Shin Megami Tensei V – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)
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Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) of Shin Megami Tensei V:
When starting Shin Megami Tensei V, you will be asked to choose a difficulty. To maximize the usefulness of this guide, we will assume that you will choose the Hard difficulty.
Below are the difficulty options:
- Safety : This is the easiest difficulty, allowing you to beat almost any challenge by randomly mashing buttons. Ideal for those who just want to focus on the story.
- Casual (Casual) : For players with little or no experience. You will likely face few challenges.
- Normal (Normal) : Recommended for SMT/Persona/Atlus JRPG players who want to have fun with the gameplay.
- Hard : For those looking for a real challenge. Enemies will dodge and crit more often and have more health. (This difficulty can only be selected when starting a new game and cannot be changed back once chosen).
After the opening scenes, you will be asked to enter a name for your protagonist.
Exploring the Classroom
After the scenes, you will have control of your character in the classroom. Walk around the location and talk to all available characters. Then, head to the objective point that appeared on the map.
Dialogue and Alignment Choices
Watch the following scenes and make a choice when prompted. In Shin Megami Tensei V, dialogue choices affect your alignment. Unlike other games in the series, this doesn’t necessarily determine the game’s ending, but having an alignment that matches your selected finishing route can provide useful end-game bonuses.
Map of the city
When you regain control, you will be looking at the city map. Talk to some of the NPCs marked in green, then head to the station and enter.
Station Interactions
After a few additional cutscenes, you will have control again. You can talk to the people around you or go straight to the objective. After listening to what the crowd is saying, return to your group, where only Miyazu will be waiting.
Station Dialogue Choice
You’ll have another dialogue choice, but again, it doesn’t matter how you respond.
Takanawa Tunnel
Head to the back of the station and move on to the next area. You will be prompted to save the game, so do so.
On the world map, head north towards the Takanawa Tunnel and enter for more scenes.
First Scene in the Tunnel
Walk forward until another scene triggers. After that, a new choice (which does not affect the result) will be presented.
Beginning of the game
Now the real game begins. Get ready to face challenging enemies and use smart strategies to progress. Explore the environment, collect resources and make strategic alliances with demons to strengthen your group. Good luck on your journey!
Shin Megami Tensei V Alignment Choices Guide
How Alignment Works
Unlike previous entries in the Shin Megami Tensei series, the alignment in SMT V does not directly affect the game’s ending. Only one final choice after the final dungeon segment determines the ending route. However, choosing an ending that matches your alignment can award you with a unique miracle exclusive to that route.
Alignment is decided by two factors: choices in various scenes and completing certain missions or making specific choices within those missions.
Important Choices
Some choices carry more weight than others. Therefore, you may not see an alignment change immediately after some picks, but you will after others. Remember: the more choices you make toward a specific alignment, the harder it will be to change it. If you avoid missions that involve these choices, you’ll have a better chance of adjusting your alignment later. It’s important to start any play with a specific ending in mind and a target alignment, and make decisions accordingly.
An additional detail is that the neutral ending does not require a specific alignment, so you can opt for it regardless of the choices you make.
Some decisions that grant specific alignment points can also block other missions (this only happens once near the end of the game, so read carefully).
This guide divides information between story choices, unavoidable events and choices in optional missions.
Story Choices
- Angels blocking the way to the Tokyo Diet Building:
- Explain the situation (N)
- Force passage (C)
- Yakumo’s question:
- Order is essential for peace. (L)
- The order gets in the way. (W)
- I am not sure. (N)
Interlude/Fight inside the School
Lahmu for the first time:
- We need to help her. (L)
- We need to kill Lahmu. (W)
Lahmu for the second time:
- Let’s take down Lahmu. (W)
- Prioritize her rescue. (L)
Interlude 2/Tokyo before Ginza
Talk to Aogami before going to Ginza:
- We must do our part. (L)
- I had no choice. (N)
- Honestly, I don’t want to do that. (W)
Conversation with Aogami after fighting Yakumo:
- You have been of great help. (L)
- You certainly made life complicated. (W)
Interlude 3/Inside the Demon King’s castle
Pre-fight conversation with Arioch:
- God’s order will never die. (L)
- Fine by me. (W)
Post-fight conversation with Odin:
- I’m attached to it. (L)
- It must be rebuilt from scratch. (W)
Choices in Missions
Mission: Apsaras (L) vs Leanan Sidhe (C)
Mission: Principality (L) vs Lilim (C)
Mission: “A Wish for a Fish”, post-fight conversation with King Frost:
- Finish him off and get the fish (C)
- Let it go (L)
Mission: “The Goddess Stolen”, eat Idun’s apple:
- Yes c)
- No)
Mission: Dionysius (L) vs Black Frost (C)
Mission: “The Horn of Plenty”, talk to Demeter about sacrifices:
- Sacrifices are necessary. (L)
- Sacrifices must be avoided. (N)
Mission: Futsunushi (L) vs Adramelech (C)
Special Mission: Egyptian Questline
This is a special quest line unlocked near the end of the game. Speaking to a Dominion near Main Street in Asakusa, he will ask you to defeat and kill Khonsu in Odaiba. This unlocks Odaiba and starts the quest chain.
Mission: “The Egyptian’s Fate”, post-battle conversation with Khonsu:
- Finish Khonsu (L)
- Put away the weapon (N)
Mission: “The Succession of Ra”, post-battle conversation with Khonsu Ra:
- Deal the final blow (C)
- Prevent Khonsu (L)
- Do nothing (N)
Netherworld: Minato – Start of Tutorial and Gameplay
First Battle and Press Turns System
When starting your first fight in Shin Megami Tensei V, the game will introduce the Press Turns system. Think of Press Turns as the number of actions you can perform in one round. You will have the opportunity to select skills and choose attacks.
Affinities and Weaknesses
The game will also explain about affinities. For those who are not familiar with the Persona or SMT series, you can think about the weaknesses and types of Pokémon. When you target an enemy’s weakness, you gain an extra turn. To exploit these weaknesses, you need to discover them through trial and error.
The enemy in front of you, Daemon, is weak to electricity, so you will use the Zio skill in your next attack. Unlike normal attacks, skills and spells consume MP.
Beware of Errors
If you miss an attack or if an enemy blocks or absorbs your attack, you will use more Press Turns than normal, putting you in great danger. Remember, this also applies to enemies, so use this mechanic to your advantage.
Accessing Other Actions
You will also have access to the Change, Talk and Save actions. Guarding reduces damage taken, prevents being hit by weaknesses and critical hits, and also prevents negative statuses. The other two actions are not important at this point.
Keep attacking Daemon’s weakness with Zio. If you’re playing on hard difficulty, it’s best to just use Zio to guarantee victory.
After the Battle
After winning, the protagonist, who we will call Nahobino, will level up and earn Macca (game currency). When you level up, some attributes will automatically increase, and you will earn a bonus point to distribute to an attribute of your choice.
Main Attributes
The five main attributes are:
- Strength : Increases the damage of normal attacks and physical abilities.
- Vitality : Reduces damage taken, but does not affect HP.
- Magic : Increases the damage of magical attacks, such as Zio, and the amount healed by healing spells.
- Agility : Increases the chance of various actions, such as initiative in battles, escape rate, hit rate when attacking and evasion when being attacked.
- Luck : Affects luck-based events such as critical strike chances and evasion.
If you are playing on Normal or Hard difficulties, it is advisable to focus on two main attributes rather than distributing points equally. A build focused on Strength or Magic can increase your chances of survival.
Exploring the Environment
After the battle, you will have control of the character. Use the X button to access the menu, B to jump and Y to attack. You can also sprint using the ZL and ZR buttons. Keep moving towards the objective until a cutscene occurs.
Collecting Magatsuhi
Pick up Magatsuhi as you advance to recover your HP and MP and gain Magatsuhi. Keep moving forward, jumping over the rocks and using the climbing points until you reach the top and find a large yellow crystal.
Treasury and Continuation
This crystal is a treasure chest that contains 500 Macca. Break it with Y and continue towards the objective.
(Main Mission)
Introduction to Gustave and Mimans
You will now be given a main quest, which are the main story objectives that need to be completed to progress in the game. The missions tab will unlock, allowing you to keep track of your objectives.
Going down the slope
Continue down the slope in front of you, through ruined Tokyo. After a short distance, a cutscene will occur, introducing you to Ley Lines and the character Gustave. Ley Lines are important points where you can save your progress, purchase items, and recover.
Shopping at Gustave’s Store
Gustave will sell useful items, but with only 500 Macca to start with, your options are limited. Here are the available items:
- Elemental attack items : 200 Macca
- Elemental Nullifiers : 150 Macca
- Spy Glass (to reveal enemy information) : 100 Macca
- Healing Items : Prices vary
As there is still no efficient method to heal during battles, it is better to spend a little on medicine. After making your purchases, leave Gustave’s store.
Ley Line Skills
When accessing the Ley Lines, you will have three options: save your game, enter Gustave’s shop, and recover. Remember that healing yourself in recovery is not free, but it is relatively inexpensive in the beginning. Make sure to heal yourself and save your progress before continuing.
Looking for the Miman
Gustave will ask you to find his Miman. This is a secondary activity that rewards you as you find more Mimans throughout the game. Mimans are small creatures with a red glow.
Finding the First Miman
Go forward and you will soon see a small being with a red glow – this is a Miman. Talk to him to receive 5 Glories. Glory is a special currency that will be explained later in the game. After finding the Miman, return to Gustave via the Ley Line to receive an Onmoraki essence as a reward.
Mimans Rewards
In Gustave’s shop, there is a section that lists rewards based on the total number of Mimans found, starting with 5 and going up to 200. Rewards include items, essences, and other upgrades.
After getting your reward, continue exploring. In various areas of the game, you will find more Mimans. The game’s main guide will mention these Mimans as they appear, but for a detailed list of all Miman locations, see the specific Miman location guide.
Negotiation with Demons and Exploration of Tamachi
Demons Found : Slime, Preta, Pixie
Items in Chests : Revival Bead, 2 Medicine, Fire Shard
Essences in Chests : Preta, Slime
Mimans Collected (Cumulative) : 5/50
Exploring After the Rubble
After finding the Miman, continue past the rubble and you will see a vending machine. Examine it to collect a Soda, which is a relic item that can be sold to Gustave by Macca. From the vending machine, head northeast up the stairs on the east side of the road to find the second Miman.
Negotiation with the Pixie Demon
Continue forward and after passing the footbridge you will see a small fairy on the road. This is the Pixie demon. Approaching her, a brief cutscene will begin and you will enter a demon negotiation tutorial. Instead of starting a normal battle, select “Talk”.
In this tutorial, it is not possible to fail in negotiation, as selecting wrong answers will cause the choice to be repeated until you get it right. After that, Pixie will be added to your party and your demon stock.
Trading Tips
Trading with demons allows you to gain more allies in battles. At first, you can recruit up to 6 demons and have 3 in battle at a time. Recruiting demons also provides information about their stats, affinities, weaknesses, and drops. You can read demon lore in the “Analyze” menu. With Pixie by your side, you’ll have a dedicated healer to help in battle.
Advancing and Collecting Items
Move forward and you will see two Slimes in the distance. Before facing them, go east and around a building to find a chest containing a Revival Bead. When you’re ready, approach and attack one of the Slimes.
Remember that you now have 2 Press Turns, equal to the number of members in your party (this goes for both enemies and allies, except bosses). When you target an enemy’s weakness, a Press Turn will flash and you will gain an extra turn. If you manage to hit another weakness this extra turn, the second Press Turn will also shine, granting another extra turn.
Battle Strategies
The “Pass” function is the same as hitting a weakness, allowing an extra action, but you lose the action for that unit. Use “Pass” strategically and not impulsively. One detail the game doesn’t mention is that most demons cannot be traded during the new or full moon, but some demons can only be traded at these times, so be aware of the moon phase during battles.
Defeat the Slimes (and recruit one if you want). Depending on how the negotiations go, you could find yourself in a difficult situation. The demon may ask for money, HP or other things. Ideally, you can convince them to join you without having to compromise, but it’s not easy. Additionally, you can only recruit demons of the same level or weaker than you.
Exploring the Road
Continue on the road until you find a fork with three more Slimes. Fight them to gain experience. If necessary, return to the ley line to recover. Before heading to the objective, go west at the fork.
Collecting Relics
To the northwest of the three Slimes, you will find two vending machines. Examine both to get two more Sodas. Follow this fork and you’ll notice a new enemy, Preta. I recommend fighting them after Pixie levels up at least once, as she learns the Zan skill, which is of the strength element and Preta is weak against it. Try recruiting one of these demons to complete your party and because it can learn Bufu (ice) in one level.
Finding Mimans and Essences
From the vending machines, head straight north, inside a ruined building, to find another Miman. From where you fought Preta, continue forward and turn left to climb a hill and enter a ruined building with a chest containing Preta’s essence. Afterwards, go down and go straight to a building in the distance with Magatsuhi crystals, climb it and you will see another chest in the next building. Jump into the building to get the chest with two Medicines.
Detailed Exploration
Go back to the building you used to get here and go in front of it, on the side of the road, to find another Miman behind a rock. Return to the building with the chest you just got and continue north to find more crystals. You will see two Pixies nearby.
ATTENTION: When approaching them, be very careful. This is the most dangerous group of enemies in this starting area. They appear in groups of six, and although they are not strong individually, they have many turns to attack you. Don’t fight them if you’re not prepared, and if you do, be ready to heal a lot.
Exploring Vending Machines
West of Pixies is a small path that leads back to the street, where there are two more vending machines. Vending machines rarely drop relics of Fortune.
Finding More Mimans
Return to the street and loot the nearby chest to get Slime Essence. The nearby Mokoi will say that this area is a dead end, but we still have things to do here. From where Mokoi is, go a little south and then west, climb a hill and enter a building where you will find another Miman looking at the Slimes.
Saving Progress
I suggest returning to the save point now to recover and report back to Gustave. Additionally, you must save your progress. Talking to Gustave will give you three Life Stones, three Amrita Sodas, and three Medicines. Don’t forget to sell your relics too. Make any purchase you want and return to Mokoi.
Exploring the Cave
Behind Mokoi is a cave. Enter the cave and follow it to a branching path, take the west path first. Prepare for your first sub-mission. Talk to Preta with a yellow scroll above her head. They want you to find your friends who haven’t returned with food yet.
Mission Counseling
It is in your best interest to complete as many quests as possible while playing, as some (if not all) are necessary for the hidden ending room, and in general, the rewards for completing quests are very useful. However, some quests require you to reach areas you have not yet visited, so even if you read the information below, you will need to advance to the story objective first. There is no time limit for missions.
Facing the Challenge
After accepting the quest, go to the eastern branch of the cave and you will find a room with six Slimes above and a chest between them. You have two options: approach normally and risk fighting the group, possibly being ambushed, or run towards the chest, grab it and run away. I recommend the latter option, especially on higher difficulties. The chest contains a Fire Shard.
Completing the Sub-Mission
Talk to Preta with a yellow scroll above her head. They want you to find your friends who haven’t returned with food yet. When you reach Mita, talk to Preta near the save point. This will reveal the location of the second Preta. Go to the Shiba save point and head east to a cave where Apsaras is. Talk to Preta and he will give you food to take back to the cave.
Quest Rewards
Return and deliver the food to Preta in the cave. Unfortunately, this will make them even hungrier. You will need to defeat six Blacks in a single battle. The good news is that they have the same weakness as normal Pretas and just a little more HP, so it shouldn’t be too difficult.
Reward : Haunt Talisman and 100 EXP
Mita Exploration
Demons Found : Slime, Preta, Onmoraki
Items in Chests : N/A
Essences in Chests : Pixie
Mimans Collected (Cumulative) : 7/50
Returning to the Fork in the Street
Return to the fork where you found the three Slimes and follow the east path. A scene will start and you will face three Blacks. These Pretas are easier to defeat than those found in normal encounters.
From Tamachi to Mita
Continue along the path and you will pass from Tamachi to Mita. Follow the road and you will find another vending machine in a corner. Collect the relic and next to it there will be a group of Onmoraki. These demons are weak against Strength abilities and tend to use Fire attacks, so it’s best not to include Slime in a fight against them.
Recruiting Onmoraki
Try to recruit an Onmoraki if you can. They are a good replacement for Slime, which has many weaknesses. Having more demons in your party means you have more MP reserves, which is advantageous.
Remember that reserve members do not affect Press Turns.
Ambush Tips
Here’s a useful tip for ambushes: if you have the demon you’re fighting in your party, simply talking to the enemy will make him leave you alone and even give you an item or money.
Finding Sofia
Continue along the path until you find another save point, where a cutscene will begin. You will meet Sofia, who will explain several mechanics not yet introduced, such as Miracles, Essences and Glory.
- Miracles : These are passive skills that provide advantages in and out of battles. There are four types and you learn them using Glory, which is obtained by clearing abscesses and finding Mimans.
- Essences : These are the essence of named demons and can be obtained in several ways. They can be used to fuse essences to grant abilities to Nahobino and other demons. For example, the Onmoraki essence you received from Gustave will grant the Agi ability.
I recommend strengthening the arsenal of Nahobino and any other demon you want. Note that you can only hold one of each essence at a time, so there’s no reason not to use them right away.
Fast travel
When you’re ready, return to the Netherworld and Gustave will inform you that you can fast travel between Ley Lines.
Save your game and continue exploration. Look up from the save point and you will see the sixth Miman. Use the nearby stairs to reach it.
Collecting More Relics
Check the two vending machines west of the save point. If you are doing Preta’s mission, talk to the nearby Preta to continue. He will point the direction of the next one, but that is far away for now.
Exploring the South
Before continuing to Tokyo Tower, go southeast, walk along the road, engaging enemies as necessary, until you reach a chest with Pixie’s essence. Behind the chest is the seventh Miman. Return to the save point.
Important: Return to Sofia
When you return to Sofia after the first visit, she will give you a Menorah of Knowledge, starting the quest “Return of the True Demon”, a crossover quest from the SMT 3 Nocturne DLC. This mission is somewhat separate from the base game and will not be detailed here.
Strange Signal
Shortly after leaving, Aogami will report a strange sign near the first save point. There, you’ll be able to fight the first of SMT 3’s demons, Matador. Don’t do this now , you are still very weak.
Exploring the Second Save Point
Continue past the second save point until you see a large red octopus-shaped object. Aogami will inform you that this is an Abscess. Get closer and defeat the groups of enemies that will appear.
Facing Abscess
Be absolutely prepared when approaching the Abscess core and attacking it, as this will trigger a mini-boss fight. If you leave Abscess without defeating it, the other enemies will reappear when you return. Remember that your main target is the core, so don’t waste MP and Magatsuhi on the smaller enemies if you don’t have to.
Mini-Boss: Mandrake x3
This group of demons can be very annoying, as they find it easy to avoid their attacks and like to use physical and electrical attacks. They are weak to fire, so make sure to teach Agi to the Nahobino and have Onmoraki in your party.
Start the fight with Magatsuhi at max and use Omagatoki: Critical to quickly eliminate up to two of them. Focus all attacks on one at a time.
By defeating the mini-boss, you’ll unlock six new miracles, but you’ll still need to spend glory in the Shadow World to get them. With your current glory, I recommend unlocking at least the “Divine Garrison I” Miracle to increase your inventory size by one.
Shiba Exploration
Demons Found : Slime, Mandrake, Onmoraki, Preta, Kodama
Items in Chests : 2 Grimoires, 700 Macca
Mimans Collected (Cumulative) : 12/50
Additional Notes :
- Fixed location of yellow Mitama near Kodama.
- Powerful enemy in the area (level 40+).
- Amalgam found in the area.
Exploring Shiba
After healing yourself and saving your progress, continue down the road. When you get to where the Abscess was, look up to see the eighth Miman. Go around the rock to find a way to jump to it.
You are now in the Shiba area. Walk a little further for a scene with the little fairy in the kimono, who will offer you a Bead. Accept, as there is no reason to refuse. Continue forward and you will find three vending machines. Collect the relics and proceed east. Talk to the demon girl if you want, then defeat the enemies on your way to the objective.
Recruiting Mandrakes
When you reach a fork, a cutscene with an insignificant choice will begin. Now move south and you will eventually see a group of three Mandrakes. Defeat them and try to recruit one if you can. In a nearby dead end, there is a chest with an Amrita Soda. Behind a rock nearby is the ninth Miman.
Continuing Exploration
Return to the fork and go behind the train (on the east side) to find the tenth Miman under the tunnel at the end. Go back and go where you can find a group of three enemies near the train. Defeat or ignore them and climb the platform to find a silver object called Amalgam. Examine it to receive 50 Glory.
At this point, I recommend going directly to the Shiba save point to get new miracles.
Finding the Fairy
Upon arrival, the fairy will appear again and introduce herself. Talk to her and she will join you as a quest navigator regardless of your choices.
You should have 75 Glories now, assuming you bought Miracles, so you have the freedom to get any available. However, I recommend getting Divine Proficiency I and Essence Art I, as this will make essence fusion more useful.
If you haven’t used Pixie’s essence yet, now is a good time, because with these new miracles you can teach Zan and Dia to Nahobino. This is ideal to ensure your versatility at this early point in the game.
Gustave’s Rewards
While at the save point, go to Cadaver’s Hollow and receive your reward from Gustave for finding 10 Mimans. He will give you an elemental talisman, but you cannot use this key item yet. If you get the Haunt talisman by completing Preta’s quest, you’ll unlock a new Magatsuhi ability for Haunt-type demons (basically just Preta for now).
Preta’s Mission
From the save point in Shiba, go east to a small cave where you will find the other Preta. He will give you an item to take back to Preta in the cave. Prepare for a battle when you do this. There is also another quest to accept here, but leave it aside for now.
Conflicting Missions
The mission given by the “goddess” Apsaras is one of two special missions. In each region, there are quests given by NPCs in conflict with each other. Accepting and completing one of them will make the other impossible to complete. The rewards will also be different. I will cover these quests in the guide when they are both found to make the choice easier.
These missions always affect alignment, although the effect may not be visible immediately as the change may be smaller than others. In general, they will not change your alignment, but they will bring you closer to a specific one.
Collecting Mimans and Chests
From the Shiba save point, continue west to a corner. In the eastern part of this small corner, hidden in the grass, is the eleventh Miman. Now, open the two chests in this area as well: one contains 700 Macca and the other contains two Grimoires.
Grimoires are items that increase the level of a demon that is below the Nahobino’s level, very useful and worth keeping for when necessary.
Explaining Mitamas
Mitamas are rare enemies that can be encountered via your Navigator (when an exclamation mark appears over their head) or in the field (very rarely). They are also found in fixed points in each region, depending on the type, the respawn time may vary. Mitamas are rare demons with four different types that give great rewards when found:
- Ara Mitama (red) : drops grimoires.
- Saki Mitama (yellow) : drops relics to be sold.
- Nigi Mitama (blue) : drops items that give glory.
- Kushi Mitama (brown) : drops Gospels, which increase the Nahobino’s level.
Recommendation on Gospels and Grimoires
I recommend keeping Grimoires and Gospels for most of the game. Grimoires are easy to acquire, but there’s no point in using them early in the game; they’re best for demons with unique abilities that become useful late in the game. If you are close to the maximum limit, use these to free up space as they are easy to find in the first few areas.
