side of the teleporter and jump to the exit.

Map 2-10


Jump the gap to the right and walk through the teleporter exit. Jump and grab the candy above. Jump onto the lower black block and let the upper one slide towards you. Once it lands on your head, run to the far left quickly. Now jump towards the stack of blocks, you will push the top block a little bit, jump on that one quickly as well. Inch over to the right a bit. Jump up to the mixed orb above and land on the stacked blocks. They will want to slide away from you, quickly jump to the platform to the right. Jump up to the key in the top right corner and land on the platform to the right. Jump the gap to the final mixed orb to the left. Now fall down to the right for the exit to complete this level.

Map 3-01


Start off by jumping over all the orbs to the left. Grab the key and pick up the left most black orb. Now jump over all the orbs again while you get to the far right side. Use the black arrow to reach the platform above. Hold jump to the left to reach the higher platform in the middle and grab the white orb. Now jump back to the right and slowly pull the black block towards you. Drop down when you get close to the edge and let it land on your head. Slowly inch to the left, it has to stay on your head to complete this level.

When you reach the next black orb, be ready because it will want to go away from you. When you pick up the black orb, quickly move to the right enough so it starts moving to the left. Now keep inching to the left to let it reach the platform there. Jump over the white orb for now and push the block off the platform. Once it falls down, pick up the white orb and drop down. Pull it all the way to the left and use it to jump into the exit.

Map 3-02


Go to the right and grab just one of the two orbs over the white arrows. Now enter the teleporter to the left. Pick up the white orb over the black arrows. Now use the white arrow next to the teleporter to get onto the teleporter. Jump to the left. Use the white block to reach the platform in the upper right and pick up the mixed orb to the right. Now head back to the left and pick up the mixed orb and hit the switch. Drop back down and enter the teleporter again.

Pick up the other mixed orb over the white arrows, leave the left mixed orb there for now. Jump up the black arrow to reach the higher platforms. Leave the first white orb you’ll come across and use the black arrow to reach the platform to the upper left. Pick up both of those orbs up there and then drop back down to the white orb. Pick that one up. Drop back down to the ground and pick up the final mixed orb. Use the black arrow tiles to jump to the exit.

Map 3-03


Jump on the monster when he heads to the right and jump onto the wall. Jump a couple times to break the block and grab the clock. Now go to the left and enter the teleporter. Grab the orb to your right. Go to the far left, jumping over the hole you made, and grab the white orb and candy here. Push the block to the right and when it drops, keep pushing it to the right from above until it drops under the exit. Hit the switch and enter the teleporter in the top right. Wait to the left of the teleporter for the monster and jump on its head to reach the mixed orb. Now go right and wait for the monster to approach the right wall. Jump on it to get over the wall and use the block to reach the exit.

Map 3-04


Move to the right and jump on the block on the ground. Inch over to the left with it under you and attract the block above you onto your head. Inch all the way over to the right with one block under you and one block on your head. Quickly run to the left so they fall on top of each other. Jump towards the blocks and you’ll push the top block a little so you land on the bottom block. Quickly jump on the top block so they stay stacked. Jump and grab the black orb under the black arrow first, then quickly grab the mixed orb while landing on the stacked blocks. Inch to the left platform. Grab the candy while you’re going there. Keep jumping to make the white block above fall to the left. Jump on the white block while it’s under the switch and hit it. Use the teleporter. Hold jump to grab the candy to your right and get back on the platform to the left for the added time bonus and hit the exit door.

Map 3-05


To start, this may be the most difficult level in the game. I’d like to start by saying there’s no shame in skipping this one with the passwords below! You have to hit a lot of precision jumps pretty much throughout the entire level and missing a couple will lead you to fail. There is a trick in this game to get some added height on arrow tiles that attract you. Say you want to climb the stair case to the right when you’re white and are attracted to the black blocks. Now you have to have no tile to your left and a right arrow tile directly to your right. Stand on the far left edge of the tile you’re on. Jump to the left and as you start to fall, start to go back to the right. You have a lot of control in the air in this game. Hold jump while landing. If you hit the right spot, you will get a slightly higher jump which is just enough to reach the next arrow tile. This jump is necessary to complete this level. As I said, you may want to just skip this level via password because it’s very tough.

