The Last of Us Part I – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

The Last of Us Part I – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

April 21, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

Chapter 1 – Prologue – Hometown

Let’s go! Hometown (Chapter 1 – Prologue) is the beginning of your journey into this post-apocalyptic world of The Last of Us Part I, and I’ll guide you through every step, making sure you don’t miss anything important.

Additional Tips

  • Explore Every Corner: Even though this chapter has no collectibles, exploring every detail can enrich your experience and immersion in the game world.
  • Pay Attention to Tips: The game is full of visual and narrative tips that help build the story. Pay attention to each dialogue and interactive object to better understand the world around you.
  • Preparation for Chaos: This prologue is just the beginning. Prepare yourself emotionally and strategically for what’s to come, as The Last of Us Part I is a journey full of challenges and emotions.

Starting with Sarah

1. Waking up to a Phone Call: Right after the opening scene that introduces us to Sarah and her father Joel, you will take control of Sarah. Her first task is simple: getting out of bed after receiving a phone call in the middle of the night.

2. Exploring the Room: Before leaving the room, take a look at the dresser in front of Sarah’s bed. There, you will find a birthday card with a dinosaur on it. To interact with him, press TRIANGLE. It’s a small detail, but it helps establish the bond between Sarah and Joel.

Going to Find Joel

3. Leaving the Room: Now, it’s time to find Joel. He leaves Sarah’s room and goes down the hallway. Although the temptation to turn right at the end of the hallway may arise, go ahead and enter the first door to discover the bathroom.

4. In the Bathroom: Inside the bathroom, make a point of reading the newspaper near the sink. It offers a subtle hint about the chaos that is about to unfold. This detail enriches the narrative, setting the stage for what is to come.

5. The Explosion and the Kitchen: After the brief stop in the bathroom, proceed to the room to the right of the stairs. There, Sarah will witness an explosion through the window, a clear sign that it is time to act. Head downstairs towards the sound of the phone ringing, which leads to the kitchen. In the kitchen, interact with Joel’s phone near the oven to advance the story.

The Reunion with Joel

6. Joel’s Urgency: When interacting with the phone and going through the double doors, you will find Joel in a state of urgency, rummaging through a table and grabbing a revolver. This moment is crucial, as it begins a tense and emotional sequence that sets the tone for the rest of the game.

7. Running Away From Home: After the scene with Joel, you two, along with Tommy, will go to the car in front of the house. This is the starting point for their desperate escape from the city, which unfolds in events that will define the course of Joel and Ellie’s journey.

On the way to town, in the car with Tommy

  1. Close Observation: You start in the car with Tommy, Joel and Sarah. Although it’s a sequence where you don’t control the car, take the opportunity to observe your surroundings. There are a lot of harrowing details and events happening around you that help set the tone for the world you’re entering.

After the Accident

  1. Freedom: After an intense sequence, the car will be turned upside down. Now, you control Joel. When prompted, press SQUARE repeatedly to kick out the windshield and exit the car.
  2. Protecting Sarah: After getting out of the car, you will hand your gun to Tommy and take Sarah in your arms. It’s time to follow the crowd and try to find a safe path through the chaotic streets.

Crossing the City

  1. Exploring the Chaos: While carrying Sarah, explore the chaos around her. There is no immediate danger, so it is a good opportunity to absorb the tense and chaotic atmosphere of the panicked city.
  2. Direction to the Alley: When you reach the end of the street, an explosion will direct you to an alley next to Anne’s Flower Shop. This is the path you should follow, indicated by Tommy’s strategic location and the events triggered.
  3. Confrontation with Infected: In the alley, an infected pedestrian will attack. Use SQUARE to defend yourself until Tommy can intervene. Stay together, staying alert for more infected people.
  4. Inside the Bar: Tommy will guide you through a bar. Here, an important scene will be played, further increasing the tension and urgency of the moment.

Escape and Pursuit

  1. Escaping the Infected: After leaving the bar, go through the crack in the brick wall, marked by a spotlight and yellow danger tape. Here, you need to keep pace as the infected are in hot pursuit.
  2. Up the Hill: Continue following the path, past an ambulance and up a hill. At this point, a soldier will intervene, creating a crucial moment in the narrative.

End of the Chapter and Emotions in full bloom

  1. Exciting Conclusion: Watch the final scene of the chapter, which is intensely emotional and sets the stage for the challenges and narrative to come. This is a time to reflect on events and prepare for the next chapter: The Quarantine Zone.

This opening chapter sets the tone for The Last of Us Part I, introducing players to a world where every decision and action carries weight. The combination of exploration, protection and survival highlights the essence of the game and prepares you for the many adventures and challenges that lie ahead. Remember to stay calm, observe your surroundings, and protect those who are important to you. Good luck on your journey through the quarantine zone!

Chapter 2 – The Quarantine Zone

Ready to dive into Chapter 2 of The Last of Us Part I, “The Quarantine Zone”? This chapter is where things really start to heat up, both in terms of story and gameplay. I’ll guide you through each step of this chapter, ensuring you get the most out of the experience, collect all the items, and fully understand what’s going on. Let’s go!

20 years later

After the exciting prologue, you will find yourself 20 years in the future. Joel, now visibly older, is reuniting with Tess. This quick introduction to Joel’s new reality also serves to establish his next mission: finding a man named Robert.

  1. Following Tess: Once you gain control over Joel, follow Tess down an alley until you reach a busy street where the military presence is strong and visible. This is your first chance to see how the world has changed, so take the opportunity to explore visually, but don’t stray too far from Tess.

Finding Collectibles

Now, let’s focus on the collectibles in this chapter: 8 Artifacts, 3 Firefly Pendants and 4 Optional Conversations. I’ll guide you to the first collectible relevant to this part:

  1. Optional Conversation 01: In line for the civilian scan, look for two survivors near a newsstand. They will recognize Joel, starting the first Optional Conversation. Press TRIANGLE to interact with them.

Control and Explosion Post

  1. Heading to the Checkpoint: After the conversation, follow Tess to the checkpoint. You will witness a tense scene followed by an explosion. When instructed, perform a quick turn by holding the back button and pressing X, then continue following Tess.
  2. Medical Care: Tess will guide you to a building where you will find medical supplies. Use the DPAD to select the med kit and hold down the right trigger to heal yourself. This is crucial to your survival in the game, so familiarize yourself with the process.

Finding Robert

  1. Conversation with Survivors: Tess will talk to a survivor about Robert. Pay attention, as this adds depth to the narrative and sets up what’s to come.
  2. Moving the Shelf: Following Tess, you will reach a room where she will ask for your help in pushing a shelf. Look for the TRIANGLE prompt, press it to move the shelf, then drop down through the hole that reveals itself.

Beyond the Wall

After pushing the shelf and falling into the hole, you will find yourself in tunnels beneath the building. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Follow Tess and Activate the Generator: Tess will take the initiative to activate a generator. Follow her carefully through the tunnel, jumping over any obstacles that appear, such as a pipe that will be in her path.
  2. Get Your Gear: Tess will point you to a workbench where your gear is waiting for you. Approach, press TRIANGLE to collect your backpack. Joel will automatically draw his weapon, and you will be instructed to reload by pressing R2. It’s good practice to prepare for what’s to come.

Collect the First 2 Artifacts

  1. Artifacts – Military Pamphlet and QZ Map of Boston: These two artifacts are added to your backpack as soon as you pick it up. Access them by pressing the touchpad and navigating with R1 to the artifacts tab. These items provide valuable context about the game world.

Boosting Tess

  1. Help Tess Climb the Wall: Now that you’re armed and informed, it’s time to continue your journey. Tess will go to a corner of the room, near a wooden wall. Approach the wall, press TRIANGLE to help Tess climb up. Once Tess is on top, she will offer help. Press X to grab her hand and climb up.
  2. Climb Through the Hole: Once you’re both on the other side, move forward and press TRIANGLE to climb up the hole above you. This movement symbolizes the continuation of your journey through the dangers of the quarantine zone.
  3. Proceed to the Next Area: After climbing up, move forward towards the door. This is the time to prepare for what comes next, staying aware of your surroundings and ready for any challenge.

Outside the Abandoned Café

  1. Optional Conversation with Tess: When you walk out the door, don’t rush. An optional conversation icon will appear over Tess. Press TRIANGLE to start the conversation. These dialogues add depth to the story and the relationships between the characters.
  2. Finding the Ladder: After the conversation, head northeast toward a hole in the wall, where Tess will note the lack of a ladder. Look next to the nearby car to find the fallen ladder. Pick it up by pressing TRIANGLE and take it to the hole in the wall. Position Joel properly and use TRIANGLE again to touch the ladder, allowing you both to proceed.

Collecting Items

  1. Scrap in the Kitchen: Before following Tess up the stairs, dodge into the kitchen on the right. Here, you’ll find three pieces of scrap on the workbench. These are crucial for upgrading your equipment later.
  2. Firefly Pendant – Vigil: In the room adjacent to the kitchen, next to a mattress, is the first Firefly Pendant in the Quarantine Zone. Collecting it is essential for collectors and to discover more about the game’s lore. Remember to examine it more closely by pressing TRIANGLE.

Preparing for Danger

  1. Going Down to the Spores: After exploring the area and collecting the items, follow Tess and go down the ladder hole. As you progress, Tess will indicate the presence of spores. Joel will automatically put on his gas mask. The presence of spores suggests the proximity of infected people, so be prepared.
  2. Optional Spore Conversation: At the source of the spores, you will find a man stuck to the wall. Start the optional conversation with Tess to learn more about the man’s situation and the world around him.
  3. Decision on the Trapped Man: Next, you will find a man under rubble with a broken mask. The decision to end your suffering or save your ammunition will be yours. Regardless of your choice, don’t forget to collect the two bullets next to him.

Facing the Infected

  1. Listening Mode and Corridors: You will soon come across a survivor being attacked by corridors. Here, the game introduces listening mode, a crucial tool for navigating infected areas. Use it to assess the situation before taking action.

Listening and Silent Erase Mode

First, familiarize yourself with listening mode, a vital tool for Joel. By holding R1, you can detect enemies through walls by viewing their silhouettes. This is especially useful for planning your actions without being seen. When entering the corridor, use listening mode to identify the position of the corridors (infected enemies). One will be isolated to the left, making it easier to approach stealthily. Approach from behind and use TRIANGLE to grab him, followed by SQUARE to silently choke him. This is the ideal way to deal with enemies when we don’t want to attract unnecessary attention.

Stealth Browsing

With the first enemy neutralized, you have two choices: directly face the other two corridors or pass through them without being detected. Opt for stealth to save resources. Maneuver through the environment, staying out of enemies’ line of sight. In the kitchen, don’t forget to grab the granola bar to recover health if necessary, and visit the adjacent room to collect additional ammo.

Progression and Artifact Collection

Going up the stairs near the kitchen, don’t immediately take the obvious path. Detour to the Natalie and Vegiard Legal Group office, identifiable by the logo on the wall. Here, you will find an important artifact: the Note to Brother. This item, in addition to adding depth to the narrative, is part of the collectibles that enrich the game experience.

Traversal and Use of Objects

Following Tess, you will come across a chasm that requires a plank to cross. Locate the plank in an area below and use it to create a bridge. This moment teaches you how to interact with objects in the environment to solve problems and advance the story.

Pendant Collection

After crossing, pay special attention to the second Firefly Pendant, the Glueck. It is hidden in a tree branch and can be difficult to see. Use the flashlight to locate him more easily and shoot to take him down. These pendants are collectibles that add to the completeness of the game and offer small pieces of history in the world of The Last of Us.

Make sure to follow Tess closely and collect all the important items before proceeding to the next area.

Entering the Favelas

Right after the door closes behind you, stay close to Tess. She will be your guide for much of this adventure. As you enter the next room, Tess will draw your attention to some ammunition to your right. Do not ignore ; Ammunition is precious and can make all the difference in moments of tension. Take them and wait for Tess to make her way to the slums.

Navigating the Area

Follow Tess closely through the new environment. Favelas are a labyrinth of possible paths and hidden dangers. You will notice the dense atmosphere, the tension in the air. At one point, you will pass a broken down bus, where a brief interaction with a local bandit will occur. This small scene adds depth to the world of The Last of Us, showing that human dangers are also a major threat.

Collecting Collectibles

Before fully diving into the main story, let’s briefly detour to ensure you don’t miss out on any valuable items.

Artifact 04: Writing Notice

When you enter the clearing right after interacting with the bandit, walk north until you see a notice board. On the way, you will find several notes scattered on the floor next to an inoperative dishwasher. Among them is the Writing Notice . It’s easy to pass by without noticing, so be careful. Pick it up, read it to absorb some more of the world’s history, and store it carefully in Joel’s backpack.

Artifact 05: Wanted Poster

Immediately after adding the Writing Notice to your collection, look up and continue north to the notice board. There, you will find a Wanted Poster , which offers a bounty on the head of Marlene, the leader of the Fireflies. This artifact is not only a valuable addition to your collection but also sheds light on the political and social tension within the game world.

Moving on

With these collectibles in hand, you’ve not only enriched your gaming experience with more context and story, but you’re also one step closer to completing your collection. Remember that every artifact, every note, every piece of this world has a story to tell. They are windows into people’s lives before and during infection.

Fighting to Get to the Docks

  1. Reunion with Tess : After collecting the artifacts, return to Tess, near the bulletin board with the wanted poster. From there, head to the center of the clearing, turn left and enter the gate to trigger a cutscene with Tess bribing a local to meet Robert.
  2. First Combat Encounter : After the cutscene, continue moving forward until you pass through a second gate, starting another cutscene that leads to the game’s first combat encounter. You will face two bandits. Use this moment to get used to the shooting system. Stay protected and take the opportunity to flank enemies, using the boxes as cover. If you run out of ammo, don’t hesitate to go for melee attacks by repeatedly pressing the SQUARE button.
  3. Advancing to the Warehouse : After defeating the bandits, head through the tunnel behind them until you reach a dead end. Help Tess climb the wall on the left and continue along the path until you find a warehouse.
  4. Second Combat Encounter (Stealth) : Enter the warehouse through the hole in the metal gate. Here, you will face four enemies. Use stealth to your advantage. Tess will silently eliminate one of the enemies, leaving three. Use the right side room inside the warehouse for a coordinated ambush with Tess, eliminating another pair of thugs. There will only be one left, which can be eliminated stealthily or in direct combat to obtain the Warehouse Key .
  5. Artifact 06: Warehouse Key : With the key in hand, you will be able to progress through the story. Use it to unlock the door at the back of the main warehouse room.
  6. Third Combat Encounter : Inside the large warehouse, you will face five enemies. Expect them to separate after the conversation. Use the found bottle to distract and stealthily eliminate one of the guards. Go up the blue stairs on the right to eliminate another one. Use the bottle to stealthily lure and eliminate the remaining enemies.
  7. Getting to the Docks : After dealing with all the enemies, collect supplies and head to the lower floor of the warehouse. Use the sliding door to finally reach the docks. A scene will trigger showing Joel and Tess approaching the desired location.

Additional Tips

  • Ammunition Conservation : Ammunition is scarce, so whenever possible, choose to eliminate enemies stealthily or using melee attacks.
  • Object Use : Bottles and bricks are extremely useful for creating distractions or stunning enemies, allowing you to eliminate or pass through them without wasting ammunition.
  • Exploration : After clearing an area of ​​enemies, explore it thoroughly to find ammunition, crafting materials, and other useful items.
  • Coverage and Movement : Always be aware of your surroundings. Using cover efficiently and moving silently can be the key to success, especially in stealth combat situations.

Battle at the Docks

  1. Preparation and Initial Strategy : The battle ahead is a test of all the skills you have acquired so far, including stealth, hand-to-hand combat, and the use of distractions. Get ready to use all these elements to your advantage.
  2. First Elimination : Start the confrontation by silently approaching the shipping crates to Joel’s left. You will encounter an enemy with your back turned. Take the opportunity to grab and neutralize him away from prying eyes for a silent elimination.
  3. Use of Knives : Among the boxes, you will find a knife inside a black box. Knives are valuable resources that allow for instant eliminations, but break after use. Save them for critical situations or to open secret doors later in the game.
  4. Facing the Bandit with 2X4 : Locate the enemy patrolling near the yellow forklift. Use a distraction to isolate him from others and eliminate him discreetly. After defeating him, grab the 2X4, an effective melee weapon that can be decisive in close combat.
  5. Advancing through the Warehouse : With the perimeter guards eliminated, carefully advance through the warehouse, neutralizing enemies one by one. If detected, use containers to protect yourself and reevaluate your strategy.

Recovering Artifacts

After the battle, it’s time to collect the artifacts hidden in the area.

  1. Artifact 07 – Shipping Manifest : Return to the dock entrance and look for a railing overlooking the water, next to a “No Fishing” sign. The artifact will be to the left of this sign. This action can be performed in the middle of battle without consequences.
  2. Artifact 08 – Note from the Docks : From the previously mentioned sign, head northeast until you find a blue trash can on the west side of the warehouse. The artifact will be next to it. Joel will comment on the note before putting it away.

Continuing After the Artifacts

With the artifacts in hand, follow Tess to the east side of the warehouse, where a scene will trigger with Robert. After the scene, you will have to chase Robert through several buildings. This chase culminates in a pivotal scene that advances the story.

