Pokémon Emerald Version – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Pokémon Emerald Version – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

April 20, 2024 Off By Rafael Câmara


First steps :

  1. Exiting the Moving Truck : When you start the game, you will find yourself inside a moving truck. Unlike the previous games, Ruby and Sapphire, where Machokes helped with the change, here you will see two vigorous Vigoroths in action. Your first task is simply to get out of the truck and absorb the new surroundings of your hometown, Littleroot Town.
  2. Exploring Your New Home : After exiting the truck, head to your new home. Take a short tour, but don’t forget to visit your room. There, you will find a personal computer. Access it to get a very useful item: a Potion. This item can restore your Pokémon’s hit points and will be essential on your journey.
  3. Setting the Clock : Still in your room, you will notice a clock. Interact with it to set the time. This is a small detail, but it is important to set your journey in the Pokémon world.
  4. Meeting the Rival : Now, it’s time to visit the house next door, where your rival lives. Go up the stairs and you will find a Poké Ball. When you try to catch it, your rival will appear. This initial encounter is crucial, as it introduces the character who will be your companion and competitor throughout the adventure.
  5. The First Mission : Leaving your rival’s house and the city, walk north. You will find Professor Birch being chased by a wild Zigzagoon. Here, you’ll make a crucial choice: your first Pokémon! The options are:
    • Treecko , a Grass-type Pokémon.
    • Mudkip , a Water-type Pokémon.
    • Torchic , a Fire-type Pokémon.
    Choose based on your preference. Each Pokémon has its unique strengths.
  6. Saving Professor Birch : With your new Pokémon companion, you will face Zigzagoon. Upon defeating him, Professor Birch will gratefully take you to his laboratory. There, he will officially donate the Pokémon you used to save him, starting your journey as a Pokémon trainer.
  7. First Steps Out of Littleroot : With your first Pokémon in hand, go back to exploring the city, but now with one objective: head north towards the city of Oldale. Before you leave, consider visiting the Pokémon Center in Oldale to heal your Pokémon. Next to this Center, you will find a woman who will kindly give you another Potion.
  8. Encounter with Rival : North of Oldale, you will meet your rival again. He or she, Professor Birch’s son, will challenge you to battle. At this point, both starter Pokémon only know Normal-type attacks, so the battle will be fair. Use strategies and, if necessary, the Potion you acquired to guarantee victory.
  9. Returning to the Laboratory : After victory, return to Professor Birch’s laboratory in Littleroot. There, you will receive essential items for your journey: the Pokédex, an electronic device designed to catalog and provide information about the Pokémon you find and capture, and some Poké Balls to start your Pokémon collection.
  10. Receiving the Running Shoes : Before leaving Littleroot towards Oldale, your mother will present you with the Running Shoes. These special sneakers allow you to run by pressing the “B” button, making your exploration much faster and more fun.


This small town is your next step after leaving Littleroot. Here’s a golden tip: when exploring Oldale, you’ll notice that, previously, one of the city’s exits was blocked. But now, my friend, the way is clear! So do what every Pokémon adventurer does best: explore!

  1. Going on an Adventure : Head to the left of the city. This once inaccessible route is now all yours to discover. Brace yourself, the journey is wild and filled with battle-hungry trainers. It’s your chance to test your skills and strengthen your Pokémon team.
  2. Picking Berries : On your way, keep your eyes peeled for two trees that are somewhat colorful and different from the usual ones. These are the famous berry trees! These berries are extremely valuable resources. They can heal your Pokémon, restore PP from skills, among other benefits. Do yourself a favor and collect these berries whenever you find them. They are a renewable resource that can be of great help during your journey.
  3. Towards the Next City : Continue following the path, battling trainers and strengthening your team. Eventually you will reach the next town. The journey may be long, but each battle brings valuable experience.


Petalburg City is a special place for many reasons, but the main one is that the local Gym is run by none other than your father! Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Visit the Gym : Upon arrival, pay a visit to the Petalburg Gym. Your dad has some words of wisdom for you. Basically, he suggests you strengthen yourself by collecting four Gym badges before challenging him. Considering he’s a Gym leader, this advice is worth its weight in gold!
  2. The Capture Lesson with Wally : During your visit, a young man named Wally will appear. He’s eager to catch his first Pokémon, and you’ll have the honor of teaching him how to do it. Follow Wally and watch as he captures his first Pokémon. This moment serves as a valuable reminder about the importance of catching new Pokémon for your team.
  3. Meeting with Scott : As you leave the city through the passage on the left, you will meet a guy named Scott. Initially, he may seem a bit intrusive, but trust me, he becomes an important part of the plot later on. The interaction may seem brief, but Scott is someone to remember.
  4. Continue the Exploration : Leaving Petalburg, you will find more trainers ready for the challenge. It’s a great opportunity to continue strengthening your team. Oh, and don’t forget to enjoy the landscape! There is a beach and a cabin around here that are definitely worth your attention. Who knows what you might discover there?


Petalburg Woods is an area that closely resembles the famous Viridian Forest in the Kanto region. This forest is a home for trainers specializing in bug-type Pokémon and an adventure not to be missed for any trainer worth their salt.

  1. Heading to Rustboro : Your goal now is to reach the town of Rustboro, but the path takes you directly through Petalburg Woods. This is a rite of passage for many coaches, full of challenges and opportunities to strengthen your team.
  2. The Meeting with Devon Corp. : While exploring the forest, you will encounter a Devon Corporation employee in trouble. Devon Corp is a large company known for its technological innovations in the Pokémon world. The meeting, however, is interrupted by a malicious member of Team Aqua, who challenges you to a battle.
  3. The Battle against Team Aqua : The Team Aqua member you will face has a level 9 Poochyena. To ensure an easy victory, it is recommended that you have at least a level 10 Pokémon on your team. The battle will be a test of your skills and strategy as a trainer.
  4. Rewards for Courage : After defeating the Team Aqua member and saving the day, the grateful Devon Corp employee will reward your bravery with a Great Ball. This item is an improved version of the regular Poké Ball, offering a higher success rate when capturing wild Pokémon.
  5. Pretty Petal Flower Shop : As you exit the forest, you’ll find a charming house known as the Pretty Petal Flower Shop. This place isn’t just a flower shop; is a center of knowledge about berries. Talk to everyone inside to learn more about these fascinating items and also to receive some gifts, including the Wailmer Pail, an essential item for any trainer who wants to grow their own berries.
  6. Exploring the Surrounding Area : Outside the store, explore the area with tall grass. Here, a curious detail: empty spaces where grass doesn’t grow can hide items! This technique of searching for hidden items can be very useful throughout your journey across the continent of Hoenn.
  7. Towards Rustboro City : Continuing your journey, you will cross a bridge that marks the transition out of the forest. The path will take you directly to Rustboro City, home of your first gym challenge.


Arriving in Rustboro City, you enter a crucial point in your journey in Pokémon Emerald. Let’s break this step down, ensuring you make the most of your stay in this vibrant city and adequately prepare for the challenges ahead.

