Panzer Dragoon Saga – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Panzer Dragoon Saga – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

January 30, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

By: Augusto Aragão

Panzer Dragoon’s RPG features an innovative battle system, adapting the style of the first two games. In this system, there are three bars that fill automatically and through them, it will be possible to fire shots, beserk, spells and use items. With a full bar it is now possible to shoot the weapon, the beserk and use items. But to perform spells you need to have at least two. With three full bars it is possible to invoke specific spells from the classes that the dragon is emphasized.

The bar’s filling can be affected by certain enemy attacks such as Bind and Stun. It should also be noted that during movement the bar does not fill (it remains stationary).

The following types of magic are possessed by the dragon (remember that they use beserk points (BP) and the more powerful the magic, the more BP it uses (the exception is when the dragon is in the spiritual class):

Attack : These are powerful and have great effectiveness on most enemies. Some promote multiple hits while others constitute single shots. If the dragon has the “attack” attribute emphasized, this group of spells will be completed quickly. They are: Chain Laser, Laser Storm, Prism Laser, Lightning Storm and Beserker Rage.

Spiritual : These spells are more powerful than attack spells and also have the advantage of causing more damage to armored enemies. There are multi-hit and centered-hit spells. With the dragon emphasized in the spiritual class, these spells are learned more quickly. They are: Holy Sphere, Cleasing Wave, Judgment Day, Armageddon and Dragon Phoenix.

Defense : The spells in this group are mainly energy replenishing. Others promote the protection of the dragon. If the dragon has defense emphasized, it will learn them all more quickly. They are: Heal, Vengeance Orbs, Heal-Maxis, Shield and Genesis.

Agility : Most of these spells are attack spells, except for one escape and one recovery spell. They do not do as much damage as the attack or spiritual class. Just put the dragon in the agility class to learn all these spells more quickly. They are: Phantom Slashers, Escape, Wraith Slashers, Recover and Onslaught.

3 Full Bars : This group of spells requires three full bars, but in return they do not spend any beserk points (BP). They maximize the class the dragon is in, so you need to change the dragon’s class to use the one you want. So there is one that increases defense, increases attack power, increases spiritual power or increases speed. They are: Healing Wing, Assaut Wing, Beserker Wing, Swift Wing and Protection Wing.

Extra Class : This class has spells that are found throughout the game, therefore, they are not learned by the dragon. Many of these spells are hidden or will be found with certain characters. They are all attack spells and spend beserk points. They are: Energy Prism, Plasma Vortex, Hunting Scythe, Plasma Swarm and Astral Phantons.

The dragon that the player controls starts out very simple (I would say puny), but can evolve into bolder and more powerful forms. This evolution is not numerical (like level 1 to 50 or so on) but rather the power of your laser, which is classified from 1 to 6, in a circular graph. Only after the laser at level 1 does the dragon gain the ability to emphasize the following classes:

Attack : Here the dragon has its beserker reinforced, causing more damage than the normal weapon. It is a class opposite to the spiritual.

Spiritual : In this the dragon reinforces its spells and spends much less beserk points. As spells are very efficient against armored enemies, this class has great value against them. It is a class opposite to the attack class.

Defense : Here the dragon gains more armor, becoming more resistant to enemy shots, except magic. Unfortunately, the emphasis on this class reduces the bar filling speed. It is a class opposite to Agility.

Agility : In this class, the dragon gains incredible speed to move and the bars fill faster. However, he becomes more vulnerable to enemy attacks, especially magic. It is a class opposite to defense.

It is possible to place the dragon with intermediate requirements, so that it can emphasize two classes, as long as they are not opposites. If the dragon is kept without any emphasis, it can learn the spells of all classes.

As the dragon has its more powerful laser, it will take on different aspects and will be able to destroy more objects in the game (each one shows the ring with the laser strength it needs to be destroyed). Depending on the class of the dragon, there will be particular characteristics to know. See what they are:

Laser Level 0 (Basic Wing): This is the dragon that the player starts using in the game. He does not have the ability to transform, but over time he will learn.

Laser Level 1 (Valiant Wing): After facing the enemy called Gigra, the dragon finally manages to reach a Laser level. Here he can now emphasize each of the four attributes, changing his form and performance. It has slender, swept wings, as well as a horn on its forehead.

Laser Level 2 (Stripe Wing): It got its name due to its stripes on its wings. It continues to have slender, swept-back wings, in addition to the large horn on its head. The dragon reaches this level after facing the Guardian Dragon in Georgius.

Laser Level 3 (Panzer Wing): As the name suggests (Panzer means armored in German), it is a more defensive form. The dragon gains more plates on its body and wings. This level is reached after the battle against the enemy Basilus, at the exit from the underground ruins of Uru.

Laser Level 4 (Eye Wing): This form is achieved after the third battle against Atolm Dragon. The name is due to the fact that the dragon has eye-like designs on its wings. The dragon continues to have more plates on its body.

Laser Level 5 (Arm Wing): Without the 12 Dragon Units, this is the last level you can reach. The dragon catches up to him after facing the parasite-infested Grig Orig ship. The dragon continues to have an armored appearance, but its legs take on a more humanoid appearance.

Laser Level 6 (Light Wing): Only with all 12 Dragon Units is it possible to reach the dragon’s maximum level. This is a legendary form (often mentioned in Uru’s records) and the dragon brings together all four attributes, without needing to emphasize each one of them (with three full bars, it recovers both energy and beserk points)! The dragon looks bold and has only one leg (very strange…). At this level, he can destroy several objects in the game, which require level 6.

Note : There is also the possibility of transforming the dragon into its original Panzer Dragoon form. The way to achieve this will be described at the end of this thrashing.

During battles, the player must pay attention to the map in the lower center. The enemy is always in the middle and it is the dragon that moves, circling him. On the map, there are different colors that indicate different situations and they are as follows:

Green Area : In this area the player will not suffer any attack. On the other hand, many enemies can reduce it to just 25% or even 0%. Another important detail is that in these areas the player can stay and let them accumulate enough bars to launch attacks. You can’t see the enemies’ weak point in this area.

Colorless Area : This is an attack area, but enemy attacks have medium power. It is also an area of ​​variable size and can be altered by certain enemies.

Red Area : This is the most dangerous area, as enemy attacks are stronger. On the other hand, the enemies’ weak point is almost always in this area, whether in front or behind them. Some enemies turn the entire map red, so the player must have some defense up. Attention!

Gray Area : This is an inaccessible area, due to some fighting. It could be due to fighting inside a tunnel or in an alley. Pay extra attention because enemies will take advantage of this disadvantage!

One of the keys to victory is the triggered attack system. What does this means? During the movement, the player can leave an attack button pressed (A for the weapon and C for the menu) and, at the end of the movement, the attack will be launched. Using this tactic will guarantee higher grades. Remember that the faster you destroy the enemy, the less damage you suffer and the more precise and varied the attack, the higher the score (and the gains in evolutionary points, as well as money).

Let’s get to the game itself:

1) CD 1

At the beginning there is a series of videos, showing the main character Edge at an Imperial excavation site and discovering the character Azel. The character Craymen and his army are also known, who intend to take Azel and put an end to the Empire. The entire historical overview of the game (well known to those who played Panzer Dragoon Zwei) will also be explained.

During Craymen’s arrival, his lackey named Zastava will kill Edge’s friends (Rhua and the Captain). Upon waking up, Edge will see Azel being taken by Craymen and will try to reach her, but will be knocked down by Zastava.

The next videos will show the Empire’s capital being destroyed in a huge explosion. Soon the figure of the sovereign of the Empire is shown, knowing about Craymen’s action and sending his fleet to reach him. In the fleet is the formidable ship Grig Orig, which will be faced later.

The player will be asked what name they will give the character and after another video, the adventure begins.

Ruins – Bottom Floor: In the underground ruins, move forward and take a look in the upper right corner. There you will see a strange carved figure of a dragon. Not familiar? Turn to the left side and see two pyramid shapes. There are many like them throughout the game and they are the ones who will guard the items. Some of these shapes have small dots on the sides, which indicate the laser power required to open them (the number of dots indicates the laser power needed). In these two pyramids the player will find the weapon he will use in the game and the keys to use the elevator at the end of the corridor. With the keys, just press the buttons and go up in the elevator.

Here’s another video, which will show Edge climbing up and coming face to face with more creatures from the Ancient Era (the same kind Edge faced in the first video). He will try to destroy them, but the weapon fails…will everything be lost for him?

A dragon appears and destroys all the creatures. He stares at Edge with a strange interest, bringing insight into the character’s mind. This seals a connection between the two and Edge can finally leave the depths of the ruins.

Above the Excavation: The player will emerge in a valley and here it is important to shoot all the crates that are on the ropes. Some have useful items such as elixir and minor beserker, others will be used for sale. Search all the paths, get the map and follow it to the end of the Valley and don’t forget to save the game in the “Ancient Device”. The player will emerge at the excavation site.

Excavation Site: Here the player must search the objects and on the right side he will find the Captain, injured and on the verge of death. He will explain who Craymen is and give you a map. His death will awaken Edge’s desire for revenge. You have to move forward in the adventure.

Excavation Site #4: This is where the player will begin fighting the Panzer Dragoon creatures. There is a tutorial before moving forward and it is a good idea for the player to look at each aspect. Right at the beginning there is a pyramid shape with an important item (telepathic shardy). Continuing in this region, it’s a good idea to hit all the cars that are stopped and the pyramid shapes. Move around this area to accumulate experience when facing enemies. Also enter the caves to find important items. The enemies here are as follows:

Pattergo : They are bird-like creatures. They only make strong attacks when something is in front. Use the beserker to hit them as they fly in groups of 3 to 4.

Pattergen : She is the female Pattergo and has the ability to recharge the energy of males or herself. So if you find her in the group, hit her first with the gun shot.

Baldor : Here these creatures are found alone, but later on you will see that they are always in pairs. Its most powerful attack (terrible bite) is from the front and from the sides the attack is average (spine arrows). Attack him from behind with the beserker.

In the end the player will be thrown backwards due to the wind net. Enter the cave at the very back and find a machine. Shoot it and the wind net will deactivate. Save the game and proceed.

Canyon Deep Gulch: This is a beautiful river region of the valley. Here you need to be careful as the creatures are more varied. See what they are:

Baldor Queem : Although it doesn’t look like it, it is the female Baldor. It is fixed to the rocks and its weak point is in a hanging part of the body. It changes the green area to red, so move around a lot. Use the beserker or weak point shot. She will produce several Baldors (Vile Brood), but don’t let her get distracted: focus on the female.

Baldor : The only thing new about them here is that they are in pairs, so the damage will be greater. Stay smart! The tactic to defeat them is the same as before.

Magnata and Gelata Urchins : These are, respectively, female and male hedgehogs. Their weak point is at the front and they move a lot. Follow the green area and hit them with the front shot.

Still in this Canyon, search inside the waterfall to find important items (among them, dragon unit 2). Throughout the level, continue exploring the various forks and collecting items. Right at the beginning of the level you will find a damaged Empire ship. Take the item from it. At the end of the level there is a cave and you need to save the game because later there will be a boss to face.