Start off by grabbing the black orb above you. Jump to the left and jump over the first white orb you see. Jump up and grab both mixed orbs in one jump. If you miss, you’re not completing this level and will have to surrender. Now jump to the left and grab both white orbs and fall into the black orb. Again, if you miss one of these in this one jump, you’ll have to give up. Go to the right and jump over the first white orb you see. Jump up the platforms to the right and you’ll have to jump around all of these orbs to the highest platform to the right. You want to get to the left of the black orb without touching any orbs yet.

Jump to the white orb in the upper left corner of this half of the level. Fall onto the white orb below. Use the trick I explained at the beginning of this level for the next orb to the left and climb back up these platforms. That jump is tricky so don’t worry if it takes you a few tries. Fortunately, the timer goes slow so you should have time. Jump over the black orb and pick up the two white orbs in the bottom right, THEN the mixed orb. Jump back up and get under the black orb. Jump to the right most white orb without picking up the black orb and fall back towards the black orb. Grab the black orb. Jump to the highest white orb here and head left. Use the boosted jump trick to get up the platforms to the left while picking up the final white orb. After you finish climbing the blocks, just jump to the exit to complete this room.

Map 3-06


Go to the right and grab the black orb above. Do not grab the mixed orb yet. Fall down and jump just to the left of the black block. Push it as far as you can to the right without letting it drop down. Head back for the mixed orb and grab it. Head back towards the black block and sit under the hole above. Wait for the block to pull to you and jump on it when it reaches you. Jump to the right and let the black block fall below. Now jump to the candy and white block in the upper right corner. Drop down and go left. Pull the black block off the platform above and bring it as far to the left as you can. Jump on it and jump to the key and mixed orb just to your right. The block should repel to the left wall now. Jump on it and then jump to the exit.

Map 3-07


Go to the left and stand under the white arrow block. Jump to reach the platform above and to the left. Use the black arrow block to jump onto the white arrow block to the right. Don’t grab that mixed orb yet. Fall to the right to get the candy and jump under the block to the right of the arrow until it breaks for a hidden extra life. Now fall down again and jump under the white arrow block to reach the platform to the left again. Jump onto the white arrow block. Jump to the mixed orb in the top right corner and fall back onto the white arrow block. Jump to the left and pick up the mixed orb over the black arrow black now. Fall to the left onto the lower white arrow block.

Jump to the left and make your way to the bottom left corner. Jump onto the white block and then to the platform to the left. Don’t grab any block yet. Keep jumping until the black block above falls to the right onto the black arrow blocks. Now jump to the mixed orb and quickly grab the white orb above. Fall down and go to the right before you push the bottom white block away. Get under the black arrow blocks and keep jumping to get the black block to go to the right. Go to the right until you get on the white arrow block. Jump up the two platforms to the left and hop on the black block. Inch to the left while you ride it and jump to the exit door.

Map 3-08


This level will have a really long start. Go to the right and hold jump. Just keep jumping over the bullets and eventually the monster will get close to you. Jump on it when it does to reach the platform above. Pull the black block to you and jump on it. Jump to the black orb above. Quickly fall down to the right and push the black orb above to the left. When it just reaches the last block, quickly run to the left. Do this quickly enough so it doesn’t fall off completely.

Jump on the monster’s head and ride it to the right. Quickly jump onto the platform and the black block before it slides under the wall. Quickly jump onto the block below the black orb and jump to grab it. Now fall back down to the left. Hop on the monster’s head in the bottom left corner and pick up the mixed orb and candy here. Ride the monster one more time to the platform to the right. Hop on the black block as it comes towards you and use it to reach the platform to the upper left. Run to the exit to complete this level.

Map 3-09


Ride up the lift in the middle and jump to the platform to the right. Pull the black block above down to the left off the platform it’s on. Jump on top of it. If you can’t get on it, you can fall to the right and loop around back to the lift. Just make sure the block doesn’t fall off this platform. Jump up to the mixed orb above and grab it. Now push the block to the left. Push the block to the lower left mixed orb. Pick it up and now the block will pull to you. Jump on it and go to the right to go up the lift.

Make sure the white arrow doesn’t push you off the lift and ride it up to the very top. At the top, go to the left and let the lift bring the block up the rest of the way. Pull it over to the last mixed orb. Jump up and grab it. Now the block will push away from you. Quickly jump to the right of the block before it falls off. Slowly push it to the left and jump on it. Jump to the mixed orb and just jump to the exit from here.

