Pokémon Legends: Arceus – Complete Walkthrough (Step-by-Step Guide)

Pokémon Legends: Arceus – Complete Walkthrough (Step-by-Step Guide)

September 12, 2024 Off By Rafael Câmara

So, you’re about to embark on a spectacular journey in “Pokémon Legends: Arceus,” a world where time and space intertwine in mysterious ways. Let’s start from scratch, shall we? First, the game asks you to choose a language. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be greeted by none other than Arceus, the Pokémon god. He’s big, but don’t be intimidated! He’s here to guide you. Arceus will want to know a little about you—whether you identify as a boy or a girl, as well as choose your hair and skin color. And of course, don’t forget to give your persona a name in this magical world.

Now, hold on tight because the real adventure begins. Arceus tells you about the vast and strange Pokémon world and gives you an epic mission: catch every Pokémon! Suddenly, you find yourself falling into darkness, losing your smartphone in the process. But fear not, Arceus intervenes, transforming it into something new: the Arc Phone, a device that will be your companion on this journey.

Your adventure begins at Prelude Beach in the Hisui region. You wake up on the ground and are met by Professor Laventon and a trio of starter Pokémon: Rowlet, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott. Laventon, intrigued by your clothes and where you came from, asks for your help in catching the starter Pokémon that ran away.

Before we chase them, let’s get the basics straight. To navigate the game’s menus, use the up arrow key. Here you can save your progress, access a complete guide to the controls, and adjust settings like disabling auto-save or enabling motion controls. Use the left analog stick to move your character, and the right to control the camera. Here’s a tip: if you press the left analog stick, your character gets an extra boost while running. By pressing and holding (ZL), you can even zoom in, changing the perspective to first person.

Follow the professor and pick up his fallen Arc Phone. A message will tell you your mission is to catch all the Pokémon. Continue following Laventon.

Arriving at the Practice Field, you notice that the professor is having trouble with the trio of starters. He gives you 50 Poké Balls and teaches you how to catch them. Don’t worry about making mistakes, it’s just practice. If you need more Poké Balls, just ask the professor.

To catch a Pokémon, press and hold (ZR) to ready the Poké Ball, and you can walk while holding it. Adjust the target with the right analog stick, aiming at the Pokémon. Release (ZR) to throw the Poké Ball at the right moment. If you change your mind, (B) cancels the throw.

Capture Rowlet, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott. The first two will enter the Poké Ball immediately, but the third will give you a little more trouble, escaping on the first try. With all three safe, return to Laventon. When you show him your Arc Phone, he acknowledges that you have a special mission: to find all the Pokémon. Laventon shares his dream of completing the Hisui region Pokédex and asks for your help in capturing all the Pokémon, since he himself is afraid.

Agree to help him, and he will take you to Jubilife Village, promising to provide you with more appropriate clothing for your adventure. Along the way, you will notice a strange energy flying over a large mountain, marking the beginning of an unforgettable journey.

Jubilife Village and Canala Avenue

As soon as you arrive in Jubilife Village, you’ll be introduced to a new reality, guided by Professor Laventon. He’ll explain to you about the Galaxy Expedition Team, which plays a crucial role in this world. You’ll notice that the people here walk slowly along Canala Avenue. No, this isn’t a bug in the game, it’s just how it is. It’s a chance to take in the scenery and familiarize yourself with your surroundings.

You’ll notice that the villagers have limited knowledge of Pokémon, so much so that they avoid leaving the village. When you reach the entrance to Galaxy Hall, the Galaxy Team’s base, Laventon will ask you to wait in the cantina called The Wallflower while he takes care of some things. That’s when your Arc Phone comes into play, vibrating with a map that tells you where to go.

The map is a vital tool here. By pressing the (-) button, you can access and navigate it, and use (ZL) or (ZR) to adjust the zoom. It shows two important things: Missions and Requests. Missions are your main tasks that move the story forward, while Requests are optional tasks that you can complete to earn extra rewards. Whenever you’re unsure of what to do next, look for a marker with a number on it, which indicates the direction and distance to your next main objective.

Mission 1 – In an Unfamiliar Land

This is technically your first mission. Simply follow the marker on the map until you reach the cantina. There, you’ll meet Beni, who will find you somewhat suspicious since you’re new to the place. Depending on your character’s gender, you’ll be approached by either Akari (if you’re playing as a boy) or Rei (if you’re playing as a girl). They’ll notice that you’re not from the area.

Soon after, Professor Laventon returns and joins the conversation, explaining why he decided to bring you to the village. This is where Cyllene, the captain of the Survey Corps, enters the scene. Laventon had already spoken to her about your arrival and the help you offered. Cyllene gives you a chance to prove yourself and potentially join Team Galaxy the next day.

The Survey Corps is just one of the divisions of the Galaxy Team, focused on exploring Hisui and studying Pokémon. Laventon and Rei/Akari are members of this division, and now you have the chance to join them. But that’s not all. Throughout the game, you’ll learn about other crucial divisions: the Security Corps, which protects the village; the Supply Corps, which is responsible for providing materials; the Medical Corps, which cares for the wounded and produces medicine; the Agriculture Corps, which focuses on growing crops; and the Construction Corps, which is in charge of construction in the village and at the camps.

The Wallflower

Your evening begins at The Wallflower Cantina, a key meeting point in Jubilife Village. Laventon, realizing that the journey here has been long, asks Beni to prepare something for you to eat. As you enjoy your meal, Laventon and Rei/Akari share a little bit about the Hisui region, where Pokémon are seen more as fearsome creatures than friends or partners.

After the meal, the conversation turns to the important topic of the evening: the test you must pass to join the Survey Corps. Cyllene appears, offering you a place to stay for the night, but not before reminding you of the high stakes: failing the test means saying goodbye to Hisui. Head to the lodgings indicated by Cyllene, easy to find by following the marker. There, you’ll find a scroll on the table. This document contains information about “Survey Tips,” essentially a manual for the game that you can access at any time to refresh your tutorials. Now, it’s time to rest. Approach your bed and fast-forward to the next morning.

The next morning, Rei/Akari wakes you up, reinforcing the importance of the day’s test. Together, you head to the Galaxy Team base to begin the decisive day.

Galaxy Team Headquarters

As soon as you enter Galaxy Hall, you’ll be immediately informed of an incident involving a Noble Pokémon that has gone on a rampage, causing chaos. Rei/Akari will take you to Cyllene’s office, who gets straight to the point: your challenge consists of going to the Obsidian Fieldlands and capturing three different species of Pokémon – Bidoof, Starly, and Shinx. To help you out, she gives you a waist bag, an essential item for all Galaxy Team members, where you’ll store the items you find on your journey.

To check your current tasks, whether Missions or Requests, use the (Y) button while on the map on your Arc Phone. Remember, Missions are main tasks that move the story forward, and Requests are side tasks that provide additional rewards.

Now comes the exciting part: choosing your starter Pokémon! Laventon will present you with your choices – Rowlet, Cyndaquil, or Oshawott. Choose wisely, as this Pokémon will be your loyal companion as you explore Hisui. After making your choice, Laventon will equip you with 20 Poké Balls to aid you in your capture mission in Obsidian Fieldlands, signaling that it’s time to set off.

Before we leave, an important detail about using Poké Balls and items: pressing (X) switches between the Pokémon in your team and the items in your bag. If the Pokémon menu is active and you press (ZR), you will throw a Pokémon to start a battle. If the items menu is active and you press (ZR), you will throw an item, such as a Poké Ball, allowing you to capture a wild Pokémon directly.

Volo (First Battle)

As soon as you leave the Galaxy Team base in Jubilife Village, you’ll find the exit to the village, and there, Rei/Akari will be talking to Volo, an intriguing member of the Ginkgo Guild, which is the merchant guild of the area. In previous Pokémon games, it’s common to be challenged by a rival early on, but here in Hisui, Volo takes on that role and challenges you to a battle.

Volo chooses a Level 5 Togepi to face you. During the battle, remember that you can move freely around the field, but try to keep your distance from the Pokémon to avoid being hit by any of their attacks. If you need to check the status of the Pokémon involved in the fight, you can press (+) at any time. A new feature here is the action order, accessible via the (Y) button, which shows who will attack next – a different system from the traditional turns, which adds a strategic layer to the battle.

After defeating Volo, he’ll give you some important tips on how to manage your Pokémon’s moves as it evolves and learns new attacks. Additionally, Volo will kindly heal your Pokémon and give you 5 Potions, each of which restores 60 HP. It’s a generous start to your adventure. Now, head on over and speak to the gatekeeper to access the Obsidian Fieldlands.

Obsidian Fieldlands – Fieldlands Camp

Upon arriving in the Obsidian Fieldlands, Rei/Akari will guide you to the local campsite. Here, you’ll be reminded of your mission: to capture a Bidoof, a Starly, and a Shinx. Professor Laventon soon appears, sent by Cyllene, albeit reluctantly, to supervise your test. Rei/Akari may seem a little frustrated with the extra supervision, but is willing to help you.

The camp is a safe place, away from the dangers of wild Pokémon. It is equipped with a tent that functions as a “Pokémon Center” where you can heal your companions after battles. In addition, you will find a chest in the camp, a useful tool for managing your items. Since in this game you have a limit on how many items you can carry, the chest serves as an extra space to store the items you don’t need right away.

Mission 2 – The Galaxy Team’s Entry Trial

Let’s break down this mission step by step, making sure you know exactly what to do:

Finding and Capturing Bidoof

After joining Rei/Akari, you’ll spot a Bidoof. This Pokémon is known for its passive nature, so you’ll have no trouble getting close to it. Take this opportunity to practice your aim. Use the (ZL) button to focus and make it easier to throw Poké Balls. Catching a Bidoof is a great way to start, as it won’t run away or attack.

Approaching Starly

Continuing your adventure, you soon encounter a Starly, a Pokémon that tends to flee at the slightest sign of danger. Here, caution is your best ally. Use the (B) button to crouch and advance slowly, making yourself less noticeable. If the Starly runs away, don’t worry; you’ll have other chances to capture it.

Learning to Collect Resources

Rei/Akari will then show you how to use your Pokémon to collect items from the environment, such as attacking trees and rocks. This is a useful skill that you’ll want to master. To do this, switch to a Pokémon on your team using the (X) button, choose your target with (L) or (R), and launch it at the desired object with (ZR) to collect the items, such as Berries, that fall.

Facing and Capturing Shinx

Soon after, you’ll come across a Shinx, a Pokémon that won’t hesitate to attack if it notices your presence. By focusing on it with (ZL), you’ll be able to gauge the difficulty of capturing it by the arrows or the “X” that appears, indicating that a battle is necessary to weaken it.

To start a battle, cancel any Poké Ball you’re preparing with (B), switch to your team menu with (X), select a Pokémon, and throw it with (ZR). Remember, the Pokémon you choose at this point will be the one that enters the battle, regardless of its position in the team.

During battle, to capture Shinx, you have two options: select an empty Poké Ball through the menu and throw it with (ZR), or use the traditional method, opening the item menu with the up directional arrow (▲) and choosing a Poké Ball from your bag.

Completing the Mission

After capturing Shinx and completing your collection with Bidoof and Starly, return to camp where Professor Laventon will be waiting to congratulate you on your successful mission. He’ll even take a photo for your Trainer Card, a proud moment in your journey. Finally, return to the village and report back to Cyllene on your achievement.

Jubilife Village

Welcome back to Jubilife Village after successfully completing your quest! Now that you’re here, there are a few important things you need to do to establish yourself as an official member of the Survey Corps. Let’s break it down one by one to make sure you know exactly what to do.

Understanding the Pokémon System

Rei/Akari will share with you a crucial piece of information: you can only carry up to 6 Pokémon with you. The rest will be safe in the Village Pastures, a place where you can manage your Pokémon companions. This is a standard rule for all Trainers, so keep it in mind during your adventures.

Reporting the Mission

The next step is to report your successful mission to Cyllene at Galaxy Hall. When you get there, Cyllene will congratulate you on a job well done and give you the Survey Corps uniform and sandals as a symbol of your new membership.

Changing Clothes

Now, it’s time to put on your new uniform. Head to your barracks and find the mirror to change your clothes. Use the (L) and (R) buttons to navigate through the clothing menus. Select the “Survey Corps Uniform” from the uniform menu and the “Survey Corps Sandals” from the footwear menu. There’s also an option to change the color of your contact lenses, but this is completely optional. Once you’ve made your choices, use (B) and (A) to confirm and complete your outfit change.

Introducing yourself to the Commander

With your new outfit, head back to Galaxy Hall and head up the stairs to the top floor to report to Commander Kamado. Here, you’ll engage in “hand-to-hand combat” with him! This is an initiation ceremony to recognize you as the newest member of the Survey Corps. Kamado will then encourage you to dedicate yourself to completing the Pokédex.

Ranking Up

After the ceremony, Cyllene will give you some more information and rewards. She will inform you that you start as a recruit with no stars in the Galaxy Team member rankings. To rank up, you need to fulfill your duties and, of course, fill your Pokédex with Pokémon data. The more data you collect, the higher your rank will be, bringing you closer to the goal of finding all Pokémon.

Learning to Make Poké Balls

Cyllene will also give you the recipe to craft your own Poké Balls using 1 Apricorn and 1 Tumble Stone, as well as $3,000 to purchase the necessary materials. She will task Rei/Akari with teaching you how to craft the items. You can find the necessary materials lying around or purchase them.

Next Mission

Rei/Akari will give you your next mission: to learn how to craft a Poké Ball. This is essential to your journey, as you will need a lot of Poké Balls to capture Pokémon and complete your Pokédex.

Mission 3 – The Basics of Crafting

Mission 3 – The Basics of Crafting, will introduce you to the fundamentals of crafting your own items, vital knowledge for any explorer of Hisui:

A Gift from the Local Seamstress

Once you step outside, you’ll have a pleasant encounter with Anthe, the local seamstress. She’ll gift you a set of clothes, consisting of an Everyday Kimono and Everyday Trousers. This is her way of welcoming you to the world of Hisui and helping you feel part of the community.

Towards Craftworks

It won’t be long before Rei/Akari calls out to you. Head to where he/she is waiting for you; this place is known as the Craftworks. This is where the magic of creation happens. You’ll find a workbench ready to be used to craft essential items for your journey.

The Art of Creating Poké Balls

When you approach the workbench, you’ll have the opportunity to craft your own Poké Balls using the recipe provided by Cyllene. With 20 Apricorns and 20 Tumble Stones at your disposal, you’ll have everything you need to craft 20 Poké Balls. One convenient detail is that the workbench allows you to use materials stored in your chest in addition to those you carry in your bag, making the process much easier.

Completing the Quest and Receiving the Pokédex

Once you’ve finished crafting your Poké Balls, Professor Laventon will approach you to hand you the Pokédex. In this game, the Pokédex is presented as a notebook, an invaluable resource that allows you to record information about the Pokémon you encounter. Completing research tasks not only helps the professor collect the necessary data, but also contributes to your advancement in the rankings.

Preparing for the Next Mission

Rei/Akari, who is also contributing to the research tasks, will call you back to Fieldlands Camp. There, you will receive details about your next mission, marking another step in your journey to explore the mysteries of Hisui and its Pokémon inhabitants.

Now that you’re familiar with Pokémon Legends: Arceus, you’ll notice that in addition to the main Quests, there are Requests, which are optional quests given by the villagers. These Requests are a great way to delve deeper into the game, earn extra rewards, and learn more about the villagers and their stories. Let’s take a look at the first Requests you’ll encounter:

Request #1 – Wurmple Can Evolve

As you make your way out of the village, a member of the Security Corps named Beauregard will catch your eye. He’s fascinated by the concept of Pokémon evolution and wants your help catching a Wurmple. He can’t leave his post, so this task falls to you. Capture a Wurmple in the Obsidian Fieldlands and bring it back to Beauregard. As a reward for your help, you’ll earn 3 Dazzling Honey.

Remember, evolution in “Pokémon Legends: Arceus” works a little differently than in previous games. You’ll need to manually trigger Pokémon to evolve when they’re ready, so keep an eye on notifications and the menu.

Request #2 – Adorable Starly

On Floaro Main Street, just a short distance from the Galaxy Team Headquarters, you’ll find Marli in the General Store. She wants to see a Starly, but there’s a little challenge: you’ll need to reach level 10 of the Pokédex research for Starly. Once you reach that level, go show Marli the Pokédex and then show her the Starly itself. Marli will thank you with 10 Poké Balls.

Request #3 – What Did Shinx’s Ears Look Like?

Still on Floaro Main Street, visit the Photo Studio near the village exit. There, Toshi has a curious question: he can’t remember what Shinx’s ears look like. Show him the Shinx you captured in the Obsidian Fieldlands to refresh his memory. As a thank you, you’ll receive 3 Potions.

Request #4 – Big Buizel, Little Buizel

Finally, at the entrance to the village (Seaside Gate), you’ll find Dorian, who is accompanied by a small Buizel. Dorian has a special request: he wants you to catch a Buizel of a large size, specifically 2’8” or larger. These Buizels are rare, so it can be a challenge to find one. Later in the game, you’ll have the chance to encounter Alpha Buizels, which are even larger and definitely meet Dorian’s requirement. Once you’ve caught a Buizel of the requested size, bring it to Dorian. In return, he’ll give you 5 Oran Berries and 1 Exp. Candy S.

Floaro Main Street

If you’re looking to explore beyond Jubilife Village, it’s worth checking out everything Floaro Main Street has to offer. This street is the heart of everyday life in Jubilife, home to a variety of useful and interesting establishments. It’s really interesting to discover what each location has to offer:


Starting with your quarters, located just past Galaxy Hall. This is your personal retreat where you can rest and recover your Pokémon after a day of adventure. Use your bed to rest and recharge your team. In the mirror in your quarters, you can change your clothes to reflect your personal style or prepare for your next mission. And don’t forget about the chest, where you can store items you don’t want to carry around with you all the time, keeping your bag organized.

General Store

Across the street, you’ll find the General Store, run by Mr. Choy. This place is a must-see for any explorer, functioning as a PokéMart. Here, you can purchase a variety of essential items for your journey, from Poké Balls to potions and other useful items. Be sure to check out what’s on sale and stock up on whatever you think you’ll need.


Next door to the General Store, Edith offers her services as a hairdresser. For just $500, you can completely change your look with a new haircut, color, and even shape your eyebrows. It’s a fun way to personalize your character and add a little flair to your style.

Clothing store

Continuing on, you’ll come across Anthe’s clothing store. If you have saves from previous Pokémon games like “Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl,” “Sword/Shield,” or “Let’s Go, Pikachu!/Eevee!”, Anthe has special gifts for you, like themed clothing sets and masks. Otherwise, you can always buy new items of clothing or change your look right there.

Photo Studio

Finally, just outside the village, you’ll find the Photo Studio, run by Dagero. Here, you can capture special moments with your Pokémon in photographs. It’s a lovely way to document your adventure and the friendships you make along the way.

Pastures: Where Your Pokémon Rest

Before embarking on your next expedition, be sure to visit the Pastures, located just across the bridge to the right of the village exit (Front Gate). Think of the Pastures as a natural, serene version of the traditional PC system from Pokémon games. Once your team of six is ​​complete, any new Pokémon you catch will automatically be sent here.

To swap out the Pokémon in your current team for those resting in the Pastures, simply talk to Marie. She’s the caretaker of the place and can help you manage your teammates with ease. It’s a simple process and a great way to fine-tune your team for your next adventure.

Farm: Cultivating Resources

On the other side of Jubilife Village (you can use the map to find your way around) is the Farm. This location is run by Colza, the captain of the Agriculture Corps, and is where you can grow a variety of natural resources, from Apricorns to medicinal plants. As the game progresses, you will have even more options to grow, such as vegetables, Berries, mushrooms, and Mints.

Talking to Colza allows you to choose what you would like to grow. There is a fee for the service, which varies depending on the type of crop you choose. Once you pay and set off on an expedition, when you return, your crops will be ready to be harvested. It’s an effective way to ensure you have constant access to important resources.

Jubilife Village serves as a central hub in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, from where you’ll set out to explore wild areas like the Obsidian Fieldlands in search of new Pokémon and adventure. Each expedition is a chance to discover something new, and upon returning to the village, you’ll have access to all the resources you’ve collected or farmed.

When you’re ready for the next phase of your journey, head to the village exit (Front Gate) and head into the Obsidian Fieldlands. Remember, each expedition is an opportunity to capture new Pokémon, collect valuable resources, and advance your quest to complete the Pokédex.

Aspiration Hill, Horseshoe Plains and Floaro Gardens

Below I will tell you everything you need to know to venture confidently into these areas:

Getting Started at Fieldland Camp

Upon arriving at Fieldland Camp, Professor Laventon will give you a brief tutorial on how your Pokédex is essential to your journey. To access it, simply press the down arrow key (▼). Each Pokémon you encounter will have its own research tasks listed there, so keep an eye on them. When you focus on a wild Pokémon with (ZL), press (▼) again to see that creature’s specific research tasks. These tasks can range from catching multiple copies of the same Pokémon to battling them a certain number of times.

Staying Safe

Rei/Akari will teach you a skill that is vital to your survival: how to dodge attacks. This is done by pressing (Y) while moving. This maneuver is crucial for avoiding direct attacks from wild Pokémon, as getting hit repeatedly can result in you fainting, and you will eventually be rescued back to camp by a member of the Security Corps.

Camping Utilities

Each wilderness campground serves as a mini hub, offering several services:

  • Makeshift PokéCenter: A Galaxy Member can heal your Pokémon.
  • Field PokéMart: You can buy essential items.
  • Access to Pastures: When your team is full, you can manage your Pokémon through it.

Additionally, you’ll find a crafting bench to create items. If you need to return to Jubilife Village, simply ask Professor Laventon for permission.

Exploring the Wilderness Areas

Now that you’re equipped with knowledge and skills, follow Rei/Akari and practice checking your progress in the Pokédex. You’ll learn how to switch between items and Pokémon in the bottom menu with (X), which is essential for starting battles and using items.

You are free to explore, capture Pokémon, and interact with the environment:

  • Gathering Resources: Items can be gathered with (A). Use your Pokémon to attack trees and collect fruit or attack rocks for minerals to obtain items. Remember, Pokémon gain experience by doing this.

Areas for Exploration

  • Aspiration Hill: Home to Bidoof and Starly, ideal for starting your capture adventures.
  • Horseshoe Plains: You’ll encounter Wurmple, Eevee, Ponyta, Buizel, and Mime Jr., offering a wider variety of challenges and rewards.
  • Floaro Gardens: This location is home to Shinx, Silcoon, and Pichu. Keep an eye out for rare Pokémon like Eevee, Pichu, and Mime Jr., and consider saving your game if you encounter them.

Facing Challenges

Alpha Pokémon like Rapidash and Luxio pose a great threat due to their strength. Avoid confronting them directly at first. You’ll also encounter higher-level Beautifly in Floaro Gardens, so proceed with caution.

Running Away from Battles

If a wild Pokémon starts chasing you, there are two ways to escape:

  • Start a battle by launching your Pokémon and press (B) to try to escape.
  • Physically run as far away from the wild Pokémon as possible.

Mission 4 – Getting to Work on Research Tasks

Preserving Poké Balls

First, a word of caution: keep an eye on your Poké Ball supply. They’re your most valuable resource, and they can run out quickly if you get carried away by the excitement of catching Pokémon. In order to progress through the story, it’s essential to follow Rei/Akari. If you get lost, look for the marker that indicates their location and head towards it.

Learning from Rei/Akari

Rei/Akari will emphasize the importance of the research tasks in your Pokédex. One example is to capture a Starly without being detected, demonstrating the usefulness of hiding in the bushes to get closer. After completing this task, Rei/Akari will wait for you to move on to new tasks.

Research Tasks

Now, some tasks you can perform include:

  • Use specific abilities from your starter Pokémon, such as Leafage, Ember, or Aqua Jet.
  • Capture multiple Bidoofs, Starlys, and Wurmples, including stealth captures.
  • Watch Shinx use Quick Attack and defeat or capture some.

Complete some of these tasks and you’ll meet up with Rei/Akari, who will tell you where a Buizel is. They’re aggressive, so be prepared for a battle. Remember to dodge their attacks with (Y) and quickly initiate the battle by launching your Pokémon.

Beware of Danger

Taking too many hits can result in you fainting, causing you to lose items and have to be rescued back to camp. High altitudes and deep water are also dangerous. Your character can be injured by falling from great heights or drowning.

Collecting Buizel Data

Rei/Akari will ask you to pay attention to the tasks related to Buizel. After the battle, you will be rewarded with a Crafting Kit, allowing you to craft items such as Potions from Oran Berries and Medicinal Leeks.

Reporting Progress

Examine your Pokédex for completed tasks and report back to Professor Laventon to receive research points and, in turn, money. Remember, in addition to battling Trainers, selling Stardust is a great way to accumulate money.

Ranking Up

Once you reach 500 research points and report them to the professor, you will be able to rank up within the Galaxy Expedition Team. This completes your quest, and you will return to Jubilife Village.

Jubilife Village

Updating Your Rank

Your first stop should be Cyllene to report your progress. She will recognize your achievements by awarding you your first Rank Star. Additionally, you will receive recipes for crafting Heavy Balls and Revives, furthering your crafting skills. Cyllene will then direct you to The Wallflower for a well-deserved rest and meal with Laventon and Rei/Akari. There, you will be informed that more people in the village have Requests for you, and that some of these Requests are noted on Laventon’s chalkboard.

Diamond Clan Mission

During dinner, Laventon will mention a Mission that Rei/Akari got from Mai of the Diamond Clan. Given your skill in Pokémon battles, Rei/Akari suggests that you take on this task. Laventon takes the opportunity to explain the importance of the Diamond Clan to Hisui, ending the day with this educational conversation.

Training and Preparation

The next day, Rei/Akari will invite you to the Training Grounds, instructing you to visit the Pastures to adjust your team if necessary. Remember, the Pastures are conveniently located near the village exit, and you can simply speak to Marie to manage your Pokémon.

Additionally, you can now connect your game to the internet via the ▲ menu and “jump” to specific locations on the map marked with a wing symbol, making it easier to get around.

Craftworks and News

Before heading to the Training Grounds, stop by the Craftworks and talk to Anvin. He doesn’t have anything new yet, but always check back after completing Missions to access new recipes and items.

Trading Post and Folk Shrine

Near the Training Grounds, you’ll find the Trading Post, run by Simona. Here, you can trade Pokémon and purchase evolutionary items with Merit Points that you don’t have yet.

Further up, Lucille will be in front of an Arceus shrine selling Charms. These charms offer different types of protection, such as preserving items in case of fainting, reducing the frequency of fainting, or protecting against negative status effects. Each Charm comes in different colors, and the more you have of a type, the greater the protection.

Final Tips

  • Lucille will charge you more for each additional Charm you purchase. Early in the game, these may not be as necessary; focus on avoiding danger and saving your money for more essential items.
  • Whenever you get the chance, upgrade your Rank by reporting your completed research tasks to Laventon, as this not only improves your status in the Galaxy Expedition Team but is also a great way to earn money.
  • Remember to sell Stardust found in Glowing Rocks to earn some extra cash.

Back to the Training Grounds

Preparing for Battle with Rei/Akari

When you feel ready for a new challenge, head to the Training Grounds, located near the Craftworks. Look around for a marker and walk towards it. There, you’ll find a special battleground where Rei/Akari awaits you. Rei/Akari wants to strengthen her bond with her partner Pikachu and sees you as a worthy opponent for a friendly battle. Accept the challenge and prove yourself!

After the battle, Rei/Akari will express her gratitude and introduce a conversation about Pokémon types and how they affect battle outcomes. You’ll have the chance to view a helpful guide on Pokémon Weaknesses and Resistances. This guide is an invaluable tool for planning strategies against various Pokémon types. If you’d like to revisit this information, it’s available in the menu (▲) under Survey Tips.

Learning with Zisu

Zisu, the captain of the Security Corps and a martial arts master, will share knowledge about the battle styles: Strong Style and Agile Style. To unlock these styles for a specific move, your Pokémon must have used the move enough to “master” that move. This usually happens after the Pokémon levels up a few times.

  • Strong Style increases attack damage but decreases your Pokémon’s speed in battle.
  • Agile Style reduces the attack’s damage, but allows your Pokémon to act more times in succession, depending on its action speed.

Zisu also serves as a Move Tutor, where you can learn new moves for your Pokémon for a price. As you progress through the game, Zisu will offer you additional moves. To master a move learned from Zisu, you will need an item called a Seed of Mastery.

Diamond Clan Mission

Rei/Akari mentions that it’s time to fulfill Mai’s request from the Diamond Clan. He/she will be waiting for you at Aspiration Hill, so be prepared and consider learning some moves from Zisu if you feel the need.

Leaving for Obsidian Fieldlands

Before you leave, learn about the internet connectivity system and the functionality that allows you to “jump” to specific locations on the map, saving travel time.

Meeting with Volo

Arriving in Obsidian Fieldlands, Volo will share valuable tips to improve your capture chances, suggesting throwing Poké Balls behind Pokémon.

Manipulating the Day and Night Cycle

The game has its own day and night cycle, independent of the real world. You can manipulate this by resting in your tent, allowing you to access Pokémon that appear at specific times of the day.

Exploring and Responding to Requests

As you explore, keep an eye out for additional Requests from other characters. These optional quests can be found using the Arc Phone map.

Request #6 – Mushroom Cake Marketing

Let’s start with an interesting cooking quest! A villager is fascinated by a recipe that uses mushrooms and wants your help to test it out. Your task is to find a Springy Mushroom. These mushrooms can be collected throughout the landscape or obtained as a reward in battles against Paras, which you’ll soon encounter while exploring. If you have trouble finding one of these mushrooms in the wild, don’t worry! You can always return to Jubilife Village and purchase the Springy Mushroom from Anvin at the Craftworks. Once you’ve obtained the mushroom, show it to the interested villager. As a thank you, he’ll give you 5 Cake-Lure Base and the recipe to make Mushroom Cake. What a great quest, huh?

Request #11 – The Timbre of the Fields

Now, for the music and nature lovers out there, Yeo is a woman who loves the sound of Kricketot. To help her, you’ll need to reach Pokédex Research Level 10 for Kricketot. This means catching, observing, and interacting with these Pokémon until you complete their specific Pokédex entry. Once you reach this milestone, go show your Pokédex to Yeo. She’ll be so pleased that she’ll reward you with 3 Vivichokes. A quest that tugs at the heartstrings, literally!

Deertrack Path

Passage Release

Now, follow the marker on your screen to a bridge that was previously blocked by a guard. This time, he’ll let you pass. This will lead you to Rei/Akari and, more importantly, Mai, a guardian of the Diamond Clan.

Battle Challenge

Mai doesn’t waste any time and challenges you to a battle. She chooses Munchlax lv. 10 as her Pokémon for this battle. After defeating her, Mai will not only heal your Pokémon but also give you 5 Vivichokes as a token of gratitude. This battle is an excellent opportunity to test your skills and strategies in combat.

Mai’s Mission

After the battle, a momentous event occurs: your Arc Phone rings. Show it to Mai, who will check the map and point you in the right direction to Deertrack Heights. Mai takes this opportunity to share about Almighty Sinnoh, a sacred entity that created the universe and is deeply revered by the Diamond Clan. She explains that some Pokémon in Hisui have a special connection to Almighty Sinnoh, and it is the duty of guardians like her to pay homage to these creatures. Mai then invites you to follow her on a journey that promises to be eye-opening.

Deertrack Path, Windswept Run, Nature’s Pantry and Deertrack Heights

Exploring :

Deertrack Path:

Congratulations, adventurer! You’re about to explore never-before-seen areas in “Pokémon Legends: Arceus.” Let’s start with the Deertrack Path, an area filled with a variety of Pokémon like Kricketot and, if you’re lucky, a rare Munchlax. At night, keep your eyes peeled for Zubat and look for Burmy-Plant in trees, as well as Geodude in mineral rocks. Here, the world opens up with possibilities.