  1. Recovery and Preparation : Your first stop, as usual, should be at the Pokémon Center. Take the opportunity to heal your Pokémon and prepare them for the next adventures. Next to the Pokémon Center, you will find a house where a generous man will give you HM 01 – Cut. A golden tip: for now, keep this HM with care. You will only be able to use the Cut skill outside of battles after earning the first badge, and once learned, an HM cannot be easily forgotten.
  2. Poké School and Scott : If you’re looking for a little more knowledge or useful items, Poké School is the place to go. Talk to everyone inside, I guarantee it will be worth it. And, look, you’re going to bump into Scott again. It seems like he’s everywhere, doesn’t it?
  3. Preparing for the Gym : Before taking on the local gym, one strategy I personally follow and recommend is to make sure your Pokémon are well trained. A safe level to take on the challenge would be around 16, but I usually go further, taking my Pokémon to level 20. That little extra effort makes all the difference, believe me.
  4. The Gym Battle : Roxanne is the leader of this gym and her team is made up of two level 12 Geodudes and a level 15 Nosepass. The key to victory here is to exploit the weaknesses of Roxanne’s Pokémon. If you have a water or plant Pokémon, this is your time to shine. If you chose Torchic as your starter, it can learn Double Kick when it evolves, which is also very effective against Rock types.
  5. After Victory : Defeating Roxanne not only proves your worth as a trainer, but also allows you to use HM Cut outside of battles. Also, prepare for a turn of events: the man you previously helped from Devon Corp. will be stolen. Help him once again by following the thief to recover the stolen item.
  6. Rescue Mission and Devon Corp. : North of Rustboro, you will find a cave guarded by a member of Team Aqua. Defeat him to save Mr. Briney’s Wingull and, as a reward, you will receive another Great Ball. Back in town, Devon Corp. calls for your services. There, the president, Mr. Stone, will reward you with a PokéNav and two important missions: deliver a letter to Steven in Dewford Town and the Devon Goods to Slateport City.
  7. Testing Match Call : Before leaving, you will be instructed to test the PokéNav’s new function, Match Call, by calling Mr. Stone. It is a useful tool that allows you to stay in contact with other characters in the game.
  8. Heading to Dewford Town : With the missions in hand and your Pokémon recovered, it’s time to head south of the city, towards Petalburg Woods. Along the way, use the Cut ability, if available, to explore previously inaccessible areas and expand your journey. Once you reach the beach with the cabin, talk to Mr. Briney, who is now available to transport you to Dewford Town.


Welcome to Dewford Town, a charming place known for its waves and, of course, the Fighting-type Pokémon gym. Let’s navigate this stage of your adventure together!

  1. Fishing in Dewford : Once you step foot in Dewford, head to the right of the island. There, you will find a fisherman dressed in white and red. Talk to him, say “yes” and voilà, you are now the proud owner of an Old Rod! With it, you can fish Magikarps, which, despite starting out weak, can transform into the powerful Gyarados.
  2. Gym Preparation : The local gym specializes in fighting-type Pokémon. If you have a Pokémon with Flying or Psychic-type moves, it’s time to put them into action. Remember, this gym is like a maze in the dark, but with each trainer you defeat, the lights brighten a little brighter, making it easier for you to navigate to the leader, Brawly.
  3. Challenging Brawly : Leader Brawly has a formidable team, including Machop, Meditite, and Makuhita. Defeating him not only proves your strength as a trainer, but also gives you the right to use the Flash ability outside of battle, illuminating previously obscure paths.


  1. Acquiring HM 05 – Flash : As soon as you enter the cave, you will find a man right at the entrance. He will give you HM 05 – Flash. This HM is essential for lighting up dark areas of the cave, making your exploration much easier.
  2. Teaching Flash to a Pokémon : Choose one of your Pokémon to learn Flash. Think carefully before deciding, as once an HM is learned, it cannot be forgotten easily. This Pokémon will now be your walking torch, illuminating the dark paths of the cave.
  3. Finding Steven : With the cave now lit up, advance through the hallways until you find Steven. He is not just any person, but a crucial character to your mission. Give him the Letter you received from Devon Corp. As a reward for your diligence, Steven will give you TM 47, which contains Steel Wing, a powerful Steel-type move.
  4. Returning to Dewford : After completing your mission in the Granite Cave, it’s time to return to Dewford. Go to the dock and talk to Mr. Briney, the boat captain. He is always ready to take you wherever you need. This time, ask to return to Petalburg.
  5. Visiting Devon Corp. in Rustboro : Once on dry land, go through the Petalburg Woods again and make your way to Rustboro. Go to Devon Corp. and talk to Mr. Stone, the company president. He has one more reward for you: Exp. Share, an incredibly useful item that allows a Pokémon to gain experience without participating in battle.
  6. Back to Dewford, and then to Slateport : Return to Mr. Briney and he will take you back to Dewford. But you won’t stay there long. Talk to him again and this time choose Slateport as your destination. Get ready to land on a new beach and face the challenges Slateport has to offer.


After completing your missions in Dewford and Granite Cave, it’s time to head to Slateport City, a vibrant city full of activities.

  1. Beach Battles : Upon arrival, prepare for some beach battles. These trainers are a great opportunity to gain experience. And who knows, Roxanne, the Rustboro Gym Leader, might even give you a call!
  2. Earn Soda Pops : In the beach house, when you defeat three trainers, you will be rewarded with 6 Soda Pops. Not only are they healing items, but you can always go back for more if you need them.
  3. Facing Team Aqua : As you explore the city, you will notice members of Team Aqua causing a ruckus at the entrance to the museum. After retrieving your Pokémon, head to what appears to be an abandoned factory, just below the museum. Talk to everyone inside before heading to the museum.
  4. Devon Museum and Mission : At the museum, prepare to face members of Team Aqua. When you find Captain Stern on the second floor, hand over the Devon Goods. After defeating two members of Team Aqua, you will receive TM 46 as thanks.
  5. Battle Tent : Before leaving Slateport, don’t forget to visit the Battle Tent. Here, you can face a series of battles with Pokémon that aren’t yours. It’s a great way to practice without putting your own Pokémon at risk.
  6. Heading to Mauville : With everything completed in Slateport, buy a Harbor Mail from the Pokémart before leaving. The path to Mauville is to the north, and along the way, you’ll meet Professor Birch, who will add something new to your PokéNav.
  7. Adventure Continues : Before reaching Mauville, you will come across the Trick House, a fascinating place full of riddles and challenges that can test your skills in a fun and rewarding way.


Let’s explore everything in Mauville:

  1. First Stop – Harbor Mail : As soon as you arrive in town, look for the first house and find a girl waiting for a special delivery: the Harbor Mail. When you hand it in, you will be rewarded with the Coin Case, an essential item for anyone who wants to have fun playing the Game Corner games.
  2. Getting HM 06 – Rock Smash : Next to the PokéMart, you will find another house where you can get HM 06 – Rock Smash. This HM is crucial for breaking rocks that block your path at various parts of your journey.
  3. Choosing Your Bike : Next stop, the bike shop. Here, you have an important choice to make between two models: the Mach Bike, perfect for sprinters and explorers of unstable terrain, and the Acro Bike, ideal for those who like maneuvers and need to navigate narrow paths. Remember, you can come back here at any time to change bikes, so try both to see which suits your style of adventure best.
  4. Beach Challenges : If you haven’t explored yet, exit Mauville to the right and discover a beach where you can face some trainers and test your skills in battle.
  5. Encounter with Wally : Before trying to conquer the city gym, head to the Pokémon Center to make sure your Pokémon are in tip-top shape. As you head to the gym, prepare for an exciting encounter with your old acquaintance, Wally. He has come a long way since the last time you saw him and is eager to show off his progress.
  6. Battling Scott : And who knew, Scott shows up again to see how you’re doing. After a brief chat, it’s time to enter the gym and face the challenges that await you.
  7. The Mauville Gym : This gym is known for its electric challengers, so get ready. Depending on your starting Pokémon, you may have different advantages, but having a Pokémon like Aron can be of great help in resisting electric attacks. Your objective here is to navigate the “buttons” on the floor to change the configuration of the electric fences and make your way to Wattson, the gym leader.
  8. The Battle against Wattson : Wattson has an electric quartet made up of Voltorb, Electrike, Magneton and Manectric. Overcoming them not only proves your worth as a trainer, but also gives you the right to use Rock Smash outside of battles.
  9. Exploring the Cycling Road : After your victory, how about a stroll along the Cycling Road? Access it through the yellow house at the entrance to Mauville, but remember to be on your bike. Here, you’ll find coaches ready to test your speed and strategy.
  10. Choosing Your Path : After facing the challenges of the Cycling Road, you have a choice to make: head north or explore the area to the left of Mauville. For now, let’s head left and see what awaits us.


After leaving Mauville City, prepare for a new stage of your journey in Verdanturf Town, a serene place full of opportunities to explore, battle, and, of course, increase the strength of your team of Pokémon.