Following Marlene

After the cutscene, you will be accompanied by Marlene. She is a valuable ally and your guide through this stretch. Her first task is simple: follow her. She will take you through a series of stairs and fire escapes to the rooftops. It’s important to keep pace with Marlene, as she knows the path and the dangers that await.

Entering the Factory

Eventually, Marlene will enter an abandoned factory through a broken window. Here, you must be attentive and collect all the resources available on the metal table. These resources are essential for your survival and progress in the game.

Opening the way

Afterwards, Marlene will inform you about the need to cross the pier, which is heavily guarded. She suggests a stealthy approach, and that’s exactly what you should do. Crouch and use the boxes to move without being detected. Follow Marlene carefully, paying attention to the guards.

Navigating the Guards

Once you reach the top of the stairs, you will encounter several guards. The key here is to maintain stealth. Do not get involved directly unless absolutely necessary. Use the environment to your advantage by moving through shadows and using obstacles to hide.

Careful Confrontation

You will encounter a soldier who should not be attacked head-on, due to the risk of being seen by another. Instead, keep moving stealthily until you reach a room where a guard has his back to you. This is your chance to neutralize him silently, ensuring he is out of sight of other guards.

General Tips

  • Stealth is Key : Stealth not only avoids unnecessary confrontations, but also conserves valuable resources such as ammo and health items.
  • Explore : Whenever possible, explore the environment for additional resources. They can be the difference between life and death.
  • Patience : Take your time. Observing patrol patterns and choosing the right time to act can avoid alarms and difficult engagements.
  • Utilize the Environment : The environment may offer alternative paths or useful items. Be aware of the opportunities that surround you.

Conversation with Marlene (Optional)

After dealing with the previous challenges, you’ll come across a grim scene: a pile of bodies. This moment provides an opportunity for an optional conversation with Marlene, but there is one prerequisite: all enemies in the area must be dead. This means that you must be meticulous in your search and elimination of opponents. If the conversation doesn’t trigger, carefully scan the area to ensure no enemies have gone unnoticed.

Navigating to the Next Area

With the area safe, you will notice two guards blocking your path. Here, stealth is once again your greatest ally. Use objects like bottles or bricks to distract them, allowing you to descend the stairs undetected. Following this path is crucial to advancing in the game.

Important Revelation

As you follow Marlene into the building and help her open a door, you’ll be introduced to a key plot element: Ellie. The scene that follows reveals that the teenager is, in fact, the “cargo” you were smuggling, a pivotal moment that sets the course of Joel’s journey.

Firefly Pendant Collection

Before you go any further, there’s one more collectible to add to your list: Liu’s Firefly Pendant. This item is located next to a dead firefly, marking the last collectible of this chapter. Be sure to explore the area to find it, consolidating your collection of rare items.

Preparation for the Next Chapter

The next objective involves a bit of problem solving. You will need to find a way to reach a fire escape. The solution is in a trash can inside a garage. Move the trash can into the correct position, allowing Joel and Ellie access to the stairs and, consequently, the building. This moment not only symbolizes the emerging cooperation between Joel and Ellie, but also sets the stage for the next chapter, “The Outskirts.”

Transition to “The Outskirts”

As you follow the established path, you will witness the developing dynamic between Joel and Ellie, a central element of “The Last of Us” narrative. Arriving at the door at the end of this path marks the end of Chapter 2 and the beginning of a new chapter: “The Outskirts”.

Final Tips

  • Attention to Detail : Each item and optional conversation adds depth to the story. Don’t neglect them.
  • Stealth Strategy : Make the most of the objects around you to maintain stealth. This is crucial to moving forward successfully.
  • Collaboration with Ellie : From this point on, interaction with Ellie becomes an integral part of the game. Your skills and contributions are valuable in overcoming future challenges.

Chapter 3 – The Outskirts

The chapter begins with a cutscene where Joel wakes up to find Ellie examining the rainy landscape outside. After a brief exchange of words between them, Tess enters the room and, after another conversation, it’s time to move.

Optional Conversation 05: Tess Talks About Marlene

  • Activate Conversation : Once you regain control, approach Tess, who will be looking out the window. Start an Optional Conversation about Marlene, discussing why she chose them to smuggle Ellie.
  • Action : After the conversation, Tess will reveal a secret passage behind a bookcase.

Artifact 09: Tess’s List

  • Location : Before following Tess, turn around and enter the other room of the apartment. You will find a note on the table, next to the lamp that Joel turned on.
  • Action : Pick up the note, which is a list of supplies Tess needs. This will be added to your inventory as an important artifact.

Crossing the Secret Passage

  • Starting the Elevator : Follow Tess through the passage until you find an elevator. Activate the red generator on your left by participating in a mini-game, pressing TRIANGLE at the right time, three times.
  • Action : After activating the generator, use the elevator to go down, triggering a cutscene where Tess instructs Ellie to listen to them.

Artifact 10: Patrol Route Map

  • Location : At the bottom of the elevator shaft, look to the right. You will find a note on the floor.
  • Action : Take the Patrol Route Map and add another artifact to your collection.


  • Path : Crouch and go through the hole on the left side of the room, following the corridor until you find a staircase.
  • Ladder : Climb the ladder and press TRIANGLE to move the wooden palette above you. After a cutscene, you’ll be outside again.

Leaving the Apartment

  • Path : Follow the path ahead until you see a truck. Use it to reach the bank above.
  • Event : Upon exiting the other side, you will be ambushed, triggering an extended cutscene that reveals more about Ellie’s importance to the Fireflies.

Escaping from the Soldiers

Once the cutscene ends, you will be in an environment where stealth is crucial. Follow Tess under a tank and stay hidden behind cover on the other side. Pay attention to Tess’ instructions, especially when she says to run towards the truck on the left.

Avoiding the Spotlights : When getting off the bench on the left, be aware of the spotlights. Being detected will alert nearby soldiers, so follow Tess closely, staying out of the light.

Open Entrance : Tess will indicate that you will need to run to an opening. Follow her into an open pipe. Upon exiting, two soldiers will appear patrolling the bank above. Stay behind the wall where Tess is hiding and follow her to the left.

Avoiding Soldiers : Wait for the right moment to move to the wall below a soldier who will be watching. When he looks the other way, advance to the pipe in the northeast and follow it.

More Soldiers : When exiting the pipe, press yourself against the wall on the left, where two soldiers will be looking down from above. Carefully follow the wall to the left until you find a second pipe. Enter it and cross to the other side of the area.

Facing the Water : Now, wait for the right moment and head to the right, until you fall into a puddle of water. Climb the ground on the left and enter the room on the right to collect blades and duct tape from the lockers.

Continuing : After collecting the items, leave the room and climb the hill in front of you. A soldier will begin patrolling the walkway behind you. Follow Tess to cover and wait until he walks away.

Crossing the Walkway : When Tess gives the signal, go left, go up the stairs and go down to the floor below.

Finding the Exit : Keep following the path until you find a gate. Before opening the gate, explore the windows to your right to find a table with an interactive drawer. Open it to find duct tape. Okay, go back and open the gate.

Facing More Soldiers

On the other side, you will be at the end of a long street, with a squad of soldiers approaching. Follow Tess, using the cars and tanks as cover. She will take you to a ruined building. Grab whatever supplies you find and use cover to avoid detection.

Creating a Distraction : When soldiers storm the building, it may be difficult to maintain stealth. Use a bottle or brick to create a distraction, hiding while they investigate. When the area is clear, follow the wall to the right until you find a broken down truck to exit the combat area.

Finishing the Escape : After passing the truck, follow the road and go down to the bottom of the hole. On the right side of this area is a sewer pipe. Go through it to reach a basement, go up the stairs and look for a hole in the southwest wall to get through.

Conclusion of the Escape

On the other side, you’ll notice a group of soldiers searching the roof above. Crouch behind the ventilation duct ahead and wait for them to leave. After they leave, continue forward. At the end of the path, you will find two routes: one through double doors on the left and the other through a long hallway on the right.

Exploring and Collecting : Go left first, entering a room with several lockers. Search them to find a blade, ammo and scrap. With the supplies collected, go back and follow the other route, entering a sewer. Continue following the path until you enter a room with a grate above. A truck will pass overhead, but it won’t be able to see you. Move forward until you reach the metal door on the other side.

Exploring the Center

After a tense escape through the sewers and the decision to continue the mission despite Ellie’s revealed secret, it’s time to explore the city center.

Up to the Road : Follow Tess until she goes up to the remains of a road above. Before joining her, explore the gap under the rubble to your left. On the other side, you’ll find supplements (which look like blue flowers) on your left. Collect them before returning to Tess and Ellie.

Collecting Artifacts and Items

Artifact 11: Evacuation Leaflet :

  • Shortly after reuniting with Tess and Ellie, you will be on a street surrounded by skyscrapers. To your right, next to a trash can, there will be a note.
  • Pick it up to obtain the “Evacuation Leaflet”, adding another artifact to your inventory.

Continuing Exploration :

  • Keep following Ellie and Tess until they reach a ramp. Before going up, enter the truck next to it to find 5 pieces of scrap.
  • Return to the ramp and proceed.

The Big Leap :

  • At the top of the ramp, you will find a cliff. Instead of going straight, turn right and go through the rubble.
  • On the other side, you will find a new path that leads to the base of the Goldstone Building.

Firefly Pendant 04: Lenz

  • When you arrive at the Goldstone Building, do not enter immediately. Go right, towards the grassy area with benches near the entrance.
  • The tree closest to the entrance has a Firefly Pendant on one of its lower branches. Use a brick or bottle, available in the area, to knock it down. If it’s difficult to see, turn on your flashlight so that the light reflects off the pendant, making it easier to find.

Entering the Goldstone Building :

  • Return to the building entrance and proceed inside. When you reach the top of the ramp inside the building, turn left through the door.

This part of the game is a mix of cautious exploration and collecting items essential for your survival. Attention to details, such as hidden supplements and artifacts that enrich the story, is crucial. Furthermore, interacting with the environment around you, whether collecting items or using objects to achieve objectives, such as taking down the Firefly Pendant, highlights the importance of exploring every corner of the world of “The Last of Us Part I”.

Optional Conversation 06: Dead Soldier in the Goldstone Building

  • Finding the Soldier : As soon as you follow the indicated path, you will find a dead soldier on your right. When observing the body, an optional conversation option will be activated.
  • Starting the Conversation : Press TRIANGLE to have Ellie, Joel and Tess discuss the situation, concluding that something sinister is hiding in the building. This conversation is crucial to better understand the danger you will face.

Artifact 12: Field Operations Log

  • Artifact Location : Going up the stairs, you will find a second body. Next to it, in addition to bullets, you will be able to collect our next artifact.
  • Collection : To the right of the body is the “Field Operations Log”. Joel will make a comment on it and add it to his inventory.
  • Continuing Exploration : After collecting the artifact, go up the rest of the stairs. Although the story continues to the left, go up to the top floor first to collect supplies on the right. Then, return to the second floor and go through the door.

First Date with One Click

  • Clique Interaction : Along the way, you will encounter a dead Clique, one of the most iconic and terrifying enemies in the game. Interact with it by pressing TRIANGLE, then press TRIANGLE repeatedly to remove the door body. Then interact with the door and press SQUARE repeatedly to open it.
  • Gathering Supplies : In the next room, you will find several supplies, including a blade and supplements. Collect everything and follow the path, ducking under a filing cabinet and entering an office.

Preparation for Battle

  • Before Opening the White Door : Before proceeding through the white door north of Joel, explore the opposite side of the room to collect a blade and duct tape from a nearby table.
  • Confrontation with the Clique : When opening the door and proceeding, Joel and Tess will accidentally make noise, attracting a clique that will attack Joel. Fight him by pressing SQUARE until Tess eliminates him.

Learning to Make a Medical Kit

  • Crafting Instructions : In the room to your right, you will find the ingredients to craft a med kit. Access your inventory and create one, then use it to heal Joel.

Exploring More

  • Locked Door with Shiv : Continue exploring the side rooms until you find a locked door. If you have a stiletto (shiv) to spare, use it to open the door and collect a valuable amount of supplements, ammo and resources.


  • Returning to the Corridor : Return to the corridor where the clique attacked and follow it until you find a room on your left.
  • Boost for Tess : Inside, locate a wall that you can help Tess climb. Do this and ask her to help you up too.

Facing the Click

After a cutscene that introduces Clique, you’ll be locked in a room with this monstrosity. The objective here is to avoid the Clique and cross the wooden scaffolding to the north. If you’re feeling brave, you can try to face the Clique, but remember: if he catches you and you don’t have stilettos, it’s certain death.

Evasion Strategy :

  • Circle the tables to your left, crouching to make less noise.
  • Use bottles or bricks to distract Clique, allowing you to escape through the wooden scaffolding.

Important Advice :

  • Clickers are blind but sensitive to sound. You can pass in front of one without being detected as long as you move silently.
  • Avoid spending your styluses here; they will be more useful later.


After escaping the Clique, collect the med kit next to the dead soldier and follow the corridor to your left. Move the dresser to allow Ellie and Tess to climb down, and follow them out the window and around to the left until you’re back inside the building.

Acquiring a Revolver

In the next room, you will find a body with a revolver. Collect it to add a new weapon to your arsenal. The next room contains a piece of 2×4 lumber, which you might consider taking.

Challenge to Follow

The next challenge is downstairs, where you’ll find four hallways and a Clique. The safest approach is to use stealth:

  1. Silent Approach : Stay to the right, pick up the tube gun on the floor (better than the 2×4) and eliminate the runner you come across.
  2. Divide and Conquer : Use bottle or brick distractions to silently separate and eliminate runners.
  3. Facing the Clique : After dealing with the runners, lure the Clique away and take him out with headshots. Once you’re dead, Tess and Ellie will join you.

Collecting Supplies

After eliminating the infected, search the area for supplies, including ammunition left in the hallways. Head north and go up the ramp to the next floor. There, you’ll find more handgun ammo and can move a shelf to continue.

Continuing the Journey

After collecting the resources, follow Tess and Ellie through the door on the left. The next section takes you through descending floors and narrow passages into the subway tunnels.

Discovering a Molotov Cocktail

  • As you enter the subway tunnels, you will find a body with a Molotov Cocktail next to it. Pick it up to learn how to craft these items.
  • Don’t forget to collect the surrounding supplies.

Artifact 13: Fireflies Map

  • Artifact Location : North of the dead Firefly with the Molotov Cocktail, go up a flight of stairs until you find a second body.
  • Map Collection : To the right of the body, you will find the “Firefly Map”. Joel will examine the map and keep it, adding another artifact to his collection.

Navigating Between Clickers

  • Secret Passage : To the southeast of the body, there will be a path blocked by rubble that Joel can duck to pass. Follow it until it triggers a cutscene, which will introduce an area full of Clickers.

Top Tip : If you’d rather avoid further exploration and head straight for the exit, look for a ladder north of the area’s entrance and use it to boost Tess. However, there is a hidden artifact and a safe to open, so if you’re willing to explore, read on.

Artifact 14: Note to Derek

  • Artifact Location : When entering the Clicker room, go left. Use the Listen skill to make sure the path is clear, then move silently to the left side of the area.
  • Silent Elimination : You will find a Runner feeding on a corpse. Quietly eliminate him as quickly as possible. If a Clicker is nearby, use a distraction.
  • Inside the Store : In the store on your left, behind the counter, there will be pistol ammo and the “Note to Derek”. Take both and memorize the safe code (3-43-78).

Finding the Vault

  • Safe Location : Exit the store and go right, returning to the central area where you entered. You will need to cross the central area to get to the store with the safe.
  • Eliminating Another Runner : Enter the first store on the right in the hallway and eliminate another Runner for a silent kill.
  • Opening the Safe : Behind the counter is the safe. Use the code 3-43-78 to open and collect the valuable items inside.

Escaping the Area

  • Distraction and Escape : There will probably be a Clicker patrolling the corridor, preventing your progress. Use a distraction to fend off the Clickers and head to the exit.
  • Boosting Tess : When you reach the north, look for a ladder and help Tess reach it. Wait for Tess and Ellie to come up and then join them.
  • Moving Forward : Going through the hole in the wall will drop you into a new area. Head left and you’ll come out onto the street, starting the next part of the mission.


Unlocking the Path :

  • Follow Tess until they notice that the route to the Capitol Building is blocked by a truck. Next to the truck, enter the building.
  • Inside the building, be careful with the three Corridors grouped together. Eliminate them silently or resort to hand-to-hand combat if necessary. Save your ammo for future challenges.

Artifact 15: Medical Pamphlet :

  • After dealing with the Corridors, interact with the wheeled furniture in the center of the room. Place it against the truck mentioned by Tess to create a path.
  • Climbing the furniture and the truck, before proceeding, check the inside of the truck to find a 2×4 and the “Medical Pamphlet”, your next artifact.

Exploring the Museum

Workbench :

  • After opening the gate and watching an intense cutscene, you will find yourself in a room with the game’s first workbench. Take the opportunity to collect supplements and improve your weapons as you see fit.

Ground Floor of the Museum :

  • As you continue through the museum, you will find handgun ammunition, blades and bandages. Explore the area well before going up the ramp into the exhibition hall on your left.

