Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) – Part 02

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) – Part 02

March 20, 2024 Off By Dayana Barros

Attention: This is the second and final part of the Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Follow the text below or click to return to the first part.


Old Smoky

First and foremost, let’s make sure you’re prepared for what comes next. Ideally, you and your companions should be level 17 or higher. If you haven’t gotten there yet, no problem! We will use Esther’s special ability to capture and train some of the creatures around the temple, raising them to level 10 or more. A valuable tip: enemies seem less aggressive towards creatures that Esther can enchant.

Now that you have the ability to capture new familiars, take a look at the “Starting Familiars Guide” section. Believe me, more than 130 hours of gameplay accumulates a lot of useful knowledge. And, of course, don’t forget to equip your new companions! Stop by Cawtermaster’s shop in town to purchase suitable equipment for each of them.

To optimize your team, it’s crucial to match Oliver and Esther with the types of familiars that best complement their abilities. A visit to the Familiars page can clarify which is the best match for each character. This step is essential to put together a balanced team ready for any challenge.

Faced with a sea of ​​lava that blocks your path, the Bridge spell will be your best friend. Use it to create bridges and cross seemingly insurmountable obstacles. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can explore the western region of Rolling Hills using this spell. However, it is worth remembering that you will return to this area later in the game, when you are around level 35. So, if you prefer to focus on the main objective and avoid unnecessary risks, head directly to Old Smoky.

Now, with everything prepared, it’s time to face the challenge that the Old Smoky volcano represents.

Old Smoky Tally Bau

Inside this active volcano, you will find a variety of chests waiting to be unlocked. To give you an idea of ​​what to expect:

  • Red Chests : 6
  • Blue Chests : 1
  • Green Chests : 1
  • Purple Chests : 1

These chests contain everything from valuable items for morphing your familiars to weapons and armor that will bolster your team.

The battle for the volcano requires your familiars to be, ideally, an average of level 17. That’s assuming you’ve kept some of your most powerful familiars without putting them through shapeshifting. As you explore the volcano’s winding passages, keep your eyes peeled for useful items and equipment.

When you reach the second save point, be aware that freezing the lava block starts a challenging sequence. Once the ground starts shaking, a 180-second timer will activate, and you’ll have to navigate an obstacle course before the timer runs out. Fighting enemies will not affect the timer, but exploration will. Prepare for some puzzles and detours along the way. A tip: use the Frostbite spell on a second lava passage to create a safe crossing.

While climbing the walls of the volcano, be aware of the jets of steam. They can significantly delay your advancement if you are hit. Time your movements well to avoid unnecessary loss of time.

At the apex of Old Smoky, you’ll find the last save point before the confrontation with the area boss. The timer will disappear, but remember: once you reach the top, there is no turning back until the boss is defeated.

Strategies for the area:

  • Equipment : Make sure you equip your family members with the best equipment available before starting the timer challenge.
  • Familiar Selection : Choose wisely which familiars you will take into battle. Consider your skills and how they can be useful against the obstacles and enemies you will face.
  • Timing is Everything : During the obstacle phase, time is your most valuable resource. Avoid unnecessary enemies and move efficiently to ensure you reach the end in time.

Boss – Moltaan


  • Keep Calm : Moltaan can be a formidable opponent, but losing your temper will only lead you to making mistakes. Stay calm and focus on the strategy.
  • Resources : Keep your provisions well stocked. Healing and MP restoring items can be the difference between victory and defeat.
  • Practice Defense : Learning the timing to use your familiars’ “Defend” ability against Moltaan’s attacks can save your team from significant damage.

First, it is crucial to keep in mind the importance of the elements in this fight. Moltaan is a walking furnace, so you’ll want to avoid fire-based attacks and focus on abilities that counter his infernal heat.

During battle, deploy Esther (or Oliver, depending on who you prefer to keep behind) to offer support. The key here is to keep your distance and use defensive tactics and support spells to keep your team in the fight. Moltaan’s tail is his weak point, but don’t expect an easy target; you will need to attack the beast from behind to hit this critical area.

Choose one or two defense-specialized familiars to deal with Moltaan’s most brutal attacks, like Flail Tail, Breath of Blistering, and Volcanic Roar. Rotate these defenders as the battle flows to ensure you always have a shield against Moltaan’s flames.

When it comes to offense, Oliver can be your best marksman with his Frostbite spell, a perfect choice against Moltaan’s heat. Use MP wisely, focusing on inflicting damage while keeping an eye on your magic reserves.

Don’t forget that both Oliver and Esther have access to a range of tactics, provisions and spells. These resources can be crucial in times of need, offering healing, reinforcement or even a strategic turnaround in the middle of combat.

Once Moltaan is defeated, crossing back via teleportation will be your next step. Your mission continues with the return to Al Mamoon, where new challenges and adventures await you and your team.

