Honor of Kings – Basic game guide, with the main information about the mobile MOBA

Honor of Kings – Basic game guide, with the main information about the mobile MOBA

March 10, 2024 Off By David Pontes

What is Honor of Kings?

Honor of Kings  is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena style game, often abbreviated as MOBA, in which two teams compete against each other on a predefined map, with the ultimate objective of destroying the opposing team’s base, known as like Cristal, while defending their own base.

To achieve this, there are several smaller objectives along the way, such as gaining experience and gold by defeating enemy units, securing strategic points on the map, destroying enemy towers, and coordinating with your team to overcome and defeat the enemy.

Before a match, players select a hero, each with their own unique abilities that can be improved during the course of the match.

The map in  Honor of Kings  is divided into three main routes — Upper (Clash Lane), Middle (Mid Lane) and Lower (Farm Lane), as well as a jungle area full of neutral monsters. Each route has its own characteristics and is generally suitable for certain types of heroes.

In addition to the game’s objectives, many players also seek to improve their skills, climb the competitive rankings, and have fun playing with friends.
Honor of Kings  is free and available for iOS and Android devices.

  • What are the minimum/recommended specifications of the phone ? 

Honor of Kings  is designed to run on a wide range of devices, but for the best gaming experience you’ll need a device with decent specs. While exact requirements may vary by game version and region, here are some general guidelines:
Minimum requirements:

  • Operating System: Android 5.1 or iOS 11.0
  • Processor: 1.2 GHz or Higher
  • RAM: 1GB
  • Storage: At least 3 GB of free space

 Recommended requirements:

  • Operating System: Android 8.0 or iOS 11, or later
  • Processor: 2 GHz or better (Quad-core or better is preferred)
  • RAM: 4GB or more
  • Storage: 8 GB or more of free space

NOTE:  These are general guidelines only and actual performance may vary depending on other factors such as your device’s screen resolution, background applications, and more.

  • What game modes does Honor of Kings offer?

Classic 5v5  — the most popular game mode, is the one in which two teams of five players face each other. Coordination, teamwork and strategy are crucial to achieving victory in this mode

Quick Match  — a scaled-down version of the classic 5v5 mode, with a smaller map and faster gameplay. Ideal for players who want a quick game without the time commitment of a full match.

Solo Battle  — This is your mode if you prefer to hone your skills alone, subdivided into two sections: Training Camp and Simulation. In both, players will compete against bots (AI-controlled heroes) with the Training Camp aimed at newcomers to Honor of Kings and/or the MOBA genre, while the Simulation is designed to learn new strategies and improve players’ skills. Both are also a great way to try out new heroes before jumping into battle against other players.

  • On average, how long does a match last?

A typical 5v5 mode in  Honor of Kings  usually lasts 10 to 15 minutes. In other modes, such as 1v1 or 3v3, players usually finish in 5 to 10 minutes.

  • What are the different personality traits of heroes?

Assassin : Assassins are agile heroes who excel at quickly eliminating high-value targets. They have strong explosive damage and good mobility, allowing them to navigate the battlefield and attack with precision.
Warrior : Warriors are versatile heroes, capable of inflicting damage, as well as being able to withstand more attacks from opponents. Their abilities often include a mix of offensive and defensive abilities, making them adaptable in various situations.
Wizard : Wizards are powerful spell casters who unleash devastating magical abilities from a distance. They excel at dealing AoE damage and controlling the battlefield with crowd control spells.
Marksman : Marksmen are ranged heroes who focus on dealing consistent physical damage from a safe distance. They are excellent for overcoming objectives and reducing enemy health bars over time.
Support : Supports are utility heroes who assist their allies and disrupt enemy strategies. They excel at healing, protecting, and providing crowd control.
Tank : Tanks are durable heroes who excel at absorbing damage and initiating fights. Their abilities often include crowd control and damage mitigation, which
allows them to protect the team while disrupting enemies.

  • What are the best heroes to choose if you are a new player?

It is recommended that beginning players start with one of three heroes: Hou Yi (Sniper), Angela (Mage), and Lian Po (Tank). Additionally, most of our players find Di Renjie (Sniper), Xiao Qiao (Mage), Kaizer, and Arthur (Warriors) easier to master than other heroes.