Firefly Pendant 05: Kiper :

  • At the top of the ramp, maneuver along the broken path to the left. At the end, you will find Kiper’s pendant in a display case. Collect it and return the same way.

Facing Clickers

  • As you progress through the upper floors of the museum, you will come across three Clickers. Use stilettos for silent eliminations or find a strategic point to take them down from a distance. Explore the area for resources after defeating them.

Leaving the Museum :

  • Find and open a set of white double doors at the end of the central hallway. Climb the ladder and get ready to help Ellie and Tess against Corridors.

Saving Ellie

  • In the next room, eliminate the Corridor and open the door to trigger a cutscene. Save Ellie from a Hallway and then clear the area of ​​the remaining infected.

Optional Conversations

  • After the battle, as you approach the windows to exit the museum, initiate optional conversations with Tess and Ellie, adding more depth to your narrative experience.

Crossing to the Other Building :

  • Find a plank nearby and position it to cross to the opposite building. After placing the board, a cutscene will indicate the next step of the journey.

Arriving at the Capitol Building

Down the Stairs : Once you regain control, follow Tess down the stairs in front of you. At the bottom of the stairs, look to the left to find a dead Firefly leaning against the wall.

Artifact 16: Orders of the Fireflies :

  • Near Firefly’s feet you will find handgun ammo. Next to it, there is a note with the Orders of the Fireflies.
  • Keep the note, and Ellie will talk to Tess about the possibility of the Fireflies being dead when they arrive.

Positioning the Crate :

  • To the right of the stairs, move a crate so it’s under the scaffolding above the southwest gate. Place the crate in position, climb onto it, reach the scaffolding and climb down the other side.

In front of the Capitol Building

Firefly Pendant 06: Davidson :

  • On the water in front of the Capitol Building, look for the stone gazebo on the left. Inside, under the water, you will find Melinda Davidson’s Firefly Pendant.
  • Put away the pendant and follow Tess up the stairs.

Entering the Capitol Building :

  • When you reach the top of the stairs, open the door to the Capitol Building. This will start an important cutscene that drastically changes the direction of the story.

Escaping the Capitol Building

Preparing to Escape :

  • With the controller back, grab the alcohol and band-aids from the table on your right and go up the stairs on the left.
  • Follow the path to a balcony overlooking the lobby. Stay low to avoid being seen by enemy soldiers.

Proceed Carefully :

  • Go through the door on your right and jump through the hole in the wall to the building on the other side. Pick up the rifle next to a dead soldier.

Facing the Soldiers

  • Get ready, because we’ll have company. Four soldiers will search for Joel and Ellie. You can opt for a direct confrontation or a stealthy approach, using distractions to attract soldiers.

Second Confrontation :

  • After dealing with the first four, head down the stairs to engage in combat with a larger group of soldiers. The safest approach here is non-lethal.
  • Hide behind the table at the end of the hall on the left. Wait for the soldiers to pass by and then move stealthily, using objects to hide until you reach the doors at the end of the room.

Escaping to the Metro Tunnel :

  • Once you leave, the soldiers will be alerted. Run up the stairs and head to the subway tunnel to the northeast. A cutscene will trigger. After it, continue your escape and find a moment to breathe.

Crossing the Metro Tunnels

Following Ellie : Start by following Ellie through the dark tunnels. Use your flashlight to light the way and stay oriented. Soon, you will find an abandoned subway station.

Clash with Soldiers : Ellie will pull you into hiding as soon as two soldiers appear. Wait for the right moment, when one of the soldiers approaches, to neutralize him silently. Then take care of the second soldier. Once they are both incapacitated, head to the right of the subway train until you find a large flooded area.

Teaching Ellie to Navigate Through Water

Problem : Ellie doesn’t know how to swim, so you’ll need to find a way to help her cross the flooded area.

Solution :

  • Leave Ellie for a moment and swim north. Use the CIRCLE button to dive when you find a train blocking your path.
  • Eventually you will come to a large tunnel. Ellie will find a way to reach the same location via an alternate path to the left.

Collecting Important Items

Artifact 17: Smuggler’s Note :

  • When reunited with Ellie, look for a skeleton near her and you will find the “Smuggler’s Note” next to the body, along with Ellie picking up a flashlight. This is a valuable artifact for your collection.

Firefly Pendant 07: Jirang :

  • Next to the body with the note, there is a short tunnel. Swim under the rubble to find an underwater workspace.
  • On one platform, you will find supplements. Under the platform, there is a piece of scrap metal in a drawer and “Jirang’s Firefly Pendant” on a shelf. Collect both.

Helping Ellie Cross

Wooden Palette :

  • Return to the water and swim to the left until you find a wooden palette floating next to a submerged advertisement for a 4K TV.
  • Use TRIANGLE to pick up the palette and bring it back to Ellie. It will climb onto the pallet, allowing you to move it to the opposite side of the tunnel.

Completing the Crossing :

  • When Ellie reaches the other side, she will lower a ladder for you. Go up and meet with her.
  • Continue following the subway tunnel until you exit outside, triggering the last cutscene of the chapter. With that, “The Outskirts” concludes, setting the stage for the next phase of the journey, “Bill’s Town.”

Chapter 4 – Bill’s Town

Entering Bill’s Town

The arrival :

  • The level begins with a brief cutscene, featuring Joel and Ellie arriving in Bill’s Town. After they jump over a railing and fall into the woods, you regain control.
  • Continue down the hill until you reach a wide clearing, crossed by a stream.

Collecting Resources :

  • In the eastern part of the area you will find bandages and alcohol. Grab them and head north towards a fence separating you from a water tower. To the left of the fence, there is a fallen log that you can use to move forward.

First Steps in the City

Abandoned Building :

  • Behind the abandoned building, there is a board. Pick it up and lean it against the building. Go back to the front of the building and use the box to climb onto the roof.
  • At the top, you’ll find your first Modified Weapon, a powerful melee weapon. Use it wisely, as the modification only lasts for one attack.

Official Entry to Bill’s Town :

  • After collecting the weapon, cross the plank to the building on the other side of the fence. Going down the path on your left you will find a muddy slope and then a hole in the fence you can climb through.

Clash with Clickers

Eliminating Clickers :

  • As soon as it lands, a clicker sound will be heard. He is hiding inside the warehouse, in an ambush position. Use a distraction and finish him off with a brick, stiletto or Modified Weapon attack.
  • Be aware of a second clicker in the area. Employ the same tactic to deal with him.

Artifacts and Resources

Artifact 18: Pill Note :

  • After eliminating the clickers, enter through the door opposite the warehouse. Go up the stairs to the right and you will find an office with pistol ammo and other resources.
  • On the floor to the right as you enter the office will be the Pill Note. Read it and continue your exploration.

Stylus Port :

  • When leaving the building, go down the wall on the left. On the floor there will be a door that can be opened with a stylus, revealing a room with valuable resources.

Accessing Main Street

Unlocking the Path :

  • Head towards the gate that leads to the city’s main street. Joel will need to boost Ellie over the fence so she can open the gate from the other side.

Exploring Main Street

Garden Store :

  • Start by exploring the garden store west of Joel’s starting position. You will find useful items for crafting and supplements.

Optional Conversation 09: Ellie and the Arcade Machine :

  • Inside the pizzeria you will find supplies and an old “The Turning” arcade machine. Ellie automatically approaches the machine, starting an optional conversation. Listen to what she has to say and then leave the pizzeria through the back door.

Finding Artifact 19: Note to Bob :

  • Proceed north of the main street until you reach a roadblock with a beach chair on top. On the barbed wire fence below the chair, you will find the “Note to Bob”, which reveals a safe to be loaded onto a truck, including the safe code: 5-17-21.

Firefly Pendant 08: Wang :

  • On your way back down the street, locate an RV on your left. On top of this RV is the next Firefly Pendant.
  • Climb up and get the pendant that belonged to Hui Wang. Add to your inventory.

Accessing Bill’s Town Vault

  • Continuing down the street, past the RV, you will notice a mandatory evacuation sign in front of the pizzeria’s entrance.
  • Next to that sign is the safe. Use the code provided by the note and open it to acquire a bunch of scrap, supplements and rifle ammo.

Exploring the Record Store

  • Return to the base of the street and enter the record store to the left of the blockade. Inside, you’ll find handgun ammo and other resources.

Artifact 20: Perimeter Note :

  • At the back of the store, look for a printer on a dresser next to the computer. The “Perimeter Note” will be right in front of it. Pick it up to add to your collection. Before leaving, also collect the pile of scrap metal found in the locker room next to the couch.

Navigating Traps and Finding More Items

  • When leaving the record store, access the alley to the left of the entrance. Watch out for the trip wire crossing the path.
  • As you get closer, a Clicker will trigger the trip wire and you will be eliminated. Remember: from here, trip wires are dangerous.

Stylus Port :

  • Further ahead is another door that can be opened with a stylus, filled with useful items like scrap metal, supplements, pistol ammo, and more.

Acquiring the Bow

  • At the end of the alley, instead of going back to the main street, continue forward and collect two arrows from a dead body. This indicates the next weapon to be collected: the bow.
  • Look for a ladder on the ground, place it against the truck on your left, climb up and collect the bow at the top, along with some beer bottles and another arrow.

Crossing the Roofs

  • Use the rooftops to move towards the church. You will need the board collected earlier to cross to the next roof.
  • On the other side, you’ll find a Clicker. Use the bow to eliminate him silently and, if possible, retrieve his arrow.

Facing the Source of the Noise

  • After descending the ladder at the end of the path across the rooftops, you’ll come across Bill’s trap and hear noises coming from an apartment. Investigating the noise, you will be attacked by a Runner. Defeat him and explore the apartment to find additional items.

Exploring the Apartment

After dealing with the infected, you will have the opportunity to explore the apartment. In addition to finding supplements, bandages, and alcohol, keep an eye out for Artifact 21: Note from Rachel . This item can be found on a table in front of the TV in the living room. Above her, the word “Rachel” is painted on the wall, making it hard to miss. Be sure to pick up the note before leaving.

Navigating the Pitfalls

As you leave the apartment, you will come across a gate surrounded by tripwires. To avoid an explosive ending, grab one of the nearby bottles and throw it at the wires to safely detonate them. Continue through the gate, collect the handgun ammo on the left and continue down the alley ahead.

Tip : There’s another trip wire that you can’t just jump under. Use another bottle or object to detonate it and move on. Once around the corner, enter the door on your right to find more resources, including ammo for the revolver.

Warehouse Showdown

Entering the next room will trigger a pivotal cutscene: Joel falls into one of Bill’s traps and ends up hanging from the ceiling by his foot. Ellie will need time to cut the counterweight and free him, in the meantime, it’s up to you, as Joel, to defend both of them from the approaching infected.

First Phase of the Fight : At first, the infected will come towards Joel. Use your revolver to eliminate them, aiming for the head to save ammo. If they get close, use the SQUARE button to push them and gain space for a shot.

Second Phase of the Fight : In this part, the infected will try to attack Ellie. She will move around the environment, so stay calm and adjust your shots as needed. You have infinite ammo in this sequence, so don’t worry about saving up.

Bill’s Rescue : After surviving the attacks, Ellie will manage to free Joel. A brief fight with yet another infected will occur before Bill appears to save the day, guiding Joel and Ellie to his safe house. During the escape to Bill’s house, you will face another clicker and two corridors.

Once at Bill’s house, a cutscene begins, marking the end of this section.

Exploring the House

Collecting Supplies : Take the opportunity to collect everything you can in this house – scrap, duct tape, bandages, blades, supplements and ammo. Bill has an impressive collection that will be extremely useful in building and improving your equipment.

Artifact 22: Bill’s Map : After the cutscene, you will find Bill’s map on a counter next to the bar. This map is essential to understanding the specific locations mentioned by Bill during the conversation.

Artifact 23: Note about Fences : In a corner of the room, next to the dart board and a set of pictures, there is a table with the “Note about Fences”. Be sure to pick it up to add to your artifact collection.

Conversations and Training Manual

Optional Conversation 10: Joel and Ellie Discuss Chess : Find the chessboard on one of the booths opposite the bar. As you get closer, you can start an optional conversation with Ellie about chess, interrupted by Bill.

Training Manual 1: Stiletto Sharpening : In the bar, next to the resources, you will find a book that appears to be more of an artifact, but is, in fact, your first Training Manual. This manual will increase the durability of your styluses, making them more effective.

Preparing to Leave

Artifact 24: Hunters’ Note : After leaving the kitchen and following Bill, you will enter a small office. Here, grab the available resources and prepare to face the infected that Bill mentions.

Facing the Infected : As you follow Bill into the street, you will be ambushed by infected, including two clickers and a runner. Prepare for an intense confrontation, using everything you have collected to survive this clash.

Tips for Confrontation

  • Use stilettos strategically against clickers, as they are deadly with a single hit.
  • Keep your distance and use the environment to your advantage when dealing with runners.
  • Conserve ammo by using melee attacks when possible, especially against the runner.

Finding the Firefly Pendant 09: Vincent

After leaving the safety of Bill’s house, you will enter a combat area. Pay attention to a lamppost to the right of the ambulance in the center of the area, where you will find the Firefly Pendant hanging. Use a nearby rock or shoot him to knock him down. Don’t forget to collect it before following Bill through the gate on the west side of the street.

Going to the Cemetery

Bill will introduce his nail bombs after a long cutscene in the church cellar. These explosive traps are incredibly useful against the infected, so be sure to grab some and learn the crafting recipe. Also take the opportunity to find Tools: Level 1 in the same area, allowing for more advanced improvements to workbenches.

Optional Artifacts and Conversations

Artifact 22: Bill’s Map : Located on the counter next to the bar after the cutscene. Artifact 23: Note on Fences : Next to the dart board, on a table. Artifact 25: Bomb Note : On the second floor of the church, inside Bill’s room. Optional Conversation 10: Joel and Ellie Discuss Chess : Find the chessboard in one of the booths in the bar. Training Manual 1: Stiletto Sharpening : Located at the bar, teaching how to make stilettos more durable.

Navigating the Cemetery

This location is infested by six Clickers, and you have two options: face them or dodge completely. The second option is wiser for conserving ammo. Use the tombstones as cover, distracting the Clickers with objects to move them out of your way.

Infiltrating the House

After escaping the cemetery, you will face two runners. Silently eliminate one while Bill takes care of the other. Next, you will need to enter a house on the right side of the path, which is guarded by a Clicker and a corridor in the garden. Use your stealth and bow to eliminate the hallway silently before entering the house to deal with the last infected.

Important Tips

  • Nail Bombs : Use them strategically to clear heavily infested areas.
  • Stealth : Prioritize silent attacks, especially with the bow, to avoid attracting more infected.
  • Upgrades and Collections : Don’t overlook the importance of improving your weapons and collecting artifacts and training manuals to unlock significant benefits.
  • Note : Before entering new areas, observe the environment to plan your strategy.

Finding Firefly Pendant 10: Mrozik

When entering the next house, be sure to fully explore the place, especially the garage and kitchen, where you will find scrap and alcohol. One item of special interest is in the bathroom: next to the toilet you will find Firefly Pendant 10: Mrozik. Be sure to add it to your collection before proceeding.

Strategy for Dealing with Clickers

After leaving the house’s sliding door, go through the opening in the fence on the right. Proceed northwest until you find a garage with an orange door. Remember that avoiding unnecessary confrontations saves ammunition. Explore garages along the way in search of scrap, arrows and other resources.

Ellie will help open the garage door, and you will be alerted to the presence of clickers in the house ahead. A total of four clickers need to be eliminated: two outside and two inside the house. The most effective strategy is to lure them out and use explosives to quickly defeat them. Nail pumps are particularly useful here.

Exploring the Area and Collecting Items

After dealing with the clickers, explore the house to collect supplies. Although items are scarce, be sure to check each room. Then follow Bill to the roof of the trailer in the backyard, which leads to a treehouse and finally allows you to climb over the wall into another garden.

Inside the next house you will find a significant amount of resources. Be sure to explore both the downstairs and upstairs.

Artifact 26: Boy’s Diary

Upstairs, in one of the rooms, you will find the Boy’s Diary next to the window of a children’s room. This artifact offers a detailed perspective on the beginning of the epidemic through the eyes of a child.

Optional Conversation 11: Ellie and Tess

After finding the diary and leaving the room, Ellie will start an optional conversation with Joel, bringing up the subject of Tess. This is an opportunity to better understand Joel’s feelings and thoughts about his recent loss.

Preparing for Attack

After collecting all the items and completing the conversations, go down to the garage and help Bill open the door. You will soon discover that the area leading to the school is infested with hallways. You have the option of facing them with stealth or brute force, using your shotgun and Bill’s support to clear the area.

Arriving at School

After eliminating the infected, head to the bus that broke the fence and enter the school area. More infected will join the fight, requiring you to use all your available skills and weapons to survive.

After clearing the area, Ellie will allow Joel and Bill to climb to the top of the bus and enter the school. Once inside, a cutscene will begin, advancing the story and setting the stage for the next challenges in “Bill’s Town”.

Entry and First Confrontations

Once you regain control, follow Bill down the school hallway until you find two clickers and two hallways. Use your bow to shoot them down silently, preserving ammunition for the battle to come.