Castaway Cove

Rashaad advises you to get a ship for your next mission. However, before heading out to sea, he stops by the message board for quick solutions to check if there are any new side missions available. These can offer you valuable rewards and additional experience.

When you feel ready, head south of Al Mamoon towards the open sea. Eventually, you’ll reach Castaway Cove, a picturesque seaside town where new adventures and challenges await.

Take the opportunity to continue using Esther’s ability to enchant new enemies. Almost all of them can be caught after a few tries, in true Pokémon style. Once you have a good variety of family members by your side, you’ll be ready for the next stage of the journey. Don’t forget to save the game before proceeding!

Even if you don’t completely recharge your party’s MP and HP, make sure to save the game. This gives you the option to start over from the last saved point in case of defeat, without suffering the penalty of losing 10% of your resources.

Upon arriving in Castaway Cove, you will face the challenge of recovering a peddler’s pot stolen by a thief. After an exciting chase, talk to the guy on the docks and return the pot to its owner. But before deciphering the code to activate the alchemy cauldron, he stops at the inn to save, as a fight against a boss is approaching.

Prepared? The code to awaken the power of the cauldron is “OPEN SAYS-A-ME” (all capital letters and dashes). Once you have entered the code, you will face boss Al-Khemi, the genius of the pot. He is agile and strong, so pay attention to his attacks and choose the right moment to attack or defend.

After overcoming Al-Khemi, alchemy will be unlocked, giving you a new tool to explore.

Before embarking on your search for a ship, take the opportunity to complete some side missions and rewards. The Temple of Testing may also have combat challenges available now, though you may want to return later, after your adventure in Hamelin, when fast travel magic is available.

As you approach the Castaway Cove pier, you will be offered a swimsuit, and directed to the ship’s captain. This, in turn, will show you the way back to the Caliph in Al-Mamoon.

Cowliphate in Al-Mamoon

After getting your swimsuit, you will meet Horace in Castaway Cove, right on the bridge with an incredible view of the boats. To solve his riddle, the answer you are looking for is “FINEST FIBER”. This grants you the Vacate spell, a gift from the ghost himself, which allows Oliver and his group to quickly escape from dungeons to the overworld.

Back to Al-Mamoon, your path will take you to the grand palace. There, you will be redirected to meet Counselor Abull, who is waiting at the hotel. A series of conversations later, you’ll be back in Motor City (using the Gateway spell) looking for Leila at the Milk Bar.

With the Secret Ingredient spell in hand, interact with the milk fountain in Al-Mamoon to create a gigantic wheel of cheese. This cheese is not only delicious, but also the key to advancing your mission. Take this culinary wonder to Cowliphate, handing it to Abull near the palace entrance.

The saga continues as you look for someone with “extra restrictions” around the city. Visiting local traders, one of them will guide you to Abull. After a short journey and earning a passage card, a portrait, and two valuable spells (Nature’s Tongue and Burden), you’ll be ready for the next challenge.

Before heading to Castaway Cove with your ticket of passage, prepare to face a surprise mini-boss. Make a pit-stop at the inn to save your progress, as the battle is imminent. In this confrontation, use Ester for direct attacks while Oliver casts spells and takes care of healing. The Pulse ability will be particularly useful here.

After defeating the nightmare, you will meet Swaine, who joins your team bringing new abilities and possibilities, including the ability to steal from inaccessible green chests. Now, with Swaine on board, it’s time to prepare for adventures on the high seas.

Before setting sail, visit the Family Retreat to organize your family members and equip them appropriately. Now is a good time to explore the Rolling Hills and Shimmering Sands, collecting alchemy materials and leveling up your family members.

Exploring the Island Southeast of Castaway Cove

Before hitting the open seas, it’s worth taking a look at the blessings available at the quick-fix store. The island southeast of Castaway Cove is full of surprises and new ingredients for alchemy. Take a look at the world map in your spellbook to find your way around. Remember: to return to Castaway Cove, you will have to anchor on the beach west of town and continue on foot.

Before you get to Autumnia, do yourself a favor and save your game. A marine boss is on the prowl and ready to test the resilience of your ship and his crew. If you’re feeling brave and want to risk the 10% “kill rate” to level up by facing powerful enemies, go ahead! Just remember that being defeated by the boss will recharge your HP and MP.

Confrontation with Shadar

The meeting with Shadar will be tense. He has a repertoire of attacks such as Bleak Midwinter (an area attack that requires defense), Pyre (focused on a single target) and Fell Wind (another area attack).

You won’t be able to win this battle, but you need to reduce his health to less than 50% before a cutscene cuts into the battle.

Interlude at the Fairygrounds

After the tumult at sea, you will have a brief rest at the Fairygrounds, where the fairies reside. Once the ship is repaired, your journey to Autumnia continues. Oh, and the island is called Teeheeti, with the town being the Fairygrounds itself. Here, you will also face the peculiar challenge of the Fairy Godmother’s reproductive system.

