Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble – Analysis (Review) – Classic fun with good innovation and challenge!

Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble – Analysis (Review) – Classic fun with good innovation and challenge!

June 26, 2024 Off By Markus Leite
Release:  June 25, 2024
Players:  Up to 4 on a single console; Up to 4 in local communication; Up to 16 in online mode.
Genre:  Arcade, Party, Platform, Multiplayer.
Developer:  Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
Publisher:  SEGA
Available languages:  German, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, English, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese.
Available on platforms:  Nintendo Switch.
Rating:  10 years – Violence.
Game version analyzed:  American version for Nintendo Switch.

There is something undeniably magical about the Super Monkey Ball series. Since its launch on the GameCube in 2001, these friendly little monkeys inside transparent spheres have won the hearts of many gamers around the world. The apparent simplicity of the game – moving the scene to make the monkey roll to the goal – hides a depth of challenge that few games can match. Now, after a long wait of more than a decade, Sega presents us with Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble, exclusive to Nintendo Switch. This new title allows us to not only relive the nostalgia of the old Super Monkey Ball games, but also bring good innovations that refresh the classic formula.

As soon as you start the game, we are greeted by a light and fun narrative. AiAi, MeeMee, GonGon and Baby are on vacation on the paradisiacal Jugosa Island when they meet Palette, a new character who seeks to find the Legendary Banana and her missing father. Despite the simplicity of the plot, it serves as a great backdrop for the adventures that unfold throughout the 200 available levels. Now, let’s dive into the details of this title that promises to be a milestone in the series.

Mechanics and Gameplay

The essence of Super Monkey Ball has always been its intuitive yet challenging gameplay. In Banana Rumble, that essence is more alive than ever. The controls remain as simple as in previous versions of the game: you tilt the stage to move the little monkey on the ball, trying to reach the goal while collecting bananas. However, what seems simple soon turns out to be a true test of skill and precision.

One of the great additions of this new version is the Spin Dash mechanic, which allows a boost of speed that can be used to overcome obstacles or cut through more complex parts of the level. Spin Dash’s execution is satisfying and, when used well, can completely transform the way you approach a level. It is a powerful tool, but it requires precision and practice to master.

Each of the 200 levels offers unique challenges, with a well-balanced difficulty curve. At first, the levels are relatively simple, serving as a hands-on tutorial for new mechanics. However, as you progress, the challenges become increasingly complex, requiring quick reflexes and strategic planning. In addition to the main objectives, each level features secondary goals, such as collecting all the bananas or reaching the goal in a set time, which adds an extra layer of replayability.

The game modes are also worth highlighting. In addition to the traditional Adventure mode, which can be played alone or cooperatively for up to four players, there is a robust multiplayer mode with support for up to 16 players online. Modes like Banana Hunt, Goal Rush and Ba-Boom! they bring a variety of challenges and ensure that the game remains fun even after completing the main campaign.


One of the highlights of fun in Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble is, without a doubt, the multiplayer mode, which brings an extra dose of joy and competitiveness to the game. From the beginning, it was clear that the developers wanted to ensure players had a complete experience, whether playing alone or with friends; and they did it!

Multiplayer Game Modes:

Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble offers several multiplayer modes that can be played both locally and online, supporting up to 16 simultaneous players. This variety of options ensures that there will always be something new to try and keep the game exciting.

  1. Cooperative Mode In cooperative mode, up to four players can team up to face the challenges of adventure mode. Although the levels are designed for single player, the cooperative experience adds a layer of complexity and fun, especially when it comes to collecting bananas and achieving objectives together. Dividing tasks and working as a team to overcome obstacles can transform the most challenging levels into a collective overcoming experience.
  2. Battle Mode Battle mode is where the real competition happens. There are five main sub-modes that guarantee lots of fun and laughter:
    • Race: Players compete to see who reaches the end of a track full of obstacles first. The races are chaotic and exciting, with Mario Kart-style items that allow you to disrupt your opponents and give that extra push towards victory.
    • Banana Hunt: In this mode, the objective is to collect the greatest number of bananas in a given time. The competition is fierce and requires not only skill, but also strategy to explore the map efficiently.
    • Ba-Boom!: A game of hot potato with bombs! Players need to pass the bomb to others before time runs out, avoiding the explosion and trying to stay away from danger. This mode is frantic and full of tension.
    • Goal Rush: In this mode, players race down a hill full of objectives that need to be achieved to earn points. Each time a player hits an objective, they are transported back to the top, adding an element of strategy as to which objectives to try to hit to maximize the score.
    • Robot Smash: A team battle to see who can destroy the most robots. Players must use the Spin Dash boost to deal as much damage as possible, making this mode perfect for releasing accumulated energy and cooperating with friends to achieve victory.