Before facing the boss, the player will find a man, in a Coolia, being chased. He goes into hiding at Edge’s request and then the boss fight begins.

Boss ( Arachnoth ): The boss is a bestial creature, but with little intelligence. The most dangerous area is in front of it. Its weak point is on its back and to hit it, the player must enrage it first. Start dropping holy spheres until he becomes enraged. When he gets angry, he will create a large red area, but the important thing is not to get in front of him. Stay on the sides, as the boss will headbutt you and take away your energy. Instead, he will hit the rocks and become unconscious, leaving his weak point exposed. Then attack repeatedly with beserk. If he doesn’t die, repeat the tactic and recharge energy if necessary.

After defeating the boss, you will meet the man you saved. He will identify himself as a hunter, whose name is Gash. He will be an important ally of Edge in his adventure and will ask to be taken to the village of Cainus. Don’t waste time, go there.

Village of Cainus: When you arrive at the village, everything will be destroyed. Gash will say it was the monsters’ fault. Here you need to listen carefully to Gash’s story to learn more about the world and the creatures, including the dragon, that surround the game’s story. Hear everything.

At dawn, save your game and see the dragon. He will recover and you better give him a name, which will bring him magic in the future. Whenever you rest, get close to the dragon and take care of it (Pet). Before heading out into the desert to take Gash, talk to him about everything you know (creatures, the desert, the oasis, the worms). Only then leave for the Garil desert.

Desert – Worm Land: As Gash already said, to pass through the desert you need to use the tunnels dug by the worms and this is where you start using them. Right at the beginning there is a series of arches on the right side. Go through them all: a red worm will appear (Gash says they are rare) and open a tunnel. Enter it and get the items. Also don’t forget to pick up other items in the pyramid shapes scattered around here (the one on the left side has Dragon Unit 3). There are a number of new creatures to face here, see what they are and what to do (remember that Gash also gives tips):

Stryder : They are runners, similar to gazelles. The areas of strong attack are in front and behind them. There is no danger on the sides, but that is also where they are most resistant. Charge the bars and use the beserk on their backs as that is where their weak points are.

Stryder Hunter : Same as Stryders but they have a horn, from which they emit a stronger attack. In a group there are always two Hunters and the rest are Stryders. Use the same tactic to destroy them.

Nanyd : They look like moths and always fly in large groups. They have a strong attack from the front and a medium attack from the sides. Behind it there is a weak point and it is a good area for the player to accumulate bars. Use beserk on them.

Nanyd Queem : She is a female and also the leader of the swarms. It is distinguished by its orange color. If she is killed, the group disbands. She is resistant to beserk, so she prefers to use the weapon and save it for last. This way, more points will be earned.

In this part there is also a ship under the sand. It is a remnant of ancient eras and can only be accessed when the dragon has laser level 6. Next to this ship there is a mass: he is the boss here. Hit the dough to go face him.

Boss ( Lathum ): This creature is a flat mass (Gash finds this creature the most disgusting and fetid…), resembling a planarian. He starts by releasing beserk to find out where the creature’s weak point is. When a red spot appears, he concentrates the gun fire there. Move around to avoid the boss’s red attack areas (they appear where you hit the beserk and the weak point didn’t appear). If he covers the weak point, repeat the beserk and the localized shot with the weapon again.

After defeating him, a worm will emerge and open a passage to the next part of the desert. Follow.

Desert – Green Oasis: In this part, keep looking for the items in the scattered pyramid shapes. Go to the right side and notice several swirls of sand: in one of them there is a baby worm. Shoot him to free him. Soon a worm will open a tunnel and inside it the player will find a Mauler, a piece that reinforces the weapon’s shot (needs to be installed).

The enemies here are the same as in the previous phase, plus the following:

Hopper : They look like flowers with feet and release acidic bile. Its weak point is in the back, so use the gun. As these creatures appear in groups of three, you need to move around to find each individual’s weak point.

Pludger : This being is almost always found above the sand whirlpools and they are not alone. They come with a swarm of Nanyds. Forget about the Nanyds and focus the gun shots on Pludger’s weak point, which is behind him. When you destroy it, it will explode releasing acid that will eliminate the Nanyds.

In the middle of this stage there is an oasis, but it is sealed. The player needs to shoot the structure in the middle and then look for a round shape on the left side. Hit it too to free up the passage. Still on the left side, hit the different plants to find Kuo pollen, which helps maintain the dragon’s speed in battles.

Before entering the passage, don’t forget to recover energy or BP and save the game on the ancient device. Enter and head to the next part of the desert.

Desert – Blue Ruins: The rule here is the same as before, that is, look for items in the scattered pyramid shapes. Before heading to the part with a ruin in the center, save your game.

In the region with the ruins, go around the corners to collect items and destroy the three structures that will open the passages to the ruins. In the left corner is a pyramid shape with Dragon Unit 4. There are no new enemies to discuss here, except for the following:

Stryder Scavenger : This is a group made up of Nanyds, Stryders and Stryders Hunters. Everyone’s weak point is attacking from the back, but you need to be careful because in this region they also cause more damage. Use beserk freely.

After destroying the three structures surrounding the ruins, a tornado will appear and clear the path for her. Enter and prepare to face a boss in the underground cave.

Gigralyph : This small creature must be shot several times, but is not the boss. The boss himself will devour her.

Boss ( Gigra ): Soon after digesting the Gigralyph, Gigra will show its form. She is a winged form, but can change to a more defensive or mobile module. In this initial form, try to stay behind Gigra by accumulating the three bars and only then let him get behind you. The weak point is in the head, so shoot the gun. If Gigra switches to defensive form, do not shoot and wait for it to return to normal form. At some point it will bury itself and cause a rockfall. Keep an eye on your energy.

When Gigra loses the first wave of energy, it will show its true mobile form. Repeat the tactic of staying behind, accumulating the bars and letting him put you in front, and then using the gun on the head (which is still the weak point). Then go back because the other areas have high damage (Gigra uses Spines).

Once defeated, Gigra disappears but will reappear. Before that, the dragon will evolve to laser level 1 and the player will become familiar with its transformation abilities. In this part the dragon will eliminate Gigra.

Once at the camp, Gash will thank you and suggest you head east, where there is a caravan. He also gives you a blue pendant, to let them know you’re his friend (and also a hunter). Take the opportunity to take care of the dragon and save the game before going to see the caravan.

Caravan: In the caravan you already come face to face with Enkak, the chief’s son. There are three tents and the one on the right is that of An’Jou, the chief. Go in and talk to him. He will recognize Gash’s pendant with you and will tell you about the lives of those traveling in the caravan and what is happening. Another detail he will mention is that he saw troops heading to the Forbidden Zone and that this region is dangerous.

After speaking to the boss he will ask you to speak to Baicah, an expert in the ancient era and in preparing potions and antidotes, who travels along with the caravan. He will be able to sell you important items and also buy items from you that will not be used (such as the Stolarium, Dynis Chip). Baicah’s tent is very distinctive: it is lilac in color. Equip yourself with it and always remember to come back when you need to sell something. Then go to the Forbidden Zone.

Tip: Before going to the forbidden zone, go back to “Above the Excavation Site”. At the first fork, go left and find some birds. They are called Conanas. Hit the one on a rock. Your dragon will follow them and they will take you to a refuge. There is a pyramidal shape with Dragon Unit 1 and another with Ambrosia (recharges energy and BP).

Forbidden Zone: As soon as you arrive in this region, the transporter’s central computer will identify your strange presence and deactivate itself. He separates his eight pieces and Edge has to put them back together to gain access to the skies and reach the fleet. To find each of the pieces, just go to the conveyor in the center and check where each one fits. Then just go straight and shoot each piece to make it come back. Don’t forget to pick up the items in the pyramid shapes.

The creatures here are as follows:

Lazara : These flying life forms fly in groups of four and patrol areas of ancient ages. It has a strong attack on the front and a medium attack on the sides. Stay behind them because the weak point is here. Just use beserk.

Lazara Hunter : Differs from Lazaras in that it has a horn and small wings on the lower edge of its body. It is also what coordinates the Lazaras’ attacks, so that if it is destroyed, the Lazaras will not perform evasive maneuvers. There is only one Lazara Hunter per group and it must be shot with the gun first.

Lazara Hammer : These are Lazaras that patrol the waters and can be submerged or surfaced. Their attacks are similar. The weak point is in the head, at the front. Be careful because they have a strong laser attack ahead. Use the beserker.

Lazara Skimmer : Also aquatic, they act like Lazara Hunters, that is, they coordinate the group’s attacks and evasive actions. They need to be shot first with a gun shot. When it is destroyed, those submerged soon emerge. The weak point is also at the front.

Neo Stryder : They are the aquatic forms of the Stryders, running on water and acting in the same way as them. Therefore, the technique to combat them is the same as that of their counterparts. Just use beserk.

Neo Stryder Hunter : The leader of the group of Neo Stryders, having the same characteristics as the other group leaders. Hit them with the gun first.

Tip: If the dragon loses energy, leave it in pure type and accumulate the three bars. This will recover energy and save the use of energy recovery items.

After assembling the eight pieces of the transporter, shoot it and prepare for a battle against the Craymen ships.

Craymen’s Elite Group: This is a group of three ships, two escorts and one main ship. See what they are and how to defeat them.

Punisher : This ship covers not only the front but also the sides and is equipped with rockets and bio-effect weapons! Stay behind her and when she moves to the side use the beserk or the gun. Using the gun is better because it hits directly into the cabin.

Flagship : The main ship is equipped with anti-aircraft batteries and aerial mines as well. The mines are always launched from behind while the batteries change the direction of the shots. Be careful because they do a lot of damage. This ship also reduces altitude to avoid air attacks. Use beserk several times, avoiding getting behind the ship. The Holy Sphere spell is very effective when the ship is at low altitude.

After damaging the ship, Edge approaches it and discovers that only one of the Craymen men remains. He was at the dig when Edge’s friends were killed by Zastava. When asking about Craymen, the man responds that Edge will be killed by a woman. Who would it be? The answer comes soon after with the appearance of the frightening Atolm Dragon. This strange dragon is under Azel’s command! It’s another fight that begins.

Boss ( Atolm Dragon ): This is the first battle against Atolm and an important detail to know is that he is immune to spells, except those that use the dragon’s laser (Beserker Rage for example). Its weak point is in the tail region, but it is risky to attack from there as it is a red zone. The trick is to attack from the sides with beserk. When Azel says “Ne-Rai”, he quickly goes in front of Atolm because he will unleash a terrible spell: Beserk Rage! This is a barrage of laser shots capable of sapping energy. In the future, Edge’s dragon will learn this spell too.

Keep using the beserk on Atolm and if he repeats the Beserk Rage, go back in front of him.

Tip: One option here is to reinforce armor and attack (intermediate) to combat Atolm. This way the damage caused will be greater and the damage caused by Azel’s dragon will also be minimized. If you have the Shield Ship, use it after charging the three bars and go behind Atolm, then attacking with the beserk. Do this preferably after Beserker Rage.

