Metal Gear Solid – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Metal Gear Solid – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

April 16, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

Cargo Dock:

When you start the level, you control Solid Snake and emerge from the water at the cargo dock. Your immediate goal is to wait for the elevator to come down so you can go up. During this time, it is crucial to remain hidden from the few guards patrolling the area. Patience is your ally here, as being detected can complicate your mission. There are 3 rations available for collection, but with a load limit of 2. If you take damage, use one of the rations to recover. Here’s where and how you can collect each one:

  1. Ration 1: Once you land in the area, go back into the water and look in the corner to find the first ration.
  2. Ration 2: Return to the dock, crawl under the nearby pipe and stealthily move along the wall. There is a guard nearby, so be cautious. Avoid puddles of water, as making noise can attract unwanted attention. Go right, then down and get the second ration next to the pipe.
  3. Ration 3: Keep moving up until you find a parked vehicle. The third ration is hidden behind this vehicle. However, remember that you can only carry two, so choose wisely.

When the elevator arrives, more guards may appear. Use stealth to enter the elevator undetected and proceed to the next phase.


After exiting the elevator, Solid Snake discards his wetsuit. You will witness Liquid Snake taking off in a helicopter and notice two exits. Before proceeding, there are 2 rations that can be collected:

  • Ration 1: Return down the elevator path and cross the area to find the first ration.
  • Ration 2: Return to the starting point, move up and locate the spotlights. Carefully move left until you see a security camera. There are two strategies to avoid being caught on camera:
    1. Use a chaft grenade to temporarily disable the radar and go unnoticed.
    2. If the camera is facing left, stay to the right to avoid detection.

Approach the box near the camera when it’s facing away and pick up the Stun Grenade. Return to the spotlight and, halfway there, find a Chaft grenade. In the third box, you will find another ration. Proceed to the truck where the Socom weapon is hidden. Slightly to the left is a guard, a ventilation pipe and another camera. Neutralize the guard, use a Chaft Grenade on the camera and enter the ventilation shaft, where the rats will guide you to the exit.

Tank Hangar:

Neutralize the two soldiers attacking from behind. Go behind the stairs where you’ll find a Socon and go up the stairs. Avoid the security camera and proceed to the doorless location, as you don’t yet have the Card Key needed for the other doors. In the place without a door, you will find a Thermal Goggles and further on, another Chaft Grenade. Go down the stairs, enter the elevator and select floor B1 to continue.


Lean against the wall to watch Anderson and then head to the end of the hallway, where you’ll find a staircase. Climb up and locate the two ducts. Enter the second duct to find Darpa Chief Donald Anderson and interact to start a conversation. After Anderson’s unexpected heart attack, wait for the door to open to exit. You will find Meryl and soon guards will appear. Take out the first three guards and let Meryl take care of the rest. Avoid getting hit by running around the room and stay close to the door when bombs are thrown. Finish by going to the elevator to floor B2.


Here the main objective is to use the Level 1 Card to unlock several rooms and explode blue walls to progress. Here is a detailed step-by-step guide:

  1. Use the Level 1 Card to access rooms 2, 4 and 5. These rooms contain useful items that can help progress the game.
  2. Look for three distinct blue walls that can be destroyed with C4. Two are located in front of rooms 1 and 3, and the third is positioned below room 4.
  3. After entering the third demolished wall, go down and you will come across another blue wall. Use more C4 to blow it up and move forward.
  4. In the next area, you will find two additional blue walls. Destroy both, but enter the one next to it to collect more C4. Going up from there, you will face Revolver Ocelot.

Ocelot revolver

Confronting Revolver Ocelot is a strategic challenge that requires focus and timing:

  1. Kenneth Baker is trapped in this area, and it is crucial to remember not to use explosives against Ocelot.
  2. Arm yourself with Socon. The tactic is to chase Ocelot and shoot when he is reloading.
  3. After defeating Ocelot, collect the Level 2 Card from Baker.
  4. Return to the main Armory and use the new card to open door 6. Be aware as there are now guards patrolling the area.

Tank Hangar

The Tank Hangar phase requires stealth and timing tactics to avoid detection:

  1. Return to the elevator and head right until you find a room where a guard is napping. Use the Socon to silently neutralize him.
  2. Climb the ladder and collect items from the available rooms.
  3. Communicate with Meryl using frequency 140.15 and wait while she opens the gate.
  4. Use Thermal Goggles to view and avoid lasers. Proceed through the door ahead to face the second boss.