Windswept Run:

Heading into Windswept Run, you’ll find an extension of the Deertrack Path Pokémon with exciting additions like Kricketune and, for the patient observers, Abra, who disappears at the slightest sign of danger. Capturing Abra is a challenge of stealth; throw a Poké Ball without being noticed for a chance at success.

Nature’s Pantry:

Nature’s Pantry is your next destination, offering encounters with Paras and, if you’re particularly lucky, Pikachu and Pichu. This is a great place to strengthen your team and complete Pokédex research tasks with the variety of Pokémon available.

Deertrack Heights:

Finally, Deertrack Heights awaits with robust Pokémon such as Shinx, Stantler, and for the extremely lucky, Chimchar and Monferno. Here, the rarity and strength of the Pokémon challenge even the most experienced Trainers.

Navigating the Challenges

  • Abra: Catching this teleporting Pokémon requires a delicate touch. Sneak up and throw a Poké Ball without being detected.
  • Alpha Pokémon: Be on the lookout for Pokémon with red eyes. They are formidable and can pose quite a challenge.
  • Interacting with the Environment: Shaking trees and mineral rocks are signs that wild Pokémon are lurking. Prepare for surprise attacks by collecting items.

Exploring with Strategy

While there’s more to explore beyond these areas, keep your focus on the large central island of Obsidian Fieldlands for now. Exploring too much too early can cause your Pokémon to level up too quickly, unbalancing the gameplay experience. Also, keep an eye out for lost bags. Finding them not only helps other players but also rewards you with Merit Points, which are useful for purchasing items at the Trading Post.

Main Mission and Additional Requests

To progress through the main quest, head to Deertrack Heights and follow the waypoint. Along the way, be sure to catch Pokémon, collect items, and complete Pokédex research tasks. If you encounter Requests along the way, consider completing them for extra rewards.

Final Advice

Remember, this is a living, breathing world, with day and night cycles that influence the Pokémon you encounter. Use the tents to advance time as needed, exploring the diverse creatures Hisui has to offer both day and night.

Request #13 – Trees that Bear Berries

Meeting Bjorn on the Deertrack Path

While exploring the quiet Deertrack Path, you’ll come across Bjorn, a dedicated member of the Agriculture Corps. He has a simple but essential task: collect 3 Cheri Berries. These berries can be found in the wild or by battling Pokémon carrying them. Bring the berries to Bjorn and he’ll reward you with 15 Poké Balls. Bjorn will also share a secret to catching them: distracting wild Pokémon with Berries. When you throw a Berry near a Pokémon, it will stop to savor it, giving you a golden opportunity to sneak up and throw a Poké Ball at its back. Remember, Razz Berries are particularly effective, so save them for the Pokémon you want to catch the most.

Using Items for Capture and Escape

Additionally, along your journey, you’ll come across items like the Ball of Mud and the Spoiled Apricorn. These items can be thrown at Pokémon to momentarily stun them, either to make them easier to catch or to provide an opportunity to escape. This is especially useful against enraged Pokémon that are chasing you.

Mission 5 – A Request from Mai

Heading to Deertrack Heights

Your next mission takes you to Deertrack Heights. There, you’ll be greeted by Mai, accompanied by Professor Laventon, ready to capture the moment with her camera. Mai reveals that the place is sacred to her clan, where they pay homage to a special Pokémon blessed by the Almighty Sinnoh. Then, an imposing Alpha Kricketune appears, identifiable by its red eyes and large size.

Alpha Pokémon Challenge

Alpha Pokémon are powerful creatures with unique abilities that are challenging to capture. Mai entrusts you with the task of confronting and driving off this intruder. When you approach Alpha Kricketune, the battle begins automatically. An interface will explain the use of the (Y) button to view the order of action, influenced by the Pokémon’s speed and potentially altered by moves and items. Capturing Alpha Kricketune is a unique opportunity, as it will no longer be available after the battle.

Encounter with Wyrdeer

After the battle, a majestic Wyrdeer appears, approaching briefly before departing. Mai explains that this is the blessed Pokémon she spoke of earlier, which can choose to ride with those it deems worthy.

Camp Construction and Meal Invitation

Rei/Akari brings a message from Cyllene, suggesting that a camp be set up where you are. After the camp is built, named Heights Camp by Professor Laventon, this new base allows you to travel directly from Jubilife Village, bypassing Fieldlands Camp. Rei/Akari invites you and the professor to a meal at The Wallflower, thus completing your quest.

Reporting Progress

After a well-deserved meal and rest, be sure to report your research progress to Professor Laventon before returning to Jubilife.

Return to Jubilife Village…

Chat with Beni

Upon returning to Jubilife Village, you’ll meet Beni, who will share troubling rumors about a crazed Kleavor attacking members of the Galaxy Team. The Medical Corps are struggling to care for the wounded, and Professor Laventon will reveal that a mysterious bolt of lightning struck Kleavor, sending him into a frenzy. The task of dealing with Kleavor now falls to you. Rest up and prepare for the challenge ahead.

Mission 6 – Summoned by Commander Kamado

Kamado Summons

The next day, Rei/Akari will take you to the barracks to answer Commander Kamado’s summons. There, you will find Adaman and Irida discussing the Almighty Sinnoh, with Adaman seeing it as the ruler of time and Irida as the ruler of space. After the discussion, they enter the Galaxy Team Headquarters.

Meeting at Headquarters

Rei/Akari will explain that Irida is the leader of the Pearl Clan and Adaman is the leader of the Diamond Clan. Upon entering, head upstairs to find Kamado, who is discussing with the clan leaders about Kleavor, a Noble Pokémon causing trouble. After the introductions, Kamado will entrust you with the task of analyzing Kleavor. Cyllene will call you for more details about the mission.

Mission Details

Laventon will explain that attempts to capture Kleavor with Poké Balls have been unsuccessful due to his aggressiveness. Cyllene will point out the danger of the mission, but you will commit to facing it. Mai and Adaman will enter, discussing a rift in space-time and speculating that you may have traveled through it. Adaman will ask you to calm Kleavor’s frenzy, referring to him as the “Lord of the Woods.”

Directions to Grandtree Arena

Mai will inform you that Kleavor can be found in Grandtree Arena, guarded by Lian, who will provide more information. Rei/Akari will suggest camping at Heights Camp as a starting point for your journey.

Preparations and Progress

Reporting to Cyllene

Before you leave, report your progress to Cyllene. If you’ve reached 1,800 research points, you’ll be promoted to 2nd Star Rank, and you’ll also receive recipes for Feather Ball and Super Potion.

Expanding the Exchange with Bagin

When you try to leave, Bagin will offer to expand your bag space, a paid service that becomes more expensive with each expansion. It is vital to increase your bag space to accommodate new items without having to constantly discard or deposit.

Note: Explore Optional Requests

Before moving on to the next big step, consider exploring the optional Requests available. These offer valuable rewards and can be a good opportunity to strengthen your team and collect useful items. Requests are scattered throughout Jubilife Village, including some in the Galaxy Team Headquarters itself.

Request #5 – What It Takes to Be Awesome

Finding Sho on Floaro Main Street

As you explore the end of Floaro Main Street, near the village exit (Front Gate), you’ll come across a hopeful boy named Sho. He has a big dream: to capture a partner Pokémon to join the Galaxy Team. Sho will ask for your help, requesting 5 Poké Balls. By fulfilling this would-be explorer’s request, you’ll be rewarded with 3 Grit Dust, a useful item for your journey. Remember, Sho may not have a visible Request marker right now, but he’ll be waiting next to his friend Waka, and may change locations in Jubilife Village after your expeditions.

Request #7 – Playing with Drifloon

Ghostly Mission with Drifloon

Inside the Galaxy Team Headquarters, take a look at the chalkboard in Professor Laventon’s office. To accept this Request, you must have already captured a Drifloon. You will learn that a Drifloon has been seen playing with a child in the village. Talk to Miki, a member of the Security Corps, at the village entrance (Seaside Gate) for more details. To find the Drifloon, go to your quarters and rest until dusk. Then, head to Prelude Beach to find a child playing with the Drifloon. After helping the child, return to report to Miki and receive 1 Stardust as a reward.

Request #8 – Bothersome Bidoof

The Bidoof Problem

Back at headquarters, check Professor Laventon’s blackboard. This Request involves some Bidoofs that have been causing trouble around the village. Talk to Tsumugi, who is located next to the chest near the village exit. After finding the troublemaking Bidoofs, you will discover that they are distracted by the presence of another Bidoof. Add a Bidoof to your team and search for the three escapees in specific locations around the village. By gathering them together, you will discover that they may be useful to the Construction Corps, thanks to Sanqua’s intervention. Tsumugi will thank you for your help with 1 Rare Candy.

Request #9 – Zubat’s Eyes

The Mystery of Zubat’s Eyes

For this quest, you’ll need to have captured a Zubat, which you can find after checking the Laventon Chalkboard. Head to the area near the Farm, where Clarissa from the Security Corps has a peculiar curiosity: how do Zubats manage to fly at night without being seen? When you show her a Zubat, she realizes that it has no eyes, solving the mystery. As a thank you, you’ll receive 2 Aux Power.

Request #10 – Wurmple’s Evolved!

Reunion with Beauregard

If you’ve already helped Beauregard out by catching a Wurmple for him in the past, now’s the time to see how the little guy evolved. Visit him at the Galaxy Team Headquarters to witness the Wurmple’s evolution. Beauregard is all proud, expecting a Beautifly, but in reality, the Pokémon evolved into a Cascoon. That’s the story for now.

Beautifly and Dustox’s Mission

If Beautifly and Dustox aren’t already part of your collection, it’s time to put those Wurmples to work! You can find these Pokémon in the Floaro Gardens, The Heartwood, or Grueling Grove areas of the Obsidian Fieldlands. Remember, Beautifly is most active in the morning and Dustox is most active at night. Level them up to reach Lv. 10 in the Pokédex, including Silcoon and Cascoon.

Unlocking the Request

After catching 10 Pokémon on your next outing, check Professor Laventon’s chalkboard to activate the Request. Talking to Beauregard again, you’ll have to clear up the confusion between Silcoon and Cascoon. Present him with a Silcoon to prove your point. Your reward? 1 Exp. Candy S. And don’t forget to visit him again to see Dustox emerge.

Request #12 – A Perfect Pickling Stone

Finding Radisa

Radisa, located on the 2nd floor of the Galaxy Team Headquarters, shares her peculiar need: a Geodude to make pickles. Capture one of these rocky Pokémon and deliver it to Radisa’s quarters, located near the plantations. Your generosity will be rewarded with 3 Honey Cake and 1 Candy S. Exp.

Request #14 – Berry Helpful

Help for Andra

Near the village exit, Andra is waiting with a special request. He needs 5 Oran Berries to keep the Pokémon at bay. Grant his request to help calm his fears, and receive 3 Revives as a thank you.

Request #16 – Strange Happenings at Midnight

Night Mysteries with Sanqua

If it’s not yet night, set your watch while resting in your quarters. Then, find Sanqua on Canala Avenue, who reports suspicious activity in his quarters. Your mission is to investigate the area, including a basket, a mysterious chest, and a closet. The source of the commotion? A mischievous Pichu. For solving the mystery, you’ll receive 7 Nanab Berries.

Request #17 – To Bloom or Not to Bloom

Meeting Kichi at the Plantations

Head to the fields, where a dedicated farmer named Kichi has a special fascination with a Pokémon called Cherrim, known for its unique ability to change form depending on the weather. Kichi asks you to delve into studying Cherrim, raising your Pokédex research level to 10. Once you’ve reached this milestone, showing how well you understand Cherrim, return to share your discoveries with Kichi. He’ll reward you with 5 Vivichoke, a token of gratitude for brightening his day with new knowledge about Cherrim.

Request #18 – Please! Make Me a Pokéshi Doll!

Crafting Quest with Anvin

After completing the Drifloon-related Request, head to Floaro Main Street and enter the Craftworks. Here, you’ll meet Anvin, a craftsman with a peculiar request: he wants to see a Pokéshi Doll made by your own hands. He’ll provide the recipe needed to create this craftable item. To do so, you’ll need to gather Wood, a natural resource found in the Obsidian Fieldlands. With 3 pieces of Wood in hand, return to the workbench and start crafting the Pokéshi Doll. Present your work to Anvin to receive 1 additional Pokéshi Doll as a thank you, which can be sold at the General Store for extra profit.

Navigating Requests

If you find yourself overwhelmed by the amount of Requests available, here’s a tip: open the map (-) and press (Y) to access the Requests list. Select the one you want to prioritize and activate the flag next to it. This will add a marker to the map, guiding you directly to the person related to the Request.

Shortcut to Enable Requests

One useful feature is the “(+) Activate Guide” shortcut that appears when you receive a new Request. Pressing (+) on this screen immediately marks that Request as your current priority, making it easier to focus on one task at a time, especially useful if it can be completed right away.

Worn Bridge and Grueling Groove

Meeting Volo Upon Leaving the Village

As you prepare to leave Jubilife Village in search of new adventures in the Obsidian Fieldlands, you’ll encounter Volo, who will kindly offer you 3 Super Potions as a free sample, a helping hand for the journey ahead, healing 100 HP each.

Heading to Heights Camp

Now that you’ve set your destination at Heights Camp, you’ll begin your expedition towards Grandtree Arena to find Lian. The most direct route is via the beach south of Nature’s Pantry, but there’s plenty more to explore before you head straight to your main quest.

Exploring the Big Island

In the northern part of the large central island of the Obsidian Fieldlands, you will come across a fork in the road: one leads back to the Horseshoe Plains and the other, which we will choose, towards the Worn Bridge, opening the way to the eastern side of the Obsidian Fieldlands.

Adventure in Grueling Groove

Crossing the Worn Bridge and heading left, you’ll enter Grueling Groove, a place teeming with wildlife, including Combee during the day, Mothim, Beautifly and Dustox at night. Also, keep an eye out for Heracross Alpha, as well as Burmy-Plant and Wormadam-Plant that can be found in trees.

Unraveling the Right Side of the Worn Bridge

If you explore the right side after the bridge, be prepared to encounter an Alpha Graveler, as well as a variety of Pokémon such as Geodude, Starly, and many others. Near the water, you can try to capture Magikarps using Poké Balls or by luring them with Berries.

Discovering Secret Caves

At the end of this area, a surprise: a giant rock hides the entrance to a cave. Use your Pokémon to destroy this natural barrier and reveal new paths and adventures that await you.

Tips for the Journey

  • Always carry Super Potions, as they will be essential for keeping your Pokémon healed while exploring.
  • Explore every corner of the Obsidian Fieldlands before heading straight to the main quest. There are plenty of rare Pokémon and valuable items waiting for you.
  • When you encounter large rocks blocking cave entrances, remember that your Pokémon may be the key to unlocking these secret paths.

Oreburrow Tunnel, The Heartwood, and Tidewater Dam

Step by step for the area:

  1. Preparations for Oreburrow Tunnel : Make sure you’re equipped with enough Poké Balls and Potions, as the Pokémon in the cave can be quite challenging.
  2. Exploring The Heartwood : Take some time to wander through this enchanted forest. Each Pokémon you encounter here adds a new layer to your experience in Hisui. Keep in mind that nighttime brings different creatures than those you encounter during the day.
  3. Visit Tidewater Dam : Take some time to relax on the beach and maybe even catch some water Pokémon. Keep your eyes peeled for Alpha Bibarel.
  4. Eevee Evolution : If you have an Eevee ready to evolve, take it to Moss Rock in The Heartwood for a new Leafeon companion.
  5. Heading to Grandtree Arena : When you’re ready to continue your quest, follow the trail that leads to Grandtree Arena. Use the marker on the map to keep track of your progress.

Oreburrow Tunnel – An Underground Introduction

First things first, get ready to enter the Oreburrow Tunnel, an underground labyrinth where you’ll encounter Pokémon like Machop, the adorable Happiny, as well as Zubat that only appears at night, and Geodude and Graveler near the ore rocks. This place is a warm-up for what’s to come, so have your Poké Balls ready.

The Heartwood – A Mysterious Forest

As you emerge from the darkness of the tunnel, you’ll be greeted by the light filtering through the trees of The Heartwood, a place that looks like it’s straight out of a fairy tale. Your ultimate goal here is the Grandtree Arena and a meeting with Lian. But don’t rush! This forest is rich in a variety of Pokémon, from the agile Buneary to the mystical Drifloon, which only appears at night. And if you’re looking for a special evolution for your Eevee, the Moss Rock here is the key to getting a Leafeon without the need for a Leaf Stone.

Tidewater Dam – The Connective Beach

Be sure to explore Tidewater Dam, the beach that connects to Nature’s Pantry. The atmosphere here is a little different, with Bidoof and Bibarel occupying the shores, and Starly and Staravia dominating the skies. At night, Zubat joins the landscape, and if you’re lucky, you might encounter a Bibarel Alpha, a more robust and challenging version of the beaver Pokémon.

Tips :

  • Different Pokémon appear at different times of the day, so consider spending some time exploring both day and night.
  • Alpha Pokémon pose a greater challenge, but catching them can be incredibly rewarding.
  • The interactive nature of Hisui allows you to utilize the environment to your advantage, such as the Moss Rock to evolve Eevee.

Grandtree Arena

Initial Dialogue with Lian

Upon arriving at the imposing Grandtree Arena, you will come across Lian, a member of the Pearl Clan responsible for guarding Kleavor. He will try to convince you to give up your mission, citing the danger Kleavor currently poses. Despite warnings and Irida’s direct order to block your path, your determination speaks louder, and you decide to persist in your intention to face Kleavor.

Lian’s Challenge

Lian, seeing his persistence, decides to test his strength with a Pokémon challenge.

  • Opponent : Level 15 Goomy.

After the battle, even with her victory, Lian remains worried and reiterates the dangers of approaching Kleavor. At this point, Irida appears and together with Lian, they plan a strategy to deal with the situation, including preparing food to try to appease Kleavor. This is when you are introduced to the concept of instant travel in the game.

Instant Travel System

Instant travel allows you to quickly travel to previously visited locations, especially campsites. To use:

  • Open the map with (-).
  • Press (X) and select your desired destination.

Keep in mind that you cannot use this feature if you are being chased by a Pokémon.

Return to Camp and Jubilife Village

After meeting with Irida and Lian, it’s time to return to camp to discuss next steps with Professor Laventon. Use instant travel to save time, or if you prefer, take the path on foot to explore more of the area.

Development of Teatime Balls with Professor Laventon

Back at Galaxy Team’s base, you share the information you’ve gathered about Kleavor with the professor. Laventon then proposes the creation of Teatime Balls, which contain balms made from Kleavor’s favorite foods, as a strategy to calm him down.

Next Steps and Preparation

Before you head off on your next mission in the Grandtree Arena to investigate Kleavor’s favorite foods, talk to Cyllene again and update her on your progress. If you’ve reached 3,500 research points, congratulations! You’ll rank up, earn a new star, and gain access to recipes for crafting Great Balls. Take this opportunity to complete any pending Requests, increase your bag space with Bagin, and check in with Zisu at the Training Grounds about new moves for your Pokémon.

Heights Camp

Receiving the Celestica Flute

As you plan to leave Jubilife Village, you will encounter Mai, who will guide you to the Heights Camp for a special meeting with Adaman and a noble Wyrdeer. Adaman entrusts you with the Celestica Flute, a magical instrument with the power to summon Wyrdeer at any time. Under Mai’s tutelage, you learn to play the flute’s signature melody, which in turn causes the Wyrdeer to recognize you as worthy of his company. Additionally, Wyrdeer gifts you with a Mind Plate as a token of acceptance.

Learning to Ride the Wyrdeer

You now have your first mount in the game, allowing you to move around the world more quickly and efficiently. Wyrdeer not only speeds up your journey, but also allows you to overcome high obstacles with his skillful jumps.

  • To assemble : Press (+).
  • To run faster : Press (B).
  • To skip : Press (Y).
  • To disassemble : Press (+) again.

Heights Camp Balloon Race Challenge

After acquiring the mount, a new Request becomes available at the camp. A local proposes a challenge called “balloon race”, where the objective is to pop as many balloons as possible while riding the Wyrdeer.

Request #15 – Balloon Race at Fieldlands

Starting the Challenge

  • Talk to the race organizer at Heights Camp to get started.
  • The challenge consists of a course with 30 balloons stylized as Drifloon.
  • You have 45 seconds to pop at least 17 balloons.
  • Use Wyrdeer’s jumping ability to reach higher balloons.

Race Strategies

  • Ignore items and Pokémon you encounter along the way; your focus should be exclusively on the balloons.
  • Wyrdeer’s speed will ensure that wild Pokémon don’t interrupt your challenge.

Rewards and Repetition

  • By popping the minimum required number of balloons, you will be rewarded with 1 Rare Candy and 15 Feather Balls, as well as extra prizes based on your performance.
  • Even after completing the Request, you can repeat the challenge as many times as you like to improve your score or simply for the pleasure of competition.

Sandgem Flats

Exploring with the Mount

Before you continue on your quest, take the opportunity to explore more of the Obsidian Fieldlands on the back of your new companion, Wyrdeer. This mount allows you to reach previously inaccessible high ground, opening the way to new discoveries, including encounters with Alpha Pokémon and valuable items scattered throughout the mountains.

Climbing Tip

If you encounter rocks that are a little higher than Wyrdeer can jump, try this trick: at the apex of the jump, dismount from Wyrdeer using (+). This little extra boost will allow you to reach the top of the obstacle.

Meteorological Observations

As you explore, keep an eye out for weather changes, such as rainy periods, which add a new layer of immersion to your adventure.

Catching Flying Pokémon

In areas like Obsidian Falls, you can spot flying Pokémon from considerable distances, such as Gyarados. To try and catch them, use the Feather Balls you obtained earlier. While challenging, hitting these Pokémon from a distance is rewarding.

Exploring Sandgem Flats

Near the large lake Lake Verity, you’ll find the Sandgem Flats area. Wade through the shallow water and be prepared to encounter a variety of Pokémon, including some powerful Alpha Pokémon like Snorlax. This is a great place to test your skills and collect rare resources.

Pokémon in Sandgem Flats

This location is inhabited by a variety of Pokémon, including Staravia, Luxio, Luxray, and many others. Proceed with caution, as the Pokémon in this area may pose a greater challenge than usual for your current level.

Mission 7 – The Forest Lord’s Frenzy

After your exploration, return to Grandtree Arena to inform Lian of your solution to appease Kleavor. However, before you can execute your plan, Irida challenges you to a battle, wanting to test your mettle.

  • Irida’s Challenge : Level 17 Glaceon.

After your victory, Irida recognizes the strength of the partnership between you and your Pokémon, setting the stage for the next step in your quest.

Grandtree Arena

Preparing the Balms

You’ve explained to Irida your plan to calm Kleavor using balms made from its favorite food. With the balms ready, Lian will prepare to summon Kleavor. Accept the challenge and prepare for the Noble Pokémon’s grand entrance. Irida will give you an important warning: dodge Kleavor’s attacks while throwing the balms to reduce its rage.

Facing Kleavor

The strategy here is to throw balms at Kleavor to lower his frenzy bar. Balms are unlimited, so use them as you please. If Kleavor is stunned by colliding with a tree or wall, use that moment to attack him. Water, rock, or metal-type attacks are most effective against him. During the brief moment when Kleavor lets his guard down, balms will be twice as effective, so don’t miss this opportunity.

After the Battle

Once Kleavor is calmed, you’ll receive an Insect Plate as a token of your achievement. Irida will gift you with 3 Sitrus Berries and will take care of your Pokémon. Explore further if you wish, or return to one of the camps to report your progress to Laventon before returning to Jubilife Village.

Back to Jubilife Village

Reunion with Volo

Volo is curious about the Plates you’ve collected. He suggests that you continue collecting Plates on your journey through Hisui, as he wants to uncover the meaning of the inscriptions on them.

Report to Kamado

In Galaxy Hall, inform Kamado of your success with Kleavor. He’ll mention that other Noble Pokémon are also agitated and encourage you to continue your expeditions to gather more data.

Dinner at The Wallflower

During dinner with Laventon and Rei/Akari, you talk about your adventures. Rei/Akari shares a new recipe she learned from Beni: the Smoke Bomb, made with 1 Caster Fern and 1 Sootfoot Root. This item creates a cloud of smoke that reduces visibility, helping you approach wild Pokémon without being detected. It is ideal for use in conjunction with the Heavy Ball for strategic captures.

Request #22 – Sinister Apparitions in the Night

The Encounter with Vessa

At dusk, a mysterious girl, Vessa, comes to you with a secret and an urgent request. She tells a story about an ancient and powerful entity that was sealed away centuries ago, but whose seal has now been broken. She requests your help in restoring this seal and preventing Hisui from being threatened again. By accepting the mission, you will receive the Odd Keystone, an item crucial to the success of the mission.

Collecting the Will-o’-the-Wisp Flames

Your task is to gather 107 will-o’-the-wisps scattered throughout Hisui, each representing fragments of the broken seal. The first will-o’-the-wisp is already nearby, a good start to the long journey ahead. These will-o’-the-wisp are most visible at night and can be collected by simply touching them, absorbing them into the Odd Keystone. During the day, you’ll need to be quite close to see them, adding an element of challenge to the quest.

Collection Awards

Vessa promises progressive rewards as more flames are collected, ranging from useful items to rare resources. Each milestone in collecting flames brings a specific reward, from an Oval Stone to a Grit Rock, to help you on your journey.

Finalizing the Request

After collecting all 107 flames, you must find Vessa in Jubilife Village to proceed with sealing the Shrouded Ruins of the Crimson Mirelands. The final step of this challenge reveals the 108th spirit, the culmination of your quest. Vessa performs a sealing ritual, and at the end, the Odd Keystone disappears, and Spiritomb appears, ready to be fought and captured.

Capturing Spiritomb

With Spiritomb before you, prepare for a challenging battle against this Level 60 Pokémon. This is your chance to add a rare and powerful Pokémon to your team, a fitting reward for a long and challenging quest.

Tips and Tricks

  • Night Exploration: Most flares are only easily visible at night, so adjust your expeditions for this time.
  • Patience and Persistence: Collecting all 107 flames is a long-term task that requires dedication.
  • Battle Preparation: Before facing Spiritomb, make sure your team is well equipped and prepared for a tough fight.
  • Taking Advantage of Rewards: Use the rewards you receive to strengthen your team, making future captures and battles easier.

Ginkgo Guild

Arezu Presentation

The next day, while strolling through Jubilife Village, you encounter Arezu, a distinguished figure in front of the hair salon, recognizing her for her role in the pacification of Kleavor. Guardian of the Diamond Clan and a renowned stylist, Arezu is in the village to visit Commander Kamado.

Ginkgo Guild Merchants Discovery

Along the way, you’ll come across Ginter and Tuli, a vibrant pair of merchants from the Ginkgo Guild, introduced by Volo. With Ginter promoting rare items and Tuli offering a diverse selection of wares, it’s worth checking out what they have to offer. To further the plot, Kamado and Arezu await your visit atop the Galaxy Team Headquarters. This is a good time to explore additional Requests available in the village.

The Peculiar Ponyta (Request #19)

Yota’s Mission

At headquarters, a blackboard announces a curious report from Yota about an unconventional Ponyta sighting in the Horseshoe Plains. Yota awaits you on the bridge between the plantations and the training grounds, eager for your investigation.

Discovery and Reward

Following Yota’s instructions and with the Request flag activated, you’ll come across a stunning shiny Ponyta. After capturing it, present it to Yota to receive 5 Razz Berries in return.

The Mysterious Will-o’-the-Wisp (Request #20)

Hover and his Night Vision

Near the Pastures, Paira shares a terrifying vision of a red fireball sighted on the night of the Windswept Run, challenged by her brother Waka’s skepticism. Determined to prove her truth, she enlists his help in capturing the enigmatic apparition.

Confrontation and Proof

At night, at Windswept Run, guided by a flag on your Requests list, the mystery turns out to be a Chimchar, who challenges you from atop a tree. After a tense battle and its capture, present the Chimchar to Paira to validate your story and receive 2 Exp. Candy S as thanks.

Trouble with Mr. Mime (Request #21)


After helping Andra in Request #14, you now have a new task: investigating a Mr. Mime causing trouble in the village. Andra is waiting for you near the river at the end of Canala Avenue, eager to help.

The Hunt for Mr. Mime

When trying to approach Mr. Mime, you bump into an invisible wall, forcing you to go around the block to try to capture him from behind. Mr. Mime, noticing your approach, runs away, leading you on a chase through the alleys of the village. Andra, who is following the saga, points out Mr. Mime’s new locations, but the invisible walls continue to be a challenge.

Conclusion and Reward

Eventually, Ress, the village gatekeeper, reveals that Mr. Mime is his and harmless. Andra, recognizing the misunderstanding, apologizes, and you are rewarded with 2 Aux Guard for your patience and effort.

Stock Renewal (Request #23)

Choy’s Mission

Choy from the General Store needs your help to convince Tao Hua to provide new products for his store. He suggests that 3 Heart Grains might be the perfect incentive for Tao Hua.

The Search for Heart Grains

You set out in search of Heart Grains, which you can find in the Crimson Mirelands scenario or purchase from Anvin at the Craftworks if necessary.

Negotiation and Result

After delivering the Heart Grains to Tao Hua in the Galaxy Team Headquarters basement, he agrees to provide new items for Choy to sell. Back at the General Store, Choy thanks him and announces that new products will be available, thanks to his intervention.

Inspiration with Hippopotas (Request #24)

Anthe’s Request

At the Floaro Main Street clothing store, Anthe shares her curiosity about the distinction between male and female Hippopotas, asking you to bring one of each for inspiration.

The Capture of the Hippopotas

Your journey takes you to the Crimson Mirelands, where you capture both genders of Hippopotas and present them to Anthe.

What’s New in Anthe’s Store

Impressed by the difference between them, Anthe decides to use this inspiration to create new garments, now available in her store.

Unraveling the Mystery of the Forest Photo (Request #25)

Introduction to the Challenge

If you’ve ever ventured into the Photo Studio, capturing special moments in the Obsidian Fieldlands, Dagero has a peculiar mission for you. He shows you an intriguing photo, where only the ears of a Buneary hidden among the foliage stand out, piquing your curiosity and challenging you to introduce this Pokémon to him in person.

How to Complete

Bring your Buneary to the Photo Studio located on the vibrant Floaro Main Street. When you show your Pokémon to Dagero, he’ll be delighted, jumping at the chance to capture a new photo of your Buneary. As a thank you, Dagero is expanding the customization options in the studio, allowing you to add even more style to your photos.

Balloon Challenge: Heading to the Big Leagues! (Request #26)

The Invitation to Challenge

On the busy Canala Avenue, Taggart awaits you with an exciting and somewhat unusual challenge: hitting Drifloon balloons with Poké Balls. This game, held on the Practice Field, requires precision and speed, with infinite Poké Balls at your disposal just for this activity.

Running the Challenge

Once you’re on the field, get busy popping balloons. Each Drifloon you knock down adds points to your score, with yellow balloons worth an extra amount. The ability to hit multiple balloons with a single Poké Ball can boost your score and even earn you bonus time. The goal is to accumulate at least 10,000 points in one minute.

Rewards and Repetitions

Achieve the target score to earn 15 Great Balls and a Nugget as a prize, as well as other bonuses based on your performance. Taggart allows you to replay the game as many times as you want, even after completing the Request.

Advanced Farming: Plowing the Fields (Request #27)

Miller’s Need

At the Farm, you’ll find Miller seeking assistance with a tough job: plowing the fields. He needs a Ground-type Pokémon to get the job done. Lend him one of your Pokémon that fits the description, knowing that this temporary collaboration will unlock new crop possibilities for your crops.

The Result of the Work

Upon completing the task, Miller will introduce new planting options to the farm, allowing you to now grow a wider variety of vegetables and mushrooms, further enriching the options available for your journey.

