Panzer Dragoon II Zwei – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Panzer Dragoon II Zwei – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

January 30, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

By: Augusto Aragão

Before players start the game, it is necessary to know that the dragon (called Khouriet) evolves according to three requirements: path chosen, enemies destroyed and hit percentage. The more points in the three aspects, the more the dragon will evolve and become powerful. The game features at least 5 different endings, exactly according to the evolutionary form that the player conceives of the dragon.              

In addition to the energy bar (blue), there is a beserk bar (green) which is nothing more than a barrage of guided shots from the dragon. This is a powerful weapon that directly hits the enemies’ weak point. Once used, the player must recharge the bar if they want to use it again (just continually use the dragon’s homing laser). The more evolved the dragon becomes, the higher the energy and beserk bar will be!              

The game has a box with several secrets and changes that the player can make (evolutionary stage of the dragon they want to start with, size of the energy bar and beserk, among other things). This box is Pandra’s Box and will only be enabled after finishing the game or playing for more than two and a half hours.

Below is the threshing and the most recommended paths for those who wish to achieve maximum dragon evolution:              

1) Destiny Begins

Here the player begins by understanding a little of the history of how it all began. In this part, the player will travel through the village that was destroyed and come face to face with Goolia (boss of the third phase), the Guardian Dragon and the Shelcoof ship. However, they will not yet be faced.              

The main attention should be given to a rock that is thrown at the beginning. Start using the homing shot repeatedly and then on the creatures that come out of the rock. Other creatures will be flying or on the ground and pose no difficulties. Always keep an eye on the radar (top right) to see where enemies are in relation to you.

2) Episode 2

The stage begins in a valley and soon the enemies are seen attacking from behind. Use the homing shot as it is a more accurate shot! Then ships (Interceptors) and men riding creatures (Coolias) appear on the left side: shoot them!

At the first fork in the game, choose the left side if you want to get more evolution points.

The path on the left will take you through the skies and you will face several Imperial aircraft. Always keep circling your vision because enemies come from all sides and in large numbers. The ships that look like balloons throw many bombs at you, and a common shot is enough to destroy them. If many Interceptors appear shooting, run around the screen to avoid the shots and use homing fire.              

If the player chooses the path to the right, they will go down and enter a well-armed fortress.

Here you need to use guided fire at least twice on the cannons, be careful with the Interceptors and the snipers.             

At the end of the fortress the player will face a heavily armed machine. Start shooting at the side cannons and use regular shots to destroy enemy shots. I watch carefully because many shots come across and take away a lot of energy.         

Boss: The first boss of the game is a ship, made up of several parts that are gradually lost.           

Start using homing fire to identify weak points. The ship constantly changes position, so change your view and target not only the ship but also the parts that come loose, as they could hit you. When the ship extends its wings, shoot at the tips of them and at the rear because there are cannons.           

Finish destroying it with a homing shot in the center (use beserk if necessary).         

3) Episode 3

The setting is a forest and enemies repeatedly surround you, so you have to shoot nonstop.

On ships that fly in groups, use homing fire twice. When ships appear crossing your path and firing sequences of bombs, use homing fire and quickly escape the line of fire!           

Some of these ships will appear on the left side and are not well noticed, so pay attention and shoot them!           

At some point, creatures will appear from all sides, attacking you and crashing into the dragon.    

Destroy them quickly with standard or guided fire.

The fork in this phase is not very clear, but it is in an area where two tree paths can be seen. The left path is the one that guarantees the most evolution points and is characterized by two large Mecchania ships that release several robots and satellites. Use homing shots several times and if necessary: ​​beserk them! Pay attention because the ships change position and the robots they release are very accurate in their shots.

If you choose the path on the right, the most common enemies will be some creatures with bat wings.       

These are easy to eliminate. Large creatures will also appear under the ground and hit you several times with green shots. Attention! Use lots of homing shots as there are a total of five of these creatures.              

Boss: The enemy in this phase was already seen in the first phase. It’s the Goolia and it’s a biomechanical gorilla-like creature. Initially he starts in front of you and then surrounds you, releasing a sequence of four shots. Fire lots of homing shots to find weak points. In a moment Goolia will disappear and reappear right in front, tempting you with its claws. Be careful: if you hit him, it’s certain death! Soon he begins to move through the trees and release fire launchers on the ground. Use beserk if necessary, as the boss starts to launch a spinning blade that takes away a lot of energy.           

4) Episode 4

This phase, inside a cave filled with water, has at least three possible paths. The first one is right at the beginning, before the dragon descends (route 3).             

Just keep the directional pad up and follow the path. Warning: this path is the most difficult of the three and has enemies appearing mainly from behind and with half-open gates. It is possible to use common or guided shots on enemies, but you must pay attention to your shots.       

Following the normal game path, target all laser-shooting ships. After two descents, there will be a moment when the player will come across a path to the right: this is the second possible path (route 2). On this path, there will be a moment when you will arrive in a dark room full of winged fish. Quickly use the homing shot! Soon they paint shooters on all sides. I shoot them too.              