  1. Eliminating the Infected: Start with the clicker in the initial hallway and then eliminate the hallway at the bottom of the stairs to your left. The second hallway will be near the lockers. A third clicker will appear from a room to the right; Use the bow for a precise head kill.
  2. Entering the Classroom: After entering the classroom, prepare to face three more infected people who enter from the opposite side. Use the teacher’s table as cover, aiming carefully with the bow. There will be a modified gun and shotgun ammo available, so be sure to collect them before proceeding.

Advancing through the Corridors

Get ready to encounter three more runners in the next hallway. Return to the classroom if necessary and eliminate them with bow and hand-to-hand combat. Proceed down the hallway, preparing for battle against the Bloater.

Battle against the Bloater

At the entrance to the gym, you will face a Bloater, one of the most challenging infected. In addition to being very resistant, it can attack from a distance with poisonous projectiles.

  1. Strategy: Keep your distance, using bombs, molotovs and long-range weapons like the shotgun or rifle. Keep an eye out for additional runners joining the fight, but trust Bill to deal with them when possible.
  2. Scavenging for Supplies: If you need more ammo or health during the fight, explore the gym. There are useful items scattered around the place.
  3. Finishing the Fight: After defeating the Bloater, help Bill reach the window on the left side of the gym. Eliminate three more runners that appear and follow Bill through the window to exit the school.

Garage Escape

After the escape scene, you will find yourself in a garage. Before leaving, explore the attached house to find useful items in the room.

Finding Artifacts and Optional Conversations

  1. Artifact 22: Bill’s map is on the workbench next to the bar. It’s hard to miss, pick it up to add to your collection.
  2. Artifact 23: Note on Fences is in a small seating area near a dart board. Find the note on the table and collect it.
  3. Optional Conversation 10: There is a chessboard in one of the booths opposite the bar. Come over for an optional chat with Ellie about chess.
  4. Training Manual 1: Sharpening Shivs is in the bar, initially looking like an artifact, but it’s actually a manual that improves your shiv skills.

After gathering these items, follow Bill until he opens the door to the next area. Along the way, you will find Artifact 24: Hunters’ Note in a small kitchen, next to a vending machine. After this initial exploration, prepare to fight the infected that appear shortly after Bill opens a certain door, including clickers and hallways.

Running away from school

Moving on to the “Highschool Escape” part, after dealing with the infected at school, you will face a Bloater in the gym. Use bombs, molotovs and keep your distance to survive this challenging confrontation. After the fight, you need to help Bill open a window to escape. More infected will attack, but focus on running away rather than fighting.

Path to the Garage

After leaving the school, you will find an environment full of hallways and clickers as you follow Bill to the garage. The strategy here involves stealth combat and efficient use of your bow to eliminate the infected silently.

Garage and Escape

Inside the garage, after interacting with Frank through the note, you will have the chance to collect more artifacts and start optional conversations. Take the opportunity to collect all the resources available before preparing for the last step of this chapter, which is to push the truck until it starts working, allowing you to escape the city.

Chapter 5 – Pittsburgh

Hasty Escape and Initial Combat

The chapter begins abruptly, with Joel and Ellie being ambushed and the car being run off the road. As one of the thugs tries to kill Joel, you’ll need to react quickly by repeatedly pressing the SQUARE button to get rid of him. After saving Joel, run towards the bandit that is attacking Ellie and hit him to save the girl.

This initial ambush unfolds in a store, where a second wave of thugs attacks them. Use the counter on the right to take cover and listen mode to track enemy movements. The store has several entry points, so be careful not to be surprised. Use the divide and conquer strategy, eliminating the bandits one by one and take the opportunity to collect resources in the store after the confrontation.

Finding Artifacts and Optional Conversations

  1. Siphon Hose (Artifact 29): Check your inventory to find the Siphon Hose, a tool given by Bill in the previous chapter.
  2. Comic Book 1 – Force Bearer: Another item that magically appears is the comic book that Ellie was reading in the car. Keep your eyes peeled for more comics like this.

After examining these items, head to the garage across the street. Before going under the shutter door, don’t forget to search the adjacent office for blades, rifle ammo, and scrap metal.

The Hunters’ Garage

Upon entering the garage, you will be met with a macabre scene that serves as a grim reminder of the fate that could have awaited Joel and Ellie had they fallen into the injured bandit’s trap.

Optional Conversation 14 – The Hunters’ Prey: After exploring the garage, a conversation between Joel and Ellie generates an opportunity for an Optional Conversation. Ellie will reflect on the bodies on the table, leading to a moment of realization about how dangerous the situation they find themselves in is.

Continuing After the Garage

After this interaction, it is crucial to remain vigilant and prepared for more confrontations. Pittsburgh is full of danger, and every step forward requires caution and strategy. Remember that effective use of cover, listening mode, and careful resource gathering are key to surviving in this unforgiving world.

Finding Level 2 Tools

Once you regain control after the ambush, search the garage for a crucial item: a set of Level 2 Tools. You’ll find these tools inside a toolbox next to the shutter gate. With them, you will be able to make more advanced upgrades to your weapons at the next bench you find.

Collecting Artifact 30: Tourists’ Manifesto

Still in the garage, look behind the table on the right side. There, you will find a note about an overturned cage. This is the Tourist Manifesto, which lists the items looted by the Hunters. It’s a grim reminder of the brutal reality of the world of “The Last of Us.”

Learning to Make Smoke Bombs

While you’re exploring the garage, don’t forget to collect your first Smoke Bomb. This will unlock the recipe to craft them, a valuable resource for distracting enemies or escaping difficult situations.

Climbing to Find Training Manual 2: Health Splints

Head upstairs and explore the bedroom to find useful resources like ammo and other items. In this room, you will also find the second Training Manual, on Health Splints, which makes medical kits 33% more efficient.

Obtaining Artifact 31: Ambush Map

Before leaving the bedroom, check the map hanging on the wall next to the door you entered through. This map shows the Hunters’ plans to ambush survivors, providing valuable insights into the dangers Joel and Ellie still face.

Getting Out on the Roof and Making Progress

After using the workbench and collecting all the items and information, head to the roof through the metal door. Outside, Ellie will comment on the bonfire with burning bodies, a reminder of the Hunters’ brutal actions. Follow the stairs, where Joel will point out the bridge that is their goal in Pittsburgh.

Collecting the Comic Book 2: Termination Shock

As you head down the road, enter the abandoned bus on the right and look at the bottom for the “Termination Shock” comic book. This item will add more depth to Ellie’s comic book collection and bring a bit of normalcy to the chaos that surrounds them.

Optional Conversation 15: The Work of the Military

After getting the “Termination Shock” comic book, circle the bus until you find Ellie in front of a car with a body hanging from the door. As you approach, a dialogue option will open and Ellie will question Joel about what happened to the person. Joel suggests it was the military. This conversation highlights the inhumanity faced in the new reality.

Ellie Jokes

This part is a little complicated to activate, but it is important for those looking for completeness. After the three hunters move away, stand next to the bus and wait. Ellie will pull out her joke book, and when you trigger the conversation, you’ll have a moment of levity as she tells several jokes. It may take a while for this interaction to happen, so be patient.

Optional Conversation 16: Rationing

Wait for Ellie to read the graffiti on the wall next to the table with scrap metal. The conversation that follows offers further insight into the extreme rationing measures adopted by the military, painting a grim picture of governance in the wake of the outbreak.

Artifact 32: Lost Hill Note

Jump the barricade near the rationing graffiti and search the control booth. You will find the Lost Hill Note, an important item to better understand the events in the area.

Bookstore Battle and Collectible Hunt

Get ready for a tense encounter at the bookstore, full of hunters. Use the bow to silently eliminate three talking hunters. On the ground floor of the bookstore, four hunters patrol the place, with four more upstairs. Use the lower corridors to approach them one by one, opting for the bow to shoot them down without alerting the others.

After dealing with the enemies on the ground floor, carefully go up the stairs and eliminate the two nearest guards. Move stealthily to take down the last two opponents. Don’t rush to leave the area; The bookstore is full of valuable resources, including arrows, ammo, and crafting materials.

Second Round of Ellie’s Jokes

Start by exploring the ground floor of the bookstore until you find the kitchen in the northeast corner. This is where Ellie will share her second round of jokes. Take a break and interact with her when the optional conversation prompt appears to enjoy a lighthearted moment amidst the chaos.

Artifact 33: Abandoned Zone Note

Still in the kitchen where Ellie tells her jokes, search the table on the right as you enter. You will find Artifact 33: Note from the Abandoned Zone. This document gives more context about the area you are exploring.

Artifact 34: Candidate List

This artifact is hidden under the stairs at the entrance to the bookstore. Look below the stairs to find a shelf where Artifact 34: Candidate List is waiting to be added to your collection.

Firefly 11: Risk Pendant

In the outdoor area accessible through the windows on the west side of the bookstore’s ground floor, look for a toppled display cabinet. Behind him you will find Firefly Pendant 11: Risk.

Artifact 35: Traitors’ Pamphlet

Return to the area where you encountered the three hunters before entering the bookstore. Near the entrance gate to this area, next to a gray and yellow box with danger warnings, is Artifact 35: Traitors’ Pamphlet.

Artifact 36: Map of the Lost Areas

On the second floor, look for the “Rivers Cafe” next to a burning barrel. The cafe’s bathroom door is a Shiv Door. Inside, in addition to resources, you will find Artifact 36: Map of the Lost Areas next to the sink.

After collecting all the items, exit through the fire exit next to the Rivers Cafe. You will go out into the open air. Follow the path, go down the steel stairs and cross the area with two soldiers hanging from a lamppost. Ellie will comment on the disturbing sight.

When you reach the top of the next metal stairs, climb down to the truck and then to the ground. As you turn the corner, prepare for a cutscene with Joel and Ellie hiding behind a taxi as some hunters appear.

Before heading to where the hunters were, turn around and walk towards the “death for freedom” graffiti. You’ll find scrap on the left side of this area and some resources on the right.

Optional Conversation 17: Waist Size

While exploring this section, Ellie will find a photograph of a model in a clothing store window and make a comment about the model’s waist size. This triggers an Optional Conversation where Joel will discuss attitudes towards weight loss before the outbreak. It starts this conversation to add more depth to your gaming experience.

Ellie Jokes 03

After the conversation, take a break and Ellie will open her joke book for a third session of terrible puns. He interacts with her to enjoy a moment of lightness, although the price is hearing jokes that will make you roll your eyes. These moments are essential to achieving 100% game completion.

Artifact 37: Mother’s Note

Look for a door marked with a red X, located to the left of the yellow bin where Joel hid during the recent cutscene. This door is a Shiv Door that you will need to open to continue your artifact collection. Inside you will find various valuable resources such as arrows, handgun ammo, and scrap metal. On an armchair near the entrance, you will find the Mother’s Note, which tells a tragic story, adding yet another artifact to your collection.

Arriving at the Hunters’ Location

After collecting the items and interacting with Ellie, move towards the location where the hunters were in the cutscene. Dive into the pool of water ahead and swim north to find a wooden pallet behind the trucks. Bring it back to Ellie, who will use it to reach the top of the truck where the hunters were. Ellie will place a wooden plank between this truck and another one to the left, allowing you to reach the top of the second truck and continue your journey.

Exploring the Abandoned Cafeteria

Before heading to the truck, explore the upper floor of the abandoned café accessible through an underwater arch. Up there, you will find a corridor overlooking the counter and, following the path, you will find some supplements, a shiv and Artifact 38: Hideout Note. Make sure this item is added to your collection so you don’t miss any part of the story.

Going to the Hotel

Return to the lower floor, climb into the truck and cross to the other side. Go straight until you see the hotel entrance. Jump through the window to start the second part of the chapter.

In the hotel lobby

As soon as you arrive at the hotel lobby, you will notice that the place looks more like a swamp than a five-star accommodation. There’s a lot to explore here, including a safe behind the check-in counter to your right. We’ll deal with the safe shortly, but first, let’s explore a little.

Optional Conversation 18: “I miss coffee”

After arriving at the hotel, turn left and follow the path until you find a bar with a large brass coffee machine behind it. As you approach the coffee machine, a prompt for Optional Conversation will appear. Interact to hear Joel talk about how much he misses coffee. After the conversation, take the ladder opposite the bar and position it against the wall below the broken banister on the floor above, thus allowing access to the second floor.

Ellie Jokes 04

Get ready, because it’s time for Ellie to whip out her joke book for the fourth time. As soon as you climb the stairs, wait a minute. Soon, Ellie will start with a new round of jokes. As much as the jokes can be torturous, it is a necessary moment to reach 100% completion. Consider this as a small test of patience on your journey.

Artifact 39: Note to the Team

Once you reach the second floor, look to the right and find a small ledge that you can move along to reach the other side. Continue along the path forward until you find a suitcase with the Note to the Team inside. This note contains the code for the safe downstairs: 10-22-56.

Pittsburgh Vault

With the code in hand, return to the safe and use the code 22-10-56 to open it. Inside you’ll find ammo, resources, and other important collectibles.

Training Manual 3: Shiv Boost

Inside the aforementioned safe, in addition to ammo and resources, you’ll find a special collectible: Shiv’s Reinforcement Training Manual. Get it to learn how to make your shivs last longer before they break.

With the safe open, return to the stairs, go up to the second floor and go left, going up until you reach a room with a window. Jump through it and prepare for a challenging encounter ahead.

In the hotel lobby

Initially, you find yourself in combat in the hotel’s labyrinthine corridors, facing a group of hunters. Use the strategy of luring them into rooms to eliminate each one silently. After defeating them, head to room 204, go out to the roof and continue your journey until you reach an area with more enemies. After clearing this area, remember to collect all available resources.

Optional Conversation 19: “The Easy Way Out”

Returning to the bathroom in room 304, you will find two skeletons in the bathtub. This is the point for an optional conversation between Ellie and Joel about difficult choices.

Facing the hotel basement

After falling into the hotel basement, continue swimming and exploring until you find a path blocked by rubble. Dive and swim through an underwater passage until you find an area with spores, indicating the presence of infected people. Before activating the generator (which will attract a horde of Stalkers), explore the surrounding rooms to collect ammo and supplies. Youre gonna need it.

Facing Stalkers

When activating the generator, prepare to face Stalkers, a type of infected that uses stealth and speed to attack. Position yourself in a long hallway with few entrances and use melee weapons to eliminate them effectively. After clearing the area, proceed to find a locked security room, which requires a keycard to open.

Looking for the key card

The keycard is located in a nearby area, so you’ll need to explore carefully while dealing with the Stalkers. Use your keen hearing to track and anticipate their attacks. Once you have the card, return to the locked door and prepare for the next challenge.

Finding the Hotel Access Card

After exploring the security room and collecting all available items, you will find the Hotel Access Card on the central table. This item is essential to proceed and represents another artifact for our collection, Artifact 40.

Activating the Generator

With the access card in hand, go down and activate the generator located in the kitchen area on the second floor, northeast of the hotel. Activating the generator will attract a bloater and three stalkers. This will, without a doubt, be a tense fight, but with the right strategy, we can overcome it.

Facing the Bloater and Stalkers

Initially, focus on eliminating stalkers. Use melee weapons and your pistol for this. After dealing with them, focus your attention on the bloater. Keep moving constantly, using the hotel’s narrow corridors to shoot the bloater and avoid being captured. Use a cycle of attacks, going up and down the stairs, to keep your distance and deal damage to the bloater.

Using the Access Card

After defeating the bloater, use the key card on the door and go up the stairs until you reach a blue door. Explore adjacent rooms to collect ammo, supplies, and customize your weapons at the workbench.

Showdown in the Kitchen

When you enter the kitchen, prepare to face two hunters who will be distracted by a clicker. Take them out silently and prepare to deal with two other hunters in the area. Use the silent attack strategy to overcome this challenge without alerting other enemies.

Escaping Drowning

After facing the hunters in the kitchen, use the ladder to climb to the counter. A fight scene will unfold, culminating in an attempt to drown Joel. Fight to free yourself until Ellie comes to the rescue, marking an important evolution in the relationship between the two characters.

Continuing After Rescue

After the cutscene, climb the stairs again and follow the indicated path until you reach a new area, signaling the continuation of Joel and Ellie’s journey through Pittsburgh.

Finding the Third Comic Book: Accumulation

After the intense sequence in the hotel lobby, it’s time to calm down and collect resources. Climbing back up to the second floor from the dining area, you need skill to move through the broken place to the bar opposite. Search everything in the bar. Soon after, on the nearby cafe tables, you will find some resources and the third comic book, “Accumulus”. This little item is more than just a collectible; it’s a gesture of thanks to Ellie, after she saved Joel’s life.

Collecting the Firefly Pendant: Reed

Continuing, explore the nearby bathrooms. In the men’s bathroom, you’ll find a shiv hidden in one of the stalls, but it’s in the women’s bathroom that we find something even more valuable: the Firefly Reed Pendant, next to the toilet at the back. This item is a solemn reminder of the world Joel and Ellie are trying to survive.

Training Manual 04: Combat Nodes

Continuing the path and passing the elevators, you will come across a table on the left. Here lies the “Combat Knots” Training Manual. This valuable resource improves the durability of your modified weapons, allowing them to withstand one more hit. An essential tool for the fights to come.