Hou Yi (Sniper)
Angela (Maga)
Lian Po (Tank)
 Di Renjie (Sniper)
Xiao Qiao (Maga)
Kaizer (Warrior)
Arthur (Warrior)
  • What types of heroes are best suited for different playstyles?

In  Honor of Kings , there are several types of heroes that cater to different playstyles. Here’s a general breakdown:

  1. Top Laner : This type of hero is generally suitable for players who enjoy one-on-one combat and playing more durable heroes such as tanks. Top laners often need to be self-sufficient and good at managing their lane.
  2. Mid Laner : Mid laners are usually the main magic damage dealers on the team. This role is great for players who like to play high-damage heroes and have a big impact on the game from early to mid-game. They often roam the map to help other routes, so good map awareness is crucial.
  3. ADC/Marksman : These heroes are for players who like to deal large amounts of damage, but from a safe distance. Marksman are usually weak at the beginning of the match, but become very strong towards the end of the match. This role requires a good fighting position and efficient farming skills.
  4. Support : This role is for players who enjoy helping their team rather than being the main damage dealer. Supports protect and assist your team, provide vision on the map, and control the pace of the match. They need to have good map awareness and communication.
  5. Jungler : These are for players who like to have a high level of map control. Junglers roam the map, secure objectives and ambush unsuspecting enemies. This role requires good decision-making skills and game sense to know when to engage or disengage.

Remember, these are general guidelines and specific roles may vary depending on matches. It’s also important to note that being flexible and able to wear multiple roles can be very beneficial to your team.

  • Should I specialize in a single hero or route, or try others as well?

We encourage our players to try all routes and heroes, as they all offer unique experiences. However, the more they delve into the game, the better they will understand which heroes and routes they are best suited for.

  • How can I find out which route I should play during the pre-match phase?

Players generally know which route they are best at or which they want to play for a match. Sometimes, to balance the team, some players may switch to a different lane or hero during the match preparation period. If you are totally new to this game, just try it out and see which routes/heroes suit you best.

When you reach Gold level, you will unlock a Route Pre-Select feature, which allows players to pre-select their routes before selecting heroes, thus preventing players from occupying each other’s routes in the hero selection phase .

  • What are the different phases that players will face in each battle?

In a typical  Honor of Kings 5v5 match , each game can be divided into three main phases: the early game (or laning phase), the midgame, and the late game. Here is a brief overview of each:

Game Start/Laning Phase : This is the beginning of the match where players generally stay on their designated routes and focus on farming (killing troops to gain gold and experience), attacking Enemy players on your route and try to destroy the enemy’s outer towers. The objective during this phase is to gain a gold level advantage over the enemy team.

Mid-Game : This phase usually begins when some towers are destroyed and players begin to roam the map. The focus shifts from individual play to more team-oriented objectives such as securing neutral objectives (like Vanguards or Tyrants), working with troops to destroy turrets (aka pushing lanes), and team fights. Coordination with your team becomes increasingly important at this stage.
Endgame : At this stage, most players will have reached their full build or will be close to it, and the outcome of the game often depends on large team fights. Objectives like the Storm Dragon become crucial, as securing them can provide significant advantages that can help a team advance into the enemy base and destroy their crystal.

Remember, these phases can vary in length and importance depending on the specific game, the strategies employed by teams, and the overall flow of the match.

  • How can you/your team gather gold during a match and why is it important?

In Honor of Kings matches  , gold is a crucial resource that allows players to purchase items to enhance their heroes’ abilities for the duration of that match. There are several ways a player/team can gather gold: 

  1. Kill Troops : The most common way to earn gold is by killing the enemy troop.
  2. Kill Enemy Heroes : Killing an enemy hero grants a significant amount of gold. The amount usually depends on the enemy’s kill streak, the more kills you have without dying, the more gold you get for killing them.
  3. Destroy Structures : Destroying enemy towers or other structures also grants gold to the entire team.
  4. Kill Jungle Monsters : Killing neutral monsters in the jungle provides gold.
  5. Passive Gold : Players also earn gold passively over time, but generally at a much slower rate than actively obtaining it.