Gospels, on the other hand, should not be used until late in the game. These are the rarest and most difficult to obtain items, found in missions (only 3 or 2), fixed quest points that are easy to miss, and from Kushi Mitama. Kushi Mitama may never reappear beyond their first appearance in fixed locations during the 200 hours of gameplay. In short, save the Gospels to quickly reach level 99 (level 96, as a final mission with a boss at this level rewards 3 more Gospels) at the end of the game. Use Gospels when your level + Gospels = 99 or 96. The rest of the level must be obtained through battles and quests.
When you encounter a Mitama, it will probably run away quickly, so you need to kill it quickly. However, it blocks all attacks except one element, which changes randomly with each encounter. Take a Spyglass to avoid frustration. At first, the Life Drain skill also helps.
Recruiting Kodamas
Near where you found the two chests, there is a group of Kodamas. Defeat them and recruit one if you can. Return to the save point and go to the Shadow World where the demon fusion and compendium have been unlocked. For those familiar with Atlus games, you know what they’re for.
Demon Fusion
You can fuse your demons to create stronger and better demons, as the ones you get naturally have limits, whether in stats or skills. You can also have them inherit various skills and pass them on. The compendium allows you to register your demons to retrieve them later for a price, unfortunately they are quite expensive at the moment so any fusion must be done carefully.
You can only fuse demons up to your own level, so keep that in mind.
Powerful Enemies
You’ll notice a giant stone enemy in the distance. Do as Aogami suggests when approaching and avoid him . This enemy is level 40+, something you can’t beat right now. Run west and then south to a small corner to find the twelfth Miman.
Exploration of Hamatsucho and Shiba Park
Demons Found : Cait Sith, Mandrake, Daemon, Agathion, Sandman, Azumi, Tsuchigumo
Items in Chests : 3 Ice Shards, 2 Grimoires, 3 Ice Gems, Revival Bead
Essences in Chests : Mandrake, Daemon, Aogami Type 1, Azumi, Kodama
Mimans Collected (Cumulative) : 21/50
Additional Notes :
- 3 Amalgams found in these areas (1 requires access via the Tokyo Tower path).
Exploring Hamatsucho and Shiba Park
Initializing the Exploration
- Vending Machines and Browser :
- Go back to the road and find two vending machines at the end.
- Run past the giant rock monster again and head northwest until the game explains about browser notifications. Check the nearby area to get a Life Stone.
- There are two types of search points that the browser can find:
- Fixed Quest Points : Gives fixed items once per playthrough.
- Random Quest Points : Gives random items from an item pool.
- Vending Machines and Miman :
- Check the three nearby vending machines.
- Climb up the red blocks and talk to Inugami.
- Jump off the east side of this building and behind some rubble you will find the 13th Miman. Return and continue climbing.
Mission with Neko Shogun
- No Stone Unturned :
- Find Neko Shogun and he will give you a quest.
- Talk to Neko Shogun and he will ask for 5 Life Stones. You probably already have enough, so hand them over.
- Climb up the red cubes east of Neko Shogun and go around the building to find an Amalgam with 50 Glory.
- Return to where Neko Shogun is and climb the cubes to the north. Talk to the demon there and follow the path east and down the building. At ground level, look south to find a chest in the building (the icon is hidden due to the cubes).
Fight Against Abscesses
- Abscesses :
- The areas here are covered by two Abscesses, one to the east and one to the west. There is a new enemy here called Cait Sith.
- For now, ignore the enemies and run north until you reach the save point, ensuring a safe return point in this area.
- Abscess East :
- I recommend learning the Demon Proficiency I miracle now to unlock more skill slots for your demons. Fuse and evolve your demons as needed.
- When you’re ready, attack the eastern Abscess and face a Mermaid mini-boss. Bring out as many demons as possible with Zio and Amrita Sodas. Make sure you have the Magatsuhi full. Mermaid is weak to electricity and immune to ice, using status attacks like Marin Karin and ice attacks. Use Zio constantly and use Magatsuhi Critical on your second turn to defeat her quickly.
- Defeating the Mermaid unlocks six new miracles.
- Exploring the East :
- Continue east, and past a group of Agathion, you’ll see a ruined building. On the ground floor, a Slime will give you the Foul Talisman for a new Magatsuhi skill for Foul-type demons.
- Go up the building (via stairs) to find an Amalgam on the third floor and a chest on the top floor containing Mandrake’s essence. From the chest, jump northeast to find the 14th Miman.
- Return to the save point and unlock more miracles. I recommend Divine Amalgamation to alter the Nahobino’s affinities in the fusion of essences, but be aware of the weaknesses this can bring. I also suggest the Divine Garrison II miracle to increase your stock size by 1. Save any remaining glory for later.
Mission with Agathion
- Bully Breaker :
- Southwest of the save point, near a path going up, where there is an Agathion with a quest on a hill near many Cait Sith, is the 15th Miman.
- Talk to Agathion to start the quest.
- Enter the cave near the save point and defeat 3 Daemons. Then report back.
- Enter the cave northeast of the save point. When approaching the Daemons, attack before they see you. Recruit one of them as it will be useful for merges. At the end of the cave there is a fork with two chests: one with 2 Grimoires and the other with Daemon’s essence (if you already have one, it will not be collected).
Exploring Shiba Park
- ShibaPark :
- Under the road where Agathion is, there is a path to a lake and a waterfall (Shiba Park). Find some Azumi here, defeat them and recruit one. They have a lot of HP and like to evade.
- Continue along the south path to some vending machines and a chest containing 2 Chakra Drops. Speak to Mermaid here to obtain Mermaid’s essence as a down payment for a quest.
- The Cursed Mermaids :
- Talk to the Mermaid at the lake near the Hamatsucho save point. After defeating Hydra, go southwest and take the westernmost path at the fork. Reach and engage Pazuzu. Then report back.
- Exploring the Road :
- From where Agathion is, continue (grind if necessary). Here you will find some Sandmans. Recruit one and defeat the others. Continue south to a river, defeat the enemies and climb the cube to open a chest with Aogami Type 1 essence. Go back and go to the edge of the river where it becomes a waterfall. Look down and you will see ledges to climb down. One of these ledges has the 16th Miman.
- Climb back up to the Sandmans’ location and follow the road above the river. This will lead to an area with a group of Sandmans. Defeat them and open the chests above to find 3 Ice Gems and Azumi’s essence. Behind a rock in the corner is the 17th Miman.
- Preparation and Battle Against Abscess West :
- Gear up at the save point and then return to the road. From the west side, jump into the river near the Abscess. This Abscess has 2 Sudama. They are weak to fire and use wind attacks. Bring at least one ally immune to wind and three with Agi.
- Use the same tactic: kill one first and then focus on the rest. This will unlock six more miracles.
- Mission with Mandrake :
- Go northeast until you find a Mandrake.
- Talk to Mandrake and defeat 5 Azumis. Then report back.
- North of Mandrake, find the 18th Miman. Continue north until you reach a U-turn and a nearby cube. Use the cube to reach a chest with Kodama’s essence, then continue south.
- Find the 19th Miman. Return to the save point, heal yourself and unlock new miracles. I recommend the Divine Garrison III miracle to increase your demon arsenal.
Exploring More
- Additional Exploration :
- Return to Abscess, go northwest and climb the cubes to find a chest with a Revival Bead. Nearby, there are two Tsuchigumo. They are very strong, so be careful when fighting. Bring allies that nullify electricity. If you are at level 13, recruit one and fight against the other to gain lots of experience. South of the Tsuchigumo, between two groups of Azumi, you will find the 20th Miman.
- Continue along the river and you will find the Tokyo Tower save point. Save here to have a good return point. Return to the river and follow it to the end to find Leanan Sidhe and Ippon Datara. Near them are two vending machines and behind them is the 21st Miman.
Conflicting Missions
- Conflicting Missions :
- Now that we have found the second quest-giving NPC, we can begin the linked quests in this region. Essentially, these missions involve two conflicting parties. Choosing one side will give you one reward but not the other. If you want to complete the other mission, you will have to wait until the second playthrough.
- Talk to Apsaras to get the Spirit of Love quest and then defeat Leanan Sidhe and Ippon Datara.
- Leanan Sidhe is weak to wind, while Ippon Datara is weak to light.
- Talk to Leanan Sidhe and defeat Apsaras and 3 Agathion.
- Apsaras is weak to fire and Agathion is weak to ice.
- Spirit of Love: Health Incense x2, Apsaras joins you.
- The Water Nymph: Stamina Incense x2, Leanan Sidhe joins you.
Preparation for Boss Hydra
- Preparation for the Battle against Hydra :
- Complete any of the missions you want and then report back. Return to the Tokyo Tower save point and prepare for the next event.
- Make sure you have a team with ice attacks. Mermaid and Apsaras are ideal. It’s also a good idea to give Cait Sith’s essence to Apsaras for healing and buffs. Neko Shogun is useful for buffs and debuffs.
- Use a Daemon essence on Nahobino to gain fire resistance. If you have enough glory, get the Ice Mastery I miracle. Make sure the Nahobino has Bufu.
- Go to Gustave’s shop and buy 3 Fire Dampeners and 3 Dark Dampeners.
- Enter the battle with as many Magatsuhi as possible.
- Hydra has two main attacks: Fire Breath (area fire attack) and Poison Spray (dark elemental attack that causes poison).
- He is weak to ice and immune to fire. I recommend the following actions:
- Start the fight using everyone’s best ice attacks against the Hydra. Have Neko Shogun debuff the Hydra with Rakunda and continue the attack until Neko Shogun’s next turn. He should use Rakukaja on any ally you want to keep alive.
- Hydra will attack a random member and then charge Magatsuhi. Continue the same strategy until Nahobino’s second move. Use a Dark Dampener here.
- Continue the cycle. When the Hydra reaches around 40% HP, it will switch to mainly using Frenzy (area physical attack) and other attacks, no longer charging. Phase change is indicated by the loss of several heads.
- Do not lower the Hydra’s HP below 40% while it is charged, otherwise it will be guaranteed a critical strike.
- Use the turn before reaching the limit to buff yourself and don’t forget the Dark Dampener.
- If it is close to 40% and you have full Magatsuhi, use Omagatoki Critical. Attack with all ice attacks and have Neko Shogun use Fang Breaker to reduce the Hydra’s attack power. If you’re lucky, you should survive the Frenzy.
- Finish the fight this turn.
- Defeating the Hydra will give a large amount of EXP both for victory and for completing the main quest.
- Gustave’s shop will now sell demon essences from the areas you have visited so far. They are expensive, so keep that in mind.
- You can also fuse Hydra.
- Final Exploration :
- Move a little west, southwest of the tower, to find a cube to climb up. Follow the path and you will reach the roof of the place where Leanan Sidhe was. Here you will find another Amalgam with another 50 Glories.
- Get closer to Tokyo Tower for some scenes. You will receive the Return Pillar, which allows you to teleport back to the last Ley Line.
Main Quest: The Trail of Angels
Exploration Checklist in Tokyo Tower, Akanebashi and West Shiba
Demons Found : Tsuchigumo, Sandman, Cait Sith, Mermaid, Turdak, Preta, Zhen
Items in Chests : 1200 Macca, Bead
Essences in Chests : Tsuchigumo
Mimans Collected (Cumulative) : 26/50
Petrified Demon Statues :
- Anzu statue found deep in western Shiba above the climbing cubes.
- Decarabia statue found on the way to Mermaid Lake.
Additional Notes :
- Amalgam found in the lake area.
- Fixed respawn point of brown Mitama on the roof near the highway in western Shiba on the way to two chests.
Exploring Tokyo Tower and Surrounding Area
- Initial Exploration :
- Before moving forward, go back to Tokyo Tower and look around. You will find vending machines and possibly many items through the browser.
- In the northwest corner of the tower is a chest with a healing item. To the north, a little down the hill, you will see the 22nd Miman.
- Southwest Path :
- Continue along the southwest path past the tower. Deal with Tsuchigumo’s group or ignore them. At the fork, take the east path.
- The path is blocked by a Tsuchigumo. Defeat him and continue.
- New Enemies :
- Here, you will encounter new enemies. The closest is a Turdak. Try to recruit him.
- Go under the bridge to the other side and find the 23rd Miman.
- Climb onto the bridge and some Zhen will appear. Recruit one and deal with the others. Jump to the end of the road and enter the building ahead to find the 24th Miman.
- Exploration of the Building and Essences :
- Exit the building, deal with the enemies and continue along the southeast path. In a small alley, there is a chest with Cait Sith’s essence and vending machines nearby.
- You can enter two destroyed buildings in the far south. On the second floor of the second building, you will find the 25th Miman, just jump to it.
- Petrified Demon Statues :
- Continue southeast of the buildings and at the end you will see some cubes. Climb up and examine the statues.
- These petrified demon statues can be used to level up your entire inventory at once. I recommend not using them at this stage of the game, as the level is not difficult to increase now. They are marked on the map when found, so you can return to them later. It’s your choice.
- Chests and Enemies :
- Open the chest here to get 1200 Macca. Jump and cross the road above the area you just walked through. Ignore or defeat the Zhen you encounter. At the end, you will find two chests: one with Tsuchigumo’s essence and the other with a Bead.
- Use the save point to go back and return to the fork south of the tower and take the other path.
Exploring Western Shiba
- Petrified Demon Statue :
- As soon as you enter, you will see a large eye on a statue. Examine it to mark it on the map, or use it if you prefer.
- Continue south until Aogami warns you of a powerful demon. This will be a mini-boss: Pazuzu.
Mini-Boss (Mission): Pazuzu
- Pazuzu is similar to Hydra, being weak against ice. Use ice attacks and Dark Dampener before the turn ends if it carries Magatsuhi. Pazuzu will use Mamudo if it carries Magatsuhi, otherwise it mainly uses Mudo.
- Defeat him to find vending machines with relics, the 26th Miman and an Amalgama with 50 more Glories.
- Mermaid’s Second Mission :
- After completing the previous quest, speak to Mermaid again to receive another quest: The Demon of the Spring.
- Preparation for Anahita :
- When you reach Onarimon’s save point, get ready.
- From the save point in the cave, go to the hill where the Abscess was and climb to the top. Walk over the rock formation to the south and jump to reach the path going south. This is the path needed to complete Mermaid’s second mission.
Battle against Anahita
- Anahita is level 18, uses ice attacks and is weak to fire and electricity.
- Bring 3 Ice Dampeners and make sure the Nahobino is immune or resistant to ice.
- Anahita follows a predictable pattern, attacking or using Bufu for the first few turns and then charging up an AOE attack. Use dampeners at this time.
- Defeat her to unlock her as a special fusion.
Reward : Femme Talisman and 1000 EXP
Exploration of Kamiyacho, West Shinbashi, Shinbashi and Onarimon
Demons Found : Tsuchigumo, Mokoi, Bicorn, Aitvaras, Sudama, Zhen
Items in Chests : 2 Light Gems, 3 Chakra Drops, Fire Gem, Chakra Drop
Essences in Chests : Archangel, Sudama, Turdak, Zhen, Obariyon, Bicorn, Aitvaras, Apsaras
Mimans Collected (Cumulative) : 44/50
Petrified Demon Statues :
- Statue of Baphomet found on the ascent of the first class of Aitvaras in Shibashi, found with Miman.
- Mothman statue found on a ledge below Anahita Lake, facing Tokyo Tower.
Additional Notes :
- Fixed blue Mitama respawn point on the roof of the building southwest of the Kamiyacho save point.
- Powerful enemy Koumokuten found on the edge of Kamiyacho on a hill (Level 44).
- Powerful enemy Jatayu flying near his nest in western Shinbashi (Level 25).
- Fixed respawn point of red Mitama in Anahita Lake in Onarimon.
- Amalgam found north of Tokyo Tower near a group of Berith.
- Amalgam found in the far northern part of western Shibashi on top of large building ruins west of the cave.
- Amalgam found down the ledge near Jatayu’s nest.
Exploring Kamiyacho and Surrounding Area
Initializing the Exploration
- Coming down from Tokyo Tower :
- Before moving forward, go back to Tokyo Tower and look around. You will find vending machines and possibly many items through the browser.
- Go to the northeast wall of the tower. You’ll see a Miman on a ledge, but you can’t reach it right now. Ignore him and jump to a ruined building. On the lower floor you will find the 27th Miman.
- Jump out of the building and follow the path to another building with a Turdak NPC on the roof. Go down the hole next to it to find a chest with 2 Light Gems and the 28th Miman on the other side.
- Exploring Buildings and Recruiting Demons :
- Check the vending machines and exit the building.
- Go south of the building you are in and watch out for the Bicorns. Recruit one if you haven’t already. Be careful as a strong blow can be fatal against these enemies.
- Head southwest of the building you were in to find an Amalgam and get 50 glories.
- Return to the building and head north until you reach the next save point. You now have a control point to explore more freely.
- More Exploration and Recruitment :
- Go to the building southeast of the save point to find the 29th Miman. There are some Mokoi nearby, recruit one and kill the other.
- Southwest of the save point is a building you can climb with several red cubes on top. There you will find the 30th Miman.
- From the building, look east and jump to find a chest with Archangel’s essence.
- Go to the building south of the last one, where there are three Bicorns in front. Go up the stairs and stop on the first floor to find a chest with 3 Chakra Drops and the 31st Miman.
- Exit the building and approach the powerful enemy Koumokuten. Go to the building next to it; On the roof you will find the 32nd Miman.
Exploring Shinbashi and Onarimon
- Additional Exploration and Recruitment :
- Run north from this building until you find a building that can be accessed by a cube. On the way, in the corner of a wall before the road, is the 33rd Miman. Inside the building, there is a chest containing Sudama’s essence and the 34th Miman.
- Return to the save point. Now it’s time to clean this area.
- Enemies and Abscesses :
- Go east from the save point, go up the hill where some Mokoi are and continue along the path to find a new enemy, Aitvaras. Fight or ignore them, and don’t forget to recruit if you don’t already have one.
- Follow the path south and when the Abscess is in sight, don’t run. You can’t reach it from here. Instead, continue down the path and you’ll find another petrified demon and the 35th Miman.
- Go back to where you fought Aitvaras and continue on the path south. After some fighting, you’ll eventually reach a small cave with a save point. Talk to the flying demon and then Andras for a new quest.
Mission: To Cure a Curse
- Andras’ Mission :
- Talk to Andras and defeat 5 Bicorns to get their horns as drops. Then report back.
- Abscess and Leanan Sidhe :
- Follow the path and you will eventually come close to the Abscess. Run up to him and attack before an enemy catches you.
- Defeat 3 Leanan Sidhes. They are weak to wind and light and have less HP than normal. Bring Dark Dampener just in case.
- With Abscess eliminated, you will have access to four new miracles. Go up the hill and talk to the dragon. He will also give a quest, but I suggest leaving it aside for now as it requires defeating level 40+ enemies.
- Miman and Lake Exploration :
- Remember the Miman you saw when leaving Tokyo Tower but couldn’t reach. Now you can jump and collect it, for a total of 36 Mimans.
- Find a save point and teleport back to the cave. Get new miracles depending on how many glories you have now. I recommend “Summoner’s Hospitality I”, “Divine Garrison IV” and “Art of Essences II”.
- Go back up the hill, climb to the top, and walk over the rock formation to the south. Jump to reach the path going south.
- When you land, move a little further south and look towards Tokyo Tower to see the 37th Miman next to a rock.
- When you reach the lake, look behind a rock for a chest with 3 Chakra Drops.
- Before entering the lake, note that there is a small fork just before it. Check the easternmost path to find the 38th Miman.
Battle Against Anahita
- Fight Against Anahita :
- Anahita is level 18, uses ice and light attacks, and is weak to fire and electricity.
- Bring 3 Ice Dampeners and make sure the Nahobino is immune or resistant to ice.
- Anahita follows a predictable pattern, attacking or using Bufu for the first few turns, and as she takes damage, she begins charging an AOE attack. Use dampeners at this time.
- Defeat her to unlock her as a special fusion.
- First of all, exit the area and look down the western edge towards Tokyo Tower. You’ll see another demon petrified on a ledge below. Scroll down to bookmark or use it.
- Exploring More Mimans and Demons :
- Report back to Mermaid.
- Back at Kamiyacho, go from the save point north until you see the Abscess and attack it. It’s an Ippon Datara. Use demons that know Hama and if you’re lucky, he will be eliminated instantly. Otherwise, use the Critical Magatsuhi skill.
- Return to the save point. In front of him, there are two Tsuchigumo. Defeat them and look east to see the 39th Miman on a sandy hill.
- Collect it and slide down. Return to the road and continue north. In the west you will see two vending machines and a hole in the wall. Enter to find the 40th Miman. Exit through the other side of the building and you will find a chest with Turdak’s essence.
- Go back to where you found the Miman and go up the stairs. At the top, enter the next building and get the chest with Zhen’s essence.
- Recruitment and Building Exploration :
- Go back to the street (after the Tsuchigumo). Continue north and you will find a group of Sudama. Recruit them and defeat them.
- Continue north and turn east when you reach an open desert path. Defeat the Sudama here and go up the stairs of the nearby building to find a chest.
- Head straight north to the far northeast. You will find a tunnel that leads to a room with three NPC demons fighting for your belongings. Show them a specific relic and each of them will reward you with different items.
- Go west of the cave to some ruined buildings. Climb the nearest one until you find a red cube. Climb to the top to get an Amalgama and get 50 Glories.
- There’s nothing else here, so go directly south and you’ll see the 41st Miman in a corner between two destroyed walls.
Preparation for Jatayu’s Nest
- Jatayu’s Nest :
- Save before continuing. Go to the buildings where Amalgama was and head west until you find a slope that allows you to jump on a cube and reach a bridge. Be careful as the powerful enemy Jatayu patrols the area. If he gets close, run and use a Smoke Ball if necessary.
- Jump onto the bridge and go north to find the 42nd Miman. Run across the bridge and when you approach the bend, jump into the building with a chest containing Obaryon’s essence.
- On the way, talk to Aitvaras. He will give a dangerous quest, but put it aside for now.
Collecting Items and Rewards
- Collecting Rewards :
- Continue across the bridge to the other side to find the 43rd Miman. Nearby, there is a building you can climb to get a chest with Bicorn essence.
- Return to the save point and learn the miracles “Deathly Aura I” and “Unforgotten Memories”.
- Jatayu’s Nest Exploration :
- Get ready to raid Jatayu’s nest. You’ll need to do this a few times to get everything, so be prepared. Smoke Balls are essential.
- Reach the cliff area where the nest is, accessible via a path southwest of the bridge. Once you get there, go down the southwest ledge and climb the cube to find an Amalgama and get 50 glories.
- Return to the save point and go south of the nest. Hide near some rocks until Jatayu passes by, then run to the nest and get the egg and chests containing Fire Gems, an Aitvaras essence, and another item. Be quick and go back into hiding before Jatayu returns. It may take a few tries.
- The last part is tricky. Once Jatayu leaves, run to the northeast end of the nest area and climb a slope to find the 44th Miman resting on a rock near the nest. Pick it up and teleport back to the save point.
- Report back to Aitvaras to receive the Drake Talisman and 600 EXP.
- Finishing :
- Return to the save point, gear up, and continue to the objective marker west of here. This will complete the second main quest and reward you with 1000 EXP.
Exploration of Toranomon and Nagatsucho
Demons Found : Tsuchigumo, Mokoi, Bicorn, Obaryon, Ippon Datara
Items in Chests : 2000 Macca
Essences in Chests : Mokoi, Aogami Type 2, Jack O’ Lantern, Ippon Datara
Mimans Collected (Cumulative) : 50/50
Petrified Demon Statues :
- Statue of Baphomet found on the ascent of the first class of Aitvaras in Shibashi, found with Miman.
- Mothman statue found on a ledge below Anahita Lake, facing Tokyo Tower.