Optional Conversation 20: Palmeiras Scenario

When entering the party room, turn right and see a scene with palm trees. Ellie will approach, and you will have the chance to start an Optional Conversation. This moment offers a rare breather from the game’s constant tension, providing an opportunity for Joel and Ellie to discuss simpler desires, such as the longing for a different world, and also address their previous disagreement.

Continuing the Path

After the moment of relaxation, it’s time to get back to work. Use the piano to reach the walkway above, moving forward until you pass through a door that leads to a bar. Advance through the doors in the northwest and jump onto the scaffolding, triggering a cutscene that sets the stage for the next challenges.

Financial District

Armando Ellie

The opening sequence shows Joel entrusting Ellie with a gun, setting the stage for whichever strategy you choose: take on the hunters in a shootout with Ellie’s help, or opt for the stealth approach.

Eliminating the Hunters

You come across five hunters admiring a hanging body. Throwing a nail bomb may be tempting for a direct attack, but stealth is a valid and often safer option. Use the bow to shoot down enemies silently and take advantage of the scenario full of hiding places to avoid being detected. When reinforcements arrive through the north gate, prepare to neutralize them and proceed.

Collecting Artifact 41: Note from the Fireflies

Inside Don Fiocchi’s Sandwiches, in the northeast corner of the map, investigate the kitchen to find an important note from the Fireflies in a freezer. This item provides more details about resistance against military oppression.

Optional Conversation 21: Body Hanging from Tree

This optional conversation can be difficult to activate, but stick with it until you do. It refers to the body that the hunters were inspecting before the battle. You may need to reload the last checkpoint or restart the game if the interaction does not appear.

Advancing North

After dealing with the hunters and collecting the items, head north and go through the roll-up door on the left. Ellie will help open it with a cart. Collect the available resources and position the cart to access the next area. Make any necessary upgrades at the workbench before proceeding to an intense cutscene.

Facing More Hunters

Go up the stairs to find more enemies. The strategy here depends on your preference: eliminate the hunters one by one, using stealth to your advantage, or opt for a direct confrontation if detected. Utilize the office environment to maneuver and attack effectively.

Finding Artifacts and Optional Conversations

Optional Conversation 22: “Everybody Has a Family” After leaving the Feed Store, notice the graffiti on the wall opposite the tank that says “Death for Freedom”. Ellie will comment on this, starting an optional conversation. Although some versions of the game do not count this conversation towards the platinum trophy, it is recommended to activate the conversation just in case. After the conversation, boost Ellie up the red stairs next to the “Death for Freedom” sign. Ellie will knock down the ladder for Joel to climb, following the path until they fall into an open area.

Optional Conversation 23: Military Preparatory School To the right, where you fell, are the gates of a military preparatory school. Ellie will share her experiences at a similar institution. Activate the optional conversation when the prompt appears.

Optional Conversation 24: Dawn of the Wolf Near the entrance to the alley, look for a billboard for the movie “Dawn of the Wolf: Part 2”. Ellie will run up to the poster and comment on it, providing another optional conversation.

Escaping the Turret (Machine Gun)

After the conversations, follow the alley to the left of the poster. Upon hearing voices, hunters will begin to converge on your position with a machine gun. The safest approach is to silently eliminate the hunters, using your bow to take them down without attracting attention, or using distractions to separate them and eliminate them one by one. Advance cautiously, using cover to avoid being detected by the machine gun.

Strategic escape: After eliminating the hunters, move using the available cover until you reach the opposite side of the street. Enter the building through the back door, eliminate two more hunters inside the building and continue your way to a safe location, away from machine gun range.

Progressing After Coping

Go up the stairs until you reach two offices. Collect ammo and resources, then exit to the fire escape. Cross the boards and go around the open window to enter another building. Collect all available resources before jumping through another window and heading along the edge of the building, where you’ll find a second open window that leads to a chaotic meeting with new allies.

Collecting Supplies and Training Manuals

In the Apartment: As soon as the scene cuts, you will be in an apartment with Sam and Henry. It’s time to scour every corner for supplies. Find ammo, supplements, and other useful items. Leave no stone unturned.

Training Manual 5 – Molotov Construction: In the apartment’s kitchen, you will find an essential Training Manual. This manual improves the effectiveness of your Molotov cocktails, increasing the fire radius. A valuable resource for facing groups of enemies.

Leaving the Apartment

When you’re ready, join Ellie, Sam, and Henry and head down the stairs. On the floor below, there is a Shiv Door. If you have a Shiv available, use it to open the door and collect everything you find inside: ammo, supplements and more.

Finding Collections

Comic 04 – Deep Phase: Inside the apartment with the Shiv Door, search the master bedroom. There, you will find another copy for your comic collection, called “Deep Phase”. These little collectibles offer a welcome break from the game’s tension.

On the way to the toy store

After exploring the apartment, follow Henry downstairs and into an abandoned toy store. After a touching cutscene, get ready to face three talking hunters ahead. Silence is his best friend here. Eliminate them stealthily to avoid drawing unnecessary attention.

On the roof

After dealing with the hunters, climb into the car on the left and climb onto the roof. Two hunters will appear. Use the ventilation system as cover and eliminate them. Afterwards, head to the building on the left, where Henry, Sam and Ellie are waiting.

Finding Another Firefly Pendant

Before joining the group, check the bathroom on the left. At the bottom, you will find the Fireflies Pendant belonging to Rios. Don’t miss this chance to add another item to your collection.

Join the rest of the group at the architecture firm, where Henry will close the door behind you, indicating that it’s time to move forward.

Collecting Artifact 45: Trial Note

  • Artifact Location: Upon entering the firm, head directly to the set of double doors opposite the office entrance. There, you will find the Trial Note on your right. This artifact is a reflection of the survivors’ attempts to maintain some form of order and justice in a chaotic world.

Executing Henry’s Plan

  • Following Henry: After picking up the artifact and supplements from the kitchen, follow Henry to the firm’s main office, where a cutscene will trigger, detailing the next step in Henry’s plan. Pay attention and prepare to act.

The Skeleton Team

  • Infiltration: Henry will lead the way inside the firm to the exit to the street, where you will find two hunters warming up. Follow Henry’s instructions to silently eliminate the hunters and proceed undetected until you reach an observation point with a searchlight.

Turning off the spotlight

  • Neutralizing the Threat: Use the element of surprise to turn off the spotlight and eliminate nearby hunters. Remember to use the environment to your advantage and take advantage of the chaos to attack.

Opening the way

  • Moving Forward: After dealing with the hunters, help Joel and Henry make their way through the central door. Once on the other side, prepare for more action as you try to escape the relentless pursuit.

At the Pub

  • Final Showdown in Pittsburgh: When you enter the pub, four hunters will appear looking for you. This is your chance to use everything you’ve learned about stealth and head-to-head combat. Eliminate the enemies and head to the lobby.

Final Escape

  • Race to Freedom: With the path unlocked, run towards the highway. Don’t stop, no matter what happens. The intense chase culminates in a scene that ends this chapter.

Chapter 6 – The Suburbs

After being saved by Henry, Joel and Ellie find themselves on a beach.

Initial Beach Exploration

Once you gain control of Joel on the beach, don’t follow Henry right away. Instead, head towards the beached boat in the distance. Climb aboard and enter the cabin through the door on the left.

  1. Comic 05: Antiparticles :
    • On the boat’s dashboard, you’ll find the next issue of the Savage Starlight comic series, titled “Antiparticles.” Pick it up and add it to your backpack. Ellie will love continuing the saga!
  2. Artifact 46: Boat Note :
    • After picking up the comic, turn around and locate the Boat Note on a seat opposite the panel. Read the tragic story of the boat owner and keep the artifact in his collection.
  3. Firefly Pendant 14: Scheffler :
    • When leaving the boat cabin, go down through the hole in the bow. Scheffler’s Firefly pendant will be right in front of where you land. Pick it up to add to your pendant collection.

Return and Entry into the Sewers

After collecting the items, get off the opposite side of the boat and head north. You will find ammo and a piece of wood (2×4) in a broken rowing boat. Return to where Sam and Henry are, near a stream, to the left of the beached motorboat. Climb up the rocks until you discover that the water comes from a sewer.

  • Helping Henry :
    • Help Henry open the sewer grate by holding TRIANGLE. Follow it through the tunnel until it opens into a larger area.

Firefly Pendant 15: Righetti

In the first section of the tunnel, before reaching a fork where Henry and Sam go one way, and Ellie and Joel the other:

  1. Pendant Discovery :
    • Look to the right and see a small crawl space where water is flowing. Enter this tunnel and when you come out the other side, look in the water to your left for a skeleton whose hand is extended through a steel grate. He is holding Righetti’s Firefly Pendant. Add it to your collection.

Moving Forward with Ellie

After collecting the pendant and returning through the same space, regroup with the others at the fork:

  • Taking the Right Path :
    • Follow the path on the right until you reach a dead end. Look for a small grate at the bottom of the wall to your right, next to a locked gate.
  • Opening the Path :
    • Remove the grate so Ellie can crawl through and open the gate on the other side. Once inside, take the opportunity to loot the room for supplements and other crafting resources.

Exploring the Sewers

Once you gain control of Joel, head through the newly opened sewer area. Don’t follow Henry and Sam right away; instead, look over the table to your left.

  1. Artifact 47: Sewers Note
    • Find the Sewers Note on the table. Read on to find out how the mysterious boat captain found refuge in the sewers. Keep this artifact in your collection.
  2. Crossing over to Henry and Sam’s side
    • After getting the note, cross to the side where Henry and Sam are and continue following them through the tunnel. Eventually, you’ll come to a wide area where the road above has collapsed, creating a hole in the roof.

Underwater and Beyond

In this large area:

  1. Firefly Pendant 16: Fuentes
    • Head to the submerged car and dive down. Next to the car you will find Fuentes’ pendant. Pick it up to add to your inventory.
  2. Opening the Big Steel Door
    • Note a large steel door on the east side of the area. Dive and dislodge a pipe stuck in the door’s chain mechanism. Henry will then open it, allowing you to cross to the other side.
    • Swim to a patch of land ahead, go through the hole in the wall on the right, and collect the crafting resources on the ground. Go back and climb the nearby stairs.

More Collections and a Way Forward

After climbing:

  1. Artifact 48: Trading Note
    • Open the door to your right to face a clicker. Once you’ve dealt with the scare and defeated it, check the area. Next to a sleeping bag, you will find the Trading Note. Add it to your inventory.
  2. Moving the Wooden Palette
    • Go back to the main room and push the wooden palette off the railing. Go down the stairs and take the palette to Ellie, helping her cross to the other side of the room. She will activate the generator, allowing Sam and Henry to cross to where she is.
    • Wait for Henry to offer help and then press X to climb onto the platform.

Finding Level 3 Tools

Continuing through the tunnel:

  1. Tools Level 3
    • Keep an eye out for an opening on your left, approximately halfway down the tunnel. Inside you will find a set of tools on the floor. Collect them to access the third level of tools, allowing you to further improve your weapons.
  2. Advancing through the Sewers
    • Continue following the tunnel until you reach a pair of double doors. Cross them and Joel will trigger a sound trap, indicating that someone didn’t want to be found here. Go forward, jump on the table and see a sawn-off shotgun on the table to your left. Pick it up to add to your arsenal.

Finding the Training Manual and Facing the Infected

  1. Training Manual 6: Bomb Containment
    • Right after collecting the shotgun, pay attention to a shelf in front of you. Here you will find the Training Manual: Bomb Containment. This manual increases the explosion radius of your bombs by 1.5, allowing for larger and more effective explosions. Get it to improve your bomb skills.
  2. Immediate Confrontation
    • Continue through the tunnel next to where you found the shotgun. As you advance, the alarming sound of a clicker indicates the proximity of infected people. When you open the door at the end of the tunnel, prepare for a confrontation. An infected will attack directly, so use your shotgun or fight in melee. In addition to this, four corridors and a clicker will appear on the opposite side. Neutralize everyone quickly to ensure your safety.

Collecting Important Artifacts

  1. Artifact 49: Rain Catcher Note
    • Go up the stairs where the first hallway appeared. In this room, in addition to ammo for the shotgun, you will find the Rain Catcher Note on a table on the opposite side. This artifact offers insights into the survival attempts of ancient sewer dwellers.
  2. Artifact 50: Cornered Note
    • Continuing through the tunnel, look for a door on the left. When you open it, you will find an area that appears to have been a children’s play space. Next to a skeleton in the corner are supplements and the Cornered Note. This artifact recounts the desperation of a cornered survivor. Read it and add it to your collection.

Moving Forward Carefully and Strategically

  • Combat Preparation
    • Pick up the machete found behind the skeleton, a more lethal weapon compared to blunt weapons. This upgrade will be useful in subsequent confrontations.
    • Continue following the tunnel until you find a door that, when opened, activates a sound trap. Joel and Sam will be locked in, separating them from Ellie and Henry.

Facing a New Wave of Infected People

  • Fighting in the Dark
    • The next section is intense and dark, and you will face not only clickers but also stalkers, who are extremely agile and dangerous. Here discretion is useless; Get ready for open combat.
    • Find a defensible location to deal with the stalkers, who won’t attack all of you at once. After eliminating the clickers, keep moving constantly, using your shotgun to eliminate any stalkers that come close.

The recreation area and the discovery of drawing

  1. Artifact 51: Kid’s Drawing
    • As you follow the path to the northwest corner of the area, take the opportunity to explore every corner for crafting items, ammunition, scrap, and supplements. You will eventually reach a children’s play area.
    • To the right, as you enter, you will find a child’s drawing on a shelf. Take the drawing and store it carefully, as it is an important artifact.
    • After collecting the drawing, go to the back of the play area and help Sam climb to the path above. He will drop a ladder for you to climb. Go forward and go down to the next part of the sewer. When you do this, Ellie and Henry will appear being chased by a horde of infected.

Facing the Infected and Leaving the Sewers

  • Critical Confrontation:
    • Once you regain control, quickly follow Sam, Ellie, and Henry. Once you reach the room ahead, Joel will lock the door behind him. He helps Henry try to break down the gate on the left, and then Sam will crawl through a vent to unlock the door.
    • Defend yourself from the infected while waiting for the door to open. Stay away and use a shotgun to shoot down any infected that come close.
    • Eventually, Ellie will unlock the door. Move towards it to trigger a cut scene, where Henry and Joel finally escape. Watch the subsequent interaction before proceeding to the second part of the chapter.

Exploring the Suburbs

  • Arrival at the Suburbs:
    • After the scene, you will officially be in the suburbs. Follow the path until you reach a suburb with several large houses connected by a long, winding street. Start exploring the houses, starting with the brick house at the top of the street, which is on the right as you follow the road.
    • Inside you will find many valuable resources, including ammunition, scrap metal and crafting items. Make sure you collect everything.

Collecting More Artifacts and Optional Conversations

  1. Artifact 52: Looting Note
    • In the brick house, go up the stairs and look for a room with pink walls, the first one on the left at the top of the stairs.
    • Inside this room, you will find the Looting Note on a table. Pick it up, and Joel will comment on the contents before adding it to your backpack.
  2. Optional Conversation 25: Post-Outbreak Memories
    • After leaving the brick house, continue down the street until you find a broken wall with the phrase “I HAVE A GUN. U LOOT, I SHOOT” written in graphite. Go here and listen to Henry talk about his life before the outbreak.
    • After that, cross to the house on the opposite side of the street, marked “I’M ARMED, NO TRESPASSING”. Stand in front of the house and Henry will continue the conversation, asking Joel if he remembers anything before the outbreak. This will trigger the prompt for an Optional Conversation.

Optional Conversation and Equipment Upgrades

  1. Optional Conversation 26: Ice Cream Trucks
    • As you continue down the street past the ominous warnings, you will find an ice cream truck on the right. Approach it and Ellie will start an interaction, asking what it is about. When the Optional Conversation prompt appears, press TRIANGLE to have Joel explain the concept of ice cream trucks to Ellie. This is a great way to add some levity to the journey.
  2. Garage with Workbench
    • After the conversation about the ice cream trucks, turn left and enter the nearby open garage. Inside you will find a workbench. Use it to upgrade your equipment as needed, then leave the table to continue exploring.

Artifact Collection and House Exploration

  1. Artifact 53: Father’s Note
    • Go up the stairs next to the garage from the workbench and enter the house on the right. Explore the ground floor and head up to the children’s room at the top of the stairs. In the bedroom, look for the “Father’s Note” on the table next to the computer. Read it and add it to your backpack for yet another glimpse into the emotional impact of the outbreak on survivors.
  2. Training Manual 07: Melee Techniques
    • Continue to explore the upper floor and interact with the attic entrance in the center of the hallway. The door will break, allowing you to boost Ellie inside. She will find and give you the “Melee Techniques” manual, improving the effectiveness of your melee weapons.
  3. Artifact 54: Survivor’s Note
    • Head to the last house on the street, to the left of where the dogs are playing. Explore the ground floor and go up the stairs. In the master bedroom, you will find the “Survivor’s Note” on top of the dresser. This artifact offers yet another glimpse into the desperation and struggle for survival of local residents.
  4. Comic 06: Messenger Particle
    • Leave the master bedroom and go to the other room along the hallway, which appears to be a child’s room. In the bedroom, search the table to find the next issue of the comic book series, “Messenger Particle”. Take the comic and let Ellie know you found some more reading material for her.