  1. Day Care Center : The first stop on the way out of Mauville is Day Care. Here, you can leave up to two of your Pokémon behind to gain experience while you explore. If you’re interested in breeding Pokémon, this is also the perfect place to leave a couple and wait for an egg.
  2. Towards Verdanturf : Advancing along the route, face all the trainers and collect items along the way. Use the itemfinder near the flowers to discover hidden treasures. This path will take you directly to Verdanturf Town.
  3. Ruturf Tunnel : North of Verdanturf, you will find the entrance to the Ruturf Tunnel. Remember the Wingull named Peecko that you saved? This cave is exactly where this happened. Inside the tunnel, immediately go left, go through an exit and talk to a boy you will find there. He has an item hidden next to him; Follow his instructions to find a treasure.
  4. Reuniting a Couple : Further down the tunnel, you’ll come across a couple separated by blocking rocks. With the Rock Smash HM, break the rocks and clear the path, reuniting the couple. As a thank you, you will receive HM04 Strength, essential for moving large rocks and opening new paths.
  5. Back to Verdanturf : Before exiting the tunnel through the other exit, you will encounter the same Devon Corp employee you helped in the forest at the beginning of the game. He will give you a Repeat Ball as thanks.
  6. Battle Tent : Verdanturf is also home to a Battle Tent. This is a place where you can test your skills in a series of battles. The peculiarity here is that your Pokémon will fight automatically, without you choosing the moves. It’s a great way to challenge yourself in a different way.
  7. Towards Winstrate Family : Returning to Mauville and taking the northern route, you will find a yellow house with a man in front of it. He will challenge you to battle the Winstrate family in a series of four consecutive fights. Each family member has interesting Pokémon, and an additional challenge awaits you in the game’s last cave.
  8. Exploring Mountains and Caves : Continuing your way, you will come across two route options. The northern sand route will be inaccessible for now due to a sandstorm, so head left towards a mountain. Here, you will find a cave blocked by Team Magma. As you go through the cave, you will come to a place where volcanic ash falls from the sky.
  9. Collecting Volcanic Ash : At the end of the ash-covered route, visit an old man’s house who will give you a Soot Sack. With it, you can collect ash by stepping on the grass covered in it. These ashes can be exchanged for unique flutes depending on the amount collected.
  10. Moving Forward : To continue your adventure, exit this ash-covered route to the left, towards the next town.


Once you arrive in Fallarbor Town, you have some interesting tasks ahead of you. First, pay a visit to the Pokémon Center and talk to Lanette. She is responsible for updating your Pokémon PC, similar to Bill in previous versions. This update will bring some very useful extra features for managing your Pokémon companions.

  1. Move Tutor : Fallarbor is also home to the Move Tutor’s home. If you have a Heart Scale, it can teach one of your Pokémon an ancient move. These moves could be crucial in future battles, so they’re worth checking out.
  2. Hidden Treasures : Take a look at the crater in the middle of the city. There, you will find a Nugget, which can be sold for a good amount at the Mart. There is also a girl near a hole in the wall; speak to her to receive TM 28 – Dig, an essential tool for awakening the legendary Regirock, Regice and Registeel.


After exploring Fallarbor, head west until you find a bridge. Cross it, face the trainers and reach a mountain that leads to the entrance to Meteor Falls. Inside the cave, keep left until you find a professor surrounded by members of Team Magma. Team Aqua will make a surprise appearance, acting as the “good guys” this time. Although Team Magma escapes with the Meteorite, talk to Professor Cozmo to better understand the situation.


Instead of going back through Fallarbor and facing the ash route again, let’s take a shortcut. In the cave, further down, you will find some pools of water. Jump them to reach the exit. Going down the mountain, you will return to Rustboro City. Remember the Rusturf Tunnel? Pass through it to return to Mauville, then head north toward Mt. Chimney.

At the top of Mt. Chimney, the Aqua and Magma teams will be in conflict. After climbing the mountain and defeating some members of Team Magma, you will face Maxie, their leader. After the battle, Archie, leader of Team Aqua, will appear to thank you. Before leaving, don’t forget to pick up the Meteorite near the battle site.


As you descend Mt. Chimney through the previously blocked south passage, you will enter Lavaridge City. Here, you can receive a Pokémon Egg from a lady near the hot spring. Make sure you have space on your team to welcome him.

The Lavaridge Gym is your next challenge, led by Flannery and her fire Pokémon. Use water, rock, or ground Pokémon to give you an advantage. After victory, you will earn the right to use Strength outside of battles. When you leave, your rival will be waiting with the Go-Goggles, making their way into the desert.

Final Tips for Lavaridge and Beyond :

  • Don’t rush to leave Lavaridge; explore well and prepare yourself for future challenges.
  • The desert offers not only battles against trainers, but also the chance to capture unique Pokémon and collect valuable items. The Mirage Tower is an optional location at this point, but it holds secrets worth exploring.


The time has come to face your father, the leader of the Petalburg Gym. It’s a significant moment in your Pokémon journey, so let’s go!

  1. Preparation and Path : First, make sure your Pokémon are well trained. There are several routes to Petalburg, but the most direct is from Mauville, heading west to Verdanturf, through the Rusturf Tunnel to Rustboro, and then south through Petalburg Woods to Petalburg. This route significantly shortens the trip.
  2. The Petalburg Gym : In the gym, you will face unique challenges in themed rooms before meeting your father. Each room tests a different skill, so be prepared for a variety of battles.
  3. Showdown with Norman : His father uses Normal-type Pokémon. They are known for a necessary pause after an attack, which could be their chance to strike. Fighting-type Pokémon are particularly effective here. After beating him, you will receive the right to use Surf outside of battles and HM 03 – Surf as a reward.


With Surfing in hand, a new world opens up to you. Here are some suggestions on where to use this newly acquired skill to explore and collect useful items:

  1. Returning to the Origins : First, visit your mother in Littleroot to receive the Amulet Coin, which helps double your earnings in battles. Take the opportunity to update your PokéNav and recover your Pokémon.
  2. Exploration with Surf : You can now explore new areas only accessible with Surf. That includes:
    • Small lakes in Petalburg to find items.
    • North of Oldale where you will find aquatic trainers.
    • Use Surf on the right side of the bridge after Petalburg Woods to discover hidden items.
    • East of Rustboro, through Meteor Falls, to access areas with berries.
    • Near the exit of Meteor Falls to find a new area with trainers, items and even wild Jigglypuff.
    • Revisit the path to Slateport, fighting trainers along the way, and explore the Abandoned Ship when you’re ready.
  3. More Places to Explore with Surf :
    • In Mauville, explore the waters near the Winstrate family home to find items.
    • Talk to Wattson in Mauville about New Mauville, an optional location full of valuable items and an additional challenge.
  4. Next Steps : Once you’ve taken advantage of all of these exploration opportunities, head east to Mauville, where you can use Surf to continue your journey. This path leads to new adventures and challenges.


After leaving Mauville City, you will find a beach to the east. Here begins a new adventure! Use Surf to cross the sea and get ready to face different trainers. This is a great opportunity to strengthen your Pokémon and collect useful items.

  1. Catching the Good Rod : On the other side of the beach, a fisherman will give you the Good Rod. This means you can catch better Pokémon than before. Steven will also show up, but he’s just passing through this time.
  2. Berry Master’s House : After exploring the area and facing the trainers, you will find the Berry Master’s house. Visit her to get some free berries, a very useful item for your journey.
  3. Crossing High Grass : Continue your way north. You’ll notice taller grass that your bike can’t get into. Walk through it and face all the trainers, paying attention to those trying to run away from you. Show who’s boss!
  4. Arrival at the Institute : After crossing the bridge and a little more road, you will arrive at the Meteorological Institute. Here, Team Aqua is up to no good. Retrieve your Pokémon on the available bed and prepare for battle. Climb the stairs, face the members of Team Aqua, including Admin Shelly, and save the day. As a reward, you will receive a Castform, a unique Pokémon that changes shape depending on the weather.
  5. Confrontation with May/Brendan : After resolving the situation at the institute, you will meet your rival on the bridge and receive HM 02 – Fly after beating him in battle. Scott will also appear to chat, but the main new feature is the HM that allows you to fly to cities you’ve already visited.


Arriving in Fortree City, your first action should be to recover your Pokémon. Here, you will encounter an invisible obstacle blocking access to the local Gym.

