Punch Club – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) + Trophies / Achievements Guide 100%

Punch Club – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) + Trophies / Achievements Guide 100%

March 20, 2024 Off By Gabriel Capuani

If you have nothing to say, just say it once !

Difficulty: 7/10
Time: 10-20 hours (depends on skill)
Trophies/achievements: 47
Missable: 11 (due to optional quests, but they are easy to find)
Minimum moves: 2 (recommended: 3)
Note : The game does not have the Platinum trophy on Ps4, only 100%.
Platforms: Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS, PC – Computer (Microsoft Windows, MAC, Linux) and Cell Phone – Mobile (Android and iOS).

Punch Club is an indie pixelated fighting game that involves knowing how to allocate your time and money to complete the story. All of this accompanied by every type of reference you can imagine and a lot of humor.

There is not much difficulty for 100%. The only problem will be beating the game in less than 100 days (days within the game), this is difficult, as you have to put together well-designed strategies, as the game is often unpredictable.

You will earn almost all achievements in two plays, because almost all achievements are related to a decision you make, being: Work for Don or not. In other words, I will only mention the winnings and will give valuable tips for beating the game in less than 100 days (approximately 5 hours in real life). You must play on NORMAL difficulty to unlock HARDCORE difficulty!

I divided this guide into 3 plays, because it takes time to learn and understand the quickest methods, which can cause a certain amount of frustration when searching for trophies/achievements. And before you start, I recommend that you read the last part of this guide, where I explain the tips.

The only choice that is relevant to the story is whether or not to work for Don. The rest is up to you to decide which choice to make.

Remembering that you can see the choices made, the progression of the story and what remains to be done in the “History” section.


In this playthrough you will choose NOT to work for Don, but rather, accept working for Mob when he asks if you want to work for him.

You can play your way to understand how the game works, but I recommend taking a look at the tips section at the end of this guide. The game is difficult to understand, however, after a few hours, you will see that you just need to manage your time and money well. Don’t worry about beating the game as soon as possible, this play will only help you understand how the game works.

During this play you will necessarily win, respectively:

First fight – Hm… You’ve just finished your first fight. Now you feel strange.

Meet Apu – You’ve met Apu. He’s a shop owner. Does he ever sleep?

Meet Mick – You’ve met Mick. He knows a lot about fighting. You feel a connection between you.

Meet Silver – You’ve met Silver. He seems arrogant. I hope he’ll teach you something.

Meet Casey – You’ve met Casey. He used to be a sailor. Now he can be your employer. I think he is dangerous.

Prevention of a crime – You prevented a crime for the first time. I’m proud of you!

Pizza eater – It tastes so good. I see you like it. But you should probably eat heat healthier food.

Spicy pizza – Mmm… it’s so tasty and spicy. I hope i’ll try it someday.

Meet Tyler – You’ve met Tyler. He looks like a good guy. I think you should spend more time with him.

A friend – Roy is a good guy. You could really become friends.

Beat Bill – It was hard, but you kicked that greens ass.

The Dark Fist – Now you are the Dark Fist! You’re so cool.

5th Place – You’ve just taken 5th place in the league. Keep going!

The Don – You’ve met Don. I can’t even imagine how powerful he is.

Ultimate fights – Now you can fight in the ultimate league. I am little worried about possibles injuries.

Take the challenge – The first bloody fight – done!

Training results – Now your shape is better than ever! you look even better than me.

Crime fighter – You’ve proven yourself as a true defender of your wallet! I think all criminals, will avoid you now.

Big Bobo – You’ve met Bobo. And you know what.. for the first time I have to admit that I was wrong.

Triple B – You’ve met Big Bob! He doesn’t need your clothes anymore. Now he needs some new teeth!

The mobster – Now you’re part of Bobos gang! May I call you little Bobo now?

Ready to challenge – Yellow zone – done! Oh my… I think it’s getting really though now.