Even after this fight, Atolm will not be destroyed. So Azel will leave with him and the adventure will continue on the second CD. Save the game and proceed with the next stage of the adventure.

2) CD 2

After the battle in the forbidden zone, go to the caravan. When you get there, it will be night, you will see that An’Jou is working on a creature she caught. He will also talk about the dragon that destroyed the fleet in the forbidden zone. You can also talk to Raul, who is always behind the tents. Take advantage and visit Baicah to sell items or buy new ones he has. Then go to the caravan exit and choose the option to wait for daybreak.

During the day you can visit the women’s tent, which is in the middle. Talk to Baicah’s wife and then his daughter. The wife will tell you about a forest where life is peaceful. This forest is close to a city. It is in this city where Edge will be able to get more information. Go there.

Tip: Before leaving, collect at least 12000 Dynes and buy the Sniper weapon. It causes great damage to enemies’ weak points and will therefore be of great help in your adventure. Also buy items like anesthetic, revive, cure and unbind. Also stop by the camp for the dragon to recover. Take care of him and save the game.

Village of Zoah: Right in the city, talk to the citizen you meet (if it’s night). He is Radgam, an elderly hunter. In this city there is a sacred area that the player will only have access to later on. Follow the left side to find the Juba bar. In it, you must speak to Juba himself and pay 20 Dynes for the drink. Take it and say you’re feeling fine (in fact, Edge gets really sick…). Talk to him about everything he knows and he’ll tell you to look for a character named Paet in the morning (just go to the gate and choose to wait for daybreak). Juba will also give you an elixir and a photo of the legendary Tower, an important formation in the ancient era.

In the morning, follow the tunnel next to the Juba bar. Talk to the people and head straight left. There are some geometric shapes and in the middle of them you will find Paet. He loves the technology of the ancient era and despite appearing hostile, he will be a great admirer of Edge. Talk to him.

In the middle of the montage, Paet will want to know who Edge is. He will promise to tell you what he knows about the Tower if Edge brings back parts of ships that are on Georgius. There is no doubt that it is the next place to visit. Talk to Paet some more (say you don’t know where it is) and then head to Georgius.

Above Georgius: In this region, which is formed by magnetic and wind storms, there is an initial part that is above the typhoon. Go around it and face the following creatures, in addition to the Lazaras, to gain experience:

Lazara Hunting Group : Nothing more than four Lazaras transporting the Lazara Skimmers. The weak point is still behind and the player must prioritize attacking the Lazaras, because when they are destroyed, the Skimmers will die automatically. Be careful because when you get behind the Lazaras they go into evasive mode and manage to avoid the dragon’s beserker. Use the weapon multiple times.

Georgius: Descending through the tornado, the player will find several satellites protecting the area. You have to get them all right and still get the items and save the game. Whenever debris hits you, you will face the following creatures:

Hellions : These naughty beings always appear in groups of three and launch an attack that causes good damage. To make matters worse, they hide behind a large rock that floats. You need to use the beserker to destroy them and still move to find them. Stay alert and recharge if necessary.

After destroying all the protective satellites, the tornado will disappear and a large ship will appear. Doesn’t it look familiar? It’s the Shelcoof, the ship that appeared in Panzer Dragoon Zwei! Circle around it and hit the pyramid shapes that surround the area. There is one right under the Shelcoof. It contains ship parts. When you get them, return to Paet with them.

Tip: Before going to see Paet, go to the Camp and let the dragon recover. Take care of him and save the game. There is also a seller in the city and he will be able to buy items from you, as well as selling his.

Village of Zoah: Find Paet in the morning and show him the pieces. He’ll look at them and think you’re trying to trick him. Once again he will tell you what you should think and there will be no other way out than to return to Georgius. Go on!

Georgius: Again here, circle around the Shelcoof and you’ll notice there’s an entrance into it from behind. However, this entrance cannot be accessed inside the ship because the dragon’s laser is weak. In the future you will have access and this will reveal a secret.

The real entrance into Shelcoof is on the left. Enter and watch the video.

Once inside the ship, Edge will notice a strange creature being captured by the Empire’s men. Haven’t you seen this creature before? Unfortunately, Edge’s spying attempt fails and he ends up being captured. Taken to the commander, Edge will be interrogated as to what he was doing and why he had a photo of the legendary Tower. Without saying what they want and appearing to be helping Craymen, Edge will be cruelly tortured.

The character will be placed in a cell on another ship and will then hear an alert. At this moment Gash (remember him?) appears and frees him. They both reach the ship’s deck and discover that the Empire is taking the creature seen on the Shelcoof. The dragon will appear and take them both. This is where another battle begins against an Empire ship and the boss: the frightening Guardian Dragon.

Gunship : This is a well-known ship to anyone who has played Panzer Dragoon. She attacks with several sequential shots, even outside the red area. Get in front or behind her using the beserker. A good solution is to emphasize the attack or use the Holy Sphere spell (blast chip also works). When the ship has a red energy bar, Guardian Dragon destroys it and breaks free.

Boss ( Guardian Dragon ): Old acquaintance of Panzer Dragoon Zwei, here he has the most degenerate body. But he still has strong firepower and defense. He starts shooting from the sides, although this takes little energy. Use Holy Sphere several times until he lifts the tail plates. Once opened, his weak point will be exposed. Go there and quickly use the Sniper’s equipped weapon. Don’t stay too long in this region as it has high damage (Guardian Dragon uses beserker). After defeating him, the dragon will evolve to laser level 2.

Camp: After resting and taking care of the dragon, talk to Gash. When Edge leaves, he shudders: he forgot to collect the ship’s parts! Otherwise, Gash gets him the parts, which he took before they left. With the pieces in hand, go to Zoah and take them to Paet.

Tip: Go to the caravan at night and see that An’Jou is still working on a creature he just killed. Talk to him and he will say that prayers have been answered: a dragon is fighting the Empire. He will give you a bible about the dragon. Read it as it will reveal important details.

Village of Zoah: Look for Paet in the morning and you’ll see how happy he is to see you. In fact he is amazed to learn that Edge has a dragon, something he has never seen! He will say that he saw Edge through his GeoScan and that he can’t see the Tower properly with him because of the fog in the region. What causes this will be known later. He will also speak of a path to the Tower underground, through the mystical sunken ruins of Uru. That’s the next place to go. Through GeoScan, they both visualize the ruins of Uru and even see Azel there! Before leaving, Paet will ask Edge to make a pact to show him the dragon. After securing this Edge will be able to go to Uru. It’s a good idea to equip yourself first.

Uru – Sunken Southern Ruins: Arriving in Uru, the player will notice that the look is very reminiscent of Atlantis. This is the southern region and after passing the arches, on the right and left side (between rocks), there are strange formations. They are parts of the Guardian of Uru. To activate it you will need two Protect Keys, which are in the northern part of Uru. But to get to the northern region you need to use a passage, which is going straight ahead.

The player will come to a large rock and the entrance is blocked. How to proceed? Note that several creatures swim in this region of Uru. They are Kinoshitas, species of whales that were long thought to be extinct. One of these whales is right under the column that blocks the entrance. Hit her with a shot and she will then ram the column, opening the passage. But it’s still not enough.

There is a tunnel that connects the passage, but it is out of alignment. Follow the tunnel from the outside and find a dome in the middle of it. Shoot several times until the tunnel connects with the opening in the rocks.

An important detail to know is that the pyramidal shapes in this region are hidden by vegetation in the rocks. Look for them as there are necessary items.

Before entering and proceeding, know what the creatures are here:

Dracolyth : These beings are dragons that fly in flocks of six individuals. They are resistant and have a strong attack with spheres (orbs) in 75% of the battle area. You have to stay behind them to avoid getting hit and accumulating bars. When they get behind you, use the berserker as their weak point is their head.

Lumid : They are winged insects similar to Nanyds, just use the same tactic to defeat them. They always fly in numerous swarms.

Lumid Queem : In the same way as Nanyd Queem, it is the female who commands the swarm and if she is killed, the group will fall apart (scatter). The tactic to defeat her is the same as Nanyd Queem. Use the common shot.

Kolba : The Kolba is a strange winged creature that attacks anything it deems to be an enemy. It always flies in groups of four, is very resistant and launches powerful attacks at you! Using holy spheres or blast chips is a good tactic. However, it may be better to avoid combat using the Flash chip or Scape.

Note: There are also Neo Stryder and Neo Stryder Hunter here, so aspects about them have already been described in the part about the Forbidden Zone. Just use the same tactic to defeat them.

Uru – Passage: This underwater passage has one of the most beautiful visuals in the game. Pick up items in the pyramid shapes here and save your game. There are other paths in this part, but they are currently inaccessible. Head north of Uru.

Uru – Deep North: As soon as you arrive in this region, Edge will come face to face with ships from the Craymen fleet. See what they are:

Annihilator : It is a ship equipped with a large rotating cannon, called the Reaper. This cannon follows the dragon, so the player must move around a lot. Never stay in front of it for too long because it does considerable damage! After moving around a lot, it overheats and stays still. It’s then time to attack the ship with beserker. If you want, go to the front of the ship and use the Sniper on the weak point! But be careful because this ship has biological weapons. If you are hit, use the specific item to heal.

Rogues : These are small attack ships that fly in groups of six. They are very fast and can avoid the beserker when attacked from the front. There is no danger from the sides, but their weak point is from behind. Charge the bar and use the beserker on their backs!

Pyros : Ships with a strange design, reminiscent of a wasp’s abdomen. They attack with chemical weapons, especially fire (hell), from which their name comes. Their weak point is from behind. The sides and front are resistant. Move a lot and use the Sniper weapon behind them. They always appear in groups of 3 to 4.

Aerial Battle Group : This group brings together an Annihilator and three Pyros. The tactics to defeat them are the same for each one. However, you need to be careful with the red areas, as each enemy has a different attack and focuses on the dragon. Destroy the Pyros first and then the Annihilator. I look alive!

After defeating this wave of enemies, look in the left corner for a group of four rocks with one in the center. There is Protect Key 1. Near this location there is a stone with a shiny shape. It’s a computer that goes

inform about access to the underground levels and how to break the seal of Drenholm, the guardian of Uru. There is also a strange structure that is submerged. It will be important soon. Take the key and return to the southern ruins.

Uru – Sunken Southern Ruins: Back south, head to the right. As soon as you get close to the ruins, you’ll have to face another wave of Craymen’s ships. Among them are the already known Punishers, Annihilator and Rogues. What’s new here is just one group:

Attack Group : This group consists of a Punisher and three Rogues. Behind it is a safety zone and is used to hit the Rogues. Use Beserk on them and then take care of the Punisher with Beserker and gunfire in the ship’s cockpit.

After destroying the group, shoot the key to activate the first part of the guardian. You will be informed that the level will be reduced. What could it be? Return to the North to find out.

Uru – Deep North: When you arrive here, something will have changed. Notice that the water level has dropped, further exposing the black structure and many rocks. Protect Key 2 is just to the left of the black structure, on a rock in the center of four. Take the key and go south again.

