Sol Divide – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Sol Divide – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

January 30, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

By: Augusto Aragão

This game is a shooter produced by the company Psikyo, the same company that produced Sengoku Blade (also known as “flying ninjas”), Strikers 1945 and Strikers 1945 II. The game’s dynamics consist of flying through different stages, facing mythological enemies. It is the mystical/mythological setting that makes Sol Divide a very particular game.

The game features an arcade-based mode and a so-called original one. In the arcade the action is simple and has already been commented on. The original is a type of adventure, where the player must go through long stages facing enemies and bosses. In this mode, the player can accumulate items (24 in total) and use them when necessary.

Whether for the arcade or the original, here is my suggestion for the arrangement of the controls on the controller:

A – turbo shot (rapid fire)

B – strike with the weapon (attack)

C, X, Y and Z – magic

L – select magic to the left (select magic)

R – select magic to the right (select magic)

Find out what the game’s spells are and what they do. Remember that the more powerful they are, the more they will use up the magic bar (in arcade mode, as in the original mode there is a number indicating how many times it can be used):

Fire : It is a horizontal burst of fire. Its power is average, but the advantage is that it can push enemies that insist on following you, in addition to neutralizing enemy shots.

Ice : The goddess of ice is summoned and, with her breath, all enemies are momentarily frozen. Some enemies don’t freeze and others stay for a short period. Look out!

Thunder : Four bursts of thunder are launched, which push enemies back as well. This spell is weak, and is most useful when used repeatedly.

Wind : A gust of wind that neutralizes all enemy shots and spells. However, enemies can still hit you with swords, spears or claws.

Slow : A bubble is launched horizontally, neutralizing shots in its path. Its main effect is to slow the enemy down, without action for a brief period of time. It’s a good spell against very agile bosses.

Meteor : This is one of the most powerful spells. Its effect is devastating, sapping all or almost all of the bosses’ energy! Several meteors are launched. The downside is that this spell has only one use (to use it again you need to collect the respective item).

Death : Another devastating and visually impressive spell (a huge skull is summoned). However, it is only effective against living beings and has no effect on inanimate beings such as the Evil God, Minotaur and Stone Griffon. It is also a single-use spell.

Phoenix : In a beautiful effect, a phoenix is ​​summoned and waves its wings, launching its feathers at the enemy. This magic is very powerful and effective against living or inanimate beings. It is a single-use spell.

Summons : The effect of this spell varies, as lightning deities can be summoned or a sphere with teeth can be created, which chews whatever is in its path. In any case, they cause good damage, but less compared to the more powerful ones.

Nightmare : A spell that is only effective against living beings. Arcs are launched that hit the enemy and take away energy. Its effect is average and is also for single use.

1) History

The continent of Shamaina brings together several kingdoms, always characterized by abundant magical strength and mythological beings. There are many cities that were Meccas for magic schools and that only remain in the memory of the elderly.

Everything was going peacefully in the different kingdoms when, suddenly, a strange army began to dominate the kingdoms. Under the command of the demon Efter, the kingdoms of Neraphai, Pundione, Mattium, Enhit Nerva and Silverna fall. What everyone doesn’t know is that Efter was summoned by a powerful wizard, who uses him as a puppet. In this way, hordes of skeletons, wizards, druids, knights, cockatris, dragonbearers and various creatures spread terror in Shamaina. The evil Efter steals various sources of power in the kingdoms and becomes increasingly stronger. Only three brave men can save the continent.

2) Characters

Kashon : In the kingdom of Neraphai there is only the race of eagle-men (Hawkman) and the government is of the patriarchal type. The elder of Neraphai guards a crystal, which is a powerful source of power. When Efter and his army arrive, the elder and his guardians are killed. Under the astonished gaze, Kashon observes the scene and wields his spear to avenge his companions. He was one of the members of the guard and possesses the exclusive magic of the Phoenix. The advantage of this character is in the long and strong blows with the spear.

Vorg : The kingdom of Silverna is well known in Shamaina for its solid monarchy. His army was also well known for having brave knights. Vorg, the black knight, was once a court knight, but preferred to leave rather than follow orders. The demon Efter invades Silverna’s kingdom and kills the monarch, stealing another source of power (crystal) from him. Upon learning what is happening, Vorg decides to put an end to the source of evil. He wields a katana and relies on quick strikes. His exclusive magic is nightmare.