Swaine will introduce new quick tactics, allowing your team to go into All-Out Attack or All-Out Defense mode with the simple press of a button. Use this new technique to explore the island, face random monsters and replenish your resources.

Take advantage of the prizes offered in Fairygrounds to alleviate the costs of re-equipping your familiars with better weapons and armor. Keep in mind that familiars being leveled may use older equipment.

Horace’s Riddle

Finally, you’ll find Horace near the Fairygrounds, ready with another one of his riddles. This time, the answer is “CRISPY LETTUCE”, which will reward you with a new alchemy formula for the Secret Sage.

And there you have it, your compass for the next stage of the adventure in “Ni no Kuni”.

Drippy and the Fairy Godmother

To start, meet up with Drippy to trigger a scene that will give you new tasks from the Fairy Godmother. After that, explore the city, transfer some of your lifeforce to Oliver’s bottle and head to the comedy club for some laughs and more.

The Mission of the Eight Pieces of Art

This task will take you to explore various corners of the city in search of eight pieces of art. Each piece requires a specific spell to collect:

  1. Weapon Shopkeeper : Use the “Burden” spell.
  2. Person with difficulty opening bottles : Apply “Spring Lock”.
  3. Shopkeeper with broken item : “Rejuvenate” is the solution.
  4. Dissatisfied with the food : Transform the taste with “Secret Ingredient”.
  5. Cold Inn Host : Warms up the room with “Fireball”.
  6. Someone complaining about homework : Make studying easier with “Quicken Growth”.
  7. In need of cleaning : “Broom Broom” sweeps away problems.
  8. To communicate with the white bird and the heavy-headed complainer : “Nature’s Tongue” and “Levitate”, respectively, will resolve these impasses.

With all the art pieces in hand, head back to the comedy club. When you’re ready for the show, confirm your participation and get ready to make the Fairy Godmother laugh.

Fairy Godmother Adventure

The next phase takes place in a 2D dungeon, where you’ll find a save shrine at the central door. This dungeon is made up of several rooms with battles that, compared to previous challenges, especially the confrontation with Shadar, are much more accessible.

Facing Royal Jelly

Before you slide through the tidy exit back to the Fairy Godmother, don’t forget to save your game. You will face the boss “Royal Jelly”, who has a specific weakness to electrical attacks. Watch out for its “See Stars” and “Baby Shower” attacks, and take the opportunity to attack with everything you get when you get the chance. Prioritize the main target and keep your family members away if they are weak to water.

Filling Your Suitcase with Magic

Before Drippy decides to go his own way, he presents you with an arsenal of spells that include Shift Shape, Second Self, Mimic, Vanish, Werecat, Werefish, Shrink, Open Mind, Loan Life, and Poison Apple. Each of these spells has a unique role to play in your journey, so familiarize yourself with them!

Reunion with Drippy

After receiving this treasure trove of spells, locate Drippy and, after a brief farewell, head back to sea with the sea cow, your trusty ship. Drippy surprises by unlocking the Tidy Tear ability, which allows him to heal his party once per battle. Remember, this ability activates randomly when your party’s health is low.

Navigating Freely

With the ship repaired, the sea is yours! Explore the open waters and face the creatures you encounter along the way. But be careful: areas like the Middle Shore Shipwreck are home to enemies with levels around 40 to 45. If you’re having difficulty, it’s time to consult your Wizard Companion for new alchemy recipes that can strengthen your arsenal.

Exploring Bungler Bay and More

Bungler Bay, west of Castaway Cove, is a location that can be explored by both air and sea, offering new challenges and rewards.

Hermit’s Shell and Renaming Familiars

In the southwest, shrouded in mist near Nazcaa, lies the Hermit’s Shell. Here, you can interact with creatures for sidequests using the Nature’s Tongue spell. These missions include collecting specific items and capturing certain familiars. Completing these tasks gives you the ability to rename your family members at the Family Retreat.

No Longer Mine

Heading southeast of Autumnia, you’ll find No Longer Mine. This location is a bright yellow spot that periodically offers 555 Florins, a convenient starting source of income. Although useful at first, eventually money will become less of a concern as you accumulate wealth.

Exploring the Robinson Friday Islands

These islands, located near Shipwreck Shore, offer rich exploration and unique opportunities. They are a good starting point for adventuring and discovering new items and familiars.

Russet Isle and Other Destinations

  • Russet Isle : Situated west of the Summerlands mainland, this island is a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered.
  • Shipwreck Shore : A mysterious area accessible only by air or sea, ripe for exploration.
  • Sleighbell Isles : Northeast of the Winter Wonderlands, offers a unique, icy landscape.
  • Spindle : Located east of Autumnia, it is an area with exclusive access from the air, promising aerial adventures.

Adventures on Swan Island

This island is essential to your family members’ growth, offering a chance to face unique enemies and gain valuable experience. Ugly Duckling Island, in particular, is home to creatures that grant 2000 XP per defeat, making it an excellent place to level up.