Additional Notes :
- Amalgam found on top of the roofs of the parliament building in the west.
Exploring Toranomon and Nagatsucho
- Starting Exploration :
- After the cutscenes, go south and jump. Go forward and you will find the 45th Miman behind a rock.
- Continue on and defeat (and recruit) the nearby Obaryon group. Head south and you will reach an open space. Go behind the wall and rock to find the 46th Miman.
- Climbing the Cubes :
- Jump onto the cubes and immediately look north (left) to see the 47th Miman.
- Continue north and collect a chest with 2000 Macca. Now go south, ignore the Obaryons and proceed to an open space with vending machines to the west.
- Abscess and Shisaa :
- Skip more cubes. When you arrive, you will see Abscess behind a corner. Get ready and attack him.
- You will fight 2 Shisaa. They use Elec attacks and are weak to fire.
- After defeating them, new miracles will become available. Continue along the path, jump and go north until you see some Ippon Datara.
- Don’t risk fighting them, as they appear in groups with 2 turns each. They use powerful physical attacks and AOEs and are only weak to light. Head straight to the save point.
- Learning New Miracles :
- Learn the miracles “Warrior’s Conception” and “Skill Manifestation”.
- Go west from the save point, past some Tsuchigumo and get two chests with Mokoi essence and Aogami Type 2 essence.
- Mission: Talisman Hunt :
- Go south of the save point and talk to Shiki Ouji for a quest.
- Talisman Hunt : Talk to Shiki Ouji and he will ask to find his three talismans, marked on the map. This will require a bit of backtracking to the beginning.
- When you report back, he will fight you. Shiki Ouji is level 19, uses a variety of moves, from buffing himself, inflicting silence, and light and dark attacks. It resists physical and is weak to fire and force.
Battle Against Shiki Ouji
Tips for Battle :
- Make sure your demons are level 19-21 and at least one has Agilao or Zanma.
- In the first turn, he will use Makajama and Mudo. Have your demons guard and use a Dark Dampener.
- In the second round, he will use Tarukaja and then Hama. Use a Light Dampener this time.
- On the third turn, he will use Hama again.
- The strategy is to attack its weaknesses four times and have Nahobino use the item while the others continue attacking. In the first round, demons must take cover to avoid Makajama. If Nahobino is affected by silence, use Fire Gems until the effect wears off.
Reward : Brute Talisman and 1200 EXP
- Mission: Movin’ on Up :
- Go to the southwest path guarded by some Tsuchigumo. Follow the path to a cave with an Oni that has a mission.
- Movin’ on Up : Talk to the Oni in the cave. Talk to the demons outside the cave, save the data, then report back to the Oni.
Battle Against Oni
Tips for Battle :
- Oni is level 17, resists physical and is weak to light and elec.
- Uses only physical attacks.
- The fight is difficult due to its simplicity and lack of pattern. Oni uses Heavy Blow or a normal attack and an AOE when charged, granting critical hits.
- Use debuffs and buffs: have a demon with Tarunda/Fang Breaker and Sukunda. The other two demons must have high magic stat with Zio/Zionga or Hama. A healer is ideal.
- Kaya-hime (level 21) has a move that heals an ally and grants double defense buff, very useful for this fight.
- Attack constantly, Oni has a lot of health. Use the debuffer to reduce your attack and hit rate.
- All or most units should take cover if he charges.
- Have demons ready to be summoned if any of your demons die.
Reward : Raptor Talisman, Phys Dampener and 900 EXP
- Collecting More Mimans :
- From the cave, go north to a cube. Climb up to reach a cliff, look southeast to find the 48th Miman near a tree.
- Return to the save point and continue to the parliament building… but the angels will block the way.
- There will be a choice: force passage (Chaos alignment) or accept their mission (neutral).
- Main Mission: Angel’s Request :
- Accept the angel quest to start the next main quest.
- Go back to where you found the 48th Miman. This will be a minor boss fight: Eligor and 2 Andras.
Battle Against Eligor and Andras
Tips for Battle :
- Eligor uses some physical abilities and occasionally uses Maragi. It is weak against elec and null against fire.
- The two Andras will focus on buffing Eligor’s evasion and offense. They are weak against elec and light.
- Defeat the Andras first, then focus on Eligor.
Reward : 2500 EXP
- Exploring the Parliament Building :
- Now go to the parliament building. Ignore the objective for now and go to the west end of the building. Climb a long slope to reach the roof of the building. Head a little west and you’ll find an Amalgama. Collect 50 Glories.
- Continue north and jump to the back of the rooftops. Here you will find the 49th Miman.
- Go a little further west on these rooftops and you’ll reach a sandy slope that leads to two chests containing the essences of Ippon Datara and Jack O’ Lantern.
- Go back and go up the same slope again, this time jump west instead of north. Go to the front part of the roof to find the 50th Miman, the last one in this region.
- Note: There is a demon at the southwest end of the parliament building on a rock. Paying him will reveal the location of all Mimans.
Preparations for the Next Boss
- Preparing for Nuwa :
- Buy 3 Force Dampeners and 3 Elec Dampeners.
- Bring two demons besides Nahobino that know fire attacks. The third demon must be a debuffer.
- Learn the miracles “Fire Mastery I” and “Fell Swoop” if you have enough glories.
- Use Jack O’ Lantern essence on Nahobino to grant Agilao and apply Sudama essence to gain immunity to Force.
- Maximize Magatsuhi.
- If you have Feng Huang, bring him to use his Magatsuhi ability.
- Another good Magatsuhi skill is that of Rakshasa’s clan, which reduces all stats to a minimum. Apsaras’s is also useful, as it maximizes its full potential, allowing more damage per turn.
Battle Against Nuwa
Tips for Battle :
- Nuwa has a pattern of attacks. You just need to reduce your HP to 50%.
- It is null against elec, repels Force and is weak against fire.
- On the first turn, attack her weakness and on Nahobino’s second turn use an Elec Dampener (unless you have Feng Huang’s Magatsuhi ability ready).
- Remember to debuff her defense.
- On turns 2 and 3, she will use Zanma. You can use a Force Dampener on both turns, but it can be a long fight.
- On turn 4, she will attack and charge. On turn 5, it will use a powerful AOE attack that also reduces the attack and defense of all those hit. Use a damper after charging.
- From turn 6 onwards, she will alternate between normal and Force attacks, but at this point you should be close to 50% of her HP.
- Use Magatsuhi skills whenever possible (the second one should be offensive, like critical or potential).
- If a party member runs out of MP, swap them out for someone else who can deal damage or provide decent support.
- If Nahobino runs out of MP, use gems.
Important : If you deal damage too quickly, she may jump to turns 4 and 5 as early as turn 3, so keep that in mind.
Alignment Choices :
- After the battle, you will meet a new character and have a choice that can affect your alignment.
- Choosing to support Order or reject Chaos aligns you with Order. Supporting Chaos or rejecting Order aligns you with Chaos. Choosing none allows you to remain neutral.
- These choices give points in each alignment, depending on choices in missions and story events.
- For this specific case:
- Top – Order
- Medium – Chaos
- Background – Neutral (0 points in either direction)
End of Area and Interlude
After the cutscenes, you will be alone in the building. This is the conclusion of the first region of the game. There are some things to do later, such as:
- Punishing Enemies
- Huang Long’s Sub Missions
- Fiend DLC Quest
For now, continue into the building for more scenes. Your browser will leave the group temporarily, but don’t worry, you can get it back later. Continue and watch the scenes until you return to Tokyo.
Interlude in Tokyo
Exploring Tokyo
- Returning to the Netherworld :
- You can use the terminal to get to and from the Netherworld. This is useful if you need to pick up your navigator from the save point near the parliament building.
- When you’re ready to proceed, head to the objective marker in Tokyo.
- School Scene :
- After the cutscenes and exposition, talk to everyone present. After the next scenes, you will be back at school.
- Go out and walk around Tokyo, noticing how the character’s marker rotates.
- When you’re ready, go to school. Talk to the people around and then go inside and continue talking to everyone.
- Encounters with Dazai and Classroom Scenes :
- On the way to the stairs, another scene with Dazai will occur. Go to your classroom for more scenes.
- Leave the room for a quick cutscene. Go downstairs for another scene. You will have some choices, but they don’t matter.
- Arriving at the Dormitory :
- Make your way to the exit, taking in more scenes. Leave the school and go to the dorm for more scenes. The choices here don’t matter either.
A New Threat
- Going to Jozoji :
- After a few more scenes, go to Jozoji (it’s in the northern part of the map). Before that, stop by the Jouin University medical research laboratory and save in the terminal.
- When it arrives, several DLC missions will be unlocked if you have them.
- You will face two fights in a row, so prepare yourself.
- First Fight: Anzu and Lamia :
- The first fight is against a group of 2 Anzu and 2 Lamia. Lamia is weak against ice and Anzu is weak against force. Defeating this group is quick and easy.
- Second Fight: Lamhu :
- The second fight is against boss Lamhu. He only has one turn and mainly uses Mute. He is weak to strength, so keep hitting his weakness and he will fall quickly. He also has low HP compared to other bosses.
- Return to the Laboratory and School :
- After the fight, go back to the lab and heal up, then go to school.
- Save and enter the building. The choice in this scene will affect your alignment: saving Sahori will give points for Law and killing Lahmu will give points for Chaos. The amount of points is small compared to other chances of earning points so far.
Continuing through School
- Exploring the School :
- Continue through the school, the path is linear. You will face enemies up to twice. Rakshasa is weak to ice and Andras is weak to elec and light.
- Continue until you go up some stairs and a cutscene will occur.
- Continue along the path. Oni is weak to light and elec and Tsuchigumo is weak to ice. Continue up the stairs, where a cutscene with Jack Frost will occur. You will fight Incubus and a new enemy weak to light.
- Jack Frost will thank you by completely healing your party. Talk to him whenever you need to heal.
- Finding Dazai :
- Go straight past Jack Frost to find a Rakshasa in the corner. Head in the direction Jack Frost came from, go down some stairs and defeat the Oni attacking a student.
- Find Dazai on the third floor. Be careful as you move forward as you will be ambushed by 2 Shiki Ouji and another enemy. Shiki Ouji is weak to fire and strength.
- Fourth Floor and Beyond :
- On the fourth floor, you’ll find Andras in a corner on the west side. Approaching him will start three fights in a row. The Incubus here will ask for a Life Stone. Give it and it will attack.
- On the third floor, go south to some stairs that lead to another part of the fourth floor. These demons will also ask for a Life Stone, but will not attack if you give them one.
- Path to the Classroom :
- Go to the third floor, go to the west end and go up the stairs for a cutscene. Reach the classroom.
- After the cutscenes, the second main area will open up to you.
DLC Missions
- DLC Mission: Fiend Battle – Matador :
- Recommended preparations:
- Bring a Jaki (Rakshasa), it should be second in the group order, and have the Jaki Talisman and Magatsuhi at most.
- 3 Force Dampeners.
- A demon with Zionga (Ame no Uzume), a debuffer and the last demon must have Zio and Media.
- Have some spare demons for combat when the others run out of MP or die.
- Be level 23 or higher.
- Recommended preparations:
Battle Against Matador
Tips for Battle :
- Matador is weak against wind. It follows a typical pattern, but can be unpredictable.
- On the first turn, he always uses Red Capote to maximize his evasion and hit rate, then attacks.
- On your turn, use Force Dampener with Nahobino. Use Jaki’s Magatsuhi ability to reduce all enemy stats to a minimum. Attack its weakness for the rest of the turn. Swap Rakshasa for a debuffer.
- From the second round onwards, he is difficult to predict. He can attack normally or use Mazan. The same goes for the third round.
- If he charges after an attack, he will ABSOLUTELY use Mazan next turn.
- Keep hitting his weakness and keep the debuffer reducing his stats. If an ally dies or runs out of MP, switch immediately.
- Bring a replacement debuffer in case the main debuffer is eliminated.
- Use Force Dampeners wisely, as bad timing can waste them.
- Eventually, when it’s close to 50%, he’ll use a powerful physical attack that hits your party multiple times and can kill at least one of them if it hits too hard. After that, he will return to using normal and power attacks.
- When he is almost defeated, he can use Red Capote again, but if his stats were kept low, he will return to “normal”.
- He will also start using Charge to double his physical damage. If he does this, he will use the same physical attack again, so be prepared.
- Stay focused on attacking him while ensuring your party’s survival, replace dead members, and keep him debuffed as much as possible.
Reward : Decent amount of EXP, 2650 Macca, Large Glory Crystal, Lucky Balm and Aiding Sutra. Additionally, you will earn the Menorah of Foundation to continue the quest. Matador will also be available for fusion.
Continuation of the Story
- After the Matador Mission :
- It is not possible to continue the mission now. Other DLC missions are above your level and are not recommended at this time.
- Continue into the building for more scenes and your navigator will leave the group temporarily, but don’t worry, you can get her back later.
- Continue and watch the scenes until you return to Tokyo.
Netherworld Exploration: Shinagawa
Welcome to Shinagawa! Here you will find many new adventures, quests and enemies. We’ll guide you step by step so you don’t miss anything important. Remember that you can return to Minato (the first area) from any save point.
Activating the First Leyline
- Start of Exploration :
- You will arrive and need to activate the first Leyline.
- Turn around to find a Koppa Tengu behind you.
- Go southwest to find the 1st Miman behind a broken wall.
- Finding the First Chest :
- Nearby, to the south, there is a building. Go up the stairs to find a chest with 3 Repulse Bells. These items repel enemies and prevent encounters until the next new moon.
- Keep moving forward and some cutscenes will play. You will receive a new main quest.
Main Mission: Saving the Students
Exploration of Tennozu Island and Tennozu
Exploration Checklist
- Demons : Jack O’ Lantern, Andras, Incubus, Oni, Legion, Koppa Tengu, Rakshasa
- Items in Chests : 3 Repulse Bells
- Essences in Chests : Rakshasa, Andras, Aogami Type 3, Fortuna, Ame no Uzume
- Mimans : 10/50
- Additional Notes : Brown Mitama in a ruined building in the far north, Amalgam on a hill next to the ruined building in the far north.
Exploring the Area
- First Mimans and Missions :
- Proceed southeast until you see an incline. Look down to see a beam. Jump and head north to find the 2nd Miman.
- Jump down and you will be told that there is a human nearby. Before that, go south and find several Jack O’ Lanterns. Deal with them as necessary and continue south until you find a path heading southwest. Ignore it and keep going south.
- Find the second path going in the same direction with a vending machine. Use this to reach a save point (the first one is inaccessible now).
- Talk to Kodama here and he will give you a quest.
Mission: Chakra Drop Chomp
Mission Details :
- Talk to Kodama near the second save point. He wants 2 Chakra Drops.
- You can keep giving more to get Purge Charms (which cancel enemy buffs).
Reward : Jirae Talisman and 2000 EXP
- Saving the Students :
- Go back to where you felt the human’s presence and go northeast to talk to the girl. You will be told that Tao can heal you after each battle.
- Continue up the hill to the west and find the 3rd Miman sitting there.
- Continue up the hill until you reach a ruined building. Climb the rubble to the roof to find a chest with Andras’ essence.
- Nearby, you’ll see a walkway with the 4th Miman on the roof. Go there and then return. You will see 2 Andras nearby. Defeat them and find the 5th Miman behind the broken walls.
- Building Exploration :
- Go east and up the hill. Note the second ruined building next to the previous one. Use the hill to jump to the second floor where there are vending machines. Go up to the third and fourth floors.
- On the fourth floor, turn the corner in front of the stairs to find the 6th Miman.
- Go to the eastern part of the roof and jump to the nearby hill with an Amalgam to get 60 Glory. Jump down to the north, defeat (or recruit) the nearby Incubus, and get the chest containing the Aogami Type 3 essence.
- Go back to where you found the Amalgam and go down in the opposite direction to find a chest with Rakshasa’s essence.
- Main Quest: Additional Progress :
- Return to the save point and go southwest. Cross the bridge and turn right (north) to return to the place where you found the 5th Miman.
- There is another bridge nearby (where you found the 4th Miman on the roof). Head to an area with Rakshasa and then some Legion.
- Climb the building here. There will be a purple light for the second fight against Fiend. Ignore her for now.
- Behind one of the trees, overlooking the area, is the 7th Miman. Return to the second save point.
- Near here there should be some cubes. Jump and you will find the second girl. Talk to her and the name Da’at will replace Netherworld on maps.
- Exploration of New Areas :
- Go south to a bridge, cross it and jump to the rock on the other side to find the 8th Miman on the roof. Then, jump from the southern edge of this area to find the third student.
- Return to the second save point and follow the path southeast to a vending machine and up the hill to the southeast.
- Mission: Defeating Abscess :
- Go past the Mothman and down the slope to find some Oni. Ignore or defeat them and go further to see an Abscess. Run into it as usual.
- The enemies this time are 2 Jack Frosts. They are weak to fire and use ice attacks. Use fire attacks (preferably Agilao) and end the fight quickly.
- Unlock 6 new miracles after this.
- Main Quest Completion :
- Return to the building with Mothman and go inside to find the last student. The quest will be completed and you will receive a new objective with 5000 EXP.
- Exploring More Areas :
- Go back to where you found the Amalgam and jump onto the bridge. Follow it until you see a chest on the map, but you can’t see it. Look around the northeast edge and you’ll see it below on a ledge. Jump and get the essence of Fortuna.
- Continue down the road until you notice a path leading to a spiral area on the map. Check the eastern fence near a group of Andras and jump to follow the path. Face Andras and Koppa Tengu.
- Continue to the end of the road to find a chest with Ame no Uzume’s essence. Behind the chest, around the wall, find the 9th Miman.
- Jump down the east side of the road and look ahead to find the 10th Miman looking over a ledge.
Short Detour
Fight Against Jatayu
- If you’re around level 25, it’s a good time to go back and defeat the punishing Jatayu boss in the first area.
- Jatayu uses Zanma and physical attacks, as well as rarely using Critical Wave. He is weak against Darkness and Elec. He prepare a team with high level elec skills and debuff.
- The fight isn’t difficult, but Jatayu has a lot of HP. When he charges, he will use Zanma frequently. It replaces demons without MP with ones with dark or high magic abilities.
- The fight is long and tiring, but the punishing enemies do not respawn when defeated.
Fight Against Fiend: Daisoujou
- This battle is easier than the first, but it still requires preparation.
- Have at least 3 demons that can use Agilao with spell stats between 20-30 or more.
- Bring a demon that can use Rasetsu Feast.
- Bring a dark dampener and a light dampener.
- Have Jack Frost or a demon with an attack that can lower defense in your inventory.
- Healing items and Chakra Drops if needed.
Tips for Battle :
- Daisoujou uses a meditation attack that drains a lot of MP and HP. He always starts the fight with this attack. If he uses it on Nahobino, restart the fight.
- Use Agilao as often as possible and Rasetsu Feast on the first turn, then switch the demon to a spellcaster with Agilao.
- Daisoujou has little HP for a boss, so it’s easier to force him to phase. If he deals enough damage, he can only use Meditation once or twice.
- Swap allies with low MP and keep at least 2 demons that can maintain the defense debuff.
- If it charges, use a dark dampener. He rarely uses Preach, but if he does, immediately switch affected allies.
- Keep attacking and he’ll go down faster than you think.
Reward : Large Glory Crystal, Magic Balm and Dark Sutra.
Saving the Students – Part 2
Exploration of Shinagawa Pier and Container Yard
Let’s continue our journey in Shinagawa, exploring new areas and facing new challenges. Here is a detailed guide for you to follow step by step.
Exploration Checklist
- Demons : Inugami, Oni, Berith, Jack Frost, Manananggal, Shiki Ouji, Naga
- Bugs : Koropokkur
- Items in Chests : 3 Amrita Soda, 3 Light Gems, Spirit Drain Gem, Spirit Drain Gem, 3 Fire Gems, Revival Bead, Ice Gem, 5000 Macca, 3 Chakra Drops
- Essences in Chests : Leanan Sidhe, Inugami, Incubus, Kikuri Hime, Oni, Take Minekata, Kaya no Hime, Shiki Ouji, Berith, Jack Frost, Aogami Type 4
- Mimans : 20/50
- Petrified Demons : Statue of Hecatonchires found near the abscess in the Container Yard
- Other Notes : Yellow Mitama fixed spawn point on a hill near the bridge just after the last area; Amalgam found at the end of the inclined bridge west of the warehouses; Punitive Boss Thunderbird flies above where Principality is (Level 36); Amalgam on top of containers near the abscess in the Container Yard.
Exploring Shinagawa Pier and Container Yard
- Starting Exploration :
- After reaching the objective, continue the main mission.
- Before moving forward, go to the north corner of this collapsed bridge to find the 11th Miman in a corner.
- Exploring and Finding Chests :
- Go up the hill and you’ll see a new demon, Inugami. They are weak to ice and light.
- Go southwest to find a chest with 3 Amrita Sodas.
- Continue southeast and go all the way to the end to find a place with lots of cubes and rocks to climb, facing several Inugami on the way. At the top, there is a chest with Inugami’s essence.
- Go back and follow the other path through more Inugami. When you reach an open space, you will see a ruined building with an Agathion nearby. Use the hill on the side of the building to reach the chest on the second floor containing the Incubus essence.
- In the northwest corner of this area, behind some rubble and structures, there is a chest with the essence of Leanan Sidhe. Nearby are 2 Beriths along with the Inugami and Oni. Be careful as they do a lot of damage.
- New Save Point :
- Continue along the path and you will reach the next save point.
- Enter the building near the save point. There are a lot of Jack Frosts here. Collect the chest with 3 Light Gems inside.
- Go west from the save point. You will see an area with many containers. Here you will find Shiki Oujis. Defeat/recruit them if you can.
- Exploring Containers and Finding Mimans :
- In the southernmost area of the containers, there is a path to climb them. Be careful as it is an easy place to get lost.
- Jump across the gaps to the north and then climb higher using more containers. Jump east and then south to find the 12th Miman.
- Return to the point where you climbed the containers and then jump west across the bridge to collect 3 chests. Two have Spirit Drain Gems and one has Kikuri Hime’s essence.
- Head south, past the containers, as well as some vending machines. You will find a group of Lilims.
Choose Side Mission
Choose Side Mission:
- Hold the Line (Law) : Talk to Principality and defeat the group of Lilims. They are weak to ice and use electric AOE and Marin Karin attacks to spell.
- Those Seeking Sanctuary (Chaos) : Talk to Lilim and defeat 2 Principality. They are weak to darkness and use Mahama after charging. Bring at least one light dampener and some demons that can use dark attacks. They can heal, so defeat them one at a time.
Rewards :
- Lei : Light Sutra, Principality joins you.
- Chaos : Dark Sutra, Lilim joins you.
- Exploring More Containers and Finding Mimans :
- Return to the point where the Shiki Ouji were and go north until you see a train. Jump on top to find the 13th Miman.
- Follow the path north and then northwest. You will see a chest on the map. Go a little north of him and you’ll find some containers that you can climb up to reach him in the building. The chest contains the essence of Oni.
- Go to the northernmost building to find a chest inside with 3 Fire Gems.
- Exit the building and go east under the bridge and find the 14th Miman at the end, next to the wall.
- Return to the train and climb onto the bridge. At the end there is an Amalgam. Pick it up to get 60 Glory.
- Return to the save point.
- Exploring Warehouses and Finding Mimans :
- Go north of the save point and enter the 3rd warehouse. Go behind the containers to find a chest with 2 Revival Beads.