Checking Compatibility with Your Pokémon (Request #28)

The Beginning of the Journey

Near the Pastures, you’ll meet Belamy, a man who sees in you a reflection of the friendship his grandmother shared with Pokémon. Curious about the bond between you and your companions, Belamy challenges you to prove how close you are to your Pokémon.

Winning Belamy’s Approval

If you’ve kept your starter Pokémon by your side at all times, it’s probably beaming with happiness, fulfilling Belamy’s request effortlessly. When you bring in a happy Pokémon, you’ll be rewarded with 1 Rare Candy. From that moment on, Belamy becomes your trusted advisor to gauge your Pokémon’s happiness whenever you need it.

In Search of Bitter Leaves (Request #29)

Shinon’s Mission

Shinon, wandering along Canala Avenue, mentions an urgent need for a three-leafed bitter medicinal plant. She suggests that you seek information from Anise of the Medical Corps to locate this peculiar plant.

Anise’s Revelation

Anise, found in one of the lodgings on Canala Avenue, clarifies that the “plant” is actually a Pokémon called Petilil, located in the next map, the Crimson Mirelands. Capture a Petilil and bring it to Anise (without waiting for a return), and you will be rewarded with 3 Fine Remedy and 5 Hopo Berries.

Returning to Jubilife Village…

The Ursaluna Challenge

At the Galaxy Team base, you and Kamado come across information that an Ursaluna has gone berserk. Arezu, the guardian of the Diamond Clan, and Kamado task you with investigating and calming the Ursaluna in the challenging terrain of the Crimson Mirelands.

Preparing for the Crimson Mirelands

Check your rank and progress with Cyllene. With a 2-star Rank, you are eligible to enter the Crimson Mirelands, but it is ideal to already be at Rank 3 for safer and more productive exploration. Focus on completing specific Pokédex tasks to accumulate points and advance in Rank.

New Quest: Solaceon Ruins

Cyllene advises that your next destination is to find Calaba in the Solaceon Ruins, guardian of Ursaluna, located in the vast Crimson Mirelands.

Promotion and Preparation

Return to Cyllene to report your progress. If you reach 6,000 research points, you’ll be promoted to 4-Star Rank, unlocking the recipe for making Leaden Ball and Hyper Potion, and preparing to take on new challenges that Jubilife Village has to offer, including a friendly duel with Rei/Akari and exploring the space-time distortions, which are filled with powerful Pokémon and rare items.

Mass Outbreak and New Alpha Pokémon

Preparations for the Crimson Mirelands

Before venturing into the Crimson Mirelands, a new area on the map, consider revisiting the Obsidian Fieldlands. You may encounter new phenomena, including mass outbreaks and the appearance of Alpha Pokémon.

Understanding Mass Outbreaks

If you return to the Obsidian Fieldlands, you may come across a phenomenon known as a mass outbreak, which the village gatekeeper will tell you about. In these outbreaks, a large number of the same Pokémon will appear in one place. This not only speeds up your progress on your Pokédex tasks, but also increases your chances of encountering shiny Pokémon. So keep an eye on the map for these outbreaks and take advantage of them to capture or defeat these Pokémon in large numbers.

The Arrival of the Alpha Pokémon

Additionally, new Alpha Pokémon, those with red eyes and a larger build, will begin appearing throughout the map. Unlike the fixed Alpha Pokémon in certain locations, these new Alpha Pokémon are versions of Pokémon common to the area that can appear at any time. They are identified by their size, red eyes, and a distinctive soundtrack, adding a new challenge to your explorations.

Crimson Mirelands – Mirelands Camp

Journey Starts in the Crimson Mirelands

When you decide to head into the Crimson Mirelands, tell the gatekeeper at Jubilife Village where you are headed and get ready to hear some tips from Laventon about this unexplored area. Rei/Akari, excited about the space-time distortions, will mark the location of the Solaceon Ruins on your map, your next main objective.

Exploring the Crimson Mirelands

With the freedom to explore this new area, you can choose to head straight to the Solaceon Ruins and continue the main story, or take some time to explore the Crimson Mirelands. In addition to exploring, you’ll find Requests near the camp, offering even more activities and challenges to complete.

Exploration Recommendation

Before diving into the main quests in Crimson Mirelands, it’s worth exploring the area around Mirelands Camp. This will help you familiarize yourself with the environment, encounter new Pokémon, and perhaps even complete some additional Requests that will enrich your journey through the game.

Request #30 – The Beautiful Rose…

Exploration and Research with Roselia

Berra is a villager who has a special curiosity about Roselia, found in the vibrant Golden Lowlands area of ​​the Crimson Mirelands. To help her, delve into investigating Roselia until you reach level 10 in your Pokédex. Once you’ve completed this step, present your Pokédex to Berra. As a reward for your efforts, she’ll give you 5 Grain Cake and 2 Exp. Candy S, a nice little boost to your Pokémon’s journey.

Space-Time Distortions – Crimson Mirelands

A New Phenomenon

Spacetime distortions are rare and mysterious events that, when they occur in the Crimson Mirelands, attract special Pokémon to the region. Keep an eye out for:

  • Common : Eevee, Flareon, Umbreon, Drifblim, Floatzel, Luxio, Luxray, Heracross, Lopunny, Snorlax.
  • Specials : Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z.

These distortions are a unique opportunity to capture rare Pokémon or even evolved ones, such as those of the Porygon lineage.

Golden Lowlands, Bolderoll Slope, Gapejaw Bog and Scarlet Bog

Discovering New Areas

Near Mirelands Camp, heading south, you’ll find these areas filled with new Pokémon species:

  • Golden Lowlands : Habitat for Psyduck, Kricketot, among others, and the challenging Raichu Alpha.
  • Bolderoll Slope : Home of Rhyhorn, Geodude, and the imposing Onix Alpha.
  • Gapejaw Bog : Find a diverse range of creatures here, including Bidoof, Croagunk, and the fearsome Ursaring and Hippowdon Alpha.
  • Scarlet Bog : Explore to see Hippopotas, Stunky, and the stealthy Skuntank Alpha.

Interacting with the Environment

In addition to the wildlife, you’ll start to notice piles of leaves and haystacks. Use your Pokémon to interact with them and uncover hidden items, similar to gathering minerals from trees and rocks.

New Requests and Camps

As you approach an area known as Sludge Mound, you’ll come across a new Request that we highly recommend completing. Not only will it enrich your experience, but it will also unlock a new camp to start your expeditions, making your exploration of the Crimson Mirelands even easier.

Request #31 – Establishing the Bogbound Camp

Building a New Beginning

You’ll meet Maldon, who needs a hand setting up a new camp. He’ll direct you to Odo, a member of the Construction Corps, who’s just ahead, trying to deal with a Stunky invasion at the site where the camp will be set up. Take on the 3 Stunkys, either by defeating or capturing them, to clear the space. With the area cleared, Odo will get to work and in no time, a new camp will be ready, expanding your starting points for adventures in the area!

Bogbound Camp – Exploring Sludge Mound and Ursa’s Ring

Discoveries to the South

Let’s dive into the areas near Bogbound Camp, located to the south of the map:

  • Sludge Mound : A primarily rocky location, populated by Geodude and Graveler, eager to hide among the ore rocks.
  • Ursa’s Ring : A diverse habitat with Teddiursa, Yanma, and others, and the imposing Ursaring Alpha roaming the water. The water is home to Barboach and Whiscash, ready for a challenge.

Holm of Trials – A Challenge Apart

The Creative Crossing

The Holm of Trials is isolated by the river, with no apparent bridges for direct crossing. Here’s a tip for adventurers eager to explore this area before obtaining a river-friendly mount:

  1. Locate a Low Point : Look for a point where the river is shallower and the opposite bank is free of obstacles.
  2. The Great Leap : Mount the Wyrdeer and leap towards the other shore, aiming for the closest point possible.
  3. Swim Fast : Your character will fall into the water, but will have a few seconds to swim. Use them wisely to reach the other shore before drowning forces you to return.

Residents of the Holm of Trials

This area is home to a fascinating diversity, including Psyduck, Golduck, and a rare Hisuian Sliggoo Alpha, among other noteworthy Pokémon.

Returning to Bogbound Camp

After your exploration, return to Bogbound Camp and head north, where you’ll find both rugged wilderness and civilization, with a village waiting to be discovered, ending a day of adventure with the promise of more discoveries to come.

Diamond Settlement

A Peaceful Haven

Welcome to the Diamond Settlement! This place is a peaceful haven where you won’t find any wild Pokémon roaming around. But don’t underestimate its importance: visiting it unlocks the ability to return here in a flash with instant travel. In addition to the tranquility, there’s a quest waiting for your attention here.

Request #32 – Helping Psyduck with Migraines

Mission of Mercy

Martia, a dedicated member of the Diamond Clan, cares for a group of Psyduck suffering from debilitating headaches. She needs your help to find a cure.

  1. Search for the Secret Medicine : On your next visit to Jubilife Village, head to the Galaxy Team Headquarters and look for the Medical Corps wing. There, a lady named Tomma will have just what you need – the Secret Medicine, a medicine from the distant lands of Cianwood in Johto.
  2. Psyduck’s Relief : With the medicine in hand, return to the Diamond Settlement and deliver it to Martia. Seeing the relief in the Psyduck’s eyes will be rewarding in itself, but Martia will also reward you with a Max Revive, a valuable item for any adventure.

Important Notes

  • This visit not only unlocks a quick return to the village, but also strengthens ties with the Diamond Clan.
  • The Psyduck solution exemplifies Hisui’s interconnectedness with other regions and the importance of collaboration between clans and Galaxy Team.

Exploring the Eastern Side of the Crimson Mirelands

Adventurer’s Guide to the Crimson Mirelands

Ready for your next adventure? Let’s embark on a journey through the eastern side of the Crimson Mirelands, a place filled with new discoveries and exciting challenges. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure you get the most out of your exploration.

Diamond Heath – An Adventurous Beginning

  • Locals : Expect to encounter a variety of Pokémon, including Paras, Parasect, and the imposing Rhyhorn. And don’t forget, at night, Zubat and Golbat rule the skies.
  • Alphas and Treasures : Keep your eyes peeled for the Alpha Rhyhorn and take the opportunity to collect unique items from the ore rocks scattered around the area.

Cloudpool Ridge – Between Flowers and Shadows

  • Vibrant Diversity : This region is a paradise for Pokémon lovers like Combee, Roselia, and their evolved counterparts, Roserade, who roam around as Alphas.
  • Mystical Night : As the sun sets, prepare for encounters with Murkrow and Golbat, adding a touch of mystery to your journey.

Shrouded Ruins – Ruins and Revelations

  • Petrified History : As you explore these ruins, you’ll encounter Pokémon like Rhyhorn and Lickitung, and perhaps even the Alpha Lickilicky, guarding ancient secrets.
  • Night Whispers : Night brings Gastly and Haunter to float mysteriously among the ancient stones.

Cottonsedge Prairie – Breath of the Wild

  • Serene Beauty : As you stroll through this prairie, you’ll come across cheerful Pachirisu and the rare Togepi, with Togetic fluttering in the distance.
  • Guardians of the Prairie : Alphas Carnivine and Vespiquen ensure that this area remains a bastion of calm and beauty.

Droning Meadow – The Echo of the Buzz

  • Aquatic and Aerial Life : In addition to the usual Paras and Parasect, prepare for the majestic presence of Alpha Yanmega. By the lake, you can find Turtwig and Grotle in rare serenity.

Towards the Solaceon Ruins

With your backpack full of new discoveries and captured Pokémon, return to Mirelands Camp. Now that you’ve explored and discovered the secrets of the eastern Crimson Mirelands, it’s time to get back to the main focus of your journey in the Solaceon Ruins.

Solaceon Ruins and the Miss Fortunes’ Quest

Solaceon Ruins: A Secretive Guardian

  • First Contact : Upon entering the solemn Solaceon Ruins, you will be greeted by Calaba. She realizes that you are the adventurer who appeased Kleavor’s wrath, but for some reason, she seems hesitant to accept your help. Don’t worry, true heroes are often not recognized right away.

The Surprise Call Volo

  • Right after this tense encounter, who would have thought, Volo appears! This enigmatic character challenges you to a battle. Are you ready?
    • Challenge Ahead : Volo unleashes Togepi and Gible, both level 22, into the fray. Study their weaknesses and strategies to overcome them. A successful battle here is the first step to earning Calaba’s trust.

Mission: Wall Fragment Recovery

  • After defeating Volo, a new task reveals itself: recover the Wall Fragment, a relic from the ruins in the clutches of the Miss Fortunes, a trio of sisters infamous for their thievery in the region.
    • Mission Briefing : This time requires you to prepare for the unexpected. Keep your Pokémon team in top shape and your recovery items ready for action.

The Duel with Coin

  • Following the clues to the sisters’ camp, you will face Coin, the youngest sister, in a direct confrontation.
    • Strategic Battle : Coin chooses Toxicroak, at level 23, for the battle. Assess Toxicroak’s weaknesses and masterfully overcome this challenge.

Recovering the Wall Fragment

  • By defeating Coin, you will recover the precious Wall Fragment. Your return to Solaceon Ruins will be marked by Calaba’s recognition of your worth.
    • Well-Deserved Recognition : Deliver the recovered fragment to Calaba. Your skill has not only restored a precious piece of the past but also demonstrated your bravery and determination.

Towards the Final Challenge

  • Calaba, now aware of your competence, shares information about the situation with Ursaluna. Although not in a frenzy, Ursaluna needs care. Calaba trusts you with this task and asks you to head to Sludge Mound, marking the beginning of your next great adventure.

Mission 8 – The Predicament of Arezu

As you explore the vast Hisui region in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, you’ll find yourself faced with a challenging new quest. Here’s how you can navigate it to ensure success and progress.

  • Following the Marker : Your first task is to locate a specific location indicated by a marker. This place, recently vacated by a bonfire, will soon become the scene of an unexpected encounter with three villainous sisters, known as the Miss Fortunes: Charm, Clover and Coin.
  • Showdown with Coin : Coin, the youngest, will challenge you to a duel, using a level 23 Toxicroak. Prepare your team to win this battle and recover a valuable artifact, the Wall Fragment, stolen by the villains.
  • Triumphant Return : After your victory, return to the Solaceon Ruins. Volo, impressed by your skill, will ask you to return the fragment to Calaba. When you do so, an initially reluctant Calaba will be grateful and place the piece back in the wall, revealing an ancient message.
  • Ursaluna Quest : Calaba will share that Ursaluna, while distraught, is not in a frenzy. She will allow you to find him and attempt to calm him down, marking the beginning of your journey to Sludge Mound.

Sludge Mound

  • Encounter with Ursaluna : At Sludge Mound, a location located in the heart of the Crimson Mirelands, you will encounter Calaba and the mighty Ursaluna. Prepare for a fight, after which Calaba will use a medicine to tranquilize the giant.
  • Earn the Ursaluna Mount : As a reward for your bravery and compassion, Calaba will grant you the Earth Plate, and Ursaluna will recognize the melody of your Celestica Flute, becoming your new mount.

Exploring with Ursaluna

  • Discovering Hidden Treasures : Ursaluna is not only a fast mount; it has a unique ability to sniff out and unearth hidden treasures. While mounted on Ursaluna, watch closely for signs indicating the proximity of buried items and take advantage of this ability to collect valuable resources.

Continuing the Adventure

  • Catching Unown : Laventon, observing the interaction between you and Ursaluna, will add a new task to your Pokédex: catching the various forms of Unown scattered throughout Hisui. This side quest not only enriches your gameplay experience but also unlocks ancient secrets inscribed in the ruins.
  • Return to Civilization : After completing these tasks and expanding your team of mounts, it’s time to return to Jubilife Village.

Return to Jubilife Village

Welcome back to the tranquility of Jubilife Village! Here, Rei/Akari is already waiting for you, eager to inform you that your presence is urgently required by Commander Kamado at Galaxy Hall. Head up to the top floor for a decisive meeting.

The Meeting at Galaxy Hall

Inside Galaxy Hall, Kamado is in the middle of a meeting with Adaman and Beni. The subject? Lilligant, a Noble Pokémon of the Diamond Clan, is in a state of frenzy. Details emerge: Arezu knew about this situation but did not share it with Adaman. After a meal at the cantina, Arezu mysteriously disappeared. Kamado suspects that she may have influenced Ursaluna’s rampage, but urges caution to avoid conflict between the Clans.

Mission: Tracking Arezu and Calming Lilligant

You are tasked with a dual mission: using Ursaluna to track Arezu in the Crimson Mirelands and calming Lilligant in her rampage in the Brava Arena. A task that will surely test your skills and the strong bond with your Pokémon.

Mission Preparation

Before you set off on your journey, a conversation with Cyllene is essential. If you’ve accumulated at least 8,500 research points, it’s time to rank up, reaching the prestigious 5th star. Additionally, you’ll be rewarded with the Wing Ball recipe, an upgrade to your catching arsenal.

Managing Pending Issues and Resources

If you have any Requests waiting for your attention, now might be a great time to take care of those pending tasks. Visit Bagin if you need more space in your bag for your adventures. You can also take the opportunity to organize your items, selling what you don’t need in the General Store for a nice profit.

The Teacher Requests Board

Take a look at Professor Laventon’s board; new Requests may have appeared, opening up opportunities for additional challenges and valuable rewards.

Request #33 – The Search for the Giant Mushroom!

After completing the previous mushroom hunt quest, a new task awaits you in Professor Laventon’s room at the Galaxy Team Headquarters. This time, our mushroom connoisseur Morel is back and needs something special: a mushroom from the back of a Parasect! Locate Morel in one of the barracks on Canala Avenue, marking Request #33 on your list to be guided to him. Capture a Parasect to deliver to Morel and you’ll be rewarded with 5 Candy Truffles. Remember, the Parasect delivered to Morel will not return to your team.

Request #35 – Duel with Pachirisu

Security Corps member Ren is curious about the Pachirisu’s battle abilities. To assist him, travel to the Mirelands Camp in the Crimson Mirelands. The task is a challenge: battle Ren’s lv.30 Ursaring using only a Pachirisu. Before the clash, adjust your party so that it only contains the chosen Pachirisu. Win to receive 3 Sitrus Berries and 1 Grit Gravel as rewards.

Request #36 – Watering with Attention

This quest is unlocked after finishing the construction of Bogbound Camp (Request #31) and capturing a Sudowoodo. Back in Professor Laventon’s room at the Galaxy Team Headquarters, Odo finds himself faced with a dilemma with a Sudowoodo that seems to be sick near the camp. Odo suspects that the problem is a lack of water, considering it a plant. Your mission is to use a Pokémon that knows Water Pulse to “water” the Sudowoodo in battle. Pokémon such as Bibarel, Floatzel, and Psyduck are capable of learning this move. After the demonstration and battle, you will receive 15 Heavy Balls and 3 Exp. Candy S as a thank you.

Additional Tips:

  • Preparation: Make sure the Pachirisu you choose for Request #35 is well-trained to face a lv.30 Ursaring, adjusting your strategy and items if necessary.
  • Suitable Pokémon: For Request #36, scout areas where Water Pokémon are common to ensure you have one capable of using Water Pulse against Sudowoodo.

Space-Time Distortions in the Obsidian Fieldlands

Before we dive back into the adventures of the Crimson Mirelands, a trip to the Obsidian Fieldlands may reveal some intriguing phenomena. The space-time distortions that are also beginning to occur here bring with them a variety of Pokémon that you wouldn’t normally encounter. These events offer a unique opportunity to encounter rare and perhaps even special creatures, so keep your eyes peeled! Pokémon you may encounter in these distortions include Eevee and its evolutions Leafeon and Sylveon, as well as Gengar, Lickilicky, Steelix, and the notable Sneasel and Weavile, among others.

Additionally, as you explore with Ursaluna, you’ll be able to find buried items, including the Old Verse, which narrates verses from Hisui’s ancient history. While collecting these items doesn’t directly change your journey, they add a rich layer of context to the world you’re immersed in.

The Encounter with Arezu at the Scarlet Bog

Upon returning to the Crimson Mirelands and mounting Ursaluna, you’ll be able to sniff out Arezu’s trail. Follow the blue signs that appear in front of you to locate her. You’ll find her north of Scarlet Bog, near a towering Onix, where Arezu finds herself in a predicament after twisting her ankle while running away from a Pokémon.

During this tense moment, Calaba will appear to apologize and Arezu will reveal her plan to use Ursaluna to try to calm Lilligant, which unfortunately backfired, sending her into a state of rage. She prepared some balms with Lilligant’s favorite ingredients in the hopes of calming the creature. Adaman will arrive, giving Arezu a lecture, but taking the balms to try to resolve the situation in the Brava Arena. He will instruct you to meet him there, while Calaba tends to Arezu.

Step by Step Instructions:

  1. Space-Time Distortions in the Obsidian Fieldlands: Keep an eye out for these phenomena to capture rare or special Pokémon.
  2. Exploration with Ursaluna: Use Ursaluna to find buried items, including the Old Verse, to collect and enrich your understanding of Hisui lore.
  3. Find Arezu in Scarlet Bog: Use Ursaluna’s sniffing ability to find Arezu. Follow the blue markers to her location.
  4. Calm Lilligant: Prepare to use the balms prepared by Arezu in an attempt to calm Lilligant in the Brava Arena, following Adaman’s instructions.

Brava Arena

Destination: Brava Arena, north of the Diamond Clan settlement. Arrive there and strike up a conversation with Adaman. Arezu and Calaba soon join in, with Arezu sharing a curious detail about Lilligant being an accomplished dancer.

Challenge: Your goal is to gracefully dodge Lilligant’s elegant moves, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Use the balms prepared by Arezu, throwing them while dodging Lilligant’s attacks. Take advantage of the moments when Lilligant is tired and vulnerable to attack her with effective strikes.

Victory: After calming Lilligant, you will be rewarded with a Meadow Plate. Adaman, Arezu, and Calaba will express their gratitude, reflecting on the importance of collaboration.

Returning to Jubilife Village

Reception and Celebration: Back in the village, Beni awaits you with a meal ready. Report your adventures to Commander Kamado in Galaxy Hall, then share a meal at The Wallflower with your fellow Survey Corps members, earning a new recipe: Scatter Bangs.

Village Updates: The next day, Arezu informs you of your new role as a hairdresser, expanding your hairstyling options. A reception at Prelude Beach by Kamado celebrates the arrival of new residents, highlighting the growth and responsibilities of Jubilife Village.

Missions and Growth

Quests: New Requests emerge, reflecting the ongoing development of the village. Explore these new opportunities and see how Jubilife Village thrives with the arrival of new residents and merchants.

Request #34 – Croagunk’s Healing Venom

Objective: Medical Corps Captain Pesselle needs your skills to collect a special ingredient for medicine – the venom of a Croagunk.

Location and Action: Head to the Medical Corps wing at the Galaxy Team base, where Pesselle is waiting. She will ask you to hand over a captured Croagunk to her for the production of medicine.

Reward: Deliver your Croagunk to Pesselle and receive 3 Full Heal and 3 Exp. Candy S as thanks for your vital assistance.

Request #37 – The Fragrance of Nostalgic Herbs

Quest: Risa, a woman nostalgic for her homeland, talks about a Pokémon wrapped in blue vines that brings back memories of home.

Required Action: Show Risa a Tangela or Tangrowth, Pokémon that fit the description she gave.

Reward: For sharing a vision of your homeland with Risa, you will be rewarded with 5 Smoke Bomb and 2 Exp. Candy S.

Request #38 – Lost in the Mirelands

Mission: Zeke is worried about his sister Wanda, who has gone missing in the Crimson Mirelands. He asks for your help in finding her.

Required Action: Use Ursaluna to sniff out the path to Wanda, following the blue signs to the Gapejaw Bog where she is lost.

Reward: After rescue, return and report to Zeke to receive his gratitude and 3 Stardust.

Request #39 – All About Magikarp

Task: Ceci, fascinated by Magikarps, wants to learn more about these Pokémon.

Required Action: Reach Pokédex Research Level 10 for Magikarp and share your findings with CeCe.

Reward: Ceci, delighted with the information, rewards your efforts with 1 Rare Candy.

Request #40 – The Amulet Lost in the Swamp

Challenge: Yojiro, while escaping from an Alpha Hippowdon, lost a valuable amulet in the swamps of Sludge Mound.

Mission: Recover the lost amulet, facing Alpha Hippowdon’s challenge if necessary.

Reward: After retrieving the amulet and ensuring Yojiro’s safety, you will be rewarded with 5 Iron Chunk and 1 Grit Gravel.

Request #41 – An Elegant Tail

Mission: Asabei is fascinated by a Pokémon with a spring-like tail, clearly depicting a Glameow.

How to Proceed: Embark on the Cobalt Coastlands, capture a Glameow and present it to Asabei, who awaits you between the Seaside Gate and the Farm.

Reward: For your skill in capturing a Glameow, Asabei will thank you with 2 Aux Evasion and 2 Grit Gravel.

Request #42 – Wanted: Watering the Fields

Prerequisite: Must have completed Request #27.

Mission: Miller, at the Farm, needs your help again, this time looking for a Pokémon with a water ability to help irrigate the fields.

How to Proceed: Lend Miller one of your Pokémon that has a water move, helping to improve the crops on the plantation.

Reward: Miller’s gratitude will be expressed through expanded planting capacity at the Farm, including berries.

Request #43 – More New Products

Prerequisite: Must have completed Request #23.

Mission: Choy wants to further expand the range of items in the General Store and relies on your persuasion to convince Tao Hua again.

How to Proceed: Collect 3 Pop Pods in the Cobalt Coastlands and deliver them to Tao Hua in the Supply Corps wing at the Galaxy Team base.

Reward: Tao Hua will open his inventory to Choy, who will in turn reward him by making new items available in his shop.

Request #44 – The Pokémon in the Night Photo

Prerequisite: Complete Request #25 before this one.

Mission: Dagero has captured another mysterious creature in a photo, this time the features of a Duskull.

How to Proceed: Travel to the Cobalt Coastlands to capture a Duskull. Return to the Photo Studio and show it to Dagero.

Reward: Dagero, impressed with your capture, will take a photo of Duskull and unlock new customization options in the Photo Studio.

Request #45 – Shellos of the East and West

Prerequisite: Complete Request #24 to unlock this quest.

Quest: Anthe, a fashion enthusiast on Floaro Main Street, is intrigued to learn that Shellos has different forms based on its location. She asks you to bring her an eastern Shellos, found in the Cobalt Coastlands, and a western Shellos, which you can catch near Lake Verity in the Obsidian Fieldlands.

How to Do It: Embark on a journey to capture these two distinct Shellos and present them to Anthe.

Reward: Your diligence in fulfilling Anthe’s request will be rewarded with access to new clothing options in her shop, inspired by Shellos’ quirks.

Request #48 – The Taste of Home

Location: Find Floaro, a Construction Corps nostalgic, in a barracks on Canala Avenue.

Mission: Floaro wants to recreate a recipe from his homeland to attract an Eevee with its home-cooked flavor. He needs 3 Hearty Grains, 2 Hopo Berries, and 1 Razz Berry to complete his recipe.

How to Do It: Collect the requested ingredients by exploring or trading with merchants in Jubilife Village and deliver them to Floaro.

Reward: Upon receiving the ingredients, Floaro will prepare the Hometown Muffin, a Galarian delicacy that Eevee will immediately enjoy. As a thank you, Floaro will share with you the recipe for the Jubilife Muffin, a new cooking item you can make. Additionally, you will receive 5 Exp. Candy S, perfect for quickly leveling up your Pokémon.

Mission 9

Destination: Kamado Room

Begin your next chapter by meeting Kamado at the Galaxy Team base. Kamado has a special mission for you in the Cobalt Coastlands , an area devoid of Noble Pokémon due to the death of the last guardian. Mysterious events have recently occurred on the island, with reports of attacks by “ghosts” targeting members of the Security Corps and Supply Corps. Irida of the Pearl Clan seeks the Galaxy Team’s help in light of her clan’s inability to solve these mysteries.

Requirement: To explore the Cobalt Coastlands, you must have a Rank of at least 3 stars . If necessary, take on more expeditions to complete Pokédex tasks and accumulate research points.

Objective: Your task is to investigate the occurrences on Firespit Island in the Cobalt Coastlands. Before you leave, check in with Cyllene on your progress. At 11,000 research points , you’ll reach 6 Star Rank , unlocking recipes for Ultra Ball and Max Potion, as well as new battle techniques with Zisu in the Training Grounds.

Encounter with Lian: As you prepare to leave, Lian will share information about Palina, the guardian of Firespit Island, mentioning the absence of a Noble Pokémon under her protection and rumors of the Pearl Clan. He will also gift you with 2 Grit Pebbles and 3 Grit Gravel , essential for improving your Pokémon’s stats, functioning similarly to vitamins in the traditional games.

Heading to the Cobalt Coastlands: With everything ready, speak to the guard to begin your journey to the Cobalt Coastlands, prepared to face the mysteries that await.

Cobalt Coastlands – Beachfront Camping

Introduction by the Professor: Upon arriving at the Cobalt Coastlands, the Professor will welcome you and tell you about Iscan, a guardian of the Diamond Clan present in the area. Soon after, you will find Irida, playing her flute and wanting to test your skills in battle. She will challenge you to a unique confrontation where she will use two Pokémon simultaneously, but you can only respond with one at a time.

Battle with Irida:

  • Irida’s Pokémon: Glaceon level 30 and Eevee level 15.
  • After winning, Irida will heal her team and share her concerns about the weight of her responsibilities and about Palina, who faces criticism for not having a Noble Pokémon to tutor.

Irida’s Mission: She requests your help in training the successor of the deceased Noble Pokémon under Palina’s care, in the hopes of restoring trust in the guardian.

Exploring the Cobalt Coastlands: Irida indicates that the path to the left leads to Palina, but suggests that exploring to the right is also a valid option. The decision is yours, and whatever you choose, adventure awaits you.

Space-Time Disturbances in Cobalt Coastlands:

During these phenomena, you may encounter a unique variety of Pokémon:

  • Common: Eevee, Flareon, Vaporeon, Kadabra, Alakazam, among others.
  • Specials: Magnemite, Magneton and Magnezone.

Areas for Exploration to the South:

Ginkgo Landing: Here, the fauna includes Skorupi, Spheal, and more. Keep an eye out for Alpha Pokémon like Walrein and Drapion.

Crossing Slope: In this region, you will find Glameow, Purugly, Eevee, among others, as well as Alpha Pokémon like Machoke.

Aipom Hill: Expect to find Aipom, Ambipom, and a variety of Pokémon, with Alpha Ambipom making an appearance.

Raquest #46 – Building the Coastlands Camp

You’ll meet Gully, a dedicated member of the Supply Corps. She’s on a quest to find Yorrich, a Construction Corps veteran. Her mission? To set up a new camp, and guess what? She needs your help!

Finding Gully: You’ll find Gully ready to head to the location where the camp will be built. Now, pay attention here: you need to go to the south of the map, look right at the right corner until you see a piece of land that looks like a giant hand – that’s exactly where you need to get to.

Navigation Tip: To avoid getting lost, take a look at the map and mark Request 46. An indicator will appear showing you exactly where you need to go. Simple, right?

The Task of Finding Yorrich: When you reach the place that looks like a hand, you’ll want to go to the “finger” on the far right. There, you’ll come face to face with Yorrich, who is more scared than a fish out of water because of a Chatot.

Time for action! You have two choices: capture Chatot the easy way or face him in battle. Once you’ve resolved this issue, just take Yorrich back to Gully.

With Yorrich safe and sound, he can finally build camp. And so Coastlands Camp is born, a new starting point for your adventures!

Exploring Coastlands Camp

Getting Started at Coastlands Camp: It’s time to dive headfirst into exploring Coastlands Camp! The Professor has already given you a good introduction, so let’s get to know every nook and cranny of this fascinating place. Get ready, because you’ll encounter many interesting Pokémon here.