Online play in this game is robust and allows players to easily connect with friends or other players around the world. The ability to play against opponents from anywhere adds a massive layer of replayability to the game. However, it is important to mention that online performance may vary depending on the quality of the players’ connection, and there have been some reports of frame rate drops during online matches with many participants.

In addition to the game modes, Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble also offers several customization options for the characters. As you play and accumulate points, you can spend these points on clothes, accessories and even special skins for your monkeys. This customization does not affect characters’ performance, but allows players to put on their own unique customization while competing online.


Visually, Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble is beautiful, colorful and very pleasant. Sega managed to maintain the series’ classic visual identity while updating the graphics to a more modern standard. The settings are vibrant and detailed, each with its own unique theme ranging from lush forests to futuristic cities. The color palette is bright and inviting, perfectly capturing the game’s joyful, electrically energetic spirit.

The animations are smooth and well-crafted, both for the characters and for the scenery elements. It’s especially gratifying to see the little monkeys react to different situations, whether when they collect bananas or when they are launched into the air by a Spin Dash impulse. The cutscenes are a highlight in themselves, with well-made animations that help tell the story in an engaging, even simple, way.

However, despite the charming graphics, there are times when the game suffers from minor frame rate issues, especially in busier areas or during intense multiplayer matches. While not frequent, these little hiccups can be a little frustrating, especially in a game that requires so much precision.


Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble’s music is upbeat and catchy, perfectly complementing the game’s vibrant atmosphere. The music is varied and fits well with the different themes of the levels, from calm melodies in forest areas to more intense rhythms in urban settings. It’s the type of trail that keeps you excited and motivated to keep playing, even on the most difficult levels.

The sound effects are also great. Every movement of the little monkey, whether rolling, jumping or collecting bananas, is accompanied by sounds that reinforce the feeling of immersion. The characters’ voices, although simple, add a touch of personality and charisma. Sega got it right by keeping the familiar sounds of previous games, providing a sense of continuity that fans of the series will certainly appreciate.


Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble was made to have fun, and the game really shines brightly in terms of fun. The combination of simple mechanics with progressively complex challenges creates an experience that is both rewarding and addictive. There’s an undeniable joy in mastering a difficult level after several tries, and the game rewards that persistence with a sense of accomplishment that’s hard to match.

Multiplayer mode is another highlight, especially for those who like to play with friends. Whether competing in chaotic races or working together to destroy robots, there are a variety of modes that guarantee hours of fun. The ability to play Adventure mode co-op is also a great touch, allowing players to share the experience of overcoming challenges together.

Plus, character customization adds an extra element of fun. Collecting points to unlock new accessories and outfits for the little monkeys is a welcome addition that encourages players to keep playing and completing objectives.

Performance and Optimization

While Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble is, for the most part, a smooth and enjoyable experience, there are a few areas where performance could be improved. In general, the game runs at 60 FPS, but there are times, especially in handheld mode or during intense multiplayer matches, when the frame rate drops to around 30 FPS. These drops can be distracting and in some cases detract from gameplay, particularly in a game that requires so much precision.

Inconsistent frame-pacing is another issue, causing small but noticeable disruptions to the game’s smoothness. Although it is not a constant problem, it can be frustrating during the most critical moments.

On the other hand, the game benefits from fast loading times and an intuitive user interface. Sega has also implemented several accessibility options, such as motion control and visual assistants, which help make the game more accessible to a wider range of players.


Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble is, without a doubt, a triumphant return for the series. With its classic gameplay enhanced by new mechanics like Spin Dash, vibrant graphics, a catchy soundtrack, and a variety of game modes, this title has a lot to offer both longtime fans and new players. Although there are some performance issues, they are not enough to overshadow the overall experience.

Adventure mode is extensive and challenging, guaranteeing hours of entertainment, while multiplayer modes further expand the replay value (playing and replaying multiple times). Customization options and help systems make the game accessible yet challenging for those looking to master each level.

I recommend Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble to anyone looking for a very fun, challenging and visually enchanting gaming experience. It’s a game that honors the legacy of the series while introducing new ideas that refresh the classic formula. Get ready to roll, jump and have fun like never before with these adorable little monkeys!

Strengths :

  • Spin Dash mechanics add new strategies to gameplay.
  • Variety of multiplayer modes, including co-op Adventure mode.
  • Vibrant graphics and fluid animations.
  • Captivating soundtrack and immersive sound effects.
  • Accessibility options that make the game more inclusive.

Negative points :

  • Frame rate problems in intense moments.
  • Inconsistent frame-pacing may cause gameplay interruptions.
  • Lack of significant innovation in some areas.

Graphics: 8.0
Fun: 9.0
Gameplay: 8.5
Sound: 8.5
Performance and Optimization: 7.5
FINAL RATING: 8.3 / 10.0

  • Review produced from a copy of the game provided by SEGA.

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