Princess Peach: Showtime! – Analysis (Review)

Princess Peach: Showtime! – Analysis (Review)

March 21, 2024 Off By Walber Carbone
Release:  March 22, 2024
Players:  01 player
Genre:  Action, Adventure.
Developer:  Good-Feel
Publisher:  Nintendo
Available languages:  German, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, Dutch, English, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian.
Available on platforms:  Nintendo Switch.
Rating:  Free – Suitable for all ages.
Game version analyzed:  European version for Nintendo Switch.

What’s up guys! Today I’m here to share with you my experience with the game that put Princess Peach in the spotlight in a way we’ve never seen before: Princess Peach: Showtime! From the moment I got my hands on this game and the curtain opened on the first performance, I knew I was about to embark on a different adventure, far from traditional rescues and kart racing.

Let’s be honest, Peach has always had that “lady in distress” role, waiting patiently (or not so patiently) for her rescue in Bowser’s clutches. But bro, forget everything

you knew about the mushroom princess until now. In Princess Peach: Showtime! , she proves that she is much more than a figure to be saved, taking on leading roles in a series of theatrical shows that go far beyond simple representation. And the best? All this without Mario or Luigi around to steal the show. It’s all about her, guys!

As an avid fan of Nintendo games and a dedicated follower of Mario and company’s adventures, I admit that my expectations were sky high. And the game? Well, he came with a bold proposal and a promise of guaranteed fun. Just imagine: Peach, on a solo adventure, venturing through the magical Sparkle Theater, facing the evil Grape and her Sour Bunch gang. And man, the game not only met my expectations, but exceeded them in several aspects.

Taking on the role of Peach in her many transformations – from a fearless swordswoman to a graceful skater, each with her own skills and challenges – was an invigorating experience. It was as if Nintendo threw a bunch of game genres into a blender, added some glitter, and created this variety show. And hey, the simple yet ingeniously designed gameplay kept me engaged from start to finish.

But not everything is rosy, right? Of course I had my “hmmm” moments with some of Peach’s transformations that didn’t shine as brightly as the others and some technical issues here and there. However, each act of the game was like a new episode of a series that you don’t want to stop watching. The scenarios, inspired by theatrical productions, brought a unique vibe that made me feel like both a spectator and protagonist of this peculiar adventure.

In this analysis, I will dive deep into the details of this adventure. From the mechanics and gameplay, to the charming graphics and soundtrack, to the fun and small hiccups in performance and optimization. I’m going to tell you everything, without filters, let’s dive into this magical theater and find out if the most famous princess in video games actually managed to shine in her own show.

Mechanics and Gameplay

Let’s be serious, the idea of ​​turning Peach into a swordswoman, skater, ninja, and even a detective is something I would never have imagined seeing. But Nintendo did it, and did it with style! Each personification brings a unique set of skills and objectives, which keeps the game fresh and exciting with each new curtain that opens.

For example, as Swordsman Peach, I found myself immersed in intense combat, using strikes and dodges to defeat enemies. As for Patissiere Peach, the challenge was totally different, focused on decorating cakes under time pressure – something that I, personally, found hilarious and very well executed. Each transformation not only offers a new way to interact with the theater’s vibrant, detailed sets, but also introduces mini-games and challenges that vary in pace and style.

But, hey, the game isn’t just about transformations. The mechanics of interacting with the environment through Stella, the guardian fairy, add an extra layer of depth. Using Stella’s magic ribbon, I could alter props, solve puzzles, and even affect enemies. Not to mention the satisfaction of using specific abilities from each costume to overcome obstacles and puzzles that made me rack my brains.

However, I have to be honest: not everything is roses. Some transformations and their respective levels did not reach the same level of fun and engagement. Detective Peach, for example, despite being a cool idea, often dragged with its slow pace and simplistic puzzles. And, at times, I felt that the simplicity of the control and challenges might not satisfy more experienced players looking for a tougher challenge.