Uru – Sunken Southern Ruins: Returning here, head left and head towards the other guardian structure. As if that weren’t enough, there is another wave of the Craymen fleet to face. There is nothing new in this wave and the enemies are Rogues, Annihilator, Aerial Attack Group and Attack Group. Use the same tactics already mentioned against them. Then shoot the structure and watch the video.

Shortly after activating the second structure, the region will shake. Each of the structures interconnects and the true shape of each one is revealed. Edge’s terrified look is interrupted by a sarcastic laugh: it’s Zastava (remember him?)! He says that Edge only sealed his own death by activating Uru’s guardian and that it’s foolish to face Craymen. He escapes and begins the fight against Uru’s boss, the powerful Drenholm!

Boss ( Drenholm ): This boss is made up of two parts, the lower one equipped with turbines and the upper one with a strange antenna and tail. Initially Drenholm will be floating on the water and is shielded from all gunfire. Will it be invulnerable? No. Start by hitting the side turbines with the Beserker. Shoot one side and then move to the other. Be careful because Drenholm has a powerful attack called Thunderstorm, which takes away a lot of energy! Recharge the HP if necessary.

After losing the turbines, Drenholm’s top part comes off and flies off. This is when your weak point is exposed! Go behind him and shoot the Sniper several times. In a moment, Drenholm’s flying unit will launch a laser (eye beam) and paralyze the dragon. Quickly use the Free Action item and let the flying unit surround you with 4 satellites (stay in a position to the side, so you can still attack the weak point). It’s important to get out of their way right away, as a devastating attack (thunderstrike) will come! Keep attacking Drenholm’s weak point until you destroy it. If it takes too long, it flies again and you have to repeat the whole tactic. Be quick.

After defeating Drenholm, notice that several pyramidal shapes are exposed. Take all the items from them and go to the entrance to the passage. On its side there are two other pyramid shapes, but you can only destroy the one at the bottom. The top one requires the laser at level 4, so you should come back later (it contains a Dragon Unit). Head to the passage because there are more items to collect.

Uru – Passage: The player must remember that the forks here were closed before, but now it will be possible to access them. The first one to be visited is the one next to the Ancient Device. Enter it and follow it to the end. You’ll find two pyramid shapes and, further on, a generator. Shoot it to activate it. Then return to the beginning of the Passage and enter the route that is now open. At the end of this you will find three pyramidal shapes, one with the Plasma Vortex spell and the other two with items. After this, head north.

Uru – Deep Nort: Note that the black structure is fully emerged and rotating. Look under the “arm” that rests on a rock. On this rock is Dragon Unit 6! Don’t forget to also pick up the items in the pyramid shapes, which are now exposed. The third and final Protect Key is in a new group of four stones with one in the center. This group is right in front of the black structure. Take the key and use it on the structure symbol.

When the key is used, the structure will begin to glow and activate the portal to Uru’s underground. This is a place with important information about the origin of Azel and the dragon in the Light Wing level. When the portal is opened, Azel and Atolm Dragon will appear and a new fight between you begins!

Boss ( Atolm Dragon ): In this second battle Atolm has four satellites that help him. The green satellites make him recover energy, while the orange ones bounce off his spiral laser shot. Try to destroy all satellites first with the Sniper! Then continue shooting with the Beserker from the sides and go forward when Azel says “Ne-Rai”. Stay tuned to recharge if necessary. If you have the Shield Chip, use it and then go to Atolm’s tail, which is still its weak point. By using the Sniper, you will sap his energy!

Even defeated, Atolm still doesn’t give up. His dragon and Atolm collide, the impact ends up being so violent that Edge and Azel fall into the opening to Uru’s underground. The two dragons fall into the water and cannot be used for now.

In the next video, Edge will find himself in a dark and very strange place. There are several creatures and some seem to be a fusion of organic and technological. Before Edge can shoot some, Azel asks him not to. Soon Edge realizes that Azel is helpless and trapped, but frees her in exchange for answers. As there is no time to waste, Azel connects a floating vehicle with which they can both leave the underground ruins. At this stage the vehicle will be crucial and Azel comments that they must reach the underground dome to get out. A long stage in the underground labyrinth begins.

Underground Ruins of Uru: This entire environment was once a biotechnology laboratory. It is so abandoned that you can see the moss and the aged appearance on the walls. This is a maze that requires attention when exploring. There are several floors and you need to activate generators to open many doors. Let’s do it by steps.

First, get to know the creatures that will be found underground:

Eggs : These are eggs from mutant beings and can be dark or light green. The difference is not just in color, as there are eggs resistant to beserker (the dark green ones) and shot (the light green ones). Aim with the gun to know which egg is resistant and use the right weapon. If it takes too long, a mutant will be born and then you will have to eliminate it too.

Mutant Hopper : One of many aberrant insects born underground. It can be found in groups and attacks by biting. If you take too long to destroy it, it will transform into a winged form. Must be shot with the beserker.

Lucich : Another mutant insect, it is resistant to the beserker, and also has the ability to absorb the energy of this attack. It also attacks by biting. Use the gun shot.

Mutant Scavenger : These slug-like creatures live by feeding on energy sources. They are found in pairs and attack with acidic bile. It also has the ability to restore its own energy or that of the beings that live with it. Use the beserker on them.

Absorbora : A life form similar to a flower that appears in groups of 4. They are beings that do not feed and have great resistance, in addition to the ability to absorb energy and return it in the form of a plasma attack. To defeat them, the tip is to shoot the weapon first, and then the Absorbors are paralyzed and facing upwards. With this, just launch beserkers, and these beings will then release the plasma blast into the air, without hitting you.

Absorborac : Nothing more than a variety of Absorbora, having the same appearance and attack pattern. The tactic to defeat them is just to use the same tactic against the Absorbers. An odd detail is that Absorborac groups always come with a sphere about to explode. Target the one with this sphere first, because when it explodes, it won’t hit you.

B1F: On this first floor, save the game and go right to activate the generator in the left door. After activating it, go left. Take the three items and go right. At the next fork, continue to the right until you reach a corridor with a dividing wall. Then go left and you will find the generator for door 2. Right after activating it, go left and there is another corridor with a divider, just go to the right and pick up three more items. Among them is Tri-Burst, which causes the weapon to hit up to three targets at the same time.

The player must go right and return to the fork. Always look at the map if you think you are lost (use the Y button). Go to what would be the left side (when you initially arrived at the fork). Continue to the end of the corridor and you will find the elevator, which will take you to the floor below.

B2F East: On this floor things get a little more complicated because you will need to find an empty chamber and fill it with water to proceed. At the first fork there is an empty well straight ahead and a path to the right. Go right until you reach another fork. Here, go straight ahead, which is a descent. The ship doesn’t have enough strength to climb ramps, so all that’s left is to go down.

There is a tank of water that you must pass through and at the end there is a chamber with several dragons attached to the ceiling. These creatures are the failures, Azel will say. This leaves Edge dumbfounded, as Azel further explains that humans created all of the creatures Edge is fighting. She also says that it is a creation of the ancients. With no time to waste, activate the generator on the left side. You will hear a sound of water. It’s the tank you passed, it will already be empty. Enter and go down.

B3F East: When you get here, there’s a generator. Activate it to fill B2F East’s empty tanks. Go down, go straight at the first fork and at the next one, go left. Enter the elevator and go back to the top floor.

B2F East: When you get here, go right at the first fork and follow until you reach another fork. Choose left, right in a tank that is now full. You will arrive in a chamber with a pyramidal shape. There is the Hunting Scythe magic there. After getting it, go back down the path and look for the other tank which is now full and will take you to the access to the Underground Dome.

Underground Dome: When you get here you will notice that there is another access above, but it cannot be accessed now. You’ll be able to catch up later. Once you get under the dome, get the area map and head to the door on the right. The one on the left will require a key. Don’t waste time and proceed to the lower levels.

B3F West: As soon as you arrive, save the game. Choose the path on the left to find generator 3, which will open the door on the right. Activate the generator and return to the path. Follow door 3 until the end, where there will be an elevator to another underground floor.

B4F: This is the top floor, it is the darkest and consists of a series of descents. Be careful because the ship cannot climb the slopes. Remember that Azel will say that the Dome key is in the middle of one of the paths here. Use the map if you think you are lost (remember you already have the map of the area too).

At the first fork, go right and collect several items in the pyramid shapes here. You will only be able to get the ones on the right row, as the ones on the left require a laser at level 1. Later you can come back and get these items and more.

Go back and follow the path in front. Here you need to investigate all the tunnels to find items.

To find the Dome key, after leaving the elevator, go down, go right, then left and finally go straight. With the key, return to the Dome.

Underground Dome: Once you get here you will need to face a boss before you can leave the underground ruins of Uru.

Boss ( Energ ): This boss is actually a kind of spider that is at the top of the screen and cannot be targeted directly. It rests on a hanging structure and moves along it to hit you. The tip to hit him is to use the Absorbors that are with him. Use the gun first to make these creatures face up. Then use the Beserker and the Absorbors will launch plasma blasts at the boss. Repeat the tactic and move to get out of the boss’s shooting area. In the end Energ will run away. He will want revenge…

After defeating Energ, Azel and Edge leave the Dome but they are not alone: ​​Energ controls a bestial creature called Basilus and pursues them. The chase goes to the elevator, where Azel and Edge manage to rest a little and talk. In this conversation, Azel becomes curious about how Edge manages to control the dragon and reveals more to him. So Edge learns that she only looks human, but is actually a construct of the ancients. He also learns why she helps Craymen and the origin of her name.

Everything seems fine, but Basilus reaches the elevator and opens it to get them both. On the verge of falling, both Edge and Azel are saved by the dragon. They finally manage to escape the underground ruins, but now they will have to face the beastly Basilus.

Boss ( Basilus ): Since Basilus is not alone, your initial target will be Energ, who is on his head. Use the Sniper several times and be careful with Basilus’ attacks, which take a lot of energy (he launches Absorboras and produces columns of water). The safest area is in front of Basilus.

Once the Energ is destroyed, focus your shots on Basilus’s weak point: the tail. Move a lot because he will launch jets of water.

After defeating him, your dragon will evolve to laser level 3.

In the next video Edge will be together with Azel on a hill, watching a beautiful dawn. However, she says that she will show no mercy the next time they meet and that she will not hesitate to kill Edge. Soon Atolm Dragon appears and takes her. For now this CD is finished. Save the game and proceed to the next stage of the adventure.

3) CD 3

Right after leaving the underground ruins of Uru, go to the camp and let the dragon recover. You will see that he will gain a new spell: Astral Phantoms. A surprise is also that Paet is here! Talk to him. He will reveal that there is a passage through the heavens to reach the Tower and that the smoke is caused by a large ship called the Mel-Kava (also known as the Chariot of the Gods). The data about her will be in Zoah, in the sacred district. Before you head to Zoah, head back to Uru to find more items and areas you couldn’t access before!

Tip: Before returning to Uru, visit the caravan and you will learn that Enkak has contracted a serious fever. They call it Meccania Fever and An’Jou had to go out to find the medicine. The other members of the caravan will be apprehensive about his absence and this could cause problems. You can help Enkak by getting an ingredient needed for Baicah to make the medicine. He is exactly in Uru. Before leaving, buy items or sell whatever you need.