Preparing to Leave the Suburbs

  • Final Preparation:
    • After collecting all the items and exploring the houses, reunite with Ellie, Sam and Henry and prepare to leave the suburbs. This segment offers a necessary breather before the next challenges and also helps to deepen the development of the characters and their relationships.

Finding Artifacts and Exploring the Vault

  1. Artifact 55: Matchbook
    • After exploring the rooms, head to the top floor of the house. Once you reach the top, look at a nightstand to your right. You will find a booklet of matches (Matchbook). Take it to find the code for the safe in the master bedroom: 08-21-36.
  2. The Suburban Vault
    • With the code in hand, go down to the master bedroom and use it on the safe inside the closet. Inside the safe you will find scrap, supplements and ammunition. Collect everything and return to the ground floor.

Optional Interactions and More Collections

  1. Optional Talk 27: Darts
    • After completely ransacking the house, you’ll find Ellie and Sam playing darts downstairs. Wait for them to finish and then interact with the pile of books next to the dart board when the TRIANGLE prompt appears. Joel will try playing darts too, but let’s just say he probably wasn’t a champion before the outbreak.
  2. Ellie’s Jokes 5
    • Go back to the street and follow it until you find a dead end. Wait until the entire conversation between Henry and Joel is over. This location turns out to be not just a dead end, but the stage for the grand finale of Ellie’s post-outbreak stand-up show. She will open the joke book once again, delivering the last round of terrible jokes before “retiring” from her spectacular comedy career.
  3. Firefly Pendant 17: White
    • After the jokes, look for a tree in the center of the high ground on your left, close to the house where they played darts. On the tree, you will find White’s Firefly Pendant. Shoot him to knock him out of the tree or use a distraction item to get to him. Grab the pendant to add to your collection.

Preparing for the Next Step

  • Exiting to the next area:
    • With all the collectibles in the area found, head to the backyard of the house where you played darts, accessible through the back door in the kitchen. You will see a gap in the fence at the back of the yard. Go down it to access the next area.

Confrontation with the Sniper

Preparation and Start of the Confrontation

Shortly after the fall, you will be shot at, and a cinematic scene will begin. Joel will realize that there is a sniper ahead and will decide that it is necessary to neutralize him so that the trio can continue their journey.

  1. Initial Movement
    • Once you regain control, your goal is to reach the house to the northeast of the car. If you notice the white flash coming from the window at the end of the street, it means the shooter has detected your position and is about to fire. Wait for him to stop shooting and run to the car between you and the house.
  2. Moving forward cautiously
    • Wait again, and when the shooter stops shooting, run into the house. A survivor armed with a melee weapon will invade the living room; use your shotgun to neutralize him quickly. He exits through the front door and heads towards the cars in front of him.
  3. Maneuvering between Cars
    • When the shooter stops shooting again, move towards the car in the middle of the street. Wait one more time, and then head to the house on the left side of the street.
  4. Looting and Fighting
    • Loot the house and exit through the side door into the kitchen. As you exit, four enemies will approach you. Use the available cover and eliminate them. The sniper won’t be able to hit you here, so focus on the enemies in front of you.

Infiltrating the Sniper’s Nest

  1. Final Approach
    • Use the two burned buildings as cover and move forward until you are directly in front of the sniper’s house. Follow the wall, using it as cover. Four enemies will come out of the house as you approach; Use the wall and the burned building nearby to take cover and eliminate them.
  2. Confrontation with the Sniper
    • Climb to the top of the stairs and enter the sniper’s nest. Joel will be attacked by the shooter with a knife. Repeatedly press the SQUARE button to defeat him. After the sequence, Joel will notice that enemies are approaching while Ellie, Henry and Sam run towards the sniper’s nest.

Sniper Section

  1. Defending the Trio
    • You will automatically take over the sniper’s rifle and begin a target shooting section. Eliminate all enemies that come close to Ellie, Sam and Henry. Prioritize those closest to the trio, as any enemy that gets too close will result in automatic failure. All enemies are downed with a single shot, so focus on being effective, not stylish.
  2. Confrontation with Turreta
    • After two waves of enemies, you will face a familiar adversary. The Pittsburgh hunters’ turret will enter the scene. Eliminate the turret support and wait for the driver to come out of his hatch to throw Molotov cocktails. When he appears to throw a molotov, shoot quickly to eliminate him.
  3. Final Escape
    • After defeating him, infected will invade the area. Shoot as many as you can while Ellie, Sam and Henry run back to the house. After a short while, a cinematic cutscene will play, ending the chapter of The Suburbs and setting the stage for the next chapter.

Chapter 7 – Tommy’s Dam

Hydroelectric Dam

The chapter begins with less suspense than the previous ones. Ellie and Joel arrive in Jackson County and, soon after seeing a sign next to the trail, the game gives you control.

  1. Resource and Weapon Collection
    • Follow the path until you find a jeep that has crashed into some rocks. Around the crashed vehicle you will find useful resources and the El Diablo revolver. Pick up the weapon to add it to Joel’s growing arsenal.
  2. Descending onto the Path
    • Once you get the weapon, look for a path below you. Access it by climbing down the rocks to the left of the car. Continue following the path, go down to the stream below and turn right.

Comic 07: Foreign Element

  • As you cross the rocks, you will see an overturned car on the east bank. Climb up to it, climbing the rocks to reach it.
  • In front of the car, you will find the “Foreign Element” comic. Add it to the collection and get ready to continue.

Advancing to the Dam

  • Continue following the path under the bridge towards the hydroelectric dam in the distance. When you arrive, Joel will go up some steps and see a valve on his left. Before turning it, open the Shiv Door on your right. Behind the door you will find many useful supplies, including scrap metal, supplements, ammo, and crafting items.
  • When you’re ready, go back to the valve and turn it. This will close one half of the dam’s barriers, forming part of a bridge. You will need to turn the other valve on the other side to completely form the passage.

Assistance to Ellie and Valve Interconnection

  • Jump into the water and swim below the surface, looking for a submerged house on the northeast side of the pool.
  • When you find it, swim inside and dislodge the wooden pallet from the roof. You will automatically appear above the water with the palette. Swim her to Ellie, let her come up, then swim to the opposite side of the dam. Ellie will jump and turn the other valve.

Crossing and Interactivity

  • Go back to where the first valve turned and cross the bridge. On the other side, Ellie will raise her hand for a high-five. Here you can choose between being nice and returning the high-five or, to add some humor (and win a trophy), leave her in the void.

Optional Conversation 28: The Little Tomb

  • Drop down through the break in the grate on your left and loot the nearby camp for supplies. Once done, jump over the nearby tree and you will find a grave with a small stuffed toy on top.
  • An Optional Conversation prompt will appear over the grave, allowing Ellie and Joel to talk about Sam.

Advance to the Dam Entrance

  • Return to the path and follow it until you need to duck under a fallen tree. On the other side you will find the entrance to the hydroelectric plant.

Plant Map

Before going through the doors to the plant, look for a small checkpoint on the opposite road. You’ll find some supplies inside. On the wall of this office, you will also find the Power Plant Map pinned to the wall. Pick it up and add it to your artifact collection.

Grand Gate and Meeting with Survivors

Head to the large gate and press TRIANGLE to interact with it. Joel will try to open the gate before being threatened by survivors. Get ready to watch a cutscene. After finishing, Tommy will give Joel a tour of the area. Follow him and watch everything carefully.

Optional Conversation 29: Winston the Horse

During the ride, Tommy will be called by a survivor while Ellie approaches a nearby horse (named Winston). She will begin to caress him, telling Maria how she used to ride horses. After she talks about her experience with animals, an Optional Conversation prompt will appear. Activate it and Joel will talk to Ellie about horses. Fun fact, we can also pet Winston by going to his side.

Problems and Bitter Memories

Keep following Tommy when he returns. He will eventually lead you inside a building, triggering a scene where Joel leaves Ellie with Maria to help Tommy with a problem. When you enter the next room, walk towards Tommy and follow him to the travel bag by the beds at the back of the room.

Optional Conversation 30: Bitter Memories

Tommy will eventually tell Joel that he’s back in Texas, looking for Joel’s house (the one we investigated during the “Hometown” chapter). He said most of Joel’s belongings had been looted or broken, but he found something special. An Optional Conversation prompt will appear. Interact with him and Tommy will give you a photo of Joel and Sarah. Joel will refuse the photo.

Recognizing the Family

After the interaction, follow Tommy up the stairs. He will go through the door on your right. Enter the office on the left and grab the supplements and ammo inside, then follow Tommy through the door.

Optional Conversation 31: “I See the Similarity”

In this corridor, let’s follow Tommy as he talks about the hydroelectric plant and survival. Take a brief detour to the right and look for a woman patrolling the hallway with a rifle. An Optional Conversation prompt will appear. Interact with her and Joel will flirt with the woman… what a philanderer he is.

Keep following Tommy and he will eventually lead you to another building. Here, several engineers are trying to figure out how to restart the plant. After listening to them talk, head to the left side of the office.

Training: Smoke Chemistry

As soon as you enter the area, on your left, over a fallen cabinet, you will find the Training Manual: Smoke Chemistry. Pick it up and give it a read. From now on, whenever you use a smoke bomb, it will last 10 seconds longer than usual. Add the book to your collection and prepare for the next steps.

Firefly Pendant 18: Oliverio

Head to the bottom floor and look for a room below the office we initially entered. There, you’ll find a small room filled with scrap metal and tools. In the corner near the open door, you’ll find Oliverio’s Firefly Pendant. Pick it up and add it to your inventory.

Reunion with Tommy

Now, regroup with Tommy. He’s through the door on the opposite side of the room. Upon entering, a cutscene will trigger, so get ready to watch. After the cutscene, Tommy and Joel will need to repel an attack.

Confrontation at the Dam

Take out the two hunters on the bottom floor and then go up the stairs to take out two more outside the office on the second floor. Enter the office and eliminate three more hunters.

Artifact 57: Blueprints

Head to the desk in the office after dealing with the hunters. Next to where the two engineers were talking earlier, we will find the Plant Schematics. Pick them up and add to our artifact collection.

Bridge Defense

Exit and turn left to find another group of hunters on the bridge. Help the engineers and Tommy take down enemies. There are two levels to this bridge, so make sure you don’t get flanked by monitoring both sides. After all the hunters are eliminated, follow Tommy into the room ahead.

Silent Infiltration

Now we need to take down five more hunters, but we can try to conserve ammo by doing this silently. Eliminate the first one in the room ahead with an arrow. He will be easy to kill since you will be above him on the walkway. When he falls, enter the room with the lockers on your left and choke the hunter inside.

Use your bow to take out the hunter behind the counter in the next room, then choke the hunter behind the barricade to your left. Finally, choke or use the shotgun to eliminate the armored soldier in the corner. A very long cutscene will start next, so get ready to watch.

House on the Farm

After the scene, you will discover that Ellie has disappeared, stealing a horse to be alone. You and Tommy will ride horses to chase her. Follow Tommy through the woods and past a waterfall. After a few minutes of riding, you will be ambushed, with a group of hunters knocking you off your horse and starting a confrontation.

This combat can be difficult, as the enemies we face care little about self-preservation. They will run towards the car and come at you with shotguns, so use your own shotgun to defend them when they get close.

Otherwise, El Diablo is a good choice for this battle. Use your aim to land brutal headshots, taking down hunters trying to take you out from afar. Once everyone is dead, head to the cabin northeast of Joel and loot it to find some supplies.

When you’re done, return to the horses and continue following Tommy. Eventually you will reach a farm. Approach the farmhouse porch and press TRIANGLE when the prompt appears. You will dismount your horse. Enter the farm and loot the entire ground floor. Do not go up to meet Ellie until she is ready to progress the story. There’s ammo, resources, and lots of supplements nearby, so grab everything you can.


Go to the office located at the bottom of the ground floor of the farm. On the desk in this office, you will find Pino’s Firefly Pendant. Take a good look and add it to your Firefly pendant collection. This small object is yet another reminder of the conflict and lost dreams in this chaotic world.

Comic 08: Zero Point

Go up the stairs and enter the first room on your left, a children’s room. On the dresser next to the window, you will find the comic book “Point Zero”. Pick it up and add it to your collection. These comics are not only collectible, they offer a glimpse of normalcy and escapism for Ellie in this brutal world.

Preparing for Confrontation

Before interacting with the half-open door at the end of the hallway, be sure to loot the entire upper floor. There are many resources that will be useful for what’s to come. Once ready, interact with the door to trigger an emotional scene with Ellie. Brace yourself, because it’s one of the many heart-tugging scenes in this game.

Showdown on the Farm

When the cutscene ends, it’s time to prepare for the fight. You will face two hunters upstairs. The ideal approach is to eliminate them silently, waiting for them to enter separate rooms to kill them without alerting others. On the ground floor, three more hunters will try to invade. You can choose to approach them in the same silent manner or gather them in the center of the room and use a nail bomb to resolve the situation quickly. Either way, they shouldn’t be too difficult to deal with.

Departure from the Farm

After eliminating the hunters, exit the farm through the front door. This will start another cutscene, ending your journey at Tommy’s Dam and setting the stage for the next chapter of the story. With Ellie and Joel ready to leave, it’s time to head to the University.

Chapter 8 – The University

Comic 09: Free Radicals

After the opening scene, you will find yourself at the doors of Eastern Colorado University. Before diving into exploring the campus, turn around and head back down the street you came from. You will find an abandoned car in front of a bus blocking the road. Inside the car is the comic “Free Radicals”. Get off your horse to pick it up and add it to your collection.

Returning to Campus

Go back along the road and enter the university campus. Follow the path until you pass through the gate opposite where you entered and locate a loading bay on your right. Dismount your horse and enter the cargo bay.

Finding a Flamethrower

Inside the cargo bay, you’ll find a flamethrower resting on a forklift. Take the opportunity to add this powerful weapon to your arsenal. To your left is a workbench. Collect all the scrap from the environment and take the opportunity to customize your weapons.

Artifact 58: Sniper’s Nest Log

Look for a door on the east side of the cargo bay and go through it. You will access a staircase. Climb to the top and go through the door on the right. Here, you will find a sniper nest with ammo and resources. Next to these items is the “Sniper’s Nest Log”. Pick it up to add to your artifact collection.

Optional Conversation 32: Go Big Horns

After exploring the sniper’s nest, regroup with Ellie and mount the horse. Jump the roadblock covered in barbed wire and stop after the jump. Look at the building on your left to trigger an optional conversation about the large mascot logo on the side of the building. Joel will introduce Ellie to the world of professional sports, which she will compare to a cult. Joel seems to agree with her observation.

Firefly 20 Pendant: H.Pino

Continue along the path and climb the stairs in front of you. At the top, turn right and head towards the pile of shelves blocking the door ahead. Next to the pile, look for a tree with yellow leaves. In this tree, you will find H.Pino’s Firefly Pendant. Get it and add it to your collection.

Entering the Building

Return to the top of the stairs and take a left, passing through the hole in the wall that leads inside the nearby building. You can continue riding the horse here, so move forward without dismounting. At the end of the path, you will find a gate.

Triggering a Scene

When you open the gate, a cutscene will start. Joel will notice that the horse has become frightened and will notice the presence of runners nearby. Joel will lock himself inside the saloon ahead without Ellie, telling her to take care of the horse.

Comic 09: Free Radicals

Before even entering the campus, go back along the road and look for an abandoned car in front of a bus blocking the path. There, in the driver’s seat, you’ll find the ninth comic in the Savage Starlight series, titled “Free Radicals.” Pick up the comic to add it to your collection.

Advancing through Campus

After getting the comic, go back and follow the main campus road. Go through the gate in front of you and locate a cargo shed on the right. Dismount the horse and enter the shed.

Finding the Flamethrower

Inside the cargo shed, you’ll find a powerful weapon leaning against a forklift — the flamethrower. Pick it up to add to your arsenal. In the same warehouse, there is a workbench on the left, where you can improve your weapons using the materials collected around the place.

Artifact 59: Control Panel Annotation

Look for a door on the east side of the warehouse and follow the stairs. At the top, you will enter a sniper’s nest, where you will find assorted ammunition and resources. Next to these items is the Control Panel Note, indicating that power from a generator is required to operate the panel.

Continued Exploration and Exit

After collecting the artifact, go down and follow Ellie to the panel on the wall to activate the exit. But before you leave, prepare to deal with a group of infected runners on the second floor. The best strategy is to lure the infected into a corner with a distraction item and use a nailed bomb to eliminate them quickly.

Firefly 21 pendant: Rohner

Instead of jumping over the barbed wire barriers, use a nearby dumpster to reach a broken window and enter an adjacent building. Inside, you’ll find Rohner’s Firefly Pendant on a table, along with supplements and ammunition.

Training Manual 09: Healthcare Sterilization

Proceeding to the central campus, when you find the statue, turn right and locate two broken windows that you can climb through. Climb the stairs, jump to the roof and head left, entering another window that leads to a classroom. Here, you will find the Health Sterilization Training Manual in a cabinet, expanding the effectiveness of your medical kits.