  1. Steven and Kecleon : Follow the city until you find Steven again. He proposes combat against an invisible Kecleon, revealed by the Devon Scope. Capture it if you can, as it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
  2. Unlocking the Gym : With the Devon Scope in hand, you will be able to reveal another Kecleon that blocks the entrance to the Gym and finally challenge Winona, the leader.

Gym Battle :

  • Winona specializes in Flying-type Pokémon. Prepare your Electrics to neutralize your team and consider using Fire types against Tropius and Skarmory. Winning earns you the right to use Fly outside of battles.

Using Fly and Exploring More :

After the Gym battle, it’s time to explore even more with the Fly ability. Check PokéNav’s Match Call to see which trainers are ready for a rematch. It’s a great way to gain more experience and money.

Returning to Fortree, after using Fly, explore the rainy route to the east, where you will encounter new challenges and be warned about Team Aqua’s plans at Mt. Pyre.

Safari Zone and Beyond :

Although the Safari Zone is nearby, you will need the PokéBlock, available in the next town, to enter. For now, continue your adventure along the route until you reach the largest city in the game, following Steven’s instructions and uncovering new mysteries that Hoenn has in store for you.


Welcome to Lilycove City, a key point on your journey through Hoenn. This city may seem big and a little confusing at first, but let’s go through it step by step.

  1. Recovery and Rivalry : First thing, as always, is to visit the Pokémon Center to recover your traveling companions. Once you’re ready, head north of town where you’ll find a large PokéMart, known as the Lilycove Shopping Department. Get ready, because your rival will be waiting for you there for what will be the last confrontation between you in the game.
  2. Situation with Team Aqua : You will notice that Lilycove is infested with Team Aqua members. If you try to go north and then right, you will find a beach where Wailmer is blocking the path, preventing the use of Surf. For now, this area is off limits.
  3. Pokémon Contest : Looking for something lighter? Find the red house below the PokéCenter, the location of the only Pokémon Contest in Emerald. Here you can grab the PokéBlock and venture into Contests, collecting medals if that interests you.


After exploring Lilycove, it’s time to head to Mt. Pyre, a place full of mysteries and challenges.

  1. The Challenge Begins : At the entrance, you will come across a building full of trainers and ghost Pokémon. The exit to the outside is on the first floor, but don’t be in a hurry. Explore every floor to collect items and face trainers.
  2. Outdoors : When you find the exit, you will be outside the building. Your mission is to climb to the top, where Team Aqua is up to no good. Prepare to face multiple team members, including their leader, who is stealing the Red Orb.
  3. The Plot Unfolds : After stopping Team Aqua, a lady will explain that Team Magma stole the Blue Orb and both teams are confusing the Orbs. She will give you the “Magma Emblem”, a crucial clue for the next phase of your adventure.

After leaving Mt. Pyre, continue surfing south until you find a new route to the left. This route will take you back to the Berry Master’s house. Now, remember that member of Team Magma standing facing the wall? This is your next destination.

  1. Back in Action : Use Fly and head to Lavaridge City, the city closest to your next target. Your Pokémon are probably already above level 40, so you’re more than prepared for what comes next.


After your victory against the gym leader in Lavaridge, it’s time to embark on a new quest to uncover the mysteries of Team Magma’s Hideout. Here is a detailed guide on how to navigate this phase.

  1. Preparation with HM Strength : First of all, make sure you’ve taught HM Strength to one of your Pokémon. This skill is crucial for moving large rocks that you will encounter on your journey and opening your way through the hideout.
  2. Heading to the Cable Car : Leave Lavaridge, heading north towards the Cable Car. On the way, you will find a cave next to the Cable Car station. Here is a good place to use Strength and discover hidden items, but be careful not to block your path with rocks.
  3. Access to the Hideout : When you reach the top with the Cable Car and go down towards Lavaridge, a secret passage will open if you are carrying the “Magma Emblem”. This is the signal to enter Team Magma’s new hideout.
  4. Exploration and Confrontation : Inside the hideout, use Strength to move rocks and open a path. Face off against the members of Team Magma, collecting items along the way. Your objective is to find the leader Maxie and confront him. Along the way, you will fight Tabitha and finally see Groudon awaken, but he will run away after the battle.
  5. Leaving the Hideout : After defeating Maxie, go through the passage and climb the large staircase to exit the cave quickly, cutting your way back.


Now that you’ve unlocked the secrets of Team Magma’s hideout, it’s time to confront Team Aqua.

  1. Trouble in Slateport : Go to Slateport to investigate a trouble at the port. There, you will find Captain Stern in the middle of the commotion. After the confusion, head inside the port where Team Aqua is planning to steal the submarine.
  2. Towards Lilycove : Back in Lilycove, use Surf on the beach to the north, bypassing the Wailmer blocking the path. You will soon find the entrance to Team Aqua’s hideout.
  3. Inside the Hideout : Prepare for a series of battles against members of Team Aqua. Explore the place well, using the teleports to navigate around the base. Your objective is to find the Master Ball and face one of the Aqua Team Admins. After winning, you will see the submarine running away again.
  4. Access to Mossdeep City : With the Wailmers no longer blocking the path, head right until you reach Mossdeep City. On the way, you will pass an island with an isolated house where you can exchange Shards for evolutionary stones. Mossdeep is your next big stop.


Preparations and Challenge in the Gym:

Upon arriving in Mossdeep City, one of the first steps is to revitalize your Pokémon at the Pokémon Center. Ready for another adventure? Let’s go! The city’s gym awaits you with a unique challenge: a double battle against the gym leaders, Tate and Liza. In this gym, you will find mats that change the arrangement of obstacles and teleporters that will test your reasoning to find the right path to the leaders.

  • Tate and Liza bring Pokémon like Claydol, Xatu, Lunatone, and Solrock into battle. Quick Tips:
    • Plant attacks are effective against Claydol and Lunatone.
    • Solrock can surprise you with Flamethrower, so be careful if you bet on plant Pokémon.
    • Electric strikes are a good option against Xatu.

Winning the battle earns you the right to use Dive outside of battles. Essential for the next steps of your journey!

Heroism at the Space Center:

After the gym, a visit to the Space Center is mandatory, especially because Team Magma is getting up to no good there. You will encounter a tense situation, with an ambush prepared by members of Team Magma. Fortunately, it’s nothing that you and Steven, fighting side by side, can’t overcome. This will be one of the few authentic duo battles you will face.

HM 08 – Dive:

Steven will wait for you at his home with a special gift: the HM 08 – Dive. Now you can explore the bottom of the sea! And don’t forget to get the Super Rod from a house behind the Space Center. With it, your fishing will be even more fruitful.


Finding Sootopolis City:

With Dive in your arsenal, it’s time to explore the seas south of Mossdeep. Look for a large dark spot in the water, where you can dive and find an underwater passage that takes you to Sootopolis. The city is a sight to behold, but the local gym is still closed for now.

The Abandoned Ship and More:

This is a great time to explore surf and dive accessible areas like the Abandoned Ship. Additionally, Route 126 is where you can find Relicanth, a key Pokémon for awakening Hoenn’s Legendaries.

Towards Pacifidlog City:

For further exploration, head south until you find Pacifidlog, a floating city. It’s a long journey, but one full of interesting encounters with trainers and wild Pokémon.

Uncovering the Underwater Cave:

Returning to the focus of the mission, head to Route 128 and look for a dark spot where you can dive. There, you will find the submarine stolen by Team Magma. Follow the cave, using Dive to emerge inside, preparing to use Rock Smash and Strength to advance.

Important Tips:

  • Always have a Pokémon with Dive, Surf, Rock Smash and Strength ready for these explorations.
  • Use Fly to quickly move between already visited cities, making it easier to explore and return to key points.


It’s time to venture into the depths of Seafloor Cavern. First of all, confirm that you have taught HM Strength to one of your Pokémon, as it will be essential for moving the stones you will find along the way.

How to get:

  • Depart Lavaridge and head north until you reach the Cable Car.
  • Next to the Cable Car, there is a cave where you can practice your HM Strength skills and collect items.
  • Climb the Cable Car and prepare for the descent to the point where Team Magma was. With the “Magma Emblem” in possession, a new path will open.