Tiny Tim and Turtle Crag

  • Tiny Tim : A smaller islet that challenges you to explore every corner.
  • Turtle Crag : A misty refuge south of Nazcaa, ideal for intrepid explorers.

Towards Autumnia and Hamelin

After exploring southern Autumnia, your next destination is Hamelin, known for its robust industry. This is a great time to grind and level up your familiars, especially in the areas around Swan Island where you can face off against Toko for quick XP gains.

Tips for Hamelin

Upon arriving in Hamelin, you will be facing robotic enemies. Capture some for your own benefit as familiars. Make sure Swaine joins your party before heading into the heart of the city, where new tasks and challenges await you.

Using New Magic and Spells

With the “Chart Chests” spell received from Horace, you can locate hidden treasure chests, adding a new level of exploration to your magical arsenal.

Next steps

Before venturing into the Porcine Palace, consider using the travel spell to revisit previous dungeons and cities, taking the opportunity to recharge your HP and MP. Remember to save often and prepare for the surprises that Hamelin has in store.

Porcine Palace

Before you even think about stepping inside the Swine Palace, it is essential to equip your group with the best arsenal available. Stop by the weapons shop in Hamelin and equip your party with the Guard set to give yourself a substantial advantage. Completing pending tasks and hunts gives you that extra boost you need, whether in terms of level or preparation, for the challenging battles that await you. After all, no one wants to run out of resources in the middle of an adventure, right?

Oh, and a tip: before committing to the main mission infiltrating the palace with Swaine’s help, make sure you’ve completed Errand 008. If you don’t do it now, you won’t be able to return to it until much later, when perhaps it is no longer so advantageous.

And of course, a visit to the inn to fully restore your HP and MP is highly recommended before facing the dangers that await you.

Now that you’re prepared, it’s time to disguise yourself and enter the palace. Use the alcoves to hide from the guards and stealthily progress through the palace. Remember: patience and timing are your best allies here. In particular, there are two key lanes where you’ll need to use alcoves strategically to advance without being detected by patrolling guards.

Eventually, you’ll find a hole through which you can escape into the palace sewers. Save your game here as it is a temporary point of no return.

Confrontation with Chief Porco Grosso

The final challenge of this stage is to face Porco Grosso, a mechanical threat on wheels. This enemy utilizes a series of powerful attacks, including Salvo Pig, Road Hog, Roast Hog, and Gammon Cannon. The key to defeating him is to use electric attacks and put your strongest familiars on the front lines, those who are level 30 or above, equipped to maximize their attack stats.

After defeating Porco Grosso, Oliver will have the opportunity to meet the prince.

Historic Harmelin

After the revealing encounter with the Prince and a tense conversation with the emperor, your next mission is to locate the two missing princes outside the cave. On your way, a formidable Ogrrr Terra will challenge you, but fear not. If you’ve been facing challenges head on thus far, especially after the battle with Pig Thick, this enemy shouldn’t be a problem, unless you’ve metamorphosed most of your most powerful familiars. Once defeated, take the princes back to Hamelin and as a reward, you will receive the Arrow of Light spell.

Tombstone Trail

With the previously blocked area now accessible, it’s time to traverse the Tombstone Trail. The princes, although they do not actively participate in the fight, will offer you a new recipe for Swaine’s revolver. Even if you don’t intend to actively use Swaine in battle, it’s wise to upgrade your weapon to access more complex treasures.

At this point, the Levitate spell is essential to avoid traps while exploring the trail. Additionally, use the Rejuvenate spell to rebuild a broken bridge and advance. When you find the skeleton, use the Poison Apple spell to escape unharmed and continue your exploration, lighting candles with the Magic Lamp spell to light your path and reveal secret passages.

Facing Boss Candelabracadabra

Upon reaching the final sanctuary, prepare for combat against Candelabracadabra, an undead boss with attacks that can curse and paralyze your team. This enemy uses attacks such as Snuff Out, which causes random status afflictions, and Wacko Lantern, dealing ghost-type damage. Using Oliver’s Arrow of Light spell and your family members’ light-type attacks will be crucial to overcoming this challenge.


  • Keep your team and family above level 25, ideally above level 30, with attack and defense stats between 100 and 150.
  • Explore all areas of the cave, lighting candles to light the way and reveal the passage to the dungeon boss.
  • Don’t forget to save frequently, especially before facing the boss, to avoid losing progress.

Checking the Tomb

After defeating the boss on the Tombstone Trail, be sure to check out the altar at the end of the trail. Oliver will receive a powerful new scepter and the Time Breach spell. Before leaving through the teleporter, remember that there is a purple locked chest in this dungeon. At the moment, Mornstar doesn’t have enough power to open purple chests, so you’ll have to come back later when you’re more prepared.