The gameplay is simple but effective, designed to be very accessible for players of all ages; Still, the gameplay as a whole is cool and functional, through a good variety of styles within the same game. Although some of the princess’s transformations shine more than others, each role that Peach takes on stage brings its own touch of originality, which gives us a sense of progression and the discovery of new abilities that keep the game engaging, even with its occasional flaws.

Expect to face everything from combat challenges to Cooking Mama-style sequences. Princess Peach: Showtime! takes a risk by bringing something new to the table, mixing genres and challenges in a way that few games dare to do. I felt that the game does a great job of introducing and challenging us with several different mechanics, even if some of them are considerably shallower than others. Ultimately, in my opinion, this format of different mechanics that Nintendo brought to this game is worth applauding for its innovation.

Graphics and Sound

First of all: the graphics are very beautiful, in fact they are really beautiful! The game’s design is inspired by theater, and this overflows in each scenario, character and animation. I was like, “Wow, look at this detail!” with each new level I explored. Peach’s transformations are a visual highlight, with each one featuring a unique style that ranges from cute to super cool. And it’s not just about Peach, no. The scenarios are rich in details and vibrant colors, with scenery elements that seem to have come straight from a theater play – some even with that artisanal charm, you know? It’s as if each level were a different presentation, complete with scenarios that rotate and change, creating a dynamic and super immersive visual experience.

Now, talking about the music and sound effects, it’s as if every note and every sound had been meticulously chosen to complement the game’s magic. The soundtrack is rich and varied, perfectly capturing the essence of each transformation and setting. There are moments when you feel like you’re at an ice skating show, with music that makes you want to dance, while at others you’re in the middle of a frenetic action with music that only raises your adrenaline. And the sound effects? Impeccable. From the noise when Peach jumps to the sound of each of her special abilities, everything is so well put together that it increases immersion in a way that you only need to play to understand.

But there is a situation that needs to be said, because not everything is perfect. Some textures and graphic elements may appear a little blurry or less detailed when viewed up close, especially compared to other Switch titles. And regarding the sound effects, there was one or another moment when I felt a somewhat compressed quality, which clashed with the work as a whole.

Still, Princess Peach: Showtime! delivers an audiovisual experience that is difficult to fault. The graphics capture you, the music envelops you and the sound effects immerse you even more in this theatrical world. It’s like being in the front row of a Broadway play, only from the comfort of your couch, with the controller (or the entire Switch) in your hand.


Play “Princess Peach: Showtime!” It was like embarking on a rollercoaster of fun and surprises. With each new level and transformation, the game presented me with a unique experience, which ranged from amazement to pure euphoria.

Starting with Peach’s transformations, which is the big new feature that the game brings and what makes it different from the others. Each of these transformations not only changes the princess’s appearance, but completely modifies the gameplay. Like, one moment you’re there, dancing on the ice with elegance, and the next, you’re throwing swords at villains like there’s no tomorrow. There are levels that transform you into a detective, Sherlock Holmes style, and others where you need to cook under pressure – it’s delicious madness!

The variety of genres that the game embraces is full of fun. Personally, I loved the mix of styles and how each one was able to elicit a different reaction from me. Some made me laugh with their comical situations, others left me on the edge of the couch, eager for the next move. And even when the challenge wasn’t the greatest, the satisfaction of mastering each new mechanic and discovering all the secrets and collectibles kept me motivated.

Speaking of challenges, Princess Peach: Showtime! It managed to balance accessibility very well with moments that require a little more attention and skill, especially in challenge levels and boss fights. The battles against the bosses, in fact, deserve a separate highlight. Each confrontation is a surprise, with unique mechanics that take advantage of the abilities of the transformation you are using at that moment. These fights were some of the highest adrenaline rushes the game gave me.

However, the fun aspect of this game is not just made up of high points. At times, especially in levels that involved less interesting or repetitive mechanics, I felt a drop in enthusiasm. But honestly? These moments were the exception, not the rule, as most of the time, I was totally immersed, exploring every corner of the scenes in search of all the secrets the game had to offer.