Map 3-10


Start this by holding right. Pull the white block from the right side to the left. When you get close to the stack of blocks, jump on the block you pulled to the left. Don’t get close enough to break the stack. Jump onto the stack from here and quickly jump to the mixed orb. Now push the right most black block to the right and jump to the lift on the right wall. Jump on the white arrows to hit the switch and step into the teleporter. Go to the left to the exit door.

Map 4-01


Grab the black orb to the left and ride up the lift in the middle. Wait until you are touching the ceiling. Hold right and you’ll hit the first two white orbs. Drop to the left and pick up the mixed orb. Now ride the lift again. Pick up the last white orb in the top right corner. Drop down to the right and pick up the mixed orb just over the exit door.

Map 4-02


Grab the black orb to your right. Jump on the black arrow and grab the white orb above to the right. Go to the left and enter the teleporter. Grab both black orbs here and jump to hit the switch. Enter the teleporter again. Jump to the right and up the next black arrow. Grab the two white orbs here and drop down. Go through this teleporter exit and only pick up one of the black orbs. Go back to the upper right corner and go left. Grab the rest of the white orbs. You can reach the last two white orbs by jumping before the second from the left most black arrow block. You’ll have enough height that you can reach the next platform without getting pulled down. Grab the last two white orbs. Now loop back around to the bottom to pick up the last black orb and loop back around to the top to get to the exit.

Map 4-03


Go to the left and only pick up one of the mixed orbs. Now go right, picking up the bottom white orb. Leave the second white orb there for now. Jump up to the top right platform and jump over to the left. You have to hold jump but you can make it. Grab the black orb. Jump the gap and head to the upper left corner. Jump over the first two white orbs and grab the left most white orb. Fall into the next white orb, leaving the last white orb up there. Grab the black orb on the way down and continue to the right, grabbing the mixed orb in your way.

Climb back up the platforms to the right and jump onto the platform to the left when you reach the exit door. Fall into the G to your left and grab the mixed orb. Climb out of this area and fall back to the ground. Go right and grab the white orb in the bottom right corner. Jump up the tiles here and make your way to the top left corner. Grab the final white orb there and fall down. Go right again, climbing the blocks for the last time to the exit.

Map 4-04


Grab the white orb to your right. Jump to the platform to the right. Drop down into the black orb and grab the candy. Go left. Jump over the mixed orb and jump up the black arrow tile. Grab the white orb up there and the key. Go right and drop down on the far right side. Grab the black orb and pull the white block out. Get to just the left of the wall that the black block above is touching. Jump along this wall until you push the black block as far to the right as you can. Now jump on the white block below and inch until you’re to the right of that wall. Jump some more to push the black block off the edge to the right. Move the white block further to the left and grab the mixed orb to change to white. Go right and jump up the blocks to reach the exit.

Map 4-05


Grab the black orb first and jump to the candy. Jump to the platform above and grab the mixed orb, leave the white orb. Jump to the next platform and again, only grab the mixed orb, leave the black orb. Jump above and go to the right, grabbing the two orbs here. Fall down to the next platform and grab the right mixed orb here, leaving the left orb. Fall to the right mixed orb. Keep holding jump and land on the left orb, then hold jump and left to reach the platform to the left. Jump over the mixed orb to the top platform. Fall down to the left and grab the white orb, then the black orb, then the mixed orb. That’s all of them. Jump up to the double black arrows on the ceiling and holding right to move into the exit door.

Map 4-06


Go to the far left and ride up the lift. Fall down the gap to the right to grab the black orb. Ride back up the same lift and jump the gap to the right. Grab the black orb. Jump all the gaps until you reach the top right corner. Fall and pick up just the mixed orb. Jump out of here, leaving the white orb, and fall back to the ground. Go back to the left and jump on the white arrow in the ground to reach the black orb in the bottom left. Now ride that lift on the left side again and jump to the right. Grab the remaining orbs from left to right as you see them. Fall onto the ground in the bottom right corner and use the white arrow tiles to reach the exit door.

Map 4-07


Jump over the mixed orb and go left. Pick up all the black orbs to the left. Now go right and pick up the mixed orb. Jump on the black block to the right and ride it all the way to the left. Jump up and down while inching to the right when you get under the black block in the upper left corner. You want that block to fall on your head. Once it falls on your head, quickly run to the right so the top block falls onto the lower block. Pull these two blocks to the far right. Jump up towards the top block to slow it down and quickly jump onto the top block to reach the platform above. Jump over the black orb and go to the left. Jump up the white arrow tile and grab the mixed orb. Head to the top right corner and pull the block off to the left. Let it drop down and move it towards the white arrow. Fall down, grab the final black orb, and jump on the block you just made drop. Jump onto the platforms above and run to the exit.

