Raccoo Venture – Analysis (Review)

Raccoo Venture – Analysis (Review)

January 23, 2024 Off By Markus Leite
Release:  December 14, 2023
Players:  1 player
Genre:  Adventure, Platform, Action.
Developer:  Diego Ras
Publisher:  QUByte Interactive
Available languages:  German, Spanish, English, Brazilian Portuguese.
Available on platforms:  PC – Computer (Windows), Switch, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S.
Rating:  Free – Suitable for all ages.
Version of the game analyzed:  Brazilian version for PlayStation 5, and also for Nintendo Switch.

Today, we’re going to dive deep into the universe of Raccoo Venture, a title that has attracted attention for its nostalgic and innovative proposal. This game isn’t just another in the growing list of platform adventures; It is a tribute to the classics of the 90s, bringing back the magic of 3D adventure games, with a modern look that never fails to wink at the past.

Raccoo Venture stands out in the current independent gaming scene for its unique approach. Developed with an evident passion for classic games, it transports us to a world where simplicity of design meets rich and immersive gameplay. Here, we follow the adventures of a brave raccoon in a world full of challenges and secrets to be discovered. Every element of the game, from the narrative to the character designs, is carefully thought out to evoke that cozy feeling of familiarity while also bringing something new to the table.

The game takes place in a vibrant world full of colors and unique characters, where the raccoon protagonist embarks on a mission to save his world from a mysterious threat. Armed with the ability to explore, jump and solve puzzles, the player is taken on a journey that expertly balances challenge and fun. The item collecting and puzzle solving mechanics hark back to the classics of the genre, but with an execution that feels fresh and contemporary.

Furthermore, the level design is a highlight of the game. Each of them is a small world in its own right, full of secrets to be uncovered, challenges to be overcome and enemies to be faced. There is clear attention to detail in every corner of the game, from the small interactions with the scenery to the way the puzzles are integrated into the gameplay. This attention to detail also extends to the game’s sound, with a soundtrack that perfectly complements the atmosphere and sound effects that enrich each action.

But Raccoo Venture is not just a trip to the past. It brings with it improvements and adaptations that align with the expectations of today’s players. The gameplay is fluid and responsive, and the challenges are balanced to offer a rewarding experience for both veterans and newcomers to the genre.

Get ready to dive into a world where a brave raccoon faces incredible adventures!

Mechanics and Gameplay

One of the first things that catches your eye is the meticulous attention paid to mechanics and gameplay. This game, inspired by the classics from the golden age of 3D platformers, brilliantly manages to revive the essence of those titles, while at the same time introducing modern elements that enhance the experience.

Raccoo Venture’s gameplay is based on traditional platform games. You control a charismatic character – an adventurous raccoon – through a series of levels, each filled with challenges, enemies and puzzles. Collecting items and unlocking new areas are central to the experience, evoking that nostalgic feeling of exploration and discovery.

The game places a strong emphasis on exploration. Levels are designed to not only challenge the player but also encourage curiosity. There are an abundance of collectibles scattered throughout the scenes, each contributing to the game’s progression in a significant way. This search for items is not just a pastime – it integrates perfectly into the narrative and character evolution.

The puzzles are a highlight. Each level brings unique challenges that require more than just quick reflexes; they demand critical thinking and a strategic approach. These puzzles vary in difficulty, ensuring that the game remains accessible to newcomers, but still offers a good challenge for veterans.

Confronting enemies is an essential part of the gameplay. Each opponent has unique patterns, forcing the player to adapt their strategies. Combat is intuitive and satisfying, balancing the action well with the other elements of the game.

A crucial aspect in any platform game is the quality of the controls, and here “Raccoo Venture” does not disappoint. The controls are responsive and precise, which is vital for the most demanding platforming moments and for precision in puzzles; However, I really missed the possibility of rotating the camera with the second analog stick during matches. You can even stop the game and do a rotation, as if in photography mode, but to do this you need to stop the entire game.

The game also introduces an interesting character customization system. As you progress, you can change your raccoon’s appearance with different costumes, each with their own benefits and characteristics. This layer of customization adds depth to the experience, allowing players greater individual expression.

The most impressive thing about Raccoo Venture is how it expertly balances challenge and fun. The game challenges without frustrating, maintaining a pace that is accessible but never monotonous. This balance makes the gameplay always engaging and rewarding.


The game’s graphic aesthetic is one of its most captivating aspects, mixing the nostalgic charm of the 90s with a contemporary touch. Raccoo Venture’s art style is instantly recognizable and distinctly charming. Taking inspiration from 3D platformers from the 90s, the game presents a vibrant and colorful world, full of details and textures that are both simple and expressive. There is a palpable sense of nostalgia, but with a quality and sharpness that is decidedly modern. The color palette is bright and cheerful, which adds to the game’s playful and fun atmosphere.

The characters are another highlight of the graphics. The protagonist, an adventurous raccoon, is immediately charismatic, with expressive animations and a design that makes him memorable. The enemies and secondary characters are also well designed, each with their own unique visual personality. The game’s settings are equally impressive, ranging from dense forests to mysterious caves, each area with its own visual identity.