In general, it is a very fun game, which has the capacity to surprise and delight, mixing genres, offering a varied range of gameplay and maintaining a pace that almost never drops the ball.

Performance and Optimization

Now let’s talk about something that bothered me a little while I was playing: performance and optimization. First of all, I make it clear that the game has a beautiful look and a very cool proposal. But there were times when the game wasn’t as smooth as I expected.

First, I’ll tell you what caught my attention the most: the leaps and bounds in the frames. Yes, there were moments, especially in the cutscenes and in some parts where there was a lot happening on the screen, when the frame rate dropped in a way that made it too noticeable. And it wasn’t that it ruined the experience, but it was a bit of a bucket of cold water when immersed, you know?

And it doesn’t stop there, there is one thing that I thought was bad: the resolution. Playing in portable mode, I noticed that the image was sometimes a little blurry, not as crystal clear as we are used to. For example, Princess Peach, who is the star of the show, at times looked like she had a fog over her. And that kind of took the shine off the game’s stylish look.

Speaking of visuals, the scenes are incredible and full of details, but this visual richness seems to have weighed down the Switch’s hardware a little. In some areas full of elements and effects, I felt that the console struggled to keep everything running smoothly.

Oh, and I can’t forget the sound; There was something very strange with the sound effect of Peach jumping. It was a compressed noise, you know? As if it wasn’t at the same quality as the rest of the game’s sounds. It may seem silly, but when you’re there, in control, these things attract a lot of attention.

But honestly, despite these performance and optimization issues, Princess Peach: Showtime! It’s a really fun game… It’s that thing: you even notice the problems, but the game’s cool vibe and the creativity in each phase kind of make up for it. But I wanted the game to be more rounded, without those oscillations that sometimes cut the fun, it’s something that takes away some of the game’s shine, especially considering Nintendo’s standards.


After diving deep into Princess Peach: Showtime!, I can say with certainty: this game is a rollercoaster of emotions, fun and, of course, a little frustration. Picking up the controller and guiding Peach through this theatrical adventure, I felt excited by the gigantic variety of mechanics and gameplay styles that Nintendo managed to pack into a single title. Each of Peach’s transformations brought a freshness, a newness that left me eager for what would come next.

On the other hand, the performance and optimization of the game, at times, left something to be desired. Although these are not problems that completely ruin the experience, they do slow down the immersion. It’s like you’re enjoying the vibe of a live show, and suddenly the sound fails. It doesn’t ruin the night, but it makes you lose your rhythm a little.

However, what captivated me most was how the game manages to be a perfect introduction for newcomers to the world of gaming, while at the same time offering interesting challenges for more experienced players who decide to aim for 100% completion. Princess Peach shined in this lead role, showing that she is not just a pretty face in the Mushroom Kingdom, but a heroine with skills and charm to spare.

Nintendo delivered an adventure that, despite having its technical ups and downs, is still an incredibly fun and captivating experience. If you are a long-time fan of the Mario franchise or are just looking for a game to have fun and explore a world full of creativity, this title deserves your attention.

Finally, Princess Peach: Showtime! It is highly recommended for anyone looking for a game full of adventure, creativity and, of course, lots of charm. If you can get past the minor technical hiccups, you’ll find a game that’s very worthwhile.


  • Incredible variety of mechanics and gameplay.
  • Immersive theater aesthetic and theme.
  • Great soundtrack;
  • Strong appeal for both newbies and experienced players.

Negative points

  • Performance and optimization issues that affect immersion;
  • Some transformations and mechanics could be more in-depth;
  • Lack of voices at certain times;
  • Lack of a chapter selection system to facilitate the search for 100% completion.

Graphics: 8.0
Fun: 8.5
Gameplay: 7.5
Sound: 8.0
Performance and Optimization: 6.0
FINAL RATING: 7.6 / 10.0

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