Canyon and Vulcan Raven

In the Canyon, preparation for the battle against Vulcan Raven is vital:

  1. Use the mine detector to carefully locate and collect the crouching Claymores to avoid detonation.
  2. During the boss fight, employ chaft grenades to disable the enemy’s electronic vision.
  3. Approach Vulcan Raven to throw grenades at it.
  4. Dodge by circling the tank to avoid getting hit.

Nuke Building 1

In this phase, the player must use resources wisely and navigate the environment strategically:

  1. Return to collect ammo and additional items if necessary.
  2. Go under the large gate. In this area, the key is to use Chaft Grenades to avoid detection.
  3. Communicate using the frequency 141.52.
  4. Head up and climb the stairs, avoiding the security camera.
  5. When the guard passes, enter the elevator and select floor B1.

Nuke Building B1

Nuke Building B1 requires the player to collect essential items to continue:

  1. Enter the door ahead to collect ammo and weapons.
  2. After gearing up, proceed to floor B2.

Nuke Building B2

Floor B2 is a challenging area with several obstacles:

  1. Go down and you will find an electrified floor. Remember this area has an oxygen limit.
  2. A generator is shown and must be destroyed using the Nikita missile launcher. Guide the missile to the generator to disable the electricity.
  3. Explore rooms 1 and 2. In the second room, look for the Gas Mask, a crucial item for survival in gas environments.
  4. Continuing downward, you will come across a fork. On the left are items and ammunition, while on the right you will find NINJA, indicating the next confrontation.


When confronting the Ninja, known as Gray Fox, a direct and aggressive approach is necessary. Firearms are ineffective against him; therefore, the strategy is to engage him in hand-to-hand combat:

  1. Start the confrontation using a combination of punches and kicks. Keep moving constantly to dodge his quick and lethal attacks.
  2. When Gray Fox uses his invisibility ability, equip the Thermal Goggles to track him. Thermal vision will reveal your location, allowing you to continue the attack.
  3. Eventually, the Ninja will enter an altered state of consciousness, indicated by more erratic and aggressive behavior. At this point, switch to the Fa-Mas weapon to finish the fight.
  4. After defeating him, use the new Card Key to explore the area previously blocked by the electrified floor and head to floor B1 of the Nuke Building.

Nuke Building B1

In Nuke Building B1, stealth is essential to successfully navigate the area and avoid detection:

  1. Enter the door ahead and explore the area silently. There are two guards patrolling; one of them is disguised as Maril, recognizable by her distinctive walk and posture.
  2. When Maril is identified, reveal your position and then run to the bathroom to start a dialogue with her.
  3. After the conversation, continue exploring the area. Search for useful items and collect information.
  4. Head to the hallway next to the elevator to face the next challenge: Psycho Mantis.

Psycho Mantis

The encounter with Psycho Mantis is a battle of cunning and strategy:

  1. Mantis will use Maril as a pawn against you. Temporarily neutralize it with a Stun Grenade to prevent damage.
  2. He has the ability to “read your mind”, which allows him to dodge shots. To overcome this, after the “Hideo” message appears on the screen, he transfers his controller to port 2 of the game console. This is a unique metagame maneuver that confuses Mantis.
  3. With Mantis distracted, dodge his attacks and counterattack with Fa-Mas or Socon until you defeat him.


Crossing the cave is a test of patience and stealth due to the presence of wolves:

  1. Carefully navigate the area, avoiding wolves and passing through narrow crevasses to proceed.
  2. When encountering Maril, to ensure future safe passage from the wolves, use an unconventional strategy: attack Maril to provoke the wolves.
  3. Then hide inside a box (CardBoard). One of the wolves will mark its territory on you, which will prevent the wolves from attacking you in future passages through the cave.
  4. Continue through the door for the next confrontation.

Sniper Wolf

The battle against Sniper Wolf is a duel of precision and agility:

  1. Follow the path indicated by Maril until she is attacked by Sniper Wolf. At this point, it’s clear you’ll need a sniper rifle.
  2. Return to the Armory and use the Card Key to access room 1, where you will find the necessary weapon: the PSG1.
  3. Use the Thermal Goggles to view and avoid the lasers on the way back.
  4. For the boss fight, take diazepam to stabilize your aim and locate Sniper Wolf using the PSG1. Aim for areas where she can hide and be quick to fire.
  5. After defeating her, proceed to the end of the hallway and try to enter through the door, where the next capture phase begins.