Save Fluffy! – Hmm… Actually, you didn’t save Fluffy.

Beat Mark – Wow, his staff was really dangerous. But you’ve won! I could get used to that.

Beat Gabe – Passed… Would i be so lucky.

Beat Steve – Done! You really did it! Can I tell you Dundee now?

Street Fighter – You did it! You’ve won 5 times. I always believed in you!

Mickey – You’ve met Tyler’s brother He seems like a good guy, but you better be careful if you want to do business with him.

The silence – The neighborhood has become so peaceful and calm. But i still won’t live here.

The Sound of Music – Bobo look happy as child with his new hearing aid. I hope that he stops shouting now.

Professional Multi Card – The card is yours! Now we can earn money with your fists!

Beat Ivangief – You’ve avenged your friend! And got the medallion back! Now you can return home.

The Medallion – You got the medallion! No strange power yet. Have you tried rubbing it?

The Power Armor – Now you have full power armor. You look though!

Avenge Fluffy! – No one can hurt your cat!

The Champion – You are the World Champion now.

The Island – You’ve done it! One last step before you face the Man in Black.

The best of brothers – You’ve proven that you are a better fighter than your brother.


In this play the objective will be to make the choice to work for Don to make history different. You can ignore the side quests or not.

If you want to do the 100 days in this stage, see the last part of the guide where I explain.

During this play you will necessarily win, respectively:

Trouble in Little China – There is no more trouble in Little China. No more Chinese food for me.

Prison Fight – Everything is arranged except for your pillow.

King of The Hill – Crime – prison – kick some ass – freedom !

Ninja slayer – You beat a very powerful ninja.

Ultimate Champion – Now you are the Ultimate champion!

Hardcore – Beat the game on the hardcore difficulty.

3rd PLAY – 100 DAYS.

If you have already cleared Hardcore, you can choose Normal difficulty. It is possible to do this move during the second or first, but I recommend doing it separately, as it doesn’t take as long (around 5 hours) and will be less tiring. In this step I will give you golden tips that will help you a lot to master the game in less than 100 days!

In fact, this step will serve you more as a guideline than a rule itself. You will realize that things may not go as described, because this game is very variable and anything you do differently could result in changes. The important thing is to understand the tips.

Before starting, know that the difficulty must be at normal, if you realize that you wasted a lot of time at the beginning, start a new game, the fighting style will be turtle, choose the “path of good” and ignore all side quests, except Fight clandestinely in the abandoned warehouse and become the world champion!


Note: You must invest your points in Turtle Style, as the objective is to have enough life and stamina and to reset the enemy’s energy to only deal critical blows.

Order to distribute points:

1st: Tactics Apprentice.
2nd: High punch.
3rd: Store energy.
4th: Active technique.
5th: Legs why I want you.
6th: Inverted punch.
7th: Decent sneakers.
8th: Turtle style.
9th: Active technique 2.

After unlocking Turtle Style, focus on:

1st: Kick.
2nd: Energizer.
3rd: Iron Curtain.
4th: Backbreaker.
5th: Shining Knight.
6th: Blow to the joint.
7th: Vigor Focus.
8th: Legs why I want you 3.
9th: No rest.
10°: Infinite energy.

Keeping the above skills in mind, start your journey.

1st: After the first dialogue, eat all the pizzas in the fridge.

2nd: When traveling for the first time, choose the Grocery Store and walk! Because the bandits will stop you anyway.

3rd: Go to the grocery store to meet Apu after losing to the bandits, ask for Mick’s order and buy a frozen pizza.

4th: Go to Mick by bus.

5th: Go to the gym by bus and don’t fight Silver, because it makes you hungry and tired.

6th: Sign up for the Beginners League.

7th: Click on Silver and pay to train with the trimmers.

8th: Invest your points in the “Tactics Apprentice”.

9th: Go home by bus and eat pizza.

10th: Return to the grocery store by bus to unlock the Snack Bar.