Uru – Sunken Southern Ruins: Back in the beautiful waterscape, you will notice a small bird flying alone. This is a Tobitama chick and you must shoot it to lead it to the nest. The nest is on the far left, next to the entrance to the Passage. Take this puppy and two others that are still in this region.

After taking all the chicks, the Tobitamas will leave and leave an item in the nest. It’s the Tobitama Stone, the ingredient needed to make the medicine for Enkak! However, don’t leave yet. Go north and enter the black ruins to visit the underground ruins again.

Underground Ruin: Your goal here is to reach areas you couldn’t access before. One of them is in B2F. Go there.

B2F: Look for the chamber where you found a series of dragons that are actually the glitches (according to what Azel said). Before this room is a well that is now empty. Enter it and you will descend into lower levels.

B?F: As soon as you get here you will notice darkness and you will have to use the ship to proceed. This floor is a series of descents and your objective is not only to get as many items as possible, but also to reach the lowest floor (B??F). Whenever you find the items, there will then be a well that will take you to B3F East. Then you have to go up and look again. The path to the lower level is by going left at the first and second forks, then going right at the third fork and then choosing the left path at the fourth fork.

B??F: On this level there is a room with six pyramidal shapes. Get all the items and when you get off at B3F, go back to B2F and head to the Underground Dome. If you are lost, use the map.

Underground Dome: Remember when you first got here, there was another passage ahead, but the ship went down? Well, now you can access this passage. Head there because there is something important to check out.

B2F North: Going straight here will bring you to a room with six computers and a pyramid shape. In this there is Dragon Unit 7. On the computers you can find out more about the origin of Azel and the dragon’s last form (Light Wing)! You also learn a little more about the conflicts that existed between the ancients! After collecting this data, return to the Dome.

Underground Dome: Back here, go down and take the bottom path. The exit door is sealed, so there is only one passage at the bottom. Enter it and follow.

B3F West: When you get here, look for the elevator and go down to B4F.

B4F: Back here, your goal will be to get the remaining items in the pyramid shapes that your ship couldn’t destroy the first time. Remember? Collect all the items (among them is Dragon Unit 8!) and go all the way back to the Dome and from there return to the upper floors. Your mission in the underground ruins is over for now.

Once you’ve left Uru, go to camp and let the dragon recover (if necessary). Save the game and proceed to the caravan. You must provide important assistance.

Caravan: Once in the caravan, look for Baicah and sell him the Tobitama Stone. This will be used to make the medicine that will cure Enkak! Gratefully, he will give you 2000 dynes and 5 flash chips. When you leave you will see that it is dawn. Talk to the women to find out about Enkak’s improvements. From here you should go to Zoah.

Village of Zoah: As soon as Edge arrives in the city, he discovers that the empire is here too. He overhears two officers commenting on their hold on the city and its superstitious citizens. After listening, he goes to the gate and chooses to wait until morning.

In the morning, talk to the first citizen. He will give you the pass to go to the sacred district of Zoah. He will also tell you that you should look for Vaiman, Paet’s father and second priest in command. Talk to the citizen again to find out where Vaiman’s house is.

Holy District: Once here, talk to everyone. You will notice how hostile they are towards foreigners. Look for the church and follow the path on the right. As soon as you leave, talk to another citizen. His name is Quitor and if you’ve already spoken to him in the bar in Juba, he’ll give you some money. Also talk to a little girl on the right side. She will hide behind a pile of bags. Follow and find her. Talk to her (when you talk to her other times, she will give you Zaal Nuts, which are valuable). There is a kind of oven. Look inside and find a book. Read it. There is interesting information in it.

From your position, Vaiman’s house is opposite. Follow and talk to him. As soon as you enter, Paet is leaving and criticizes his father’s opportunism. When talking to Vaiman, he will say that the Empire has contaminated the city and is an unwelcome presence. He also says that the Empire is not invulnerable and that it needs your help to defend the city. In return, Vaiman promises to give him all the information available in the city about Mel-Kava and the Tower.

On the way out he gives him 1500 dynes and asks that their agreement be kept confidential. He even tells you where the Imperial fleet is, your next target. Before heading to the location, equip yourself.

Imperial Assault Post: In the middle of the lake is located this Imperial fortification. It is a dark and very foggy area. There is a central base that controls the forces in the region and there are also numerous observation posts with lights. Initially, a yellow alert is given. Your first target will be to destroy the Gunships that are landed and also collect items. It will also be necessary to destroy all light sources. There are many Empire ships and weapons here. Find out what awaits you here

Instigator : They are strange vehicles that float on water with three legs. They do not attack, as their function is to warn against invaders. They patrol in groups of five and are fast enough to dodge the Berserker. Then use the weapon several times. If they identify the dragon, they flee and attract other ships. They are the ones who make up the Patrol Group.

Plasma Cannon : It is actually a locomotive carrying a powerful rotating cannon. It is only found in areas with railway lines, that is, on sea walls. To defeat him, circulate a lot, always leaving the cannon line and use the beserker.

Warship : This is a well-known ship to anyone who played Panzer Dragoon zwei. It has a pear shape and is always in a group of 4. It attacks with several shots and rockets with biological action. Move to avoid the red areas and use berserker. A good tip is to use the Chain laser, which will cause damage to all ships in the group.

Stingers : Small fighters similar to Rogues and with the same abilities. Their weak point is also from behind, but this is an area of ​​great damage. Be quick and avoid using the Beserker when they are behind you.

Missile Cruiser : A large ship that carries five missiles at the front, this being the most dangerous area. If all of its missiles are destroyed, the ship will flee. Focus shots on the body of the ship with the Sniper or Beserker.

Enforcer : A very typical ship from the Panzer Dragoon series, it has the most dangerous areas in the front and back, or on the sides (its cannons are rotatable). It is also armed with Stun rockets. Be smart and use Beserker, Blast Chip, Holy Spheres or Chain Laser a lot. They can be alone or in pairs.

Tip: When you destroy the Enforcers that are sitting, shoot once more because they release items (there are three boxes that fly).

Sub-Boss ( Behemoth ): This is a flying battle station. It has powerful attacks with bombs (cluster bombs) and biological torpedoes. The first moment you fight, stay to the side and focus the Beserker on the turbines. When one is destroyed, the Behemoth will lose altitude and the dragon will start fighting right on top of the central cannon. This cannon, which they call a disintegrator, emits a powerful attack called Deadly Rain. Use the shield chip or dragon shield (if you are at least level 28) to protect yourself. Behemoth’s weak point is exactly in the central cannon, but only when it is open. Use the Beserker a lot because it is shielded from gun fire. If he closes the plates, wait for them to open again to destroy him.

After destroying the Behemoth, the central tower will trigger the red alert, changing the configuration of the walls and surrounding you. Your next objective is to target the central tower. Head towards it and destroy it!

Once the central tower is destroyed, the walls will change position once again and you must follow them to face the weapon that the empire will use to destroy Zoah. Follow the tracks to a small base and shoot it. The DeathMaker will soon appear, a three-stage rocket capable of destroying an entire city. He is the boss to face.

Boss ( DeathMaker ): A big opponent here is time, as you will have seven minutes to destroy him. It starts by being taken on the rails and driven by two turbines. Damage each of them to save time. Use the beserker but be careful because the enemies identify you and launch heavy attacks (Cluster Rockets)! After the engines are damaged, focus fire behind DeathMaker.

When the boss’s energy turns yellow, he will detach from the turbines. It is necessary to hit each of the parts because when one is hit, it rotates and is temporarily immune to attacks. Start attacking from behind, go to the sides and then repeat the tactic. In this way, the boss releases each of the three parts until only the warhead remains. Attack and wait for the fins to stop spinning. With this DeathMaker will be history.

Once you’ve defeated the Empire’s weapon, go to camp and let the dragon recover. Save the game and return to the sacred district of Zoah.

Holy District: When you get here, look for the temple. Right at the entrance you will find Paet. He will say that the father is inside. It’s time for you to come in and go see it.

Inside you will see Vaiman arguing with the high priest. The high priest accuses Vaiman of provoking the Empire and that this will be the ruin of the city of Zoah. He criticizes Vaiman for spreading rumors about a dragon, but Edge soon appears and the high priest understands Vaiman’s opportunism. He smiles after Edge reports that the fleet has been destroyed. All Edge wants is to finalize the deal, but Vaiman explains that he can give him the information the next day, when the next priest is elected.

Visit Vaiman’s house and you will find him talking to Quitor. He will ask you to wait outside. Go out and try to get into his house. What Edge will hear is Vaiman’s true plan: to use Edge and the myth of the dragon to become a high priest. Go to the liberal district and talk to Paet, as he has a message for you (Letter 1). The note asks you to go to the same place where you find Paet, only at night. Go there.

In the next video Edge arrives at the meeting point and comes face to face with Craymen! After being disarmed, Edge hears what Craymen is trying to do. He intends to find the ancient technology and prevent it from falling into the hands of the Empire! The attempt is to convince Edge, but something shoots at Craymen and Zastava appears to take him. After this Paet appears surprised and talks to Edge. There’s not much to do now except wait for daybreak and look for Vaiman.

Holy District: Back here, look for Vaiman at his house. When you find him he will give you the Sanctuary Key, which will allow Edge to access the Gardenian Fire location. In this Edge location you can find out how to get to the Tower! Then go to the temple and enter the door on the left. However, the place is only open at night, so go to the gate and choose to wait until dark.

Once it’s night, go to the temple location. Once inside, Edge will have a vision. He will see through the fog and realize that the cause is a large ship called the Mel-Kava. Interestingly, behind it is…the Tower!

The vision ends and Edge is rescued by Paet, who claims to have seen him enveloped in a light. He will analyze the machine better. Before leaving, talk to him and he will then give you an important note (Paet’s Report) about Mel-Kava. He read it carefully. Then he leaves and heads to Mel-Kava.

Mel-Kava: If you’ve read Paet’s material, you’ll know that the name Mel-Kava means “pair of wings”, that is, a pair of structures that keep the ship in the air. These structures are the ship’s reactors! You will need to enter it to be able to take it down.

First, it will also be necessary to destroy the particle emitters. Be careful with them because if the particles hit you, they will push you away. Still outside the ship, you need to advance and fight some enemies. Among them are the Lazaras and Lazaras Hunters, who are already known. The new ones are the following:

Protodrones : These are machines equipped with a rotating ring, which protects them from shots. The ring rotates forward and it is in the front and back that they attack with greater power. Stay to the side and use the gun shot.

Drones : Like Protodrones, they are also equipped with a rotating ring that protects them, but it rotates sideways. Their strongest attack is exactly from the sides and to destroy them you need to shoot the weapon from the front or behind.

Scavengers : They are strange winged creatures, reminiscent of Hellions. Its function is to protect Mel-Kava and it has great speed. Their attack is only from the front and they are vulnerable from the back. Use Beserker because they fly in groups of 3.

Mel-Kava Bottom: Right under the gigantic ship, try to destroy the particle launchers with the laser. Avoid getting hit so you don’t fall out of the ship and have to move forward again! There is an opening right away. Shoot and enter.