- Go through the gap between warehouses 2 and 3. Follow the path behind the warehouses and a cutscene will play. Continue along the path going east, passing some Beriths.
- At the end you will see 2 Nagas. Recruit/defeat as needed and then look at the area with lots of containers.
- In the southern corner, you must find a way to climb onto the containers. Near the top is the 15th Miman.
- Drop down and you’ll see a Principality with a quest. This is the second of two opposing missions.
- Principality Mission :
- Hold the Line (Law) : Talk to Principality and defeat the group of Lilims. They are weak to ice and use electric AOE and Marin Karin attacks to spell.
- Those Seeking Sanctuary (Chaos) : Talk to Lilim and defeat 2 Principality. They are weak to darkness and use Mahama after charging. Bring at least one light dampener and some demons that can use dark attacks. They can heal, so defeat them one at a time.
Rewards :
- Lei : Light Sutra, Principality joins you.
- Chaos : Dark Sutra, Lilim joins you.
- Exploring More Containers and Finding Mimans :
- Go north, in a warehouse you will find a King Frost. Ignore it and continue north into the next warehouse to the west and you will find the 16th Miman.
- At the end of the path, you can climb onto the roofs of warehouses. You will find some Bugs here. Recruit or defeat as needed.
- Look east and you’ll see you can jump the gap to some containers. Jump here and follow the path until you finally reach the Abscess.
- Defeating the Abscess :
- You will face 2 Feng Huangs and 2 Makami. Both are weak to darkness. Feng Huang uses Agilao and normal attacks, while Makami uses Mahama.
- Here you will get 4 new miracles.
- Exploring More Containers and Finding Mimans :
- Near where the abscess was, there is a giant statue of Hecatonchires. Bookmark or use.
- Near where the abscess was, you’ll find a way to climb up onto the containers you passed earlier (just before the statue).
- Climb up and jump west until you can go higher. Go north and look down, to the east you will see 2 chests. Jump to get them.
- One has an Ice Gem and the other has Take Minekata’s essence. Go back to where you got off and go to Amalgam.
- You will get 60 Glory here. Right in front of Amalgam is the 17th Miman. Go to it and then reach the nearby chest as well, which has Kaya no Hime’s essence.
- Return to the save point. I suggest getting at least the new miracle Divine Garrison V to increase your stash size.
- Magatsuhi Dispersion is good to have in general, but get it if you have Glory to spare. Deathly Aura II is also good.
- Exploring Warehouses and Finding Mimans :
- Return to the rooftops where the Bugs are.
- Enter the farthest warehouse and go straight to the other side.
- Here you will find some Oni. First of all, go northwest of where the Oni are. Enter the first warehouse closest to you here and find a chest behind some containers. The chest has 5000 Macca.
- Go to the second warehouse to find a chest with Shiki Ouji’s essence.
- Enter the last warehouse (northernmost) and you will find a Baphomet with a quest.
- Baphomet’s Quest :
- Magic from the East : Talk to Baphomet and he will ask for 5 Inugami heads.
- Go kill them and bring the heads to him. You can keep bringing him heads later to get Mirage Gems.
Reward : Vile Talisman
- Exploring Warehouses and Finding Mimans :
- Head west from these groups of warehouses to the northernmost rooftops on the ground floor. You should find a broken window on this roof that you can climb down through. Once down there, look north and you will see the 18th Miman.
- Go back to where the Oni were and you will find some containers that you can climb to go higher. Here you will find a new save point.
- From the save point, go northwest on the rooftops of the warehouses from before, drop down between the second and third to get a chest with Berith’s essence.
- Return to the save point. Walk on the rooftops to the south. On the first roof you will find a window that you can climb down through. The chest here has the essence of Jack Frost, also here, behind some containers (which you need to climb and jump), you will find the 19th Miman.
- Go back to the rooftops and go to the second rooftop and drop down a window there. You will find 3 vending machines and a Nue. Talk to Nue to get the Wilder Talisman.
- Exploring More Warehouses and Finding Mimans :
- Go north of the save point (ignore the objective marker) and enter the far warehouse, take the middle path and turn left to find the 20th Miman.
- Return to the save point and prepare for a boss.
- Chief Loup Garou :
- This boss can be quite annoying if you are not prepared.
- You need 3 Elec Dampeners and a Phys Dampener (cannot be purchased) 3 can be found using the navigator near the save point or you must complete the Oni quest in Minato to get it as a reward.
- A Jaki demon (Loa or Rakshasa) who can perform Rasetsu Feast.
- At least one or more other demons with Bufula and high magic stats. A healer is also advisable.
Loup Garou : – This boss specializes in physical and critical attacks. His weakness is ice. – On your first turn, have all team members focus on hitting his weakness, except Jaki who needs to use Rasetsu Feast and then swap for a debuffer. Deal as much damage as possible this turn. – During his first turn, he will use an AOE physical attack or a single target attack. He will then immediately use Critical Aura, which guarantees that his next attack will be critical.
Important : – If he takes a lot of damage at the beginning, he can jump to charge magatsuhi, then use Elec Dampener. – Maintain the offensive on the second turn, but make sure to use a turn to use Phys Dampener. – On the third turn, repeat as before, but make sure to keep active debuffs (at least the defense one) on him and heal allies. – Probably, this turn, he will carry the magatsuhi. Next turn, he will use a powerful electric attack on a single target, so use your Elec Dampener here. – Now you should be able to defeat him. By your third or fourth turn, you should have magatsuhi fully charged, so use Critical to finish it off quickly.
Rewards : – Defeating this boss will complete the main quest and you will gain 8000 Exp in addition to the amount you gain from defeating him. – Your new goal will be defined. Before that, remember to retreat to the save point, heal, and save. – Cadaver’s Hollow will also have new essences for sale.
- Exploring More Warehouses and Finding Mimans :
- Go to the other side of the boss room and go south and around the warehouse to find an Angel. The Angel will give you the Divine Talisman.
- Go north and talk to Nekomata to get a quest.
Nekomata’s Mission : – A wish for a fish : Talk to Nekomata after the boss. She wants a fish. – Go to the warehouse where King Frost is. Talk to him and you will need to defeat him. He is level 28 and weak to fire and darkness.
King Frost : – Bring 3 Ice Dampeners and make sure Nahobino is not weak to ice. – Bring 2 demons with Agilao and keep at least one extra in stock. – Bring a Jaki and have maximum magatsuhi to use Rasetsu Feast. – On your turn, just use Rasetsu Feast and maintain the debuff by exchanging Jaki for a debuffer, while the other demons must use Agilao constantly. Keep in mind that it’s a good idea to have those weak to ice take cover in the second action. – When it charges, King Frost will use Bufula. However, even when not charged, he has a small chance of using King Bufula, which is an AOE ice attack that causes defense reduction. – Maintain debuffs, keep attacking and healing as needed, and this fight should be over when you have max magatsuhi again to use Critical and end the fight.
Reward : – After the fight, you have the choice to kill him or let him live. – If you choose to kill him, you will gain points for Chaos Alignment, but if you let him live, you will gain points for Law Alignment. Regardless, you will get the fish.
Reward : – Beast Talisman and 6000 Exp.
- Exploring More Warehouses and Finding Mimans :
- Head north of Nekomata and you can climb onto the roofs of these warehouses as well. Now, from above, go south and you will reach a chest below with 3 Chakra Drops.
- Continue north on your path, defeat or ignore the enemies. On a narrow road you will find Koropokkur.
- Eventually you will come to a bridge, go under it to find a group of Naga guarding a chest with Aogami Type 4’s essence inside. Go back, cross the bridge until you reach the objective.
Exploration of Konan 3rd Block and 4th Block
Exploration Checklist
- Demons : Mananangal, Naga, Koropokkur, Mothman, Poltergeist, Kelpie, Cironnup, Inugami, Hua Po
- Items in Chests : Elec Gem, Revival Beads, 2 Grimoires
- Essences in Chests : Cironnup, Poltergeist, Bugs, Kelpie, Mananangal, Hua Po
- Mimans : 29/50
- Petrified Demons : Statue of Andras south of Grimhelka
- Other Notes :
- Yellow Mitama in a fixed location in the northwest corner of the first Mothman area.
- Punitive Boss can be found in the southeast of 4th Block, level 46.
- Amalgam at the end of the bridge in 3rd Block.
- Amalgam on a hill near a large group of Hua Po in the 4th Block.
Starting Exploration
- Starting Path :
- Upon reaching the objective, a cutscene will play and a new objective will be marked.
- Go forward and jump on the train, drop down on the other side (after the big rock) and find the 21st Miman on the ledge.
- Finding Mimans :
- Proceed a little and go down, look under the bridge to find the 22nd Miman.
- Head north until you find the save point. If you go any further, your browser will temporarily exit. However, you can return to the last save point in Minato and talk to her to bring her back immediately.
- Go slightly northeast of the save point to find the 23rd Miman.
- It is not possible to go beyond this bridge, as an Angel will block the path. Return to the save point.
- 3rd Block Exploration :
- Go in the opposite direction and you will see a lot of Mothmans. Recruit/defeat them and move on.
- Follow the road until you see the 24th Miman on a bus.
- South of this Miman is a ruined building with a chest on top. To reach it, use the rubble strategically to climb each floor. The chest contains the Essence of Cironnup.
- Return to the bus and enter the building to the north. Face many Poltergeists and go deeper to find the 25th Miman in the east.
- Exit through the back to find a chest with Poltergeist Essence.
- Collecting Items and Facing Demons :
- Get back on the bus and head west and then north to a small area with two chests containing 2 Elec Gems and Bugs’ Essence.
- Return to the bus and head south until you see an Oni NPC. Go past it and find a group of Kelpie. Defeat them and go east under the bridge and look north to find the 26th Miman.
- Head south and then east until you find Grimhelka, a punishing boss. Bring Smoke Balls to run past him to the area to the east, where you’ll find a Lilim with a quest.
- Lilim’s Mission :
- Can I keep them? : Talk to Lilim and she will ask you to defeat 10 Mothmans.
- Defeat the Mothmans and report back to earn the Essence of Lilim.
- 4th Block Exploration :
- Continue south and climb a hill. You will find a Mothman and Hua Po. Nearby, there is a building with a chest. Use the rubble to climb up to the floor and find the Kelpie Essence.
- Go west of the building, go down a slope and find the 27th Miman.
- Head south to a dead end to find the statue of Andras. Bookmark it or use it and continue.
- Head past the two enemies and up a hill to a highway. To the north, there are several cubes to climb to the Abscess. Face and defeat the Basilisk, which is weak to Electricity and uses physical and poison attacks.
- After defeating the Abscess, you will unlock 5 new miracles.
- Finding More Mimans and Items :
- Near the Abscess, there is a hill you can climb to find a chest with 2 Revival Beads.
- Return to where Hua Po was and follow the south wall to enter a building with a chest containing the Essence of Mananangal.
- Go back west to Grimhelka and go up the bridge. Head to a sloped area and then go south until you find the 28th Miman.
- Continue north to a highway where you will find some Cironnup. At the end there is an Amalgam to get 60 Glory.
- Return to the location with climbing cubes near the Abscess. Climb up the southern cubes, follow the path to a Hua Po swarm, and find the 29th Miman on an elevated expanse.
- Head south until you see an Amalgam on the map. Climb the hill near many Hua Po to get another 60 Glory.
- Final Preparations and Facing Hell Biker :
- Return to the save point. I recommend purchasing Demon Proficiency II and Divine Proficiency II to increase the skill slots of Nahobino and his demons.
- When you’re ready, return to the area with lots of Hua Po where you found the Amalgam and continue north.
- You will eventually reach a slope. Head down and find a chest with 2 Grimoires.
- Head north until you reach the ground again. Go a little northwest to a gap between buildings, behind a rock, to find a chest with the Essence of Hua Po.
- Go west to a new save point.
Battle against Hell Biker
Preparations :
- Have at least 2-3 demons with high magic and Bufula (King Frost is a good option, don’t bring Koropokkur).
- Take a Loa or any Jaki with max Magatsuhi (to use Rasetsu Feast), ideally one that can heal/debuff with Rakunda.
- The Nahobino must be immune to wind damage (or have a demon that can nullify or drain wind on the first turn).
- Bring 3 Wind Dampeners and 3 Fire Dampeners.
Strategy :
- Hell Biker uses AOE attacks that undo buffs and debuffs.
- On the first turn, he will use a wind AOE attack that removes all buffs. It’s rare for him to use this again, but it can be unpredictable. Having the Nahobino immune to wind prevents this action.
- On the second turn, use Rasetsu Feast while the other demons use Bufula or Ice Breath (high magic). Swap Jaki for a healer/debuffer with Media.
- He can use Dekunda and charge next turn. Keep attacking and use Rakunda to lower his defense again.
- On the third turn, use Fire Dampener as it will use Hell’s Exhaust after charging.
- From this point on, the fight becomes unpredictable. Keep debuffs active and heal as needed. Use maximum Magatsuhi to end the fight quickly.
Reward :
- Crystal of Great Glory, Agility Balm, Force Sutra.
- You will also be able to fuse Hell Biker after beating him.
Exploration of Mitatebashi and Konan Block 2
Exploration Checklist
- Demons : Yaksini, Kelpie, Basilisk, Loa, Poltergeist, Pisaca, Eligor, Berith
- Items in Chests : Chakra Pot, Dispel Charm, Mirage Gem, Ice Gem, 10000 Macca, Concentrate Gem
- Essences in Chests : Yaksini, Pisaca, Hariti, Eligor
- Mimans : 38/50
- Petrified Demons : Statue of Berith north of Pisakah’s first group
- Other Notes :
- Kumbhanda, punitive boss, in the parking lot (quest boss)
- Amalgam found on parking lot roof
- Red Mitama in a fixed location on the roof next to the chest with 10000 Macca, accessible from the parking roof
Starting Exploration
- Jack Frost’s Mission :
- Near the save point you will find Jack Frost with a quest. He wants 3 Ice Gems.
- Iced Out : Talk to Jack Frost and hand over the 3 Ice Gems. Reward: Muscle Drink.
- This mission can be repeated.
- Preparations for the Boss Fight :
- Fionn mac Cumhaill :
- Bring 2 demons with Zionga and high magic.
- Use a Jaki for Rasetsu Feast and replace it with a healer/debuffer after use.
- Nahobino must have Ruinous Thunder (Aogami Type 4).
- Bring 3 Fire Dampeners.
- Strategy :
- Fionn is weak to Electricity, but nullifies Light and Fire.
- Use Zionga with everyone and Rasetsu Feast on the first turn.
- When it charges, use a Fire Dampener.
- Keep up the attack and he will be defeated quickly if you are prepared.
- Fionn mac Cumhaill :
- Initial Exploration :
- Continue west of the save point until you find a Lamia. Go north and find the 30th Miman behind a large rock.
- Go south of Lamia, go down the slope to the east and head south until you find Yaksini and a Basilisk.
- Go past them and find a ruined building. Inside is a chest with a Chakra Pot. Immediately north of this building is another with the 31st Miman.
- Detailed Exploration :
- Head northwest of Basilisk until you find a vending machine. Enter the spaces between the buildings and jump over the rubble to find the 32nd Miman.
- Climb the nearby building and head south. Behind a building, find a chest with Yaksini’s Essence. Continue northwest past another Basilisk.
- Go northeast around a building. Note that to the northwest is a parking lot with Kumbhanda and to the southeast is the Abscess.
- Defeat the Abscess, which consists of 3 Baphomets weak against Light. After defeating them, you will unlock 4 new miracles.
- Return to Save Point :
- From Lamia, go north, find Pisaca, and jump east to find a chest with the Essence of Pisaca.
- Go north, defeat the Basilisk and move forward until you find the statue of Berith. Mark it or use it.
- Enter the ruined building to the south, go up the stairs and find the 33rd Miman behind a wall to the north.
- Exit through the west side of the building, go north into a second ruined building and find the 34th Miman in a room with vending machines.
- Get the chest with Dispel Charm and go back to the first building to get the chest with Mirage Gem.
- Parking Exploration :
- Go south and climb the tilted building, jumping at the end. You will be on the opposite side of the parking lot with Kumbhanda.
- Run to the parking lot, lure Kumbhanda away and go up the ramp to the 2nd floor. He will not follow you.
- On the 3rd floor, find a hole and jump down to get the chest with Ice Gem.
- Return to the 3rd floor, find rubble to go up to the 4th floor and see the 35th Miman on the roof.
- Exit the building to the west, go up to the 5th floor to find an Amalgam for 60 Glory. Go northwest from the roof and jump to the nearby building to find a chest with 10000 Macca.
- Succubus Mission :
- Near the save point, talk to Succubus to accept the quest to defeat Kumbhanda.
- Kumbhanda :
- He is level 34, weak against Electricity and nullifies Strength and resists Darkness.
- Use tactics similar to those used against Fionn, bringing in Force Dampeners or a demon with Force Block.
- Reward: Night Talisman.
- Exploration Continued :
- Go north of the save point, climb the ruined building to the 3rd floor and see the 37th Miman on the other side.
- Find a chest with Concentrate Gem in the nearby building.
- Return to the save point and climb the building, head to the objective and a cutscene will play.
- Talk to the NPC Loa, go south of him, defeat Beriths and Eligor.
- Climb the broken walkway, find a chest with Ambrosia and continue along the path until you find Demeter.
- Continue along the walkway to a ruined building with a chest containing the Essence of Eligor.
- Finishing the Exploration :
- Return to where Berith and Eligor were, go up the walkway to the end and go northwest.
- Follow the path to a small turnoff and see the 38th Miman on the roof in front of you.
- If you continue along the path, you will be temporarily blocked. Jump back in and head southwest.
- Find a Bicorn NPC, go past him and follow the mountain path.
- Arrive at a cave, go through it and on the other side you will see a completely different landscape.
Exploring Gotenyama and Fairy Village in Shin Megami Tensei V
Exploration Checklist
- Items in Chests : 2 Seal Gems, 2 Fire Gems, Balm of Life
- Essences in Chests : Nekomata, Naga, Black Ooze
- Mimans : 43/50
- Other Notes :
- Red Mitama fixed near the group of demons and fairies in the center of the village.
- The cave’s starting area is free of enemies, so it’s safe to explore.
1. Exit from the Cave
Once you exit the cave, head north a bit and you will find the 39th Miman in a small corner.
2. Exploring the Open Area
Go down to the floor. This area is completely safe with no enemies.
- Go to the far east to find a chest containing a Balm of Life.
- South of where you dropped down is a chest with 2 Seal Gems.
3. Finding the 40th Miman
Continue south until you see an Oni NPC. Go slightly east of it to find the 40th Miman.
4. New Save Point and Scene
Head to the nearby objective for a short cutscene. Nearby there will be a new save point.
5. Exploring the Northwest Ruins
From the save point, head northwest and you’ll come to a ruined building.
- Climb up using a red cube and keep going up. There is a chest to the north through a gap. Go southeast to exit the building and then climb a short incline to reach the 3rd floor and jump to the chest containing Nekomata’s essence.
- Return to the 2nd floor and follow the path northeast to a collapsed building. At the end, find a chest with Naga essence.
6. Exploring Southwest of the Save Point
- Southwest of the save point, behind some wreckage, is the 41st Miman in a corner.
- Further southeast of Miman is a ruined building. Use a nearby hill to jump to the 3rd floor and use a pillar to climb to the 4th and jump to the chest containing the essence of Black Ooze.
7. Finding the 42nd Miman and Exploring the Village
- Go to the northwest corner of the village to find the 42nd Miman at the waterfall in front of Arahabaki.
- Near the save point, to the southwest, next to 3 NPCs, is a ruined building. Use a hill on the side and a rock to get to the top and find a chest with Fire Gems.
- Follow the Arahabaki River downstream to find a Cait Sith NPC. Talk to him to unlock a quest near the first save point in this area.
8. Koppa Tengu’s Quest
- Return to the first save point in the area. Behind him, find a Koppa Tengu and accept the quest.
Birds of a Feather :
- Talk to Koppa Tengu. She wants you to defeat the punishing Thunder Bird boss near the containers.
- Thunder Bird :
- Level 35, weak against Force, nullifies Electricity.
- Strategy:
- Use demons with Zanma and a Jaki for Rasetsu Feast.
- Nahobino must nullify wind or use a demon like Jatayu.
- When Thunder Bird charges, he will use Mazionga, so use Elec Block or Elec Dampener.
- Reward: Feng Huang Essence.
9. Finding the 43rd Miman
- Back in Fairy Village, go south of the group of demons to the part of the map that looks like a boot to find the 43rd Miman.
10. Moving towards the Goal
- After exploring and finding all the items and Mimans listed, head to the objective to continue with the story.
Main Quest: A Golden Opportunity
Exploration of South and North Shinagawa
Exploration Checklist
- Demons : Nekomata, Forneus, Basilisk, Berith, Eligor, Sentanta (one spawn point), Baphomet, Black Ooze, Lilim
- Items in Chests : Bead, Charge Gem, 2 Grimoires, Amrita, Soma
- Essences in Chests : Parvati, Thoth, Aogami Type 5, Anahita
- How many Mimans : 48/50
- Petrified Demons :
- Statue of Nue at the top of the hill after Baphomet, plus lots of climbing cubes.
- Tsuchigumo statue near where Zuchouten is, down the slope.
- Other Notes :
- Amalgamation on the cliffs near the railroad bridge.
- Amalgamation on the mountainside next to Sentanta in South Shinagawa.
- Zuchouten is a punishing enemy in the cliffs below the mountaintop.
1. Start of the Mission
After the scene, talk to Jack O’Lantern to unlock him as a Navigator.
2. Following the River
Follow the river downstream. When you see a highway bridge above you, head north until you pass under the bridge. There is a chest containing Parvati’s essence.
3. Exploring the Area
After the bridge, go straight north past a group of three Basilisks. The goal now is to eliminate the abscess.
- Continue north until you reach a cube. Climb it and keep going north to another cube. Turn east and follow the path up a hill; you will see the abscess to the south.
- Run towards him, but be careful as he summons enemies that shoot at you. Attack him from the side.
The enemy of this abscess is Thoth. He uses Megiddo and heals himself with Diarama every few turns. Thoth is weak to darkness attacks, so bring demons that can use Mudoon, as well as a debuffer and a healer.
4. Unlocking New Miracles
You will unlock four new miracles. Return to the save point to explore the area properly.
- I recommend grinding a little to get more glory and unlock the following miracles:
- Race Transcendence : Allows Nahobino to use party members’ unique magatsuhi abilities.
- Healer’s Hospitality I : reduces healing cost by 25%.
- Empowering Cheer II : Fully recovers HP and MP when leveling up.
5. Locating Mimans
- Return to the bridge area with Nekomata, go north to the first cube and look south to find the 44th Miman.
- Climb the cube and keep going north to the second cube. Climb it and go southeast to find a chest with a Bead.
- Continue climbing until you reach the level where the abscess was and climb the nearby cube. Keep climbing to the end to find some Baphomets. Climb up the mountainside to find the statue of Nue. Bookmark or use as needed.
6. Exploring the Area with Black Ooze and Lilims
- Return to the abscess location and follow the path east until you find an open space with Black Ooze and Lilims. Near the north wall, behind a rock, is the 45th Miman.
- Ignore the downward slope for now.
7. Finding Incubus and Starting the Quest
- Follow the path north to a hill. Jump west to find a chest containing a Charge Gem.
- Go further west to find an Incubus with a quest.
The One I Love
- Talk to Incubus. Go to the village and talk to Silky. Go back and give 5000 macca to Incubus to receive Magic Incense.