Inside the Cave:

  • Use Strength to navigate the hideout, defeating members of Team Magma and collecting items.
  • Your journey will culminate in a battle against the leader of Team Magma, after which you will witness the awakening of Kyogre, who will then depart.
  • After Kyogre’s departure and the confrontation with Team Magma, exit the cave to find the world in chaos, with torrential rain and intense sunlight symbolizing the fight between Kyogre and Groudon.


With the situation rapidly escalating, their next destination is Sootopolis City, where the confrontation between Kyogre and Groudon is about to destroy the world.

Arriving at Sootopolis:

  • Use Fly to get to Sootopolis, or navigate there if you don’t already have the city on your map. Use Dive near the city to access it from the bottom of the sea.
  • In Sootopolis, you will find the city paralyzed by the battle between the titans.

Resolving the Conflict:

  • Talk to Archie and Maxie to understand Team Aqua and Magma’s regret.
  • Find Steven, who will tell you the need to awaken Rayquaza in the Sky Pillar.
  • Travel to Pacifidlog and head to the Sky Pillar, where you must wake Rayquaza so he can calm Kyogre and Groudon.

The Final Battle at Sootopolis Gym:

  • After resolving the conflict, it’s time to challenge the Sootopolis gym.
  • Leader Juan mainly uses Water-type Pokémon. Preparing a team with Electric and Grass Pokémon will be useful.
  • Beating Juan will give you the right to use Waterfall outside of battles, opening your way to the Pokémon League.

Before heading to the League, take the opportunity to explore areas accessible with Waterfall and strengthen your team by fighting against trainers who want rematches, accessible through Match Call in PokéNav. Remember to explore the Sky Pillar again for an encounter with Rayquaza.


When you feel like your Pokémon team is ready for the next big challenge, it’s time to venture to Ever Grande City, the meeting point for Hoenn’s strongest trainers.

How to get:

  • Depart from Mossdeep or Pacifidlog and head to Route 128.
  • Explore the area in search of a corridor surrounded by rocks on the map, aiming for a large island to the right of the mainland.
  • Find and climb a waterfall to discover Ever Grande City, marked by the presence of a welcoming Pokémon Center where you can meet Scott before he quickly leaves.

Important Preparations: Before entering the Victory Road cave, make sure your team is equipped with Pokémon capable of using all of the HM techniques necessary for crossing, except Cut, Fly, and Dive. Flash, Rock Smash, Strength, Surf, and Waterfall will be essential here.


This cave is a true test of your skills as a trainer, with wild Pokémon ranging between levels 35 and 45.

Wally’s Challenge:

  • Get ready for an exciting encounter with Wally, your second rival, who has evolved a lot since the beginning of your journey. The battle here won’t be easy, as the Ralts he captured with his help is now a powerful Gardevoir.
    • Wally’s team:
      • Altaria lv.44
      • Delcatty lv.43
      • Magneton lv.41
      • Roselia lv.44
      • Gardevoir lv.45

After defeating the Elite 4, Wally will be available for more challenges, marked by Match Call on your PokéNav. He awaits you at the end of Victory Road, always ready to test your skills with his ever-growing team.


  • Inside Victory Road, you will find a trainer who is a member of the Winstrate family, recognizable by his name starting with “V”, adding a touch of continuity to his journey since meeting his family near Mauville.

Tips for Victory Road:

  • Balanced Team: Make sure your team has a good variety of types to face the diversity of wild Pokémon and Trainers inside the cave.
  • Essential HMs: Revisit your HM skills to ensure you can overcome all physical obstacles in the cave.
  • Strategy for Wally: Plan ahead for the types of Pokémon Wally uses, especially his Gardevoir, which can be a significant challenge.


The moment you’ve been waiting for and working hard for has arrived: face the Elite 4 and become the Pokémon League Champion. Get ready, because this is the ultimate challenge on your journey in Pokémon Emerald.

Before You Start

  • Preparation : Make sure all the Pokémon on your team are at least level 60. This will be an intense fight and you’ll need all the strength you can get.
  • Supplies : Stock up on recovery items like Max Potion, Max Revive, and Full Restore. Remember, once you start, there is no turning back until you finish or are defeated.

The Elite 4 Challenge

1. Sidney (Nocturnal Type) :

  • Strategy : Fighting-type Pokémon are very effective here. Alternatively, you can use Fire, Flying, Electric, or Grass attacks. Avoid using Psychic attacks.
  • Sidney uses: Mightyena lv.46 Absol lv.49 Shiftry lv.48 Cacturne lv.46 Crawdaunt lv.48

2. Phoebe (Ghost Type) :

  • Strategy : Ghost and Night-type moves are effective, but you can also rely on Elemental attacks like Fire, Water, Ice, Electric, and Grass. Fighting and Normal Strikes do not affect Ghosts.
  • Phoebe uses: Dusclops lv.48 Banette lv.49 Sableye lv.50 Banette lv.49 Dusclops lv.51

3. Glacia (Ice Type) :

  • Strategy : Fire is your best friend here, but Metal, Fighting, and Electric-type attacks are also useful. Be careful with Grass, Flying, Ground or Dragon Pokémon, as they are vulnerable to Ice.
  • Glacia uses: Glalie lv.50 Sealeo lv.50 Sealeo lv.52 Glalie lv.52 Walrein lv.53

4. Drake (Dragon Type) :

  • Strategy : Ice or Dragon-type Pokémon are essential. Electric, Rock, Water, and Grass attacks can be useful depending on the opposing Pokémon.
  • Drake uses: Shelgon lv.52 Flygon lv.53 Altaria lv.54 Salamence lv.55 Kingdra lv.53

The Champion: Wallace

Surprise! Wallace replaces Steven as the champion. It focuses on Water-type Pokémon, so bring your best Electric and Plants into battle.

  • Specific Tips :
    • Whiscash is vulnerable to Plant attacks.
    • Ludiculo can be faced with Flying, Poison, Ice or Bug.
    • An Earth attack is effective against Tentacruel.
    • Milotic will be a challenge; Get ready for a tough fight.

After the Victory

By defeating Wallace, you not only defeat the Elite 4, but also become the new Pokémon League Champion! His name and team will be engraved in the Hall of Fame.

But it’s not the end! There are more adventures and challenges waiting for you in Hoenn. Continuing your post-victory journey may reveal new areas to explore, legendary Pokémon to capture, and mysteries to uncover.

So, get ready, recover your Pokémon and fly off to new adventures. The world of Pokémon Emerald still has many secrets for you to discover. Congratulations champion!

Exploration after the Elites

Back Home: Norman’s Gift and the Arrival of Latias or Latios

After victory over the Elite 4, you find yourself back where you started: your room. As he comes downstairs, a familiar scene plays out with his parents watching TV – and yes, Norman, his father, is finally home! He has a gift for you, the SS Ticket, which opens the door to new sea adventures from Lilycove or Slateport. But as always, Norman has other commitments, leaving his family behind again.

When you pay attention to the TV, you learn about a mysterious Pokémon flying around Hoenn. The color you choose when responding to your mother – red for Latias or blue for Latios – will determine which of these Legendaries will roam the land wild, ready for you to capture. Remember, when you come across him, using the Master Ball is a guarantee of capture, as he will flee at the slightest sign of battle.

The National Dex and A Gift from Steven

As soon as you leave the house, Professor Birch has another surprise: the National Dex, allowing you to register all 386 existing Pokémon, a significant update to your Pokédex.

And be sure to visit Steven’s house in Mossdeep. In addition to souvenirs from your journey, you will find a lv.5 Beldum waiting for you as a parting gift from him. A new friend for your adventures!

Unraveling the Mysteries of the Mirage Tower

On route 111, the desert hides the Mirage Tower, accessible only with the Go-Goggles after earning the 4th badge. Before taking on its challenges, equip Mauville’s Mach Bike to overcome brittle obstacles and bring back a Pokémon with Rock Smash.

Climb the tower to the top, where two fossils await. The choice between the Root Fossil (which revives in Lileep) and the Claw Fossil (which revives in Anorith) is yours, but don’t worry about the loss; After the tower collapses, the unchosen fossil can be recovered later, ensuring that both prehistorics can join your team.