Map 4-08


Jump over the first black orb and keep jumping here. The white block above will fall off to the left. Jump onto it and ride it to the right far enough for you to get past all the black orbs. Fall down and go left while avoiding every black orb. Ride this white block to the right. Time the magnetic pushes so the two white blocks land on top of each other. A good method is to jump from in between two black orbs to get the two blocks lined up vertically. Keep pushing them to the right when the top block falls onto the bottom block. Quickly jump up them to reach the platform in the top right corner and grab the white orb there. Now jump down and collect the three black orbs in the bottom left. Pull the stacked blocks to the left and jump on them to reach the platform on the top left. Collect the remaining black orbs and jump to the exit in the top left.

Map 4-09


Go to the left and pull the block all the way to the right. Grab the white orb over the black arrow while you head to the right with the block. Jump on it when you’re to the far right and keep jumping to pull the block above down. Let it land on you. Pull the blocks to the right wall and run left to get out. Jump onto the top of these blocks and grab the two white orbs above. Now pull just one block to the left. When you get under the key. Jump a few times to pull the block above down and let it land on your head. Quickly run to the left when it drops to let the two blocks fall on top of each other. Jump on them and ride the lift. Grab just one black orb and fall to the right. Jump up the black arrows to get the white orb on the right. Head back to the stack of blocks to the left and jump on them. Ride the lift and grab the remaining orbs here. Jump to the exit from the platform with the last white orb on it.

Map 4-10


Jump on the monster for the white orb above. Go left and grab the mixed orb. Jump up the platform and collect all the white orbs as you head for the top right corner. When you collect the final orb, jump down to the ground. Jump over the monster and go wait on the black arrow for the monster to come back. Keep jumping until you’re on the monster’s head and jump to the platforms above. Jump to the exit from here.

Map 5-01


Go to the right and grab just the first black orb, leave the one on the far right there for now. Pull the white orb to the left and use it to jump over the wall. Jump over both the white orb and black orb here. Quickly jump to the far left so the two black blocks don’t unstack and grab the white orb in the bottom left. Pull the two blocks over to the left and make sure they don’t fall off each other. Jump on them and grab the two white orbs in the top left. Now pull the blocks to the right and jump to the platform above. Make sure they still don’t unstack and grab the black orb. Jump over the stack to the left and push them to the right. You want to make sure to keep them stacked all the way. Keep pushing them until the top block falls onto the white arrows.

Get on top of the right back block and inch to the right so you can get the black orb. Grab that black orb as quickly as you can and get to the right side of the black block so it starts pushing to the left. If you wait too long, it will get stuck on the wall. Push the black block to the left so you can get out of this pit with the white arrows. Push the other black block to the left onto the black arrow. When it’s on the black arrow, jump on it and jump to the platform to the right. Jump on the black arrow block and grab the white orb while you climb the wall to the right. Push the block as far as you can to the right. Grab the black orb there so the block pulls to you. Jump on it in that little gap that leads to the exit and jump to the exit.

Map 5-02


Grab the white orb to the left. Jump up the white arrow to your right and land on the platform with the black orb to the right but do not pick up the black orb. Jump over it and land on the right side of that platform. Jump to the block to the right and grab the black orb on the right wall. Jump up above and grab all these orbs as you go left. Grab the black orb that you’ll see in the upper left by jumping just to the right of the black arrow and moving into it mid jump. Jump up to the three black arrow blocks and jump over this white orb. Grab the first white orb just through the push tile to the left.

Now go back to the right, you’ll be able to go through the push tile, and pick up the white orb you just jumped over. Go a little further to the right and pick up the black orb. Jump back up to the upper left. Don’t grab any of the orbs yet. Fall to the platform in the upper left and drag the block to the right. Get it close to the edge but don’t let it drop yet. Jump above and grab all three white orbs. Land to the left of the block and push the orb to the right. Let it drop and keep pushing it to the right. If you didn’t land to the left of the block before it fell, it may get stuck on the wall when it lands below and you’ll have to restart so make sure to land next to the block before it falls down. Push it to get under the exit and leave this level through it.