Gold is important because it allows players to purchase items that increase their heroes’ stats and abilities, making them more powerful as the match progresses. This could mean more damage, more health, increased movement speed, or other benefits depending on the item. Managing gold effectively – knowing when to farm, when to fight and what items to buy – is a key skill in our games. 

  • How can you check a hero’s characteristics and skills?

Players can easily find an introduction to our heroes as well as tutorial content on how to master heroes in the game. Furthermore, more information can always be found on our  official website  or in the community. Some of our best players or influencers who enjoy our game also produce a lot of tutorial content on YouTube, TikTok or Instagram. Take a look at them.

  • How can you evolve your skills during a match and how does this change your abilities?

In  Honor of Kings , your hero gains experience points (XP) through various actions, such as killing enemy heroes, minions, or neutral monsters, and sometimes by being near enemy minions when they die. Once you have accumulated enough XP, your hero levels up. Remembering that any experience gained is only valid for the current match and will be reset before each new match.

When your hero levels up, you typically gain a skill point that you can use to learn a new skill or improve an existing one, including: 

  1. Basic Skills : These are the skills your hero uses most frequently. You can level them up multiple times, and each level increases the skill’s effectiveness. This could mean more damage, a shorter cooldown, additional effects, or other improvements.
  2. Ultimate Ability : This is generally your hero’s most powerful ability.

Typically, you can start leveling up the ultimate skill at level 4, and you can improve it at higher levels. Ultimate ability upgrade can significantly increase power or reduce cooldown.

  1. Passive Ability : Our heroes have a passive ability that grants a permanent effect. These abilities automatically increase as your hero reaches certain levels.

The order in which you evolve your skills can have a huge impact on your hero’s power at different stages of the match. Some abilities are most effective early in the match, while others become powerful later on. Understanding the best way to evolve your hero’s skills is another fundamental part of mastering  Honor of Kings .

  • How can I restore my health during a match?

Restoring health during a match is crucial to surviving and continuing to participate in fights. Here are several common ways to restore health: 

  1. Return to Base : You can restore your health and mana by returning to your base. This can be done by tapping the “Recall” button on the screen. Health and mana regenerate quickly when at base.
  2. Health Packs : These are located near your outer turrets. Stepping over a health pack will restore a portion of your health. These packs will disappear once the outer turrets are destroyed.
  3. Healing Skills  — General : You can choose a healing skill before entering a match. Typically, a Support chooses it to heal themselves and/or their surrounding teammates.
  4. Healing Abilities — heroes : Some heroes, especially Supports (e.g. Cai Yan), have strong healing abilities that can heal themselves and/or their surrounding teammates.
  5. Kill Monsters : Killing certain jungle monsters can also restore a small amount of health.
  6. Lifesteal:  Some hero items or abilities provide vampirism, which allows your hero to recover health based on the damage they deal. 

Remember, managing your health is crucial in  Honor of Kings . Knowing when to retreat and heal often makes the difference between winning and losing a game.

  • How to change your equipment during a match? 

In  Honor of Kings , you cannot directly change your equipment during a match. However, you can buy new items and sell old ones at any time during the game, effectively allowing you to change your equipment.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Store : You can open the store by tapping the “Store” button on the screen.
  2. Buy New Items : You can buy new items using the gold you earn during the match. The items you can purchase are displayed in the store. Tap an item to purchase it.
  3. Sell ​​Old Items : If your inventory is full and you want to buy a new item, you can sell an old item to free up space. To do this, open the store, tap the “Sell” button and then the item you want to sell.
  4. Auto-Purchase : To make things easier for you,  Honor of Kings  also has an auto-purchase feature. If you enable this feature, the game will automatically purchase items for you based on the pre-defined equipment build you chose before the match began.

Remember, choosing the right items for your hero is a fundamental part of the strategy in our games. Different items can significantly change your hero’s capabilities, so it’s important to understand what each item does and how it fits into your overall strategy. 