Highlight Areas at Coastlands Camp:

Bathers’s Lagoon:

  • Who you’ll encounter: Starly, Staravia, and a host of water-type Pokémon like Buizel and Floatzel. Don’t forget about Beautifly during the day and Dustox at night.
  • Special Tip: Keep an eye out for Alpha Pokémon and ore bushes and rocks for extra items.

Hideaway Bay:

  • Highlights: An incredible aquatic variety, including Spheal and Sealeo, and even the Hisuian Qwilfish.
  • Note: Nighttime brings Murkrow, so adjust your explorations accordingly.

Deadwood Haunt:

  • Nighttime Attractions: This is the territory of the Duskull and Dusclops, with the mighty Dusknoir Alpha ruling the night.
  • For the Diurnal: Chatots and Staraptors are present during the day.

Sand’s Reach:

  • Marine Life: Remoraids make the seashore their home here, with day and night fliers keeping the area lively.
  • Detail: Don’t forget to check the bushes and rocks for items.

Tombolo Walk:

  • Alpha in Sight: A Chansey Alpha offers quite a challenge, beyond the usual bushes and rocks to explore.

Note: In addition to Pokémon, these areas also contain chests and wooden boxes filled with treasures waiting for you. A good raid with your Pokémon on these boxes can reveal valuable items.

After satisfying your curiosity in the southern part of the Cobalt Coastlands, why not head back to Beachside Camp? There’s a special Request waiting in the north, ready to be your next big adventure.

Reminder: Use the map to your advantage by marking the northern Request to find your way. This is a great opportunity to learn even more about this vast world and all the incredible Pokémon it holds. Let’s go, each discovery is another step on your journey as a true Pokémon master!

Raquest #49 – Recovery Mission with Hiko and the Aipom

Mischievous Aipom Challenge: Hiko is in a sticky situation because a pair of Aipom have stolen his belongings! It seems that these two are quite clever, running around all over the place. Hiko trusts you to get his items back. Get ready for a little chase; these Aipom will try to give you the slip more than once. But once you manage to corner them, get ready for a battle. Defeating both of them will give you your items back. Hiko, in a gesture of good faith, decides to forgive them, but the Aipom, in no time at all, take his Pinap Berries! At the end of it all, you take home 5 Scatter Bang and an Exp. Candy M as a reward.

Exploring Areas:

Castaway Shore:

  • Who you’ll find there: From Machop to Skorupi, even some Alphas like Drapion and Octillery are present. And of course, don’t forget the Murkrows at night.
  • Fun Fact: Keep your eyes open for bushes and rocks for ore items.

Windbreak Stand:

  • Inhabitants: From the common Paras to the rare Pikachu and Hisuian Growlithe, this place has variety.
  • Warning: Night brings Murkrows, so adjust your explorations accordingly.

Veilstone Cape:

  • Highlights: The region is rich in variety, with Glameow, Vulpix, and the nocturnal Beautifly and Dustox, as well as a Purugly Alpha.
  • Tip: Search for bushes and ore rocks to find more treasures.

Encounter with Palina at Cape Veilstone:

Upon reaching the end of Veilstone Cape, you will meet Palina and hear a touching story about the deceased Noble Pokémon. Between the two Hisuian Growlithe, one bears the heavy responsibility of being the next Noble, still dealing with the trauma of losing his father.

Aid Mission: Palina reveals mysterious shadows haunting Firespit Island, requesting your help in investigating. To get there, the Basculegion mount is essential for crossing the sea.

Finding Iscan: Iscan awaits you in a tent on Aipom Hill, ready to help you on this new journey. With the marker to guide you, Iscan will be easy to find and will lead you into the next chapter of this adventure.

Setting out for Firespit Island: With your mission clear and your mount ready, the path to Firespit Island opens up, promising more challenges and discoveries. Iscan awaits you, ready to assist you on this exciting journey through the Cobalt Coastlands. Let’s discover what these mysterious shadows hide and help Palina and the young Growlithe find their way.

Meet Iscan at Aipom Hill

When you head to Aipom Hill, you’ll meet Volo, who’s searching for Plates throughout Hisui. He shares an intriguing legend about a hero and the Almighty Sinnoh, adding to the mystery surrounding the Plates you’ve collected by calming the Noble Pokémon.

Iscan is waiting for you in a tent to discuss Basculegion. But before he can summon that mount, Iscan needs a favor from you: capture a Dusclops in the Deadwood Haunt so that you can use the flavor of its Dark Pulse in Basculegion’s favorite food. Iscan is notoriously fearful of Dusclops, so the task falls to you.

Preparing Basculegion Food at Ginkgo Landing

After capturing Dusclops, return to Iscan, who will prepare Basculegion’s food. Take this food to Ginkgo Landing, where Iscan will summon Basculegion. Your flute and the special food will convince Basculegion to join you as your mount, symbolized by the Splash Plate you receive.

Miss Fortunes and the Rescue of Growlithe

The Miss Fortunes interrupt the moment, stealing the Growlithe that Palina is training to be the next Noble Pokémon. They flee to Firespit Island, and you are tasked with rescuing the Growlithe with the help of Basculegion, now able to cross the sea and capture Pokémon while surfing.

Exploring with Basculegion

Now with Basculegion by your side, you have the freedom to explore new areas and revisit old locations to complete pending tasks or simply for adventure.

Return to Jubilife Village

Once you’ve completed your current adventures, return to Jubilife Village to report your progress to Cyllene in Galaxy Hall. With enough research points, you’ll rank up, unlocking new recipes and quests.

With new Requests available and a higher Rank, there are more adventures waiting. This is the perfect time to explore, complete tasks, and prepare for the upcoming challenges in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

Request #50 – Double the Tails, Double the Fun

Near the Pastures, you’ll find Netta eagerly awaiting a special Pokémon, Finneon, known for its unique tail that resembles two fins. To please her, dive into the Cobalt Coastlands, specifically Seagrass Haven, and capture this aquatic Pokémon. When you show Finneon to Netta, she’ll reward you with a Star Piece, a valuable item.

Request #52 – Eevee’s Evolutions

After helping Floaro previously, he needs your expertise again, but this time the matter is a little more complicated. Floaro’s Eevee has gone missing! Start your search in Galaxy Hall, heading to the 2nd floor in the Construction Corps room where Sanqua is located. There, you’ll find an Umbreon that Floaro insists is his missing Eevee. To prove it, feed the Umbreon a Jubilife Muffin. After this exciting confirmation, Floaro will give you a choice of three Evolution Stones as a reward, as well as 1 Rare Candy.

Request #53 – Octillery’s Ink

Radisa is back with another brilliant idea: using Octillery ink to flavor your pickles! Your mission is to level up your Octillery knowledge in your Pokédex to level 10 and show it to Radisa. She’ll thank you generously with 5 Bean Cakes and 1 Candy M Exp.

Request #54 – Serving Up Swap Snacks

Bonn, the Exp. Candies merchant, is experimenting in the kitchen and needs your help collecting ingredients for a new candy. Bring him 1 Sootfoot Root, 1 Springy Mushroom, and 1 Hopo Berry. As a reward for your quest, he’ll share the Swap Snack recipe with you, as well as a few to try.

Request #57 – The Taste of Honey

Almous of the Agriculture Corps is fascinated by the different flavors of Combee honey produced in different locations in Hisui. He asks for Combees from three specific locations: Grueling Groove in the Obsidian Fieldlands, Aipom Hill in the Cobalt Coastlands, and lastly, Ramanas Island. Each location will give Combee honey a unique flavor. After showing you Combees from different locations, Almous will reward you with 3 King’s Leaf and 3 Dazzling Honey, recognizing your efforts in helping with his honey research.

Request #58 – Lost… in the Coastlands

After helping Zeke in Request 38, he needs your help again. His sister Wanda has managed to get lost again, this time in the Cobalt Coastlands. Use Ursaluna’s incredible sense of smell to find Wanda around the Castaway Shore area. She’ll be waiting on one of the sea rocks near the beach, where you’ll also find an Alpha Octillery. After rescuing her, report back to Zeke and claim your Star Piece as a reward.

Obsidian Fieldlands – Ramanas Island

Time to explore the Obsidian Fieldlands with the new ability to sail the waters with Basculegion. Take the opportunity to capture Magikarps or even face an Alpha Magikarp near Obsidian Falls. In Lake Verity, in addition to Magikarps and Gyarados, there are two accessible islands where various Pokémon await, including Ramanas Island, which is full of Pokémon to encounter and even a special Request from the Diamond Clan.

Request #51 – Emerging Among the Roses

On Ramanas Island, you’ll find Hiemo searching for a Scyther. Capture one and present it to Hiemo, who has a well-intentioned but misguided plan to please his wife. After explaining the misunderstanding about the flowers and seeds, you’ll be rewarded with a Seed of Mastery.

Crimson Mirelands – Holm of Trials

After a good wander around the Obsidian Fieldlands, why not explore the Crimson Mirelands with Basculegion? This map is also full of rivers and lakes for you to swim in, encountering water Pokémon and reaching new areas like the Holm of Trials, which is filled with new challenges and Pokémon, including Goomy and an Alpha Sliggoo. Once you’ve explored to your heart’s content, head back to Jubilife Village, ready for more adventures.

Returning to the Cobalt Coastlands, you’ll notice new Requests have appeared on the map, ready to be explored and completed.

Request #55 – The Hungry Piplup

In the Cobalt Coastlands, very close to Tombolo Walk, you’ll bump into Maris. She’s part of the Supply Corps and is worried about a Piplup that doesn’t want to eat anything she offers. It seems that a Bean Cake will solve the little one’s appetite problem. To prepare this dish, you’ll need the recipe that Anvin sells at the Craftworks in Jubilife Village. With the recipe in hand, make the Bean Cake with 1 Plump Bean and 1 Cake-Lure Base . Present the cake to Piplup and watch how happy he is. As a thank you, Maris will give you 5 Razz Berries and 3 Hyper Potions . And while you’re at Anvin’s, be sure to get the Star Piece recipe, it’ll be worth it!

Request #56 – The Power of Machoke

If you’ve already caught a Machoke, you’ll have a cool quest on your way to Castaway Shore. Old Bosley from the Construction Corps wants to learn more about how Machoke can help with the heavy lifting. To impress him, get your Machoke to Research Level 10 in the Pokédex. Show Bosley how awesome Machoke is and you’ll earn 3 Grit Gravels and 1 Aux Powerguard as a reward.

Exploring Tranquility Cove

First, let’s head to the southernmost part of the map, below an area that looks like a hand. Here, you’ll come across Remoraid and the Hisuian Qwilfish , but that’s just the beginning. Centering on the map, we’ll head straight to Tranquility Cove , a true marine oasis. In this area, expect to find a wide variety of Pokémon such as Shellos-East , Mantine , and even Gyarados Alpha swimming peacefully in the waters. And when night falls, be prepared for the Drifloon and Drifblim that only appear at this time.

Lunker’s Lair

After enjoying the peace and quiet of Tranquility Cove, it’s time to take on the challenge of Lunker’s Lair . This sea route will take you to Firespit Island , which is located far to the north. Here, you’ll encounter Tentacool and Tentacruel , including a Tentacruel Alpha that’s no joke. Keep your eyes peeled at night for Drifloon and Drifblim , as well as what the Burmy-Trash and Wormadam-Trash are up to in the trees.

Seagrass Haven

Continuing our sea journey to the left of Lunker’s Lair, you’ll come to Seagrass Haven . This group of islets is home not only to Hisuian Qwilfish and Tentacool , but also Finneon and Lumineon , with Alpha versions of Gastrodon-East and Lumineon awaiting you. This is also a great place to find Drifloon and Drifblim at night, as well as explore the trees for Burmy-Trash and Wormadam-Trash .

Each of these areas offers unique opportunities to capture water and nocturnal Pokémon, as well as enjoy the natural beauty that Hisui has to offer. Be sure to prepare your team for the challenges you’ll encounter, and be ready to throw Poké Balls at any Pokémon that catches your eye.

Islespy Shore and Spring Path

We begin our adventure by returning to dry land, where Islespy Shore and Spring Path await our explorations.

  • Islespy Shore is a beach filled with unique challenges and Pokémon. Here, you’ll find Octillery , Sealeo , and even an Alpha Empoleon patrolling the area. At night, Murkrow come out to play, bringing a special charm to the beach.
  • As you follow the nature-filled Spring Path , you’ll come across Bibarel and Toxicroak , as well as Mothim Alpha wandering around. Don’t forget to check out the small ponds at the top of the map, where Piplup and Prinplup like to hide.

Firespit Island – The Volcano Island

Now, get ready for the big adventure: Firespit Island . This volcanic island to the north promises to heat things up with its fiery landscape and fiery Pokémon waiting for you.

  • Once you arrive, Iscan will ask you to lead the exploration. Make your way along the winding path of the volcano, but keep your eyes peeled for the local Pokémon. Mothim , Magby , and Magmar are among the inhabitants of this hot area, with Ninetales Alpha lurking in the shadows.
  • As you ascend the volcano, you’ll also encounter rolling Gravelers . And for mineral hunters, don’t forget that the ore rocks here can hold some surprises.

Mission 10 – The Lordless Land

Facing the Thief Trio

Reaching a critical point in the climb up the volcano, you’ll catch the trio of thieves harassing a poor Growlithe. Iscan soon arrives to support you in the situation. Get ready, because Clover will challenge you to a battle.

  • Clover’s Battle : She will use an Abomasnow at level 35. After defeating Clover, you will face Coin.
  • Coin’s Battle : She brings a Toxicroak at level 34. Stay strong, because after defeating Coin, comes the biggest challenge.
  • Charm’s Battle : The last of the sisters. She uses a level 34 Rhydon and a level 35 Gengar .

After the battles, Growlithe shows courage and tries to challenge the sisters alone. However, Palina arrives in time to prevent any disaster. At that moment, a powerful roar is heard and a dramatic scene unfolds with Growlithe evolving into Hisuian Arcanine and going berserk.

Molten Arena – Calming the Noble Arcanine

Irida joins you and Palina, concerned about the events. Together, you decide that the best way to calm Arcanine is to use balms made from his favorite food.

  • Facing Arcanine : Arcanine will use powerful attacks and you will need to be quick to dodge. He will gather energy and, after a brief moment of calm, attempt a devastating attack. Cast balms during this preparation to interrupt the attack.
  • Evading Attacks : Watch for signs that Arcanine is about to charge or jump. Dodge effectively to avoid taking damage.

If you are quick and effective with your balms, Arcanine will be stunned, allowing you to engage him in battle. Use effective attack types against him, such as water or rock.

Request #47 – Balloon Race in the Coastlands

After calming Arcanine, return to Coastlands Camp for a lighter but more challenging activity. An elderly man invites you to take part in a balloon race.

  • Race Details : You must pop balloons while riding the Basculegion. If you pop at least 24 balloons in 1 minute and 20 seconds, you win amazing prizes such as 1 Nugget and 10 Ultra Balls.

Back to Jubilife Village

After a series of adventures, it’s time to return to camp to update your Pokédex progress with Laventon. Next, head to Jubilife Village. Once you arrive, head straight to the Galaxy Team base to speak with Commander Kamado. He’ll acknowledge your recent efforts, commend you, and relieve you of duty for the time being.

Relaxing Moment at the Cantina Enjoy a relaxing moment at the cantina with Laventon and Rei/Akari. You’ll spend time chatting about your recent adventures, especially your exploits with Arcanine and Basculegion.

A New Visitor: Ingo

The next day, you’ll meet an intriguing character, Ingo, one of the Subway Bosses from the Unova games. He shows up unexpectedly, wearing Pearl Clan garb and looking a bit lost in time. Ingo will quickly drop by only to inform you that Kamado wants to see you in his office.

New Mission: Electrode’s Frenzy

Head to Kamado’s office, where he’ll assign you a critical new mission. A Noble Pokémon, Electrode, has gone on a rampage in the Coronet Highlands, and your mission is to calm it down. Adaman is present, concerned that Electrode is in the custody of the Diamond Clan and has been causing massive explosions.

Conflict in Command

Melli, the guardian of Electrode and a member of the Diamond Clan, bursts into the room, arguing with Bagin and invading the meeting. After a reprimand from Adaman, Kamado asks you to help Melli and expresses confidence in your ability to handle the situation. Adaman, seeking to prove Melli’s competence, challenges you to a battle.

Battle with Adaman : Prepare to face his two Pokémon:

  • Leafeon lv.36
  • Eevee lv.18

After the battle, the tension eases a bit, but Melli’s attitude is still one of contempt.

Preparing for the Next Mission

Before heading to Coronet Highlands, talk to Cyllene again. She will update your status and, if you have accumulated at least 20,000 research points, you will advance to 8-star rank, gaining new recipes and access to Coronet Highlands.

At the Training Grounds : Here, you will meet Irida and Ingo. Ingo will be your guide to finding the Sneasler, essential for your next journey. Irida shares that Ingo, like you, mysteriously appeared and lost his memory.

Request #59 – Misdreavus the Hairstyle Muse

Head to Floaro Main Street and talk to Arezu in front of the hair salon. She’s looking for inspiration for new hairstyles and believes the Pokémon Misdreavus, with its distinctive look, is the perfect muse. Catch a Misdreavus in Coronet Highlands and show it to Arezu. This will unlock new hairstyle options at the salon.

Request #60 – Help Wanted: Rock Smashing in the Fields

After completing Request #42, visit the Farm and talk to Miller. He needs help removing a large boulder that is blocking the growing area. Lend him a Pokémon that knows the move Rock Smash . Pokémon like Machop, Croagunk, or Rhyhorn are good choices. Removing the boulder will free up new growing areas, allowing you to grow Mints.

Request #61 – Even More New Wares

Complete Request #43 and head to the General Store on Floaro Main Street . Choy needs your help again to convince Tao Hua to release more items for the store. Tao Hua will ask for 3 Crunchy Salts , which can be found in Coronet Highlands or purchased in Jubilife Village. After delivering the items, new products will be available in the store.

Request #62 – The Pokémon in the River Photo

On Floaro Main Street , visit the Photo Studio where Dagero has another mysterious photo, this time of a Turtwig. Capture a Turtwig in the Crimson Mirelands and show it to him. This will complete the Request and new photo customization options will be added to the Studio.

Request #63 – Fancy, Fashionable Wormadam

Talk to Anthe in the clothing store on Floaro Main Street after completing Request #45. She is curious about the different forms of Wormadam. Show her any form of Wormadam, and new clothing will be available in the store.

Request #64 – Getting to Know Ghosts

Find Ward near the bridge between Canala Avenue and Galaxy Hall . He is interested in learning more about Gastly for a nighttime investigation at Prelude Beach . Reach Gastly’s research level 10 in the Pokédex and show it to him. You will be rewarded with a Linking Cord .

Request #66 – The Sea’s Legend

At the Galaxy Team Headquarters , check out the chalkboard in Professor Laventon’s office. He has a special mission for you. Laventon tells you about a legendary Pokémon spotted in the waters off Prelude Beach , which appears to have made its way to the Cobalt Coastlands . According to ancient legend, this place was known as the Eastern Sea, home to a Pokémon prince. Your mission is to discover and capture this Pokémon.

To start, gather a Mantyke , a Buizel , and an Overqwil (the evolution of the Hisuian Qwilfish, which requires specific use of the Barb Barrage move in Strong Style) in your party. Change the time of day to dusk at camp and head to the “ocean gate”, marked by the pincer-shaped rocks in the sea. Navigate between them with the Basculegion . If done correctly, an event will be triggered.

Proceed to Seagrass Haven , then head left until you find the entrance to a cave known as Seaside Hollow . Here, you will encounter the Manaphy and a trio of Phione. Prepare for a battle or attempt to capture them with stunning or stealth techniques, utilizing items such as the Ball of Mud , Spoiled Apricorn , or Sticky Glob to make the capture easier.

Coronet Highlands – Highlands Camp and Heavenward Lookout

After your adventures at sea, it’s time to explore the Coronet Highlands . Upon arrival, Professor Laventon will give you a briefing on the area, highlighting the mysterious crevasse at the top of Mt. Coronet. This region is rich in mountainous areas, and it will be essential to obtain a mount capable of climbing to fully explore.

In Heavenward Lookout , the first area you’ll explore, you can find a variety of Pokémon such as Luxio , Luxray , Paras , Parasect , and more. This location is ideal for evolving specific Pokémon such as Magneton and Nosepass , due to the area’s unique conditions.

While exploring, head to the marker that will lead you to meet Ingo at the entrance to a cave. He guards the Sneasler , the climbing mount that will be crucial to your journey through the heights of the Coronet Highlands .

Wayward Cave

Upon entering the Wayward Cave , you will meet Ingo, who discusses the complicated situation with Melli and the Noble Electrode. Melli proves stubborn and leaves the place, leaving behind a dark cave that needs to be traversed.

  1. Navigating the Darkness : Initially, the cave is dark because Melli removed the torches. Ingo will guide you, lighting torches along the way. This is your chance to learn more about Ingo’s past, including references to his partner Pokémon and his brother, Emmet.
  2. Pokémon in the Cave : While following Ingo, keep an eye out for the Pokémon you may encounter:
    • Barboach, Whiscash : Found near bodies of water inside the cave.
    • Gible : A rare but valuable addition to your team.
    • Zubat, Golbat, Crobat (Alpha) : Common in the darkest areas of the cave.
  3. Follow the Torches : Ingo will eventually restore the lighting to the cave. He will ask you to follow the path marked by the torches to find the exit of the cave and continue your quest.

Wayward Wood

After leaving the Wayward Cave, you will find more details about Ingo and his role in the Pearl Clan. This segment of the quest culminates in a direct confrontation with Melli.

  1. Wayward Wood Exploration :
    • As you explore, you’ll encounter Pokémon like Psyduck, Golduck, Stantler, Heracross , and more.
    • Bronzor can be found near ore rocks.
  2. Confrontation with Melli :
    • Melli challenges you to prove your strength and worthiness to continue. He will use a lv.40 Skuntank . Prepare yourself for this battle.
    • After the battle, although Melli does not admit defeat, he needs time to recover, allowing you to proceed.
  3. Ancient Quarry : The passage is now clear, and you enter an area filled with stone blocks. This location will likely have exploration challenges and possible puzzles.

Ancient Quarry

At this point, you’ll arrive at the Ancient Quarry, where you’ll meet Volo. He’s interested in Ingo’s memory loss and suggests that the space-time rift might be related. Volo theorizes that the rift might be a connection to the Almighty Sinnoh realm. After the conversation, Volo leaves and you follow Ingo.

Explore the Ancient Quarry :

  • Pokémon to Catch : While exploring, keep an eye out for Bronzor and Bronzong.

Sonorous Path and Lonely Spring

After leaving the ruins, you have two new areas to explore, full of wildlife and nature.

Sonorous Path :

  • Pokémon Found : Teddiursa, Ursaring, Shinx, Luxio, Luxray and Heracross (in trees), Bronzor (in mineral rocks).

Lonely Spring :

  • Pokémon Found : Psyduck, Golduck, Carnivine, and their Alpha forms, as well as Cherubi and Cherrim (in trees).

Request #65 – Setting Up The Mountain Camp

Along the way, you’ll meet Eshim of the Ginkgo Guild, who has a problem with a Bronzor obstructing the construction of a new camp.

  1. Solve the Bronzor Problem : Follow Eshim’s instructions to find out what the Bronzor wants by helping another injured Bronzor across the river.
  2. Establish Mountain Camp : After resolving the issue, the new camp will be built, serving as a new starting point for your explorations.

Clamberclaw Cliffs

Continuing your adventure, you will meet Ingo again, who will introduce you to the Sneasler, essential for climbing the mountains in the area.

  1. Learn to Use the Sneasler : Ingo will teach you how to use the Sneasler to climb. You will use the Sneasler to climb mountains and explore previously inaccessible areas.
  2. Training Battle with Ingo : Ingo will challenge you to a battle to test your skills before trusting Sneasler. He will use Machoke, Tangela, and Gliscor.
  3. Earn the Toxic Plate : After the battle, when you play your flute together with Ingo, Sneasler will recognize your melody and you will receive the Toxic Plate as a reward.

Free Exploration with Sneasler

With the Sneasler, you can now explore mountainous regions more effectively. Use your abilities to reach new places and collect unique items, such as mushrooms on the mountain walls.

Interacting with Nature and Facing Challenges

As you explore with Sneasler, keep an eye out for new Pokémon and battle opportunities, including unexpected encounters with the Miss Fortune Sisters across varied maps.

Space-Time Distortions – Coronet Highlands

Space-time distortions are incredible phenomena that bring Pokémon from different times and places together. When you’re exploring the Coronet Highlands , keep an eye out for these distortions, as they can bring out rare and powerful Pokémon for you to capture. Here’s a list of what you might encounter:

  • Common : Eevee, Jolteon, Sylveon, Magmar, Magmortar, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Drapion, Octillery, and Ambipom.
  • Specials : Cranidos, Rampardos, Shieldon, and Bastiodon.

Make sure you’re prepared with plenty of Poké Balls and healing items, as these encounters can be challenging!

Mountain Camp – Clamberclaw Cliffs

After establishing the Mountain Camp , your next destination is the Clamberclaw Cliffs . This area is a great place to test out the Sneasler mount you received from Ingo. Use it to climb the steep mountains and encounter unique Pokémon:

  • Area Inhabitants : Gligar, Geodude, Graveler, Gible, Gabite (Alpha), Magnezone (flying in the distance), Gastly and Haunter (only at night), Burmy-Sandy and Wormadam-Sandy (in trees), Gible and Bronzor (in ore rocks).

Celestica Ruins, Primeval Grotto, Celestica Trail and Ancient Quarry

Continuing up the climb north of Clamberclaw Cliffs, you’ll reach the Celestica Ruins , an area steeped in history and mystery:

  • Local Pokémon : Gligar, Geodude, Graveler, Sudowoodo, Nosepass, Bronzor, Bronzong, Machop, Machoke, and more. Each offers a unique opportunity to expand your Pokédex.

Exploring further south, you’ll find the Primeval Grotto and Celestica Trail , which contain their own challenges and Pokémon species. Don’t forget to visit the upper part of the Ancient Quarry for more encounters.

Fabled Spring, Bolderoll Ravine and Stonetooth Rows

Heading down the river to the left of the map, you’ll reach Fabled Spring , a magical place filled with Pokémon like Budew, Roselia, and Clefable. Continue through Bolderoll Ravine for more adventures and encounters with Pokémon like Magikarp and Gyarados. Stonetooth Rows offers even more Pokémon diversity and challenges.

Sacred Plaza and Cloudcap Pass

Near the top of the mountain, you’ll find Sacred Plaza and Cloudcap Pass . These areas are home to many Electric- and Rock-type Pokémon, offering unique challenges and opportunities for strategic battles.

Returning to Jubilife Village

After a long journey, it’s time to return to Jubilife Village . Report your progress to Professor Laventon and get ready for more adventures. Don’t forget to check out the new Requests available, which can include tasks as varied as catching a specific Pokémon or helping the villagers.

Request #67 – The Clefairy’s Moonlight Dance

Step One: Make sure you have already caught a Clefairy. Without one in your collection, this Request will not be accessible.

Starting Location: At the Galaxy Team Headquarters, find the chalkboard in Professor Laventon’s room and look for Astair from the Supply Corps, who is curious about the Clefairy’s nocturnal behavior in Hisui.

Mission: Astair has told you that in his homeland, Clefairy often dance under the full moon. Your task is to confirm whether this phenomenon also occurs in Hisui. Head to the Fabled Spring during a full moon. Use the tent to advance time until nighttime, and keep an eye on the sky to confirm the moon’s phase.

On-Site Action: Mark Request #67 to have the exact location appear on the map. Once there, interact at the indicated spot to witness the Clefairy dancing under the moon. They will drop a Moon Stone . Collect it!

Conclusion: Return and share your experience with Astair. He will be delighted with your discovery, and you will receive 5 Salt Cake and 2 Exp. Candy M as a reward.

Request #68 – A Nosepass for a Guide

Requirement: This Request requires that you have already captured a Nosepass.

Start: At the Galaxy Team Headquarters, look for information on the chalkboard in Professor Laventon’s room.

Mission: Gully of the Supply Corps needs a Nosepass to help her navigate a cave without getting lost. Locate her at Highlands Camp and she will guide you to the entrance of Wayward Cave .

Action: Find Gully and give her the Nosepass. It will help Gully find her way around the cave.

Reward: You will receive 1 Black Augurite and 2 Exp. Candy M for your effort and help.

Request #69 – Lost in the Highlands

Prerequisite: You must have completed Request #58 to unlock this.

Start: Revisit the Galaxy Team Headquarters and talk to Zeke, who is worried about his sister Wanda, who has gone missing again.

Quest: Use Ursaluna to track down Wanda in the Coronet Highlands. She’s near the Mountain Camp . Cross the river where the Golducks are, climb down the cliff near a waterfall, and you’ll find her.

Conclusion: After locating Wanda, go back and inform Zeke about the mission’s success.

Reward: For saving the day once more, you will receive 2 Star Piece .

Mission 11 – Climbing Dangerous Heights

Preparation and Travel

First, make sure your team is well-equipped and your Pokémon are healthy, because what comes next won’t be easy. Your goal now is to head to the westernmost edge of the Coronet Highlands map , specifically past the Sacred Plaza .

Meet at Moonview Arena

Upon arriving at Moonview Arena , you will be challenged by Melli, a stubborn Trainer who does not accept defeat easily. He will use three Pokémon:

  • Skuntank level 44
  • Zubat level 22
  • Skorupi level 22

While you can only use one Pokémon at a time, strategy and patience will be your best tools here.

Conflict and Challenge

After defeating him, Melli, still not convinced of his defeat, will refuse to help with the Noble Electrode situation. Fortunately, Adaman arrives to help and teach Melli a lesson about the importance of taking care of Pokémon, especially those in frenzy.

Moonview Arena – Calming the Noble Electrode

Preparation of Balms

With Melli’s reluctant help and Adaman’s guidance, you will prepare the balms needed to calm Electrode. This is a crucial moment, so pay close attention to the instructions and be ready to act.

Battle with Hisuian Electrode

The Hisuian Electrode is a challenging opponent that releases electric balls that chase you and explode on contact. It also shakes its body, releasing Voltorbs that detonate after a short delay. Keep moving to avoid getting caught in the explosions.

Electrode’s Final Attack

When Electrode makes a big leap and attempts a final attack with an energy ring, run as far as you can out of the ring’s range. If you get hit, you’ll face a devastating explosion.

Critical Moment

After the explosion, Electrode will be briefly stunned. Take this opportunity to attack him with effective fire, poison, ice, or insect attacks, and continue to throw balms to calm him down.

Conclusion and Reward

Once the Electrode is calmed, you will receive the Zap Plate . Melli may not be entirely pleased, but Adaman will recognize your efforts and thank you for calming the Electrode.

Return and Reflection

Ingo will appear to share reflections on his memories and the importance of the bonds between Trainers and their Pokémon. After this deep conversation, it’s time to return to the village.

Back to Jubilife Village

Report to Kamado

After completing your recent battles, head to Commander Kamado’s office to report back. He is intrigued and concerned about recent events, including the rampaging Noble Pokémon and the mysterious rift in space and time. Despite his uncertainty, he thanks you for your efforts and releases you for now.

A Dinner with Friends

Now, it’s time to relax a bit. Head to The Wallflower to have dinner with Rei/Akari and Professor Laventon. They’ll comment on how your arrival and helping the people of Hisui sounds like something out of a fairy tale. You, who came from another world, are now an integral part of the Survey Corps and the community of Jubilife Village.

Preparing for the Next Mission

Summoning Adaman and Irida

The next day, you learn that Adaman and Irida have been summoned to a meeting with Kamado. Follow them to the office, where Kamado reveals that your next challenge is to appease the Hisuian Avalugg in the Alabaster Islands, the last region to be explored. He emphasizes that while Avalugg is under the protection of the Pearl Clan, the Diamond Clan will also be involved to assist.