Map 5-03


Push the black block off the platform to the left. Jump and grab just the white orb, leaving the mixed orb there. Push the block all the way to the left and jump on it to get to the arrow blocks on the left side of the screen. Don’t grab the mixed orb on the ground just yet. Jump onto the white block and jump up. You’ll have to move a bit in the air to get above the white arrows so it may take a few tries. Jump to the black orbs above. Just get one. It’s really hard to get both in one jump anyway. Fall down and pick up the mixed orb below. Now jump back up to get the other black orb. Fall down and push the black block to the far right and jump up the platforms. Pick up the mixed orb in the top right corner and run to the exit in the bottom left corner.

Map 5-04


Move to the right on the blocks. Skip the first white orb and grab the second. The blocks will want to quickly slide away from you. Quickly fall to the left and hold jump. If you don’t hold jump, you’ll be bugged and stuck slightly above the white arrows even though you should be able to jump. Push the blocks all the way to the right wall while avoiding every single black orb. When it reaches the white wall, keep jumping until you reach the top right black orb. You’ll have to move side to side in the air a bit but you’ll get up there. Now the blocks will pull with you so just stay put on them and move to the left. Pick up every black orb as you see it.

If you can’t reach the lowest black orb, fall while hugging the block stack. You’ll stop the upper one from moving and the lower will still move under you. You just have to make sure to quickly jump back onto the top block. Keep going to the left and pick up the last white orb. Push the blocks to the far left wall and use this to reach the exit. Again, you’ll have to move side to side in the air a bit to get maximum height from the arrows but you’ll get it quickly.

Map 5-05


Jump to the platform directly above you from the left side. Jump over the white orb and onto the arrow tiles to the right. Pull the black block onto the arrow tiles. Jump on it and push it onto the black arrow. Keep jumping until the black block reaches the highest area it’ll get to. Jump up to the upper left and grab the black orb. Go left and grab the next black orb. Now go back right and fall down to the white orb. Jump back onto the black block and to the platform above. Get the mixed orb in the top left corner. This part can get really tricky now.

You want to push the block to the left but it has to land on the next platform. If you land on the right side of it, it seems to give it some more speed to jump that small gap. If it drops to the ground, you’ll have to start this level over. Push it to the far left edge of this platform until it’s just about to fall but don’t let it fall. Instead, jump to the right and wait for the monster to go left. You want to push the block onto the monster’s head and keep pushing it to the left. I suggest getting right behind the monster because it will move faster than the block and you don’t want it to fall. Keep pushing it to the left until it falls onto the white arrows. Jump on it and inch it to the left so you don’t get stuck on the white arrows. Get to the exit when it’s safe.

Map 5-06


Go to the left and grab the black orb in the bottom left corner. Now jump on the black arrow just to your right and grab the black orb to the upper right of the area between the big 2 and 1. Now jump into the bottom portion of the 2 and grab the mixed orb to change to white. Go to the right and jump up the white arrows to get onto the big 4. Grab the white orb and jump over the mixed orb. Fall to the right and pick up the black orb. Now go back and grab the mixed orb under the 4 to change to white again.

Jump up the white arrows onto the 4 and grab the mixed orb. Jump onto the 1 from here. Fall onto the right arrow that is pointing left. Grab the first mixed orb to change to white and then jump on the vertical arrow to get to the top of the 2, picking up the mixed orb and white orb here. Now just jump across the top platforms to the exit in the top right corner of the level.

Map 5-07


Don’t grab any of the lower orbs. Wait for the monster to jump over your head and jump to the right. Pull the white block down and move it towards the far right wall. Jump on it to reach the platform above. Jump up there and grab the two black orbs. Now jump onto the block and inch it as far to the left without falling off as you can. When the monster stops to the right, and under the block, quickly shift to the white block. The block will pull away from you. Jump up it onto the platform above. Grab all of the orbs up here and jump to the black orb on the far left wall. Now grab all the black orbs down below. You’ll have to jump on the monster’s head to reach the higher two. When you have all the black orbs, pick up the final white orb on the bottom left. Jump onto the block in the bottom right corner and jump to the exit.