To bring your fossil back to life, visit Devon Corp in Rustboro. After a brief process, the fossil will transform into a lv.20 Pokémon, ready for new battles.

DESERT UNDERPASS: The Rescue of the Second Fossil

After triumphing over the Elite 4, your next destination is to recover that fossil that was left behind in the Mirage Tower. Go to Fallarbor and look for the northernmost house on the left where an excavation project was underway. If you have already rescued the first fossil, the passage to the Desert Underpass will be open, taking you directly to the second fossil waiting patiently for you. The same procedure as reviving it at Devon Corp in Rustboro applies here, adding a new prehistoric member to your team.

GRANITE CAVE: Fast Challenges

Back in Dewford, the Granite Cave hides a section only accessible by Mach Bike. Your task? Master the brittle ground with quick and precise turns. Before venturing out, make sure you have the Mach Bike and a Pokémon with Rock Smash. Items and surprises await those skilled enough to navigate through the cracks.

TRICK HOUSE: The Master of Riddles

North of Slateport, the Trick House is a playground to sharpen your mind and test your coaching skills. With each gym leader defeated, new challenges are unlocked, each requiring a unique combination of strategy and HM use.

  1. After Brawly : Navigate through bushes with Cut to reach the exit.
  2. After Wattson : Buttons change passages, taking you to new challenges.
  3. After Flannery : Rock Smash is the key to advancing.
  4. After Norman : Use Strength to move rocks and clear a path.
  5. After Winona : Answer questions correctly to progress.
  6. After Tate and Liza : Manipulate turnstiles to find the right route.
  7. After Juan : A journey that tests your ability to alter the environment with rugs.
  8. After Elite 4 : Slide on the slippery floor, using obstacles to stop.

Each challenge completed in the Trick House not only improves your skill as a trainer but also rewards you with useful items for your journey.

DESERT UNDERPASS: The Second Fossil Mission

After claiming glory against the Elite 4, your next step takes you to Fallarbor. Visit the house in the far northwest, near the boy standing next to a hole in the wall. If you’ve already rescued the first fossil in Mirage Tower, a new underground route awaits. This cave, simple to navigate, hides the second fossil. Once found, revive it at Devon Corp to add another prehistoric member to your collection.

GRANITE CAVE: A Test of Speed

Back in Dewford, the Granite Cave holds challenges that can only be overcome with the Mach Bike. Your objective here is to maneuver over the broken ground with agility and precision. Make sure you have the Mach Bike and a Pokémon capable of using Rock Smash before venturing out. Hidden treasures await the most skilled.

TRICK HOUSE: House of Enigmas

North of Slateport is the Trick House, ready to test your intellect and skills with new challenges with each Gym Leader you defeat. From cutting bushes to pushing heavy rocks, each room is a puzzle waiting to be solved.

  • Each room in the Trick House offers a unique challenge , rewarding your cunning and strategy with valuable prizes, from rare candies to powerful TMs. Explore every corner, and prepare to be surprised by the Trick Master and his ingenious riddles.

NEW MAUVILLE: An Energy Problem

After purchasing the HM03 Surf, a new mission awaits you in Mauville. Gym leader Wattson needs help with a problematic generator. With the key he provides, explore the depths south of the city, where Magnemites and Voltorbs await you. When you deactivate the generator, an electrifying reward in the form of a TM24 Thunderbolt will be yours.

MIRAGE ISLAND: The Elusive Island

Mirage Island is an engaging mystery, visible only when the number drawn daily matches that of one of your Pokémon. An old man in Pacifidlog will be your guide to this rare phenomenon. Although challenging to find, the island offers Wynauts of varying levels and unique berries, adding an element of luck and patience to your adventure.

ABANDONED SHIP: Maritime Mysteries

East of Dewford, route 108 hides the Abandoned Ship, a ship full of mysteries and challenges. Equipped with the HM03 Surf and later the HM08 Dive, you can uncover the underwater secrets of this forgotten ship. From Ice Beam to evolutionary stones, treasures await those willing to explore each cabin.

SHOAL CAVE: Tides of Adventure

North of Mossdeep, Shoal Cave offers a unique tidal adventure. Depending on the time of day, new areas become accessible, with Shoal Shells and Shoal Salts scattered throughout the cave. Collect these items and exchange them for a Shell Bell from the old man at the entrance, a valuable item for your future battles.


After triumphing over the Elite 4, a legend emerges: Steven, the former champion and master of the Stones. He awaits at Meteor Falls, a supreme challenge for any trainer. To find it, dive into the river with Surf and climb the waterfall with Waterfall. Navigate through the caves until you find a secret entrance that only reveals itself after defeating the Elite 4. Steven, with Pokémon above level 75, requires a fine-tuned strategy and in-depth knowledge of the weaknesses and strengths of each type.

Steven uses: Skarmory lv.77 Claydol lv.75 Cradily lv.76 Armaldo lv.76 Aggron lv.76 Metagross lv.78


If you thought gyms were a challenge to overcome, think again. The leaders are back, stronger and ready for a second round. Stay tuned to Match Call for renewed challenges and prepare for duo battles, requiring a new level of strategy and preparation.


A reward awaits those who filled out the Hoenn Pokédex: one of the Johto starters offered by Professor Birch. Choosing between Chikorita, Cyndaquil or Totodile opens up new paths for your team.

TRAINER HILL: Rise of the Trainers

North of Mauville, a battle tower tests your speed and strategic skill. With four challenging modes, Trainer Hill tests your ability to adapt and your team’s strength against coaches eager for a challenge.

There are 4 battle modes here: Normal, Variety, Unique and Expert.

Pokemons Normal Tag Match:
1st floor: Flareon, Magneton, Pinsir, Misdreavus, Claydol, Solrock
2nd floor: Meditite, Heracross, Hitmontop, Mr.Mime, Plusle, Togepi
3rd floor: Vaporeon, Dodrio, Omastar, Nidoqueen, Charizard, Ninetales
4th floor: Alakazam, Grumpig, Blissey, Tropius, Bellossom, Meganium

Pokemons Variety Tag Match:
1st floor: Delibird, Clefairy, Pikachu, Corsola, Starmie, Clamperl
2nd floor: Illumise, Spheal, Vigoroth, Jigglypuff, Jynx, Exploud
3rd floor: Wooper, Poliwag, Psyduck, Baltoy, Pineco, Voltorb
4th floor: Unowns K, P, G, O, L, N

Pokemons Unique Tag Match:
1st floor: Sunflora, Venusaur, Tangela, Magcargo, Rapidash, Moltres
2nd floor: 3 Smeargle, Cubone, Beedrill, Raticate
3rd floor: Cleffa, Wynaut, Magby, Charmeleon, Wartotle, Ivysaur
4th floor: Houndoom, Stantler , Articuno, Sudowoodo, Slowking, Entei

Pokémons Expert Tag Match:
1st floor: Snorlax, Miltank, Ursaring, Gengar, Alakazam, Gardevoir
2nd floor: Dusclops, Ninetales, Banette, Swellow, Machamp, Ursaring
3rd floor: Wobbuffet, Exploud, Crobat, Dewgong, Politoed, Marowak
4th floor: Forretress, Electrode, Exeggutor, Gengar, Dusclops, Misdreavus

Detailed Step by Step

  1. Steven at Meteor Falls : Armed with knowledge and a balanced team, facing Steven becomes an epic journey. Fire and water strikes will be your best allies, paying special attention to the types and movements of your opponents.
  2. Gym Rematches : Check your Match Call frequently and prepare for duo battles, adapting your team to face the varying types and new strategies of Gym Leaders.
  3. Choose a Johto Starter : After a long journey completing the Hoenn Pokédex, choosing a Johto starter symbolizes the beginning of a new journey, bringing new strategies and challenges.
  4. Conquer Trainer Hill : Each floor of Trainer Hill brings unique trainers and challenges, requiring adaptation and preparation. Be ready to face the unknown and emerge victorious with valuable rewards.