The animations are fluid and well executed, contributing to the feeling of movement and life in the game. Jumping, running, and object interactions are all performed smoothly, which is essential to the gameplay experience in a platform title. Visual effects, such as item collection glows and combat particles, are subtle but effective, adding an extra layer of polish to the game. An important aspect of Raccoo Venture’s graphics is the consistency and visual cohesion throughout the game. Each element seems to be part of a well thought out and interconnected world. This consistency extends to the interfaces and menus, which are clear, readable and aesthetically in harmony with the rest of the game.

The details in the scenarios and environments deserve to be highlighted. There is clear attention to the small details that enrich the game world. Collectibles, background elements, and textures contribute to an immersive and immersive experience.


The sound aspect of Raccoo Venture is one of the most immersive and captivating elements of the game: its music and sound effects. Raccoo Venture’s music is a true journey through time. Each track feels carefully composed to evoke the golden age of platformers, but with a quality and production that aligns with modern standards. The melodies are lively, happy and, above all, extremely memorable. They vary according to the environment and context of the game, reacting dynamically to the player’s actions and different phases. This musical variety keeps the soundtrack always fresh and interesting.

In addition to the music, the sound effects in Raccoo Venture are a highlight in their own right. There is clear attention to detail in the sounds, from the sound of the adventurous raccoon’s footsteps to the sound of item collections and enemy confrontations. Each sound effect is crisp and well placed, reinforcing the action on screen. The sounds are responsive and well-synced with the gameplay, which elevates the overall experience.

What’s really impressive is how the music and sound effects complement each other, creating a cohesive and immersive atmosphere. They work in harmony, not only to reinforce the game’s visual identity, but also to deepen the immersion and emotional connection to the adventure. Raccoo Venture’s sound design demonstrates a deep understanding of how music and sounds can enrich the narrative and gameplay experience, making every moment in the game more memorable and engaging.


Raccoo Venture is, without a doubt, a very fun game. It manages to capture the essence of what makes platformers so appealing, offering an experience that is both familiar and refreshing. The game shines especially for its ability to balance challenge and entertainment, providing an adventure that is accessible to players of all skill levels.

The fun in Raccoo Venture is amplified by its intuitive and engaging gameplay. The puzzles and challenges presented throughout the game are well thought out, encouraging players to explore and interact with the world in creative ways. The feeling of accomplishment when solving a difficult puzzle or overcoming a challenging enemy is one of the many reasons the game keeps players engaged and entertained.

Furthermore, the game’s enchanting aesthetic, combined with its catchy soundtrack, creates an atmosphere that is pleasant and inviting. There is clear care in every detail of the game, from level design to character animation, which contributes to a rich and satisfying gaming experience.

Another aspect that adds to the fun are the collectibles and customization elements, which add an extra layer of depth to the game. Players are encouraged to explore every corner of the game world to discover secrets and items, which increases replayability and entertainment value.

Performance and Optimization

When it comes to performance, the game runs smoothly, providing a fluid experience. In some versions, such as the Nintendo Switch, there may be minor performance issues, where players may occasionally experience issues such as frame rate drops and longer loading times, but nothing that seriously compromises the experience. Despite this, such problems are not widespread and do not significantly compromise the overall game experience. Optimization is adequate, ensuring that most players will have a smooth, stutter-free experience.


In conclusion, Raccoo Venture is a nostalgic celebration of classic 90s platformers packaged in a captivating, modern presentation. The game stands out not only as an homage to the past, but also as a valuable and innovative contribution to the genre.

The game does an excellent job of capturing the essence of platformers from decades past, while injecting freshness and innovation into the gameplay. The developers have created an impeccable balance between challenge and fun, which makes Raccoo Venture accessible to newcomers while also appealing to genre veterans. The collecting mechanics and challenging puzzles are reminiscent of the classics, but presented in a way that feels new and exciting.

Visually, the game is beautiful. With a very vibrant color palette, charismatic characters and varied scenarios, Raccoo Venture is eye-catching. The attention to detail in the graphics is remarkable, creating a world that is both familiar and surprisingly new. In terms of sound, the soundtrack and sound effects are equally impressive. The songs are catchy and perfectly complement the on-screen action, while the sound effects add an extra layer of immersion.

The game invites players to explore, discover secrets and engage in a journey full of challenges. The feeling of progression and accomplishment is constant, encouraging players to continue their journey through the game world. Each level is carefully designed to offer a unique experience, keeping players engaged from start to finish.

To conclude, Raccoo Venture is a worthwhile experience for any fan of platform games. With its nostalgic charm, refined gameplay, and top-notch visual and sound presentation, the game stands out as a memorable and entertaining adventure. Despite some technical hiccups in the Nintendo Switch version, which can include frame rate drops and longer loading times, the game keeps its promise of providing fun and challenges in an engaging and accessible package.

Therefore, Raccoo Venture gets a warm recommendation for those looking to relive the glory days of platformers, as well as new players wanting to discover what makes this genre so beloved.


  • Fun and challenging gameplay;
  • Charismatic graphics with a retro style;
  • Engaging soundtrack;
  • Variety of challenges and secrets;
  • Balance between nostalgia and innovation.

Negative points

  • Minor performance issues on some platforms;
  • Difficulty Inconsistent, as some moments can be frustrating for less experienced players;
  • Basic Controls, which, although functional, feel like they lack nuances compared to more recent games, such as rotating the camera during the game.

Rating :
Graphics: 9.5
Fun: 9.5
Gameplay: 8.5
Sound: 9.5
Performance and Optimization: 8.0
FINAL RATING: 9.0 / 10.0

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