  • How to prepare and adjust the construction of your characters? (Using Arcana, changing equipment, choosing Common Skills) 
  1. Arcana : Arcana are special enhancements that you can equip before the match starts. They provide various bonuses to your hero’s stats. You can access the Arcana system from the main menu. There, you can choose which Arcanas to equip based on your hero’s role and your personal play style. You can have multiple Arcana pages for different heroes or roles.
  2. Equipment : You can also set a predefined equipment build for your hero. This is done from the hero page in the main menu. You can choose which items your hero will try to purchase during the match. You can follow the recommended instructions, or you can create your own based on your strategy. During the match, you can purchase these items in the order you set, or you can manually buy and sell items as the situation requires.
  3. Common Skills : These are additional skills you can choose for your hero. You can select them before the match starts. The common skills available depend on your rank level. Some common abilities include “Purify,” which removes control effects, “Heal,” which restores health to you and nearby allies, and “Teleport,” which allows you to teleport a short distance. The choice of common skill can greatly affect your hero’s performance in the match, so choose wisely based on your hero’s role and your strategy.
  • How does matchmaking work and can I challenge higher ranked players?

Matchmaking in  Honor of Kings  is designed to create balanced matches where players of similar skill levels compete against each other. When you queue up for a match, the system tries to find other players who are close to your rank, which can move up or down based on the results of the matches.
As for challenging higher ranked players, that depends on the game modes. In some modes (such as 1v1 mode), you can directly challenge another player to a match, regardless of their rank. However, in ranked matchmaking, you are usually matched with players of similar skill levels, to ensure fair competition.

  • How does the ranking system work?

Ranked mode in  Honor of Kings  offers both global leaderboards and friend leaderboards, with players of the same level competing against each other and receiving a rating star for each victory. Accumulate enough stars to increase your rating.

  • How to track your progress in the rankings? (Rankings and Path to Greatness)

In  Honor of Kings , you can track your progress through the ranked ladder in several ways:

  1. Rank : Your current rank is the most direct way to track your progress. As you win ranked matches, you will earn stars. Accumulate enough stars and you will advance to the next rank. The ranking system in  Honor of Kings  generally starts from Bronze, progresses to Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, and then the higher ranks like Grand Master, Mythic, Epic, and Legend. The more you win, the higher you will climb.
  2. Path to Greatness : This is a feature that provides a visual representation of your progress through the ranks. Shows your current rank and the number of stars you need to reach the next rank. It also displays rewards you can earn as you progress, such as skins, heroes, or in-game currency.
  3. Match History : You can also track your progress by looking at your match history, which shows the results of your recent games, including wins and losses, your performance in each match, and the change in your rank.
  4. Statistics : The game provides detailed statistics about your performance, including your win rate, KDA (kills, deaths, assists or in free translation: eliminations, deaths and assists), most played heroes, among others. These statistics can help you identify areas where you can improve.

Remember, climbing the rankings ladder requires not just skill, but also strategy and teamwork. Make sure you communicate with your team, play strategically, and learn from your losses to improve your chances of winning. 

  • What features does the game offer to form a team or join someone’s team? 

Honor of Kings  offers several features that allow players to form a team or join someone else’s team. Here is how you can do this:

  1. Matchmaking : The game’s matchmaking system allows you to play with and against other players of similar skill level. You can choose to play alone or you can team up with friends. When you start a match, the game automatically finds other players to fill any vacancies on your team.
  2. Friends List : You can add other players to your friends list. Once they are on your list, you can invite them to join your team for a match. To do this, go to the “Friends” tab in the main menu, select the friend you want to invite and tap the “Invite” button.
  3. Team Lobby : You can create a team lobby where you can invite your friends to join before starting a match. You can also set a password for your lobby so that only players who know the password can join.
  4. Guilds : You can join a guild, a group of players who frequently play together. Being in a guild makes it easier to find teammates for a match and also offers additional benefits like quests and guild rewards.
  5. Quick Team : This feature allows you to quickly join a team with other players who are also looking for a team. You can access this feature from the main menu.
  • When forming a team, how do you ensure it is balanced and effective?