Inside Mel-Kava: The first time you enter Mel-Kava, try to collect the items in the pyramid shapes and fight the following enemy:

Plasma Spider : These spiders live in the tubes inside Mel-Kava and their job is to clean these areas. They attack with a strong blast of plasma, but they need to charge first. As you cannot move in this environment, try to use the beserker a lot and recover energy if necessary.

Right at the end of this first tunnel you will face the first enemy, who is well guarded.

Self Defense System : This is a defense system with a set of armored plates. As they expand, they expose the weak point, which is the center. Start by erecting a shield and then use the beserker several times (the center is shielded from gunfire) on the weak point. Pay attention because the system rotates the green areas and has a strong particle laser attack. Don’t take too long!

After destroying the defense system, return to the path and exit Mel-Kava.

Mel-Kava Bottom: Once again under the large ship, continue forward. Your next objective is to enter another opening, which has a series of tentacles. Before you can reach it you will have to face an enemy.

Photon Cannon : This weapon creates 75% area of ​​large damage (Photon Blast). Therefore, always try to stay behind, where there is even the weak point. Use the Sniper several times and the cannon won’t resist. Pay attention because it rotates and changes the position of the weak point to the opposite direction.

Having destroyed the enemy and the particle launchers, enter the second opening, which has some tentacles.

Inside Mel-Kava: Inside the ship for the second time, continue collecting items and facing the Plasma Spiders. Always recharge your energy as the enemies here continue to cause great damage. Go to the end of the corridor, take the elevator (very strange by the way) and after another corridor you will arrive at the reactor.

In the reactor, stay right under it and shoot the fins in the corners (there are four in total). They will serve to protect you from the particles, because if they hit you, you will fall out and have to walk the path again. Stand under one of the fins and shoot the center of the reactor several times. Once destroyed, you will go to another reactor high above the ship. It’s the Light Reactor. Just shoot several times to destroy it.

Mel-Kava Deck: After destroying the Light Reactor, you will discover that there are others. In this area there are also several particle launchers. Destroy them all and also the other Light Reactors that are in the central gap. Then go to the end of the gap and enter the opening.

Tip: Just destroy all the particle launchers and the reactors will explode. Move the aim and hit several at the same time (in this level the dragon can target up to four).

As soon as you leave the deck, you will come face to face with the second Mel-Kava reactor. Start by destroying the four particle launchers, then focus on the central reactor. He will soon succumb to gunfire.

 The battle was long but the ship explodes and the fog begins to dissipate. However, a new battle is just beginning, as it is time to fight Atolm Dragon and Azel!

Boss ( Atolm Dragon ): In this third battle, Atolm Dragon is carrying a monstrous weapon (it is said that he used it in the past), which is nothing more than a set of lasers (Hell Storm). The security area is in front, but as soon as you get to it, Atolm will fire lasers. So go out quickly and use the beserker several times on Azel’s dragon. A good tip is to emphasize the attack to cause more damage in Atolm.

Once it loses power, Atolm will fall. But if you thought the fight was over, you’re wrong. He returns with four new satellites (with the same characteristics as the second fight). The tactic is the same: destroy the satellites first and then focus on Atolm Dragon. The difference here is that the satellites are protected by a force field. Wait for the field to shut down and shoot. You also need to pay attention because Atolm has a new and powerful attack: Lightning Storm. If necessary, raise a shield and attack its weak point (on its tail). But don’t forget he still has the fearsome Beserker Rage! Just pay attention when Azel says “Ne-Rai”.

When you defeat Atolm, your dragon will evolve to laser level four. This is Atolm’s last battle, as he finally dies and falls, along with Azel!

In the next video, Atolm is in freefall along with Azel. In a desperate effort, Edge and his dragon dive in to save Azel. They succeed, but she is unconscious. All that’s left is for Edge to go back to Zoah.

 Unfortunately, Edge didn’t count on the Empire’s arrival. The ships arrive in large numbers and with them is the Empire’s most fearsome weapon: the Grig Orig ship. This ship has a giant laser cannon that is used to destroy the city of Zoah. On his dragon, Edge watches in terror as Zoah is destroyed. Everyone is dead. The dragon raises a shield in an attempt to protect itself from the shock waves and all they can do is flee for now.

Camp: Stopping for a rest, Edge realizes that he will have to fight alone against the Empire and Grig Orig. He sees Azel unconscious and doesn’t know what to do. We still have to fight. Head into battle against the Empire.

Tip: Before going to face the Empire, go to Uru to get Dragon Unit 5 which is in a pyramid shape on the right side (remember?). It’s also a good idea to stop by the caravan to get equipped.

Imperial Air Force: Arriving here you will need to face a fleet of Imperial ships. They cover Stingers, Enforcers and Punishers. As already mentioned, just use the same tactics against them. When all the ships are destroyed, it will be the turn of the powerful Grig Orig.

Boss ( Flagship Grig Orig ): The name of this large ship means iron fist and must be related to its powerful attacks and resistance. It has three batteries on the left side, which cause great damage. Use the beserker on these cannons and be careful: a ventilation opening opens. This is the weak point! Then use the Sniper. A good suggestion is to keep a shield up, as the ship attacks a lot. If necessary, use a power chip and attack repeatedly with the beserker.

Even if you sap Grig Orig’s energy, the ship recovers and must still be fought later.

Grig Orig’s defeat does not mean victory for Edge, as the ship loads the main cannon and fires directly at the dragon. Luckily he raises a shield, but Grig Orig’s strength is such that Edge and the dragon are thrown away. When they recover, they see that the ships are approaching.

What Edge didn’t expect is the appearance of the Craymen fleet, which soon clashes with the Empire’s ships. This is when Zastava appears and challenges Edge. Here’s another battle.

Specter : The ship that Zastava controls is very fast and manages to avoid the dragon’s beserker. You need to use the Sniper and move a lot to get out of the red areas created by Zastava (he is very skilled). Defeating him is not difficult, just be patient.

Before dying, Zastava will recognize Edge’s ability and that his friends have been avenged. He says that Craymen is waiting for him in the Tower. Soon Zastava leaves Edge behind and launches himself straight at Grig Orig.

Your next place to go is the camp.

Camp: When you get here, let the dragon recover and save the game. Get close to Azel and see that there is a note (Letter 2). It was written by Craymen and asks you to go to the Tower, or Azel will never awaken. Don’t hesitate, go to the Tower.

The Tower: The legendary Tower is a fifteen-story structure and a place of never-before-seen technology. Right at the beginning, Edge will hear Craymen’s voice asking him to put Azel in a chamber. It will be repaired and Edge will climb onto a glowing disc that will take him to Craymen.

Edge’s look is pure amazement at the technology of the ancients. He is more surprised to see that inside the Tower there are also living beings, some of which he has never seen before. They are forms created to repopulate the Earth. What Craymen tries to tell Edge is that the function of the Towers (there is more than one according to history) is to coordinate the world’s ecosystems. He also reveals that the Empire was originally a faction of the ancients, which became corrupt. Azel’s own creation is the result of dissent among the ancients. As the Towers were created to be impenetrable, their destruction would only be possible from within, with a being also created by the ancients. If Azel is just a weapon, it’s definitely not true! Her human form also represents the attempt to make herself a machine, close to a human.

The explanations are abruptly interrupted by a tremor: it’s the Empire! They managed to reach the Tower and are already inside it. All Craymen can do is ask Edge for help. He accepts, but will return to settle the score with Craymen.

The enemies here will be several Empire ships, including the already known Pyros and Missile Cruisers. See what’s new:

Skiff : These ships are never alone and are always accompanied by 4 Pyros (Skiff Patrol Group). However, it is enough to destroy the ship for the Pyros to escape. Its weak point is in the front and it’s a good idea to use the Sniper. Keep moving to get out of her line of fire because the ship attacks with biological weapons too.

Marauders : Ships with good firepower, located on the sides. They always appear in pairs and must be shot with the beserker. Don’t take too long because they will take a lot of energy!

Stingers : Small attack ships that appear in groups of six. They are very fast and can avoid the beserker when they are behind and next to you. Stay behind them and hit the beserker in the weak point (which is in this region). These ships appeared in Panzer Dragoon Zwei.

Tower 1F North: Your objective will be to reach the top of the Tower and to do so you will have to climb several levels, some of which exit in the middle region of the Tower. From here you will exit one of them.

Tower Bottom Floor: When you get here, save your game and head up, where there will be an open passage. The gate is red in color. Shoot and enter.

Tower 4F: Right on this floor it is possible to notice strange structures that are on the walls or ceiling. They are currently deactivated, but they are part of the Tower’s defense system. There is a fork and on the path ahead are six pyramid shapes with items. Take them and then follow the left path. On the way you will find the map of the Tower and you must take the elevator at the end.

Tower 5F: On this floor, just go straight and turn right at the fork. On this side there are two items. At the exit, just move forward. At the end you will exit at the Tower Hangar.

Tower Hangar: Here there is a strange Droid in the middle. He is deactivated, but will be an enemy to face later. Go up and enter the green door.

Tower 6F: Just go straight and take the elevator at the end.

Tower 8F North Passage: Upon entering here, you will have access to the innermost area of ​​the Tower (Inner Passage). Going straight you will continue on 8F West Passage and at the end just take another elevator.

Tower 9F West Passage: Go straight and you will reach another inner zone (Inner Passage), which will give you access to 9F East Passage. There is a long hallway and an elevator at the end.

Tower 11F: Another long corridor. Just go straight and you will emerge in another hangar in the Tower.

Tower Hangar 2: There is also a guardian here, but it is currently deactivated. Go up and go to the next floor.

Tower 12F: Just go straight here and take the elevator at the end.

Tower 13F: Another floor where you just need to go straight.

Tower Upper Floors: There is an ancient device here. That’s why it’s good to save the game because, when you go up, you’ll face a powerful Empire ship.

Boss ( Exterminator ): This powerful battle station has several Homming Missiles and a magnetic cannon, both of which deal considerable damage! The first step is to go up to it and charge the three bars. Raise a shield and after charging the remaining bars, go in front of the Exterminator and use the Sniper (this is his weak point). Don’t stay too long in front or on the sides because the magnetic cannon is rotating! Even at the top of the station, the missiles can hit you.

The station also attacks with several mines, which take away a lot of energy. Always keep your shield up and, if necessary, use items to recover BP. Go back to the front of the Exterminator and use the Sniper again. It will overload and become scrap. Before that, the commander receives a message that the lower floors have been taken. The victory came at a high price.

Once the fight is won, Edge runs back to Craymen, but is disappointed to see him and Azel prisoners of the Emperor and his men (Edge fell into a trap). The Emperor is pleased, thinking he got what he wanted, ensuring that Craymen will be punished and Edge will suffer harsh experiences.

Suddenly Craymen pulls out a gun and tries to hit the Emperor, but fails. The Emperor laughs saying he would expect nothing less from a traitor. And he reciprocates with a volley of shots, which wound Craymen. Upon seeing him injured, Azel panics and lets out a shrill scream. Then, the Tower begins to react. A series of lights light up under the astonished eyes of the Emperor and everyone.