11th: Go to the Cafeteria on foot and work until you earn $60.

12th: Return to the gym by bus, until you have 3 stamina (green) and 2 strength (red), train until you get tired.

13th: After you get tired, do the training with parries to earn points and buy the “Soco Alto”.

14th: Then, go to the Grocery Store and buy some Meat.

15th: Then, go to Mick and ask for food and he will give you.

16th: Go home by bus, eat the meat, drink the energy drink and sleep on the couch until your hunger level is a little higher than your energy level.

17th: Go to the cafeteria and start working delivering pizza once to earn $30.

18th: The first fight will probably already be available, fight and win.

19th: After winning your first fight, sign up for the next one and train with the parries first to buy “Store Energy”.

20th: Go to Mick’s Office by bus and ask for food and he will give you.

21st: Go to the grocery store and work twice to earn $60.

22nd: Go home by bus and answer the phone, watch the newspaper and sleep on the couch until your energy bar is a little higher than your hunger bar.

23rd: Once this is done, go to the gym by bus and do the treadmill until your stamina is at 4 to be able to buy “Legs for me”, if you get hungry, leave the training and have a fight with the trimmers with Silver . If you get hungry and can’t get your stamina to 4, train at home until you do. And then buy as much pizza as you can at the Grocery Store, go on foot…

24th: Go to Mick’s Office by bus and order food.

25th: Go to the Grocery Store by bus if you have money and work as much as possible, if you get hungry or tired go home and have your hunger and energy bar up to maximum, and go back to work. Then you must work twice and earn $60.

26th: Go to the gym and train with the trimmers once and enter the gym and a groomer will ask you for help. Take the opportunity to train your strength up to level 2 (bench press) and then train your stamina (stretch and squat). Your hunger and energy bar must be full, so train as much as possible and before starting the fight, train with sideboards and start the second fight of the Beginners League.

27th: After winning the fight, sign up for the next one, and buy “Inverted Punch”.

28th: ​​Once this is done, go to the Grocery Store and buy two pizzas. Get as much sleep as possible and go ask Mick for food, he will tell you that this is the last time he will help you.

29th: Go to work delivering pizza as much as possible. After this you should have a lot of money, so go home and click on the suitcase for the second time and you will be taken to the grocery store, then buy three meats.

30°: After returning home and answering the phone, eat and rest as much as possible.

31st: After this it should be the day of your third fight, go to the gym and train with the trimmers, then do the treadmill, squats and hit the tire with the hammer until your energy runs out or it’s time for the fight.

32nd: After winning your third fight, you will meet Roy, the person who becomes your best friend and invites you to drink, after going you will meet Tyler. In this same area, click on the trash can to get the hamburger. Sign up for the next fight and buy the “Decent Tennis” skill. Then click on Tyler to fight and win, earning more points.

33rd: If you have a lot of health, fight in the abandoned warehouse to earn more points and progress in the story, if you don’t have a lot of health, eat and train at the gym until you do.

34th: After winning the first fight in the abandoned Galpão. Go to the gym and train with the trimmers, then do more treadmills and squats until it’s time for the next supreme fight.

35th: After winning the second ultimate fight, go to the Grocery Store and return home and buy meat, then return home to rest.

36°: All your bars will probably be full, go to the Snack Bar and order the special pizza for Cassey. Arriving in the sewer, fight and fight the alligator that appears. After this, work twice again to earn $60.

37°: Go to the gym, have a sparring match and do the treadmill (remember to invest the points correctly).

38th: After this, continue working at the Cafeteria twice to earn $60.

39th: Once that’s done, go home to rest and eat until the beginners’ fight.

40th: After winning the fight, visit Tyler and fight the guy there to earn more points.

41st: Repeat the 4 steps above until you win the Beginners League.

42nd: After winning the Beginners League, Roy will ask you to go to his house, don’t go yet. First sign up for the League, buy 2 meats and go to Roy’s house by bus. After the dialogues in this area, get the first flower and call Roy for training.