Trust and Mission

Kamado takes the moment to have a more personal conversation, expressing that there are still those who are suspicious of his presence in Hisui due to his mysterious origins. He encourages him to continue proving his worth through his actions.

Access to Alabaster Icelands

To travel to Alabaster Iceland, you need to have a Rank of at least 5 stars. If you haven’t reached that mark yet, you’ll need to complete more research and report your progress to Cyllene to earn enough points.

Cyllene’s Encouragement

Downstairs, after a small comical incident involving Cyllene and a bug, she will compose herself and discuss the harsh nature of the Alabaster Icelands’ climate. If you’re prepared to move forward, she will mention that you’re the ideal person in the Survey Corps to explore this inhospitable region.

Final Preparations and Promotion

Final Report to Cyllene

Before embarking on your next mission, check in with Cyllene to confirm your progress. If you’ve accumulated at least 30,000 research points, you’ll be promoted, receiving your 9th Rank Star and some valuable rewards, including 10 Rare Candies and 20 Greet Pebbles.

With your new rank, new Requests will be made available.


Prerequisite: You must have completed Request 63 to access this quest.

Where to start: Head to the clothing store on Floaro Main Street and talk to Anthe. She’s eager to add new colors to her range of creations and needs your help gathering specific materials.

Objective: Anthe will ask you to collect 1 Red Shard, 1 Blue Shard, and 1 Green Shard. These items can be found in various areas of the game, usually in space-time distortions or as drops from certain Pokémon.

Delivery: Once you have the Shards, give them to Anthe. In gratitude, she will make new clothing styles and colors available in your shop, enriching your customization possibilities.


Prerequisite: This quest becomes available after you complete Request 61.

Starting Location: Head to the General Store on Floaro Main Street. There, you’ll witness another episode of the eternal feud between Choy and Tao Hua.

Objective: This time, Tao Hua requires 3 Sand Radishes to yield and provide new items for the shop. These radishes can be found scattered around the Alabaster Icelands scenario or as a reward in another specific Request.

Delivery: After obtaining the Sand Radishes, head to the basement of the Galaxy Team Headquarters to deliver them to Tao Hua. After resolving the differences with Choy, thanks to Yui’s intervention, Choy’s shop will be stocked with new goods.


Prerequisite: You must have completed Request 34 and interacted with Pesselle afterward for this quest to activate.

Starting Location: Speak to Pesselle, who can be found in the medical bay next to Cyllene’s office in the Galaxy Team Headquarters.

Objective and Delivery: Pesselle will ask you for a seemingly simple but challenging favor: collect 100 Medicinal Leeks. These items can be collected in the Obsidian Fieldlands or purchased from Tuli at the Ginkgo Guild. Upon delivery, you will be rewarded with 1 Adamant Mint and 1 Modest Mint, valuable items for adjusting your Pokémon’s traits.


Starting Location: Near the entrance to the village (Seaside Gate) and the plantations, you’ll find a trio discussing Burmy’s true appearance.

Objective: You must capture Burmy’s three different forms: Plant, Sandy, and Trash. Show each form to the corresponding person who defends that appearance as the only true one.

Resolution: After showing off the different Burmys and reaching Pokédex Research Level 10 for Burmy, you’ll need to show your Pokédex to the trio. This will convince them that Burmy can actually vary its appearance.

Reward: Your understanding and effort will be rewarded with 1 Leaf Stone and 3 Exp. Candy M, useful for the development of your Pokémon.


Prerequisites: To access this Request, you must have captured a Blissey.

Begin the Quest: Head to the Galaxy Team Headquarters and check the chalkboard in Professor Laventon’s office to begin the Request. Here, you’ll learn about the need for Pippa from the Supply Corps to thank a special Blissey at Alabaster Iceland.

What to do: Travel to Snowfields Camp in Alabaster Iceland and meet Pippa. She will guide you to Alavugg’s Legacy. Make sure to mark the Request on your map so you don’t get lost!

Abomasnow Confrontation: Upon arrival, you will face a level 55 Abomasnow. After defeating it, Pippa, who sprained her ankle in the encounter, will be healed by the Blissey you are trying to find. In gratitude, Pippa feeds Blissey berries, and Blissey also heals the injured Abomasnow.

Reward: For your help, you will receive 1 Shiny Stone and 2 Max Revive.


Prerequisites: You must have completed Request 59.

Start the Quest: Find Arezu in front of the hair salon on Floaro Main Street. She needs inspiration for new hairstyles and believes the Kirlia Pokémon is perfect for that.

What to do: Capture a Kirlia and bring it to Arezu. Showing the Kirlia to her will allow new hairstyles to be unlocked at the salon.


Prerequisites: Must have completed Request 69.

Start the mission: Once again, Zeke needs your help because Wanda has gone missing. This time, she is in the Obsidian Fieldlands.

What to do: Head to the Obsidian Fieldlands and use Ursaluna to follow the blue signs until you find Wanda. She’ll be between Nature’s Pantry and Worn Bridge, being attacked by three level 50 Paras. Defeat them to save Wanda.

Reward: After rescue, return to Galaxy Team Headquarters to report to Zeke and receive your 3 Star Piece reward.


Prerequisites: Must have completed Request 53.

Start the quest: Talk to Radisa on Floaro Main Street, who is trying to create a new pickle recipe.

What to do: Radisa needs specific ingredients: 2 Crunchy Salt, 2 Plump Beans, and 2 King’s Leaf. Collect and deliver these items to her.

Cooking and Evolution: With the ingredients delivered, Radisa will prepare the new recipe, resulting in the evolution of the Geodude you gave her earlier into Graveler.

Reward: You will receive the Twice-Spiced Radish recipe as a thank you.

Training Grounds

Location: At the Training Grounds, you will meet Ingo, a battle enthusiast who has arranged a challenge for you.

Mission Details: Talk to Ingo and he’ll call upon three different Security Corps trainers to test your skills. Each of these trainers features a unique team, which is a great opportunity for you to hone your combat strategies.

  • Wenton uses:
    • Mothim level 55
    • Jolteon level 55
    • Gastrodon-East level 56
  • Bren uses:
    • Wormadam-Plant level 55
    • Sylveon level 55
    • Gastrodon-West level 56
  • Zisu uses:
    • Ambipom level 57
    • Honchkrow level 57
    • Luxray level 57
    • Hisuian Zoroark Level 58

Prepare for each battle by adjusting your team based on the types and abilities of each Trainer’s Pokémon.

Jubilife Village

Before going to Alabaster Icelands:

  • Purchasing Items for Rotom: If you’ve caught a Rotom, visit Ginter at the Ginkgo Guild to purchase Mechanical Items, which allow Rotom to change form. These items are expensive, ranging from $20,000 to $100,000 depending on the item, so start saving up!
  • Sticky Glob Recipe: Available from Anvin in Craftworks, the Sticky Glob is a useful item for stunning Pokémon that chase you, and is more effective than the Ball of Mud and Spoiled Apricorn. The recipe requires 1 Ball of Mud, 1 Spoiled Apricorn, and 1 Caster Fern.
  • Discussion and Battle with Rei/Akari: As you leave the village, Rei/Akari and Professor Laventon discuss your next mission. To test your readiness, Rei/Akari challenges you to a battle.
    • Rei/Akari uses:
      • Mr. Mime level 46
      • Staravia level 46
      • Pikachu level 47

Alabaster Icelands – Snowfields Camp

Upon arriving in Alabaster Iceland, Professor Laventon will comment on the extremely cold weather and the dangers posed by the Noble Avalugg. Adaman and Irida will soon join the conversation. Despite the slight tensions and differences of opinion between the Diamond Clan and the Pearl Clan, they both agree on the importance of dealing with Avalugg. They will suggest that you meet them at a location called Avalugg’s Legacy , located in the center of the map.

What to do: Prepare to travel to Avalugg’s Legacy to continue the main quest. Before you leave, you can explore the surrounding area to familiarize yourself with the area and collect useful items. Attack snowdrifts with your Pokémon to discover hidden items, such as Snowballs, which can be used to stun wild Pokémon.

Space-Time Distortions – Alabaster Icelands

Time-Space Distortion Events: These events are unique opportunities to capture rare Pokémon that only appear during these distortions. Keep an eye out for the chance to encounter:

  • Common: Eevee, Espeon, Glaceon, Pikachu, Raichu, Electabuzz, Electivire, Sealeo, Walrein, Scyther, Rapidash, Tangrowth.
  • Specials: Scizor.

Whiteout Valley, Crevasse Passage, Bonechill Wastes

Whiteout Valley: Explore this area to encounter Pokémon like Snorunt and Aipom. Use your skills to explore the terrain and capture new species.

Crevasse Passage: A small ice cave that serves as a passage between different parts of the cliff.

Bonechill Wastes: Continue your exploration here, where you’ll encounter a wider variety of Pokémon, including Swinub, Piloswine, and several dark-type Pokémon like Froslass and Haunter.

Icebound Falls, Avalanche Slopes, Ice Column Chamber

Icebound Falls and Avalanche Slopes: These areas are filled with challenges and powerful Pokémon, such as Lucario and Garchomp. Be prepared for intense battles and take advantage of these to strengthen your team. Ice Column Chamber: An underground cavern accessible via Avalanche Slopes, where you can encounter rare Pokémon such as Misdreavus and a Froslass Alpha.

Practical instructions:

  1. Prepare for the cold: Make sure your team is well-equipped for battles in extremely cold conditions, using Fire or Fighting-type Pokémon to counterbalance Ice-type Pokémon.
  2. Careful Exploration: Use the Sneasler to climb and explore high or hard-to-reach areas.
  3. Use Items Strategically: Use Snowballs and other collected items to make captures and challenges easier during your journey.

Arena’s Approach, Snowfall Hot Spring and Glacier Terrace

Let’s start with a detailed exploration of the northern areas of the map:

Arena’s Approach

Here you’ll find a diverse variety of Pokémon, including:

  • Bergmite, Gligar, Elekid, Electabuzz
  • Aipom, Lickitung, Munchlax, Snorlax
  • Riolu, Lucario, Buneary, Lopunny
  • Machop, Machoke, Machamp (Alpha), Piloswine (Alpha)
  • Duskull and Dusclops (night only)
  • Burmy-Trash and Wormadam-Trash (on trees)
  • Snorunt and Glalie (in ore rocks)

Snowfall Hot Spring

This is a relaxing place where you can find Pokémon like:

  • Lickitung, Aipom, Machop, Machoke
  • Riolu, Lucario, Munchlax, Snorlax
  • Buneary, Lopunny

Glacier Terrace

Prepare for colder weather with Pokémon like:

  • Gligar, Aipom, Snover, Abomasnow
  • Hisuian Sneasel, Drifloon and Drifblim (night only)
  • Burmy-Trash and Wormadam-Trash (on trees)
  • Snorunt and Glalie (in ore rocks)


Now, let’s focus on an important task in the region:

Location: Near a waterfall north of Alabaster Iceland. Task: Find Craig of the Construction Corps who has gone missing. He will be on the riverbank opposite where Brice is waiting. Action: After locating Craig, inform him of where Brice is waiting, then return to speak with Brice to finalize the camp setup. Result: The new Icepeak Camp will be established, providing a new starting point for your expeditions.


After setting up Icepeak Camp, a new Request will become available:

Task: Brice needs a Fire-type Pokémon to keep warm in the cold weather. Action: Provide Brice with a Fire-type Pokémon. Reward: You will receive 3 Full Restore and 1 Exp. Candy L as a thank you.

Icepeak Camp, Icepeak Cavern and Heart’s Crag

Exploring further:

Icepeak Cavern

Inside, you can find Pokémon such as:

  • Bergmite, Misdreavus, Hisuian Zorua, Hisuian Zoroark (rarest)
  • Bergmite can also be found in the ore rocks in the cave. Important Detail: The Ice Rock is located at one of the entrances, allowing the evolution of Eevee into Glaceon without the need for an Ice Stone.

Heart’s Crag

Continuing to the right of the map after crossing the river, you will find:

  • Ralts, Kirlia, Aipom, Ambipom, Rufflet
  • Basculin-White (swimming)
  • Gardevoir (Alpha), Drifloon and Drifblim (night only)
  • Burmy-Trash and Wormadam-Trash (on trees)
  • Snorunt and Glalie (in ore rocks)

Pearl Settlement

Once you reach the top right corner of the map, you’ll enter the Pearl Clan village, a safe location free of wild Pokémon but a crucial point for instant travel and story progression.

Avalugg’s Legacy – Meeting Gaeric

Local Pokémon

The region is home to several interesting species:

  • Bergmite, Hisuian Avalugg, Bibarel
  • Swinub, Piloswine, Glalie, Froslass (night only)
  • Drifloon and Drifblim (night only)
  • Mamoswine (Alpha), Swinub (Alpha), Hisuian Sneasel (Alpha)

Main Mission

Following the main marker, you will meet Adaman and Irida who are accompanied by Gaeric, the guardian of Avalugg and Irida’s teacher. Gaeric will test your skills in a battle before proceeding with the quest.

Battle with Gaeric:

  • Glalie lv.48
  • Froslass lv.24

After the battle, Gaeric will reveal that you need to collect the Eternal Ice to calm Avalugg. However, to access it, you will need the Hisuian Braviary, a mount that can fly, as the Eternal Ice is located in an elevated position inaccessible by other means.

Adventure with Sabi

Chase to Whiteout Valley

Sabi, the guardian of Braviary, will challenge you to a chase. Follow her to Whiteout Valley, located a little further south on the map. Use the Sneasler to climb a cliff near Snowfields Camp and catch up to Sabi.

Snowpoint Temple – The Final Encounter with Sabi

Once you reach Snowpoint Temple, Sabi will let you in. This ancient temple is full of riddles and statues that point the way forward. Pay attention to the directions and markings on the statues to solve the puzzles and progress.

Pokémon in the Temple:

  • Glalie, Graveler, Bronzor, Bronzong
  • Zubat, Golbat, Ralts, Kirlia
  • Gallade (Alpha), Froslass (night only)

Temple Puzzles

The puzzles in the temple involve following the directions the statues point and solving sequences based on the symbols that represent the different types of Regis:

  1. First sequence: Rock, Steel, Ice.
  2. Second sequence: Ice, Rock, Steel, Rock, Ice.
  3. Third sequence: Steel, Ice, Rock, Ice, Steel, Rock.

Final Confrontation with Sabi

At the end of the temple, Sabi will challenge you to a battle to test if you are worthy of flying the Braviary.

Battle with Sabi:

  • Rhyperior lv.50
  • Magmortar lv.30
  • Electivire lv.30

Additional Tips

  • Preparation: Make sure you bring plenty of healing items and revives, as the region is treacherous and the challenges are great.
  • Weather: The weather in Alabaster Iceland can affect battles and exploration, so be prepared for abrupt changes.

Snowpoint Temple

Meeting Sabi at the top of the Temple

After leaving the temple, you will find Sabi and Braviary waiting. Braviary will challenge you to a battle to test your worthiness as a rider. After demonstrating your skill and earning Braviary’s trust, Sabi will play her flute, and you must do the same with your Celestica Flute. The harmony of the melodies convinces Braviary, who now recognizes you as a worthy rider, and you receive the Sky Plate as a sign of your new partnership.

Discussion on Frenzy Rays

Adaman arrives to discuss the reasons why the lightning from the spatial rift is causing the Noble Pokémon to go berserk. Questions about whether it is the wrath of the Almighty Sinnoh or whether it is some kind of test for the inhabitants of Hisui are raised. After this reflection, Sabi confirms that now, with Braviary, you can fly to fetch the Eternal Ice needed to calm Avalugg.

Commands for Flying with Braviary

  • Mount: Press (+) to mount Braviary, which automatically takes flight.
  • Accelerate Flight: Use (B) to have Braviary gain speed, which also causes it to gradually lose altitude.
  • Rapid Dive: Press (Y) to have Braviary quickly dive towards the ground.
  • Switching Mounts in the Air: Use the left (◄) or right (►) arrow keys to switch mounts, or press (+) again to dismount Braviary, ensuring you are at a safe height to avoid dangerous falls.

Exploration and Optional Requests

With Braviary, exploration of the entire map becomes accessible. Now is a good time to complete pending Requests and explore previously inaccessible areas. If you want to focus on the main story, head to collect the Eternal Ice, but keep in mind that exploring can offer valuable rewards and progress towards other quests.

Back to Jubilife Village

After your adventures, return to Jubilife Village to report your progress. If you’ve completed all of Choy and Anthe’s Requests, you’ll notice that the shops are better stocked and have more eye-catching facades, indicating that there are new items for sale.

Additional Tasks Now Possible with All Mounts

With all mounts unlocked, you can:

  • Progress through Unown Pokédex tasks in different regions.
  • Complete Request 22 to collect Spiritomb’s wisp flames.

Search for the Unown and Flames of Spiritomb

  • Prelude Beach and Jubilife Village: Find Unown W, ?, and H, and 7 Spiritomb flames.
  • Obsidian Fieldlands: Find Unown I, S, E, G, and X, and 20 Spiritomb Flames.
  • Crimson Mirelands: Find Unown D, K, A, V, and M, and 20 Spiritomb Flames.
  • Cobalt Coastlands: Find the Unown Z, N, R, Q, and B, and 20 Spiritomb Flames.
  • Coronet Highlands: Find Unown P, F, J, L, and C, and 20 Spiritomb Flames.
  • Alabaster Icelands: Find the Unown O, Y, !, T, and U, and 20 Spiritomb flames.

Use markers on the map to make your search easier, especially for Spiritomb flames, which are most visible at night. Some Unown and flames may be hiding in caves, so explore them carefully. This is a great way to fully explore Hisui and its many creatures and mysteries!

Request #76 – Mushroom Hunting with Swinub

Encounter with Morel at Heart’s Crag

After checking the chalkboard at the Galaxy Team Headquarters, head to find Morel at Alabaster Iceland in the Heart’s Crag area. Once you locate Morel, he’ll explain that he’s searching for rare mushrooms that are hidden under the snow. To do this, you’ll need a Swinub on your team, who will use his keen sense of smell to find the mushrooms.

Search for Mushrooms

Place a flag at Request 76 and follow the three markers in the area. At each marked location, your Swinub will start sniffing around until it finds the mushrooms. At one of these locations, you will face a Lv.50 Snover in a battle. After collecting the mushrooms at all three points, return to Morel and turn them in. Your reward for helping Morel will be 5 Sand Radish and 1 Exp. Candy L.

Request #82 – Traces of a Lost Village

Search for Traces of the Village

Head to Avalanche Slopes in Alabaster Iceland to help Mani, who is intrigued by the story of an ancient village that his ancestors mentioned. Once at the location indicated by the marker, you will encounter a pair of Snorunts who will flee when you approach. During this search, you will find a Torn Journal, which appears to be a fragment of an old diary.

Confrontation with Froslass

After reading the journal and following the Snorunts, you will be attacked by a Lv.55 Froslass. Defeating her in battle will cause her to drop the missing journal pages. Collect these pages from the journal to form the Old Journal, which provides more clues about the lost village. Return to the Galaxy Team and discuss your findings with Mani. Even though the journal is physically missing, sharing the information will confirm the stories Mani heard from her grandfather. You will be rewarded with 1 Dawn Stone.

Request #83 – Snow-White Vulpix in the Snow

Help for Keaka and the Vulpix of Alola

Find Keaka in Alabaster Iceland, near Snowfields Camp. Keaka needs help locating five Alolan Vulpix named Keokeo who got lost in the snow at Avalanche Slopes. Explore the area and locate the five lost Vulpix, guiding them back to Keaka. After gathering them all, you’ll receive 1 Exp. Candy L and a Lv. 40 Alolan Vulpix as a thank you.

Request #84 – The Bergmite Enthusiast

Bergmite Knowledge Demonstration

Head to the Pearl Settlement in Alabaster Iceland and meet Dominia, a Bergmite enthusiast. She believes she knows everything about Bergmite and challenges your knowledge. Reach Bergmite’s Pokédex research level 10 and show it to Dominia. Surprised by the information, Dominia will learn new facts about Bergmite and you will be rewarded with 3 Grit Pebbles.

Request #85 – At the Home Under the Eaves

Solving Chimecho’s Dilemma

Visit Ida at her new lodge in Jubilife Village. Ida asks for your help in relocating a Chimecho that has made a nest on her roof. You’ll try several locations—a beach hut, the Farm, and the Training Grounds—but Chimecho won’t feel comfortable in any of these places. Eventually, Ida will decide to keep the Chimecho after seeing it looking sad in the neighboring lodge. Your reward for this entire journey will be 1 Rare Candy and 1 Sun Stone.

Mission 12 – The Sleeping Lord of the Tundra

Obtaining Eternal Ice

Welcome back to Alabaster Iceland! Let’s start with an exciting quest. Hop on the Braviary and fly to Avalugg’s Legacy. Land on top of the large ice structure indicated by the map marker and investigate the large ice formation to obtain Eternal Ice. While you’re doing this, your Arc Phone will ring, and Gaeric will surprise you by arriving on foot! Give him the Eternal Ice you collected so he can prepare the balms needed to calm Avalugg. He’ll ask you to meet him at the Icepeak Arena to continue the quest.

Icepeak Arena – Calming the Noble Avalugg

The Icepeak Arena is located on the far left of the map. Head there, meeting Volo and Gaeric along the way. They’ll tell you about the challenges you’ll face with Avalugg, who will throw ice shards and summon crystals to attack. After that conversation, follow the path to the altar where Avalugg is.

Gaeric will have his balms ready. Assess the battlefield and prepare to dodge Avalugg’s attacks. He’ll throw snowballs in diagonal patterns and create ice pillars that rise from the ground. Keep an eye out for the ice circles on the ground that indicate where the pillars will appear. Avalugg will also fire ice crystals like meteors at you. As the battle progresses, he’ll start combining these attacks.

Avalugg’s final attack involves a beam of ice that he’ll sweep across the field. Stay mobile and time your dodges to avoid getting hit. When Avalugg tires and becomes stunned, take advantage of this to counterattack. Use the recommended types of attacks and continue to cast balms until he’s calmed down.

After calming it down, you’ll receive the Icicle Plate as a reward. Irida, Adaman, and Sabi will congratulate you on your success in calming the last Noble Pokémon. They’ll all look out at the rift in space and time, reflecting on recent events.

Newly Available Requests

Request #79 – Balloon Race in the Icelands

Head to Icepeak Camp and take part in a new balloon racing game. You’ll have to switch between different mounts while popping balloons along the way. If you manage to pop at least 30 of the 50 balloons available, you’ll be rewarded with 3 Nuggets and other prizes depending on your performance.

Request #86 – Gone Astray… in the Icelands

Zeke is worried about the safety of his sister, Wanda, who he believes has gone missing on Alabaster Island. Join Zeke on his search, but you’ll discover that Wanda was safe all along and that it’s now Zeke who’s in danger. Save Zeke from an Alpha Glalie and help them resolve their misunderstanding. Your reward will be 5 Star Piece and 1 Peat Block.

Returning to Jubilife Village

Now that all the main quests are complete, it’s time to return to Jubilife Village to report back to Kamado. He’ll be pleased that all the Noble Pokémon have been calmed down. You’re encouraged to celebrate your accomplishments with a meal at The Wallflower with Laventon and Rei/Akari. They’ll reflect on recent events and discuss what the future may hold for you and Hisui. Enjoy a well-deserved rest after a long day of adventure!

Mission 13 – Impending Disaster

Expulsion from Jubilife Village

Prepare for a turbulent dawn. You will be awakened by a clap of thunder and emerge to find the residents of Jubilife Village staring up at a reddish sky, disturbed by the dark energy emerging from the rift in space and time. A concerned Cyllene will summon you to an urgent meeting with Commander Kamado. There, Kamado will regretfully place the blame for the recent disasters on you, claiming that your arrival through the rift is the cause of the Noble Pokémon’s frenzied behavior. Despite Adaman and Irida’s efforts to defend you, Kamado will decide that you are no longer welcome on Team Galaxy. You will be banished from the village until you can prove your innocence.

The Path to Obsidian Fieldlands

Leaving the meeting, you will be escorted out of the village. Along the way, you will hear the murmurings of the villagers, and Ress, the gatekeeper, will suggest that the Security Corps expel you. However, Cyllene will take responsibility for accepting you as a member and will insist on personally escorting you to the village boundary. Laventon and Rei/Akari will join you on the journey to the Fieldlands Camp. Once there, while Laventon and Rei/Akari search for arguments to defend you, Cyllene will suggest that you seek support from the Diamond Clan and the Pearl Clan, starting with Lian of the Pearl Clan.

Search for Allies

Head to the Grandtree Arena to find Lian, who will sadly say that she is unable to help you. Don’t be discouraged and head to the Worn Bridge to speak with Mai of the Diamond Clan, guided by the marker on the screen. Mai will also express her inability to help you. As you ponder your situation, you will notice a group of Shinx and Luxios, and shortly after, Volo will appear, offering help and a refuge in the Ancient Retreat.

Ancient Retreat – The Encounter with Cogita

Upon arriving at the Ancient Retreat, Volo will introduce you to Cogita, a scholar of myths and legends. She will explain the rift in space-time and the three lakes: Lake Verity, Lake Valor, and Lake Acuity, where Pokémon that symbolize aspects of the mind reside. Cogita proposes that if you pass the trials at each of these lakes and collect certain items, you must take them to the Shrouded Ruins to complete the Red Chain, which may be the key to resolving the disaster. Your Arc Phone will signal the location of these lakes.

Mission Preparations

Volo will mention that there is a crafting table in the area where you can craft items. At this point, you will hear the roar of a Pokémon, which will turn out to be Cyllene’s Abra, bringing a letter from her. She will allow you to use Abra to access your Pokémon in the Pastures. Irida and Adaman will arrive at the refuge and express their desire to help, though cautiously so as not to jeopardize their relationship with Kamado and Team Galaxy. You will have to choose between Adaman or Irida to accompany you, directly influencing which Legendary Pokémon you will face first and which will be the final boss.

Ally Selection and Planning

Depending on who you choose to help you (Adaman for Dialga or Irida for Palkia), the other will be keeping an eye on Kamado’s movements. This decision will trigger three quests, one for each lake. You can choose the order in which you want to visit them by marking the quest you want to start first on your map. Before proceeding, be sure to speak to Abra if necessary, use the workbench, or purchase items from Volo. Once you’ve made your arrangements, speak to the leader of your chosen clan to decide which map to visit first. When you access one of the maps, you’ll find a member of the Diamond Clan or Pearl Clan at the camp where Laventon usually is, in case you need to return to the Ancient Retreat.

Mission 14 – The Lake Verity Test

Heading to Lake Verity

Let’s go, Trainer! Grab your Obsidian Fieldlands map and head towards Lake Verity. Once you reach the center of the lake, you’ll meet Volo and your chosen clan leader, either Adaman or Irida, depending on your previous choice. They’ll be there to guide you about Mesprit, the legendary Pokémon that resides in this lake.

Discovering the Cave

Upon arrival, your Arc Phone will begin beeping. Point it at a large rock ahead. You’ll see a radiant light emitting from it, and surprisingly, a cave entrance will reveal itself. Press (A) to enter, and prepare for what comes next.

Confrontation with the Alpha Hisuian Goodra

Inside the cave, an Alpha Hisuian Goodra will appear, imposing and challenging. Approach it and a battle will begin. If you can, try to capture it! It will be a great addition to your Pokédex and will help you progress in your tasks.

The Mesprit Test

After the battle, whether it’s defeat or capture of the Alpha, Mesprit will appear. This encounter is unique: Mesprit will begin communicating with you telepathically. He proposes a test of your emotions. Answer the questions according to your heart. After the test, you will be rewarded with Mesprit’s Plume, one of the essential items for forging the Red Chain.

Cogita’s Return Home

Upon leaving the cave, Volo will discuss some matters regarding your objectives. He will suggest returning to Cogita’s lair. Accept his suggestion. There, Cogita will provide more information about the Red Chain and the space-time rift. Now, get ready, because it’s time to head to the next lake!

Mission 15 – The Trial of Lake Valor

Trip to Lake Valor

At this point, grab your Crimson Mirelands map and find your way to Lake Valor. There, Volo and your chosen clan leader will be waiting to talk to you about Azelf, the guardian of the lake.

Meeting in the Cave

Like Lake Verity, your Arc Phone will point to a key rock. Point it at it and a new cave entrance will open. Press (A) to enter. Once inside, be prepared to face an Alpha Overqwil. If you can, capture it, as it is a rare Pokémon that evolves from Hisuian Qwilfish.

The Azelf Test

After dealing with the Alpha, Azelf will appear. He will challenge your willpower through a dynamic game where you must hit him with balms as he teleports. Show persistence and after several attempts, Azelf will recognize your effort and give you Azelf’s Fang, another component needed for the Red Chain.

Reflection and Return

After completing the trial, both Volo and your clan leader will reflect on the nature of these challenges. They indicate that the guardians of the lakes are testing you intensely. Volo will suggest returning to Cogita’s lair for further instructions and to prepare for the final lake.

Mission 16 – The Acuity Lake Test

Heading to Lake Acuity

Now, head to the Alabaster Icelands map and locate Lake Acuity. Volo and your clan leader will be there to help introduce you to the legendary Uxie.

The Discovery of the Cave

As before, use your Arc Phone to find the cave entrance in the lake. Enter and prepare to face an Alpha Hisuian Zoroark. Capturing this Zoroark is a good opportunity, as they are rare to find.

The Uxie Test

Uxie will challenge you with a riddle involving Pokémon and counting their eyes. The correct answer is a sequence of numbers based on the number of eyes each Pokémon mentioned has. Once you solve the riddle, Uxie will grant you Uxie’s Claw.

Forging the Red Chain

With all the items collected, head straight to the Shrouded Ruins on the Crimson Mirelands map. There, the three Legendary Pokémon of the lakes will unite and create the legendary Red Chain through a spectacle of light and color, then disappear.

Urgent Situation at Jubilife Village

After completing the forge, Volo will bring you troubling news about Kamado, who has taken matters into his own hands to confront the threat of the space-time rift. It is crucial that you return quickly to inform Kamado about the Red Chain and potentially prevent a greater catastrophe.

Return to Jubilife Village

Upon arrival, you will be greeted by Rei/Akari, who will take you to Cyllene. Brief her about your journey and the Red Chain. Kamado urgently needs your help at Mt. Coronet. Cyllene will restore your status on the Galaxy Team and allow you to resume access to village services. Now that everything is in order, it’s time to prepare for the climb to the peak of Mt. Coronet!

Request #88 – Steely Lucario

Before you leave, a new Request will become available. A Lucario will be waiting at the entrance to Galaxy Hall. Interact with it and its Trainer, Rye, will challenge you to a battle in the Training Grounds. Win to earn 1 Grit Rock as a reward.

MT. CORONET – Summit Camp

Departure from the Village

Ready for an epic adventure in Pokémon Legends: Arceus? Let’s start at the village exit, known as the Front Gate. Here, Adaman or Irida, depending on who you chose as your clan leader, will be waiting for you. They’ll give you an update on the situation: the opposing clan leader and Cyllene have already headed to Mt. Coronet. Before you leave, a touching scene takes place with the village children wishing you good luck, and one of them gives you a Max Revive as a gift – keep this item safe, it’ll come in handy!

Heading to Summit Camp

Cyllene will direct you to a new camp called Summit Camp, located near the Temple of Sinnoh. This will be your starting point for the next phase of the quest. Remember, you carry the Red Chain, a crucial tool in resolving the unfolding crisis. Before heading to the temple, Volo joins you at camp to congratulate you on your return to the Galaxy Team and offers you 3 Max Potions. Great for keeping your Pokémon in shape!

Last Request before the Temple

At Summit Camp, Melli will also be there to show her support. Take the time to explore the camp, as there is a Request available here. Senki, a young man from the camp, will ask for your help with a somewhat comical but challenging task.

REQUEST #87 – Rolling with Spheal

Rescuing Spheal

Senki is worried about his Spheal, which has rolled down a hill in the Stonetooth Rows and Bolderoll Ravine areas. Agree to help and head down the hill to locate the Spheal. You’ll notice that it won’t stop rolling! Your task is to keep following the Spheal down the hill until, finally, at the bottom of the valley, you and Senki manage to corner it.