Back to the Castle and the Present

Use the travel spell to return to the present, to the castle. Here, you will need to “steal” a little belief from the young king. Yes, you will transfer that essence to your current form, as if you were a vampire thirsty for positive emotions.

Return to the Future

With the newly obtained spell, Oliver can now return to the present in Hamelin. Present the belief to the prince to receive your reward and some useful spells: Ward, Fuse, Insight and Travel. With Travel, you now have the ability to teleport to most of the key locations you’ve visited on your journey.

The Arid Lands and the Sky Pirate King

Now, your mission is to chase down some rather troublesome sky pirates. After this long journey, new tasks and hunts will be activated, and it is recommended to complete them to prepare yourself properly. Level 35 to 40 is ideal for facing what comes next without being overwhelmed by the challenges.

Facing the Dragon at Skull Mountain

Prepare for the showdown in Skullface Cave. Use your save point before the fight and choose familiars that are resistant to fire and that can inflict poison damage, yes, poison! Even though you’re facing a fire dragon, you’ll find the poison to be surprisingly effective.

Red Dragon

This big guy breathes fire like nobody’s business, so get ready. The golden tip here is to use agile families and attack together, avoiding the famous “one at a time” of fighting games. The Dragon Breath and Fire Flow abilities are the tricks up his sleeve, so keep an eye out. A killer strategy is to poison him with Poison Claws and Poison Fangs, an alchemy trick that combines Giant’s Tooth and Baneflower. And don’t forget Swaine’s Rotshot spell to give it that extra spice.

With the Red Dragon out of the way, a new world of possibilities opens up. The Casino at Tombstone Trail is waiting for you, but first, say hello to Tengri, the purple dragon, using the Tongue of Nature spell. Talk to Kublai to get a Sundrop Jumbo and the corresponding alchemy recipe.

Quick Trip to the Motor City

Time to find Tengri’s soulmate in Motor City. Once there, follow the script until you come face to face with Ghengis, the dog who talks, thanks to his nature conversation spell. Myrtle will accompany you to the next stop. But hey, before chatting with the second dog, she doesn’t forget to save it. You never know what awaits you.

Facing Boss Denny Nightmare

This boss has a dark streak, so he calls on those familiars that glow in the dark, or almost so. Light is your ally here, so invest in Oliver’s arrow light and other light attacks. Beware of Rough Sleep, which can take one of your people out of the game temporarily, and Oil Spill, a low blow that hits everyone. Defense is the key!

Getting there in the Nightmare

First, let’s make a pit stop in La-La Land, steal a little bit of Kublai’s confidence and fly back to the Motor City. Pass this trust on to Denny, and Kublai will present you with the seek fortune and Quake spells. After this good deed, back to the fantastic world.

Tengri, the Flying Dragon

With the previous missions in your bag, talk to Kublai and start piloting the Tengri. The cool thing is that flying you don’t encounter enemies, only when you land you need to press X. But hey, if there’s an obstacle in the way, Tengri acts like a diva and doesn’t appear. Make sure everything is clear before calling.

Magic in the Air

Before diving head first into the story, let’s use the travel and seek Fortune spells. With Tengri, you can explore previously inaccessible corners and scavenge the treasures hidden across the map. Seek Fortune is like a treasure GPS, so play it.

Now is a good time to give your family a boost, pick up some top equipment from the weapons store and get everyone ready for the upcoming battles. There are several islands and corners to explore, so take the opportunity to strengthen your team.

With Tengri, you will discover that the world is much bigger than it seemed. From the icy lands to the most remote islands, everything is within your reach now. And don’t forget to take a look at the grinding tips and ideal family members so you don’t get stuck in the most difficult areas.

With Tengri under your command, previously unreachable places like the Broken Crown and Solitary Isle are just waiting for your visit. And each place has its peculiarities and treasures, so it’s worth checking it out.

Mission: Magic Stones

Finally, fly to Solitary Isle, check the monolith and then return to the pirates’ hideout to consult the map. Use the Insight spell that Kublai gave you to unlock the mysteries of the stones. And keep an eye out, because this island has more mysteries than you might imagine.

Empowering Oliver

First thing’s first: if you haven’t used your merit cards yet, now is the time. There is a prize called “Jack the Giant Killer” which, after you have already collected everything from the first two lines of rewards, will give you a boost of 100 HP and MP for Oliver. This will be a great help for the battles to come.

Three Dungeons, Three Challenges

On today’s menu, we have three dungeons for you to explore. The order? It’s up to you. But don’t forget to use Tengri to move around the map easily. Also take the opportunity to grind a lot (level up), upgrade your equipment and check the alchemy recipes in your Companion Wizard. Trust me, good preparation makes all the difference.

Treasure Hunt with Tengri

Now that you have Tengri, a world of possibilities opens up. Use the seek Fortune spell along with Tengri’s flight ability to unearth those well-hidden treasures from the beginning of the game. The spell will show you exactly where the chests are in the overworld, so take the opportunity to explore every corner of the Summerlands (North and South), Fairygrounds, Autumnia and more.