- Reward : Grimoire x3
8. Continuing Exploration
- Return to the second climbing cube and head west to the train tracks where the Nekomata are.
- Head southwest until you find a place with sand and Lilim. Climb the hill to the southeast to find a chest with Thoth’s essence.
- Go to the southeast path and find an Amalgam for 60 Glory. Continue southeast and cross the bridge where there are some Forneus.
9. Collecting the Apples
- Go to the objective and collect the three apples marked on the map. Then report to Oberon.
10. New Quests in Fairy Village
- Jack O’Lantern will leave the group, but you can bring him back by talking to him at the save point. You can also bring Amanozako from Minato.
- Talk to Silky to start a quest.
The Root of the Problem
- Silky wants 8 Mandrake Roots. They appear in the forest north of the village. The more Mandrakes you kill, the more Narcissuses will join the fight. Both are weak to fire, but Narcissuses are more resistant and cannot be traded.
- Reward : Fairy Talisman
- Find Jack Frost where Idun was for another mission.
The Goddess Stolen
- Jack Frost asks you to go to the cave at the end of the tracks above, where Forneus’ group is. There, you will fight Loki.
- Loki is immune to ice and weak to light. He brings demons with Hamaon and Nahobino immune to ice. Loki uses normal attacks and charges to use Mabufula. After defeating him, you can choose whether to eat the apple (points for Chaos) or not (points for Law).
- Reward : Small Glory Crystal x2, Idun can be fused, 10000 Exp
11. Final Exploration
- Follow the river east and find a chest to the north. Continue to the end of the river and on the north bank is the 47th Miman. On the opposite bank, there are three chests with Amrita Shower, Aogami Type 5 Essence, and Anahita’s Essence.
- Go south of the save point and find a path that goes up the hill in the southern part. At the top, you’ll see a Sentanta and an Amalgam for 60 glories. On the other side, there is a chest with a Soma.
- Fight Zouchouten if you are at least level 35. He is weak against Force. Bring out demons with Zanma and Jaki with Elec Dampener/Elec Block.
- After defeating him, go south and tag or use the Tsuchigumo statue.
- Return to the Konan 2nd Block area and speak to Demeter to begin the last mission in this area.
The Tyrant of Tennozu
- Talk to Demeter and go to Tennozu. At the top of the spiraling mound is Belphegor.
- Belphegor
- Weak to fire and light. Use the same strategy as Loki. He uses normal attacks and, when he gets low on health, uses Matarunda and Mamudoon.
- Reward : 15000 Macca, Belphegor can be fused, 13000 Exp
Final Boss of the Area: Shinagawa Station
Exploration Checklist
- Demons : Basilisk, Black Ooze, Lilim
- Items in Chests : 4 Force Shards
- How many Mimans : 49/50 (The last Miman cannot be acquired)
1. Accessing New Areas
Remember the location where you found a Miman on the roof of a walkway. You can now continue from there since Dazai is no longer blocking the path.
2. Collecting Items and Mimans
- After leaving the walkway, go south. Go past a Basilisk and some Black Ooze to find an Amalgam, collecting 60 Glory.
- Then go north to find a chest with 4 Force Shards.
- Continue west past a building until you reach a new save point.
- From the save point, go a little further west and look south to find the 49th Miman.
This is the last Miman you can collect, as the 50th one is in an inaccessible area.
3. Preparation for the Final Battle
Before proceeding to the next objective and facing the region’s final boss, prepare for a double battle:
- For the first fight :
- Have at least 2-3 demons that can use area force abilities (AOEs).
- Nahobino must be immune to Electricity or Darkness.
Alignment Choices : During the pre-battle scenes, you will have a choice that will affect your alignment:
- Kill Lahmu : directs to Chaos.
- Save Sahori : directs to Law.
4. First Battle: Lahmu (Round 3)
- Strategy :
- Lahmu will have 6 tentacles. Both he and the tentacles are weak against Force and Light.
- Focus on using AOEs constantly and staying alive.
- Lahmu will use a variety of elements in his attacks.
- Destroy all of the tentacles before he can cast “Curse of Babylon,” which steals a turn and fully heals his tentacles.
- Heal yourself before the next battle.
- Lahmu’s Attack Pattern :
- It starts with Zionga and Mudoon.
- Mix Bufula afterwards.
- Use Force and Light abilities to quickly defeat the tentacles.
5. Second Battle: Lahmu (Round 4)
- New Form and Abilities :
- Lahmu is now weak to Fire, but no longer to Strength and Light.
- You’ll have the first turn, so deal as much damage as possible with Agilao.
- Lahmu’s Attack Pattern :
- Typically, he will use “Nightmare Slit” on his first turn to deal medium damage and reduce hit/evasion rate.
- Will use Mazionga after charging.
- It also uses status attacks, such as Tentarafoo.
- Tips :
- Survive the start of the fight and continue dealing damage while staying alive.
- He has less health than other bosses of the same level, making the fight manageable at level 38 or higher.
- Use a Chakra Pot to fully restore Nahobino’s MP between battles.
6. Post-Battle
- After the battle, you will be able to fuse Lahmu.
- Tao will no longer heal you after battles.
- The choices in the next few scenes don’t matter; you will be taken back to the save point.
Final Exploration and Continuation of the Story
- Now, the area is almost complete. All that remains is to find the last Miman and face Grimhelka. There is also an unopened part of the area.
- When you’re ready to continue the story, return to Tokyo.
Interlude 3: Castle 1st Stratum
Exploration Checklist
- Demons : Orabas, Kaiwan, Nue, Hanuman, Dakini, Oberon, Anzu
- Items in Chests : 2 Grimoires, Chakra Drop, Dispel Charm, Light Gem, Magic Mirror, 30000 Macca
- Essences in Chests : Yurlungur, Cu Chulainn
During this part of the game, just like the school in Interlude 2, you will be exploring the Demon King’s Castle. Unlike the school, here there will be enemies roaming around. There are no quest points or Mimans to find.
1. First Save Point and Starting Chests
- Activate and use the save point in front of you.
- Head west to find a chest in a corner containing 2 Grimoires.
- Continue along the path until you find a wandering Orabas. Defeat or avoid him as necessary.
- Advance until you reach a door. Go through it and go all the way west to find another chest with a Chakra Drop.
2. Exploring the Stairs and Rooms
- Follow the path to some stairs and then go east, passing 3 Orabas that run in circles.
- Climb some more stairs and go west, jumping some gaps to find another chest.
- Go through the door and follow a hallway to another door.
3. Room with Luminous Circle and NPC Power
- In the third room, the map may seem cluttered with paths, but use your eyes to navigate the nearby walls.
- Wait for the luminous circle that blows wind. When it’s out, run to get through.
- Find a Power NPC and head west, reaching a large room.
4. Large Room with Winds and Chests
- In this room, you need to climb the slopes while avoiding the wind walls that can blow you to the lower parts, full of Nue and some chests.
- Before going up, check the 4 chests in the area:
- In the pit north of 1 Nue, the chest contains the essence of Yurlungur.
- In the other area with 5 Nue, the chests contain a Magic Mirror, a Light Gem and 30000 Macca.
5. Climbing the Slopes and Avoiding Winds
- Walk up the slope, avoiding the wind walls. Each wall blows for approximately 6 seconds and remains off for approximately 12 seconds. Count to 10 and pass.
- At the end, jump the gap and go through the door, going down some stairs until you find a save point halfway.
6. Room with Elevations and Chests
- Continue down and go through the door into the next room.
- This room has several elevations, indicated by darkness on the map. Navigate through the lower floor until you reach the stairs. Continue to the next set of stairs to the north.
- On the upper floor, jump a few gaps to the north to find a chest containing Cu Chulainn’s essence.
- Jump back south towards the door and go up another set of stairs.
7. Second Room with Central Moat and Vents
- You’ll come to a room similar to the previous one, with a central pit and several wind walls.
- In the pit, there are 2 chests containing an Amrita Shower and a Phys Dampener.
- Start climbing. This time the fans blow for about 8 seconds and stay off for up to 15 seconds, but turn on in patterns. Watch the patterns to know when to run. Some wind walls have a greater reach than they appear.
8. Reaching the Next Stratum
- Once at the top, go through the door to reach the next layer of the castle.
General Tips
- Cautious Exploration : Carefully navigate areas, watching for wind patterns and wandering enemies.
- Resource Management : Use save points to recover and manage your resources before facing new challenges.
- Watch Out for Wind Patterns : Wind walls have a greater range than they appear, so keep your distance and watch the patterns before moving.
2nd Stratum of the Demon King’s Castle
Exploration Checklist
- Demons : Orabas, Kaiwan, Nue, Hanuman, Dakini, Oberon, Anzu, Kin-ki, Pazuzu
- Items in Chests : 2 Muscle Drinks, 2 Critical Gems, 2 Light Shards, 2 Grimoires, Phys Dampener, Purge Charm, Chakra Pot
- Essences in Chests : Moloch, Hydra, Nue, Chernobog
During this part of the game, you will be exploring the second stratum of the Demon King’s Castle. Here, there will be enemies roaming around and several chests with valuable items.
1. Activation of Save Point and First Chests
- After the opening cutscene, activate the save point.
- Continue through the room to a door in the northwest corner.
- Follow the path until you need to climb some stairs. You will see an area with 2 Nue down there. Jump to get a chest with 2 Muscle Drinks.
- Climb the stairs again and jump to circle back. Return to the point where you jumped to get the chest and jump southwest.
2. Path Exploration and Mini Boss
- On the way, go west, without going up the stairs, go south until you need to jump again.
- Climb any stairs and go east to find a chest with Moloch’s essence.
- Prepare for a mini boss by healing yourself and preparing your demons.
3. Fight Against Chernobog
Recommended Preparation:
- Demon with Phys Block and Dark Block or Dark Dampener.
- Rasetsu Feast and debuffer to maintain the strategy.
- Demons with Light attacks and corresponding high stats.
- Dispel Charm for safety.
- Level 53, mainly uses physical and debuff skills.
- Weakness: Light.
- Use Phys Block every turn and Dark Dampener when it charges.
- Debuff and constant attack with Light to defeat him.
Rewards: Large Glory Crystal and Dispel Charms.
4. Continuing Exploration and Collecting Chests
- Jump to the area to the north to reach an open space with 3 Nue and 2 chests containing 2 Critical Gems and Hydra essence.
- Continue northwest to the door and follow the path into the next room.
- Go through the empty room until you reach stairs that go up to find a Power NPC. Continue and jump a gap to find an Orabas NPC.
- Use the wind walls to move around the room. Use the wall next to Orabas, jump the gap and use the wind wall to go up the stairs. Continue and jump another gap to reach the other side of the room.
5. Room with Enemy Pit and Stairs
- In the pit, you can run up the stairs to the west or use the wind wall to avoid enemies.
- Go up the stairs and go through 3 wind walls without using them.
- In the next part, jump the gap and head east to the first group of wind walls. Use the middle wall to get to the other side.
- Go up the stairs and past the second group of wind walls to get a chest with 2 Light Shards.
- Go back and use the wall next to the stairs for the next path.
6. Navigating Wind Walls and Picking Up Chests
- Use the third wind wall to cross. Follow the path to the door and go down the stairs to the save point.
- Heal up and continue to the next room.
- Face a new enemy, Kin-Ki. Continue until you find a Pazuzu. Defeat him and head west with a Kin-Ki and go up the stairs twice.
- Jump the gap to the north and get a chest to the east with 2 Grimoires. Go west, cross another gap to the north and head east until you find 2 chests with Nue and Chernobog essences.
7. Collecting Items and Continuing the Journey
- Return to the central area and jump west and then south until you reach the southwest corner of the room.
- Jump near the south wall to get a chest with Bead Chain.
- Go back and go through the door, down the stairs into the next room.
- Use the wind on the ground to climb the column in front. Jump to where Kin-Ki is walking and follow the path south to another windy area.
- Use the wind to reach the east side and get a chest to the north with a Phys Dampener.
- Use the wind to go west and keep jumping north, then west, facing a Pazuzu and getting a chest with Purge Charm.
- Head southwest, go down the stairs and face 2 patrolling Kin-Ki.
8. Navigating Final Wind Areas
- Climb the stairs and use the wind-up floors and walls to navigate the room to the exit.
- Use the nearest northern floor to reach a platform to the east, and from there jump south to get a chest with a Chakra Pot.
- Use the winds to reach the southern path and go straight to the door, down the stairs to the 3rd Stratum.
3rd Stratum of the Demon King’s Castle
Exploration Checklist
- Demons : Yurlungur, Flauros, Kaiwan, Nue, Oberon, Dakini, Hanuman, Anzu
- Items in Chests : 2 Ambrosia, 2 Life Drain Gems, Bead, 40000 Macca, 2 Charge Gems, Attack Mirror, 2 Elec Gems, 2 Concentration Gems, Whittled Goat
- Essences in Chests : Pazuzu, Kin-ki, Flauros
1. Activation of Save Point and First Chests
- Activate the save point and head north. You will see several Yurlungurs.
- Further north, you will find 3 chests containing 2 Ambrosia, 2 Life Drain Gems and the essence of Pazuzu.
- In the northeast hallway, there is a chest with Kin-ki’s essence.
- Go south for a cutscene and continue to the next room.
2. Labyrinthine Room and Additional Chests
- In the labyrinthine room, follow the path south until you reach some stairs.
- Before going up, go north of the stairs to find a chest containing a Bead.
- Go up the stairs and go to the northwest corner of the room to jump the gap.
- Go down the stairs to the north and follow the path until you find more stairs.
- Continue west and then south to find a chest with Flauros’ essence.
- Go east and jump the gap.
3. Collection of 40000 Macca and Continuation
- Continue north and go up the stairs, jumping several gaps until you reach the center of the room.
- Go south and jump to reach the chest in the southwest corner containing 40000 Macca.
- Go back and go east, then drop down to continue along the path.
4. Climb and Face Enemies
- Continue along the path, facing a Flauros along the way. Follow until you find more stairs.
- Go up and find an area with lots of Flauros and Kin-ki. Go up the stairs to the north.
- In the gap, drop down to get a chest with 2 Charge Gems.
- Circle back and jump the gap, continuing north.
5. Navigating the Wind Walls
- In the next area, jump and face the enemies or run past to the stairs to the north.
- Continue north through the door.
- Go down the stairs until you find a save point.
6. Maze with Wind Walls
- Go west and go up the stairs once you enter.
- Jump clockwise from the platforms, watching the wind walls to get to the northeast.
- Go up the stairs to the next part of the room.
7. Use of Wind Walls
- Jump west and use the wind on the ground to reach the platform to the west.
- Go south to get a chest with an Attack Mirror.
- Go back and head to the long west path with several wind walls.
8. Wind Wall Navigation
- The wind walls blow at the same time in groups of 2: ON, OFF, ON, OFF.
- Move slowly when one wall stops and then again when the next one stops.
- Jump the gaps when the wind stops, otherwise you will be blown away.
- After jumping twice, let yourself be blown to reach a chest with Elec Gems.
- Circle back and go all the way west.
9. Final Segment of the Maze
- Use the correct wind walls to reach the next platform. There is only one correct path.
- For the last two walls, don’t use either of them. Jump southwest to avoid both.
- Continue south, crossing a gap to reach the next part of the room.
10. Wind Floor Navigation
- This segment can be very disorienting. Use the wind floors at the right time and move in the air to different wind walls.
- When you arrive, jump and use the wind floor nearby. Note the wind walls above, one of them will be active before the wind floor and will shut down while another will start.
- Use the wall that sends you east. When you land, head north to find a new wind floor.
- Make sure you get sent south. If it is sent east, you will have to redo the last two parts.
- When you land, look to the east and see 3 wind walls and a wind floor below.
- Use the northernmost wall. Jump the gaps to the east to get a chest containing 2 Concentrate Gems.
- Go back to where you landed and go down west, then go south, past a Flauros, to get a chest with a Whittled Goat.
- Finally, return to where you landed after the third wind wall and go east. Go around the third group of wind walls to the south and then west to the door. Drop down to the next stratum.
4th and Last Stratum
Exploration Checklist
- Items in Chests : Balm of Life
- Essences in Chests : Atavaka
1. Preparation for the Final Boss
- This area is a large hall with a save point and 2 chests at the end of both stairs.
- One chest contains a Balm of Life and the other contains the essence of Atavaka.
- Save, heal and prepare for a boss.
2. Fight Against Arioch
Recommended Preparation:
- Jaki for Rasetsu Feast
- Bring Ice Dampeners
- Demons with Light and Elec abilities to alternate.
- Nahobino must resist or nullify Fire and Ice (Cironupp essence is good for this).
- Arioch has a press turn.
- Weakness: Elec, repels Ice, resists Force and Dark.
- At first, he summons 2 Decarabia to help him.
- Use Rasetsu Feast early on to debuff enemies.
- Focus on defeating the Decarabia first, keeping a healer on the team.
- After defeating the allies, the fight becomes easier. Use Elec attacks to deal damage.
- When Arioch charges Magatsuhi, use an Ice Dampener.
3. Post-Battle and Preparation for the Next Chapter
- After the fight, you will have a few cutscenes with choices that do not affect alignment.
- Use the save point to return to Tokyo. Go to the meeting room for a scene with Koshimizu.
- Return to the dorms for more scenes. Afterwards, go to the laboratory and a choice will appear. This choice can affect the alignment.
- When you’re ready, go to the Diet building.
4. Fight Against Abdiel
Recommended Preparation:
- Fire Dampeners
- healer
- Nahobino must use Cironupp’s essence affinities.
- Dark attack users and a Jaki.
Abdiel (Herald):
- Weakness: Dark, resists Force and Elec, reflects Light.
- Abdiel focuses his attacks on Nahobino.
- Use Rasetsu Feast at the beginning and start attacking with Mudoon and Black Dracostrike.
- Alice and Yoshitsune are very useful in this fight.
- When Abdiel charges Magatsuhi, use a Fire Dampener.
5. Conclusion of the Chapter
- After the fight, you will be back in Tokyo.
- Go to the meeting room. Watch the scenes and select all options.
- Exit the room for another scene (these choices do not affect alignment).
- After more cutscenes, get ready to exit the building and a short cutscene with a choice will appear (the choice doesn’t matter).
- Return to the dorms for more scenes. The choices in this scene don’t affect anything.
- After the cutscenes, you will reach the final region.
Da’at/Netherworld: Taito
The Triple Key (Main Quest)
Once you arrive, Tao will join your party (she cannot be removed for the rest of the game except in a specific route; she cannot be fused or registered in the compendium, and does not carry over to New Game+). Amanozako will also appear and act as your navigator for the time being. Gustave’s shop now has new items for sale.
This is the last main region before the end of the game and before your final route decision. If you haven’t already done so, you should purchase the Prayer miracles, as they grant a +1 bonus to the specified attribute per level up to 20 levels from the base level (ignoring the fusion experience bonus levels, as these automatically add the points ).
Complete Area
Check list
- Demons : Decarabia, Hecatonchires, Loup Garou, Clotho, Lachesis, Cerberus, Titania, Sui Ki, Nebiros, Queen Medb, Yamata no Orochi, Throne, Fafnir, Grimhelka, Fuu Ki, Atropos, Rangda
- Items in Chests : Soma, Chakra Pot, 50000 Macca, Bead, Amrita Shower, Grimoires, Bead Chain, Chakra Pots, 60000 Macca, 3 Grimoires
- Essences in Chests : Clotho, Loki, Barong, Ananta, Atropos, Lachesis, Fuu Ki, Aogami Type 9, Arahabaki, Hecatonchires, Scathach, Decarabia, Ganesha, Mitra, Alice, Mot, Titania, Nebiros, Melchizedek, Lilith, Norn, Seth , Cybele, Loup Garou, Sui Ki, Queen Medb, Garuda, Skadi, Mara, Throne, Aogami Type 10, Aogami Type 0, Okuninushi, Rangda, Camael, Cerberus, Thor, Grimhelka
- Petrified Demons : Statue of Eligor north of the Ueno save point, statue of Forneus north of the Shinobazu Pond area, statue of Jack Frost in Kuramae east of where Demeter is, found in Motoasakusa west of the Abscess and south of 2 Yamata no Orochi, statue of Ose found in the northern part of the cube maze, reached by jumping from the highest point in the north, statue of Flauros found in the southern end of Asakusa under the train tracks, reached through a cave.
- Other Notes : Amalgam at the end of the path on the branch leading to the lower (northern) part of Iriya, where you cannot reach the Abscess; Fixed brown Mitama spawn point found near Uguisudani Abscess; punitive enemy Abaddon northwest of the Ueno park save point; Amalgam south of where Abaddon is; punitive enemy Bishamonten found in the northernmost part of the map near the train tracks; Amalgam found when jumping from the cliff north of the Ueno park save point; Amalgam found south of the first frozen lake in the Shinobazu Pond area; fixed yellow Mitama spawn point found in the middle cliffs area 2 cubes east of NPC Sarasvati in Shinobazu Pond; Amalgam found on rooftops in the Midwest southwest of the Shinobazu Pond save point in Okachimachi; Amalgam found under the overpass in Okachimachi (need to jump to reach it); Fixed red Mitama spawn point in a cave you enter from the Okachimachi train tracks; Amalgam at Kuramae on a ledge reached by climbing to the top of the hill southwest of Demeter; fixed yellow Mitama spawn point in Kuramae on a ledge that you must jump from a ledge near Demeter; Amalgam at Kuramae on the west path at the 4-way fork after the cave, reached by climbing cubes; punitive enemy Garuda found on mountain in central northern Norse territory and east of Decarabia statue; Amalgam found further up the mountain from Garuda’s roost; Amalgam found north of the highway in Ueno around the center of the map; 2 Amalgams found in the large 3D cube maze in the Nordic territory; Amalgam found in the outer circle at Asakusa south of the Abscess; blue Mitama fixed spawn point found within the inner circle of Asakusa; Amalgam found northeast of the statue of Flauros; 2 Amalgams found on rooftops reachable from Garuda’s roost; go southwest of the save and look behind the building on the roof to see the 1st Miman.
The Miman in this area grant 10 Glory and the Mitama here are, of course, harder to kill, but give much better rewards.
Initial Exploration
- Save and Go Downhill
- Save the game at the save point.
- North of the save point, there is a slope you can go down. As he descends, Aogami will ask a question related to Alignment, but this one does not affect his alignment.
- Finding Mimans and Exploring the South
- After heading downhill, head northeast on the road to find the 2nd Miman observing some Hecatonchires.
- Return to the starting point and head southeast around the hill until you reach a ruined building with 2 chests: one containing Soma and the other with Clotho’s essence.
- Continue north, then northeast of the Hecatonchires, to the end of the road, then follow the path that eventually turns south. Near a cliff, find the 3rd Miman on the left.
- Follow the path to the end to find an Amalgam.
- Eligor Statue and Cave with Miman
- Return to the starting location and go west and then north up a hill to find the statue of Eligor. Near the statue, there is a group of Hecatonchires and a cave.
- Enter the cave and follow it to the end to find the 4th Miman.
- Kaya no Hime Quest and Collecting Essences
- From the Eligor statue, head northwest and continue the path north. Eventually, you will see an NPC Kaya no Hime with a quest. Before taking the quest, go east to find the 5th Miman.
- A Princess in Trouble : Kaya no Hime wants 2 Beads and will give a Chakra Pot in exchange. Reward: 30000 Exp.
- Continue forward, be careful of the Cerberus and Amanozako will inform you that you are in Greek territory.
- Follow the path as it curves west and climbs the hill. At a detour, rejoin the tracks after the statue of Eligor and follow the path southwest, passing a train. To the left of the train, find the 6th Miman.