Return to Summit Camp

After rescuing Spheal, return to Summit Camp with Senki. He will be grateful for your help and will reward you with 5 Sticky Globs and 1 Rare Candy. Be careful, though, as Spheal may end up rolling down the hill again, adding a humorous twist to the situation.

STONE PORTAL – The Encounter with Beni

Climb to Stone Portal

Ready for another leg? From Summit Camp, head up the snowy trail, passing Electabuzz and an Alpha Electivire. Stay alert, as these Pokémon are powerful. Follow the marker on the map until you reach the Stone Portal, which was previously blocked. It’s now accessible!

Confrontation with Beni

Inside the cave, you’ll find Beni, known for being the cantina’s cook, but here he reveals himself to be much more: Kamado’s right-hand man and a true ninja! Beni will challenge you to a battle, not out of malice, but to test your strength before facing greater challenges.

After the Battle

After defeating him, Beni will heal your team. He will confide that, despite appearances, he has a special fondness for you. Beni shares a tragic story about how they lost their homeland to attacks by rampaging Pokémon, explaining Kamado’s actions and his desire to protect Hisui. He asks you to protect Kamado, even if it means facing him to prevent him from doing something irreversible.

Mission 17 – Atop Mount Coronet

Preparations and Ascent to the Temple

Before you begin your journey to the summit of Mount Coronet, take the time to gear up accordingly. Volo will be on hand to sell you essential items. I highly recommend picking up some Ultra Balls and Gigaton Balls, as they will be crucial for the challenges ahead. As you ascend, you’ll find Adaman and Irida waiting for you. They’ll explain that they’ve been stopped from proceeding by Kamado, who fears the consequences of a powerful Pokémon emerging from the rift in space and time, possibly the Almighty Sinnoh.

Confrontation with Kamado

Continue climbing until you find Kamado, accompanied by Zisu and members of the Security Corps. When you inform Kamado about the Red Chain and have the support of the clan leaders, Kamado will express his doubts and then decide to challenge you to a duel. After the battle, Kamado will admit his defeat and ask you to use your strength for the good of all of Hisui. Your team will be automatically healed after the fight, so use the Red Chain to try to save Hisui.

Temple of Sinnoh – The Encounter with Dialga/Palkia

Arrival at the Temple

In the main hall of the Sinnoh Temple, the clan leaders and Kamado will be waiting for you to arrive. Depending on which clan leader you chose earlier, you will hear the telepathic voice of a Pokémon. This Pokémon will ask you to capture it using the Red Chain. Kamado will then provide you with 10 Ultra Balls to assist in this task.

Battle with the Legendary

A tremor will signal the arrival of the Legendary Pokémon, which will emerge from the rift in space and time. The Red Chain will break around it, indicating that you must capture it during the battle. If you fail or defeat the Pokémon by accident, don’t worry, as the battle will reset, allowing you to try again. Prepare to face either Dialga or Palkia, depending on your clan choice, both at level 65.

After Capture

Shortly after capturing the Pokémon, Laventon and Rei/Akari will arrive to congratulate you. The Legendary Pokémon you captured will communicate with your clan leader, revealing its true name and warning of the arrival of a second Legendary Pokémon from the opposing clan. Kamado, realizing the gravity of the situation, will suggest that everyone retreat and regroup at camp.

Summit Camp – The Message from Almighty Sinnoh

Situation Analysis

Back at Summit Camp, Laventon will analyze the energy emanating from the rift and relate it to the events that caused the Noble Pokémon to go berserk. Adaman and Irida will acknowledge that their previous understanding of the Almighty Sinnoh was partial and that there are actually two Legendary Pokémon.

Plan to Calm the Legendary Opposite

The Legendary Pokémon you caught will show you how to stop the opposing Legendary without the Red Chain. You’ll need to gather Red Chain fragments, a Poké Ball, and Origin Ore, a new element called the Creation Stone. Irida will be in charge of finding Lian, an expert in minerals and stones, while you receive guidance and support from Adaman and Melli.

Final Preparations

While waiting for Lian to arrive with Irida, Melli will offer her assistance and give her 3 Candy Truffles. When Lian arrives, there will be a brief, humorous altercation with Melli, but the situation will be quickly brought under control by Adaman. Lian will then instruct everyone to head to the Primeval Grotto, indicating on the map the location of this cavern essential for the next step of the quest.

PRIMEVAL GROTTO – In Search of Origin Ore

Cave Exploration

Once you enter the Primeval Grotto, look for red stains on the walls. These stains indicate a unique concentration of energy, as noticed by Irida. Lian, with the help of the Sliggoo, will take on the responsibility of extracting minerals from this specific area.

Confrontation with the Miss Fortunes

However, the process will be interrupted by a trio known as the Miss Fortunes, consisting of Charm, Clover, and Coin. Adaman will recognize Clover, a former member of the Diamond Clan. They will express their desire to steal the Origin Ore. After a brief attempt by Irida to resolve the situation peacefully, which will be refused by Coin citing her dissatisfaction with Irida’s kindness, the tension will escalate to a direct confrontation. Adaman suggests that you and Irida fight alongside him against the thieves. You will face Charm, the former member of the Galaxy Team.

Defeat of the Miss Fortunes

After defeating the Miss Fortunes, they decide to leave the place, allowing you to continue with the mission. Adaman will take care of healing all the Pokémon in the group. Lian, with the help of her Sliggoo, will be able to extract the valuable mineral “Origin Ore”. He will give the mineral to you so that you can take it to the professor, who is waiting at the Summit Camp.

Return to Jubilife Village…

Origin Ball Preparation

Upon returning to Jubilife Village, deliver the Origin Ore to Rei/Akari. At the same time, Adaman or Irida (depending on the clan you chose) will deliver the Red Chain fragments to the professor. After receiving all the necessary components, the professor will assign Rei/Akari the task of crafting a new Poké Ball, called the Origin Ball. This sphere will be crucial to capturing the legendary Pokémon that appeared in the Temple of Sinnoh. In the meantime, you, Adaman, and Irida must wait at the entrance to Galaxy Hall.

Origin Ball Reception

Once the Origin Ball is ready, Laventon will bring it to you. Your clan leader will then receive another telepathic message from the Legendary you captured earlier, Dialga or Palkia, who now offers his strength for the upcoming battle.

Before heading to the Temple of Sinnoh, stop by the Training Grounds where Zisu will be available to sell you new moves. Be sure to grab your Legendary from the Pastures, as you’ll need it on your team to leave the village. Cogita, waiting outside the village, will reinforce the importance of the quest and take the opportunity to do some shopping, joking that you can’t buy anything if the world ends. Now that you’re all set, head to the Summit Camp in the Coronet Highlands to begin the next crucial phase of your journey.

Mission 18 – The Counterpart

Initial Meeting and Preparation

When you begin the quest “The Counterpart,” you’ll meet Volo halfway through the Stone Portal. He’ll wish you luck and offer you items for sale. It’s a good idea to stock up on supplies, especially balms and potions, as the upcoming battle will be intense. Then, head to the temple, making your way up the mountain with determination.

Confrontation in the Temple

Upon arriving at the temple, you will be greeted by Kamado, Adaman, and Irida. Commander Kamado will ask if you are ready for battle. Take a deep breath and prepare to move forward. Launch your Legendary Pokémon (Dialga or Palkia, depending on your chosen clan) against the opposing Legendary. The confrontation is dramatic and will culminate in the opposing Legendary transforming and destroying the temple, an event that explains how the place came to be known as Spear Pillar in the future.

Battle Details

This battle is similar to the fights against Noble Pokémon, where you must avoid attacks while trying to calm the legendary’s fury. Pay attention to the following details:

  • Meteors : The legendary will launch meteors that create circles of energy on the ground. Run away from these circles quickly to avoid being hit.
  • Energy Waves : Dialga or Palkia will emit three energy waves that cover a large portion of the field. It is crucial to dodge these waves at the right time.
  • Surprise Attacks : The legendary can teleport near you and create a red explosion. Be ready to dodge immediately.
  • Finishing Move : As the Legendary Pokémon begins to gather energy for its final attack, it will continue to summon meteors. It will glow brightly and raise three balls of energy above itself. As with the Noble Arcanine, throw balms to burst these balls of energy, which will leave the Legendary Pokémon stunned and vulnerable.

Combat Strategies

Depending on the legendary you are facing:

  • Against Dialga : Use Fighting or Ground-type moves.
  • Against Palkia : Prefer Dragon or Fairy-type moves. Keep throwing balms until you completely calm the legendary.

Capture and Conclusion

At the end of the fight, throw the Origin Ball to capture the Legendary, bringing peace to the skies of Hisui and normalizing the world. After the capture cutscene, watch the game’s credits as everyone in Hisui celebrates your victory.

Post-Game Start

After the credits and celebrations, your Arc Phone will beep with a new message: “Search for all Pokémon.” You’ll then wake up in your quarters, signaling the start of post-game activities. This is the time to explore the world of Hisui more freely, search for Pokémon you haven’t caught, and complete any pending side quests.

Mission 19 – A New Day Dawns

Beginning of a New Day

After resolving the space-time rift crisis, you begin your day with a new goal. As you leave your accommodation in Jubilife Village, you’ll be approached by Rei/Akari, who reminds you of your original mission: completing the Pokédex. Rei/Akari suggests that you head to the office at the Galaxy Team base to discuss your next steps.

Meeting with Cyllene and Laventon

Head to the base and speak with Cyllene. She will speak with Professor Laventon about the progress of your Pokédex. Laventon mentions that while they have made significant progress, there are still challenging entries that are only mentioned in ancient Hisui legends. At this point, Volo interrupts the conversation, sharing his expert knowledge of Hisui legends and ruins. Cyllene instructs you to learn as much as you can from Volo to help complete the Pokédex. Volo asks you to meet him at Heights Camp in the Obsidian Fieldlands.

Preparing for the Daybreak DLC

Before you proceed to find Volo, it is essential that you download the free update 1.1.0, known as Daybreak. This update adds new events, Requests and other activities to the game, mainly accessible in the post-game.

Pokédex Check

Now is a good time to review your Pokédex. Check to see which Pokémon you haven’t registered yet. Many of these may be regional Hisui evolutions of Pokémon you’ve already caught. Familiarize yourself with the specific evolution methods for these forms and work on evolving these Pokémon. Additionally, some rare Pokémon only appear within the time-space warps, so be sure to catch them.

Exploring New Requests

With the 1.1.0 update, new Requests with numbers starting from 95 will be added. These Requests can be explored now or later as you prefer. For now, we will focus on a specific Request that does not depend on the update:


Head to the Crimson Mirelands and locate the Request marker near the Diamond Settlement. Once there, you will find Adaman who has discovered a treasure. However, he challenges you to a battle before revealing the treasure.

Battle with Adaman:

  • Opponents : Leafeon lv.64, Umbreon lv.32, Vaporeon lv.32.
  • Format : Adaman will use three Pokémon simultaneously, but you can only use one at a time.

Defeat Adamant to receive the Adamant Crystal, an item that allows you to transform Dialga into her Origin form. Your reward will also include 3 Comet Shards, useful for various purposes in the game.


Location and Challenge

Head to the icy Alabaster Islands, specifically near the Pearl Settlement. Check your map and locate the associated Request marker. Once there, you’ll meet Irida, who has discovered a precious treasure. However, as is customary in Hisui, she wants to test your skills before revealing the treasure. Irida challenges you to a battle, and as she’s the leader of the Pearl Clan, expect some fierce competition.

Irida’s opponents:

  • Glaceon lv.64
  • Espeon lv.32
  • Flareon lv.32

She will use all three Pokémon simultaneously, while you can only use one at a time, increasing the difficulty of the confrontation.

Battle Rewards

Upon defeating Irida, she will give you the Lustrous Globe, an item that can transform Palkia into its impressive Origin form. Additionally, you will receive 3 Comet Shards as an extra reward.


Conditions and Initial Meeting

This Request is special and requires you to have a Pokémon Sword/Shield save file. At the Galaxy Team Headquarters, check out the chalkboard where Medi, a member of the Diamond Clan, will have posted her need to thank a mysterious Pokémon that saved her as a child. Find Medi in the Obsidian Fieldlands, specifically at the Fieldlands Camp.

Mission of Gratitude

Medi tells the story of how she got lost as a child and was guided out of danger by a mysterious Pokémon, who gave her a Gracidea flower. She wants to find this flower field again, but has forgotten its exact location. Medi hands you a Gracidea flower and asks for your help in finding the field.

Floaro Gardens and the Encounter with Shaymin

Head to the top left corner of the map, to a location called Floaro Gardens. Here, near the edge of the map, you’ll find a patch of wilted flowers. Medi, upon seeing the spot, gives a loud thanks to the void, and suddenly, Shaymin appears and revitalizes the field with her magic, causing the plants to bloom instantly.

Shaymin Capture

Prepare to capture Shaymin, who will be hiding among the flowers. It is recommended to save your game at this point. Use a Stealth Spray to muffle your footsteps and Smoke Bombs to create a cloud of smoke, allowing you to approach Shaymin unnoticed. If Shaymin notices you and starts attacking, use Sticky Globs or similar items to stun him. Once you are close enough, try to capture him with a Gigaton Ball or launch one of your Pokémon into battle. Shaymin will be level 70, so be prepared for a challenge.

Shaymin Rewards and Transformation

After capturing Shaymin, you will receive 1 Grit Rock. Use the Gracidea flower during the day to change Shaymin’s form and explore its different abilities.


Prelude to the Mission

After checking the blackboard at the Galaxy Team Headquarters, you’ll discover an intriguing quest from Cael, a member of the Pearl Clan. He reports sightings of a mysterious, shadowy Pokémon in the Coronet Highlands, specifically a Darkrai that has the ability to lock people in nightmares. Cael is concerned and asks for your help in investigating before more victims succumb to these terrifying nightmares.

Location and Preparations

Head to Clamberclaw Cliffs in the Coronet Highlands, but remember to set your camping tent to nighttime, as Darkrai only appears in the dark. Once you arrive, place a pin on Request 93 to get the exact location. Don’t forget to save your game before proceeding!

Facing Darkrai

When encountering Darkrai, you’ll notice that it constantly teleports, avoiding any attempts at capture or direct battle. To capture it, you’ll need strategy and perfect timing:

  • Seize the Moment: Throw your Poké Ball or Pokémon at the exact moment Darkrai is emerging from his dark aura or screaming.
  • Stealth Approach: If you can sneak up on Darkrai without him noticing, your chances of success increase. Use Smoke Bombs to hide and approach silently.
  • Defense: Be prepared to dodge Darkrai’s attacks if he notices your presence.

Darkrai will be level 70, and capturing it will be a true test of your skills as a trainer.

Mission Completion

After capturing Darkrai, Cael will appear to thank you for your efforts in neutralizing the threat. As a reward, you will receive 1 Exp. Candy XL.

Getting Rowlet, Cyndaquil and Oshawott

Visit Professor Laventon at the Galaxy Team Headquarters and demand the two starters that were left with him. To help complete your Pokédex, Laventon will agree to let you take both Pokémon on your journeys.

You’ll receive the two starters at level 5. Before evolving them, make sure you reach level 10 in the Pokédex for each one, which is essential for registering their evolved forms. Additionally, their evolved forms can now be found in the space-time distortions of different areas:

  • Crimson Mirelands: Cyndaquil, Quilava and Hisuian Typhlosion.
  • Coronet Highlands: Rowlet, Dartrix and Hisuian Decidueye.
  • Alabaster Icelands: Oshawott, Dewott and Hisuian Samurott.

Training Grounds

New Opponents

When you visit Ingo at the Training Grounds, you’ll discover that new opponents are available for battle. These include familiar faces such as Rei/Akari, Kamado, Beni, and Ingo himself.

The Opponents and Their Teams

  • King/Akari: Mr. Mime lv.61, Staraptor lv.61, Pikachu lv.62.
  • Kamado: Golem lv.65, Clefable lv.65, Hisuian Braviary lv.65, Heracross lv.65, Snorlax lv.66.
  • Beni: Mismagius lv.63, Sneasler lv.63, Gardevoir lv.64, Gallade lv.64.
  • Ingo: Alakazam lv.67, Tangrowth lv.67, Probopass lv.67, Machamp lv.67, Magnezone lv.67, Gliscor lv.68.

Mission 20 – The Myth Seeker

Initial Meeting with Volo

Head to the Obsidian Fieldlands and locate Volo at the Heights Camp. Volo will introduce you to some fascinating engravings on the walls, which appear to depict legendary and noble characters from Hisui. He will reveal that the images are actually hieroglyphs that tell the story of an ancient hero who, alongside Pokémon, sought the fragments of a divine entity that created the universe: Arceus. Volo will explain that the fragments mentioned are the “Plates” that you have collected during your adventures.

Reading and New Mission

Volo will ask you to read something engraved on the back of one of the Plates. He suspects that they point directly to Arceus. After reading them, Volo will suggest that you collect all of the Plates. He will recommend that you begin your search in Grueling Grove, located in the upper right corner of the map.

Showdown at Grueling Grove

Upon arriving at Grueling Grove, you and Volo will be surprised by an Alpha Vespiquen. After dealing with this threat, you will receive the Stone Plate. Volo, however, will admit to not knowing the location of the other Plates and will suggest seeking help from Cogita, who may know more.

Ancient Retreat

Chat with Cogita

Back in Jubilife Village, head to the Ancient Retreat to find Cogita. She will congratulate you on saving the world and share knowledge about the ancients of Sinnoh, her ancestors, who worshipped Arceus. She says the Plates were entrusted to the ancestors of Noble Pokémon like Kleavor and Wyrdeer.

Receiving New Missions

Cogita will suggest that there are other extraordinary Pokémon in Hisui that may be linked to Arceus. She will instruct you to investigate five distinct locations, each housing a mysterious Pokémon:

  1. Lakes: Visit each of the lakes to find Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf.
  2. Volcano: Explore Firespit Island to find Heatran.
  3. Crescent Moon: Head to the Moonview Arena, where Cresselia will be.
  4. Temple Giant: Go to Snowpoint Temple to confront Regigigas.
  5. The Beginning of Everything: Return to Prelude Beach, where your journey in Hisui began.

After selecting and activating these quests with Cogita, finish the conversation and prepare to begin each journey.

Departure for the Missions

Site Exploration

With five active quests, you can choose the order in which you explore them. Place a marker on the quest you want to start first. The map will indicate the specific location for each quest. If you choose to start with the “beginning” quest, the story will automatically unfold once you return to Jubilife Village.

Before you head out, make sure you’re well-equipped to face the challenges each location has in store. Each legendary or mythical Pokémon you encounter will be a unique battle that requires specific strategies.

Volo will encourage you to collect all the Plates associated with the Pokémon mentioned by Cogita.

MISSION 25 – The Prelude Beach Sign

Meeting with Kamado

Upon leaving the Ancient Retreat, you’ll be surprised by Kamado in Jubilife Village, who seems to be aware of your recent ventures with Cogita and Volo. He requests a meeting at Prelude Beach. Gear up and head there. Upon arrival, you’ll find Kamado decked out in his battle armor, ready for a showdown!

Battle with Kamado

Get ready for a challenging fight:

  • Kamado will use:
    • Golem lv.65
    • Clefable lv.65
    • Hisuian Braviary lv.65
    • Heracross lv.65
    • Snorlax lv.66

Organize your team to deal with the variety of types and abilities that Kamado brings to battle. Consider the weaknesses and strengths of each of Kamado’s Pokémon and adjust your strategy as needed.

After the Battle

After defeating Kamado, he will hand you the Fist Plate. He will share the story of how this Plate was first discovered when the Galaxy Team Expedition set foot on Prelude Beach. Reflecting on recent events, Kamado will consider renaming Hisui to Sinnoh, in honor of the “Almighty Sinnoh,” and acknowledge its critical importance in protecting everyone on Mount Coronet.

MISSION 21 – The Lakes Plate

Visit to the Legendary Lakes

This quest takes you back to the iconic lakes of Hisui. Visit each one to once again face the legendary creatures that reside within them:

  • Lake Verity in the Obsidian Fieldlands – Here you will find Mesprit.
  • Lake Valor in the Crimson Mirelands – Azelf awaits you here.
  • Lake Acuity at Alabaster Icelands – Uxie will be your opponent here.

How to Find and Catch Legendaries

  1. Marking and Arrival : Place a flag at Mission 21 and head to each lake as marked. Upon arrival, enter the caves where the legendaries reside.
  2. Confrontation : Each Legendary will notice your presence and begin attacking you. Use Sticky Globs, Balls of Mud, Spoiled Apricorns, or Snowballs to stun them. This will allow you to attempt a direct capture with Poké Balls or engage in battle to capture them.
  3. Tip : If you stun the Legendaries, try hitting them with a Poké Ball from behind to increase your chances of catching them. Be careful, as if you wait too long, they will react and you will need to dodge their attacks.

Final Reward

After capturing Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, you will be rewarded with the Draco Plate. This reward marks the completion of this quest and prepares you for the next stage of your adventure.

MISSION 22 – The Firesplit Island Sign

Cobalt Coastlands

As you continue your journey through Pokémon Legends: Arceus, you’ll reunite with Irida and Palina to discuss an emerging situation on Firespit Island. Gear up and travel to the island, meeting Palina just outside the Molten Arena entrance. While Palina mentions a possible rematch with the Noble Pokémon, focus on the main quest for now. Ahead, you’ll find a new cavern, the Lava Dome Sanctum, where Irida and Iscan will be waiting for you.

Facing Heatran

Upon entering the cave, you’ll come across the legendary Heatran. This Pokémon will shield itself with an aura of flames that repels direct attacks, so prepare for a tactical confrontation:

  1. Evading Attacks : Heatran can launch surprise attacks. Stay agile and ready to dodge at any time.
  2. Using the Environment : There will be several Balls of Mud around. Collect them and use them to stun Heatran. If you have Sticky Globs, they will be even more effective.
  3. Capturing Heatran : Once Heatran is stunned and its flame aura dissipates, throw a Poké Ball from behind to increase your chances of capture. If you prefer, start a battle to try to capture it through combat.

After capturing Heatran, you will receive the Iron Plate as a reward. Iscan and Irida will congratulate you on your success, and your mission on Firespit Island will be completed.

MISSION 23 – The Moonview Arena Sign

Heading to the Coronet Highlands

The next leg of your adventure takes you to the Coronet Highlands, specifically to the Moonview Arena. Here, Melli and Calaba discuss the trouble caused by Cresselia. Melli requests your help in resolving the situation, while Calaba suggests that capturing Cresselia could result in obtaining a Lunar Feather.

Facing Cresselia

  1. Initial Disorientation : As you approach Cresselia, a confusing energy will affect your character, inverting movement controls. This adds an extra challenge when navigating the battlefield.
  2. Breaking the Psychic Aura : Cresselia will be protected by a psychic aura. Use one of your Pokémon to break this barrier.
  3. Capturing Cresselia : Once the aura is broken, wait for Cresselia to scream and then launch one of your Pokémon to initiate a battle, or use Sticky Globs to stun it and try to capture it with a Poké Ball thrown from behind.

After capturing Cresselia, you will be rewarded with the Dread Plate. Interestingly, instead of the expected Lunar Feather, Cresselia grants you a Plate. Melli will thank you for your assistance. Now armed with more knowledge and power, you are ready to set out on your epic journey through Hisui.

MISSION 24 – The Snowpoint Temple Plaque

Prepare for a frosty journey and head to the Snowpoint Temple in Alabaster Iceland. Once inside the temple, head down the main hallway and turn right, heading down the stairs to a large portal.

Adaman and Sabi will join you, discussing the sealed portal. When interacting with the portal, you will notice that it responds to the Plates you are carrying – Stone Plate, Iron Plate, and Icicle Plate. This indicates the presence of Heatran on your journey, an essential requirement for progress.

Going down a bit further, you’ll find Regigigas in a large room. Unlike other encounters, you won’t be able to use Poké Balls or Pokémon directly. Approach it to start a battle.

Regigigas will be level 70, requiring strategy and perhaps a few attempts to capture in battle. Once captured, you will receive the Blank Plate as a reward. Celebrate your achievement with Adaman and Sabi, and prepare to return to the Ancient Retreat.

MISSION 26 – In search of the remaining plates

Back at the Ancient Retreat, while Volo suggests investigating the Plates further, Cogita asks for your help in collecting 3 units of Wood. Deliver the items to her and receive the Pixie Plate in gratitude. The Pixie Plate, used by Cogita as a cutting board, apparently infuses food with a special flavor due to its mystical power.

Head to the Coronet Highlands and find Volo at the Sacred Plaza. There, he will discuss the destroyed Giratina statue, located far from the Dialga and Palkia statues. Volo speculates about Giratina being confined to the Reverse World, revealing his desire to challenge Arceus and hinting at a deep connection with the Almighty Sinnoh.

Be prepared for one of the most challenging battles in the game. Before heading to the Sinnoh Temple atop Mt. Coronet, equip yourself with plenty of healing items like Max Potions, Full Restores, Revives, and Max Revives. Make sure your Pokémon team is well-prepared, ideally around level 70. Consider using any Legendaries you’ve caught to strengthen your team. If necessary, use Exp. Candies to quickly level up your Pokémon or take the time to properly train them.


As you ascend to the Sinnoh Temple, you will find Volo waiting for you. Volo, always obsessed with the mythology of Hisui and the existence of Arceus, reveals his radical plan: he has interacted with Giratina to create a rift in space-time, with the aim of gathering the fragments of Arceus, that is, the Plates.

Volo reveals that he possesses the last Plate needed, the Spooky Plate, and sets his sights on you in direct conflict. He desires to use the power of the Plates to subjugate Arceus and reshape Hisui according to his vision of a “better world.” Now, it’s up to you to stop his plans from coming to fruition by facing him in a decisive battle.

Battle Strategy

  • Spiritomb (Level 68): Use Fairy-type attacks to deal with this Ghost- and Dark-type Pokémon.
  • Hisuian Arcanine (Level 68): Water or Earth are effective against this Fire type.
  • Roserade (Level 68): Vulnerable to Fire, Ice, Flying, or Psychic.
  • Lucario (Level 68): Fire, Ground, or Fighting attacks are recommended.
  • Garchomp (Level 68): Ice or Fairy are crucial here.
  • Togekiss (Level 68): Weak to Electric, Ice, Rock, Poison, or Steel.

Stay defensive and try to conserve as many of your Pokémon as possible for the next battle. Use Max Revives if necessary.

Volo, frustrated and disillusioned, warns of the imminent presence of Giratina, who emerges from a spatial rift. This battle ensues immediately, with no time for recovery.

Facing Giratina

  • First Phase: Giratina will use powerful Dragon, Ghost, Ground, and Fighting-type attacks. Avoid its double, rapid attacks and counterattack quickly.
  • Second Phase: After appearing defeated, Giratina returns more powerful, continuing the battle with renewed vigor.

After defeating Giratina for the second time, Volo, still unsatisfied, hands over the last Plate and questions Arceus’s plans. The Spooky Plate is now his, completing his collection.

Volo leaves, leaving behind many unanswered questions. He vows to continue his search for the legends of Hisui. After he leaves, his Celestica Flute transforms into the Azure Flute. However, when he tries to use it in the indicated location, nothing happens at first.

Your Arc Phone reminds you that there are still more Pokémon to find. The true journey to face Arceus can only begin after you’ve completed your Pokédex. Now it’s time to capture all the remaining Pokémon.

Request #91 – Giratina

Upon returning to Jubilife Village after the incidents at the Sinnoh Temple, you are greeted by the guard Ress and Professor Laventon, who mention sightings of a mysterious shadow in the Cobalt Coastlands, which they suspect is Giratina. Laventon suggests that you investigate these sightings. Your new mission is to find Giratina in the Cobalt Coastlands.

Gear up and head to the Cobalt Coastlands. Your destination is the remote region known as Spring Path, located in the far northwest of the map. Begin your journey at Beachside Camp.

Use your Braviary mount to fly over the area, then switch to Sneasler to climb mountains more efficiently. You’ll pass through areas with wild Pokémon like Mothim, Toxicroak, Golduck, Bibarel, and Piplup. Follow the path around a specific mountain that leads to a lake inside a crater. Near the lake, you’ll find a cave entrance.

Before entering the cave, be sure to save your game. Upon entering, you will be confronted by Giratina waiting for you. Unlike normal encounters, you will not be able to use Poké Balls to capture Giratina initially. Approach it to initiate a direct battle.

Giratina will be level 70 and is a challenging battle. You won’t be able to use capture items until you weaken it sufficiently. Once you’ve reduced its health, you can attempt to capture it in battle.

After capturing Giratina, it drops an item called the Griseous Core, which allows Giratina to change form. This form switches its abilities and can be crucial for different types of battles.

Return to Jubilife Village and report to Professor Laventon. Volo will have spoken to Laventon about the events at the temple, and you will learn that Giratina chose to protect Hisui after their confrontation. As a reward for your courage and skill, you will receive a Grit Rock.

This quest not only allows you to capture one of Hisui’s most mysterious and powerful Pokémon, but also solidifies your role as one of the region’s foremost protectors. Now that Giratina is at your side, the threats that plague Hisui can be faced with greater confidence.

Request #94 – The Incarnate Forces of Hisui

Back in Jubilife Village, after the tumultuous events with Volo, you are approached by Cogita at the Galaxy Team Headquarters. She expresses her outrage at Volo’s actions and quickly shifts the focus to a new issue: the existence of the legendary Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus in Hisui. She informs you that each one is located in different parts of the region: Tornadus in the Alabaster Icelands, Thundurus in the Cobalt Coastlands, and Landorus in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Your objective is to capture them and report back to Cogita.

Head to Ramanas Island, where Landorus roams. Before attempting to find him, save your game. He’s fast and may try to flee upon sighting, using hurricanes to block his approach. Use Smoke Bombs and Stealth Spray for a stealthy approach. Once you find him, try to break the wind aura protecting him with Sticky Globs and capture him in battle. Landorus will be level 70, so prepare for a challenging capture.

Make sure the weather is stormy in the Cobalt Coastlands before proceeding. Check the map to confirm the weather and, if necessary, change it by resting in the tent. Once the weather is right, head to Tranquility Cove, where Thundurus will be flying near the water. Your strategy will be similar to that used for Landorus, using Smoke Bombs and Stealth Spray for a silent approach and capture.

Check if it’s snowing heavily in Alabaster Iceland. If necessary, adjust the weather by sleeping in the tent until the blizzard hits. Tornadus will be in the Bonechill Wastes. Use the same approach tactic you used with the other two and prepare for his capture.

After capturing each of the three Legendaries, complete Pokédex research level 10 for each one, using specific skills in combat to complete the Pokédex entries. Return to the Ancient Retreat to report your success to Cogita.

After reporting to Cogita, she will introduce you to Enamorus, a fourth member of the legendary group, which you will find in the Crimson Mirelands, specifically in the Scarlet Bog. There is no need to worry about the weather for this capture. Use similar strategies to approach and capture it.

Once Enamorus is captured, complete level 10 of its Pokédex research as well. Once you’ve completed all of these tasks, return to Cogita. She’ll entrust you with responsibility for Enamorus and give you the Reveal Glass, an item that allows you to change the forms of Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, and Enamorus.

Cogita will reward you for your efforts and dedication with 4 Exp. Candy L.

Complete the Pokédex


After your legendary catching adventures, it’s time to check your Pokédex progress. We’ll make sure you’ve caught all the Pokémon you need to complete it, while also focusing on a few that you may have missed.