Tyora : In the distant region of Rangforce lives a sorceress who has spent years studying the magical arts. The region is a source of great power and Tyora isolated herself in a crystal, also preserving a powerful source of power. It wasn’t long before Efter followed in search of her and stole her precious source of magical power. Stunned, Tyora goes in search of what was taken from her. She has her staff and a book of spells. Magic shots from her are the strongest, as are the magic emitted.

3) Enemies

For both the arcade mode and the original, here is a list of all common enemies.

Skelton : They are skeletons and can be armed with swords, spears and bows and arrows. Skeletons with swords launch fireballs and also throw a lot of sword strikes. Those with spears only attack when they get close. You need to be careful with those armed with bows and arrows because they take a lot of energy. Use lots of weapon hits on them or flame magic.

Dark Knight : Efter’s black knights can be orange or blue in color. The latter are the strongest. They attack with many fire shots and also with scattered shots. Their sword strikes take a lot of energy. Alternate shots and hits to destroy them. If necessary, use magic.

Wizard and Druid : Like all characters that manipulate magic, their main attacks are shots and magic. Some reduce the power of your shot, slow the character down or send you back to the beginning (in the original mode). Just use shots.

Dragon Rider : The dragon riders in the game. They alternate between blasts of dragon fire and ax strikes. Be careful with these moves as they take a lot of energy! Use strikes when they are close and fire magic if necessary.

Big Eye and Little Eye : These are eyes that shoot at you a lot or can clash. When they collide, they reduce the power of their shots or steal an item from you (original mode). They can also multiply and infest the shooting screen. Use a lot of shots, but the spells are only effective in a few. Fire is ineffective on red eyes.

Harpy : Harpies are creatures with the body of a woman, wings and legs of an eagle, they appear in groups and fire many shots horizontally. They can stay at a distance or get close. Use shooting or fire magic on them!

Cockatris : These mythological creatures are a mix of an eagle and a lion. Its attacks include the fire blast and a dash. Before investing, they point their heads. Stay alert and alternate shots and spells.

Scorpio-Griffon : They are lions with wings and a scorpion’s tail. They attack with shots and claws, but their most detestable attack is their poisonous breath (original mode). When this breath hits you, your energy reduces until it becomes zero! Use lots of blows and magic to destroy them.

Mushroom : These strange mushrooms have arms and are very resistant. They always attack with many shots, but depending on the color they can also attack with a Slow spell or release poisonous breath. You need to use a lot of shots on them or resort to blows. In any case, be careful!

Wasp : They are wasps of varying colors, as well as size. They always appear in groups, attacking not only with shots but also with a sting. You have to alternate shots and blows to stop them.

Bats : They are nothing more than small bats that appear in large numbers. They are weak and just one shot is enough to destroy them.

Live Fire : Small, bright flames that appear in large groups. Unlike bats, these enemies stay on the screen shooting at you and that’s why they’re naughty. Use shots at them freely!

4) Phases

Each character starts in their own phase, but soon after you will have the option to choose which one to start with. The suggested order and description below is for arcade mode.

Pundione : The kingdom of Pundione was the scene of a battle in the desert. Note that in the background there are gigantic vehicles that resemble the Sandcrawler from the Jawas (from Star Wars). Continue facing enemies and collecting items. At the end you will come face to face with the wizard, but he will run away leaving an enemy for you to face.

Boss ( Hydra ): This Hydra only has two heads (fortunately…), but they attack a lot with shots, fire blasts and even try to bite you. As if that weren’t enough, her tail launches scattered shots and she also has Wasps. She starts using shots and strikes in the creature’s lower diagonal region. With blows you push her back. Use fire magic if necessary and when the Hydra launches the fire, stay slightly above it shooting.

Mattium : This kingdom has one of the most beautiful architectural landscapes in the game. The stage is full of knights and dragonbearers, so it’s a good idea to alternate blows with spells. Don’t forget to pick up the items too. At the end you will come face to face with Efter, but he will not be faced yet. The worst thing is that it evokes meteors that destroy the beautiful landscape.

