Palworld – Complete Guide to Healing and Reviving Your Pals

Palworld – Complete Guide to Healing and Reviving Your Pals

March 9, 2024 Off By Yara Carla

Exploring the Palworld universe with your Pals is an exciting adventure, full of challenges and discoveries. However, as with any good adventure, there will be difficult moments when your companions may be injured or, in more serious situations, become incapacitated. But do not worry! I will guide you on how to take care of your Pals, ensuring that they are always ready for whatever comes next.

Healing your Pals

Healing your Pals in Palworld is essential to keep them in shape and ready for any challenge. The process is simple and revolves around a basic need: food. Each Pal has a hunger bar, which can be viewed in the party tab of your inventory. Keeping this bar full is crucial, as it is what allows your Pal to regenerate hit points (HP) while in the Pal Sphere.

When you or your Pals are hungry, the game will notify you, so stay tuned. If the hunger bar becomes completely empty, your HP will begin to gradually decrease, stopping at 1HP, which can put you and your Pals in risky situations. Starting at level 10, you can unlock the Food Pouch, an extremely useful tool that automatically feeds you and your Pals as long as it’s stocked with food.

Reviving your Pals

Now, if by chance one of your Pals becomes incapacitated, the recovery process is a little more complex than simply feeding them. Incapacitated Pals cannot participate in battles, which can significantly reduce their offensive power, especially if the affected Pal is one of your main combatants.

To revive a Pal, you will need to return to one of your bases and access the Pal Box. There, you will have to deposit the incapacitated Pal and wait approximately 10 minutes before removing it again. A valuable tip: if it’s night, you can speed up this revival process by using a bed to sleep on while your Pal is in your inventory. This makes night the ideal time to care for those who were knocked out during the day’s battles.

It is essential to pay attention during fights to prevent your Pals from becoming incapacitated. If this happens, you will need to stop your activities to take care of them at your base. Remember, a caring leader is one who ensures that his companions are always in top shape, ready to face the next challenges that Palworld has in store.

Mastering these aspects of caring for your Pals will not only strengthen your bond with them, but will also ensure that your journey through this vibrant world is as smooth and rewarding as possible. So keep your Pals fed, healthy and ready for adventure, and together you can face any challenge Palworld throws at you.

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