Strategies and Tips

  • Preparation : Before challenging Steven or revisiting the gym leaders, make sure your team is well balanced and at high levels. Training and the correct choice of items and TMs can make a difference.
  • Battle Strategy : Knowing your opponents’ types and weaknesses is crucial. Use TMs and strategic movements to gain an advantage in battles.
  • Patience and Persistence : Some challenges, such as finding Steven or mastering Trainer Hill, may require multiple attempts and a meticulous approach.


Welcome to the Hoenn Safari Zone, a unique location full of incredible opportunities to catch rare and diverse Pokémon. I will guide you through this adventure, explaining each area and how to make the most of your visit. Remember, the strategy here is different: you use Safari Balls and have a step limit, so every move counts!

Introduction to Safari Zone

Once you arrive, you will need the PokéBlock Case. If you don’t have it yet, pay a visit to Pokémon Contest in Lilycove to pick it up. In the Safari Zone, you will have 30 Safari Balls to capture Pokémon and a limited number of steps, so plan your route well.

Areas and Pokémon

Right Area (Right South):

  • A vibrant mix of Pokémon like Pikachu, Oddish, Gloom, Doduo, Natu, Wobbuffet and Girafarig awaits you. It is a balanced area, perfect for those looking for variety.

Left Area (Left South):

  • In addition to similar Pokémon to the right area, here you can fish for Goldeen and Seaking with the Super Rod and surf to find Psyduck. Excellent for those who love water Pokémon.

Mach Bike Area (North Left):

  • The adrenaline soars in this area accessible only by Mach Bike. Get ready to catch Pokémon like Rhyhorn and Pinsir, as well as have a chance to encounter Goldeen, Seaking and Golduck in the water.

Acro Bike Area (North Right):

  • Exclusive access via Acro Bike, here you will find a variety including Oddish, Gloom, Natu, Xatu, Heracross and Phanpy. Don’t forget to use Rock Smash for a chance to capture Geodude.

Additional Areas After Elite 4

The adventure expands with the opening of the North and South areas, unlocked only after beating the Elite 4. These areas are treasures for Johto Pokémon fans, bringing new challenges and encounters.

North Area:

  • Here, you can find Aipom and Teddiursa in abundance, as well as unique Pokémon like Shuckle, Hoothoot, and Houndour. A real treat for explorers.

South Area:

  • It offers rich diversity, from fishing for Goldeen, Magikarp and Remoraid to surfing for Marill and Wooper. Land-based Pokémon include Mareep, Aipom, Sunkern, Gligar, Snubbull, and Stantler, making this area a spot for exciting catches.

Tips to Maximize Your Visit

  • Step Strategy: Plan your path to optimize each step and maximize the chances of valuable encounters.
  • Using PokéBlocks: Attract specific Pokémon using PokéBlocks that suit your preferences.
  • Preparation: Keep in mind the Pokémon you want to capture and prepare yourself with the correct items to make catching them easier.


Let’s meet the legendary Rayquaza, Groudon and Kyogre. Each of these magnificent Pokémon has its own challenge!

Capturing Rayquaza in the Sky Pillar

Preparations: First, make sure you have Mauville’s Mach Bike, as it is essential here. Use Fly to go to Pacifidlog and head east, navigating the currents until you find the entrance to an imposing tower – the Sky Pillar.

Inside the Sky Pillar:

  1. First Floor: Free path, just be careful with wild Pokémon.
  2. Second Floor: Here the Mach Bike is your best friend. Maintain your speed so you don’t fall through the cracks.
  3. Third Floor: Choose the path on the right, as the other one is blocked.
  4. Fourth Floor: The challenge here is to maintain speed and navigate the cracks without stopping. It’s a test of skill and patience.
  5. Fifth Floor: Makes it a little easier, just go up the stairs, but watch out for holes.
  6. Sixth Floor: Get ready for the big meeting.

Capturing Rayquaza: First of all, save the game. Rayquaza will be waiting for you at level 70, ready for battle. Use ice strikes to weaken it and techniques to numb or paralyze it, making it easier to capture.

Finding Groudon and Kyogre in the Earth and Marine Caves

After Elite 4, go to the Weather Institute and talk to the scientist on the second floor. He will inform you about meteorological phenomena where Groudon or Kyogre can be found. These legendary Pokémon change locations depending on your luck and speed.

For Kyogre: Look for heavy rain on routes 105, 125, 127, or 129. Use Dive in dark underwater areas to find it. For Groudon: Strong sun will indicate its presence on routes 114, 115, 116 or 118. Look for new volcanic caves in these areas.

Capture Tips:

  • Have a good supply of Ultra Balls.
  • Bring Pokémon with necessary HM abilities such as Fly, Surf, Dive, and Waterfall.
  • Save before starting the battle to try various capture strategies.

Capturing: Both will be at level 70. Prepare for intense battles and use your most cunning strategy to capture them. Remember, patience is key!


  • The search for Groudon and Kyogre requires vigilance and preparation. The weather phenomenon is your clue.
  • Rayquaza offers a unique Mach Bike skill challenge. Practice and be quick.
  • Each legendary requires a different approach. Study your moves and be strategic.


Initial Preparations

Before we begin, we will need some preparations:

  • Relicanth: Found in the depths near Sootopolis. Use Dive on routes 124 or 126.
  • Wailord: Evolve a Wailmer. You can catch him almost anywhere with the Super Rod, obtained from a fisherman near the Mossdeep gym.
  • Pokémon with Dig: Essential for accessing the Regis chambers.
  • Place the Wailord in the first position on your team and the Relicanth in the last.

Unraveling the Mystery of the Regis

Step 1: Opening the Starting Chamber Head to Pacifidlog and swim west until you find a spot to use Dive. Follow the underwater path until you find Braille inscriptions. Use Dive again to emerge into a secret cave. Inside, use Dig near the inscription to open the passage that releases the Regis.

REGIROCK: Located in the desert on route 111. Inside its chamber, walk two steps down and two steps to the left from the Braille inscription and use Rock Smash. There will be Regirock waiting for you at level 40.

REGICE: Find this icy chamber on route 105. After reading the Braille inscription, go around the room completely clockwise to open the passage. Regice will be waiting for you.

REGISTEEL: His chamber is hidden on route 120. Use Flash in the center of the cave to open the passage to Registeel.

Meeting with Latios or Latias

After defeating the Elite Four, your TV mom will tell you about a mysterious Pokémon. Choose “red” for Latias or “blue” for Latios. This Pokémon will appear randomly throughout the Hoenn region. Once found, don’t hesitate to use the Master Ball to ensure capture, as they tend to run away.

Southern Island Adventure

If you are lucky enough to have the Eon Ticket, you can sail to the Southern Island. There, you’ll find the opposite Legendary Pokémon to the one you picked after the Elite Four, also waiting at level 50.

Facing the True Champion: Steven

Located in a hidden cave in Meteor Falls, Steven waits for worthy trainers. Your powerful team includes high-level Pokémon such as Metagross and Skarmory. Get ready for a challenging battle!

Rematches with Gym Leaders and More

Emerald brings something new: the possibility of facing gym leaders in rematch battles, where they will use stronger teams in double battles. Additionally, by completing certain conditions, you will be able to capture Johto starters in Professor Birch’s laboratory.

Exploring the Safari Zone and Other Adventures

Don’t forget to explore the expanded Safari Zone, seek out the legendary Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Deoxys through special events, and challenge the dangers of Trainer Hill.

Exploring Navel Rock and Birth Island

Navel Rock: The Mysterious Island To start this journey, you will need the Mystic Ticket. With it in hand, depart Lilycove Harbor. Upon arrival, a forked cave awaits you. Choose left for an epic encounter with Ho-oh, or right to confront Lugia, both waiting at level 70. Top tip: save before challenging them to guarantee a second chance if necessary.

Birth Island: The Triangle Challenge The Aurora Ticket is your pass to this island, also accessible via Lilycove. The mystery here revolves around an enigmatic triangle. Get close, press A, and prepare for a strategic hunt. Follow the triangle in as few steps as possible, activating it successively until Deoxys, in her unique Emerald form, challenges you. Please note: Deoxys is level 30, so calibrate your team’s strength accordingly.