- Climbing the Hill and Defeating the Abscess
- Go up the hill and follow the path to an open space with a red cube to climb up. In the open space, to the southwest, there is a chest with the essence of Chimera.
- Climb the next cubes to reach the Abscess. This Abscess contains Scathach and Cybele. Bring lots of Amrita Showers or Sodas to deal with seal and charm statuses. Both are weak to Elec.
- Exploring the Area After Abscess
- Return to the save point and get at least the Miracle Divine Garrison you just unlocked.
- From the Abscess location, head west along the road. There is an NPC with a quest to the east (connection of two quests).
- North of this NPC, there is a narrow path. Defeat Nebiros on the way to stop Decarabia’s summoning.
- Go straight north and save at the save point.
Cave Exploration and Defeating Punitive Enemies
- Descending the Cave
- Head west into a cave down the hill. Ignore the south path for now.
- In the north there is a punishing Abaddon (level 61, weak to Elec). Carry physical and ice locks or dampers.
- Finding Mimans and Collecting Essences
- North of Abaddon, there is a chest with Barong’s essence. South of this chest is an Amalgam.
- Follow the path northeast of Abaddon to the train tracks. Near some trees, find the 7th Miman.
- Continue south to find a chest with Ananta’s essence. Nearby is the punishing enemy Bishamonten (level 58, weak to Ice).
- Defeat Bishamonten and return to the Ueno Park save point.
- Rooftop Exploration and Confrontation with Zeus
- From the save point, go northwest, up the hill, and jump off the cliff onto a building. Behind the building, find the 8th Miman. Jump again to find an Amalgam.
- Ignore Zeus for now (return to level 70). Instead, head to the save point and enter the cave to the west, down the southern path.
- In the area with a frozen lake, find an Amalgam in the lake.
- NPC Quests and Collecting Mimans
- In the frozen lake area, continue southwest to a turnoff. Head southeast to find the 9th Miman.
- Near here, there is a Sarasvati with a quest (2 Amrita Showers, reward: Balm of Life and 35000 Exp).
- Head east to the 10th Miman and a cube that leads to a chest with the essence of Atropos.
- Continue south of the cube to a cliff and find the 11th Miman to the north.
- Return to Sarasvati, head west and then north to find 4 chests guarded by Sui Ki. The chests contain essences of Fuu Ki, Aogami Type 9, Lachesis, and Arahabaki.
- Climb the west hill to find a group of Kurama Tengu with a quest (Abaddon, reward: 3 Grimoires and 55000 Exp).
- North of the Kurama Tengu, find the 12th Miman.
Facing Abscess and Continuing Exploration
- Facing Abscess
- This Abscess contains 4 level 65 demons: Skadi (weak to Fire), Siegfried (weak to Force, Light and Dark), Atavaka (weak to Ice) and Barong (weak to Force and Dark).
- Recommendation: Rasetsu Feast, Phys Block, and swap demons as needed. Take ice dampeners and electric dracostrike.
- Focus on Skadi and Atavaka first, then Siegfried and Barong.
- Collecting Mimans and Continuing
- After defeating Abscess, you will receive Health and Stamina Balms, and various miracles, including Prayer ones for strength and magic.
- Jump into the northwest corner of this location to find the 13th Miman. Continue along the path east of the Abscess to find the 14th Miman on a rooftop.
- Head east for a short cutscene and a new save point. In the lake to the north, there is a petrified statue of Forneus.
- Follow the path from the east save point until you go down the hill where there is a Cerberus. Climb the hill to the northeast to find a chest with Hecatonchires essence.
Battle against the Fiend: Mother Harlot
Boss Description :
- Weaknesses : Strength
- Repel : Physical
- Resistances : Fire, Light, Dark
- Drain : Electricity
Mother Harlot is one of the most challenging fights in the game due to her skill set. She begins the battle by launching Babylon’s Goblet , a severe Almighty-type attack with a chance of causing confusion. She also has the ability Death Lust , which is another Almighty AOE attack that causes charm. Additionally, Mother Harlot uses Trisagion , a heavy fire attack that ignores affinity resistances and any type of shield effect.
Preparation for Battle
Important Tips :
- Resist Ailments : Apply Lachesis affinity to Nahobino to ensure it resists most negative statuses, as Mother Harlot does not use Force attacks.
- Team Composition :
- Have a demon that Nulls Electricity . Ishtar is a good choice as she can be a healer and a magical attacker. Use an essence to give her Zandyne and Mediarama if she doesn’t have them.
- Have demons with Zandyne or Wind Dracostrike with high magic or strength stats. Make sure these demons are not weak to fire or electricity.
- Carry plenty of status healing items like Amrita Soda and Amrita Shower .
- Use the Hecatonchires at the start of the battle to use Rasetsu Feast before swapping it for another demon.
Battle Strategy
- First Round :
- Nahobino and Demons : Use Rasetsu Feast to reduce Mother Harlot’s stats.
- Ishtar or another healer: Maintain the team’s health and prepare for the next round.
- Mother Harlot’s Attack Pattern :
- After the first round, Mother Harlot will generally use Maziodyne for most of her rounds. Make sure you have a demon that nullifies electricity on the field.
- Mother Harlot will occasionally use Trisagion . Make sure your demons are not weak to fire and have maximum health.
- Combat Standardization :
- Player Round : Heal, buff, or attack as needed. Use Rasetsu Feast when necessary to re-apply the debuff.
- Mother Harlot : Will use Maziodyne , which will be countered by one of her demons, causing her to lose the rest of the round.
- Emergency Scenarios :
- Makajamaon : If Mother Harlot uses Makajamaon to seal her party, she will charge a powerful attack in the following round. If all of her demons are sealed, she has them all on guard in the next round.
- Use MP healing items like Chakra Pot to ensure your healer can continue healing.
If you follow these tips and stick to the strategy, eventually Mother Harlot will fall. After the battle, you will receive the following items:
- Large Glory Crystal
- Magic Balm
- Battle Sutra
Exploring the Greek Area
- From the save point at Shinobazu Pond :
- Jump south and head west along the road.
- Eventually, you’ll see a building to the north. Go after him to find the 15th Miman.
- Walk west :
- Find a chest guarded by 2 Hecatonchires. This chest contains the essence of Scathach.
- Go back to where you jumped and head southwest :
- Go until you are under an overpass. Look west to see a tunnel under the overpass. Enter and exit south through a hole in the wall.
- Outside the tunnel :
- Head west, then north and up the highway. As you go up, look at the building to the south to find a chest with 50000 Macca.
- Keep going up until you pass a Titania and a Clotho. Jump onto the roof of the northern building and head west to find an Amalgam at the end.
- You will also find the 16th Miman further west. Return to the highway/tracks, continue east until you are above the road, and then look south to find another Amalgam and jump to it.
- Get back on the tracks and continue east :
- When you reach the train, jump to the building to the north. Use the vending machine to go up a floor, then jump to the northernmost building to find a chest with a Bead.
- Get back on the tracks and jump to the opposite building, specifically the lowest building in elevation. Here, you will find a chest with the essence of Decarabia.
- From the building where you landed, jump south to find the 17th Miman.
- Climb back onto the tracks and go to the end to find three chests in a cave :
- These chests contain the essences of Ganesha, Mitra and Alice.
- Return to the road and continue south :
- When you see Thrones near a cave, go west on a snowy path. Check north to go up a slope to two chests containing the essences of Mot and Titania.
- Follow the path west until you find many ruined buildings. Go up the stairs of the northern building to find the 18th Miman.
- Continue north :
- Watch out for the flying Fafnir. Reach the top of the hill, continue south, then jump off the southwest ledge to find an Amalgam.
- Return to the hill and go east to find Demeter (if you finished her previous quests). East of Demeter are statues of Jack Frost.
Quest: “The Bull God’s Lineage”
Demeter wants you to defeat Baal, who will appear in Tennozu (where Belphegor was) in the second region and is level 69. Be at least level 65 before fighting him.
Combat Strategy :
- Weakness : Ice
- Resistances : Fire and Force
- Repel : Electricity
- Null : Light
Baal has three press turns and often uses Maziodyne, dealing a lot of damage due to its high stats. He can use Ice Block, making his weakness unexploitable for one turn.
Tactics :
- Use Rasetsu Feast early on to debuff Baal.
- Have a healer (preferably Ishtar, who is immune to electricity).
- Siegfried is a good option with Ice Dracostrike or high hit rate physical attacks (with accuracy buff skills).
- Maintain health while dealing damage. When Baal is low on health, he will use Maziodyne, Agidyne, and Tentarafoo. Use physical and darkness damage at this stage.
After defeating him, you receive Baal’s essence and the Deity Talisman .
Reward : Gospel and 100000 Exp. Baal can be fused.
Exploring the Norse Area
- Return to Thrones and go through the cave to the south :
- At the four-way fork, go west. You’ll find the 19th Miman when the path curves behind a building.
- Follow the path to find an Abscess containing Mitra, Throne, and Yatagarasu, all weak to Ice.
- Return to the four-way fork :
- Go south at the start to find a red cube between buildings. Go up to find an Amalgam.
- Check the roof to the south to find the 20th Miman, then drop down to the north to find a chest with a Whittled Goat.
- At the four-way fork, go east until you are outside the block area. You’ll see a hole in the building to the north. Enter and follow the path.
- You will come to a large hill. To the north there is a roof with the 25th Miman.
- West of here, there is a small area with two Yamata no Orochi. Head south from here to find a statue of Decarabia.
- Return to Miman and head east to find a special Abscess. Your opponents are Pixie, Preta, Slime and Onmoraki, all at level 99.
Battle against Pixie, Preta, Slime and Onmoraki
These enemies have 2 press turns each and up to 8 moves per turn, but their skill sets are simple. Use appropriate attacks and defensive skills to defeat them. The reward includes a Soma and a Large Glory Crystal .
Further Exploration
- After Abscess special :
- On the forest path to the east, there is a chest with Lilith’s essence. Jump to find the 26th Miman in the cubes below.
- Continue west into the cubes to find a chest with Norn’s essence.
- At the top of the hill there is the perch of Garuda, a punishing level 80 enemy. Don’t risk fighting him just yet.
- Fionn’s Quest :
- Fionn requires you to defeat him. He is weak to Electricity and null to Light and Fire. Use Rasetsu Feast and electric attacks to defeat him. After victory, Fionn can be fused and he joins his party. Reward: 90000 Exp and a Battle Sutra.
- Exploration in the cube maze area :
- Climb the first cube and check the building to the south to find a chest with Seth’s essence.
- Return to the highway and continue until you find a chest with Cybele’s essence.
- Go down to find the 27th Miman in a cave under the train tracks.
- Exploration in the central area :
- Head south of the main area to find several Mimans and chests with valuable essences like Melchizedek and Queen Medb.
- Exploration in Okachimachi :
- Go southwest from the save point to find Mimans and additional chests with essences like Loup Garou.
In this section, you will begin and complete various quests in different regions, including some DLC quests if applicable. Let’s start with the Chiyoda region and then move on to other areas.
Chiyoda – Kanda no Yashiro
- Start the Quest with Okuninushi :
- Talk to Okuninushi to start the quest.
- This quest will take you to the Fairy Village. Talk to Miyazu several times until you run out of dialogue.
- Mission: The Ancient Guardian :
- This is a chain of quests where you will face various bosses, including the four heavenly kings: Zouchouten, Komokuten, Jikokuten and Bishamonten.
- If you have already defeated them while exploring, they will respawn at level 65.
- Face Arahabaki :
- Go to the Fairy Village and talk to Arahabaki at the waterfall.
- Arahabaki is weak to all elements except Light and Dark, which it nullifies, and reflects physical damage.
- He will Summon a Sui Ki and use Megidola most turns. Defeat Sui Ki first and then focus on Arahabaki.
Reward : Lord’s Sword (Key item).
Quests of the Four Heavenly Kings
After completing the Arahabaki quest, you will unlock the following quests to face the four celestial kings again, now stronger:
- Zuchouten (North) :
- Weakness: Wind
- Cancels: Light
- Strategy: Buffs and debuffs, use Ziobaryon and Thunder Reign after charging.
- Jikokuten (West) :
- Weakness: Fire
- Cancels: Ice
- Resists: Light
- Strategy: Buffs and debuffs, use Glacial Blast after charging.
- Bishamonten (South) :
- Weakness: Ice
- Annula: Fire and Light
- Strategy: Buffs and debuffs, use Ragnarok after concentrating.
- Koumokuten (East) :
- Weakness: Electricity
- Annula: Wind and Light
- Strategy: Buffs and debuffs, use Force Block often.
Reward for each : Essence of the respective heavenly king, 4 Large Glory Crystals and 70000 Exp.
Onarimon – Huang Long
- The Benevolent One :
- Talk to Huang Long to start the boss fight.
- Huang Long is level 70, is weak to Darkness, resists all elements except physical and nullifies Light.
- Huang Long will start with Megidolaon and alternate between various elemental attacks. When he takes enough damage, he will summon the four beasts, one at a time or in groups, and charge himself.
Strategy :
- Use Rasetsu Feast to debuff Huang Long.
- Buffer the group’s attack with Matarukaja.
- Attack with Darkness skills, preferably Mudobarion.
- When Magatsuhi is full, use Omagatoki: Critical to deal heavy damage.
- Defeat the summoned beasts when they are alone.
Reward : 80000 Macca, Huang Long fusion available, 110000 Exp.
General Tips:
- Always start boss fights by using Rasetsu Feast to debuff enemies.
- Keep your buffs active and adjust your strategies based on bosses’ weaknesses and resistances.
- Use items like Chakra Pots to keep your MP high during long battles.
- Prioritize eliminating smaller threats summoned by bosses to focus on the main boss.
- Take advantage of the healing abilities and buffs of characters like Norn and Ishtar to keep your party healthy and strong.
Additional Progress:
After completing these quests, you should be between levels 68-71. If there are more DLC quests or unexplored areas, continue completing them to maximize your experience and resources before advancing to the later stages of the game.
DLC Quests
This section is dedicated to DLC quests that are not related to Fiends. Skip this section if you don’t have the DLC.
Starting DLC Quests
- Talk to the researcher in the Diet building to start and activate the quests. Then talk to the individual researchers in the room for specific quests.
A Goddess In Training (Recommended Level 35+)
- Talk to the Researcher on the stairs :
- Go to Tokyo Tower and talk to Artemis. Afterwards, go outside the Diet building.
- Face Quetzalcoatl. He is weak against Electricity, so use skills of this type to defeat him easily. He will drop a Vitality Balm.
- Facing Artemis :
- After defeating Quetzalcoatl, you will need to fight Artemis. She is weak against Fire.
- Depending on when you do this quest, it can be easy to defeat. After the battle, Artemis will join her party and can be fused.
Reward : 5 Vitality Balms. Artemis can be faced again in the Virtual Trainer by talking to the researcher.
The Doctor’s Last Wish (Recommended Level 75, minimum 72)
- Speak to the Researcher on the north second floor :
- Go to Kamiyacho, go around the building in front of you and climb some stairs to reach the quest location.
- Face Mephisto :
- Mephisto is weak to Light, nullifies Physique and drains Darkness. He is level 79 and is one of the hardest bosses in the DLC, other than the Fiends.
- It is recommended that you be at least level 72 and that all of your demons are above level 70.
Strategy :
- Take Dark Dampeners.
- The Nahobino must be immune to/repel/drain Dark and at least resist Fire. The essence of Black Frost is ideal for this.
- Use essences to give Hamaon to demons immune to Darkness (as long as they have no negative potential). Most of them should also resist Fire.
- The Nahobino must have Hamabarion. At least one demon must have Debilitate. Carry items/skills with Dekaja effect if necessary.
- Bring some Chakra Pots, as the fight can last quite a while.
Fight :
- Mephisto will use Luster Candy every turn and attack with severe Dark or Fire attacks. He also has severe physical attacks.
- When his health gets low he will resort to ailments and when charging he will always use Mamudobarion.
- Start the fight with Rasetsu Feast and switch Jaki. Attack with Hamabarion or Hamaon.
- When he uses Luster Candy, counter it with Debilitate. Keep debuffs active.
- Have a demon with Matarukaja to buff your party.
- If it charges, have demons not immune to Darkness defend or use a dampener.
- When Magatsuhi is full, use Omagatoki: Critical to deal a lot of damage. He should be defeated in about two turns after this.
Reward : 5 Health Balms and 200000 Exp. After reporting, talk to the main researcher to unlock Mephisto. He can also be faced again in the Virtual Trainer.
The Rage of the Queen (Recommended Level 61)
- Talk to the Researcher on the second floor :
- Go to Mita and find Cleopatra near the save point.
- Face Cleopatra :
- Cleopatra resists all elements from Fire to Strength, drains Light and is weak to Darkness. It resists all ailments and is at level 61.
Strategy :
- Cleopatra mainly uses normal attacks, but can use dangerous skills like Frolic (which can enchant all targets and reduce attack and defense by 2 levels), various ma-dyne skills, Hamabarion and Mabufubarion.
- If her demons are strong enough to deal with Mephisto, Cleopatra won’t be a problem.
- Use Dark attacks to defeat her.
Reward : 3 Stamina Balms and 100000 Exp. Cleopatra can be fused and will be added to the Virtual Trainer.
Battle Against the Fiend: Trumpeter
Trumpeter is level 73, so you should be close to that level before facing him.
Preparation for Battle
- Leveling : I recommend using Grimoires to level Yoshitsune to your level.
- Yoshitsune : Should be your main damage dealer in this fight. Give him the Great Mana Spring and Enduring Soul abilities through essences.
- Second Demon : Must be immune to 1 or 2 of the 4 basic elements (Fire, Ice, Electricity, Wind), excluding Light and Darkness. This demon will be your buffer, and must have Matarukaja and Donum Gladi. It’s ideal to cover your weaknesses, but you can get by without it.
- Healer : Must be a Megami (needs the related talisman), with skills such as Mana Spring, Mediarama and Debilitate. Lakshimi is a good choice as it already comes with most of these abilities and you can add the rest with essences.
- Nahobino : Must nullify any element that other demons do not nullify, except Light and Darkness. He must use Sakanagi or another physical ability and have no weaknesses except to Light or Dark.
Battle Strategy
- Battle Start : The Trumpeter will start with a Ma-dyne ability of a random element. You want to hope it’s an element that you nullify and not one that your demons are weak to. If you lose party members, restart the battle.
- Trumpeter Attacks : He has no weaknesses and resists all elements except physical. He will also use Dekaja to remove your buffs. Use Yoshitsune with Hassou Tobi, as it guarantees a critical hit and deals high damage.
- Buffs and Debuffs : Start with Rasetsu Feast to weaken Trumpeter. Swap Jaki for a healer and start buffing your characters while attacking.
- Attack Pattern : Trumpeter tends to use powerful magical attacks constantly, even when weakened. When he charges, he will use Evil Melody, which will probably kill one of his members. Use Magatsuhi Eternal Prayer’s ability to revive and heal all members.
- Battle Cycle :
- Use Rasetsu Feast, buff, heal and attack with Yoshitsune.
- Use the extra turns to use Sakanagi.
- Debuff Trumpeter only when necessary and prioritize survival.
- Charge Yoshitsune with Donum Gladi to deal heavy damage.
- Revive and Heal : When party members are killed, use Eternal Prayer to revive them. If healer Megami is killed, have a backup healer.
- Magatsuhi : When the Magatsuhi meter is full, use Omagatoki: Critical to deal a lot of damage and possibly end the fight.
After defeating Trumpeter, you will receive:
- Large Glory Crystal
- Vitality Balm
- Destruction Sutra
After the battle, speak to Sofia to gain access to the Hall of Chaos to face the final enemy. However, don’t face the final enemy yet, as you are not yet prepared.
Odaiba Exploration and Egyptian Quests
Now let’s address the chain of quests related to Egyptian demons. Some of these quests require specific choices and the completion of other quests in different regions, also related to Egyptian demons.
Beginning of Odaiba Exploration
After speaking with Dominion, Odaiba will open in Minato. Save your progress when you get here.
Odaiba is a good place to grind Mitama due to the presence of fixed point Mitama and random quest point Mitama, with no other enemies except those related to quests.
Items in Chests:
- 2 Grimoire
- Chakra Pot
- Bead Chain
- Amrita Shower Essences in Chests:
- Lahmu
- Zaou Gongen
- Yamata no Orochi
Home Path
- Exploring the Bridge :
- Head north from the save point, enter the area under the bridge and continue southeast. You will see a hole going north. Before that, check south on a balcony to find an Amalgam.
- Go through the hole, to the northeast there is a fixed spawn point for Yellow Mitama (4 Spawn).
- Collecting Chests and Facing Seth :
- Head northwest to find 2 chests with Lahmu’s essence and 2 Grimoires.
- Go southeast following the road and you will eventually see a broken bridge part. Aogami will warn you about a powerful demon. Check the fence to the south to find an opening and follow it to find a fixed Red Mitama spawn point (2 Spawn).
- Go south to find a chest with Zaou Gongen’s essence.
- Go back and go northwest to find a fixed Blue Mitama spawn point (4 Spawn).
- Go to the other side of the bridge to find a fixed Brown Mitama spawn point.
- Face Seth (level 62, weak to Ice). He’s not much of a threat at this point.
- Exploring the Building :
- After defeating Seth, jump to the south side and go west to find an Amalgam.
- Follow the road to the end and jump north to check the bottom of the road, continue northwest to find a chest on a balcony with a Chakra Pot.
- Go to the building to the south and enter to find several vending machines and a chest with the essence of Yamata no Orochi.
- Go to the southeast corner to find a chest with a Bead Chain.
- Interacting with Isis :
- Go further west to find a chest near a Lamia. Talk to Isis, listen to her story and tell her that it was okay to get an Ambrosia.
- Returning to the Dominion Quest :
- Find Khonsu and fight him (level 64, weak against Ice). He mainly uses Agidyne and Hamaon. Avoid demons weak to Light.
- IMPORTANT : SPARE KHONSU after the fight. Not killing him unlocks a specific quest and ending.
- Report back to Main Street in Asakusa, Taito to earn 5 Small Glory Crystals and 80000 Exp.
Continuing the Egyptian Quest Chain
- The Winged Sun :
- Talk to Amon and go to Tokyo Station in Chiyoda.
- Face Mithras and Asura (both weak against Ice, level 71).
- Report back and fight Amon (weak to Ice, resists Physical and Light, drains Fire).
Reward : Tyrant Talisman, fusion of the three quest bosses available, 120000 Exp.
Continuation of Exploration
Here, you should already be strong enough to defeat Zeus in the Greek area.
Zeus primarily uses physical attacks and will use Ziodyne when charged. He has other, more powerful abilities, but he won’t use them often in this battle. He has a lot of health, so be prepared for a prolonged fight.
Strategy to Defeat Zeus
- Yoshitsune : Use the previously mentioned Yoshitsune tactics, focusing on powerful physical attacks. Give him abilities like Great Mana Spring and Enduring Soul.
- High-Level Demons : Utilize demons with high magical stats and abilities like Zanbarion.
- Rasetsu Feast : Use this ability at the beginning of the battle to weaken Zeus.
After defeating Zeus, return to the place where you found the Dominion before starting this great exploration.
Detailed Exploration
Collecting Items and Mimans
- Type 10 Aogami Essence :
- Go straight west of the Dominion, ignoring everything, and go to the west end, then northwest. Behind a corner, you will find a chest with Type 10 Aogami Essence.