Arrival at Yule, the Snow Village

The first step is to arrive in Yule, a snow-covered place with new missions (Errands) and hunts (Bounty Hunts) waiting for you. This village will be your HQ before facing the challenging Glittering Cave.

To clear the path to the Grotto, it’s easy: just chat with the village leader. After that, cozy up at the inn for a night paying 240 guilders. Talk to the leader once again to earn a stylish winter outfit and open all the entrances to the city, freeing the path to the dungeon.

Don’t forget Horacio, who will be waiting at the old man’s house to challenge you with another one of his riddles. Solve (the answer is “blizzard Bloom”) and you unlock the Cloudburst spell.

Adventure in Pedras da Árvore

Take a stroll to Solitary Isle with Tengri, inspect the monolith, and then return to the pirate hideout to check the map. After talking to Kublai, you will have a map in your hands to guide you.

In Search of Stones

Now, some friendly advice: reserve eight merit cards to guarantee the “Jack the Giant Killer” prize. This 100 HP and 100 MP upgrade for Oliver will be a great help in the battles to come.

You have three dungeons to explore, and the order is up to you. Use Tengri to move around, improve your level and upgrade equipment. Take a look at the Companion Wizard to mix and create alchemy recipes that can make a difference.

Extra Tips:

Before moving on to the next chapter of the story, let’s take a look at the seek Fortune spell and the Tengri dragon to hunt for treasures that were left behind. This spell is like a treasure radar, showing the chests hidden across the map.

Time to explore! From the North and South Summerlands, through the Fairygrounds to Autumnia, everything is at your fingertips. And even with the mysterious fog to the southwest, with Tengri, you’ll be able to access remote islands and continents without any problems.

Tips for next steps:

  • Remember to complete Yule tasks and bounty hunts before venturing deeper.
  • Equip your family members with the best weapons and armor available to face the challenges ahead.
  • Use the Travel and Seek Fortune spell together with Tengri the dragon to discover treasures and secret locations.
  • Keep your party at the recommended level for each challenge by properly grinding and preparing to face powerful enemies.

Yule: Preparations for Adventure

When you arrive at Yule, you’ll find new tasks and bounty hunts awaiting you. Speak to the village leader and spend a night at the inn for 240 guilders to gain access to winter clothing and clear the path to Glittering Grotto. Don’t forget to solve Horacio’s riddle to earn the Cloudburst spell, essential for your journey.

Discovering the Ghost Ship

On the ship, get ready to face two ghostly bosses. Use electricity, light or fire spells to overcome them. Arm yourself with the Blade Bluster from the Glittering Cave or rely on the brute strength of your family members to win. Keep an eye out for Crossbones’ abilities, which can inflict negative conditions.

Exploring the Vault of Tears

This cursed cave will turn your party into frogs, forcing you to rely solely on your familiars to advance. Follow the rainbow frog to the green sigil to break the curse and regain your human form. Lower the water level in the cave to access previously inaccessible areas and use the Levitate spell to avoid traps. Find the Serpent Key to open the way to face Aapep.

The Confrontation with Aapep

Aapep, the Snake King, is especially vulnerable to fire. His attacks range from area strikes to targeted attacks and an ability that curses and damages your party. Use clever strategies and fire spells to defeat him and move on in your adventure.

Exploring Glittering Cave

Upon your arrival in Yule City, a crucial task awaits you: unlocking the Glittering Grotto. Head to the leader of the locals to receive your quest. A stay at the inn for 240 guilders and a subsequent conversation with the same leader will dress you in cold-weather attire, allowing access to the dungeon.

Inside the Grotto, a challenge proposed by Horácio awaits you. Solve his riddle to obtain the Cloudburst spell, an essential tool for your adventure. Don’t forget to max out your familiar’s level before venturing deeper, optimizing your chances of success through the dungeon.

You’ll notice invisible walls that can be walked through, revealing secret paths and hidden treasures. Use the Pulse spell to create bridges with stalactites and the Fireball spell to melt ice obstacles, paving the way for the confrontation with the dungeon boss.

Confrontation with Cereboreas

Prepare to face Cereboreas, the guardian of the Grotto. Arm your familiars with fire attacks and make sure they are resistant or neutral to water attacks. Pay attention to Cereboreas’ abilities, such as Howling Blizzard and Glacial Guard, and defeat him to win the Star Stone.

The Mission at Billy Goat Bluff

With the three stones in hand, return to the Porcine Palace to witness Prince Marcassin’s magic and learn more about the mission that awaits you.

In Search of the Queen of Heaven

Back in Hamelin, a new trail unfolds as you seek to activate the Mornstar. Use the Spirit Medium spell on the main street to communicate with a Xanadu soldier, who will give you an essential item: The Wings of Xanadu. Your next task is to locate Khulan, the sorceress of the heavens.