The normal path (route 1) continues past a wall that is actually a door (just shoot it), right before the second path option. This path follows a part on land that has several robots on the sides. Just use regular shooting on them. However, the player will be taken up in an elevator and laser cannons will appear on the sides. Shoot everyone with the guided shot before they mount up, as the fire from these weapons takes a lot of energy.             

At the end of routes 1 and 2, the player must throw some rocks that remain suspended. Shoot before they get close as they take a lot of energy. At the end of the level there are still some robots left, just use the guided laser.         

Boss: The boss here is Guardian, a large biomechanical fish. It starts swimming around you and then comes out of the water behind you. Quickly use the homing shot as it is only effective when Guardian is out of the water. The second time he jumps out of the water, use homing shots and regular shots again. He will start destroying the bridge you are on and you need to keep shooting at him so he doesn’t hit you.         

Then he will appear in front releasing small mines that fragment. Don’t shoot them! When Guardian emerges from the water at this point, he will release a powerful laser. Quickly use beserk and destroy it.         

5) Episode 5

The entire level takes place in a place that looks like a swamp, right under fog and snow. The main enemy is the boss himself, who starts attacking you with shot launchers. Use the homing shot several times and stay alert because the enemy launches a real wall of shots! When he is damaged, run away and reappear at the end of the level.             

When the scenery starts to fade, enemies will appear from behind. Here the difficulty is to visualize them, as they are white and blend in with the snow. Use common shots quickly to destroy them and change your logo because more enemies will appear in front.           

Three sequences of interconnected enemies will also appear, as if they were a chain. Just use the homing shot at the end of the chain.           

Boss: The boss, who was already faced at the beginning of the phase, will appear from the water and will have a deflector shield. This shield protects you from homing shots. To defeat the boss there are two ways. The easiest way is to just use the common shot repeatedly and be aware of the mines it releases, which can be destroyed. The most difficult way is to use the guided shot and then the common shot at the boss’s shield. Doing this a few times will destroy the shield and the boss will attack you with spiral shots. Attention! These shots are strong and beserk is used.              

6) Episode 6

The Shelcoot ship, which was seen at several points in the game, is the target in this phase. The player will start by flying over it and having to destroy a real bunch of enemies. Not only are there enemies flying around, but there are also aerial mine shooters and laser cannons.            

Destroy them all with the homing shot. Special attention must be paid before entering the ship because there are very precise laser cannons.             

Once inside the ship, you need to destroy all enemies and cannons quickly (they take a lot of energy). Soon the player will exit the left side of the ship, having to destroy the three large stabilizers and also the cannons and launchers that protect them. Use the homing shot several times.         

When re-entering the ship, special attention must be paid to avoid colliding with enemies, which begin to appear in large numbers. Try to use the common shot on these enemies because it is a more agile shot. Soon the player will be under the ship and here the enemies appear more and more. Use the guided shot once again and change the view because some appear from the sides and others will appear from behind. You need to pay attention to the laser cannons. It is in this part that the player will face the boss.              

Boss: The boss is the fearsome Guardian Dragon, but he is protected in a dome. Here the player will limit himself to destroying this dome. Use guided laser because it is the most effective. When three snipers are launched, destroy them, as they direct a powerful green laser at the enemy. Circle the screen several times because enemy shots will not be spared here!             

Try not to use beserk: it will be needed in the next episode.           

7) Last Episode

If the player managed to make the dragon evolve to at least two possible final stages, he will face the phase. In one of the stages the dragon looks like an eagle and is white in color, while in another it is blue in color, has thin wings and membranes on the side of the face. It is from this last stage that the dragon can reach the final stage, the form of the first Panzer Dragoon. If the player achieved a high rating in the previous stages, the dragon will evolve before facing the Guardian Dragon.

Facing the Guardian Dragon requires patience and skill. To start, the player must shoot at him with the guided shot and pay attention to the enemy’s rear because he will release a burst. Dodge it, circle the screen and use the homing shot again. Keep shooting at him and when he starts dropping mines, use regular fire to destroy them. Don’t miss any of them because they hit you directly and take away a lot of energy.

The Guardian Dragon’s strongest attack is a powerful butt. Before launching this attack, he takes distance and then attacks the player. The tip is to stay in a corner and when he charges at you, go to the opposite side quickly. If necessary, use the beserk when he finishes the “rabadas”. If he still has energy, he will fire several accurate spiral shots. Move a lot on the screen!

By destroying the Guardian Dragon, its true form will be revealed. This shape is what the player saw in the first phase and has incredible speed.           

To defeat her, use the guided shot with the crosshair centered and then release the shot. Do this several times. If you manage to fill part of the beserk bar (the bar turns green), don’t think twice: use it!!!             

Avoid getting in line with the green blasts when he moves.             

After being destroyed, just watch the end of the dragon’s evolutionary level.

You’ll soon discover that not every ending is happy…

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