43rd: Go to the Cafeteria and work until you earn $30 and get a flower.

44th: Go back to eat, rest and start the next supreme fight.

45°: After winning this fight, make sure you have your bars maxed out to work in the Cafeteria.

46°: After working, go to the gym to spar.

47th: Go to Roy’s house and help him fix the truck’s engine, then call him to fight.

48°: Make sure you have the maximum bars to go to the gym and do treadmills and squats until the hunger and energy bars are equal, then have a sparring match with Silver and start the next fight.

49th: Go visit Tyler to get another flower and fight there to earn points.

50th: Repeat the steps above until Tyler mentions about his brother Mickey, go there and fight Big Bobo.

51st: After defeating Bobo, go to the Sports Store and ask the salesperson about the hearing aids. Take the devices and give them to Bobo, he will ask you to work for him, accept the proposal to earn money. After working, talk to Mickey and tell him that the problem has been solved.

52nd: After that, go to Roy’s house, help with the engine, rest with him and then ask to fight. After the fight, talk to Adrian.

53rd: By now you should have a lot of money, so go to the gym and do treadmills and squats until the next fight.

54th: After the fight, go to the gym to spar with Silver and then go to Roy’s house by bus, help him and rest with him, then ask him to fight. Eat and rest if necessary, but don’t forget to buy food.

55th: Repeat the processes above (mainly with Roy) until you win the fights that appear and don’t forget to sign up for the fights!

56th: After winning the supreme fights you will be induced to meet Don.

57°: Continue repeating the training, work and nutrition steps described above.

58°: If you already have time left, you can go order Casey’s special pizza to defeat the alligators, if you’re pressed for time it’s better to ignore them.

59th: After winning the last League fight at Silver’s gym, Mick will tell you the story about the Punch Club. Sign up for the next fights.

60°: After that, practice sparring against Silver and go to work for Bobo.

61st: After working for Bobo, go to Roy’s house, fight the ultimate battles. Repeat the processes described previously.

61st: After defeating everyone and Roy passing away. You will go to Russia to face the opponents there.

61st: After returning from Russia, you will have a mansion with a gym inside. Silver’s gym will no longer be useful and the game will become a little easier. But before you go home, go to the grocery store and buy as much frozen pizza and energy as you can. You will have so much money that you will no longer need to waste time sleeping, just drink energy drinks from now on. Leaving the Grocery Store, go to the Abandoned Warehouse.

62°: Leaving the Galpão, go to your house. After the dialogue with Morgan Freeman, click on him and start recording a movie and win all the fights. After winning all the fights, invest all your stars and money in “Exhibit” and then click “Throw a party” to earn more stars and invest more in “Exhibit”.

63°: Once the above processes have been completed, eat the food in the fridge, if there is no food, buy more at the Grocery Store, and continue sparring with Silver to earn more points.

64°: Throw some more parties to earn more stars, if you want you can buy anabolic steroids to help in the final fights. And it won’t be necessary to be “in love”.

65°: It will no longer be necessary to train, but you will only waste time doing so, if you want, buy an anabolic steroid.

66°: When the option to record a movie is available, do it and defeat all opponents.

67th: After that, eat everything and drink the energy drinks to face the league opponents.

68th: After defeating Bruce Lee or Hulk Hogan, throw more parties to earn more stars.

69th: After you have enough stars and defeated all your opponents, Morgan will say that everything was a success and you will be forwarded to Mick.

70°: After this dialogue with him, you will be on the Island. The last area of ​​the game, near the end. If you took anabolic steroids before the fight against Kyn, the last battle won’t be a problem.

81°: Good luck with all of this. 😀

During this play you will necessarily win, respectively:

300 days – Beat the game in 300 days.

200 days – Beat the game in 200 days.

100 days – Beat the game in 100 days.

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