Exploring Perdida

Fly west of Hamelin to find Perdida, a haven for the Xanaduans. First of all, save your progress. If you followed Horacio’s clues, he will be waiting for you at the Very Swit Solutions store for a new challenge, which, when solved, will reward you with the Veil spell.

Before venturing up the stairs to find the Lost Queen, take a break to strengthen your family members. A visit to the inn and shops in town will help you equip and prepare your team for the combat to come. Your familiars must be at least level 35 to 40, with well-tuned attributes and equipment.

Boss – Khulan Nightmare

As you approach the temple stairs after meeting the Queen, you will be surprised by Khulan’s nightmare. This menacing boss uses area attacks that curse and poison. Prioritize light attacks and healing abilities to counter their movements and emerge victorious from this challenging battle.

Khulan’s Lost Love

After defeating the nightmare, use the spell to transfer love from Kublai to Khulan. This action will unlock Mornstar’s true potential, giving her access to powerful spells like Healing Hand, Fortune’s Fool, and Unleash.

Awakening the Mornstar

With Mornstar reborn, it’s time to revisit previously explored areas in search of treasures hidden in purple chests. Take the opportunity to complete pending tasks and prepare for greater challenges. If you can overcome the B rank in the Temple of Trials, your team will be ready to take on the Miasma Swamp.

Towards Al Mamoon

The next destination is Al Mamoon, where you will seek out miasma wood to advance your journey. Before proceeding, ensure your team is ready, with levels above 60 and appropriate equipment acquired in Perdida.

Recovering Miasma Wood

After obtaining the Miasma Wood in Al Mamoon, head to Ding Dong Dell where the king promises to share it, but, surprise, it is stolen! Don’t despair, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the weapon shop in Ding Dong Dell. The shop master will direct you to a mouse with glasses.
  2. Find the mouse in a hidden staircase in the city. There, use Mornstar to open a purple chest that holds a Glittering Scale.
  3. Talk to the mouse , then use the Gateway spell to go to Motor City and look for Phil.

Battle against Boss Phillip Nightmare

Get ready to face Phil’s Nightmare, a challenging boss. If you’ve surpassed Rank B in the Temple of Tests, you’re more than prepared. Remember to defend when he teleports and protect yourself from Ill Will and Rain of Terror attacks.

Restoring Phil’s Ambition

After winning, use the spell to remove Phil’s ambition and transfer it back to him. Retrieve the Miasma Wood with Pip the mouse and return to the cat king in Ding Dong Dell. Now, it’s time to go to Hamelin to finalize the key that will allow access to the swamp.

Adventuring in the Miasma Swamps

In the swamps, be prepared with ice and light magic. Don’t forget to collect the armor hidden in the dungeon and use the Levitate spell to avoid the poison traps.

Facing Chief Veleheart

Veleheart is the final challenge in the swamps. Use strategic defenses against his attacks and finish him off with powerful Mornstar magic. Get ready for exciting scenes and the second round of battle, where Mornstar magic will be crucial for an easy victory.


Before advancing to the Dark Djinn’s castle, be sure to thoroughly explore the swamps for treasure and complete any outstanding tasks. The Assistant Compendium can be a great resource for identifying useful items for your journey.


Let’s face Shadar, this troublemaker who surprised your group on the ship on the way to the Fairygrounds. This fight is intense, and Shadar doesn’t mess around on duty. It comes with a heavy arsenal of attacks: Fell Wind, Evenstar and Bleak Midwinter, all with devastating area effects. To deal with this, be ready to defend yourself or equip accessories that minimize damage from dark and ice attacks. And, of course, manage your MP wisely, because Shadar is just the first step in a trio of challenges you’ll face.

Next, prepare for the confrontation with the Eternal Knight, right after taking down Shadar. Here, the knight employs Aegis Dark to shield himself and Onslaught for line attacks. This is the time to invest everything you have, including the Mornstar spell, keeping the Jack the Giant Killer perk up your sleeve for that extra boost in HP and MP.

The final battle is against the Dark Djinn himself. He attacks with Fell Sweep and Circles of Hell, in addition to other lethal skills such as Despair, Blast, Beyond and World’s End. Pay special attention to World’s End; defend yourself at all costs to avoid a catastrophic setback. This is the time to pull out all your resources, revive fallen allies, and seal victory.

After the victory, a long chain of events unfolds, starting with a visit to King Tom in Ding Dong Dell, followed by a trip back to Motor City to find Pea. Once you find her, use the Portal to return to the magical world, where the adventure continues in Ding Dong Dell, now with Prince Marcassin at her side.

Marcassin brings a new dynamism to the group, sharing the wand class with Oliver but boasting his own Imperial staff. Now is a good time to review and retool your arsenal and family members, adjusting the team for the next stages of the journey. Remember, Oliver’s position is fixed, but Esther, Swaine, and Marcassin can be rotated as needed to face the challenges ahead.