Preparing for Advancement

After collecting all the important items and making the necessary improvements, reunite with Ellie and the horse. Follow the path around the right side of the main university building, preparing yourself for the next steps.

Optional Conversation 33: Signs of Life

As you stroll around the university campus, take a close look at the walls around you. As soon as you pass the main building, you will notice a white Firefly emblem on the left. Wait for the optional conversation prompt and join Joel and Ellie’s discussion about the meaning of the emblems. This location is known to have a bug that may prevent the conversation from being counted towards the game’s conversation total. If this happens, reload the control point, go around the corner and look for another Firefly emblem on the wall to the right to try to trigger the conversation.

Finding an Alternative Path

Proceed and locate the tunnel in the center of the path that leads to the dormitories. Joel will notice that there is a generator behind a locked gate. You will need to find another route. Crawl under the rubble blocking a door on the right to access the dorms.

Artifact 60: UEC Campus Map

When you arrive in the dormitory lobby, take the opportunity to collect the supplements from the table on the left. Then approach the reception desk where you will find the UEC Campus Map on the table. Examine it and store it with your other items.

Exploring the Dorms

Continue moving forward through the building and go up the stairs to the first floor. Follow the hallway and enter the first door on the left. Search the bedroom and then the attached bathroom.

Artifact 61: Student Diary

In the bedroom connected to the bathroom, check the desk drawer. There you will find a blade and the Student’s Diary. This diary offers a glimpse of what happened to students after the outbreak. Add it to your artifact collection.

Confrontation with Infected

Continue down the hallway, examining the other two rooms on the left. At the end of the corridor, Joel will need to put on his gas mask due to the presence of spores in the air. Drop down through the hole in the floor and prepare to face a group of poppers and a large popper, known as a bloater.

Combat Strategy

While it’s tempting to go unnoticed, we have an important collectible with one of the infected, so prepare for combat. The most effective strategy is to eliminate the poppers silently with shivs and arrows before engaging the bloater. Use long corridors to keep your distance and attack the bloater with everything you have, retreating to a new vantage point whenever he gets too close.

After clearing the area of ​​infected, make sure you have collected all possible items and prepared Joel for the challenges ahead. Return to Ellie and the horse, activate the control panel and proceed through the now open gate.

Firefly Pendant 22: Warren

Get ready for an intense battle with a bloater. When she finally manages to defeat him, don’t forget to look for the monster’s fallen body. That’s where you’ll find Warren’s Firefly Pendant. It seems that Warren’s ending was not the happiest, given where his pendant was found. Collect the pendant before moving on.

After defeating the bloater, advance to the end of the hallway and find a door that requires a little effort to open. Repeatedly press the SQUARE button to pry open the door and proceed. Go up the stairs and enter the doors that lead back to the second floor of the dorms.

Artifact 62: Newspaper Clipping

When re-entering the second floor of the dorms, enter the first room on your right. Inside, on a mini refrigerator, you will find an important newspaper clipping. Read on to gain more context about the events that are shaping the world around you. Don’t forget to add the clipping to your artifact collection.

Leave the room and head down the hallway in the opposite direction, until you reach a set of double doors leading outside. Going down the stairs, you will come across a generator next to some yellow cables next to a fence. Push the generator there, and Joel will automatically turn it on, allowing Ellie and the horse to pass through the gate. Continue along the path until you enter an area full of medical tents.

Firefly Pendant 23: Griggs

In the medical tent area, go to the far left. You will see two tents in the corner, at the end of a road. In the tent on the right, on a table, will be Griggs’ Firefly Pendant. Make sure you pick it up before continuing.

Continue along the road until you reach a locked gate that Ellie and Joel are unable to open. Dismount your horse and look for a red trash can nearby. Drag her to the gate. Upon reaching the top of the hill, Joel will lose control of the dumpster, which will roll down the hill and break down the gate.

Follow the dumpster down the hill and use it to climb onto the truck on your right. From here, you’ll be able to access the Science Building through the hole in the wall above you.

The Science Building

When you regain control of the game, go through the door on your left. You will find a workbench and various supplies. Take everything you can carry. Search all cabinets and drawers; This building is a veritable treasure trove of scrap metal, ammo, supplements, and more.

Locked Door with Shiv

Our next objective is to find a locked door that requires a Shiv to open, as inside are crucial items. Head to the end of the hallway on the second floor and look for Room 205: Classroom. Use a Shiv to open the door. This room is full of supplies, so it’s worth sacrificing a Shiv to get in.

Level 4 Tools

Inside the room with the Shiv door, you’ll find a set of Level 4 Tools on the table to the left. With these tools, we can add more powerful upgrades to our weapons.

Training Manual 10: Deployment of Molotov Cocktails

Also found inside the room with the Shiv door. Look on the table to your right to find the Molotov Deployment Training Manual. Return to the workbench now if you wish to use the new tools to make some upgrades, and then exit to the right side of the second floor hallway, entering the Science Building atrium.

Optional Conversation 34: We Are Not Alone

As you go through the atrium towards the room with the elevators, you will see a bunch of boxes on your right. Approach the boxes and Joel will be able to interact with a clipboard. This will trigger an Optional Conversation. Go up the stairs and enter the blue door on your left. You will enter the third floor hallway.

Artifact 63: Office Recorder

Enter the laboratory on your left, and on the table nearby you will find the Office Recorder. Pick it up and press play to hear a man talking about the lab. When you’re done, save it to add to your artifact collection.

Artifact 64: Fungal X-Rays

Continue searching the floor, opening drawers and cabinets while collecting scrap, ammo and resources. At the end of the third floor, you will pass through a tent and enter a biology laboratory. Look at the counter on the left to find the Fungal X-Rays. Save them to add to your artifact collection. Go through the door leading out of this area to trigger a cutscene, where Joel and Ellie realize that the source of the noise was just the monkeys they saw earlier.

Laboratory Recorder

As soon as you enter the central room of the laboratory, you will notice a table with a Laboratory Recorder on it. Listen carefully to the recording. You will hear about one of the most ironic forms of infection ever recorded. Keep the recorder to add to your artifact collection.

Firefly Pendant 24: Hickman

After listening to the recorder, direct your gaze to the upper right corner of the laboratory. On the bench next to a refrigerator, you will find the next Firefly Pendant. Pick it up and add it to your inventory.

Vagalumes Recorder

Once you’ve finished exploring this room, go through the door to the north and force your way through the blocked door on your right. This will trigger an important scene where Joel and Ellie discover hard truths. In the scene, they find the Firefly Recorder, which is automatically added to their artifact collection. The scene also reveals that they are not alone: ​​there are hunters in the building, and they are not up for conversation.

Escape from the Laboratory

When you regain control, leave the laboratory quickly and prepare to face two hunters armed with bladed weapons who will appear unexpectedly. One of them has an axe; Don’t forget to pick it up after defeating them. Keep moving forward. When you reach the section of the corridor with tents, a group of hunters will appear ahead, armed. Find cover and start eliminating them. They may try to flank you by passing through the laboratory on your right, so be prepared to intercept them. If one gets too close, use your shotgun to quickly neutralize it. If you want to be sneaky, try flanking them using the labs to surprise them.

Facing more Hunters

After defeating the first group, three more hunters will emerge from the stairs. Eliminate them and go down the stairs, keeping the shotgun in hand. Once you reach the second floor, three more hunters will appear. Given the confined space, the shotgun will be very effective here. Eliminate them and proceed to the door at the end of the hallway. When interacting with the door, a hunter will emerge and fight Joel against the glass ledge. Repeatedly press the SQUARE button to win. Joel will be thrown over the railing and onto a metal rod protruding from the ground. Watching the scene, it’s clear that Joel is seriously injured.

Escaping with Ellie

After the cutscene, get ready to eliminate two hunters who will enter the room. Once they are incapacitated, Ellie will help Joel to his feet, none too gently. Once you regain control, follow Ellie to a window. Joel will try to get past her, but will fail. Next, a hunter will enter the room armed with a shotgun. Joel will be protected behind a table while Ellie tries to flank the hunter. Wait for Ellie to distract him, then come out of hiding and eliminate the hunter. Keep following Ellie. From here on out, most of it will be like a cutscene, but you’ll need to fast forward every now and then.

Chapter 9 – Lakeside Resort

The hunt

The chapter begins with a cinematic scene, which shows Ellie on a cold winter day, trying to hunt a deer to secure food.

Artifacts 66 to 74: Ellie’s Items

As soon as you start the chapter, you will have access to 8 new artifacts that are Ellie’s personal items. Check them out in inventory:

  • Switchblade
  • Walkman
  • Sam’s Robot
  • Mother’s Ticket
  • “No Pun Intended” Book
  • Book “No Pun Intended: Volume Two”
  • Book “To Get To The Other Side”
  • Photo of Joel and Sarah

Examine these items, as Ellie will comment something about each of them, which enriches the game experience.

The Deer Hunt

When you regain control, head to the clearing ahead. You will see the deer crossing the path. The objective here is to shoot the deer with two arrow shots. To do this, stay low and wait for the deer to enter an open area to get a clear shot. Ellie’s aim is less stable than Joel’s, so it’s crucial to line up your shot perfectly before firing.

After hitting the deer for the first time, it will begin to leave a trail of blood. If you lose sight of him, he will follow the trail until he finds you again. After hitting him a second time, he will flee to a more distant area. Follow the blood, jump a fence and you’ll reach a mining facility.

Comic 10: Uncertainty

Go down the path until you reach an old cabin with a sign that says “Mining Offices”. Enter and go to the room on the left. In the desk drawer of this room, you will find the comic “Uncertainty”. Add it to your collection.

Getting to know David

Return to the main room and follow the trail of blood until you find the deer carcass. As you approach, a scene will start where Ellie meets David, a new character with whom she will make a deal.

Defense against the Infected

After the cutscene, grab the med kit from the nearby closet and position yourself by the window on the left side of the cabin. Kill as many infected as you can with the rifle. Don’t worry about aiming for the head; the rifle will take out anything in a single shot as long as you get it right. If the infected enter, David will help with hand-to-hand combat. The rifle is not ideal for close combat, so stay close to David and use your pocket knife to pick off enemies.

Reinforcing Defense

Eventually, David will ask you to help barricade one of the windows with a shelf. Run to the shelf and press TRIANGLE to help. The fight will continue, now with the addition of snappers, so prioritize taking them down first, as they are still capable of killing Ellie in a single hit.

Strategic Escape

After resisting for a few minutes, David will decide it is time to leave the room. Follow him outside and up the stairs. The infected will be close behind. Once at the top, David will start pushing a cabinet to block the door. Cover him while he works, focusing on the approaching snappers.

Follow David into the next room, staying behind him until you reach the upper walkways. A cutscene will begin with Ellie falling to the ground below, separating her from David.

Clicker Corridor

When you get up, Ellie will be in a hallway with clickers. Fortunately, they don’t know she’s there and, thanks to Ellie’s knife, it’s possible to eliminate them silently without the need for a shiv.

Go through the hole in the wall on the right and silently eliminate the first clicker in the tunnel. Use a brick to distract other clickers nearby. Proceed and turn right when possible, shooting down another clicker you find.

After knocking down the clicker, drop down through the hole in the floor and continue moving forward. Another clicker will patrol the section ahead. Neutralize him and go up the ladder to your left. When you reach the top, a clicker will notice your presence and run towards you, but David will shoot it down before he can reach it.

Head to the area ahead and David will spot a staircase above you, inaccessible from the ground. Ellie can be boosted up the wall to the left of the stairs. Approach the wall and press TRIANGLE to have David help you reach the ledge.

Continue along the catwalks until you find a path with a clicker. Eliminate him with your knife or an arrow.

The Fire Pendant 25: Kristof

After dealing with the clicker in the hallway, you’ll find a small room to your left. Inside, in addition to some useful resources, you will find Kristof’s Fire Pendant on top of a box. Pick it up to add it to your collection. Then go down the hallway and help David adjust the ladder to the exit. Follow him up the ladder he positions, and when you reach the top, turn right and go through the double doors.

Optional Conversation 35: “I Was Looking for These Boys”

As you enter the next room and turn right, you will notice a dead body on the floor. Move closer to activate an optional conversation. Ellie will mention the battle that appears to have taken place there, and David will reveal that he knew the men who died. Explore the room to collect molotovs, crafting resources, nail bombs, ammo and health items – you’ll need it all for the upcoming fight against a horde of infected.

Preparation for Battle

After quickly collecting all the items, position yourself in a strategic point, as the infected will soon start to appear along the path you used to enter. Position yourself near the door with your rifle, aiming and shooting at approaching enemies. Remember, the rifle eliminates all infected with a single shot, so stay calm and shoot.

Defense Against the Horde

After killing some enemies, they will also start to enter through the roof. Keep an eye on the windows above and eliminate any infected that come down. After the first wave, take advantage of the brief respite to heal up and grab any remaining resources. Soon, the infected will return, including a snapper. Use all your explosions and molotovs against him. Once the cracker falls, the ambush will come to an end. Follow David to the bridge to trigger a cinematic cutscene, revealing David’s true intentions.

Cabanas Resort Escape

When you regain control, you will be on your horse. Travel through the suburbs avoiding obstacles and pressing the SQUARE button to avoid hostile approaches. Eventually, you will fall from a considerable height and have to continue on foot. Advance toward the huts, jumping through the broken window as the hunters shoot from above.

Facing the Hunters

Inside the cabin, you will hear hunters entering the area. You can choose between engaging them directly or taking a more stealthy approach, moving around the perimeter and avoiding unnecessary confrontations. Ellie’s elimination animation is long and loud, so be cautious when eliminating hunters silently.

Fire Pendant 26: Braun

Head to the gazebo on your right as you exit the house to find Braun’s Fire Pendant on a table. Add it to your collection and continue along the right side of the room. If you encounter any enemies, neutralize them. Climb the stone stairs to the north, where you’ll likely encounter two hunters.

Finishing the Phase

Use a distraction item to lure one of the hunters into the bathroom and eliminate him with an arrow. Take out the other hunter on the stairs with another arrow and continue on your way. Follow the broken passage and go around the corner to advance along the path until you go down a ledge and pass through a pipe.

Comic 11: Negentropy

After the initial cutscene, instead of going straight through the main gate, turn around and go up to the observation point, where there is a bench. In the bank, you will find the comic “Negentropy”. Collect it to add to your comic collection. After that, go back along the trail to the gates. Note the gate with a recycling sign taped to it. Through a hole in the metal, you will notice a container that can be moved. Pull the container back and then follow the pipe to your right. On the other side, you’ll come to an inn, with Ellie commenting that you can get back to Joel by following the road ahead.

Facing the Hunters

As you descend, you will hear another group of hunters entering the area. They will initially stay together before splitting up to search for Ellie. Your mission is to neutralize the five hunters, luring each one to a secluded corner and using the knife to silently eliminate them. If they spot you, seek cover and use the rifle to shoot them down. Ellie’s rifle kills in a single shot, so stay calm and aim correctly.

Infiltrating the Inn

After dealing with the hunters, go around the inn and look for a container that you can push against the wall to climb through the hole in the ceiling. Once inside, grab any available supplies and head through the door on your left to enter the ground floor of the inn. Continue left and prepare to face two hunters who will come your way. Use the hunting rifle as they will quickly advance towards you. After eliminating them, move forward and try to open the inn’s front door, which will trigger a cutscene.

Hey, You. Finally Awake

After the cutscene, we take control of Joel. Confused and alone, he sets out to track down Ellie. Once he regains control, he leaves the house and goes down the street. A group of survivors will emerge from a house ahead, spotting you immediately. Run for cover and then eliminate them using the rifle, keeping your distance. After defeating them, advance to the house they came from.

Escaping from David

When you regain control as Ellie after the cutscene, you will be outside in a snowstorm. Run towards the pet store further down the path. Ellie will decide that she needs to find a weapon. Move the cart away from the door and go inside the store. Hide behind the cages and you will hear David order his men to find her.

Getting a Weapon

Wait in the pet store for a few seconds after David leaves; you’re about to secure some protection. Eventually, one of David’s henchmen will break into the store. Take him out with Ellie’s knife and grab his weapon from the ground. Now we have a revolver. Exit through the window on your left and cross to the pharmacy, being careful not to be seen by the two hunters patrolling nearby. Once inside, retreat to the back of the pharmacy and grab a distraction item. Throw it into the office and hide, then eliminate the hunter who investigates. That’s more ammunition for our gun.

Moving Strategically

Then, cross the street and pass between two fire barrels. You will enter an area with two trucks and an elevated walkway. Three henchmen can be found above. Use distraction items to separate and conquer them, luring them away from each other and eliminating them. Only use your weapon as a last resort, as Ellie can be easily overpowered in standard fights. Once they are dead, go up the walkway and continue to the next part of town. At the end of the path you will find an arcade. More hunters will be patrolling here. Divide and conquer using distracting items. If you get overwhelmed, head down the alley to the left of the arcade and take out the hunters as they chase you.

Once everyone is eliminated, go through the store and up the street, entering an alley on your left. Look for a container below an open window and use it to enter the building ahead. You will land in a diner. Grab any medication kits nearby, then head to the front door.