Specific Pokémon to Catch

  1. Unown : Scattered throughout the map, each Unown can be found in specific locations, often related to points of interest or geographical peculiarities.
  2. Spiritomb : To capture Spiritomb, you must collect all of Hisui’s will-o’-the-wisps and complete Request 22.
  3. Porygon and Evolutions : Appear only in space-time distortions. Use the Upgrade and Dubious Disc items to evolve Porygon into Porygon2 and Porygon-Z, respectively.
  4. Eevee and its Evolutions : In addition to finding some evolutions in the distortions, you can evolve your own Eevee to obtain its various forms.
  5. Fossils and Initials : Cranidos, Rampardos, Shieldon, Bastiodon, as well as Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup and their evolutions, appear in specific locations or in space-time distortions.
  6. Hisuian Forms : These include Wyrdeer, Kleavor, Ursaluna, Hisuian Lilligant, Basculegion, Hisuian Arcanine, Sneasler, Hisuian Electrode, Hisuian Braviary, Hisuian Avalugg, Overqwil, Hisuian Zoroark, and Hisuian Goodra. Many require you to evolve their pre-evolutions.
  7. Alphas and Distortion Species : Some Pokémon only appear as Alphas or within space-time distortions, so keep an eye out for these opportunities.

Strategies for Capture and Evolution

  • Strategic Capture : Use techniques like Smoke Bombs and Stealth Spray to approach Pokémon without being detected, especially useful for Legendaries and Alphas.
  • Research Tasks : While catching, complete Pokédex research tasks, such as defeating Pokémon using specific types of moves or catching them using specific techniques.
  • Evolution : For Pokémon that require evolution, check the specific methods, such as using Evolution Stones, gaining levels during certain times of the day, or gaining levels in specific locations.

After completing the Pokédex, or at least making significant progress:

  1. Report to Cyllene : Head to the Galaxy Team Headquarters to update Cyllene on your progress. This may include receiving a new rank and rewards such as Rare Candies and Grit Rocks.
  2. Research Point : Upon reaching 60,000 Research Points, you will rise to the 10th Star Rank, marking your progress as one of Hisui’s top researchers.

Mission 27: The Deified Pokémon

Congratulations on catching all of the Pokémon in Hisui! Now it’s time to report this milestone. Head to one of the campsites in the area you’re in and talk to Professor Laventon. He’ll celebrate your achievement of completing the Pokédex, then tell you about your next big challenge: facing Arceus at the Temple of Sinnoh. Get ready to travel to the Coronet Highlands!

Upon arriving at the Temple of Sinnoh, you’ll find a solemn, story-filled environment. Head to the marker and use the Azure Flute. A glowing staircase will appear, leading you straight to the heavens. Climb up and prepare for the decisive encounter.

High above, on an enigmatic platform, Arceus, the creator of the Pokémon World, will make his majestic appearance. Your Arc Phone will receive a special energy, transforming into Mysterious Balms, which will be essential for this battle.

Arceus is a formidable foe with a variety of complex attacks:

  • Energy Wave Chain : Arceus fires multiple energy waves followed by meteors. Count each attack and dodge skillfully.
  • Rays of Light : Keep an eye out for rays of light that repeat several times. Use the intervals to cast balms.
  • Special Attacks : Arceus can teleport, multiply, and perform surprise attacks. Adapt quickly to each maneuver.
  • Finishing Blow : When energy balls appear above Arceus, it is about to deliver its devastating blow. Throw balms to interrupt and stun it, allowing for a direct counterattack.

Tip: The fight may take several attempts. Learn Arceus’s attack pattern and persist until you master the battle.

After defeating Arceus, he will recognize your strength and determination, offering a blessing and a part of his being—allowing Arceus to join your party as a sign of respect and recognition. You will also receive the Legend Plate.

Return to the Temple of Sinnoh, then return to camp to share the news with Laventon. He plans to make a formal announcement about the completion of the Pokédex and needs your presence.

Celebration at Jubilife Village

In Cyllene’s office, Laventon will announce your achievement. In gratitude for your tireless efforts, Cyllene will gift you a Shiny Charm, increasing your chances of encountering Shiny Pokémon.

After the celebration, even though the grand quest is complete, Rei/Akari will remind you that a researcher’s work is never done. Now equipped with the Shiny Charm, you can dedicate yourself to hunting for Shiny Pokémon or completing any pending Requests.

Rematch against Noble Pokémon

Now that the Noble Pokémon have learned to control their frenzy state, they’re open to rematches. These battles are a chance to test your skill and agility in throwing balms, similar to the initial challenges, but now with a new level of difficulty. You’ll earn Exp. Candies based on your performance. Here’s how you can find them again:

Facing the Nobles

  1. Obsidian Fieldlands – Kleavor
    • Location : Grandtree Arena
    • Speaker : Lian
    • Prepare to face Kleavor, using strategies to dodge his powerful slashing attacks and responding with precise balms.
  2. Crimson Mirelands – Lilligant
    • Location : Brava Arena
    • Speaker : Calaba
    • Face off against the elegant Lilligant, avoiding her graceful movements and strategically throwing balms.
  3. Cobalt Coastlands – Arcanine
    • Location : Magma Arena
    • Speaker : Palina
    • Prepare for Arcanine’s speed and fire, dodging his flames and hitting him with balms as he moves.
  4. Coronet Highlands – Electrode
    • Location : Moonview Arena
    • Speaker : Melli
    • The fast Electrode requires quick reflexes to avoid his electrical blasts and hit him effectively with his balms.
  5. Alabaster Icelands – Avalugg
    • Location : Icepeak Arena
    • Speaker : Gaeric
    • Avalugg presents a challenge due to its size and robust defense, plan your movements and hit the balms carefully.

Update 1.1.0 – Daybreak

How to Access Daybreak Content To enjoy the new features brought by the 1.1.0 update for “Pokémon Legends: Arceus,” make sure you’ve completed the main story, including catching Dialga and Palkia, and watched the end credits. This update adds several new Requests, which can be accessed at different stages of the game.

What’s New on the Farm – Types of Crops

Access Conditions To unlock the new type of crop in the Farm, you must:

  • Have update 1.1.0 installed.
  • Complete the main story, including capturing Dialga and Palkia.
  • Complete Request 42.

How to Proceed Head to the Farm and talk to Colza. Make sure there are no crops currently planted. When you access the crop list, select Berries and check out the new options available. In addition to the usual crop, you will now have the option of performing a special crop, which allows you to grow new and unique berries. This is a great way to gain additional resources for your adventures and battles.

Additional Tips

  • Before each rematch battle or new mission, check your supplies and equip your Pokémon with the best items and abilities available.
  • Consider training and evolving other Pokémon to have a more balanced team that is ready for all the challenges Hisui has to offer.

Photo Studio

Access Requirements: To access the new Photo Studio feature in “Pokémon Legends: Arceus,” you must have installed update 1.1.0 and completed the game’s main story, including catching Dialga and Palkia.

How it Works: In Photo Studio, you can now meet and interact with important characters from the game, who appear randomly. When you enter, you can be surprised by any of the characters, such as Rei/Akari with a Pikachu or Kamado in his armor accompanied by a Snorlax. Each encounter is an opportunity to take a memorable photo with these characters.

Possible Characters in Photo Studio:

  • King/Akari and Pikachu
  • Laventon
  • Kamado and Snorlax
  • Cyllene and Abra
  • Beni, Zisu, Sanqua, Pesselle
  • Adaman with a Leafeon, Irida with a Glaceon
  • And many others, including Mai with Munchlax, Lian, Arezu, and Sabi with Hisuian Braviary.

Tips for the Perfect Photo:

  • Try different angles and positions.
  • Use special props and poses available in the studio.
  • Take the opportunity to interact with the characters and learn a little more about them through the photos.

Request #95 – A new anomaly

Access Requirements: This Request becomes available after installing update 1.1.0 and completing the main story.

Steps to Complete the Request:

  1. Initial Meeting Place:
    • Head to the Heights Camp in the Obsidian Fieldlands and find Mai concerned about her Munchlax’s strange behavior.
  2. Investigation on Ramanas Island:
    • Place a flag at Request #95 and follow the marker to Ramanas Island.
    • Upon arrival, you will encounter a Mass Outbreak of Hisuian Zoruas. Observe them, and capture some if you wish.
  3. Return and Discovery:
    • Return to Heights Camp and report to Mai about the Zoruas.
    • A surprise revelation occurs when a second Munchlax appears, revealing itself to be a Zorua in disguise.
  4. Report to Cyllene:
    • Head to Jubilife Village and talk to Cyllene about the events.
    • Cyllene will provide a theory about the influence of the space-time rift on the Pokémon’s abnormal behaviors.

Request Rewards:

  • 30 Ultra Balls
  • 60 Apricorns
  • 60 Tumblestones

Beginning of a New Mission:

  • Upon completion, a new situation emerges with Mai reporting other Mass Outbreaks in various locations.
  • Cyllene introduces the concept of Massive Mass Outbreaks and assigns you to investigate this phenomenon.
  • Meet Mai outside Jubilife Village to begin the new investigation.

Additional Tips:

  • Always keep a stock of useful items for capture, such as Ultra Balls and special balms.
  • Be prepared to face a variety of Pokémon types in Mass Outbreaks, adjusting your team as needed for maximum catching efficiency.

Request #96 – Massive Mass Outbreak in the Fielalands

Access Requirements: To start this Request, you must have already completed Request #95.

Quest Start: Head to the village exit (Front Gate) and speak with Mai. She explains that the Massive Mass Outbreaks have been occurring during heavy rain conditions, and suggests that you accompany her to investigate further into the Obsidian Fieldlands, starting with the Heights Camp.

Mission Development:

  1. Arriving at Camp: When you arrive at Heights Camp with Mai, everything seems normal until it starts to rain heavily. Mai suggests that you use the map on your Arc Phone to identify the Outbreak locations, which are marked as question marks.
  2. Understanding the Phenomenon: A Massive Mass Outbreak is an event where multiple Mass Outbreaks occur simultaneously. Each question mark on the map represents one of these events.
  3. Field Action: Choose at least three question marks to investigate. You need to hurry, as Outbreaks can disappear over time or with changing weather. At each location:
    • Battle or capture the Pokémon present until the Mass Outbreak is considered over.
    • Keep an eye out for additional Pokémon spawns after completing each Mass Outbreak.
  4. Mission Report: After investigating at least three Outbreaks, return to Heights Camp and speak with Mai. Report your findings and discuss the possible relationship between these events and the intense weather activity.

Mission Rewards:

  • 30 Tumblestone
  • 40 Iron Chunk
  • 20 Smoke Bomb

Discussion and Theory: After completing the investigation, Mai theorizes that the Pokémon are responding in an agitated manner, possibly due to the presence of Palkia, which influences the weather conditions. She suggests that they seek more information in the Arezu Hall, a place known for its activity and flow of information.

Next Steps:

  • Head to Arezu Hall with Calaba and Mai to continue investigating the phenomena related to the Massive Mass Outbreaks and their connection to the weather and legendary events of Hisui.

Mission Tips:

  • Make sure you’re prepared with enough healing items and Poké Balls, as Mass Outbreaks can be intense.
  • Consider using items that make it easier to catch or fight, such as Smoke Bombs and Stealth Spray, to get close to Pokémon without alerting them.
  • Keep an eye on the weather using the map and try to complete Outbreaks quickly to avoid the weather changing and interrupting your investigations.

Request #97 – Massive Mass Outbreak in the Mirelands

Access Requirements: This Request will only be available after completion of Request #96.

Quest Introduction: Head to the hair salon in Jubilife Village, where you’ll find Mai speaking with Arezu. She shares that she’s heard rumors of a Massive Alpha Outbreak in the Crimson Mirelands. Concerned about safety and the meaning behind this phenomenon, Mai suggests that the two of you investigate.

Mission Development:

  1. Meeting with Arezu and Calaba: Upon entering the hall, Arezu mentions that she believes the Massive Mass Outbreaks may be related to the Clefairy ritual under the full moon. After a brief discussion, the conversation turns to recent sightings in the Crimson Mirelands that require immediate attention.
  2. Departing for the Crimson Mirelands: Inform Mai that you are ready to leave. Arriving at the Mirelands Camp, you are greeted by torrential rain, confirming the presence of a Massive Mass Outbreak in the area. Melli appears, offering a slight light-heartedness to the situation, but also offering 20 Aguav Berries before leaving.
  3. Interaction with Munchlax: Soon after, Mai’s Munchlax consumes some of the Aguav Berries and, reacting to the consumption, reveals the location of the Massive Mass Outbreaks on the map.
  4. Outbreak Exploration: At this point, you have the ability to use Aguav Berries with Munchlax to identify the Pokémon that are appearing in each Mass Outbreak. This includes identifying:
    • Special Pokémon marked with a star that indicate a sequence of Mass Outbreaks.
    • Pokémon with Berry icon , showing where you can get more Aguav Berries.
  5. Field Investigation: Explore and complete at least three of the Massive Mass Outbreaks indicated on the map to gather information about the phenomenon, similar to what was done in Obsidian Fieldlands.

Mission Completion: After completing the investigation, return to camp to report the findings to Mai. Irida will arrive to assist in the investigation, suggesting that the events may be linked to spatial changes caused by Palkia.

Next Steps: Mai arranges to meet you outside Jubilife Village to continue investigating the phenomenon in other areas. You receive 20 Apricorns, 30 Black Tumblestone, and 30 Iron Chunk as a reward.

Mission Tips:

  • Keep a supply of Aguav Berries to maximize Munchlax’s usefulness during the investigation.
  • Move quickly between Mass Outbreaks to ensure you can investigate as much as possible before the weather changes.
  • Be prepared to capture or battle a variety of Pokémon during Outbreaks, especially Alpha Pokémon, which can be more challenging.

Request #98 – Massive Mass Outbreak in the Coastlands

Access Requirements: This quest becomes accessible only after completing Request #97.

Quest Start: Meet Mai outside the village (Front Gate), where Gaeric, passing by, recommends that you bring Sticky Globs to help control Pokémon during Massive Mass Outbreaks. He hands you 30 Sticky Globs before continuing on your way. Afterward, you and Mai head to Beachside Camp in the Cobalt Coastlands.

Mission Development:

  1. Arrival and Preparation: Upon arriving in the Cobalt Coastlands, you’ll find heavy rain, which is perfect for investigating Massive Mass Outbreaks. Mai suggests that you feed Aguav Berries to Munchlax to help you identify which Pokémon are participating in the outbreaks instead of just seeing question marks on the map.
  2. Investigate Outbreaks: Consult the map to locate Massive Mass Outbreaks marked with question marks. You must visit and resolve at least three of these outbreaks, capturing or defeating all of the Pokémon at each location. Use the Sticky Globs provided by Gaeric to stun particularly aggressive Pokémon.

Mission Completion: After completing the investigation of three Massive Mass Outbreaks, return to camp and report to Mai of your success. At this point, Rei/Akari appears and expresses interest in understanding the phenomenon better.

  1. Battle Challenge: Rei/Akari invites you to a battle at Ginkgo Landing on the beach in the Cobalt Coastlands. He/she will use a team consisting of Clefairy, Pikachu, Staraptor, Mr. Mime, and a Sinnoh starter that has a disadvantage against your starter. After the battle, he/she shares his/her discoveries about Pokémon following energy traces left by the space-time rift and discusses how storms may be connected to these traces.
  2. Feedback and Rewards: While there has been no reported Massive Mass Outbreak activity in the Coronet Highlands, Mai is considering starting future investigations there. For now, she appreciates your help and presents you with 30 Tumblestone, 30 Sky Tumblestone, and 30 Iron Chunk as a token of appreciation for your hard work and dedication.


  • Prepare for storms and use Sticky Globs strategically to make captures during outbreaks easier.
  • Keep your Pokémon team well healed and ready to face the variety of Pokémon you will encounter in outbreaks.
  • Be aware of how long outbreaks last and try to complete investigations quickly to maximize their efficiency.

Request #99 – Trick Treat Strategy

After completing Request #98, you’ll find Mai waiting at the entrance to the Galaxy Team building in Jubilife Village. She shares an intriguing rumor about a possible secret to unlocking the mysteries of the Massive Mass Outbreaks and asks for your help in collecting 10 Mushroom Cakes.

If you don’t already have the Mushroom Cakes, head to the General Store where Choy sells them. With the cakes in hand, you and Mai travel to Alabaster Icelands, specifically to Icepeak Camp.

From here, head to the cave near the base of the waterfall, known as Secret Hollow. Use the marker on your map to stay on track. Inside the cave, interact with the designated location and choose to wait for Mai to arrive.

When Mai arrives, give her the 10 Mushroom Cakes. She’ll ask you to return to Jubilife Village while she finishes what she started in the cave.

Back at camp, you meet Lian, who decides to top Melli’s gift by giving you 30 Aguav Berries. He mentions seeing a Massive Mass Outbreak and relays a message from Mai, asking you to meet her back in the village.

Upon meeting Mai again at the village exit, she appears confused and does not remember ordering the Mushroom Cakes, raising suspicions that they were tricked by a disguised Pokémon. As a thank you for your effort and to cover any inconvenience, she gives you 3 Star Pieces and 30 Iron Chunks.

Request #100 – Massive Mass Outbreak in the Highlands

This Request begins immediately after the completion of Request #99. Mai is eager to investigate a new Massive Mass Outbreak in the Coronet Highlands and invites you to accompany her to Highlands Camp.

Once there, you encounter adverse weather conditions with heavy rain, ideal for researching Outbreaks.

During the investigation, Sabi joins you and shares an insight she had into people in danger being narrowly saved from alphas, increasing the urgency to understand the phenomenon.

Mai suggests using Munchlax and 5 Aguav Berries to specifically identify which Pokémon are involved in the Outbreaks. Visit and resolve at least three of these Outbreaks on the map, capturing or defeating all of the Pokémon in each location.

After your investigation, report back to Mai about your success. Adaman appears, discussing how the clans are collaborating to better understand the Outbreaks. He provides the materials for crafting Sticky Globs: 100 Spoiled Apricorn, 100 Balls of Mud, and 100 Caster Fern.

Adaman speculates whether the Massive Mass Outbreaks may be related to Dialga or Palkia. He takes his leave, mentioning a future meeting with Beni to learn more about cooking and ninja techniques.

Mai suggests that the next stage of your research will be at Alabaster Icelands, and awaits you at the usual exit of Jubilife Village. In recognition of your work, she presents you with 30 Apricorns, 30 Tumblestones, and 20 Balls of Mud, preparing you for the final part of this extensive investigation.

Request #101 – Massive Mass Outbreak in the Icelands

Preparation and Departure: After completing Request #100, meet Mai at the main gate of Jubilife Village. Prepare for a trip to Alabaster Iceland. Arriving at Snowfields Camp, the atmosphere is heavy with snowfall. Mai comments on the cold while Munchlax excitedly runs towards something interesting. You end up meeting Lian and Melli, two familiar rivals who are discussing something.

Discovering Unique Outbreaks: Lian explains that the Massive Mass Outbreaks in Iceland are unique, occurring under intense snowfalls unlike the storms seen in other regions. This piques Mai’s curiosity, who suggests further investigation. While Lian and Melli decide to explore some of the locations on their own, they leave three Outbreak locations for you to investigate.

Start of Investigation: Before you leave, you can talk to Mai and give 5 Aguav Berries to Munchlax. This will help you more easily identify the Pokémon in the Outbreaks during the blizzard.

Outbreak Exploration: Head to the three designated locations to investigate Outbreaks. These events consist of multiple Pokémon appearing in large numbers due to the phenomenon. Capture or defeat all of the Pokémon in each Outbreak to complete your task.

Conclusion and Report: After completing your investigations at all three locations, return and report back to Mai on your progress. At this point, Adaman and Irida join the group to report that Lian and Melli have completed their portions of the investigation. Despite their combined efforts, the exact cause of the Massive Mass Outbreaks under the blizzard conditions remains unclear.

Rewards: For your diligence and assistance, you will receive 30 Iron Chunk, 20 Caster Fern, and 20 Ball of Mud as a reward. With the investigation complete, everyone decides to return from Alabaster Icelands, ending the expedition and leaving the mystery of the Outbreaks still pending definitive answers.

Request #102 – Daybreak

Quest Start: Once you complete Request #101, Request #102 automatically begins. Along with Mai, Munchlax, Irida, and Adaman, you will travel to a serene hill in the Obsidian Fieldlands to witness the sunrise, a symbolic moment of renewal and hope for Hisui.

Reflection on Events: As the sky clears, Adaman expresses concern about how the Massive Mass Outbreaks have affected Munchlax, but Mai is optimistic that everything will be fine. Irida, who has already informed the people of Hisui about the recent events, joins the conversation to discuss the impact and significance of these natural phenomena.

Future Discussion: You all discuss the long-term implications of the Outbreaks and how these events will shape the future of Hisui. The conversation reveals that despite the challenges, Massive Mass Outbreaks are now considered a natural part of the Hisui ecosystem, a manifestation of Sinnoh’s power that should be respected and understood.

Mai’s Ongoing Commitment: Mai reiterates her commitment to helping you in any way she can. She mentions that she will continue to be available at camps throughout Hisui to assist in future Outbreaks. She suggests that whenever a new Massive Mass Outbreak occurs, you come find her so that Munchlax can help you identify the Pokémon involved, using Aguav Berries to better visualize the events on the map.

Completion and Rewards: Upon completion of this reflection, as recognition for your continued efforts and assistance, you will receive 1 Dawn Stone, 1 Seed of Mastery, and 3 Exp. Candy XL. These items symbolize the dawn of a new era for Hisui and your mastery of the knowledge and skills within this Pokémon world.

Next Steps: The quest ends on an optimistic note. Mai thanks you once again for your dedication and promises to always be available to assist in future research and events related to the Massive Mass Outbreaks, as you continue exploring Hisui, enriching your knowledge and experiences in this diverse and mysterious world.

Training Grounds

After completing Request 102, a new experience awaits you in Jubilife Village. Upon your return, you will be greeted by Ingo, who expresses his gratitude for your services in researching the phenomena of Hisui. He invites you to visit the Training Grounds, where a surprise has been prepared especially for you.

Once there, Kamado, alongside Zizu and Ingo, is waiting for you with an important announcement. He reveals that a new form of Pokémon battle has been developed, inspired by the way you interact with these creatures. Kamado, who was previously wary of Pokémon, now sees them as valuable allies, a change influenced by your actions. Ingo will then introduce you to the new battle modalities he has created.

Select Pokémon : The first new feature that Ingo shows you is the “Select Pokémon” function. Essentially, this option allows you to directly access the Pokémon that are in the Pastures without having to go through the entire village. This makes it much easier to prepare your team for battles, especially if you decide at the last minute that you need a specific Pokémon that is not in your current party.

Regular Pokémon Battle : The second option that Ingo introduces you to is the “Regular Pokémon Battle”. Here, the battles follow the traditional format, but with some new additions to the roster of opponents, reflecting how the residents of Jubilife Village have become more involved in Pokémon battles. Among the opponents, you will find Rei/Akari, who has updated his team to make it more challenging, as well as Ingo, who now offers a battle with his strongest team and a version where he uses exclusively Alphas, after you defeat his most powerful team. In addition, new challengers such as Mai and Sabi join the cast, each bringing their Pokémon to fight all at the same time, increasing the level of challenge.

Rei/Akari, for example, will face you with a varied and well-balanced team, while Ingo demonstrates the true strength of a veteran trainer with extremely powerful Pokémon. Mai and Sabi add a tactical element with group battles, forcing you to think strategically about how to deal with multiple opponents at once.

Path of Tenacity: Galaxy Team : Only after you complete Request 102 will you unlock the Path of Tenacity . This mode is offered by Ingo in the Training Grounds and will test your Trainer skills in intense battle sequences. The difference here is that you will face a series of Trainers without being able to heal your Pokémon between battles. The only time you will be able to use healing items will be during the battle itself, but at the end of each duel, your Pokémon’s damage, status, and conditions will be carried over to the next match. Get ready for a series of exciting battles!

Once you choose this option, you’ll be challenged in a series of rounds against three powerful members of the Galaxy Team : Zisu, Beni, and Kamado. Each round will see their Pokémon grow stronger, so it’s important to make sure your team is prepared to put up a fight. Let’s break down what you’ll face in each round.

Galaxy Team – 1st Match

The first sequence of battles is relatively challenging, but nothing you can’t overcome with a little strategy. Here are the Pokémon used by each opponent:

  • Zisu uses:
    • Rapidash (Lv. 62)
    • Lopunny (Lv. 62)
    • Infernape (Lv. 63)
  • Beni uses:
    • Mismagius (Lv. 63)
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 64)
    • Gallade (Lv. 64)
  • Kamado uses:
    • Golem (Lv. 64)
    • Heracross (Lv. 64)
    • Snorlax (Lv. 65)

Here, you’ll face combinations of fast, powerful Pokémon like Infernape and Lopunny, and sturdy defenders like Golem and Snorlax. Use moves that are effective against each type to quickly eliminate the threats before they can do too much damage.

Galaxy Team – 2nd Match

In this second round, the Pokémon’s level starts to increase, so you’ll need to be prepared for a more intense battle:

  • Zisu uses:
    • Rapidash (Lv. 64)
    • Lopunny (Lv. 65)
    • Infernape (Lv. 65)
  • Beni uses:
    • Roserade (Lv. 65)
    • Magnezone (Lv. 65)
    • Gallade (Lv. 66)
  • Kamado uses:
    • Golem (Lv. 67)
    • Heracross (Lv. 67)
    • Snorlax (Lv. 67)

Now, Roserade and Magnezone join the fight, adding new types that require different strategies. Fire- and Ground-type moves are effective against Roserade and Magnezone, respectively. Make sure you have a balanced team to deal with the variety of types you’ll face.

Galaxy Team – 3rd Match

The difficulty increases even further as Zisu, Beni, and Kamado bring Pokémon with higher levels and better combinations.

  • Zisu uses:
    • Rapidash (Lv. 67)
    • Steelix (Lv. 67)
    • Lopunny (Lv. 68)
    • Infernape (Lv. 68)
  • Beni uses:
    • Roserade (Lv. 68)
    • Magnezone (Lv. 68)
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 69)
    • Gallade (Lv. 69)
  • Kamado uses:
    • Golem (Lv. 69)
    • Heracross (Lv. 69)
    • Ursaluna (Lv. 69)
    • Snorlax (Lv. 70)

Here, the challenge is stepped up with the addition of Ursaluna, a beefy Pokémon with powerful attacks. Prioritize Fighting-type moves for Golem, Ursaluna, and Snorlax, and use Fire or Ground-type moves against Magnezone and Steelix. Stamina will be crucial, so keep healing items handy to use during battles.

Galaxy Team – 4th Match

In this round, Pokémon reach levels above 70, and the competition starts to get pretty fierce:

  • Zisu uses:
    • Rapidash (Lv. 70)
    • Steelix (Lv. 71)
    • Lopunny (Lv. 71)
    • Infernape (Lv. 72)
  • Beni uses:
    • Roserade (Lv. 72)
    • Magnezone (Lv. 72)
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 73)
    • Gallade (Lv. 73)
  • Kamado uses:
    • Golem (Lv. 74)
    • Heracross (Lv. 74)
    • Ursaluna (Lv. 74)
    • Snorlax (Lv. 75)

Zisu, Beni, and Kamado’s Pokémon have reached a point where they can deal massive amounts of damage quickly. Defensive and healing strategies, as well as careful planning of which moves to use against each type of opponent, will be essential to survival.

Galaxy Team – 5th Match onwards

From here on, the difficulty reaches its peak. Trainers will use even more varied combinations of Pokémon with extremely high levels. Prepare for grueling battles:

  • Zisu uses:
    • Rapidash (Lv. 75)
    • Steelix (Lv. 75)
    • Lopunny (Lv. 75)
    • Drifblim (Lv. 76)
    • Infernape (Lv. 76)
  • Beni uses:
    • Roserade (Lv. 76)
    • Magnezone (Lv. 76)
    • Sneasler (Lv. 76)
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 77)
    • Gallade (Lv. 77)
  • Kamado uses:
    • Golem (Lv. 77)
    • Heracross (Lv. 77)
    • Probopass (Lv. 78)
    • Ursaluna (Lv. 78)
    • Snorlax (Lv. 79)

These final battles in Path of Tenacity require your full attention. Drifblim and Sneasler are new threats to deal with, and Kamado now includes Probopass, adding an extra layer of challenge with his high defense. Have a diverse team with multiple attack types to cover all of your opponents’ weaknesses.

By completing this series of battles, you will be rewarded with Exp. Candies and Evolution Items, valuable items that will help you strengthen your team. Additionally, when you complete some additional Requests (106 and 107), you will be able to face members of the Diamond and Pearl Clans in the Path of Tenacity as well , increasing the challenge even further.

Request #103 – Digging For Tomorrow

After unlocking this mission, which becomes available after completing the main story and installing update 1.1.0, you’ll need to head to the Galaxy Team Headquarters. There, you’ll find Kochika, who has a problem: he needs to do some excavation work in the Oreburrow Tunnel, located in the Obsidian Fieldlands, but an angry Pokémon is preventing his progress. Kochika asks for your help to solve this problem.

Troubleshooting the Oreburrow Tunnel

  • Head to the Obsidian Fieldlands and enter the Oreburrow Tunnel.
  • As you explore the cave, you will encounter an Alpha Onix, which is the source of the problem Kochika mentioned.
  • Kochika will appear beside you, confirming that Onix is ​​the obstacle he mentioned.
  • You will need to face Alpha Onix in a battle to calm him down. Alpha Onix:
    • Level: 60
  • After defeating Onix, Kochika will realize that the Pokémon was just trying to dig a tunnel. With this new understanding, Kochika decides to form a team with Onix.
  • As thanks for your help, Kochika will give you 20 Iron Chunks and 1 Grit Rock.

Request #104 – Battling The Security Corps’ Secret Weapon

This quest also requires you to have update 1.1.0 and have completed the main story. To start, head to the Training Grounds and talk to Zisu. She will tell you about a mysterious trainer who is considered a secret weapon of the Security Corps due to his exceptional battle skills, including defeating Alpha Pokémon.

Zisu’s Challenge

Zisu will challenge you to face this mysterious trainer.

Upon accepting the challenge, Zisu will guide you to the exit of the village.

The reveal will be surprising: the secret trainer is Ress, the village gatekeeper. Ress’s team:

Alpha Bidoof – Level 62

Alpha Shinx – Level 62

Alpha Starly – Level 62

After defeating Ress in battle, you will be rewarded with 3 Grit Rocks.

Additionally, Ress will now be available as one of the selectable opponents in Training Grounds battles, via conversation with Ingo.

Request #105 – The Ultimate Balloon Race

After installing update 1.1.0 and completing the game’s main storyline by capturing Dialga and Palkia, a new challenging activity will become available to you in the Coronet Highlands. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Head to Summit Camp in the Coronet Highlands. There, you’ll meet a character known as “the old man,” who will introduce you to the ultimate balloon race in the region.
  2. Talk to him to start the challenge . The goal is to pop Drifloon-shaped balloons along a challenging course.
  3. Race Details :
    • The route includes 60 balloons.
    • You will have 1 minute and 50 seconds to complete the challenge.
    • The race requires the use of all mounts: start riding the Wyrdeer and switch to Braviary, Sneasler, and Basculegion as needed to fly, climb, or swim.
    • The objective is to pop at least 40 of the 60 balloons available.
  4. Completion and rewards :
    • When you pop 40 balloons, you will be rewarded with 5 Nuggets.
    • The game allows replays, allowing you to try to improve your score or simply enjoy the course over and over again.

Request #106 – Adaman’s Hope

This quest becomes accessible after completing Requests 89 and 102. Here’s how you can complete this quest:

  1. Find Adaman in the Cobalt Coastlands , specifically on the beach at Ginkgo Landing. He reflects on the ever-changing world around him, except for the sea.
  2. Usage of Adamant Crystal :
    • Adaman will ask you to use the Adamant Crystal to transform Dialga into her Origin form.
    • He wants you to bring only Dialga Origin on your team to a battle.
  3. Preparation for battle :
    • Make sure only Dialga Origin is on your team when facing Adaman.
    • Adaman will use his three Pokémon simultaneously: Leafeon (lv.65), Umbreon (lv.34), Vaporeon (lv.34).
  4. After the battle :
    • Adaman expresses admiration for Dialga’s power and his increased understanding through battle.
    • He decides to incorporate the Diamond Clan into the activities of the Training Grounds in Jubilife Village.
  5. Rewards :
    • You will receive 1 Exp. Candy XL and 1 Leaf Stone as thanks for the challenge and for helping you better understand the power of Dialga Origin.