Forming a balanced and effective team in  Honor of Kings  requires strategic planning and understanding the game’s mechanics. Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Role Diversity : A balanced team should have a mix of different roles. Typically, a team should have a Tank (to absorb damage), a Mage or Marksman (to deal damage), a Support (to heal or provide other benefits), an Assassin (to quickly eliminate important targets), and a Warrior (a role versatile that can adapt to different situations). However, the exact composition may vary depending on your strategy.
  2. Synergy : Look for heroes that work well together. Some heroes have abilities that can combine with each other for devastating effects. For example, a hero might have a skill that stuns enemies, which might be followed by a high-damage skill from another hero.
  3. Counter-Pick : If you know which heroes the enemy team is using, you can choose heroes that are effective against them. This is called counter-choosing. For example, if the enemy team has a lot of tanks (heroes that absorb a lot of damage), you may want to choose heroes that deal percentage damage.
  4. Familiarity : It’s important to choose heroes you feel comfortable with. Even if a hero is theoretically the best choice, it won’t matter if you don’t know how to use it effectively.
  5. Map Awareness : Different heroes stand out in different parts of the map. Some heroes are great for controlling the jungle area, while others are better for pushing lanes. Consider where each hero will be most effective when building your team.
  6. Communication : Make sure you communicate with your team. Discuss your strategy before the match starts and continue to communicate throughout the match. This can help ensure everyone is on the same page and working together effectively.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for building a team. The best team composition can vary depending on many factors, including the specific heroes you have, the enemy team composition, and the map you are playing on. It’s a good idea to try different strategies to find what works best for you.

  • What communication capabilities do you have to coordinate with your teammates during a match?

Honor of Kings  offers several communication features to help you coordinate with your teammates during a match: 

  1. In-game chat : You can use the in-game chat to send messages to your teammates. This can be used to discuss strategies, indicate enemy positions or coordinate attacks.
  2. Quick Messages : If you don’t have time to type a message, you can use the quick messages feature. This allows you to send pre-defined messages like “Attack”, “Defend”, “Withdraw” or “Help” with just one tap. You can also mark specific locations on the map to draw the attention of your teammates.
  3. Voice Chat :  Honor of Kings  also supports voice chat, which can be a very effective way to communicate in real time. You can use it to coordinate with your team, indicate positions, enemies or discuss strategies. Remember to be respectful and constructive when using voice chat.
  4. Emotes : Although not a direct form of communication, emotes can be used to express reactions or emotions during gameplay. They can add a fun element to the game and can sometimes be used to signal intentions or strategies.
  5. Pings : You can mark specific locations on the map to draw your teammates’ attention to that area. This can be used to indicate where you are going, point out where enemies are or suggest where to attack or defend.
  • How to get additional heroes and skins?

In  Honor of Kings , you can acquire additional heroes and skins through several methods: 

  1. In-game currency : You can purchase heroes and skins using in-game currency, which can be earned by playing matches, completing daily and weekly missions, or leveling up your account. There are two types of currency: Asterite and Tokens. Asterite can be earned through gameplay, while Tokens are typically purchased with real money.
  2. Events :  Honor of Kings  frequently holds special events where you can earn rewards, including new heroes and skins. These events may involve completing specific challenges or participating in limited-time game modes.
  3. Honor Pass:  Honor of Kings  has a Battle Pass system, known as the Honor Pass, in which you can earn rewards by leveling up. These rewards can include heroes and skins. You level up your Battle Pass by earning Battle Points, earned by playing matches and completing Battle Pass missions.
  4. Gacha System : The game also has a gacha system where you can get random rewards, which can include heroes and skins. Typically, you need to spend Tokens or other special currencies to use the gacha system.
  5. Gift from Friends : Friends can gift heroes and skins to each other. This can be done in the in-game store.
  6. Season Rewards : At the end of each competitive season, players can receive rewards based on their rank. Higher ranks can earn exclusive heroes and skins.

Remember, while skins can change the appearance of your heroes, they do not provide gameplay advantages. Therefore, you can enjoy the game and be competitive even without spending money on skins or heroes.

  • How often are new heroes and skins released? 

This varies, but we introduce new content regularly to keep  Honor of Kings  fresh and engaging for our players.

  1. New Heroes : A new hero is introduced every month or two. This may vary depending on the game’s development schedule and special events.
  2. New Skins:  New skins are released more frequently, typically on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. These can include skins for existing heroes or skins for new heroes.
  3. Special Events : During special events or holidays, we often release themed heroes or skins, which are available for a limited time.
  4. Collaborations : Occasionally,  Honor of Kings  collaborates with other franchises or brands, resulting in unique heroes or skins. These items are available for a limited time and may not be obtainable after the collaboration event ends.

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