When you least expect it, a creature falls on top of one of the Empire’s men. It’s the same armored creature that Edge faced at the beginning of the game. The creature takes out terrible claws, like a Praying Mantis, killing the Empire’s officers one by one. Soon the emperor ends up being pierced, in a remarkable scene. Both Edge and Azel watch the scene impassively, but Craymen asks them to flee. For the audacious leader, the end eventually comes: the creature also pierces him. Upon seeing his mentor lifeless, in the creature’s clutches, Azel faints. All that’s left for Edge to do is run away from the dragon and leave the Tower behind.

The Tower continues to activate, awakening creatures that have long been dormant. The scene is terrifying: a swarm of never-before-seen creatures forming around the Tower. The Empire’s ships arrive with the Grig Orig and clash with the Tower’s army. All the Empire’s ships succumb to the desperate screams of men. Before succumbing, Grig Orig fires a blast in an attempt to destroy the creatures of the Ancient Era. All in vain…The creatures are loose and Grig Orig will be infected. The battle against the techno-organic weapons of the Ancient Era has just begun.


As soon as the map opens, go to the camp to save the game and let the dragon recover. Note that Azel is once again unconscious and that Edge hopes she didn’t sacrifice herself to revive the Tower. Then visit the caravan at night.

Caravan: When you get here, there is a man looking for Edge. He is leaning back behind Baicah’s tent. You will notice that it carries a message from Gash, asking you to meet at the hunters’ hideout. Since Edge has never heard of it, he will receive the Seeker’s Map. It’s the next place for you to go.

Seeker’s Stronghold Camp: As soon as you arrive here you will find Gash. He tells you that they took Azel to treat her and that you should look for him later. Do not waste time.

Seeker’s Stronghold: In the hideout, you will find Paet and Juah. When you talk to Paet, he will say that he escaped from Zoah on the ship he was building (remember?). The character Juah was Zoah’s salesman, he will be running a store here. He has important items to sell to you and will buy yours as well.

Before meeting Gash, enter the door on the left. Here is a library with important information about the Ancient Era. Talk to Zadoc, he is an expert in the ancient texts. He will give you the Old Diary, a book by Gash’s master (read it and you will be surprised to know who Gash’s master was). Ask everything he knows. When you ask about Zoah, you will get the Memory Report. Also look at the top shelf and you will earn Tower Report 3. Read it to learn more about the Tower and its history.

When you meet Gash, he will say that he is the new leader of the hunters and that they are much more organized than you imagine. They let the world believe they are a bunch of thieves. But they actually know a lot about the ancient era.

Once inside the room, Gash will explain their true purpose and show details of the Tower, the Shellcoof, and an encrusted dragon figure. Where have you seen this figure before? He will ask for your help and will say that the hiding place is his home too.

Once you leave Gash’s room, head left, above, and look for Zadoc again. He gives a new report, informing Edge that the person controlling the Towers is Sestren, an entity that lives in a region beyond space/time. Ask about new details he knows.

Then look for Gash in the room where Azel is. The room is, off Zadoc’s room, on the right side of the entrance (when you arrived to talk to Gash). When you get there, Azel will wake up scared. She had a nightmare, but Gash treats her coldly when she refers to Craymen. In fact, Azel is having reactions that she never had before, that is, she is becoming more human!

An officer appears and interrupts the conversation saying that the monsters and Grig Orig are approaching. It’s then that Gash comes out and requests Edge’s presence on the observation deck. Before leaving, Azel asks Edge’s name and thanks him.

To get to the Observation Deck, just go back and go underneath. At the fork, go right.

As soon as he arrives, Gash will show a terrible scene: the Grig Orig out of control and shooting everywhere! As if that weren’t enough, one of the shots hits the observation deck. All that’s left is for Gash to ask Edge for help, who then accepts. It’s another battle to come.

Tip: Before leaving the hideout, stop by Juah and buy the Assassin. This is an incredibly powerful weapon, which does more damage than the Sniper! But the main damage is caused when it hits the enemies’ weak point! Try to equip yourself too.

Forest of Zoah: When you get here, you will see the Grig Orig in the background and several creatures scattered around. The important thing is not to face them yet. There are several tubes that lead into the forest and your initial objective is this. Find one and enter (there is one right at the beginning, on the left side).

Inside the Forest of Zoah: Once inside, you will notice that the forest is on fire. Your objective here is to find a series of shiny structures with a stalk in the middle (when you shoot, you hear a scream). Find them all (there are 8 in total) and shoot, as this will be useful when you face certain creatures outside the forest. Also don’t forget to walk around and look for items (including Dragon Unit 9 and 10) which are numerous here. Use the map

to guide yourself. There is a path blocked by a door, which requires laser level 6 to pass. Later you will see how you can access that area without reaching this level.

Forest of Zoah: Back in the forest, face the different creatures that appear. Here there are the well-known Lazaras, Lazaras Hunters, Drones and Protodrones. The new ones are the following:

Glide Dragon : These are prototype dragons mass-produced by the Towers. They fly in groups of eight and have a strong attack in front (orbs). Use the beserker and target up to four at once. Behind is a safe region to stay.

Arangata : These powerful creatures launch a gust of wind (Tornado) capable of taking away half of the energy! Its weak point is in the front, but it is only exposed if the player cuts its connection with the land (do you understand why it was necessary to enter the forest first?). Otherwise it is impossible to defeat them. Hit two beserkers in the weak point and they will shatter.

Golia Hunter : Two old acquaintances of Panzer Dragoon Zwei. Here there is a ship carrying a Golia and both attack causing great damage (especially the Golia, with its bio-plasma). The weak point is in front, but it is an area of ​​heavy damage. Be quick to use the beserker.

After defeating the creatures that appear in the forest, it will be time to face Grig Orig again.

Boss ( Infested Grig Orig ): The powerful ship Grig Orig is infested with parasitic beings, which have taken control of it. It must be faced in two stages and the first is against a large parasite on the left side of the ship. It is a mass with four openings that release plants (Tallons). These attack the dragon with a Bind, Pain or Stop effect. The secret to defeating this first part is to charge all three bars and destroy each of the plants. Stand on one side and let an opening open on the side you are on. The opening is the weak point! Use Assassin several times on him!

Once this creature is destroyed, the fight will be against the ship’s powerful main cannon. It always reloads before firing and it is advisable to keep your shield up. This is because it releases a parasite that leaves the dragon paralyzed. Then the ship moves and leaves the cannon facing you!

With the shield up, charge the three bars and go in front of the cannon, which is the weak point. Shoot with the Assassin and don’t forget to get out of the line of fire. Always stay on the sides and mount the attack. So Grig Orig will be nothing more than a story…

After defeating him, your dragon will evolve to laser level 5. All you need to do is collect the remaining Dragon Units to reach the maximum level.

Return to Camp and let the dragon recover if necessary. Before going back to talk to Gash, go back into the forest to enter the ruins!

Forest of Zoah: Back here, you should head north. Look at the map so that you arrive at the boundaries of the area. Enter a tube to access the ruins that are hidden in the forest (do you understand why it wasn’t necessary to have laser level 6 to reach this area?).

Forest of Zoah – Red Ruins: In this part of the forest is one of the ruins of the Ancient Ages, a site of biotechnology research. As soon as you get here, you’ll notice that there is a large structure in the middle. It is within her that a secret hides. To access it, you need to surround this region on the edges, not only looking for rocky shapes (they need to be destroyed to free up access and there are four of them) but also for items. Search for many items here.

After destroying all the rock forms, you can access the central structure. Inside, there are still two other structures that need to be destroyed to build the ruins. With this you will have a path to the Garil Desert. In one place inside, you will see a mechanism and a kind of shield rotating, with a dragon embedded in the middle. Later you will know what this is for. Exit the forest and go to the caravan. Someone is in your debt.

Caravan: Arriving at night, you will find An’Jou. He will say that he is grateful that you saved his son’s life. In return he will give you the Beserker Vampire, an item for the weapon, capable of taking energy from the enemy and converting it into BP. If you want, take the opportunity to sell items to Baicah. Then go to the Seekers Stronghold.

Seekers Stronghold: The outlook here is sad, as lives were lost in the fight against the Infested Grig Orig. Talk to everyone, including Gash, and you will be told that Azel has escaped. Consult Zadoc and he will tell you that she went to the underground ruins of Uru, where she was created. It’s her next stop.

Underground Ruins of Uru: Your objective here is to get to the UnderGround Dome, to take the B2F North path. That’s where Azel will be.

B2F North: You will find Azel at the end of the hallway, but she will be surrounded by several mutants. Face them to save her. After defeating the mutants, you will return to the Camp.

Camp: Once here, Edge will talk to Azel about her purpose in going to Uru. Also talk to her about the Tower, Sestren and Craymen. Then return to the Seekers Stronghold.

Seekers Stronghold: Back here, you will attend the funeral of Gash’s men. It’s also the moment that Edge decides to return to the Tower and put an end to the evil of the Ancient Era once and for all. He won’t go alone, as Azel decides to join him in the final push. Both will be the only hope, even more so Azel, as only she can guarantee Edge’s entry into the Tower and access to Sestren. It’s time to face the evil of the Ancient Era.

Tower – Upper Floors: Back in the Tower, you will notice that it looks different. It is the defense system that is activated. From here, the player will find several sensors connected and triggering an alarm. To deactivate it, just look for a column in the middle of the corridors and shoot it. The descent will be long and will require the deactivation of several rotors that block its path. The maze is big and requires patience.

In this first part, try to go down and rotor 1 will be activated. Go back up and Azel will open two entrances for you. On the one leading to 15F West, there is an elevator that connects the first floor. It cannot be used at the moment, but when you reach the first floor, you will have deactivated the switch for this elevator.

Go to the left entrance that will take you to 15F East 1. Before you know what enemies you will encounter:

Sentinel : It is a defense robot that appears only when you do not interconnect the blockers along the corridors. His most powerful attack is from the front and he always follows your movement. Once you charge the bar, use the beserker.

Scorpitaras : Creatures similar to scorpions that only appear when the alarm is activated. They always appear in groups of 2 and attack with a powerful gravity sphere. If you have the Assassin, just one shot is enough to destroy them!

Tower 15F East 1: Go straight and take the elevator at the end.

Tower 14F East: Go straight, get the item and enter the elevator.

Tower 15F East 2: Go straight and shoot the switch. With this you can now return to the location of rotor 1 and deactivate it.

Tower Upper Floors: Go down and shoot rotor 1. It will stop and then you can go down further and find three entrances.

Tower 14F East: There are two entrances that lead to floors with this designation. In one there is an item and in another there is the switch for rotor 2. Hit the switch and go back.

Tower 14F North: Before deactivating the rotor, enter this floor and collect the last Dragon Units! Here there are 11 and 12. With this your dragon will reach the last level. If you forgot a Dragon Unit, read the threshing again to find out where to find the missing one.

Back, hit rotor 2 and go down even further. There is an Ancient Device here. Save the game and proceed.

Tower 13F: Go straight and take the elevator.

Tower 12F: Head straight and prepare to face the Tower’s first sub-boss.