Boss ( Wyvern ): This is the dragon that appears in both presentations of the game. He is very fast and attacks with shots and bursts of fire. It also lunges at the player with its claws. A good spell against him is Slow and Fire. The boss is relatively weak and will not pose an obstacle to players.

Enhit Nerva : Right at the beginning of the scene it is possible to see pyramids that follow the Aztec style. The kingdom of Enhit Nerva was once flourishing in magic, but has disappeared. Here you have to continue facing harpies, knights and wizards. Use flame magic and deal lots of blows.

Boss ( Evil God ): Upon arriving at the cave, the player will come across the wizard, but he will evoke the ancient evil god of Enhit Nerva. It will be necessary to face him and it is good to know that he is immune to several spells. The Evil God launches many shots, throws columns and even attacks the player. The flame magic is very effective against him, as it neutralizes the shots (but not the columns!) and pushes him back. If you’re going to throw blows, be quick!

Underground Passage Part 1 : To reach the infernal land, where Efter resides, you will need to go through the underground of Enhit Nerva. In the first part

Boss ( Sand Worm ): This creature looks like a snake with claws coming out of the carpel. Between her attacks she releases several smaller creatures and then launches a hail of shots. Avoid the smaller creatures and go through the shots next. You need to pay attention because the creature prepares a lunge and it takes away a lot of energy! Stay below and as soon as she prepares her attack, quickly move to the top of the screen. Good spells are flame, meteor and death.

Underground Passage Part 2 : This part is very short and takes place inside a cave. The enemies here are limited to Big Eyes, so you need to avoid their attacks. Use lots of hits and shots, not forgetting to pick up items. Soon you reach the boss.

Boss ( Stone Griffon ): The boss here starts alone but soon forms two snipers who will accompany him. To make matters worse, it creates a vortex from which cockatris emerge. This griffin is immune to spells such as death and nightmare, so there is no point in using them. Dodge the shots, especially those coming from underneath the boss, and focus on the enemy. Move around the screen a lot, alternating shots with strikes. Among the spells that are effective are flame and meteor.

Underground Passage Part 3 : In the last part the player will go through the ruins of what appeared to be an underground temple. The enemies here are wizards, druids and knights. Focus on the knights first, using strikes and flame magic. Then just use a lot of shots on the wizards and druids.

Boss ( Minotaur ): The minotaur is another stone creature, therefore immune to spells that affect living beings. He moves back and forth, always swinging his axe. Several shots come from him, as well as from the minotaur itself. When he advances, it’s time to pay attention because a powerful blow from the ax will be delivered. Stay smart! You need to move around the screen, using flame magic to neutralize enemy shots and even hit the boss. A good spell against him is meteor.

Hell Land : The hellish land is actually the place where Efter was conjured. Initially the appearance is that of a temple, but soon changes with Efter’s transformations.

Boss ( Efter ): In the first part, Efter stands at a distance, summoning swords and also has two knights. It takes agility to dodge the swords and still hit Efter’s companions. Use flame magic a lot! Against Efter you need to avoid the sequential bursts of fire and also be careful with the boss’s swords! The magic of the flame pushes him and while he summons swords it is time to strike him. Be quick!

Boss ( Devil ): After being defeated Efter reveals his true demon form and transports the player to a hellish environment. He launches spheres that turn into horizontal shots, so you have to pass between them. Several shots are also fired and the boss concentrates bursts of fire. Flame magic is effective against him and the blows will take away a lot of energy from him.

Boss ( Heradian ): Even with the second defeat, a crystal of power is revealed and brings together the infernal bones to form the giant Herarious. Only the head appears on the screen and launches a lot of shots and fire. With flame magic it is possible to neutralize them and still move forward to attack this boss. Use skill to dodge the shots! A good spell against this form of Efter is meteor or phoenix.

Boss ( Mage ): After defeating Efter the temple will collapse. When you leave it you will come across the Wizard. Note a dragon in the background over the ruins. The Wizard is not alone, as he conjures two dragonbearers and they are very annoying. It takes patience and skill to be able to hit the Wizard, who is always in the right corner of the screen firing shots (be careful because some reduce the power of your shot!). If you have meteor or death magic, this is a good time to use it.

Note: If you managed to reach and defeat the Wizard without using continues, you will follow the path again but with stronger enemies. Otherwise, just enjoy your character’s ending and the credits.

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