Faraway Island: The Enigma of Mew

This reclusive island requires the Old Sea Map to visit. Board the ship at Lilycove and prepare for an adventure of a lifetime. When you arrive, you’ll find Mew, the mythical Pokémon, dancing hide-and-seek through the forest. The key here is to predict his movements and surround him, using strategy to force a confrontation. Mew, also at level 30, will be a test of both your patience and your catching ability.

Trip aboard the SS Tidal

With the SS Ticket, a gift from your father, you have access to the SS Tidal, a ship that sails from Slateport or Lilycove. Scott, finally recognizing your skills as a trainer, welcomes you to Battle Frontier. Don’t miss the chance to explore every corner of the ship, including a room with a bed to recover your Pokémon. Your sea journey will be an introduction to the exciting Battle Frontier.

The Challenging Battle Frontier

Welcome to the pantheon of the best Pokémon trainers. Battle Frontier offers unique challenges across seven distinct facilities where you can earn prestige tokens by battling Frontier Brains. This place is not for the faint of heart. Get ready for strategic battles, games of luck, and pure Pokémon skill.

Sudowoodo and Artisan Cave: Hidden Treasures Be sure to explore the areas around Battle Frontier. Sudowoodo guards the entrance to the Artisan Cave, where wild Smeargles challenge fearless trainers. A perfect opportunity to strengthen your team and discover rare items.

Silver Symbols: Your Passport to Glory

Battle Pike, with its combination of luck and strategy, is just the beginning. Overcome the mysterious rooms, choose the right doors and get ready to face Pike Queen Lucy in a battle that will test all your acquired skills.

BATTLE DOME: The Strategy Tournament

Get ready for the Battle Dome, the stadium where only born strategists excel. This place is an imposing dome, located in the north-left part of the island, under the command of the unbeatable Tucker. Here, you will be tested in electrifying tournaments, facing a sequence of battles until the grand final.

How does Battle Dome work?

Upon arrival, you have the chance to choose between single or double battle tournaments. But be aware, Tucker is only present in single battle tournaments. Before each clash, you’ll have the chance to spy on the opposing team, allowing you to choose your two Pokémon best suited for battle.

Step by Step to Success:
  1. Initial Selection: Wisely choose 3 Pokémon for your Dome journey.
  2. Battle Strategy: Before each fight, select the 2 Pokémon that will face the opponent, based on the opposing team’s preview.
  3. Head to the Final: Overcome 3 opponents to qualify for the tournament’s grand final.
  4. The Tucker Challenge: After consecutively beating 19 coaches, Tucker will appear as his final challenge in the tournament. Beat him to earn the coveted silver Tactics Symbol.

Remember: The key to conquering the Battle Dome is observing and adapting to your opponents’ strategies.

BATTLE ARENA: The Test of Fighting Spirit

The Battle Arena is a wooden dojo where your tenacity is put to the test by the relentless Greta. This place is perfect for those who like a direct challenge, focusing more on performance than winning by knockout.

How to Master the Battle Arena?

Here, you don’t need to knock out opposing Pokémon; you need to shine in three categories: Mind, Skill and Body, over 3 rounds. If there is no clear winner at the end of the rounds, the judge will decide based on performance in each category.

Advice for Glory:
  1. Attack with Everything: The more damage you deal, the better your Mind rating.
  2. Be Precise: Hits and effectiveness are essential for a good Skill score.
  3. Stand Your Ground: Your Pokémon’s health is crucial to a good Body score.

Beating Greta after 27 consecutive battles will guarantee her silver Guts Symbol.

BATTLE FACTORY: The Test of Intelligence

The Battle Factory, with its vibrant colors and located to the south-left of the island, tests your cunning to the maximum. Noland, the head of this place, challenges you to win using Pokémon that aren’t his.

Strategies for Battle Factory:

  1. Choose Wisely: At the start of each round, select 3 Pokémon from a list provided. These Pokémon are not yours, so choose carefully.
  2. Adapt: ​​After each victory, you have the chance to swap one of your current Pokémon for one from the opponent you just beat.
  3. Consistency is Key: Beat 7 trainers to complete a round. After defeating 20 coaches in a row, Noland awaits you in the final.

Beating Noland will award you the silver Knowledge Symbol, a testament to your superior strategic skill.

BATTLE TOWER: The Ultimate Challenge

Imagine a skyscraper dedicated to Pokémon battling, that’s the Battle Tower! Here, it’s all or nothing. Anabel, the master, is at the top waiting for brave trainers. To climb to the top, you have an incredible journey ahead.

How to Survive Battle Tower:

  • Basic Rules: Enter with 3 Pokémon, but look, they can’t have duplicate items, okay?
  • Battle Modes: Choose between individual or double duels. Oh, and there are also multi battles, if you want to team up with a friend.
  • The Path to Anabel: Win 7 battles in a row to complete a round. After crushing 34 opponents, Anabel awaits you for the duel. Beat her and get her dream silver Ability Symbol.

BATTLE PALACE: Where the Heart Rules

The Battle Palace looks like a serene temple, but it only looks like it. Here, the battle is pure excitement because you don’t control your Pokémon’s attacks. They fight following their heart!

Dominating the Battle Palace:

  • Choose with Heart: Your Pokémon will fight alone, so the choice needs to be emotionally intelligent.
  • Surprise Battles: You can fight individually or in pairs, but you can only meet the leader Spenser one-on-one.
  • Face Spenser: After 20 victories, Spenser appears as the final challenge of the round. Win to secure the silver Spirits Symbol.

Earning the Golden Symbols:

After killing it and conquering the silver symbols, it’s time to raise the level. Scott will want to see his achievements and will give you an even bigger mission.

Tucker and Greta: Back in the Ring

  • Tucker at Battle Dome: After racking up consecutive victories and reaching an impressive total of 39, Tucker challenges you again. Defeat him in the tenth tournament to turn his symbol into gold.
  • Greta in the Battle Arena: Get 55 victories under her belt, and Greta will be ready for another. Defeat her to get her Guts Symbol.

NOLAND, the Battle Factory Master

Imagine that you have already proven your worth and are now looking to upgrade your Knowledge Symbol to gold. To do this, you need to face Noland again. Remember that the last time you challenged him, you had already faced 21 trainers. So, keep the pace, overcome 20 more and get ready for a new confrontation with Noland in the sixth round. The challenge? Noland chooses his Pokémon at random, so every battle is a new surprise!

LUCY, the Queen of the Battle Pike

After earning the silver Luck Symbol by going through 28 rooms, it’s time to upgrade. Your goal now is to survive 140 challenging rooms, full of surprises and battles. Completing 10 rounds and reaching the last room, you face Lucy again. Get ready, because Lucy doesn’t take it easy and comes with a powerful trio to test all her skills.

SPENSER, the Master of the Battle Palace

You’ve been through 21 coaches with Spenser before, so now it’s time to double that count. Complete 20 more battles for a chance to face Spenser again in the sixth round. Here at Battle Palace, your Pokémon fight with their hearts, so choose those that have a strong connection with you to ensure victory and turn your Spirits Symbol into gold.

BRANDON, King of the Battle Pyramid

Venturing into the dark pyramid has been quite a journey, hasn’t it? Now, after conquering 21 floors, your mission is to reach the top 10 more times. With 70 floors completed, Brandon awaits you for the big finale. At every step, you face not only trainers but also wild Pokémon, so be prepared with lots of Hyper Potions.

ANABEL, the Queen of the Battle Tower

Now, it’s time to show that you are truly a Pokémon master by facing Anabel after beating 69 trainers in a row. The count continues from where you left off after earning the silver symbol. Anabel won’t make it easy, so prepare for an intense battle and turn your Ability Symbol gold.

The End of the Game: What to Do After Conquering Everything?

Once you’ve earned all these golden symbols, return to Scott’s house and show off your achievements to receive a Starf Berry in recognition. Additionally, you can decorate your space with the silver and gold shields earned in the Battle Tower.

And so you finished the game! Congratulations!

What you can still do: Try to complete all 20 Pokémon Contest medals and capture all 386 Pokémon to complete your National Dex… The Pokémon world is vast and there are always new adventures waiting for you. Good luck, coach!

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