- Sandman Mission :
- In the large open space where the objective is, talk to Sandman for a short mission. He wants 2 Sleep Gems. Reward: Amrita Shower and 33000 XP.
- Exploring the Orange Cube Maze :
- Follow the orange cubes that highlight the correct path, but take detours to collect chests.
- Chest with Throne’s Essence: Follow the path north then west.
- Chest with 2 Chakra Pots: Near the next stairs, look south and jump to reach the chest.
- Miman 35: Follow the orange cubes to the end, jump to a cube below and reach the Miman.
- Chest with 60000 Macca: Follow the stairs down.
- Miman 36: Near the west end of the orange cubes.
- Exploring the East and North Path :
- Abscess: Contains Rangda, which is weak to light.
- Okuninushi Essence: South of the abscess.
- Miman 38: Near the west wall.
- Amalgam: Extreme southeast of the outer ring.
- Loa Mission :
- Loa wants 2 Balms of Life. Reward: Bead Chain and 31000 XP.
- Garuda Mission :
- Defeat Garuda, who is weak to Elec. He mainly uses strength and physical attacks. Use Rasetsu Feast and buffs.
Facing Odin
Odin has a similar battle style to Zeus. Use the same strategy to defeat him.
Continuation of Exploration
- Path to Abscess :
- Continue along the east path until you go down a slope.
- Miman 37: In the opposite direction to the abscess.
- Chests with Essences of Thor and Cerberus, and 3 Grimoires: Near the outer circle of the ring.
- Cironupp’s mission :
- Talk to Cironupp. West of the location, find Miman 46.
Defeating Vasuki
Vasuki is weak to fire, reflects ice and nullifies light. Use Rasetsu Feast and maintain buffs and heals.
- Succession of Ra :
- Prerequisites: Complete Isis’s first mission in the Fairy Village, spare Khonsu, complete the mission “The Winged Sun”, talk to Miyazu until the dialogue runs out.
- Fight Khonsu Ra, who is weak to ice, nullifies fire, resists elec and strength, and drains light.
Preparation for Battle with Khonsu Ra
- Jaki : Level 72 with resistance skills.
- Nahobino : Level 82, nullify fire and light.
- Demons : Level 80+, skills like Bufubarion, Mediarama, Luster Candy, and Zanbarion.
Use Rasetsu Feast, debuffs and buffs, and focus your attacks on Khonsu Ra and his allies to defeat him.
After defeating Khonsu Ra, choose to spare him to follow the Law or neutral route. This grants 2 Large Glory Crystals and the ability to fuse both versions of Khonsu.
- Defeating Vasuki :
- Vasuki is weak to fire, reflects ice and nullifies light. Use Rasetsu Feast and stay healed.
- After defeating him, you will have all the keys and can continue with new quests.
Final Missions
1. Accepting Kurama Tengu’s Mission
- Location : Umayabashi save point
- Instructions : Head south from the save point until you find a hill. Go up the hill and you’ll find a Kurama Tengu with a quest.
2. Facing Kurama Tengu and Zaou Gongen
- Objective : Accept the mission and go to Tokyo Tower. Talk to the Kurama Tengu there and then find Amanozako in Nagatacho. Return and prepare for battle.
- Demons Faced : Kurama Tengu and Zaou Gongen
- Weaknesses : Both are weak to Elec.
- Strategy :
- Kurama Tengu is relatively easy.
- Zaou Gongen uses physical and fire attacks, and when charged, uses Ragnarok.
- Utilize Elec abilities to exploit your weaknesses and stay healed.
3. Rewards and New Mergers
- Reward : Fury Talisman, Destruction Sutra, Experience
- New Fusions : Zaou Gongen and Amanozako will join you, but Amanozako can no longer be used as a navigator after this mission.
4. Alternative Browser
- Location : Odaiba
- Instructions : Talk to Atvairas in Odaiba (assuming you’ve completed his quest). He can join as navigator if Amanozako is unavailable.
5. Accepting Melchizedek’s Quest
- Location : Where Kurama Tengu was.
- Instructions : Talk to Melchizedek and go to Asakusa, in the center of the great circle.
6. Facing Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael
- Objective : Defeat the three archangels.
- Weaknesses :
- Gabriel : Weak to Elec, uses Light and Ice attacks.
- Raphael : Weak to Fire, heals his allies with Diarahan and other healing abilities.
- Uriel : Weak to Ice, uses Elec and physical attacks.
- Strategy :
- Prioritize defeating Raphael to stop the cures.
- Then focus on Gabriel and finally Uriel.
- Exploit their elemental weaknesses to defeat them quickly.
7. Rewards and New Mergers
- Reward : Herald Talisman
- New Fusions : After defeating the archangels, you will be able to fuse them.
8. Super Boss Mission
- Location : Portal in Asakusa
- Note : This mission requires a level 96 and will be detailed in the super bosses section.
9. Continuing to the Temple of Eternity
- Objective : Go to the objective to enter the Temple of Eternity and proceed with the main story.
General Tips
- Boss Preparation : Use Rasetsu Feast at the beginning of battles to weaken enemies and always have healing skills and buffs ready.
- Exploration : Continue exploring areas and completing side quests to strengthen your demons and obtain valuable rewards.
- Using Gospels : If you are close to level 96, consider using your Gospels to facilitate battles against final bosses and super bosses.
Temple of Eternity
Temple of Eternity 1F
This area will be very similar to the demon lord’s castle.
Check list
- Kali
- Adramelech
Items in Chests:
- Balm of Life
- Bead Chain
- Repulse Bell
- Sleep Gem
- Seal Gem
- 2 Grimoires
Essences in Chests:
- Adramelech
- Kali
Detailed Exploration
- Starting Exploration:
- Location: Initial save point
- Instructions:
- Go east and then north, passing through a square area with 2 Kali.
- Head west, then north, passing another patrolling Kali.
- Continue east until you find a place to drop down and get a chest.
- Go back to where the 3rd Kali was and head north, then go east.
- First Part of the Floor:
- Objective: Reach the next segment of the floor.
- Instructions:
- You’ll find a door that leads to the next part of the floor.
- Inside this new room, there will be an Adramelech. When you exit through the east door, time will stop.
- Enemies won’t move, but doors and chests won’t open either.
- Go north through two rooms, then west through one room, and then south, where time will return to normal.
- Open the chest with the Balm of Life.
- Continue through the east door to a hallway with a save point.
- Maze with Adramelechs:
- Objective: Navigate the maze and avoid or face Adramelechs.
- Instructions:
- Go north and then west to find a chest after a U-turn, containing a Bead Chain.
- Navigate the maze, avoiding or engaging the Adramelechs as necessary.
- From the chest location, find your way through the northern part of the maze until you reach the southern area of the first room (with 5 Adramelechs).
- Continue west and go down, then head north and then east to find 3 chests containing Sleep Gem, Seal Gem and Repulse Bell.
- Go back west, then south, and continue south until you find a path back up to the southeast.
- Head south and then west, go down again to find 2 chests containing 2 Grimoires and Kali’s essence.
- Time Puzzle:
- Objective: Navigate through an area with a time puzzle.
- Instructions:
- From the first room, go west and then south to stop time.
- Return to the previous room, head west avoiding enemies, then south and west again to reset time.
- Head north and then west to open the chest with Vasuki’s essence.
- Go back east, then south, and go east to the end.
- Finally, go south to go up the stairs.
Temple of Eternity 2F
Once you enter the second floor of the Temple of Eternity, you will find a save point to the north.
Check list
- Kali
- Ongyo-ki
- Chi-you
Items in Chests:
- 3 Critical Gems
- 2 Charge Gems
- AttackMirror
- Magic Mirror
- Chakra Drop
Essences in Chests:
- Arioch
- Odin
- Ongyo-ki
Detailed Step by Step
- Initial Exploration:
- Location: Save point
- Instructions:
- Follow the path east and then southeast to find 2 chests. They contain 3 Critical Gems and 2 Charge Gems.
- Return to the central room with 2 Kali patrolling.
- Go northwest and follow the path east to the end. Go down once and head north to the next section.
- Labyrinth with Kali and Adramelech:
- Objective: Navigate the maze avoiding or facing the demons.
- Instructions:
- Go through the west door and head west (you can fight the demons or avoid them).
- Go north and find a chest in a small opening in a triangle-shaped path. The chest contains the essence of Arioch.
- Continue east until you reach a room with 3 Adramelechs.
- Go north to the next section.
- Puzzle with Ongyo-ki:
- Objective: Navigate the area while Ongyo-ki patrols the exits.
- Instructions:
- In the first room, go north and lure Ongyo-ki to the south exit you came from, then go west, north, east, and north.
- Enter the west room where there are 3 chests. Time will stop.
- Go back to the room with Ongyo-ki; with time stopped, it will not move.
- Go west through 3 rooms and then north.
- Go west to activate time again, then go south and then east and lure Ongyo-ki to the west exit.
- Go northwest and then south again to go east and then north, then east to reach the 3 chests containing Attack Mirror, Magic Mirror and Chakra Drop.
- Go east to stop time again. Repeat as necessary to reactivate time and exit the area to the west. There is a save point in the hallway.
- Next Segment Exploration:
- Location: Next save point
- Instructions:
- Follow the north path to find a chest with Ongyo-ki’s essence.
- Continue along the path south to west. This next segment is a maze full of Chi-you.
- The Chi-you will attack on sight, but you can avoid fights by turning corners. They will eventually return to their original positions.
- To put it simply, defeat the Chi-you and move on. Head west, then north, west, and south to a door to the next segment.
- More Puzzles with Ongyo-ki:
- Objective: Continue navigating the area.
- Instructions:
- Lure the first Ongyo-ki to the south exit of the room, then go around and take the east exit to reach a chest with Odin’s essence.
- Ignore the detailed instructions to avoid the Ongyo-ki, as it is easier to face them. Go through all the rooms and go through the door to the west.
- Final Segment with Chi-you:
- Objective: Navigate the last segment with Chi-you.
- Instructions:
- Fight the Chi-yous or avoid them by heading southeast, then east, then south to the stairs to the next floor.
Temple of Eternity 3F
Check list
- Mada
- Kali
- Nebiros
- Ongyo-ki
- Chi-you
- Rangda
Items in Chests:
- Concentrate Gem
- 2 Amrita Shower
- Chakra Pot
Essences in Chests:
- Chi-you
- Mada
Detailed Step by Step
- Initial Exploration:
- Location: Save point
- Instructions:
- The save point is ahead, along with several Mada acting as barriers.
- You can take down the Mada or go around them to go through the north door.
- Time Puzzle with Mada and Ongyo-ki:
- Objective: Navigate the time puzzle.
- Instructions:
- Go east from the first room, then north, deal with Ongyo-ki however you prefer, and go through the east door into the hallway, where there is a save point.
- Continue east to the next section.
- Puzzle with Chi-you:
- Objective: Navigate the maze avoiding or facing the Chi-you.
- Instructions:
- Go north and face or avoid Chi-you, then head west to find a chest with a Concentrate Gem.
- Continue east, facing two more Chi-yous along the way. Head east and then south.
- You will come to a box-shaped path with a line in the middle. Head west and go through the door to find a chest with Chi-you’s essence.
- Avoid Mada:
- Objective: Avoid more mazes and face the Mada.
- Instructions:
- Instead of going back and around more mazes, defeat a Mada to get past the group in front of you and enter the south room.
- Head west, then north, then west again, then go south. You’ll probably have to defeat a Chi-you to get through, but that’s better than trying to get around them.
- Save Point and Final Puzzle:
- Objective: Navigate the final puzzle with Mada and Ongyo-ki.
- Instructions:
- Go through the south door to a third save point.
- From the first room, go east, then south, west, and south again. In the next room, you can either lure Ongyo-ki or face him. Facing him is faster (defeat the main one to prevent the summons from remaining).
- The three chests contain 2 Amrita Shower, a Chakra Pot and Mada’s essence.
- Floor Completion:
- Objective: Complete the puzzle and go up to the next floor.
- Instructions:
- Return to the second room of this puzzle and go south until you find a Mada wall. Defeat one and go through the east door.
- Head east to the end of this section and walk. This way you avoid the rest of the tedious puzzle with almost no effort.
- Go up the stairs to the top floor.
Temple of Eternity: Fourth Floor
Upon reaching the fourth floor, you will immediately be warned about a boss. Save your progress, heal your characters and prepare for battle.
Boss: Metatron
Metatron Features:
- Resists all elements except Dark and Physical.
- It has no weaknesses.
Metatron’s Abilities:
- Uses Severe Light AOE (Area of Effect) attacks and Almight (Ultimate) attacks.
- It can weaken your group, cancel buffs and debuffs.
- Preparation:
- Bring Light Dampeners to mitigate damage from light attacks.
- Make sure none of your demons are weak to Light.
- The Nahobino must nullify light attacks to reduce Metatron’s turns.
- During Battle:
- Metatron prioritizes lowering his own stats over raising yours. So focus on buffing your party and attacking with physical and almighty attacks.
- Use almighty attacks that rely on strength and can be affected by critical auras.
- Use the Omagatoki: Critical skill to speed up the battle.
- When Metatron is at low health, he will begin using almighty attacks, but will still use light attacks when charging up his power.
- Battle Duration:
- The battle can be long due to Metatron’s high health. Keep healing constant to survive the almighty attacks and keep attacking physically.
- Essence of Metatron
- Great Crystal of Glory
Final Choice
After defeating Metatron, you will be taken through a series of long cutscenes that will culminate in the FINAL CHOICE. Regardless of your alignment thus far, the choice you make here will determine which route you take.
Choice Options:
- Order of God – Abdiel/Ichiro (Law):
- Miracle Unlocked: Rank Violation Miracle, which allows you to fuse demons above your level.
- Demon Unlocked: Abdiel (Herald) for fusion (unlocked by completing the game in any route).
- Unique Quests: Two unique quests that unlock two unique demons. One of the quests will charge 666000 Macca if you are in the wrong alignment.
- Recreate the World – Tsukuyomi/Yuzuru (Chaos):
- Miracle Unlocked: Inheritance Violation Miracle, which allows you to overwrite a demon’s initial abilities upon fusion.
- Demon Unlocked: Hayataro for fusion.
- Unique Quests: Two unique quests that unlock two unique demons. One of the quests will charge 666000 Macca if you are in the wrong alignment.
- Destroy the Throne – Nuwa/Shohei (Neutral):
- Miracles: No single miracles unlocked by alignment.
- Unique Quests: A unique quest that unlocks a unique demon.
Important Note: The “Destroy the Throne” route can trigger the 4th hidden/true ending if you meet specific conditions. More details on this will be provided in the route specific section.
Super Bosses in Shin Megami Tensei V
Preparation for Battles
Before facing the super bosses, it is crucial to prepare your characters and demons properly. Make sure you have the right mastery miracles, use incense and sutras to strengthen your most powerful demons, and build effective strategies for each battle.
Nahobino Configuration
To face the super bosses, the ideal setup for Nahobino includes the following abilities:
- Murakumo (Aogami Type 0)
- Enduring Soul
- Critical Aura
- Almighty Pleroma
- High Almighty Pleroma
- Critical Zealot
- Abyssal Mask
- Great Mana Spring
Additionally, learn all the support and almighty mastery miracles. An affinity that nullifies physical attacks, such as Sandalphon, is recommended for facing Shiva.
Recommended stats:
- Strength: 100-110
- Vitality: 80-100
This setup will help maximize the Nahobino’s damage potential while keeping its survivability high.
Demons Configuration
Idun is an excellent healer and supporter. You must get her to level 96 and equip her with the following skills:
- golden apple
- Mana Spring
- Great Mana Spring
- Heal Pleroma
- High Heal Pleroma
- Great Life Spring
- Debilitate
- Enduring Soul
Increase your Vitality to at least 90 and your MP to 820 using Stamina Incenses. Idun can effectively heal and buff her team, and her Magatsuhi ability can revive and heal all demons in critical situations.
Hecatonchires is mainly useful for its Magatsuhi ability, Rasetsu Feast , which reduces the boss’s attack at the start of the battle. The configuration must include:
- LifeSpring
- Great Life Spring
- Endure or Enduring Soul
He must be level 90 or higher to ensure his survival until he uses Rasetsu Feast and is exchanged for another demon.
Zeus must be fused to reach level 99 and focus on strength. The recommended skills are:
- Keraunos
- Panta Spane
- High Elec Pleroma
- Elec Pleroma
- Great Mana Spring
- Enduring Soul
- Critical Zealot
- Critical Aura
Maximize your support and elec potential. Zeus’ strength should be increased to 120. Zeus is effective due to Keraunos, which pierces super boss immunities.
Yoshitsune must be taken to level 96 and have the following skills:
- Hassou Tobi
- Critical Zealot
- Impaler’s Animus
- Great Mana Spring
- Enduring Soul
- Phys Pleroma
- High Phys Pleroma (Essence of Asura)
- Abyssal Mask
Increase your strength to 110 and vitality to 90. Use sutras to increase physical and support potential. Yoshitsune is excellent at dealing with allies summoned by bosses, and his Magatsuhi ability, Freikugel Ex , deals severe almighty damage based on level and strength.
Facing the Bosses
- Preparation:
- Use Rasetsu Feast with Hecatonchires early on to weaken Shiva.
- Swap Hecatonchires for Idun to heal and buff.
- Attack:
- Use Zeus and Yoshitsune to deal damage. Use Keraunos and Hassou Tobi .
- Apply buffs and debuffs as needed. Idun should use Golden Apple to keep the buffs active and heal the party.
- Defense:
- Use light and almighty dampeners to mitigate Shiva’s attacks.
- Make sure no one in the group is weak against the elements Shiva uses.
- Preparation:
- Have light dampers ready.
- Ensure Nahobino nullifies light attacks.
- Attack:
- Use physical and almighty attacks to deal damage. Murakumo no Nahobino and Keraunos of Zeus are effective.
- Use Omagatoki: Critical to maximize damage.
- Defense:
- Buff your party and debuff Metatron.
- Use Idun’s healing abilities to keep the party healthy.
Battle Against Shiva
The fight against Shiva is one of the most difficult challenges in the base game. Here is a detailed guide on how to beat this super boss.
Initial Preparations
- Recommended Level: Take Nahobino to level 96 (use the Gospels). Your demons must be level 90+.
- Ideal Team: Nahobino, Hecatonchires, Zeus and Yoshitsune.
Demon Strategies and Settings
- Skills:
- Murakumo (Aogami Type 0)
- Enduring Soul
- Critical Aura
- Almighty Pleroma
- High Almighty Pleroma
- Critical Zealot
- Abyssal Mask
- Great Mana Spring
- Skills:
- Rasetsu Feast
- LifeSpring
- Great Life Spring
- Endure or Enduring Soul
- Skills:
- Keraunos
- Panta Spane
- High Elec Pleroma
- Elec Pleroma
- Great Mana Spring
- Enduring Soul
- Critical Zealot
- Critical Aura
- Skills:
- Hassou Tobi
- Critical Zealot
- Impaler’s Animus
- Great Mana Spring
- Enduring Soul
- Phys Pleroma
- High Phys Pleroma (Essence of Asura)
- Abyssal Mask
- Skills:
- golden apple
- Mana Spring
- Great Mana Spring
- Heal Pleroma
- High Heal Pleroma
- Great Life Spring
- Debilitate
- Enduring Soul
Phase 1: Start of the Battle
- First Round:
- Nahobino: Use Critical Aura .
- Hecatonchires: Use Rasetsu Feast .
- Swap: Replace Hecatonchires with Idun.
- Zeus: Use Critical Aura .
- Yoshitsune: Use Impaler’s Animus .
- Nahobino: Attack Shiva with Murakumo .
- Shiva’s turn:
- Tandava: Shiva will use Tandava , dealing severe almighty damage and reducing his team’s defense.
- Summons: Shiva will summon Ganesha and Kali (or other demons as the fight progresses).
Phase 2: Prolonged Combat
- Second Round:
- Nahobino: Use Dispel Charm to remove debuffs.
- Idun: Use Golden Apple to heal and buff.
- Zeus: Use Keraunos on Shiva.
- Yoshitsune: Use Hassou Tobi .
- General Strategy:
- Attack: Focus your attacks on Shiva while managing the summoned demons.
- Buffs and Debuffs: Maintain buffs on your team and debuffs on Shiva using Golden Apple and Debilitate .
- Prioritize Ananta: Eliminate Ananta immediately if he is summoned, as he can heal Shiva.
- Survival Tips:
- Guard with Idun: Whenever Idun doesn’t need to heal or apply buffs/debuffs, have her guard to save MP.
- Use Dampeners: When Shiva charges the Magatsuhi, use fire or electrical dampeners as needed.
- Monitor Status: Be aware of any charms or mirages cast by the summoned demons and use Amrita Sodas or Showers to cure them.
Final Phase: Defeat of Shiva
- Continuous Damage:
- Keep attacking Shiva with Nahobino, Zeus, and Yoshitsune, and use Golden Apple and Debilitate as needed.
- When Shiva’s health is low, maintain constant pressure and prevent him from recovering.
- Ending the Fight:
- Finisher: Use Critical Aura and Freikugel Ex with Yoshitsune to deal massive damage and potentially finish the battle.
The battle against Demifiend is one of the hardest challenges in the game, especially if it’s your first playthrough. This detailed guide will help you prepare and face this super boss.
Initial Preparations
- Recommended Level: Nahobino must be level 96 (use the Gospels). Your demons must be level 90+.
- Important Items: Bead Chain, Amrita Shower, Whitled Goat, Gospel and 4 Grimoire.
Demon Strategies and Settings
- Skills:
- Murakumo (Aogami Type 0)
- Enduring Soul
- Critical Aura
- Almighty Pleroma
- High Almighty Pleroma
- Critical Zealot
- Abyssal Mask
- Great Mana Spring
- Skills:
- golden apple
- Mana Spring
- Great Mana Spring
- Heal Pleroma
- High Heal Pleroma
- Great Life Spring
- Debilitate
- Enduring Soul
Idun will be your main healer and responsible for buffing and debuffing. Use Golden Apple to heal and buff when necessary, and Debilitate to maintain debuffs on enemies. Use Soma and Chakra Pots as needed to maintain your MP.
- Skills:
- Rasetsu Feast
- LifeSpring
- Great Life Spring
- Endure or Enduring Soul
Hecatonchires will be used at the beginning of the battle to use Rasetsu Feast and reduce enemies’ attack. After that, he can be replaced by another demon.
- Skills:
- Keraunos
- Panta Spane
- High Elec Pleroma
- Elec Pleroma
- Great Mana Spring
- Enduring Soul
- Critical Zealot
- Critical Aura
Zeus will be your main electric attacker. Use Critical Aura and Keraunos to deal massive damage.
- Skills:
- Hassou Tobi
- Critical Zealot
- Impaler’s Animus
- Great Mana Spring
- Enduring Soul
- Phys Pleroma
- High Phys Pleroma (Essence of Asura)
- Abyssal Mask
Yoshitsune is essential for dealing consistent critical damage. Use Hassou Tobi and Impaler’s Animus to maximize damage.
- Skills:
- Damage Reflection and Survival Abilities
Grimhelka will be used at the beginning to reflect damage and will be replaced by Shiva shortly after.
- Skills:
- Tandava
- Maziobarion
- Debilitate
- Survival and support skills
Shiva will be your main debuffer. Use Tandava whenever possible to keep debuffs on enemies.
- Skills:
- Accursed Poison
- Support and survival skills
Garuda is crucial to sealing Demifiend at critical moments. Use Accursed Poison to prevent Demifiend from using Mediarahan and Chaotic Will .