In the Prison phase, Solid Snake is captured and subjected to an intense torture session. What you decide to do here directly affects the outcome of the story:

  1. During torture, repeatedly press the Ball button (Circle on the PlayStation controller) to maintain Snake’s resistance.
  2. To reach the Good Ending, you must withstand three sessions of torture. This will result in Meryl’s survival and Otacon’s escape.
  3. If you choose to surrender, you will get the Bad Ending, where Meryl dies and Ocelot survives.
  4. After the torture, wait in the cell for Otacon to arrive. When the guard goes to the bathroom, hide under the bed.
  5. When the guard returns, surprise him with melee attacks to incapacitate him.
  6. Head back to where you were captured and proceed through the door.

Communication Tower A

The journey to Communication Tower A is fraught with danger and requires quick action:

  1. Upon entering you will be immediately detected, pick up the item near the entrance.
  2. Run up the tower’s staircase, using Stun Grenades to disorient enemies in pursuit.
  3. At the end of the climb, find a ladder and climb it.
  4. You’ll find Solid Snake on the balcony; grab the Rope and get ready to climb down the tower.
  5. Use the X and O buttons to control the descent.
  6. When you reach the end, use PSG1 to eliminate three guards and head to Communication Tower B.

Communication Tower B

The second tower presents its own strategic challenges:

  1. Climb the tower until you find a damaged staircase.
  2. Go back and find another way. You will meet Otacon, who will help your ascension.
  3. Go up through the indicated passage.

Liquid Snake – BOSS

The confrontation with Liquid Snake is an explosive combat that requires precision:

  1. When Liquid appears, equip the Stinger Launcher and lock onto him.
  2. Fire when you have the opportunity, focusing on tracking his movements and hiding behind the container when he shouts “EAT This”.
  3. Return to the elevator where you found Otacon, go down, and be prepared for the invisible guards.
  4. Use the Thermal Goggles and Fa-Mas to face them.
  5. When you reach the cameras, disable them with Chaft Grenades before proceeding.

Sniper Wolf

In the battle against Sniper Wolf, you must use cunning instead of brute force:

  1. Move to the right and find a high point.
  2. Use the Stinger only to locate Sniper Wolf.
  3. Then guide a missile with Nikita towards her to defeat her.
  4. Before proceeding, explore the area around the door with security level 7, as well as an adjacent door with level 6 that leads to the game’s second CD.

Blast Furnace

In Blast Furnace, an environment full of industrial hazards, follow these steps:

  1. Go straight and stay close to walls to avoid detection.
  2. Go down the stairs to a flat area and go under pipes to collect items.
  3. You will find an elevator. After eliminating the guards that appear, go down in another elevator to face Vulcan Raven.

Vulcan Raven

Duel against Vulcan Raven requires guerrilla tactics:

  1. Keep your distance from his machine gun and himself.
  2. Place C4 and wait for him to get close to detonate it, or use a guided Nikita missile to attack him.
  3. Enter the door and disable the cameras with Chaft Grenades.

Metal Gear

The mission in the Metal Gear Wing involves a series of tasks with the Pal Key:

  1. Climb the ladder to the right and after an animation, you will notice that the Pal Key has fallen into the water.
  2. Go down and look for it in the water. If you don’t find it, it was probably carried away by rats.
  3. Use the mine detector to locate a red dot moving in the pipes.
  4. Disguise yourself with the CardBoard and the mouse will appear, dropping the item.
  5. Return to the room where the Pal Key was lost and use it on the first computer.
  6. Go to the wing where you faced Raven and wait for the Pal Key to freeze, turning blue in the inventory.
  7. Use the frozen Pal Key on the second computer.
  8. Head to the Blast Furnace to heat the Pal Key until it turns red, then use it on the third computer.
  9. You will be locked in the room. Use Otacon’s frequency to be rescued and head to face Liquid Snake.


In the final combats, specific strategies are necessary for each opponent:

  1. Metal Gear Rex : Use Chaft Grenades to stop it from firing missiles. Attack the left shoulder and then the cockpit during the animation. Be careful with the machine gun.
  2. Liquid Snake : Combat will be hand-to-hand. Avoid the edges of the fighting area. When Liquid is out of energy, hit him to make him fall.
  3. After defeating Liquid, run to get some Rations and get into the jeep. Liquid will also be in a jeep. Keep him at bay by shooting and drive to the end of the tunnel.

After overcoming these challenges, enjoy the end of the game and the consequences of the choices you made during your journey!

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