Map 5-08


Jump over the mixed orb to the right and pick up the white orb. Now grab the mixed orb and jump up the black arrow. Pull the white block in the top left to the right without grabbing any white orbs. Pull the block all the way to the left push tiles. Now collect all the white orbs, starting with the far right one, and keep the block pushed as far to the right on the middle platform as you can. Jump on it to reach the black orb above. Drop down to the ground and go to the bottom right corner. Push the block above to the far right wall. Now jump back up the arrow block to the far left and jump towards the exit. Go into this little alcove in the top right and grab the white orb, then the black orb. Head under the exit and keep jumping until the block comes under you and jump to the exit.

Map 5-09


Grab the black orb and pull the block to the right. Leave the mixed orb up here. When you get close to the edge, jump to the right, leaving the block on this platform. Grab the black orb to the right and jump back over the white orb. Pull the block onto your head and slowly inch to the right. Keep going until you walk into the white orb and quickly shift your position to keep pushing the block to the right while it’s on your head. When it’s as far to the right as it can go, jump to the mixed orb in the top right. Now pull the block to the left. Jump onto the platform in the upper left when you can and grab the mixed orb.

Push the block down to the left and fall down, grabbing the mixed orb below you. Fall to the right and let the block slide onto your head. Walk to the right, grabbing the white orb, and shift your position to keep the block moving right. Keep going right and stop just before you touch the mixed orb. The block will go onto the platform to the right. Push it to the far right wall and jump to the black orb. Now get the block in the middle of this platform and jump just to the left of the mixed orb without touching it. The block will slide onto your head. Stay here until it stops moving and quickly go right to grab the mixed orb. Now the block will push away from you, to the left, while still on your head. Keep going left with it so it doesn’t fall off. Get it all the way under the exit door and jump on it to reach the exit.

Map 5-10


Start by immediately falling to the left. Jump into the small hole to the right and push the blocks to the right so they stack. Quickly jump on them and jump to the white orb just to the right. Land back on the blocks and jump to the platform you started on. At this point, the blocks must still be stacked. Now jump to the top left and pull that block down to the bottom left corner but don’t drop down to the ground. Stand on it while you guide it down there and jump back onto the middle platform.

Now stand on the white arrow to the right, the block should slide under you. If it doesn’t jump back on it and try again. Sometimes it gets stuck but it will slide underneath. Once it’s under the arrow, jump back into the small hole to the right and jump to the platforms above from here. Grab the mixed orb in the upper left. Now drop down to the left of the middle platform. Push all the blocks to the right simultaneously so all three stack on top of each other. Push them to the far right wall without grabbing any of the orbs yet. When they all touch the wall, grab the white block on the ground and quickly jump up all of them. Grab the two white blocks above. Pull the blocks to the left and jump into the exit door.

3. Passwords CADA03







4. Contact CADA04

Do you have any suggestions, comments, critiques, or just a simple thanks to me? Well you could e-mail me at FrankTheTank3388@gmail.com and tell me what you think! You could tell me whatever you’d like about the game whether it’s a tip not listed in this guide that you think would help a lot of people, a mistake I made, or just a simple thanks. I will try to get back to you as quickly as possible answering any questions you may have. Just make sure to include something about Hiden Inyou Kikouhou: Ca Da in the subject of the e-mail or I will delete it. Please don’t send any attachments or I will immediately delete the e-mail without opening it. I have recently received a virus through an e- mail and was forced to reformat and I’m not going to go through that again.

Things/How to E-Mail me about:
-What you think about this guide.
-If you need any additional help or clarification.
-Some tips for maps or strategies that aren’t in this guide.
-Anything you think would be a good addition to this guide.
-Make sure your subject indicates you’re trying to contact me about this game.
-Just a simple thanks!

Things/How NOT to E-Mail me about:
-Things that don’t have anything to do with the game.
-Anything that is already clearly discussed in this guide.
-Any file attachments.
-With really bad grammar! I understand that for some people, English isn’t
their first language but that doesn’t mean you should send me something
completely unreadable because you’re too lazy to use punctuations or spaces.
If I can’t understand what you’re trying to say, your e-mail will be ignored.

5. Disclaimer CADA05

This FAQ / Walkthrough is copyrighted © 2017 to Frank Grochowski. International Copyright laws protect this FAQ / Walkthrough. You cannot sell this FAQ / Walkthrough for a profit of any kind. You cannot reproduce this FAQ/Walkthrough in any way with out my written consent. You are however allowed to download this FAQ/Walkthrough for personal use.

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