- Skills:
- Maziobarion
- Ice Age
- Death Flies
- Support and survival skills
Beelzebub will be your main magical attacker, especially useful against Cu Chulainn and Cerberus.
Phase 1: Start of the Battle
- First Round:
- Nahobino: Use Critical Aura .
- Hecatonchires: Use Rasetsu Feast .
- Swap: Replace Hecatonchires with Idun.
- Zeus: Use Critical Aura .
- Yoshitsune: Use Impaler’s Animus .
- Nahobino: Attack the Demifiend with Murakumo .
- Demifiend Turn:
- Initial Attacks: Demifiend will use powerful attacks and summon auxiliary demons such as Ganesha and Kali.
Phase 2: Prolonged Combat
- Second Round:
- Nahobino: Use Dispel Charm to remove debuffs.
- Idun: Use Golden Apple to heal and buff.
- Zeus: Use Keraunos on Demifiend.
- Yoshitsune: Use Hassou Tobi .
- General Strategy:
- Attack: Focus your attacks on the Demifiend while managing the summoned demons.
- Buffs and Debuffs: Maintain buffs on your team and debuffs on Demifiend using Golden Apple and Debilitate .
- Prioritization: Eliminate Ananta immediately if he is summoned, as he can heal Demifiend.
- Survival Tips:
- Save MP: Use healing and buff skills sparingly to avoid spending too much MP. Use Chakra Pots and Somas as needed.
- Beware of Ailments: Be aware of charms or mirages cast by summoned demons and use Amrita Sodas or Showers to cure them.
Final Phase: Defeat of Demifiend
- Continuous Damage:
- Keep attacking the Demifiend with Nahobino, Zeus, and Yoshitsune, and use Golden Apple and Debilitate as needed.
- When Demifiend’s health is low, maintain constant pressure and prevent him from recovering.
- Ending the Fight:
- Finisher: Use Critical Aura and Freikugel Ex with Yoshitsune to deal massive damage and potentially finish the battle.
Let’s explore how to utilize specific DLC, routes, and New Game+ demons to optimize your battle against the Demifiend in Shin Megami Tensei V.
Cleopatra: Cleopatra is incredibly useful for her ability Frolic , which reduces enemies’ attack and defense by 2 levels and can cause charm. This makes her a perfect alternative to Shiva. You can build her as a healer or magic attacker. Remember to maximize negative status potential and other potentials as needed.
Inanna: Unlocked on the Chaos route (Yuzuru/Tsukuyomi) by completing Maria’s quest. Inanna has four unique and severe elemental attacks. Built as a magic attacker, she is extremely powerful. She makes sure to cover her weaknesses in Physical and Darkness.
Danu: Unlocked on the Neutral route (Shohei/Nuwa) by completing Maria’s quest. Danu has a unique ability that heals, removes debuffs and negative statuses all at once. Ideally, she should be built as a healer with high MP and maximized potentials. Use it as a backup.
Abdiel (Fallen): Unlocked after finishing the game once. Can be built as a powerful Dark magic attacker. Her essence is vital, as it allows you to create demons that repel physical attacks, useful for canceling Demifiend’s turns.
Nuwa (Snake): Unlocked after finishing the game once. Its wind elemental attack reduces enemies’ attack and defense. Built as a wind magic attacker, she is extremely effective for debuffs.
Preparations for Battle
Before the battle, make sure you have:
- At least 4 Somas (5 is ideal if you used one against Shiva).
- Dispel and Purge Charms (10 of each is ideal).
- Whitled Goat (found in a chest before the fiend).
- Amrita Soda and Shower .
Battle Strategy Against Demifiend
Initial formation:
- Nahobino, Grimhelka, Vishnu and Idun , in that order. This prevents anyone from being sealed on the first turn and allows Shiva to act first when switched.
First round:
- Nahobino: Use Critical Aura .
- Grimhelka: Use Rasetsu Feast .
- Swap: Replace Grimhelka with Shiva.
- Zeus: Use Critical Aura .
- Yoshitsune: Use Impaler’s Animus .
- Nahobino: Attack the Demifiend with Murakumo .
Second Shift:
- Nahobino: Use Dispel Charm to remove debuffs.
- Idun: Use Golden Apple to heal and buff.
- Zeus: Use Keraunos on Demifiend.
- Yoshitsune: Use Hassou Tobi to weaken auxiliary demons.
General Strategy:
- Keep attacking the Demifiend and his helper demons with AOE skills. Use Golden Apple and Debilitate as needed.
- Use items like Chakra Pots and Soma to maintain the MP of your main demons.
Enemy Management:
- Pixie: Eliminate her quickly to prevent her from healing Demifiend.
- Cu Chulainn and Grimhelka: Use Elec and Force skills to weaken them.
- Cerberus: Use Ice’s abilities to deal with him.
- Thor, Jack Frost and Parvati: Attack with Force and Fire abilities as needed.
- Chaotic Will: The Demifiend will use this ability at various critical moments (75-80%, 40-50% and 10-25% HP). This skill can instantly kill your demons. Keep Abyssal Mask on all demons and Enduring Soul .
Critical Moments:
- When the Demifiend is close to 50% HP, use Garuda and her Magatsuhi ability to seal the Demifiend and Parvati, preventing them from healing or using Chaotic Will.
- Continue to attack the Demifiend and his demons, ensuring that buffs and debuffs are always active.
- When the Demifiend is in the red HP range, use Garuda again to seal it and finish the battle with critical attacks.
Demifiend (New Game+ Version)
This version assumes you are playing in New Game+ mode and therefore have access to more powerful demons and better healing items and buffs. The basic strategy is similar to the first playthrough, but with higher stat demons. This will allow you to survive longer and deal more damage to Demifiend.
Preparation and Strategy
- Murakumo
- Enduring Soul
- Critical Aura
- Almighty Pleroma
- High Almighty Pleroma
- Critical Zealot
- Abyssal Mask
- Great Mana Spring (or any other skill you prefer)
- Idun
- Skills:
- golden apple
- Mana Spring
- Great Mana Spring
- Heal Pleroma
- High Heal Pleroma
- Great Life Spring
- Debilitate
- Enduring Soul
- Focus on increasing her MP and Vitality to ensure she lasts longer in battle.
- Skills:
- Grimhelka
- Only useful for switching to Shiva at the start of the battle and avoiding Demifiend’s Javelin Rain.
- Garuda
- Ability: Accursed Poison
- Used to stop Demifiend from fully healing and avoid Chaotic Will.
- Abdiel (Fallen)
- Skills:
- Fallen Destroyer (massive Dark damage)
- Mabufubarion (to exploit Cerberus’ weakness)
- Highly recommended for eliminating Pixie on the first turn.
- Skills:
- Vishnu
- Can replace Abdiel if necessary. Used for Dark and Ice AOE attacks.
- Shiva
- Skills:
- Tandava (for debuff)
- Maziobarion (AOE damage)
- Important to maintain debuffs on Demifiend.
- Skills:
- Nuwa (Snake)
- Skills:
- Sacrifice of Clay (reduces enemy attack and defense)
- Narukami (piercing Elec damage)
- Used for debuff and powerful attacks.
- Skills:
- Ammon
- Skills:
- Megiddo Flame (piercing Elec damage)
- Used to deal heavy damage and maintain debuffs on Demifiend.
- Skills:
- Zeus
- Used in specific situations for piercing Elec damage and to speed up the end of the battle.
Starting the Battle
- Initial formation:
- Nahobino, Grimhelka, Abdiel (Fallen) and Idun.
- Swap Grimhelka for Shiva immediately.
- Use Omagatoki Critical and Tandava to debuff.
- Abdiel uses Fallen Destroyer.
- Idun uses Golden Apple.
- Nahobino uses Murakumo on Demifiend.
- First phase:
- Demifiend will summon Cerberus after Pixie.
- Keep using Tandava and Maziobarion for debuffs and AOE damage.
- Use Golden Apple to maintain health and buffs.
- Second level:
- Cerberus will be followed by Thor, then Jack Frost, and finally Parvati.
- Use Amon and Nuwa as needed to maintain debuffs and deal damage.
- Use Garuda’s Accursed Poison when it approaches 50% Demifiend’s HP to prevent full healing and avoid Chaotic Will.
Basic Fighting Rules
- Always cure with Golden Apple when possible.
- Remove debuffs with Dispel Charm and buffs from enemies with Purge Charm.
- Swap demons depending on enemy affinities.
- Make sure to kill the demons before the Demifiend uses Gaea’s Rage after 5 turns.
- Use Omagatoki Critical as much as possible, except when close to the Chaotic Will threshold.
- Keep your demons’ MP high, using Soma and Chakra Pot as needed.
Final Stages
- When Parvati is defeated, the Demifiend will revert to summoning its initial demons in a cycle.
- Continue to deal damage to the Demifiend and his demons until he is in the red zone.
- Use Accursed Poison again to avoid Chaotic Will and ensure Demifiend doesn’t heal itself.
- Keep attacking with Murakumo, Fallen Destroyer, and other high-damage skills until the Demifiend is defeated.
Empyrean – Route: Ichiro – Abdiel
You can check the other routes later in this complete walkthrough on revolutionarena.com!
By choosing this route, you will have access to some exclusive rewards and unique abilities. Here’s a quick overview of what you’ll get:
- Abdiel’s Fusion (Herald) : Available after completing the game in any route.
- Rank Violation Miracle : Available if you are aligned with the Law.
- Exclusive Quests : Two unique quests with rewards (fusionable demons), one of which will charge 666000 Macca if you are in the wrong alignment.
- Unique Miracle : Tao will give you a unique miracle if your alignment matches, costing only 10 Glory to learn.
Gustave’s shop will have new items and essences, including Grimoires for 80000 Macca. However, it is easier to obtain them by grinding Ara Mitama in Odaiba.
It is recommended to be level 80 in this area and prepare to grind even more (unless you use your Gospels to speed it up).
Part One: Exploring and Finding Chests
- Climb North : Just to the north, you’ll find a chest containing a Magic Mirror .
- Continue North : Head north and then west to the northwest corner. Jump down and you’ll find another chest with a Chakra Pot .
- Southern Exploration : South of here are two chests. You will need to climb small cubes and pillars to reach them. These chests contain an Attack Mirror and Beelzebub’s Essence .
- Continue on the Path : Continue on the path and you will find a chest with a Balm of Life . Now, head north and, right before the save point, you’ll face another mini-boss.
Facing Aliat
Aliat :
- Features : Aliat has no weaknesses and will summon two allies to help in battle.
- Strategy : Focus on physical attacks and almighty skills. With a focused strategy, you won’t have much trouble defeating this boss.
Note : There will be no more quests from this point onwards, other than the main story bosses. Save here and prepare for an important battle.
Battle against Tsukuyomi (Nahobino)
Tsukuyomi :
- Weaknesses and Resistances : Tsukuyomi is weak to Fire, resists Electricity, nullifies Light and drains Ice.
- Level : The boss is level 83 and has the highest Agility stat so far.
- Early stage :
- Abilities : Uses physical, ice, and light attacks (all Severe level, except a guaranteed critical move).
- Debilitation : He can use Debilitate if he gets extra attacks.
- Quick Action :
- Tips : You can defeat him quickly before he uses Replication skills, heals himself, or causes problems. To do this, weaken him completely and attack with Agibarion and severe charged physical attacks, such as those from Yoshitsune or Freikugel Ex.
- Getting Started : Start with Rasetsu Feast or use Debilitate twice to save Magatsuhi for Freikugel Ex.
- Preparation for Ice Attacks :
- Warning : At around 75-50% health, he will use one turn to prepare before a severe defense-piercing Ice AOE attack. Get ready to block this attack.
- Replication Skills :
- False Replication : Creates 1-3 copies depending on health. False ones nullify everything, including almighty. If you don’t get the real one right before his turn, he will heal himself. Use AOE to hit the real one.
- True Replication : Copies that take damage, difficult to identify. It will disappear after the next turn, but you can attack with it.
Battle against Nuwa (Nahobino)
Nuwa :
- Weaknesses and Resistances : Weak against Fire, nullifies Electricity and repels Strength.
- Similar Strategy : The battle will be similar to the fight against Zeus.
- Start of the Fight :
- Bit Charging : Nuwa will use one turn to charge bits of electricity. If not destroyed, she will use Rising Storm Dragon at full power, which can decimate her team. If destroyed, she will use Elec Pulse , a low-damage piercing attack.
- Attacks and Buffs :
- Weaken and Buff : Start with Rasetsu Feast, buff and attack with Agibarion and critical or almighty physical attacks such as Freikugel.
- Maintenance : Use a demon with Debilitate and Matarukaja, have a spare for when MP runs out. Maintain buffs and debuffs during the fight.
Final battle
Lucifer (Abdiel/Ichiro and Tsukuyomi/Yuzuru route)
Lucifer :
- Weaknesses and Resistances : Nullifies all elements, except Darkness, and drains Light. Resists Physical Attacks.
- Strategy : Buffer your attacks and weaken Lucifer. Use powerful, crit abilities like Impaler’s Animus and Crit Charge.
- Initial Debilitation : Use Rasetsu Feast or Shiva to debilitate Lucifer.
- Buffs and Attacks : Buff your attack and use Impaler’s Animus on physical demons or Crit Charge on strength-based attacks like Freikugel. Use Keraunos of Zeus.
- Created Stars : When he creates “Stars” (Brimstone and Cocytus), destroy them before he uses devastating piercing elemental attacks.
Final Note : Prepare demons with physical and almighty attacks, use Impaler or Crit Charge and enjoy the end of the route.
Empyrean – Route: Yuzuru – Tsukuyomi
Choosing this route will give you some unique advantages. Here’s a summary of what you’ll get:
- Hayataro (Holy) can be fused.
- If you are aligned with Chaos, you will receive the Inheritance Violation miracle .
- Access to 2 quests exclusive to this route, with rewards from fusionable demons. One of the quests will charge 666000 Macca if you are in the wrong alignment.
- After a few scenes, if your alignment matches, Tao will give you a unique miracle, costing just 10 Glory to learn.
Gustave’s store will have new items and essences, regardless of the route. He will sell Grimoires for 80000 Macca, but they are easier to get by grinding Ara Mitama in Odaiba.
It is recommended to be level 80 in this area and prepare to grind even more, unless you use your Gospels to speed it up.
Exploration and Encounter with Demeter
- Starting Chests :
- Go north to find a chest with a Magic Mirror .
- Continue north and then west to the northwest corner. Jump down to find a chest with a Chakra Pot .
- To the south, climb small cubes and pillars to reach two chests containing an Attack Mirror and Beelzebub’s Essence .
- Continue along the path to find a chest with a Balm of Life . Head north and before the save point you will encounter a mini-boss.
- Facing Aliat :
- Features : Aliat has no weaknesses and summons two allies to help.
- Strategy : Use physical and almighty attacks. With a focused strategy, you will defeat this boss without much trouble.
- Battle Preparation :
- Save here and prepare for a big battle. This will be the third main boss of this route.
Battle against Tsukuyomi (Nahobino)
Tsukuyomi :
- Weaknesses and Resistances : Weak to Fire, resists Electricity, nullifies Light and drains Ice.
- Level : Level 83 boss, with the highest Agility stat yet.
- Early stage :
- Abilities : Uses physical, ice and light attacks. He can also use Debilitate if he can get extra attacks.
- Fast attack :
- Tips : Defeat him quickly before he uses replication abilities, heals himself, or causes problems. Weaken him completely and attack with Agibarion and severe charged physical attacks, like Yoshitsune’s or Freikugel Ex.
- Getting Started : Start with Rasetsu Feast or use Debilitate twice to save Magatsuhi for Freikugel Ex.
- Preparation for Ice Attacks :
- Warning : At around 75-50% health, he will use one turn to prepare before a severe defense-piercing Ice AOE attack. Get ready to block this attack.
- Replication Skills :
- False Replication : Creates 1-3 copies depending on health. False ones nullify everything, including almighty. Use AOE to hit the real one.
- True Replication : Copies that take damage and are difficult to identify. It will disappear after the next turn, but you can attack with it.
Battle against Nuwa (Nahobino)
Nuwa :
- Weaknesses and Resistances : Weak against Fire, nullifies Electricity and repels Strength.
- Bit Loading :
- Special Ability : Nuwa uses one turn to charge bits of electricity. If not destroyed, she will use Rising Storm Dragon at full power, which can decimate her team. If destroyed, she will use Elec Pulse , a low-damage piercing attack.
- Buffs and Attacks :
- Weaken and Buff : Start with Rasetsu Feast, buff and attack with Agibarion and critical or almighty physical attacks such as Freikugel. Yoshitsune is very useful in this fight.
- Maintenance : Use a demon with Debilitate and Matarukaja, have a spare for when you run out of MP. Maintain buffs and debuffs during the fight.
Final battle
Lucifer (Abdiel/Ichiro and Tsukuyomi/Yuzuru route)
Lucifer :
- Weaknesses and Resistances : Nullifies all elements, except Darkness, and drains Light. Resists Physical Attacks.
- Initial Debilitation : Use Rasetsu Feast or Shiva to debilitate Lucifer.
- Buffs and Attacks : Buff your attack and use Impaler’s Animus on physical demons or Crit Charge on strength-based attacks like Freikugel. Use Keraunos of Zeus.
- Created Stars : When he creates “Stars” (Brimstone and Cocytus), destroy them before he uses devastating piercing elemental attacks.
Final Note : Prepare demons with physical and almighty attacks, use Impaler or Crit Charge and enjoy the end of the route.
Empyrean – Route: Shohei – Nuwa
Choosing this route offers some unique features. Here’s a summary of what you get:
- Hayataro (Holy) can be fused.
- If you are aligned with Chaos, you will receive the Inheritance Violation miracle .
- Access to 2 quests exclusive to this route, with rewards from fusionable demons. One of the quests will charge 666000 Macca if you are in the wrong alignment.
- After a few scenes, if your alignment matches, Tao will give you a unique miracle, costing just 10 Glory to learn.
Gustave’s store will have new items and essences, regardless of the route. He will sell Grimoires for 80000 Macca, but they are easier to get by grinding Ara Mitama in Odaiba.
It is recommended to be level 80 in this area and prepare to grind even more, unless you use your Gospels to speed it up.
Exploring and Confronting Demeter
- Starting Chests :
- Go north to find a chest with a Magic Mirror .
- Continue north and then west to the northwest corner. Jump down to find a chest with a Chakra Pot .
- To the south, climb small cubes and pillars to reach two chests containing an Attack Mirror and Beelzebub’s Essence .
- Continue along the path to find a chest with a Balm of Life . Head north and before the save point you will encounter a mini-boss.
- Facing Aliat :
- Features : Aliat has no weaknesses and summons two allies to help.
- Strategy : Use physical and almighty attacks. With a focused strategy, you will defeat this boss without much trouble.
- Battle Preparation :
- Save here and prepare for a big battle. This will be the third main boss of this route.
Battle against Tsukuyomi (Nahobino)
Tsukuyomi :
- Weaknesses and Resistances : Weak to Fire, resists Electricity, nullifies Light and drains Ice.
- Level : Level 83 boss, with the highest Agility stat yet.
- Early stage :
- Abilities : Uses physical, ice and light attacks. He can also use Debilitate if he can get extra attacks.
- Fast attack :
- Tips : Defeat him quickly before he uses replication abilities, heals himself, or causes problems. Weaken him completely and attack with Agibarion and severe charged physical attacks, like Yoshitsune’s or Freikugel Ex.
- Getting Started : Start with Rasetsu Feast or use Debilitate twice to save Magatsuhi for Freikugel Ex.
- Preparation for Ice Attacks :
- Warning : At around 75-50% health, he will use one turn to prepare before a severe defense-piercing Ice AOE attack. Get ready to block this attack.
- Replication Skills :
- False Replication : Creates 1-3 copies depending on health. False ones nullify everything, including almighty. Use AOE to hit the real one.
- True Replication : Copies that take damage and are difficult to identify. It will disappear after the next turn, but you can attack with it.
Battle against Nuwa (Nahobino)
Nuwa :
- Weaknesses and Resistances : Weak against Fire, nullifies Electricity and repels Strength.
- Bit Loading :
- Special Ability : Nuwa uses one turn to charge bits of electricity. If not destroyed, she will use Rising Storm Dragon at full power, which can decimate her team. If destroyed, she will use Elec Pulse , a low-damage piercing attack.
- Buffs and Attacks :
- Weaken and Buff : Start with Rasetsu Feast, buff and attack with Agibarion and critical or almighty physical attacks such as Freikugel. Yoshitsune is very useful in this fight.
- Maintenance : Use a demon with Debilitate and Matarukaja, have a spare for when you run out of MP. Maintain buffs and debuffs during the fight.
Final battle
Lucifer (Abdiel/Ichiro and Tsukuyomi/Yuzuru route)
Lucifer :
- Weaknesses and Resistances : Nullifies all elements, except Darkness, and drains Light. Resists Physical Attacks.
- Initial Debilitation : Use Rasetsu Feast or Shiva to debilitate Lucifer.
- Buffs and Attacks : Buff your attack and use Impaler’s Animus on physical demons or Crit Charge on strength-based attacks like Freikugel. Use Keraunos of Zeus.
- Created Stars : When he creates “Stars” (Brimstone and Cocytus), destroy them before he uses devastating piercing elemental attacks.
Final Note : Prepare demons with physical and almighty attacks, use Impaler or Crit Charge and enjoy the end of the route.
Sit back, enjoy the end of the route and prepare for New Game+, where you can merge Fallen Abdiel and Nuwa (human).
Good luck!
Understanding New Game+
Types of New Game+
When loading your finished game data, you will be presented with two New Game+ options: Newborn and Reborn . Here is a detailed explanation of each:
Opting for Newborn basically means starting the game from scratch, with a few exceptions:
- Level and Items : Your level will be reset to 1 and you will lose all items and most miracles you have accumulated.
- Compendium and Fusion : You will keep the demon compendium, enemy information, and unlocked fusions.
- Miracles : Only miracles related to demon slots will be retained.
If you have invested a lot of time and effort into grinding and building your demons or have accumulated a lot of valuable items and money, this option may not be ideal. Although your demons are still in the compendium, you will not be able to summon them immediately due to the loss of miracles that reduce the cost of the compendium. Furthermore, you will not have access to essences and most miracles, practically starting a new game from scratch. This includes missing out on route-exclusive miracles.
Recommendation : Honestly, this option is not recommended for most players. If you want an extra challenge or a whole new experience, it might be interesting, but for most, starting a new game would be more sensible.
Reborn is the default option for New Game+ and offers a much more favorable experience. Here’s what you can expect:
- Transfers : Almost everything will be retained, including level, miracles, glory, stats, party demons, Macca, and most items.
- Route-Exclusive Miracles : You keep the miracles exclusive to the route you chose.
- New Miracles : Opting for Reborn will unlock two new miracles:
- Divine Persuasion : Allows demons you fight to sometimes randomly join you.
- Divine Eminence : Allows the Nahobino to negotiate with higher level demons.
What Is Not Maintained
Regardless of whether you choose Newborn or Reborn, some items and skills will not transfer:
- Key Items and Talismans : These items that unlock race-specific magatsuhi abilities are not carried. You will have to complete them again each playthrough to get them.
Final Tips
- Choose Your Favorites : Since you’ll have to re-obtain specific magatsuhi talismans and abilities each playthrough, I suggest focusing on your favorites and only seeking out the ones you actually use.
- Reborn is the Best Choice : For most players, Reborn offers a smooth transition and retains most progress, making it the more practical choice.
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