Chaos in the Three Kingdoms

Oliver and his group face the challenge of dispelling a dark ash cloud that is plaguing the Three Kingdoms: Ding Dong Dell, Hamelin and Al Mamoon. First of all, know that there are no restrictions on exploring: feel free to hone your skills in Nazcaa, to the east, or any other accessible place.

When you feel your team is ready, visit each affected city. While you’re there, defeat the enemies that cross your path and neutralize the source of these ominous clouds. After the liberation of each city, don’t forget to check out the new missions and tasks available in the Very Swift Solutions stores. And yes, it is possible to face zombies without receiving penalties.

In Ding Dong Dell, you will find the Mutant King, equipped with attacks such as Royal Roar and Cat Slap, as well as an area attack called Itchy Scratchy, which is quite annoying. Beating him will result in the black crystal shattering and acquiring the Flower of Youth, taking you back to the distorted ships.

Horace, the enigmatic, waits in Ding Dong Dell for those who have solved his previous challenges. You will find him in the cemetery, ready to solve another one of his riddles, the answer to which is “Unleash”. As a reward, Oliver learns the Thunderstorm spell.

Hamelin presents a unique challenge with the Loco Pig, a zombified version of the already known Pig Tank, which uses attacks such as Pig Shot and Pork Scrape. His defeat will guarantee a Handgun Man Highway for Swaine.

In Al Mamoon, the transformed Queen Lowlah employs techniques such as Snort Altiva and Flying Cow, the latter being especially frequent and dangerous in the second half of the fight. The strategy here is continuous and relentless attack.


Go explore Nazcaa, the mysterious continent of wizards. This place, previously hidden under dense mists, becomes accessible only after the ash clouds clear and remains protected from invaders. To get there, you’ll need the help of Tengri, your faithful dragon, who can only land in locations marked with the dragon symbol. Remember, the travel spell is also an option, but only after discovering the Ara Memoriae.

Ara Memoriae: The Gateway to Nazcaa

Before venturing to Nazcaa, it is prudent to resolve any issues and missions in the cities. When you arrive in Nazcaa, look for the landing point marked with the dragon symbol on the eastern tip of the island. In Ara Memoriae, you will face a significant moment: use the Bridge spell to access and place the three flowers collected previously to unlock part of the story.

The Reunion with Horace

If you have solved all of Horace’s riddles so far, he will be waiting for you in the Ara Memoriae. The current riddle asks for “Wizard’s Robes” as an answer, unlocking the powerful Astra spell and mission number 136.

The Ivory Tower and the White Witch

Preparing Oliver and his companions for the final battle in the Ivory Tower is crucial. Ideally, your party should be close to level 80, with strong familiars around level 70. The tower is a maze of corridors and enemies, where escape is not always an option. Proceed with caution, using shrines to save and restore your party.

Facing Gallus

Inside the Ivory Tower, you will find Gallus, a challenge that requires adaptation due to the variation in his elemental attacks. Beating Gallus grants the Astra wand, an artifact of great power.

Before proceeding, consider going back and completing pending quests or bounties to further strengthen your party.

After properly preparing your group and exploring the area, go to the warps (star on the guide map), and prepare to face the confrontation against the White Witch upstairs.

Final Boss (Cassiopeia, The White Witch and The Zodiarchy)

We have reached the final stretch of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, and now you will face the final battle (Cassiopeia, The White Witch and The Zodiarchy), a moment that will test all your preparation and skills.

Preparation: Before diving into this epic battle, make sure Oliver and his companions are at least level 85, while his family members must be level 80 or higher, with stats boosted by the additional 20 to 40 point treats. This preparation is crucial to face the challenge that lies ahead.

The Battle: The White Witch has impressive resistance to physical attacks, but shows vulnerability to magic. She uses this to her advantage, focusing on magical attacks while keeping her companions as a line of defense to absorb and divert the boss’s attention.

Drippy, your faithful companion, will suggest protection against the boss’s magical attacks. It’s a good idea to take his advice, especially if your party is equipped with high-level characters and familiars capable of resisting and counterattacking effectively.

Attack Strategy: As the battle progresses, the White Witch will go through different forms, each more challenging than the last. She starts by eliminating her human form, moving on to her animal form and, finally, facing her demonic form. At this point, you will have the help of an additional ally, who is not Drippy, to overcome the most arduous phase of the confrontation.

In this last phase, the White Witch will summon robotic allies to attack you. Use area attacks to maximize damage, effectively dispersing the threat. Well-planned tactics and the use of powerful spells such as Parp, Earsplitter, Evenstar, and Unleash will be essential to ensure your victory.

After winning and completing your mission, watch the credits and get ready to save your game, paving the way for a new beginning, now with new spells such as Nix, Ashes of Resurrection, among other rewards that await you.

Congratulations, you’ve finished Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch!

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