RKGK / Rakugaki – Analysis (Review) – Spray paint, parkour and platform to fight the system

RKGK / Rakugaki – Analysis (Review) – Spray paint, parkour and platform to fight the system

May 22, 2024 Off By Rafael Câmara
Release:  May 22, 2024
Players:  1 player
Genre:  Action, Adventure, Indie.
Developer:  Wabisabi Games
Publisher:  Gearbox Publishing
Available languages:  Portuguese (Brazil), English, Spanish (Latin America), French, Italian, German, Simplified Chinese, Japanese.
Available on platforms:  PC – Computer.
Indicative Rating:  10 Years – Criminal acts Violence.
Game version analyzed:  American version for PC – Computer.

As a fan of platform games, especially those that bring an artistic touch and an engaging narrative, RKGK caught my attention from the first moment. Developed by Wabisabi Games and distributed by Gearbox Publishing, this indie title won me over with its unique premise: a dystopian future where personal expression is repressed, and it’s up to a young street artist, Valah, to bring color and life back to her city through graffiti art. I dove headfirst into this vibrant and challenging world, and I’m here to share my detailed impressions of this unique experience.

Mechanics and Gameplay

RKGK is, at its core, an action platformer with strong anime influences. The game stands out for the fluidity and precision of its movement mechanics. Valah, the protagonist, has a varied set of skills ranging from double jumps to sliding and gliding. Each level of the game is meticulously designed to test these skills to the maximum, offering challenges that require both precision and perfect timing.

The levels are spread across six distinct worlds, each with approximately five to seven stages. The structure of the levels is quite vertical, with many moments in which we need to make precise jumps between walls, slide down rails and face changes in gravity. One of the most interesting elements is “Defacer Mode”, which grants Valah a speed boost and temporary invulnerability, encouraging rapid exploration and efficient elimination of enemies.

In addition to the traditional progression through levels, the game offers a series of parallel challenges, such as time trials and collecting hidden items. These challenges significantly increase replayability, as players are encouraged to return to levels to improve their scores and discover all the secrets.

However, not everything is rosy. The checkpoint system during boss battles can be frustrating. We are often forced to replay long combat sequences due to a lack of intermediate save points. Additionally, some bosses use strategies that seem unfair, with attacks that flood the screen with projectiles and enemies, making these battles more annoying than challenging.


Visually, RKGK is very attractive, with beautiful, expressive, colorful and well-resolved graphics. The cel-shaded style, combined with a vibrant color palette and an aesthetic heavily influenced by street graffiti, creates a world that is both beautiful and immersive. The city of Cap City, although dystopian, comes to life with every stroke of spray paint that Valah applies. The contrast between the dark, discolored areas and the vibrant graffiti is striking, making each level feel like a blank canvas ready to be transformed.

The characters are well drawn and animated, with facial expressions and fluid movements that add depth to the narrative. Valah, in particular, is a standout, with a design that perfectly captures the character’s rebelliousness and determination. The robotic enemies, while less varied, are detailed enough to maintain visual interest.


RKGK’s soundtrack is a cheerful mix of electronic music and EDM, which fits perfectly with the game’s futuristic environment. The songs are catchy and vary between melodic and more intense themes, depending on the situation. However, after long gaming sessions, some tracks may become repetitive. In moments of frequent trial and error in difficult platforming sections, the music can start to grate, though this is a matter of personal preference.

The sound effects complement the action well, from the satisfying sound of spray paint being applied to walls to the mechanical noises of enemies. The characters’ voices are limited to exclamations and grunts, but this does not detract from the immersion. In fact, the absence of extensive dialogue allows the visual art and gameplay to take center stage.


RKGK is a game that, despite its flaws, offers a fun and engaging experience. The feeling of flowing through levels with quick and precise movements is extremely rewarding. Each phase presents new challenges and mechanics, keeping the player constantly engaged. The act of graffitiing the environments is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also adds a layer of creativity to the game.

Additional challenges, such as time trials and the search for hidden items, increase the game’s longevity. The ability to unlock new outfits and customizations for Valah is an extra incentive to revisit the levels. However, the negative points, such as problems with checkpoints and the inconsistent difficulty of the bosses, can hamper the fun at times.

Performance and Optimization

When it comes to performance, RKGK holds up admirably well. I played the PC version and didn’t encounter any significant performance issues. The game runs smoothly, with fast loading times and no notable drops in frame rate. Wabisabi Games has done an excellent job of optimizing, ensuring that even on modest spec machines, the game runs smoothly.

However, there are some minor bugs that may affect the experience. For example, the camera can be problematic in tight areas or during precise jumps, causing frustration. I also noticed that some elements of the scenery occasionally didn’t load correctly, although this wasn’t frequent enough to significantly detract from the overall experience.


RKGK is a solid addition to the action platformer genre, bringing a unique combination of fluid mechanics, vibrant aesthetics, and a simple yet effective narrative. Wabisabi Games has managed to create a world where art and rebellion meet, providing an experience that is both visually stunning and challenging.

I recommend RKGK to any platformer fan looking for something new and refreshing. The fast gameplay and customizability are big draws, and the visual art is simply stunning. However, be prepared to face some difficult challenges and deal with occasional frustrations due to issues with checkpoints and the camera.


  • Stunning visuals and unique artistic style.
  • Fast and accurate platform mechanics.
  • High replayability with additional challenges and collectibles.
  • Captivating soundtrack that complements the game’s environment.
  • Great performance and optimization for PC.

Negative points

  • Inconsistent checkpoints during boss battles.
  • Boss difficulty can be frustrating and unfair.
  • Music can become repetitive after long sessions.
  • Occasional camera issues in tight areas.

Graphics: 9.0
Fun: 8.0
Gameplay: 8.5
Sound: 7.5
Performance and Optimization: 8.5
FINAL RATING: 8.3 / 10.0

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