Ellie Versus David

After opening the door during a tense sequence, David will surprise Ellie, disarming her in a cutscene. Once you regain control, the objective will be to avoid David and recover his keys and escape.

First Phase of the Confrontation : David will begin the confrontation by walking slowly. If he sees Ellie, he will shoot. Use the surrounding tables to hide and sneak up behind him. When he is close enough, a prompt to use the knife will appear. Press TRIANGLE to attack him.

Second Phase : After a new cutscene, David will become more aggressive, pulling out a machete. Now, he will try to reach you for a deadly attack. He also keeps shooting, so if he spots you, he breaks line of sight quickly and goes back to stealth mode. Watch out for the broken glass on the floor, as he will investigate any noise.

Third Phase : In the final phase, David becomes more unpredictable, hiding and waiting for Ellie to appear. It also cannot be detected in listen mode. A good strategy here is to use the broken glass to attract him and then hide in a position that allows you to attack him from behind.

After the last hit, a cutscene will begin and the perspective will change to Joel, who is approaching the city in the middle of a snowstorm, looking for Ellie.

Lake Map

Early on in Joel’s section, he automatically acquires the “Resort Map” that he forced a hostage to mark earlier.

Advancing in the Blizzard Joel should move forward, entering the gas station on the right. Inside, he will hear three hunters approaching. Eliminate them silently with your bow and collect the arrows on the spot. Continue on, using the car to shoot down two hunters on top of a shipping container. Prioritize the furthest away first.

Quick Break In When two hunters enter the container, throw a nailed bomb to quickly neutralize them. Before proceeding, explore the motel on the left to find resources. Behind the motel, a locked door (Shiv Door) hides more supplies.

Training Manual: Smoke Modeling Inside the locked warehouse, in addition to assorted supplies, is the “Training Manual: Smoke Modeling”, which will extend the duration of the smoke bombs by 20 seconds.

Street Confrontation After crossing the container, Joel will face three enemies. Eliminate them and head down the alley to the right. At the end, he enters through the open door to start a cutscene.

Finding Ellie’s Backpack

Joel will find Ellie’s backpack and the “Meat Log” on a shelf during the cutscene, both of which count as artifacts.

The Final Showdown at Dinner

Regaining control of Ellie, move towards the machete under the table. David will try to strangle her; Press TRIANGLE to make Ellie react, triggering the last cutscene of the chapter.

Chapter 10 – Bus Depot

Exit from the motorway

Joel and Ellie find themselves on the last leg of their journey, approaching the hospital where they hope to find the Fireflies. The adventure begins again on a desolate stretch of highway.

Optional Conversation 36: “Ellie, I’m Talking to You” As the chapter begins, as they walk down the road, Joel tries to share his enthusiasm for teaching Ellie to play the guitar after they get out of the hospital. Noticing that Ellie is distracted, when she turns around, an optional conversation marker will appear. Interact so that Joel catches her attention, marking a light moment between the two.

Continuing along the Road Continue moving forward until you find an open trailer on your left. Explore the interior to find supplies.

Artifact 79: Family Photograph Inside the trailer, in addition to useful items such as scrap metal and supplements, on the counter next to the sink, you will find a family photograph. Examine it for a glimpse of life before the chaos and add it to your artifact collection.

Optional Conversation 37: Dreams Upon leaving the trailer, Ellie will begin to tell you about a dream she had where she was flying in a plane. This is the trigger for another optional conversation. Interact to discuss Ellie’s dream, adding depth to their relationship.

Descent from the Ramp After the conversation, continue down the highway exit ramp.

Firefly Pendant 27: Perich At the end of the ramp, near a burned-out car next to orange traffic cones, you’ll find Perich’s Firefly Pendant. Collect it to add to your growing pendant collection.

Entering the Quarantine Zone When crossing the bus and entering the quarantine zone, look to the left for the entrance to a bus station. Explore this area to collect useful items.

Artifact 80: Note to Wife Inside the bus station, look for a suitcase against the left wall of the building. Inside you will find a touching note addressed to a wife. Pick it up to add another piece of lost humanity to your artifact collection.

Important Dialogues and Discoveries

After a time jump, Joel and Ellie are close to their final destination: the hospital where they hope to find the Fireflies. The journey continues at the exit of a desolate highway.

Optional Conversation 38: “You’re Quieter Today” Shortly after finding the “Note to Wife”, Ellie will sit on a bench, visibly distant. Joel, noticing the change in behavior, will start a conversation. An optional conversation tag will appear, allowing Joel to ask if Ellie is okay, observing her quietness. He approaches the wall to Ellie’s left, where a ladder is out of reach. Try to boost Ellie to catch her. On the first attempt, she will be distracted and will not hear Joel, who will need to get her attention again. On the second attempt, Ellie will go up but throw the ladder down, distracted by something out of the ordinary. Position the ladder against the wall and follow Ellie, who will be excited about a discovery.

Optional Conversation 39: Moment E3 As you follow Ellie through the building, you will enter a room with a hole in the wall where a giraffe sticks its head out to eat leaves. Approach the giraffe and interact with it using the TRIANGLE button. This moment, not only captivating, also counts as an optional conversation, offering a slight respite from the tension of the journey.

Optional Conversation 40: “Was This Everything You Hoped For?” In the outdoor area, where the giraffes roam freely, Ellie will be leaning against the railing watching the animals. When you approach her, she will start another optional conversation. The interaction offers a brief cinematic moment where the two reflect on the odyssey they have faced so far.

Mission Resumption and Continued Exploration

Back at the mission focus, head through the door on the left, where a brief cutscene will trigger. After finishing, go down the stairs.

Comic 11: Precipice When you reach the bottom, you will enter a large space with a tent in the background. On the right side is the men’s bathroom. Enter and you will find the “Precipice” comic book on the floor, in front of a skeleton sitting on the toilet — a literary companion until the end. Add this piece to Ellie’s collection.

After exploring the bathroom, return to where Ellie is and cross together to the opposite side of the room, exiting through a hole in the wall. Outside, head to the tents on your left, continuing the search for resources and facing any challenge that arises along the way, as you get closer and closer to the final destination: the Firefly hospital.

Level 5 Tools

Right when you start this segment of the chapter, head to the large central tent. Inside, to your right, you will find the Level 5 Tools set. These are the last tools you will be able to acquire in the game, allowing you to perform the final upgrades on your weapons. Don’t miss the chance to keep your arsenal at peak efficiency.

Fireflies Pendant 28: Natalie Hoo

After getting the tools, look to the right, where you will see two smaller, inaccessible tents next to the large tent. Near these tents there will be a searchlight. At the top of this spotlight, curled up, is Natalie Hoo’s Firefly Pendant. Make an effort to catch it, as each collectible tells a story.

Weapon Upgrade

On the other side of the area, locate a tent in the back left corner that contains a workbench. Now is the ideal time to use Level 5 Tools and upgrade all your weapons to their maximum. Prepare yourself, as the clashes to come will demand the best of your equipment.

Salt Lake Quarantine Zone Map

Inside the tent with the bench, search the table opposite it. You will find the Salt Lake Quarantine Zone Map. This map will be useful to better understand the region you are about to explore.

Optional Conversation 41: Escaping the Past and Artifact 81: Photo of Joel and Sarah

As you approach the bus door, Ellie will start a conversation, revealing that she has something for Joel. Turn around and trigger the optional conversation. Ellie will give Joel the photo of Joel and Sarah, admitting that she borrowed it from Maria. Joel will thank you before saving the photo. This moment is significant, showing the strengthening of the relationship between them.

Proceed by bus

After interacting with Ellie, cross the bus. You will have to go through a broken window. On the other side, turn left and head towards the east tunnel.

Fireflies Pendant 29: Nicole Hoo

As you walk towards the East Tunnel, notice a bus on your left. Behind this bus, you will find Nicole Hoo’s Firefly Pendant. Make sure to collect it before proceeding.

With the pendant in hand, continue your way through the tunnel.

Silent Infiltration

As you descend into the tunnel, choose to silently eliminate the isolated infected. Use the bow to take down the runners first, as they can easily alert the others if they notice your presence. If you are detected, prepare to use your weapons and explosives. This phase is intense, but you have enough resources to not skimp on equipment.

Confrontation with the Bloater

As you progress through the tunnel, you will find an area with a Bloater and some Clickers. Trying to go unnoticed here is risky due to the Bloater’s sensitivity. My suggestion is to eliminate the Clickers first, using your bow to maintain distance and silence. As for the Bloater, if possible, avoid direct confrontation; go around it using the central structures as cover.

Training Manual 12: Bomb Shrapnel

After dealing with the infected in the Bloater area, head left where you will find a truck with the “RNB Express” logo. Climb onto it and take the Bomb Shrapnel Training Manual, which is on the vehicle. This manual will increase the blast radius of your nail bombs, essential for the upcoming confrontations.

Advancing Through Maintenance Tunnels

After getting the manual, go down and enter the maintenance tunnels on the right, next to the “Bay Hardware” truck. Inside you will find valuable resources. Proceed silently, eliminating the infected one by one with silent takedowns.

Facing the Bloaters

Reaching the end of the tunnel, you will have to face two Bloaters. Here, stealth is no longer an option. Prepare for the fight using all the explosives you have collected. Position the Bloaters together using a distraction item, then use nail bombs and Molotov cocktails to maximize damage. Keep your distance as they are capable of dealing massive damage if they get close.

Escaping the Tunnel

After defeating the Bloaters, help Ellie get into the truck at the end of the tunnel. She will drop a box so you can climb up. Once you’re both on the other side, dive into the water of the flooded tunnel and swim under the truck blocking the way.

Finishing the Crossing

On the other side, climb into the truck, take the ladder and place it for Ellie to climb. With that, the two of you can finally exit the tunnels and continue towards the hospital.

Collecting the “Catalysis” Comic

After helping Ellie climb the ladder, follow the path formed by the ventilation ducts located on the opposite side of where you positioned the ladder. At the end of this path, you will find the “Catalysis” comic. Be sure to add it to your collection, as these items offer an interesting glimpse into the game’s expanded universe.

Facing Challenges and Preparing for Confrontation

Regroup with Ellie and proceed to the gate on the right side of the tunnel. The door will be locked. Help Ellie climb the wall on the left so she can open the door. Be careful, as a Clicker will try to grab it. Quickly eliminate the Clicker so Ellie can safely open the door.

Climb the stairs and take the opportunity to collect all the available resources, including a workbench. This will be the last workbench you will find in the game, so it is crucial to take advantage of it to make all the desired upgrades to your weapons. Prioritize upgrades like armor penetration capabilities on your rifle or El Diablo, as you’ll be facing heavily armored enemies soon.

Exploring the Last Supply Room

When you’re ready to proceed, go out the door and turn right until you find a locked door that can be opened with a shiv. Inside you’ll find ammo, resources, scrap, and supplements. This is basically the last big stash of items before the final chapter.

Rescuing Ellie

Continue following Ellie down the hallway until they reach a room with a puddle of water. Dive down and swim through the underwater opening, following the path until you emerge into a maintenance room. Climb onto the platform ahead and return to the ventilation ducts, crossing until you return to a raised walkway in the room where you left Ellie.

Push the floating platform into the water and position Ellie so she climbs onto the broken side of the ladder. When it knocks over the nearby ladder, climb up, but the ladder will break. Take the broken part of the ladder and lean it against the wall next to the door you entered through. Swim back to the maintenance room, climb up to where the platform was and take the ladder again.

Position the ladder as a bridge over the broken steps and, once on the other side, follow Ellie through a tunnel with a strong current. Jump through the obstacles until you reach a bus that crosses to a door. When Joel jumps onto the bus, he will begin to let go, triggering a cinematic sequence with specific commands.

Inside the bus, press TRIANGLE to hold on and avoid being carried away by the current. Despite their efforts, Joel will fall, and Ellie will try to save him by forcing the bus door. Press and hold TRIANGLE to help her. The bus will overturn and Ellie will be swept away by the water. Swim after it and, when you reach it, a final cinematic scene will activate, concluding the chapter. Prepare for the final events in the Fireflies Laboratory.

Chapter 11 – The Firefly Lab

Infiltration in the Hospital

After a scene where Joel decides to take drastic action, we take control of the hospital corridors. Once you start, you’ll find two members of the Fireflies coming out of a nearby room. It’s crucial to deal with them quietly to avoid alerting others.

Silent Strategy

Use the room on the left to approach from behind and neutralize the furthest guard first, applying a chokehold. Then go back and do the same with your companion. Although this is the last chance to use your ammo in the game, I recommend keeping a low profile to save resources and avoid unnecessary complications. A third soldier will appear, quickly take cover and neutralize him too, don’t forget to take the assault rifle he carries.

Advancing to the West Wing

Continue moving towards the West Wing corridor, located northeast of the starting point. The “WEST WING” signs are clear and visible above the entrance. Remember that it is not necessary to eliminate all enemies, just those that obstruct your direct path.

When you reach the wing, hide behind the table on the right as a trio of soldiers pass by. After they follow, proceed silently and prepare to neutralize another soldier who will emerge from the double doors on the left. Eliminate him, enter the staircase he used and climb to the top, locking the door behind you.

Important Collectibles

At the top of the stairs you will find a reception. On the counter is the Surgeon’s Recorder . Be sure to add it to your artifact collection.

To the left you will see a door that can be opened with a shiv. Inside, in addition to various supplies, is Stewart-Seume’s Firefly Pendant . This is a crucial moment for those who are collecting all the pendants as it can unlock a trophy.

Crucial Discoveries

Leave the room with the shiv door and check an open space to the left of the stairs you climbed up. Inside you’ll find more supplies and Marlene’s First Recorder . Listen to what she has to say and add it to her backpack.

Conclusion and Preparations for the Final Confrontation

With all the artifacts and the pendant in hand, head towards the surgery wing located at the end of the hallway.

The Surgical Ward

Immediately after entering the hospital’s surgical wing, head directly to the tent on your right. There, in addition to several useful resources, you will find Marlene’s Diary on a table on the opposite side of the entrance. Pick it up to add another artifact to your collection.

Preparation for the Final Showdown

Leave the tent and proceed to the door on the right. When looking through the window, Joel will observe soldiers moving around, signaling that we are about to enter the last major confrontation of the game. Get ready, because it will be intense.

Advancing with Strategy

Head into the hallway on the right, being careful as you go through the door as soldiers will be patrolling the area. Our objective is to pass the surgical center on the right and follow the corridor of rooms on the right. Plan your moves, but be prepared to face resistance.

Navigating the Surgical Center

Use listening mode to monitor enemies while traversing the surgical center. Once you reach the main hallway, hide behind a bed and wait for a soldier to get distracted. From here, you’re likely to be noticed, given the number of soldiers and their keen perception.


If you manage to remain unnoticed, slowly advance along the right corridor, neutralizing the Fireflies that approach, until you reach the end. If detected, prepare for confrontation: use your entire arsenal to clear the way. Remember, this is the last fight of the game; Use all available features without hesitation.

Strategic Escape

At the end of the hallway, when the opportunity arises, jump through the window on the left and run to the door at the back of the room. Joel will barricade it to prevent the Fireflies from passing through.

Latest Artifacts

Inside the room where you barricaded the door, look for another door on the right. Inside, you’ll find Marlene’s Second Recorder . Listen to it and add it to your inventory, completing your artifact collection.

Dramatic Rescue

Return to the hallway and continue to the end, where you will find a red door that leads to the surgical center. Enter and you will see Ellie anesthetized on the surgical table. Move forward and Joel will automatically eliminate the surgeon who tries to stop him.

The Final Escape

Pick up Ellie and run through the hospital corridors towards the elevator that takes you to the ground floor. As soon as you enter the elevator, a final cinematic scene will trigger, concluding the chapter. Now, get ready for the final chapter of the game, where the outcome of Joel and Ellie’s journey will be revealed.

Chapter 12 – Jackson

After the emotional final scene of the previous chapter, we regain control of Ellie as she and Joel head to Jackson. This is a time of reflection for both of them as they approach the end of their journey.

Opening the way

Early on, Joel will go ahead to open a fence for you. Approach it and Ellie will automatically crouch to go through the other side, helping Joel follow the same path. This is a small gesture, but it symbolizes the cooperation and trust they developed throughout their journey.

The Last Comic: Singularity

After passing through the fence and entering a clearing, head to the right until you find an abandoned truck. In the driver’s seat, you’ll find the latest comic in the series, titled “Singularity.” Pick it up to add to your collection and earn the “Endure and Survive” trophy, a perfect ending to the comic book saga within the game.

Path to Farewell

Return to where Joel is and continue walking along the trail as he starts talking about Sarah. This conversation is important because it shows how Joel began to see Ellie as an almost paternal figure, similar to his daughter. When they reach a fallen log, Joel will climb up first and extend his hand to help Ellie climb to higher ground. Accept his help, thus starting the final cutscene of the game.

Watching the Ending

After climbing, a final cutscene will trigger. Watch the iconic ending of “The Last of Us”, which culminates in a deep reflection on the choices made by Joel and the impact of those choices on his relationship with Ellie. This scene lays the groundwork for future events and leaves a legacy of questions about morality, survival, and humanity.

At the end of the scene, the credits will begin to roll.

Congratulations! You’ve finished this gaming gem that is “The Last of Us”!

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