Sub boss ( Twin Guardians ): These twins are interconnected, so that damage to one is felt in the other. Only one of them is vulnerable and they can switch this between themselves. The green area is also modified by them, so it’s good to move (they do great damage). A good tip is to use the Assassin, as it is a weapon that can pierce enemy defenses, even with the “anti-shot” message! Find out which twin is vulnerable and attack repeatedly. After defeating them, go down and take the new entrance.

Tower 11F: Go straight and pay attention because the sensors appear. One of them will be activated and after facing the Scorpions, deactivate the alarm in the column that appears. Blockers also appear. At the end of the corridor take the elevator.

Tower 9F East Passage: Go straight, avoiding the sensors and blockers. At the end you will emerge in the middle section of the Tower.

Tower Middle Floors: Here there will be a very complicated part to follow. There are two inputs and you need to deactivate the interconnector. Shoot him and go through the first doorway that opens. Enter it.

Tower 9F West Passage: Follow and take the elevator at the end

Tower 8F West Passage: Go straight, go through the Inner and exit at 8F East passage. This follows another Inner that will lead to another 8F East Passage. You’ll reach a dead end, but Azel suggests that you destroy the cylinders at the top of the screen. Doing this will open a hole in the ground and you can follow. Follow.

Tower 7F West: Once here, go ahead and take the elevator.

Tower 8F East: There is another dead end. Activate the switch to make the cylinders appear. Destroy them and head down.

Tower 7F South: As soon as you arrive, take the item and head to the elevator that will go up.

Tower 8F West: Go right at the first fork, turn left at the second and there will be another dead end room. Just flip another switch and as soon as the cylinders go down, destroy them and go down.

Tower 7F South: Turn left at the first fork and then right at the second. Pick up the item and take the elevator up.

Tower 8F West: The way to find the rotor 3 switch is by going right at the first fork and taking the left at the third fork. Destroy the cylinders and go down.

Tower 7F West: Activate the rotor 3 switch right away. Pick up two more items and save your game. Go straight and exit.

Tower Middle Floors: You will come out right under the middle area. Climb up and activate the interconnectors to gain new access to the location of rotor 3.

Tower 8F North: This is the path you should take, after activating the rotor 3 switch. Go straight and go down in the elevator.

Tower 6F: Go straight and prepare to face another Tower guardian.

Sub-Boss ( Battle Droid ): This guardian is even more powerful than the Twin Guardians. Its attack (Energy Beans) is capable of taking out around 1200 points! He starts by raising his shield and uses the Assassin several times on his weak point. This is in front of the robot. Don’t take too long because he can recover energy too.

 After destroying him, Azel will comment to Edge that he sees no advantage in his human form. She claims that she is no different from the robot they just faced or the other creatures. However, Edge claims that she is more human than ever and that she has a greater purpose than serving an ancient legacy. After that, go down and enter the entrance.

Tower 5F: The new thing here is that the sensors rotate, so be quick when passing them. Go right at the first fork and take the elevator at the end.

Tower 4F: Go straight, being careful with the sensors, then turn right and activate the rotor 4 switch. Then go back and exit at the lower levels of the Tower.

Tower Bottom Floors: As soon as you arrive, go down and enter the first entrance.

Tower 3F: This floor is a ring with several chambers. In at least some there are important items and also the switch for rotor 5. If you go to the right at the fork, the switch will be in the fifth chamber. After activating it, go back to the Botton Floors, go down and deactivate rotor 5.

Go down a little further and enter the next entrance.

Tower 2F: On this floor there are two chambers on the right side with switches that activate doors ahead, including the elevator that interconnects the first floor with the fifteenth. Not only activate the switches but also pick up the items. At the first fork, turn left and take the elevator to 3F, where the rotor 6 switch is. Activate it and go back.

Proceed to the next fork and take a right. There is another elevator to 3F, but with one item (Beserker Vampire). Take it and go back. Then head to the Bottom Floors, deactivate rotor 6 and go down even further.

In this part save the game. From here you can go face Sestren. However, don’t do that yet. Take the elevator that connects the first and fifteenth floors (it’s on 1F East). The goal is to leave the Tower because there are other places to visit. Remember that the dragon at level 6 can destroy items that it couldn’t before.

Valley: If you remember from the beginning of the adventure, the fans in this area required level 6. So you should head here and destroy all the fans, as they will reveal items. Some of these are worth good money. Sell ​​if you need to buy items.

Garil Desert: Remember the ship that is sunk in the sand, more precisely in Worm Land? So, with the dragon at level 6 it is now possible to shoot the ship and enter it. Inside you will get the Plasma Swarm spell. There is only one new creature in the region:

Sand Mites : They look like scorpions and come in groups of six. They have already been seen in Panzer Dragoon Zwei (in the second phase). The weak point is on the head, but it is also a strong attack area for them. Use the beserker.

Once this step is completed, go back to the Tower and take the elevator again (it’s at 15F West). Go to 1F North and get ready.

The next videos show Edge and Azel returning to the same spot where Craymen fixed Azel. In this situation however, Azel will enter the same chamber and activate a portal that will take Edge to Sestren. Unfortunately, she will have to stay to destroy the Tower, preventing Sestren from escaping. This is something Edge doesn’t agree with, but he has to recognize what needs to be done. In the midst of this, he takes the dragon and promises to return to Azel.

Likewise, Azel also doesn’t want to be alone. She embraces her feelings for Edge, but all she can do is leave an innocent look of uncertainty. There’s no way to know if Edge will return…

The Tower is activated once again and a cavity is opened at the top. Lights spread across the great ancient structure and in a flash, Edge is sent to the unknown region beyond space/time: the Abyss of Infinity. After the light, the Tower appears as if it were charred. Everything is in Edge’s hands now.

Once you arrive at the Infinity Abyss, there will be five dragons to face. Each of them represents an evolutionary stage of the Edge dragon. But each one has its own emphasis. See what they are:

Anti-Basic Wing : It is the dragon at laser level 0. To defeat him, just use the Assassin and avoid getting in front of or behind him (red areas).

Anti-Valiant Wing : The dragon is laser level 1, but soon emphasizes the defense class. As a result, beserker shots and even Assassin shots do little damage. A good tip to defeat him is to use the Beserker Rage and Dragon Phoenix spells. Avoid the red areas and don’t take too long because he uses magic to make himself more resistant (Armor Wing).

Anti-Stripe Wing : This is the dragon at laser level 2. It emphasizes the attack class, so it is good for the player to raise a shield, as the dragon creates 75% area damage. Use the Assassin and don’t delay because he increasingly emphasizes the attack (Assault Wing). Soon it will cause more harm to you.

Anti-Panzer Wing : It is the dragon at laser level 3 and whose emphasis is placed on agility. As a result, the dragon becomes very fast, but is fragile. His attacks don’t do much damage (even in the red area, which occupies 75% of the area), but he moves quickly. Use the Assassin several times and don’t delay.

Anti-Eye Wing : The last dragon is laser level 4. He emphasizes the spiritual class and for that reason, he will use powerful magic! Raise your shields and attack him with Assassin or strong spells like Dragon Phoenix. If the shield runs out, use it again.

With this batch of dragons defeated, Sestren will appear before you. Its shape is the same as the dragon from Panzer Dragoon 1! He talks claiming that your dragon has betrayed the legacy of the ancients and that you are not the divine chosen. Therefore he must kill him. It’s the final fight beginning.

Boss ( Sestren Exsis ): In his first form, Sestren is inside a strange organism in a fetal position. Here he keeps five spheres, each with a memory of the past. Just shoot each one and watch the videos. For those who already know, there are videos of Panzer Dragoon 1 and Zwei as well. You will be surprised by the details that will be revealed in this part.

Boss ( Sestren and Sestren Morphic ): After losing the spheres, the organism opens up and the fight begins in earnest. It circles around the central creature, but you should avoid staying in the red area. Sestren’s most powerful attack is Through Heart, which takes away a lot of energy! When he uses Unsleash Ghost Dragons, move in the opposite direction to him, always avoiding the red area. When she uses the vibration detector, don’t move and don’t make any attacks!! Stay still and wait for him to disable this system.

The tip here is to use Dragon Phoenix magic a lot and stay in the green area. If the dragon is at laser level 6, let it have three full bars and its HP and BP will be recharged. Repeat the magic several times.

In the next step, Sestren returns to being inside the creature. She in turn emits long antennae and arms, from which she emits psychic waves that neutralize any shield or reinforcement you make (Status Clear). Sestren himself only comes out of the creature to attack, taking enemies that you have already destroyed (Not only Saga, but also Panzer Dragoon Zwei!) from the Infinity Abyss. He throws them at you! Some, like Shelcoof, can take up to 2800 energy points! Always be ready to recharge your energy.

The tactic here is to keep using spells like Dragon Phoenix or Beserker Rage. Be persistent and he won’t resist!

The creature will then be destroyed and Sestren will speak to Edge. He will comment that he himself is not “divine” and will say that he exists to guide the chosen one. It will also ask you to choose a button, to decide what to do with the legacy of the ancients. Watch and think about what this could mean.

In the next video, Gash will be waiting for Edge. But all he will have is a brief sound of the dragon’s wings. There’s nothing left for him to do but follow the hunters…

Right after the credits, there is a video showing the people in the caravan. In this scene there is a woman talking to An’Jou. He tries to make her give up going to the place she wants to go, as it is too dangerous and questions whether the person she is looking for is worth risking her life. In a last ditch effort he says he needs people in the caravan and that she will be welcome. However, she doesn’t give up and leaves.

Note that at one point she helps a child who has tripped. If you looked closely, you’ll know who she is.

After this video, look at the indexes and see if you managed to discover much about the game. Find out if you’ve had the adventure of a lifetime! Don’t forget to save the game! When you play again, there will be a surprise on the map: the Box Game.

Box Game: Entering here, there are three locations you can visit. In Ancient Valley you simply race against time, trying to achieve faster times. In Fleet on Lake, you must destroy as many ships as possible. Dermot’s Ranch is a strange thing, as you are transformed into a baby dragon and are among others. As if that weren’t enough, you can’t save here and you can’t even understand what the animals are saying…

How to transform your dragon into the form of the first Panzer Dragoon : To achieve this you need to have the dragon with a laser level of 5. Go to Georgius and notice that around the Shelcoof there are a series of black pyramids (four in total). Shoot them all and you’ll notice that they release energy spheres, which head towards Shelcoof. Enter it from behind and you will see the shape of a Panzer Dragoon dragon. Follow him and don’t forget to pick up the items along.

The player will arrive at a chamber called the Genesis Chamber and will notice a dragon figure just ahead! Shoot it and a baby dragon will appear. With him you must go to the Red Ruins in the forest of Zoah, remember?

In these ruins, you may have noticed that there is a place with a figure just like the one you saw on the ship. Get to it and shoot. Your dragon and hatchling will come together to form the “Solo Wing” form. It has the same shape as the dragon from Panzer Dragoon 1! And that’s not all: it can emphasize one of the four attributes.

Note that when it emphasizes the attack, agility or defense class, it looks very familiar to anyone who has played Panzer Dragoon Zwei! These ways are worth knowing.

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