Request #107 – Irida’s Wish

Note: To complete Request #107 you will need to have previously completed Requests 90 and 102.

Request #107 will be activated once you have completed the aforementioned Requests. Follow the steps below to ensure you are ready for the challenge:

  1. Go to Crimson Mirelands :
    • Your destination is the Diamond Settlement , where you will find Irida playing the flute and sharing her clan’s music with the members of the Diamond Clan.
  2. Palkia Transformation :
    • Irida will remember that the Lustrous Globe is used to transform Palkia into its Origin form. She expresses her desire to battle Palkia in its most powerful form.
    • To begin the challenge, you’ll need to use the Lustrous Globe on your Palkia to make it assume its Origin Form .
  3. Equip only Palkia Origin :
    • Irida will ask you to come prepared with only Palkia Origin on your team. Make sure to remove all other Pokémon from your team before speaking to her.
    • When you’re ready, interact with Irida to start the battle.

Battle against Irida

The battle with Irida will be challenging, as she will face you with all three of her Pokémon at once. Here are the details of the battle and how to prepare:

  1. Irida’s Pokémon :
    • Glaceon (lv.65) : This is Irida’s strongest Pokémon and poses a great threat due to its level and powerful Ice-type attacks.
    • Espeon (lv.34) : A psychic Pokémon that can deal considerable damage with its psychic moves.
    • Flareon (lv. 34) : This Fire-type Pokémon complements Irida’s team with moves that can surprise her Palkia.
  2. Strategy for the battle :
    • Against Glaceon : Palkia Origin can effectively counter Glaceon using Water- or Dragon-type moves. Glaceon’s Ice attacks can be dangerous, so keep an eye on its health bar.
    • Against Espeon and Flareon : Although they are lower level, do not underestimate Espeon’s psychic attacks or Flareon’s fire attacks. Use Dragon or Water attacks to deal with both of them quickly.
    • Try to focus on defeating Glaceon first, as it is the biggest threat due to its level and offensive capabilities.
  3. Irida Recognition :
    • After being defeated, Irida will receive praise from the Diamond Clan members for her courage and strength in facing Palkia Origin.
    • She will also decide that the Pearl Clan should participate in battles at the Training Grounds in Jubilife Village, further expanding the combat options in the game.
  4. Rewards :
    • Upon defeating Irida, you will be rewarded with:
      • 1 Exp. Candy XL : A candy that grants a large amount of experience to your Pokémon.
      • 1 Ice Stone : A rare item used to evolve some specific Pokémon, such as Eevee into Glaceon.

This battle against Irida is an interesting challenge, but as long as you’re prepared with your Palkia Origin, you’ll have a good chance of winning. Additionally, this Request adds new battle options to the Training Grounds in Jubilife Village, where you’ll be able to face off against members of the Pearl Clan in the future.

Training Grounds

Path of Tenacity: Diamond Clan

After completing Request 106 , this battle option will become available with Ingo, allowing you to challenge three members of the Diamond Clan consecutively: Arezu , Melli , and Adaman .

Each match in Path of Tenacity involves battling all of each trainer’s Pokémon at once, meaning strategy and stamina will be key to progressing to the end.

Before you begin, make sure your Pokémon team is properly leveled and equipped with healing items like Revives and Full Restores . The battles will be intense, and with all three trainers attacking at once, you’ll need stamina and good Pokémon types to survive multiple rounds. Fairy , Fighting , and Fire- type Pokémon are all good choices, considering the opponents you’ll be facing.

First Match: Diamond Clan – Arezu, Melli and Adaman

In the first battle, you’ll face a relatively balanced team. The trainers will use mid-level Pokémon, but they’ll all attack at the same time, which can be tricky to manage.

Arezu uses:

  • Hisuian Lilligant (lv.63) – This Grass and Fighting-type Pokémon can be defeated with Flying or Fire-type attacks.
  • Bronzor (lv.32) – A Psychic/Steel type. Fire or Dark type attacks are great here.

Melli uses:

  • Skuntank (lv.64) – Skuntank is a Poison/Dark type, so Ground and Psychic attacks will be the most effective.
  • Golbat (lv.33) – Use Electric or Psychic attacks to defeat it quickly.

Adaman uses:

  • Leafeon (lv.65) ​​– Leafeon is a Grass-type, being vulnerable to Fire, Ice, or Flying attacks.
  • Umbreon (lv.34) – A Dark type that can be defeated with Fighting attacks.
  • Vaporeon (lv.34) – A Water type, so Electric or Grass attacks will be effective.

Second Match: Diamond Clan – Arezu, Melli and Adaman

The difficulty increases at this stage. The Pokémon are stronger and their levels increase, so strategy is important.

Arezu uses:

  • Hisuian Lilligant (lv.65)
  • Bronzong (lv.34) – As a Psychic/Steel type, Bronzong can be defeated with Fire or Dark type attacks.

Melli uses:

  • Skuntank (lv.66)
  • Golbat (lv.36)

Adaman uses:

  • Leafeon (lv.67)
  • Umbreon (lv.37)
  • Vaporeon (lv.37)

At this stage, you should focus on eliminating Adaman’s Pokémon first, as they have more resistance and can cause big problems if ignored.

Third Match: Diamond Clan – Arezu, Melli and Adaman

In the third match, Arezu, Melli and Adaman already have more complete and more aggressive teams.

Arezu uses:

  • Hisuian Lilligant (lv.68)
  • Bronzong (lv.40)
  • Purugly (lv.40) – This Normal-type is vulnerable to Fighting-type attacks.

Melli uses:

  • Skuntank (lv.69)
  • Drapion (lv.41) – Drapion is a Poison/Dark type, making it vulnerable to Ground attacks.

Adaman uses:

  • Leafeon (lv.70)
  • Umbreon (lv.44)
  • Vaporeon (lv.44)

Focus on taking down Drapion and Skuntank as quickly as possible, as they can deal a lot of damage if not dealt with right away.

Fourth Match: Diamond Clan – Arezu, Melli and Adaman

The fourth game increases the difficulty further, with the Pokémon’s levels reaching around 70.

Arezu uses:

  • Hisuian Lilligant (lv.71)
  • Bronzong (lv.45)
  • Purugly (lv.45)

Melli uses:

  • Skuntank (lv.72)
  • Drapion (lv.46)
  • Golbat (lv.47)

Adaman uses:

  • Leafeon (lv.73)
  • Umbreon (lv.48)
  • Vaporeon (lv.48)

At this stage, balancing defense and offense is key. Make sure to use fast moves to eliminate the Pokémon with the lowest HP first so that you don’t get overwhelmed by multiple attacks.

Fifth Game onwards: Diamond Clan – Arezu, Melli and Adaman

From the fifth game onwards, the difficulty stabilizes, but the Pokémon levels remain high, requiring attention and strategy in all battles.

Arezu uses:

  • Hisuian Lilligant (lv.73)
  • Bronzong (lv.47)
  • Purugly (lv.47)

Melli uses:

  • Skuntank (lv.74)
  • Drapion (lv.47)
  • Golbat (lv.48)

Adaman uses:

  • Leafeon (lv.75)
  • Umbreon (lv.50)
  • Vaporeon (lv.50)

Here, repeating strategies that have worked previously will be crucial. Fire , Electric , Fighting , and Psychic will continue to be your best allies to defeat these teams efficiently.

After each battle, you will be rewarded with valuable items such as Exp. Candies and occasionally evolution items. Keep taking on these battles to enhance your team and collect rewards.

Final Tips :

  • Bring a balanced team, with types that can handle the various threats that the Diamond Clan members bring.
  • Use Strong Style moves to maximize damage and eliminate opponents quickly.
  • Take advantage of your battles to use healing items between rounds, as it will not be possible to heal your Pokémon automatically.
  • Review your strategies after each battle to identify which Pokémon types and attacks were most effective.

Path of Tenacity: Pearl Clan

After completing Request 107 , which involves defeating Irida using Palkia in its Origin form, you unlock the option to face the three main members of the Pearl Clan: Lian , Gaeric , and Irida . Each battle becomes progressively more difficult, with all the trainers using their Pokémon at the same time, so you’ll need to be well prepared to withstand the multiple rounds of simultaneous attacks.

Before starting any battle in Path of Tenacity , make sure your Pokémon are at a suitable level, preferably above level 70 to deal with the difficulties of the later matches. Bring items such as Max Potions , Full Restores , and Max Revives with you , as battles are sequential, and you will not be able to heal your Pokémon between matches. Additionally, choose Pokémon that may have a type advantage over the Pearl Clan Pokémon , as you will face a variety of Dragon , Ice , Water , and Psychic -type Pokémon .

First Match: Pearl Clan – Lian, Gaeric and Irida

The first game is relatively easy, with moderate level Pokémon and types that are easier to fight.

Lian uses:

  • Hisuian Sliggoo (lv.63) – This Dragon/Steel-type is vulnerable to Fairy and Ground-type attacks.
  • Swinub (lv.32) – An Ice/Ground type Pokémon, weak to Water, Grass, and Steel.

Gaeric uses:

  • Glalie (lv.64) – A pure Ice type, weak to Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel.
  • Froslass (lv.33) – Ice/Ghost type, vulnerable to Fire, Dark, Rock and Ghost.

Irida uses:

  • Glaceon (lv.65) ​​– Ice type, weak to Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel.
  • Espeon (lv.34) – Psychic type, vulnerable to Dark, Bug, and Ghost type attacks.
  • Flareon (lv.34) – Fire type, vulnerable to Water, Ground and Rock attacks.

Strategy: Start by focusing on weaker Pokémon, such as Swinub and Froslass , to reduce the number of opponents. Use Fire-type attacks against Ice-type Pokémon, and Fairy-type or Dragon-type attacks against Sliggoo . Espeon can be defeated by Dark-type attacks, while Flareon falls easily to Water-type or Ground-type attacks.

Second Match: Pearl Clan – Lian, Gaeric and Irida

In the second battle, the levels increase and the difficulty begins to escalate.

Lian uses:

  • Hisuian Goodra (lv.65) ​​– Dragon/Steel type, weak to Fairy and Ground attacks.
  • Piloswine (lv.34) – Ice/Ground type, vulnerable to Fire, Water and Grass.

Gaeric uses:

  • Glalie (lv.66)
  • Froslass (lv.36)

Irida uses:

  • Glaceon (lv.67)
  • Espeon (lv.37)
  • Flareon (lv.37)

Strategy: Hisuian Goodra can be a real challenge, so use Fairy or Ground-type moves to quickly defeat it. Gaeric’s team continues to be heavily influenced by Fire-types, so keep a strong Fire-type Pokémon on hand. Espeon and Flareon are still relatively easy to defeat with Dark and Water-type attacks, respectively.

Third Match: Pearl Clan – Lian, Gaeric and Irida

In the third game, new Pokémon are introduced, and levels continue to rise.

Lian uses:

  • Hisuian Goodra (lv.68)
  • Piloswine (lv.40)
  • Whiscash (lv.40) – Water/Ground type, weak to Grass attacks.

Gaeric uses:

  • Glalie (lv.69)
  • Hisuian Avalugg (lv.41) – Ice/Ground type, vulnerable to Fire, Fighting, and Grass.
  • Froslass (lv.42)

Irida uses:

  • Glaceon (lv.70)
  • Espeon (lv.44)
  • Flareon (lv.44)

Strategy: Whiscash can be tough to deal with if you don’t have a good Grass Pokémon. Use Grass attacks to defeat it quickly. Hisuian Avalugg is a new challenge here, so use Fire or Grass attacks to take it down quickly. Continue using the same strategies against Gaeric and Irida’s other Pokémon.

Fourth Match: Pearl Clan – Lian, Gaeric and Irida

Now that the Pokémon are around level 70, battles become significantly more challenging.

Lian uses:

  • Hisuian Goodra (lv.71)
  • Mamoswine (lv.45) – Ice/Ground type, weak to Fire, Water and Grass.
  • Whiscash (lv.45)

Gaeric uses:

  • Glalie (lv.72)
  • Hisuian Avalugg (lv.46)
  • Froslass (lv.47)

Irida uses:

  • Glaceon (lv.73)
  • Espeon (lv.48)
  • Flareon (lv.48)

Strategy: Mamoswine is a new threat, so have Water or Grass-type attacks ready to take it down quickly. Be wary of Hisuian Goodra , as it can take a lot of hits. Focus on taking down Gaeric’s Pokémon first, as he uses Pokémon with strong offense.

Fifth Game and more: Pearl Clan – Lian, Gaeric and Irida

At this stage, all Pokémon’s levels reach around 75, making battles even more challenging. The strategy is similar to the previous rounds, but the difficulty increases with the number of opposing Pokémon attacking at the same time.

Lian uses:

  • Hisuian Goodra (lv.73)
  • Mamoswine (lv.47)
  • Whiscash (lv.47)

Gaeric uses:

  • Glalie (lv.74)
  • Hisuian Avalugg (lv.47)
  • Froslass (lv.48)

Irida uses:

  • Glaceon (lv.75)
  • Espeon (lv.50)
  • Flareon (lv.50)

Strategy: At this stage, you’ll need to use your best Pokémon and moves. Hisuian Goodra remains a significant threat, so use effective Fairy and Ground attacks . Mamoswine can be defeated with Grass attacks , while Glalie and Hisuian Avalugg fall easily to Fire attacks .

Final Tips

  • Keep a balanced team with different types of Pokémon to cover the weaknesses of the Pokémon you will face.
  • Use healing items and revive your Pokémon when necessary.
  • Take advantage of Strong Style moves to maximize damage and quickly defeat troublesome Pokémon.

Path of Solitude

Here, the idea is to face a battle with just one Pokémon. You won’t be able to use your entire team, but fortunately, Ingo allows you to adjust this without having to leave the Training Grounds . Once you select the single Pokémon you will use, Ingo will adjust the challenge according to your choice. The battle is between your Pokémon and the opponent controlled by Ingo, who can use a Pokémon with an advantage over yours. This means that the fights can be extremely challenging, and having good preparation is essential.

Since these battles are one-on-one, your Pokémon’s level and stats play a crucial role. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

  1. Level up your Pokémon : Ingo’s opponent will usually be level 50 or higher, so having a Pokémon below that is a big risk. Use Exp. Candies and Rare Candies to level up your Pokémon. This will ensure that it is up to the challenge.
  2. Boost your Pokémon’s stats : Don’t underestimate the use of Grit Dust , Grit Gravel , Grit Pebble , and Grit Rock to maximize your Pokémon’s Effort Values ​​(EVs). You want it to have as many points as possible in Attack, Defense, Speed, and other important stats, since a one-on-one battle depends entirely on the performance of a single Pokémon.
  3. Know the type advantages and weaknesses : Depending on the Pokémon you choose, Ingo may be able to use a Pokémon with a type advantage. For example, if you choose a Water-type Pokémon, he may be able to use an Electric-type or Grass-type Pokémon. Know your Pokémon’s weaknesses and resistances well and plan your strategy in advance.
  4. Can’t use items during battle : Unlike other battle modes, here you won’t be able to use items from your bag, such as potions or revives. This makes every move and attack choice even more important.

Before starting the battle, think about the following strategies:

  • STAB Attacks (Same Type Attack Bonus) : Use moves of the same type as your Pokémon to take advantage of the damage bonus. For example, a Fire-type Pokémon using Flamethrower will do more damage because of this bonus.
  • Cover Weaknesses : Make sure your Pokémon has a variety of attacks to deal with different types of opponents. Having a moveset that covers its weaknesses is key to surviving tough battles.
  • Balance your attack types : Having moves that include both raw power (Strong Style) and agility (Agile Style) can be advantageous. Strategic use of these techniques can make all the difference in tight battles.

When you win a battle in Path of Solitude , your Pokémon receives a special mark in its Pokédex. This serves as a badge of honor for overcoming the challenge. As an additional reward, you also receive Exp. Candies , which can be very useful for strengthening other members of your team or preparing more Pokémon for future challenges.

Path of Solitude Requests

After unlocking the Path of Solitude by completing Request 102 , you will gain access to a series of additional Requests, ranging from Request 108 to Request 122. These Requests are all given by Gared, a member of the Security Corps located at the Training Grounds near Ingo.

Gared will ask you to defeat the Path of Solitude using specific Pokémon. Each Request focuses on a specific Pokémon, and you must use only the designated Pokémon to complete the challenge. For example:

  • Request 108: Use a Pikachu to beat Path of Solitude.
  • Request 109: Use a Lucario to beat Path of Solitude.
  • Request 110: Use a Garchomp to beat Path of Solitude.

And so on. Each Request has its own rewards, usually Exp. Candies or other useful items.

After completing all 10 of the first Requests (108 to 117), Gared will give you 5 more Requests, numbered 118 to 122. These are the final Requests in the game and represent the final challenges of Path of Solitude. Winning all of these battles is the completion of a long path of mastery in one-on-one combat.

Upon completing all 15 Requests, Gared will reward you with a great reward: 10 Exp. Candy XL , which can be incredibly useful for leveling up your remaining Pokémon or strengthening new recruits for your team.

Request #108 – Bidoof’s Path of Solitude

After completing Request 102 and unlocking this option with Gared, go to the Training Grounds and talk to Ingo. Choose the Path of Solitude and select a Bidoof that you have trained specifically for this fight. The battle will be against a level 50 Eevee , which will use fast techniques like Quick Attack and abuse Agile Style to attack twice in a row.

  • Preparation : Make sure your Bidoof is at a higher level, ideally above level 60, to ensure it can withstand Eevee’s fast attacks.
  • Battle Strategy : Equip your Bidoof with moves that maximize its offensive and defensive potential. Moves like Defense Curl can be useful for increasing its stamina.
  • Reward : After defeating, you will earn a special Pokédex mark for Bidoof. Talk to Gared to receive 1 Seed of Mastery and 10 Exp. Candy S as a reward.

Request #109 – Eevee’s Path of Solitude

This Request also becomes accessible after Request 102. At the Training Grounds , talk to Ingo again and prepare your Eevee to face a Hisuian Zoroark at level 50. This Zoroark is immune to normal attacks, so the battle requires a special strategy.

  • Preparation : Teach your Eevee moves that can damage Zoroark, such as Iron Tail , which can be acquired through Zisu.
  • Battle Strategy : Use the Mimic move to copy Zoroark’s Snarl and use it against it. This will not only deal damage but also reduce Zoroark’s special attack.
  • Reward : Upon winning, you will receive the special Pokédex mark for Eevee, and upon speaking to Gared, you will receive 1 Seed of Mastery and 10 Exp. Candy S.

Request #110 – Wormadam’s Path of Solitude

Available after Request 102 , this Request requires you to choose a Wormadam , preferably the Trash Cloak (Steel-type) version , to fight a Togekiss at level 70. This version of Wormadam has a type advantage over Togekiss.

  • Preparation : Raise your Wormadam’s level to near or above 70 to level the battlefield.
  • Battle Strategy : Use the move Iron Head repeatedly to exploit Togekiss’s weakness to the Steel type.
  • Reward : After victory, obtain the Pokédex mark for Wormadam and go to Gared to receive 1 Seed of Mastery and 3 Exp. Candy M.

Request #111 – Abra’s Path of Solitude

After unlocking this opportunity by completing Request #102, talk to Gared in the Training Grounds to activate the quest, then head to Ingo to start the battle. You’ll need to choose an Abra that has been well-trained.

  • Opponent : Ingo will use a level 84 Mr. Mime.
  • Strategy : Before the battle, teach your Abra the moves Shadow Ball or Iron Tail , which can be acquired from Zisu in the village. Start the battle by using the move Teleport , which Mr. Mime will attempt to copy using Mimic . This will prevent Mr. Mime from using damaging attacks, allowing you to effectively hit him with your other moves.
  • Reward : After winning, go back and talk to Gared to receive 1 Seed of Mastery and 3 Exp. Candy M.

Request #112 – Blissey’s Path of Solitude

This Request also activates after Request #102. Choose a well-trained Blissey and prepare for a battle where stamina is key.

  • Opponent : Ingo uses a level 70 Snorlax.
  • Strategy : Use the move Soft-Boiled frequently to keep Blissey’s HP high. Snorlax will use Double-Edge , which deals damage to itself. The goal is to survive long enough for Snorlax to defeat itself with the recoil from its own attack.
  • Reward : After victory, obtain your reward of 1 Seed of Mastery and 3 Exp. Candy M by talking to Gared.

Request #113 – Sneasel’s Path of Solitude

To access this Request, complete Request #102. Choose a Sneasel to take on the challenge, preferably the Johto form for greater effectiveness.

  • Opponent : Ingo will present a level 70 Gligar.
  • Strategy : Use a Sneasel with Ice-type attacks, such as Blizzard . Applying Strong Style to Blizzard maximizes damage and can provide a one-hit kill, taking advantage of Gligar’s weakness to Ice.
  • Reward : Talk to Gared after victory to receive 1 Seed of Mastery and 1 Exp. Candy L.

Request #114 – Rotom’s Path of Solitude

After speaking to Gared in the Training Grounds and activating this Request, seek out Ingo and choose to enter the Path of Solitude. For this challenge, select a Rotom that you have properly trained.

  • Opponent: Ingo will choose a level 70 Garchomp for battle.
  • Strategy: Change your Rotom’s form to an Ice-type, using the equipment available around the village if necessary. In battle, use the Blizzard attack , which Rotom can perform as Frost Rotom. This move is especially effective against Garchomp, which is weak to Ice-type attacks.
  • Reward: After defeating Garchomp and securing Rotom’s mark in your Pokédex, return to Gared to receive 1 Seed of Mastery and 1 Exp. Candy L.

Request #115 – Bastiodon’s Path of Solitude

After activating this Request with Gared, prepare your Bastiodon to face a unique challenger in the Path of Solitude.

  • Opponent: Ingo will use a level 70 Blissey.
  • Strategy: Blissey is known for her massive HP pool and ability to recover health. Before the battle, consider teaching Bastiodon Power Shift , a move that can be acquired from Zisu, to trade its high defense for offense, increasing its offensive potential. Also use Stealth Rock early in the fight to deal chip damage, and follow up with Iron Head to deal significant damage.
  • Reward: After victory, talk to Gared to receive 1 Seed of Mastery and 1 Exp. Candy L .

Request #116 – Roselia’s Path of Solitude

After activating Request with Gared, prepare your Roselia to face a flying opponent.

  • Opponent: Ingo chose a level 60 Staravia.
  • Strategy: Roselia should use Venoshock , which deals more damage if the opponent is poisoned. Take advantage of the moment when Staravia uses Rest to recover and go dormant, and attack with Venoshock Strong Style to maximize damage while he is vulnerable.
  • Reward: After winning the fight and adding Roselia’s mark to your Pokédex, return to Gared to receive 1 Seed of Mastery and 1 Exp. Candy L.

Request #117 – Magikarp’s Path of Solitude

After completing Request 102, you can unlock interesting challenges in the Training Grounds. One of them is the battle using a Magikarp in the Path of Solitude. First, head to the Training Grounds and talk to Ingo to access this mode. Choose a Magikarp that you have trained, preferably one at level 100 to maximize your chances of survival.

  • Opponent : Ingo will choose a level 55 Hisuian Electrode for this battle.
  • Strategy : Electrode tends to use the move Self Destruct, which causes self-destruction, dealing high damage but eliminating it from the fight. Since Magikarp can only use Splash, which does no damage, the strategy is to survive the attack. Before the battle, increase Magikarp’s defense efforts and HP by using Grit items to ensure it can withstand the attack.
  • Result : Once Electrode self-destructs and Magikarp survives, you win the battle.

After defeating, you will receive a special Magikarp mark in your Pokédex. Return and talk to Gared to be rewarded with 1 Seed of Mastery and 1 Exp. Candy L .

Request #118 – Roserade’s Path of Solitude

To access this Request, you must have completed all Path of Solitude Requests from numbers 108 to 117. After activating this Request with Gared, go to the Training Grounds and start the battle by choosing a well-prepared Roserade.

  • Opponent : Ingo uses a level 80 Staraptor.
  • Strategy : Staraptor often uses the move Roost to recover HP. Start by poisoning it with Poison Powder , then attack with Venoshock . Use Agile Style to increase the frequency of its attacks, and when possible, use Venoshock in Strong Style to maximize damage.
  • Result : By defeating Staraptor with this strategy, you achieve victory.

Upon successfully completing this battle, return to Gared to receive your reward: 1 Seed of Mastery and 1 Exp. Candy XL .

Request #119 – Kleavor’s Path of Solitude

This Request also becomes available after completing Requests 108 to 117. In the Training Grounds, select Kleavor to take on the challenge proposed by Ingo.

  • Opponent : Ingo will select a level 84 Hisuian Goodra, which is a tough Pokémon with good special attacks.
  • Strategy : Before the battle, teach Kleavor the Calm Mind move through Zisu, this will increase both Kleavor’s attack and special defense. During the battle, use Calm Mind a few times to strengthen Kleavor and then attack with Close Combat , which is effective and powerful.
  • Result : With Kleavor strengthened, you will have a greater chance of taking down Goodra quickly.

Upon successfully completing the battle, return to Gared to receive 1 Seed of Mastery and 1 Exp. Candy XL as a reward.

Request #120 – Lilligant’s Path of Solitude

To access this special quest, you must have already completed Requests 108 through 117. After activating it with Gared in the Training Grounds, head to Ingo and select the Path of Solitude option. Choose your best-trained Hisuian Lilligant to take on the challenge.

  • Lilligant Opponent : You’ll be facing a level 80 Hisuian Braviary, which is known for its toughness and powerful aerial attacks.
  • Battle Strategy : Start by using Stun Spore to paralyze Braviary, limiting the frequency of its attacks. Then, use Victory Dance to significantly increase Lilligant’s stats, which will be crucial for sustaining the battle. Keep Recover available to heal Lilligant when needed. If you want to increase your damage, consider purchasing Zisu’s Poison Jab , which will be effective against Braviary.
  • Battle Finish : With Braviary paralyzed and Lilligant’s stats raised, you should be able to control the pace of the battle and secure victory.

After defeating Braviary and getting the special Pokédex mark for Lilligant, return and talk to Gared, who will reward you with 1 Seed of Mastery and 1 Exp. Candy XL .

Request #121 – Wurmple’s Path of Solitude

Like the previous one, this Request unlocks after completing Requests 108 through 117. At the Training Grounds, talk to Ingo and select a Wurmple to battle.

  • Wurmple Opponent : Wurmple will face a level 50 Staraptor.
  • Battle Strategy : Start the fight with Poison Sting to try and poison Staraptor. Once poisoned, continue the fight using Tackle . Since Wurmple has limited offensive capabilities, ensuring that he is at level 100 can be essential to withstand attacks while the poison takes effect.
  • Battle Conclusion : Keep up the pressure with Tackle until Staraptor is defeated by poison or continued attacks.

After victory, return to Gared to receive 1 Seed of Mastery and 1 Exp. Candy XL .

Request #122 – Kricketot’s Path of Solitude

This Request is also accessible after completing Requests 108 through 117. Prepare your Kricketot for a considerable challenge.

  • Kricketot’s Opponent : Kricketot will have to face a level 60 Gyarados.
  • Battle Strategy : Use Absorb to damage Gyarados while restoring a small amount of HP, helping to keep Kricketot in the fight longer. When Gyarados is low on HP, finish it off with a Strong Style Tackle for greater effectiveness.
  • Battle Outcome : The combination of continuous damage and healing from Absorb, complemented by the final attack with Tackle, should ensure that Kricketot emerges victorious.

After your victory, speak to Gared to receive your rewards, which include 1 Seed of Mastery and 1 Exp. Candy XL .

Eternal Battle Reverie

After completing Request 102, a new interaction becomes possible at your lodge in Jubilife Village. As you pass by the front of the lodge, your Arc Phone will signal you to enter. Once inside the lodge, the phone will ring again, directing you to your bed. As you lie down, a mysterious voice will echo, beckoning you to a celestial rendezvous. Upon answering, you will once again find yourself on the raised platform in the sky, the same place where you first faced Arceus.

Arceus will appear before you, wanting to test your skills and luck in a series of challenges he proposes. You will have the option to choose between several challenges presented by Arceus. Each challenge offers different opponents and rewards in points, which you can accumulate and exchange for various wishes that provide advantages in the next battles.


  • Battle Rules : During challenges, access to items in your bag will be blocked, and Pokémon will not be automatically healed between battles. You will need to manage your Pokémon’s HP and PP resources carefully.
  • Arceus’ Wishes : With the points you earn from winning challenges, you can request “wishes” that grant benefits such as:
    • Restore HP : Fully heals a Pokémon’s HP, or revives one that has been defeated.
    • Restore PP : Recovers all PP from your Pokémon’s moves.
    • Choose New Opponents : Allows you to randomly change nearby opponents.
    • Switch First Pokémon : Switches the first Pokémon in your team without spending a turn.
    • Adverse Status Conditions : Applies poison, paralysis, drowsiness, burning, or freezing to opponents.
    • Sacrifice HP for Points : Reduces a Pokémon’s HP by 20% to double the points earned in the next battle.

Battle Strategy

Before each battle, Arceus will let you choose between taking on a new challenge or using a wish. Challenges are presented in a list of three options, each describing different opponents and the amount of points you earn upon victory.

Helpful Tip : During move selection in battle, you can switch which Pokémon will start the next battle by pressing (L) or (R). This can be done without spending points on a switch wish, making it an efficient way to adjust your strategy for the next opponent.

Opponents start at level 80 and become progressively stronger. After 10 consecutive victories, they will advance to level 90, and after 20 victories, they will advance to level 100. Upon reaching the 50th battle, your only opponent will be Arceus. Defeating it at this stage will grant a special mark on your Trainer Card, symbolizing your ultimate success.

At any time, you can choose to exit the battle sequences by selecting the “Quit” option. This allows you to exit without penalty, while retaining the points and progress you have achieved so far.


After completing Request 102, a new interaction becomes possible during the nighttime hours in Jubilife Village. To ensure that it is nighttime, you can go to your accommodation and change the daytime to “nightfall.” When you leave, you will find Cyllene waiting in front of the Galaxy Team Headquarters. She will ask you to accompany her to an important meeting inside the building.

Inside the Galaxy Team Headquarters, you’ll be taken to the balcony where Kamado will be waiting. Kamado will share the origin of the name “Galaxy Expedition Team,” revealing that it was inspired by a comment from a member who compared the team to the brightness of stars, forming a true galaxy. Kamado will talk about the ephemerality of names and the team’s mission, which is to teach people how to live in harmony with Pokémon. He envisions a future where the need for the Galaxy Team will no longer exist, as everyone in Hisui will have adapted and lived in peace with Pokémon.

Cyllene, for her part, is committed to keeping the Galaxy Team’s legacy alive, promising to pass on their stories and achievements to future generations. After the conversation, Kamado will give her a Comet Shard as a thank you for her dedication and continued support to the team and the people of Hisui.


To access this event, you must have update 1.1.0 and have completed the game’s main story. Head to the Seaside Gate in Jubilife Village, where you’ll find a mysterious man near Dorian, the guard from Buizel’s Request.

This unknown man will discuss the changes in Jubilife Village since his last visit 10 years ago. He will describe how the area was more wild and dangerous, sharing memories of nights spent in cabins on Prelude Beach while collecting Medicinal Leeks and avoiding dangerous encounters with wild Pokémon.

He will notice that you travel with Pokémon, reflecting on how this has changed as well, as people used to fear Pokémon. After sharing his stories, he will apologize for taking up your time and, as a token of appreciation for listening to his stories, will give you a Full Restore. He will then take his leave, mentioning that he needs to continue collecting Medicinal Leeks.

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